Simpsons: Road Rage, The,Road Rage PS2 Cheats

Simpsons Road Rage

Playstation 2

More Money Cheat:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press X, X, X, X.

Brick Car:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle.

Flat Characters:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle.

Burns' Limo:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square.

Nuclear Bus:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Triangle, Triangle, Square, X.

Time Trial:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Circle, Triangle, Square, X.

Night Mode:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Circle, Triangle, Square, X.

Barf Cam:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Triangle, X, X, X.

Play as Smithers:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square.

Map Begone:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Square, Triangle, Triangle, Circle.

Slow Motion:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press X, Circle, Triangle, Square.

Stop Timer:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Circle, Triangle, Square, X. Then Press Triangle to start timer, another time to stop it, and a third to reset it to zero.

Halloween of Horrors:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Triangle, Triangle, Circle, X to unlock Bart in a Frankenstein costume. Alternately, set your PS2's internal clock to October 31.

Happy New Year:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Square to unlock Barney in a tuxedo. Alternately, set your PS2's internal clock to January 1.

Thanksgiving Time:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle to unlock Marge as a Pilgrim. Alternately, set your PS2's internal clock to the third Thursday in November.

Merry Xmas:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle to unlock Apu in a Santa costume. Alternately, set your PS2's internal clock to December 25.

Disable all codes:

At the Options menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Start, Start, Start, Start.


Hidden Car:

Beat all 10 missions, in mission mode to open ''Homer: The Car built for the Average Man.'' Just click on on Homer's picture in the car selection screen.

Gain Extra Time:

While driving in Road Rage mode, hit any of the "bus stop" structures and gain an extra 2 seconds every time you do this. This could become crucial in those deliveries where you "just miss" by a second or 2.

Thanks to Revolution readers The Comic Guy, Mike Cullinan, norman likes you, Nathan Meredith, More Money, Neil Johnson and Sean Mead !

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