Apocalypse PS Cheats



Level select:

Pause the game, hold L1 and press Triangle, Up, X, Down. You should hear a gunshot. Then Exit to return to the main menu with this new option.

Skip Checkpoints:

Pause the game, hold L1, and press Triangle, Square, Circle, X to skip to the next check point. You should hear a gunshot to confirm.

All Weapons:

Pause the game, hold L1 and press Square, Circle, Up, Down, X, Square. You should hear a gunshot. Return to the game and you will have all weapons.

Infinite lives:

Pause the game, hold L1 and press Triangle, Circle, X, Square. You should hear a gunshot to confirm proper entry.

Refill health:

Pause the game, hold L1 and press Square, X, Triangle, Circle. You should hear a gunshot to confirm.


Pause the game, hold L1 and press Down, Up, Left, Left, Triangle, Up, Right, Down.

Debug Info Cheat:

Pause the game, hold L1 and press Down, Down, Triangle to enable the debug.

Continue from same location:

After dying, resume the game. Now, pause the game, hold L1 and press Square, Circle, X. You'll hear a gunshot to confirm.

Never-ending falls:

Pause the game, hold L1 and press X, X, X, X, X, X. You'll hear a gunshot to confirm. If you fall, you'll never stop. Eneter the code again to go back to normal.



GameShark Codes

All Weapons/InfiniteAmmo	80018bd22400

Infinite Health			8005df062400

Infinite Lives			800ff8740005

Infinite Smart Bombs		8005d45e2400


Thanks to Revolution readers Scotty-G, Daniel Owens, John K, Adam Schwab, Brian, The Ice Man, check_point90@hotmail.com, Ryan Spaulding, James Tomblin, BJ Lockhart, Matt Schindler, Karl Tombak, Sylvester Yee, Dan "The Man" Morrison, Shawn Burriss, and Trent Frymire!

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