Star Ocean: Till the End of Time FAQ

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------------------------------------------------------------ FAQ/Walkthrough - 

                    Author: Alex Eagleson                            
                    Began: August 27th, 2004
                    Completed: September 7th, 2004
                    Donations: See legal section
                    Email: StarOceanDC(at)gmail(dot)com              
                    University of Guelph, Ontario                    


---------------------------- This is a 100% spoiler-free walkthrough ---------

|                           ++ Table of Contents ++                            |

*This guide is absolutely ginormogantic to using the Ctrl+f search function in 
your browser will be a life saver

1. Introduction...................................................Ctrl+f (hLkYu)
2. Game Mechanics.................................................Ctrl+f (gmMch)
        i - Battle System.........................................Ctrl+f (Gmcha)
        ii - Strong/Weak Attacks..................................Ctrl+f (Gmchb)
        iii - Short/Long Range Attacks............................Ctrl+f (Gmchc)
        iv - Fury Gauge...........................................Ctrl+f (Gmchd)
        v - Battle Skills.........................................Ctrl+f (Gmche)
        vi - Status Skills........................................Ctrl+f (Gmchf)
        vii - Anti Attack Auras (Tactical Skills).................Ctrl+f (Gmchg)
        viii - Cancel Bonus.......................................Ctrl+f (Gmchh)
        ix - Symbology............................................Ctrl+f (Gmchi)
        x - Bonus Battles.........................................Ctrl+f (Gmchj)
        xi - Ring of Disintegration...............................Ctrl+f (Gmchk)
        xii - Private Actions.....................................Ctrl+f (Gmchl)
2. Characters.....................................................Ctrl+f (bBrpQ)
        i - Fayt Leingod..........................................Ctrl+f (Chiab)
        ii - Sophia Esteed........................................Ctrl+f (Chiib)
        iii - Cliff Fittir........................................Ctrl+f (Chiic)
        iv - Maria Traydor........................................Ctrl+f (Chivd)
        v - Nel Zelpher...........................................Ctrl+f (Chvef)
        vi - Albel Nox............................................Ctrl+f (Chvif)
        vii - Peppita Rossetti....................................Ctrl+f (Chvig)
        viii - Roger S. Huxley....................................Ctrl+f (Chvih)
        ix - Mirage Koas..........................................Ctrl+f (Chixi)
        x - Adray Lasbard.........................................Ctrl+f (Chxjk)
4. Starting a New Game............................................Ctrl+f (GnWgm)
5. Full Walkthrough...............................................Ctrl+f (fKlRt)
    I - Disc 1....................................................Ctrl+f (IIIIA)
        i - Grantier Resort Hotel.................................Ctrl+f (Iiabc)
        ii - Evacuation Facility..................................Ctrl+f (Iiibc)
        iii - Transport Ship Herle................................Ctrl+f (Iiiic)
        iv - Pesotto Forest.......................................Ctrl+f (Iivde)
        v - Whipple Village.......................................Ctrl+f (Ivefg)
        vi - Pesotto Forest.......................................Ctrl+f (Ivifg)
        vii - Whipple Village.....................................Ctrl+f (Iviig)
        viii - Ruins of Coffir....................................Ctrl+f (Iviii)
        ix - Norton's Hideout.....................................Ctrl+f (Iixij)
        x - Whipple Village.......................................Ctrl+f (Ixjkl)
        xi - Pesotto Forest.......................................Ctrl+f (Ixikl)
        xii - Royal City of Airyglyph.............................Ctrl+f (Ixilm)
        xiii - Airyglyph Aqueducts................................Ctrl+f (Iximn)
        xiv - Royal City of Airyglyph.............................Ctrl+f (Ixino)
        xv - Traum Mountains......................................Ctrl+f (Ixvop)
        xvi - Mining Town of Kirlsa...............................Ctrl+f (Ixvpq)
        xvii - Kirlsa Caverns.....................................Ctrl+f (Ixvqr)
        xviii - Bequerel Mountain Path............................Ctrl+f (Ixvrs)
        xix - Riverfront Village of Arias.........................Ctrl+f (Ixist)
        xx - Aire/Kirlsa Hills....................................Ctrl+f (Ixxtu)
        xxi - Mining Town of Kirlsa...............................Ctrl+f (Ixxuv)
        xxii - Granah Hills.......................................Ctrl+f (Ixxvw)
        xxiii - Kirlsa Training Facility..........................Ctrl+f (Ixxwx)
        xxiv - Riverfront Village of Arias........................Ctrl+f (Ixxxy)
        xxv - Palmira Plains......................................Ctrl+f (Ixxyz)
        xxvi - Trading Town of Peterny............................Ctrl+f (Ixxza)
        xxvii - Sanmite Steppes...................................Ctrl+f (Ixxab)
        xxviii - Duggus Forest....................................Ctrl+f (Ixxbc)
        xxix - Trading Town of Peterny............................Ctrl+f (Ixxcd)
        xxx - Sanmite Steppes.....................................Ctrl+f (Ixxde)
        xxxi - Lost City of Surferio..............................Ctrl+f (Ixxef)
        xxxii - Irisa Fields......................................Ctrl+f (Ixxfg)
        xxxiii - Sacred City of Aquios............................Ctrl+f (Ixxgh)
        xxxiv - Castle Aquaria....................................Ctrl+f (Ixxhi)
        xxxv - Bequerel Mountain Path.............................Ctrl+f (Ixxij)
        xxxvi - Bequerel Mine.....................................Ctrl+f (Ixxjk)
        xxxvii - Riverfront Village of Arias......................Ctrl+f (Ixxkl)
        xxxviii - Sacred City of Aquios...........................Ctrl+f (Ixxlm)
        xxxix - Riverfront Village of Arias.......................Ctrl+f (Ixxmn)
        xl - Aire/Kirlsa Hills....................................Ctrl+f (Ixlno)
        xli - Acred City of Aquios................................Ctrl+f (Ixlop)
        xlii - Sealed Cavern......................................Ctrl+f (Ixlpq)
        xliii - Shrine of Kaddan..................................Ctrl+f (Ixlqr)
        xliv - Sacred City of Aquios..............................Ctrl+f (Ixlrs)
        xlv - Passage from Parch to Plenty........................Ctrl+f (Ixlst)
        xlvi - Mosel Dunes........................................Ctrl+f (Ixltu)
        xlvii - Ruins of Mosel....................................Ctrl+f (Ixluv)
        xlviii - Trading Town of Peterny..........................Ctrl+f (Ixlvw)
        xlix - Mining Town of Kirlsa..............................Ctrl+f (Ixlwx)
        l - Royal City of Airyglyph...............................Ctrl+f (Ilxyz)
        li - Castle Airyglyph.....................................Ctrl+f (Iliza)
        lii - Mountains of Barr...................................Ctrl+f (Iliab)
        liii - Ruins of Barr......................................Ctrl+f (Ilibc)
        liv - Urssa Lava Cave.....................................Ctrl+f (Ilicd)
        lv - Castle Aquaria.......................................Ctrl+f (Ilvde)
        lvi - Flagship Diplo......................................Ctrl+f (Ilvef)
    II - Disc 2...................................................Ctrl+f (IIIIB)
        i - Flagship Diplo........................................Ctrl+f (IIiab)
        ii - Kirlsa Training Facility.............................Ctrl+f (IIiib)
        iii - Battleship Aquaelie.................................Ctrl+f (IIiic)
        iv - Moonbase.............................................Ctrl+f (IIivd)
        v - Battleship Aquaelie...................................Ctrl+f (IIvef)
        vi - Planet Styx..........................................Ctrl+f (IIvif)
        vii - Arkives.............................................Ctrl+f (IIvig)
        viii - Gemity.............................................Ctrl+f (IIvih)
        ix - Elicoor II...........................................Ctrl+f (IIixi)
        x - Gemity................................................Ctrl+f (IIxjk)
        xi - Sphere Company.......................................Ctrl+f (IIxik)
        xii - Planet Styx.........................................Ctrl+f (IIxil)
        xiii - Flagship Diplo.....................................Ctrl+f (IIxim)
        xiv - Sacred City of Aquios...............................Ctrl+f (IIxin)
        xv - Sealed Cavern........................................Ctrl+f (IIxvo)
        xvi - Shrine of Kaddan....................................Ctrl+f (IIxvp)
        xvii - Mosel Dunes........................................Ctrl+f (IIxvq)
        xviii - Ancient Ruins of Mosel............................Ctrl+f (IIxvr)
        xix - Firewall............................................Ctrl+f (IIxis)
        xx - Spiral Tower.........................................Ctrl+f (IIxxt)
6. Optional Dungeons..............................................Ctrl+f (cRftR)
        i - Ancient Ruins of Mosel Underground....................Ctrl+f (OPiab)
        ii - Aquatic Gardens of Surferio..........................Ctrl+f (OPiib)
        iii - Maze of Tribulations................................Ctrl+f (OPiic)
        iv - Sphere 211...........................................Ctrl+f (OPvef)
7. Sidequests.....................................................Ctrl+f (sQtsT)
        i - The Retail Rabbit.....................................Ctrl+f (Sqabc)
        ii - Ruddle and Rumina....................................Ctrl+f (Sqbcd)
        iii - Seven Ancient Books.................................Ctrl+f (Sqcde)
8. Gemity.........................................................Ctrl+f (Sqdef)
        i - Bunny Races...........................................Ctrl+f (Sqefg)
        ii - Runic Chess..........................................Ctrl+f (Sqfgh)
        iii - Fighting Arena......................................Ctrl+f (Sqghi)
9. Item Creation..................................................Ctrl+f (Itcra)
10. Character Skills/Spells.......................................Ctrl+f (kKpRe)
        i - Skill/Spell List......................................Ctrl+f (vOilD)
        ii - Learning Skills......................................Ctrl+f (AghTy)
11. Battle Trophy List............................................Ctrl+f (BtLtT)
12. Versus Mode...................................................Ctrl+f (VSmde)
13. Item List.....................................................Ctrl+f (Itls1)
        i - Weapons...............................................Ctrl+f (Itls2)
        ii - Armor................................................Ctrl+f (Itls3)
        iii - Accessories.........................................Ctrl+f (Itls4)
        iv - Usable Items.........................................Ctrl+f (Itls5)
        v - Other Items...........................................Ctrl+f (Itls6)
        vi - Food.................................................Ctrl+f (Itls7)
        vii - Materials...........................................Ctrl+f (Itls8)
        viii - Special Items......................................Ctrl+f (Itls9)
14. Enemy List....................................................Ctrl+f (Enem1)
15. Soundtrack List...............................................Ctrl+f (snDtk)
16. Japanese to North American Changes............................Ctrl+f (JPtNA)
17. Original "Information and FAQ about the Game" Topic...........Ctrl+f (inFAQ)
18. Legal.........................................................Ctrl+f (lgDIS)
19. Credits.......................................................Ctrl+f (Crdts)

|                               ++ Characters ++                       (bBrpQ) |

| Fayt Leingod |-------------------------------------------------------(Chiab)-o

Sex: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 148 Lbs
Race: Earthling
Weapon: Sword

Fayt is a young Earth college and the main character of this game.

| Sophia Esteed |------------------------------------------------------(Chiib)-o

Sex: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 108 Lbs
Race: Earthling
Weapon: Staff

Sophia is a childhood friend of Fayt's and plays a central role in the plot.

| Cliff Fittir |-------------------------------------------------------(Chiic)-o

Sex: Male
Age: 36
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 212
Race: Klausian
Weapon: Gauntlet

Cliff is a mysterious pugilist Fayt meets while helping a small village.

| Maria Traydor |------------------------------------------------------(Chivd)-o

Sex: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 104 Lbs
Race: Earthling
Weapon: Gun

Maria plays a very important role late in the adventure when you meet in Aquios.

| Nel Zelpher |--------------------------------------------------------(Chvef)-o

Sex: Female
Age: 23
Height: 5'7" 
Weight: 112 Lbs
Race: Elcoorian
Weapon: Dagger

Nel is a faithful servant of the kingdom of Aquaria.

| Albel Nox |----------------------------------------------------------(Chvif)-o

Sex: Male
Age: 24
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 141 Lbs
Race: Elcoorian
Weapon: Claw

Albel is one of the generals of Airyglyph, and a very skilled swordsman.

| Peppita Rossetti |---------------------------------------------------(Chvig)-o

Sex: Female
Age: 14
Height: 4'4"
Weight: 79 Lbs
Race: Velbaysian
Weapon: Bangle

Peppita is a member of a travelling circus group, who meet Fayt during his trip.

| Roger S. Huxley |----------------------------------------------------(Chvih)-o

Sex: Male
Age: 12
Height: 3'1"
Weight: 66 Lbs
Race: Elcoorian
Weapon: Axe

Roger is a small boy from Elcoor who always gets his nose into trouble.

| Mirage Koas |--------------------------------------------------------(Chixi)-o

Sex: Female
Age: 27
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 117 Lbs
Race: Klausian
Weapon: Gauntlet

Mirage is a friend of Cliff, who works in the same organization.

| Adray Lasbard |------------------------------------------------------(Chxjk)-o

Sex: Male
Age: 58
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220 Lbs
Race: Elcoorian
Weapon: Katana

Adray is the father of Clair, swordsman with a very loud presence.

|                            ++ Game Mechanics ++                      (gmMch) |

| Battle System |------------------------------------------------------(Gmcha)-o

The battle system in Star Ocean 3 is very unique.  Battles occur in real time, 
not turn based so there's always something going on.  In order to initiate a 
battle either:

- It occurs automatically during a scene
- You come into contact with an enemy on a map

When in battle you can do numerous things, you can attack with x and circle 
which will cause you to automatically run up and swing at the enemy you are 
targeting.  You can also press triangle to bring up the menu where you can cast
magic, use items,change equipment, change your tactics, use tactical skills or 
run away.  

You can also cycle quickly between your other party members with L1 and R1.  It 
is possible to have up to three people in battle at once.

| Strong/Weak Attacks |------------------------------------------------(Gmchb)-o

As mentioned before you can attack with both the x and circle button.  X will 
initiate a quick attack which can be blocked by the enemy, circle will initiate 
a slower attack that cannot be blocked by the enemy, and will break his shield 
in the event that he is blocking.

| Short/Long Range Attacks |-------------------------------------------(Gmchc)-o

Another difference between attacks is the range.  At the top left of the battle 
screen it will tell you if you're in short or long range mode, which is 
determined by how close you are to your target enemy.  Depending on the range 
you will do different attacks, there are four basic attacks:

X button short range
X button long range
O button short range
O button long range

| Fury Gauge |---------------------------------------------------------(Gmchd)-o

The fury gauge is a limiter as well as a helper.  Everything you do in this 
game consumes a bit of fury, whether it's running or attacking.  When your fury 
reaches 0% you cannot attack and must wait for it to charge (which is does in 
about 1 second.)  Enemies also have a fury meter which you can see in all 
difficulties except Fourth Dimension.  When your fury meter is at 100% you will 
be shielded and cannot be hurt by weak attacks.  Also fury is responsible for 
keeping you alive at 1 Hp when you would have otherwise died.

| Battle Skills |------------------------------------------------------(Gmche)-o

Up to four battle skills can be set up per character:

X button short range
X button long range
O button short range
O button long range

Just like the attacks, except skills are activated when you hold down the button
rather than tap it.  Each battle skill you equip takes up a certain amount of Cp
of which you will steadily increase until you reach your max of 15.  You cannot 
equip skills that will raise your cp above that number.

You also have skills called support skills which can be equipped below the 
battle skills, these too cost cp but are always active and do not need to be 
used manually.

| Status Skills |------------------------------------------------------(Gmchf)-o

There are four status skills in this game:


Every time you level up you will get a number of skill points that can be 
distributed to increase each of these factors.

| Anti-Attack Auras (Tactical Skills) |--------------------------------(Gmchg)-o

Anti-Attack Auras are what surround you when you have 100% fury and counter all 
weak attacks.  You can set up other types of anti-attack auras in the tactical 
skills menu when you find more textbooks, just by having the books in your 
inventory will allow you to use the new skills.  You start off stunning the 
enemy when you get attacked with the AAA up, but there are many others that can 
deal damage, or heal etc.

| Cancel Bonus |-------------------------------------------------------(Gmchh)-o

Cancel bonus occurs when you go directly form an attack to a battle skill, or a 
battle skill to another battle skill.  Say you attack with x, then hold x and 
immediately use Blade of Fury, it will say 'Cancel Bonus 175%' meaning your 
Blade of Fury did 175% normal damage, and will increase if you go from skill to 
skill.  It increases in the following manner:

100% (Normal attacks)

It remains at 300% for all other skills you chain after that.

| Symbology |----------------------------------------------------------(Gmchi)-o

Symbology is just a fancy word for magic.  Magic is cast in real time and 
resolves while you continue to fight.  Some non-primary magic users get spells 
as well but in order to use them in battle, the skills "Common Attack Symbols" 
or "Common Support Symbols" must be equipped.

| Bonus Battles |------------------------------------------------------(Gmchj)-o

Bonus battles occur when you fill the bonus gauge.  It increases automatically 
as you fight enemies.  You can get the following bonuses from it:

Double Fol
Triple Exp
Increased chance for item
Increased recovery rate upon win

You get each of those respectively if that attack that fills the gauge is a 
strong attack, weak attack, Symbology spell or battle skill.  Another one will 
be added at random every five battles.  The chain will be broken if you are hit 
with a critical hit, die, or run away.

| Ring of Disintegration |---------------------------------------------(Gmchk)-o

You receive the Ring of Disintegration in the Urssa Lava Caves near the end of 
disc 1.  It is capable of removing debris and broken walls from your path 
leading to treasure chests and unexplored areas of the map.  Press square to 
turn it on, then circle to use it when you see a green wireframe box around 
something.  Some maps cannot be 100% explored without this item.

| Private Actions |----------------------------------------------------(Gmchl)-o

Private Actions, a classic element of Star Ocean are back but work differently 
now.  Instead of activating them manually when you reach a town, your party 
automatically splits up.  You can interact with them in the towns, or sometimes 
with other people.  There is no real 'indicator' of whether you are 
participating in a private action or not, but if you're speaking to someone in 
your party and you have to choose between two or more responses, that virtually 
always indicates a private action which will change the emotion level with your 
party and affect the ending you get.

|                          ++ Starting a New Game ++                   (GnWgm) |

| Display Setting |

4:3 (Standard Screen) - Normal TV mode.  Players who are not using a wide-screen
     TV should select this mode
16:9 (Wide Screen) - Players using a wide-screen TV should select this mode.  To
     play in 16:9 mode, switch the TV screen mode to full mode or equivalent

| Audio Setting |

Monaural - Select this option when playing on a monaural TV

Stereo - Players with a stereo TV or other stereo audio environment should 
     select this option

Dolby Pro Logic II - Players with a 5-channel speaker environment and a Dolby
     Surround Pro Logic II decoder should select this option to enjoy a true 
     surround sound experience

Headphones - Players who will use headphones should select this option.  However
     players using Dolby headphones should select the Dolby Pro Logic II option.

| Event Setting |

Enable Event Skip - Enables the Event Skip feature.  A message will appear on
     screen asking whether to skip an event that is starting.  However, since it
     is possible to skip events that are happening for the first time, be
     careful that you do not miss important information that will prevent you
     from advancing through the game.  It is the player's responsibility to use
     this feature prudently.

Disable Event Skip - Disables the Event Skip feature.

| Voice Setting |

Subtitles and Voice - Events that have spoken dialog will be played back with
     subtitles and sound.  Lines with spoken dialog can be skipped.

Voice Only - Events that have spoken dialog will be played back with sound only.

Subtitles Only - Events that have spoken dialog will be played back with
     subtitles only. (Excluding movies using fixed images)

Automatic Subtitles and Voice - Events that have spoken dialog will be played 
     back with subtitles and sound.  Text will advance automatically so it 
     will not be possible to skip it manually.

| Vibration Setting |

ON - Turns on controller vibration.  Do not enable vibration if you have a bone
     or joint disorder or an injury such as broken bones, dislocations, pulled
     muscles or sprains.

OFF - Turns off controller vibration.

| Difficulty Setting |

The Earth Level - The Earth level is the easiest difficulty setting.  Players
     who are not accustomed to Star Ocean's realtime battles and action games in
     general should select this  option.  However you cannot collect battle

The Galaxy Level - The Galaxy level is the normal difficulty setting.  Players
     who want to play the standard game should select this option.

The Universe Level - The Universe level is a hard and unforgiving difficulty
     setting.  If you want to choose this option you must satisfy the
     necessary conditions.

|                            ++ Full Walkthrough ++                    (fKlRt) |

This is a completely spoiler free walkthrough.

*                                   Disc 1                             (IIIIA) *

Before beginning be sure to have at least 1200 extra KB free on your memory card
if you wish to initiate Battle Trophies later.

An asterisk before a sentence or paragraph denotes a Private Action which is 
entirely optional, certain Private actions must be viewed as part of the story 
and do not have an asterisk.

| I - i - Grantier Resort Hotel |--------------------------------------(Iiabc)-o

Map Completion Prize: N/A

Items: Rossetti Performance Ticket, Shake


The game begins with a scene introducing the characters, continue with the 
walkthrough when you have control of Fayt.

* Enter Sophia's room right above where you start and examine the garbage can on
the left side. (Private Action)

Feel free to explore the hotel at your leisure, it's really quite nice.

Take the transporter to the left of where you start, then head out the door and 
into the room at the Northeast corner. (Private Action)

You can visit the beach if you wish, take one of the transporters from the 
Southwest room of the large central hallway.

* Exit the hotel and speak with Sophia on the beach, before Fayt's parents.  
(Private Action)

* Speak with the Flirt on the beach (Private Action)

Head to the central room where the game began.  Examine the spinning vendor on 
your left to get a Shake item.  On the door to your right is a battle simulator
persuade Sophia to go inside. (Private Action)

Choose whether to read the manual or not. (Private Action)

There are many options here, here is where you can choose to initiate the Battle
Trophy data, something highly recommended if you have the space (1200 KB) on 
your memory card, it allows you to unlock extra bonuses through the game.

Start a fight, there is a Private Action when you finish, and one after the 
second fight.  There is also one if you lose or run away from a fight for a 
total of three in this section.  (Private Action)

Following the battle simulation an event will occur.  Head out of the battle 
simulator and exit to the South to trigger another scene.  Enter the transporter
room at the lower right, and transport to the special evacuation area.

Go out the door and watch the scene.  Afterwards your first real battle will 
occur.  Fayt is equipped with a handsome metal pipe for this fight, it isn't 
nearly as hard as the ones in the battle simulation, you should be starting to 
get used to the battle system now this fight is rather easy no matter how 
experienced you are.  Use a lot of stronger circle button attacks, as they will 
automatically break the enemies' shield.

Another scene follows the battle.  Again, similar battles but with three party 
members now.  More events follow.

| I - ii - Evacuation Facility |--------------------------------------(Iiibc)-o

Map Completion: N/A

Items: N/A

Enemies: N/A

After the short introduction, enter the room on your left.  Meet up with Peppita
in room 509 located at the bottom right (Private Action.)

* When you exit, go up to the right at the little alcove there is a scene with 
Peppita. If you cannot see it right away, try entering the transporter room to 
the left of the stairs, then coming back out.  It should activate.  (Private 

Fayt's room is room 506, just a few doors left.  Watch the scene when you enter.
There is a save point you can use at the top of the room.  Now get some rest in 
your bed (the ones right below Sophia.)  

The transporter that brought you to this facility is now configured to take you 
to the Transport Ship Herle.

| I - iii - Transport Ship Herle |-------------------------------------(Iiiic)-o

Map Completion: N/A

Items: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Leave the room and watch a quick scene.  Go North along the hallway into the 
next area, and an event will occur.  When you have control again, you can access
a save point (the green icon on your map.)  Now leave the room.  Head down the 
hall and enter the door along the way, shown as a yellow triangle on your map, 
when you try and go up the stairs a conversation will trigger.  Afterwards leave
the room.

Go up North again and speak with everyone in this room, then return to the 
hallway and speak with everyone in the hallway.  Heading North again should 
trigger a scene.

Leave and speak with the people in the hallway again, go to the room where the 
angry man was and the stairs up are now open. Go upstairs, at the Southern part
of the hallway is the people waiting to be evacuated, speak with the attendants 
then return to the stairs.

* You can go back down and speak with Peppita's group (Private Action.)

Go back to the people waiting around the escape exit and it should be open now.

* Before going in if you head up the hallway and into the door on the left, 
above the one that leads to the stairs it will take you to the bridge.  Speak 
with the person sitting second to the left of all the people to have him ask 
your blood type.  (Private Action)  Once of these people mentions Expel, 
something familiar to those who have played Star Ocean 2.

Finally exit to the now unblocked escape pods.  Any one will do.

Some events will occur here. Choose whether to read the Underdeveloped Planet 
Preservation Pact or not.  (Private Action)

| I - iv - Pesotto Forest |--------------------------------------------(Iivde)-o

Map Completion: 1/144 Scale Bunny

Items: Simple Sword

Enemies: Young Slime, Nobleman

Upon entering the forest, after the scene you will receive a Simple Sword.  You 
will now be introduced to one of the interesting features of Star Ocean 3, map 
completion.  There is a little percentage indicator below your map which tells 
you how much of an area you have explored.  This can be very tedious as you must
virtually run along the edge of every wall to be sure to get those last few 
fractions of a percent, but the reward is well worth it.  The 1/144 Bunny 
increases the movement speed of all your party in battle by 5%, or if that 
doesn't sound good enough it can be sold for a whopping 9000 Fol!  Certain maps 
cannot be completed until later in the game when you have a special item, 
however the forest can be.  Near the end you will find some people you cannot 
get past, you will be able to very soon but until then don't bother trying to 
complete the map.

You will also be introduced to normal battles here.  Battles are fought when 
contact is made with an enemy on the map, they are not random.  It is easy to 
avoid these particular enemies which is very helpful especially when you're 
trying to complete the map.  However battles in this game are extremely fun and 
despite the pitiful experience earned here you'll probably just want to fight 
for practice anyway.

The forest is very easy to navigate however if you still wish to know directions
to the exit, take the left fork from the save point and follow it, going left at
any forks you come to, you will quickly find yourself on the next map.  From 
here keep to the left again and follow the path avoiding any forks either left 
or right and in no time you'll reach the exit.

I was able to get a total of 98.29% completion before accessing the area where 
people are standing so if you can achieve about this much, you will likely be 
able to quickly complete it immediately after you get access to that area.

| I - v - Whipple Village |--------------------------------------------(Ivefg)-o

Map Completion: N/A

Items: Blackberries (2), Blueberries, Aquaberries, 600 Fol, Simple Sword

Enemies: N/A

* General Store "Manybloom" *

Blueberries.............................................................. 45 Fol
Blackberries............................................................. 35 Fol
Ring Mail............................................................... 180 Fol
Clone Generator......................................................... 350 Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol
Pomello Juice....................................................... 25,000+ Fol

A scene occurs as you enter the village.  Afterwards leave the house.

The following lists the location of all the treasures in the village, skip the 
next paragraph if you have no interest.

Open your large map right when you leave the house and press start to centre 
your camera.  Go up the large stone stairs and enter the first house to come to,
just above you.  This is the elder's house, get the chest on the right side 
containing Blackberries.  Leave then enter the private house shown as a yellow 
triangle, just to the left of the purple triangle. There is a chest inside 
containing Blueberries.  Now leave, in between this house and the private home 
on your left is a chest behind a tree containing 600 Fol.  Continue West past 
the private house near the exit of the village to find a chest behind a large 
rock, open it to receive Aquaberries.  Finally go all the way East, between the 
stone stairs and the elder is a chest with Blackberries in it.

You can explore the village, on your map a purple triangle denotes an inn or 
place where you can be healed, a green triangle represents a shop.  I would 
recommend picking up a Ring Mail for Fayt, easy to afford if you found the 
chest with 600 Fol.

Enter the private house on the further West side of the village for a scene 
involving a girl with a broom.  Next go to the East side of the village and 
enter the elder's house.  Speak with him inside.  You can also save your game 
here.  Return to Niklas' house afterwards.  A scene will occur when you enter.

Once you have your sword back, take the West exit out of the village.

| I - vi - Pesotto Forest |--------------------------------------------(Ivifg)-o

Map Completion: 1/144 Scale Bunny

Items: N/A

Enemies: Young Slime, Nobleman

Navigate through the forest and return to your ship.  It is still not yet 
possible to complete this map 100%.

There will be an event when you reach your ship.  Now return to Whipple.

| I - vii - Whipple Village |------------------------------------------(Iviig)-o

Map Completion: N/A

Items: N/A

Enemies: N/A

When you get back to the village, enter Niklas' house for a scene.

The next morning, leave the room for an event, then exit the house.  Be sure you
have bought everything you want, and saved your game in the elder's home.  Now 
leave the village and go up to where the people were standing at the North part 
of Pesotto Forest.  Now that they're gone you can head up, and also complete the
Pesotto Forest map 100%.

| I - viii - Ruins of Coffir |-----------------------------------------(Iviii)-o

Map Completion: 1/60 Scale Bunny

Items: Blueberries (2), Cooking Ingredients (2), Blackberries (2), Aquaberries

Enemies: Buster, Nobleman, Makafy, Shrieker, Tepeki, Thieving Scumbag, Young 

Begin by noting you cannot complete this map until much later in the game.

Begin by heading left and getting the two chests, both contain Blueberries.  On 
the opposite side hidden by a crumbling wall is a chest with Cooking Ingredients
at the Northeastern corner be sure to get the chest, inside are Blackberries.  
Take the North exit.  Along the left branching path is a chest at the end 
containing 200 Fol.  Return back down again to the first area.  Take the East 

You will find a chest blocked by some rubble here, however it is innaccessable 
at this point in the game so go North up the stairs.  Continue up into some more
broken ruins, there are two chests here that contain Blackberries and 
Aquaberries.  Go around into the left part of the ruins (both arch openings are 
guarded by Thieving Scumbags) and get the treasure for more Aquaberries.  Take 
the Northwest exit out of this area.

Go left a bit and into the arch above you, right when you go through, on your 
right are two chests which hold Aquaberries and Blueberries.  Go up until you 
reach a fork above the river, go left and find the chest in the ruins and get 
the Cooking Ingredients.  Go North to the next map.

Past the two mushrooms at the end, behind the tree is a chest containing a Fresh
Sage.  Now return to where you took a left, at the fork above the river.  Go 
right and take the East exit.  Proceed up a couple of maps until you reach a 
large door.  Go around the back via the left side and you'll reach a dead end 
with a chest containing Blackberries.  Go around the back via the right side and
you'll trigger an event.


Name: Buster                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 250                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 11                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 5                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 29
Fol: 6
Drop: N/A                                

Name: Makafy                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 300                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 13                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 5                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 30
Fol: 7
Drop: Beat-Up Textbook (100%)            

Name: Tepeki                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 200                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 9                                    Immune: N/A
Level: 5                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 30  
Fol: 6
Drop: Jewel of Avarice (4%) 

Boss Strategy:  

This is a simple fight virtually no different from the regular enemies in this 
area.  Get them all to surround and do a double circle attack, the roundhouse 
kick will put them in their place.

Enter the door right in front of you.

| I - ix - Norton's Hideout |------------------------------------------(Iixij)-o

Map Completion: N/A

Items: Jewel of Refuge, Fresh Sage, Music Box Parts

Enemies: Nobleman, Skeleton Warrior, Thieving Scumbag

Follow the path into the first open room.  On your right is a chest containing a
Jewel of Refuge.  On your left is another with a Fresh Sage.  Leave the room 
North and take a right at the fork.

A quick scene occurs in this room.  Save your game at the save point.  Examine 
the terminal at the upper left.  If you followed the large graffiti numbers in 
the ruins you have the information you need to do this, if you didn't you can go
back out and read them.  If you simply wish to know the password and move on 
read below.

The password is '256.'

Save your game and return to the fork, take the Northwest path into the room.  
Watch the scene that occurs here.


Name: Norton                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 1600                                 Half: Fire
Mp: 35,800                               Immune: N/A
Level: 190                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 32                                         
Fol: 7                                          
Drop: Decrepit Tome (100%)               

There are three Battle Trophies you can collect from this boss, defeat him 
within 30 seconds, defeat him with no damage and defeat him with only the Metal 

Boss Strategy:

With Cliff on your team Norton is a pushover, almost regardless of level with 
Cliff you probably won't even need to heal.  Just avoid his gunfire as best you 
can and keep hitting him with your strongest attacks, Blade of Fury works great.

Defeat Norton within 30 seconds:

Use Blade of Fury over and over again, he doesn't have a particularly high 
amount of Hp so if you can keep the damage at a fast but steady pace this really
isn't one of the harder ones to get, you can even spend a good portion of the 
battle knocked down from his attacks and still end up with him dead before the 
30 seconds are up.  Remember his big spiel as he's dying does not count towards 
the time.

Another even easier way to do it is to just switch to Cliff and keep tapping X, 
he hits very fast over and over again, you'll run out of fury quick, but just 
allow it to recover.

Defeat Norton without taking damage:

Very easy, remember it only applies to the character you are controlling so 
simply run to the bottom of the screen and let Cliff waste the guy.  Cliff is 
strong enough to take on this battle by himself, however to do this you will 
likely need at least 2-3 Blueberries.  If Norton gets too close simply run to 
the other end of the screen.

Defeat Norton using only Metal Pipe:

Cannot be done at this point in the game, do not try.

Another scene follows the battle.  Return to the save point room and retrieve 
the Music Box Parts.  Save your game, exit the hideout, watch a scene, exit the 
ruins and return to Whipple.

| I - x - Whipple Village |--------------------------------------------(Ixjkl)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: Medecentra Pyroxene

Enemies: N/A

An event occurs right when you enter.  Leave Niklas' house and enter the house 
of the elder.  Be sure to speak with him, he will give you the Medecentra 
Pyroxene which halves the Hp requires to use battle skills, an extremely good 
accessory.  Now leave town.

| I - xi - Pesotto Forest |--------------------------------------------(Ixikl)-o

Map Completion: 1/144 Scale Bunny

Items: N/A

Enemies: N/A

After a quick scene, return to your ship.  Head West to the cliff to trigger 
another event.

| I - xii - Royal City of Airyglyph |----------------------------------(Ixilm)-o

Map Completion: N/A

Items: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Speak with Cliff, then speak with Mirage once, then again, and a third time.  
Watch the next scene, then exit the ship and continue it.

In the hallway a fight begins.


Name: Inquisitor                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 1300                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 40                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 6                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 10
Fol: 3
Drop: N/A                                

Name: Airyglyph Soldier                  Weak: Water
Hp: 400                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 18                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 6                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 10
Fol: 8
Drop: N/A                                

Boss Strategy:

With Nel now among your battle party this fight becomes cake.  Eliminate the 
soldiers first and focus all three members on the Inquisitor.  You have to go 
out of your way to lose this one.

Watch the next scene following the battle.

| I - xiii - Airyglyph Aqueducts |-------------------------------------(Iximn)-o

Map Completion: 1/60 Scale Bunny
Items: Worm-Eaten Tome, Ring Mail, Blueberries (2), Warrior's Bracelet, Fresh

Enemies: Bogle Leader, Bogle Soldier, Skeleton Soldier, Slime, Toad Beast, Water

Start by pressing start to centre your map.  To the right of the save point is a
healing pad, save your game and head East.  Head down, but before going in the 
room get the chest on the right for a Worm-Eaten Tome.  Now go South.  At the 
Southwest corner of this area is a ladder you can climb down, simply run towards
it until you grab on.  Follow the thin path under the waterfall to find a Ring 
Mail and Blueberries.

Go back up the ladder and take the South exit out of this room, you'll find 
yourself on a ledge with a chest containing a Warrior's Bracelet.  Go back up 
and exit East.  Go up the steps and into the next room, from here exit South, 
then East and North to find a chest with a Fresh Sage. Go back to the large room
right after the bridge (South, West, North from the chest) and exit at the upper
right.  Exit this room to the upper left for a quick scene, you'll find yourself
at the top of some slippery ice.  Slide down the ice, if you need to get back up
simply hold circle to walk.

Slide down the first patch of ice, before sliding down the second enter the room
at the corner and get the chest with Blueberries in it.  Exit and slide down the
second patch.  Prepare your party and save your game.  Enter the next room for a
quick event.


Name: Giant Crab                         Weak: Fire
Hp: 3500                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 80                                   Immune: Water
Level: 18                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 55
Fol: 135
Drop: N/A                                

Boss Strategies:

This boss' attacks are rather easy to predict and block.  Only his huge claw 
swing can break your guard and he takes forever to charge it up giving you 
chance to avoid.  Use this to your advantage and keep your fury meter high.  
When he attacks, you will stun him then you'll have a chance to go in with a 
powerful attack.  Nel will likely keep on top of healing, and Cliff will keep 
the damage rolling.

Defeat Giant Crab within 1 minute:

I had an extremely hard time with this, I may have been underlevelled I don't 
know.  If you have Blazing Sword for Fayt, you should be able to do this no 
problem since he's weak to fire, however I did not so here's what I did to beat 
him (mind you it took over 15 tries for me.)

Remove Cliff and Nel from your party and equip the Aerial skill on Fayt.  You 
need to practice against him a bit and learn all his attacks, what you're trying
to do is stand right in front of him with your fury meter at 100%, wait until he
attacks.  If he goes purple and charges, run behind him quickly and use Aerial, 
it should deal 5-6 Mp damage.  If he does any other attack you will 
automatically block it and stun him, now quickly use Aerial to deal 10-12 Mp 
damage.  (Those numbers will be even higher if you have the Warrior's Bracelet.)
He only has 80 Mp so as you can see if you can get a system going it is possible
to kill him in less than one minute.  Sometimes when you hit him while stunned 
he will immediately knock you down after, there's little I know of to prevent 
him from doing this, sometimes he gets knocked down sometimes he counterattacks.
Keep trying hoping he more often does the former than the latter.

Defeat Giant Crab without taking damage:

Like I said his attacks are easy to predict and block/dodge but if you don't 
want to risk it, just once again stay out of the way and keep Cliff and Nel 
healed.  The battle will take longer and tax your items but it's not 
particularly hard to do.

Go back and save your game.  Now in the room where you defeated the crab when 
you approach the ice be sure to hold circle and walk over it, not run.  If you 
run it will collapse hurting you and sending you back to the start of the room.
Exit to the East and watch the scene.

| I - xiv - Royal City of Airyglyph |----------------------------------(Ixino)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: Blueberries (3), Blackberries (3), 2000 Fol, Perfect Berries (2), Cooking
     Ingredients (2), Ripe Berries (3), Compounding Elixirs, Aquaberries

Enemies: N/A

* Grocer "Dragon Treasure" *

Blueberries.............................................................. 45 Fol
Aquaberries.............................................................. 15 Fol
Blackberries............................................................. 35 Fol
Gooseberry Juice....................................................... 3100 Fol
Steamed Bun............................................................. 200 Fol

* High-Quality Armorer "Tiamat" *

Holy Sword........................................................... 19,600 Fol
Osprey Dagger........................................................ 15,100 Fol
Broad Axe............................................................ 15,800 Fol
Nodachi.............................................................. 24,000 Fol
Damask Gauntlet...................................................... 44,000 Fol

* Armorer "Left-Handed Lizard *

Masterwork Plate..................................................... 24,000 Fol
Superior Chain Mail.................................................. 26,800 Fol

* Outfitter "Dragon's Dungeon" *

Compounding Elixirs..................................................... 120 Fol
Cooking Ingredients..................................................... 120 Fol
Silver Ring............................................................ 1750 Fol
Clone Generator......................................................... 350 Fol
Basil.................................................................... 20 Fol
Sage..................................................................... 20 Fol
Lavender................................................................. 20 Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol

There's a lot of equipment here that you just can't afford.  Too bad.  If you 
wish to collect all the treasure though, read the following paragraph.

Open your large map and centre your camera.  Run along the path from the 
Airyglyph Aqueducts until you come to two homes across the street from each 
other, enter the private house on the right and get the chest in the back 
containing Blueberries.  Leave the house.  Directly South from the front door is
a chest you can't see, rotate the camera if you need to but be sure to always 
centre it again to understand the directions.  You'll find Blackberries.  Now 
enter the building across the street (the tavern.)  Go upstairs and run to the 
South to find a chest containing 2000 Fol.  Go down a bit and take the West fork
and enter the abandoned temple.  Inside you'll find a chest with Perfect 
Berries.  Exit the temple, on the left side of the door is a chest containing 
Cooking Ingredients.  Now run back to the East, following the path East at the 
4-way split.  Enter the private home at the end and get the chest inside with 
Blackberries.  Return to the 4-way split and go South until you reach the area 
with all the shops.  Enter the shop to your left and up (the Tiamat) and get the
two chests in here containing Blueberries and Blackberries.  Exit then go left 
and up again into the private home here to find a chest with Ripe Berries.  
South of this home is a small alley between two shops leading to a hidden chest 
containing Perfect Berries.  Now go to the Inn (the purple triangle on your map)
and get the chest containing Cooking Ingredients, then save your game.  Exit the
inn and go South, when you reach a split go East through the tiny alley, then 
down to the fence, there is a chest hidden here containing Compounding Elixirs. 
Return through the alley West, ignoring the first path down, take the second 
path down and into the private home on the right.  Get the chest here for some 
Aquaberries, exit and just to your left is a chest containing Blueberries.  Go 
down the path to the Southwest, right at the end to the left of the workshop is 
a chest with Ripe Berries inside, to the right of the workshop down the stairs 
are some more Ripe Berries.  Go back Northeast to the three way split and take 
the South East path this time.  Between two houses at the bottom of this path, 
and the Southern part of town is the final chest, containing Cooking 
Ingredients.  Phew.

There's nothing to do here other than collect the treasure really so head to the
inn, rest up, save your game and take the East exit out of town.

Run along the bridge and watch the scene.

| I - xv - Traum Mountains |-------------------------------------------(Ixvop)-o

Map Completion: 1/144 Scale Bunny
Items: Jewel of Alertness, Ripe Berries, 400 Fol, Blueberries, Blackberries

Enemies: Bogle Leader, Bogle Soldier, Dragon Brigade Soldier, Killer Wasp, Ochre
Rotate your camera, along the way up the mountain is a split path with a 
crevasse one the right, and a big drop on the left.  Across the crevasse is a 
chest containing a Jewel of Alertness, locate this point.  From here proceed up 
the mountain, you'll see a silver jelly enemy.  Just before the Jelly if you 
rotate your map to face Northeast you should see a chest containing Ripe 
Berries.  Just past the Jelly to the west is a rock on the Southern ledge, 
beside it is a chest containing 400 Fol.  Continue West past the Bogle enemy to 
find a chest with Blueberries inside.  Beside the second Bogle enemy further 
West hidden among some trees is another chest with Blackberries inside.

Now run all the way East to the exit of the Traum Mountains after a couple of 

| I - xvi - Mining Town of Kirlsa |------------------------------------(Ixvpq)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: Perfect Berries (2), Aquaberries, 520 Fol, Blueberries, Blackberries,
     1400 Fol, Ripe Berries, Blueberries, Compounding Elixirs

Enemies: N/A
* Grocer "Iron Curtain" *

Blueberries.............................................................. 45 Fol
Aquaberries.............................................................. 15 Fol
Blackberries............................................................. 35 Fol
Gooseberry Juice....................................................... 3100 Fol
Steamed Bun............................................................. 200 Fol

* Armorer "Master Slayer" *

Longsword................................................................ 50 Fol
Falchion................................................................. 45 Fol
Gauntlet................................................................. 55 Fol
Ring Mail............................................................... 180 Fol
Scale Armor............................................................. 200 Fol

* Outfitter "Iron Rage" *

Silver Ring............................................................ 1750 Fol
Clone Generator......................................................... 350 Fol
Basil.................................................................... 20 Fol
Sage..................................................................... 20 Fol
Lavender................................................................. 20 Fol

* You can return to Airyglyph City and speak with Cliff near the entrance to the
Airyglyph Aqueducts (Private Action)

Read the following paragraph if you wish to collect the treasure.

Centre your camera and open the large map.  Run North and find the soldier who 
won't let you pass.  On your left is a chest containing Perfect Berries.  Head 
to the Southwest corner of town but don't go down the stairs, beside some boxes 
at the top is a chest with Aquaberries inside.  From here go right and head in 
down and right at the split.  Go up the small stairs and keep heading East but 
stop before reaching the first road up.  If you look above you underneath the 
little overpass with the red railings there is a chest hidden under it.  Just 
before the arch on your left is a small set of stairs heading down in the North 
direction, take them and it will lead you to the chest containing Perfect 
Berries.  Go back up the steps and keep heading East, down the next stairs right
above you are two chests containing 520 Fol and Blueberries.  Continue a bit 
East and go up the ramp, at the 4-way split where the ramp flattens out take a 
right and you'll find a chest containing Blackberries hidden among the bushes to
the right of the house.  Now go inside the house beside where you found this 
chest, there is a large treasure box in here containing 1400 Fol.  Exit the 
house and go a few steps North, then take the East alley, there is a little 
alcove above you that is visible on your map along this alley, in it a chest 
containing Ripe Berries.  Head West out of the alley and at the 4-way split go 
into the house a few steps to your left (not the shop, slightly above that.)  In
here is a treasure chest with Blueberries inside.

Upgrade your equipment in the shops of this town, you can fund your purchases 
with the money in the chests listed above.

When you're ready to proceed head to the Southwest corner of town and speak with
the Sermonic Old Man.  Afterwards head to the cemetery which is just North of 
the in, up a small set of stairs and to the right.  Watch the scene here.

In the morning head back North to where the soldier wouldn't let you pass, now 
go through.  Across the bridge on your left is a chest containing Compounding 
Elixirs.  Continue North into the cave.

| I - xvii - Kirlsa Caverns |------------------------------------------(Ixvqr)-o

Map Completion: 1/60 Scale Bunny
Items: Scale Armor, Blackberries (2), Charm of Insight, Ripe Berries, Falchion,
     Fresh Sage

Enemies: Cave Spider, Dire Tarantula, Giant Bat, Hornet, Huge Spider, Skeleton
     Knight, Tarantula, Water Reaper

Take the East exit front the front room.  Follow the path to a large open room.
Go along the tracks and head South when they curve North.  In this room go down 
to the bottom and open the chest containing Scale Armor.  Proceed back up and 
keep going North and continue to follow the tracks until you find a heal pad and
save point.  Save your game and enter the North room.

Watch the scene here.


Name: Earth Smasher                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 3600                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 163                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 17                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 40                                         
Fol: 1495                                       
Drop: Decrepit Tome (100%)               

There are no Battle Trophies for this boss.

Boss Strategies:

If you hear him scream "Earth Glaive" in his big rock monster voice, be sure to 
run around behind him.  Unfortunately your party is a little too stupid to 
follow so you'll probably need a good bit of items for this fight.  It's 
extremely easy to level up outside considering the healing pad so if you have 
any problems, you know what to do.  Keep and eye on his Fury gauge and be sure 
to use only strong attacks when it looks full.  He only has 163 Mp so you may 
want to think about a quick Mp kill here.

After the fight watch the scene.  Above you on the platform there is a lever to 
pull, do so.  Exit to the West.  West of where you come out the door is a chest 
containing Blackberries.  Exit South and then East and you'll find yourself in 
the front room again.  Return to the save point and heal pad to save your game.

Back where you entered the large room are five buttons, these buttons correspond
to five Haulers one of the most annoying mini-things you'll ever do.  I'll try 
my best to get you through it.

There are five types of Haulers:

- Steady
- Carefree
- Whimsical
- Ill-Natured
- Aggressive

To get all that way through you will only need steady, to get all the treasures 
you will only need aggressive and steady.  The first method here will entail 
getting all the treasures, to get a quick escape scroll down to the three 
asterisk marker (***).

Hold up to go faster, down to go slower.

Choose the Aggressive Hauler first.  

Stay at the lowest speed at the way around (about 30 km/h), ignore the first 
left-right switch, at the second press left and you should break through a wall 
then quickly take another left to break through a second wall.  If this takes 
more than one try it's ok.

If you can bear it, try and stay around 20 km/h or so for most of the next part.

Now choose the Steady Hauler.  Around the first large bend as you probably 
noticed is an option to stop if you're going slower than 15 km/h, so stop there.
Run to the end of this path, ignore the blocked chest and get the one containing
Blackberries.  Return to the Hauler.  Take a right at the split, soon after will
be another place to stop.  On foot take a left at the fork and get the Charm of
Insight.  Return to the Hauler.  Take the first left and stop right after.  Get 
the Ripe Berries in this cove and continue on.  Return to the main room.

Take Steady again and go ALL the way around to the last place you stopped, but 
don't stop this time, instead keep going and if you don't stop you should get a 
turning option, make a left and stop here.  In this area you can find a large 
chest containing 5000 Fol, now leave and return to the start.

Take the Aggressive Hauler again.  Stay at the slowest speed it will go, when 
you reach the first split keep going right (you don't have a choice.)  At the 
next split press right, then two more come up quickly.  Go left and a quick left
again to break through another wall and return to the station.

Choose Steady again.  Make a right at the first split, and another right at the 
second split, then make a third right and stop.  Get the Falchion in this room 
and return.  Leaving this area will send you around the circle again.  Make a 
right at the first split like always, then another right at the next one.  
Quickly make a left then another left to bring you to the area you last broke 
down, then stop and get the Fresh Sage.

There's another long arduous trip to make for some 15 Fol Aquaberries, it's 
really really not worth doing.  Explore for yourself if it somehow matters.

The following are the instructions for getting out of the cave.


Take the Steady Hauler.  Go along the tracks staying at a speed of about 25 km/h
until you reach a point where you will be prompted to turn.  Slow to below 25 
km/h and make a left.  On the next chance stay right, then around the corner 
make a left.  Stay very slow to avoid the rocks that come down, then make 
another left slowing down enough to avoid the rocks.  Now speed up to about 25 
to go through these gates, but not too fast otherwise you won't be able to turn 
afterward, make a left when you get through the last barrier.  From here stay at
a steady pace and you're home free.  Good luck.

Speak with the soldier at the end.

| I - xviii - Bequerel Mountain Path |---------------------------------(Ixvrs)-o

Map Completion: 1/144 Scale Bunny

Items: Blackberries, Ripe Berries, Crafting Materials, Aquaberries, Compounding
     Elixir, Writing Materials

Enemies: Airyglyph Soldier (2), Black Brigade Soldier, Dire Wolf, L24 Thieving
     Scumbag, Legion Dragon (2), Stag Beetle, Super Nobleman
Save your game right at the beginning.  Go up the mountain until you reach a 
fork in the road, take a left.  At the end of this path is a chest containing 
Blackberries.  Go back and make a right, soon you'll come to another path 
leading South, take it down the hill and get the Ripe Berries at the bottom.  Go
back up and head straight North, keep going North until you find a chest on a 
little wooden ledge, open it to receive Crafting Materials.  Go back down and 
take the East path towards the large gate.  When you reach it head North. 

It looks like this is a dead end but there is a path leading through the fence.
Keep going up and you'll find three chests here containing Aquaberries, 
Compounding Elixirs and Writing Materials.  Go back down and this time proceed 
South from the gate, watch the event at the bottom.

| I - xix - Riverfront Village of Arias |------------------------------(Ixist)-o

Map Completion: N/A

Items: Ripe Berries, Perfect Berries, Multi-Flask, Cooking Ingredients

Enemies: N/A

* General Store "Jack Potato" *
Silver Ring............................................................ 1750 Fol
Blueberries.............................................................. 45 Fol
Aquaberries.............................................................. 15 Fol
Blackberries............................................................. 35 Fol
Gooseberry Juice....................................................... 3100 Fol
Broadsword.............................................................. 120 Fol
Long Dagger............................................................. 110 Fol
Steel Gauntlet.......................................................... 120 Fol
Steel Chain Mail........................................................ 700 Fol
Clone Generator......................................................... 350 Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol
* Bakery "Moonlight Gauntlet *
Apple Pie............................................................... 400 Fol
Steamed Bun............................................................. 200 Fol
Cooking Ingredients..................................................... 120 Fol
Pomello Juice....................................................... 25,000+ Fol

Read the following paragraph to collect all the treasure.

Open your large map and centre your camera.  From where you entered town at the 
Northwest you can see just below you and to the left on your map is a little 
alcove.  In it beside the broken house is a chest containing Ripe Berries.  Head
to the North-most private home in town, inside you'll find a giant chest and 
some Perfect Berries.  From the door of this house go straight East to the large
gate, right below it is a giant chest containing a Multi-Flask and right above 
is a treasure box with Cooking Ingredients inside.  Northeast of the inn is a
big pile of boxes, behind them open the chest and get the Aquaberries.

Be sure to upgrade your equipment.

When you're ready, enter the large mansion in the Northeast area of town, and 
facing the end of the hallway pass the stairs and go into the first room on your
right.  Watch the scene.  Save your game and examine the bed beside Cliff to 
rest for the night.  

In the morning go downstairs and back into the conference room.  Watch the event
here.  Afterwards leave and take the lower West exit out of the village, watch 
the scene and proceed.

| I - xx - Aire/Kirlsa Hills |-----------------------------------------(Ixxtu)-o

Map Completion: 1/144 Scale Bunny

Items: Blueberries (2), Blackberries

Enemies: Bogle Soldier, Dire Wolf, L24 Thieving Scumbag, Storm Brigade, Super 

At the beginning stay along the South wall and find a chest containing 
Blueberries.  Continue along the wall and head all the way South to find another
chest containing more Blueberries.  Go back up and continue along the path, keep
heading South even when it turns and you'll find a treasure box with 
Blackberries inside.  

Now go North but not back up the path you came from, stick to the left a bit to 
find a little open area in the mountain, on the right side of this area hidden 
cleverly around a corner (rotate your camera South to see it) is a chest with 
Compounding Elixirs inside.  

South of this area you'll see a patch of old trees and grass, inside this area 
open the chest to receive a Jewel of Refuge.  From here head North with a 
slightly West angle, far up to the top to find the final chest containing more 
Blueberries.  Follow the path left to exit this area.

| I - xxi - Mining Town of Kirlsa |------------------------------------(Ixxuv)-o

Map Completion: 1/144 Scale Bunny
Items: N/A

Enemies: N/A
Stay at the inn and save your game upon entering.  There's not a lot to do here,
exit to the South when you're ready.

| I - xxii - Granah Hills |--------------------------------------------(Ixxvw)-o

Map Completion: 1/144 Scale Bunny
Items: Blackberries, Steel Chain Mail

Enemies: N/A
Along the path you'll pass some large rocks, the third rock on the South side 
has a chest behind it with Blackberries inside.  North of here on the right side
of the small ledge (that looks like a giant obstacle on you map) is a chest 
containing Blueberries.  Go down and follow the path from here up until you 
reach one of the large purple mushroom enemies.  From there keep going North off
the path to find a chest among some grass containing Steel Chain Mail.

Head Southeast until you reach a large gate, enter it and watch the scene.

| I - xxiii - Kirlsa Training Facility |-------------------------------(Ixxwx)-o

Map Completion: 1/60 Scale Bunny
Items: Blueberries, Cooking Ingredients (4), Long Dagger, Blackberries (4),
     Anti-Poison Amulet, Aquaberries, Neglected Textbook, Symbol of Courage,
     Steel Gauntlet, 8000 Fol, Compounding Elixirs, Cuprite Key

Enemies: Animated Armor, Black Brigade Soldier, Bogle Leader, Horned Wolf, Hyper
     Nobleman, Lizard Man, Skeleton Leader, Soldier, Toad Fighter
Right after the scene you'll be thrust into a fight with three normal enemies.  
Dispatch them as you would any others.  Then watch the scene.

Save your game and heal, centre your map and head West.  Go to the end and down 
into the next room.  Head South again to the next room.  In this hallway take 
the first exit to the East.  Follow this path to the end and go into the door, 
at the lower left side of this room is a chest containing Blueberries.  Leave 
the room and return to the hallway to the West.  

Proceed South, then South again.  Enter the first room you come across to the 
North.  At the end you'll reach another room, open the treasure box inside to 
receive Cooking Ingredients.  Go back out and return South to the hallway again.

Continue East and follow the path up until you reach an opening on the West 
wall.  Go down in that direction, the first room has two chests containing a 
Long Dagger and Aquaberries, the second has two chests containing Blackberries 
(hidden behind the bookshelves) and an Anti-Poison Amulet.

Go back into the first room where the Long Dagger was, the lower West exit in 
this room will take you to a flight of stairs to go up.

Exit North and get the Blackberries on the left.  Go South, South and then West 
under the broken pillar.  Now head North, North and get the chest containing 
Cooking Ingredients.  Proceed South from here a total of four times to reach an 
upper walkway.  Head East until you reach a large arch, go North through it.  Of
the three exits in this room take the Northeast one and get the two chests 
containing Cooking Ingredients and Cooking Ingredients.  Return to the walkway 
and go all the way West, into the opening at the end.

Go North once then into the first door on your right, in here are three 
treasures with Blueberries, Aquaberries and a Neglected Textbook.  The textbook 
automatically gives you a new type of Anti-Attack Aura.

Exit and proceed North, then North again.  Run all the way East to the end of 
the walkway and exit South.  Proceed up the stairs beside you.  Make sure your 
map is centred at the top.

Exit North and head left until you reach a door leading South.  Enter the first 
room on your left and find a chest containing a Symbol of Courage.  Now return 
to the staircase you came from.

Proceed South, then South again.  In this room a bit to your left is a door 
exiting North.  Go through it, in this hall enter both the rooms leading up.  
The first one has a chest containing a Steel Gauntlet, the second a chest 
containing Blackberries.  Return to the walkway then go all the way West,
exiting North, the North again.  Enter the first door on your right here.

Head all the way to the end of the hall, before the path turns South, enter the 
room to the South just before the path curves, inside is a chest with 8000 Fol 
in it.  Go out and head right, enter to two rooms here one on the upper right, 
one on the lower right.  The upper one has Cooking Ingredients in a chest, the 
lower has a lot of enemies and a chest containing Compounding Elixirs.  Go back 
along the hall to the left and enter the door leading North.  Use the healing 
pad and save your game here.  Speak to the two people here, the upper one will 
give you the Cuprite Key.  Return ALL the way back down to the bottom of the 
stairs leading to the first floor.

From here exit the room and go East back to the hallway.  Go North, then into 
the North exit on the right to trigger a scene.  After a quick fight with some 
normal enemies and the scene continues.  Run up and examine the door to unlock 
it, then take the elevator to the 4th floor.  Leave the elevator and follow the 
path to a save point, then save your game.  Head South.

A scene occurs here.  After a simple battle, albeit a surrounded one.  After 
another scene occurs.


Name: Shelby                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 5100                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 13,816                               Immune: N/A
Level: 21                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 35                                         
Fol: 9                                          
Drop: N/A                                

Name: Black Brigade Soldier (2)          Weak: N/A
Hp: 1150                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 68                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 6                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 35
Fol: 7
Drop: Jewel of Refuge (4%)     
      Smithy Materials (3%)

Boss Strategy:

To defeat Shelby start out avoiding him focusing your attacks on the soldiers.  
Eliminate them as fast as possible.  After start using your most powerful 
attacks and battle skills to knock down his health, for a boss he doesn't have 
too much Hp at all so you'll be surprised how quickly he falls, which helps for 
the second Battle Trophy.

Defeat Shelby within 1 Minute:

Equip your most powerful strength raising accessories on Cliff and set his as 
your control character.  The trick here is to focus on quick X attacks and lots 
of them, don't even use Battle Skills.  Note that Shelby is virtually impossible
to Mp kill so Cliff is definitely your man, all you have to do is hope that Fayt
and Nel get the picture and help you out since there are a fair bit of enemies 
besides Shelby.

Defeat Shelby without taking damage:

Cliff and Nel should be strong enough to take on this battle without any help, 
but they may not.  If you're brave enough try luring one of the soldiers away, 
or hitting him while he's focusing on someone else.  Remember one slip up and 
you have to start over so play 99% defensively.

Watch the scene following the battle.  Exit the training facility and run all 
the way back to Arias.

| I - xxiv - Riverfront Village of Arias |-----------------------------(Ixxxy)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A

Enemies: N/A
Watch the scene right as you approach the village.  After, return to the mansion
and enter the conference room for an event.  Afterwards you'll find yourself 
outside of Arias.

| I - xxv - Palmira Plains |-------------------------------------------(Ixxyz)-o

Map Completion: 1/144 Scale Bunny

Items: Blueberries, Ripe Berries, Cherubic Bust

Enemies: Horned Turtle, Plains Spider, Scorpion, Lizard Thug
Start by heading South.  Among the flowers you will find a chest with 
Blueberries inside.  Follow the edge on the right side to find a chest at the 
Southeast hidden behind a raised rock area, it contains Ripe Berries.  Directly 
North of that chest among the trees with purple flowers is a treasure box, open 
it to receive a Cherubic Bust.  East of that hidden among a couple of trees near
a crack in the ground is a chest containing a Jewel of Refuge.  Go back to where
you found the bust and head North, you'll be able to see a treasure box behind a
rock ledge, but you'll have to go around to the left to get it.  It contains 

From here it's just a matter of heading North into the gate.  Watch the scene 
when you approach.

| I - xxvi - Trading Town of Peterny |---------------------------------(Ixxza)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: Compact Communicator, Cooking Ingredients, Blueberries (2), 
     Blackberries (2), 3400 Fol, Aquaberries, Ripe Berries

Enemies: N/A

* Armorer "Summit Street" *

Bastard Sword........................................................... 750 Fol
Fine Gauntlet........................................................... 700 Fol
Silver Dagger........................................................... 660 Fol
Heavy Armor............................................................. 950 Fol
Anointed Chain Mail.................................................... 3500 Fol

* Outiftter "Twilight Hour" *

Compounding Elixirs..................................................... 120 Fol
Cooking Ingredients..................................................... 120 Fol
Silver Ring............................................................ 1750 Fol
Clone Generator......................................................... 350 Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol

* Saint Lucia *

Blueberries.............................................................. 45 Fol
Aquaberries.............................................................. 15 Fol
Blackberries............................................................. 35 Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol

* The Flower *

Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol
Blueberries.............................................................. 45 Fol
Aquaberries.............................................................. 15 Fol
Blackberries............................................................. 35 Fol

* Gigantodrive *

Apple Pie............................................................... 400 Fol
Steamed Bun............................................................. 200 Fol
Cooking Ingredients..................................................... 120 Fol

* Love Street *

Loquat Juice........................................................... 3050 Fol
Gooseberry Juice....................................................... 3100 Fol
Pomello Juice....................................................... 25,000+ Fol

* Go to the tavern on the far East side of Peterny and speak with the strange 
man. (Private Action)

Go to the Craftsman's Guild first of all.  It's on the West side of town.  Speak
with the person at the desk and choose "Yes, I am."  Watch the next scene and 
set up your own workshops.  For more information check out the item creation 

To get all the treasure in town read the following paragraph:

From the central plaza head West.  Just to the left of the second building above
you (the workshop) is a chest containing Cooking Ingredients.  Go straight down 
from that chest and rotate your camera around to find another among some food 
boxes containing Blueberries.  Go back to the central plaza, right when you 
appear head directly down, beside the door to the Southwest temple is a chest 
with Blackberries in it.  Now go to the East side of town.  On the right of the 
tavern open the chest to find 3400 Fol.  Go West a bit then South down the 
street, between two of the houses on the right is a chest containing 
Blueberries, then further South to the left of the well is another with 
Aquaberries.  Now enter the lower of the two houses on the right, behind the 
door you'll find Ripe Berries, in the upper house below the door is a treasure 
box containing Blackberries.

When you're ready to continue, head to the central square and approach the 
Southwest temple and choose to rest.  Watch the next scene.

Afterwards head West and into the inn.  Speak with the woman at the desk on the 
left and watch the next event.  After leave the inn and head to the East side of
town, go down the road South to trigger a scene.  After return to the inn and 
speak with Nel, tell her you're done exploring.  Another event occurs after.

The next morning leave to inn to learn about your new destination.  Exit the 
town to the West.

| I - xxvii - Sanmite Steppes |----------------------------------------(Ixxab)-o

Map Completion: 1/144 Scale Bunny
Items: Smithery Materials, Blackberries, Perfect Berries, Cooking Ingredients,

Enemies: Axe Beak, Graphias, Horned Turtle, Lady Beast, Lizard Warrior, 
     Moonshadow Clan Member, Water Strider

Head forward and take the first right at the fork, at the end of this path is a 
chest containing Smithery Materials.  Go back and follow the path until you 
reach a bridge, head North instead of crossing it and open the chest to receive 
Blackberries.  Cross the bridge and head immediately North to find Blueberries 
in a chest.  Go back across the bridge and head all the way down to the South, 
down a hill to the end of the river to find a large chest with Perfect Beries 
inside, go up the river to the waterfall and get the chest containing Cooking 
Ingredients.  Head West across the river and into the Duggus Forest.

| I - xxviii - Duggus Forest |-----------------------------------------(Ixxbc)-o

Map Completion: 1/60 Scale Bunny
Items: Compounding Elixirs (3), Blackberries (3), Aquaberries (2), Perfect
     Berries, Blueberries, Alchemy Materials, Crafting Materials, 12,000 Fol,
     Water Shielding, Gold Figure

Enemies: Blue Slime, Bogle Leader, Bogle Soldier, Carnivorous Plant, Chemeleon,
     Grapebind, Kobold, Moonshadow Clan Member (3), Puppet Golem, Aavitch

Be sure to centre your camera to start, just to your left is a chest containing 
Compounding Elixirs.  From here head West, go North a bit then East into a 
little area with more Compounding Elixirs in a chest.  Head West, West again 
then South.

An event occurs here with a Faerie.  (Private Action)

Return to where you got the second Compounding Elixirs and go North.  Grab the 
Blackberries from the chest and examine the spring above you, there are three 
types of springs:

- Gushing
- Glittering
- Boiling

It will tell you what the spring is currently like when you examine it, you want
water from the Glittering spring so if it isn't glittering keep leaving the area
and coming back until it is.  Get the water and return to the fairy for a scene.

Now return to the area one map left of the forest entrance.  Head South and get 
the two chests here containing Aquaberries and Blackberries.  Examine the tree 
at the bottom to trigger a battle.


Name: Grapebind                          Weak: Fire
Hp: 7600                                 Half: Earth
Mp: 181                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 20                                Drain: Water
Exp: 240                                        
Fol: 7                                          
Drop: Jewel of Refuge (4%)               
      Sage (3%)

Easy fight, watch out for his swinging limbs but he's nowhere near as hard as a 
normal boss, especially with only one of him.

Continue South to the next map.  Follow the path around until you can go up.  On
the next map get the Blueberries on the right, and take a left at the fork and 
fight another Grapebind.  Go South to find a chest containing Compounding 
Elixirs.  Go back up and head North at the fork this time.  Proceed West at the 
next branch in the path, then West again.

Go North in this area, until you find another Grapebind.  Continue North, hug 
the cliff on the left to avoid the falling boulders, being sure to quickly grab 
the chest on the right containing Perfect Berries.  Take the West exit.  Fun 
time avoid rocks here, stay close to the top and grab the two treasure chests 
which are in a safe area, they contain Blackberries and Blueberries.  Continue 
North and open these two chests to receive a Wind Pixie and an Orb of Alertness.
Return South and avoid the falling rocks again, exiting this map to the South.

Encounter another Grapebind here.  Head South, then West.  Make a mad dash down 
the middle and open the chest containing a limited edition doll.  Avoid the 
rocks and head South when you pass them.  At the bottom is another Grapebind.

Head West to the next map to trigger a scene.  After a quick battle with some 
clan members and another scene.  Here you can choose to bring Roger along with 
you, deciding on whether or not you want him in your final party choose whether
or not you want to bring him along.  It'd be a good idea to take him now, if you
take him it doesn't mean you have to keep him forever, but it's the only way to 
fight the boss just outside for the chance to get two more Battle Trophies.

Leave the house and go back East.  If you took Roger a scene will occur.

Name: Moonshadow Clan Chief              Weak: N/A
Hp: 5500                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 250                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 22                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 35                                         
Fol: 16                                         
Drop: N/A                                

Boss Strategy:

Very very easy boss, just use Blazing Sword for Fayt and you can Mp kill this 
guy in no time, even faster if Nel has her Shadow Wave equipped.

Defeat Moonshadow Clan Chief within 1 minute

I'd recommend going for both these Battle Trophies at the same time, one because
it's simple, and two because it's a long journey to try again.  Use the same 
tactic as the boss strategy, with Mp kill you can have this guy dead before 30 

Defeat Moonshadow Clan Chief without taking damage

This is where the defensive part comes in.  Be sure Nel has Shadow Wave equipped
but if you want both you're going to have to help a bit.  Luckily the boss only 
has weak predictable attacks, and you only need to get 2-3 weak combos in to 
take him out.

Afterwards regardless of whether you fought the battle or not, head North.

Head up to the falling rocks, sticking to the East.  Continue to head North and 
East wherever possible.  At the very top you should come to a part where there 
are falling rocks, run along to the East with them being careful not to be hit 
and at the end you will find four treasure chests containing Alchemy Materials, 
Crafting Materials, 12,000 Fol and Aquaberries.  Go back up and get hit by a 

From where you appear head West, then North waiting for the holes to be filled 
so you can walk across them.  Head West at the top, then South,  Take the first 
right you come to, to find a chest with a Water Shielding, then go back and head
South to find a save point.  Save your game.  Proceed West.

When you reach this point centre your camera.  Go all the way North, if you 
accidentally take a different exit just centre your camera again and keep trying
to find the North exit.  When you do you'll come to a scene at the lake.


Name: Mudman                             Weak: Wind
Hp: 8000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 500                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 34                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 1200
Fol: 8
Drop: Synthesis Materials (100%)         

Boss Strategies:

Despite a not-too-high Mp total Mudman is an extremely easy Hp kill so go for 
that.  His attacks are slow and easily interrupted by your strong combo.  A 
continuos string of attacks with cancel bonuses is the way to play this 
fight, offensively, not defensively.

Defeat Mudman within 1 minute:

He's a very fast Hp kill, so use your circle button combos on him from behind 
and keep them coming fast.  I wish there was more to say, you might even find 
yourself doing it before you're even hit collecting both of them at once.

Defeat Mudman without taking damage:

I'll be completely honest, I forgot to check Mudman's stats before the battle so
I figured I'd just play it quick and load by game to try to get the Battle 
Trophies.  Within no time Mudman was dead and I found I had accidentally 
accumulated both of them without even trying.  There's not much to say, Cliff 
and Nel can take care of this guy in no time if you let them, and they're well 
equipped.  Steer clear of him and you're home free.

After the boss go South again, now the mist is gone.  Head all the way to the 
Southeast corner of this map to find a chest containing a heavy armor.  
Afterwards run back up North to the exit leading to where you fought Mudman, but
exit left instead.  Keep going West to trigger an event.

| I - xxix - Trading Town of Peterny |---------------------------------(Ixxcd)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Exit the house to continue the event. After the scene exit Peterny to the West.

| I - xxx - Sanmite Steppes |------------------------------------------(Ixxde)-o

Map Completion: 1/144 Scale Bunny
Items: N/A

Enemies: Axe Beak, Graphias, Horned Turtle, Lady Beast, Legion Dragon, Lizard
     Warrior, Moonshadow Clan Member, Schweimer, Water Strider

Your destination is the city of Surferio at the Northwest corner of this map.

| I - xxxi - Lost City of Surferio |-----------------------------------(Ixxef)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: Ancient Book 1, Ancient Book 2, Ancient Book  3, Ancient Book 4, Ancient 
    Book 5, Ancient Book 6, Ancient Book 7, Smithy Materials, Machinery 
    Materials, Aquaberries, Blueberries

Enemies: N/A

* General Store "The Faerie Tear" *

Clone Generator......................................................... 350 Fol
Basil.................................................................... 20 Fol
Sage..................................................................... 20 Fol
Lavender................................................................. 20 Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol

Head to the Southwestern area of town with three dots on your radar.  Here 
you'll find Roger once again.  It's a good idea to cooperate with Roger at this 
time since he has the books and all, this still isn't a permanent thing.  

To get the treasure read the following paragraph.

Enter the house to the Southwest of where Roger was to find a chest containing 
Smithy Materials.  Go back up, in the house to the left of the shop is a 
treasure box with Machinery Materials inside.  Go South from this house and into
another private home and get the Aquaberries from the chest.  Return to where 
you found Roger and enter the house at the Northwest and get the chest 
containing Blueberries.

Now return to Peterny and exit North from the town.

| I - xxxii - Irisa Fields |-------------------------------------------(Ixxfg)-o

Map Completion: 1/144 Scale Bunny (2)
Items: Jewel of Alertness, Blackberries, Magical Berries

Enemies: L16 Ravitch, Man Trap, Ravitch, Romper Bat, War Chemeleon

Start by sticking to the edge on the East, you'll come by a treasure chest 
containing a Jewel of Alertness.  From there head directly Northwest for a few 
metres and you'll find another chest containing Blackberries beside a tree.  On 
the West side, look at your map you'll notice a big long obstacle running North 
and South, this shows some raised ground.  Get on the higher right side and run 
North hugging the edge.  Along the way you'll find a piece of broken ruin with a
pillar leaning against it, it's just Southeast of the bridge.  Here is a giant 
treasure box with Magical Berries inside.

Now exit to the North, in the centre of the map.

| I - xxxiii - Sacred City of Aquios |---------------------------------(Ixxgh)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: Blackberries, Synthesis Materials (2), 1800 Fol, Compounding Elixirs (3),
     Aquaberries (2), Smithery Materials, Cooking Ingredients, Ripe Berries

Enemies: N/A

* Grocer "Aire's Blessing *

Apple Pie............................................................... 400 Fol
Steamed Bun............................................................. 200 Fol
Cooking Ingredients..................................................... 120 Fol
Blueberries.............................................................. 45 Fol
Aquaberries.............................................................. 15 Fol
Blackberries............................................................. 35 Fol

* Armorer "Erinia's Hammer" *

Bastard Sword........................................................... 750 Fol
Fine Gauntlet........................................................... 700 Fol
Silver Dagger........................................................... 660 Fol
Heavy Armor............................................................. 950 Fol
Anointed Chain Mail.................................................... 3500 Fol
Battle Axe.............................................................. 600 Fol

* Outfitter "Dirna's Breath" *

Compounding Elixirs..................................................... 120 Fol
Cooking Ingredients..................................................... 120 Fol
Silver Ring............................................................ 1750 Fol
Clone Generator......................................................... 350 Fol
Basil.................................................................... 20 Fol
Sage..................................................................... 20 Fol
Lavender................................................................. 20 Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol

Watch the event when you enter the city.

In order to get all the treasure, read the following paragraph.

Head to the central square of town with all the exits.  Take the lower right 
one.  Enter the private home two doors right or the shop.  This house contains 
two chests with Blackberries and Synthesis Materials.  Head into the private 
home South directly across the street and get the chest containing 1800 Fol.  
Exit the house and follow the street North, straight through the gate but don't 
go into the house.  Instead rotate your camera around and you'll see a treasure 
chest beside the gate, containing Compounding Elixirs.  Return to the centre of 
town.  Take the lower left exit this time.  Follow the street when it branches 
to the South.  Enter the first private home on your left to get some Compounding
Elixirs in the chest.  Go out of the door and rotate your camera to face the 
house you were just in, you'll see two chests to the right of the front door, 
open them to receive Aquaberries and Compounding Elixirs.  Now enter the second 
private home on the left of this street, inside is a chest containing Smithery 
Materials.  Go back up the street to the main path and head West.  Follow it 
until you reach a left/right fork.  On the left is a dead end with a treasure 
box and Cooking Ingredients.  Continue to head East and enter the first private 
home on the North side of the street, under the stairs is a treasure chest 
containing Aquaberries.  Continue East along the road, just before you reach the
exit back to the centre of town, above you is a little area with a couple of 
boxes, the chest under the tree contains Ripe Berries.  Don't return to the 
centre of town however go back left and bit and take the road North.  When you 
reach a fork at the wall, head left all the way until you reach a statue.  
Rotate your camera around and you'll see a large chest beside the last house on 
the street.  It contains Synthesis Materials.  Now return to the centre of town.

Head North towards the castle to initiate a scene.

| I - xxxiv - Castle Aquaria |-----------------------------------------(Ixxhi)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: Blackberries (2), Aquaberries, Fire Shielding, Jewel of Refuge,    
     Compounding Elixirs, Ripe Berries, 4700 Fol, Magical Berries

Enemies: N/A

When you have control in the castle, there's more treasure to collect:

From where you start head right, when the path turns North there are rooms at 
each junction.  Enter the firs room on your right to find a chest containing 
Blackberries and a place to save your game.  Cross the hall and enter the room 
on the left to find a chest containing Aquaberries.  Go North to the next 
junction and enter the room on the left, inside open the chest to receive Fire 
Shielding.  Continue North, pass the next junction, pass the path leading West 
and enter the room on the right just before the stairs.  Inside you'll find 
three chests containing Jewel of Refuge, Compounding Elixirs and Ripe Berries.  
Leave the room and go back down, take the West path just below the room you were
in, follow it into the chapel and out the West exit of the chapel.  Enter the 
room on the left below where Nel is standing and get the two chests containing 
Blackberries and a Jewel of Alertness.

Speak with Nel standing at the bottom of the stairs at the end of the West path.

On the second floor proceed South and enter the first room on the right.  In 
here there is a chest on the table containing 4700 Fol.  Go back just below the 
stairs and follow the path East.  Take the first South door at the central area 
you come by, and watch the event.

When you have control again return to the throne room.  Approach the queen and 
head East into the door at the end.  You'll be in the queen's private quarters, 
enter her bedroom to find a chest containing Magical Berries.

Head to the chapel on the first floor and speak with Cliff for a lengthy 
conversation . After speak with Nel near the entrance to the castle and return 
to your room.  Watch the event here.

In the morning take the lower path over to the West side of the first floor and 
enter the first door on the left.  Climb the ladder up in this room, when you 
reach the top, of the two doors leading North take the one on the right to 
trigger a scene.

Afterwards return to the entrance of Aquios to initiate an event with Cliff and 
Nel.  Say that you're ready.  You need to head to the Bequerel Mine, in order to
get there take the following path:

Aquios (South) -> Isiria Fields (South) -> Peterny (South) -> Palmira Plains 
(West) -> Arias (Northwest)

At the Northwest of Arias an event will trigger.  Watch the scene.  

| I - xxxv - Bequerel Mountain Path |----------------------------------(Ixxij)-o

Map Completion: 1/144 Scale Bunny
Items: N/A

Enemies: Airyglyph Soldier (2), Black Brigade Soldier, Dire Wolf, L24 Thieving
     Scumbag, Legion Dragon (2), Stag Beetle, Super Nobleman

After the scene you'll be thrust into a battle:


Name: Legion Dragon (2)                  Weak: N/A
Hp: 6500                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 800                                  Immune: Wind
Level: 12                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 200                                        
Fol: 170                                        
Drop: Jewel of Refuge (4%)               

Except for the fact that they're airborne this is an easy fight, simply use your
backflip kick circle attack a lot.  They'll spend much of the battle on the 
ground but at least they won't be attacking you.

| I - xxxvi - Bequerel Mine |------------------------------------------(Ixxjk)-o

Map Completion: 1/60 Scale Bunny
Items: Lightstone, Cooking Ingredients, 15,000 Fol, Blackberries, Key to Barred
     Door, Aquaberries, Amulet of Freedom, Copper Ore, Compounding Elixirs (2),
     23,600 Fol, Blackberries, Ripe Berries, Magical Berries, Synthesis 
     Materials, Worm-Eaten Tome

Enemies: Blood Bat, Brass Dragon (3), Feral Dragon, Harpy, Killer Treant,
     Romper Bat, War Chemeleon

When you enter the mine head North.  Watch a quick scene and follow the linear 
path North, and head North at the fork.  Near the gate light the torch.  When 
you approach the gate it will open and you'll have to fight a couple of Bras 
Dragons.  The battle is rather easy, they have the ability to paralyze your 
characters, but that will wear off in time.

After the battle you receive a Lightstone, equip it on Fayt immediately.  Head 
North through the gate, then West.  You'll have to fight three battles here, but
only one dragon in each.  After continue West, then head South.  At the bottom, 
exit West.

Light the two torches in this room.  In order to progress you must stand between
them so that you are casting two shadows in a straight line connecting them.  If
you can't get it to activate just adjust your position a little.  After it does,
the gate will open and you can continue West.  Follow the path North into the 
next room.

In this large room head left, then left again following the path straight up 
until you reach a chest containing Cooking Ingredients.  Head down a few steps 
and take the East path to the end where you will find a treasure box with 15,000
Fol inside.  From that chest head West, go South at the first fork, then East at
the next one, then East again and finally North.  The end of this path should 
have a chest containing Blackberries.  Head back down and go West at the path, 
find the Brass Dragon running around and defeat it, you will receive the Key to 
Barred Door.  Return to the fork South of the last chest you opened and follow 
the path East until you reach a gate.  Use the key to open it and enter.

In this large room go to your equip menu and take off the Lightstone, the door 
at the North will close in reaction to it.  Also turn off the candle to the left
of the door.  Now exit North.

Equip the Lightstone again and head to the Northwest in this room until you find
a door leading North.  Enter it and head North again, the door will close behind

Run to the centre of the room and step on the platform, the lights will come on.
You'll notice you have three shadows, and there are three light sources in the 
room.  The doors here will close if touched by your shadow so what you want to 
do is turn off which ever two light are opposite the door you want to enter.  
Head through the North door so examine both dragon lights that are furthest from
that door, then enter.

When you get through the door head up a little, then East at the fork, then 
South, then East, then North through the door.  At the Northeast part of this 
room are two chests containing Aquaberries and an Amulet of Freedom.  Return to 
where you came in through the large shadow room and enter the North door above 
it.  Then head North again.  A scene occurs here.


Name: Cockatrice                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 15,500                               Half: N/A
Mp: 431                                  Immune: Earth, Wind
Level: 44                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1200                                       
Fol: 2000                                       
Drop: Synthesis Materials (100%)         

Boss Strategies:

This is an easy fight, what you want to do is activate Fayt's Blazing Sword and 
use constant x button attacks, with a good setup every swing should be dealing 
50-60 Mp per hit, and with 431 Mp you can see the end of the battle quick.  
Hopefully you have some Sage in your inventory in case anyone gets petrified.

Defeat Cockatrice within 1 minute:

I think I just explained this, the key here is Fayt's Blazing Sword technique.  
Throw Nel's Shadow Wave into the fray and you've got a recipe for success.

Defeat Cockatrice without taking damage:

This one isn't too easy to get, especially if you have no Sage.  You'll need to 
rely on good luck that your other members don't get petrified.  Watch out for 
falling rocks as well.  There's always the option of the offensive approach 
trying to help Mp kill him before getting hit, but it's dangerous.

Watch a quick scene afterward.  Head up to the Northeast corner to trigger 
another event.  You will receive Copper Ore.  Now exit to the West and follow 
the tracks a long way until you reach an outdoor area.

Follow the tracks some more across a small bridge until you reach a tree enemy.
From there head West to a treasure chest on a metal bridge containing 
Compounding Elixirs.  Continue West and you'll find two chests containing 23,600
Fol and Blackberries.  Just to the South behind some rubble on the left is a 
chest containing Ripe Berries.  Go East until you meet the tracks again then 
follow them South.

Here you will find some people milling around.  Exit West to find some Magical 
Berries.  Go back, and just to the left of the door you came into on the tracks 
is a chest containing Compounding Elixirs.  Just South of the door that lead out
to the Magical Berries is a chest with Synthesis Materials inside.  On the East 
side at the top is another chest containing a Worm-Eaten Tome. 

Return to the top of the tracks and save your game, be sure to do this.

Speak to the man besides the mine cart on the track to rest.  Then speak with 
the soldier to ride it to the entrance and trigger a scene.


Name: Airyglyph Soldier (2)              Weak: Water
Hp: 4100                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 192                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 17                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 85
Fol: 10
Drop: N/A                                

Name: Airyglyph Soldier (2)              Weak: Water
Hp: 4225                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 192                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 17                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 85
Fol: 7
Drop: Warrior's Bracelet (4%)            
      Cooking Ingredients (3%)

These enemies can actually hit surprisingly hard, be sure to focus your strong 
attacks on them because they like to guard a lot.  The more you take out, the 
easier the battle gets to focus your energy on one at a time.

After the battle another scene.


Name: Demetrio                           Weak: N/A
Hp: 14,800                               Half: N/A
Mp: 17,776                               Immune: N/A
Level: 10                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 1800                                       
Fol: 4200                                       
Drop: Synthesis Materials (100%)         

Name: Legion Dragon (2)                  Weak: N/A
Hp: 3000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 192                                  Immune: Wind
Level: 17                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 80
Fol: 8
Drop: Crafting Materials (3%)            

Boss Strategies:

The fact that the boss is raised off the ground makes him somewhat harder, and 
the flame breath can really get frustrating.  Eliminating his two minions will 
really reduce the amount of fire being spewn over the battlefield, so do that 
first.  Once you have them out of the way focus all three members on the dragon 
keeping him juggled in the air as best you can.  Due to his high Mp total Hp 
kill is the only way to go here.

Defeat Demetrio within 1 minute:

Boy is this one ever frustrating.  After numerous tries the strategy I finally 
got to work was as follows.  Set up Side Kick as the battle skill for Fayt on 
both his Short range attacks for circle and x.  Get into the battle, hold x to 
Side Kick, then quickly hold circle to cancel bonus into another quickly hold x
to cancel into another, circle etc until you run out of fury.  The damage will 
really climb with each cancel and it hits him despite being off the ground.  
Really the only good effective method for taking him out quick that I found.

Defeat Demetrio without taking damage:

This one is easy if you can avoid all the flame.  Let your party take care of 
the battle slowly but surely while you heal from afar.  If you're brave you can 
even help out with some Symbology.

After the fight be SURE to return all the way to the save point and save your 
game, there is another boss fight coming.

Heard in the direction of Aquios off the mountain path, a scene occurs right 
before you exit.


Name: Albel 1                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 26,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 2600                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 22                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2400                                       
Fol: 6500                                       
Drop: War God's Symbol (100%)            

Name: Black Brigade Soldier (2)          Weak: N/A
Hp: 4220                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 192                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 17                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 80
Fol: 4
Drop: Smithy Materials (3%)              

Boss Strategy:

Albel has a tendency to hit rather hard, and fairly fast.  You might need some 
of those Ripe Berries you've been picking up, up to this point.  Once you've 
eliminated the soldiers use your strongest cancel combos you have against him, 
stay on the offensive at all times.  

After the battle watch the scene that follows.

| I - xxxvii - Riverfront Village of Arias |---------------------------(Ixxkl)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A

Enemies: N/A
Nothing to do here but leave for Aquios.

| I - xxxviii - Sacred City of Aquios |--------------------------------(Ixxlm)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Enter Aquios to trigger the start of an event.  After the scene head for the 
castle.  Head up to the research facility on the second floor and meet Dion for 
another event.  Afterwards return to the inn.  Go upstairs and watch the scene.

If you head up to the throne room now you can recruit Adray into your party 
temporarily.  You'll get another chance later in the game though.

Once it ends it's time to return to Arias.

| I - xxxix - Riverfront Village of Arias |----------------------------(Ixxmn)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A

Enemies: N/A
Watch the scene when you approach.  Once you have control enter the conference 
room in the mansion.  Watch the scene.  After, head upstairs and save your game.
If you're ready, then rest in your bed.

Head downstairs, speak to Clair and tell her you're ready.  Then watch the next 

| I - xl - Aire/Kirlsa Hills |-----------------------------------------(Ixlno)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A

Enemies: N/A
Simply follow the path all the way to the end to trigger a scene.  

Name: Vox                                Weak: N/A
Hp: 30,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 20,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 39                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 2700                                       
Fol: 5200                                       
Drop: N/A                                

Boss Strategies:

Another boss who's raised off the ground, use some of your multi hitting battles
skills to put him in his place, again cancel-bonusing the side kick skill works 
wonders, I have done little levelling outside the main game and using the Side 
Kick combos, I was able to win without healing once.

After the battle is a rather impressive cutscene.  When you have control of Fayt
once again return across the field following the path, until you reach yet 
another scene at the other end.  And another impressive cutscene.

| I - xli - Sacred City of Aquios |------------------------------------(Ixlop)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: Disintegration Hammer

Enemies: N/A

After the scene head over to the room on the first floor across from the 
workshop on the West side.  After the event here return to the inn and visit 
Ameena for another one.  Return to Dion in the castle for the next event.

This is a long event, followed by a cutscene, and more scenes.

Once you have control again, head to the throne room and watch the scene.

After you have control again, go to the temple on the first floor and watch the 
scene that occurs near the head.

Before going down the stairs, speak to the person near the top of the stairs.  
She will give you the Disintegration Hammer.  Go down the stairs and run to the 
end of the long hallway.

| I - xlii - Sealed Cavern |-------------------------------------------(Ixlpq)-o

Map Completion: 1/60 Scale Bunny
Items: Blueberries, Cooking Ingredients, Earth Shielding, Blackberries, Anointed
     Chain Mail, Lunar Talisman

Enemies: Bronze Brute, Flying Armor, Mage

When you enter the dungeon, head North and north again.  Grab the two chests in 
this room containing Blueberries and Cooking Ingredients.  Head to the Northwest
of this room and examine the statue, flip the switch and return to the front 

Go through the North door on the right, then head North again.  The blocks here
should now be moving up and down.  Run in the direction of the blocks to go from
block to block when they come down to your level, eventually you should make it 
across to the other side.  Enter the door when you do.

Go into the first door on the left before the next moving blocks, at the end is 
a chest containing Earth Shielding.  Go back and approach the moving blocks to 
the North.  Rotate your camera to get a good view and take it slow, if you hold 
the run button constantly you're sure to get squished, wait for the next one to 
raise back up before proceeding.  Enter the door at the end.

At the East wall of this room is a large crack, press square to activate your 
Disintegration Hammer and press x to confirm.  Stay back so it doesn't crush 
you.  At the top of the stairs inside are two chests containing Blackberries and
Anointed Chain Mail.  Go down the stairs and pull the lever to the West of the 
door to open it.  Head back up the stairs, go West and then take the upper West 
exit from here.

Save your game when you enter this room.  Head to the other end then enter the 
door, go up and enter the door on the right.  Head East and in the next room 
open the chest to receive a Lunar Talisman.  Go back West into the hall with the
two mages, one of the South walls has a crack you can break through.  Go South 
and activate the switch on the statue.  Now return North, then West.  The blocks
at the bottom of this hall are now moving, return to save your game then come 
back and head through the door on the left under the blocks.  Watch the scene.


Name: Flying Knight                      Weak: Water
Hp: 17,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 240                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 35                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 900                                        
Fol: 250                                        
Drop: Smithy Materials (3%)              

Boss Strategy:

By now if you've learned the Berserk tactical skill for Fayt and have activated 
it, you'll find doing high damage cancel combos has become a piece of cake 
because the required fury is halved.  No matter what you're using, weak attacks 
combod to Battle skills can last for big double digit hits, and up to triple 
damage.  Personally it had the flying knight dead in less than ten seconds for 
me, and it can work just as well for you.

Head North to the Shrine of Kaddan.

| I - xliii - Shrine of Kaddan |---------------------------------------(Ixlqr)-o

Map Completion: 1/1 Scale Bunny
Items: Saint's Stone (3), Compounding Elixirs (4), Synthesis Materials (2),
     Cooking Ingredients (2), Blackberries (3), Heavy Armor, Shabby Textbook, 
     Blackberries, Blueberries (2), Cooking Ingredients, Aquaberries, Orb of
     Foe Finding, Alchemy Materials(2), Anti-Stone Amulet, 54,000 Fol, Celestial
     Pixie, Smithery Materials, Book of Prophecies 1, Hammer Charm

Enemies: Bronze Brute, Dark Rider, Flying Armor, Flying Knight, Ghostly Hag,
     L15 Mage, Stalker, Unholy Terror, Vendeeni Soldier (3)

Start by heading North.  Examine the crystals on the ground.


Name: Crystal Statue                     Weak: Water
Hp: 15,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 431                                  Immune: Earth, Fire, Wind
Level: 29                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1200
Fol: 16
Drop: N/A                                

This fight is just slightly harder than a normal enemy encounter, the Hp isn't 
too high but his offensive attacks are.  Watch out, you're going to fight more 
than one of these here, be sure they aren't too much for you.

After the battle you receive a Saint's Stone.  Head North and watch the event.  
Head East into the next room.  Fight another crystal statue here to receive a 
second Saint's Stone.  Exit South and follow this path to the end, into a door 
leading East.  

This room will start to shake, position yourself in a corner to avoid the 
falling rocks.  When it ends the West wall in this room will now have a crack in
it.  Use your Disintegration Hammer to break it open and enter.  You'll find 
yourself in a workshop, examine the two chests on the left to receive
Compounding Elixirs and another Saint's Stone.  

Now that you have the three Saint's Stones, examine the furnace in the workshop 
to automatically create the Saint's Amulet, and item required to have in your 
inventory to damage the boss.  Head back to the earthquake room, then go into 
the West door and follow the path North to the large room.

Go back West then South to where you battled the first crystal statue.  On the 
East wall now thanks to the Earthquake a crack has appeared, use you hammer to 
go through it.  Grab the two chests containing Synthesis Materials in both.  Now
return to where you fought the second crystal statue, the North wall is now 
housing a large crack, break through it and enter.  Get the chests in here 
containing a whopping 5 items, Cooking Ingredients, Blackberries, Compounding 
Elixirs, Heavy Armor and Shabby Textbook.

Leave the room and take the East exit from the large room.  Follow the path to a
save point and save your game.  South of the save point is a wall you can break 
with Book of Prophecies 1 and Hammer Charm inside.  Enter the North room to 
witness an event.


Name: Crystal Cerberus                   Weak: N/A
Hp: 30,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3500                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 40                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3500                                       
Fol: 1400                                       
Drop: N/A                                

Boss Strategies:

He's very similar to the crystal statues but a lot faster, and more powerful.  
He won't stay still that's for sure, if you're very lucky try to lure him into a
corner and hold him there as long as you can, without his mobility he becomes 
much easier.  Also note his elemental immunities so things like Blazing Sword 
for Fayt, or Ice Daggers for Nel are a no-no.

Defeat Crystal Cerberus within 1 minute:

Whew, this one is a real tax at your ability to hold him in one place.  You're 
going to need your strongest cancel combos if you want to rack up the damage 
fast enough (Side Kick) over and over with Berserk on.  No room for playing 
defensively in this battle, you need to hit him even faster than he can move.

Defeat Crystal Cerberus without taking damage:

Even without a time limit, your other party members may not be enough to take 
him on by themselves, not to mention he moves fast so be on your toes at all 
times.  It may be time to put some of those Perfect Berries to use.  Here's a 
great tip, say you've got about 5 Perfect Berries in your inventory.  Use all of
them without worry, once you have the Trophy save your game but load your file 
to beat him again normally, you'll still have the items but have the added bonus
of having used them to get the Trophy.  (Normally this would apply to your 
damage items as well, but again, his immunities.)  Good luck.

After the battle be sure to backtrack and save your game.  Now from the boss 
room exit North, then East.  From this room your destination lies North, West 
North, and North.  Examine the large chest in the middle to trigger another 
Earthquake, then the two chests on the right to receive Blackberries and Cooking
Ingredients, and the two on the left for Aquaberries and Blueberries.  Use your 
hammer to break down the East wall and go through.

Watch out for the hanging ceiling bits here, on the East side is a large chest 
containing an Orb of Foe Finding.  Go back to the earthquake room with the large
open chest.  From here head South, then East.  In this room the East wall now 
has a large crack, break it and go through.  

Don't open this chest or you'll just get a blast of fire in your face, keep 
going East.  In this room head all the way North, then again, and once again.  
Now run to the West side of this room to find Blackberries in a chest, then East
to find Alchemy Materials.  Exit North, defeat the crystal statue and go North 

In this room examine the statue to split your party into four, four people of 
your choice will have to fight one on one battles for the reward of an Anti-
Stone Amulet.  Choose wisely.  None of the enemies are too much harder than the 
others, but they do seem to get a bit harder so start with your weakest go to 
your best.

The path East of the statue room will take you to the same destination, except
without the item.  Regardless enter the North door from that room.  Go up to the
upper right corner and get the chest containing Blackberries.  Follow the path 
Southeast until you reach a door to exit to the South, go through it.

Continue along the path to the East and take the East door.  Go up and take a 
right at the fork, at the end of this path will be a chest containing 
Blueberries.  Go back to the fork and head North, keep going North until you 
find a door leading East.  Inside is a pedestal with a Red Gem, examine it and 
choose to touch it.  Leave the room and go South, head West at the junction past
the armor enemy to find a chest containing Cooking Ingredients.  Head all the 
way to the furthest South part of this map and enter the door leading West.

Along the hallway go into the first door you pass on the North wall.  Watch out 
for the sliding blocks in this room, your destination is the Northwest corner, 
if you fail try again.  The next room is the same basic thing, except has a 
chest.  To reach the chest from the door go up, right down and left, it'll be 
right in front of you containing a hefty 54,000 Fol.  Another chest lies all the
way right, and up from this chest containing a Celestial Pixie.  Your 
destination for this part is the Northern centre area.  

The next room has four chests containing Alchemy Materials, Smithery Materials, 
Compounding Elixirs and more Compounding Elixirs.  Enter the North door and save
your game.  Approach the door, watch the scene and enter.  Another scene occurs.


Name: Vendeeni Soldier                   Weak: N/A
Hp: 7400                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 336                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 29                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 600                                        
Fol: 500                                        
Drop: Jewel of Avarice (4%)              

This fight can be a little difficult, they are stronger than normal soldiers and
have the ability to petrify you.  Equip the Anti-Stone Amulet you hopefully got 
and focus all your energy on one at a time so they don't overwhelm your entire 

Afterwards there's a quick scene.  Now run ALL the way back to the Sealed 
Cavern, luckily all the enemies are gone so it's smooth sailing.  At the 
entrance is a scene.  

| I - xliv - Sacred City of Aquios |-----------------------------------(Ixlrs)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Return to the throne room of the castle for another event.

A flashback here.  You will have control of young Maria.  Keep talking to your 
mother to advance.  After a scene speak to everyone and approach your mother 
again.  Following this is the longest scene in the game so far.  Very long.

After the battle return to the throne room.  If you're playing without the 
ability to skip scenes (even if you aren't) you may want to save at the inn in 
case something happens.  Another event occurs at the throne room.  After, exit 
the city of Aquios.

Now would be a good time to take on the optional dungeon, Aquatic gardens of 
Surferio.  Refer to the Optional Dungeons section for a guide.

Anyway when you're ready head to the Lost City of Surferio (Northwest from the 
Sanmite Steppes, West of Peterny.)  Along the way a scene occurs.  


Name: Schweimer                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 16,800                               Half: N/A
Mp: 1400                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 4                                 Drain: Wind
Exp: 1500                                       
Fol: 3250                                       
Drop: N/A                                

Name: Legion Dragon (2)                  Weak: N/A
Hp: 3000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 192                                  Immune: Wind
Level: 17                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 80
Fol: 8
Drop: Crafting Materials (3%)            

Boss Strategies:

If there's ever been an easy boss fight so far, this is it.  The dragons are 
enemies you fought ages ago with only 3000 Hp, and the boss himself is rather 
lacking.  Once the minions are dead it's a free kill on Schweimer, all it takes 
is time.  If you defeated that Crystal Cerberus there's no way you can't defeat 

Keep going Northwest to Surferio.  Head all the way West through the city and 
exit the other side to reach the Passage from Parch to Plenty.

| I - xlv - Passage from Parch to Plenty |-----------------------------(Ixlst)-o

Map Completion: 1/144 Scale Bunny

Items: Map of Mosel Dunes

Enemies: Aquaregia, Dark Hunter, L30 Mage, L31 Ravitch, Red Cockatrice

There aren't any real treasures to collect here.  Just head all the way to the 
West.  Talk to the guy at the exit a couple of times and he'll sell you a map 
for 10,000 Fol.

| I - xlvi - Mosel Dunes |---------------------------------------------(Ixltu)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: Aquaberries (2), Cooking Ingredients, Machinery Materials, Perfect 
     Berries, Smithery Materials, Synthesis Materials, Alchemist's Stone, 22,400

Enemies: Aquaregia, Chemeleon King, Dragon Zombie, L30 Mage

Follow the desert all the way along and enter the Mosel Dunes.  You'll see you 
have a water meter here which will send you back if it empties, so pay close 

Start by going Northwest and running into the oasis.  Press X to fill your water
gauge.  From there go North and hug the left wall until you find a chest 
containing Aquaberries.  From there run East to find a chest with Cooking 
Ingredients.  Northeast from here are two chests you should be able to see 
nearby containing Machinery Materials and Perfect Berries.  Go around the East 
side of the rocky area where you found the Perfect Berries and reach another 
Oasis, and refill.

Directly East of this Oasis are two chests along the East wall containing 
Aquaberries and 22,400 Fol.  Return to the Oasis near the Perfect Berries.

Go North staying along the left wall and you'll reach a chest containing 
Smithery Materials, above it is one with Synthesis Materials.  Run Northeast and
you'll reach an oasis.  Go to the area that is directly North of the last chest 
you opened, you should quickly find another containing a Fire Pixie along the 
rock wall.  Directly Northwest from there is the final chest, where you will 
almost certainly collapse after getting the Alchemist's Stone.

The exit is just Northeast of the last oasis you reached.

| I - xlvii - Ancient Ruins of Mosel |---------------------------------(Ixluv)-o

Map Completion: 1/1 Scale Bunny
Items: Blackberries (2), Blueberries, 40,000 Fol

Enemies: Berserker, Demon Imp, Demonic Hound, L30 Mage, Red Slime

When you enter the ruins, stand on the circular platform in the middle to view a
little scene.  Afterward exit through the North door.

At the first junction head East and go through the door.  Get the chest in this 
room containing Blackberries.  Exit North, then enter the first door North you 
see.  In this room retrieve the Blueberries.  Return to the junction North of 
the first room and head West this time.

Follow this path until you reach a door leading North.  Go inside and into the 
door just North of where you enter the room.  In here is a chest containing 
Blackberries.  Go back out and continue to the East down the path, then follow 
it North.  When it curves East again enter the door on the left.  In here are 
two chests containing 40,000 Fol and Aquaberries.  Examine the pedestal in this 
room beside the statue.

You will have your choice of three types, it's just a game of rock, paper 
scissors.  Except it goes like this:

- Thief beats Symbologist
- Symbologist beats Warrior
- Warrior beats Thief

In this particular room it's a Thief, so choose the Warrior. Exit the room and 
head ALL the way to the East into the door on the opposite side of the ruins.  
In here is another statue, choose Symbologist this time.  Return West to the 
area just outside the room with the first statue you chose.

Head South and enter the first door on your right, this room contains a save 
point and another statue.  Choose the thief.  Open the large chest here to 
receive the Aqua Veil (no more water limit in the desert.)  Save your game and 
go South through the now open door.  Watch the scene here.

Leave the ruins and return to Peterny.

| I - xlviii - Trading Town of Peterny |-------------------------------(Ixlvw)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A

Enemies: N/A

An event occurs just before you enter.  Afterward exit Peterny to the South and 
begin the long journey back to Airyglyph.

Pretty much any fight along the way is a free ticket to the "Defeat in a single 
blow" Battle Trophy.

| I - xlix - Mining Town of Kirlsa |-----------------------------------(Ixlwx)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: Aquaberries, Ripe Berries, Cooking Ingredients

Enemies: N/A

There is a new area in town, read the following to pick up some treasure.

When you enter town from the East you'll pass a now open gate leading North.  
Enter it.  Go up until the path splits and turn right, make a U turn beside the 
house on your right is a chest containing.  Go left to the opposite side, go 
behind the house on the lower left to find a chest containing Ripe Berries.  Go 
North through the gate, hidden behind the spear rack are Cooking Ingredients.

That's it, head to Airyglyph.

| I - l - Royal City of Airyglyph |------------------------------------(Ilxyz)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A

Enemies: N/A

You can finally upgrade your equipment here assuming you can afford it.  Shop 
around.  When you're ready head to the gate at the West side of town for an 

| I - li - Castle Airyglyph |------------------------------------------(Iliza)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: Compounding Elixirs, Blueberries, Jewel of Avarice, Synthesis Materials,
     Letter from King of Airyglyph, Magical Berries

Enemies: N/A

Save your game when you have control.  Before you follow him head West.  In each
of the three upper rooms on the left you'll find treasure chests, they contain 
Compounding Elixirs, Blueberries and Jewel of Avarice.  In the room across the 
hall from the middle of the three upper rooms, you'll find a large chest with 
Synthesis Materials inside.  Now go upstairs.

Enter the room at the Southwest for an optional scene with the king.  Enter the 
room behind him and open the chest containing Magical Berries.  Now return to 
the first floor, save your game and head to the dungeon.  Follow the old man and
view the next event.

Afterwards return to the main part of town with Albel.  

At this point it is time to decide who you want as your seventh party member:


Albel Nox:

- Go to Peterny and spend the night at the inn.  When Albel asks if you hate 
him, say "Not really"

Roger S. Huxley:

- Head to Surferio and go into the house across form the shop and participate in
the event with Roger.

Nel Zelpher:

- Will join automatically if you do neither of the above


In each case you are only flagging the character to join, they don't actually 
do so until you return to the Kirlsa Training Facility later in the game.  
Remember you are only choosing your seventh party member here, you can still 
choose one of the remaining two for your eighth later in the game.  Note that if
you wish to recruit Peppita, she must be your eighth character and only the one 
of the three above ones will join that you choose right now.  When you're done 
return to Airyglyph.

Exit Airyglyph to the East, at the base of the hill is a dragon rider, speak to 
him and he'll offer you a free trip to the Bequerel Mine area, so accept his 

Run West then North to trigger another event.

| I - lii - Mountains of Barr |----------------------------------------(Iliab)-o

Map Completion: 1/1 Scale Bunny
Items: Smithery Materials (2), Blackberries, Aquaberries, Superior Chain Mail,
     46,000 Fol, Blueberries, 18,100 Fol, Writing Materials, Ripe Berries, 
     Steeled Earth, Dragon's Windpipe, Dragon Bone Flute

Enemies: Brass Dragon, Feral Dragon, Mini-Dragon, Porcupine, Young Porcupine,
     Aquaregia, Highlander

Have lots of Basil and Amulets of Freedom equipped here, as enemies will 
commonly paralyze you.  Head North to the next section, then further North until
you reach a fork.  Take the West path and stay on it until you reach a chest 
containing Smithery Materials.  Return to the fork and head East.

Along the way you'll pass two chests containing Smithery Materials and 
Blackberries.  At the fork, proceed South to reach a chest with Aquaberries 
inside.  Go back to the fork and head North, follow the path Northwest and stay 
on the path all the way to the West end where you'll find a chest containing 
Writing Materials.  Go back East a bit and take the first path that goes North.

Follow this path North over the river, into a bone-ridden area.  Get under the 
dragon's shadow and he will pick you up and carry you off.

When you land, navigate South through the area until you reach a 4-way split.  
Head East to find a chest containing Superior Chain Mail.  Go back to the split 
and head South.  The path from here is linear.

Go South to trigger a scene.  Follow the little dragon down and out of the cave.
Grab the chest in this area containing 46,000 Fol then enter the cave North,

Take the North exit from where you land.  When you reach a fork in the road, 
take the left path into a room with two chests, open them to receive Blueberries
and 18,100 Fol.  Go down take the right fork, and exit the cave back to the 

Go North a few times, past a workshop until you reach a fork.  Take the right 
path along until you reach another, again go right to find a chest containing 
Writing Materials.  From there head West until you cross a little river with two
waterfalls, walk on the little path in the middle to enter the cave between the 
two falls.  Inside you'll find Ripe Berries.  Return to the first fork just 
North of the workshop.

Head West and stay on the path, hugging the West wall.  You'll quickly find a 
chest containing Steeled Earth.  Follow the path North until you reach a save 
point, save your game.

Enter the cave behind the waterfall and watch the scene.


Name: Blue Dragon Zombie                 Weak: N/A
Hp: 30,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 2500                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 50                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3500                                       
Fol: 10,500                                  
Drop: Pulse Gun (100%)                   

Boss Strategies:

Make sure your Mp is fully healed before the fight because like the normal 
dragon zombies, he hits hard for Mp damage.  Cliff will be the main person in 
danger so keep him stocked with Mp via Blackberries at all times.  As for the 
boss himself, for this point in the game 30,000 Hp is little more than twice 
that of a normal enemy, so even if he hits you hard, he shouldn't have a chance 
to do it for very long.  The only main problem is the difficulty in accumulating
high cancel combos, since simply standing beside him will subject you to mass Mp

Defeat Blue Dragon Zombie within 1 minute:

This is one of those Battle Trophies you're likely to get without trying, as 
previously mentioned his Hp is low for a boss so take advantage of that and 
pound him with your most powerful Hp damaging battle skills before the need to 
heal even arises.

Defeat Blue Dragon Zombie without taking damage:

The trick to using all your Perfect Berries then simply loading your game is 
less effective here since it's Mp damage you'll be worrying about.  The best 
tactic is to simply stand in a corner and use Blackberries over and over again.
Keep an eye out for falling rocks, and tap your feet until the next character 
runs low on Mp.

After the battle watch the scene and you'll receive the Dragon's Windpipe.  Exit
the cave and save your game.  Head back down to the workshop and examine the 
tools inside the dilapidated house.  The Dragon's Windpipe will become the 
Dragon Bone Flute.

Head all the way South through the cave and out the waterfall at the bottom, go 
West then North to once again be picked up by the dragon.  Go all the way South 
until you finally meet up with that little dragon again in the small cave.

Approach the little dragon.  There are four types of songs you can play, and you
must learn to play them all, they are played with the circle button.  The dragon
is for practice make sure you can play all the songs on command, they are played
as follows:

- Light button tap (Happy tune)
- Light button hold (Playful tune)
- Hard button tap (Sad tune)
- Hard button hold (Angry tune)

Light and hard refer to the pressure exerted on the button.  Once you've 
practiced leave the cave and drop down.  When you land go around to the right 
and head South.  Take the first path East you come to and follow it to a door.  
You'll notice a happy dragon on the door which corresponds to the type of song 
you should play, if you succeed the door opens, if you fail you fight a battle.
Happy tune if you've forgotten is a simple quick tap of the circle button.

When the door opens, enter the ruins.

| I - liii - Ruins of Barr |-------------------------------------------(Ilibc)-o

Map Completion: 1/1 Scale Bunny (Continued from mountains)
Items: Synthesis Materials, Damask Plate, Magical Berries, Blackberries, Wind
     Charm, Spirit Stone

Enemies: Aquaregia, Brass Dragon, Feral Dragon, Highlander, Red Beast, Spawn, 

When you enter the ruins, save and head East.  Remove the angry dragon door with
a long and hard (shut up...) press of the circle button.  At the end of the hall
is an event to watch.  After open the chest containing Synthesis Materials.  Go 
back to the main room and head North.  This particular door is happy, so lightly
tap circle.  Enter the door.  Ignore the cross in this room and go to the West, 
open the sad door by slamming the circle button.  In the next room go down a 
bit, left, and up into the door.  Head up again to reach a room with a door that
changes colours.  This one goes from yellow to blue to red, which means happy, 
sad angry, in other words tap circle, pound circle, and hold circle for a few 
seconds with a good amount of pressure.  They don't all have to be done one 
right after another.  The door will open, then enter.

Inside get the chests containing a Damask Plate, and Magical Berries.  Return to
the room with the giant cross.  Go to the East door and open it with a playful 
song by holding circle lightly.  Enter and go South, enter the first door on 
your right (a normal door with no dragon) and enter the next door at the Eastern
end of the hall.  Inside is a chest with Blackberries, go out and head North up 
the path and out the North door.  In this room go into the West door and find 
two chests containing Wind Charm and Spirit Stone.  Exit and head up North.  The
door here goes from sad to angry, or hard tap and hard hold of the button.  
Inside open the chest to receive a Wind Pixie.  Return to the main room with the
cross and examine the writing on the North wall.

After return to the front entrance and go to the lab on the West side.  Examine 
one of the tubes to find a Dragon's Cranium.  Save your game at the entrance and
return to the main room.  You must now step on the tiles to activate the 
remaining ones here.  Exit West again, go up a bit and step on that tile.  Go 
down and approach the South dragon door, hold circle hard to play an angry song 
and enter the door to step  on that tile.  Return to the main room.

Head East and keep going until you hit a sad door, pound the circle button to 
open it and hit the switch on the other side.  Run all the way South and 
activate this panel.  Return to the main room, all but the centre tile should be
activated.  The dragon on the North was can be eliminated with an angry song, 
holding circle down somewhat hard.  Go North and play a playful song for the 
door by holding circle lightly.  Go North, activate the last panel and return to
the main hall.  Step on the centre square.  Now head North, save your game and 
continue North to trigger a scene.


Name: Robin Wind                         Weak: N/A 
Hp: 50,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 1800                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 51                                Drain: Wind 
Exp: 6500                                       
Fol: 25,320                                     
Drop: Synthesis Materials (100%)         

Boss Strategies:

The little kid is fast, which gets real annoying real quick when you try and use
a battle skill and he's halfway across the map by the time it starts.  You'll 
need to make good use of your party members to keep him in one place.  Watch out
for his whirlwind attack, as well as his attack the causes confusion.  There's 
little way to avoid this ailment if you're hit, so dodging remains one of the 
only options.  You may want to consider Mp kill as an option for this battle, as
long as you're not using people like Cliff and Roger, if so, Hp is the way to 

Defeat Robin Wind within 1 minute:

The challenge in this lies with the difficulty of building cancel bonuses on 
this kid because he keeps moving around.  You may find that beating him quickly 
isn't difficult but you just can't get under 1 minute.  If this becomes a 
problem it may take you a few tries just slightly revising your strategy each 
time, or hope that you avoid becoming confused too often.  

Defeat Robin Wind without taking damage:

Get into a corner and ready your perfect berries.  Simply keep an eye on the Hp 
totals of your party for this fight and watch yourself too, because Robin has 
some long ranged attacks and does randomly decide to target you now and then.  
This trophy is not particularly hard however.

Go back, save, then enter the Urssa Lava Caves.

| I - liv - Urssa Lava Caves |-----------------------------------------(Ilicd)-o

Map Completion: 1/60 Scale Bunny
Items: Damask Gauntlet, Rabbit Ears Key, Cooking Ingredients, Blackberries,
     Book of Prophecies 2, Gutsy Bunny, Glowstone, Ring of Disintegration
Enemies: Fire Zombie, Ghostly Hag, Magma Man, Nova Blaze
It stands as a no brainer that equipping Fayt's Ice Blade battle skill here will
show everyone who's boss.

At the first junction go East, you'll quickly come to another at which you 
should head up.  At the top is a chest containing a Damask Gauntlet.  Go back 
down to the second fork and head East, follow this path all the way around 
until you reach a large bunny state.  Examine it.  After go around behind it and
examine the back, you'll find the Rabbit Ears Key.  Return to the first room and
take the West path from the fork this time.  Keep going West past the road 
leading North to find a chest at the end containing Cooking Ingredients.  Go 
back and head up that North path you just passed.

**Note: There are two paths West of the first junction leading North, you want 
to take the one that is furthest West.

Go up a bit and on your left behind some rocks is a chest containing 
Blackberries.  Go North and unlock the door with the key, then enter.  

Ok, after trying very hard to explain this part verbally I gave up due the to 
constantly changing camera.  Now for your benefit, please enjoy this map.

|                                         |                                    
|    _________________________________    |                                    
|   /                                    |                                    
|   |                                 |   |                                    
|   |     /__________________        |   |                                    
|   |     |                  |        |   |         /_______________________  
|   |     |    /__          |        |   |         |                       |  
|   |     |    |  |    D     |        |   |         |                       |  
|   |     |    |  |          |        |   |         |    /____________     |  
|   |     |    |   _________/        |   |         |    |            |     |  
|   |     |    |                      |   |         |    |      ______/     |  
|   |     |    |                      |   |         |    |     /            |  
|   |     |    |              ________/   _________/    |    | TREASURE!   |  
|   _____/    |             /                           |                 |  
|              |             |                           |      ______     |  
|              /             |    /_________________    |            |     |  
|   /__________              |    |                 |    ____________/     |  
|   |                        |    |                 |                       |  
|    _______________________/    |                 |                       |  
|                                 |                 _______________________/  
|                                 |                                            
_____________________________   |                                            
                              |   |                                            
                              |   |                                            
                              |   |                                            
                              | S |                                            

If you have trouble understanding, S stands for Start, D stands for Destination,
and TREASURE! stands for Treasure, at that location, containing Book of 
Prophecies 2.

When you reach your destination talk to the bunny to trigger an event.  You'll 
have these options:

- 1000 Fol
- 10,000 Fol
- 30,000 Fol

100 will only get you the ring, 10,000 will get you the ring and a Gutsy Bunny, 
30,000 is no better than 10,000.  So be sure you choose 10,000.

Time to backtrack all the way to the Airyglyph Aqueducts, luckily with the 
dragon guy waiting on the mountain path it's not as big a trip as it seems.  
Return to Airyglyph and enter the Aqueducts at the Southwest of town.  When you 
enter go right to the North and get rid of that ice.  Right past it is the 
Glowstone.  Time to return back to the little workshop in the Urssa Lava Cave,

Return to the room just before the Urssa Lava Cave and save your game.  Head 
North, at the first fork, go a little bit West but immediately continue North.  
Keep going until you reach a lava monster, just South of him is a thin path with
a chest containing Crafting Materials.  Stay on the path until you reach a dead 
end, now use you Ring of Disintegration.  Enter the door and watch the scene.


Name: Crosell                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 29,000                               Half: Earth, Wind, Fire
Mp: 4200                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 70                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 7000                                       
Fol: 10,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                

Boss Strategies:

This is the first serious battle of the game, this guy is absolutely mammoth.  
One weakness he does have though is a low Hp total, despite his size he is far 
from a devastating overpowering enemy.  You'll need to use all your best combos 
here, and hopefully you won't have too much trouble, because if you do you won't
stand a chance for what's next.

Defeat Crosell within one minute:

300% cancel bonuses will make this possible, since he has many elemental 
strengths have Fayt equipped with Side Kick numerous times and combo it until he
drops.  You'll have little time for healing here so form your only defense with 
your best offense.

Defeat Crosell without taking damage:

For this I'd recommend not even planning to win the next battle.  Just take it 
easy and stay as far away from possible, supporting with healing items.  He has 
less than 30,000 Hp so you won't need to hang out for too long.

After the fight, a quick conversation.


Name: Crosell                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 62,000                               Half: Earth, Wind, Fire
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 103                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 12,000                                     
Fol: 35,000                                     
Drop: Ring of Vigor (100%)               

Boss Strategies:

This is where it gets really hard, he has more than double the Hp and no 
problems pounding out hits that deal more than half your max health.  Cancel 
bonuses are made almost impossible to keep up without being stomped on, and 
every few seconds he'll fly into the air flapping his wings absolutely 
devastating the Mp of you entire party.  Your best chance is a continuous steady
attack getting damage in wherever possible and just basically focus on keeping 
everyone alive.  Be sure to have lots of Mp healing items, you'll need them.

Watch the scene following the battle.

| I - lv - Castle Aquaria |--------------------------------------------(Ilvde)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A
Enemies: N/A
The first thing to do when you have control is head North, then to the first 
floor to save your game!  You now need to speak with everyone in your party.

- Cliff is in the front hall of the castle
- Nel is in her room on the East side (above your room)
- Maria is in the castle chapel
- Albel is on the main road of Aquios
- Roger is in the grocer's
- Mirage is in your room
- Adray is on the bottom floor on the right across from Nel's room

Afterwards go to the balcony on the second floor (South of the throne room) and 
a scene will occur.  This scene is extremely long.

| I - lvi - Flagship Diplo |-------------------------------------------(Ilvef)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A
Enemies: N/A
If you haven't been using Maria much up till now, it's time to start, since 
everyone else is gone other than Cliff.  You can save and heal in the rooms
marked purple.  Go into the furthest North room to trigger an event.  Soon you 
will be prompted to save your data.  It's finally time to switch to disc 2.

*                                   Disc 2                             (IIIIB) *

| II - i - Flagship Diplo |--------------------------------------------(IIiab)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A
Enemies: N/A
After the swap, watch the scene.  When you finally have control again speak to 
virtually everyone on the ship.  Along the way before you even finish you're 
likely to be interrupted by a transmission.  When you are, head to the upper 
deck, save your game, and enter the transporter at the South.  Watch the scene.

| II - ii - Kirlsa Training Facility |---------------------------------(IIiib)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A
Enemies: Stinger, Mechafly Xp, Vendeeni Soldier
You'll have to fight some normal soldiers, but it's nothing major.  Following 
the battle is another event.

Heal and save at the save point.  Head all the way down to the first floor and 
take the elevator to the 4th.  Save your game at the end of the hall and head 
South for an event.


Name: Biwig                              Weak: Earth
Hp: 26,000                               Half: Water, Fire
Mp: 13,816                               Immune: N/A
Level: 50                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 190                                        
Fol: 14                                         
Drop: Ring of Vigor (100%)               

Name: Vendeeni Soldier (2)               Weak: N/A
Hp: 13,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 500                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 32                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 450
Fol: 624
Drop: Machinery Materials (3%)           

Boss Strategies:

Man this guy's a real jerk, take pride in your inevitable win.  Dig the funky 
battle tune too, it all comes down to this battle.  Lucky for you Biwig is just 
a slightly upgraded Vendeeni soldier setting everything up to kill him quickly, 
use your best battle skills and physical attacks, take out the two worthless 
helpers first and then hit Biwig with all three of your party members, he won't 
even be able to move.

Defeat Biwig within 1 minute:

Simply use your best attacks like you would fighting him normally, except don't 
even touch the soldiers with him.  Another trophy you have a good chance of 
getting with little to no effort.

Defeat Biwig without taking damage:

This may be an easy battle but remember even if you take 1 damage, it still 
screws everything up.  With that in mind stay moving along the edge because the 
Vendeeni are equipped with long range weapons.  Stop every now and then to heal 
your party, but as long as you can avoid being hit you should have little 
trouble obtaining this.

After the battle prepare for an extremely long scene.

| II - iii - Battleship Aquaelie |-------------------------------------(IIiic)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Take the teleporter off of the bridge.  Exit West and go West again to take the 
next transporter.  You're free to explore the ship however you see fit.  There's
numerous things to do.  There is an event with Maria in one of the room of the 
Southwest corridor on the lower deck.  

* Speak with Sophia in the room right below Maria (Private Action)

At the South of this corridor is a game room, which gives you access to two 
shops as well as a workshop.

Fayt's room is the upper right room in the Southeast corridor.  Save and get 
some rest, then watch the scene.

Head to the bridge for the next event.  Head South of the main corridor and take
the transporter to Moonbase.

| II - iv - Moonbase |-------------------------------------------------(IIivd)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: 32,000 Fol, Ripe Berries (3), Ablative Armor, Trading Card 1, Trading 
     Card EX1, Blackberries, Life Saver, Sunrise Dictionary, Carbonite Armor, 
     Synthesis Materials, Jewel of Alertness, Magical Berries, 19,000 Fol, 
     24,000 Fol, Perfect Berries, Aquaberries, Mind Saver
Enemies: Destroyer, Incapacitator, L2 Stinger, Mini-Fly
* Armorer "Rukumundo Antique Shop" *
Ceramic Sword........................................................ 32,000 Fol
Ceramic Gauntlet..................................................... 35,000 Fol
Broad Axe............................................................ 15,800 Fol
Clown Shoes.......................................................... 32,000 Fol
Magician's Rod....................................................... 21,000 Fol
Flaming Gun.......................................................... 37,000 Fol
Ceramic Dagger....................................................... 32,000 Fol
Titanium Claw........................................................ 35,000 Fol
Ablative Armor....................................................... 33,200 Fol
Carbonite Armor...................................................... 30,000 Fol
* Shopping Center *
Physical Enhancer....................................................... 800 Fol
Mental Enhancer........................................................ 1000 Fol
Analeptic.............................................................. 3000 Fol
Basil.................................................................... 20 Fol
Sage..................................................................... 20 Fol
Lavender................................................................. 20 Fol
Clone Generator......................................................... 350 Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol
Head West out to the transporter for another scene.  Follow the path to the 
centre for yet another scene.  Save your game at the save point to the East and 
East again.  From the central area here you can enter the equipment shop to the 
North.  To the South is the Shopping Center.

Now, from the central area take the Northwest path.  Take the first branch right
and go down the elevator.  In here collect the chest containing 32,000 Fol.  Go 
back up the elevator.  Go down and continue Northwest along the path to the next

Go to the central area here.  Go up the North branch to find Ablative Armor in 
the chest.  Head Northeast and open the chest containing Ripe Berries.  Go West 
(this will take you to a boss so be ready) to trigger a scene.


Name: Proclaimer                         Weak: Wind
Hp: 50,000                               Half: Earth, Water, Fire
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 70                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 6000                                       
Fol: 4900                                       
Drop: Alchemy Materials (3%)             

Boss Strategies:

This is a boss capable of dealing a fair bit of both Hp and Mp damage.  Stay on 
your guard, when it starts to look like it's charging up you have two options, 
interrupt or try to avoid it.  Interrupting is obviously the better bet because 
it gets damage off and protects your party members, be sire to use circle button
attacks and battle skills often.  If you upgraded your weapons here, 50,000 Hp 
will seem like a lot, but it's really no problem.

Defeat Proclaimer within 1 minute:

This is fairly easy if you chose the option of interrupting the attacks rather 
than running from them.  There's little chance you have of stopping her from 
letting off a quick hit, but at least you'll prevent her from doing something 
too big.  By the time you've gotten the hang of the fight you'll probably get 
the trophy pretty quick.

Defeat Proclaimer without taking damage:

Simply be sure your other two party members are equipped with the latest 
equipment.  If you have stun bombs in your inventory they will help since you 
won't be right up there to interrupt the attacks yourself.  Keep your hand ready
to use an item and avoid any attack that comes your way like you would any other

After the battle watch the scene.  Go North from where you fought the boss and 
open the chest to find Trading Card 1.  Exit this section to the West.

Head to the central area and go North to find a chest containing Trading Card 
EX1.  Grab the chest at the Northwest for Blackberries.  Now go down the 
elevator to the South.  Get the Life Saver from the chest and head back up.  
Exit this section to the Southwest.  Follow the path to the end to find a 
treasure box containing a Sunrise Dictionary.  Go back to the last section and 
exit to the Southeast this time.  Follow the path along until you come to a 
junction, head up and open the chest to find a Carbonite Armor.  Exit this 
section to the West and continue West until you find a chest containing 
Synthesis Materials.  Go back East, in the next exit take the first path South 
then the first one Northeast.  You'll find a large chest containing NC Program 
Disk.  Now exit this map to the Southwest.

Take the first branch Northwest and near the two large enemies you'll find a 
chest with Magical Berries inside.  Follow the path Southwest to the central 
area.  Grab the chest containing a Jewel of Alertness on the left of the 
elevator, and Ripe Berries on the right,  Now go down the elevator.

In this room find Ripe Berries on the left side, and Magical Berries on the 
right.  Go back up the elevator.  Take the Northeast path, then the first 
Southeast path.  Then the first West path, then you should be in the centre.  
From the centre take the Southeast path and get the chest containing 19,000 Fol.
Go back to the centre and head down the elevator on the West side.  Down here 
you will find two chests containing 24,000 Fol and Perfect Berries.

Go back up and exit this map to the East.  In the centre of this area, on the 
lower right side of the thing in the middle is a chest containing Aquaberries.  
Take the path Southeast then the first path Southwest and go down the elevator.
Grab the Mind Saver here.  Return up the elevator and exit this map to the 
Northeast.  This place should look familiar, go into the room where you met 
Peppita and save!

To get to your destination from the central square go in the following 

- Northwest
- West
- Southeast
- East (You have to take the long way around)

Here is an elevator and a save point.  Save and descend.  Watch the scene.  
Afterwards head back to the main area near the shops and another scene occurs.  

You will now have to option of recruiting Peppita.  If you do, you will not be 
able to recruit any of the other characters after this point.  If you choose not
to take her you can still make one more choice between Nel, Albel and Roger.  
You decide.

The storeroom in the bar can only be accessed with Peppita.

Now leave Moonbase.

| II - v - Battleship Aquaelie |---------------------------------------(IIvef)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Return to the bridge of the Aquaelie to initiate another scene.  

*Submitted by ayce_shade:  In the Aquilae after the Moonbase after the Commodore
tells you to get some rest prior to Styx, there's an accessible scene with 
Sophia in her room (2nd door West).

Afterwards return to your room to rest.  Now run back to the bridge and 
watch a scene.  Head to the main transporter for one more event.  After, 
exit the shuttle for yet another scene.

| II - vi - Planet Styx |----------------------------------------------(IIvif)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A
Enemies: Enforcer, Lv2 Robo Gunner, Mini Fly, Proclaimer
Use the heal pad, and save your game.  There are no treasure chests to collect 
here so what you're looking to do is head North, while staying on the West side.

On the next section continue to head North while staying towards the middle.  
Approach the gate and watch a scene.

| II - vii - Arkives |-------------------------------------------------(IIvig)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: Authentication Disk, 35,000 Fol, Jewel of Alertness, Physical Enhancer,
     Ripe Berries (2)
Enemies: N/A
* Cosup *
Ceramic Sword........................................................ 32,000 Fol
Ceramic Gauntlet..................................................... 35,000 Fol
Broad Axe............................................................ 15,800 Fol
Clown Shoes.......................................................... 32,000 Fol
Magician's Rod....................................................... 21,000 Fol
Flaming Gun.......................................................... 37,000 Fol
Ceramic Dagger....................................................... 32,000 Fol
Titanium Claw........................................................ 35,000 Fol
Ablative Armor....................................................... 33,200 Fol
Carbonite Armor...................................................... 30,000 Fol
* The Amazing Don Quixote *
Physical Enhancer....................................................... 800 Fol
Mental Enhancer........................................................ 1000 Fol
Analeptic.............................................................. 3000 Fol
Basil.................................................................... 20 Fol
Sage..................................................................... 20 Fol
Lavender................................................................. 20 Fol
Clone Generator......................................................... 350 Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol
After the long scene you'll be thrust into a battle with some soldiers, they die
in one hit pretty much but they're so annoying!  Get caught in between the 
blasts of two guns and watch yourself be juggled until death, very odd fight.

Watch the rest of the scene.  When you have control again read the following to 
collect the treasure.

Enter the house to next door to the West of Flad's house (you have to go down 
and around.)  Inside grab the chest containing 35,000 Fol.  Directly South of 
that house, is another house with a chest inside containing a Jewel of 
Alertness.  South of THAT house contains a chest with a Physical Enhancer.  The 
house at the Southwest (to the right of the VR station) contains Cooking 
Ingredients.  The two houses at the Northwest containing one chest each, Ripe 
Berries and another Ripe Berries.

When you're ready, step onto the portal in the centre of town.

In this area, at the Southwest is a shop, as well as the Northeast.  Head into 
the teleporter on the West side and go up to watch a scene.  Afterwards enter 
the station in the middle.

| II - viii - Gemity |-------------------------------------------------(IIvih)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A
Enemies: N/A
* Armorer "Ramul's Workshop of Weaponry" *
Laser Weapon......................................................... 42,500 Fol
Ablative Shield...................................................... 46,000 Fol
Ceramic Sword........................................................ 32,000 Fol
Ceramic Gauntlet..................................................... 35,000 Fol
Poleaxe.............................................................. 43,000 Fol
Clown Shoes.......................................................... 32,000 Fol
Magician's Rod....................................................... 21,000 Fol
Flaming Gun.......................................................... 37,000 Fol
Ceramic Dagger....................................................... 32,000 Fol
Titanium Claw........................................................ 35,000 Fol
Ablative Armor....................................................... 33,200 Fol
Carbonite Armor...................................................... 30,000 Fol
* Outfitter "Muscle Garden" *
Physical Enhancer....................................................... 800 Fol
Mental Enhancer........................................................ 1000 Fol
Analeptic.............................................................. 3000 Fol
Basil.................................................................... 20 Fol
Sage..................................................................... 20 Fol
Lavender................................................................. 20 Fol
Life Saver............................................................. 4800 Fol
Mind Saver............................................................. 4800 Fol
Rapid Invocation..................................................... 22,400 Fol
Keen Kitchen Knife................................................... 55,000 Fol
Clone Generator......................................................... 350 Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol
* Outfitter "The Princess's Test Site Pharmacy *

Physical Enhancer....................................................... 800 Fol
Mental Enhancer........................................................ 1000 Fol
Analeptic.............................................................. 3000 Fol
Basil.................................................................... 20 Fol
Sage..................................................................... 20 Fol
Lavender................................................................. 20 Fol
Pomello Juice....................................................... 25,000+ Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol
* Eatery "Unalterable Past *
Apple Pie............................................................... 400 Fol
Steamed Bun............................................................. 200 Fol
Cooking Ingredients..................................................... 120 Fol
Head up, save your game and go North for an event.  Go North again.  Here you 
can compete in all sorts of events.  The North is the battle arena, Northwest 
and Northeast are Runic Chess, Southwest and Southeast are the bunny races.  
Finally the two portals on either side of the middle are the Eternal Sphere 

Check out the minigames and sidequests sections for more information about 

** Email submission (from Bryan R)

In the town of Gemity, where you come in from Arkives, directly behind
that building is three chests containing Ripe Berries, Book of
Prophecies vol. 5, and Rapid Invocation.  ***

Be sure you've done everything you want to do in Gemity before you enter.  Go 
into the portal and speak to the person at the terminal to start the scene.  
When you have control, speak to everyone then talk to Maria again.

Choose to head to Elicoor II.

| II - ix - Elicoor II |-----------------------------------------------(IIixi)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A
Enemies: N/A
If you didn't recruit Peppita, now is the time to recruit your 8th party member.

For Roger:

- Head to Surferio and find Roger.  You have three choices here.  The first 
recruits him, the second denies him and the third leaves it open to get him 
later assuming you don't get anyone else.

For Nel:

- Head to Castle Aquaria and find Nel in her room.  When speaking to her, tell 
her you don't have time to talk in order to recruit her.

For Albel:

- Head to Walter's mansion in Kirlsa and speak with him.  He tells you to go to 
the Urssa Lava Caves, head there to find Albel, but you must defeat him to get 
him to join you.  His specs for this point in the game are as follows, but if 
you wait till later to go, he can become even stronger as indicated:

Name: Albel 2                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 50,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 10,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 80                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000                                       
Fol: 13,000                                  
Drop: Demon's Symbol (100%)              

Name: Albel 3                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 120,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 60,000                               Immune: N/A
Level:                                   Drain: N/A
Exp: 6000                                       
Fol: 26,000                                     
Drop: Philosopher's Symbol               

Name: Albel 4                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 340,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 120,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 200                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 20,000                                     
Fol: 130,000                                    
Drop: Boots of Prowess (100%)            

**Note: These show his increasing stats through late in the game, it is not 
three bosses in a row.


Return to Gemity when you finish for a scene.

| II - x - Gemity |----------------------------------------------------(IIxjk)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Head to the station where you transported from Arkives and watch the event.  
Head down and save your game, then talk to the person saying you wish to be 
taken to the Sphere company.

| II - xi - Sphere Company |-------------------------------------------(IIxik)-o

Map Completion: 1/1 Scale Bunny
Items: Perfect Berries, Ripe Berries, Synthesis Materials, Wind Pixie, Physical
     Enhancer, Dremela's Tool Set, Uninstaller, Blueberries, Blackberries, 
     Fruity Potion, Vendurous Potion, Resurrection Elixir, AI Program, Mental
     Enhancer, Laser Weapon, Ceramic Gauntlet, Trading Card 2
Enemies: 4D Security Soldier, Incapacitator 4, Lv3 Robo Gunner, Security Soldier
Watch the events when you enter.  You'll be thrust into a battle with more of 
those annoying soldiers.  Afterwards...


Name: Azazer                             Weak: Fire
Hp: 99,000                               Half: Earth, Water
Mp: 9000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 15,000                                     
Fol: 78,000                                     
Drop: Charm of Tranquility (100%)        

Boss Strategies:

Azazer is entirely Mp damaging, he doesn't care one bit about your Hp, so keep a
close eye on people like Cliff during this battle.  You're almost definitely 
going to need some Blackberries, or more powerful healing agents to stay alive.
With the new Laser Weapons from Gemity fortunately, the damage you should be 
dishing out is likely going to be enough to take him down before he can wipe you

Defeat Azazer within 1 minute:

As previously mentioned the new weapons from Gemity will speed this battle 
tremendously, or even more so if you have upgraded customized weapons.  Forget 
healing, take him out before he can manage to bring anyone down to 0 Mp, you 
just don't have to time to keep track of everyone's totals while still staying 
under a minute.

Defeat Azazer without taking damage:

Your job for this trophy is to stand in a corner with the cursor saving on 
Mental Enhancers, just keep using them again and again and again on your other 
two party members until the trophy triumphantly appears on your screen.

Save your game and heal.  The exit to the room is Northwest of the save.

First Floor:

This floor has no chests and is very linear.  If you take a left at the very 
first fork it is virtually a one way path to the exit (all junctions that look 
like 2-way splits actually reach a dead end almost immediately in one of the 

Second Floor:

From the first room exit to the East,  Follow the path up ignoring the first 
branch until you reach a left/right split, head West.  Go straight to the end 
where you will find a chest containing Perfect Berries, then go up the stairs.

Third Floor:

Start upward and enter the first path left.  The chest in this room contains a 
Mental Enhancer.  Go back and exit to the Northwest from the main path. Again in
the next room exit West the first chance you get.  From here head North to find 
a chest containing Ripe Berries, then South twice to find a chest containing 
Synthesis Materials.  Return to the path and go North, in this room head to the 
right a bit and go South.  Grab the chest containing Analeptic and go up.

Fourth Floor:

When you get to the top of the stairs exit to the East.  Head up at the split.  
When you're following the path to the West through the red tunnels, take the 
first North you come by.  Go all the way to the top and into the room to find a 
Wind Pixie.  On your way back down take the path that branches right, just above
the main path.  At the end there is a room with two chests containing Physical 
Enhancer and Dremela's Tool Set.  Return to the main path and continue West.  Go
South then East to reach the stairs to the next floor.

Fifth Floor:

Save your game here.  Head North, then West and follow the path to trigger a 
scene.  Head South twice to continue it.  After the scene you receive the 
uninstaller.  Speak to Shar, the person on the West side of the room and she'll 
tell you to get items from her sister.  Go to the girl sitting in the seat at 
the Northeast and she'll give you Blueberries, Blackberries, Fruity Potion, 
Vendurous Potion, Resurrection Elixir, and AI Program.  Talk to her again to 
open a shop:

* Debugging Mode *

Clone Generator......................................................... 350 Fol
Basil.................................................................... 20 Fol
Sage..................................................................... 20 Fol
Lavender................................................................. 20 Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol
Physical Enhancer....................................................... 800 Fol
Mental Enhancer........................................................ 1000 Fol
Analeptic.............................................................. 3000 Fol

Speak to the person in the chair to the South to get healed.  Exit to the West 
to trigger another scene.


Name: Belzeber                           Weak: Earth
Hp: 62,000                               Half: Wind, Fire
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 59                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 9000                                       
Fol: 17,500                                     
Drop: N/A                            

Name: Berial                             Weak: Wind
Hp: 70,000                               Half: Earth, Water
Mp: 5000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 59                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 9000                                       
Fol: 17,500                                     
Drop: Scholar's Bracelet (100%)          

Boss Strategies:

You are virtually required to go after Belzeber first, he holds a giant rocket 
launcher he sees no problems casually whipping out and using at a distance, 
don't give him that distance advantage, don't let him use the thing at all.  
Berial will annoy you with his whip but it's nothing compared to the rockets 
you'd be eating if you fought him first.  Use your most powerful attacks, and 
the same basic tactics that have worked for you on most bosses up to this point.

Defeat Berial & Belzeber within 1 minute:

This one isn't too hard because it's the damage you take that makes it hard, not
the time it takes to damage them.  With reasonable levelling and cancel bonuses 
you'll find you're actually more focused on staying alive than finishing the 
battle fast, because it shouldn't take too long anyway.

Defeat Berial & Belzeber without taking damage:

This one is harder because you have a big disadvantage, you can't choose to go 
after Belzeber first if you aren't fighting.  You may need to pre-plan with a 
team formation that will set your teammates closer to Belzeber at the start of 
the fight and have them target him (actually for me they went after him first on
the default formation.)  If they go after Berial first, your chances of them 
surviving are slim to nil, and even you might find yourself at the mercy of a 
rocket blast eliminating your chance to take no damage,  Otherwise make sure 
they target Belzeber, and keep moving at all time stopping occasionally to help 
with some Perfect Berries.

Following the fight watch the scene and head East.  In the main room now is a 
save point, so save your game.  Head North to where the first scene occurred on 
this floor and now you can head West.  Exit the hallway West.  In the next room 
go South.  The room on the upper right here has a treasure box with a Laser 
Weapon in it, the room at the lower right contains a Mental Enhancer.  Go back 
North to the square room and head Northeast.

Follow the path to the next room, it contains four treasure chests, a Ceramic 
Gauntlet, Ripe Berries, Synthesis Materials and Trading Card 2.  Exit this room 
to the Northwest (be sure to take the path actually leading in the Northwest 
direction, there's another exit at the Northwest leading to an empty room.)

Examine the control panel and turn on the elevator.  Return to the top of the 
stairs and save your game.  The room North of the stairs, on the East side has 
two elevators that are now active.  

At this point it is now possible to explore floors 6 through 100, there are a 
few good items to get.  For more information on exploring these 95 floors, as 
well as the other 110 after you beat the game, check out the sidequests section.

Take the elevator to floor 211.  Go North, West, North, East and save your game 
and heal.  Head North to trigger a scene.

| II - xii - Planet Styx |---------------------------------------------(IIxil)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A
Enemies: Convictor, Incapacitator 4, Lv3 Robo Gunner, Phantom Striker, Yuan-ti
The scene continues.


Name: Proclaimer                         Weak: Earth
Hp: 65,000                               Half: Water, Wind
Mp: 4000                                 Immune: Fire
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 12,000                                     
Fol: 23,400                                     
Drop: N/A                                

Boss Strategies:

This fight is no different from the last Proclaimer you fought, you mainly have 
to watch out for being Mp killed.  Something good to keep in mind for this fight
is that right After it you're going to fight another boss without the chance to 
heal, so if you're about to finish the thing off, be sure you do it with a good 
amount of health.

Short scene following the battle.


Name: Enforcer                           Weak: Wind
Hp: 82,000                               Half: Earth, Fire
Mp: 35,000                               Immune: Water
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 15,000
Fol: 24
Drop: Jewel of Refuge (4%)               Location: Styx
      Crafting Materials (3%)

Boss Strategies:

Watch out for his Hp killing capabilities.  He has some powerful attacks but 
lucky for you he's slow.  He also has the ability to confuse your party so if 
that happens be sure to go on the defensive for a bit until you can gain control
of him again.  Stay behind as much as possible and his most powerful attacks 
should miss you.

More scene after this fight.


Name: Convictor                          Weak: Earth
Hp: 120,000                              Half: Wind
Mp: 10,000                               Immune: Water, Fire
Level: 64                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 24,000                                     
Fol: 46,300                                     
Drop: Jewel of Refuge (4%)               

Boss Strategies:

This is probably the hardest boss since Crosell (and the first boss I got game 
over against since the crab in the aqueducts) so be prepared.  Not to mention he
comes right after two other fights.  His whirlwind is unbelievably annoying in 
its ability to deal large amounts of Hp damage and Mp damage, leaving you with 
little choice but to heal both.  Not only that he keeps making whirlwinds over 
and over again.  You may have to play very defensively for this battle and 
sacrifice a fair number of items.

Defeat Convictor within 1 minute:

What makes this one hard is that you have to completely drop my suggestion of 
being defensive, which should land you right in the middle of his attacks all 
the time.  Since you don't have time to heal be sure you healed to the max at 
the previous battle.  Use your most powerful attacks to do your best to wipe him
out before the need to heal comes about.

Defeat Convictor without taking damage:

This one is slightly easier than the quick win because it allows you to play 
defensively form a distance, keeping tabs on your other two members,  The fight 
might take longer than you're used to but being alone and having the ability to 
use Mental Enhancers at the drop of a hat will keep the Convictor from being 
able to do any serious damage.  Just make sure you aren't hit.

After the battle watch the scene.  Save and heal at the two points then head 
South.  When you exit the map to the South an event occurs.

After the earthquake the path has become thinner, more linear but twisting.  
Just make sure to always head South whenever possible and eventually you'll 
reach your destination.  

| II - xiii - Flagship Diplo |-----------------------------------------(IIxim)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A
Enemies: N/A
After the scene, leave the bridge for another quick conversation as you head 
South.  Go all the way South and save your game in sick bay.  After speak to 
everyone on the ship (and I mean everyone) after finding it almost impossible to
continue the progress by speaking to Mirage it was the random NPC walking in 
sick bay that did it for me.  Anyways, speak to Mirage on the bridge and another
event will follow.

Mirage is now a permanent member of your party.  Head South to the transporter 
and watch the scene.

Head North from where you land to reach Aquios.

| II - xiv - Sacred City of Aquios |-----------------------------------(IIxin)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Head to the throne room of Castle Aquaria to trigger a scene.  After the 
conversation, leave.

If you didn't recruit Adray before he will now be a permanent member of your 

If you did the Rumina and Ruddle sidequest (sidequests section) then their shop 
is now open with the best buyable equipment in the game:

* Supreme Shop *

Mythril Sword........................................................ 47,500 Fol
Ice Falchion......................................................... 61,500 Fol
Gravity Laser........................................................ 35,500 Fol
Saint's Halberd...................................................... 35,500 Fol
Biter................................................................ 48,800 Fol
Crest Gauntlet....................................................... 37,500 Fol
Lunatic Shoes........................................................ 36,000 Fol
Adept's Staff........................................................ 29,500 Fol
Battle Armor......................................................... 49,500 Fol
Battle Chain Mail.................................................... 38,000 Fol
Wizard's Robe........................................................ 19,000 Fol
Clone Generator......................................................... 350 Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol

Go to your room and save, then descend the stairs in the chapel.  

| II - xv - Sealed Cavern |--------------------------------------------(IIxvo)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Make your way to the Shrine of Kaddan. A scene occurs as you approach it.


Name: Lesser Eye                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 230,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 56,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 65                                Drain: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Exp: 30,000                                     
Fol: 84,500                                     
Drop: Synthesis Materials (100%)         

Boss Strategies:

This boss is slow, and his attacks are far between.  There are only two things 
difficult about him:  First, he has a lot of Hp.  Second, all his attacks are 
rather pathetic, then you might notice a red circle on the ground, quickly run!
This attack is devastating, but if you survive it you should have lots of time 
to recover.

Head North into the Shrine of Kaddan.

| II - xvi - Shrine of Kaddan |----------------------------------------(IIxvp)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: Sacred Orb
You've been here before so follow the main path, be sure to save at the first 
point you come to.  When you enter the door after it, there is a scene.


Name: Dark Armor (2)                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 67,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: Fire
Level: 59                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 10,000                                     
Fol: 39,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                

Boss Strategies:

Watch out for the massive Hp damage they inflict.  You're best bet here is to 
focus on one at a time, but that becomes hard since it's not easy to distinguish
between them.  This is sort of like a beefed up version of a random battle, use 
the same tactics you would for any other fight.  There's no big secret here.

Defeat Dark Armor within 1 minute:

Side Kick works absolutely beautifully, especially cancel bonused to 300%, you 
have a very good chance at hitting all three of them at once and with mass 
damage like that, there's no way it'll take you longer than one minute.  
Actually building it up without being knocked back by a giant hammer is what 
you'll have to be worrying most about.

Defeat Dark Armor without taking damage:

This is pretty easy to do, since they only deal Hp damage (albeit a lot of it) 
the battle map is pretty much designed for you to hide in the lower corner and 
use Perfect Berries over and over again.  Easy no?

After the battle save your game and continue through the shrine.  Along the way 
you'll encounter another event.


Name: Crystal Statue                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 168,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 10,000                               Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 69                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 15,000                                     
Fol: 33                                         
Drop: Compounding Elixirs (3%)           

Boss Strategies:

This boss really doesn't have any powerful attacks like previous bosses, in fact
he's just a not much harder version of the previous crystal statues.  If you 
were able to defeat the Dark Armors, you can defeat him.

Defeat Crystal Statue within 1 minute:

For such an easy boss you'd be surprised how not easy this is.  He has a lot of 
Hp and it seems like a lot of multi-hit attacks only hit him once or so unless 
you have him cornered, so the easy answer is try to corner him, but the easy 
answer isn't so easy.  Use your most powerful battle skills and try to cancel 
bonus them as high as possible.  At this point in the game I have little along 
the line of Mp damagers so by all means if that works better for this (or any 
upcoming) boss trophy then you should take advantage of it.

Defeat Crystal Statue without taking damage:

This is very similar to the same task with the armor, except you'll probably 
have to find you're healing even less often.  The hardest part of this challenge
is the patience you need as you watch from afar while doing virtually nothing.

Make sure you go back to save your game.  Continue on further toward the end of 
the shrine so find another scene.


Name: Dark Eye                           Weak: N/A
Hp: 330,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 56,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 70                                Drain: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Exp: 50,000                                     
Fol: 110,000                                    
Drop: N/A                                

Boss Strategies:

This has to be one of the most annoying bosses in the universe, and he isn't 
even that hard.  The fact that he has so much Hp/Mp, couple with the fact that 
he can just fly away whenever he feels like it makes for probably the longest 
boss fight yet.  Fortunately his only attack with the red circle is easy to 
dodge (though your party members are to stupid to do so) but there isn't a huge 
danger of actually getting game over, just taking a really really long time...

Defeat Dark Eye within 1 minute:

If you read the strategy you probably already know the bad news, and this 
challenge is as hard as you might think it is.  Most definitely the hardest time
challenge yet you're pitted against a boss with huge life totals that you can't 
even hurt half the time, not to mention you may spend a good bit of that time 
encased in stone if you aren't careful.  Use Maria if possible to hit it with 
ranged attacks while it's out of reach for you and use the time it is rising up 
for two things:  Recharging fury and raising your cancel bonus to 300%, it 
doesn't matter that you aren't hitting him, hopefully it will still be at 300% 
when he returns to the ground.  Did I mention that his attacks heal him and that
he usually has 100% fury when returning to the ground?  Good freaking luck.

Defeat Dark Eye without taking damage:

Just like the normal fight except it takes even longer.  Here's a tip for this 
battle, don't heal your party.  Dark Eye's red circle attack drains Hp/Mp but it
can't drain it if your party doesn't have it, so they're actually fairly safe at
1 life.  Obviously for this tactic you'll need a lot of reviving items since he 
does have other attacks, but it'll speed things up since he won't be constantly 

Continue up to the save point and save your game.  Enter the North room and 
examine the orb for a scene.  When you have the sacred orb return to Aquios.  
There's an event when you reach the throne room.

Time to head to Mosel, that's West of Peterny to Surferio, to Mosel.  Be sure to
save in Surferio.  When you leave Surferio if you took him temporarily before, 
Adray should permanently join now.

Head through the Passage from Parch to Plenty for a scene at the end.

| II - xvii - Mosel Dunes |--------------------------------------------(IIxvq)-o

Map Completion: N/A
Items: N/A

Name: Chimera                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 200,000                              Half: Fire, Wind
Mp: 28,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 75                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 17,000                                     
Fol: 5000                                       
Drop: War God's Symbol (100%)            
      Cooking Ingredients (3%)

Boss Strategies:

Another boss battle that isn't particularly hard, but it's no cakewalk.  The 
Chimera has some powerful attacks so don't underestimate it, try and stay behind
it to avoid the fire breath, but in doing so be careful because it puts you in 
range of the paralyzing tail.  Try and knock it in the air and do your best 
combos to keep it from attacking as best you can, it likely won't be too hard a 

Defeat Chimera within 1 minute:

This is a bit of a challenge to do, but very possible.  The best tip I can give 
is to be very careful with your X attacks and battle skills (if at this point 
you haven't figured out battle skills on the circle button break guards, you 
just learned something.)  He seems to have full fury most of the time so you run
the risk of spending too much time stunned to defeat him in the allotted time.

Defeat Chimera without taking damage:

I find that the computer players seem to have a bit of trouble defeating this 
thing by themselves, they can, it just takes a long time.  Give them a hand by 
equipping them with equipment with protection from paralysis and be sure you 
bring lots of items to heal.

Run to the North tip of the Mosel Dunes and save your game.  Enter the ruins.

| II - xviii - Ancient Ruins of Mosel |--------------------------------(IIxvr)-o

Map Completion: 1/1 Scale Bunny
Items: Blueberries (2), Cooking Ingredients, 160,000 Fol, Ripe Berries, Smithery
     Materials, Trading Card EX6, Synthesis Materials (4), Smithery Materials,
     Magical Berries, Trading Card 4, Decrepit Tome, Star Guard, Blemished
     Textbook, Perfect Berries
Enemies: Aquaregia, Current Rider, Dorado, Rainbow Core, Will o' the Wisp, 
     Greater Demon, Poisonous Lobster, Yellow Wisp
Go and save at the save point before the conference room.  When you enter there 
is a scene.


Name: Stone Golem                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 300,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 20,000                               Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 60,000                                     
Fol: 71,000                                     
Drop: Synthesis Materials (100%)         

Boss Strategies:

The Stone Golem's size is no indicator of his power, his attacks are slow and 
not too strong for that matter.  It gives you a good change to build combos
without being interrupted, so use this to your advantage and heal whenever 

Defeat Stone Golem within 1 minute:

He has a lot of life, but at this point in the game you should be capable of 
dishing out this amount of damage in less than a minute.  If you see his fury 
bar slowly rising, use one of the times you have your cancel bonus interrupted 
as an opportunity to shatter his shield.

Defeat Stone Golem without taking damage:

This trophy is similar to the one vs the Crystal Statue, as he only deals Hp 
damage and at a controllable rate, patience is your only strategy here.  Also 
note that Fayt's high level Symbology is a great help to speed things up.

The following is actually completely optional but leads to many good rewards.  
If you wish to do it check out the sidequests section now.

Head down the West stairs and watch the event, then the next one.

Exit Firewall right after you enter.  There are two chests here containing 
Synthesis Materials and Perfect Berries.  This is really your last chance to do 
any last minute shopping and item crating, you're going to need powerful 
equipment so if you haven't synthesized some new weapons with Orichalcum now's 
the time to do it.  Check out the item creation section for more information.

| II - xix - Firewall |------------------------------------------------(IIxis)-o

Map Completion: 1/60 Scale Bunny
Items: N/A
Enemies: Attack Bat, Elder Eye, Lv4 Robo Gunner, Masque, Stalker
There's no treasure in here so don't worry too much about going exploring, just 
follow these directions to get off the first section.  Go West, continue 
forward, take your first left (West), continue North, continue through to 
the exit of this passageway, and then take the North exit.

Watch out for the polyhedrons, they are not enemies but tools to send you back 
to the beginning of the room.  You cannot go through dark blue doors, so start 
by heading East into the lower door.  Go up to the top of this room and exit 
West.  Go North to the top of this room and head West.  Here, go North again and
you'll come to a fork, enter the door on the right. Go along to the end and head
South, then go East.  Make your way to the Northwest corner and exit the room to
the North.  Head to the Northeast corner here and exit East.  You'll find an odd
looking switch, run into the centre to activate it, then leave the room.  The 
West exit is now available so go that way.

Go West, then down, and continue to follow the path West through a door which 
closes behind you.  Head West and you can save your game.  Go back to the door 
that just closed and head North.  Ignore the first branch leading East and 
the second branch leading South then you'll reach a fork.  Go North, then at the
next fork go North again.  Follow this path to the very end without going off 
and you'll reach a door you can enter leading North.

Exit North in this room as well, then East.  Then go to the East side to find 
another switch to activate.  Exit this room via the way you came in and return 
all the way to the save point, that switch opened the door beside it.  Save and 
enter that door.  Watch the scene inside.


Name: Battlecopter                       Weak: Water
Hp: 200,000                              Half: Fire
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 20,000                                     
Fol: 53,000                                     
Drop: Machinery Materials (3%)           

Boss Strategies:

For a boss at this point in the game he doesn't have too much Hp, so being 
offensive and trying to get rid of him before he becomes a problem is a good 
idea.  He is similar to the Dark Eye in that he can raise above the ground but 
he seems to do it a lot less often.  Stay behind him to avoid his rapidfire, and
back off when he raises up because he will rain fire on you.  Other than that 
just hit him till he dies.

Defeat Battlecopter within 1 minute:

As previously mentioned this boss has a fairly low Hp total so that will 
definitely help you get this trophy. The only real problem is that when he rises
you can't hurt him but again, use that as an opportunity to build your cancel 

Defeat Battlecopter without taking damage:

Stay on one end by yourself an keep assisting with Deep Freeze.  You may need to
use your Magical Berries to keep your characters alive, but they're important so
after you get the trophy load your save to get them back.  Other than that you 
don't have to worry about Mp so just focus on keeping your characters alive.

After the battle save your game and enter the teleporter.  Then watch the event.

| II - xx - Spiral Tower |---------------------------------------------(IIxxt)-o

Map Completion: 1/60 Scale Bunny
Items: Trading Card 3, Blackberries (2), Efreet Crystal (2), Worn-Out Textbook,
     Fenrir's Crystal (2), Bunny Shoes, Compounding Elixirs, Ripe Berries, 
     Synthesis Materials (2), Compounding Elixirs
Enemies: Biochimera, Blood Monster, Chimera Hawk, Death Monster, Elder Eye, 
     Masque, Ram Guardian, Auktogias, Shadow Servant
First Floor:

When you have control again head North.  You don't have any choice where to go 
through the next few rooms, it's a linear path.  Eventually you will reach a 
fork, in between is an eyeball enemy.  Here you will want to head South.  Go 
South again, then in the next room go East.  You'll find a chest here containing
Trading Card 3.  Go back one room and take the first path North to the next map.

Here you want to go through the crystals and exit to the Northeast, then East to
find a chest containing Blackberries.  Return to the room where you broke the
crystals and head West this time.  Break through here and go North at the fork.
Follow this all the way to an elevator.

Second Floor:

No treasure on this floor, save and go as far North as you can.  You'll come to 
an event.


Name: Pseudo Blair                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 100,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 13,992                               Immune: N/A
Level: 65                                Drain: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Exp: 150,000                                    
Fol: 85,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                

Boss Strategies:

This boss is extremely easy, with an Hp total as low as that you can have her 
dead in... 2-3 seconds, not only that but her attacks aren't even strong.  You 
have to go out of your way to lose this one.

Watch the following scene.  Head North to trigger another scene.

Star by heading Southwest from Blair.  At the end you'll find a crystal to 
activate and an enemy to fight.  Now return to the transporter block by Pseudo 
Blair.  Head all the way West from it to find another crystal and enemy, then 
all the way East from it to find the last crystal and enemy.  Return to Blair in
her prison and watch the scene.  Now head to the transporter in the middle for 
an event.  Go up to the next floor.

Third Floor:

Save your game here and go North.  Go North again, then East.  In this room is a
coloured door, examine it for a scene.  It will display a number, this 
corresponds to the number of turns you need to use to create this colour (purple
in this case.)  Exit the room West, then run to the end of the hall to the West 
and enter the door.  Here is where the puzzle is displayed.  Here is the 
solution to complete it (you use your Ring of Disintegration to turn them.)

- Turn the red pedestal once
- Turn the blue pedestal once

For doing it correctly you get a chest containing Efreet Crystal.

Now head back and go through the purple door.  Go down, right and up to find the
orange door.  Go South, then into a room to the South to find the block puzzle.
You have 10 turns.

- Turn the red pedestal nine times
- Turn the blue pedestal once

For doing it correctly you get a chest containing Efreet Crystal.

Go out and return to the orange door and go through.  In this room is a chest 
containing Blackberries and down to the Southeast is a chest containing a Worn-
Out Textbook.  Head all the way back to the purple door, enter the door right 
across the hall from it on the East wall.  In here examine the green door.  The 
crystals for it are North, then West of the purple door.  You have six turns:

- Turn the red pedestal three times
- Turn the blue pedestal three times

For doing it correctly you get a chest containing Fenrir's Crystal.

Return to the green door and go through to the North.  Go North again, then 
Northeast then Northeast. Enter the room to the South hand examine the red door.
You're already beside the crystals, you need to do this in 9 turns:

- Turn the blue pedestal eight times
- Turn the red pedestal once

For doing it correctly you get a chest containing Fenrir's Crystal.

In the next room there are two chests containing Perfect Berries and 62,700 Fol.
From here head North twice then enter the door leading West.  Break the crystals
blocking the door and continue West.  Go South and enter the first door leading 
West.  At the end of the hall is a yellow door, go back a little and into the 
door leading North.  You have 16 turns to complete this:

- Turn the blue pedestal fourteen times
- Turn the red pedestal twice

For doing it correctly you get a chest containing Bunny Shoes.  Go through the 
yellow door and up the elevator.

Fourth Floor:

Go up the elevator.

Fifth Floor:

Go up the elevator.

Sixth Floor:

Save your game here.  Enter the door, then go through the next one at the 
Northeast.  Take the first East branch you come to and follow it all the way to 
an outdoor room with three chests containing Compounding Elixirs, Ripe Berries 
and Synthesis Materials.

Go back to the first fork where you went East and head North.  In this room is a
broken elevator and two chests containing Synthesis Materials and Blackberries.
There's a door leading South at the Southeast here, go into it and keep going 
South.  Along the way you'll have to break a wall open to continue, past it is 
the first of three switches.  Return to the broken elevator.

Head Northeast from it and into the door.  Follow this path until you come to a 
branch leading South.  The first door leads to a room with Magical Berries in a 
chest, the second door leads to a room with Compounding Elixirs.  Go back North 
then West, break the wall and activate this switch, and return to the broken 

Head Northwest this time and follow the linear path to a wall to break and the 
final switch.  Once you activate it return to the no longer broken elevator and 
go up.

Seventh Floor:

Go up the elevator

Eighth Floor:

Go up the elevator

Ninth Floor:

Go up the elevator

Tenth Floor:

Just go North until you reach a save point.  This is the final save point in the
game.  Don't think you have to go back to do optional stuff though, the game 
allows you to do it even after beating it.  Head North through the door for a 
cutscene and an event.


Name: Luther                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 200,000                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 60,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 105                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 0                                          
Fol: 0                                          
Drop: N/A                                

Boss Strategies:

Luther has two forms, and his first one is rather easy.  He uses he spear with 
almost all his attacks and it's very easy to dodge.  Hp or Mp kill here you 
should have him out of the way in no time, just keep in mind you have to fight 
the next form without healing so do it at the end of this battle.  While he 
likes to dodge your close range battle skills, your longer range ones should 
work very well.

A scene occurs after the fight.


Name: Luther                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 400,000                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 120,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 120                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 0                                          
Fol: 0                                          
Drop: N/A                                

Boss Strategies:

He has double the Hp and Mp as the last fight, and a new arsenal of moves to 
waste you with.  You may have to play this both offensively and defensively 
depending on which attacks he's using.  400,00 Hp can be depleted fairly quickly
at this stage of the game, but not without at least taking a few hits most 
likely.  The most dangerous of all is the Insanity Prelude, taken from the guide
the strategy of manually moving all your characters out of the way as fast as 
possible is a good idea.  It doesn't matter much which direction you hit him 
from since most of his attacks are area based.  Do your best to dodge his 
attacks, but when you can't, that's why you've been saving all those berries 
(but don't use too many if you plan to keep playing after the end of the game.)
Luther can paralyze you but it's nothing big to worry about, just make sure you 
don't leave it on anyone.  Before too long, Luther should fall.

Now sit back and enjoy the ending.

You beat the game.  Good job!                  


After everything is said and done the game will automatically save your clear 
data on your card.  Now you can still fight Luther whenever you want but there's
tons of optional stuff to do, check out the sidequest and optional dungeons 
sections.  There's now a bunny at the bottom of the stairs who will teleport you

|                           ++ Optional Dungeons ++                            |

| Ancient Ruins of Mosel Underground |---------------------------------(OPiab)-o

(Items/enemies includes all areas of Mosel Dunes on disc 2)

Map Completion: 1/1 Scale Bunny
Items: Blueberries (2), Cooking Ingredients, 160,000 Fol, Ripe Berries, Smithery
     Materials, Trading Card EX6, Synthesis Materials (4), Smithery Materials,
     Magical Berries, Trading Card 4, Decrepit Tome, Star Guard, Blemished
     Textbook, Perfect Berries
Enemies: Aquaregia, Current Rider, Dorado, Rainbow Core, Will o' the Wisp, 
     Greater Demon, Poisonous Lobster, Yellow Wisp

After the Stone Golem, go down the East stairs.

When you reach the bottom go up, and head North at the first fork, then West at 
the second and take the first path South.  This will lead you to a chest 
containing Blueberries.  Go back to the first fork and head East.  Take the 
first path North to find a chest containing Blueberries, then go back and 
continue East.  Take the last path North you come to and follow it around to the
East, eventually ending up where the path goes down into the water.

Here you'll find a Hauler Beast.  Get on it and begin to navigate through the 
water.  It's a one way path (with dead ends) here to the next section of map so 
follow the waterways there.

When you reach the next section go all the way North and head right when you 
reach the wall.  You'll come to another ramp, disembark from the Hauler Beast.  
Follow the path to the end where you will find Cooking Ingredients.  Get back on
the Hauler and head West.  Head all the way West and down South a bit under a 
little bridge to find another ramp.  Go up it, there are two chests here 
containing 160,000 Fol, Smithery Materials and Ripe Berries (use the ring.)  Go 
back on your Hauler, head South from the ramp and then East (do not exit through
the tunnel at the Southwest it leads to a dead end, the one to take is around 
the centre at the bottom.)

Back in the first section again navigate now to the Southwest corner and go up 
the ramp.  Heal here before continuing.


Name: Amoeba Giant                       Weak: Wind
Hp: 220,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 25,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 64                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 18,000                                     
Fol: 33,000                                     
Drop: Writing Materials (3%)             

Boss Strategies:

No trophies to worry about here, just focus on winning the battle.  The game 
treats it pretty much as a normal battle.  Watch out for his spinning arm 
attack, it will lay waste so keep your distance is possible.  Also he can heal 
himself so it may take longer than his Hp total indicates.

The water is now drained, so head to the bottom of the ramp.

At the bottom head Southeast and follow that to a chest containing Trading Card 
EX6.  Go back to the bottom of the ramp and go East, taking the first South path
you come to which will bring you to a treasure box with Synthesis Materials.  Go
North until you reach a big wall, make a right and exit this map to the North.

You can see the exit to the East of you on your map, but you must go all the way
around to access it.  There is a thin path East of the exit before you reach it 
leading to the lone piece of raised land at the Southeast corner.  Attached to 
it is a big slab that may look pointless but it is notched and can be climbed 
like a ladder.  Climb it to reach a chest with a Ring of Vigor, then exit South 
via the nearby exit.

Head all the way South to the bottom, be sure not to flight the glowing sphere 
enemy.  Use your ring on the pillars West of the bottom wall.  You'll notice 
something lying on the floor past the pillars, lead the glowing enemy near it to
trigger the next scene.


Name: Aurora Monster                     Weak: Earth
Hp: 285,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 212,025                              Immune: N/A
Level: 75                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 35,000                                     
Fol: 52,000                                     
Drop: Synthesis Materials (100%)         

Boss Strategies:

Don't be fooled by his similarity to other normal enemies, this guy is very 
hard.  His attacks are powerful, but it's his Mp damage that will really get you
in the end.  Steer clear from his tentacles as much as possible here, and get in
damage whenever you can.  You may actually find it hard to focus on your 
character here at times, but do your best.  Keep the Mp healing items in stock 
and in use.

Defeat Aurora Monster within 1 minute:

Here's a definite new record for most annoying boss trophy thus far, not only is
this a hard one to get but the distance you have to travel back to fight this 
again is painfully frustrating, so be SURE you're prepared.  At this point I 
recommend nothing other than forging new weapons with Orichalcum infused in 
them, because really there are few other ways to take this guy out fast enough, 
and without dying.  Cancel bonus your ass off.

Defeat Aurora Monster without taking damage:

You know longer have the restriction of time, but you do have the restriction of
items that restore Mp, because you'll need a lot.  Use Fayt's most powerful 
spells from a distance and help out your party in any way you can.  You're going
to need to be pretty strong to pull this off.

Watch the scene and go through the door.

Exit this room to the Northwest.  From here go North, then North again.  Just on
your right is a room, the door leading South, which contains Smithery Materials 
in a chest.  Go back and head East.  Enter the door at the Southeast corner of 
this room to find a chest containing Synthesis Materials then open the door on 
the East wall and go out.  Head down a little bit.  On your right is a room with
the door blocked by debris, use your ring to clear it and go in.  You will find 
two chests containing Magical Berries and Trading Card 4.  Go out and take the 
lower West door, and save your game.  Enter the door past the save point and 
watch the scene.


Name: Robin Wind                         Weak: N/A 
Hp: 120,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 79                                Drain: Wind 
Exp: 15,000                                       
Fol: 39,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                

Name: Aquaregia                          Weak: N/A 
Hp: 115,400                              Half: N/A               
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 79                                Drain: Water
Exp: 16,500                                     
Fol: 6650                                       
Drop: Jewel of Refuge (4%)               

Name: Nova Blaze                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 135,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 40,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 79                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 13,000
Fol: 4000
Drop: Fire Charm (4%)                    

Boss Strategies:

This is a nice change from the last battle, not too hard, but there are three of
them so take your time.  If you can take out Robin Wind first do so, the other 
two the order doesn't really matter.  They're just normal enemies with more Hp 
and it shows.  Use the size of the map to your advantage to dodge their attacks.

Defeat Spirit Trio within 1 minute:

Not too hard, it doesn't even really matter whether your whole party focuses on 
one or not, assuming you are CAPABLE of dealing enough damage you will likely be
able to get this trophy rather quickly.  Just be sure to keep an eye on the 
enemies' fury bar.

Defeat Spirit Trio without taking damage:

The trick here is to just stand in a corner with Fayt and cast Deep Freeze while
your party busies the others.  You may want to hold back on the Symbology until 
Aquaregia is dead though since it absorbs the damage.  Having three enemies 
makes it much more likely for you to be targetted, but just run to the other 
side of the map and the enemy will likely get bored and find another target.

After the fight, save and continue on.  Head North to the next room, talk to the
person and listen to his explanation.

The best way to learn about this game is experience, but put simply you should 
be able to pull off a win just by putting the more powerful pieces directly 
across from your opponents so they fight in the middle and you win 

After the battle go down the stairs.  Grab all the chests here to find Synthesis
Materials, Star Guard, Blemished Textbook, Synthesis Materials, Decrepit Tome.  
Return to the room where you fought Stone Golem.

| Aquatic Gardens of Surferio |----------------------------------------(OPiib)-o

Map Completion: 1/1 Scale Bunny
Items: Crafting Materials, Eldritch Fire Stone, 8200 Fol, Blackberries (2),
     Smithery Materials, Holy Sword, Synthesis Materials, Fresh Sage, Earth
     Charm, Blueberries (2), Wind Absorption, Anointed Chain Mail, 15,000 Fol

Enemies: Axe Beak, Bestial, Chemeleon, Intellectual, Lady Beast, Puppet Golem

Begin by heading down the path.  Go right at the first fork.  Continue East 
through this area to the next section, go South at the first fork and get the 
chest containing Crafting Materials.  Go back and continue East.

At the Southwest corner of this area is a chest with an Eldritch Fire Stone.  
Continue East to the next section.  At the junction head North and you'll come 
to the first puzzle.  Do the following to complete it:

Solution #1:

(Be sure your camera is centred)

- Move the left white block up
- Move the right red block left
- Go up and move the furthest left white block left
- Go up past the block you just moved and move the blue block up
- Exit this section North

Go up and make a left at the 4-way split.  In the next section get the chest 
containing 8200 Fol and return to the split and head North.  On the next map get
the chest at the Southeast corner containing Blackberries.  Exit North and 
follow the path, at the first split go left, then down to find Blackberries, 
then go back up and left.  Follow this path to the second block puzzle.

Solution #2:

(Be sure your camera is centred)

- Move the first red block down
- Go down along its path and move the lower yellow block left
- Go down and move the white block left
- Go to where the white block stopped, two panels left is a red block, move it 
- One panel right and up from where the red block stopped is a white block,
     move it left
- You can now access the blue block above where the white block was before you 
     moved it, move that blue block up
- Go to the Northwest corner and open the chest containing Smithery Materials
- Exit North and follow the path to a chest containing a Holy Sword
- Go back to the puzzle and reactivate the blocks using the green panels on the
     East side
- Move the first red block down
- Go down along its path and move the lower yellow block left
- Go down and move the white block left
- Go to where the white block stopped, two panels left is a red block, move it 
- See where the red block was before you pushed it (the one you just pushed),
     two panels up from where it was is another red block, move it up
- One panel down and left of where the red block lands is a blue block, move it 
- Go around to the left, as you head down you'll come to a hole in the ground 
     you cannot pass, do NOT do anything yet, just remember this spot
- Go to the Southeast corner right now and open the chest to receive Synthesis 
- Go back to the point I told you to note and push the red block (one panel up 
     and right of the hole) to the right.
- Exit the map to the West

Continue West to another large open hole filled area, there is one chest here 
containing a Fresh Sage.  Take the West exit and follow the path to another 
large area.  Take the South exit, the path leads to an Earth Charm.  Go back up 
and take the East exit this time, the go South the first chance you get.  Exit 
South and South again to find the third and final block puzzle.

Solution #3:

(For this one position the camera facing South, it is easiest and all directions
will pertain to a camera facing that way)

Skip down to the three asterisk marker (***) if you have no interest in the 

- Move the left white block up
- Go as far as you can to the right now, the push the yellow block above you up
- Push the white block one panel left of where that one was down
- Push the yellow block one panel left of where that one was left
- Go to the left side, you'll see four blocks in a row, white, red, white red.
     Push the white one, third from the left, push it up
- Look where it stopped, one panel left and one panel up is a yellow block, push
     that one up
- If you didn't move after pushing that, next to you in your left is a blue 
     block, push it up
- Those four blocks in a row from before (now three blocks) push the red one
    second from the left, push it up
- Now from those original four in a row, push the red block on the far right, 
     push it to the right (it should land beside a white block)
- Don't move from where you stood when you pushed the last block to the right.
     Exactly two panels above you should be a white block.  Go up, around and 
     push it back down.
- See where the white block stops, exactly one panel up and one panel right of 
     that position is a blue block.  Push that block down.
- Don't move from where you stood when you pushed that blue block down.  
     Exactly one panel to your right should be another blue block.  Push it to
     the right.
- See where the blue block stops, exactly three panels below it is a yellow 
     block.  Push that block left.
- Below where that yellow block just was is a blue block.  Push the blue block 
- Now there should be a path from where you stand leading all the way back to
     the green initializer panel.  Go to it.
- Just to the right of the initializer panel is a red block, push it to the 
     right, it should get stopped by the last blue block you pushed.
- Thanks to that blue block the red one doesn't go far enough to close the path.
     You are now able to freely run to the bottom right corner to pick up a Wind
     Absorption.  Go up a bit and grab the chest containing Blueberries.
- Squeeze between the white block and the upper chest.  Go up a bit and you'll 
     come across a yellow block on your left.  Push it to the left.
- Go straight left until you reach a blue block.  Push it left.
- Go up from where the blue block was, you'll come to a white block.  Push it 
- Go up a couple panels from where you pushed the white block, on your right is
     another blue block.  Push it to the right.
- Look where the blue block stops.  Two panels below it is a red block.  Go back
     down and push that red block up.
- Stand where the red block was previously and there will be a white block on 
     your right.  Push it to the right.
- Go up past where the white block just was and push that blue block back to the
- The path leading to the right is now open follow it to reach a chest 
     containing 15,000 Fol.  Go back to the block puzzle and step on the green 


(For this one position the camera facing South, it is easiest and all directions
will pertain to a camera facing that way)

- Push the white block on the left, up
- Push the red block one panel right of where it lands, up
- Two panels above where the first white block landed, on the left is a blue 
     block, push it up
- Go up from there and push the red block up
- Grab the chest containing Anointed Chain Mail
- One panel down and two panels right of where the red block landed is another 
     red block, push it to the right
- One panel below where that red block started is a white block, go around and 
     push it up
- One panel up, and one panel right of where the white block started is a red
     block you're already pushed, push it back to the left
- One panel up from where the red block just was is a blue block, push it up
- One panel right of where the blue block just was is a yellow block, push it
- Go back down to the green initializer
- Look at the large gap that goes left to right just above the initializer, go 
     just above that gap and run as far as you can to the right.  When you get
     there, there will be a yellow block above you, push it up.  If the block 
     doesn't go up it means you aren't far enough to the right and you're 
     pushing the wrong block.  The block I'm referring to will slide up one
     panel and two panels to the right.  Just look at the track to make sure.
- From where you pushed the block, go up two panels, left one and up one.  
     You'll be right below a white block.  Push it up.  It should get stopped by
     a yellow block you put there a few steps ago.
- Go up to that yellow block that stopped it and push it back to the left.  The 
     exit above you is now open.  Go up out of the puzzle.

RESET YOUR CAMERA.  Don't forget all further instructions will be from the 
normal default position.

Head South down the path to a large area, make your way through and exit North.
Go up until you reach a very conspicuous save point and save your game.  Go to 
the West when you're ready.  Watch the scene.


Name: Sculpture Lord                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 40,000                               Half: Wind
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 45                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 1600                                       
Fol: 25,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                

Name: Sculpture Guard                    Weak: N/A
Hp: 11,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3200                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 34                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 240
Fol: 680
Drop: None                               

Boss Strategy:

Since this dungeon is optional, your level can really vary at this point.  If 
you came here at the point I mentioned in the walkthrough then you should have 
little trouble, you will already note the enemies you fought were from awhile 
ago in the game.  Those stupid rocks are the most annoying thing about this 

boss, eliminate them as fast as possible.  The other thing that will make this 
battle easier is the Holy Sword you may have collected on the way.  Once the 
rocks are taken care of, the slow moving giant statue is of little problem with 
the exception of his area attacks.  Be offensive and interrupt him any time he 
tries to do pretty much anything.

After defeating him a chest appears where he stood containing Paracelsus's 
Table.  This item allows you to unlock the secret vs battle mode in this game, 
simply bring it to the Craftsman's Guild in Peterny to activate it.  (Note this 
must be done following being introduced to Maria.)

| Maze of Tribulations |-----------------------------------------------(OPiic)-o


The Maze of Tribulations (formally Cave of Trials to Star Ocean fans) is an 
optional dungeon only available after defeating the boss of the game.  Once 
defeated, after the credits your game data is marked as 'clear' data and the 
Maze of Tribulations becomes available.

To find the Maze of Tribulations, head to the Mining Town of Kirlsa.  Head to 
the Southwest corner to find a door that was once blocked to be open.  When you 
go inside you'll find an easy to navigate path to a transporter, all you need 
is your ring fo disintegration once.  This trasnporter leads to the Maze of 

| Preparation |

First off start with your equipment, you're going to want it as powerful as 
possible.  If you haven't done any item creation at this point it's definitely 
time to start.

Orichalcum - This metal can be created with the help of the Alchemist's Stone, 
and the use of Maria, Misty Lear and Mackwell.

Once you have some Orichalcum, you can use Specify Plan on it to increase it's 
power, or synthesize it immediately.  Choose synthesize in your item creation 
menu and select you strongest weapon for each character, beging synthesizing 
these weapons with the Orichalcum to move the Atk+500 bonuses onto your weapon.
Once you have at least one on there you can begin to use Specify Plan to double 
them up until you have many.  This is a very expensive process but you need 
to do it in order to survive.

Another thing to do since defense is important, is recruit the inventor 
Chilico.  She is capable of creating the Boots of Prowess.  Once you havea  
couple pair start using Specify Plan to change the Atk/Def +5% bonuses into 
Atk/Def +30% bonuses.

At this point you should be ready to take on the Maze of Tribulations.

| Maze of Tribulations |

A scene introducing the maze occurs when you enter.  Similar to Valkyrie 
Profile the 'game voice' comes on directly telling you that this has nothing to 
do with the story, and it's just for those who want to find an even greater 
challenge.  Sounds pretty good.  Soon you will have control (music sound 
familiar to SO2 players?)

Map Completion: 1/1 Scale Bunny

Items: (Listed individually by floor)

Enemies: Alei, Aqua Wisp, Basilisk King, Black Pearl Statue, Bogle Leader,
     Bogle Soldier, Bomb Zombie, Current Rider, Death Noble, Demon Beast,
     Disaster Eye, Dragon Corpse, Dragon Viper, Earth Dragon, Elder Viper,
     Giant Fly, Gold Monster, Guardian Haunt, Huge Chimera, Kish Bat, Land 
     Prawn, Lesser Devil, Magnetic Beast, Masque Looter, Master Demon, Mecha
     Scumbag, Medusa Beast, Mighty Vox, Night-Eye Snake, Nova Blaze, Petro 
     Slime, Polyhedron, Porcupine, Render, Render Tyrant, Shadow Servant, 
     Sharow, Sootie, Springer, Succubus, Tongue Beast, Tri-Chimera, Vile 
     Chimera, Vile Lizard, Winged Mantis, Yellow Reaper

---Level 1:

Items: Synthesis Materials (2), Perfect Berries, Compounding Elixirs (2), 
     Blackberries (2), Shadow Phase Gun, Alchemy Materials, Cooking 
     Ingredients, Aquaberries, 60,000 Fol, Smithery Materials, Ripse Berries,
     Helm of the Dark Eye

Begin by heading North.  Of the two exits in the next room take the Northwest 
one.  In the next room there are boxes on your left, destory them with your 
ring to uncover two chests.  They contain Synthesis Materials and Perfect 
Berries.  Now take the East path (none of the other boxes you go by contain 
treasure) and follow it to the very end.  In the next room are more boxes to 
destroy, hiding a chest with Compounding Elixirs.  Go out the door North, then 
exit North again.

In this room there is a chest sitting on the boxes.  Shoot the ones below it 
and allow the ones above it to knock it down.  If you shoot the top ones as 
they fall they won't knock the chest and it will just float in mid air with a 
glitch (or maybe this is what you want.)  Open it to find a Shadow Phase Gun 
and exit East, then into the next East room.

Here are three chests containing Blackberries, Alchemy Materials and Cooking 
Ingredients.  Go out and head North, then North again.  

This room is kind of a maze.  Take your first right then go up and follow the 
path to the end, you'll find a chest containing Synthesis Materials.  Go back 
to the entrance, this time go up at the first fork.  Don't take any branching 
paths and it'll lead you to a chest containing Blackberries.  Head back ot the 
East and take the first path South.  At the bottom is a chest with Compounding 
Elixirs.  Just above you, take the path leading East (not all the way up, it's 
just a couple steps from the chest.)  Follow it around and it'll lead you to a 
chest with Aquaberries.

Head back to the 'main' path and go North.  If you have trouble finding it, 
from the entrance all you need to do is go straight up, follow the path around 
the corner and take the first branch North.  Keep going up and you'll find a 
chest containing 60,000 Fol.  On your way up there was a path leading East, go 
back and take it.  Destory the blocks and go North into the next room.  Grab 
the two chests here containing Smithery Materials and Ripe Berries.  Go back to 
the path where you destoryed the boxes and continue East to a door leading 

Exit this room to the East to find a long hallway.  Follow it to the end.  Just 
before you go into the door there is a chest contianing Helm of the Dark Eye.  
Enter the door and watch the event:


Name: Render                             Weak: Fire
Hp: 350,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 74                                Drain: Water
Exp: 90,000                                     
Fol: 16,900                                     
Drop: N/A                                

The bosses of the floors aren't really bosses, just strong normal enemies, thus 
'minibosses.'  There are no special tactics to use for these particular ones 
any different than you would a normal battle, so if you're having trouble on 
the boss it's likely an indication you are either underlevelled or need 
stronger equipment, not a different strategy for the boss, it's only going to 
get harder.

After the battle and another scene, open the two chests to find a Pumpkin 
Wraith Rod and Synthesis Materials. Descend to the next floor.

---Level 2 & 3:

Items: Cooking Ingredients (2), Dark Faerie Claw, Magical Berries, Perfect 
     Berries, Smithery Materials, Enigmatic Scroll, Synthesis Materials (2),
     Compounding Elixirs, Reflecting Plate (2), Mystic Chain, Blueberries (2), 
     Abstruse Scroll, Blueberries, Cooking Ingredients, Blackberries (3), 
     40,000 Fol, Elemental Ticklers, 74,000 Fol, Trading Card EX13, 58,000 Fol,
     Aquaberries (3), Experimental Remedy, Complicated Scroll, Robe of 

Head East into the next room.  Fight the enemy right in front of you, all you 
have to do is win the battle to get a free Battle Trophy.  Take the first path 
North to a room with a chest contianing Cooking Ingredients.  Go back down and 
exit East, then East again.  The room North has a chest containing Dark Faerie 
Claw.  Take the path in this room leading West, along the way you'll find an 
empty chest.  Destroy the two blocks here to make a huge pile of chests!  They 
contain an empty chest, Experimental Remedy, Complicated Scroll, Aquaberries 
and Blackberries.  Try and destroy the boxes and still havea  path to get by 
them, it's hard to do but on the other side are two chests containing Perfect 
Berries and Robe of Deception.

Leave the room and head South, you will reach a switch.  Activate it.  Now 
return all the way to the first room of this floor.

Head North, then North again.  In this room grab the chest containing Magical 
Berries.  Head West.  Go up the the top of this hallway, a bit to the right, 
then enter the door leading South.  A scene occurs here.


Name: Succubus                           Weak: N/A
Hp: 400,000                              Half: Earth, Wind, Fire
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 79                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 95,000                                     
Fol: 25,000                                     
Drop: Jewel of Alertness (4%)            

After the battle watch the scene.  Enter the East door and it's puzzle time.

First it is important to understand that while this is a 4x4 grid, the bottom 
right panel is a section where you can jump down.  This section can be moved 
around, and that's where the puzzle comes into play.

Think of the room as a grid.  4x4.  So now, 1-1 is the top left block, 4-4 is 
the bottom right, 4-1 is the top right (it goes across-down.)  

If you have no interest in treasure, scroll down to the three asterisk marker 

First, go the the open section and jump down.  

Go one room East and you'll find a whole lot of boxes.  Hidden among these 
boxes are two chests containing Perfect Berries and Smithery Materials.  Now 
take the lower left exit.  Grab the chest containing Cooking Ingredients and go 
back one room.  Exit South now, then West.  Take the transporter.  You are now 
back on 2F, and you need to go East, then into the South room to return to the 
sliding puzzle, you will find yourself in this room more than once so be sure 
you know how to get back to the puzzle.

- Go to 3-4 and move it East
- Jump down

Head South and grab the Enigmatic Scroll.  Keep going to reach the transporter 
again.  Return to the puzzle.

- Go to 4-3 and move it South
- Go to 4-2 and move it South
- Jump down

Head East twice, break the boxes to reveal a chest containing Synthesis 
Materials.  Keep going up and take the transporter.  Return to the room sliding 

(I feel obligated to tell you beforehand, this next one only leads to one 
chest... with Blueberries)

- Go to 4-3 and move it South  
- Go to 4-2 and move it South
- Go to 2-3 and move it East
- Go to 2-2 and move it East
- Jump down

Go up, grab the chest containing Blueberries along the way and take the 
transporter.  Return to the sliding puzzle.


- Go to 3-4 and move it East
- Go to 3-3 and move it South
- Go to 2-3 and move it East
- Go to 2-2 and move it South
- Go to 2-1 and move it South
- Go to 3-1 and move it West
- Go to 3-2 and move it North
- Go to 2-2 and move it East
- Go to 1-2 and move it East
- Go to 1-1 and move it South
- Jump down

When you land you will find three chests containing Compounding Elixirs, 
Reflecting Plate and Mystic Chain.  Head West twice and destory to blocks to 
uncover a chest containing Raven Gauntlets.  Past the blocks, take the East 
path and follow it to another switch, activate it.  Go back and exit West for a 


Name: Basilisk King                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 79,365                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3607                                 Immune: Earth, Wind
Level: 80                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5835                                       
Fol: 140                                        
Drop: N/A                                

After the (painfull easy) fight, go up the stairs to a room with a total of 
NINE chests.  They contain in no particular order:  Abstruse Scroll, 
Blueberries, Cooking Ingredients, Aquaberries, Blackberries, Blackberries, 
40,000 Fol, Synthesis Materials and Reflecting Plate.  Exit East and you'll be 
in the first room of the maze.  You can exit and save your game if you wish.

From the entrance head North, the take the Northeast door.  There door in this 
room is now open leading to an elevator.  Go to to level 2.  Head up, the East.
There is a floating chest here, knock down the block closest to the door to 
make it fall.  It contains Elemental Ticklers.  Keep going East to find a chest 
containing 74,000 Fol.  Go back to just North of the elevator.

Head West this time, at the end you'll find a room with two chests containing 
Compounding Elixirs and Cooking Ingredients.  Now take the elevator to level 3.
Head West twice for a scene.  It's the famous Santa for Star Ocean 2, however 
instead of a man in robes... I don't even know what he is, but just like old 
Santa he's sells some of the best items in the game.

* Santa Monica *

Cooking Ingredients.................................................... 120 Fol
Alchemy Materials...................................................... 120 Fol
Writing materials...................................................... 120 Fol
Machinery Materials.................................................... 120 Fol
Smithery Materials..................................................... 120 Fol
Crafting Materials..................................................... 120 Fol
Compounding Elixirs.................................................... 120 Fol
Santa's Boots.................................................... 5,000,000 Fol
Tri-Emblem....................................................... 6,068,400 Fol
Grab Bag......................................................... 9,800,000 Fol

As for the chest high up in this room, it's very hard to knock down.  Here's 
the only way I was able to do it:  Destory the Northwest block then as QUICKly 
as possible destroy the one directly below it.  The three should tumble at 
about the same time and if you're lucky knock down the chest, if not, keep 
trying.  It contains Trading Card EX13.  Enter the upper left room to find 
58,000 Fol and Aquaberries.  Go back to the elevator and go to level 4.

---Level 4

Items: Efreet Cape, Ripe Berries (2), Magical Berries (3), 61,000 Fol

Head West and open the chest to find an Efreet Cape.  Exit the room West.  
There are two chests here, head Southwest from the door to find one just above 
the bottom corner containing Ripe Berries, then go up and aroudn to the left to 
find another atop a box containing Magical Berries.  Exit to the North.

Go up and head West first chance you get and head to the end.  After head South 
then East to find a chest containing Ripe Berries.  Return to the entrance and 
go North at the fork.

On this floor you will be seeking out a whole lot (about ten) of those 
colourful glowing orbs, whe nyou've defeated enough they will stop spawning and 
you will be able to proceed.

After going North at the first fork, take the East path a bit and North at the 
other magic circle.  Destory the blocks in your path and head West at the fork.
Take the first path North, then East at the top and it'll lead to three boxes 
blocking a chest, the chest contains Magical Berries.

Go back to the North wall of the room, there is a chest at the very Northwest 
corner, so head West, you'll have to go down a bit to get around the wall, when 
you reach the chest it contains 61,000 Fol.  Head South, then East again.  Go 
all the way to the East-most side of the room.  Navigate through the darkness 
to the Northeastern corner behind some boxes to find Magical Berries.  

If there are no more wisps around then head back to the entrance, go up and 
head East at the first fork.  Break the boxes at the East end and you should 
reach a staircase guarded by a monster.  Approach it and watch the scene.


Name: Earth Dragon                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 420,000                              Half: Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 48,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 89                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 100,000                                    
Fol: 54,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                

After the battle, head down the stairs.

---Level 5

Items: Blueberries (2), Blackberries, Synthesis Materials (2), Perfect Berries, 
     Burdensome Folio, Ripe Berries (2), Hefty Folio, Magical Berries (2), 
     Obscure Scroll, 122,000 Fol

Follow the path until you reach a door leading East.  Enter it anf follow the 
path to a room with two chests, open them to receive Blueberries and 
Blackberries.  Go back to where you entered the door leading East and head 
North.  As you go up, destroy the top block of the four in a row to reveal a 
chest with Blueberries.  Keep going North to trigger a scene.

Her name is Puffy, but choose whatever you want.  She summons a creature for 
you to promptly beat the crap out of.  Continue the event afterward.  Grab the 
chest on your right for some Synthesis Materials.  Head West and follow that 
path until you reach a Southward branch, follow it to a room with some boxes in 
the lower right corner.  Break them to find a chest containing an Obscure 
Scroll.  Leave the room, head up and continue West along the path until you 
reach a door leading East.  Before you go into it, destory the box right beside 
it to find a chest containing Perfect Berries.  Enter the room, then go North.  
The chests here contain Burdensome Folio, Ripe Berries and Hefty Folio.  Go 
back South and West.

Head down a couple steps and enter the door leading West.  Get the three chests 
in this room to receive Magical Berries, Synthesis Materials and Ripe Berries.
Leave the room and follow the path North, and as it turns left.  Enter the door 
you come to leading North.  Go North again and break the boxes on the right 
side fo the room to find a chest containing Magical Berries.  Head South twice, 
then continue West along the path.  Exit South then East.  At the top of this 
hall break the boxes to uncover a chest containing 122,000 Fol. Head South to 
the bottom and into the door.  In this room there's a scene.

Puffy's in trouble, you can choose to help her or ignore her (she's an inventor 
you can revruit, choose to help her.)  


Name: Alei                               Weak: N/A
Hp: 182,900                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind
Mp: 3645                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 85                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 5500                                       
Fol: 230                                        
Drop: N/A                                

The similarities are just so prominent... watch the scene.  Grab the Secret 
Room Key she dropped.  There is a Trading Card 15 you can find in this room 
before heading back to where you first met her.  You can now unlock the 
North door.  Head up North and speak to Puffy.  If you got the Experimental 
Remedy on Level 2, give it to her now.  Sign her up as an inventor wherever 
you wish.  Now go down the stairs.

---Level 6 & 7

Items: Blackberries, Blueberries (2), Aquaberries, Unwieldy Folio, Smithery 
     Materials (2), Perfect Berries, Magical Berries (2), 162,000 Fol,
     Synthesis Materials, Mystic Chain

From the first room head East, then East again.  At the Southwest corner of 
this room are three chests containing Blackberries, Blueberries and 
Aquaberries.  Continue East.  Follow the path into the next room, when you 
enter go a bit to the right and go South, you'll find a chest with Unwieldy 
Folio.  Exit North, then North again.  At the Southwest corner of this room are 
two chests containing Smithery Materials and Blueberries.  Before reading on I 
suggest reading the boss strategy because there's an important preparation to 
make.  Take the West exit, then West again and you'll trigger a scene.  Fans of 
Valkyrie Profile will enjoy this one.


Name: Mighty Vox                         Weak: Earth
Hp: 455,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 99                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 125,000                                    
Fol: 56,150                                     
Drop: 1/1 Scale Bunny (100%)             

Boss Strategies:

This is an interesting fight indeed, this part is actually less about the 
strategies and more about the trophies.  There are two reasons I saw this, 
first, if you are using a character capable of equipping heavy armour like Fayt 
and Cliff, equip those two Reflecting Plates you found and you will be 
virtually invulnerable for the whole fight, since 99% of the time all he uses 
is fire breath, and Reflecting Plate makes you 100% immune to fire.  The second 
reason is the fact that you can get five Battle Trophies for this fight, and 
easy ones at that!  Here are all the trophies you can earn:

Defeat Mighty Vox
Get item from Mighty Vox
Guard against Mighty Vox
Emit Anti-Attack Aura against Mighty Vox
Break Mighty Vox's guard

- First One:  Simple, you'll get it automatically

- Second One: He has a 100% drop rate, you get it automatically

- Third One:  A bit annoying because he refuses to do anything other than fire 
breath.  Turn your teammates to manual to keep them from attacking and just 
stand under him waiting for him to swoop at you.

- Fourth One: Easy, once you do number three, with the stun AAA on, you'll 
pretty much automatically get this one too

- Fifth One: While he's stunned his fury meter should fill to about full, tap 
circle and boom... instant battle trophy

Now turn your party back on, and beat the snot out of him.  Five trophies right 

I just love the way the characters talk about the main story... talk about 
projecting out of the game.  Anyway finish the scene, then head West and 
activate the switch.  Now return all the way to the stairs you came down on.

One important thing to note here is the reason you're moving at a snail's pace 
in battle now.  The '1/1 Scale Bunny' slows your movement by 50% and has no 
good effects besides selling for a lot of money.  Since you aren't near a shop 
I recommend going to the menu and dropping it with the square button.

From the first room head North.  The boxes at the upper right conceal a chest 
containing Perfect Berries.  From here it's a linear path to the second room 
sliding puzzle.

*** Email update: (From Richie C)

Hey just wanted to inform you that if you move the empty spot on floor 6 to
2-3 you can find Trading Card EX14 (Cliff's P4 outfit) near the transporter
leading back up. ***

If you don't want the treasure, scroll down to the three asterisk marker (***).

- Go to 3-4 and move it East
- Go to 2-4 and move it East
- Jump down

Head South, open the chest to find Magical Berries and go back up the 
transporter.  Return to the puzzle room.

- Go to 3-4 and move it East
- Jump down

Proceed South, then again and again.  Grab the Magical Berries and go North.  
Go East to the transporter, and retu nto the puzzle room.

- Jump down

Proceed East and break the boxes to get a chest containing 162,000 Fol.  Go 
East, then North to find Smitheyr Materials is a treasure box.  Follow the path 
South and go back on the trasporter to the sliding puzzle room.


- Go to 3-4 and move it East
- Go to 2-4 and move it East
- Go to 1-4 and move it East
- Go to 1-3 and move it South
- Go to 2-3 and move it West
- Go to 2-4 and move it North
- Go to 3-4 and move it West
- Go to 3-3 and move it South
- Go to 3-2 and move it South
- Go to 2-2 and move it East
- Go to 2-1 and move it South
- Go to 3-1 and move it West
- Go to 3-2 and move it North
- Go to 2-2 and move it East
- Go to 2-3 and move it North
- Go to 1-3 and move it East
- Go to 1-2 and move it South
- Go to 1-1 and move it South
- Jump down

Head North twice and break the boxes to find Magical Berries.  Go West, South, 
then into the first East door.  Break the boxes and get the Synthesis 
Materials.  Go back and head South.  Follow the linear path until you come to a 


Name: Sootie                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 468,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 47,800                               Immune: N/A
Level: 104                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 135,000                                    
Fol: 67,600                                     
Drop: N/A                                

Boss Strategies:

This thing is very odd, you even get a battle trophy just for encountering it 
(and another for defeating it.)  For such a little guy he has a lot of life 
(and some damn powerful attacks, both Hp and Mp kill) so watch out.  His other 
advantage is his small size which gives he the ability to evade many of your 
attacks, so use big area encompassing skills like Air Raid to not only damage 
him a lot, but keep him juggled and not attacking you.  His Hp and Mp totals 
are high, but nothing higher than you've already seen up to now.

Update: It seems Sootie can run away preventing you from getting the trophy.

Watch the scene, then enter the door and take the transporter.

Before starting the section of level 8 there's one thing to note.  Take the 
emergency exit, as the sliding puzzle on level 6 now has the blocked walls 
removed and there's more treasure to get.  It will take you two rooms away from 
the sliding puzzle, so go there.

- Go to 4-3 and move it South
- Go to 4-2 and move it South
- Go to 4-1 and move it South
- Jump down

Go North, grab the chest from behind the transporter containing a Mystic Chain 
and go back to the puzzle.

- Go to 4-3 and move it South
- Go to 4-2 and move it South
- Go to 4-1 and move it South
- Go to 3-1 and move it East
- Jump down

Head North.  Destroy the boxes and knock down the chest containing the Divine 
Avenger.  Head back up.

*Update: I have received numerous emails about this, I believe by jumping down
when the empty space is at position 1-2 you will find a Bulky Folio.

Now before you move the empty spot to the top left and return to level 8 (which 
is easy since the walls are gone) be SURE you go all the way back up and save, 
a super hard boss is on floor 8 and with all the stuff you've done, there's no 
way you should possibly risk losing it.  After saving, return here, move the 
empty spot to the top left corner and follow the path ot Level 8.

---Level 8

Items: Synthesis Materials, Robe of Deception, Reflecting Plate, Perfect 
     Berries, Fire Faerie, Star Guard

Start by exiting the room to the North.  From this main area there are four 
places you must go.  Start by going Northwest.


Name: Guardian Haunt (3)                 Weak: N/A
Hp: 95,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3720                                 Immune: Water
Level: 95                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 8450                                       
Fol: 7000                                       
Drop: Charm of Insight (4%)              

Grab the chest containing Synthesis Materials and return.  Head Northeast this 


Name: Vile Chimera                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 662,000                              Half: Wind, Fire
Mp: 35,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 95                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 40,000                                     
Fol: 10,000                                     
Drop: Jewel of Alertness (4%)            

Open the chest to find a Robe of Deception, now head back.  Make your way West.


Name: Tri-Chimera                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 682,000                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 38,500                               Immune: N/A
Level: 95                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 40,000                                     
Fol: 10,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                

The treasure box here contains a Reflecting Plate.  Now one more enemy left 
before the boss.  Head to the main area and go East.


Name: Shadow Savant (3)                  Weak: N/A
Hp: 100,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 4000                                 Immune: Eartj, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 95                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 9000                                       
Fol: 4400                                       
Drop: Charm of Insight (4%)              

Open the chest to find Perfect Berries.  Now return to the central area.  Head 
towards the South exit for a scene.


Name: Gabriel Celesta                    Weak: N/A
Hp: 1,000,000                            Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 200,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 114                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 200,000                                    
Fol: 156,000                                    
Drop: Spirit of Lilith (100%)            

Boss Strategies:

Gabriel is extremely hard no matter how you look at it.  First lets deal with 
how you are going to kill him, Hp kill is probably the preferred way.  With 
1,000,000 Hp that will take some time, but it's obviously possible, in fact his 
Hp total is that last thing you should be worry about.  His attacks, his basic 
attacks is a swing of his holy spear in a circular motion that will damage 
anyone around it, so you'll have to be very careful of this and make sure your 
attacks are constantly hitting him to keep him from knocking you away.

Second is his primary powerful attack, Lightning Feather.  This attack deals 
massive Hp damage, massive Mp damage, hits numerous times and to top it all 
off, paralyzes you.  Before the fight you may want to create some Amulets of 
Freedom and synthesize the effect onto your weapon (since you don't want to 
waste an accessory slot.)  This attack goes out from Gabriel for a certain 
range so if you want to dodge it you'll have to get as far away from him as 
possible, but be warned, you aren't given much time to dodge at all.

Thirdly is his Dragon attack he does later which again does lots of Hp/Mp 
damage and cannot be guarded.  It doesn't centre at Gabriel either, in centres 
on the map so your best chance at avoiding this is to head to the outside 

Fayt's simple Side Kick works great because it makes you temporarily 
invincible, so his spear swing misses and it's easy to cancel bonus, if you 
want something more powerful you can use Air Raid, but he easily interrupts 
you.  Maria from a distance with Energy Burst (found in a scroll in this 
dungeon) works incredibly, and Cliff's Infinity Kick also racks up the damage.  
Choose your best battle skills for any other characters you happen to be using, 
it doesn't make a particularly big difference.

And another seperate paragraph dedicated to how well Side Kick works, not only 
does it make his most powerful attacks miss you, but it also stops them 
entirely once it connects.

Overall what you want out of this fight is protection from paralysis, a 
constant wave of damaging attacks, and a good supply of Perfect Berries.  If 
you can get a good system going, you can bring Gabriel down.

Trophies associated with this battle:

Defeat Gabriel
Defeat Gabriel without taking damage
Defeat Gabriel within 5 minutes
Defeat Gabriel at Universe
Defeat Gabriel at Universe without taking damage
Defeat Gabriel at Universe within 8 minutes
Defeat Gabriel at 4D
Defeat Gabriel at 4D without taking damage
Defeat Gabriel at 4D within 10 minutes
Taunt Gabriel 10 times
Defeat Gabriel using only major attacks
Defeat Gabriel using only Anti-Attack Auras
Defeat Gabriel using only Symbology
Defeat Gabriel using only Charge
Defeat Gabriel alone

After the fight watch the scene.  The doors are now open at the Southwest and 
Southeast.  The Southwest has a chest containing a Fire Faerie, the SOutheast 
has a chest containing a Star Guard.

You have completed the Maze of Tribulations, leave and save your game.

Some things to note, the broken seal Gabriel spoke of referred to the seal on 
floors 101-211 of the Sphere corporation.  You can now access all 211 floors, 
the ones above 100 containg enemies that dwarf the Maze fo Tribulations in 
diffuculty, as to the bosses at the top.

You can fight Gabriel whenever you want, so don't worry about resetting to get 
the rest of the Battle Trophies, save!


| Sphere 211 |---------------------------------------------------------(OPvef)-o


Sphere 211 is an absolutely enormous tower that becomes accessable during the 
story, but the vast majority of it only becaomes available after completing the 
Maze of Tribulations.  Here is how it works:

Floors: 1 - 5: Must be completed during story
Floors: 6 - 100: Can be completed optionally after 1 - 5
Floors: 101 - 211: Must defeat Gabriel in the Maze of Tribulations to unlock

Since the Maze of Tribulations only unlocks after completing the game, 
completion is another requirement of accesing the extra floors.

To reach Sphere 211, speak to the person at the South part of Gemity standing 
beside the trnasporter in the save point area.  You can choose Sphere from 
there.  When you reach Sphere 211 leave the main room and take the elevator on 
the left up to the fifth floor.  When you reach 5F before entering the elevator 
across from you, leave the room and save.  You can only go one floor at a time, 
but you can revisit any floor you have already completed.  You can also skip 
directly to floor 101, to start, but no higher.

| Sphere 211 |

There are 8 different layouts of floors from 6 to 211 that cycle.  Use the 
following 8 guides in conjunction with the treasure lists below in order to 
collect all the treasure.

Some floor don't have chests in all the locations, before going out of you way 
to find one check the list to see if it's actually there.

---Layout 1:

Head all the way South to the end to find chest #4.  Return to the elevator and 
go West to find chest #2.  Return to the elevator, go up and make a left at the 
fork to find chest #1.  Return to the fork and head East, then go South at the 
4-way split.  Go West at the split and follow it to the elevator.  Beside the 
elevator is chest #4.

Fastest Method: East, South, East

Diagram of fastest route between elevators: (S - Start, F - Finish)

           |               |                                                   
           |               |                                                   
           S               |                                                   

---Layout 2: 

Chest #2 is just West of the elevator.  Now start by heading East, then 
Southwest.  Follow it to the end to find chest #3.  Return to the hall where you
entered the Southwest path and this time head South.  In this room head right a 
bit then North, then North again and grab chest #4.  Head Northwest.  Follow 
this path to the elevator, beside the elevator is chest #1.

Fastest Method: East, Northeast, South, Northeast, West

Diagram of fastest route between elevators: (S - Start, F - Finish)

                          _____         /                                      
                         /     |       /                                       
                        /      |      /                                        
                       /       |     /                                         
                      /        |    /                                          
           S_________/         |___/                                           

---Layout 3:

Grab chest #1 in the room you appear in.  Go East twice to find chest #2, and 
return to the elevator.  Head South twice to reach the room with chest #4.  Now 
go East to find chest #5.  Go East, and East again, in this room you'll find 
chest #3.  Follow the path South to find the elevator to the next floor.

Fastest Method:  South, South, East, East, East, South, West

Diagram of fastest route between elevators: (S - Start, F - Finish)

           |                      ___________                                  
           |          ___________|           |                                 
           |         |                       |                                 
           |_________|                       |                                 
                 F                           |                                 
                 |                           |                                 

---Layout 4:

Go left, then exit North.  Grab chest #1 here.  Return to the elevator and Head 
Southeast, then South.  When you reach the fork, go left a bit and head North.  
Chest #2 is here.  Go South, then head East, follow the path all the way to a 
room containing chest #5.  Go all the way back to the elevator and go Southwest 
this time.  Head West at the 4-way split, then Southwest, and Southeast in the 
next room.  At this 4-way split, the East path leads to chest #4, the South path
leads to the exit.

Fastest Method:  Southwest (down branch), Southwest (left branch), Southeast, 
     East (down branch)

Diagram of fastest route between elevators: (S - Start, F - Finish)


---Layout 5:

Start by heading South and into the door on the left.  Exit West and you'll find
chest #3.  Head North from the elevator and go into the room on the left.  Head 
North to find chest #1 at the Northeast corner.  Go West from the elevator and 
follow this path all the way around to the up elevator.  Just down and left of 
the elevator is chest #2. 

Fastest Method:  West, North, East, West

Diagram of fastest route between elevators: (S - Start, F - Finish)

          |                                     |                              
          |                                     |                              
          |                                     |                              
          |                                     |                              
          |                                     |                              
          |                                     |                              
          |                           F_________|                              

---Layout 6:

Just North of the elevator is chest #3.  Go South, then East to find chest #5.  
Now go left and exit Southwest.  Follow this path until you come to a door 
elading East, inside is chest #4.  Continue North along the path until you come 
to a 4-way split.  Go West to find chest #2.  Go up a ways until you reach two 
exits, remember this area.  Now to get chest #1 you have to follow a very long 
out of the way path:  Go Northwest, Northeast, North, West, South, West, South 
and South.  In this room is Chest #1.  Now return to the path split where I said
to remember this area.  Go North, then East twice to reach the elevator.

Fastest Method:  Southwest, North, North, East, East

Diagram of fastest route between elevators: (S - Start, F - Finish)

          |           |             F                                        
          |           |             |                                        
          |           |_____________|                                        
          |           ______S                                                 
          |          /                                                         
          |         /                                                          
          |        /                                                           

---Layout 7:

Start by going West.  At the Northwest corner of this room is chest #1.  Now 
return to the elevator and head South until you reach a fork, then take the path
East and follow it until you reach chest #3.  Go back up and this time head West
at the fork, fro mthis room go South once, then again.  At the Southwest corner 
is chest #2.  Head South from this room to reach chest #4.  Leave the room and 
go North once, then head West.  Follow the path until you reach a door leading 
East, enter it and go up the elevator.

Fastest Method:  West, West, South, East

Diagram of fastest route between elevators: (S - Start, F - Finish)

          |          F                                                         
          |          |                                                         
          |          |                                                         
          |          |                                                         

---Layout 8

Just North of the elevator is chest #5.  Go eft and exit Southwest.  Enter the 
first door leading East you come to, to find chest #4.  Go back out and proceed 
North.  Head Northwest at the 4-way split and follow it until you reach another
4-way split.  Go down the Southeast when you come to it, to find chest #3.  
Return to the split and go North, then West.  At the end of this room you'll 
find chest #1, then head South.  Find chest #2 in this room and exit West to 
find the elevator.

Fastest Method:  Southwest, North, Northwest, Northeast, North, West, South, 

Diagram of fastest route between elevators: (S - Start, F - Finish)

               |             |                                                 
               |             |                                                 
       ________|             |                                                 
      |                      |                                                 
      |                     /                                                  
      |                    /                                                   
      |                   /                                                    
      |        __________/                                                     
      F       |                                                                
                   |             _____S                                      
                   |            /                                              
                   |           /                                              
                   |          /                                               

| Bosses |

In Sphere 211, there is a boss approximately every 11 floors.  The follow are 
stats and strategies on how to conquer them.

---Floor 101:

Name: Norton Redux                       Weak: Earth
Hp: 500,000                              Half: Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 100,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 120                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 150,000                                    
Fol: 150,000                                    
Drop: Spirit of Lilith (100%)            

Boss Strategies:

Norton fights exactly the same way he did before.  It is very easy to dodge 
every one of this bosses attacks simply by running left or right, except for his
spreadfire which can be dodged simply by running around him while right beside 
him.  Offesnively this is no different than any other battle.  Note that is you 
want to get the "Defeat Norton with only Metal Pipe" trophy, this is where to do

---Floor 115:

Name: Enraged Crosell                    Weak: N/A
Hp: 700,000                              Half: Earth, Wind, Fire
Mp: 100,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 129                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 160,000                                    
Fol: 260,000                                    
Drop: Valorous Gauntlets (100%)          

Boss Strategies:

It's Crosell, but bigger and badder, still comes with the same awesome music 
though.  If you got the Huge Folio on the floor before this, it's a great battle
to test out your new Ethereal Blast skill.  With only 100,000 Mp it also helps 
for an Mp kill on this guy so if your party is equipped to help, give it a try.
If you get too close he'll stomp you for thousands of damage per hit, and it's 
rather hard to escape once you're in there so rely on longer range battle skills
for this one.

---Floor 126:

Name: Shadow Dragon                      Weak: Wind
Hp: 1,000,000                            Half: Water, Fire
Mp: 200,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 134                               Drain: Earth
Exp: 170,000                                    
Fol: 260,000                                    
Drop: Heavenly Spirit (100%)             

Boss Strategies:

Be sure you equip the Reflection Plate beforehand, he only has two powerful 
attacks and this will completely nullify one of them.  Other than that, to keep 
him from using his big laser spell just use attacks that juggle him in the air 
like Air Raid, or Maria's Energy Burst once he's already airborne.

---Floor 137:

Name: Vengeful Shelby                    Weak: Fire
Hp: 1,500,000                            Half: Earth, Water, Wind
Mp: 200,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 144                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 180,000                                    
Fol: 310,000                                    
Drop: Death Bringers (100%)              

Boss Strategies:

This is a particularly easy fight, his basic attack is laughable and I don't 
know how he acquired the ability to spray ice breath, but you'd be surprised how
weak it is.  The only this he has going for him is his Hp total, which is the 
highest you've likely seen so far besides the fighting arena, so an Mp kill may 
be in order, but either way you're not likely going to die.

---Floor 147:

Name: Frenzied Biwig                     Weak: Earth
Hp: 2,000,000                            Half: Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 300,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 144                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 190,000                                    
Fol: 365,000                                    
Drop: Fangs of the Wicked (100%)         

Boss Strategies:

Very similar to the last fight, except now with weaker attacks and more hp!  His
gun swing is pitiful, and big big charge up shot he does, when he finally gets 
around to shooting it, barely dents you and only hits once.  On the other hand, 
he has 2,000,000 Hp, so it's not like he just goes right down.

---Floor 159:

Name: Green Mojara                       Weak: Fire
Hp: 2,500,000                            Half: N/A
Mp: 400,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 154                               Drain: Water
Exp: 190,000                                    
Fol: 285,000                                    
Drop: Hybrid Helm (100%)                 

Boss Strategies:

This is the hardest boss so far in the dungeon.  His spinning claw can easily 
rakc up the damage, but it's his ice breath that will crush you here.  His 
breath will deal about 4000-5000 damage per hit, as well as freeze you, he is 
also able to stay at 100% fury while casting it.  Use circle button guard 
breaking battle skills here, like Ethereal Blast, and consider going for an Mp 

---Floor 170:

Name: Arch Demon                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 3,000,000                            Half: Earth, Water, Fire
Mp: 500,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 159                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 200,000                                    
Fol: 365,000                                    
Drop: Dragoon Laser (100%)               

Boss Strategies:

This is another rather challenging boss, he has a lot of Hp and Mp, as well as 
some powerful attacks.  He is capable of summing a giant spirit who will Mp kill
any characters who are close to him him immediately, so it's a good idea to use 
a long lange spellcaster like Sophia, or long range attacker like Maria so 
someone can be left to revive everyone.  Cancel bonus'd Ethereal Blast will help
rack up the damage needed, but it's frustrating to get it off here before he 
interrupts with a sword attack.

---Floor 181:

Name: Angry Azazer                       Weak: Fire
Hp: 261, 030                             Half: Earth, Water, Wind
Mp: 11,865                               Immune: N/A
Level: 190                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 68,000                                     
Fol: 2200                                       
Drop: Valorous Gauntlets (100%)          

Name: Raging Belzeber                    Weak: Earth
Hp: 3,000,000                            Half: Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 500,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 164                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 110,000                                    
Fol: 416,000                                    
Drop: N/A                                

Boss Strategies:

With an Hp total like that for Azazer, you'd think it would be a typo but nope, 
he really does die within three seconds of the battle starting, which is good, 
because Belzeber is hard enough.  Obviously you should go after Azazer first 
(the guy in the long coat, who isn't wearing purple lipstick.)  Once he's dead 
you can focus on Belzeber, who doesn't have any particular overpower attacks, 
just his normal attack which deals a good amount of damage, and he doesn't let 
up on it.  Now and then he uses some kind of Mp draining spells, but really it's
his simple attack that will take you out if anything.  Since his whip is short 
ranged, long range characters and skills help a great deal in this fight, as 
well as good healing strategies.

---Floor 192:

Name: Furious Berial                     Weak: Wind
Hp: 3,000,000                            Half: Earth, Water, Fire
Mp: 500,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 174                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 110,000                                    
Fol: 416,000                                    
Drop: Angelic Cape (100%)                

Boss Strategies:

Berial is back with his trusty rocket launcher, and you'd be surprised how fast 
he can whip it out of thin air.  His normal attack with it is nothing to worry 
about, but when he jumps into the air shooting downward, lookout, sometimes it's
better to try and dodge this than keep attacking.  Fayt's Air Raid can actually 
knock him out of the air if you time it well.  After some time he begins using a
fire based attack, so if you're equipped with the Reflecting Plate this fight 
will actually get easier at this point.  Offensively, stick to your most 
powerful attacks that have worked thus far, they'll work on him.

---Floor 200:

Name: Super Blair                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 4,000,000                            Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 600,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 184                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 230,000                                    
Fol: 570,000                                    
Drop: Levantine (100%)                   

Boss Strategies:

Super Blair is extremely hard, for a sub boss that is.  You may think otherwise 
to start, then she'll start using her specials, like Eddy of Light, every 1-2 
seconds.  You need very high defense to withstand this kind of punishment, 
either that or a very good strategy for interrupting her (stun bombs maybe?)  
With 4,000,000 Hp you'll have to withstand her attacks for quite a long time, so
you may find your item supply taxed at the end of the battle, use every 
oppurtunity you get to go on the offensive, because if you stay at the side 
trying to heal up enough to start fighting again, you'll tire out before she 

---Floor 210:

Name: Lenneth                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 7,000,000                            Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 700,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 194                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 250,000                                    
Fol: 625,000                                    
Drop: Valkyrie Garb (100%)               

Boss Strategies:

Whew, here's someone to make Gabriel Celeste look like a walk in the park.  
Before this fight you're going to want to head to an outfitter shop, by now 
people whould have patented the Shielding Device and EM Stun bomb, you want as 
many as you can of both.  As for the fight, MP kill is preferable, Hp kill is 
also reasonable here.  To start off use attacks like Ethereal Blast and Energy 
Burst, Energy Burst works wonders because you can stay out of the range for most
of her attacks, in fact I highly recommend controlling Maria for this battle.  
Equip "Magnetic Field" to long range X and "Energy Burst" to long range circle, 
launch off a quick magnetic field then hold cirle to use Energy Burst at a 
cancel bonus'd 175% damage.  After about 10 of these, or whatever else you're 
using this is where the battle starts to get hard.  Lenneth begins to use 
Nibelung Valesti, an uber powerful attack that hits virtually the whole field 
killing everything in it's path.  Dodging is almost not an option here so you 
need to do one of three things, if you can manually kick her out of the attack 
immediately go to your inventory and use an EM explosive, it'll stop her dead.  
The shielding devices are for when you go to use an EM explosive, and the attack
is alreayd heading right for you, use a shielding device to survive it, even 
though you won't be able to attack.  Even with this the battle remains very 
diffucult as N-V is virtually the only attack she uses.  You'll have to use the 
time she's stunned from the bombs as your only window for attack, so use it 

---Floor 211:

Name: Ethereal Queen                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 10,000,000                           Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 2,000,000                            Immune: N/A
Level: 204                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 600,000                                    
Fol: 650,000                                    
Drop: Spirit of Lilith (100%)            

Boss Strategies:

You may be surprised after fighting Lenneth, I know I was, at the diffuculty of 
the Ethereal Queen.  She's by absolutely no means easy, but Lenneth was much 
more diffucult.  Use the same offensive tactics you used on Lenneth, your most 
powerful battle skills.  Unlike Lenneth battle skills seem to control her a lto 
better and keep her from attacking, one advantage she does have is the ability 
to paralyze your party, similar to Gabriel Celesta so be ready with Basil in 
your inventory.  Besidess that there isn't too much to worry about.  She has two
main attacks, True Jugdement, which is easy to interrput, can also be blocked 
with 100% fury.  Celestial Star is her largest, most powerful attack.  Try not 
to let her pull this one off, use your left over stun bombs from Lenneth when 
you see her trying to cast this.  Other than that, if you defeated Lenneth, you 
likely won't need to do too much different.  If you're using a female character 
then be sure to equip the Valkyrie Garb you got from Lenneth, as it is the best 
piece fo equipment you can find.

| Treasures |

Here are all the treasures listed by floor, the numbers corresponed to the 
chest # in the description of where to find them.

Whether a chest is empty or not there at all, it is marked as N/A.
Floor: 6                                 Floor: 101
Layout: 1                                Layout: 5
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: Synthesis Materials            Chest #2: Synthesis Materials
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Strength+ Berries
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 7                                 Floor: 102
Layout: 2                                Layout: 7
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Gold Chalice
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 8                                 Floor: 103
Layout: 3                                Layout: 7
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A                 
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Jewel of Alertness 
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Intellect+ Berries
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 9                                 Floor: 104
Layout: 4                                Layout: 5
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Synthesis Materials
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Synthesis Materials
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 10                                Floor: 105
Layout: 1                                Layout: 1
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Earth Faerie
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A            
Chest #3: Synthesis Materials            Chest #3: Synthesis Materials
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 11                                Floor: 106
Layout: 5                                Layout: 2
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Valiant Mail   
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Magi+ Berries
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 12                                Floor: 107
Layout: 6                                Layout: 1
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Health+ Berries
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 13                                Floor: 108
Layout: 1                                Layout: 2
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: Silver Chalice                 Chest #2: Puzzling Scroll  
Chest #3: Jewel of Refuge                Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 14                                Floor: 109
Layout: 2                                Layout: 6
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Trading Card EX17
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A                 
Floor: 15                                Floor: 110
Layout: 3                                Layout: 8
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: Dexterity+ Berries
Floor: 16                                Floor: 111
Layout: 2                                Layout: 4
Chest #1: Trading Card EX7               Chest #1: Dragon Leather
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Defense+ Berries
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 17                                Floor: 112
Layout: 4                                Layout: 1
Chest #1: Synthesis Materials            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Synthesis Materials
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 18                                Floor: 113
Layout: 7                                Layout: 6
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: Jewel of Alertness             Chest #3: Synthesis Materials
Chest #4: Intellect+ Berries             Chest #4: Jewel of Alertness
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 19                                Floor: 114
Layout: 3                                Layout: 5
Chest #1: Jewel of Avarice               Chest #1: Strength+ Berries
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Huge Folio
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Star Guard
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 20                                Floor: 115
Layout: 5                                Layout: 7
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 21                                Floor: 116
Layout: 6                                Layout: 8
Chest #1: Synthesis Materials            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: Synthesis Materials            Chest #2: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Jewel of Alertness
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 22                                Floor: 117
Layout: 8                                Layout: 3
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: Agility+ Berries
Floor: 23                                Floor: 118
Layout: 2                                Layout: 6
Chest #1: Jewel of Avarice               Chest #1: Jewel of Alertness
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Seraphic Garb
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Agility+ Berries
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 24                                Floor: 119
Layout: 1                                Layout: 2
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Earth Faerie
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Magi+ Berries
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 25                                Floor: 120
Layout:                                  Layout: 8
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Dragon Leather
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Jewel of Refuge
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 26                                Floor: 121
Layout:                                  Layout: 3
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 27                                Floor: 122
Layout: 4                                Layout: 5
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Strength+ Berries
Chest #2: Synthesis Materials            Chest #2: Valiant Mail
Chest #3: Jewel of Avarice               Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 28                                Floor: 123
Layout: 3                                Layout: 6
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: Synthesis Materials            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Jewel of Alertness
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 29                                Floor: 124
Layout: 5                                Layout: 8
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Dexterity+ Berries
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 30                                Floor: 125
Layout: 1                                Layout: 4
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Jewel of Alertness
Chest #2: Book of Prophecies 4           Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: Defense+ Berries
Floor: 31                                Floor: 126
Layout: 7                                Layout: 7
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Weighty Folio
Chest #2: Synthesis Materials            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Intellect+ Berries
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 32                                Floor: 127
Layout: 4                                Layout: 3
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Dragon Leather
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: Synthesis Materials            Chest #3: Agility+ Berries
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 33                                Floor: 128
Layout: 3                                Layout: 7
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #3: Synthesis Materials            Chest #3: Jewel of Refuge
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Valiant Mail
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 34                                Floor: 129
Layout: 7                                Layout: 4
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Defense+ Berries
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 35                                Floor: 130
Layout: 5                                Layout: 8
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Synthesis Materials
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 36                                Floor: 131
Layout: 6                                Layout: 5
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Earth Faerie
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Strength+ Berries
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 37                                Floor: 132
Layout: 4                                Layout: 7
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: Synthesis Materials            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 38                                Floor: 133
Layout: 7                                Layout: 6
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: Synthesis Materials            Chest #3: Agility+ Berries
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 39                                Floor: 134
Layout: 8                                Layout: 7
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Earth Absorption
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Intellect+ Berries
Chest #3: Synthesis Materials            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 40                                Floor: 135
Layout: 3                                Layout: 4
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Large Folio
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Defense+ Berries
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 41                                Floor: 136
Layout: 8                                Layout: 8
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Seraphic Garb
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Dexterity+ Berries
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 42                                Floor: 137
Layout: 2                                Layout: 4
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: Jewel of Avarice               Chest #2: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Synthesis Materials
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: Jewel of Refuge
Floor: 43                                Floor: 138
Layout: 6                                Layout: 6
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Jewel of Alertness
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 44                                Floor: 139
Layout: 5                                Layout: 8
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Jewel of Refuge
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: Synthesis Materials
Floor: 45                                Floor: 140
Layout: 4                                Layout: 2
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: Jewel of Alertness             Chest #2: Synthesis Materials
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Trading Card EX18
Chest #4: Synthesis Materials            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 46                                Floor: 141
Layout: 1                                Layout: 6
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Trading Card EX19
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 47                                Floor: 142
Layout: 7                                Layout: 7
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Seraphic Garb
Chest #2: Intellect+ Berries             Chest #2: Earth Faerie
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Jewel of Refuge
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 48                                Floor: 143
Layout: 6                                Layout: 1
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Health+ Berries
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 49                                Floor: 144
Layout: 2                                Layout: 5
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Synthesis Materials
Chest #2: Synthesis Materials            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: Jewel of Alertness             Chest #3: Jewel of Alertness
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 50                                Floor: 145
Layout: 1                                Layout: 2
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: Trading Card EX8               Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Magi+ Berries
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 51                                Floor: 146
Layout: 3                                Layout: 3
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Jewel of Alertness
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Synthesis Materials
Chest #4: Synthesis Materials            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: Agility+ Berries
Floor: 52                                Floor: 147
Layout: 7                                Layout: 4
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Synthesis Materials
Chest #3: Synthesis Materials            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: Synthesis Materials            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 53                                Floor: 148
Layout: 5                                Layout: 5
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Strength+ Berries
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 54                                Floor: 149
Layout: 5                                Layout: 2
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Jewel of Alertness
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Synthesis Materials
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 55                                Floor: 150
Layout: 7                                Layout: 8
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Cumbrous Folio
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Dexterity+ Berries
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: Jewel of Alertness
Floor: 56                                Floor: 151
Layout: 6                                Layout: 1
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Jewel of Refuge
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 57                                Floor: 152
Layout: 7                                Layout: 7
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Synthesis Materials
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 58                                Floor: 153
Layout: 4                                Layout: 3
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Jewel of Refuge
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Synthesis Materials
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 59                                Floor: 154
Layout: 1                                Layout: 6
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: Synthesis Materials            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A                
Chest #4: Synthesis Materials            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 60                                Floor: 155
Layout: 8                                Layout: 8
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Dexterity+ Berries
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 61                                Floor: 156
Layout: 6                                Layout: 2
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: Synthesis Materials            Chest #4: Substantial Folio
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 62                                Floor: 157
Layout: 3                                Layout: 5
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Strenth+ Berries
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Jewel of Refuge
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 63                                Floor: 158
Layout: 2                                Layout: 4
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Jewel of Refuge
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: Earth Faerie
Floor: 64                                Floor: 159
Layout: 4                                Layout: 1
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Health+ Berries
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 65                                Floor: 160
Layout: 1                                Layout: 6
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A               
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Jewel of Refuge
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Agility+ Berries
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 66                                Floor: 161
Layout: 8                                Layout: 8
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Dexterity+ Berries
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: Synthesis Materials            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 67                                Floor: 162
Layout: 7                                Layout: 5
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Synthesis Materials
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Strength+ Berries
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 68                                Floor: 163
Layout: 2                                Layout: 7
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Jewel of Alertness
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Intellect+ Berries
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 69                                Floor: 164
Layout: 8                                Layout: 4
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Jewel of Alertness
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Defense+ Berries
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 70                                Floor: 165
Layout: 3                                Layout: 2
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Synthesis Materials
Chest #3: Synthesis Materials            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Magi+ Berries
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 71                                Floor: 166
Layout: 2                                Layout: 6
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Agility+ Berries
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: Jewel of Avarice               Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: Star Guard
Floor: 72                                Floor: 167
Layout: 3                                Layout: 8
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Jewel of Refuge
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Dexterity+ Berries
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Earth Faerie
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 73                                Floor: 168
Layout: 5                                Layout: 4
Chest #1: Jewel of Avarice               Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: Jewel of Refuge                Chest #2: Defense+ Berries
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 74                                Floor: 169
Layout: 3                                Layout: 3
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Voluminous Folio
Chest #5: Jewel of Avarice               Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 75                                Floor: 170
Layout: 1                                Layout: 5
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Strength+ Berries
Chest #3: Synthesis Materials            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 76                                Floor: 171
Layout: 8                                Layout: 2
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 77                                Floor: 172
Layout: 4                                Layout: 3
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Water Faerie
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 78                                Floor: 173
Layout: 6                                Layout: 6
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Trading Card EX20
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Synthesis Materials
Chest #5: Jewel of Alertness             Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 79                                Floor: 174
Layout: 7                                Layout: 1
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: Synthesis Materials            Chest #4: Jewel of Alertness
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 80                                Floor: 175
Layout: 8                                Layout: 4
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Jewel of Refuge
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: Synthesis Materials            Chest #4: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 81                                Floor: 176
Layout: 4                                Layout: 8
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Dexterity+ Berries
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Synthesis Materials
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: Synthesis Materials            Chest #5: Synthesis Materials
Floor: 82                                Floor: 177
Layout: 6                                Layout: 1
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Health+ Berries
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 83                                Floor: 178
Layout: 3                                Layout: 3
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Immense Folio
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Agility+ Berries
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 84                                Floor: 179
Layout: 1                                Layout: 8
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Crystal Chalice
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Dexterity+ Berries
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: Water Absorption
Floor: 85                                Floor: 180
Layout: 2                                Layout: 5
Chest #1: Synthesis Materials            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: Jewel of Alertness             Chest #2: Jewel of Refuge
Chest #3: Synthesis Materials            Chest #3: Jewel of Alertness
Chest #4: Book of Prophecies 3           Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 86                                Floor: 181
Layout: 7                                Layout: 7
Chest #1: Jewel of Refuge                Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: Intellect+ Berries             Chest #3: Intellect+ Berries
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 87                                Floor: 182
Layout: 4                                Layout: 4
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Defense+ Berries
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 88                                Floor: 183
Layout: 5                                Layout: 1
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Jewel of Refuge
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 89                                Floor: 184
Layout: 6                                Layout: 8
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: Synthesis Materials            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: Synthesis Materials
Floor: 90                                Floor: 185
Layout: 1                                Layout: 3
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Fire Faerie
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: Jewel of Refuge                Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 91                                Floor: 186
Layout: 5                                Layout: 7
Chest #1: Jewel of Alertness             Chest #1: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Intellect+ Berries
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 92                                Floor: 187
Layout: 7                                Layout: 6
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Jewel of Alertness
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Intricate Scroll
Chest #4: Synthesis Materials            Chest #4: Jewel of Avarice
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 93                                Floor: 188
Layout: 8                                Layout: 1
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Trading Card EX21
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 94                                Floor: 189
Layout: 6                                Layout: 8
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Dexterity+ Berries
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: Jewel of Refuge
Floor: 95                                Floor: 190
Layout: 2                                Layout: 7
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Synthesis Materials
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Jewel of Refuge
Chest #4: Synthesis Materials            Chest #4: Synthesis Materials
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 96                                Floor: 191
Layout: 3                                Layout: 2
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Synthesis Materials
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 97                                Floor: 192
Layout: 2                                Layout: 4
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Defense+ Berries
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 98                                Floor: 193
Layout: 8                                Layout: 6
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: Jewel of Alertness
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: Agility+ Berries
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 99                                Floor: 194
Layout: 4                                Layout: 2
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: Magi+ Berries
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: N/A                            Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: N/A
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
Floor: 100                               Floor: 195
Layout: 3                                Layout: 3
Chest #1: N/A                            Chest #1: N/A
Chest #2: N/A                            Chest #2: N/A
Chest #3: Jewel of Alertness             Chest #3: N/A
Chest #4: N/A                            Chest #4: Jewel of Refuge
Chest #5: N/A                            Chest #5: N/A
----------                               Floor: 196
---------                                Layout: 1
-------------                            Chest #1: N/A
-------------                            Chest #2: Jewel of Alertness
-------------                            Chest #3: N/A
-------------                            Chest #4: N/A
-------------                            Chest #5: N/A
----------                               Floor: 197
---------                                Layout: 5
-------------                            Chest #1: N/A
-------------                            Chest #2: Synthesis Materials
-------------                            Chest #3: N/A
-------------                            Chest #4: N/A
-------------                            Chest #5: N/A
----------                               Floor: 198
---------                                Layout: 4
-------------                            Chest #1: N/A
-------------                            Chest #2: Defense+ Berries
-------------                            Chest #3: N/A
-------------                            Chest #4: N/A
-------------                            Chest #5: N/A
----------                               Floor: 199
---------                                Layout: 8
-------------                            Chest #1: N/A
-------------                            Chest #2: N/A
-------------                            Chest #3: N/A
-------------                            Chest #4: N/A
-------------                            Chest #5: Trading Card EX22
----------                               Floor: 200
---------                                Layout: 2
-------------                            Chest #1: N/A
-------------                            Chest #2: Jewel of Alertness
-------------                            Chest #3: N/A
-------------                            Chest #4: N/A
-------------                            Chest #5: N/A
----------                               Floor: 201
---------                                Layout: 4
-------------                            Chest #1: N/A
-------------                            Chest #2: Defense+ Berries
-------------                            Chest #3: Synthesis Materials
-------------                            Chest #4: N/A
-------------                            Chest #5: N/A
----------                               Floor: 202
---------                                Layout: 6
-------------                            Chest #1: N/A
-------------                            Chest #2: Agility+ Berries
-------------                            Chest #3: Ponderous Folio
-------------                            Chest #4: Jewel of Alertness
-------------                            Chest #5: N/A
----------                               Floor: 203
---------                                Layout: 3
-------------                            Chest #1: Wind Faerie
-------------                            Chest #2: N/A
-------------                            Chest #3: Synthesis Materials
-------------                            Chest #4: Synthesis Materials
-------------                            Chest #5: Jewel of Alertness
----------                               Floor: 204
---------                                Layout: 1
-------------                            Chest #1: N/A
-------------                            Chest #2: N/A
-------------                            Chest #3: Synthesis Materials
-------------                            Chest #4: Health+ Berries
-------------                            Chest #5: N/A
----------                               Floor: 205
---------                                Layout: 5
-------------                            Chest #1: Strength+ Berries
-------------                            Chest #2: Book of Prophecies 6
-------------                            Chest #3: N/A
-------------                            Chest #4: N/A
-------------                            Chest #5: N/A
----------                               Floor: 206
---------                                Layout: 7
-------------                            Chest #1: N/A
-------------                            Chest #2: Intellect+ Berries
-------------                            Chest #3: N/A
-------------                            Chest #4: N/A
-------------                            Chest #5: N/A
----------                               Floor: 207
---------                                Layout: 1
-------------                            Chest #1: Jewel of Avarice
-------------                            Chest #2: N/A
-------------                            Chest #3: N/A
-------------                            Chest #4: Jewel of Refuge
-------------                            Chest #5: N/A
----------                               Floor: 208
---------                                Layout: 3
-------------                            Chest #1: Celestial Faerie
-------------                            Chest #2: N/A
-------------                            Chest #3: N/A
-------------                            Chest #4: Jewel of Aletness
-------------                            Chest #5: Agility+ Berries
----------                               Floor: 209
---------                                Layout: 2
-------------                            Chest #1: N/A
-------------                            Chest #2: Recondrite Scroll
-------------                            Chest #3: N/A
-------------                            Chest #4: N/A
-------------                            Chest #5: N/A
----------                               Floor: 210
---------                                Layout: 5
-------------                            Chest #1: Strength+ Berries
-------------                            Chest #2: N/A
-------------                            Chest #3: Profound Scroll
-------------                            Chest #4: N/A
-------------                            Chest #5: N/A
----------                               Floor: 211
---------                                Layout: N/A
-------------                            Chest #1: N/A
-------------                            Chest #2: N/A
-------------                            Chest #3: N/A
-------------                            Chest #4: N/A
-------------                            Chest #5: N/A

|                              ++ Sidequests ++                        (sQtsT) |

| The Retail Rabbit |--------------------------------------------------(Sqabc)-o

After meeting Ameena when you first reach Peterny, check out the inn on the West
side of Peterny.  Inside you should a little rabbit who makes mention of 
starting a shop.  After speaking to him wait until you are supposed to leave for
Duggus forest then find him on the street in West Peterny.

Note you can only shop from him twice, then he leaves, and he has three 
different sets of equipment so it may be a good idea not to talk to him now, but
wait until later in the game.

When you first leave for Duggus Forest:

* Rapid Rabbit *

Clone Generator......................................................... 350 Fol
Basil.................................................................... 20 Fol
Sage..................................................................... 20 Fol
Lavender................................................................. 20 Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol

After returning from Duggus Forest:

* Rapid Rabbit *

Clone Generator......................................................... 350 Fol
Basil.................................................................... 20 Fol
Sage..................................................................... 20 Fol
Lavender................................................................. 20 Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol
Blaze Gun...............................................................8800 Fol

After returning to Elicoor II from Gemity.

* Rapid Rabbit *

Mythril Sword........................................................ 47,500 Fol
Ice Falchion......................................................... 61,500 Fol
Gravity Laser........................................................ 35,500 Fol
Saint's Halberd...................................................... 35,500 Fol
Biter................................................................ 48,800 Fol
Crest Gauntlet....................................................... 37,500 Fol
Lunatic Shoes........................................................ 36,000 Fol
Adept's Staff........................................................ 29,500 Fol
Battle Armor......................................................... 49,500 Fol
Battle Chain Mail.................................................... 38,000 Fol
Wizard's Robe........................................................ 19,000 Fol
Clone Generator......................................................... 350 Fol
Fresh Sage.............................................................. 310 Fol

| Ruddle and Rumina |--------------------------------------------------(Sqbcd)-o

After returning from Duggus Forest go to the same inn on the West side of 
Peterny and find two merchants named Ruddle and Rumina.  They are trying to 
reach Kirlsa and it's your job to help them.  In Peterny they will ask you for 
directions, the correct answer is:

- It's South.  Didn't you know that?

Now go to the inn in Arias and you'll find Ruddle and Rumina again.  This time 
choose either of these two options:

- Go out through the Northwest gate
- Easiest way is through the Southwest gate

Make your way to the inn in Airyglyph to find them for a third time.  This time 

- You already passed Kirlsa

And it will finally send them to the right destination.

Head to the tavern in Kirlsa to find Ruddle and Rumina again.  Talk to Rumina to
have the ability to buy Blueprints for 5000 Fol (required to recruit an 
inventor.)  Now you can buy items from them:

Disc 1:

* Ultimate Shop *

Symbol of Courage......................... 2600 Fol
Regeneration Symbol........................ 4100 Fol
Clone Generator.................................. 350 Fol
Basil....................................................... 20 Fol
Sage........................................................ 20 Fol
Lavender............... 20 Fol

Disc 2:

* Supreme Shop *

Mythril Sword....................................................... 47,500 Fol
Ice Falchion........................................................ 61,500 Fol
Gravity Laser....................................................... 35,500 Fol
Saint's Halberd..................................................... 35,500 Fol
Biter............................................................... 48,800 Fol
Crest Gauntlet...................................................... 37,500 Fol
Lunatic Shoes....................................................... 36,000 Fol
Adept's Staff....................................................... 29,500 Fol
Battle Armor........................................................ 49,500 Fol
Battle Chain Mail................................................... 38,000 Fol
Wizard's Robe....................................................... 19,000 Fol
Clone Generator........................................................ 350 Fol
Fresh Sage............................................................. 310 Fol

| Seven Ancient Books |------------------------------------------------(Sqcde)-o

After meeting up with Roger in the Duggus forest, go to Surferio to find a scene
with him.  He'll join your party again temporarily and give you 7 Ancient Books.
These books reveal the locations of treasure:

Name: Ancient Book 1
Location: Rock in Duggus forest left of where Mudman was
Treasure: Health Berries

Name: Ancient Book 2
Location: Kirlsa Caverns, Torch just left of the Hauler control panel
Treasure: Magi Berries

Name: Ancient Book 3
Location: Sealed Cavern, Retail Rabbit Room
Treasure: Intellect Berries

Name: Ancient Book 4
Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B2F stone statue at North of runic chess room
Treasure: Strength Berries

Name: Ancient Book 5
Location: Mountains of Barr, skeleton in area with many little dragons
Treasure: Elven Slippers

Name: Ancient Book 6
Location: Abandoned outdoor part of Bequerel Mine, tree in Northwest area
Treasure: Demonbane Cross

Name: Ancient Book 7
Location: Urssa Lava cave, left torch on bunny statue with the key behind it
Treasure: Rabbit Ears Chalice

|                                ++ Gemity ++                          (Sqdef) |

This is an absolutely huge sidequest that emcompasses all sorts of smaller 
minigames and activities.  Here is a rundown on each one:

| Bunny Races |--------------------------------------------------------(Sqefg)-o

From the main games area of Gemity, the Bunny Races are located to the Southeast
and Southwest.

Speak to the person in the chair to buy a ticket, there are three types of 
classes eah with a different ticket price:

Name: Class A
Ticket Price: 300 Fol

Name: Class B
Ticket Price: 200 Fol 

Name: Class C
Ticket Price: 100 Fol

The class changes on a daily basis so you don't specify it.  After you but your 
ticket you must choose either "Buy to win" or "Buy perfecta."

- Buy to win

When you buy this ticket you choose one bunny out of four who you think will 
win, it doesn't matter which one.

- Buy perfecta

When you buy this ticket you must choose two bunnies instead and you choose 
based on the two you think will come in first and second (it doesn't matter 
which one of the two you pick wins, you're only picking the top two, not the 
exact order.)

By winning you will receive points based on your ticket:

Name: Class A
Win Points: 3
Perfecta Points: 9

Name: Class B
Win Points: 2
Perfecta Points: 6

Name: Class C
Win Points: 1
Perfecta Points: 3

When you have accumulated some points, talk to the bunny at the counter above 
where you buy your tickets to trade them in.  You receive prizes once, but they 
don't deplete your points so even though you get a reward at one point, you 
still only need nine more to get the ten point one etc.  The rewards are as 

Name: Commemorative Prize
Required Points: 1

Name: Laser Weapon
Required Points: 10

Name: Giant King Crab
Required Points: 50

Name: Bent Mystic Blade
Required Points: 100

Name: Scumbag Slayer
Required Points: 200

Name: Bunny Shoes
Required Points: 350

Name: Pomello Juice
Required Points: 500

Name: Bunny Race Trophy
Required Points: 1000

The races are deisgned unfortunately, to make any prize higher than the one for 
10 Fol require such a monotonous amount of work, that without a rapidfire 
controller, few people would actually get them.

| Runic Chess |--------------------------------------------------------(Sqfgh)-o

Located Northwest and Northeast, iedt's rock-paper-scissors... CHESS!  Lets 
start with the basics.  This game is played automatically by the computer, where
your strategy comes in is how you set up the pieces.  The pieces move 
automatically and will automatically fight each other when one panel apart, 
there are three pieces:

- Warrior
- Symbologist
- Thief

Warrior beats Thief
Thief beats Symbologist
Symbologist beats Warrior

And so you have the basics.  There are 11 difficulty levels to choose from right
off the bat, which get progressively harder obviously:

Difficulty Level: 1
Number of Pieces: 3
Price: 200 Fol
Prize: Blueberries

Difficulty Level: 2
Number of Pieces: 3
Price: 400 Fol
Prize: Blackberries

Difficulty Level: 3
Number of Pieces: 3
Price: 600 Fol
Prize: 1100 Fol

Difficulty Level: 4
Number of Pieces: 2
Price: 800 Fol
Prize: Synthesis Materials

Difficulty Level: 5
Number of Pieces: 3
Price: 1000 Fol
Prize: Ripe Berries

Difficulty Level: 6
Number of Pieces: 4
Price: 1200 Fol
Prize: 5000 Fol

Difficulty Level: 7
Number of Pieces: 3
Price: 1400 Fol
Prize: Strength Berries

Difficulty Level: 8
Number of Pieces: 4
Price: 1600 Fol
Prize: Perfect Berries

Difficulty Level: 9
Number of Pieces: 3
Price: 1800 Fol
Prize: 50,000 Fol

Difficulty Level: 10
Number of Pieces: 4
Price: 2000 Fol
Prize: Synthesis Materials

Difficulty Level: 11
Number of Pieces: 4
Price: 2200 Fol
Prize: Lezard Flask

And that's pretty much all there is to it.

| Fighting Arena |-----------------------------------------------------(Sqghi)-o

Here's where the real fun lies.  There's lots to do, lots to win and lots to 
enjoy here.  There are three types of battles, Single battle, Team Battle, 
Ranking battle.

- Single Battle

Choose one character to take on five enemies, the difficulty of these enemies 
depends on the level you choose.  Here is the list of single battles from 
weakest to strongest, with the cost to enter and prize in brackets.

D Rank - 100 Fol (Magical Berries)
C Rank - 300 Fol (Mallet Charm)
B Rank - 500 Fol (Bunny Shoes)
A Rank - 1000 Fol (Star Guard)
S Rank - 2000 Fol (Imposing Scroll)

The first two prizes you can get one of for each character you beat it with, the
last three you can only get one of at all.

- Team Battle

Your party takes on five sets of enemies, the difficulty of these enemies 
depends on the level you choose.  Here is the list of team battles from weakest 
to strongest, with the cost to enter and prize in brackets.

D Rank - 100 Fol (Synthesis Materials)
C Rank - 300 Fol (Tri-Emblum)
B Rank - 500 Fol (Scumbag Slayer)
A Rank - 1000 Fol (Star Splash)
S Rank - 2000 Fol (Ring of Slaughter)

The first two prizes you can get six of, the last three you can get one of.

- Ranking Battle

The ranking battle is similar to Star Ocean 2's survival battle, you must fight 
50 battles, but since it is a ladder they don't need to be one after another.  
When you first enter you must choose a name among all of the following:

- Knights Between Time
- Steel Knights
- Arthur and the Knights of Teatable
- Rebels Without an Existence
- Arcane Warriors of the Black Brigade
- Mystic Dragon Eyes
- Onward! Defrosted Tuna Team
- Fayt and Company

Personally I can't see choosing anything other than Defrosted Tuna Team but hey,
it's your decision.

You can fight up to four ranks ahead of you, as you continue to win above people
higher than you you will advance up.  Each time you win you also get prize money
based on the teams you beat.  When you reach the number one slot you will 
receive a challenge from the 'Reigning Champions,' the hardest fight in the 
arena.  You will have to face:

Name: Dirna Hamilton                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 3,000,000                            Half: Earth, Wind
Mp: 500,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 174                               Drain: Fire
Exp: 110,000                                    
Fol: 415000                                     
Drop: Spirit of Lilith (100%)            

Name: Solon Solute                       Weak: Fire
Hp: 500,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: Wind
Level: 174                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 50,000                                      
Fol: 0                                          
Drop: N/A                                

Good luck if and when you reach that battle, for winning you receive the Victory
Trophy, a special item with all sorts of great bonuses attached to it.

|                             ++ Item Creation ++                      (Itcra) |

| Starting Item Creation |

Item creation first becomes available in the Trading Town of Peterny when you 
first reach it.  On the West side you will find the Craftsman's guild, simply 
enter ad speak to the girl at the counter to set everything up.  Once it is all 
said and done you will have your very first workshop, but there's more to it 
than that.

There are many workshops available throughout the world.  They need to be 
expanded though in order to create more items.  The following are the locations 
of all the facilities, and what they can do when you first enter them:

- Location is obviously where you will find the workshop
- IC Type is what types of items the workshop can produce
- Starting lines is how many lines the workshop can work on at once
Location: Airyglyph                      Location: Kirlsa
IC Types: Smithery                       IC Types: Cooking, Alchemy, Compounding
Starting Lines: 2                        Starting Lines: 1
Location: Kirlsa                         Location: Peterny
IC Types: Crafting, Smithery             IC Types: Cooking
Starting Lines: 3                        Starting Lines: 0
Location: Aquios                         Location: Kirlsa Training Facility
IC Types: Cooking, Crafting, Compounding IC Types: Cooking
Starting Lines: 1                        Starting Lines: 3
Location: Bequerel Mine                  Location: Mountains of Barr
IC Types: Compounding, Synthesis         IC Types: Alchemy
Starting Lines: 1                        Starting Lines: 1
Location: Urssa Lava Caves               Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel
IC Types: Engineering                    IC Types: Cooking, Alchemy, Machinery
Starting Lines: 1                        Starting Lines: 2
Location: Shrine of Kaddan               Location: Maze of Tribulations
IC Types: Alchemy, Crafting, Smithery    IC Types: All
Starting Lines: 1                        Starting Lines: 3

| Invent |

Here is where the main item creation takes place.  There's much to understand 
here so pay close attention.

First of all you have the faces of all your inventors, this includes all your 
characters plus all the NPC inventors you've recruited to the particular 
facility you are working at.  

Below there you have the lines, you can try and make up to three items at once 
with three lines.

To start, push x to bring up to three inventors per line down onto the lines 
themselves.  To determine your success at creating an original item use the 
triangle button to determine how talented someone is at a particular type of 
item creation.  NPC inventors can ONLY perform one specific type of item 
creation, so keep track of who does what.

Afterward to the right of the inventors is the "type."  Choose it and select 
which type of item creation you wish to perform from the following:

- Cooking
- Alchemy
- Crafting
- Compounding
- Smithery
- Writing
- Engineering
- Synthesis

Once you have chosen your desired type of item creation, you need to next choose
whether to create an original invention of specify plan, which are detailed more
below.  When you have everything set up press square to start it.

You will see two lines here, time and quality.  Quality will progress slowly 
down as your characters keep trying, every time the time meter reaches the end 
another attempt at creating a specific item.  Again see below for more 

Success and failure can be determined by looking at the character expressions, 
after the time fills if they look happy it succeeded then it was a success, if 
they look flustered then it failed.

When you're ready to check, press x and choose yes.  If you succeeded in making 
any items it will tell you here.

- Original Invention

Original invention is one of two types of item creation you can do, the other 
being specify plan.  Original invention seeks to create something for nothing 
(well actually money, not nothing.)  When you choose a type of creation you want
to do and then choose 'Original Invention' a numerical value of how much it will
cost appears on the right.  This value corresponds to the type of item you will 
be creating, and is chosen at random.  If you are looking to make a specific 
item you need to look below the charts here to find out the value of the item, 
and keep choosing 'Original Invention' until that value shows up.  Another thing
to take into consideration is how much the inventors change the base price of an
item, which is listed with all the inventors below.  If you want an item with a 
base price of 300, and you are using an inventor with price -10%, you'll roughly
be waiting for a Fol value of 270 to appear.

- Specify Plan

Specify Plan allows you to take items you already have with bonuses like Hp + 
10% for example, and make them better.  Talent doesn't matter here so choose 
some inventors, then choose the type of item creation based on the item you wish
to make better (Choose smithery for a weapon for example.)  Now once you've
chosen it choose 'Specify Plan' and begin.  Any of the following can happen to 
properties already on a weapon/item:

The bonus is duplicated
The bonus is strengthened
The bonus changes
The bonus is removed

Obviously the latter two aren't preferable so be sure to save first.

Specify Plan is what you will be using to remove some of those negative bonuses 
from the ultimate weapons, but be sure to save first so you don't make them 

- Synthesis

Synthesis is the odd one out of all the types of item creation.  Instead of 
creating something from nothing, you improve something you already have WITH 
something.  Lets say for example you have a Sword and an Orichalcum (which has 
an Atk+500 bonus.)  Using Synthesis you would first choose the sword, then the 
Orichalcum.  When the time finishes assuming success it will tell you the item 
is finished and the sword will now have the Atk+500 bonus built into it.  
Synthesis Materials aren't common so be sure you don't make too many mistakes 

| Expand Workshop Facilities |

Each workshop can be expanded to hold more facilities for a price, the following
is a list of those upgrades and their prices:

Upgrade: Cooking                        Upgrade: Alchemy
Price: 800 Fol                          Price: 2000 Fol
Upgrade: Crafting                       Upgrade: Compounding
Price: 8000 Fol                         Price: 4000 Fol
Upgrade: Smithery                       Upgrade: Writing
Price: 3000 Fol                         Price: 5000 Fol
Upgrade: Writing                        Upgrade: Engineering
Price: 5000                             Price: 6000
Upgrade: Synthesis                      Upgrade: Lines 1, 2, 3
Price: 9500                             Price: 1000, 2000, 3000 Fol

| Transfer Inventors |

Once you have recruited some NPC inventors you can transfer them between 
workshops in towns (not dungeons.)  Each workshop can hold up to 12 inventors 
and there are a lot of inventors so it's a good idea to set up specific 
workshops for specific types of item creation.

| Inventing and Registering Patents |

After creating certain items, you can actually file to have them patented.  When
you do so they will start appearing in shops all over the world, and you can buy
your own invented items at a price of 1/5.  The item is listed as invented by 
the person who created it, or Fayt if it was found.

Not only that there's a ranking system here you can climb, and inventing is a 
great way to make some money if you put effort into it.  When you recruit your 
own inventors they'll keep inventing but it'll come out of your pocket, so if 
you want them to hold off, go to the invention menu and select "Change orders" 
to put them on standby.

| Inventor Recruiting |

The following is a list of all the inventors, what they are good at and how to 
recruit them (item to give them listed, or how much to pay.)

- Character Inventors:
Name: Fayt                               Name: Sophia
Specialty: N/A                           Specialty: N/A
Time: +0%                                Time: +0%
Cost: +0%                                Cost: -5%
Location: N/A                            Location: N/A
To Recruit: N/A                          To Recruit: N/A
Name: Cliff                              Name: Maria
Specialty: N/A                           Specialty: N/A
Time: +5%                                Time: +0%
Cost: +0%                                Cost: -10%
Location: N/A                            Location: N/A
To Recruit: N/A                          To Recruit: N/A
Name: Nel                                Name: Albel
Specialty: N/A                           Specialty: N/A
Time: -5%                                Time: +0%
Cost: +0%                                Cost: +5%
Location: N/A                            Location: N/A
To Recruit: N/A                          To Recruit: N/A
Name: Peppita                            Name: Roger
Specialty: N/A                           Specialty: N/A
Time: -10%                               Time: +5%
Cost: +10%                               Cost: +0%
Location: N/A                            Location: N/A
To Recruit: N/A                          To Recruit: N/A
Name: Adray                              Name: Mirage
Specialty: N/A                           Specialty: N/A
Time: -25%                               Time: -5%
Cost: +30%                               Cost: -5%
Location: N/A                            Location: N/A
To Recruit: N/A                          To Recruit: N/A
- NPC Inventors

Name: Damda Mooda                        Name: Milenya
Specialty: Cooking                       Specialty: Compounding
Time: +0%                                Time: +0%
Cost: +10%                               Cost: -20%
Location: West Aquios                    Location: Arias Temple
To Recruit: Winking Sage Cider           To Recruit: 3200 Fol
Name: Mayu                               Name: Eliza
Specialty: Cooking                       Specialty: Alchemy
Time: +0%                                Time: -30%
Cost: -30%                               Cost: +0%
Location: Kirlsa Training Facility, 3F   Location: East Aquios
To Recruit: Adorable Kitty Doll          To Recruit: 10,000 Fol
Name: Grats                              Name: Stanice
Specialty: Smithery                      Specialty: Crafting
Time: +0%                                Time: -30%
Cost: +0%                                Cost: -20%
Location: Bequerel Mine (Abondoned Area) Location: Surferio Village Chief's Home
To Recruit: 13,500 Fol                   To Recruit: Limited-Edition Doll
Name: Gossam                             Name: Mackwell
Specialty: Compounding                   Specialty: Alchemy
Time: +0%                                Time: +40%
Cost: +20%                               Cost: +0%
Location: North Peterny                  Location: Castle Aquaria Library
To Recruit: Potion of Youth (Fake)       To Recruit: Book of Prophecies 1
Name: Rigel                              Name: Misty Lear
Specialty: Cooking                       Specialty: Alchemy
Time: +40%                               Time: +0%
Cost: +0%                                Cost: +0%
Location: Kirlsa Grocer                  Location: Mountains of Barr
To Recruit: Golden Curry                 To Recruit: Spirit Stone
Name: Lias                               Name: Dejison
Specialty: Smithery                      Specialty: Engineering
Time: +0%                                Time: -20%
Cost: +20%                               Cost: +40%
Location: Airyglyph Tavern               Location: South Airyglyph (Alley)
To Recruit: 28,000 Fol                   To Recruit: Ultimate Bomb
Name: The Killer Chef                    Name: Cornelius
Specialty: Cooking                       Specialty: Writing
Time: -30%                               Time: -40%
Cost: +0%                                Cost: +0%
Location: Central Surferio               Location: Airyglyph Armorer
To Recruit: Keen Kitchen Knife           To Recruit: Sunrise Dictionary
Name: Balbados                           Name: Mishell
Specialty: Crafting                      Specialty: Writing
Time: -40%                               Time: +0%
Cost: +50%                               Cost: +10%
Location: Southwest Mosel Dunes          Location: Central Aquios
To Recruit: Antique Jewelry              To Recruit: 85,000 Fol
Name: Gusto                              Name: Vanilla
Specialty: Smithery                      Specialty: Engineering
Time: -20%                               Time: +0%
Cost: +0%                                Cost: +30%
Location: South Peterny                  Location: Urssa Cave Temple Workshop
To Recruit: 60,000 Fol                   To Recruit: 30,000 Fol
Name: Ansala                             Name: Puffy
Specialty: Alchemy                       Specialty: Compounding
Time: -20%                               Time: -40%
Cost: +0%                                Cost: +0%
Location: Castle Aquaria Guest Room      Location: Maze of Tribulations, B5F
To Recruit: Philosopher's Stone          To Recruit: Experimental Remedy
Name: Aqua & Evia                        Name: Meryl
Specialty: Crafting                      Specialty: Engineering
Time: +0%                                Time: +30%
Cost: +10%                               Cost: +0%
Location: Peterny Temple                 Location: East Peterny
To Recruit: 20,000 Fol                   To Recruit: Dremela's Tool Set
Name: Count Noppen                       Name: Boyd
Specialty: Writing                       Specialty: Smithery
Time: +0%                                Time: +50%
Cost: +40%                               Cost: +0%
Location: Airyglyph Castle Second Floor  Location: Arias General Store
To Recruit: 150,000 Fol                  To Recruit: Bent Mystic Blade
Name: Chilico                            Name: Osman the Sage
Specialty: Crafting                      Specialty: Writing
Time: +60%                               Time: +40%
Cost: -10%                               Cost: +0%
Location: Surferio Shop                  Location: Airyglyph Abandoned Temple
To Recruit: 82,000 Fol                   To Recruit: Strange Book
Name: Louise the Diviner                 Name: Izak
Specialty: Compounding                   Specialty: Engineering
Time: +30%                               Time: -50%
Cost: +0%                                Cost: +0%
Location: Surferio Private Home          Location: Surferio, near chief's house
To Recruit: 90,000 Fol                   To Recruit: Blueprints, AI Program
                                              (Vanilla, Dejison, Meryl required)

| Creation Help Items |

There are special items in this game made to help you be more successful at each
type of item creation, be sure to get them all!

Name: Keen Kitchen Knife
Acquired: Gemity
Assists: Cooking

Name: Alchemist's Stone
Acquired: Mosel Dunes
Assists: Alchemy

Name: Cherubic Bust   
Acquired: Palmira Plains
Assists: Crafting

Name: Multi-Flask
Acquired: Arias (Chest)
Assists: Compounding

Name: Smithy Hammer
Acquired: Arkives (Chest)
Assists: Smithery

Name: Enchanted Pen
Acquired: Shrine of Kaddan
Assists: Writing

Name: NC Program Disk
Acquired: Moonbase (Chest)
Assists: Engineering

| Item Creation |

Following are charts that include all the items separated by types, the talent 
of those who create them, and the base price so you can best estimate which item
you are going to create.

*                                    Alchemy                                   *

** Because of the volumes and volumes of email I get about the Philosopher's
Stone I have included a small section for how to obtain it, written by Destructo
who was kind enough to allow it to be posted in here.  It is located at the 
bottom of this guide just before the legal section.
| Alchemists |                                                       
Name: Fayt (Fa)                          Name: Sophia (So)                    
Talent: 14                               Talent: 36                            
Name: Cliff (Cl)                         Name: Maria (Ma)                     
Talent: 5                                Talent: 22                          
Name: Nel (Ne)                           Name: Albel (Al)                     
Talent: 20                               Talent: 15                          
Name: Peppita (Pe)                       Name: Roger (Ro)                     
Talent: 12                               Talent: 6                          
Name: Mirage (Mi)                        Name: Adray (Ad)                     
Talent: 18                               Talent: 4                          
Name: Eliza (El)                         Name: Mackwell (Mk)                  
Talent: 4                                Talent: 31                          
Name: Misty Lear (Ms)                    Name: Ansala (An)                   
Talent: 50                               Talent: 99                         
|Repulsive Lump                      |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|El|Mk|Ms|An|
|Philosopher's Stone                 |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |El|  |  |  |
|Overwrought Product                 |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|El|Mk|Ms|An|
|Strange Lump                        |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|El|Mk|Ms|An|
|Misconceived Product                |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|El|Mk|Ms|An|
|Iron                                |Fa|  |Cl|  |Ne|Al|Pe|  |  |Ad|El|Mk|Ms|  |
|Ruby                                |Fa|  |Cl|  |Ne|Al|Pe|  |  |Ad|El|Mk|Ms|  |
|Sapphire                            |Fa|  |Cl|  |Ne|Al|Pe|  |  |Ad|El|Mk|Ms|  |
|Stone of Evil                       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |El|  |  |An|
|Emerald                             |Fa|  |Cl|  |Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|  |Ad|El|Mk|Ms|  |
|Air Gem                             |Fa|So|  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |Mi|Ad|  |Mk|Ms|An|
|Earth Gem                           |Fa|So|  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |Mi|Ad|  |Mk|Ms|An|
|Fire Gem                            |Fa|So|  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |Mi|Ad|  |Mk|Ms|An|
|Water Gem                           |Fa|So|  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |Mi|Ad|  |Mk|Ms|An|
|Crystal                             |Fa|So|  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |Mi|Ad|El|Mk|Ms|  |
|Brownie Stone                       |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |Mi|  |  |  |Ms|An|
|Diamond                             |Fa|So|  |Ma|Ne|  |Pe|  |Mi|Ad|El|Mk|Ms|  |
|Earth Homunculus                    |Fa|So|  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |Mi|  |  |Mk|Ms|An|
|Damask                              |Fa|So|  |Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|  |Mi|Ad|El|Mk|Ms|  |
|Nereid Stone                        |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |Mi|  |  |  |Ms|An|
|Sylph Stone                         |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |Ms|An|
|Water Homunculus                    |Fa|So|  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |Mi|  |  |Mk|Ms|An|
|Wind Homunculus                     |Fa|So|  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |  |  |  |Mk|Ms|An|
|Shell Sapphire                      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |An|
|Salamander Stone                    |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |Mi|  |  |  |Ms|An|
|Star Ruby                           |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |An|
|Fire Homunculus                     |Fa|So|  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |  |  |  |Mk|Ms|An|
|Mythril                             |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |An|
|Rainbow Diamond                     |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |An|
|Dark Crystal                        |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |An|
|Angel Stone                         |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |Mi|  |  |  |Ms|An|
|Orichalcum                          |Fa|  |Cl|  |Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|  |  |El|Mk|Ms|  |
|Celestial Homunculus                |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |Ms|An|
| Base Prices |

Repulsive Lump - 9 Fol
Philosopher's Stone - 12 Fol
Overweight Product - 17 Fol
Strange Lump - 18 Fol
Misconceived Product - 30 Fol
Iron - 50 Fol
Ruby - 160 Fol
Sapphire - 160 Fol
Stone of Evil - 200 Fol
Emerald - 200 Fol
Air Gem - 350 Fol
Earth Gem - 350  Fol
Fire Gem - 350 Fol
Water Gem - 350 Fol
Crystal - 830 Fol
Brownie Stone - 1050 Fol
Diamond - 1290
Earth Homunculus - 1300 Fol
Damask - 1440 Fol
Nereid Stone - 1550 Fol
Sylph Stone -  1550 Fol
Water Homunculus - 1800 Fol
Wind Homunculus - 1800 Fol
Shell Sapphire - 2300 Fol
Salamander Stone - 2550 Fol
Star Ruby - 2700 Fol
Fire Homunculus - 2800 Fol
Mythril - 3070 Fol
Rainbow Diamond - 3080 Fol
Dark Crystal - 3700 Fol
Angel Stone - 5050 Fol
Orichalcum - 5700 Fol
Celestial Homunculus - 10,300 Fol

| Ratings |

Repulsive Lump - 1
Philosopher's Stone - 100
Overweight Product - 1
Strange Lump - 1
Misconceived Product - 1
Iron - 15
Ruby - 25
Sapphire - 25
Stone of Evil - 2
Emerald - 25
Air Gem - 40
Earth Gem - 40
Fire Gem - 40
Water Gem - 40
Crystal - 60
Brownie Stone - 70
Diamond - 60
Earth Homunculus - 80
Damask - 60
Nereid Stone - 70
Sylph Stone -  70
Water Homunculus - 80
Wind Homunculus - 80
Shell Sapphire - 90
Salamander Stone - 70
Star Ruby - 80
Fire Homunculus - 80
Mythril - 90
Rainbow Diamond - 95
Dark Crystal - 95
Angel Stone - 70
Orichalcum - 98
Celestial Homunculus - 80

*                                  Compounding                                 *
| Compounders |                                                       
Name: Fayt (Fa)                          Name: Sophia (So)                   
Talent: 30                               Talent: 15                        
Name: Cliff (Cl)                         Name: Maria (Ma)                   
Talent: 10                               Talent: 25                       
Name: Nel (Ne)                           Name: Albel (Al)                     
Talent: 10                               Talent: 16                      
Name: Peppita (Pe)                       Name: Roger (Ro)                     
Talent: 11                               Talent: 6                        
Name: Mirage (Mi)                        Name: Adray (Ad)                     
Talent: 27                               Talent: 5                        
Name: Gossam (Go)                        Name: Milenya (Ml)          
Talent: 9                                Talent: 19                       
Name: Puffy (Pu)                         Name: Louise (Lo)             
Talent: 57                               Talent: 98              
|Potion of Youth (Fake)              |  |  |Cl|  |  |Al|Pe|Ro|  |  |  |  |Pu|  |
|Bitter Potion                       |  |So|  |  |Ne|  |  |Ro|Mi|  |  |Ml|  |Lo|
|Bubbling Potion                     |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pu|  |
|Malodorous Potion                   |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |Go|  |  |  |
|Thick Potion                        |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pu|  |
|Fruity Potion                       |  |So|  |  |Ne|  |  |Ro|Mi|  |  |Ml|  |Lo|
|Endorphin Boost                     |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |Go|  |  |  |
|Syrupy Potion                       |  |So|Cl|  |Ne|Al|  |Ro|Mi|  |  |Ml|  |Lo|
|Antidote                            |Fa|So|  |  |Ne|  |Pe|Ro|Mi|  |Go|Ml|Pu|Lo|
|Berry Potion                        |Fa|So|  |  |Ne|  |Pe|Ro|Mi|  |Go|Ml|Pu|Lo|
|Aqua Potion                         |Fa|So|  |  |Ne|  |Pe|Ro|Mi|  |Go|Ml|Pu|Lo|
|Tears of Aphrodite                  |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |Go|  |  |  |
|Pheramone Enhancer                  |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |Go|  |  |  |
|Sleeping Gas                        |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pu|  |
|Vial of Poison                      |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |Go|  |Pu|  |
|Sweet Potion                        |  |So|  |  |Ne|  |  |Ro|Mi|Ad|  |Ml|  |Lo|
|Tears of Venus                      |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |Go|Ml|  |  |
|Medicine Bottle                     |  |So|  |  |Ne|  |  |Ro|Mi|Ad|  |Ml|  |Lo|
|Neural Augmenter                    |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |Go|  |  |  |
|Shielding Device                    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pu|  |
|Tears of Ishtar                     |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |Go|  |  |  |
|Might Tablets                       |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|  |Al|Pe|  |  |  |Go|  |Pu|Lo|
|Berserker Device                    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pu|  |
|Soul Strengthening Device           |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pu|  |
|Miracle Power                       |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Go|Ml|Pu|Lo|
|Faerie Elixir                       |  |So|Cl|  |Ne|Al|  |Ro|Mi|Ad|  |Ml|  |Lo|
|Heroic Elixir                       |  |So|Cl|  |Ne|Al|  |Ro|Mi|Ad|  |Ml|  |Lo|
|Molotov Stun Bomb-R1                |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pu|  |
|Umai-bo Stun Bomb-R3                |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pu|  |
|Resurrection Elixir                 |  |So|Cl|  |Ne|Al|  |Ro|Mi|Ad|  |Ml|  |Lo|
|Fizzing Potion                      |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Go|Ml|Pu|  |
|Deadly Poison                       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pu|Lo|
|Bubbly Potion                       |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Go|Ml|Pu|Lo|
|Resurrection Mist                   |  |So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|  |  |Mi|  |  |  |  |Lo|
|Witch Tablets                       |  |  |Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|  |Ro|  |  |  |Ml|Pu|Lo|
|Super Potion                        |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Go|Ml|Pu|Lo|
|Verdurous Potion                    |  |So|  |  |Ne|  |  |Ro|Mi|Ad|  |Ml|  |Lo|
|Liquid Flare Bomb                   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pu|  |
|Liquid Mind Bomb                    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pu|  |
|Durian Stun Bomb-R4                 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pu|  |
|Grabbag Stun Bomb-R2                |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pu|  |
|Liquid Hybrid Bomb                  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pu|  |
|Beguiling Device                    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pu|  |
|Cinderella Tablets                  |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|  |  |Go|Ml|Pu|Lo|
|Roe Tablets                         |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |Go|  |  |  |

| Base Prices |

Potion of Youth (Fake) - 5 Fol
Bitter Potion - 12 Fol
Bubbling Potion - 12 Fol
Malodorous Potion - 12 Fol
Thick Potion - 12 Fol
Fruity Potion - 13 Fol
Endorphin Boost - 18 Fol
Syrupy Potion - 20 Fol
Antidote - 21 Fol
Berry Potion - 21 Fol
Aqua Potion - 22 Fol
Tears of Aphrodite - 26 Fol
Pheramone Enhancer - 36 Fol
Sleeping Gas - 40 Fol
Vial of Poison - 40 Fol
Sweet Potion - 40 Fol
Tears of Venus - 56 Fol
Medicine Bottle - 60 Fol
Neural Augmenter - 61 Fol
Shielding Device - 61 Fol
Tears of Ishtar - 86 Fol
Might Tablets - 90 Fol
Berserker Device - 101 Fol
Soul Strengthening Device - 101 Fol
Miracle Power - 102 Fol
Faerie Elixir - 110 Fol
Heroic Elixir - 110 Fol
Molotov Stun Bomb-R1 - 121 Fol
Umai-bo Stun Bomb-R3 - 121 Fol
Resurrection Elixir - 140 Fol
Fizzing Potion - 152 Fol
Deadly Poison - 160 Fol
Bubbly Potion - 202 Fol
Resurrection Mist - 210 Fol
Witch Tablets - 210 Fol
Super Potion - 302 Fol
Verdurous Potion - 310 Fol
Liquid Flare Bomb - 601 Fol
Liquid Mind Bomb - 601 Fol
Durian Stun Bomb-R4 - 731 Fol
Grabbag Stun Bomb-R2 - 731 Fol
Liquid Hybrid Bomb - 801 Fol
Beguiling Device - 1001 Fol
Cinderella Tablets - 1001 Fol
Roe Tablets - 3060 Fol

| Ratings |

Potion of Youth (Fake) - 65
Bitter Potion - 1
Bubbling Potion - 1
Malodorous Potion - 1
Thick Potion - 1
Fruity Potion - 20
Endorphin Boost - 1
Syrupy Potion - 40
Antidote - 20
Berry Potion - 20
Aqua Potion - 20
Tears of Aphrodite - 1
Pheramone Enhancer - 1
Sleeping Gas - 10
Vial of Poison - 10
Sweet Potion - 20
Tears of Venus - 1
Medicine Bottle - 5
Neural Augmenter - 1
Shielding Device - 70
Tears of Ishtar - 1
Might Tablets - 4
Berserker Device - 60
Soul Strengthening Device - 60
Miracle Power - 1
Faerie Elixir - 80
Heroic Elixir - 80
Molotov Stun Bomb-R1 - 40
Umai-bo Stun Bomb-R3 - 40
Resurrection Elixir - 2
Fizzing Potion - 1
Deadly Poison - 50
Bubbly Potion - 1
Resurrection Mist - 10
Witch Tablets - 70
Super Potion - 1
Verdurous Potion - 90
Liquid Flare Bomb - 30
Liquid Mind Bomb - 30
Durian Stun Bomb-R4 - 40
Grabbag Stun Bomb-R2 - 40
Liquid Hybrid Bomb - 90
Beguiling Device - 80
Cinderella Tablets - 99
Roe Tablets - 99

*                                    Cooking                                   *
| Chefs |                                                       
Name: Fayt (Fa)                          Name: Sophia (So)                   
Talent: 16                               Talent: 43                        
Name: Cliff (Cl)                         Name: Maria (Ma)                   
Talent: 9                                Talent: 19                       
Name: Nel (Ne)                           Name: Albel (Al)                     
Talent: 30                               Talent: 16                      
Name: Peppita (Pe)                       Name: Roger (Ro)                     
Talent: 6                                Talent: 2                        
Name: Mirage (Mi)                        Name: Adray (Ad)                     
Talent: 26                               Talent: 20                       
Name: Damda (Da)                         Name: Mayu (My)             
Talent: 9                                Talent: 19                       
Name: Rigel (Ri)                         Name: Killer Chef (Ki)        
Talent: 57                               Talent: 98                       
|Discordant Dessert                  |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Da|My|Ri|Ki|
|Vanilla Ice Cream                   |  |  |  |Ma|  |Al|  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Tuna Salad                          |Fa|  |  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |Mi|  |  |My|  |  |
|Sachertorte                         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Mi|  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Umeboshi                            |  |  |  |  |Ne|  |  |  |Mi|  |Da|My|  |  |
|Curry Rice                          |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|Ne|  |Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Da|My|  |  |
|Umai-Bo 1                           |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Umai-Bo 2                           |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Umai-Bo 3                           |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Umai-Bo 4                           |Fa|  |  |  |Ne|  |  |  |  |  |  |My|  |  |
|Umai-Bo 5                           |Fa|  |  |  |Ne|  |  |  |  |  |  |My|  |  |
|Umai-Bo 6                           |Fa|  |  |  |Ne|  |  |  |  |  |  |My|  |  |
|Umai-Bo 7                           |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |Da|  |  |  |
|Umai-Bo 8                           |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |Da|  |  |  |
|Umai-Bo 10                          |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Umai-Bo 11                          |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Umai-Bo 12                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Umai-Bo 14                          |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Umai-Bo 9                           |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Tasteless Stew                      |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Da|My|Ri|Ki|
|Decorated Cake                      |Fa|  |  |  |Ne|  |  |  |  |  |  |My|  |  |
|Gelatinous Potion                   |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |Da|  |  |  |
|Petite Sirloin                      |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |Da|  |  |  |
|Itty-Bitty Steak                    |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |Da|  |  |  |
|Kid's Meal                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Mi|  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Super-Sweet Curry                   |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Da|My|Ri|Ki|
|Cheap Cider                         |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|  |  |Mi|Ad|  |  |  |  |
|Deluxe Fruit Bowl                   |  |  |  |Ma|  |Al|  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Natto                               |Fa|  |  |  |Ne|  |  |  |  |Ad|  |My|  |  |
|Corn on the Cob                     |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Chopped Steak                       |Fa|  |  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |Mi|  |  |My|  |  |
|Cold Soba                           |Fa|  |  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |Mi|Ad|  |My|  |  |
|Fresh Spring Rolls                  |Fa|  |  |  |Ne|  |  |  |  |  |  |My|  |  |
|Roast Duck                          |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|Pasta Salad                         |  |  |  |Ma|  |Al|  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Kimchi                              |Fa|  |  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |Mi|  |  |My|  |  |
|Almond Jelly                        |Fa|  |  |  |Ne|  |  |  |Mi|  |  |My|  |  |
|Chocolate Banana                    |  |  |  |Ma|  |Al|  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Friend Turnips                      |Fa|  |  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |Mi|  |  |My|  |  |
|Grilled Tuna Head                   |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |Pe|Ro|  |Ad|Da|  |  |  |
|Kirschtorte                         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Mi|  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Fruit Parfait                       |  |  |  |Ma|  |Al|  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Pear Tart                           |Fa|  |  |  |Ne|  |  |  |  |  |  |My|  |  |
|Soft-Shelled Turtle                 |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |Pe|Ro|  |Ad|Da|  |  |  |
|Watermelon Bar                      |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |Da|  |  |  |
|Awful Cider                         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ad|  |  |  |  |
|Gratin                              |Fa|  |  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |Mi|  |  |My|  |  |
|Mont Blanc                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Silroin 140                         |  |  |  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Golden Curry                        |Fa|So|  |  |Ne|  |Pe|Ro|  |  |Da|My|  |Ki|
|Spicy Cake                          |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Da|My|Ri|  |
|Cheap Sashami                       |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Da|My|Ri|Ki|
|Boiled King Crab                    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Bleu Cheese                         |  |  |  |Ma|  |Al|  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Haute Chinese Soup                  |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Otoro                               |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |Da|  |  |  |
|BBQ Pork Ramen                      |Fa|  |  |Ma|Ne|  |  |  |Mi|  |  |My|  |  |
|Marbled Beef Sirloin                |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Peach Dessert Soup                  |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Tough Steak                         |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Da|My|Ri|Ki|
|Prehistoric Meat                    |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |Ad|Da|  |  |  |
|Memmoth Meat                        |  |  |Cl|Ma|  |Al|Pe|Ro|  |Ad|Da|  |Ri|  |
|Jumbo Pot Stickers                  |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |Ad|Da|  |  |  |
|Blue Moon Cider                     |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |Pe|Ro|  |Ad|Da|  |  |  |
|Joyful Bandit Cider                 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Da|  |  |  |
|Granadilla Juice                    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|Ki|
|Rambutan Juice                      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Silver Scepter Cider                |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |Pe|Ro|  |  |Da|  |  |  |
|Tamarind Juice                      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Fiery Cyclops Cider                 |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |Pe|Ro|  |Ad|Da|  |  |Ki|
|Hogplum Juice                       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Leaping Titan Cider                 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Winking Sage Cider                  |  |  |Cl|  |Ne|  |  |Ro|  |  |  |  |Ri|Ki|
|Broken Prophet Cider                |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Da|My|  |  |
|Brass Demon Cider                   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Da|My|  |  |
|Howling Fox Cider                   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Da|My|  |  |
|Sapodilla Juice                     |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Lord's Ozoni                        |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |Ad|Da|  |  |  |
|Hungry Harpy Cider                  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Da|My|  |Ki|
|Fachuchon                           |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Legendary Otoro                     |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |Da|  |  |  |
|Ozoni of Madness                    |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Jackfruit Juice                     |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Growling Fist Cider                 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Da|My|  |Ki|
|Pomegranate Juice                   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|Ki|
|Lansium Juice                       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|Ki|
|Mangosteen Juice                    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ri|Ki|
|Ultimate Ramen                      |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |Da|  |  |  |
|Amazing Tenderloin                  |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Beautiful Ice Cream                 |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Demonic Durian                      |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Devilish Sea Squirt                 |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Dragon Pot Stickers                 |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Golden Natto                        |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |Da|  |  |  |
|Handmade Soba                       |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |  |Mi|  |Da|  |  |  |
|Lilien's Ultimate                   |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |Mi|  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Luscious Gratin                     |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Luscious Oysters                    |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |Da|  |  |  |
|Perfect Duck                        |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Shining Pasta                       |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Slimy Gelatin                       |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Super-Spicy Stew                    |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Supreme Dorayaki Pie                |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|Mi|  |Da|  |  |  |
|Tearful Risotto                     |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Marbled Sirloin 1000                |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Giant King Crab                     |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |Ri|  |
|Magical Salad                       |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Well-Aged Cheese                    |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Spicy Stew                          |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ki|
|Umai-Bo 13                          |Fa|  |  |  |Ne|  |  |  |  |  |  |My|  |  |

| Base Prices |

Discordant Dessert - 6 Fol
Vanilla Ice Cream - 15 Fol
Tuna Salad - 15 Fol
Sachertorte - 15 Fol
Umeboshi - 15 Fol
Curry Rice - 18 Fol
Umai-Bo 1 - 20 Fol
Umai-Bo 2 - 20 Fol
Umai-Bo 3 - 20 Fol
Umai-Bo 4 - 20 Fol
Umai-Bo 5 - 20 Fol
Umai-Bo 6 - 20 Fol
Umai-Bo 7 - 20 Fol
Umai-Bo 8 - 20 Fol
Umai-Bo 10 - 20 Fol
Umai-Bo 11 - 20 Fol
Umai-Bo 12 - 20 Fol
Umai-Bo 14 - 20 Fol
Umai-Bo 9 - 20 Fol
Tasteless Stew - 21 Fol
Decorated Cake - 22 Fol
Gelatinous Potion - 25 Fol
Petite Sirloin - 30 Fol
Itty-Bitty Steak - 30 Fol
Kid's Meal - 30 Fol
Super-Sweet Curry - 31 Fol
Cheap Cider - 32 Fol
Deluxe Fruit Bowl - 40 Fol
Natto - 40 Fol
Corn on the Cob - 40 Fol
Chopped Steak - 40 Fol
Cold Soba - 40 Fol
Fresh Spring Rolls - 40 Fol
Roast Duck - 40 Fol
Pasta Salad - 40 Fol
Kimchi - 40 Fol
Almond Jelly - 40 Fol
Chocolate Banana - 40 Fol
Friend Turnips - 40 Fol
Grilled Tuna Head - 40 Fol
Kirschtorte - 40 Fol
Fruit Parfait - 40 Fol
Pear Tart - 40 Fol
Soft-Shelled Turtle - 40 Fol
Watermelon Bar - 40 Fol
Awful Cider - 42 Fol
Gratin - 50 Fol
Mont Blanc - 50 Fol
Silroin 140 - 50 Fol
Golden Curry - 63
Spicy Cake - 86 Fol
Cheap Sashami - 96 Fol
Boiled King Crab - 100 Fol
Bleu Cheese - 100 Fol
Haute Chinese Soup - 100 Fol
Otoro - 100 Fol
BBQ Pork Ramen - 102 Fol
Marbled Beef Sirloin - 110 Fol
Peach Dessert Soup - 130 Fol
Tough Steak - 135 Fol
Prehistoric Meat - 210 Fol
Memmoth Meat - 210 Fol
Jumbo Pot Stickers - 280 Fol
Blue Moon Cider - 305 Fol
Joyful Bandit Cider - 305 Fol
Granadilla Juice - 330 Fol
Rambutan Juice - 330 Fol
Silver Scepter Cider - 330 Fol
Tamarind Juice - 330 Fol
Fiery Cyclops Cider - 330 Fol
Hogplum Juice - 330 Fol
Leaping Titan Cider - 330 Fol
Winking Sage Cider - 330 Fol
Broken Prophet Cider - 340 Fol
Brass Demon Cider - 340 Fol
Howling Fox Cider - 390 Fol
Sapodilla Juice - 390 Fol
Lord's Ozoni - 410 Fol
Hungry Harpy Cider - 420 Fol
Fachuchon - 429 Fol
Legendary Otoro - 434 Fol
Ozoni of Madness - 434 Fol
Jackfruit Juice - 500 Fol
Growling Fist Cider - 500 Fol
Pomegranate Juice - 570 Fol
Lansium Juice - 570 Fol
Mangosteen Juice - 570 Fol
Ultimate Ramen - 649 Fol
Amazing Tenderloin - 694 Fol
Beautiful Ice Cream - 694 Fol
Demonic Durian - 694 Fol
Devilish Sea Squirt - 694 Fol
Dragon Pot Stickers - 694 Fol
Golden Natto - 694 Fol
Handmade Soba - 694 Fol
Lilien's Ultimate - 694 Fol
Luscious Gratin - 694 Fol
Luscious Oysters - 694 Fol
Perfect Duck - 694 Fol
Shining Pasta - 694 Fol
Slimy Gelatin - 694 Fol
Super-Spicy Stew - 694 Fol
Supreme Dorayaki Pie - 694 Fol
Tearful Risotto - 694 Fol
Marbled Sirloin 1000 - 870 Fol
Giant King Crab - 1234 Fol
Magical Salad - 1234 Fol
Well-Aged Cheese - 1234 Fol
Spicy Stew - 2512 Fol
Umai-Bo 13 - 5010 Fol

| Ratings |

Discordant Dessert - 1
Vanilla Ice Cream - 20
Tuna Salad - 25
Sachertorte - 50
Umeboshi - 20
Curry Rice - 20
Umai-Bo 1 - 30
Umai-Bo 2 - 30
Umai-Bo 3 - 30
Umai-Bo 4 - 30
Umai-Bo 5 - 30
Umai-Bo 6 - 30
Umai-Bo 7 - 30
Umai-Bo 8 - 30
Umai-Bo 10 - 60
Umai-Bo 11 - 60
Umai-Bo 12 - 60
Umai-Bo 14 - 60
Umai-Bo 9 - 60
Tasteless Stew - 1
Decorated Cake - 50
Gelatinous Potion - 60
Petite Sirloin - 5
Itty-Bitty Steak - 60
Kid's Meal - 60
Super-Sweet Curry - 1
Cheap Cider - 1
Deluxe Fruit Bowl - 10
Natto - 20
Corn on the Cob - 25
Chopped Steak - 30
Cold Soba - 30
Fresh Spring Rolls - 30
Roast Duck - 30
Pasta Salad - 40
Kimchi - 50
Almond Jelly - 60
Chocolate Banana - 60
Friend Turnips - 60
Grilled Tuna Head - 60
Kirschtorte - 60
Fruit Parfait - 70
Pear Tart - 70
Soft-Shelled Turtle - 70
Watermelon Bar - 70
Awful Cider - 1
Gratin - 30
Mont Blanc - 50
Silroin 140 - 80
Golden Curry - 65
Spicy Cake - 1
Cheap Sashami - 1
Boiled King Crab - 40
Bleu Cheese - 60
Haute Chinese Soup - 60
Otoro - 60
BBQ Pork Ramen - 40
Marbled Beef Sirloin - 70
Peach Dessert Soup - 60
Tough Steak - 1
Prehistoric Meat - 20
Memmoth Meat - 70
Jumbo Pot Stickers - 40
Blue Moon Cider - 40
Joyful Bandit Cider - 75
Granadilla Juice - 40
Rambutan Juice - 70
Silver Scepter Cider - 70
Tamarind Juice - 70
Fiery Cyclops Cider - 75
Hogplum Juice - 80
Leaping Titan Cider - 80
Winking Sage Cider - 80
Broken Prophet Cider - 50
Brass Demon Cider - 80
Howling Fox Cider - 75
Sapodilla Juice - 90
Lord's Ozoni - 80
Hungry Harpy Cider - 90
Fachuchon - 99
Legendary Otoro - 99
Ozoni of Madness - 99
Jackfruit Juice - 80
Growling Fist Cider - 95
Pomegranate Juice - 95
Lansium Juice - 99
Mangosteen Juice - 100
Ultimate Ramen - 99
Amazing Tenderloin - 99
Beautiful Ice Cream - 99
Demonic Durian - 99
Devilish Sea Squirt - 99
Dragon Pot Stickers - 99
Golden Natto - 99
Handmade Soba - 99
Lilien's Ultimate - 99
Luscious Gratin - 99
Luscious Oysters - 99
Perfect Duck - 99
Shining Pasta - 99
Slimy Gelatin - 99
Super-Spicy Stew - 99 
Supreme Dorayaki Pie - 99
Tearful Risotto - 99
Marbled Sirloin 1000 - 60
Giant King Crab - 99
Magical Salad - 99
Well-Aged Cheese - 99
Spicy Stew - 40
Umai-Bo 13 - 99
*                                    Crafting                                  *
| Craftsman |                                                       
Name: Fayt (Fa)                          Name: Sophia (So)                    
Talent: 20                               Talent: 33                          
Name: Cliff (Cl)                         Name: Maria (Ma)                     
Talent: 2                                Talent: 10                          
Name: Nel (Ne)                           Name: Albel (Al)                     
Talent: 15                               Talent: 12                          
Name: Peppita (Pe)                       Name: Roger (Ro)                     
Talent: 40                               Talent: 35                         
Name: Mirage (Mi)                        Name: Adray (Ad)                     
Talent: 30                               Talent: 3                          
Name: Stanice (St)                       Name: Balbados (Ba)                  
Talent: 20                               Talent: 37                          
Name: Aqua & Evia (Aq)                   Name: Chilico (Ch)                    
Talent: 49                               Talent: 60                          
|Vulgar Hair Ornament                |  |  |  |  |  |Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|  |  |  |  |
|Disgusting Doll                     |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|St|Ba|Aq|  |
|Over-Carved Figure                  |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|St|Ba|Aq|  |
|Crude Ring                          |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|St|Ba|Aq|Ch|
|Strange Figure                      |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|St|Ba|Aq|  |
|Heavy Ring                          |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|St|Ba|Aq|Ch|
|Tacky Earring                       |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|St|Ba|Aq|Ch|
|Unbelievable Hair Ornament          |  |  |  |  |  |Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|  |  |  |  |
|Embarrassing Earring                |  |  |  |  |  |Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|  |  |  |  |
|Loose Ring                          |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|St|Ba|Aq|Ch|
|Humiliating Earring                 |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|St|Ba|Aq|Ch|
|Pitiful Earring                     |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|  |  |  |  |  |St|Ba|Aq|Ch|
|Third-Rate Bracelet                 |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|  |  |  |  |  |St|Ba|Aq|Ch|
|Laughable Bracelet                  |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|  |  |  |  |  |St|Ba|Aq|  |
|Purple Orb                          |Fa|  |Cl|  |Ne|  |  |Ro|  |Ad|St|  |  |  |
|Brooch of Footwork                  |Fa|  |  |  |Ne|Al|  |  |Mi|  |St|  |  |  |
|Mystic Orb                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ch|
|Ring of Lunacy                      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Aq|  |
|Earring of Accuracy                 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ch|
|Ring of Mental Power                |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ch|
|Feline Guardian                     |Fa|  |Cl|  |Ne|  |  |Ro|  |  |St|  |  |  |
|Bangle of Accuracy                  |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|Aq|
|Adorable Kitty Doll                 |Fa|  |Cl|  |Ne|  |  |Ro|  |Ad|St|  |  |  |
|Blue Talisman                       |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|Aq|  |
|Red Talisman                        |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|Aq|  |
|Yellow Talisman                     |Fa|So|  |Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|  |Mi|  |St|Ba|Aq|Ch|
|Ankh of Dismissal                   |Fa|  |  |  |Ne|Al|  |  |Mi|  |St|  |  |Ch|
|Badge of Reflection                 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ch|
|Badge of Resistance                 |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|  |  |
|Badge of Shielding                  |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|  |  |
|Bangle of Intellect                 |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|Aq|  |
|Ring of Healing                     |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|  |  |
|Ring of Might                       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Aq|  |
|Lunar Talisman                      |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |Ba|Aq|  |
|Star Talisman                       |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |Ba|Aq|  |
|Blazing Pendant                     |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ch|
|Green Talisman                      |Fa|  |Cl|  |Ne|Al|  |Ro|Mi|Ad|St|  |  |  |
|Berserker's Pendant                 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ch|
|Anti-Poison Amulet                  |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|  |Ro|Mi|Ad|St|Ba|Aq|  |
|Battle Bonus Ring                   |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|  |  |
|Bladebane Cross                     |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Aq|Ch|
|Demonbane Cross                     |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ch|
|Magebane Ankh                       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Aq|Ch|
|Silver Cross                        |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Aq|Ch|
|Wingbane Cross                      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Aq|Ch|
|Amulet of Freedom                   |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|Aq|  |
|Faerie Ring                         |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|  |  |
|Emerald Ring                        |Fa|  |  |  |Ne|Al|  |  |Mi|  |St|  |  |  |
|Anti-Incapacitation Amulet          |Fa|  |Cl|  |Ne|  |Pe|  |  |  |St|Ba|Aq|Ch|
|Ring of Erudition                   |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|  |  |
|Anti-Silence Amulet                 |  |So|  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |Aq|  |
|Anti-Stone Amulet                   |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |Ba|Aq|  |
|Ring of Quietude                    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Aq|  |
|Ring of Animosity                   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ch|
|Anti-Freezing Amulet                |  |So|  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |Aq|  |
|Aqua Ring                           |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|  |  |
|Earth Ring                          |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|  |  |
|Flare Ring                          |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|  |  |
|Wind Ring                           |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|  |  |
|Elven Slippers                      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ch|
|Ring of Haste                       |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ba|  |  |
|Mallet Charm                        |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ch|
|Aegis Pendant                       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ch|
|Hammer Charm                        |Fa|So|  |Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|  |Mi|  |St|Ba|Aq|  |
|Faerie Earring                      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ch|
|Emerald Earring                     |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ch|
|Boots of Prowess                    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ch|
|Star Necklace                       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ch|
|Theives' Boots                      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Aq|Ch|
|Eldritch Brooch                     |Fa|  |  |  |Ne|Al|  |  |Mi|  |St|  |  |  |

| Base Prices |

Vulgar Hair Ornament - 1 Fol
Disgusting Doll - 2 Fol
Over-Carved Figure - 8 Fol
Crude Ring - 10 Fol
Strange Figure - 12 Fol
Heavy Ring - 15 Fol
Tacky Earring - 15 Fol
Unbelievable Hair Ornament - 15 Fol
Embarrassing Earring - 20 Fol
Loose Ring - 20 Fol
Humiliating Earring - 30 Fol
Pitiful Earring - 50 Fol
Third-Rate Bracelet - 60 Fol
Laughable Bracelet - 80 Fol
Purple Orb - 150 Fol
Brooch of Footwork - 170 Fol
Mystic Orb - 200 Fol
Ring of Lunacy - 200 Fol
Earring of Accuracy - 220 Fol
Ring of Mental Power - 220 Fol
Feline Guardian - 221 Fol
Bangle of Accuracy - 222 Fol
Adorable Kitty Doll - 241 Fol
Blue Talisman - 260 Fol
Red Talisman - 260 Fol
Yellow Talisman - 260 Fol
Ankh of Dismissal - 280 Fol
Badge of Reflection - 290 Fol
Badge of Resistance - 290 Fol
Badge of Shielding - 290 Fol
Badge of Intellect - 300 Fol
Ring of Healing - 300 Fol
Ring of Might - 305 Fol
Lunar Talisman - 320 Fol
Star Talisman - 320 Fol
Blazing Pendant - 380 Fol
Green Talisman - 460 Fol
Berserker's Pendant - 490 Fol
Anti-Poison Amulet - 500 Fol
Battle Bonus Ring - 500 Fol
Bladebane Cross - 550 Fol
Demonbane Cross - 550 Fol
Magebane Ankh - 550 Fol
Silver Cross - 550 Fol
Wingbane Cross - 550 Fol
Amulet of Freedom - 600 Fol
Faerie Ring - 600 Fol
Emerald Ring - 600 Fol
Anti-Incapacitation Amulet - 601 Fol
Ring of Erudition - 640 Fol
Anti-Silence Amulet - 650 Fol
Anti-Stone Amulet - 700 Fol
Ring of Quietude - 700 Fol
Ring of Animosity - 700 Fol
Anti-Freezing Amulet - 800 Fol
Aqua Ring - 900 Fol
Earth Ring - 900 Fol
Flare Ring - 900 Fol
Wind Ring - 900 Fol
Elven Slippers - 1020 Fol
Ring of Haste - 1100 Fol
Mallet Charm - 1280 Fol
Aegis Pendant - 1370 Fol
Hammer Charm - 1390 Fol
Faerie Earring - 1600 Fol
Emerald Earring - 1700 Fol
Boots of Prowess - 2480 Fol
Star Necklace - 4100 Fol
Theives' Boots - 6700 Fol
Eldritch Brooch - 8500 Fol

| Ratings |

Vulgar Hair Ornament - 1
Disgusting Doll - 1
Over-Carved Figure - 1
Crude Ring - 1
Strange Figure - 1
Heavy Ring - 1
Tacky Earring - 1
Unbelievable Hair Ornament - 1
Embarrassing Earring - 1
Loose Ring - 1
Humiliating Earring - 1
Pitiful Earring - 1
Third-Rate Bracelet - 1
Laughable Bracelet - 1
Purple Orb - 30
Brooch of Footwork - 20
Mystic Orb - 60
Ring of Lunacy - 70
Earring of Accuracy - 40
Ring of Mental Power - 80
Feline Guardian - 2
Bangle of Accuracy - 20
Adorable Kitty Doll - 2
Blue Talisman - 20
Red Talisman - 20
Yellow Talisman - 60
Ankh of Dismissal - 50
Badge of Reflection - 20
Badge of Resistance - 20
Badge of Shielding - 20
Badge of Intellect - 20
Ring of Healing - 80
Ring of Might - 99
Lunar Talisman - 70
Star Talisman - 70
Blazing Pendant - 30
Green Talisman - 20
Berserker's Pendant - 70
Anti-Poison Amulet - 50
Battle Bonus Ring - 80
Bladebane Cross - 50
Demonbane Cross - 50
Magebane Ankh - 50
Silver Cross - 50
Wingbane Cross - 50
Amulet of Freedom - 50
Faerie Ring - 80
Emerald Ring - 90
Anti-Incapacitation Amulet - 60
Ring of Erudition - 70
Anti-Silence Amulet - 50
Anti-Stone Amulet - 50
Ring of Quietude - 50
Ring of Animosity - 70
Anti-Freezing Amulet - 50
Aqua Ring - 40
Earth Ring - 40
Flare Ring - 40
Wind Ring - 40
Elven Slippers - 60
Ring of Haste - 60
Mallet Charm - 99
Aegis Pendant - 98
Hammer Charm - 70
Faerie Earring - 80
Emerald Earring - 90
Boots of Prowess - 99
Star Necklace - 80
Theives' Boots - 99
Eldritch Brooch - 99

*                                  Engineering                                *
| Engineers |                                                       
Name: Fayt (Fa)                          Name: Sophia (So)                   
Talent: 25                               Talent: 3                         
Name: Cliff (Cl)                         Name: Maria (Ma)                   
Talent: 36                               Talent: 20                       
Name: Nel (Ne)                           Name: Albel (Al)                     
Talent: 5                                Talent: 16                      
Name: Peppita (Pe)                       Name: Roger (Ro)                     
Talent: 15                               Talent: 20                       
Name: Mirage (Mi)                        Name: Adray (Ad)                     
Talent: 31                               Talent: 7                        
Name: Dejison (De)                       Name: Vanilla (Va)          
Talent: 6                                Talent: 32                       
Name: Meryl (Me)                         Name: Izak (Iz)               
Talent: 46                               Talent: 65                      
|Repulsive Lump                      |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|De|Va|Me|Iz|
|Overwrought Product                 |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|De|Va|Me|Iz|
|Strange Lump                        |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|De|Va|Me|Iz|
|Misconceived Product                |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|De|Va|Me|Iz|
|Reducer                             |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|  |  |  |Ro|Mi|  |De|Va|Me|Iz|
|Duck-Duck Bomb                      |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|De|Va|Me|Iz|
|Em Bomb                             |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|  |Ro|Mi|Ad|De|Va|Me|Iz|
|Em Bomb Mp                          |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|  |Ro|Mi|Ad|De|Va|Me|Iz|
|Shielding Device                    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Va|Me|  |
|Flare Bomb                          |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|De|Va|Me|Iz|
|Mind Bomb                           |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|  |Ro|Mi|Ad|De|Va|Me|Iz|
|Em Stun Bomb                        |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|  |Ro|Mi|Ad|De|Va|Me|Iz|
|Em Stun Bomb Mp                     |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|  |  |  |Ro|  |  |De|Va|Me|Iz|
|Berserker Device                    |Fa|  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|Mi|  |  |Va|Me|  |
|Soul Strengthening Device           |Fa|  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|Mi|  |  |Va|Me|  |
|Mass Reducer                        |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|  |  |  |Ro|Mi|  |De|Va|Me|Iz|
|Ultimate Bomb                       |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|  |  |  |Ro|  |  |  |Va|  |Iz|
|Em Explosive 2                      |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|  |  |  |Ro|Mi|  |  |Va|Me|Iz|
|Em Explosive Mp                     |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|  |  |  |Ro|Mi|  |  |Va|Me|Iz|
|Mega-Flare Bomb                     |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|  |  |  |Ro|Mi|Ad|  |Va|Me|Iz|
|Deadly Mind Bomb                    |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|  |  |  |Ro|Mi|  |  |Va|Me|Iz|
|Healing Device Mk1                  |  |So|Cl|Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Va|Me|  |
|Em Stun Explosive                   |  |  |  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Me|Iz|
|Em Stun Explosive Mp                |  |  |  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Me|Iz|
|ES Hybrid Bomb                      |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|  |  |  |Ro|Mi|  |  |Va|Me|Iz|
|Tricky Bomb                         |Fa|  |Cl|  |Ne|Al|  |Ro|  |Ad|De|Va|  |  |
|Battle Sphere                       |Fa|  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |De|Va|Me|Iz|
|Tricky Duck Bomb                    |Fa|  |Cl|  |Ne|Al|  |Ro|  |Ad|De|Va|  |  |
|Healing Device Mk2                  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |Me|  |
|ES Hybrid Explosive                 |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|  |  |  |Ro|Mi|Ad|  |Va|Me|Iz|
|Power Blaster                       |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|  |De|Va|  |Iz|
|Healing Device Mk3                  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Me|Iz|
|Beguiling Device                    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Va|Me|  |
|Pulse Needle                        |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|  |  |Pe|Ro|Mi|  |  |Va|Me|Iz|
|Hawk Wind                           |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|  |De|Va|  |Iz|
|Photonic Blaster                    |Fa|  |Cl|Ma|  |  |Pe|Ro|Mi|  |  |Va|Me|Iz|
|Paralyzer                           |  |  |  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Me|Iz|
|Particle Laser                      |  |  |  |Ma|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Me|Iz|

| Base Prices |

Repulsive Lump - 9 Fol
Overwrought Product - 17 Fol
Strange Lump - 18 Fol
Misconceived Product - 30 Fol
Reducer - 31 Fol
Duck-Duck Bomb - 35 Fol
Em Bomb - 61 Fol
Em Bomb Mp - 61 Fol
Shielding Device - 61 Fol
Flare Bomb - 65 Fol
Mind Bomb - 65 Fol
Em Stun Bomb - 91 Fol
Em Stun Bomb Mp - 91 Fol
Berserker Device - 101 Fol
Soul Strengthening Device - 101 Fol
Bleu Cheese - 100 Fol
Mass Redicer - 161 Fol
Ultimate Bomb - 180 Fol
Em Explosive 2 - 181 Fol
Em Explosive Mp - 181 Fol
Mega-Flare Bomb - 185 Fol
Deadly Mind Bomb - 185 Fol
Healing Device Mk1 - 201 Fol
Em Stun Explosive - 211 Fol
Em Stun Explosive Mp - 211 Fol
ES Hybrid Bomb - 231 Fol
Tricky Bomb - 260 Fol
Battle Sphere - 301 Fol
Tricky Duck Bomb - 380 Fol
Healing Device Mk2 - 401 Fol
Es Hybrid Device - 431 Fol
Power Blaster - 580 Fol
Healing Device Mk3 - 801 Fol
Beguiling Device - 1001 Fol
Pulse Needle - 1280 Fol
Hawk Wind - 1740 Fol
Photonic Blaster - 5950 Fol
Paralyzer - 6000 Fol
Particle Laser - 7440 Fol

| Ratings |

Repulsive Lump - 1
Overwrought Product - 1
Strange Lump - 1
Misconceived Product - 1
Reducer - 30
Duck-Duck Bomb - 15
Em Bomb - 30
Em Bomb Mp - 30
Shielding Device - 70
Flare Bomb - 10
Mind Bomb - 15
Em Stun Bomb - 50
Em Stun Bomb Mp - 50
Berserker Device - 60
Soul Strengthening Device - 60
Bleu Cheese - 60
Mass Redicer - 60
Ultimate Bomb - 80
Em Explosive 2 - 40
Em Explosive Mp - 40
Mega-Flare Bomb - 70
Deadly Mind Bomb - 90
Healing Device Mk1 - 50
Em Stun Explosive - 60
Em Stun Explosive Mp - 60
ES Hybrid Bomb - 70
Tricky Bomb - 1
Battle Sphere - 50
Tricky Duck Bomb - 1
Healing Device Mk2 - 70
Es Hybrid Device - 80
Power Blaster - 30
Healing Device Mk3 - 100
Beguiling Device - 80
Pulse Needle - 50
Hawk Wind - 20
Photonic Blaster - 70
Paralyzer - 90
Particle Laser - 100

*                                    Smithery                                  *
| Blacksmiths |                                                 
Name: Fayt (Fa)                          Name: Sophia (So)                   
Talent: 29                               Talent: 6                         
Name: Cliff (Cl)                         Name: Maria (Ma)                   
Talent: 31                               Talent: 4                        
Name: Nel (Ne)                           Name: Albel (Al)                     
Talent: 25                               Talent: 30                      
Name: Peppita (Pe)                       Name: Roger (Ro)                     
Talent: 5                                Talent: 23                       
Name: Mirage (Mi)                        Name: Adray (Ad)                     
Talent: 17                               Talent: 27                       
Name: Grats (Gr)                         Name: Lias (Li)             
Talent: 25                               Talent: 36                       
Name: Gutso (Gu)                         Name: Boyd (Bo)             
Talent: 60                               Talent: 95                       
|Crude Rod                           |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Gr|Li|Gu|  |
|Rickety Gauntlet                    |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Gr|Li|Gu|  |
|Nothced Sword                       |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Gr|Li|Gu|  |
|Bent Sword                          |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Gr|Li|Gu|Bo|
|Botched Sword                       |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Gr|Li|Gu|  |
|Crude Armor                         |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Gr|Li|Gu|Bo|
|Cloak                               |  |So|  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |Gr|  |  |  |
|Rusty Axe                           |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Gr|Li|Gu|  |
|Thin Armor                          |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Gr|Li|Gu|Bo|
|Tattered Armor                      |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Gr|Li|Gu|Bo|
|Leather Armor                       |  |  |  |Ma|Ne|Al|  |  |Mi|Ad|Gr|  |  |  |
|Cordon Scepter                      |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|  |
|Curiass                             |Fa|  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |Gr|  |  |  |
|Raunzel Daggers                     |  |  |  |  |Ne|  |  |  |  |  |Gr|  |  |  |
|Sword of the Blessed                |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gr|Li|  |  |
|Ranger's Helm                       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |Gr|Li|  |  |
|Mythril Plate                       |Fa|  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |  |  |  |Bo|
|Silk Robe                           |  |So|  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |Li|  |  |
|The Samurai                         |  |  |  |  |  |Al|  |  |  |Ad|  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Replica Gun                         |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Gr|Li|Gu|  |
|Chainmail                           |  |  |  |Ma|Ne|Al|  |  |Mi|Ad|  |Li|  |  |
|Atomic Gauntlets                    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Assassin's Sickles                  |  |  |  |  |Ne|  |  |  |  |  |Gr|  |  |  |
|Plate Armor                         |Fa|  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |  |Li|  |  |
|Cuir Bouilli                        |  |  |  |Ma|Ne|Al|  |  |Mi|Ad|  |Li|  |  |
|Prajna Claw                         |  |  |  |  |  |Al|  |  |  |  |  |Li|  |  |
|Crystal Robe                        |  |So|  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |  |Bo|
|Paladin's Helm                      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Veinslay                            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Mythril Gauntlets                   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Devious Aurora                      |  |  |  |  |  |Al|  |  |  |Ad|  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Steel Armor                         |Fa|  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |  |Li|  |  |
|Shark Helm                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |Gr|Li|  |  |
|Cloak of the Stars                  |  |So|  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |  |Bo|
|Mythril Mesh                        |  |  |  |Ma|Ne|Al|  |  |Mi|Ad|  |  |  |Bo|
|Hakuen                              |  |  |  |  |  |Al|  |  |  |Ad|  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Iron Cape                           |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |Gu|  |
|Death's Talons                      |  |  |  |  |  |Al|  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Demon Slayer                        |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ad|  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Flare Baselards                     |  |  |  |  |Ne|  |  |  |  |  |Gr|Li|  |  |
|Arc Wind Rippers                    |  |  |  |  |Ne|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Elven Cloak                         |  |So|  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |Li|  |  |
|Cape of the Kraken                  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |  |Bo|
|Silvance                            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Demonic Claw                        |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Dragon Blades                       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Searing Sword                       |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gr|Li|  |  |
|Gatling Gauntlets                   |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |  |Mi|  |  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Astral Armor                        |Fa|  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|Mi|  |  |  |Gu|  |
|Visored Helm                        |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|Bo|
|False Gods' Claw                    |  |  |  |  |  |Al|  |  |  |  |  |Li|  |  |
|Rune Blade                          |Fa|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gr|Li|  |  |
|Cattail Staff                       |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|  |
|Golden Cape                         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Bo|
|Cupid's Staff                       |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|  |
|Claw of Judgement                   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Rod of the Evil Eye                 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Bo|
|The Immortal                        |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ad|  |  |  |  |
|Glass Eye Scepter                   |  |So|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Bo|
|Damask Cape                         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Bo|
|Elemental Leather                   |  |  |  |Ma|Ne|Al|  |  |Mi|Ad|  |  |Gu|  |
|Ice Blades                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Bunny's Scepter                     |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Bo|
|Mythril Dress                       |  |So|  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |Gu|  |
|Cape of Acrimony                    |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |Gu|  |
|Damask Gauntlets                    |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |  |Mi|  |Gr|Li|  |  |
|Superior Leather                    |  |  |  |Ma|Ne|Al|  |  |Mi|Ad|  |  |  |Bo|
|Silver Curiass                      |Fa|  |Cl|  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |  |  |  |Bo|
|Pulverizers                         |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |  |Mi|  |Gr|Li|  |  |
|Flash Gauntlets                     |  |  |Cl|  |  |  |  |  |Mi|  |Gr|Li|  |  |
|Drill Helm                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |Gr|Li|  |  |
|Soul Stealer Claw                   |  |  |  |  |  |Al|  |  |  |  |  |Li|  |  |
|Barbarian's Helm                    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Cape of the Banshee                 |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |Gu|  |
|Superior Plate Armor                |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ro|  |  |  |  |Gu|  |
|Radiant Sword                       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gu|Bo|
|Superior Mesh                       |Fa|  |  |Ma|Ne|Al|  |  |Mi|  |Ad|  |Gu|  |
|Featherfolk Garb                    |  |So|  |  |  |  |Pe|  |  |  |  |  |Gu|  |

| Base Prices |

Crude Rod - 1 Fol
Rickety Gauntlet - 3 Fol
Nothced Sword - 20 Fol
Bent Sword - 30 Fol
Botched Sword - 50 Fol
Crude Armor - 50 Fol
Cloak - 70 Fol
Rusty Axe - 80 Fol
Thin Armor - 80 Fol
Tattered Armor - 100 Fol
Leather Armor - 115 Fol
Cordon Scepter - 115 Fol
Curiass - 120 Fol
Raunzel Daggers - 123 Fol
Sword of the Blessed - 125 Fol
Ranger's Helm - 125 Fol
Mythril Plate - 140 Fol
Silk Robe - 170 Fol
The Samurai - 190 Fol
Replica Gun - 200 Fol
Chainmail - 210 Fol
Atomic Gauntlets - 220 Fol
Assassin's Sickles - 248 Fol
Plate Armor - 320 Fol
Cuir Bouilli - 330 Fol
Prajna Claw - 360 Fol
Crystal Robe - 370 Fol
Paladin's Helm - 400 Fol
Veinslay - 400 Fol
Mythril Gauntlets - 450 Fol
Devious Armor - 460 Fol
Steel Armor - 520 Fol
Shark Helm - 575 Fol
Cloak of the Stars - 620 Fol
Mythril Mesh - 670 Fol
Hakuen - 1000 Fol
Iron Cape - 1130 Fol
Death's Talons - 1220 Fol
Demon Slayer - 3000 Fol
Flare Baselards - 3055 Fol
Arc Wind Rippers - 3300 Fol
Elven Cloak - 3320 Fol
Cape of the Kraken - 3320 Fol
Silvance - 3400 Fol
Demonic Claw - 3450 Fol
Dragon Blades - 3500 Fol
Searing Sword - 4000 Fol
Gatling Gauntlets - 4200 Fol
Astral Armor - 4530 Fol
Visored Helm - 5002 Fol
False Gods' Claw - 5135 Fol
Rune Blade - 5250 Fol
Cattail Staff - 5340 Fol
Golden Cape - 5450 Fol
Cupid's Staff - 5550 Fol
Claw of Judgement - 6200 Fol
Rod of the Evil Eye - 6230 Fol
The Immortal - 6300 Fol
Glass Eye Scepter - 6400 Fol
Damask Cape - 6580 Fol
Elemental Leather - 6720 Fol
Ice Blades - 6800 Fol
Bunny's Scepter - 12,280 Fol
Mythril Dress - 1320 Fol
Cape of Acrimony - 1360 Fol
Damask Gauntlets - 1450 Fol
Superior Leather - 1470 Fol
Silver Curiass - 1640 Fol
Pulverizers - 1734 Fol
Flash Gauntlets - 1970 Fol
Drill Helm - 2000 Fol
Soul Stealer Claw - 2085 Fol
Barbarian's Helm - 2150 Fol
Cape of the Banshee - 2180 Fol
Superior Plate Armor - 2540 Fol
Radiant Sword - 2600 Fol
Superior Mesh - 2620 Fol
Featherfolk Garb - 2620 Fol

| Ratings |

Crude Rod - 1
Rickety Gauntlet - 1
Nothced Sword - 1
Bent Sword - 1
Botched Sword - 1
Crude Armor - 1
Cloak - 10
Rusty Axe - 1
Thin Armor - 1
Tattered Armor - 1
Leather Armor - 10
Cordon Scepter - 20
Curiass - 10
Raunzel Daggers - 20
Sword of the Blessed - 10
Ranger's Helm - 20
Mythril Plate - 60
Silk Robe - 20
The Samurai - 10
Replica Gun - 1
Chainmail - 20
Atomic Gauntlets - 90
Assassin's Sickles - 30
Plate Armor - 20
Cuir Bouilli - 40
Prajna Claw - 30
Crystal Robe - 70
Paladin's Helm - 100
Veinslay - 100
Mythril Gauntlets - 100
Devious Armor - 30
Steel Armor - 40
Shark Helm - 50
Cloak of the Stars - 50
Mythril Mesh - 80
Hakuen - 40
Iron Cape - 20
Death's Talons - 70
Demon Slayer - 70
Flare Baselards - 50
Arc Wind Rippers - 90
Elven Cloak - 30
Cape of the Kraken - 70
Silvance - 80
Demonic Claw - 90
Dragon Blades - 20
Searing Sword - 40
Gatling Gauntlets - 70
Astral Armor - 99
Visored Helm - 90
False Gods' Claw - 20
Rune Blade - 20
Cattail Staff - 30
Golden Cape - 90
Cupid's Staff - 50
Claw of Judgement - 100
Rod of the Evil Eye - 100
The Immortal - 90
Glass Eye Scepter - 70
Damask Cape - 100
Elemental Leather - 95
Ice Blades - 100
Bunny's Scepter - 90
Mythril Dress - 95
Cape of Acrimony - 30
Damask Gauntlets - 50
Superior Leather - 95
Silver Curiass - 90
Pulverizers - 20
Flash Gauntlets - 30
Drill Helm - 30
Soul Stealer Claw - 50
Barbarian's Helm - 70
Cape of the Banshee - 50
Superior Plate Armor - 95
Radiant Sword - 70
Superior Mesh - 80
Featherfolk Garb - 95

*                                    Writing                                   *
| Authors |                                                 
Name: Fayt (Fa)                          Name: Sophia (So)                   
Talent: 34                               Talent: 15                        
Name: Cliff (Cl)                         Name: Maria (Ma)                   
Talent: 7                                Talent: 22                       
Name: Nel (Ne)                           Name: Albel (Al)                     
Talent: 14                               Talent: 4                       
Name: Peppita (Pe)                       Name: Roger (Ro)                     
Talent: 6                                Talent: 4                        
Name: Mirage (Mi)                        Name: Adray (Ad)                     
Talent: 16                               Talent: 11                       
Name: Cornelius (Co)                     Name: Mishell (Ms)          
Talent: 15                               Talent: 35                       
Name: Noppen (No)                        Name: Osman (Os)              
Talent: 44                               Talent: 73                       
|Glued Rod                           |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Co|Ms|No|  
|Crude Book                          |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Co|Ms|No|Os|
|Ragged Book                         |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Co|Ms|No|Os|
|Esoteric Scroll                     |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Co|Ms|No|Os|
|Secret Teachings                    |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Co|Ms|No|Os|
|Illegible Book                      |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|Mi|Ad|Co|Ms|No|  |
|Earh Discharge                      |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|  |Ad|Co|Ms|No|Os|
|Fire Discharge                      |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|  |Ro|  |Ad|Co|Ms|No|Os|
|Water Discharge                     |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|  |Ro|  |Ad|Co|Ms|No|Os|
|Wind Discharge                      |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|  |Ro|  |Ad|Co|Ms|No|Os|
|Tome of Insight                     |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |Mi|  |  |  |  |Os|
|Earth Resistance                    |Fa|So|Cl|  |Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|  |  |Co|Ms|No|  |
|Decayed Tome                        |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|  |Ro|Mi|Ad|Co|Ms|No|Os|
|Deteriorating Tome                  |Fa|  |Cl|  |Ne|Al|  |Ro|  |  |Co|Ms|  |  |
|Tattered Tome                       |Fa|  |Cl|  |Ne|Al|  |Ro|  |  |Co|Ms|  |  |
|Crumbling Tome                      |Fa|  |  |  |Ne|  |  |  |  |Ad|  |Ms|No|  |
|Dated Tome                          |Fa|So|Cl|Ma|Ne|Al|  |Ro|Mi|  |Co|Ms|No|Os|
|Musty Tome                          |  |  |Cl|  |  |Al|  |Ro|  |  |Co|  |No|  |
|Mildewed Tome                       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Os|
|Damaged Tome                        |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Os|
|Fading Tome                         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Os|
|Moldy Tome                          |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |Mi|Ad|  |  |  |Os|
|Brittle Tome                        |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |Mi|  |  |  |  |Os|
|Tome of Prowess                     |  |So|  |Ma|  |  |  |  |Mi|  |  |  |  |Os|
|Strange Book                        |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Co|  |No|  |
|Fire Resistance                     |Fa|So|Cl|  |Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|  |  |Co|Ms|No|  |
|Water Resistance                    |Fa|So|Cl|  |Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|  |  |Co|Ms|No|  |
|Wind Resistance                     |Fa|So|Cl|  |Ne|Al|Pe|Ro|  |  |Co|Ms|No|  |
| Base Prices |

Glued Rod - 1 Fol
Crude Book - 12 Fol
Ragged Book - 18 Fol
Esoteric Scroll - 50 Fol
Secret Teachings - 150 Fol
Illegible Book - 175 Fol
Earh Discharge - 350 Fol
Fire Discharge - 350 Fol
Water Discharge - 350 Fol
Wind Discharge - 350 Fol
Tome of Insight - 601 Fol
Earth Resistance - 710 Fol
Decayed Tome - 1500 Fol
Deteriorating Tome - 1500 Fol
Tattered Tome - 1500 Fol
Crumbling Tome - 1500 Fol
Dated Tome - 1500 Fol
Musty Tome - 1500 Fol
Mildewed Tome - 1500 Fol
Damaged Tome - 1500 Fol
Fading Tome - 1500 Fol
Moldy Tome - 1500 Fol
Brittle Tome - 1500 Fol
Tome of Prowess - 1670 Fol
Strange Book - 5400 Fol
Fire Resistance - 710 Fol
Water Resistance - 710 Fol
Wind Resistance - 710 Fol

| Ratings |

Glued Rod - 1
Crude Book - 1
Ragged Book - 1
Esoteric Scroll - 1
Secret Teachings - 1
Illegible Book - 1
Earh Discharge - 30
Fire Discharge - 30
Water Discharge - 30
Wind Discharge - 30
Tome of Insight - 50
Earth Resistance - 30
Decayed Tome - 40
Deteriorating Tome - 40
Tattered Tome - 40
Crumbling Tome - 60
Dated Tome - 60
Musty Tome - 60
Mildewed Tome - 90
Damaged Tome - 99
Fading Tome - 99
Moldy Tome - 99
Brittle Tome - 100
Tome of Prowess - 70
Strange Book - 65
Fire Resistance - 30
Water Resistance - 30
Wind Resistance - 30

|                              Philosopher's Stone                             |

The following guide was written by Destructo, to help people who are having
trouble creating the Philosopher's Stone.

You Will Need...

-The Alchemists Stone. This is found in the Sand Dunes of Mosel.

-Misty Lear. She is next to the workshop in the Barr Mountains. She
needs the Spirit Stone to recruit, which is found in the Barr Ruins.

-Eliza or Peppita. Eliza is in the eastern section of Aquios, and
requires 10,000 fol to recruit. Peppita joins you if you wish her to
at the beginning of the second disc, but there is a way to use her and
not recruit her. More on this below.

-Sophia or Mackwell. Sophia joins automatically at the beginning of
disc 2. Mackwell is in the libray of Aquaria Castle, and requires the
Book of Prophecies 1 to recruit, which is found in the Shrine of

-Patience. Even if you have been trying forever, have patience. This
stone is not easy to make.

The Process...

There are a few ways to do this, depending on where you are in the
game. I'll list the various methods.

1) Use Eliza, Misty, and Mackwell. The cost is 11-13 fol, but 12 will
show up most frequently.

2)If you have Sophia, do the same thing as in #1, but use her instead
of Mackwell. The cost will be 11-12 fol.

3)If you want to use Peppita instead of Eliza, there are two ways to
do so. The first is just to recruit her and use her. The second
involves you going to the simulator in Moonbase while Peppita
temporarily joins your party in the storyline. Once there, go to a
workshop and use her instead of Eliza, and make sure you have
recruited Misty Lear beforehand, and the Alchemist's Stone (You will
have Sophia). If you use Peppita in any combination, the cost will be
12-14 fol.

Please note that the strategy guide says Mackwell can make the stone;
this is a typo, he cannot make it, only Eliza or Peppita can make it.
He can only help with the process.

Do not use a cost lower than 10 (if it shows up) or higher than 15,
otherwise you will ALWAYS get a Repulsive Lump or Overwrought Product.

Even with any of the above combinations of people, your chance of
success is still slim because the talent of all these combos is barely
over 100, and the stone has a rating of 100, so be patient, you will
make it eventually.

|                                Quick Reference                               |

Everything in the following section was contributed by 'Loiel' as a means to
more effeciently represent all data pertaining to specific item at once.  Not
one to pass of hard work I have agreed to supplement the guide with the charts
he made, I believe that for anyone hoping to create many items at a time they
will agree it is quite an asset:

Note: If not Fayt refers to the inventors that can create an item in the event
that Fayt cannot.


Name(Abbrev.) - Talent

Adray(Ad)     -      4
Albel(Al)     -     15
Ansala(An)    -     99
Cliff(Cl)     -      5
Eliza(El)     -      4
Fayt(Fa)      -     14
Mackwell(Mk)  -     31
Maria(Ma)     -     22
Mirage(Mi)    -     18
Misty(Ms)     -     50
Nel(Ne)       -     20
Peppita(Pe)   -     12
Roger(Ro)     -      6
Sophia(So)    -     36

Alchemy(Rating)                 Fol  If Not Fayt

Misconceived Product(1)----------30
Overweight Product(1)------------17
Repulsive Lump(1)-----------------9
Strange Lump(1)------------------18
Stone of Evil(2)----------------200  Ansala,Eliza
Air Gem(40)---------------------350
Earth Gem(40)-------------------350
Fire Gem(40)--------------------350
Water Gem(40)-------------------350
Angel Stone(70)----------------5050
Brownie Stone(70)--------------1050
Nereid Stone(70)---------------1550
Salamander Stone(70)-----------2550
Sylph Stone(70)----------------1550
Celestial Homunculus(80)------10300
Earth Homunculus(80)------------130
Fire Homunculus(80)------------2800
Star Ruby(80)------------------2700  Ansala
Water Homunculus(80)-----------1800
Wind Homunculus(80)------------1800
Mythril(90)--------------------3070  Ansala
Shell Sapphire(90)-------------2300  Ansala
Dark Crystal(95)---------------3700  Ansala
Rainbow Diamond(95)------------3080  Ansala
Philosopher's Stone(100)---------12* Eliza/Peppita

* - (Required to Recruit Ansala)


Name(Abbrev.) - Talent

Adray(Ad)     -      5
Albel(Al)     -     16
Cliff(Cl)     -     10
Fayt(Fa)      -     30
Gossam(Go)    -      9
Louise(Lo)    -     98
Maria(Ma)     -     25
Milenya(Ml)   -     19
Mirage(Mi)    -     27
Nel(Ne)       -     10
Peppita(Pe)   -     11
Puffy(Pu)     -     57
Roger(Ro)     -      6
Sophia(So)    -     15

Compounding(Rating)             Fol  If Not Fayt

Bitter Potion(1)-----------------12  Lo/Ml/Mi/Ne/Ro/So
Bubbling Potion(1)---------------12  Puffy
Bubbly Potion(1)----------------202
Endorphin Boost(1)---------------18
Fizzing Potion(1)---------------152
Malodorous Potion(1)-------------12
Miracle Power(1)----------------102
Neural Augmenter(1)--------------61
Pheramone Enhancer(1)------------36
Super Potion(1)-----------------302
Tears of Aphrodite(1)------------26
Tears of Ishtar(1)---------------86
Tears of Venus (1)---------------56
Thick Potion(1)------------------12  Puffy
Resurrection Elixir(2)----------140  [1]  
Might Tablets(4)-----------------90
Medicine Bottle(5)---------------60  Ad/Lo/Ml/Mi/Ne/Ro/So
Resurrection Mist(10)-----------210  Al/Cl/Lo/Ma/Mi/Ne/So
Sleeping Gas(10)-----------------40  Puffy
Vial of Poison(10)---------------40
Aqua Potion(20)------------------22
Berry Potion(20)-----------------21
Fruity Potion(20)----------------13  Lo/Ml/Mi/Ne/Ro/So
Sweet Potion(20)-----------------40  Ad/Lo/Ml/Mi/Ne/Ro/So
Liquid Flare Bomb(30)-----------601  Puffy
Liquid Mind Bomb(30)------------601  Puffy
Durian Stun Bomb-R4(40)---------731  Puffy
Grabbag Stun Bomb-R2(40)--------731  Puffy
Molotov Stun Bomb-R1(40)--------121  Puffy
Syrupy Potion(40)----------------20  [1]
Umai-bo Stun Bomb-R3(40)--------121  Puffy
Deadly Poison(50)---------------160  Louise/Puffy
Berserker Device(60)------------101  Puffy
Potion of Youth (Fake)(65)--------5* Al/Cl/Pe/Pu/Ro
Shielding Device(70)-------------61  Puffy
Witch Tablets(70)---------------210  [2]
Beguiling Device(80)-----------1001  Puffy
Faerie Elixir(80)---------------110  [1]
Heroic Elixir(80)---------------110  [1]
Liquid Hybrid Bomb(90)----------801  Puffy
Verdurous Potion(90)------------310  Ad/Lo/Ml/Mi/Ne/Ro/So
Cinderella Tablets(99)---------1001
Roe Tablets(99)----------------3060

[1] (Ad/Al/Cl/Lo/Ml/Mi/Ne/Ro/So)
[2] (Al/Cl/Lo/Ma/Ml/Ne/Pu/Ro)
* - (Required to Recruit Gossam)


Name(Abbrev.) - Talent

Adray(Ad)     -     20
Albel(Al)     -     16
Cliff(Cl)     -      9
Damda(Da)     -      9
Fayt(Fa)      -     16
Killer(Ki)    -     98
Mayu(My)      -     19
Maria(Ma)     -     19
Mirage(Mi)    -     26
Nel(Ne)       -     30
Peppita(Pe)   -      6
Rigel(Ri)     -     57
Roger(Ro)     -      2
Sophia(So)    -     43

Cooking(Rating)                 Fol  If Not Fayt

Awful Cider(1)-------------------42  Adray
Cheap Cider(1)-------------------32
Cheap Sashami(1)-----------------96
Discordant Dessert(1)-------------6
Spicy Cake(1)--------------------86
Super-Sweet Curry(1)-------------31
Tasteless Stew(1)----------------21
Tough Steak(1)------------------135
Petite Sirloin(5)----------------30  Cliff/Damda/Roger
Deluxe Fruit Bowl(10)------------40  Albel/Maria/Rigel
Curry Rice(20)-------------------18
Prehistoric Meat(20)------------210  Ad/Cl/Da/Ro
Umeboshi(20)---------------------15  Damda/Mirage/Mayu/Nel
Vanilla Ice Cream(20)------------15  Albel/Maria/Rigel
Corn on the Cob(25)--------------40  Rigel
Tuna Salad(25)-------------------15
Chopped Steak(30)----------------40
Cold Soba(30)--------------------40
Fresh Spring Rolls(30)-----------40
Roast Duck(30)-------------------40  Sophia
Umai-Bo 1(30)--------------------20  Rigel
Umai-Bo 2(30)--------------------20  Rigel
Umai-Bo 3(30)--------------------20  Rigel
Umai-Bo 4(30)--------------------20
Umai-Bo 5(30)--------------------20
Umai-Bo 6(30)--------------------20
Umai-Bo 7(30)--------------------20  Cliff/Damda/Roger
Umai-Bo 8(30)--------------------20  Cliff/Damda/Roger
BBQ Pork Ramen(40)--------------102
Blue Moon Cider(40)-------------305  Ad/Cl/Da/Pe/Ro
Boiled King Crab(40)------------100  Rigel
Granadilla Juice(40)------------330  Killer/Rigel
Jumbo Pot Stickers(40)----------280  Ad/Cl/Da/Ro
Pasta Salad(40)------------------40  Albel/Maria/Rigel
Spicy Stew(40)-----------------2512  Killer/Sophia
Broken Prophet Cider(50)--------340  Damda/Mayu
Decorated Cake(50)---------------22
Mont Blanc(50)-------------------50  Rigel
Sachertorte(50)------------------15  Mirage/Rigel
Almond Jelly(60)-----------------40
Bleu Cheese(60)-----------------100  Albel/Maria/Rigel
Chocolate Banana(60)-------------40  Albel/Maria/Rigel
Friend Turnips(60)---------------40
Gelatinous Potion(60)------------25  Cliff/Damda/Roger
Grilled Tuna Head(60)------------40  Ad/Cl/Da/Pe/Ro
Haute Chinese Soup(60)----------100  Killer/Sophia
Itty-Bitty Steak(60)-------------30  Cliff/Damda/Roger
Kid's Meal(60)-------------------30  Mirage/Rigel
Kirschtorte(60)------------------40  Mirage/Rigel
Marbled Sirloin 1000(60)--------870
Otoro(60)-----------------------100  Cliff/Damda/Roger
Peach Dessert Soup(60)----------130  Killer/Sophia
Umai-Bo 9(60)--------------------20  Killer/Sophia
Umai-Bo 10(60)-------------------20  Killer/Sophia
Umai-Bo 11(60)-------------------20  Killer/Sophia
Umai-Bo 12(60)-------------------20  Rigel
Umai-Bo 14(60)-------------------20  Killer/Sophia
Golden Curry(65)-----------------63*
Fruit Parfait(70)----------------40  Albel/Maria/Rigel
Marbled Beef Sirloin(70)--------110  Killer/Sophia
Memmoth Meat(70)----------------210  [1]
Pear Tart(70)--------------------40
Rambutan Juice(70)--------------330  Rigel
Silver Scepter Cider(70)--------330  Cl/Da/Pe/Ro
Soft-Shelled Turtle(70)----------40  Ad/Cl/Da/Pe/Ro
Tamarind Juice(70)--------------330  Rigel
Watermelon Bar(70)---------------40  Cliff/Damda/Roger
Fiery Cyclops Cider(75)---------330  Ad/Cl/Da/Ki/Pe/Ro
Howling Fox Cider(75)-----------390  Damda/Mayu
Joyful Bandit Cider(75)---------305  Damda
Brass Demon Cider(80)-----------340  Damda/Mayu
Hogplum Juice(80)---------------330  Killer
Jackfruit Juice(80)-------------500  Rigel
Leaping Titan Cider(80)---------330  Killer
Lord's Ozoni(80)----------------410  Ad/Cl/Da/Ro
Silroin 140(80)------------------50  Maria/Rigel
Winking Sage Cider(80)----------330^ [2]
Hungry Harpy Cider(90)----------420  Damda/Killer/Mayu
Sapodilla Juice(90)-------------390  Killer
Growling Fist Cider(95)---------500  Damda/Killer/Mayu
Pomegranate Juice(95)-----------570  Killer/Rigel
Amazing Tenderloin(99)----------694  Killer/Sophia
Beautiful Ice Cream(99)---------694  Peppita/Rigel
Demonic Durian(99)--------------694  Killer/Sophia
Devilish Sea Squirt(99)---------694  Killer/Sophia
Dragon Pot Stickers(99)---------694  Killer/Sophia
Fachuchon(99)-------------------429  Killer/Sophia
Giant King Crab(99)------------1234  Peppita/Rigel
Golden Natto(99)----------------694  Cliff/Damda/Roger
Handmade Soba(99)---------------694  Cliff/Damda/Mirage
Lansium Juice(99)---------------570  Killer/Rigel
Legendary Otoro(99)-------------434  Cliff/Damda/Roger
Lilien's Ultimate(99)-----------694  Mirage/Peppita/Rigel
Luscious Gratin(99)-------------694  Killer/Sophia
Luscious Oysters(99)------------694  Cliff/Damda/Roger
Magical Salad(99)--------------1234  Killer/Sophia
Ozoni of Madness(99)------------434  Killer/Sophia
Perfect Duck(99)----------------694  Peppita/Rigel
Shining Pasta(99)---------------694  Killer/Sophia
Slimy Gelatin(99)---------------694  Killer/Sophia
Super-Spicy Stew(99)------------694  Killer/Sophia
Supreme Dorayaki Pie(99)--------694  Cl/Da/Mi/Ro
Tearful Risotto(99)-------------694  Killer/Sophia
Ultimate Ramen(99)--------------649  Cliff/Damda/Roger
Umai-Bo 13 (99)----------------5010
Well-Aged Cheese(99)-----------1234  Killer/Sophia
Mangosteen Juice(100)-----------570  Killer/Rigel

[1] (Ad/Al/Cl/Da/Ma/Pe/Ro/Ri)
[2] (Bandit Drop on Sanmite Steppe)
* - (Required to Recruit Rigel)
^ - (Required to Recruit Damda)


Name(Abbrev.) - Talent

Adray(Ad)     -      3
Albel(Al)     -     12
Aqua&Evia(Aq) -     49
Balbados(Ba)  -     37
Chilico(Ch)   -     60
Cliff(Cl)     -      2
Fayt(Fa)      -     20
Maria(Ma)     -     10
Mirage(Mi)    -     30
Nel(Ne)       -     15
Peppita(Pe)   -     40
Roger(Ro)     -     35
Stanice(St)   -     20
Sophia(So)    -     33
Crafting(Rating)                Fol  If Not Fayt

Crude Ring(1)--------------------10
Disgusting Doll(1)----------------2
Embarrassing Earring(1)----------20  Ad/Al/Mi/Pe/Ro
Heavy Ring(1)--------------------15
Humiliating Earring(1)-----------30
Laughable Bracelet(1)------------80
Loose Ring(1)--------------------20
Over-Carved Figure(1)-------------8
Pitiful Earring(1)---------------50
Strange Figure(1)----------------12
Tacky Earring(1)-----------------15
Third-Rate Bracelet(1)-----------60
Unbelievable Hair Ornament(1)----15  Ad/Al/Mi/Pe/Ro
Vulgar Hair Ornament(1)-----------1  Ad/Al/Mi/Pe/Ro
Adorable Kitty Doll(2)----------241*  
Feline Guardian(2)--------------221
Bangle of Accuracy(20)----------222  Aq/Ba/Ma/So
Badge of Intellect(20)----------300  Aq/Ba/Ma/So
Badge of Reflection(20)---------290  Chilico
Badge of Resistance(20)---------290  Babados/Maria/Sophia
Badge of Shielding(20)----------290  Babados/Maria/Sophia
Blue Talisman(20)---------------260  Aq/Ba/Ma/So
Brooch of Footwork(20)----------170
Green Talisman(20)--------------460
Red Talisman(20)----------------260  Aq/Ba/Ma/So
Blazing Pendant(30)-------------380  Chilico
Purple Orb(30)------------------150
Aqua Ring(40)-------------------900  Ba/Ma/So
Earring of Accuracy(40)---------220  Chilico
Earth Ring(40)------------------900  Babados/Maria/Sophia
Flare Ring(40)------------------900  Babados/Maria/Sophia
Wind Ring(40)-------------------900  Babados/Maria/Sophia
Amulet of Freedom(50)-----------600  [2]
Ankh of Dismissal(50)-----------280
Anti-Freezing Amulet(50)--------800  Aqua/Peppita/Sophia
Anti-Poison Amulet(50)----------500  [1]
Anti-Silence Amulet(50)---------650  Aqua/Peppita/Sophia
Anti-Stone Amulet(50)-----------700  Aq/Ba/Ma/Pe/So
Bladebane Cross(50)-------------550  Aqua/Chilico
Demonbane Cross(50)-------------550  Chilico
Magebane Ankh(50)---------------550  Aqua/Chilico
Ring of Quietude(50)------------700  Aqua
Silver Cross(50)----------------550  Aqua/Chilico
Wingbane Cross(50)--------------550  Aqua/Chilico
Anti-Incapacitation Amulet(60)--601
Elven Slippers(60)-------------1020  Chilico
Mystic Orb(60)------------------200  Chilico
Ring of Haste(60)--------------1100  Babados/Maria/Sophia
Yellow Talisman(60)-------------260
Berserker's Pendant(70)---------490  Chilico
Hammer Charm(70)---------------1390
Lunar Talisman(70)--------------320  Aq/Ba/Ma/Pe/So
Ring of Animosity(70)-----------700  Chilico
Ring of Erudition(70)-----------640  Babados/Maria/Sophia
Ring of Lunacy(70)--------------200  Aqua
Star Talisman(70)---------------320  Aq/Ba/Ma/Pe/So
Battle Bonus Ring(80)-----------500  Babados/Maria/Sophia
Faerie Earring(80)-------------1600  Chilico
Faerie Ring(80)-----------------600  Babados/Maria/Sophia
Ring of Healing(80)-------------300  Babados/Maria/Sophia
Ring of Mental Power(80)--------220  Chilico
Star Necklace(80)--------------4100  Chilico
Emerald Earring(90)------------1700  Chilico
Emerald Ring(90)----------------600
Aegis Pendant(98)--------------1370  Chilico
Boots of Prowess(99)-----------2480  Chilico
Eldritch Brooch(99)------------8500
Mallet Charm(99)---------------1280  Chilico
Ring of Might(99)---------------305  Aqua
Theives' Boots(99)-------------6700  Aqua/Chilico

[1] (Treasure in Kirlsa Training Facility)
[2] (Treasure in Bequerel Mine)
* - (Required to Recruit Mayu)


Name(Abbrev.) - Talent

Adray(Ad)     -      7
Albel(Al)     -     16
Cliff(Cl)     -     36
Dejison(De)   -      6
Fayt(Fa)      -     25
Izak(Iz)      -     65
Maria(Ma)     -     20
Meryl(Me)     -     46
Mirage(Mi)    -     31
Nel(Ne)       -      5
Peppita(Pe)   -     15
Roger(Ro)     -     20
Sophia(So)    -      3
Vanilla(Va)   -     32

Engineering(Rating)             Fol  If Not Fayt

Misconceived Product(1)----------30
Overwrought Product(1)-----------17
Repulsive Lump(1)-----------------9
Strange Lump(1)------------------18
Tricky Bomb(1)------------------260
Tricky Duck Bomb(1)-------------380
Flare Bomb(10)-------------------65
Duck-Duck Bomb(15)---------------35
Mind Bomb(15)--------------------65
Hawk Wind(20)------------------1740
Em Bomb(30)----------------------61
Em Bomb Mp(30)-------------------61
Power Blaster(30)---------------580
Em Explosive 2(40)--------------181
Em Explosive Mp(40)-------------181
Battle Sphere(50)---------------301
Em Stun Bomb(50)-----------------91
Em Stun Bomb Mp(50)--------------91
Healing Device Mk1(50)----------201  Cl/Ma/Me/So/Va
Pulse Needle(50)---------------1280
Berserker Device(60)------------101
Em Stun Explosive(60)-----------211  Maria/Meryl/Izak
Em Stun Explosive Mp(60)--------211  Maria/Meryl/Izak
Mass Reducer(60)----------------161
Soul Strengthening Device(60)---101
ES Hybrid Bomb(70)--------------231
Healing Device Mk2(70)----------401  Meryl/Peppita
Mega-Flare Bomb(70)-------------185
Shielding Device(70)-------------61  Meryl/Vanilla
Beguiling Device(80)-----------1001  Meryl/Vanilla
Es Hybrid Device(80)------------431
Ultimate Bomb(80)---------------180*
Deadly Mind Bomb(90)------------185
Healing Device Mk3(100)---------801  Meryl/Izak
Particle Laser(100)------------7440  Maria/Meryl/Izak
Photonic Blaster(100)----------6000  Maria/Meryl/Izak

* - (Required for Recruiting Dejison -> Izak)

Name(Abbrev.) - Talent

Adray(Ad)     -     27
Albel(Al)     -     30
Boyd(Bo)      -     95
Cliff(Cl)     -     31
Fayt(Fa)      -     29
Grats(Gr)     -     25
Gutso(Gu)     -     60
Lias(Li)      -     36
Maria(Ma)     -      4
Mirage(Mi)    -     17
Nel(Ne)       -     25
Peppita(Pe)   -      5
Roger(Ro)     -     23
Sophia(So)    -      6   
Smithery(Rating)                Fol  If Not Fayt

Bent Sword(1)--------------------30
Botched Sword(1)-----------------50
Crude Armor(1)-------------------50
Crude Rod(1)----------------------1
Notched Sword(1)-----------------20
Rickety Gauntlet(1)---------------3
Replica Gun(1)------------------200
Rusty Axe(1)---------------------80
Tattered Armor(1)---------------100
Thin Armor(1)--------------------80
Cloak(10)------------------------70  Grats/Peppita/Sophia
Leather Armor(10)---------------115  Ad/Al/Ma/Mi/Ne
Sword of the Blessed(10)--------125
The Samurai(10)-----------------190  Ad/Al/Bo/Gu
Chainmail(20)-------------------210  Ad/Al/Li/Ma/Mi/Ne
Cordon Scepter(20)--------------115  Gutso/Sophia
Dragon Blades(20)--------------3500  Boyd/Gutso
False Gods' Claw(20)-----------5135  Albel/Lias
Iron Cape(20)------------------1130  Gutso/Peppita
Plate Armor(20)-----------------320
Pulverizers(20)----------------1734  Cl/Gr/Li/Mi
Ranger's Helm(20)---------------125  Grats/Lias/Roger
Raunzel Daggers(20)-------------123  Grats/Nel
Rune Blade(20)-----------------5250
Silk Robe(20)-------------------170  Lias/Peppita/Sophia
Assassin's Sickles(30)----------248  Grats/Nel
Cape of Acrimony(30)-----------1360  Gutso/Peppita
Cattail Staff(30)--------------5340  Gutso/Sophia
Devious Armor(30)---------------460  Ad/Al/Bo/Gu
Drill Helm(30)-----------------2000  Grats/Lias/Roger
Elven Cloak(30)----------------3320  Lias/Peppita/Sophia
Flash Gauntlets(30)------------1970  Cl/Gr/Li/Mi
Prajna Claw(30)-----------------360  Albel/Lias
Cuir Bouilli(40)----------------330  Ad/Al/Li/Ma/Mi/Ne
Hakuen(40)----------------------100  Ad/Al/Bo/Gu
Searing Sword(40)--------------4000
Steel Armor(40)-----------------520
Cape of the Banshee(50)--------2180  Gutso/Peppita
Cloak of the Stars(50)----------620  Boyd/Peppita/Sophia
Cupid's Staff(50)--------------5550  Gutso/Sophia
Damask Gauntlets(50)-----------1450  Cl/Gr/Li/Mi
Flare Baselards(50)------------3055  Grats/Lias/Nel
Shark Helm(50)------------------575  Grats/Lias/Roger
Soul Stealer Claw(50)----------2085  Albel/Lias
Mythril Plate(60)---------------140
Barbarian's Helm(70)-----------2150  Boyd/Gutso/Roger
Cape of the Kraken(70)---------3320  Boyd/Peppita
Crystal Robe(70)----------------370  Boyd/Peppita/Sophia
Death's Talons(70)-------------1220  Albel/Boyd/Gutso
Demon Slayer(70)---------------3000  Adray/Boyd/Gutso
Gatling Gauntlets(70)----------4200  Bo/Cl/Gu/Mi
Glass Eye Scepter(70)----------6400  Boyd/Sophia
Radiant Sword(70)--------------2600  Boyd/Gutso
Mythril Mesh(80)----------------670  Ad/Al/Bo/Ma/Mi/Ne
Silvance(80)-------------------3400  Boyd/Gutso
Superior Mesh(80)--------------2620
Arc Wind Rippers(90)-----------3300  Boyd/Gutso/Nel
Atomic Gauntlets(90)------------220  Boyd/Gutso
Bunny's Scepter(90)-----------12280  Boyd
Demonic Claw(90)---------------3450  Boyd/Gutso
Golden Cape(90)----------------5450  Boyd
Silver Curiass(90)-------------1640
The Immortal(90)---------------6300  Adray
Visored Helm(90)---------------5002  Boyd/Gutso
Elemental Leather(95)----------6720  Ad/Al/Gu/Ma/Mi/Ne
Featherfolk Garb(95)-----------2620  Gutso/Peppita/Sophia
Mythril Dress(95)--------------1320  Gutso/Peppita/Sophia
Superior Leather(95)-----------1470  Ad/Al/Bo/Ma/Mi/Ne
Superior Plate Armor(95)-------2540  Gutso/Roger
Astral Armor(99)---------------4530
Claw of Judgement(100)---------6200  Boyd/Gutso
Damask Cape(100)---------------6580  Boyd
Ice Blades(100)----------------6800  Boyd/Gutso
Mythril Gauntlets(100)----------450  Boyd/Gutso
Paladin's Helm(100)-------------400  Boyd/Gutso
Rod of the Evil Eye(100)-------6230  Boyd
Veinslay(100)-------------------400  Boyd/Gutso

Name(Abbrev.) - Talent

Adray(Ad)     -     11
Albel(Al)     -      4
Cliff(Cl)     -      7
Cornelius(Co) -     15
Fayt(Fa)      -     34
Maria(Ma)     -     22
Mirage(Mi)    -     16
Mishell(Ms)   -     35
Nel(Ne)       -     14
Noppen(No)    -     44
Osman(Os)     -     73
Peppita(Pe)   -      6
Roger(Ro)     -      4
Sophia(So)    -     15
Writing(Rating)                 Fol  If Not Fayt

Crude Book(1)--------------------12
Esoteric Scroll(1)---------------50
Glued Book(1)---------------------1
Illegible Book(1)---------------175
Ragged Book(1)-------------------18
Secret Teachings(1)-------------150
Earth Discharge(30)-------------350
Earth Resistance(30)------------710
Fire Discharge(30)--------------350
Fire Resistance(30)-------------710
Water Discharge(30)-------------350
Water Resistance(30)------------710
Wind Discharge(30)--------------350
Wind Resistance(30)-------------710
Decayed Tome(40)---------------1500
Deteriorating Tome(40)---------1500
Tattered Tome(40)--------------1500
Tome of Insight(50)-------------601  Ma/Mi/Os/So
Crumbling Tome(60)-------------1500
Dated Tome(60)-----------------1500
Musty Tome(60)-----------------1500  Al/Cl/Co/No/Ro
Strange Book(65)---------------5400* Cornelius/Noppen
Mildewed Tome(90)--------------1500  Osman
Damaged Tome(99)---------------1500  Osman
Fading Tome(99)----------------1500  Osman
Moldy Tome(99)-----------------1500  Ad/Ma/Mi/Os/So
Brittle Tome(100)--------------1500  Ma/Mi/Os/So
Tome of Prowess(70)------------1670  Ma/Mi/Os/So

* -   (Required to Recruit Osman)

|                        ++ Character Skills/Spells ++                 (kKpRe) |

| Skill/Spell List |---------------------------------------------------(vOilD)-o

| Fayt Leingod |

Name: Blade of Fury                      Name: First Aid
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 1
Type: Battle                             Type: Support
Level Acquired: 2                        Level Acquired: 3

Name: Aerial                             Name: Scan Enemy
Cp: 2                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 4                        Level Acquired: 4

Name: Blazing Sword                      Name: Critical Hit
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 6                        Level Acquired: 7

Name: Charge                             Name: Standby Healing
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 1
Type: Battle                             Type: Support
Level Acquired: 9                        Level Acquired: 10

Name: Critical Hit Hp                    Name: Taunt
Cp: 2                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Support                            Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 11                       Level Acquired: 14

Name: Sidekick                           Name: Lightning Blast
Cp: 2                                    Cp: N/A 
Type: Battle                             Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 15                       Level Acquired: 16

Name: No Guard                           Name: Stun     
Cp: 5                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Battle 
Level Acquired: 16                       Level Acquired: 17

Name: Ice Blade                          Name: Berserk  
Cp: 4                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 20                       Level Acquired: 21

Name: Increase Hp Damage                 Name: Increase Mp Damage
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 4
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 22                       Level Acquired: 23

Name: Shotgun Blast                      Name: Lightning Blade
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 6
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 25                       Level Acquired: 30

Name: Fear                               Name: Deep Freeze
Cp: 2                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 32                       Level Acquired: 38

Name: Air Raid                           Name: Stone Rain
Cp: 7                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 40                       Level Acquired: 45

Name: Dimension Door                     Name: Explosion
Cp: 6                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 50                       Level Acquired: 60

Name: Divine Blade                       Name: Ethereal Blast
Cp: 8                                    Cp: 8
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Drain                              Name: Increase Hp/Mp Damage
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Increase Stamina                   Name: Loot Item
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Common Attack Symbols              Name: Common Support Symbols
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Lucky Star                         Name: Max Fury
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Combat Training                    Name: Convert Damage
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Cure Condition                     Name: Antidote
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Earth Glaive                       Name: Fire Bolt
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Healing                            Name: Ice Needles
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Silence                            
Cp: N/A                                  
Type: Spell                              
Level Acquired: Use Item                 

| Sophia Esteed |

Name: First Aid                          Name: Healing
Cp: 1                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Support                            Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 3                        Level Acquired: 3

Name: Antidote                           Name: Fire Bolt
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 2
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell/Battle
Level Acquired: 4                        Level Acquired: 5

Name: Silence                            Name: Ice Needles
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 2  
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell/Battle
Level Acquired: 5                        Level Acquired: 10

Name: Acid Rain                          Name: Scan Enemy
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 12                       Level Acquired: 13

Name: Standby Healing                    Name: Lightning Blast
Cp: 1                                    Cp: 3
Type: Support                            Type: Spell/Battle
Level Acquired: 14                       Level Acquired: 15

Name: Protection                         Name: Earth Glaive
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 3
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell/Battle
Level Acquired: 17                       Level Acquired: 19

Name: Cure Condition                     Name: Taunt
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 20                       Level Acquired: 21

Name: Charge                             Name: Restoration
Cp: 4                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 22                       Level Acquired: 22

Name: Critical Hit Hp                    Name: Critical Hit
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 23                       Level Acquired: 24

Name: Efreet                             Name: Power Up
Cp: 5                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Spell/Battle                       Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 25                       Level Acquired: 25

Name: Aerial                             Name: Increase Hp Damage
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 4
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 26                       Level Acquired: 27

Name: Crush                              Name: Stun
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 2
Type: Spell                              Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 29                       Level Acquired: 29

Name: Thunder Flare                      Name: Faerie Light
Cp: 4                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Spell/Battle                       Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 30                       Level Acquired: 32

Name: Increase Mp Damage                 Name: Deep Freeze
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 6
Type: Battle                             Type: Spell/Battle
Level Acquired: 32                       Level Acquired: 35

Name: Fear                               Name: Reflection
Cp: 2                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 36                       Level Acquired: 37

Name: Dark Sphere                        Name: Berserk
Cp: 8                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Spell/Battle                       Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 40                       Level Acquired: 42

Name: Stone Rain                         Name: No Guard
Cp: 5                                    Cp: 5
Type: Spell/Battle                       Type: Support
Level Acquired: 45                       Level Acquired: 46

Name: Gravitation                        Name: Explosion
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 7
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell/Battle
Level Acquired: 47                       Level Acquired: 50

Name: Laser Beams                        Name: Angel Feather
Cp: 7                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Spell/Battle                       Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 54                       Level Acquired: 57

Name: Lightning Strike                   Name: Blood Scylla
Cp: 8                                    Cp: 7
Type: Spell Battle                       Type: Spell/Battle
Level Acquired: 60                       Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Gremlins                           Name: Meteor Swarm
Cp: 6                                    Cp: 10
Type: Spell/Battle                       Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Southern Cross                     Name: Drain
Cp: 6                                    Cp: 2
Type: Spell/Battle                       Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Increase Hp/Mp Damage              Name: Increase Stamina
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Loot Item                          Name: Increase Mp
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 3
Type: Battle                             Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Lucky Star                         Name: Quick Symbol
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 3
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Combat Training                    Name: Convert Damage
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Cure Condition                     
Cp: N/A                                     
Type: Tactical                           
Level Acquired: Use Item                 

| Cliff Fittir |

Name: Sphere of Might                    Name: Critical Hit
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle 
Level Acquired: 4                        Level Acquired: 6

Name: No Guard                           Name: Taunt     
Cp: 5                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Support                            Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 8                        Level Acquired: 8

Name: Hammer of Might                    Name: Increase Hp Damage
Cp: 3                                    Cp: 4
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 10                       Level Acquired: 12

Name: Stun                               Name: Critical Hit Hp
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Support
Level Acquired: 13                       Level Acquired: 14

Name: Electric Fists                     Name: First Aid
Cp: 6                                    Cp: 1  
Type: Battle                             Type: Support
Level Acquired: 15                       Level Acquired: 16

Name: Berserk                            Name: Charge         
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 4   
Type: Tactical                           Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 17                       Level Acquired: 17

Name: Fiery Tackle                       Name: Aerial   
Cp: 6                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle 
Level Acquired: 20                       Level Acquired: 21

Name: Fists of Fury                      Name: Scan Enemy
Cp: 6                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 30                       Level Acquired: 30

Name: Fear                               Name: Uppercut          
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 6
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 32                       Level Acquired: 40

Name: Acrobatic Locus                    Name: Infinity Kick  
Cp: 6                                    Cp: 8

Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 50                       Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Max Shockwave                      Name: Drain      
Cp: 6                                    Cp: 2  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Increase Hp/Mp Damage              Name: Increase Stamina
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Loot Item                          Name: Common Attack Symbols
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2  
Type: Battle                             Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Common Support Symbols             Name: Lucky Star    
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Max Fury                           Name: Combat Training      
Cp: 2                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Support                            Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Convert Damage                     Name: Cure Condition
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Antidote                           Name: Earth Glaive          
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell  
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Fire Bolt                          Name: Healing 
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell  
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Ice Needles                        Name: Silence       
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell   
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

| Maria Traydor |

Name: Berserk                            Name: Protection
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Spell  
Level Acquired: N/A                      Level Acquired: N/A

Name: Standby Healing                    Name: Aiming Device
Cp: 1                                    Cp: 2  
Type: Support                            Type: Battle  
Level Acquired: N/A                      Level Acquired: N/A

Name: Scatter Beam                       Name: Power Up    
Cp: 3                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Spell 
Level Acquired: N/A                      Level Acquired: 21

Name: Critical Hit Mp                    Name: Charge         
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 4
Type: Support                            Type: Battle 
Level Acquired: 22                       Level Acquired: 22

Name: Critical Hit                       Name: Aerial
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle  
Level Acquired: 23                       Level Acquired: 24

Name: First Aid                          Name: Reflection     
Cp: 1                                    Cp: N/A 
Type: Support                            Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 26                       Level Acquired: 26

Name: Increase Hp Damage                 Name: Magnetic Field
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 5
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle 
Level Acquired: 27                       Level Acquired: 28

Name: Taunt                              Name: Fear     
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 2  
Type: Tactical                           Type: Battle  
Level Acquired: 29                       Level Acquired: 31

Name: Pulse Beast                        Name: Stun              
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 32                       Level Acquired: 34

Name: Crescent Locus                     Name: Triple Kick    
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 5
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 38                       Level Acquired: 32

Name: Angel Feather                      Name: Laser Blast
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 4  
Type: Spell                              Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 45                       Level Acquired: 46

Name: Gravity Bullet                     Name: No Guard
Cp: 6                                    Cp: 5  
Type: Battle                             Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 52                       Level Acquired: 58

Name: Energy Burst                       Name: Radiation Bolts
Cp: 8                                    Cp: 6  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Drain                              Name: Increase Hp/Mp Damage
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Increase Stamina                   Name: Loot Item            
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Common Attack Symbols              Name: Common Support Symbols
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Common Attack Symbols              Name: Common Support Symbols
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Lucky Star                         Name: Max Fury
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Combat Training                    Name: Convert Damage
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Cure Condition                     Name: Antidote
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Earth Glaive                       Name: Fire Bolt
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Healing                            Name: Ice Needles
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Silence                            
Cp: N/A                                  
Type: Spell                              
Level Acquired: Use Item               

| Nel Zelpher |

Name: Fire Bolt                          Name: Healing  
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell  
Level Acquired: N/A                      Level Acquired: N/A

Name: Shock Wave                         Name: Increase Hp Damage
Cp: 3                                    Cp: 4  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle  
Level Acquired: N/A                      Level Acquired: 5

Name: Aerial                             Name: Critical Hit
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 6                        Level Acquired: 8

Name: Ice Needles                        Name: Shadow Wave    
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 3
Type: Spell                              Type: Battle 
Level Acquired: 10                       Level Acquired: 10

Name: Stun                               Name: Ice Daggers
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 4  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle  
Level Acquired: 13                       Level Acquired: 15

Name: Berserk                            Name: First Aid      
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 1   
Type: Tactical                           Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 16                       Level Acquired: 17

Name: Critical Hit Hp                    Name: Lightning Blast
Cp: 2                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Support                            Type: Spell  
Level Acquired: 18                       Level Acquired: 18

Name: Charge                             Name: Poison Cloud
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 2  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle  
Level Acquired: 19                       Level Acquired: 20

Name: Standby Healing                    Name: Whirlwind         
Cp: 1                                    Cp: 3
Type: Support                            Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 22                       Level Acquired: 25

Name: Taunt                              Name: Increase Mp Damage
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 4
Type: Tactical                           Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 26                       Level Acquired: 28

Name: Flying Guillotine                  Name: Fear      
Cp: 5                                    Cp: 2  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 30                       Level Acquired: 32

Name: Scan Enemy                         Name: Thunder Flare
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 35                       Level Acquired: 35

Name: Lightning Chain                    Name: No Guard 
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 5  
Type: Battle                             Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 40                       Level Acquired: 40

Name: Mirror Slice                       Name: Lightning Strike
Cp: 8                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Spell 
Level Acquired: 52                       Level Acquired: 70      

Name: Divine Wrath                       Name: Splitting Sky
Cp: 7                                    Cp: 6
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Drain                              Name: Increase Hp/Mp Damage
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Increase Stamina                   Name: Loot Item
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Common Attack Symbols              Name: Common Support Symbols
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Lucky Star                         Name: Max Fury
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Combat Training                    Name: Convert Damage
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Cure Condition                     Name: Antidote
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Earth Glaive                       Name: Fire Bolt
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Healing                            Name: Ice Needles
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Silence                            
Cp: N/A                                  
Type: Spell                              
Level Acquired: Use Item

| Albel Nox |

Name: Air Slash                          Name: Critical Hit
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle 
Level Acquired: N/A                      Level Acquired: N/A

Name: Critical Hit Mp                    Name: Shockwave Swirl
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2  
Type: Support                            Type: Battle  
Level Acquired: N/A                      Level Acquired: N/A

Name: Standby Healing                    Name: Berserk     
Cp: 1                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Support                            Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 6                        Level Acquired: 21

Name: Stun                               Name: No Guard       
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 5
Type: Battle                             Type: Support
Level Acquired: 25                       Level Acquired: 26

Name: Palm of Destruction                Name: Increase Mp Damage
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 4  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle  
Level Acquired: 26                       Level Acquired: 27

Name: Increase Hp Damage                 Name: Aerial         
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 2   
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle 
Level Acquired: 28                       Level Acquired: 29

Name: First Aid                          Name: Aura Wall
Cp: 1                                    Cp: 6
Type: Support                            Type: Battle 
Level Acquired: 30                       Level Acquired: 32

Name: Charge                             Name: Fear     
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 2  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle  
Level Acquired: 32                       Level Acquired: 33

Name: Double Slash                       Name: Scan Enemy        
Cp: 4                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 25                       Level Acquired: 36

Name: Vampire Flash                      Name: Hand of Doom   
Cp: 6                                    Cp: 5
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 40                       Level Acquired: 45

Name: Dragon Roar                        Name: Air Slash of Fury
Cp: 7                                    Cp: 6  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 50                       Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Double Slash of Fury               Name: Drain     
Cp: 6                                    Cp: 2  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Increase Hp/Mp Damage              Name: Increase Stamina
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Loot Item                          Name: Common Attack Symbols
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2  
Type: Battle                             Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Common Support Symbols             Name: Lucky Star    
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Max Fury                           Name: Combat Training      
Cp: 2                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Support                            Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Convert Damage                     Name: Cure Condition
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Antidote                           Name: Earth Glaive          
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell  
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Fire Bolt                          Name: Healing 
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell  
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Ice Needles                        Name: Silence       
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell   
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

| Peppita Rossetti |

Name: Magic Hook                         Name: Charge   
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 4
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle 
Level Acquired: 5                        Level Acquired: 6

Name: Frozen Daggers                     Name: Taunt     
Cp: 3                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 10                       Level Acquired: 11

Name: First Aid                          Name: Critical Hit Mp
Cp: 1                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: 12                       Level Acquired: 14

Name: Power Dance                        Name: Standby Healing
Cp: 6                                    Cp: 1
Type: Battle                             Type: Support
Level Acquired: 15                       Level Acquired: 17

Name: Aerial                             Name: Instanto Blast
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 4  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle  
Level Acquired: 18                       Level Acquired: 20

Name: Scan Enemy                         Name: Panic Dance    
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 6   
Type: Tactical                           Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 22                       Level Acquired: 25

Name: Stun                               Name: Increase Hp Damage
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 4
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle 
Level Acquired: 26                       Level Acquired: 28

Name: Increase Mp Damage                 Name: Kaboom   
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 5  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle  
Level Acquired: 29                       Level Acquired: 30

Name: Berserk                            Name: Critical Hit      
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 2
Type: Tactical                           Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 31                       Level Acquired: 33

Name: Fear                               Name: Healing Dance  
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 6
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 34                       Level Acquired: 40

Name: No Guard                           Name: Faerie Friend
Cp: 5                                    Cp: 6  
Type: Support                            Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 48                       Level Acquired: 50

Name: Dream Hammer                       Name: Magical Dance
Cp: 5                                    Cp: 6  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Drain                              Name: Increase Hp/Mp Damage
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Increase Stamina                   Name: Loot Item
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Common Attack Symbols              Name: Common Support Symbols
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Lucky Star                         Name: Max Fury
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Combat Training                    Name: Convert Damage
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Cure Condition                     Name: Antidote
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Earth Glaive                       Name: Fire Bolt
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Healing                            Name: Ice Needles
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Silence                            
Cp: N/A                                  
Type: Spell                              
Level Acquired: Use Item

| Roger S. Huxley |

Name: Fiery Axe                          Name: Whirling Heat
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle 
Level Acquired: N/A                      Level Acquired: 10

Name: Charge                             Name: Standby Healing
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 1  
Type: Battle                             Type: Support 
Level Acquired: 12                       Level Acquired: 13

Name: Land Mines                         Name: No Guard    
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 5
Type: Battle                             Type: Support
Level Acquired: 15                       Level Acquired: 16

Name: Berserk                            Name: Critical Hit Hp
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 2
Type: Tactical                           Type: Support
Level Acquired: 18                       Level Acquired: 18

Name: Flying Torpedo                     Name: Aerial
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 2  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle  
Level Acquired: 20                       Level Acquired: 21

Name: Taunt                              Name: Increase Mp Damage
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 4   
Type: Tactical                           Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 21                       Level Acquired: 23

Name: Piercing Claw                      Name: First Aid
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 1
Type: Battle                             Type: Support
Level Acquired: 25                       Level Acquired: 26

Name: Critical Hit                       Name: Fiery Fury
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 4  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle  
Level Acquired: 29                       Level Acquired: 30

Name: Fear                               Name: Increase Hp Damage
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 4
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 31                       Level Acquired: 32

Name: Stun                               Name: Scan Enemy     
Cp: 2                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 33                       Level Acquired: 36

Name: Shield & Cannon                    Name: Raging Helmet
Cp: 8                                    Cp: 6  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 40                       Level Acquired: 50

Name: Bug Triad                          Name: Star Fall 
Cp: 6                                    Cp: 8  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Drain                              Name: Increase Hp/Mp Damage
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Increase Stamina                   Name: Loot Item
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Common Attack Symbols              Name: Common Support Symbols
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Lucky Star                         Name: Max Fury
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Combat Training                    Name: Convert Damage
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Cure Condition                     Name: Antidote
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Earth Glaive                       Name: Fire Bolt
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Healing                            Name: Ice Needles
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Silence                            
Cp: N/A                                  
Type: Spell                              
Level Acquired: Use Item

| Mirage Koas |

Name: Aerial                             Name: Charge   
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 4
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle 
Level Acquired: N/A                      Level Acquired: N/A

Name: Critical Hit                       Name: First Aid 
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 1  
Type: Battle                             Type: Support 
Level Acquired: N/A                      Level Acquired: N/A

Name: Hammer of Might                    Name: Sphere of Might
Cp: 3                                    Cp: 4
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: N/A                      Level Acquired: N/A

Name: Standby Healing                    Name: Taunt          
Cp: 1                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Support                            Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: N/A                      Level Acquired: 6 

Name: Increase Hp Damage                 Name: Berserk
Cp: 4                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 32                       Level Acquired: 33

Name: Electric Fists                     Name: Fear           
Cp: 6                                    Cp: 2   
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 33                       Level Acquired: 33

Name: Stun                               Name: Increase Mp Damage
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 4                 
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle 
Level Acquired: 36                       Level Acquired: 38

Name: Critical Hit Hp                    Name: Scan Enemy
Cp: 2                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Support                            Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 39                       Level Acquired: 40

Name: Aerial Assault                     Name: No Guard          
Cp: 5                                    Cp: 5
Type: Battle                             Type: Support
Level Acquired: 41                       Level Acquired: 42

Name: Crescent Locus                     Name: Triple Kick    
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 5
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 45                       Level Acquired: 49

Name: Acrobat Locus                      Name: Avenger Charge
Cp: 6                                    Cp: 8  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 52                       Level Acquired: 62

Name: Blazing Cannon                     Name: Infinity Kick
Cp: 8                                    Cp: 6  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Drain                              Name: Increase Hp/Mp Damage
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Increase Stamina                   Name: Loot Item
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Common Attack Symbols              Name: Common Support Symbols
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Lucky Star                         Name: Max Fury
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Combat Training                    Name: Convert Damage
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Cure Condition                     Name: Antidote
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Earth Glaive                       Name: Fire Bolt
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Healing                            Name: Ice Needles
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Silence                            
Cp: N/A                                  
Type: Spell                              
Level Acquired: Use Item

| Adray Lasbard |

Name: Charge                             Name: Earth Glaive
Cp: 4                                    Cp: 3
Type: Battle                             Type: Spell/Battle
Level Acquired: N/A                      Level Acquired: N/A

Name: Fire Bolt                          Name: First Aid 
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 1  
Type: Spell/Battle                       Type: Support 
Level Acquired: N/A                      Level Acquired: N/A

Name: Ice Needles                        Name: Lightning Blast
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 3
Type: Spell/Battle                       Type: Spell/Battle
Level Acquired: 6                        Level Acquired: 7

Name: Standby Healing                    Name: Healing        
Cp: 1                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Support                            Type: Spell  
Level Acquired: N/A                      Level Acquired: 5 

Name: Antidote                           Name: Silence
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell   
Level Acquired: 6                        Level Acquired: 10 

Name: Acid Rain                          Name: Chaos Tide     
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 5   
Type: Spell                              Type: Battle 
Level Acquired: 19                       Level Acquired: 20

Name: Taunt                              Name: Efreet   
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Spell  
Level Acquired: 20                       Level Acquired: 21

Name: Aerial                             Name: Critical Hit Hp
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2  
Type: Battle                             Type: Support 
Level Acquired: 22                       Level Acquired: 23

Name: Protection                         Name: Critical Hit         
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 2
Type: Spell                              Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 23                       Level Acquired: 24

Name: Power Up                           Name: Increase Hp Damage
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 4
Type: Spell                              Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 25                       Level Acquired: 27

Name: Thunder Flare                      Name: Cure Condition
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 27                       Level Acquired: 29

Name: Stun                               Name: Deep Freeze
Cp: 2                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 29                       Level Acquired: 30

Name: Titan Fist                         Name: Increase Mp Damage
Cp: 6                                    Cp: 4  
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 30                       Level Acquired: 32

Name: Restoration                        Name: Berserk         
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 32                       Level Acquired: 35

Name: Dark Sphere                        Name: Fear
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: 2
Type: Spell                              Type: Battle
Level Acquired: 35                       Level Acquired: 36

Name: Faerie Light                       Name: Reflection
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 37                       Level Acquired: 39

Name: Southern Cross                     Name: Scan Enemy
Cp: 6                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Spell/Battle                       Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: 40                       Level Acquired: 42

Name: Stone Rain                         Name: Explosion
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 42                       Level Acquired: 45

Name: No Guard                           Name: Gravitation
Cp: 5                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Support                            Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 46                       Level Acquired: 48

Name: Sea Gate                           Name: Laser Beams
Cp: 8                                    Cp: N/A
Type: Battle                             Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 50                       Level Acquired: 54

Name: Lightning Strike                   Name: Angel Feather
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: 57                       Level Acquired: 60

Name: Emotion Torrent                    Name: Sirocco
Cp: 8                                    Cp: 7
Type: Spell                              Type: Spell
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Drain                              Name: Increase Hp/Mp Damage
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Increase Stamina                   Name: Loot Item
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Battle                             Type: Battle
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Common Attack Symbols              Name: Common Support Symbols
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Lucky Star                         Name: Max Fury
Cp: 2                                    Cp: 2
Type: Support                            Type: Support
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Combat Training                    Name: Convert Damage
Cp: N/A                                  Cp: N/A
Type: Tactical                           Type: Tactical
Level Acquired: Use Item                 Level Acquired: Use Item

Name: Cure Condition                     
Cp: N/A                                  
Type: Tactical                           
Level Acquired: Use Item                 

| Learning Skills |----------------------------------------------------(AghTy)-o

Name: Brittle Tome
Skill Learned: Quick Symbol
Type: Battle

Name: Bulky Folio
Skill Learned: Divine Blade
Type: Battle

Name: Burdensome Folio
Skill Learned: Infinity Kick
Type: Battle

Name: Complicated Scroll
Skill Learned: Bug Triad
Type: Battle

Name: Crumbling Tome
Skill Learned: Increase Stamina
Type: Battle

Name: Cumbrous Folio
Skill Learned: Max Shockwave
Type: Battle

Name: Damaged Tome
Skill Learned: Lucky Star
Type: Battle

Name: Dated Tome
Skill Learned: Loot Item
Type: Battle

Name: Decayed Tome   
Skill Learned: Combat Training
Type: Tactical

Name: Decrepit Tome
Skill Learned: Common Support Symbols
Type: Battle

Name: Deteriorating Tome
Skill Learned: Cure Condition
Type: Tactical
Name: Enigmatic Scroll
Skill Learned: Energy Burst
Type: Battle
Name: Fading Tome
Skill Learned: Increase Mp
Type: Battle
Name: Hefty Folio
Skill Learned: Magical Dance
Type: Battle
Name: Huge Folio
Skill Learned: Ethereal Blast
Type: Battle
Name: Immense Folio
Skill Learned: Blazing Cannon
Type: Battle
Name: Intricate Scroll
Skill Learned: Radiation Bots
Type: Battle
Name: Large Folio
Skill Learned: Double Slash of Fury
Type: Battle
Name: Massive Folio
Skill Learned: Sirocco
Type: Battle
Name: Mildewed Tome
Skill Learned: Increase Hp/Mp Damage
Type: Battle
Name: Moldy Tome
Skill Learned: Max Fury
Type: Battle
Name: Obscure Scroll
Skill Learned: Divine Wrath
Type: Battle
Name: Ponderous Folio
Skill Learned: Star Fall
Type: Battle
Name: Profound Scroll
Skill Learned: Meteor Swarm
Type: Spell
Name: Puzzling Scroll
Skill Learned: Southern Cross
Type: Spell
Name: Recondite Scroll
Skill Learned: Gremlins
Type: Spell

Name: Substantial Folio
Skill Learned: Emotion Torrent
Type: Battle
Name: Tattered Tome
Skill Learned: Convert Damage
Type: Tactical
Name: Unwieldy Folio
Skill Learned: Air Slash of Fury
Type: Battle
Name: Voluminous Folio
Skill Learned: Splitting Sky
Type: Battle
Name: Weighty Folio
Skill Learned: Dream Hammer
Type: Battle
Name: Worm-Eaten Tome
Skill Learned: Common Attack Symbols
Type: Battle

|                            ++ Battle Trophies ++                     (BtLtT) |

1. 100 Battles
2. 1000 Battles
3. 5000 Battles
4. 10,000 Battles
5. 50,000 Battles
6. Simultaneously defeat 2 enemies
7. Simultaneously defeat 3 enemies
8. Simultaneously defeat 4 enemies
9. 10 Hits
10. 30 Hits
11. 50 Hits
12. 100 Hits
13. 150 Hits
14. 200 Hits
15. 250 Hits
16. 300 Hits
17. Defeat enemies of 100 types
18. Defeat enemies of 200 types
19. Defeat enemies of 300 types
20. Defeat enemies of 400 types
21. Defeat enemies of 420 types
22. Chain of 3
23. Chain of 10
24. Chain of 30
25. Chain of 60
26. Chain of 100
27. Chain of 250
28. Chain of 500
29. Defeat enemy with a single blow
30. Defeat with exact damage
31. Defeat with exact damage with a single blow
32. Defeat 300 enemies
33. Defeat 500 enemies
34. Defeat 1000 enemies
35. Defeat 5000 enemies
36. Defeat 10,000 enemies
37. Defeat 50,000 enemies
38. Finish battle in under 30 seconds
39. Finish battle in under 20 seconds
40. Finish battle in under 10 seconds
41. Escape 20 times
42. Escape 100 times
43. Incapacitated 20 times
44. Incapacitated 100 times
45. Win by paralyzing all
46. Win by freezing all
47. Win by a margin of 5 hp
48. Win by a margin of 4 hp
59. Win by a margin of 3 hp
50. Win by a margin of 2 hp
51. Win by a margin of 1 hp
52. 10,000 button presses
53. 100,000 button presses
54. 1,000,000 button presses
55. 10 killing blows
56. 100 killing blows
57. 500 killing blows
58. 1000 killing blows
59. Reach level 10
60. Reach level 77
61. Reach level 120
62. Reach level 255
63. Guard broken 10 times
64. Guard broken 100 times
65. Guard broken 500 times
66. Guard broken 1000 times
67. Angered 10 times
68. Angered 100 times
69. Angered 500 times
70. Angered 1000 times
71. Maximum damage of 1000 damage
72. Maximum damage of 10,000 damage
73. Maximum damage of 50,000 damage
74. Maximum damage of 99,999 damage
75. Win with no damage
76. Cancel bonus 100 times
77. Cancel bonus 1000 times
78. Cancel bonus 3000 times
79. Defeat Norton within 30 seconds
80. Defeat Norton without taking damage
81. Defeat Giant Crab within 1 minute
82. Defeat Giant Crab without taking damage
83. Defeat Shelby within 1 minute
84. Defeat Shelby without taking damage
85. Defeat Moonshadow Clan Chief within 1 minute
86. Defeat Moonshadow Clan Chief without taking damage
87. Defeat Mudman within 1 minute
88. Defeat Mudman without taking damage
89. Defeat Cockatrice within 1 minute
90. Defeat Cockatrice without taking damage
91. Defeat Crystal Cerberus within 1 minute
92. Defeat Crystal Cerberus without taking damage
93. Defeat Demetrio within 1 minute
94. Defeat Demetrio without taking damage
95. Defeat Aurora Monster within 1 minute
96. Defeat Aurora Monster without taking damage
97. Defeat Blue Dragon Zombie within 1 minute
98. Defeat Blue Dragon Zombie  without taking damage
99. Defeat Robin Wind within 1 minute
100. Defeat Robin Wind  without taking damage
101. Defeat Crosell within one minute
102. Defeat Crosell without taking damage
103. Defeat Biwig within 1 minute
104. Defeat Biwig without taking damage
105. Defeat Proclaimer within 1 minute
106. Defeat Proclaimer without taking damage
107. Defeat Azazer within 1 minute
108. Defeat Azazer  without taking damage
109. Defeat Convictor within 1 minute
110. Defeat Convictor without taking damage
111. Defeat Dark Armor within 1 minute
112. Defeat Dark Armor without taking damage
113. Defeat Crystal Statue within 1 minute
114. Defeat Crystal Statue without taking damage
115. Defeat Dark Eye within 1 minute
116. Defeat Dark Eye without taking damage
117. Defeat Chimera within 1 minute
118. Defeat Chimera without taking damage
119. Defeat Stone Golem within 1 minute
120. Defeat Stone Golem without taking damage
121. Defeat Spirit Trio within 1 minute
122. Defeat Spirit Trio without taking damage
123. Defeat Battlecopter within 1 minute
124. Defeat Battlecopter without taking damage
125. Defeat Berial & Belzeber within 1 minute
126. Defeat Berial & Belzeber without taking damage
127. Defeat Luther
128. Defeat Luther within 5 minutes
129. Defeat Luther without taking damage (Including Suspended Time)
130. Defeat Luther at lv1
131. Defeat Luther at Universe Difficulty
132. Defeat Luther at Universe Difficulty without taking damage
133. Defeat Luther within 8 minutes at Universe difficulty
134. Defeat Luther at Universe Difficulty at level 10
135. Defeat Luther at 4D Difficulty without taking damage
136. Defeat Luther at 4D Difficulty within 10 minutes
137. Defeat Luther at 4D Difficulty at level 10
138. Defeat Gabriel
139. Defeat Gabriel without taking damage
140. Defeat Gabriel within 5 minutes
141. Defeat Gabriel at Universe
142. Defeat Gabriel at Universe without taking damage
143. Defeat Gabriel at Universe within 8 minutes
144. Defeat Gabriel at 4D
145. Defeat Gabriel at 4D without taking damage
146. Defeat Gabriel at 4D within 10 minutes
147. Defeat Ethereal Queen
148. Defeat Ethereal Queen without taking damage
149. Defeat Ethereal Queen within 10 minutes
150. Defeat Ethereal Queen at Universe
151. Defeat Ethereal Queen at Universe without taking damage
152. Defeat Ethereal Queen at Universe within 15 minutes
153. Defeat Ethereal Queen 4D
154. Defeat Ethereal Queen at 4D without taking damage
155. Defeat Ethereal Queen at 4D within 20 mintes
156. Defeat Lenneth
157. Defeat Lenneth without taking damage
158. Defeat Lenneth within 10 minutes
159. Defeat Lenneth at Universe
160. Defeat Lenneth at Universe without taking damage
161. Defeat Lenneth at Universe within 15 minutes
162. Defeat Lenneth at 4D
163. Defeat Lenneth at 4D without taking damage
164. Defeat Lenneth at 4D within 20 minutes
165. Defeat Freya
166. Defeat Freya without taking damage
167. Defeat Freya within 15 minutes
168. Defeat Freya at Universe
169. Defeat Freya at Universe without taking damage
170. Defeat Freya at Universe within 20 minutes
171. Defeat Freya at 4D
172. Defeat Freya at 4D without taking damage
173. Defeat Freya at 4D within 60 minutes
174. Taunt Gabriel 10 times
175. Taunt Ethereal Queen 10 times
176. Defeat Mighty Vox
177. Get item from Mighty Vox
178. Guard against Mighty Vox
179. Emit Anti-Attack Aura against Mighty Vox
180. Break Mighty Vox's guard
181. Total of 5 hours in battle
182. Total of 50 hours in battle
183. Total of 100 hours in battle
184. Win using only minor attacks
185. Defeat Luther using only minor attacks
186. Defeat Ethereal Queen using only minor attacks
187. Defeat Freya using only minor attacks
188. Win using only major attacks
189. Defeat Luther using only major attacks
190. Defeat Gabriel using only major attacks
191. Defeat Lenneth using only major attacks
192. Win using onl Anti-Attack Auras
193. Defeat Luther using only Anti-Attack Auras
194. Defeat Gabriel using only Anti-Attack Auras
195. Defeat Ethereal Queen using only Anti-Attack Auras
196. Win using only items
197. Defeat Albel 1 with items only
198. Defeat Albel 2 with items only
199. Defeat Albel 3 with items only
200. Win using only Symbology
201. Defeat Luther using only Symbology
202. Defeat Gabriel using only Symbology
203. Defeat Lenneth using only Symbology
204. Win using only Charge
205. Defeat Luther using only Charge
206. Defeat Gabriel using only Charge
207. Defeat Lenneth using only Charge
208. Win using only Battle Skills
209. Defeat Luther using only Battle Skills
210. Defeat Ethereal Queen using only Battle Skills
211. Defeat Freya using only Battle Skills
212. Win alone
213. Defeat Luther alone
214. Defeat Gabriel alone
215. Defeat Ethereal Queen alone
216. Defeat Lenneth alone
217. Defeat Freya alone
218. Win using only metal pipe
219. Defeat Norton using only metal pipe
220. Damage with attack 99,999 using only metal pipe
221. Defeat Luther using only metal pipe
222. Defeat Lenneth using only metal pipe
223. Complete win over Luther
224. Avoid Fire Bolt
225. Defeat Mecha Scumbag
226. Defeat Lv99 Thieving Scumbag
227. Encounter Sootie
228. Defeat Sootie
229. Remain with Fury 3 conecutive times
230. Remain with Fury 5 conecutive times
231. Remain with Fury 10 conecutive times
232. Remain with Fury 15 conecutive times
233. Recover 777 Hp
234. Recover 7777 Hp
235. Recover 77,777 Hp
236. 77,777 Hp Remaining
237. 111 damage
238. 222 damage
239. 333 damage
240. 555 damage
241. 777 damage
242. 5555 damage
243. 7777 damage
244. 77,777 damage
245. Get 10 Lucky Stars
246. Get 30 Lucky Stars
247. Win 10 consecutive times taking no damage
248. Win 50 consecutive times taking no damage
249. Win 100 consecutive times taking no damage
250. 50 consecutive battles alone
251. 100 consecutive battles alone
252. 500 consecutive battles alone
253. Avoid Fire Bolt 10 consecutive times
254. Avoid Fire Bolt 50 consecutive times
255. 10 consecutive killing blows
256. 50 consecutive killing blows
257. Level up 5 consecutive times
258. Level up 10 consecutive times
259. Level up 20 consecutive times
260. 10 consecutive successful guards
261. 50 consecutive successful guards
262. 100 consecutive successful guards
263. 200 consecutive successful guards
264. 500 consecutive successful guards
265. Rear attacked 5 consecutive times
266. Surrounded 5 consecutive times
267. Ambushed 5 consecutive times
268. Item received 10 consecutive times
269. 10 consecutive blows
270. 30 consecutive blows
271. 50 consecutive blows
272. 31 consecutive escapes
273. No damage 30 times in a row
274. No damage 50 times in a row
275. Defeat Ethereal Queen 5 times
276. Defeat Freya 5 times
277. Defeat the Princess and the Knight
278. Defeat Villain Pair
279. Defeat Tiger-Striped Pair
280. Defeat Daughter of the Beast Tamer
281. Defeat Fayt
282. Defeat the Princess and the Knight alone
283. Defeat Villain Pair alone
284. Defeat Tiger-Striped Pair alone
285. Defeat Daughter of the Beast Tamer alone
286. Defeat Fayt alone
287. Defeat the Princess and the Knight without taking damage
288. Defeat Villain Pair without taking damage
289. Defeat Tiger-Striped Pair without taking damage
290. Defeat Daughter of the Beast Tamer without taking damage
291. Defeat Fayt without taking damage
292. Defeat Fayt at Universe
293. Defeat Fayt at 4D
294. Win Auto Battle
295. Hit with Battle Sphere 5 times
296. Fight over 60 minutes
297. Fight over 120 minutes
298. Don't get hit for one minute
299. Win staying more than 5 meters from enemy
300. Moved a total distance of 42.195 km in battle

|                               ++ Versus Mode ++                      (VSmde) |

To unlock versus mode first you must complete the Aquatic Gardens of Surferio, 
then bring the Paracelsus's Table to the craftsman's guild in Peterny.  There 
you can access versus mode.

There are four ways to set up the battle:

1p vs CPU
1p vs 2p
1p vs CPU vs CPU
1p vs 2p vs CPU

You start with the following six characters:


You unlock the remaining four characters and extra costumes for each characters 
through special items called 'trapping cards.'

Name: Trapping Card 1                    Name: Trapping Card 2
Location: Moonbase                       Location: Sphere 211, 5F
Unlocks: Albel                           Unlocks: Roger

Name: Trapping Card 3                    Name: Trapping Card 4
Location: Spiral Tower, 1F               Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B2F
Unlocks: Adray                           Unlocks: Mirage

Name: Trapping Card EX1                  Name: Trapping Card EX2
Location: Moonbase                       Location: Sphere 211, 3F
Unlocks: Fayt Costume 3                  Unlocks: Sophia Costume 3

Name: Trapping Card EX3                  Name: Trapping Card EX4
Location: Bequerel Mine                  Location: Kirlsa Caverns
Unlocks: Maria Costume 3                 Unlocks: Cliff Costume 3

Name: Trapping Card EX5                  Name: Trapping Card EX6
Location: Duggus Forest                  Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B1F
Unlocks: Nel Costume 3                   Unlocks: Albel Costume 3

Name: Trapping Card EX7                  Name: Trapping Card EX8
Location: Sphere 211, 16F                Location: Sphere 211, 50F
Unlocks: Roger Costume 3                 Unlocks: Peppita Costume 3

Name: Trapping Card EX9                  Name: Trapping Card EX10
Location: Urssa Cave Temple              Location: Urssa Cave Temple
Unlocks: Adray Costume 3                 Unlocks: Mirage Costume 3

Name: Trapping Card EX11                 Name: Trapping Card EX12
Location: Urssa Cave Temple              Location: Urssa Lava Cave
Unlocks: Fayt Costume 4                  Unlocks: Sophia Costume 4

Name: Trapping Card EX13                 Name: Trapping Card EX14
Location: Maze of Tribulations, B3F      Location: Maze of Tribulations, B7F
Unlocks: Maria Costume 4                 Unlocks: Cliff Costume 4

Name: Trapping Card EX15                 Name: Trapping Card EX16
Location: Maze of Tribulations, B5F      Location: Ruins of Coffir
Unlocks: Nel Costume 4                   Unlocks: Albel Costume 4

Name: Trapping Card EX17                 Name: Trapping Card EX18
Location: Sphere 211, 109F               Location: Sphere 211, 140F
Unlocks: Roger Costume 4                 Unlocks: Peppita Costume 4

Name: Trapping Card EX19                 Name: Trapping Card EX20
Location: Sphere 211, 141F               Location: Sphere 211, 173F
Unlocks: Adray Costume 4                 Unlocks: Mirage Costume 4

Name: Trapping Card EX21                 Name: Trapping Card EX22
Location: Sphere 211, 188F               Location: Sphere 211, 199F
Unlocks: Fayt Costume 5/6                Unlocks: Sophia Costume 5/6


To access these costumes, press the following on the character:

Costume 1 - X
Costume 2 - Triangle
Costume 3 - Square
Costume 4 - R1
Costume 5 - L2 (Fayt/Sophia only)
Costume 6 - R2 (Fayt/Sophia only)

All the maps are as follows, maps are unlocked if you've played them in the main

1. Battle Simulator
2. Evacuation Corridor
3. Duggus Forest A
4. Duggus Forest B
5. Ruins of Coffir Outdoors
6. Ruins of Coffir Hideout
7. Ruins of Coffir Jail
8. Airyglyph Castle Dungeon
9. Airyglyph Aqueducts
10. Elicoor Field Snowy Mountains
11. Kirlsa Caverns
12. Elicoor Field Mountainous Region
13. Elicoor Field Wasteland
14. Kirlsa Training Facility
15. Aerial Arena
16. Elicoor Field Plains
17. Pesotto Forest
18. Aquatic Gardens, Surferio
19. Bequerel Mine Inside Cavern
20. Bequerel Mine Outisde Cavern
21. Elicoor FieldDuring War
22. Sealed Cavern
23. Shrine of Kaddan
24. Passage from Parch to Plenty
25. Mosel Dunes
26. Ancient Ruins of Mosel
27. Mountains of Barr Waterfall Area
28. Mountains of Barr
29. Barr Caves
30. The Runs of Barr
31. Urssa Lava Caves
32. Dwelling of Crosell
33. Ancient Ruins of Mosel Waterway 1
34. Ancient Ruins of Mosel Waterway 2
35. Ancient Ruins of Mosel Waterway 3
36. Moonbase
37. Planet Styx Before Collapse
38. Planet Styx Time Gate
39. Arkives
40. Sphere Company Foyer
41. Sphere Company General Block
42. Sphere Company Computer Block
43. Sphere Company Elevator
44. Planet Styx After Collapse
45. Firewall
46. Spiral Tower A
47. Spiral Tower B
48. Spiral Tower C
49. Luther's Private Lab
50. Maze of Tribulations
51. Urssa Cave Temple
52. Ethereal Queen Hall of Worship
53. Ethereal Queen Flower Garden

Versus mode is a great extra game, to add to the already heaps of replay value 
here, enjoy it.

|                               ++ Item List ++                        (Itls1) |

|                                ++ Weapons ++                         (Itls2) |

| Fayt Leingod |
Name: Metal Pipe                         Name: Simple Sword
Acquired: Default                        Acquired: Pesotto Forest
Attack: 19                               Attack: 20
Name: Longsword                          Name: Broadsword
Acquired: Kirlsa Shop                    Acquired: Arias Shop
Attack: 28                               Attack: 50
Name: Sword of the Blessed               Name: Bastard Sword
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Peterny Shop
Attack: 50                               Attack: 100
Name: Rune Blade                         Name: Searing Sword
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 100                              Attack: 150
Name: Radiant Sword                      Name: Holy Sword
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Airyglyph Shop
Attack: 200                              Attack: 200
Name: Silvance                           Name: Ceramic Sword
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Moonbase Shop
Attack: 400                              Attack: 400
Name: Mythril Sword                      Name: Veinslay
Acquired: Aquios Shop                    Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 800                              Attack: 900
Name: Divine Avenger                     Name: Levantine
Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, 7F       Acquired: Super Blair (Dropped)
Attack: 1600                             Attack: 2200

| Sophia Esteed |
Name: Crude Rod                          Name: Fragile Metal Pipe
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Default
Attack: 0                                Attack: 10
Name: Crescent Rod                       Name: Cordon Scepter
Acquired: Default                        Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 13                               Attack: 30
Name: Cattail Staff                      Name: Cupid's Staff
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 70                               Attack: 120
Name: Glass Eye Scepter                  Name: Magician's Rod
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Moonbase Shop
Attack: 170                              Attack: 350
Name: Bunny's Scepter                    Name: Adept's Staff
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Aquios Shop
Attack: 360                              Attack: 500
Name: Rod of the Evil Eye                Name: Pumpkin Wraith Rod
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B1F
Attack: 650                              Attack: 1400
Name: Sacred Ether                       
Acquired: Freya (Dropped)                
Attack: 2700                             

| Cliff Fittir |
Name: Mighty Gauntlets                   Name: Gauntlet     
Acquired: Default                        Acquired: Kirlsa Shop   
Attack: 30                               Attack: 35
Name: Steel Gauntlet                     Name: Pulverizers
Acquired: Arias Shop                     Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 50                               Attack: 70
Name: Fine Gauntlet                      Name: Flash Gauntlets
Acquired: Peterny Shop                   Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 100                              Attack: 120             
Name: Damask Gauntlets                   Name: Damask Gauntlet
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Airyglyph Shop
Attack: 190                              Attack: 200
Name: Gatling Gauntlets                  Name: Atomic Gauntlets
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 250                              Attack: 420
Name: Ceramic Gauntlet                   Name: Crest Gauntlet
Acquired: Moonbase Shop                  Acquired: Aquios Shop
Attack: 500                              Attack: 900 
Name: Mythril Gauntlets                  Name: Raven Gauntlets
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B3F
Attack: 1000                             Attack: 1800
Name: Valorous Gauntlets                 
Acquired: Enraged Crosell (Dropped)      
Attack: 2600                             

| Maria Traydor |

Name: Replica Gun                        Name: Microblaster
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Default
Attack: 0                                Attack: 10
Name: Hawk Wind                          Name: Power Blaster
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Engineering
Attack: 30                               Attack: 70
Name: Blaze Gun                          Name: Pulse Needle
Acquired: Peterny Shop                   Acquired: Engineering
Attack: 110                              Attack: 120
Name: Photonic Blaster                   Name: Pulse Gun
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Blue Dragon Zombie (Dropped)
Attack: 160                              Attack: 190
Name: Paralyzer                          Name: Flaming Gun
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Moonbase Shop
Attack: 350                              Attack: 400
Name: Particle Laser                     Name: Gravity Laser
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Aquios Shop
Attack: 700                              Attack: 800
Name: Shadow Phase Gun                   Name: Dragoon Laser
Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B1F      Acquired: Arch Demon (Dropped)
Attack: 1200                             Attack: 1800

| Nel Zelpher |
Name: Baselards                          Name: Falchion
Acquired: Default                        Acquired: Kirlsa Shop
Attack: 15                               Attack: 22
Name: Raunzel Daggers                    Name: Long Dagger
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Arias Shop
Attack: 40                               Attack: 50
Name: Assassin's Sickles                 Name: Silver Dagger
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Peterny Shop
Attack: 95                               Attack: 100
Name: Flare Baselards                    Name: Arc Wind Rippers
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 130                              Attack: 170
Name: Osprey Dagger                      Name: Blades of Ryusen
Acquired: Airyglyph Shop                 Acquired: Kirlsa
Attack: 200                              Attack: 220
Name: Dragon Blades                      Name: Ceramic Dagger
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Moonbase Shop
Attack: 380                              Attack: 380
Name: Ice Falchion                       Name: Ice Blades
Acquired: Aquios Shop                    Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 720                              Attack: 880
Name: Elemental Ticklers                 Name: Death Bringers
Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B2F      Acquired: Vengeful Shelby (Dropped)
Attack: 1500                             Attack: 2000

| Albel Nox |
Name: Iron Claw                          Name: False Gods' Claw
Acquired: Default                        Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 20                               Attack: 50
Name: Prajna Claw                        Name: Soul Stealer Claw
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 100                              Attack: 150
Name: Death's Talons                     Name: Demonic Claw
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 200                              Attack: 400
Name: Titanium Claw                      Name: Crimson Scourge
Acquired: Moonbase Shop                  Acquired: Airyglyph Castle
Attack: 420                              Attack: 800
Name: Claw of Jugement                   Name: Dark Faerie Claw
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B2F
Attack: 900                              Attack: 1600
Name: Fangs of the Wicked         
Acquired: Frenzied Biwig (Dropped)
Attack: 2200

| Peppita Rossetti |  
Name: Cape of Assault                    Name: Iron Cape
Acquired: Default                        Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 20                               Attack: 50
Name: Cape of Acrimony                   Name: Cape of the Banshee
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 100                              Attack: 150
Name: Cape of the Kraken                 Name: Golden Cape
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 200                              Attack: 400
Name: Spike Shoes                        Name: Clown Shoes
Acquired: Moonbase (Chest)               Acquired: Moonbase Shop
Attack: 500                              Attack: 550
Name: Lunatic Shoes                      Name: Damask Gauntlet
Acquired: Aquios Shop                    Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 780                              Attack: 900
Name: Efreet Cape                        Name: Angelic Cape
Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B4F      Acquired: Furious Berial
Attack: 1600                             Attack: 3200

| Roger S. Huxley |
Name: Rusty Axe                          Name: Battle Axe
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Aquios Shop
Attack: 0                                Attack: 50
Name: Ranger's Helm                      Name: Drill Helm
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 100                              Attack: 200
Name: Barbarian's Helm                   Name: Shark Helm
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 300                              Attack: 350
Name: Broad Axe                          Name: Visored Helm
Acquired: Airyglyph Shop                 Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 400                              Attack: 600
Name: Poleaxe                            Name: Saint's Halberd
Acquired: Gemity Shop                    Acquired: Aquios Shop
Attack: 680                              Attack: 880
Name: Paladin's Helm                     Name: Helm of the Dark Eye
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B1F
Attack: 120                              Attack: 1800
Name: Hybrid Helm
Acquired: Green Majora (Dropped)
Attack: 2500

| Mirage Koa |
Name: Mighty Gauntlets                   Name: Gauntlet     
Acquired: Default                        Acquired: Kirlsa Shop   
Attack: 30                               Attack: 35
Name: Steel Gauntlet                     Name: Pulverizers
Acquired: Arias Shop                     Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 50                               Attack: 70
Name: Fine Gauntlet                      Name: Flash Gauntlets
Acquired: Peterny Shop                   Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 100                              Attack: 120             
Name: Damask Gauntlets                   Name: Damask Gauntlet
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Airyglyph Shop
Attack: 190                              Attack: 200
Name: Gatling Gauntlets                  Name: Atomic Gauntlets
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 250                              Attack: 420
Name: Ceramic Gauntlet                   Name: Crest Gauntlet
Acquired: Moonbase Shop                  Acquired: Aquios Shop
Attack: 500                              Attack: 900 
Name: Mythril Gauntlets                  Name: Raven Gauntlets
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B3F
Attack: 1000                             Attack: 1800
Name: Valorous Gauntlets                 
Acquired: Enraged Crosell (Dropped)      
Attack: 2600

| Adray Lasbard |
Name: The Immortal                       Name: Heaven's Blade
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Urssa Cave Temple
Attack: 850                              Attack: 1400
Name: Heavenly Spirit                    
Acquired: Shadow Dragon (Dropped)        
Attack: 2000  

| Shared Weapons |
Name: Rickety Gauntlet                   Name: Botched Sword
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 0                                Attack: 0
Equip: Cliff, Albel, Mirage              Equip: Adray, Albel
Name: Notched Sword                      Name: Bent Sword
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 0                                Attack: 0
Equip: Fayt, Adray, Albel                Equip: Fayt, Adray, Albel
Name: Scumbag Slayer                     Name: The Samurai
Acquired: Fighting Arena                 Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 5                                Attack: 70
Equip: Everyone                          Equip: Adray, Albel
Name: Shichishito                        Name: Devious Aurora
Acquired: Default (Adray)                Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 100                              Attack: 130
Equip: Adray, Albel                      Equip: Adray, Albel
Name: Hakuen                             Name: Nodachi
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Airyglyph Shop
Attack: 190                              Attack: 240
Equip: Adray, Albel                      Equip: Adray, Albel
Name: Steeled Earth                      Name: Demon Slayer
Acquired: Mountains of Barr (Chest)      Acquired: Smithery
Attack: 300                              Attack: 450
Equip: Adray, Albel                      Equip: Adray, Albel
Name: Laser Weapon                       Name: Biter
Acquired: Gemity Shop                    Acquired: Aquios Shop
Attack: 600                              Attack: 780
Equip: Everyone                          Equip: Adray, Albel

|                                 ++ Armor ++                          (Itls3) |
| Heavy Armor |

Equipped by: Fayt, Cliff, Roger

Name: Cuirass                            Name: Plate Armor
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Defense: 5                               Defense: 10
Name: Scale Armor                        Name: Heavy Armor
Acquired: Kirlsa Shop                    Acquired: Peterny Shop
Defense: 12                              Defense: 20
Name: Steel Armor                        Name: Mythril Plate
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Defense: 25                              Defense: 55
Name: Masterwork Plate                   Name: Silver Cuirass
Acquired: Airyglyph Shop                 Acquired: Smithery
Defense: 60                              Defense: 90
Name: Damask Plate                       Name: Superior Plate Armor
Acquired: Ruins of Barr (Chest)          Acquired: Smithery
Defense: 100                             Defense: 120
Name: Ablative Armor                     Name: Astral Armor
Acquired: Moonbase Shop                  Acquired: Smithery
Defense: 130                             Defense: 140
Name: Battle Armor                       Name: Reflecting Plate
Acquired: Aquios Shop                    Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B1F
Defense: 200                             Defense: 200
Name: Valiant Mail                       
Acquired: Sphere 211, 106F               
Defense: 380                             

| Light Armor |

Equipped by:Maria, Nel, Albel, Mirage
Name: Leather Armor                      Name: Chainmail
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Defense: 2                               Defense: 7
Name: Padded Armor                       Name: Cuir Bouilli
Acquired: Default (Albel)                Acquired: Smithery
Defense: 18                              Defense: 20
Name: Mythril Mesh                       Name: Steel Chain Mail
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Arias Shop
Defense: 35                              Defense: 38
Name: Superior Leather                   Name: Anointed Chain Mail
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Peterny Shop
Defense: 55                              Defense: 58
Name: Superior Mesh                      Name: Superior Chain Mail
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Airyglyph Shop
Defense: 75                              Defense: 90      
Name: Elemental Leather                  Name: Mystic Chain
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B3F
Defense: 115                             Defense: 180
Name: Battle Chain Mail                  Name: Dragon Leather
Acquired: Aquios Shop                    Acquired: Sphere 211, 111F
Defense: 180                             Defense: 370

| Robes |
Equipped by: Sophia, Peppita, Adray
Name: Cloak                              Name: Silk Robe
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Defense: 1                               Defense: 2
Name: Elven Cloak                        Name: Robe
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Default (Sophia)
Defense: 4                               Defense: 5
Name: Cloak of the Stars                 Name: Crystal Robe
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Defense: 10                              Defense: 20
Name: Runic Cloak                        Name: Wizard's Robe
Acquired: Moonbase Shop                  Acquired: Aquios Shop
Defense: 90                              Defense: 130

| Shared Armor |
Name: Tattered Armor                     Name: Crude Armor
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Defense: 0                               Defense: 0
Equip: Everyone                          Equip: Everyone
Name: Thin Armor                         Name: Ring Mail
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Whipple Shop
Defense: 0                               Defense: 8
Equip: Everyone                          Equip:Fayt,Cliff,Maria,Nel,Albel,Mirage
Name: Featherfolk Garb                   Name: Mythril Dress
Acquired: Smithery                       Acquired: Smithery
Defense: 35                              Defense: 91
Equip: Sophia, Peppita                   Equip: Sophia Peppita
Name: Robe of Deception                  Name: Carbonite Armor
Acquired: Maze fo Tribulations, B2F      Acquired: Moonbase Shop
Defense: 95                              Defense: 100
Equip: Sophia Peppita                    Equip: Everyone
Name: Seraphic Garb                      Name: Ablative Shield
Acquired: Sphere 211, 118F               Acquired: Gemity Shop
Defense: 125                             Defense: 160
Equip: Sophia, Peppita                   Equip: Everyone (not Sophia)
Name: Valkyrie Garb                      
Acquired: Lenneth (Dropped)              
Defense: 600                             
Equip: Maria, Nel, Peppita, Mirage

|                               ++ Accessories ++                      (Itls4) |

Name: Adorable Kitty Doll                Name: Aegis Pendant
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting

Name: Amulet of Freedom                  Name: Anti-Freezinf Amulet
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting

Name: Anti-Incapacitation Amulet         Name: Anti-Poison Amulet
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting

Name: Anti-Silence Amulet                Name: Anti-Stone Amulet
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting

Name: Aqua Ring                          Name: Badge of Resistance
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting  

Name: Badge of Accuracy                  Name: Badge of Intellect
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting

Name: Badge of Reflection                Name: Badge of Shielding
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting

Name: Battle Bonus Ring                  Name: Berserker's Pendant
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting

Name: Bladebane Cross                    Name: Blazing Pendant
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting

Name: Blue Talisman                      Name: Boots of Prowess
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting

Name: Boots of Footwork                  Name: Bunny Race Trophy
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Bunny Races

Name: Bunny Shoes                        Name: Charm of Insight
Acquired: Ruins of Coffir (Chest)        Acquired: Numerous Enemies (Dropped)

Name: Charm of Tranquility               Name: Clone Generator
Acquired: Azazer (Dropped)               Acquired: Whipple Shop

Name: Crude Ring                         Name: Demonbane Cross
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting

Name: Demon's Symbol                     Name: Disgusting Doll
Acquired: Albel (Dropped)                Acquired: Crafting

Name: Earring of Accuracy                Name: Earth Charm
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Aquatic Garden (Chest)

Name: Earth Ring                         Name: Eldritch Brooch
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting

Name: Elven Slippers                     Name: Embarrassing Earring
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting

Name: Emerald Earring                    Name: Emerald Ring
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting
Name: Faerie Earring                     Name: Faerie Ring
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting
Name: Feline Guardian                    Name: Fire Charm
Acquired: Craftin                        Acquired: Numerous Enemies (Dropped)
Name: Flare Ring                         Name: Grab Bag
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Maze-Tribulations, B3F (Shop)
Name: Green Talisman                     Name: Gutsy Bunny
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Urssa Lava Cave
Name: Hammer Charm                       Name: Heavy Bracelet
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Santa's Boots (Use)
Name: Heavy Ring                         Name: Humiliating Earring
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting
Name: Laughable Bracelet                 Name: Life Saver
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Gemity Shop
Name: Lightstone                         Name: Loose Ring
Acquired: Bequerel Mine                  Acquired: Crafting
Name: Lunar Talisman                     Name: Magebane Ankh
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting

Name: Maiden of Irisa                    Name: Mallet Charm
Acquired: Peterny                        Acquired: Crafting

Name: Medecentra Pyroxene                Name: Mind Saver
Acquired: Whipple                        Acquired: Gemity Shop

Name: Misconceived Product               Name: Mist Charm
Acquired: Alchemy, Engineering           Acquired: Numerous Enemies (Dropped)

Name: Mystic Orb                         Name: Over-Carved Figure
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting

Name: Overwrought Product                Name: Philosopher's Symbol
Acquired: Alchemy, Engineering           Acquired: Albel (Dropped)

Name: Pitiful Earring                    Name: Pitiful Earring
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting

Name: Purple Orb                         Name: Rabbit Ears Chalice
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Ancient Book #7

Name: Rabbit's Foot                      Name: Rapid Invocation
Acquired: Grab Bag (Use)                 Acquired: Gemity (Shop)

Name: Red Talisman                       Name: Regeneration Symbol
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Kirlsa (Shop)

Name: Repulsive Lump                     Name: Ring of Animostiy
Acquired: Alchemy, Engineering           Acquired: Crafting

Name: Rinf of Erudition                  Name: Ring of Haste
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting
Name: Ring of Healing                    Name: Ring of Lunacy
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting
Name: Ring of Mental Power               Name: Crafting
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting
Name: Ring of Quietude                   Name: Ring of Slaughter
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Fighting Arena
Name: Ring of Vigor                      Name: Santa's Boots
Acquired: Biwig (Dropped)                Acquired: Maze-Tribulations, B3F (Shop)
Name: Scholar's Bracelet                 Name: Silver Cross
Acquired: Peterny                        Acquired: Crafting
Name: Silver Ring                        Name: Star Guard
Acquired: Airyglyph Shop                 Acquired: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B2F 
Name: Star Necklace                      Name: Star Talisman
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting
Name: Strange Figure                     Name: Strange Lump
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Alchemy, Engineering
Name: Symbol of Courage                  Name: Tacky Earring
Acquired: Kirlsa Shop                    Acquired: Crafting
Name: Thieves' Boots                     Name: Third-Rate Bracelet
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting
Name: Tri-Emblem                         Name: Tri-Emblum
Acquired: Maze-Tribulations, B3F (Shop)  Acquired: Surferio (Shop)
Name: Unbelievable Hair Ornament         Name: Victory Trophy
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Fighting Arena
Name: Vulgar Hair Ornament               Name: War God's Symbol
Acquired: Alchemy, Engineering           Acquired: Albel (Dropped)
Name: Warrior's Bracelet                 Name: Water Charm
Acquired: Peterny Shop                   Acquired: Numerous Enemies (Dropped)
Name: Wind Charm                         Name: Wind Ring
Acquired: Ruins of Barr (Chest)          Acquired: Crafting
Name: Wingbane Cross                     Name: Yellow Talisman
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Crafting
|                              ++ Usable Items ++                      (Itls5) |

Name: Abstruse Scroll                    Name: Analeptic
Acquired: Maze-Tribulations, B1F (Chest) Acquired: Moonbase Shop

Name: Ankh of Dismissal                  Name: Antidote
Acquired: Crafting                       Acquired: Compounding

Name: Aqua Potion                        Name: Aquaberris
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Airyglyph Shop

Name: Basil                              Name: Battle Sphere
Acquired: Airyglyph Shop                 Acquired: Engineering  

Name: Beguiling Device                   Name: Berry Potion
Acquired: Compounding, Engineering       Acquired: Compounding

Name: Berserker Device                   Name: Bitter Potion
Acquired: Compounding, Engineering       Acquired: Compounding

Name: Blackberries                       Name: Blueberries
Acquired: Whipple Shop                   Acquired: Whipple Shop

Name: Brittle Tome                       Name: Bubbling Potion   
Acquired: Writing                        Acquired: Compounding    

Name: Bubbly Potion                      Name: Bulky Folio
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B7F

Name: Burdensome Folio                   Name: Cinderella Tablets
Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B5F      Acquired: Compounding

Name: Complicated Scroll                 Name: Crumbling Tome
Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B2F      Acquired: Writing

Name: Crystal Chalice                    Name: Cumbrous Folio
Acquired: Sphere 211, 179F               Acquired: Sphere 211, 150F

Name: Damaged Tome                       Name: Dated Tome
Acquired: Writing                        Acquired: Writing

Name: Deadly Mind Bomb                   Name: Deadly Poison 
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Compounding

Name: Decayed Tome                       Name: Decrepit Tome
Acquired: Writing                        Acquired: Norton (Dropped)

Name: Deteriorating Tome                 Name: Duck-Duck Bomb
Acquired: Writing                        Acquired: Engineering

Name: Durian Stun Bomb-R4                Name: Eldrich Fire Stone
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Numerous Enemies (Dropped)

Name: Em Bomb                            Name: Em Bomb Mp
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Engineering

Name: Em Explosive 2                     Name: Em Explosive Mp
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Engineering

Name: Em Stun Bomb                       Name: Em Stun Bomb Mp
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Engineering

Name: Em Stun Explosive                  Name: Em Stun Explosive Mp
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Engineering

Name: Endorphin Boost                    Name: Enigmatic Scroll
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B3F

Name: Es Hybrid Bomb                     Name: Es Hybrid Explosive
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Engineering

Name: Fading Tome                        Name: Faerie Elixir
Acquired: Writing                        Acquired: Compounding

Name: Fire Crystal                       Name: Fizzing Potion
Acquired: Numerous Enemies (Dropped)     Acquired: Compounding

Name: Flare Bomb                         Name: Fresh Sage
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Whipple Shop

Name: Fruity Potion                      Name: Gold Chalice
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Sphere 211, 102F

Name: Grabbag Stun Bomb-R2               Name: Healing Device MK1
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Engineering

Name: Healing Device MK2                 Name: Healing Device MK3
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Engineering

Name: Hefty Folio                        Name: Heroic Elixir
Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B5F      Acquired: Compounding

Name: Huge Folio                         Name: Immense Folio
Acquired: Sphere 211,114F                Acquired: Sphere 211, 178F

Name: Intricate Scroll                   Name: Jewel of Alertness
Acquired: Sphere 211, 187F               Acquired: Traum Mountains (Chest)

Name: Jewel of Avarice                   Name: Jewel of Refuge
Acquired: Airyglyph Castle (Chest)       Acquired: Aire/Kirlsa Hills (Chest)

Name: Large Folio                        Name: Lavender
Acquired: Sphere 211, 135F               Acquired: Airyglyph Shop

Name: Liquid Flare Bomb                  Name: Liquid Hybrid Bomb
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Compounding

Name: Liquid Mind Bomb                   Name: Magical Berries
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Irisa Fields

Name: Malodorous Bottle                  Name: Mass Reducer
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Engineering

Name: Massive Folio                      Name: Medicine Bottle
Acquired: Urssa Cave Temple              Acquired: Compounding    

Name: Mega-Flare Bomb                    Name: Mental Enhancer
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Moonbase Shop

Name: Might Tablets                      Name: Mildewed Tome
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Writing

Name: Mind Bomb                          Name: Miracle power
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Compounding

Name: Moldy Tome                         Name: Molotov Stun Bomb-R1
Acquired: Writing                        Acquired: Compounding

Name: Musty Tome                         Name: Neural Augmenter
Acquired: Writing                        Acquired: Compounding     

Name: Obscure Scroll                     Name: Perfect Berries
Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B5F      Acquired: Airyglyph (Chest)

Name: Pheromone Enhancer                 Name: Physical Enhancer
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Moonbase Shop

Name: Ponderous Folio                    Name: Profound Scroll
Acquired: Sphere 211, 202F               Acquired: Sphere 211, 210F

Name: Puzzling Scroll                    Name: Recondite Scroll
Acquired: Sphere 211, 106F               Acquired: Sphere 211, 209F

Name: Reducer                            Name: Resurrection Elixir
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Compounding

Name: Resurrection Mist                  Name: Ripe Berries
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Ruins of Coffir

Name: Roe Tablets                        Name: Sage
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Airyglyph Shop

Name: Shielding Device                   Name: Silver Chalice
Acquired: Compounding, Engineering       Acquired: Sphere 211, 13F

Name: Sleeping Gas                       Name: Soul Strengthening Device
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Engineering

Name: Substantial Folio                  Name: Super Potion
Acquired: Sphere 211, 156F               Acquired: Compounding

Name: Sweet Potion                       Name: Syrupy Potion
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Compounding

Name: Tattered Tome                      Name: Tears of Aphrodite
Acquired: Writing                        Acquired: Compounding

Name: Tears of Ishtar                    Name: Tears of Venus
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Compounding   

Name: Thick Potion                       Name: Tricky Bomb
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Engineering

Name: Tricky Duck Bomb                   Name: Umai-Bo Stun Bomb-R3
Acquired: Engineering                    Acquired: Compounding

Name: Unwieldy Folio                     Name: Verdurous Potion
Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B6F      Acquired: Compounding

Name: Vial of Poison                     Name: Voluminous Folio
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Sphere 211, 169F

Name: Weighty Folio                      Name: Witch Tablets
Acquired: Sphere 211, 126F               Acquired: Compounding

Name: Worm-Eaten Tome        
Acquired: Airyglyph Aqueducts

|                               ++ Other Items ++                      (Itls6) |

Name: 1/1 Scale Bunny                    Name: 1/144 Scale Bunny
Acquired: Map Comple Prize               Acquired: Map Complete Prize

Name: 1/60 Scale Bunny                   Name: Air Gem
Acquired: Map Complete Prize             Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Alchemist's Stone                  Name: Angel Stone
Acquired: Mosel Dunes                    Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Antique Jewelry                    Name: Beat-Up Textbook
Acquired: Kirlsa Caverns                 Acquired: Makafy (Dropped)
Name: Bent Mystic Blade                  Name: Blemished Textbook
Acquired: Bunny Races                    Acquired: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B2F
Name: Book of Prophecies 1               Name: Book of Prophecies 2
Acquired: Shrine of Kaddan               Acquired: Urssa Lava Caves
Name: Book of Prophecies 3               Name: Book of Prophecies 4
Acquired: Sphere 211, 85F                Acquired: Sphere 211, 30F
Name: Book of Prophecies 5               Name: Book of Prophecies 6
Acquired: Gemity (Chest)                 Acquired: Sphere 211, 205F
Name: Brownie Stone                      Name: Celestial Faerie
Acquired: Alchemy                        Acquired: Sphere 211, 208F
Name: Celestial Homunculus               Name: Celestial Pixie
Acquired: Alchemy                        Acquired: Shrine of Kaddan
Name: Cherubic Bust                      Name: Commemorative Prize
Acquired: Palmira Plains                 Acquired: Bunny Races
Name: Copper Idol                        Name: Crystal
Acquired: Nobleman (Dropped)             Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Damask                             Name: Dark Crystal
Acquired: Alchemy                        Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Demon's Stone                      Name: Diamond
Acquired: Grab Bag (Use)                 Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Dilapidated Textbook               Name: Disintegration
Acquired: Sphere 211, 211F               Acquired: Urssa Lava Cave
Name: Disintegration Hammer              Name: Dremela's Tool Set
Acquired: Castle Aquaria                 Acquired: Sphere 211, 4F
Name: Earth Absorption                   Name: Earth Discharge
Acquired: Sphere 211, 134F               Acquired: Writing
Name: Earth Faerie                       Name: Earth Gem
Acquired: Sphere 211, 105F               Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Earth Homunculus                   Name: Earth Pixie
Acquired: Alchemy                        Acquired: Kirlsa Cavers
Name: Earth Resistance                   Name: Earth Shielding
Acquired: Writing                        Acquired: Sealed Cavern
Name: Efreet Crystal                     Name: Emerald
Acquired: Spiral Tower                   Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Enchanted Pen                      Name: Esoteric Scroll
Acquired: Shrine of Kaddan               Acquired: Writing
Name: Experimental Remedy                Name: Fenrir's Crystal
Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B2F      Acquired: Spiral Tower
Name: Fire Absorption                    Name: Fire Discharge
Acquired: Spiral Tower                   Acquired: Writing
Name: Fire Faerie                        Name: Fire Gem
Acquired: Maze fo Tribulations, B8F      Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Fire Homunculus                    Name: Fire Pixie
Acquired: Alchemy                        Acquired: Mosel Dunes
Name: Fire Resistance                    Name: Fire Shielding
Acquired: Writing                        Acquired: Castle Aquaria
Name: Glowstone                          Name: Glued Book
Acquired: Airyglyph Aqueducts            Acquired: Writing
Name: Gold Idol                          Name: Illegible Book
Acquired: Death Noble (Dropped)          Acquired: Writing
Name: Imposing Scroll                    Name: Iron
Acquired: Fighting Arena (Single Battle) Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Keen Kitchen Knife                 Name: Lezard Flask
Acquired: Gemity                         Acquired: Runic Chess
Name: Limited-Edition Doll               Name: Multi-Flask
Acquired: Duggus Forest                  Acquired: Arias (Chest)
Name: Mythril                            Name: NC Program Disk
Acquired: Alchemy                        Acquired: Moonbase (Chest)
Name: Neglected Textbook                 Name: Nereid Stone
Acquired: Kirlsa Training Facility       Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Orb of Air                         Name: Orb of Alertness
Acquired: Urssa Cave Temple              Acquired: Duggus Forest
Name: Orb of Fire                        Name: Orb of Water
Acquired: Urssa Cave Temple              Acquired: Urssa Cave Temple
Name: Orichalcum                         Name: Philosopher's Stone
Acquired: Alchemy                        Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Potion of Youth (Fake)             Name: Ragged Book
Acquired: Compounding                    Acquired: Writing
Name: Rainbow Diamond                    Name: Ruby
Acquired: Alchemy                        Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Saint Amulet                       Name: Saint's Stone
Acquired: Shrine of Kaddan               Acquired: Shrine of Kaddan
Name: Salamander Stone                   Name: Sapphire
Acquired: Alchemy                        Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Secret Teachings                   Name: Shabby Textbook
Acquired: Writing                        Acquired: Shrine of Kaddan
Name: Shell Sapphire                     Name: Silver Idol
Acquired: Alchemy                        Acquired: Super Nobleman (Dropped)
Name: Smithy Hammer                      Name: Spirit of Lilith
Acquired: Arkives (Chest)                Acquired: Grab Bag (Use)
Name: Spirit Stone                       Name: Star Ruby
Acquired: Ruins of Barr                  Acquired: Alchemy  
Name: Star Splash                        Name: Stone of Evil
Acquired: Fighting Arena                 Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Strange Book                       Name: Sunrise Dictionary
Acquired: Writing                        Acquired: Moonbase (Chest)
Name: Sylph Stone                        Name: Tome of Insight
Acquired: Alchemy                        Acquired: Writing
Name: Tome of Prowess                    Name: Ultimate Bomb
Acquired: Writing                        Acquired: Engineering
Name: Water Absorption                   Name: Water Discharge
Acquired: Sphere 211, 179F               Acquired: Writing
Name: Water Faerie                       Name: Water Gem
Acquired: Sphere 211, 172F               Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Water Homunculus                   Name: Water Pixie
Acquired: Alchemy                        Acquired: Kirlsa Caverns
Name: Water Resistance                   Name: Water Shielding
Acquired: Writing                        Acquired: Duggus Forest
Name: Wind Absorption                    Name: Wind Discharge
Acquired: Aquatic Garden, Surferio       Acquired: Writing
Name: Wind Faerie                        Name: Wind Homunculus
Acquired: Sphere 211, 203F               Acquired: Alchemy
Name: Wind Pixie                         Name: Wind Resistance
Acquired: Ruins of Barr                  Acquired: Writing
Name: Wind Shielding                     Name: Worn-Out Textbook
Acquired: Mountains of Barr              Acquired: Spiral Tower
|                                  ++ Food ++                          (Itls7) |
Name: Agility+ Berries                   Name: Almond Jelly
Acquired: Sphere 211, 117F               Acquired: Cooking

Name: Amazing Tenderloin                 Name: Apple Pie
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Arias Shop

Name: Awful Cider                        Name: BBQ Pork Ramen
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Beautiful Ice Cream                Name: Bleu Cheese
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Blue Moon Cider                    Name: Boiled King Crab
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Brass Demon Cider                  Name: Broken Prophet Cider
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Cheap Cider                        Name: Cheap Sashami
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Chocolate Banana                   Name: Chopped Steak
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Cold Soba                          Name: Corn on the Cob
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Curry Rice                         Name: Decorated Cake
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Defense+ Berries                   Name: Deluxe Fruit Bowl
Acquired: Sphere 211, 111F               Acquired: Cooking

Name: Demonic Durian                     Name: Devilish Sea Squirt
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Dexterity+ Berries                 Name: Discordant Dessert
Acquired: Sphere 211, 110F               Acquired: Cooking

Name: Dragon Pot Stickers                Name: Fachuchon
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Fiery Cyclops Cider                Name: Fresh Spring Rolls
Acquired:                                Acquired: Cooking

Name: Fried Turnips                      Name: Fruit Parfait
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Gelatinous Potion                  Name: Giant King Crab
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Golden Curry                       Name: Golden Natto
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Goosberry Juice                    Name: Granadilla juice
Acquired: Airyglyph Shop                 Acquired: Cooking

Name: Gratin                             Name: Grilled Tuna Head
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Growling Fist Cider                Name: Handmade Soba
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Haute Chinese Soup                 Name: Health Berries
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Ancient Book #1

Name: Health+ Berries                    Name: Hogplum Juice
Acquired: Sphere 211, 107F               Acquired: Cooking

Name: Howling Fox Cider                  Name: Hungry Harpy Cider
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Intellect Berries                  Name: Intellect+ Berries
Acquired: Ancient Book #3                Acquired: Sphere 211, 103F

Name: Itty-Bitty Steak                   Name: Jackfruit Juice
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Joyful Bandit Cider                Name: Jumbo Pot Stickers
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Kid's Meal                         Name: Kimchi
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: King Durian                        Name: Kirschtorte
Acquired: Grab Bag (Use)                 Acquired: Cooking

Name: Lansium Juice                      Name: Leaping Titan Cider
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Legendary Otoro                    Name: Lilien's Ultimate
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Loquat Juice                       Name: Lord's Ozoni
Acquired: Peterny Shop                   Acquired: Cooking

Name: Luscious Gratin                    Name: Luscious Oysters
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Magi Berries                       Name: Magi+ Berries
Acquired: Ancient Book #2                Acquired: Sphere 211, 106F

Name: Magical Salad                      Name: Mammoth Meat
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Mangosteen Juice                   Name: Marbled Beef Sirloin
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Marbled Sirloin 1000               Name: Mont Blanc
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Natto                              Name: Otoro
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Ozoni of Madness                   Name: Pasta Salad
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Peach Dessert Soup                 Name: Pear Tart
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Perfect Duck                       Name: Petite Sirloin
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Pomegranate Juice                  Name: Pomello Juice
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Whipple Shop

Name: Prehistoric Meat                   Name: Rambutan Juice
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Roast Duck                         Name: Sachertorte
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Sapodilla Juice                    Name: Sea Squirt
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Grab Bag (Use)

Name: Shake                              Name: Shining Pasta
Acquired: Grantier Resort Hotel          Acquired: Cooking

Name: Silver Scepter Cider               Name: Sirloin 140
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Slimy Gelatin                      Name: Soft-Shelled Turtle
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Spicy Cake                         Name: Spicy Stew
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Steamed Bun                        Name: Strength Berries
Acquired: Airyglyph Shop                 Acquired: Runic Chess

Name: Strength+ Berries                  Name: Super-Spicy Stew
Acquired: Sphere 211, 101F               Acquired: Cooking

Name: Super-Sweet Curry                  Name: Supreme Dorayaki Pie
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Tamarind Juice                     Name: Tasteless Stew
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Tearful Risotto                    Name: Tough Steak
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Tune Salad                         Name: Ultimate Ramen
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Umai-Bo 1                          Name: Umai-Bo 2
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Umai-Bo 3                          Name: Umai-Bo 4
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Umai-Bo 5                          Name: Umai-Bo 6
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Umai-Bo 7                          Name: Umai-Bo 8
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Umai-Bo 9                          Name: Umai-Bo 10
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Umai-Bo 11                         Name: Umai-Bo 12
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Umai-Bo 13                         Name: Umai-Bo 14
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Umeboshi                           Name: Vanilla Ice Cream
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Watermelon Bar                     Name: Well-Aged Cheese
Acquired: Cooking                        Acquired: Cooking

Name: Winking Sage Cider                 
Acquired: Cooking                        

|                               ++ Materials ++                        (Itls8) |

Name: Alchemy Materials                  Name: Crafting Materials
Acquired: Numerous Enemies (Dropped)     Acquired: Numerous Enemies (Dropped)

Name: Compounding Elixirs                Name: Cooking Ingredients
Acquired: Numerous Enemies (Dropped)     Acquired: Numerous Enemies (Dropped)

Name: Machinery Materials                Name: Smithery Materials
Acquired: Numerous Enemies (Dropped)     Acquired: Numerous Enemies (Dropped)

Name: Synthesis Materials                Name: Writing Materials
Acquired: Numerous Enemies (Dropped)     Acquired: Numerous Enemies (Dropped)

|                             ++ Special Items ++                      (Itls9) |

Name: AI Program                         Name: Angel Orb
Acquired: Sphere 211, 5F                 Acquired: Sphere 211, 211F

Name: Aqua Veil                          Name: Authentication Disk
Acquired: Ancient Ruins of Mosel         Acquired: Arkives

Name: Blueprints                         Name: Communicator
Acquired: Kirlsa                         Acquired: Grantier Resort Hotel

Name: Compact Communicator               Name: Copper Ore
Acquired: Craftsman's Guild (Peterny)    Acquired: Bequerel Mine

Name: Cuprite Key                        Name: Dragon's Cranium
Acquired: Kirlsa Training Facility, 3F   Acquired: Ruins of Barr

Name: Dragon Bone Flute                  Name: Dragon's Windpipe
Acquired: Mountains of Barr              Acquired: Mountains of Barr

Name: Gold Figure                        Name: Key to Barred Door
Acquired: Duggus Forest                  Acquired: Bequerel Mine

Name: Letter from the King of Airyglyph  Name: Map of Mosel Dunes
Acquired: Castle Airyglyph (PA)          Acquired: Passage from Parch to Plenty

Name: Music Box Parts                    Name: Paracelsus's Table
Acquired: Norton's Hideout               Acquired: Aquatic Gardens of Surferio

Name: Quad Scanner                       Name: Rabbit Ears Key
Acquired: Grantier Resort Hotel          Acquired: Urssa Lava Cave 

Name: Ring of Disintegration             Name: Rossetti Performance Ticket
Acquired: Urssa Lava Cave                Acquired: Grantier Resort Hotel

Name: Sacred Orb                         Name: Secret Room Key
Acquired: Shrine of Kaddan               Acquired: Maze of Tribulations, B5F

*                                   Enemy List                         (Enem1) *

*                                 Normal Enemies                               *

Name: 4d Security Soldier                Weak: Water
Hp: 14,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 900                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 44                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1400
Fol: 1350
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Sphere 211
      Machinery Materials     

Name: 4D Security Soldier                Weak: Water
Hp: 16,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 2000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 33                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 500
Fol: 800
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Acid Gel                           Weak: Fire
Hp: 48,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 4000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 63                                Drain: Water
Exp: 2400
Fol: 400
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Acid Gel                           Weak: Fire
Hp: 68,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6500                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 73                                Drain: Water
Exp: 2400
Fol: 2550
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple 

Name: Adept Necromancer                  Weak: N/A
Hp: 70,000                               Half: Earth, Water, Fire Wind
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000
Fol: 2540
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Airglyph Soldier                   Weak: Water
Hp: 400                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 18                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 6                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 10
Fol: 8
Drop: N/A                                Location: Airglyph Castle, B1F 

Name: Airglyph Soldier                   Weak: Water
Hp: 3500                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 192                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 17                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 80 
Fol: 8
Drop: Warrior's Bracelet                 Location: Airglyph Castle, B1F
      Crafting Materials     

Name: Airglyph Soldier                   Weak: Water
Hp: 4100                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 192                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 17                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 85
Fol: 10
Drop: N/A                                Location: Bequerel Mountain Path

Name: Airglyph Soldier                   Weak: Water
Hp: 4225                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 192                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 17                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 85
Fol: 7
Drop: Warrior's Bracelet                 Location: Bequerel Mountain Path
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Akulab                             Weak: Wind
Hp: 160,820                              Half: N/A
Mp: 7310                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 130                               Drain: Earth
Exp: 23,500
Fol: 820
Drop: Eldrich Fire Stone                 Location: Sphere 211, 122F-131F

Name: Altar Guardian                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 61,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 9000                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind
Level: 92                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1800
Fol: 4000
Drop: Celestial Pixie                    Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Altar Guardian                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 72,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 80                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1800
Fol: 4000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Ancient Bat                        Weak: Earth
Hp: 43,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 4000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 41                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 1900
Fol: 2550
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Ancient Bat                        Weak: Earth
Hp: 51,200                               Half: N/A
Mp: 8000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 55                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 1900
Fol: 2555
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Animated Armor                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 2640                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 120                                  Immune: Fire
Level: 9                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 76
Fol: 53
Drop: Alchemy Materials                  Location: Kirlsa Training Facility

Name: Aqua Wisp                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 80,000                               Half: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind
Mp: 8000                                 Immune:
Level: 70                                Drain:
Exp: 3800
Fol: 125
Drop: Eldrich Fire Stone                 Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Aquamarine Devil                   Weak: Fire
Hp: 257,730                              Half: N/A
Mp: 11,715                               Immune: N/A
Level: 180                               Drain: Water
Exp: 68,000
Fol: 2400
Drop: Symbol of Courage                  Location: Sphere 211, 172F-181F

Name: Aquaregia                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 7000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 3200                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 34                                Drain: Water
Exp: 200
Fol: 675
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Mosel Dunes
      Crafting Materials     

Name: Aquaregia                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 11,100                               Half: N/A
Mp: 1800                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 40                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 400
Fol: 470
Drop: Water Charm                        Location: Ruins of Barr 
      Machinery Materials     

Name: Aquaregia                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 39,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 59                                Drain: Water
Exp: 2000
Fol: 6500
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, 81F
      Crafting Materials     

Name: Aquaregia                          Weak: Fire
Hp: 55,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 9000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 70                                Drain: Water
Exp: 4900
Fol: 2700
Drop: Water Charm                        Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Aquaregia                          Weak: Fire
Hp: 81,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 14,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 90                                Drain: Water
Exp: 4900
Fol: 3650
Drop: Water Charm                        Location: Urssa Cave Temple
      Water Pixie     

Name: Aquaregia                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 128,600                              Half: N/A
Mp: 14,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 90                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 18,500
Fol: 625
Drop: Scholar's Bracelet                 Location: Sphere 211, 112F-121F

Name: Attack Bot                         Weak: Water
Hp: 58,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 55                                Drain:N/A
Exp: 2100
Fol: 2990
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Firewall

Name: Axe Beak                           Weak: Fire
Hp: 10,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 600                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 23                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 230
Fol: 250
Drop: Cooking Ingredients                Location: Sanmite Steppes

Name: Basilisk                           Weak: N/A
Hp: 45,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 5000                                 Immune: Earth, Wind
Level: 49                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 10,000
Fol: 2450
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Sanmite Steppes

Name: Battle Cock                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 678,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 16,220                               Immune: Earth, Wind
Level: 210                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 89,947
Fol: 3050
Drop: Jewelof Avarice                    Location: Sphere 211, 202F-206F

Name: Berserker                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 12,800                               Half: Fire
Mp: 300                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 26                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 400
Fol: 340
Drop: Alchemy Materials                  Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel

Name: Berserker King                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 70,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000
Fol: 2800
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Berserker Lord                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 160,820                              Half: Fire
Mp: 7310                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 130                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 24,200 
Fol: 840
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Sphere 211, 122F - 131F

Name: Bestial                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 11,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3200                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 34                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 320
Fol: 670
Drop: N/A                                Location: Aquatic Garden, Surferio

Name: Biochimera                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 240,000                              Half: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 74                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 20,000
Fol: 54,000
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Spiral Tower, 10F

Name: Black Brigade Soldier              Weak: N/A
Hp: 1150                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 68                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 6                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 35
Fol: 7
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Granah Hills
      Smithy Materials     

Name: Black Brigade Soldier              Weak: N/A
Hp: 4220                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 192                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 17                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 80
Fol: 4
Drop: Smithy Materials                   Location: Bequerel Mountain Path

Name: Black Monster                      Weak: Earth
Hp: 592,200                              Half: N/A
Mp: 14,080                               Immune: N/A
Level: 190                               Drain: Wind
Exp: 66,047
Fol: 2100
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 182F-191F

Name: Black Pearl Statue                 Weak: N/A
Hp: 212,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 3607                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind
Level: 80                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5835
Fol: 200
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Maze of Tribulations, B5F

Name: Blade Master                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 12,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 300                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 26                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 280
Fol: 17
Drop: Fire Crystal                       Location: Traum Mountains
      Smithy Materials     

Name: Blaze Hunter                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 163,020                              Half: Fire
Mp: 7410                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 140                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 32,700
Fol: 1150
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Sphere 211, 132F-141F

Name: Blood Bat                          Weak: Earth
Hp: 3872                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 176                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 13                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 65
Fol: 28
Drop: Eldrich Fire Stone                 Location: Bequerel Mine
      Smithy Materials     

Name: Blood Monster                      Weak: Earth
Hp: 70,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 5000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 49                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 10,000
Fol: 3640
Drop: Regeneration nSymbol               Location: Palmira Plains 
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: Bloody Knight                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 128,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 3645                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5500
Fol: 190
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Blue Golem                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 80,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 8000                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind
Level: 70                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3800
Fol: 130
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Blue Slime                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 300                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 164                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 15                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 37
Fol: 5
Drop: Regeneration Symbol                Location: Duggus Forest
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: Bogle Leader                       Weak: Fire
Hp: 792                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 36                                   Immune: Water
Level: 4                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 2
Fol: 4
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Airglyph Aqueducts

Name: Bogle Leader                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 1004                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 32                                   Immune: Water
Level: 3                                 Drain: Wind
Exp: 3
Fol: 10
Drop: Smithy Materials                   Location: Traum Mountains

Name: Bogle Leader                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 2200                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 100                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 1                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 69
Fol: 30
Drop: Cooking Ingredients                Location: Kirlsa Training Facility

Name: Bogle Leader                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 3200                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 200                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 11                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 41
Fol: 6
Drop: Alchemy Materials                  Location: Duggus Forest

Name: Bogle Leader                       Weak: Wind
Hp: 70,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: Water
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000
Fol: 3000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Bogle Leader                       Weak: Wind
Hp: 80,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 8000                                 Immune: Water
Level: 70                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3800
Fol: 2490
Drop: Eldrich Fire Stone                 Location: Maze of Tribulations, B4F

Name: Bogle Leader                       Weak: Wind
Hp: 84,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 7000                                 Immune: Water
Level: 60                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2500
Fol: 3250
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Bogle Leader                       Weak: Wind
Hp: 150,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 3645                                 Immune: Water
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5450
Fol: 185
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Bogle Soldier                      Weak: Wind
Hp: 704                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 32                                   Immune: Water
Level: 3                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 2
Fol: 5
Drop: Wind Charm                         Location: Traum Mountains
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Bogle Soldier                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 792                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 36                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 4                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 2
Fol: 10
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Airglyph Aqueducts
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Bogle Soldier                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 1496                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 68                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 6                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 33
Fol: 17
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Aire/Kirlsa Hills
      Compounding Elixirs     

Name: Bogle Soldier                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 2900                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 168                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 11                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 58
Fol: 34
Drop: Crafting Materials                 Location: Duggus Forest

Name: Bogle Soldier                      Weak: Wind
Hp: 20,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 2600                                 Immune: Water
Level: 39                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1200
Fol: 1600
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Bogle Soldier                      Weak: Wind
Hp: 20,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 2600                                 Immune: Water
Level: 39                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1200
Fol: 1600
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Bogle Soldier                      Weak: Wind
Hp: 56,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3570                                 Immune: Water
Level: 75                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 4500
Fol: 135
Drop: Fire Crystal                       Location: Maze of Tribulations, B4F

Name: Bogle Soldier                      Weak: Wind
Hp: 120,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 3645                                 Immune: Water
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5500
Fol: 200
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Bomb Zombie                        Weak: Water
Hp: 75,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 7000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 70                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 3600
Fol: 2350
Drop: Fire Charm                         Location: Maze of Tribulations, B3F

Name: Botanic Savage                     Weak: Wind
Hp: 48,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 45                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 1500
Fol: 200
Drop: Blueberries (6%)                   Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Botanic Savage                     Weak: Wind
Hp: 68,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 5000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 45                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 1500
Fol: 2500
Drop: Blueberries (6%)                   Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Brass Dragon                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 3960                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 180                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 14                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 37
Fol: 11
Drop: Fire Crystal                       Location: Bequerel Mine 
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: Brass Dragon                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 4300                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 120                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 13                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 65
Fol: 6
Drop: Mist Charm                         Location: Bequerel Mine

Name: Brass Dragon                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 5600                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 500                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 16                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 80
Fol: 68
Drop: Eldrich Fire Stone                 Location: Bequerel Mine
      Smithy Materials     

Name: Brass Dragon                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 11,500                               Half: N/A
Mp: 380                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 27                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 280
Fol: 540
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Mountains of Barr 

Name: Breeze Hunter                      Weak: Earth
Hp: 60,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 62                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 3100
Fol: 3450
Drop: Wind Charm                         Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Breeze Hunter                      Weak: Earth
Hp: 76,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 8000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 72                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 3100
Fol: 3600
Drop: Wind Charm                         Location: Urssa Cave Temple
      Wind Pixie     

Name: Bronze Brute                       Weak: Water, Wind
Hp: 18,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 1000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 28                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 900
Fol: 135
Drop: Regeneration Symbol                Location: Sealed Cavern

Name: Brother Sootie                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 500,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 13,816                               Immune: N/A
Level: 200                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 77,399
Fol: 2350
Drop: Lewel of Alertness                 Location: Sphere 211, 192F-210F 

Name: Brutish Beast                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 70,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000
Fol: 2800
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Bullfrog Beast                     Weak: Fire
Hp: 261,030                              Half: N/A
Mp: 11,865                               Immune: Water
Level: 190                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 60,000
Fol: 2050
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Sphere 211, 182F-191F

Name: Buster                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 250                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 11                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 5                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 29
Fol: 6
Drop: N/A                                Location: Ruins of Coffir

Name: Carnivorous Plant                  Weak: Fire
Hp: 4200                                 Half: Earth
Mp: 250                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 18                                Drain: Water
Exp: 99
Fol: 68
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Duggus Forest

Name: Cave Spider                        Weak: Water
Hp: 800                                  Half: Wind
Mp: 68                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 13                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 55
Fol: 8
Drop: Charm of Insight                   Location: Kirlsa Caverns
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: Cerberus                           Weak: N/A
Hp: 16,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 2000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 33                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 500
Fol: 800
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Chameleon                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 4000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 168                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 21                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 90
Fol: 80
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Duggus Forest
      Compounding Elixirs     

Name: Chameleon King                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 4928                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 224                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 32                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 200
Fol: 13
Drop: Cooking Ingredients                Location: Mosel Dunes

Name: Chimera Devil                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 500,000                              Half: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind
Mp: 9637                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 170                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 60,000
Fol: 2000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 162F-171F

Name: Cleaver Knight                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 70,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000
Fol: 3000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Convictor                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 45,000                               Half: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind
Mp: 4000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 35                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3500
Fol: 2900
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Styx

Name: Convictor                          Weak: Fire
Hp: 45,000                               Half: Earth, Water. Wind
Mp: 5000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 44                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3500
Fol: 1800
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Palmira Plains
      Smithy Materials     

Name: Convictor                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 52,000                               Half: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind
Mp: 14,080                               Immune: N/A
Level: 49                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5500
Fol: 4000
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Sanmite Steppes
      Crafting Materiasls     

Name: Convictor                          Weak: Wind
Hp: 491,500                              Half: Earth, Water, Fire
Mp: 198,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 170                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 59,500
Fol: 34,000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 162F-171F

Name: Core Wisp                          Weak: Water
Hp: 45,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 5000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 53                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 2400
Fol: 1900
Drop: Fresh Sage                         Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Core Wisp                          Weak: Water
Hp: 52,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 7000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 73                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 2400
Fol: 2500
Drop: Fresh Sage                         Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Crystal Dragon                     Weak: Wind
Hp: 2,500,000                            Half: Water, Fire
Mp: 300,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 159                               Drain: Earth
Exp: 30,000
Fol: 17,000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Crystal Statue                     Weak: Water
Hp: 15,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 431                                  Immune: Earth, Fire, Wind
Level: 29                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1200
Fol: 16
Drop: N/A                                Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Current Rider                      Weak: Fire
Hp: 38,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 49                                Drain: Water
Exp: 1200
Fol: 2535
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B1F
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Current Rider                      Weak: Fire
Hp: 68,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 7000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 60                                Drain: Water
Exp: 2400
Fol: 2530
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Maze of Tribulations, B1F

Name: Dark Hunter                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 9600                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 550                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 24                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 180
Fol: 2000
Drop: Smithy Materials                   Location: Passage from Parch to Plenty

Name: Death Mantis                       Weak: Water
Hp: 257,730                              Half: Wind
Mp: 11,715                               Immune: N/A
Level: 180                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 69,000
Fol: 2000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 172F-181F

Name: Death Master                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 45,000                               Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 8000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 49                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000
Fol: 1640
Drop: Regeneration Symbol                Location: Mosel Dunes
      Writing Materials     

Name: Death Noble                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 76,890                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3495                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 65                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2750
Fol: 80
Drop: Gold Idol                          Location: Maze of Tribulations, B2F
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Demon Beast                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 160,000                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind
Mp: 7000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 60                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 3800
Fol: 3610
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Demon Imp                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 9000                                 Half: Fire
Mp: 1500                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 36                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 300
Fol: 640
Drop: Crafting Materials                 Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, 1F 

Name: Demon Lord                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 2,000,000                            Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 159                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 80,000
Fol: 150,000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Demon Prince                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 1,221,600                            Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 16,220                               Immune: N/A
Level: 210                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 78,500
Fol: 3250
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 202F-210F

Name: Demonic Hound                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 12,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 350                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 26                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 220
Fol: 165
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, 1F

Name: Destroyer                          Weak: Water
Hp: 28,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 1600                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 32                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5600
Fol: 2620
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Moonbase

Name: Devil Child                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 16,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 2000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 33                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 500
Fol: 850
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Dire Tarantula                     Weak: Water
Hp: 1496                                 Half: Wind
Mp: 68                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 6                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 33
Fol: 10
Drop: Fire Crystal                       Location: Kirlsa Caverns
      Smithy Materials     

Name: Dire Wolf                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 600                                  Half: Fire
Mp: 68                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 14                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 33
Fol: 10
Drop: Alchemy Materials                  Location: Bequerel Mountain Path

Name: Dorado                             Weak: Wind
Hp: 40,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3500                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 49                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 1300
Fol: 2700
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B1F
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Dragon Brigade                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 4200                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 196                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 28                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 90
Fol: 10
Drop: Cooking Ingredients                Location: Aire/Kirlsa Hills

Name: Dragon Brigade Soldier             Weak: N/A
Hp: 2200                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 100                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 4                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 45
Fol: 6
Drop: Crafting Materials                 Location: Traum Mountains 

Name: Dragon Brigade Soldier             Weak: N/A
Hp: 4000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 196                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 18                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 90
Fol: 4
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Aire/Kirlsa Hills 

Name: Dragon Corpse                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 240,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 7000                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 60                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 8900
Fol: 6100
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Fighting Arena 

Name: Dragon Tooth                       Weak: Fire
Hp: 89,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 10,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 69                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 6000
Fol: 32
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Dragon Viper                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 528,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 150,000                              Immune: Fire
Level: 90                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 300,000
Fol: 9800
Drop: N/A                                Location: Maze of Tribulations, B7F

Name: Dragon Zombie                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 24,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 2600                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 38                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 600
Fol: 500
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Mosel Dunes

Name: Dragonfly                          Weak: Earth
Hp: 115                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 5                                    Immune: N/A
Level: 1                                 Drain: Wind
Exp: 0
Fol: 7
Drop: N/A                                Location: Grantier Resort Hotel

Name: Dragoon                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 2,000,000                            Half: N/A
Mp: 300,000                              Immune: Wind
Level: 159                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 30,000
Fol: 156,000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Dragoon Knight                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 110,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 3645                                 Immune: Water
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5800
Fol: 210
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Elder Eye                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 268,000                              Half: Earth
Mp: 20,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 52                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 10,000
Fol: 2200
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Firewall
      Writing Materials     

Name: Elder Shrieker                     Weak: Fire
Hp: 1496                                 Half: Earth
Mp: 68                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 6                                 Drain: Water
Exp: 30
Fol: 2
Drop: Charm of Insight                   Location: Granah Hills
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Elder Viper                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 400,600                              Half: N/A
Mp: 3570                                 Immune: Fire
Level: 75                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 12,000
Fol: 6000
Drop: Eldrich Fire Stone                 Location: Maze of Tribulations, B4F

Name: Enforcer                           Weak: Water
Hp: 55,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3500                                 Immune: Earth, Wind, Fire
Level: 44                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 9000
Fol: 2700
Drop: Crafting Materils                  Location: Styx

Name: Enforcer                           Weak: Wind
Hp: 82,000                               Half: Earth, Fire
Mp: 35,000                               Immune: Water
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 15,000
Fol: 24
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Styx
      Crafting Materials     

Name: Enforcer                           Weak: N/A
Hp: 92,000                               Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 14,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 44                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5000
Fol: 3000
Drop: Crafting Materials                 Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Feral Dragon                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 7050                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 300                                  Immune: Wind
Level: 29                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 90
Fol: 100
Drop: Crafting Materials                 Location: Beqeural Mine

Name: Feral Dragon                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 13,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 272                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 37                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 255
Fol: 625
Drop: Writing Materials                  Location: Mountains of Barr 

Name: Fighter                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 70,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000
Fol: 2830
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Fire Zombie                        Weak: Water
Hp: 16,200                               Half: N/A
Mp: 50                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 35                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 450
Fol: 595
Drop: Wind Charm                         Location: Urssa Lava Cave
      Crafting Materials     

Name: Flame Wisp                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 163,020                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 140                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 31,400
Fol: 100
Drop: Regeneration Symbol                Location: Sphere 211, 132F-141F

Name: Flaming Zombie                     Weak: Water
Hp: 35,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3500                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 49                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 1500
Fol: 3250
Drop: Fire Charm                         Location: Sealed Cavern
      Smithy Materials     

Name: Flying Armor                       Weak: Water
Hp: 9000                                 Half: Fire
Mp: 1000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 19                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 120
Fol: 58
Drop: Smithy Materials                   Location: Sealed Cavern

Name: Flying Dark Armor                  Weak: N/A
Hp: 80,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 8000                                 Immune: Fire
Level: 70                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3800
Fol: 127
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Flying Gold Armor                  Weak: N/A
Hp: 52,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 5000                                 Immune: Fire
Level: 44                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2500
Fol: 3100
Drop: Crafting Materials                 Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Flying Red Armor                   Weak: N/A
Hp: 160,820                              Half: N/A
Mp: 7310                                 Immune: Fire
Level: 130                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 24,500
Fol: 860
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 123F-131F

Name: Forager                            Weak: Wind
Hp: 80,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 7000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 60                                Drain: Water
Exp: 2111
Fol: 2850
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Garian Zombie                      Weak: Water
Hp: 167,420                              Half: N/A
Mp: 7610                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 160                               Drain: Fire
Exp: 48,200
Fol: 1600
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Sphere 211, 152F-161F

Name: Gas Dragon Zombie                  Weak: N/A
Hp: 82,500                               Half: N/A
Mp: 8000                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 49                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 6000
Fol: 5200
Drop: Eldrich Fire Stone                 Location: Mosel Dunes
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Geonite Statue                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 452,200                              Half: N/A
Mp: 9637                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 170                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 58,360
Fol: 1850
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 162F-171F

Name: Ghostly Hag                        Weak: Earth
Hp: 13,600                               Half: N/A
Mp: 65                                   Immune: Fire, Wind
Level: 30                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 343
Fol: 15
Drop: Writing Materials                  Location: Urssa Lava Caves

Name: Ghostly Hag                        Weak: Earth
Hp: 20,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 2600                                 Immune: Fire, Wind
Level: 39                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1200
Fol: 150
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Ghostly Hag                        Weak: Earth
Hp: 20,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 2600                                 Immune: Fire, Wind
Level: 39                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1200
Fol: 1590
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Giant Bat                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 1408                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 64                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 5                                 Drain: Wind
Exp: 31
Fol: 7
Drop: Cooking Ingredients                Location: Kirlsa Caverns 

Name: Giant Crab                         Weak: Fire
Hp: 3500                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 80                                   Immune: Water
Level: 18                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 55
Fol: 135
Drop: N/A                                Location: Airyglyph Apueducts

Name: Giant Fly                          Weak: Water
Hp: 150,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 90                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 16,500
Fol: 9900
Drop: Crafting Materials                 Location: Maze of Tribulations, B7F

Name: Giant Mantis                       Weak: Water
Hp: 45,000                               Half: Wind
Mp: 8000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 49                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000
Fol: 1700
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Mosel Dunes

Name: Giant Moth                         Weak: Water
Hp: 25,600                               Half: Wind
Mp: 2500                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 49                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1200
Fol: 1350
Drop: Cooking Ingredients                Location: Irisa Fields

Name: Giant Viper                        Weak: Wind
Hp: 60,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3800                                 Immune: Earth
Level: 50                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2000
Fol: 5900
Drop: Smithy Materials                   Location: Passage from Parch to Plenty

Name: Glaive Beak                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 158,620                              Half: N/A
Mp: 7210                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 120                               Drain: Wind
Exp: 18,880
Fol: 585
Drop: Charm of Insight                   Location: Sphere 211, 112F-121F

Name: Gold Armor                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 46,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 100                                  Immune: Fire
Level: 47                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1900
Fol: 3100
Drop: Mist Charm                         Location: Shrine of Kaddan
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: Gold Knight                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 163,020                              Half: N/A
Mp: 7410                                 Immune: Fire
Level: 140                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 31,400
Fol: 1050
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Sphere 211, 132F-141F

Name: Gold Monster                       Weak: Earth
Hp: 382,600                              Half: N/A
Mp: 20,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 70                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 10,000
Fol: 8320
Drop: Mist Charm                         Location: Maze of Tribulations, B3F
      Alchemy Materisl     

Name: Golem SUS303                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 68,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 52                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2100
Fol: 3000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Grand Shrieker                     Weak: Wind
Hp: 72,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 5000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 55                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 2100
Fol: 1300
Drop: Earth Charm                        Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Grand Shrieker                     Weak: WInd
Hp: 92,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 8000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 65                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 2100
Fol: 3600
Drop: Earth Charm                        Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Graphias                           Weak: Wind
Hp: 3000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 120                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 9                                 Drain: Earth
Exp: 65
Fol: 18
Drop: Fire Crystal                       Location: Sanmite Steppes
      Smithy Ingredients     

Name: Greater Demon                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 180,000                              Half: Earth, Water
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 62                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 9500
Fol: 4900
Drop: Symbol of Courage                  Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B2F
      Compounding Elixirs     

Name: Halberdier                         Weak: Water
Hp: 2200                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 100                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 3                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 45
Fol: 195
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Harpy                              Weak: N/A
Hp: 6000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 184                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 23                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 110
Fol: 110
Drop: Sage                               Location: Bequerel Mine

Name: Heat Haze                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 110,000                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 3645                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5500
Fol: 195
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Hedditch Dragon                    Weak: N/A
Hp: 320,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 7510                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 150                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 39,500
Fol: 1300
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 142F-151F

Name: Highlander                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 13,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 200                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 28                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 270
Fol: 810
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Barr Caves

Name: Horned Tortoise                    Weak: Fire
Hp: 156,420                              Half: N/A

Mp: 7110                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 110                               Drain: Water
Exp: 14,010
Fol: 500
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 101F-111F

Name: Horned Turtle                      Weak: Fire
Hp: 3600                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 60                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 9                                 Drain: Water
Exp: 55
Fol: 160
Drop: Alchemy Materials                  Location: Palmira Plains

Name: Horned Wolf                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 1500                                 Half: Fire
Mp: 112                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 15                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 29
Fol: 9
Drop: Cooking Ingredients                Location: Kirlsa Training Facility

Name: Hornet                             Weak: Water
Hp: 800                                  Half: Wind
Mp: 68                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 6                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 33
Fol: 10
Drop: Wind Charm                         Location: Kirlsa Caverns
      Crafting Materials     

Name: Huge Chimera                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 182,900                              Half: Wind, Fire
Mp: 3645                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 17,000
Fol: 23,000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Huge Spider                        Weak: Fire
Hp: 600                                  Half: Wind
Mp: 400                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 13                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 21
Fol: 9
Drop: Crafting Materials                 Location: Kirlsa Caverns 

Name: Hyper Nobleman                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 2640                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 120                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 9                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 35
Fol: 6
Drop: Silver Idol                        Location: Kirlsa Training Facility
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Immortal Lord                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 100,000                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 8000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 70                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3800
Fol: 205
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Incapacitator                      Weak: Water
Hp: 15,500                               Half: Fire
Mp: 500                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 45                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2000
Fol: 1375
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Moonbase

Name: Incapacitator 4                    Weak: Water
Hp: 17,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 2600                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 50                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1200
Fol: 1500
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Sphere 211, 1F-100F
      Machinery Materials     

Name: Incapacitator 5                    Weak: Water
Hp: 160,000                              Half: Fire
Mp: 12,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 150                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 39,255
Fol: 1940
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Sphere 211, 142F-151F

Name: Incpacitator VRSS                  Weak: N/A
Hp: 150                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 8                                    Immune: N/A
Level: 1                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 0
Fol: 6
Drop: N/A                                Location: Emergency Shelter

Name: Inquisitor                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 1300                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 40                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 6                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 10
Fol: 3
Drop: N/A                                Location: Airyglyph Castle, B1F

Name: Intellectual                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 7600                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 4840                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 24                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 280
Fol: 400
Drop: Silver Idol                        Location: Aquatic Garden, Surferio

Name: Jemat                              Weak: N/A
Hp: 611,200                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind
Mp: 11,865                               Immune: N/A
Level: 190                               Drain: Fire
Exp: 62,500
Fol: 2230
Drop: Mist Charm                         Location: Sphere 211, 182F-191F

Name: Kid Sootie                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 300,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 212,025                              Immune: N/A
Level: 200                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 77,399
Fol: 2090
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 191F-210F

Name: Killer Moth                        Weak: Water
Hp: 18,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 800                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 39                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1200
Fol: 1925
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Irisa Fields
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: Killer Tarantula                   Weak: Water
Hp: 257,730                              Half: Wind
Mp: 11,715                               Immune: N/A
Level: 180                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 68,000
Fol: 2450
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 172F-181F

Name: Killer Treant                      Weak: Fire
Hp: 8000                                 Half: Earth
Mp: 400                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 19                                Drain: Water
Exp: 130
Fol: 200
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Bequerel Mountain Path
      Compounding Elixirs     

Name: Killer Wasp                        Weak: Water
Hp: 800                                  Half: Wind
Mp: 100                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 3                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 3
Fol: 7
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Traum Mountains
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Kish Bat                           Weak: Earth
Hp: 80,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 8000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 70                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 3800
Fol: 130
Drop: Charm of Insight                   Location: Maze of Tribulations, B3F

Name: Kobold                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 3400                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 168                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 11                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 60
Fol: 41
Drop: Fire Crystal                       Location: Duggus Forest 
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Kobold Knight                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 9900                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 250                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 26                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 230
Fol: 280
Drop: Charm of Insight                   Location: Traum Mountains
      Smithy Materials     

Name: Kobold Lord                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 167,420                              Half: N/A
Mp: 7610                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 160                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 48,000
Fol: 1650
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 152F-161F

Name: L100 Ravitch                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 54,000                               Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 14,080                               Immune: N/A
Level: 44                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000
Fol: 5200
Drop: Scholar's Bracelet                 Location: Shrine of Kaddan
      Writing Materials     

Name: L15 Mage                           Weak: N/A
Hp: 4488                                 Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 820                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 20                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 180
Fol: 140
Drop: Scholar's Bracelet                 Location: Shrine of Kaddan
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: L16 Ravitch                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 3784                                 Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 3784                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 13                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 60
Fol: 33
Drop: Scholar's Bracelet                 Location: Irisa Fields
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: L2 Battlecopter                    Weak: Water
Hp: 250,000                              Half: Fire
Mp: 20,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 140                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 31,000
Fol: 1060
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Sphere 211, 132F-141F

Name: L2 Stinger                         Weak: Water
Hp: 15,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 1800                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 32                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 600
Fol: 1000
Drop: Fire Crystal                       Location: Moonbase
      Machinery Materials     

Name: L3 Stinger                         Weak: Water
Hp: 160,820                              Half: Fire
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 130                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 25,000
Fol: 850
Drop: Charm of Insight                   Location: Sphere 211, 122F-131F
      Machinery Materials     

Name: L30 Mage                           Weak: N/A
Hp: 4928                                 Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 1200                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 36                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 230
Fol: 20
Drop: Scholar's Bracelet                 Location: Passage from Parch to Plenty
      Crafting Materials     

Name: L31 Ravitch                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 7600                                 Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 4840                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 24                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 280
Fol: 405
Drop: Scholar's Bracelet                 Location: Passage from Parch to Plenty
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: L55 Mage                           Weak: N/A
Hp: 84,000                               Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 7000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 60                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2500
Fol: 3250
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: L58 Ravitch                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 167,420                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 167,420                              Immune: N/A
Level: 160                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 48,200
Fol: 1550
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Sphere 211, 152F-161F

Name: L80 Fighter                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 20,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 2600                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 39                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1200
Fol: 1600
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: L99 Thieving Scumbag               Weak: N/A
Hp: 300,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 500,000                              Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 180                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 45
Fol: 5000
Drop: Scumbag Slayer (5%)                Location: Sphere 211, 152F-161F

Name: Lady Beast                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 8600                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 400                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 31                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 170
Fol: 8
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Sanmite Steppes

Name: Land Prawn                         Weak: Fire
Hp: 322,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: Water
Level: 65                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 6000
Fol: 2500
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Maze of Tribulations, B2F

Name: Legion Dragon                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 3000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 192                                  Immune: Wind
Level: 17                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 80
Fol: 8
Drop: Crafting Materials                 Location: Bequerel Mountain Path

Name: Lesser Demon                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 150,000                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 54                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 15,000
Fol: 9800
Drop: Alchemy Materials                  Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, 1F

Name: Lesser Devil                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 82,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 8000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 80                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5900
Fol: 3400
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Maze of Tribulations, B5F

Name: Lility                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 70,000                               Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000
Fol: 3000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Lizard Man                         Weak: Fire
Hp: 2000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 116                                  Immune: N/A
Level:                                   Drain: Water
Exp: 60
Fol: 40
Drop: Symbol of Courage                  Location: Kirlsa Training Facility
      Compounding Elixirs     

Name: Lizard Thug                        Weak: Wind
Hp: 2000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 120                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 16                                Drain: Water
Exp: 65
Fol: 21
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Palmira Plains

Name: Lizard Warrior                     Weak: Wind
Hp: 3000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 160                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 9                                 Drain: Water
Exp: 70
Fol: 76
Drop: Fire Crystal                       Location: Sanmite Steppes
      Compounding Elixirs     

Name: Lonely Bat                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 85                                   Half: N/A
Mp: 3                                    Immune: N/A
Level: 1                                 Drain: Fire
Exp: 0
Fol: 3
Drop: N/A                                Location: Grantier Resort Hotel

Name: Lum Knight                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 5600                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 5000                                 Immune: Wind
Level: 27                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 80
Fol: 3
Drop: N/A                                Location: Aire/Kirlsa Hills

Name: Lum Knight                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 70,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: Wind
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000
Fol: 2850
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Lum Knight                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 130,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 3645                                 Immune: Wind
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5560
Fol: 250
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: LV2 Robo Gunner                    Weak: Water
Hp: 36,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 4000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 48                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 6000
Fol: 2900
Drop: Laser Weapon (20%)                 Location: Styx
      Ablative Shield (20%)

Name: LV3 Robo Gunner                    Weak: N/A
Hp: 45,000                               Half: Earth
Mp: 4500                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 6800
Fol: 3200
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Sphere 211, 1F-110F

Name: LV4 Robo Gunner                    Weak: Water
Hp: 118,000                              Half: Fire
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 52                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 15,000
Fol: 4200
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Firewall

Name: LV5 Robo Gunner                    Weak: Water
Hp: 280,000                              Half: Fire
Mp: 28,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 160                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 48,200
Fol: 5200
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Sphere 211, 152F-161F
      Machinery Materials     

Name: Mage                               Weak: N/A
Hp: 6500                                 Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 8900                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 19                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 100
Fol: 50
Drop: Fire Crystal                       Location: Sealed Cavern
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: Magma Man                          Weak: Water
Hp: 34,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 22,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 30                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 1200
Fol: 1150
Drop: Alchemy Materials                  Location: Urssa Lava Cave

Name: Magnetic Beast                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 81,500                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 90                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 7000
Fol: 40
Drop: Wind Charm                         Location: Maze of Tribulations, B7F

Name: Makafy                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 300                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 13                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 5                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 30
Fol: 7
Drop: Beat-Up Textbook                   Location: Ruins of Coffir

Name: Man Trap                           Weak: Fire
Hp: 4000                                 Half: Earth
Mp: 172                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 12                                Drain: Water
Exp: 45
Fol: 9
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Irisa Fields
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: Masque                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 68,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 52                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2100
Fol: 3050
Drop: Symbol of Courage                  Location: Firewall
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: Masque King                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 163,020                              Half: N/A
Mp: 7410                                 Immune: N/A
Level:                                   Drain: N/A
Exp: 31,200
Fol: 1050
Drop: Fire Crystal                       Location: Sphere 211, 132F-141F

Name: Masque Looter                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 79,365                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3607                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 80                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5840
Fol: 6500
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Master Demon                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 500,000                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 65                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 13,000
Fol: 4900
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Master Ridiculer                   Weak: N/A
Hp: 80,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 8000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 70                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3800
Fol: 127
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Mecha Scumbag                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 82,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3450                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 65                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2800
Fol: 2000
Drop: Charm of Insight                   Location: Fighting Arena 

Name: Mechafly XP                        Weak: Water
Hp: 8800                                 Half: Fire
Mp: 500                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 40                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 600
Fol: 470
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Kirlsa Training Facility

Name: Medusa Beast                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 80,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 20,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 70                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 10,000
Fol: 8150
Drop: Eldrich Fire Stone                 Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Minidragon                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 9500                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 200                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 27                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 200
Fol: 470
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Mountains of Barr 

Name: Minifly                            Weak: Water
Hp: 12,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 2000                                 Immune: N/A
Level:                                   Drain: N/A
Exp: 500
Fol: 800
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Moonbase

Name: Minifly SX                         Weak: Water
Hp: 156,420                              Half: Fire
Mp: 1800                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 110                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 1400
Fol: 440
Drop: Self-Destruct A                    Location: Sphere 211, 101F-11F

Name: Miriam                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 1,800,000                            Half: Earth, Wind, Fire
Mp: 300,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 159                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 0
Fol: 156,000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Moa                                Weak: N/A
Hp: 120                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 7                                    Immune: N/A
Level: 1                                 Drain: Wind
Exp: 0
Fol: 4
Drop: N/A                                Location: Grantier Resort Hotel

Name: Monstrous Beast                    Weak: N/A
Hp: 80,190                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3645                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 85                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 5200
Fol: 195
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Moonshadow Clan Member             Weak: Fire
Hp: 2200                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 100                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 1                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 45
Fol: 4
Drop: N/A                                Location: Duggus Forest

Name: Moonshadow Clan Member             Weak: N/A
Hp: 2640                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 120                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 9                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 35 
Fol: 6
Drop: Winking Sage Cider (10%)           Location: Sanmite Steppes
      Machinery Materials     

Name: Mother Sootie                      Weak: Wind
Hp: 600,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 35,800                               Immune: N/A
Level: 200                               Drain: Earth
Exp: 77,399
Fol: 2400
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 192F-210F

Name: Mudman                             Weak: Wind
Hp: 8000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 500                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 34                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 1200
Fol: 8
Drop: Synthesis Materials                Location: Duggus Forest

Name: Myconid                            Weak: Fire
Hp: 45,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 49                                Drain: Water
Exp: 2500
Fol: 2030
Drop: Cooking Ingredients                Location: Sanmite Steppes

Name: Mythril Brute                      Weak: Wind
Hp: 880                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 40                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 5                                 Drain: Earth
Exp: 0
Fol: 1
Drop: Regeneration Symbol                Location: Grantier Resort Hotel

Name: Necromancer                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 45,000                               Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 32,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 56                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1900
Fol: 2940
Drop: Scholar's Bracelet                 Location: Passage from Parch to Plenty
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: Nighteye Snake                     Weak: Wind
Hp: 68,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3645                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 85                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 5100
Fol: 4300
Drop: N/A                                Location: Maze of Tribulations, B6F

Name: Noble Tear                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 552,800                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 11,865                               Immune: N/A
Level: 190                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 65,000
Fol: 2260
Drop: None                               Location: Sphere 211, 182F-191F

Name: Nobleman                           Weak: N/A
Hp: 198                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 9                                    Immune: N/A
Level: 1                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 1
Fol: 5
Drop: Copper Idol                        Location: Pesotto Forest
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Nova Blaze                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 15,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 60                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 40                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 340
Fol: 1010
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Urssa Lava Cave
      Smithy Materials     

Name: Nova Blaze                         Weak: Water
Hp: 58,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 2000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 65                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 2800
Fol: 2250
Drop: Fire Charm                         Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Nova Blaze                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 68,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 52                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 2100
Fol: 3100
Drop: Charm of Insight                   Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B2F
      Crafting Materials     

Name: Nova Blaze                         Weak: Water
Hp: 71,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 5000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 85                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 2800
Fol: 4600
Drop: Fire Charm                         Location: Urssa Cave Temple
      Fire Pixie     

Name: Nova Blaze                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 85,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 1800                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 75                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 4580
Fol: 4150
Drop: Fire Charm                         Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Nova Blaze                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 135,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 40,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 79                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 13,000
Fol: 4000
Drop: Fire Charm                         Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B2F

Name: Nova Blaze                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 160,820                              Half: N/A
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 130                               Drain: Fire
Exp: 24,600
Fol: 850
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Sphere 211, 122F-131F

Name: Obsidian Brute                     Weak: Wind
Hp: 300,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 7110                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 110                               Drain: Earth
Exp: 13,800
Fol: 540
Drop: Mist Charm                         Location: Sphere 211, 101F-111F

Name: Ochre Jelly                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 701                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 32                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 10                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 3
Fol: 4
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Traum Mountains
      Smithy Materials     

Name: Petro Slime                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 77,500                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3532                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 70                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 3600
Fol: 3300
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Maze of Tribulations, B3F

Name: Phantom Striker                    Weak: Earth
Hp: 70,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 5000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 44                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 9500
Fol: 5350
Drop: Regeneration Symbol                Location: Maze of Tribulations, B2F
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: Pino                               Weak: Wind
Hp: 158,620                              Half: Earth, Water, Fire
Mp: 7210                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 120                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 18,200
Fol: 600
Drop: Mist Charm                         Location: Sphere 211, 112F-121F

Name: Pit Tarantula                      Weak: Water
Hp: 12,000                               Half: Wind
Mp: 300                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 26                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 240
Fol: 310
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Traum Mountains
      Writing Materials     

Name: Plains Spider                      Weak: Water
Hp: 1900                                 Half: Wind
Mp: 120                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 9                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 80
Fol: 28
Drop: Wind Charm                         Location: Palmira Plains
      Compounding Elixirs     

Name: Poisonous Beetle                   Weak: Water
Hp: 125                                  Half: Wind
Mp: 5                                    Immune: N/A
Level: 1                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 0
Fol: 6
Drop: N/A                                Location: Grantier Resort Hotel

Name: Poisonous Lobster                  Weak: Fire
Hp: 155,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 12,000                               Immune: Water
Level: 52                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 9000
Fol: 3720
Drop: Regeneration Symbol                Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B1F
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Poisonous Wasp                     Weak: Water
Hp: 1220                                 Half: Wind
Mp: 68                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 6                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 33
Fol: 10
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Granah Hills
      Compounding Elixirs     

Name: Polyhedron                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 40,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 4000                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1500
Fol: 3250
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Polyhedron                         Weak: Fire
Hp: 42,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 4100                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Wind
Level: 56                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1600
Fol: 3650
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Polyhedron                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 43,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 500                                  Immune: Earth, Water
Level: 59                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1700
Fol: 3800
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Polyhedron                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 44,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 500                                  Immune: Earth, Wind, Fire
Level: 90                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1800
Fol: 4000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Polyhedron                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 79,365                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3607                                 Immune: Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 59                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1700
Fol: 3800
Drop: N/A                                Location: Maze of Tribulations, B5F

Name: Porcupine                          Weak: Wind
Hp: 9000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 200                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 36                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 400
Fol: 25
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Traum Mountains
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Porcupine                          Weak: Wind
Hp: 10,200                               Half: N/A
Mp: 200                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 36                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 320
Fol: 790
Drop: Wind Charm                         Location: Mountains of Barr
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Porcupine                          Weak: Wind
Hp: 158,620                              Half: N/A
Mp: 7210                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 120                               Drain: Earth
Exp: 17,500
Fol: 560
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Sphere 211, 112F-121F

Name: Proclaimer                         Weak: Earth
Hp: 65,000                               Half: Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 4000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 44                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 6000
Fol: 8300
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Irisa Fields

Name: Proclaimer                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 82,500                               Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 8000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 59                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 6000
Fol: 5050
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Mosel Dunes

Name: Proclaimer                         Weak: Earth
Hp: 482,500                              Half: Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 212,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 180                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 59,000
Fol: 2000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 162F-171F

Name: Puppet Golem                       Weak: Wind
Hp: 3608                                 Half: Earth, Water, Fire
Mp: 164                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 18                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 72
Fol: 49
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Duggus Forest
      Smithy Materials     

Name: Rainbow Core                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 17,860                               Half: N/A
Mp: 812                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 42                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1100
Fol: 72
Drop: N/A                                Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B1F

Name: Ram Guardian                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 70,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000
Fol: 2960
Drop: Symbol of Courage                  Location: Spiral Tower, 3F-9F
      Smithy Materials     

Name: Ravitch                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 3608                                 Half: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind
Mp: 9000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 10                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 80
Fol: 54
Drop: Scholar's Bracelet                 Location: Duggus Forest
      Crafting Materials     

Name: Red Beast                          Weak: Fire
Hp: 15,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 280                                  Immune: Water
Level: 29                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 280
Fol: 190
Drop: Wind Charm                         Location: Ruins of Barr
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Red Cockatrice                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 46,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 550                                  Immune: Earth, Wind
Level: 24                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1200
Fol: 365
Drop: Writing Materials                  Location: Passage from Parch to Plenty

Name: Red Dragon                         Weak: Wind
Hp: 925,600                              Half: Water, Fire
Mp: 16,220                               Immune: N/A
Level: 210                               Drain: Earth
Exp: 90,000
Fol: 2950
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 201F-210F

Name: Red Slime                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 14,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 380                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 32                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 250
Fol: 680
Drop: Charm of Insight                   Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, 1F
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: Render Tyrant                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 500,000                              Half: Fire
Mp: 13,728                               Immune: N/A
Level: 90                                Drain: Water
Exp: 25,000
Fol: 65,000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Ridiculer                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 70,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000
Fol: 3000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Robin Wind                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 70,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 54                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 3000
Fol: 3000
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Robin Wind                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 84,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 7000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 60                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 2500
Fol: 3250
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Robin Wind                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 200,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 2600                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 39                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 1200
Fol: 1560
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Rock Fish                          Weak: Water
Hp: 257,730                              Half: N/A
Mp: 11,715                               Immune: N/A
Level: 180                               Drain: Earth
Exp: 70,000
Fol: 2350
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 172F-181F

Name: Romper Bat                         Weak: Earth
Hp: 3600                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 190                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 22                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 75
Fol: 13
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Bequerel Mine
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: Romper Bat                         Weak: Earth
Hp: 3784                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 172                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 12                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 45
Fol: 83
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Irisa FIelds
      Smithy Materials     

Name: Scarlet Armor                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 70,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: Fire
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000
Fol: 2900
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Scarlet Knight                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 130,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 3645                                 Immune: Fire
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5450
Fol: 180
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Scorpion                           Weak: N/A
Hp: 2300                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 120                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 9                                 Drain: Earth, Wind
Exp: 80
Fol: 83
Drop: Fire Crystal                       Location: Palmira Plains
      Smithy Materials     

Name: Sculpture Guard                    Weak: N/A
Hp: 11,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3200                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 34                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 240
Fol: 680
Drop: None                               Location: Aquatic Garden, Surferio

Name: Security Soldier                   Weak: Wind
Hp: 12,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 600                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 40                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1200
Fol: 1000
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Sphere 211, 1F-3F

Name: Shadow Servant                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 61,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 12,000                               Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 80                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 4500
Fol: 4000
Drop: Clone Generator                    Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Shadow Servant                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 65,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2500
Fol: 4750
Drop: Scholar's Bracelet                 Location: Spiral Tower, 3F-9F
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: Shadow Servant                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 91,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 16,000                               Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 92                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 4500
Fol: 4000
Drop: Synthesis Materials                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Shadow Servant                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 212,025                              Half: N/A
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 170                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 58,350
Fol: 1890
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 162F-171F

Name: Sharow                             Weak: Wind
Hp: 82,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 5000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 85                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 5300
Fol: 6500
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Shining Wisp                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 51,000                               Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 10,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 44                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2900
Fol: 4950
Drop: Alchemy Materials                  Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Shrieker                           Weak: Fire
Hp: 264                                  Half: Earth
Mp: 12                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 6                                 Drain: Water
Exp: 2
Fol: 3
Drop: Cooking Ingredients                Location: Ruins of Coffir

Name: Sister Sootie                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 400,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 17,776                               Immune: N/A
Level: 200                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 77,999
Fol: 2390
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 192F-210F

Name: Skeleton Knight                    Weak: Fire
Hp: 1408                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 64                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 5                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 30
Fol: 8
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Kirlsa Caverns
      Alchemy Materials     

Name: Skeleton Leader                    Weak: Fire
Hp: 1900                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 116                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 8                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 55
Fol: 13
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Kirlsa Training Facility
      Crafting Materials     

Name: Skeleton Soldier                   Weak: Fire
Hp: 704                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 21                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 8                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 3
Fol: 7
Drop: Regeneration Symbol                Location: Kirlsa Training Facility

Name: Skeleton Warrior                   Weak: Fire
Hp: 220                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 10                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 7                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 2
Fol: 4
Drop: Jewel of Refuge (20%)              Location: Norton's Hideout
      Compounding Elixirs     

Name: Skittering Beast                   Weak: N/A
Hp: 165,220                              Half: N/A
Mp: 7510                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 150                               Drain: Wind
Exp: 39,500
Fol: 1250
Drop: Mist Charm                         Location: Sphere 211, 142F-151F

Name: Slime                              Weak: N/A
Hp: 704                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 32                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 10                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 3
Fol: 7
Drop: Cooking Ingredients                Location: Airyglyph Aqueducts

Name: Soldier                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 1600                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 112                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 7                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 46
Fol: 34
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Kirlsa Training Facility

Name: Soul Master                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 165,220                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 38,200                               Immune: N/A
Level: 150                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 39,500
Fol: 1310
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Sphere 211, 142F-151F
      Scholar's Bracelet     

Name: Spawn                              Weak: Fire
Hp: 6160                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 280                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 29                                Drain: Water
Exp: 200
Fol: 20
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Ruins of Barr
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Spawn                              Weak: Fire
Hp: 261,030                              Half: N/A
Mp: 11,865                               Immune: N/A
Level: 190                               Drain: Water
Exp: 65,000
Fol: 1660
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 182F-191F

Name: Stag Beetle                        Weak: Water
Hp: 500                                  Half: Wind
Mp: 220                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 6                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 33
Fol: 4
Drop: Fire Crystal                       Location: Bequerel Mountain Path
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Stalker                            Weak: Water
Hp: 58,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 52                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2100
Fol: 3000
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Firewall
      Machinery Materials     

Name: Stalker II                         Weak: Water
Hp: 158,620                              Half: Fire
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 120                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 18,817
Fol: 600
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Sphere 211, 112F-121F
      Machinery Materials     

Name: Stinger                            Weak: Water
Hp: 11,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 300                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 31                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1000
Fol: 425
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Kirlsa Training Facility
      Machinery Materials     

Name: Stirge                             Weak: Earth
Hp: 156,420                              Half: N/A
Mp: 7110                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 110                               Drain: Wind
Exp: 13,800
Fol: 460
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 101F-111F

Name: Storm Brigade                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 1900                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 100                                  Immune: Wind
Level: 1                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 58
Fol: 4
Drop: Alchemy Materials                  Location: Aire/Kirlsa Hills

Name: Super Nobleman                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 1220                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 68                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 6                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 32
Fol: 14
Drop: Bronze Idol                        Location: Bewuerel Mountain Pth
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Supreme Eye                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 752,800                              Half: Earth
Mp: 212,025                              Immune: N/A
Level: 210                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 89,000
Fol: 2900
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 202F-206F

Name: Swordsman                          Weak: Water
Hp: 80,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 7000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 60                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2100
Fol: 2850
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Tarantula                          Weak: Fire
Hp: 500                                  Half: Wind
Mp: 600                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 15                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 21
Fol: 9
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Kirlsa Caverns
      Compounding Elixirs     

Name: Tepeki                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 200                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 9                                    Immune: N/A
Level: 5                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 30  
Fol: 6
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Ruins of Coffir

Name: Thieving Scumbag                   Weak: N/A
Hp: 200                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 9                                    Immune: N/A
Level: 1                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 1
Fol: 3
Drop: Crafting Materials                 Location: Ruins of Coffir

Name: Toad Beast                         Weak: Fire
Hp: 704                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 32                                   Immune: Water
Level: 3                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 5
Fol: 9
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Airyglyph Aqueducts

Name: Toad Fighter                       Weak: Fire
Hp: 2552                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 116                                  Immune: Water
Level: 8                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 59
Fol: 37
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Kirlsa Training Facility
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Toadpole                           Weak: Fire
Hp: 8500                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 280                                  Immune: Water
Level: 29                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 320
Fol: 340
Drop: Cooking Ingredients                Location: Ruins of Barr

Name: Toadpole                           Weak: Fire
Hp: 20,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 2600                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 39                                Drain: Water
Exp: 1200
Fol: 1550
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Tongue Beast                       Weak: Fire
Hp: 100,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 10,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 90                                Drain: Water
Exp: 6691
Fol: 2950
Drop: Regeneration Symbol                Location: Maze of Tribulations, B7F

Name: Tornado                            Weak: Fire
Hp: 130,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 3645                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5460
Fol: 150
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Unholy Terror                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 49,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: Earth, Fire
Level: 46                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2500
Fol: 500
Drop: Scholar's Bracelet                 Location: Fighting Arena
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Unholy Terror                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 80,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 7000                                 Immune: Earth, Fire
Level: 60                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2111
Fol: 3300
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Unholy Terror                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 84,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 7000                                 Immune: Earth, Fire
Level: 60                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2500
Fol: 3400
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Vendeeni Soldier                   Weak: N/A
Hp: 4500                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 600                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 20                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 260
Fol: 160
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Vendeeni Soldier                   Weak: N/A
Hp: 6200                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 212                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 22                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 350
Fol: 195
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Vendeeni Soldier                   Weak: N/A
Hp: 13,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 500                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 32                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 450
Fol: 624
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Kirlsa Training Facility

Name: Venemous Pine                      Weak: Fire
Hp: 16,000                               Half: Earth
Mp: 500                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 29                                Drain: Water
Exp: 400
Fol: 540
Drop: Writing Materials                  Location: Taum Mountains

Name: Vile Lizard                        Weak: Wind
Hp: 76,065                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3457                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 60                                Drain: Water
Exp: 3500
Fol: 4250
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Voracious Eater                    Weak: Fire
Hp: 156,420                              Half: Earth
Mp: 7110                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 110                               Drain: Water
Exp: 13,800
Fol: 455
Drop: Regeneration Symbol                Location: Sphere 211, 101F-11F

Name: War Chameleon                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 3784                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 172                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 21                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 70
Fol: 9
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Irisa Fields
      Crafting Materials     

Name: War Vulture                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 20,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 2600                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 39                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 1200
Fol: 1560
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Water Reaper                       Weak: Fire
Hp: 600                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 68                                   Immune: Wind
Level: 4                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 33
Fol: 2
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Kirlsa Caverns
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Water Reaper                       Weak: Fire
Hp: 704                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 20                                   Immune: Water
Level: 8                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 3
Fol: 4
Drop: Cooking Ingredients                Location: Airyglyph Aqueducts

Name: Water Strider                      Weak: Water
Hp: 2800                                 Half: Wind
Mp: 120                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 17                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 65
Fol: 60
Drop: Eldrich Fire Stone                 Location: Sanmite Steppes
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Will O' The Wisp                   Weak: N/A
Hp: 37,000                               Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 3700                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 49                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1500
Fol: 3050
Drop: N/A                                Location: Ancient RUins of Mosel, B1F

Name: Winged Mantis                      Weak: Water
Hp: 80,190                               Half: Wind
Mp: 3645                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5500
Fol: 4250
Drop: Symbol of Courage                  Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Yellow Reaper                      Weak: Fire
Hp: 84,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 7000                                 Immune: Water
Level: 60                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2500
Fol: 4400
Drop: Wind Charm                         Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Yellow Wisp                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 58,000                               Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 4000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 52                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2100
Fol: 2350
Drop: Smithy Materials                   Location: Ancient RUins of Mosel, B2F

Name: Young Mojara                       Weak: Fire
Hp: 852,100                              Half: N/A
Mp: 14,080                               Immune: N/A
Level: 210                               Drain: Water
Exp: 91,000
Fol: 2850
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 207F-210F

Name: Yound Porcupine                    Weak: Wind
Hp: 6072                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 276                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 35                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 280
Fol: 11
Drop: Writing Materials                  Location: Mountains of Barr

Name: Young Shrieker                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 143                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 6                                    Immune: Water
Level: 1                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 1
Fol: 8
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Ruins of Coffir

Name: Yound Shrieker                     Weak: Fire
Hp: 1496                                 Half: Earth
Mp: 68                                   Immune: N/A  
Level: 16                                Drain: Water
Exp: 29
Fol: 8
Drop: Charm of Insight                   Location: Granah Hills
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Young Slime                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 187                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 8                                    Immune: Water
Level: 1                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 1
Fol: 6
Drop: Blueberries                        Location: Pesotto Forest

Name: Yuanti                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 22,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 2000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 49                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1500
Fol: 1700
Drop: Writing Materials                  Location: Irisa Fields

Name: Yuanti                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 45,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 1500                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 44                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1400
Fol: 1000
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Styx
      Smithy Materials     

Name: Yuanti                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 70,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level:                                   Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000
Fol: 2750
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Yuanti                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 165,220                              Half: N/A
Mp: 7510                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 150                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 39,200
Fol: 1300
Drop: Charm of Insight                   Location: Sphere 211, 142F-151F

Name: Zebra Wasp                         Weak: Water
Hp: 80,000                               Half: Wind
Mp: 8000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 70                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3800
Fol: 125
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

*                                  Boss Enemies                                *

Name: Adray                              Weak: N/A
Hp: 800,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 200,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 155                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 80,000                                     
Fol: 450,000                                    
Drop: Rabbit's Foot                      Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Albel                              Weak: N/A
Hp: 235,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 20,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 86                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 42,000                                     
Fol: 16,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Albel                              Weak: N/A
Hp: 520,000                              Half: Fire
Mp: 40,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 120                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 69,000                                     
Fol: 41,000                                     
Drop: Tri-Emblum                         Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Albel                              Weak: N/A
Hp: 940,000                              Half: Fire
Mp: 80,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 170                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 70,000                                     
Fol: 220,000                                    
Drop: Rabbit's Foot                      Location:  Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Albel 1                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 26,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 2600                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 22                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2400                                       
Fol: 6500                                       
Drop: War God's Symbol                   Location: Bequerel Mountain Path

Name: Albel 2                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 50,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 10,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 80                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3000                                       
Fol: 13,000                                  
Drop: Demon's Symbol                     Location: Urssa Lava Cave

Name: Albel 3                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 120,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 60,000                               Immune: N/A
Level:                                   Drain: N/A
Exp: 6000                                       
Fol: 26,000                                     
Drop: Philosopher's Symbol               Location: Urssa Lava Cave

Name: Albel 4                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 340,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 120,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 200                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 20,000                                     
Fol: 130,000                                    
Drop: Boots of Prowess                   Location: Urssa Lava Cave

Name: Alei                               Weak: N/A
Hp: 182,900                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind
Mp: 3645                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 85                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 5500                                       
Fol: 230                                        
Drop: N/A                                Location: Maze of Tribulations, B5F

Name: Amoeba Giant                       Weak: Wind
Hp: 220,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 25,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 64                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 18,000                                     
Fol: 33,000                                     
Drop: Writing Materials                  Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B1F

Name: Angry Azazer                       Weak: Fire
Hp: 261, 030                             Half: Earth, Water, Wind
Mp: 11,865                               Immune: N/A
Level: 190                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 68,000                                     
Fol: 2200                                       
Drop: Valorous Gauntlets                 Location: Sphere 211, 181F

Name: Aquaregia                          Weak: N/A 
Hp: 115,400                              Half: N/A               
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 79                                Drain: Water
Exp: 16,500                                     
Fol: 6650                                       
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B2F

Name: Arch Demon                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 3,000,000                            Half: Earth, Water, Fire
Mp: 500,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 159                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 200,000                                    
Fol: 365,000                                    
Drop: Dragoon Laser                      Location: Sphere 211, 170F

Name: Aurora Monster                     Weak: Earth
Hp: 285,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 212,025                              Immune: N/A
Level: 75                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 35,000                                     
Fol: 52,000                                     
Drop: Synthesis Materials                Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B1F

Name: Azazer                             Weak: Fire
Hp: 99,000                               Half: Earth, Water
Mp: 9000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 15,000                                     
Fol: 78,000                                     
Drop: Charm of Tranquility               Location: Sphere 211, 1F

Name: Basilisk King                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 79,365                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3607                                 Immune: Earth, Wind
Level: 80                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5835                                       
Fol: 140                                        
Drop: N/A                                Location: Maze of Tribulations, B3F

Name: Battlecopter                       Weak: Water
Hp: 200,000                              Half: Fire
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 20,000                                     
Fol: 53,000                                     
Drop: Machinery Materials                Location: Fire Wall

Name: Belzeber                           Weak: Earth
Hp: 62,000                               Half: Wind, Fire
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 59                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 9000                                       
Fol: 17,500                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 5F

Name: Belial                             Weak: Wind
Hp: 70,000                               Half: Earth, Water
Mp: 5000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 59                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 9000                                       
Fol: 17,500                                     
Drop: Scholar's Bracelet                 Location: 

Name: Biwig                              Weak: Earth
Hp: 26,000                               Half: Water, Fire
Mp: 13,816                               Immune: N/A
Level: 50                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 190                                        
Fol: 14                                         
Drop: Ring of Vigor                      Location: Kirlsa Training Facility

Name: Blue Dragon Zombie                 Weak: N/A
Hp: 30,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 2500                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 50                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3500                                       
Fol: 10,500                                  
Drop: Pulse Gun                          Location: Mountains of Barr

Name: Chimera                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 200,000                              Half: Fire, Wind
Mp: 28,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 75                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 17,000                                     
Fol: 5000                                       
Drop: War God's Symbol                   Location: Mosel Dunes
      Cooking Ingredients     

Name: Chimera Hawk                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 85,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 28,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 74                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 20,000                                     
Fol: 42,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Spiral Tower, 2F

Name: Cliff                              Weak: N/A
Hp: 1,200,000                            Half: Fire
Mp: 36,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 160                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 80,000                                     
Fol: 300,000                                    
Drop: Rabbit's Foot                      Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Cockatrice                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 15,500                               Half: N/A
Mp: 431                                  Immune: Earth, Wind
Level: 44                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 1200                                       
Fol: 2000                                       
Drop: Synthesis Materials                Location: Bequerel Mine

Name: Convictor                          Weak: Earth
Hp: 120,000                              Half: Wind
Mp: 10,000                               Immune: Water, Fire
Level: 64                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 24,000                                     
Fol: 46,300                                     
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Styx

Name: Crosell                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 29,000                               Half: Earth, Wind, Fire
Mp: 4200                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 70                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 7000                                       
Fol: 10,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Lava Cave

Name: Crosell                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 62,000                               Half: Earth, Wind, Fire
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 103                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 12,000                                     
Fol: 35,000                                     
Drop: Ring of Vigor                      Location: Urssa Lava Cave

Name: Crystal Cerberus                   Weak: N/A
Hp: 30,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3500                                 Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 40                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 3500                                       
Fol: 1400                                       
Drop: N/A                                Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Crystal Statue                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 168,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 10,000                               Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 69                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 15,000                                     
Fol: 33                                         
Drop: Compounding Elixirs                Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Dark Armor                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 67,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 6000                                 Immune: Fire
Level: 59                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 10,000                                     
Fol: 39,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Dark Eye                           Weak: N/A
Hp: 330,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 56,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 70                                Drain: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Exp: 50,000                                     
Fol: 110,000                                    
Drop: N/A                                Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Dark Rider                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 9000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 1000                                 Immune: Wind
Level: 19                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 120                                        
Fol: 55                                         
Drop: N/A                                Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Death Monster                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 120,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 74                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 20,000                                     
Fol: 42,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Spiral Tower, 2F

Name: Demetrio                           Weak: N/A
Hp: 14,800                               Half: N/A
Mp: 17,776                               Immune: N/A
Level: 10                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 1800                                       
Fol: 4200                                       
Drop: Synthesis Materials                Location: Bequerel Mountain Path

Name: Dirna Hamilton                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 3,000,000                            Half: Earth, Wind
Mp: 500,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 174                               Drain: Fire
Exp: 110,000                                    
Fol: 415000                                     
Drop: Spirit of Lilith                   Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Disaster Eye                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 352,200                              Half: Earth
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 65                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 6000                                       
Fol: 2350                                       
Drop: Eldrich Fire Stone                 Location: Maze of Tribulations, B2F

Name: Earth Dragon                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 420,000                              Half: Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 48,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 89                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 100,000                                    
Fol: 54,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Maze of Tribulations, B4F

Name: Earth Smasher                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 3600                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 163                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 17                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 40                                         
Fol: 1495                                       
Drop: Decrepit Tome                      Location: Kirlsa Caverns

Name: Enraged Crosell                    Weak: N/A
Hp: 700,000                              Half: Earth, Wind, Fire
Mp: 100,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 129                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 160,000                                    
Fol: 260,000                                    
Drop: Valorous Gauntlets                 Location: Sphere 211, 115F

Name: Ethereal Queen                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 10,000,000                           Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 2,000,000                            Immune: N/A
Level: 204                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 600,000                                    
Fol: 650,000                                    
Drop: Spirit of Lilith                   Location: Sphere 211, 211F

Name: Farbnil                            Weak: Water
Hp: 130,000                              Half: Fire
Mp: 70,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 84                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 44,000                                     
Fol: 2350                                       
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Farbnil                            Weak: Water
Hp: 260,000                              Half: Fire
Mp: 200,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 110                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 90,000                                     
Fol: 38,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Fayt                               Weak: N/A
Hp: 700,000                              Half: Wind, Fire
Mp: 70,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 160                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 100,000                                    
Fol: 350,000                                    
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Fayt                               Weak: N/A
Hp: 1,000,000                            Half: Wind, Fire
Mp: 100,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 170                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 160,000                                    
Fol: 340,000                                    
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Flying Knight                      Weak: Water
Hp: 17,000                               Half: Fire
Mp: 240                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 35                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 900                                        
Fol: 250                                        
Drop: Smithy Materials                   Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Frenzied Biwig                     Weak: Earth
Hp: 2,000,000                            Half: Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 300,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 144                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 190,000                                    
Fol: 365,000                                    
Drop: Fangs of the Wicked                Location: Sphere 211, 147F

Name: Freya                              Weak: N/A
Hp: 20,000,000                           Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 3,000,000                            Immune: N/A
Level: 244                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 500,000                                    
Fol: 1,500,000                                  
Drop: Sacred Ether                       Location: Urssa Lava Cave

Name: Furious Berial                     Weak: Wind
Hp: 3,000,000                            Half: Earth, Water, Fire
Mp: 500,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 174                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 110,000                                    
Fol: 416,000                                    
Drop: Angelic Cape                       Location: Sphere 211, 192F

Name: Gabriel Celesta                    Weak: N/A
Hp: 1,000,000                            Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 200,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 114                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 200,000                                    
Fol: 156,000                                    
Drop: Spirit of Lilith                   Location: Maze of Tribulations, B8F

Name: Ghostly Hag                        Weak: Earth
Hp: 9000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 1000                                 Immune: Wind, Fire
Level: 19                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 120                                        
Fol: 60                                         
Drop: N/A                                Location: 

Name: Grapebind                          Weak: Fire
Hp: 7600                                 Half: Earth
Mp: 181                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 20                                Drain: Water
Exp: 240                                        
Fol: 7                                          
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Duggus Forest

Name: Green Mojara                       Weak: Fire
Hp: 2,500,000                            Half: N/A
Mp: 400,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 154                               Drain: Water
Exp: 190,000                                    
Fol: 285,000                                    
Drop: Hybrid Helm                        Location: Sphere 211, 159F

Name: Guardian Haunt                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 95,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 3720                                 Immune: Water
Level: 95                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 8450                                       
Fol: 7000                                       
Drop: Charm of Insight                   Location: Maze of Tribulations, B8F

Name: Hodge Podge                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 120,000                              Half: Wind, Fire
Mp: 90,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 30,000                                     
Fol: 15,500                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Hodge Podge                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 250,000                              Half: Wind, Fire
Mp: 100,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 110                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 68,000                                     
Fol: 27,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Legion Dragon                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 6500                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 800                                  Immune: Wind
Level: 12                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 200                                        
Fol: 170                                        
Drop: Jewel of Refuge                    Location: Bequerel Mountain Path

Name: Lenneth                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 7,000,000                            Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 700,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 194                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 250,000                                    
Fol: 625,000                                    
Drop: Valkyrie Garb                      Location: Sphere 211, 211F

Name: Lesser Eye                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 230,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 56,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 65                                Drain: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Exp: 30,000                                     
Fol: 84,500                                     
Drop: Synthesis Materials                Location: Sealed Cavern

Name: Luther                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 200,000                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 60,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 105                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 0                                          
Fol: 0                                          
Drop: N/A                                Location: Spiral Tower

Name: Luther                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 400,000                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 120,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 120                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 0                                          
Fol: 0                                          
Drop: N/A                                Location: Spiral Tower

Name: Luther                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 1,100,000                            Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 8,000,000                            Immune: N/A
Level: 180                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 120,000                                    
Fol: 500,000                                    
Drop: Tri-Emblem                         Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Maria                              Weak: N/A
Hp: 700,000                              Half: Wind
Mp: 180,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 160                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 70,000                                     
Fol: 480,000                                    
Drop: Rabbit's Foot                      Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Mighty Vox                         Weak: Earth
Hp: 455,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 99                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 125,000                                    
Fol: 56,150                                     
Drop: 1/1 Scale Bunny                    Location: Maze of Tribulations, B6F

Name: Mirage                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 900,000                              Half: Wind, Fire
Mp: 100,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 160                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 80,000                                     
Fol: 420,000                                    
Drop: Rabbit's Foot                      Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Moonshadow Clan Chief              Weak: N/A
Hp: 5500                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 250                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 22                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 35                                         
Fol: 16                                         
Drop: N/A                                Location: Duggus Forest

Name: Moonshadow Clan Member             Weak: N/A
Hp: 2640                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 120                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 9                                 Drain: N/A
Exp: 35                                         
Fol: 6                                          
Drop: Winking Sage Cider (10%)           Location: Duggus Forest
      Machinery Materials     

Name: Nel                                Weak: N/A
Hp: 200,000                              Half: Wind
Mp: 36,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 80                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 43,000                                     
Fol: 18,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Nel                                Weak: N/A
Hp: 450,000                              Half: Wind
Mp: 72,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 130                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 70,000                                     
Fol: 48,500                                     
Drop: Tri-Emblum                         Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Nel                                Weak: N/A
Hp: 800,000                              Half: Wind
Mp: 144,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 160                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 80,000                                     
Fol: 280,000                                    
Drop: Rabbit's Foot                      Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Norton                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 1600                                 Half: Fire
Mp: 35,800                               Immune: N/A
Level: 190                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 32                                         
Fol: 7                                          
Drop: Decrepit Tome                      Location: Norton's Hideout

Name: Norton Redux                       Weak: Earth
Hp: 500,000                              Half: Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 100,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 120                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 150,000                                    
Fol: 150,000                                    
Drop: Spirit of Lilith                   Location: Sphere 211, 101F

Name: Peppita                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 500,000                              Half: Wind
Mp: 100,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 130                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 78,000                                     
Fol: 56,000                                     
Drop: Tri-Emblum                         Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Peppita                            Weak: N/A
Hp: 760,000                              Half: Wind
Mp: 140,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 160                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 70,000                                     
Fol: 340,000                                    
Drop: Rabbit's Foot                      Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Proclaimer                         Weak: Wind
Hp: 50,000                               Half: Earth, Water, Fire
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 70                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 6000                                       
Fol: 4900                                       
Drop: Alchemy Materials                  Location: Styx

Name: Proclaimer                         Weak: Earth
Hp: 65,000                               Half: Water, Wind
Mp: 4000                                 Immune: Fire
Level: 54                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 12,000                                     
Fol: 23,400                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Styx

Name: Pseudo Blair                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 100,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 13,992                               Immune: N/A
Level: 65                                Drain: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Exp: 150,000                                    
Fol: 85,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Spiral Tower 2F

Name: Raging Belzeber                    Weak: Earth
Hp: 3,000,000                            Half: Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 500,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 164                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 110,000                                    
Fol: 416,000                                    
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sphere 211, 181F

Name: Render                             Weak: Fire
Hp: 350,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 74                                Drain: Water
Exp: 90,000                                     
Fol: 16,900                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Maze of Tribulations, B6F

Name: Robin Wind                         Weak: N/A 
Hp: 50,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 1800                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 51                                Drain: Wind 
Exp: 6500                                       
Fol: 25,320                                     
Drop: Synthesis Materials                Location: Ruins of Barr

Name: Roger                              Weak: N/A
Hp: 255,000                              Half: Fire
Mp: 15,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 80                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 40,000                                     
Fol: 13,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Roger                              Weak: N/A
Hp: 560,000                              Half: Fire
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 130                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 65,000                                     
Fol: 38,000                                     
Drop: Tri-Emblum                         Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Roger                              Weak: N/A
Hp: 1,020,000                            Half: Fire
Mp: 60,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 160                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 70,000                                     
Fol: 160,000                                    
Drop: Rabbit's Foot                      Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Romero                             Weak: Water
Hp: 100,000                              Half: Earth, Wind, Fire
Mp: 100,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 86                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 20,000                                     
Fol: 18,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Romero                             Weak: Water
Hp: 240,000                              Half: Earth, Wind, Fire
Mp: 150,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 110                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 65,500                                     
Fol: 26,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Ruktogias                          Weak: N/A  
Hp: 2,800,000                            Half: Earth, Water, Wind
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 79                                Drain: Fire
Exp: 70,000                                     
Fol: 47,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Spiral Tower, 2F

Name: Schweimer                          Weak: N/A
Hp: 16,800                               Half: N/A
Mp: 1400                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 4                                 Drain: Wind
Exp: 1500                                       
Fol: 3250                                       
Drop: N/A                                Location: Sanmite Steppes

Name: Sculpture Lord                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 40,000                               Half: Wind
Mp: 30,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 45                                Drain: Earth
Exp: 1600                                       
Fol: 25,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Aquatic Gardens, Surferio

Name: Security Service                   Weak: Water
Hp: 800                                  Half: N/A
Mp: 60                                   Immune: N/A
Level: 39                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 2000                                       
Fol: 2800                                       
Drop: N/A                                Location: Arkives

Name: Shadow Dragon                      Weak: Wind
Hp: 1,000,000                            Half: Water, Fire
Mp: 200,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 134                               Drain: Earth
Exp: 170,000                                    
Fol: 260,000                                    
Drop: Heavenly Spirit                    Location: Sphere 211, 126F

Name: Shadow Servant                     Weak: N/A
Hp: 100,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 4000                                 Immune: Eartj, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 95                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 9000                                       
Fol: 4400                                       
Drop: Charm of Insight                   Location: Maze of Tribulations, B8F

Name: Shelby                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 5100                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 13,816                               Immune: N/A
Level: 21                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 35                                         
Fol: 9                                          
Drop: N/A                                Location: Kirlsa Training Facility

Name: Solon Solute                       Weak: Fire
Hp: 500,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: Wind
Level: 174                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 50,000                                      
Fol: 0                                          
Drop: N/A                                Location: Fighting Arena

Name: Sootie                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 468,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 47,800                               Immune: N/A
Level: 104                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 135,000                                    
Fol: 67,600                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Maze of Tribulations, B7F

Name: Sophia                             Weak: N/A
Hp: 560,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 400,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 150                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 90,000                                     
Fol: 315,000                                    
Drop: Rabbit's Foot                      Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Springer                           Weak: N/A
Hp: 182,900                              Half: N/A
Mp: 3645                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 5400                                       
Fol: 200                                        
Drop: N/A                                Location: Maze of Tribulations, B5F

Name: Stalker                            Weak: Water
Hp: 9000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 1000                                 Immune: N/A
Level: 19                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 120                                        
Fol: 50                                         
Drop: N/A                                Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Stone Golem                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 300,000                              Half: N/A
Mp: 20,000                               Immune: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Level: 85                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 60,000                                     
Fol: 71,000                                     
Drop: Synthesis Materials                Location: Ancient Ruins of Mosel, 1F

Name: Succubus                           Weak: N/A
Hp: 400,000                              Half: Earth, Wind, Fire
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 79                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 95,000                                     
Fol: 25,000                                     
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Maze of Tribulations, B2F

Name: Super Blair                        Weak: N/A
Hp: 4,000,000                            Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 600,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 184                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 230,000                                    
Fol: 570,000                                    
Drop: Levantine                          Location: Sphere 211, 200F

Name: Trichimera                         Weak: N/A
Hp: 682,000                              Half: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Mp: 38,500                               Immune: N/A
Level: 95                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 40,000                                     
Fol: 10,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Maze of Tribulations, B8F

Name: Unholy Terror                      Weak: N/A
Hp: 9000                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 1000                                 Immune: Earth, Fire
Level: 19                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 120                                        
Fol: 55                                         
Drop: N/A                                Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Vendeeni Soldier                   Weak: N/A
Hp: 7400                                 Half: N/A
Mp: 336                                  Immune: N/A
Level: 29                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 600                                        
Fol: 500                                        
Drop: Jewel of Avarice                   Location: Shrine of Kaddan

Name: Vengeful Shelby                    Weak: Fire
Hp: 1,500,000                            Half: Earth, Water, Wind
Mp: 200,000                              Immune: N/A
Level: 144                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 180,000                                    
Fol: 310,000                                    
Drop: Death Bringers                     Location: Sphere 211, 137F

Name: Vile Chimera                       Weak: N/A
Hp: 662,000                              Half: Wind, Fire
Mp: 35,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 95                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 40,000                                     
Fol: 10,000                                     
Drop: Jewel of Alertness                 Location: Maze of Tribulations, B8F

Name: Vox                                Weak: N/A
Hp: 30,000                               Half: N/A
Mp: 20,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 39                                Drain: Wind
Exp: 2700                                       
Fol: 5200                                       
Drop: N/A                                Location: Aire/Kirlsa Hills

Name: Zorto                              Weak: N/A
Hp: 140,000                              Half: Earth, Water
Mp: 40,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 83                                Drain: N/A
Exp: 15,000                                     
Fol: 28,600                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

Name: Zorto                              Weak: N/A
Hp: 300,000                              Half: Earth, Water
Mp: 50,000                               Immune: N/A
Level: 110                               Drain: N/A
Exp: 50,000                                     
Fol: 40,000                                     
Drop: N/A                                Location: Urssa Cave Temple

|                             ++ Soundtrack List ++                    (snDtk) |
--------o                                      --------o                     
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time               Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
Volume 1                                       Volume 2
--------o                                      --------o
Disc 1:                                        Disc 1:
-------o                                       -------o
1. The Dawn of Wisdom                          1. Cutting Edge of Notion
2. Into the Undiscovery Ocean                  2. Victory Bell      
3. Fly by Contact                              3. Expiration            
4. Starless Wavelets                           4. Malicious Fingers     
5. Imbalance                                   5. Fly Away in the Violet Sky
6. Misted Moon                                 6. Frightened Eyes         
7. Lakes and Marshes With Doubt                7. The Divine Spirit of Language
8. Fallen Leaves - Flute                       8. Pert Girl on the Sandy Beach 
9. Chrysanthemum in Winter                     9. Gaiety Company               
10. The Desolate Smell of Earth                10. Evil Shade Crept            
11. Dreams                                     11. Rust Color     
12. Till the End of Time                       12. Bracing Forest Wind        
13. Sail Against the Wind                      13. Let's Creation!!           
14. Take off From Home                         14. Bird's Eye View            
15. Into a Storm not Memorized                 15. What's up?                 
16. The Outbreak of War                        16. Adventurous Spirit         
17. March for Glory                            17. I am the No.1!
18. Requiem for a Saint                        18. Around in the Wilderness   
19. Stafflower in the Castle Town              19. Robe under Cover of Darkness
20. Collapse of Frailty                        20. So Alone, Be Sorrow - Rhythm
21. Lively Step                                21. Preemptive Attack          
                                               22. Moon Base             
Disc 2:                                        Disc 2:
-------o                                       -------o            
1. Ice Crystal                                 1. Twisted Base     
2. The Future of Blood-Stained Blade           2. People Inside a Fence  
3. Calm Mind Reflected in the Pupil            3. Air Harmony                 
4. Reflected Moon                              4. Bitter Dance            
5. Manifestation                               5. Powerbroker           
6. So Alone, Be Sorrow - Piano                 6. The Virtual Image     
7. Imperial Garden                             7. Mission to the Empty Space 
8. So Alone, Be Sorrow                         8. Do Evil                 
9. Influence of Truth Appearance               9. Moody Goddess           
10. Brass Wings                                10. Highbrow          
11. Like Squashing Grape                       11. Star Ocean Forever - Jazz
12. Interval of Freezed Time                   12. Mission to the Deep Space
13. Fallen Leaves                              13. The Incarnation of Devil 
14. Dark Flare                                 14. Confidence in the Domination
15. Divine Indignation                         15. The True Nature of All      
16. Despair Road                               16. Moody Goddess - Another     
17. Brilliant Future                                          
18. Brass Wings - Another                                                  
--------o                                      --------o
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time               Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
Arrange Album                                  Voice Mix Album            
--------o                                      --------o                
1. The Dawn of Wisdom ~ Incarnation of Devil   1. The Dawn of Wisdom    
2. So Alone, Be Sorrow - Rhythm                2. Around in the Wilderness 
3. Bird's Eye View                             3. Moon Base
4. Fly Away in the Violet Sky                  4. Fallen Leaves
5. So Alone, Be Sorrow                         5. Gaiety Company
6. Frightened Eyes                             6. Mission to the Empty Space  
7. Reflected Moon                              7. Requiem for a Saint         
8. Mission to Deep Space ~ Sail Against Wind   8. Cutting Edge of Notion      
9. Till the End of Time                        9. The Incarnation of Devil
10. Brass Wings                                10. Into a Storm not Memorized
11. Lakes and Marshes Doubt ~ Powerbroker      11. Do Evil
12. So Alone, Be Sorrow - Piano                12. Divine Indignation   
                                               13. Brilliant Future   
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time                                 
Director's Cut                                                   
1. More Complicated                                              
2. Beyond the One                                                
3. Over the Planet                                               
4. Flabbergasted                                                 
5. A Critical Moment                                             
6. Intricate Match                                               
7. Crisis of Earth                                               
8. You Know it Fails                                             
9. Confidence in the Domination - Band Recording                 
10. Highbrow - Band Recording                                    
11. Motoi Sakuraba Piano Solo                                    

|                   ++ Japanese to North American Changes ++           (JPtNA) |

This entire section was contributed by KusanagiLord.


Fate Linegod ---> Fayt Leingod

Blade Reactor---> Blade of Fury
Blaze Sword ---> Blazing Sword
Reflect Strife ---> Side Kick
Icicle Edge ---> Ice Blade
Lightining Bind ---> Lightning Blade
Shotgun Bolt ---> Shotgun Blast
Vertical Air Raid ---> Air Raid
Strayer Void ---> Dimension Door
Divine Weapon ---> Divine Blade
Iserial Blast ---> Ethereal Blast


Cliff Fitter ---> Cliff Fittir

Might Discharge ---> Sphere of Might
Might Hammer ---> Hammer of Might
Current Knuckle ---> Electric Fists
Burst Tackle ---> Fiery Tackle
Aerial Raid ---> Aerial Assault
Flash Chariot ---> Fists of Fury
Bean Bagger ---> Uppercut
Acrobat Locus---> Acrobat Locus
Infinity Arts ---> Infinity Kick
Max Extension ---> Max Shockwave


Maria Traitor ---> Maria Traydor

Aiming Device ---> Aiming Device
Pluto Horn ---> Scatter Beam
Magnetic Field ---> Magnetic Field
Pulse Emission ---> Pulse Beast
Crescent Locus ---> Crescent Locus
Trident Arts---> Triple Kick
Laser Emission---> Laser Blast
Gravity Bullet ---> Gravity Bullet
Burst Emission---> Energy Burst
Radiation Device ---> Radiation Bots


Souffle Rosseti--->Peppita Rosseti

Beyond Lure---> Magic Hook
Frozen Dagger---> Frozen Daggers
Shining Dance ---> Power Dance
Dokyuun Blast ---> Instanto Blast
Panic Dance ---> Panic Dance
Papapa Splash ---> Kaboom
Prismic Dance ---> Healing Dance
Fairy Arts ---> Faerie Friend
Magical Dance ---> Magical Dance
Dream Combo ---> Dream Hammer


Nel Zelpher ---> Nel Zelpher

Shisentou---> Shock Wave
Kagebarai---> Shadow Wave
Touga ---> Ice Daggers
Fuka ---> Poison Cloud
Fuujin ---> Whirlwind
Kokuyousen!!! ---> Flying Guillotine 
Raikouha ---> Lightning Chain
Kyoumensatsu ---> Mirror Slice
Uraouka Sakkou---> Divine Wrath
Fuujin Seiraiha ---> Splitting Sky


Roger S. Huxley---> Roger S. Huxley

Heat Axe ---> Fiery Axe
Heat Whip ---> Whirling Heat
Tareru Mine ---> Land Mines
Last Ditch---> Flying Torpedo
Ex Arm ---> Piercing Claw
Stream Attack ---> Fiery Fury
Cannon Shield ---> Shield & Cannon
Jeek Beam ---> Raging Helmet
Tri Fauna ---> Bug Triad
Star Fall ---> Star Fall


Arbel Nox--->Albel Nox

Kuuhazan --->Air Slash
Shouretsuha---> Shockwave Swirl
Kikoushou---> Palm of Destruction
Mashouseki---> Aura Wall
Souhazan---> Double Slash
Makousen---> Vampire Slash
Goumashou---> Hand of Doom
Kouryuuha---> Dragon Roar
Mugen Kuuhazan---> Air Slash of Fury
Mugen Souhazan---> Double Slash of Fury


Mirage Coast---> Mirage Koas

Might Discharge---> Sphere of Might
Might Hammer---> Hammer of Might
Current Knuckle ---> Electric Fists
Aerial Raid ---> Aerial Assault
Crescent Locus---> Crescent Locus
Trident Arts---> Triple Kick
Acrobat Locus---> Acrobat Locus
Festive Avenger---> Avenger Charge
Infinity Arts---> Infinity Kick
Cannon Blaze---> Blazing Cannon


Sophia Esteed---> Sophia Esteed

Meteo Swarm ---> Meteor Swarm


Adlai Lasbird---> Adray Lasbard

Fatal Fury---> Chaos Tide
Water Gate ---> Sea Gate
Spicule ---> Sirocco
Emotion Torrent ---> Emotion Torrent
Titan Fist---> Titan Fist



Silence---> Silence
Firebolt ---> Fire Bolt
Ice Needle---> Ice Needles
Acid Rain---> Acid Rain
Lightning Blast---> Lightning Blast
Protection---> Protection
Earth Grave ---> Earth Glaive
Cure Condition ---> Cure Condition
Raise Dead ---> Restoration
Growth ---> Power Up
Ifrit Sword ---> Efreet
Press ---> Crush
Thunder Flare---> Thunder Flare
Fairy Light ---> Faerie Light
Deep Freeze---> Deep Freeze
Reflection---> Reflection
Dark Circle Dark Sphere
Rock Rain---> Stone Rain
Gravitation---> Gravitation 
Explosion---> Explosion
Ray ---> Laser Beams (not Aeroblast)
Angel Feather ---> Angel Feather
Thunderstruck---> Lightning Strike
Southern Cross---> Southern Cross
Gremlin Lair---> Gremlins

|           ++ Original "Information and FAQ about the Game" Topic ++  (inFAQ) |

Topic created July 4th, 2004:

Q - When is this game coming out?

A - The official release date for this game has been announced, the
game is shipping August 31st 2004 and you should find it at your
local retailer on the 1st of September.

Q - Why was this game delayed (twice)?

A - Well as you probably already know, this game is very very large.
Obviously to translate the game is going to take a lot of work. Not only
that the director's cut was released and they wanted to make sure North
Americans got all the new features. Thus, big delays.

Q - What about a PAL release

A - The most we really know now is that a PAL release has been confirmed
and will be published by Ubi Soft. The rumoured date is sometime in
September. Something more realistic is late November/December and
nothing surprising if it starts to linger into 2005.

Q - How much will this game cost?

A - $49.99 American, $69.99 Canadian (Prices taken from

Q - Is it true this game is 2 DVDs?

A - Yes that is true.

Q - How long is this game?

A - 50-60 hours, playing normally. Most people will find many more hours
to log in the the "battle collection" which you can expect to take you
upwards of 200-300 hours if you hope to complete all 300 challenges.
(Note you can still get the most out of this game without logging triple
digit hours)

Q - What other Star Ocean games came before this?

A - Star Ocean (SNES)
Star Ocean Blue Sphere (Game Boy Colour)
Star Ocean: The Second Story (PSX)

Q - Is the story of this game a continuation of its predecessors? Do I need
to play SO1/SO2/Blue Sphere to understand it?

A - Absolutely not, Star Ocean 3 is a stand alone game. Fans of the Star
Ocean series, as well as tri-Ace's other magnificent RPG Valkyrie Profile,
will be pleased to see some cameos of characters in this game, but there is
nothing of the sort that would hinder you're understanding if you hadn't
played the previous games. I say again, this game is a stand alone.

Q - Are there two main characters in this game like the last one?

A - No. There is a single main character, named Fate (or Fayt in the NA

Q - What about optional characters, are there some like in SO2?

A - Yes there are optional characters in this game, of the four optional
characters (Albel, Nel, Roger and Souffle) you are able to recruit two. This
means that it would take two files to recruit all the characters, like it
was in SO2.

Q - What about the Director's Cut, is North America getting two versions?
Which should I get?

A - There is one version coming to North America, called "Star Ocean Till
the End of Time." This version will include all the bonuses added to the
Director's Cut version of the game in Japan. In other words, North America
is getting the director's cut, without the words "director's cut" in the

Q - What was added to the original version with the Director's Cut?

A - Information c/o Holystar:

- new Cancel Bonus combo system
- 2 new dungeons
- 2 new playable characters
- some fighter chars now learn spells
- Alchemy items now have factors like ATK+500 etc.
- new bosses, items and abilities
- VS Mode
- revised Battle Collection
- 3 new costumes for each char, 5 "new" ones for Sophia and Fate
- items and skills have better descriptions and sometimes adjusted
- some new/changed chests
- new scenes
- older non-voiced scenes are now fully voiced (Endings, Ladel and
Lumina etc.)
- new music, some musics were changed
- all severe bugs removed, that includes the "good" ones as well...
- save points are marked more clearly on the map
- a few new save points, warp points out of the final dungeon and adjusted
lifts/teleporters were added to make some dungeons more user-friendly

Q - What about bugs, I heard this game had a lot of bugs?

A - Originally yes, it did. However as just mentioned, the director's cut
also served to remove the main bugs that crippled the game. You no longer
have to worry about things like game freezing except in very very rare
instances, most likely not due to a bug in the game (by that I mean a dirty
disc etc)

Q - Is this a multiplayer game?

A - Yes, it is. The versus mode can be played by two people. Often people
ask if story mode can be played co-operatively and the answer to that is no.

Q - Will there be private actions like in SO2?

A - For those of you who are new, Private Actions are a staple of Star
Ocean games where you can enter a town seperate from your party and
interect with them. This affects your relationship with them. They work
differently now however, you no longer press a button to initiate them, your
characters will automatically split up when you enter a town, and you can
interact with them at will.

Q - What about a huge number of endings?

A - SO3 does not house the 80 something endings its predecessor had,
but it does have 10 different ones. These endings depend on who you
pair/don't pair the main character Fate with.

Q - Can you pickpocket in this game like in So2?

A - No.

Q - Does proficiency change a killer move's animation like in SO2?

A - Not in the same way. They do get more powerful, and projectiles can
be added to the animation, but it remains the same most of the time

Q - Item creation was a great feature in SO2, is it in this game?

A - Absolutely. It even plays a larger role as some of the hardest bosses are
nearly impossible without the help of specially created items. Item creation
is done in factories by special NPCs now. There are 8 types of item creation.
Your best source of information is Echang's Item Creation FAQ found at

Q - What's the highest level you can achieve?

A - Level 255

Q - Can you skip cutscenes in this game?

A - An option to skip will appear before a cutscene, however if you choose
not to you must watch the entire scene, you cannot skip in the middle

Q - Is there a world map in this game?

A - No, with the exception of S02, a world map has never been a staple of
Star Ocean games.

Q - How many diffuculties are there in this game?

A - Four diffuculties, (provided by Holystar)

1.) Earth (easy, enemies have 80% of Galaxy stats, do NOT play this as
you cannot collect BCs)
2.) Galaxy (normal, 100% enemy stats)
3.) Universe (hard, 150% enemy stats)
4.) FD (super-crazy-godly-hard..... 200-300% enemy stats)

Q - What are the Battle Collections (or Battle Trophies) I keep hearing

A - Battle collection is the reason this game can suck up so much time out
of your busy life. Battle collection is a special set of challenges you try
to complete throughout playing the game. There are a total of 300 challenges
that if all completed will almost guarentee a required time of over 200-300
hours. This challenges can include everything from "winning a battle with no
damage" to "total of one million button presses."

Q - What do I get for collecting BCs (battle collections)?

A - Taken from Echang's FAQ:

- Completing 15% (45 Conditions) allows you to use each player's 2P
costume, by going to the Status screen and pressing Triangle to switch.
- Completing 25% (75 Conditions) unlocks Universe difficulty mode.
- Completing 40% (120 Conditions) allows the use of 3P - costumes.
- Completing 55% (165 Conditions) unlocks the Music Test.
- Completing 65% (195 Conditions) unlocks FD (Fourth Dimension)
difficulty mode, the hardest mode in the game.
- Completing 80% (240 Conditions) allows the use of 4P costumes.
Completing 95% (285 Conditions) allows the use of Full Active Mode.

Q - Full active mode, what's that?

A - In full active mode, if removes the auto targeting system of battle.
Which means that when pressing the attack button, instead of running
and attacking the enmy, you just attack where you stand. Gives you more
control, which can be a good or a bad thing. Most people won't even get
close to unlocking this so it's not much to worry about.

Q - Are BCs saved in a separate file?

A - Yes they are saved separately from your game save, so you can start
anew and still keep all the challenges you've met.

Q - Where can I find some videos of this game in action?

A - Originally posted by Holystar

Q - Where can I find some less-action packed, but ENGLISH videos
of the game?

A -

Q - About the music, I have the soundtrack, can you tell me what
pieces are used where?

A - (Provided by Maiki)

Battle BGM:
Cutting Edge of Notion

Boss Battle BGMs:
Malicious Fingers
Frightened Eyes
The Divine Spirit of Language
Bitter Dance
Do Evil
Moody Goddess

Q - Who composed the music for this game?

A - Motoi Sakuraba, very talented musician, also did the soundtrack
of the brand new Gamecube RPG 'Tales of Symphonia.'

Q - Is there an option to toggle the battle voices on/off?

A - Yes this is an available option

Q - Battle system. I hear this game has a pretty expansive battle system,
but I don't understand it at all, can you help me?

A - It's exactly like Star Ocean 2, barring a few changes.
First you run around on the map, no random battles, your enemies walk
around you, now you encounter one:

In battle enemies immediately attack you, but of course you can attack back.
Hit the attack button and you will automatically run towards the closest
enemy and attack it. Continue to hit the attack button and you will continue
to attack it.

If you want to attack a different enemy, you can switch your target lock on
and start attacking it. You also have free moevement so while not attacking
you're free to run around in battle as much as you please, to dodge enemy
attack, or dance like an idiot, whatever floats your boat.

You also have two support characters, who will assist you in combat.

There are two ways to die in this game as opposed to the RPGs traditional
one. You run out of hp and die, or you run out of mp and die. Now before
you go on about how that is stupid and casting a spell will get you killed,
keep reading:

MP kills (I guess technically brain death, as opposed to physical death)
were added to enrich the battle experience. Now don't forget enemies too
can die both ways, and many of the bosses will be much easier to mp kill
than hp kill.

To spice up the battles, you have both fighting skills and magic. Now
obviously, this being probably the hardest RPG ever released, button mashing
will get you so far, then it'll hand you your ass. Some chaacters have battle
skills and some have magic. Battle skills consume hp when used and magic
consumes mp, so it balances out. If you don't have enough hp or mp you use
one, the game will buzz at you, you will not just fall over dead.

While battle skills and magic are used, the combat still continues as they
resolve (which is different than SO2 when the action paused for magic.)
Magic can be selected from a small menu you are free to bring up any time.
The menu itself does pause combat, so you are free to select the magic
among other things such as items without being beaten up. Once you do
battle continues.

Battle skills are not selected from a menu, but instead assigned to specific
buttons. Each character can have up to four battle skills, on two buttons.
Which of the two per button you will use will depend if you are at short
range or long range. You are also free to switch between the control of
characters at any time, while the AI is controlling them, what you want
them to do maily can be quickly selected from the menu.

Also one more thing to note is the "guts" bar ("fury" bar in NA version.)
This bar depletes with the use of battle skills and replenishes automatically.
It's main purpose is to assure you don't "cheap" your way through everything
by pounding the same button.

In the end, you'll have to focus on a wide variety of tactics if you want to
play through the game, especially on the harder diffuculties and
GUARENTEED if you want to fill the battle collection. As I said, it is
probably the hardest RPG ever made, but also the most expansive. People
have been known to log over 300 hours on this game. Definitely worth your
time, and a must buy for any RPG fan.

Q - What framerate does this game run at?

A - 60hz, and remains constant even at the peak of action. Looks beautiful,
no slowdown.

Q - This game has crappy character models I hate it?

A - Well that's not a question, but keep in mind that if you're someone
looking at this game because of it's graphics, you seem to be a little
confused. This game appeals to people because of it's battle system and
size. That's not to say it looks bad, even for a game that's been out for
two years in Japan, it looks beautiful. Watch those movies from a previous

Q - Do old tricks such as button mashing, gang beating strategies still work
effectively in SO3?

A - While such cheap tricks will work on the early segments of SO3, it's a
big NO. Button-mashing will only drain the Guts(Fury for NA trans.) gauge
very quickly. Without Fury, the character's a sitting duck and gets HP/MP
Killed rather quickly. Gang beating strategies are useless thanks to two
factors: Counter Aura/Protect and clever enemy AI.

Counter Aura/Protect status happens when Fury is at 100% and an attacker
attacks a character or enemy(in this case the party). Protect status
activates and wards off weak type attacks. A strong type attack can break
Protect though. If a CA is equipped, it activates the moment Protect is
enabled. CA strength is determined by how powerful the attacker was. In the
event of enemy CA, it uses the character's strength. In other words, don't
always resort to overlevelling or uberizing because that character usually
ends up dead thanks to his/her own strength levels.

Roughly at the 1/3 mark of SO3, enemies start to use clever tactics and are
less vulnerable to cheap tactics. Rather than letting the party kill it, it
wants them to attack it. Once in short-range, the enemy will often use a
circular attack around themselves, potentially HP/MP Killing everyone close
by. Secret enemies and bosses will almost always use circular attacks when a
character is close enough, usually HP/MP Killing them in 1 hit.

|                            ++ Version History ++                             |

Version 1.00 (August 27th, 2004) - Preparations for the guide begin

Version 1.00 (September 1st, 2004) - Game released, started walkthrough, added
     'starting a new game' section

Version 1.00 (September 2nd, 2002) - Continued walkthrough

Version 1.00 (September 3rd, 2004) - Continued walkthrough

Version 1.00 (September 4th, 2004) - Continued walkthrough

Version 1.00 (September 5th, 2004) - First day off, helped friend move into 

Version 1.00 (September 6th, 2004) - Continued walkthrough

Version 1.00 (September 7th, 2004) - Officially completed walkthrough.  
     Completed versus mode section, completed item creation section, added legal
     and credits, added table of contents, added jp to na section, organized 
     everything, added characters section, added game mechanics section.
     Submitted guide to GameFAQs, still needs bonus dungeons and sidequests.

Version 1.10 (September 11th, 2004) - Compelted Maze of Tribulations and Sphere
     211, removed large portion of the lists at the end to reduce size, lists
     still exist in separate guides at GameFAQs.  It is now 9 hours before I 
     move back to start my second year at University, and this marks the last I 
     plan to work on these guides except very minor updates.  I'm quite pleased 
     with the results of the past couple weeks though.

Version 1.11 - (September 21st, 2004) - Thanks to an email, fixed two 
     directional mistakes and a spelling error in my email address.

Version 1.12 - (October 7th, 2004) - Lots of corrective emails, thanks to all
     who sent them.

Version 1.13 - (November 21st, 2004) - Small updates and LOTS of them.

Version 1.14 - (February 2nd, 2005) - Small updates

Version 1.16 - (February 5th, 2005) - Item creation section added

|                                  ++ Legal ++                         (lgDIS) |

This guide is copyright (c)2005 Alex Eagleson because I wrote it.

This guide is primarily written for, however I am willing to 
host it on other sites provided you follow these conditions first:

1. Email me with a link to your site to obtain permission
2. You are not from

This guide may also be viewed at

I would also like to add an extra note regarding donations, I wish to establish 
that I do not write game guides for a profit, I do it as a hobby to benefit not 
only my fellow gamers, but myself as well because I happen to enjoy writing 
quite a lot.  If you wish to support the continued writing process, donations 
will be construed as appreciative gestures, not as compensation, I do now, and 
always will continue to write guides free to distribute online for all to enjoy.
Donations can be made to StarOceanDC(at)gmail(dot)com via Paypal, if you do 
choose to donate even a small amount, please send an email to that same address 
so I can thank you personally.  

As a final note I would just like to make mention of something, to date since 
September 2004, I have personally received over 2200 emails all relating to my 
work and while I have done my best to respond to as many as I can, I would just 
like to use this space and take the opportunity to say thank you to everyone who
has sent me positive feedback or even just general questions relating to my 
work, even if I do struggle to answer them sometimes.  Oftentimes it's too easy 
to just take these guides as anonymous free help, but there are still those who 
recognize the blood and sweat that goes into these walkthroughs, and those are 
the people who make it all worthwhile ^_^

For a list of all my work, please visit the following URL:

|                                 ++ Credits ++                        (Crdts) |

More than anyone, more than anything, thank you to tri-Ace for creating this 
game, and many more to come.

Credit to the official Bradygames guide which I did use to help fill in gaps 
in the various lists for enemy and item statistics I put together

Thanks to CjayC and GameFAQs for hosting this guide.

Thanks to KusanagiLord for the JP -> NA section

Thanks to for the soundtrack information

Thanks to Paradisio for the email regarding corrections, and another big thanks
     for the second wave of corrections

Thanks to Lee for the mistakes in Granah Hills and Airyglyph Aqueducts

Thanks to Revelation for Adray's location in Castle Aquaria

Thanks to David K for the table of contents correction

Thanks to David B for Trading Card 15 info

Thanks to Neil H and chilledlikeice for the MoT 3-2 to 2-3 switch

Thanks to Bryan R for the Gemity treasure info

Thanks to Ricky M for Bulky Folio info

Thanks to Richie C for the Trading Card EX14 location

Thanks to Brigg for Sootie info

Thanks to FFXdude for cancel bonus info

Thanks to trowabartan for pointing out Orichalcum mistake

Thanks to ayce_shade for the scene with Sophia

Thanks to Mark, Sean and Jeremy at back at University of Guelph

Thanks to you, for reading this


Extra special thanks to Revolution reader Alex Eagleson!
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