Shadow Hearts: Covenant FAQ

           _____   _   _       __  _____      ___     _   _   ___
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          ___| |  | | | |  / / | |  | |_| | | |_| |  | |/ _ | |
         /_____|  |_| |_| /_/  |_|  |____/   ___/   |___/ ___| 

              _   /|  _____       __    ___    _______   _____
             | | | | |  __ |     /  |  |     | _   _ | |  __/
             | |_| | | |_ v   __/   |  |   /   v | | v  | |__
            /   _  | |  _|      /| | /         | |    |__  |
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             |_| |_| |_____| /_/  |_|  |_|     |_|    /____|


***VERY VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: The direction I give in my walkthrough is based on
the mini map on your top right corner because the camera is always moving. If
there's no mini map then the direction is given based on the screen.
Remember to look at your mini map!****

1. Intro Crap
2. Walkthrough........................................................(xxwalxx)
    -Apoina Tower.....................................................(xxaptxx)
    -Ardennes Forest..................................................(xxarfxx)
    -Paris, Champ Elysees.............................................(xxpchxx)
    -Le Havre.........................................................(xxlehxx)
    -Wine Cellar......................................................(xxwicxx)
    -Port of Southampton..............................................(xxposxx)
    -Rhondda Mine.....................................................(xxrhmxx)
    -Manmariana Island................................................(xxmaixx)
    -SG Italian Branch HQ.............................................(xxsibxx)
    -Wales, revisited.................................................(xxwa2xx)
    -Neam Ruins.......................................................(xxnerxx)
    -St. Marguerite Island............................................(xxsmixx)
    -Goreme Valley....................................................(xxgovxx)
    -Mirror Castle....................................................(xxmicxx)
    -Gallery of the Dead..............................................(xxgtdxx)
    -Apoina Tower, revisited..........................................(xxap2xx)
    -Yokohama, Brick Warehouses.......................................(xxyobxx)
    -Yokohama, Yokohama Streets.......................................(xxyoyxx)
    -Yokohama, Battleship Mikasa......................................(xxyomxx)
    -Imperial Capital, Hojo Research Lab..............................(xxih1xx)
    -Yokohama, Foreigner's Cemetery...................................(xxyofxx)
    -Imperial Capital, Nihonbashi.....................................(xxin1xx)
    -Imperial Capital, Hojo Research Lab, revisited...................(xxih2xx)
    -Imperial Capital, Nihonbashi, revisited..........................(xxin2xx)
    -Forest of Wind...................................................(xxfowxx)
    -Inugami Village..................................................(xxinvxx)
    -Immortal Mountain................................................(xximmxx)
    -Imperial Capital, Azabu Kamiyashiki..............................(xxiakxx)
    -Queen's Garden...................................................(xxqugxx)
    -Asuka Stone Platform.............................................(xxaspxx)
3. Personal...........................................................(xxperxx)
4. Sub-quests.........................................................(xxsuqxx)
    -Tiffauges Castle.................................................(xxticxx)
    -Neam Ruins, revisited............................................(xxne2xx)
    -Fort of Regrets..................................................(xxforxx)
    -Dog Shrine.......................................................(xxdosxx)
    -Doll House.......................................................(xxdohxx)
    -Black Forest.....................................................(xxblfxx)
    -Man Festival.....................................................(xxmafxx)
    -Lucky Chests Minigame............................................(xxlcmxx)
    -Trading Minigame.................................................(xxtrmxx)
    -Treasure Hunting Minigame........................................(xxthmxx)
    -Lenny's Miniquest................................................(xxlemxx)
    -Solomon's Key....................................................(xxsokxx)
    -Solomon's Trials.................................................(xxsotxx)
    -King Solomon.....................................................(xxkisxx)
    -Monster Quiz.....................................................(xxmoqxx)
    -Stud Card Quiz...................................................(xxscqxx)
    -Captain Quiz.....................................................(xxcaqxx)
5. Additional Information.............................................(xxadixx)
    -Combo Magic......................................................(xxcomxx)
    -Elemental Strengths and Weaknesses...............................(xxeswxx)
    -Lottery Members..................................................(xxlomxx)
    -Ring Soul........................................................(xxrisxx)
    -Useful Accessories...............................................(xxusaxx)
    -Magic Crests Location............................................(xxmclxx)
    -Spells Description and Crests....................................(xxsdcxx)
    -Ring Add-on Effects..............................................(xxraexx)
    -New Game Plus....................................................(xxngpxx)
6. Monster List.......................................................(xxmolxx)
7. Character List.....................................................(xxchlxx)
8. Frequently Asked Questions.........................................(xxfaqxx)
9. Trivia Quizzes
10.My Ranking
11.Special Thanks

                                 INTRO CRAP
Hm, the main reason I made this FAQ is because the game is so awesome and
there's no full walkthrough for the english version yet. English isn't my
first language so there will definitely be grammar mistakes/typos, sorry for
that. The xxabcxx thing is to make the search function easier.

If you have found any mistake/information error or have some questions or have
something to add on(missing items etc), be sure to email me at 

a) Copyright
This document is copyright to Depthcharge, you MUSTN'T sell it, publish it in
any magazine or put it on a CD for sale. If you want to contribute this FAQ
please let me know(by emailing me). This FAQ is for private use and can
found at "", "", ""

b) Version
Version: 0.94
History: Beta- FAQ started at 10th of October 2004.
         0.80- FAQ completed at 1st of November 2004... so that means I've been
               working for 3 weeks... Ok the main quest walkthru is fully
               completed, there are 2 stuff that are under construction, 1.
               Joachim's special items, and the Gama Ring sidequest... I'll
               prolly update them in a week. I *might* include a complete
               monster list in the future, but I can't guarantee it really,
               feedback would be appreciated.
         0.90- 2nd of November...
               A load of typos fixed. Joachim's special items, the Man Festival
               sidequest and Black Panties entrty completed. Some minor stuff
               added to the characters, erm everything is basically completed,
               the last thing to update is the huge monster list. I am still
               trying to figure out what's the maximum amount of monsters yo
               can snap tho...
         0.91- Lots of minor stuff is fixed, I just found out the usefulness of
               Blood Jewel after my friend told me about it, extremely useful
               on tough battles with Spikes. 40 monster entries added. A full
               53 character entries added.
         0.92- Fixed some mistakes, including the requirements for Karin's
               alternate outfit. More monster entries added, man, writing this
               section is definitely the hardest, it's so damn boring and I
               almost felt asleep a few times.... well thanks to the SH2 OST
               and the FMA songs I should be able to complete them, slowly.
               Trivia Quizzes added. Elemental Strengths and Weaknesses added.
         0.93- Monster List is finally completed... Sorry for the huge delay..
               Been playing World of Warcraft Open Beta and the game sure is
               fun... Future updates from now on will consists of either minor
               spelling/info mistakes correction or additional info add on.
         0.94- Lots of spelling typos, direction corrections. Thanks to
               everyone who mailed me about them!

***VERY VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: The direction I give in my walkthrough is based on
the mini map on your top right corner because the camera is always moving. If
there's no mini map then the direction is given based on the screen.
Remember to look at your mini map!****

I'll try to make the walkthrough as spoiler-free as possible, I will not
explain the cutscenes and stuff cuz you can watch those yourself. However, it's
not 100% spoiler free as there are names, places etc. Don't complain if your

Apoina Tower(xxaptxx)
Items: Thera Leaf, Talisman Of Luck, Mana Leaf, Hit Area Expand, Attack Boost,
       Pure Leaf, Tent
Monsters: Revenant, Statue

A save point right a head of you. Directly at the save point's left(you need to
go up the spiral stairs) you can find a Thera Leaf in a chest. On the right 
of the save point(needa go up the stairs again)is a talisman of luck. Remember
to press X when you see a question mark on your head. Now go to the door on the
right side of the map. Follow the path until you reach a big room. On the lower
left corner of this room is a chest containing a Mana Leaf. Another chest on 
the upper right corner contains a Hit Area Expand.

Now continue your way on the very right side of the map up to a stairs. On the
way you should encounter Ring Soul for the first time. It gives you an attack
boost everytime you bump into him. It's an item that gives additional attack.
Follow the linear path until you reach a large glowing thingie on the floor.
It's some sort of teleportation device, but don't teleport yet, on the right
of the teleport thing lies a chest containing a Pure Leaf. Now press X on the
teleport device. You should notice the save point on the map. Just beside the
save point you will find a Tent. Remember to press X to get it. Now save and go
north and prepare for your first boss fight.

|Boss: GARGOYLE                                                               |
|HP: 140  MP: 90                                                              |
|Element: Dark                                                                |
|Difficulty: Piece of Cake                                                    |
|Reward: Pure Seed                                                            |
|        Thera Seed(Ring No Miss Victory)                                     |
|                                                                             |
|He should be a piece of cake, just keep whacking until he drops, heal when   |
|necessary. But keep an eye on Karin's SP, most likely she'll turn berserk    |
|before you can finish him so use a pure leaf on her. Remember a berserk      |
|character will not gain any exp even if you win the fight.                   |

Items: Mana Leaf, Thera Leaf, Hit Area Expand, Talisman of Luck, Strike Area
       Expand, Tent, Thera Seed, Pure Leaf
Monsters: Ducky Toy, Wooden Lion

You won't be able to go back to Apoina Tower until later. Anyway Domremy should
pop up on your world map. Save and go there.

Take a left on the fork. You should be able to see a chest. It contains a Mana
Leaf. Go southeast a bit and then take the north path. Keep following until you
reach a fork. Take the northeast path to find a Thera Leaf on the floor. Return
to the fork and go northwest. There's a Hit Area Expand on the soldier's left
at a corner. Now go to the solder's right and go north.

On the next area, the soldier you bump into will heal you. Directly on his left
is a Talisman of Luck(beside some barrels). Go up a bit and then turn right
to find a chest containing Strike Area Expand. Go back to the main path and go
north until you find a big hollow space between 2 houses. There lies a chest
containing a Tent. Now follow the main path up north. Keep going until you 
reach a well. On its left is a chest containing a Thera Seed. From the well go
north a bit then turn right and go south(going behind the house) to get a Pure 
Leaf from the chest. Follow the main path and go north. Save and go to the
church. Enjoy the cutscene.

Ardennes Forest(xxarfxx)
Items: Focalor Crest, Andras Crest, Furfur Crest, Hit Area Expandx2, Soul 
       Benedictionx2, Pure Leaf, Mana Leaf, Thera Leaf, Barbatos Crest, Battery
       , Leather Cap, Tent
Monsters: Death Snail, Skeeter, Zosim

Talk to Gepetto. You will get Focalor Crest, Andras Crest and Furfur Crest. Now
follow the path down, remember to save along. The forest is very confusing so
I made a map for it.
       10     exit
 it can|      |
go to a|     ----------------
 higher|    |    |            
  level|    |BOSS|              
  -2--[]     ----                (bridge)
 |     |      |                  S-1-------P----
 |     |      |                                 |
 |      ------                                  |
 |middle>left. The bridge can be crossed then.

When you reach the "boss" area, there will be a cutscene. Now is the first time
for you to pick a fusion for Yuri, I suggest Earth(or Fire) since it has the
best physical stats. After that... there will be a boss fight.

|BOSS: ARACHNE                                                                |
|HP: 300  MP:77                                                               |
|Element: Earth                                                               |
|Difficulty: Easy                                                             |
|Reward: Poison 1, Vassago Crest                                              | 
|                                                                             |
|Hm, unless you really suck at rings, try to aim for the strike area. And if  |
|you don't miss and stuff, he should be down pretty fast. He can poison tho,  |
|so use Blanca to remove it. And dun forget to try out Yuri's fusion too, but |
|keep an eye on his SP as they drain out very fast when your starting SP is so|
|low, and the usual healing when needed. Nothing much to worry.               |

Go back to the lift and ride it to the top level. You should be able to find
Leather Cap and Tent there. Just press X around.

Items: Mr. Sommelier, Fleuret, Nibelung Prelude, Crosell Crest, Thera Leaf,
       Hit Area Expand
Monsters: Clawed Soldiers

Paris will now appear on your world map, so go there. After some cutscene, you
will be thrown into a fight. Don't worry, it's nothing major, just 3 Clawed
Soldiers to boot. They are too easy to be considered as a boss fight so I am 
not gonna list down 20 strategies, just do anything you want.

After the battle and all the cutscnes you should receive 3 items automatically,
Mr. Sommelier, Fleuret(Karin's weapon) and Nibelung Prelude. Just beside the
save point lies a chest containing Crosell Crest. Go to the door just beside
the save point, there's a chest inside containing a Thera Leaf. Now leave the

Continue the path until you see stairs on the right. If you go south, you'll be
forced to fight some Clawed Soldiers. I wouldn't say the game needs much
leveling so just just take the right path and you'll reach a hatch thing.
Examine it. Follow the linear path until you reach the subway station. Leave
the area by the stairs and you'll reach the city. Climb the stairs, your
destination is the door halfway thru the stairs, but don't go in yet. Continue
walking to the highest part will pop you a Hit Area Expand. Now enter the cafe.

After the cutscene, go to the underground station. On the way, you'll be
approached and the Wolf Bout Sidequest will be triggered. Check out the side-
quest section about Wolf Bout if you wanna know more.

|Wolf Bout 1: Tetsu                                                           |
|Reward: Soul Comet learnt                                                    |
|Location: Paris, near the subway station, triggered automatically            |
|                                                                             |
|Try to equip yourself with a healing crest, just to save healing items. But  |
|if your good at doing strike areas, you won't even need to heal at all cuz   |
|you can definitely finish him before he kills you. My Blanca is at level 4.  |

Now go take the train to Champ Elysees.

Paris, Champ Elysees(xxpchxx)
Items: P-Defend Down 1, Thera Leaf, Haures Crest, Tent, SP-Defend Down 1, 
       Attack Boost, Pure Leaf, Shell Bracelet, Strike Expand, Pocket Watch, 
       Phoenix Tails, Talisman of Luck, Amy Crest, Fuse, Soul Benediction
Monsters: Clawed Soldiers, Sting, Ekimmu

Remember the worker on your left. Leave the station. Go to the 2 red shirt guys
on your right. From now on Gerard will be selling you items and Pierre will
make dresses for Gepetto's puppet Cornelia if you have stud cards. Try to buy
the weapons for an upgrade if you can afford, then head to the left side of
the stairs(near the 2 big brown doors) and you'll get P-Defend Down 1. Continue
the path until you see a red car on the side of the street. The lamp post 
beside it lies a Thera Leaf. Now go all the way down the street until you 
cannot advance. The door on the screen is the hotel you need to go.

There's a save point there. Just beside the reception desk lies a chest
containing Haures Crest, you should be able to see part of the chest. Now go
all the way up the stairs and go to the lower right room. You should be able
to spot a chest between the beds, it contains a Tent. Talk to the old man.

After the scene. Go back to the station and talk the worker I told you to
remember earlier. He'll let you pass now. Follow the linear path and you'll
reach the confusing little tunnels... time for map.

 |                                                     exit 1
 |                                                      |
 |                                               7      |
 |                                               |      |
 |                                               |      |
 |                                               |------|
 |                                               |     ---
 |                            6                  |     
 |                   5        |                  X     ---
 |                   |        |                  |------|
 |                   |--------|                  |      |
 |                   |        |                  Y      |
 |                  ---       |                  |      |
 |                            |------------------|      |
 |                   2        |                  |      |
 |-------------------|       ---                 |      |
 1                   |                           |------|
                     |       ---                 |      |
         ---         |--------|                 ---     |
          |          |        |                         |
          |          |        |                  4      |
          |          |        |                  |      |
                    |        |           -------       |
                    |        |          /              |
             --------8       /          |               |
                     |      /      ---------------------
                          |      /
                          |     /
                          |    /
                           |                Z(exit 2)
                           |                |
                           |                |
                           |                |

1: SP-Defend Down 1(It's in a chest beside the cart blocking the path)
2: Attack Boost(By Ring Soul)
3: Strike Expand(It's in a chest on the right side of the map. You should be 
   able to see part of the chest), Shell Bracelet(examine the light bulb 
   hanging there)
4: Pocket Watch(In a chest)
5: Talisman of Luck(In a chest)
6: Phoenix Tail(In a chest)
7: Amy Chest(In a chest)
8: Pure Leaf(It's somewhere close to the light bulb, look around it)
A: Switch
X: Position of cart before flipping the switch
Y: Position of cart after flipping the switch
Z: Cart that needs a fuse

Your goal is to reach exit 1 first. To do it, you must flip the switch at A. To
collect all the treasures refer to the map. When you reach exit 1 you'll find
a ladder, climb it. You'll then reach the surface. Go down the stairs. You
should be able to see a save point. At the left corner lies a Soul Benediction.

Go into the shop, talk to the man and he would give you the fuse. He sells
items as well. This junk dealer sells really neat stuff when the final dungeon

Now go all the way back to the place where you need the fuse(Z). On the way you
will be attacked by 3 Clawed Soldiers, normal stuff. Put in the fuse and now 
the path is cleared. Follow the path and you'll find a save point. Heal up cuz
there's a boss fight next. Now use the cart and enjoy the cutscene.

|BOSS: CASTOR, POLLUX                                                         |
|Castor- HP: 275  MP: 100   Pollux- HP: 275  MP: 100                          |
|Element: Fire, Water(respectively)                                           |
|Difficulty: Normal                                                           |
|Reward: Tent, Sitri Crest, Zepar Crest, Lottery Ticket                       |
|                                                                             |
|They do pretty good dmg, and might even kill one of your characters instantly|
|if you fall into their combos, so be careful. Remember to give Gepetto fire  |
|and water spells and use them to your advantage. Focus on taking one out     |
|first. They are a bit harder than the 2 boss fights you had earlier but it's |
|nothing too hard. Just don't miss the ring and you'll be fine.               |

Le Havre(xxlehxx)
Items: Seal of Force, Pure Leaf, Thera Seed, Attack Boost, Wool Coat, Bathin
       Crest(lottery), Hit Area Expand, Strike Expand, Star Brooch, Lottery 
       Ticket, Thera Leaf, Agares Crest, Gremory Crest.
Monsters: Fat Thug, Thugs

Go down the stairs. The lamp post at the south corner(beside the shop) has a
Seal of Force. After upgrading your stuff from Gerard, go southeast. Check the
barrels on your right for a Pure Leaf. Follow the path to the end and you 
should spot a chest on the upper right corner. It contains a Thera Seed. At the
right corner(keep going right from the chest) hides the Ring Soul. Press X to 
get an Attack Boost.

Now go back to the place where Gerard is and head north. There's a save point
and a fork beside it. Take the northwest path first. At the end of the path is
a chest containing Wool Coat. There's also a tent on the left(information
provided by "lim k .c" ). Go back to the fork and take the 
southwest path. You will be approached by Lottery Member #16. Be sure to reload
and keep trying until you get Bathin Crest.

Now keep going until you reach a big house. But don't enter the door yet. Go
right and you should spot a black door. At the right of the door(beside some
chests) is Hit Area Expand. Now enter the black door. On the left lies Strike
Expand(jam the X button to bump into it). At the end of the path is a chest
containing a Star Brooch. Now enter the house thru the main door. Keep going
and a cutscene will take over. After that, examine the bear's head on the floor
to get a Lottery Ticket. Now go to the north of the room, examine the Mayor's
picture to get a Thera Leaf. Now talk to one of the man to initiate the patrol.
Go out and save, now go to the area where you found the Ring Soul. Now go back
to the save point, on the way there will be an event. Now go to the place where
you find the Wool Coat(north), get ready for a boss fight.

|BOSS: GRAND PAPILLON                                                         |
|HP: 355  MP: 55                                                              |
|Element: Earth                                                               |
|Difficulty: Easy                                                             |
|Reward: P-Attack Down 1, Seal of Vitality                                    |
|        Tent(high combo hits, I did 25)                                      |
|                                                                             |
|He's all about physical damage. Nothing hard, just give all the attack you   |
|can. When he's damaged, he might use "Drain Touch", a skill that leeches some|
|HP from you, but it's not really a lot anyway.                               |

Now go the south area(the Ring Soul place) for an event. When you gain control
of your character. Go to the northwest corner(looks like a door) to pick up a
Mana Leaf(I wonder why ppl litter in their own stores O_O). Now go back to talk
to the Mayor. Be sure to save cuz there will be a fight. Nothing major, just
some fat/thin thugs. Geppeto's AOE(area of effect) spell can clear a few of 
them together instantly. Now go back to Joachim's shop. Joachim will join your
party from now on and he comes with 2 crest, Agares and Gremory. Exit the town
and head to the Wine Cellar.

Wine Cellar(xxwicxx)
Items: Seal of Wisdom, Bhodi Bracelet, Mana Seed, Lottery Ticket, Thera Seed,
       Silver Bracelet, Pure Seed, Raum Crest, Sallos Crest
Monsters: Thug, Fat thug, Gregor, Roach Queen, Centipede

Follow the straight path and save. You'll be thrown into a fight automatically.
Just those usual thugs. Waste them and head thru the door. Keep going north
ignoring until you reach and dead end and turn left. Take the stairs to the
left, but don't enter the door yet, instead, take the ladders up beside the
door, you should be able to find a Seal of Wisdom in a chest at the end. Now
exit to the door. And the left most side is a chest containing a Bhodi Bracelet
. Now go back to the main path where you ignore the 2 right turns at first.
Take the upper right turn and follow the path. Go north when you see a fork.

Keep going north ignoring the first fork. Turn right at the second juction to
go into a room. Take the stairs at the lower left corner into the next section.
Now go all the way to the upper right corner of the room(look at your mini map)
to get a Mana Seed in a chest. You can't enter the door on the right yet, so
move the switch beside it to bring the ladder down. Go up the ladder and walk 
to the end to find another switch. Move it and the door will be unlocked.

Now go into the door. At the right side of the room is a chest containing
Lottery Ticket. Now go all the way back to the main path. Go south and take
the left turn at the first fork now. Follow the linear path until you reach a
fork where you can turn left to go into a room. You should be able to spot a
chest right away beside some barrels under the stairs. In contains a Thera Seed
. The stairs cannot be used yet, so follow the only available path to the end
to find a switch to bring it down. Now take the stairs and go to the next room.
At the north of this room is a chest that contains a Silver Bracelet.

Go back to the main path and head north whenever you get the chance. Save point
is at your left in this room. Now take the stairs on the right. Move the switch
when your on the stairs. You should see the left stairs has been brought down.
Go there and move the switch under the left stairs, now you can cross over to
the other side. If you move the switch at the upper left of the room, the left
second part of the left stairs will be brought down and the first part of the
right stairs will be brought up. Go back to the save point and head right then
north. Enter the door beneath the stairs.

Now head down and go to the right to find a switch under the stairs. Climb it
and you should see another switch on your way. Move it. Now go north to take 
the stairs to find yet another switch on the way. What a hassle. Now go south
and take the stairs to cross to the other side of the room. But do not go into
the door yet. Instead, head down under the south stairs to find another switch.
Go all the way back to the north stairs to find a chest at the end of the path.
It has a Pure Seed. Now go into the door on the right side of the room. At the
right side of the room is a chest containing Raum Crest.

Now go all the way back to the save point. Remember to save cuz there will be
2 boss fights later. Now head over to the doors at north. Keep heading north
for an event.

|BOSS: VERONICA                                                               |
|HP: 220  MP: 90                                                              |
|Element: Water                                                               |
|Difficulty: Pushover                                                         |
|Reward: Sp-Attack Down 1                                                     |
|                                                                             |
|Keep in mind you will be only using Grand Papillon(Joachim) in this fight.   |
|This fight is easy as heck if you can hit perfect rings constantly, you don't|
|even need to heal anything cuz she will be down before you. If you are stingy|
|about using HP healing items, you might wanna equip a healing crest. Either  |
|way, Drain Touch works altho it drains quite little.                         |

After that... another Boss fight.

|BOSS: MEURSAULT, with 2 minions Gregor and Centipede                         |
|HP: 666  MP: 170                                                             |
|Element: Wind                                                                |
|Difficulty: Normal                                                           |
|Reward: Sallos Crest                                                         |
|                                                                             |
|Take out the minions first. Turn Yuri into a fusion monster as usual, I'd say|
|Earth or Fire since they have the best physical stats. After the frog is     |
|isolated, combo as much as you can. He's quite annoying tho cuz he can para- |
|lyse your party member, so use Soul Benediction to clear it off. Other than  |
|that, he's not too much of a threat. His Howling does like 30++ dmg so it's  |
|nothing major.                                                               |

After the event, go to the Sea Gull, you'll get Solomon's Key. Talk the sailor
beside the save point to go to Port of Southampton. For more info about Solomon
's Key check the sidequest. There are 2 also sidequests available at the Wine
Cellar now, the Wolf Bout and the Lucky Box game. Check the sidequest section 
for the latter.

|Wolf Bout 2: Kelly                                                           |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Wine Cellar, place where you fight Veronica and the giant frog,    |
|          Available after you beat the frog.                                 |
|                                                                             |
|Be sure to have pocket watch equip, other than that, it's nothing too hard.  |
|You'll receive Strike Expand, Seal of Luck                                   |

Port of Southampton(xxposxx)
Items: Hit Area Expand, Slow 1(lottery), Lottery Ticket, Nibelung Scene 4, 
       Dried Straw, Leonardo's Bear, Strike Expand, Seal of Aura, Locker,
       Mr. Detective
Monsters: N/A

Nothing much to do except head for the inn. When you get back control of your
party, grab Hit Area Expand from the chest under the stairs. Now go upstairs.
The first room contains Mr. Detective stud card. Kato stays in the next room,
talk to him to trigger an event.

After that, leave the inn. Lottery member #15 is beside the Magimel Brothers.
Nothing really good the old woman has, just slow 1 on the red. At the woman's
right lies a Lottery Ticket, check on the posters on the wall for it. Upgrade 
your stuff from Gerrard. Talk to the guy standing beside the stairs(he was 
blocking you before) for Nibelung Scene 4. Now go up the stairs for an event. 
After that, you'll get a Dried Straw, which starts the trading quest. Again 
check the sidequest for more info. From there walk to the lower right corner 
for a Leonardo's Bear. Now go down and check on the lion statue beside the exit
for Strike Expand. After getting all the items, go to the upper left corner of
the town. Here you will find Joachim's teacher Gama, he will give you new
Muscle Arts if you met the right condition. Before you fight him, remember to
equip Joachim a Leonardo's Bear cuz his Grand Slam has a chance to kill you
instantly, if you beat him here for the first time, you'll get Grand Slam. At
your level it would be still quite hard to get another skill so come back later
. Check his sidequest for more info. After beating the crap out of him, check
the left side of the area for a Seal of Aura, it's in a chest. Just below the
chest, there's a shiny pillar thingie, examine it and you'll get Joachim a new
weapon Locker. Now Leave Southampton for Rhondda Mine.

Rhondda Mine(xxrhmxx)
Items: Fine Rapier, Seal of Speed, Whetstone, Thera Seedx2, Mana Seed, Lottery
       Ticketx2, Attack Boost, Pure Seedx2, Studded Belt, Lantern, Murmur Crest
       , Seal of Strength
Monsters: Tammuz, Propolis, Barghest, Lambton Worm

   |         ---         ---
   |          |           |
12----------  |           |
    |       /           /
    |       /           / 
  [III]               /  
             ------   2    
            /              |
           /        |       |
          |         1       |
          |                 |
          |                 |  3-X--   [I]-9----------
          |                 |       |   |      |      |
          |                 |       |   |      |      |---
          |                 |       |   |      |      |   |
         /                 |--X--------10     |      |   4
        /                  |    |             |------
       |     |              |   [II]           |
      ---    |              |                  |
             |-             |             -----8         
             |              |            |              ------5
                           |            |             /  |
               |            |            |            /   |
               |            |                       /    |
               |            |              ----------     S
                           |                             |
                 -----------|            ----|            |
                           /            /        ---     |
                          /            6    |      |      |
                         |                  |      |      |
                         |                  7-------------|
                          -------11                       |

1: Lottery Member #14. The rare item is just a Third Key.
2: Fine Rapier(In a chest)
3: Seal of Speed(Beside the tank in the room)
4: Whetstone(In a chest)
5: Thera Seed(It's beside some rocks at the end of the path)
6: Mana Seed(In a chest)
7: Lottery Ticket(Right at the corner, examine to get it)
8: Thera Seed(In a chest, at a corner)
9: Lottery Ticket(Examine the note beside the lift)
10: Ring Soul
11: Pure Seed(On the floor at the end of the path)
12: Studded Belt(In a chest)
[I]: Lift. Just to bring yourself down.
[II]: Lift. Go down and grab the lantern inside the room. There's a save point
[III]: Lift. Bring yourself down.
A: Shop. Gerard is there so stock up if you need.
S: Save point.
X: Path beyond it requires lantern.

After you make your way to lift III, there will be a save point ahead. Follow
the linear path until you see some chests on your left at a corner. Examine it
for a Pure Seed. Now keep going until an event cuts in.

|BOSS: GRIMLOCK                                                               |
|HP: 780  MP: 215                                                             |
|Element: Dark                                                                |
|Difficulty: Normal                                                           |
|Reward: Murmur Crest                                                         |
|                                                                             |
|He's very naughty cuz he likes to cast Gale on himself and use Slow on your  |
|party. His Heaven, Hell's Eye spell does like 50 dmg, which should drain like|
|half of your character's HP. Nothing much you can do to counter so combo as  |
|much as you can and heal up. If you have gale you might wanna put it on the  |
|slowed character to negate the effect. My party is at level 10 when I beat   |
|him and it's definitely not tough.                                           |

After the fight, at the cutscene you should know notice a chest. It's kinda
hard to describe but just go back a few steps and you should see a lil bit of
the chest beside the huge pillar at the middle of the map. It contains a Seal 
of Strength. After your satisfied, exit the area and now Wales will be availa-
ble on the world map.

Items: Seal of Life, Attack Boost, Hit Area Expand, Bear Claw, Lottery Ticket,
       Forneus Crest
Monsters: N/A

Open the chest beside you for a Seal of Life. Continue the way down until you
reach a fork. Go right and grab Hit Area Expand from the chest. Now go back to
the main path and continue down and you'll see an odd looking home. On the 
right of the door of that house hides the Ring Soul. Now run to the very left
of the map. You should spot a chest lying there; it contains Bear Claw. Now
enter the house. After the cutscene, go down(left stairs) and save. Try to 
avoid the red stairs going down as it will bring you to a fight automatically.
Now run to the south of this place to find a Lottery Ticket on the table. No 
run anticlockwise around the table and you should see a chest at the far right.
It contains Forneus Crest. Now leave the house. After the cutscene you'll be
thrown into a boss fight.

|BOSS: LENNY, with 2 minions Clawed Commander                                 |
|HP: 570  MP: 0                                                               |
|Element: Earth                                                               |
|Difficulty: So-so                                                            |
|Reward: Paralysis 1                                                          |
|        Chainmail Vest(Bonus for high combo hits, info provided by           |
|                                                 |
|                                                                             |
|As usual, take out the 2 Clawed Commander first, they should be dead in one  |
|or 2 turns(around 60++ hp I guess). Now Lenny isn't crap. He can paralyze    |
|your party member so equip Bhodi Bracelet if you like but most likely you    |
|won't be able to equip everyone. Remove the paralysis by using either Soul   |
|Benediction or Heal magic. His physical attack is quite damaging as well but |
|it's not as annoying as paralysis definitely. Combo when you can and keep an |
|eye on Karin's SP.                                                           |

Nothing much left to do, so leave the place and head to Florence.

Items: Strike Expand, Thera Seed, Vepar Crest, Mr. Matador, Nibelung Scene 7,
       Bat's Gold, Lottery Ticket, Pedometer, Purson Crest, Ocean Oil, Misty
       Oil, Aim Crest
Monsters: N/A

Check the upper left statue in the room for Strike Expand. Leave the place.
At the left of the exit you come out is a chest containing Thera Seed. Now go
right and you should see a fountain. North of it between 2 chairs lies Vepar
Crest. Now walk around to find someone who looks like a maid. Talk to her to
snatch Mr. Matador stud card. Talk to a man south of the fountain to get
Nibelung Scene 7. Head all the way to the right. There's a chest beside the
Magimel that contains Bat's Gold. No new weapons yet, but be sure to upgrade
your armors from Gerard. You should be able to see a wolf on their right.

|Wolf Bout 3: Jerome                                                          |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Florence, beside the Magimel brothers                              |
|                                                                             |
|Not sure if Blanca is overleveled or what, but this has got to be the easiest|
|wolf ever, at max he does like 20 dmg and he might seal but just a few turns |
|should be enough to take him out. You get Seal 1 from him too.               |

From the wolf head left and examine the red door for a Lottery Ticket. 

Trading Miniquest:
Talk to the man beside the wolf to exchange your Dried Straw for Underground

When you attempt to leave the town, you'll be approached by Rooney and get a 
Pedometer. Put it on one of your fighting character, as the last reward is 
Karin's ultimate armor(there's still other conditions tho, check the sidequest)
. Now leave the town.

Manmariana Island(xxmaixx)
Items: Hit Area Expand, Pure Seed, Seal of the Soul, Lottery Ticket, Attack
       Boost, Star Key, Fifth Key, Petrify 1, Thera Seed, Feather Bracelet
Monsters: Domovoi, Katherine, Fortune Stick

Start by going north. Follow the path until you entered a weird looking house.
After the scene you'll be thrown into a fight automatically. Nothing much, just
some random monsters you would encounter anyway. After kicking their butt, open
the chest on the upper left corner for Hit Area Expand. Now continue north, but
ignore the door you see and go right instead and go into the door at the end.
In this room, there's a chest at the right of the door exiting north. It
contains a Pure Seed. Now exit the door leading north.

Continue your way north until you reach a fork. At the left of the fork,
examine the lamp looking thing for a Seal of the Soul. Now take the right turn
at the fork. Grab the chest at the middle of the room for Libra Tile, Aries
Tile and Capricorn Tile, you'll need them later. After that, go to the lower
left of the room to snatch a Lottery Ticket lying beside a vase. Now examine
the north of the wooden table in the middle of the room for the Ring Soul. Exit
the room to the left and go north this time. Keep going north and you'll reach
a room with a chest lying in front of you. It contains Star Key. Now go back
all the way to the first area(where the save point is) and take the left door
this time.

You should see some food at the middle of the room, they do more bad than good
stuff anyway so avoid them, try it if your too curious. Exit to the door at
north and keep going. Again, take a left at the fork into a room. Grab the
chest at the end of the room for Sagittarius Tile, Pisces Tile and Scorpio Tile
. Head back to the main path and go north.

After the scene, Karin would have gave you a hint to the answer. Well if you 
can't figure it out, Gepetto is the one with Blood AB. Do not use other
character to open the door as the you will miss a sorta neat item. Now open the
2 obvious chests lying ahead of you for Leo Tile, Gemini Tile, Cancer Tile and
Petrify 1(this is the item you'll miss if you used the wrong person to open the
door). Now go back to the first area and go thru the north door you ignored
initially. Grab the chest in front of you for the last 3 tiles namely Virgo
Tile, Aquaris Tile and Taurus Tile.

Now approach the doors. Your goal is to put the right tiles to unlock
it. The hints should be sufficient and you should probably find them out for
the fun of it. Anyway here are the answers:

Left Door-
|Gemini| |Sagittarius| |Leo|

Middle Door-
left part:
right party:

Right Door-

After solving the puzzles, start by taking the left door. At the end of the
path is a chest containing Fifth Key. Now go back and take the middle door. You
should see a chest on your left, open it for a Thera Seed. Now head north and
save cuz there will be a boss fight later. Be sure to check the southwest
corner for a Feather Bracelet(info provided by
Afterwards, go north.

|BOSS: ANDRE                                                                  |
|HP: 830  MP: 260                                                             |
|Element: Fire                                                                |
|Difficulty: Kinda easy                                                       |
|Reward: Beleth Crest                                                         |
|                                                                             |
|For a kitty it packs quite a punch. As usual, fuse Yuri and keep comboing.   |
|One thing very annoying is that it likes to mess up your ring by giving nasty|
|effect like fake ring so be sure to clear them off. Another annoying thing is|
|that it steals money! Yea it does no damage but the amount it take isn't     |
|little =| Oh well I don't think you can prevent that so just finish him ASAP.|

After the cutscene you'll get Purson Crest, Ocean Oil, Misty Oil automatically.
Lucia will join your party permanently as well and you get Aim Crest.

SG Italian Branch HQ(xxsibxx)
Items: Delay 1, Uvall Crest, Lottery Ticket, Thera Root, Hit Area Expand,
       Strongoids, Seal of the Urn, Toggle Switch, Talisman of Mercy
Monsters: Gremlin, Langsuir, Clawed Commander

Enter the door. In this room, there's a chest lying beside the upper right
pillar(look at your minimap), it contains Delay 1. Now enter the door on the

First check on the left side of the piano, there's a chest containing Uvall
Crest. Wee from now on you can use Arc Cure. Now it's time to examine some of
the stuff in this room. Examine and read the red book at the south of the map.

Now examine the clock and give the answer(9 o'clock) and the clock becomes an
elevator. There are other books you can read and other answers to give but only
the 9 o'clock answer will trigger the elevator.

Run all the way to the left until you see it turns to south. Examine the
picture at the junction. Now examine the blue color thing on the left of your
minimap and flip it. Exit the room(examining the picture again) and go right.
Head north at the first fork(before that was a dead end) and enter the door
leading east. Now go to the lower right corner of the area. On the left side
of the bookshelves hides a Lottery Ticket. At the lower left corner is a chest
containing Thera Root. From there go up to the middle of the room. Examine the
floor around there to find the password.

Now go back to the secret room and examine the switch you did earlier and enter
the password. Leave the room and head south. Exit to the door on the right. At
the upper right corner is a switch you need to check. Before going down, check
the upper left corner for a chest containing Hit Area Expand. Now go downstairs
. At the left side of this room has Strongoids in a chest. Now go to the upper
left corner. Check the barrel for a Seal of the urn and the chest beside it for
Toggle Switch. Now go back to the secret room and examine the thing at the
north of the map. Now check the clock that brings you here to go to the third

Check the vases thingie at the south of the area for a Talisman of Mercy. Exit
to the door at the lower right corner. Be sure to save your game and exit to
the north. Now keep going until an event take over.

|BOSS: Janus                                                                  |
|HP: 880  MP: 69                                                              |
|Element: Light                                                               |
|Difficulty: Normal                                                           |
|Reward: Justice tarot card, SP-Attack Down 2                                 |
|                                                                             |
|Altho he might look big, he doesn't have that much HP. A 4-man combo can take|
|out 1/3 of his hp(my party is around 13). He has pretty good offense tho, all|
|his spell/attack should take out half of your HP so be sure to heal.         |

After that you'll be forced to go to Florence. After the cutscene, talk to
Carla for healing, from now on, she will be healing you whenever you talk to
her, so you can save some money from buying tents hehe. Anyway, time to head
back to SG Italian Branch HQ again, cuz there's a Wolf Bout quest to be done.

|Wolf Bout 4: Henri                                                           |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: SG Italian Branch HQ, place you fought Janus                       |
|                                                                             |
|Be sure to equip Blanca with a Pocket Watch as he does Reverse Ring which    |
|sucks. You might wanna try to lose him on your first fight to see if he      |
|really changes back to a human. Well, sadly, no =| cuz if you lose they will |
|have to give Blanca another try. Oh well remember to heal as well cuz he does|
|pretty good damage.                                                          |

Time to leave for Wales.

Wales, revisited(xxwa2xx)
Items: Red Mailbox, Rope Ladder
Monsters: N/A

First, check the mailbox beisde Roger's house. Joachim gets a weapon upgrade.
Now enter Roger's house. At the left of the save point is a chest containing
Rope Ladder, something you need later. The vending machine at the right of the
save point works now(it doesn't work last time you come). Upgrade the stuff as
you see fit. By now you should be buying Coral Pendants when you get the money
as they help a lot in getting perfect rings. Now leave the house and head north
until you reach a dead end. Examine it to use the rope ladder you found earlier
and descend.

Neam Ruins(xxnerxx)
Items: Face Guard, Mana Seed, Talisman of Luck, Hit Area Expand, Thera Seed,
       Seal of Vitality, Leonardo's Bear, Phenex Crest, Getitup! Berith Crest,
       Attack Boost, Mana Extract, Ose Crest
Monsters: Ofnir, Otheon, Calamity Orb

***VERY VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: The direction I give in my walkthrough is based on
the mini map on your top right corner because the camera is always moving. So
when I say left means it's west on the minimap!****

Grab the chest beside the save point for a Face Guard. Save and go north into a
puzzle room.

1. Take the block in front of you to north.
2. Walk right then up to step to another block that brings you west.
3. There are 2 blocks here. Take the upper right one.
4. Grab the chest on your right for a Mana Seed.
5. Go take back the block that brings you there.
6. Now go the lower left block you ignored earlier.(on the way the middle block
   might bring you somewhere else so step on it to get back)
7. There are 2 blocks here, take the block at north.(should be obvious which
   will take you to the exit right...)
8. Snatch the chest for a Talisman of Luck and exit north.

Another puzzle.

1. First activate the switch on the right and go to the gold block.
2. Now take the gold block at the lower right.
3. Grab the chest for Hit Area Expand and activate the switch here and take the
   block back.
4. Now take the gold block on the left.
5. Grab the chest for a Thera Seed and ride the other gold block.
6. Now take the block on the lower right.
7. There are 2 gold blocks here, take the one of the left.
8. Push the switch here and take the block back.
9. Now take the lower right blue block and exit the area.


1. Follow the linear path and you should find a switch on the right eventually.
2. Activate it and go north using the blue bridge. Dun forget to grab the chest
   on your right for a Seal of Vitality.
3. Now take the red bridge left at the end of the path.
4. Press the red switch 3 times. Now take the 2 red bridges and snatch a
   Lottery Ticket from a chest at the end of the path.
5. Now go back to the red switch and press it 2 times. Follow the red bridges
   to the exit.

This one is nasty...

1. Take the only blue block south.
2. Take the blue block on the left down. Activate the yellow switch and ride
   the blue block up.
3. Head south and take the blue block at the lower right.
4. Now head north and follow the path to the end, reaching a yellow switch.
5. Go back to the place where the blue block brings you down and head right.
6. Ignore the first blue block you see and head all the way north. The chest
   contains Leonardo's Bear.
7. Now take the blue block you ignored before.
8. You should see 2 blue blocks here. One on the right and another on the left.
   Take the right block up and get Phenex Crest from the chest.
9. Go back down but DO NOT take the left block yet. Instead, head north a bit
   and there will be a small fork to the left. Turn left and take the blue 
   block down.
10.Activate the yellow switch at the left of the map and take the blue block
   back up.
11. Now go right a bit and head south and now the yellow block will become a
    bridge, cross it to find Getitup! in a chest at the end of the path.
12. Now cross the yellow bridge again and go all the way north to activate the
    yellow switch.
13. Now take the blue block on the left side you ignored 2 times.
14. After being brought up take the only block up in front of you. Puzzle
    completed. Exit the area.

Follow the path until you reach yet another small puzzle. The order to press is
: Blue>Green>Blue. Now continue your way. The answer for the stairs that you
first bump into is: yellow>green>green. But don't go up the stairs yet. Now go
to your left and press: bluex3>yellowx2>redx2. Now grab Berith Crest from the
chest and head north on the main path. Before you save, check the lower right
corner for the Ring Soul. Now save and take the red lift up.

Not much of a puzzle here. Just follow the flashing bridges, eventho they might
turn invisible, but if you know where they are, you can still walk thru. Care-
ful tho, cuz you can fall if you step on the wrong place. Keep in mind there's
a chest at the upper left corner containing Mana Extract. The exit is at south.

Save and head north for a boss fight.

|BOSS: GRAIL GAZER, with 2 minions Star Gazer                                 |
|HP: 1240  MP: 409                                                            |
|Element: Water(both)                                                         |
|Difficulty: Might get you a game over if you didn't equip Leonardo's Bear and|
|            couldn't kill Star Gazer fast. After killing the minions, it's   |
|            a piece of cake                                                  |
|Reward: Instant Death 1, Talisman of Mercy, Crest Ose                        |
|                                                                             |
|As usual, take out the minions first, but this time the minions have can take|
|quite some punches so you might wanna consider doing combo on them. Try to   |
|prevent them from doing combo by doing "Hard Hit"(the combo cannot be stopped|
|if they resist in defense tho... Also the minions have instant death skill   |
|which can be deadly, equip Leonardo's Bear if you want(I didn't tho, just    |
|take them out ASAP and you should be fine). When the boss is isolated, it    |
|isn't much of a threat. Most of its spells does like 50+ dmg so it's nothing |
|huge anyway. Try to sneak in a combo magic for 600+ damage(woot). By now I   |
|have everyone equipped with Coral Pendant so I am doing almost all ring      |
|perfects and it should not be too hard.                                      |

Items: Seal of Force, Lottery Ticket, Grass Oil, Marchosias Crest, Mr. Samurai,
       Waterway key, Western Belt
Monsters: N/A

Go down the stairs(save if you want). Before going much further, check the red
flowers on the right side of the door for a Seal of Force. 

Trading Miniquest:
Talk to Ijichi, a man walking somewhere around here and you'll exchange your
Underground Film for his Daruma Doll, however, I suggest you keep your Under-
ground Film and exchange it with the boy down the streets instead since it will
be a shorter way. You *WON'T* screw up the trading quest even if you did change
with Ijichi.

If you talk around with the ppl here, you should find out that you need to find
Nelson. Now exit the area to the east. Before going down the stairs, check the
lamp post for a Lottery Ticket. Now follow the stairs down. Before going
southwest, check the door-looking thingie on the north wall for Grass Oil. 

Trading Miniquest:
If you didn't change your Underground Film just now, talk to a boy named Fabio
and he'll exchange it for a Limestone Block, a better route imo.

Go southwest and talk to a gray suit man beside a cafe. He's Croft, and now the
Treasure Hunting sidequest will be initiated. Check the sidequest for more info
. Now go a few steps left and talk to a woman. She turns out to be Lottery
Member #13. I strongly suggest you play this one as she has Marchosias Crest on
the red. Altho she uses small ring, it's nothing bad since you still can see 
the red. Just press right before the red and it should land on it on the next 
turn. Now enter the cafe beside Croft.

Talk to a fat guy wearing grey suit here(buy him a drink) to get Mr. Samurai
stud card. Now talk to the drunken fella here(turns out he's Nelson) to get 
Waterway Key from him.

Now leave the cafe and head west. Upgrade your armors if you have the cash and
take the wooden ladder down to the shore. Continue all the way down until you
reach a boat. Open the chest there for a Western Belt. Now take the boat to St.
Marguerite Island.

St. Marguerite Island(xxsmixx)
Items: Camio Crest, Lottery Ticket, Face Guard, Wheel of Fortune(tarot card),
       Strike Expand, Attack Boost, Tent, Fountain Pen, Adhesive, Bent Wire,
       Daphne Fruit, Seal of Strength, Pure Root, Lottery Ticket, Handmade Key,
       Nibelung Scene 2, Earthen Pipe
Monsters: Paladin, Clawed Admiral, Gatorback, Kheperer

Save and head to the door. After the event you'll be controlling only Blanca.
Now get Blanca thru the hole. The wolf beside the save point sells stuff(... I
wonder how does a wolf sell stuff), and the dead end on the left hides Camio
Crest. Anyway save if you want and go north at the fork for a fight. If you 
have been using Blanca he's a piece of cake. Even if you are not using it this
boss should not be too hard. Anyway waste him(I did it in 1 turn lol) to get 
back the key.

Now go thru the wooden door. Follow the linear path and enter the first door
you see. Examine the shelf on the left of the room for a Lottery Ticket. Now
exit the room with another door on the right. Now head north and take the door
on the right. Go to the lower right corner for a chest containing Face Guard.

Now check upper left cell, here you can find Lottery Member #12. His red is
Slow 2, gamble if you want but save first, reload if you fail so you will not
be wasting tickets.

Your destination is a locked door on the upper right corner. Supposedly you are
to ask the prisoners for clues but if your lazy the answer is 8,6,4. Continue
your way down until a cutscene ensues.

Choose anyone you like, the person you chose might get a free weapon later on.
But it's not anything too important since you can buy them anyway. Pick the
dialogue you like most, it will affect the item you get in the end but as I
said you can buy them anyway so it's not important.

After you gain control of Blanca, and go thru the hole you went before. Head
north at the fork for an event.

|Wolf Bout 5: Philipe                                                         |
|Reward: Full Moon learnt                                                     |
|Location: St. Marguerite Island, triggered automatically                     |
|                                                                             |
|You might wanna wear a Silver Bracelet as he does mental break, but it's not |
|a must cuz it doesn't drain too much. It took me 5 turns to kill it and I    |
|healed once. Not too tough, watch your HP and SP and take the necessary      |
|healing. Oh I got a shell Bracelet from him too, but I am not sure if he     |
|drops that all the time.                                                     |

Now save if you wish and head right from the wolves. Head north and you'll see
a short cutscene, now, Blanca has become Solid Snake! LOL Yea it looks odd when
it stands but it's quite fun. If you fail to sneak pass them, your gonna fight
them but the fights are not that hard. Now try to run pass the guard while he's
not looking at you. Follow the linear path, After the cutscene, hold O and walk
over the branches. After that, you should see a chest down there but there's a
guard patrolling, you can come to get it back later so try ignore it first. Get
as close as you can and hide behind a wall, when the guard walks to the chest,
dash to the right exit.

Now this one is a bit tougher. When the guard walks to the right, follow him
behind and halfway thru quickly hide behind the wall. He will turn back and
walk past you, once he leaves you by some distance, dash to the end.

After the event, you'll be thrown into a room, now this is random, search
around, hopefully you can find the key before they find you, the location isn't
fixed, so good luck. After you get the key(by force or anything) exit the room
and head right and exit the room to the east. This one should be easy, let the
guard pass you and dash north. Now this is hard... their movement is random...
so just hide when you see guards approaching and hope for the best. Your
destination is the door at north. Now there will be 2 guards at the red bar. Go
forward and try to get their attention, after they notice you, run to the right
and hide behind the walls. After the guard pass you at some distance. Dash to
the exit at north. Now if you manage to sneak past all the guards(this is
definitely tougher than any boss fights...) you'll get Zodiac Bracelet(gives
petrification and paralysis immunity), a pretty neat item to have now.

Before running into the giant thing in front of you, equip Blanca with a Shell
Bracelet. You will definitely need it to fight this boss.

|BOSS: OSCAR                                                                  |
|HP: 400  MP: 0                                                               |
|Element: Wind                                                                |
|Difficulty: Hard without Shell Bracelet, quite easy with Shell Bracelet      |
|Reward: Temperance tarot card, Poison 2                                      |
|        Chainmail Belt(Bonus for Ring Perfect)                               |
|                                                                             |
|This boss is tough as heck *IF* you didn't equip Shell Bracelet as his poison|
|attack HURTS after a few turns if you don't clear it off. But if you clear it|
|off, he will do it again and eventually you are just struggling. So take my  |
|advice and do it. Now if put a gale or any buff magic on yourself it will    |
|remove it instantly so there's no point in doing it. So whack ahead and heal |
|when your low in HP. His attacks does around 30-40 damage so it's not too    |
|heavy. Watch your SP as well if the battle takes too long.                   |

Treasure Hunting Miniquest:
After you start the miniquest by talking to Croft at Cannes, search the chain
while jamming the X button to find Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card. Remember to
talk to Croft later and get another clue.

Before exiting north, take the right stairs up and follow all the way to its
end. There's a chest here that contains Strike Expand. Now take the only exit
at north. Follow the linear path to help your teammates.

Now you have everyone back. Grab the chest on the left for a weapon upgrade or
a third key(that depends what answers you gave when being tortured). Now just 
beside the chest, you should see some boxes, examine them to get Sp-Defend Down
2. Save and exit south. Exit south 2 times and you'll reach another square room
. Now take the right path(instead of heading south straight) and you should 
bump into Ring Soul at the corner. Now exit the room to the south. Follow the
linear path until somebody talked to you. You need 3 items to get him make you
a key. Here are their descriptions:

1. Something long and thin for the shaft(pencils)
2. Some soft metal to make the end(wires)
3. Something to bond the two

Afterwards, head all the way down to get a Tent from the chest. Go back to the
fork and head west. Now take the stairs up into a room. Now the item in the
chest at your left varies, if you manage to get past all the enemies without
being spotted, you'll get a Zodiac Bracelet, if you didn't manage to do so you
get some other items(I got Hit Area Expand). Now check the table for a Fountain
Pen, the first item needed. Now go down 1 floor and head west. On the way 
before exiting west, you should see a red metal gate leading south. Go in and 
head into the left room. Search around to get Adhesive, the third item needed.

Now go out thru the metal gate again and head west. Head west at the T section
to get Bifrons Crest from the chest, where you ignored earlier. Now find your 
way to the lower left corner of this big room, examine the crevice on the wall
to get Blanca back into the woods. Now approach the wolves to get Bent Wire,
the 2nd item needed.

Now go back all the way to the stairs. This time go down. At the bottom grab
the chest at the corner for a Daphne Fruit and head east. Examine the silver
colored statue thing for a Seal of Strength. Now exit east. Check on the green
pillar on the floor here to get a weapon upgrade for Joachim. Move a few steps
forward and you should notice a chest on the upper right corner. It contains a
Pure Root. Now at the opposite corner of the chest(lower right), examine the
floor for a Lottery Ticket. Now exit east and follow the linear path into a
room. Head west, then north, then east again(ignoring the stairs) and go talk
to the man.(Upper rightmost cell), you get Handmade Key and Nibelung Scene 2
for all your effort. Now take a few steps south and head west all the way until
you reach the T section. Follow the path until you reach a fork, take north
this time. Go up and save. Exit the room at north for a boss fight.

Your first fight is only against some stupid Clawed Admirals, waste them a few
times and you'll fight...

|BOSS: GODHAND                                                                |
|HP: 1960  MP: 0                                                              |
|Element: Earth                                                               |
|Difficulty: A little tough                                                   |
|Reward: Strike Expand, Bandit Earrings                                       |
|                                                                             |
|Start with combo magic straight away for 400+ dmg(wooooooooooooot). Now this |
|guy isn't the old Lenny you fought last time. First he deals petrify which is|
|very annoying, equip any anti petrification stuff if you want but it's not a |
|compulsory, if you don't, just clear it off ASAP. Besides petrification, he  |
|does "Deadly Three" that damages 3 character, injuring one badly(90+) while  |
|scratching the 2(around 10). If you have a high level Fire Fusion, you can   |
|try using Energy Charge to do some awesome damage.                           |

Now head to Cannes, the only possible destination. Remember to talk to Croft
outside who initiated the Treasure Hunting miniquest to get a new clue. Now
head to Wales.

Go into Roger's house. Talk to Roger and go right from there until you hit the
wall. Now go clockwise and examine the question mark at the end. It's obvious
what to do now, take the lift and go down. Go down a bit and head left. Enjoy
the cutscene.

Items: Dantalion Crest, Balam Crest, Andrealphus, Botis, Seal of Life, P-Attack
       Down 2, The Empress(tarot card), Mana Root, Pure Root, Hit Area Expand,
       Furcas Crest, Seal of Knowledge, P-Defend Down 2, Lottery Ticketx2,
       Nibelung Scene 5, Espada, Eligos Crest, Bell Bracelet, Lion Shrine Key,
       Pirate Earrings, Mana Seed, Halphas Crest
Monsters: Wormgaur, Quartzback

*author's little note: Maybe it's just me, but if you look closely at Rasputin(
especially from the side view), he looks a bit like Solid Snake....*

Dantalion Crest, Balam Crest, Andrealphus, Botis Crests are obtained 
automatically when you get Anastasia.  Head south and enter the first available
door on your right. The chest at the upper right corner should be pretty 
obvious, it contains Seal of Life. Exit and head south into a hall. Now head 
left but before you enter the door, check the left corner, it hides a chest 
containing P-Attack Down 2. Now exit to the door. Enter the first door on your
left. Check the teddy bear(isn't it cute?) for The Empress(tarot card). Check 
the lower right corner for a Mana Root in a chest. Now save and exit your room.
Now take the upper left most room and talk to Ewan. Now return to your room and

After the cutscene, open the chest beside you for a Pure Root. Now head west
from the T junction and keep going that way until you reach a new area. Head a
few steps down go left until you can't go any further. There's a not-very-
visible chest there, it has Hit Area Expand. Now try explore around and try to
find the entrance of the palace. From that camera view, head all the way north
to a corner, there's a chest hiding there containing Furcas Crest. Now go to
the giant pillar in the middle. One of the 4 lamp post around it hides a Seal 
of Wisdom, so examine them.

Now head back to the T junction and take the other way(man.. it's so damn hard
to describe directions without minimap...). Continue the path until you see
Rasputin passes by. Now follow him. At the next area, check the corner closest
to you for P-Defend Down 2 from a chest, after that check the left lamp post
for Strike Expand. Now continue following him.

After some events, you'll be thrown into a fight. It's not a boss fight cuz...
when engaged, it's the usual mirror breaking, instead of a collision between 2
red lines.

Anyway, this monster Pendulum has only 333 HP and 140 MP, but before you kill
it, be sure to take a photo of it.

After you get back control, check at one of corners for a Lottery Ticket. 

Trading Miniquest:
Do not give your Daruma Doll to Edgar no matter how much he begs you, or you'll
screw up the trading.

Exit, save, and head left at the junction, talk the an old man on the way
(before exiting the map) for Nibelung Scene 5, now go to to Anastasia's palace.

Trading Miniquest:
If you have the Limestone Block from Fabio, exchange it with Chagal
standing beside the Magimel Brothers for Ultimate Piroshki.

After the cutscene, go north. Take a left and go thru the door. No north and
examine the second plant on the left for a Lottery Ticket. Now enter the upper
left most door and get Espada from a chest at the northeast corner.

Now go back to the first area of the palace(where the save point is) and take
the right stairs this time. 

Trading Miniquest:
If you have the Daruma Doll instead, be sure to exchange it with Zuvious, a man
in the first room at the East Hallway. NEVER EVER exchange the Daruma Doll with
Edgar, or your done for good.

Enter the second door on your right and talk to the maid inside, turns out 
she's Lottery Member #11. She uses reverse ring but it's nothing to tough, 
press X 1-2 degrees from the red and it should land on it. Anyway the red is a
Prism Band and it makes it easier for Joachim to turn into Invisible. Anyway, 
exit the room, save, head north and go into the first room on your left. Go 
along the path until you reach a white door. Enter it.

After the cutscene, head north into the white doors(either one), now examine
the side of the bed for a Circlet. Now go back to your room.

After the nice little cutscene, leave the room and exit south. Go down the 
stairs and head north. Go left then up. Now the north door can be accessed, so
go there. Now go into the door between 2 big stairs. At the upper left corner
is a chest that has Eligos Crest. Leave this room and take the left stairs. Now
go all the way to the lower left corner in this place to grab Bell Bracelet
from the chest. Now exit this place at the lower right corner.

Continue all the way east, ignoring the white doors. Now go south, save and
head into the first door on your right for a boss fight.

|BOSS: VICTOR, with a minion Pendulum                                         |
|HP: 1800  MP: 200                                                            |
|Element: Fire                                                                |
|Difficulty: Nothing hard                                                     |
|Reward: Night Oil, Halphas Crest                                             |
|                                                                             |
|Get rid of the Pendulum first. He should be done before he can do a thing.   |
|Now Victor can seal, and he deals around 60 physical damage. Try to do a 4men|
|combo to rack up some nice damage.                                           |

After he left, examine the shiny thing on the floor he stood to get Lion Shrine
Key. Exit the room, save and head north. There's a Pirate Earrings on the
second room on your right, after snatching it, leave and exit north. Continue
your north until an event takes over.

When you get back control, leave the shop and head to the place where you
fought Pendulum.

|Wolf Bout 6: R-3                                                             |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Petrograd, place you first fought Pendulum                         |
|                                                                             |
|If you fight it now, it's annoying cuz you don't have anything to stop his   |
|panic attack, unless you wanna travel to Goreme Valley to buy a Feather      |
|Bracelet and come back here again. Anyway it's not an impossible fight.      |
|Keep whacking until he is down and heal up your HP and SP. You get Strike    |
|Expand & Feather Bracelet too.                                               |

Now go to where Rasputin talked to Victor(where Anastasia was noticed when she
was taking a photo). At the end of the path, examine the crates for a Mana Seed
. Now leave Petrograd for Paris(MontMartre) to talk to Ernest to get Zagan 
Crest from him for getting 6 stamps(along with Thera Extract). Now head to
Goreme Valley.

Goreme Valley(xxgovxx)
Items: Marax Crest, Seal of Aura, Seere Crest, Lottery Ticket, Blue Cape, 
       Evasion Down 2, Attack Boost

Follow the straigh path until you reach an area with people.

Trading Miniquest:
If you have the Ultimate Piroshki, be careful and DO NOT talk to the fat ass
standing opposite of the Magimel Brothers because you will screw up the quest.
You'll get Burning Candle if you trade with him.

The chest opposite of the Magimel Brothers has Marax Crest. Upgrade your armors
with Gerard and go to the hole at the cave. 

Trading Miniquest:
If somehow you have screwed up the trading quest by giving Edgar your Daruma
Doll... Well, the only thing you can do now is change the Holy Easter Egg for
a Pure Root with a man standing just outside the hole, it's the end of the 
trading quest for you.

When you attempt to enter it, you'll be interrupted by Sarah, and the second
part of the Solomon's sidequests begins. Try out if you want(and receive
Sabnock Crest), check the sidequest section for more info.

Follow the linear path and enter the first door on your right. Inside hides a
chest containing a Seal of Aura. Now go up the stairs. 

Treasure Hunting Miniquest:
Search around the sole pillar here for Seere Crest, be sure to talk to Croft at
Cannes before this to get the second clue). You might wanna go back to him now
to get the third clue. 

Anyway, go back down and head into the second door on your right. Examine the 
table on the man's right for a Lottery Ticket. Exit the room and talk to
Lawrence. Now enter the metal door. Follow the narrow path and take a right
turn at the first fork. Snatch a Blue Cape from the chest here. Now approach

After enjoying the cutscene, go to the north of the room(where you can see a
picture on the wall. Examine around the white table to find Evasion Down 2.
Now exit to the door on the upper right. Before you talk to Jovis, examine the
lower right corner for Ring Soul. Now talk to Jovis.

YOu'll then found yourself in the graveyard, now take the north exit. After the
event, take the metal door at north.

Mirror Castle(xxmicxx)
Items: Third Key, Glass Key
Monsters: Ogoroja, Tweedledee, Tweedledum

Exit the only door here. Follow the linear path until you get into another door
. Again, just follow the straight path, and you'll end up on a wall so turn
right and go into the wooden door. In this room, examine the mirror on the
right. Now you'll be forced to fight Yuri and Karin clone, just whack them, it
is not even a boss fight and you'll be fighting a number of these later on.

After beating them, you'll be thrown into another realm that mirrors the
previous one exactly. Jovis will heal you when your in to trouble as well. Now
take the blue doors at north. Grab the Third Key in a chest at the end of the
path and go back to the room with the save point.

Now take the exit at southeast. Now take the right and follow all the way back
to where you started from. You should be able to find a Glass key in a chest.
Now leave this place, and follow until you reach a door. But don't enter it,
instead, examine the mirror on the left. Kick their butt and you'll go back to
the real realm. Exit to the door at north. Now follow the linear path and enter
the room again. Take the exit at north here. Go north, save and enter the door
for a boss fight. Go to the red platform ahead of you.

|BOSS: AMON                                                                   |
|HP: 765  MP: 268                                                             |
|Element: None                                                                |
|Difficulty: Okok                                                             |
|Reward: Amon's Soul                                                          |
|                                                                             |
|OUCH. This guy deals tons of physical damage(100+), so be sure to heal right |
|away. He can also cast spells like The End but it's nowhere as dangerous as  |
|his physical atk. On top of that, he's fast, so Gale up both your character. |
|Good thing tho, he doesn't have that much HP, a good fire fusion should be   |
|able to take out big chunk of HP.                                            |

After the long event, go to Jovis' room(where you snatch his Blue Cape).

After the cutscene, you'll be back in Petrograd. Maya's Wolf Bout is available
now in Domremy if you talk to Depressed Nagy at the village, but it's kinda 
tough to fight against 3 wolves at your level. They are at the Domremy Forest,
try if out if you don't believe. 

Anyway go to the save point outside Edgar's shop. At the T-junction, find your
way to where Rasputin talked to Victor before. You'll be interrupted by an 
event and after this you can get the Grade Max fusion if you have Soul Drop. 
With this item at your inventory, examine the altar to get the strongest fusion
, you'll need to fight a shadow monster tho. Now there are 6 elemental fusions
so there are 6 Soul Drops in the game. There are 2 Soul Drops you can get right
away. Lawrence will give you 1 if you talk to him at the Goreme Valley. There
is another in the Church at Domremy. Walk all the way to the end of the church
to see a shiny yellow thing. That's the Soul Drop.

After getting the stuff, it's time to head back to Petrograd and go to the 
place your supposed to go. After the talk, you'll be in  Gallery of the Dead.

Gallery of the Dead(xxgtdxx)
Items: Nibelung Scene 8, Thera Root, Lottery Ticket, Attack Boost, Leraje Crest
       , The Magician(tarot card), Leonardo's Bear, Seal 2, Talisman of Luck,
       Strongoids, Plastron, Andromalius Crest
Monsters: Jack, Jill, Agony

Save and examine the skeleton beside the save point for Nibelung Scene 8. Now
examine the switch on the wall north of here. Now go north after the gate is
unlocked. Before turning left, examine the skeleton(again) for a Thera Root.
Now go left and when you reach a fork head north. Head left when you get the
chance, at the lower left corner, before going up, examine the skeleton for a
Lottery Ticket, now open the lever at the end of the path. Go back to the main
path and head north. In this room, head right(the north path is a dead end for
now). When you reach a fork go down, now move the lever at the end of the path.

Go back to the fork and go north a few steps. You should see a wolf in a cell.
Talk to it for a fight.

|Wolf Bout 8: Necros                                                          |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Gallery of the Dead, locked in a cage, somewhere the east area     |
|                                                                             |
|This wolf is nasty cuz he deals paralysis, so equip Bhodi Bracelet. If you do|
|that, he's nothing much of a threat. Whack him and heal up, that's all. Oh   |
|yea, he never gets to eat you even if you lose =|                            |

Anyway continue up, then right, and examine the wall before you go south for
Ring Soul. The chest at the end contains Leraje Crest, yea man, from now on,
you can cast arc rage! Be sure to use it in boss fights. Now go back where 
Necros is and head west, then north. Now before turning left, examine the floor
at the upper right corner for The Magician tarot card. Now go left. Again,
check the corner before you turn south for a Leonardo's Bear, now go south and
follow the way into another room, with some coffins lying around.

Now check the small space between the lower left coffin and the wall for
Andromalius Crest. If you examine the thing at the upper left corner it will 
give you hints about a locket. Now exit north and head right at the fork. Pull
the lever here and go back to the room with the save point and head south this
time. Take a left when you get a chance and examine the chest at the corner for
Seal 2 before turning south. Before going anywhere at the 4-ways junction, 
examine the skeleton lying at the east wall for a Talisman of Luck. Now take a
left at the junction. Go south but pay attention to the stuff on the right wall
. The cell beside the skeleton on the right hides Strongoids. Now follow the 
linear path until you reach a fork. Ignore the right turn and head up. Open the
chest at the upper right corner for a Plastron. Now turn left and move the 

Now go back to the fork and head right. On your way going up, remember to pull
the lever on the right wall. Follow the path and you'll end up at the 4-ways
junction again. Now go south and activate the switch. Now go all the way up,
then right some steps and head south this time. Follow the path here, save if
you wish, and go down at the fork. Now examine the shiny thing on the skeleton.

Now go back to the room with coffins. Now examine the thing at the west side of
the room and gave it the locket. Now take the north exit. Take a left turn at
the junction and go all the way up.

Items: Ipos Crest, Talisman of Mercy, Mr. Swan, Purple Bondage, Tissues, Silver
       Angel, Frozen Tuna
Monsters: Peryton

You'll end up in the palace. Now take the only exit here south and a cutscene
ensues. After that, head left, then take the stairs down and exit to the door
at the lower left. Save, buy any stuff if you want(no new stuff tho) and take
the exit below you. Go all the way down and open the chest, it has Ipos Crest.
Great, now you have Arc Gale to use, use it ALL the time at a boss fight. It's
awesome as hell. Now go towards the spiral stairs. After a short event you'll
be thrown to fight some Perytons, nothing major. After clearing them, go down a
few steps and check on the fountain to get a Talisman of Mercy. Now go to the
spiral stairs and go all the way up. After some talking, you'll face a boss.

|BOSS: NIGHT QUEEN, with 2 minions Peryton                                    |
|HP: 2380  MP: 420                                                            |
|Element: Water                                                               |
|Difficulty: Challenging                                                      |
|Reward: Moon Oil                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|Try to finish the perytons before they cast any Arc stuff. With those 2 dead,|
|it's time put those awesome magic crest to good use, Arc Gale and Arc Rage.  |
|If you went to get the Grade Max fusion after getting the Soul Drops, use it |
|as well, a max level Fides will rock with Energy Charge+Inferno. Now let's   |
|talk about the boss. Night Queen does instant kill, which can be annoying if |
|you are not able to ress up fast, but with Arc Gale up, it should be ok, if  |
|you still aren't comfortable with that, equip them with Leonardo's Bear.     |
|Besides nasty instant kill, her magic does pretty good damage, so be sure to |
|heal up, pay attention to Karin's(& Anastasia if your using her) SP as well. |

After that awesome CG and some event, you'll be back in Hermitage. Now talk to
the walking guard to get Mr. Swan stud card. Now exit south, then go right and
enter the door. Go north again, now check the upper right door here, examine
the 2 sides of the bed for Purple Bondage and Tissues. Now leave the room, go
south a bit and enter the lower left door. Go left all the way, pass the white
door. Go down the stairs and take the lower right door leading east. Now take
the exit below you. Take the spiral stairs all the way up. Examine the upper
left corner to get Silver Angel on the floor. Now go to the first area of the
palace, save and upgrade your stuff with the fat noble on the left. Now leave
the palace. From where you stood, go down all the way to a corner. Examine the
fish thingie to get a weapon upgrade for Joachim, Frozen Tuna. Now go to
Edgar's shop to get Panoramic Lens from him.

Lottery Member #10 is available now in Gepetto's Apartment at Paris. Be sure to
play the lottery and win Alloces Crest from her. The Junk Dealer at Cathedral,
Paris also sells Silver Chair for 10k > for the info) and 
take the stairs at around the centre of the room here to go downstairs. Switch
to Kurando and bring him down as well.

After the scene, go up a bit, save and go into the room for a boss fight.

|BOSS: LT. COL. TERADA, with 4 minions Akagi Soldier                          |
|HP: 3360  MP: 0(lol)                                                         |
|Element: Water                                                               |
|Difficulty: Cakewalk                                                         |
|Reward: Demon Earrings, Seal of Vita                                         |
|        Lottery Ticket(bonus for high combo hits)                            |
|                                                                             |
|Kill the 4 guards first, before buffing everyone. Do any AOE spell to take   |
|a few of them out. With Terada isolated, buff up your party with Arcs Gale/  |
|Rage. Now this guy is all about Physical dmg, and he's good at it(200+ dmg) I|
|would suggest do Arc Shield here as well to reduce the damage significantly. |
|His attack also causes speed down, but gale should counter it. Anyway it     |
|should not be tough with constant healing.                                   |

Enjoy the scene after that. I am not supposed to talk more about the plot but I
must say that fella who floats on a pillow is the MOST discusting character I
have ever seen. YUCK!

Imperial Capital, Hojo Research Lab(xxih1xx)
Items: There are items here but I recommend you not to get it because Yuri's
       party will visit later, so keep those to them.
Monsters: N/A

Save and exit thru the door beside it. Approach him for a fight. Just whack and
heal when needed. It shouldn't be tough at all. After that you'll need to do
some shooting. Just don't panic, they don't appear too fast altogether. Follow
the linear path into the next area. After shooting 30 targets, proceed into the
next area. Follow the path and exit right. Go right, at the fork, go up and go
into the next area. Pretty simple here, follow the straight way and exit south.

You'll need to shoot more targets. After doing that, follow the one way path 
(while do some shooting) and Kato will tell you the it's finished. I got 5:22
and he said I've passed very nicely. It doesn't really matter tho cuz he's not
giving you any item. Now go right then go down at the fork to meet Raiden. Like
pokemon, where both friends and foes always ask to fight, same goes for him.
Same deal with raiden, whack and heal. This guy has more HP than Hien tho.

After beating him you'll get them into the party. Proceed down for a boss.

|BOSS: ARMORED FIGHTER                                                        |
|Element: Light                                                               |
|Difficulty: Easy                                                             |
|Reward: N/A                                                                  |
|                                                                             |
|Combo. Heal. Repeat. Be sure to put on physical defense reduce as well. This |
|boss does pretty good damage but the healing items should be more than enough|

The old man will ask you to go to his house, but before that, there's a wolf
bout to be done on Battleship Mikasa, so visit it again.

Start by going right and head downstairs. Save, and exit left at the upper left
corner. Continue left, ignoring the first fork, into the next area. Go left a
little and head down at the junction. Talk to the wooden toy(lol)

|Wolf Bout 9: Carven                                                          |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Battleship Mikasa, after completing everything, revisit it. It's at|
|the upper deck(Kurando's)                                                    |
|                                                                             |
|You'll need anti-petrification accessory(Zodiac Bracelet). You get petrify 2 |
|for beating him.                                                             |

Now go up, then right back to the first fork. This time head south, then west
all the way into a room. Now head left into one of the 2 doors and open the
wooden door. Talk to the cabin for a quiz. Check the quiz sidequest for answers
and info.

Now let's head to the Yokohama Streets. Head right pass the Magimel Brothers.
At the T-junction, talk to the gray suit man. Turns out he's the treasure
hunting dood, Croft. Anyway get your 4th clue. Now head to Kawashima's house. 
Now leave this town and head to the Foreigner's Cemetery.

Yokohama, Foreigner's Cemetery(xxyofxx)
Items: Sp-Defend Down 3, Pure Root, Calming Charm, Strike Expand, Dispelling
       Charm, Fifth Key, Attack Boost, Nibelung Scene 6, Soul Drop, Getitup!
Monsters: Noh Masks, Gaki, Pera-pera

Examine the gravestone opposite of the save point to get Sp-Defend Down 3. Save
and proceed left... for a boss fight(wow that's quick isn't it. You will not be
able to get most of the items listed but that's normal, you've gotta revisit
this place later to get them).

|BOSS: TSUKIYOMI                                                              |
|HP: 3600  MP: 444                                                            |
|Element: Light                                                               |
|Difficulty: Normal                                                           |
|Reward: Seal of Aura, Valak Crest                                            |
|        Loin Guard(bonus for high combo hits)                                |
|                                                                             |
|This boss is cute(kinda like moonlight). Anyway Arc Gale/Rage up. Watch out  |
|for his light/physical damage, it should drain around half of your HP, if it |
|hits more than 1, use Arc Cure. Combo as much as you can, he isn't very hard.|

After that, your party will be fully healed. Go north, save and upgrade if you
wish(no new stocks tho).

Now hike along the narrow path until you reach a fork. Take a left and follow
the path into another fork. Get a Pure Root from the chest beside the statue
thingie and take a left again. Follow the path to the end to find a lone chest.
It has Calming Charm in it. Go back down to the fork and approach the right
path this time. You'll be then teleported back. Head up all the way back to the
first fork. Now take a right and follow the path. Hm... another fork. Grab the
chest for Strike Expand. Now take the right path. Take a left when you reach
yet another fork. At the end, you'll find Dispelling Charm in a chest. 

Now go back all the way down to the first fork(to refresh your memories, the
first fork has no statue, chests whatsoever). Now take the left path there. Now
the right path will be unsealed so go there. Now pay attention when your climb-
ing the ladders. Around your left there will be another path leading down to a
chest that has Fifth Key. Continue your way a little and there'll be a save
point on your right. Heal, save up and prepare for a boss fight.

|BOSS: GARAN, with 2 minions Pera-pera                                        |
|HP: 3720  MP: 500                                                            |
|Element: Dark                                                                |
|Difficulty: Okok                                                             |
|Reward: Oracle Earrings, Glasyalabolas Crest                                 |
|        Strike Expand(high combo hits)                                       |
|                                                                             |
|Take those peras out. Arc Gale/Rage up. Now I *HATE* him mad. He's not tough,|
|but he(or she?) is ugly and it does Mind Assault that takes out all your MP! |
|Anyway to make him pay be sure to kick his butt for good. His magic does hurt|
|a lot tho(250++) so you might wanna consider Arc Barrier. Combo, heal etc and|
|he'll down soon.                                                             |

After the long event, you'll be in the Capital.

Imperial Capital, Nihonbashi(xxin1xx)
Items: The Tower(tarot card), Daphne Fruit, Lottery Ticket, Buer Crest, Mana
       Extract, Emcee's table, Seal of Wisdom
Monsters: Koshoki

Take a few steps up. Around where the bridge ends, check the right sight of the
screen to see if there's a green pillar thing. Examine the floor behind it to 
get The Tower tarot card. Continue moving you'll reach a crossroad. Now try to
find a grayish metal door on the upper left corner. Examine it to get a Daphne

Now take a left. Walk left a little and you should notice a wrestling ring....
Yes Gama is there. Now if you have fought him 2 times before you come to Europe
, beat him here you'll get Joachim's last Muscle Art. If you didn't beat him 2
times to get Deathtron Hammer, then beating him here will grant you that skill
instead. If you want his last skill, you needa beat him again for the third 
time(keep in mind that you cannot get Joachim's last skill at Southampton by 
beating him the third time there because Nihonbashi has to be triggered before
he can learn the last skill. Gama will not let you fight the third time at
Southampton if Nihonbashi isn't triggered. Now the third battle is kinda
similar to the last one, but this time, Gama will use a Fifth Key instead of a
Third Key and it happens at his 5th turn. Either you beat him with the bat form
before the 5th turn or you guard on him or you use a Replacement Man. It 
shouldn't be too tough anyway, whether he is your active member or not.

Now before asking him for a challenge let's pick up some stuff(and upgrade for
Joachim too). Before going in, check on the posters on the wall at the left of
a gray suit man for a Lottery Ticket. Now go inside, and find your way to the
upper left corner. Examine the table in front of the 2 men to get Emcee's Desk,
a weapon for Joachim. Now go to the right side of the ring, you'll find the 
Magimel Brothers. At their far right, beside a tree is a chest that has Buer 
Crest. With everything's done, hop to the ring to get Joachim's last skill, 
Artem Buster.

When your done, go back to the crossroad and take a right. Save, and examine
the pillar beside the save point to get Mana Extract. Now let's take a look in
the park. An event will take over(their relation is getting more interesting
^^, the song playing at the background is very very nice as well, tho this is
the piano version). After that you'll be thrown into a fight(not a boss fight
officially tho) but he's tough so here's the stats.

|MONSTER: SHOKI                                                               |
|HP: 1140  MP: 455                                                            |
|Element: Light                                                               |
|Difficulty: Normal                                                           |
|Reward: N/A                                                                  |
|                                                                             |
|You'll be forced to use Yuri, Karin, Anastasia and Joachim. Now do not       |
|underestimate him because he's not a boss. He's a nasty thing because his aoe|
|spell hurts!(200+). Another reason he might be a problem is that you do not  |
|have your usual party(for me I am lacking Blanca) and thus it might screw up |
|the crest magic arrangement. Oh well, if you can, Arc Barrier up and combo it|
|into oblivion.                                                               |

After that you'll be fighting a Koshoki immediately, it's nothing hard tho, 
considering that it has only 244 hp. After the fight, leave the park and you'll
have all your characters back. Save and upgrade your stuff with Gerard. Sarah
is here so you can take the Solomon Trials. When your done head left or talk to
Karin to proceed.

After some talk you'll use the Mutant Apes to fight 3 Koshokis. Bah, you can't
lose seriously with 3x level 50 characters. Clear them 3 times and you'll fight
the real boss, with Yuri's party of course.

|Boss: SHOKI                                                                  |
|HP: 4550  MP: 455                                                            |
|Element: Light                                                               |
|Difficulty: Normal                                                           |
|Reward: Judgment tarot card, Seal of Vitality                                |
|        Seal of the Soul(perfect ring)                                       |
|                                                                             |
|Arc Gale/Rage/Barrier up everyone. It does around the same dmg like the first|
|Shoki but it has around 4x more HP and it does Instant Death occasionally, so|
|you might wanna slap in Leonardo's Bear, altho it can be easily countered    |
|Blanca's awesome Comeback. Now with the usual combos, heal, this boss should |
|be down in no time.                                                          |

After the long event, if you have a Perfect Successes of 65% or above(The Ring
Success requirement of 95% isn't needed, I personally have 94.7% Ring Success
Rate and 77.00% Perfect Success Rate and I still get it) he will give you an
AWESOME item called Extreme. It triples Physical Attack Power but the down 
point is that the Hit Area diminishes when the ring starts to revolve. Oh well
it's much better to use when you can buy Strike Area later(when the final 
dungeon appears, the Junk Shop at Cathedral, Paris sells it) you can switch to
gamble ring and increase the strike area greatly so that you need to memorize 
only the one area. However, if you want to use it now, I suggest you change the
ring to Practice(since I think it's almost impossible to hit the reds when it's
invisible and it will stop your perfect success rate from dropping) and 
memorize the areas as much as you can, but then again, it would be kinda 
overpowered and ruin the challenge of the game.

Anyway there are several things you need to do now before visiting Hojo. First
go back to Nihonbashi and go to the green pillar where you found The Tower.
There should be a man standing there now, and he's Lottery Member #7 in
disguise. Be sure to get Warning Device from him because you need this thing to
kill Tengu in Forest of Wind and complete your monster library. His ring is
nasty tho... cuz it might go faster and slower randomly, however if you hit the
right place(several degrees from the red) it will always end up there. 

Trading Miniquest:
There's a woman standing close to Gama's wrestling ring that will exchange
Getitup! if you have Burning Candle. End of the trading quest for you.

Now go to the park where Karin and Yuri talked. At the upper left corner is a 
chest with Seal of Wisdom. Beside it is a wolf, wee, wolf bout.

|Wolf Bout 10: Eleanor(god... she's... like... Garan....)                     |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Nihonbashi park, after defeating Shokis                            |
|                                                                             |
|Oh I think Karin's VA did her, not sure tho. Anyway, you might wanna put on  |
|Pocket Watch if your not used to Small Ring that she does >Mukyo-An, 
where Naniwa lives, so go there now. Examine the stone thing(opposite of where
Naniwa is sitting)beside the pond to get the last treasure, Dog Bone. This 
miniquest is completed, the only thing left to do is talk to the small boy who 
stands at the place where Croft did, and he'll tell you that he has left.

Back to the fork, take a right and follow the narrow path all the way to its
end. Examine the grasses to get Malphas Crest. You might also wanna put Warning
Device on and run around at the Forest of Wind to get Tengu, kill it and he'll
go into your monster library, if you use Anastasia, you might wanna snapshot
him to get Falling Leaves into her album.

With everything's done, let's get ourselves to Inugami Village.

Inugami Village(xxinvxx)
Items: Soul Drop, Silver Angel, Attack Boost, Valefor Crest, Clay Idol, Lottery
       Ticket. Seal of Aura. The Star(tarot card)
Monsters: N/A

Now take a look around. You should be able to spot a small little house a few
steps in front of you. Now examine it and you'll find Soul Drop in a chest
placed inside there. Now take a left and you'll find Magimel Brothers and a 
save point. Examine the tree just beside the save point and you'll find Lottery
Member #6! Omfg and it's a bug too. Anyway its red is Dark Angel, an accessory
that increases SP by 20%. Magimel Brothers also have weapon and armor upgrades,
so be sure to buy them. Now follow the path and you'll see a red shirt man with
straw hat patrolling back and forth. Just north of him is some radish being 
dried. Now go behind the radish and examine the floor to get Silver Angel. Walk
a few steps right and examine the green bush at the left of a chest for Ring 
Soul. The chest I mentioned contains Valefor Crest. Now save and heal up every-
body cuz there's a boss fight next. Take the stone path beside the save point
to proceed. Walk a few steps right and you should notice a white pillar
strangely placed, examine it and you'll get Clay Idol, a weapon for Joachim.
Continue your path to find you'll see a cave hole.

Trading Miniquest:
If you have Talking Panda, talk to the guy standing at the entrance of the hole
, exchange with him to get 10-day-old Rice.

Enter it. After the nice CG, you'll be forced to fight.

|BOSS: KOUENKI                                                                |
|HP: 5720  MP: 582                                                            |
|Element: Fire                                                                |
|Difficulty: Challenging                                                      |
|Reward: Seal 3                                                               |
|        Oracle Earrings(few enemy turns)                                     |
|                                                                             |
|Buff up your party and attack with combos. She can seal your mages so you    |
|wanna equip anti-seal accessories on them. Both her magic and attack hurts,  |
|but definitely not enough to instantly kill off your character. But be warned|
|! When she's low in HP, she'll energy charge up and deal CRAZY physical      |
|damage. You might not be able to block in time so Arc Shield before that or  |
|simply let the character die.                                                |

After some events, you'll be inside Saki's house, leave thru the door on the
right. Now there's a Lottery Ticket on the floor beside the stairs. Now go up-
stairs to find Saki. After some talking, you will be moved downstairs again,
who knows why. Anyway leave the room and go upstairs. Check the left side of
the old woman to get Sunrise Oil. Now check the upper right corner of the room
(close to the old man) to get Seal of Aura. Now let's leave the house. Before
leaving, check out the yellow flowers outside the house on the garden at the 
right side of the door. You'll get The Star tarot card.

Don't leave Inugami yet, cuz there's a wolf bout to be done. Go back to the
place where you fought Kouenki, you should bump into Matsunaga at the waterfall
and he wants a fight. Fine.

|Wolf Bout 11: Matsunaga                                                      |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Inugami Village, the place where you fought Kouenki.               |
|                                                                             |
|He doesn't do nasty stuff to mess up but he uses P-Defend Down... well       |
|nothing much you can do to counter that(well you might wanna slap on Shield  |
|but I feel it's just a waste of turn) so just whack him fast and he'll be a  |
|goner. Took me 4 turns to finish him. You'll get P-Defend Down 3 for beating |
|him.                                                                         |

The last thing you wanna do is go to Yokohama Brick Warehouses to buy Bune
Crest from Kensuke, the secret dealer who sold you a crest, racoon friend last

Now let's go to the Immortal Mountain, Mt. Fuji.

Immortal Mountain(xximmxx)
Items: Pure Extract, Samigina Crest, Red Crystal, Blue Crystal, Yellow Crystal
       , Orias Crest, Hades Fan, Attack Boost
Monsters: Blooming Phoenix, Samurai Ghoul, Lava Lump, Scorpilus

Proceed up, and you should find a save. Now hog onto your left, jam the X
button and you should get Pure Extract just a little distance from the save.
Follow the path and you'll reach a glowing statue eventually. Before you wanna
mess with it, take the left fork before it and you'll find Red Crystal at its
end. Now ignore the glowing statue once again and head to the right. Samigina
Crest is in a chest at the end of the path here. Now let's examine the statue
and put the red crystal in.

You'll be teleported to another area. Now ignore the first statue you see and
take a left at the fork. You should be able to find Blue Crystal at the end of
the path. Now take the blue crystal and put it into the first statue(not the
one that's close to the save point). After being teleported, go south all the
way to find Yellow Crystal on a chest. Now go back to the teleportation device
and go back. Examine the statue and take the Blue Crystal out. Now head south
going all the way back to the first teleporter. Examine the statue to take out
the Red Crystal.

Now put in the Blue Crystal and get teleported. Now follow the way path and put
the Red Crystal into the statue at the upper left corner. Get teleported, and
follow the linear path north. On your way, there should be a chest on your
right, open it for Orias Crest. Continue your way and you'll find another
statue. This time insert the last Yellow Crsytal and get teleported. Follow the
linear path and you'll bump into the 12th Wolf, Lobo.

|Wolf Bout 12: Lobo                                                           |
|Reward: Aurora learnt                                                        |
|Location: Immortal Mountain, do blue>red>yellow crystal sequence and you'll  |
|          meet him.                                                          |
|                                                                             |
|He does around 100 dmg and deals Instant Death, so be sure to have Leonardo's|
|Bear equipped. With that equipped, he shouldn't be much of a threat if you   |
|have been using Blanca. You'll get Instant Death 3 for beating him.          |

You might wanna talk to Ernest at Monmartre, Paris as he told you. But you can
only find Tetsu there, so talk to him to find out why. Well he doesn't say much
but you'll get Seventh key. You'll also get a note from Ernest that tells you 
that you need 3 more paw prints before you actually complete the Wolf Bout 
challenge. You can actually do the 3 wolves now but Henri the next wolf you
need to meet is in a sidequest dungeon. So check out the Wolf Bout sidequest
for more information about where to get the last 3.

Back to Immortal Mountain, now put the Red Crystal back into the first statue.
After teleported, head north and put the Blue Crystal into the first statue you
bump into. Get teleported, and take the right path down to another statue. 
Insert the last Yellow Crystal and get teleported. Follow the path north to a
dead end and examine the floor to get Hades Fan.

Now go back to the device and teleport back. Take the Yellow Crystal out and
head left to get teleported back. Examine the statue and take the Blue Crystal
out. Now go north, save and put the Blue Crystal into the statue beside the
save point. Follow the path and head down to meet the last Ring Soul. After 
that, continue right and find your way to the upper left corner. Put the yellow
Crystal and teleport.

Hm... looks hot. Take the left path first, you'll then reach a dead end.
Examine the floor somewhere around the top right at the end for a Seal of Life.
Now go back to the 3-way fork and take the right path. At its end is a chest
with Thera Extract. Now go back to the fork and take the middle path. After 
some walk you'll come out from a hole. There's a chest at the lower right 
corner here so check it out for Kogara-Maru, a weapon for Kurando. Follow the
linear path until a cutscene takes over.

Before crossing the bridge, look around at the lower right corner to spot a
chest with Mana Extract. Now walk the bridge but try to stick on the left side
of it and jam the X button, you should be able to get Flare Brooch, an item
that halves SP consumption when fused. Be sure to let Yuri/Kurando have it!

Cross the bridge, save, heal up and prepare for a boss fight.

|BOSS: NEO ASTAROTH                                                           |
|HP: 6120  MP: 630                                                            |
|Element: None                                                                |
|Difficulty: Easy                                                             |
|Reward: Delay 3, Astaroth Crest                                              |
|        Dark Angel(bonus for high combo hits)                                |
|                                                                             |
|Arc Gale/Rage/Barrier up. He shouldn't be too hard if you have Barrier up.   |
|Just combo him as much as you can and he should be down in no time. Keep in  |
|mind that he will cast Cure Plus to himself when he's low in HP, healing for |
|800 HP.                                                                      |

You'll be back in Inugami Village after the event. 

Zurich is up at Europe now, so take a visit to there. Nothing much here, just 
a cutscene and you'll get Anne's Cross, a Karin's specific item that stops ring
/status ailments. Very very useful.

You can get Joachim's second best weapon, Dark Tower now if you revisit Le 
Havre(near the granny's shop). You have to beat a Peach Bat tho. She does an
extremely strong attack on her 4th turn(altho she said she'll do it on the 5th,
she lied) so either you turn into a bat and take her out or you use a Replace-
ment Man or you can also use Extreme/Mind's Eye. You'll get Priest Earrings, a
Lottery Ticket and Dark Tower for beating her out, as well as 30k experience 
for Joachim.

Now head to the Foreigner's Cemetery.

After the scene, you'll need to go to that minister's mansion.

Imperial Capital, Azabu Kamiyashiki(xxiakxx)
Items: Lottery Ticket, Locker 5 Key, Seal of Strength, Locker 1 Key, Mind's Eye
       , Pure Extract
Monsters: Titanium Soldiers

After the cutscene you'll be in the house. Take a few steps forward and you'll
encounter a some soldiers that you can't avoid. You might wanna enter the room
on your right, but it doesn't have anything except some soldiers to fight.

Continue the linear path, there will be some soldier fights on the way. Be sure
to enter the room on your right on the way. At the left of the save point,
examine the waste paper basket for a Lottery Ticket. Now leave the room back to
the main path. Forward and you'll be forced for another fight. After that, take
the stairs up. Save, and go to the room on the left. Beat the soldiers, examine
one of them to get Locker 5 Key. Leave the room, go down a few steps, and enter
the room on the right. Beat the soldier, and check the upper left corner in 
this room for a chest with Seal of Strength. Now check the soldier you beated 
for Locker 1 Key. Leave this room and go *NORTH* and head downstairs. Enter the
room on your right which has a save point. Examine the first locker from the 
left to get Mind's Eye. Check the 5th locker from the left to get a Pure 

Go back upstairs and go thru the door leading south. Be sure to save and heal
up everyone. You'll need to fight thru some soldiers before you battle Terada.

|BOSS: MECHA LORD                                                             |
|HP: 6380  MP: 555                                                            |
|Element: Water                                                               |
|Difficulty: Annoying but not hard                                            |
|Reward: Ashra's Earrings, Seal of Force                                      |
|                                                                             |
|Man, he's annoying as hell, cuz he's immune to P-attack. You might wanna use |
|some mages here, and characters like Joachim and Kurando won't do well. He's |
|water so be sure to equip strong fire magic. Another thing bad is that since |
|you'll be using magic it's much harder to combo(magic tends to break the     |
|combo). Arc Gale/Shield up cuz this guy does crazy physical damage, you might|
|wanna surge up too cuz you'll be using all sp-attack. If your using strong   |
|spells that drain lots of MP, be sure to bring up some MP healing items. If  |
|your using Anastasia, remember to snap him to add Power Canon into her album.|

You'll be back in Inugami Village afterwards. Now leave the village and head to
Imperial Capital> Azabu Kamiyashiki. Go into the locker room and check the 
fifth locker from the left, you'll find Lottery Member #5 inside. His red is a
Slow 3, not really powerful but you might wanna get it since you've got so many
Lottery Tickets by now anyway. He uses reverse ring, but the old trick works so
it shouldn't be much of a hassle anyway. Now let's leave for Europe.

Queen's Garden will be available now,  so head to there.

Queen's Garden(xxqugxx)
Items: Thera Extract, Hit Area Expand, Lottery Ticket, Flamberge, Paralysis 3,
       Nibelung Finale, Gusion Crest
Monsters: Bethlehem, Graffias, Morgan

Save here. Talk to Roger if your looking for a heal. Now go inside. Go to the
middle door first. Open the chest on the west side of the room for a Thera
Extract. You should see some shiny thing on the right side of the table. Check
it for Knight, a chess piece. Leave this room and take the left door.

Follow catwalk and enter the door. Check the chest on the left for Hit Area
Expand. Now go into the right door. Open the blatant chest lying on the floor
for Pawn, another chess piece. Check the grandfather clock for a Lottery Ticket
. Now if you explore around you should get some description about the 
surrounding objects, here are some of them:

1. The picture of a man's face is always facing side(or the face of the man is
   facing down)
2. The glass door of the book case is off and sitting on the floor.
3. The flag is hanging from the ceiling and it's blue.
4. There's a picture hanging on the wall and it's tilted toward the flag.
5. The sofa is facing the entrance.
6. The vase is on the table beside the bed.
7. The chair by the table is facing the bookcase.

You'll know what to do with those later. Let's leave the room and head north.
Enter the door at the end. 4 doors here, the south door is locked, the north
door leads to a boss, but let's take the right door. Follow the narrow path and
you'll head to another area. Examine the left door and insert the pawn.

Now look carefully in this room, it's actually a mirror image to the room where
it gives many description about the objects, now if you fix the stuff around
here to match the previous room the chest in the middle will be unlocked. I
can't give out the stuff needed to fix here, cuz from my experience the objects
are randomly arranged, so use the description I gave above to fix everything.
Also, be sure to get a Seal of Firce from a chest at the lower right corner,
next to the bed(thanks to for the info).

After you have done it correctly, the chest will be unlocked, and you'll get
Queen, another chess piece. Now leave the room, take the north exit and go back
to the place with 4 doors. The south door can now be unlocked with the queen
chess piece.

Enter the room and check the chess board. Pick the third choice and you'll get
King, the final chess piece. Now go behind the pool table and open a hidden
chest with Flamberge. Leave the room, take the right door. Follow the linear 
path and take the south door. On the curve heading back to the first area, 
stick yourself to the left wall and press X while walking, you should be able 
to get Paralysis 3 when the curve almost reaches horizontal. Now exit the door
at the end. Go into the middle door and examine the fire place at north. Insert
the King piece go back all the way up back to the place with 4 doors.

Take the north exit, save at the end, and enter the door for a boss fight.

|BOSS: KING TAMAKOS                                                           |
|HP: 6450  MP: 675                                                            |
|Element: Wind                                                                |
|Difficulty: Easy                                                             |
|Reward: Seal of Speed, Strength tarot card                                   |
|        Seal of the Urn(Ring No Miss Victory)                                |
|                                                                             |
|Arc Gale/Rage up and proceed with combo. Nothing much to worry here, he might|
|do SP lowering occasionally so counter it with Pure stuff. He might also do  |
|Spirit Ward that causes one of the character to disappear and unable to fight|
|when he's low HP, nothing much you can counter so just finish him ASAP. The  |
|character booted out will still gain experience so no worries. And snap him  |
|to add another skill, Spirit Ward, into Anastasia's album.                   |

After some scenes you'll be inside the Graveyard. You couldn't open the door
Jeanne went into, so head all the way back and leave the Graveyard.

Roger will tell you to go to his little house, but I am sure he can wait, now 
let's go back to Queen's Garden and go back where you fought King Tamakos.

First check the north wall behind the altar for the Final Nibelung Scene. You
will have to fight an optional boss called Guardian.

|BOSS: GUARDIAN                                                               |
|HP: 6800  MP: 720                                                            |
|Element: Light                                                               |
|Difficulty: A little tough                                                   |
|Reward: P-Attack Down 4, Seal of Life                                        |
|        Demon Earrings(high combo hits bonus)                                |
|                                                                             |
|His physical attack can be deadly to spell casters, so you might wanna shield|
|up. Just do what you do mostly in boss fight and he shouldn't be too tough,  |
|and he's slow too. Sometimes, he does Energy Charge so you might wanna block |
|on the next turn. Another thing to mention is that his Meteor Storm spell is |
|very flashy :p Be sure to combo as much as you can here because Demon        |
|Earrings is an extremely good accessory, you won't wanna miss the chance to  |
|get it.                                                                      |

Now you'll get Nibelung Finale for Karin. Examine the back of the table with
2 candles and a cross for the last item here, Gusion Crest. Now let's head to
Roger's house in Wales. Take the lift and go down. Approach the right door and
enjoy this awesome event.

Man, that was touching... at least to me. Anyway, let's fly to Inugami Village.
You'll be inside the Graveyard then and you forced to stay. Let's head to the
north door and keep going until you see Jeanne. After your done talking to
Jeanne, exit the door at north for another short scene. After that, go to the
door at north again for yet another event...

When your back to Inugami Village, take a look at Yuri's Profile, now the 
description will be changed and it says that Yuri is no longer affected by the
curse, and when Yuri fuses, he will not longer acts in pain but fuses with
style instead. Neat stuff.

Now let's go to Saki's house and find her downstairs in a room. After resting
for a night, leave her house. Yuri will notice Karin's missing when they are 
about to leave. Now go to the waterfall to find Karin.

The awesome song is playing in the background again... and the scene makes me
pity and like Karin even more >Cathedral is now 
selling Strike Expand for 20k!(when Asuka is up) Well you can still get a 
discount of 50% so 50 of them costs 500k, which is affordable I guess(I have 
700k+ at this point). Well be sure to buy them cuz they help getting perfect a

All of the sidequests are unlocked as well, but I'd suggest heading into the 
dungeon(stepping the yellow pentagon thing) at least once just to be safe 
because occasionally there are ppl who complain that they cannot access to the
optional dungeons eventho the Asuka is up. 

*Sidenote: I highly recommend skipping the sidequests for now and fight the 
final boss right now because it's much more fun and challenging(and tough as
well), and then reload it later and do the sidequest. This is because once you
have done all the sidequest and gotten all the ultimate gears, the last boss
will be nothing but a pushover and it just doesn't feel right. Since the game
ends and you get an option to save after beating the final boss, so BE SURE to
save another slot if you plan to do the sidequests after beating the final boss

|Vessel, Floor 1|
Items: Spiderweb
Monsters: Lion Dog, Hinogakutsuchi, Takaokami

    /       |       
   2   -----------    
      /     |        
     /     ---         |
    |       |       3  |
    |  |    |    |  |  |
 |  |  |    |    |  |
 |  |       |       |
 |  1     start    /
           |       /
1: Switch
2: Spiderweb
3: Seventh Key(cannot be reached until you complete all the ring arrangement)
S: Save Point
B: Blue Portal
Forward to the middle and you'll have a little cut scene. Before going to 1,
where the red thing is, you might wanna walk to 2 to get Spiderweb in a chest,
a weapon for Gepetto. With that done, let's check out the switch at 1. Press it
, and the blue portal at blue will light up. Now examine it to go up.

|Vessel, Floor 2|
Items: Seal of Strength, Dancer's Stars
Monsters: Takaokami, Yatonohami, Lion Dog, Hinogakutsuchi

*Before turning the ring*(blue part faces south)
    /       |      / 
         -------  / 
      /    |    /    
     /  ------ /    / |
    |   /   |      |  |
    |  |    |    |  |  |
  --|  |---(O)---|--|--|
 |  |  |    |    |  |  |
 |  |       |       |  |
 |      -------   /   |
       /   |         2
     3   --B--  1
    /      |       /
1: Seal of the Strength
2: Dancer's Stars(Lucia's ultimate armor)
3: Pure Extract
B: Blue Portal
O: Ring Controller

*After turning the ring*(green party faces south)
    /       |       
     3           /    
 |       ------/     |
 |  |   /   |      |  |
 |  |  |    |    |  |  |
 |  |  |    |    |  |  |
 |  |      |       |  |
 |     / -------  /   |
     1     |        / 
         --|--     /
            |     /  
1: Seal of the Strength
2: Dancer's Stars(Lucia's ultimate armor)
3: Pure Extract
B: Blue Portal
O: Ring Controller

You start from B, from the blue portal you came in. You might wanna grab all 
the treasures now, altho the they are pretty far from each other(Demon Ward
helps here). Anyway to continue go to O and stand on the switch. Turn it in a
way so that the green ring faces south, and the red portal at north(second map)
will be opened. Go there and get teleported.

|Vessel, Floor 3|
Items: Ultra Belt, Evasion Down 4, Monk Earrings
Monsters: Kukunochi, Ashra, Takemikazuchi, Yatanokami
*Before turning the ring*(red part faces south)
   2  /|
    / | 
       |    3
   /  |  / /
  /   | /  
 /     |     

      |     /
    / | 1  /
   /  |   
      |  /
    / R /
1: Ultra Belt
2: Evasion Down 4
3: Monk Earrings(turn the ring so that the yellow part faces south to reach it)
R: Red Portal
O: Ring Controller

*After turning the ring*(green party faces south)

     / R /
    /  |     
     |  /
  /  1 | /  
 /     |     

      |     /
    / |   /
  / /  |  / 
 3    |   
      G /
      |/  2
1: Ultra Belt
2: Evasion Down 4
3: Monk Earrings(turn the ring so that the yellow part faces south to reach it)
R: Red Portal
O: Ring Controller

You start from R, the red portal that brings you up. The Ultra Belt and Evasion
4 can be gotten right away, but you will not be able to reach Monk Earrings now
before turning the ring at O. To reach it, turn the ring at O so that the 
yellow part faces south. Now head north and the Monk Earrings should be at the
upper left corner. After getting it, turn the ring(at O) so that the green one
faces south, and the yellow portal and green portal should be available. Head
to the yellow portal on the left(or white as it shows on the minimap) and you
will be teleported to Floor 4.

|Vessel, Floor 4|
Items: Devil Loincloth, Getitup!
Monsters: Arahabaki

*Before turning the ring*(yellow part faces south)  
   /   | | |   
    /          /
   |     |     2  |
   |     |     |--|
   |     |     |--|
   |     |     |  |
   4          / /
       | | |
1: Devil Loincloth(by taking the yellow portal from floor 3)
2: Getitup!(not accessible in this formation, gotta turn the ring so that the
   blue part faces south)
3: Crucifix(cannot get it now, come back after you completed the ring)
4: Death tarot card
G: Green Portal
Y: Yellow Portal(shows white color on the minimap)

After you get the Devil Loincloth from 1, head back to Floor 3 and take the
green portal at south, you'll be back at Floor 4 again but this time you start 
on the left side. Grab Death tarot card from 4 and head to O, and turn the ring
so that the *BLUE* part faces south. Now go to your left and go to the lower 
left to get Getitup! from the chest. Go back to O and change the green part to
south. After some scene, you will be back to Floor 1 and and now all the 
colored portals can be used.

Here are the maps from Floor 1 to Floor 4 after the ring arrangement is 

|Vessel, Floor 1|
    /       |       
   2   -----------    
      /     |        
     /     ---         |
    |       |       3  |
    |  |    |    |  |  |
 |  |  |    |    |  |
 |  |       |       |
 |   1    start    /
           |       /
1: Switch
2: Spiderweb
3: Seventh Key(cannot be reached until you complete all the ring arrangement)
S: Save Point
B: Blue Portal
G: Green Portal
R: Red Portal
Y: Yellow Portal

|Vessel, Floor 2|
    /       |       
     3           /    
 |       ------/     |
 |  |   /   |      |  |
 |  |  |    |    |  |  |
 |  |  |    |    |  |  |
 |  |      |       |  |
 |     / -------  /   |
     1     |        / 
         --G--     /
            |     /  
1: Seal of the Strength
2: Dancer's Stars(Lucia's ultimate armor)
3: Pure Extract
B: Blue Portal
G: Green Portal
R: Red Portal
Y: Yellow Portal

|Vessel, Floor 3|
     / R /
    /  |     
     |  /
  /  1 | /  
 /     |     

      |     /
    / |   /
  / /  |  / 
 3    |   
      G /
      |/  2
1: Ultra Belt
2: Evasion Down 4
3: Monk Earrings(turn the ring so that the yellow part faces south to reach it,
   or, simply take the blue portal from Floor 2 since you have completed  
   arranging the ring)
B: Blue Portal
G: Green Portal
R: Red Portal
Y: Yellow Portal

|Vessel, Floor 4|
      | | | /  
 /       |      
|        |      -- 
|--      |     |  |
|-B  ---(O)----Y--|
|-3      |     |  |
|        |     1-- 
1: Devil Loincloth(by taking the yellow portal from floor 3)
2: Getitup!
3: Crucifix(take blue portal from 3rd floor to reach it)
4: Death tarot card
B: Blue Portal
G: Green Portal
R: Red Portal
Y: Yellow Portal
You should see the new *white* portal at the north end now, but there are 2
items you might wanna get.

1. First, from Floor 1, go to the red portal ahead of you and get to Floor 2.
2. At Floor 2, head to the yellow portal on the right and get teleported *down*
3. Back at Floor 1, grab Seventh Key from the chest at position "3".
4. Take back the Yellow Portal to to up to Floor 2, and take the Red Portal at
   north to go back to Floor 1.
5. At Floor 1, now go to your left and take the blue portal up until Floor 4.
6. Grab Crucifix at 3 and go back to Floor 1.

Now be sure to save. After this, you'll be asked a question by Jeanne and your
asnwer determines the 2 endings in this game. If you do not wish to play the
game 2 times in order to see the 2 endings, save 2 slots so that you can reload
later and choose the other answer to get a different ending. Now go to the
north end and get teleported.

There'll be a cutscene and this will be the last conversation between you and
Jeanne. When your given 2 choices to make, the first choice will give you the
speculated "good" ending, and the second choice will give you the "bad" ending.

Save if you wish, and head north for a boss fight.

|BOSS: FUUJIN, RAIJIN                                                         |
|Fuujin- HP: 3540  MP: 620   Raijin- HP: 3780  MP: 620                        |
|Element: Wind(Fuujin), Earth(Raijin)                                         |
|Difficulty: Normal                                                           |
|Reward: Sp-Defend Down 4, P-Defend Down 4                                    |
|                                                                             |
|Arc Gale/Rage/Shield/Barrier up. You can't do much to stop them from comboing|
|they use Resist, but you should be fine with your defenses pumped up. If you |
|Delay, you can try to use it on Raijin cuz it's pretty effective. It should  |
|not be too tough.                                                            |

Go to the big round thing in front of you. Save, and prepare for the last boss
|Kusanagi Sword- HP: 1590  MP: 0                                              |
|Yasakani Gem- HP: 1250  MP: 777                                              |
|Yata Mirror- HP: 1370  MP: 666                                               |
|Susano-O- HP: 10000  MP: 999                                                 |
|Element: None(all)                                                           |
|Difficulty: Tough if you didn't do the sidequest and around 50s and don't    |
|            know the drill, cake for the opposite.                           |
|Reward: N/A                                                                  |
|                                                                             |
|Now if you haven't done the sidequest, this battle would be very tough       |
|because of a few reasons: 1. The gem might heal faster than you can damage,  |
|2. When they combo, one of your character is gonna die(you can't break their |
|combo), so here's where Spikes shine. Be sure to buy Spikes from the Magimel |
|Brothers, equip it with everyone. At the start of battle, Arc Gale/Rage up   |
|and change Yuri into Sorm/Gaudion and use "Stand". Now you will not lose SP  |
|and you will resist in defense all the time, that takes care of their crazy  |
|damage, and stop their combo too. Arc Rage when you get the chance, and      |
|quickly sneak in a 3 or 4 man combo to kill the gem off ASAP. If you fail to |
|kill it before it reaches its turn, all your effort will be wasted and it    |
|will get a full heal. I manage to kill it with a 3 men combo with Arc Rage,  |
|so it shouldn't really takes a key, unless you really can't kill it. Arc Cure|
|will be good here, be sure to heal up when your damaged. With the gem taken  |
|care of, the battle will not be so scary as their combo will not be that     |
|strong. With Spikes on, you don't really needa worry about status or ring    |
|ailments as when your resisting, you will not be affected by those. The next |
|target I'd suggest hitting is the sword, as his physical damage is pretty    |
|scary. His final revelation should do no more than 150+ damage now with those|
|Spikes equipped. After the sword is done, finish the mirror off. The battle  |
|shouldn't take too long when Susano-O is isolated, combo as much as you can, |
|if you have problems with SP, use "Howling" from your Earth Fusion. Now if   |
|you have done all the sidequests and got all the ultimates and stuff, you    |
|shouldn't be looking here because you'd own him in a few rounds without a    |
|sweat, not that it's anything to be proud of.                                |

Enjoy the ending, and the awesome song(most ppl call it getsurenka, but refers to it as tsukikoibana, I guess it's prolly a mistranlation
since both have similar meanings, its title in my soundtrack is um... I duno,
cuz it's full of alien words(not japanese)) at the ending credit. If you have
questions about the ending, check out the board, there are a lot of discussions
about it.

Full Name: Yuri Volte Hyuga

Hm... he's the main hero in the game, but unlike most hero in most games, he is
a bad ass. Ok enough of my view to him, he's overall a very strong character
and extremely versatile later on when you have all the Grade Max fusions. Well
I guess everyone knows why he's an awesome melee fighter(Energy Charge with
Fides, Neo Amon etc) but why is he versatile? Cuz all his fusions can cast
spells like Arc Rage/Shield/Mirage/Gale, can heal with water element fusions,
etc. Yuri in Dark Seraphim is definitely one of the most balanced and powerful
character, because of his strong attack power and GODLIKE speed. Plus, his
Dark Seraphim fusion has 2 insanely good skill. I am sure 99% of the ppl
playing the game will be using Yuri. He's considered a "fighter" character wit
high P-Atk, low S-Atk, and 5 hits of maximum.

|Judgement Ring|
He has a maximum of 5 attacks, and I love his ring. Why? Cuz it distributes
evenly so it's more predictable and easier to hit the strike.

There are 6 basic elemental fusions, namely Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Light, 
Dark, an elementless fusion Amon and 2 more optional fusion Neo Amon and 
Dark Seraphim.

There are 3 grades for basic fusion, Grade 2, Grade 3, and Grade Max. Before 
you charge the altar for the first time, the default grade is Grade 1, which 
has no fusion. That's why the first fusion is Grade 2, not Grade 1. Grade 2
& Grade 3 can be gotten as soon as you have accessed to fusions. To get Grade
2 fusions, simply charge the altar at the graveyard. To obtain Grade Max fusion
, you'll need to progress till a certain part of the game and you need an item
called Soul Drop, there are a total of 6 Soul Drops in the  game, one for each
element. With that in your inventory, go touch the altar at the graveyard again
. This time, you'll have to fight a shadowy monster in order to obtain the 
fusion. It might be a little tough when you fight it just when you gain 
accessed to Soul Drops, but it's easy as heck later on.

There are 10 levels of fusion, to upgrade them, go to the menu, Personal>yuri>
Fusion>Soul Charge. When you level up them, there's a small stat boost and new
skills will be gained. Always use the Grade Max fusions as they get all the
skills and have the best stats. Personally, I'd say max fire and earth fusion
first because both of them have the strongest physical attributes.

*You can only get Soul Drops after the event at Petrograd, where Jeanne told
you something about something scary and strong at the graveyard*

Locations of Soul Drops:
1. Goreme Valley, talk to Lawrence in the chapel
2. Domremy, on the floor at the end in the chapel
3. Wine Cellar, reward for the 2nd game of the mini game "Lucky Chests"
4. Yokohama, Yokohama Streets, at a chest in the house where Naniwa lived
   before he moved to Mukyo-An
5. Foreigner's Grave, in front of the 2nd gravestone from the right of the 2nd
   old man you encounter there
6. Inugami Village, in a chest hiding in a small house right when you enter the

Gaudion(Grade Max, level 10)-
Element: Earth
Skill List:
|Name      |MP |Description                                                   |
|Shield    |12 |Increases Physical Defense Power for one ally                 |
|Crag      |16 |Earth Class Special Damage. Single/5 hits/Anti-ground/knockup |
|Stand     |26 |Stops SP Damage for all party members when "Resisting"        |
|Thorn     |32 |Earth Special Damage. Circ, med./6 hits/Anti-ground/knockup   |
|Arc Shield|36 |Increases Physical Defense Power for all allies               |
|Howling   |44 |Restores a small amount of SP to all allies                   |
|Strike    |64 |Earth Class Special Damage. Circular, large/1hit/knockup      |
Note: 1. Vastitas(Grade 2) has only these skills: Shield, Crag
      2. Sorm(Grade 3) has only these skills: Shield, Crag, Stand, Thorn

Veneficium(Grade Max, level 10)-
Element: Water
Skill List:
|Name      |MP |Description                                                   |
|Mirage    |12 |Increases Evasion Rate for one ally                           |
|Splash    |16 |Water Class Special Damage. Single/3 hits/knockback           |
|Cure Plus |24 |Restores medium amount of HP to one ally                      |
|Icicle    |32 |Water Class Special Damage. Circular, small/9 hits/knockdown  |
|Arc Mirage|36 |Increases Evasion Rate for all allies                         |
|Cure All  |32 |Restores full amount of HP to one ally                        |
|Hail      |64 |Water Class Special Damage. Single/10 hits/knockup            |
Note: 1. Amnis(Grade 2) has only these skills: Mirage, Splash
      2. Mahrae(Grade 3) has only these skills: Mirage, Splash, Cure Plus,

Fides(Grade Max, level 10)-
Element: Fire
Skill List:
|Name         |MP |Description                                                |
|Rage         |12 |Increases one ally's Physical Attack Power                 |
|Blaze        |16 |Fire Class Special Damage. Single/6 hits/Anti-air/knockback|
|Energy Charge|*  |Increases own Physical Attack. Uses one turn               |
|Magma        |32 |Fire Class Special Damage. Piercing, medium/3 hits/knockup |
|Arc Rage     |36 |Increases all allies' Physical Attack Power.               |
|Hell Flame   |64 |Fire Class Special Damage. Circular, med./6 hits/knockdown |
|Inferno      |80 |Fire Class *PHYSICAL* Damage. Single/15 hits/knockback     |
Note: 1. Karyl(Grade 2) has only these skills: Rage, Blaze
      2. Barbaria(Grade 3) has only these skills: Rage, Blaze, Energy Charge,
      3. * MP cost varies depending on Yuri's level. (Thanks to Dan Skelley 
          for this!)

Libertis(Grade Max, level 10)-
Element: Wind
Skill List:
|Name     |MP |Description                                                    |
|Gale     |12 |Shortens turn interval for one ally                            |
|Howling  |16 |Wind Class Special Damage. Single/7 hits/Anti-air/knockback    |
|Arc Heal |18 |Recovers Status, Ring Abnormalities for all allies             |
|Slash    |32 |Wind Class Special Damage. Single/12 hits/Anti-air/knockback   |
|Arc Gale |36 |Shortens turn interval for all allies                          |
|Gathering|64 |Gathers enemies into one place                                 |
|Storm    |64 |Wind Special Damage. Circular, large/8 hits/Anti-air/knockdown |
Note: 1. Malakia(Grade 2) has only these skills: Gale, Howling
      2. Grano(Grade 3) has only these skills: Gale, Howling, Arc Heal, Slash

Miserati(Grade Max, level 10)-
Element: Light
Skill List:
|Name        |MP |Description                                                 |
|Barrier     |12 |Increases one ally's Special Defense Power                  |
|Heaven      |16 |Light Class Sp. Damage. Single/4 hits/Anti-ground/knockup   |
|Raise Up    |24 |Restores small HP and awakens one Unconscious ally          |
|Nova        |32 |Light Class Sp. Damage. Circ., med./6 hits/Anti-Air/knockup |
|Arc Barrier |36 |Increases all allies' Special Defense Power                 |
|Resurrection|40 |Restores all HP and awakens one Unconscious ally            |
|Pulse       |64 |Light Class Sp. Dmg. Pierc., lrg./17 hits/Anti-grnd/knockup |
Note: 1. Radeus(Grade 2) has only these skills: Barrier, Heaven
      2. Puera(Grade 3) has only these skills: Barrier, Heaven, Raise Up, Nova

Somnion(Grade Max, level 10)-
Element: Dark
Skill List:
|Name        |MP |Description                                                 |
|Surge       |12 |Increases Special Attack Power for one ally                 |
|Hell's Eyes |16 |Dark Class Special Damage. Single/3 hits/knockdown          |
|Mind Assault|1  |Drains MP from one enemy.(this is awesome!)                 |
|Dark Claw   |32 |Dark Class Special Damage. Single/9 hits/knockdown          |
|Arc Surge   |36 |Increases Special Attack Power for all allies               |
|Delay       |40 |Slows the turn order of one enemy                           |
|Thanatos    |64 |Dark Class Special Damage. Linear, Large/13 hits/knockdown  |
Note: 1. Nox(Grade 2) has only these skills: Surge, Hell's Eyes
      2. Orexis(Grade 3) has only these skills: Surge, Hell's Eyes, Mind
         Assault, Dark Claw

Amon(level 10)-
Element: None
Obtained: Obtained automatically when playing the game.
Skill List:
|Name             |MP |Description                                            |
|Demon Rays       |36 |Non-class Special Damage. Linear, medium/1 hit/knocku  |
|Mind/Body Revival|48 |Fully restores HP and awakens one Unconscious ally     |
|The End          |54 |Non-class Special Damage. Cir., medium/1 hit/knockback |

Neo Amon-
Element: None
Obtained: By beating the last boss at Tiffauges Castle.
Skill List:
|Name             |MP |Description                                            |
|Demon Rays       |36 |Non-class Special Damage. Linear, medium/1 hit/knockup |
|Mind/Body Revival|48 |Fully restores HP and awakens one Unconscious ally     |
|The End          |54 |Non-class Special Damage. Circ., medium/1 hit/knockback|
|Not Yet!         |56 |Restores a small amount of HP to all Unconscious allies|
|"Die, Scumbag!"  |88 |Non-class Special Damage. Circ., large/18 hits/knockup |

Dark Seraphim-
Element: None
Obtained: 1. You have to entered the last dungeon, Asuka Stone Platform at 
             least once,be sure to take the teleport and get into the vessel.
          2. Get Kurando's second fusion, have all Yuri's basic fusion at grade
             max, and Amon and Neo Amon all at level 10.

With these conditions satisfied, head to the graveyard and examine the floor
just 1-2 steps in front of the tree(not examining the tree), you should receive
Reborn Droplet. Head north and go into the door with a circle carved on it.
Continue your way until you get an event.

|BOSS: DARK SERAPHIM                                                          |
|Element: None                                                                |
|Difficulty: Very tough, but fun                                              |
|                                                                             |
|I'd recommend getting Yuri's ultimate weapon and ultimate armor before fight-|
|ing as it helps a lot. Equip Spikes and Flare Brooch too. He's seriously     |
|tough if you duno how to work it out. Now if you follow my strategy you      |
|should not have too much problem in beating him. Here's how. Spikes is damn  |
|good, but the problem is that you will lose SP when he attacks, so you might |
|need to use a Pure Extract and have a danger of going berserk if he uses the |
|last spell "For the Child...", however, there's a trick with Yuri. If you    |
|have been using Earth fusion, for grade 3 and grade Max, the earth fusion    |
|has a skill called "Stand" which stops all SP dmg when resist! So at the     |
|start of the battle just cast this and then switch to Neo Amon and whack.    |
|Heal up with Mind/Body Revival when your injured, and when he's low in HP he |
|will boost all his stats up greatly, so finish him ASAP(hopefully you got 2  |
|turns in a row) With this strategy, there's no need of using rigged Mind's   |
|Eye or Extreme or any keys which ruins the battle. You'll get 99,999 exp for |
|Yuri and a Thor's Belt after beating him.(I beat him at level 54 if you wanna|
|know)                                                                        |

You'll get Dark Seraphim Soul shortly, the final fusion for Yuri.

Skill List:
|Name            |MP |Description                                             |
|For Everyone... |72 |Increases Status for all allies                         |
|For Tomorrow... |88 |Non-class Sp. Damage+HP Drain. Single/1 hit/knockback   |
|For the Child...|160|Non-class Special Damage. All/30 hits/*                 |
Note: 1. The skill "For Everyone" is basically a one super buff skill, which
         has the effect of all the Arc Buff(Arc Rage, Arc Gale, Arc Barrier,
         Arc Shield, Arc Surge, yes it's THAT good), but it has its down point, 
         that is it doesn't give as much speed as Arc Gale do cuz Arc Gale 
         speeds up 142% at max while this skill speeds up 136%.
      2. The * for the skill "For the Child" means this skill has a very 
         special ability that allows you to continue your combo eventho your
         characters are separated far away, as long as the turn of the enemy
         hasn't reached.

|Ultimate Weapon|
Chimera Claw-
Calls forth the power of Tyr, Norse of god of war. Capable of obliterating an
entire planet. Fearful of its power, Roger hid it on the Moon.

1. Complete the Neam Ruins optional dungeon.
2. Talk to Roger and play a mini game. You'll just need to hit the 10 red areas
   for 10 revolutions.
3. Roger will give it to you afterwards.

|Ultimate Armor|
Bike Jacket-
The prized bike jacket Lenny wore in his wild youth. The split crucifix is a
sign of youthful rebellion. It's in good shape, despite being some decades old.

1. Complete Lenny's miniquest, check the sub-quests for more info.

|Special item|
Flare Brooch(both Yuri and Kurando can use it)-
The crest of the fire goddess Lejina, set with a crimson stone. Its light
reduces the pain of the Harmonixer. Reduces SP loss during fusion by 50%.

1. There are 2 of them, one can be found at Immortal Mountain, on the bridge to
   Neo Astaroth. Check the Walkthru section for more details.
2. Another can be gotten by beating Baal, the boss at Doll House.

Full Name: Karin Koenig

Main heroine of the game, tough, and likes Yuri a lot. She's a "balanced"
character, but with stronger physical attack than Blanca. Karin doesn't have
wide varieties of the awesome support spells that Blanca does, but her Sword
Arts(especially the third one) and crest magic makes up for it. In fact, most
of Blanca's supportive Manifestations can be substituted by magic crests.Hot,
supportive with decent attack power, good to combo with Geuschbenst(24 hits at
max), what more can you ask?

|Judgement Ring|
Another ring that I like a lot. Distributed evenly just like Yuri, her ring is
easy to learn and master. Have a maximum of 4 attacks.

|Sword Arts|
Karin can learn sword arts by collecting Nibelung Chapters. You can start
collecting it as soon as you get Nibelung Prelude at Paris. The way you get the
Nibelung chapters is not character specified, but based on a fixed sequence,
except Scene 9 and Finale. This means that if you talk to a NPC that is
able to give Nibelung Scene, he will give you the Nibelung based on this
Prelude>Scene 4>Scene 7>Scene 2>Scene 5>Scene 8>Scene 3>Scene 6>Scene 9>Finale

Below is an arranged order on the NPC you would meet normally. If somehow you
miss one of them, you might get a different Nibelung Scene as mentioned cuz it
follows the sequence above. Just talk to the NPC you missed to continue 

Nibelung Prelude: Paris, given by Gepetto automatically
Nibelung Scene 4: Port of Southampton, given by a man standing beside the
                  stairs to the fortress wall
Nibelung Scene 7: Florence, given by a man at the south of the fountain
Nibelung Scene 2: St. Marguerite Island, given by Locke automatically
Nibelung Scene 5: Petrograd, given by an old man standing on the street a map
                  before the open square of Hermitage
Nibelung Scene 8: Gallery of the Dead, from the skeleton beside the save point
                  at the start
Nibelung Scene 3: Battleship Mikasa, given by the sailor when you just entered
                  the ship
Nibelung Scene 6: Foreigner's Cemetery, given by the second old man you see
Nibelung Scene 9: Port of Southampton, given by a drunken dood in the inn
                  (this is character specified, and can only be gotten after
                  you have collected the previous scenes)
Nibelung Finale:  Queen's Garden, revisit the dungeon after you fight King 
                  Tamakos. Check the north wall behind the altar. You will have
                  to fight a boss called Guardian and beat it to obtain this.

Nibelung Scene 1-3: Heuervelk enhanced
Nibelung Scene 4-6: Bullenfogel enhanced
Nibelung Scene 7-9: Geuschbenst enhanced
Nibelung Finale: Sonnestark

Heuervelk at level 3:
Fire Class Special Damage. Circular, large/1 hit/knock up

Bullenfogel at level 3:
Fire Class Special Damage. Linear, large/2 hits/knock down

Geuschbenst at level 3:
Non-class *PHYSICAL* Damage. Single/24 hits/knock up

Fire Class Special Damage. Piercing, large/2 hits/knock up

|Ultimate Weapon|
Sword of the French hero Rolan. This enchanted blade slices rock ass though it
were paper.

1. Complete the Fort of Regrets sidequest, check the sidequest for more info.

|Ultimate Armor|
A tantalizing and daringly short velvet skirt bound to draw any man's stare.
This appealing protective garment capitalizes on women's unique strengths.

1. Last dungeon, Asuka Stone Platform appeared.
2. Given by Healthy Rooney(the fella who gave you pedometer) at Florence if you
   have 10,000 steps. If you have been equipping it ever since he gave you, it
   shouldn't be a problem at all. He gave it to you for free so the 10k steps
   is not used.

|Special Item|
a) Anne's Cross-
The only keepsake left behind by Yuri's mother, Anne. Filled with all the love
of a woman and mother, the silver cross provides many sacred protections.

This item stops Ring, Status Abnormalities and recovers a small amount of HP
each turn.

1. It can be gotten by going to Zurich at Europe. Zurich will be available once
   you have defeated Neo Astaroth at Immortal Mountain(info provided by

b) Dating Outfit-
Dating outfit, left behind by Margarete, made with the smallest amount of cloth
possible. Shows too much skin to protect well, but it sure can be distracting.

An alternate costume for Karin.

1. Complete the Neam Ruins optional dungeon and get White Underpants by giving
   Roger the Shanghai Heaven.
2. Complete the Fort of Regrets sidequest and get Karin's ultimate weapon,
3. Complete the Trading miniquest by reaching its end and get Lucia's ultimate
   weapon- Nemesis Fan. If you screwed up the trading quest, go buy it from
   the Junk Shop at Paris>Cathedral, you *NEED* to have Nemesis Fan.(Thanks to for this!)
4. Get Yuri's ultimate weapon Chimera Claw from Roger.
5. Talk to Roger now and you'll get this sexy costume.

Full Name: Blanca(duh...)

A super intelligent wolf character in the game. Looks cool with the "Y" mark on
his forehead. A "balanced" character with extremely useful Manifestations to
support the party. Physical attack is not as strong as Karin, but his awesome
supportive(and offensive as well) Manifestations makes up for it. Blanca is 
also pretty good with its SP-atk so it can actually be your half-mage if your
party is lacking one.

|Judgement Ring|
It has a maximum of 4 attacks. Its ring can be nasty for new players especially
the third attack because it follows closely after the second attack. Not as
user-friendly as Karin's ring imo, but with practice and patience it shouldn't
be too much of a problem. Later on, it can be fixed by putting Hit Area Expands
at the third hit area.

Manifestations are Blanca's unique abilities. They consist mostly of supportive
spells like recovering abnormalities, revives KO'd ally, full healing etc. They
do not come naturally and must be obtained by doing Blanca's personal sidequest
, the Wolf Bout.

Wolf Bout is initiated automatically once you reached Paris. Afterwards, you'll
have to find 14 more wolves and fight them in order to power up Soul Comet or
get new Manifestations. Here are the full list of them, a total of 15 Wolf

|Wolf Bout 1: Tetsu                                                           |
|Reward: Soul Comet learnt                                                    |
|Location: Paris, near the subway station, triggered automatically            |
|                                                                             |
|Try to equip yourself with a healing crest, just to save healing items. But  |
|if your good at doing strike areas, you won't even need to heal at all cuz   |
|you can definitely finish him before he kills you. My Blanca is at level 4.  |
|Wolf Bout 2: Kelly                                                           |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Wine Cellar, place where you fight Veronica and the giant frog,    |
|          Available after you beat the frog.                                 |
|                                                                             |
|Be sure to have pocket watch equip, other than that, it's nothing too hard.  |
|You'll receive Strike Expand, Seal of Luck                                   |
|Wolf Bout 3: Jerome                                                          |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Florence, beside the Magimel brothers                              |
|                                                                             |
|Not sure if Blanca is overleveled or what, but this has got to be the easiest|
|wolf ever, at max he does like 20 dmg and he might seal but just a few turns |
|should be enough to take him out. You get Seal 1 from him too.               |
|Wolf Bout 4: Henri                                                           |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: SG Italian Branch HQ, place you fought Janus                       |
|                                                                             |
|Be sure to equip Blanca with a Pocket Watch as he does Reverse Ring which    |
|sucks. You might wanna try to lose him on your first fight to see if he      |
|really changes back to a human. Well, sadly, no =| cuz if you lose they will |
|have to give Blanca another try. Oh well remember to heal as well cuz he does|
|pretty good damage.                                                          |
|Wolf Bout 5: Philipe                                                         |
|Reward: Full Moon learnt                                                     |
|Location: St. Marguerite Island, triggered automatically                     |
|                                                                             |
|You might wanna wear a Silver Bracelet as he does mental break, but it's not |
|a must cuz it doesn't drain too much. It took me 5 turns to kill it and I    |
|healed once. Not too tough, watch your HP and SP and take the necessary      |
|healing. Oh I got a shell Bracelet from him too, but I am not sure if he     |
|drops that all the time.                                                     |
|Wolf Bout 6: R-3                                                             |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Petrograd, place you first fought Pendulum                         |
|                                                                             |
|If you fight it now, it's annoying cuz you don't have anything to stop his   |
|panic attack, unless you wanna travel to Goreme Valley to buy a Feather      |
|Bracelet and come back here again. Anyway it's not an impossible fight.      |
|Keep whacking until he is down and heal up your HP and SP. You get Strike    |
|Expand & Feather Bracelet too.                                               |
|Wolf Bout 7: Maya, Mash, Martega                                             |
|Reward: Comeback learnt                                                      |
|Location: Domremy, in the forest, talk to Depressed Nagy to trigger it       |
|                                                                             |
|Now it might look a bit hard at first, but here's what I did(Blanca is around|
|level 23). First cast the Arc Gale you get from Hermitage, now hit Martega   |
|first, he'll be down in 2 rounds(perfect rings). Equip yourself a Shell      |
|Bracelet to prevent poison, but this doesn't stop all the status ailment they|
|do, cuz they will seal and mental break you. If you are not infected by these|
|status, cure yourself, if you do, forget about removing and use Thera Seed   |
|instead to avoid wasting turn. You might wanna block if they have many turns |
|after you as well. Anyway after finishing Martega, focus your attack on Mash.|
|With Mash down, you have pretty much won the battle, the last thing you need |
|to worry is your SP, so do not hesitate to use up a Pure Leaf or 2. I got 3x |
|Lottery Ticket and The Fool tarot card after beating them(with other minor   |
|healing stuff, Leonardo's Bear will be given if you hit all perfects)        |
|Wolf Bout 8: Necros                                                          |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Gallery of the Dead, locked in a cage, somewhere the east area     |
|                                                                             |
|This wolf is nasty cuz he deals paralysis, so equip Bhodi Bracelet. If you do|
|that, he's nothing much of a threat. Whack him and heal up, that's all. Oh   |
|yea, he never gets to eat you even if you lose =|                            |
|Wolf Bout 9: Carven                                                          |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Battleship Mikasa, after completing everything, revisit it. It's at|
|the upper deck(Kurando's)                                                    |
|                                                                             |
|You'll need anti-petrification accessory(Zodiac Bracelet). You get petrify 2 |
|for beating him.                                                             |
|Wolf Bout 10: Eleanor(god... she's... like... Garan....)                     |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Nihonbashi park, after defeating Shokis                            |
|                                                                             |
|Oh I think Karin's VA did her, not sure tho. Anyway, you might wanna put on  |
|Pocket Watch if your not used to Small Ring that she does >red>yellow crystal sequence and you'll  |
|          meet him.                                                          |
|                                                                             |
|He does around 100 dmg and deals Instant Death, so be sure to have Leonardo's|
|Bear equipped. With that equipped, he shouldn't be much of a threat if you   |
|have been using Blanca. You'll get Instant Death 3 for beating him.          |
|Wolf Bout 13: Henri                                                          |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Tiffauges Castle, for direction... look at the faq itself.         |
|                                                                             |
|Bersek Henri O_O He does Reverse Ring so put the newly found Crucifix into   |
|use. If you have that equipped, he shouldn't be too hard, just heal up and   |
|whack and he'll be down in no time. You get Valuable Gem for beating it.     |
|Wolf Bout 14: Lobo                                                           |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Forest of Wind, second area.                                       |
|                                                                             |
|Equip Leonardo's Bear, or else you might die if he uses Instant Death, with  |
|that equipped, just whack as usual, easy. You'll get Instant Death 4 for     |
|beating it.                                                                  |
|Wolf Bout 15: Wolfman                                                        |
|Reward: Soul Comet turns to Red Comet                                        |
|Location: Paris>Monmarte, where Ernest stood.                                |
|                                                                             |
|This guy hurts, dealing around 200+ dmg each turn. Equip Demon's Earrings,   |
|gale up, whack and heal. He also has tons of HP so this will be a long battle|
|. I highly suggest equipping Delay because it looks effective on him. He had |
|only used 3 turns when I beated him because he was delayed soo many times.   |
|You'll get Sp-Attack Down 4, Lottery Ticket, Strike Expand(bonus for ring    |
|perfect victory), Blanca's ultimate weapon- Beast Medal and 70k exp for      |
|wasting him.                                                                 |

After you completed the Wolf Bout, go to Tiffauges Castle and check out Henri,
he has turned back into his human form. He'll tell you to go to Monmartre to
look for Ernest, so please do and and remember to talk to the boy there. Enjoy
the hilarious conversation!

Summary of the rewards of Wolf Bouts-
Wolf Bout 5, Philipe            : Full Moon learnt
Wolf Bout 7, Maya, Mash, Martega: Comeback learnt
Wolf Bout 12, Lobo              : Aurora learnt
Wolf Bout 15, Wolfman           : Soul Comet turns Red Comet
Other Wolf Bouts                : Soul Comet powered up

Rewards given by Ernest-
3 Pawprints : Thera Extract
6 Pawprints : Zagan Crest
9 Pawprints : The Emperor tarot card
12 Pawprints: Seventh Key
15 Pawprints: Beast Medal

Red Comet, 20 MP: Wind Class Special Damage. Single/12 hits/knock up
Fullmoon, 18 MP: Recovers Ring and Status Abnormalities for all allies
Comeback, 36 MP: Restores all HP to an Unconscious ally
Aurora, 54 MP: Restores all HP to all allies

|Ultimate Weapon|
Beast Medal-
Created by Ernest after decades of animal research. A powerful tool that allows
the user total control over animals.

1. Given by Ernest for completing the Wolf Bout.

|Ultimate Armor|
Charm Pouch-
A pouch belonging to the Domremy girl, Jeanne. It's filled with acorns she
collected with Blanca. A young girl's kind prayers protect the bearer.

1. The last dungeon, Asuka Stone Platform is up.
2. Go to the Domremy Chapel. You'll get it after a scene.

|Special Item|
Colorful Comb-
Tortoiseshell comb dropped by a young girl. A slight scent of hair lingers. A
regal object of noble history, it can speed up your turn in a crisis.

1. Obtained automatically at Yokohama Brick Warehouses.

Full Name: Gepetto

A puppeteer and the grandfather of Jeanne. Travels with Yuri at the start of
the game. He has the strongest Sp-Attack among all the characters, but his
physical attack is pure crap. His specialty is his Marionette Cornelia, which
can change dresses to alter his element. He has all basic elemental spells
once you get all her dresses, which makes him more versatile than other "mages"

|Judgement Ring|
His attack ring isn't that important, basically because you shouldn't be using
him to attack at all. He has a maximum of 3 attacks like all "mages" and all
his hit areas lie on the left side of the ring.

After you meet the Magimel Brothers for the first time, you can start to make
dresses for Cornelia by giving Stud Cards to Pierre. There are a total of 9
stud cards in the game, 6 of them will make the basic element dress, and the
other 3 requires another item in order to make the special dresses.

Location of the stud cards:
|Name          |Location                                                      |
|Mr. Sommelier |Paris, obtained automatically                                 |
|Mr. Detective |Port of Southampton, in the first room on the second floor of |
|              |the inn                                                       |
|Mr. Doctor    |Yokohama Streets, on the floor under the black label beside   |
|              |the Magimel Brothers                                          |
|Mr. Matador   |Florence, given by a maid looking woman close to the fountain |
|Mr. Swan      |Petrograd, after beating Night Queen, talk to the guard       |
|              |walking there in Hermitage                                    |
|Mr. Chef      |Prize for the Lucky Chests minigame(1st game)                 |
|Mr. Sax       |Reward for Beginner Level 4 of the Solomon's Trials           |
|Mr. Samurai   |Cannes, given by a fat dood in the cafe                       |
|Mr. Wrestler  |Nihonbashi, given by a worker beside Gama's Ring, I think the |
|              |last dungeon has to appear before you can get it              |

Below are the dresses and their requirement:
|Dress Name     |Element|Requirement             |Skill Learnt| 
|Poor Saint     |None   |Start with it           |None        |
|Little Mushroom|Earth  |Stud Card               |Earth Cast  |
|Sassy Sailor   |Water  |Stud Card               |Aqua Cast   |
|Fire Dancer    |Fire   |Stud Card               |Heat Cast   |
|Windy Pixie    |Wind   |Stud Card               |Air Cast    |
|Angel of Light |Light  |Stud Card               |Holy Cast   |
|Dark Beauty    |Dark   |Stud Card               |Dark Cast   |
|Beastmaster    |None   |Stud Card+Racoon Fiend  |Ecstasy     |
|Black Queen    |None   |Stud Card+Purple Bondage|Passion     |
|Blue Virgin    |None   |Stud Card+Picture*      |Advent      |
*To get Blue Virgin, you have to trigger the scene where Yuri met Alice on the
train(thanks to for the info)

Racoon Friend: Bought from Kensuke, a seller in one of the warehouses in 
               Yokohama Brick Warehouses.
Purple Bondage: After beating Night Queen, go to Rasputin's room and check the
                side of the bed.
Picture: After getting all the previous dresses, talk to Pierre and you'll 
         "get" this automatically. I put the quotation marks because I can't
         find it in my inventory.

Description of the spells:
|Spell     |MP |Effect                                                        |
|Earth Cast|20 |Earth Class Special Damage. Circular, small/1 hit/knockback   |
|Aqua Cast |20 |Water Class Special Damage. Circular, small/1 hit/knockback   |
|Heat Cast |20 |Fire Class Special Damage. Circular, small/1 hit/knockback    |
|Air Cast  |20 |Wind Class Special Damage. Circular, small/1 hit/knockback    |
|Holy Cast |20 |Light Class Special Damage. Circular, small/1 hit/knockback   |
|Dark Cast |20 |Dark Class Special Damage. Circular, small/1 hit/knockback    |
|Ecstasy   |36 |Earth Class Special Damage. Circular, medium/1 hit/knockback  |
|Passion   |72 |Earth Class Special Damage. Circular, medium/6 hits/knockup   |
|Advent    |88 |Light Class Special Damage. Circular, large/1 hit/knockdown   |

|Ultimate Weapon|
Crimson Thread-
Legend says this thread links the fate of a star-crossed couple. Said to make
the owner's deepest wishes a reality.

1. Gotten after beating the boss, Baal at Doll House optional dungeon.

|Ultimate Armor|
Puppeteer's Cape-
Inverness cape worn by Kopecky, the greatest of all puppeteers. His plays
featured cows and frogs, and his dark humor still leaves a deep impression.

1. By completing the all the Solomon Trials, you'll receive it after clearing
   the Creator Level.

|Special Item|
Silver Chair-
Chair covered in silver cloth. It has no magic at all, but it protects the old
and makes the youth more respectful--a fine thing in these trouble times.

1. Can be bought at the Junk Shop at Paris>Cathedral after you beat veronica
   the second time(Night Queen)

Full Name: Joachim Valentine

A pro wrestler, a vampire, and Keith's brother. He's an extremely powerful
fighter by the time you get him, and most ppl would drop Gepetto for him(poor
Gepetto..). Well as strong as he looks, he's bullied by Anastasia frequently
later on. Joachim at his Great Question form actually has the strongest
Physical/Special Attack in the whole game(around twice as much as Kurando), but
unlike Yuri and Kurando, he is unable to change into this form at will and it 
happens randomly. Yea you can use Getitup! to forcefully change him but that 
items don't come around too often. His another specialty is his Muscle Arts 
which gives him some skills to boot. Out of the 3 melee fighters, Joachim is my
least favourite because of his unstable morphing, eventho he possesses the 
strongest attack power.

Golden Bat-
Has super attack, but with very low amount of HP. Useful in some fights, but
definitely not bosses. Changed when the Gold Line hits the original point. Can
also be forcefully changed into a bat by using Bat's Gold.

Has better evasion, not much better with the normal Joachim generally. Changed
when the Rainbow Line meets the original point at Joachytm. Can be forcefully
changed by using Strongoids.

Grand Papillon-
Has a boost in all stats, with no negative disadvantages. It's a very good form
to fight against bosses. Joachim will change into Grand Papillon when the 2
lines, Gold Line and Rainbow Line meet at Joachythm. Can be forcefully changed
by using Getitup!.

Great Question-
Super form, Joachim at this form is actually the strongest physical attacker in
the game. Bad thing is it's random and you can't use it all the time, unlike
Yuri's fusion. Still, with a Getitup! you can forcefully change him into this
form for boss fights. You will get this form after completing the Man Festival

Another special thing about Joachim is that his weapon are all gotten free by
snatching ppl's belongings. Here are the list of his weapons and their 
|Locker      |Port of Southampton, beside Gama's ring at the lower left corner|
|Red Mailbox |Wales, when you revisit it, check the mailbox beside Roger's    |
|            |house                                                           |
|Earthen Pipe|St. Marguerite Island, room where you fought Oscar              |
|Frozen Tuna |Petrograd, after you fight Night Queen, it's at the open square |
|            |outside Anastasia's palace, at the lower left corner            |
|Giant Pillar|Yokohama Brick Warehouses. It's in one of the warehouses        |
|Emcee's Desk|Nihonbashi, near Gama's ring                                    |
|Clay Idol   |Inugami Village, it's lying at the stone path leading to the    |
|            |waterfall(it's the path before you enter the hole)              |
|Dark Tower  |Le Havre, Joachim's place. After beating Astaroth at Immortal   |
|            |Mountain, revisit that place. You'll find Joachim's sister, a   |
|            |peach bat. Fight her and win and you'll get this item. Be warned|
|            |, she'll use an extremely strong attack on her 4th turn(altho it| 
|            |said it's the 5th), so either you take out her before her 4th   |
|            |turn or use a Replacement Man, blocking generally doesn't work  |
|Nautilus    |Joachim's ultimate weapon, you'll get it on the way when doing  |
|            |the Fort of Regrets sidequest                                   |

|Judgement Ring|
Has a maximum of 5 attacks, not as evenly distributed as Yuri's but it's ok.
You'll need to get used of his ring ASAP because you'll be using it almost all
the time.

|Muscle Arts|
Muscle Arts are special skill for Joachim. You start with Drain Touch, further
skills can be learnt by fighting Gama, which can be found when you reach Port
of Southampton.

The first 2 skills, Grand Slam, and Deathron Hammer can be learnt at
Southampton by fighting Gama. The final skill, Artem Buster, however can only
be learnt when you reach Nihonbashi.

|Drain Touch                                                                  |
|20 MP, Drains one enemy's Hp                                                 |
|                                                                             |
|Start with this by default.                                                  |
|Grand Slam                                                                   |
|36 MP, Non-class Physical Damage. Single/4 hits/knockback                    |
|                                                                             |
|To learn this skill, beat Great Gama for the first time at Port of           |
|Southampton. Equip Leonardo's Bear and fight him, it shouldn't be too tough  |
|and it's definitely doable when you just reach Southampton. Keep in mind his |
|Grand Slam has a chance to kill you instantly which is why you need          |
|Leonardo's Bear.                                                             |
|Deathtron Hammer                                                             |
|72 MP, Non-class Physical Damage. Single/15 hits/knockback                   |
|                                                                             |
|Beating Gama for the second time at Southampton will get you this skill.     |
|However, there's a catch. Gama will attempt to use a Third Key at his third  |
|turn, which will kill you instantly if you do not block. I don't really      |
|recommend getting this skill right away, because he might prove too tough at |
|the level you just reach Southampton. Come back when your around 15+, or do  |
|it before you go to Japan. Even then, you'll still not guaranteed a win with |
|his Third Key. To counter it, either you block with a health amount of HP, or|
|you use a Replacement Man, or you turn into a bat and kill him before his    |
|third turn. Beat him the second time and you'll be rewarded with this neat   |
|skill. Note: It can be gotten at Nihonbashi, had you not beated him a second |
|time at Southampton.                                                         |
|Artem Buster                                                                 |
|88 MP, Earth Physical Damage. Circular, large/1 hit/Anti-ground/knockback    |
|                                                                             |
|Can be gotten after you met Gama at Nihonbashi. Beat him for the third time  |
|and he'll give you this skill. Similar to the second fight, he'll use a Fifth|
|Key on his fifth turn, but at the time you reach him, you should be able to  |
|survive by guarding his attack with a good amount of HP, either way you can  |
|try beating him before he uses the key by changing into a bat or use a       |
|Replacement Man.                                                             |

|Ultimate Weapon|
A timeless vessel that continues it journey through the sea of the stars. A
gentleman's agreement prevents its powerful weapons from being used.

1. Do the Fort of Regrets sidequest and you'll get this item on the way.

|Ultimate Armor|
Rose Bondage-
Starkly menacing male bondage gear. Roses on each shoulder exude male
pheromones that cause other men to become helplessly drawn to the wearer.

1. Meet Lottery Members #2-#16.
2. Go to Joachim's place at Le Havre, Keith will be there.
3. Play his lottery, his red contains this ultimate armor. His ring might
   speeds up or slows down randomly, but if you hit a few degrees from the red
   it should land. Takes some luck and some practice.

|Special Item|
a) Gold Band-
A band into which 12 martial artists of old poured their passion. Imbued with
their spirit and smells, it reverberates with a manly heart.

In short it makes Joachim turn into a Golden Bat more often.

1. Complete Believer Level 3 of the Solomon's Trials.

b) Prism Band-
Band set with mysterious crystals that emit electrical waves. If worn for long
periods, the brain fills with a strange sap, and the world turns to pink.

Makes it easier for Joachim to turn into Invisible.

1. Lottery Member #11's red item. She's inside Hermitage, in the second room
   at the East Hallway.

c) Electro Band-
The Gold Band and Prism Band merged. A massive amount of deadly radiation is
emitted, causing nosebleeds in normal people and euphoria in vampires.

Makes Joachim easier to turn into Grand Papillon/Great Question. Before you do
the Man Festival sidequest, Joachim can only change into Grand Papillon so the
description says Grand Papillon, but after you do the sidequest, the
description will change into Great Question because Joachim no longer has the
Grand Papillon form.

1. Complete Embodiment Level 2 of the Solomon's Trials.

d) Mask of Question(Key Items)-
Mask of honor given to the winner at the Man Festival. Still holds the sweaty
odor of the first winner. All men dream of owning this most powerful morph

Makes Joachim turn into Great Question, instead of Grand Papillon.

1. Beat Great Question at Level 100 of the Man Festival.

Full Name: Lucia

A fortuneteller and a dancer. She starts to join your party when you reach
Florence. A "mage" type of character with 3 attacks that's not really effective
. Most people tend to ignore her because by the time you got her you'd feel
your party is good enough. Well I didn't really use her personally but I heard
that her aromatherapy can be extremely powerful if you know how to use them.
Her specialties are her tarot card and aromatherapy. Tarot Cards are kinda
random, most of them give positive effects, but there's a card that can kill
off your party which makes this skill pretty risky to use, unless you feel
really lucky.

|Judgement Ring|
She has 3 attacks at max, and they are distributed in a very odd way. Her last
hit area is pretty small, while the other 2 are very huge. Well I doubt your
gonna use her melee a lot so it doesn't really matter I guess.

|Tarot Cards|
Tarot Cards are one of Lucia's specialty. It's a skill that lets you randomly
draw a card from his tarot card deck and the effect of the card drawn will be 
executed. Nothing much you can do to avoid getting negative cards here, it's
all luck.

High Priestess-
Effect: MP is restored by 50% of max value
Found: Start with it

The Hierophant-
Effect: HP is restored by 50% of max value
Found: Start with it

The Hermit-
Effect: SP is restored by 50% of max value
Found: Start with it

The Hanged Man-
Effect: Next turn is skipped
Found: Start with it

The Moon-
Effect: Max MP in battle increased by 50%
Found: Start with it

Effect: Lucia is downed and heals all unconscious members fully.
Found: By beating Janus, a boss at SG Italian Branch HQ

Effect: SP reduction is cut in half
Found: By beating Oscar at St. Marguerite Island

Wheel of Fortune-
Effect: Luck is multiplied by 128
Found: 1st item of the Treasure Hunting miniquest, it's on the floor at the
       chain in the room where you fought Oscar

The Empress-
Effect: Evasion Rate is doubled
Found: By examining the cute teddy bear stuffed toy in Anastasia's room in
       Hermitage at Petrograd

The Magician-
Effect: MP consumption is cut in half
Found: At Gallery of the Dead, at a corner. Check the walkthru part for 
       detailed location

The Fool-
Effect: Damage display is doubled
Found: By completing Wolf Bout 7

The World-
Effect: Cash, Experience, and Soul Energy received is doubled
Found: By beating Asmodeus at Idar Flamme

The Sun-
Effect: Max SP in battle increased by 50%
Found: At Yokohama Streets, on the floor in front of a door close to Tomoko, 
       check the walkthru for detailed info

The Lovers-
Effect: HP, MP and SP are restored by 50% of max value
Found: At Battleship Mikasa, on the floor with 3 pipes, found by Kurando's team
       , check the walkthru for detailed info

The Tower-
Effect: Currently held cash increases 2x
Found: At Imperial Capital>Nihonbashi, behind the green pillar at the bridge

Effect: Can draw one more card. Always positive effect
Found: By beating Shoki at Nihonbashi

The Emperor-
Effect: Turn interval is cut in half
Found: Given by Ernest at Paris>Montmartre if you have 9 pawprints for the
       Wolf Bout

The Star-
Effect: Max HP in battle increased by 50%
Found: At the garden on the right side of the door of Saki's house in Inugami

Effect: Amount of damage caused is doubled
Found: By beating King Tamakos at Queen's Garden

The Devil-
Effect: Causes Status Abnormality
Found: At Tiffauges Castle, check the sidequest for more info

The Chariot-
Effect: Causes damage equal to 50% of max HP value
Found: At Black Forest optional dungeon, check the sidequest for more info

Effect: Instant death
Found: At Vessel, Floor 4 of Asuka Stone Platform, check the walkthru map

*Note: Aromatherapy affects *ONLY* the 3 other allies, Lucia will not benefit
from any of the effects*
What's the good of aromatherapy if you don't even know the effect you'll get by
mixing 2 oils? Here's a complete list of effects:

Base Oil: Ocean Oil
|Blending Oil|MP Cost|Effect                                                  |
|Misty Oil   |20     |Small amount of HP is restored, only when used          |
|Grass Oil   |25     |Small amount of HP is restored for 1 turn               |
|Night Oil   |30     |Medium amount of HP is restored for 1 turn              |
|Moon Oil    |30     |Small amount of HP is restored for 2 turns              |
|Shining Oil |35     |Medium amount of HP is restored for 2 turns             |
|Sunrise Oil |25     |Medium amount of HP is restored, only when used         |
|Aurora Oil  |70     |Large amount of HP is restored for 2 turns              |

Base Oil: Misty Oil
|Blending Oil|MP Cost|Effect                                                  |
|Ocean Oil   |20     |Protects against Status Abnormalities for 1 turn        |
|Grass Oil   |25     |Protects against Ring Abnormalities for 2 turns         |
|Night Oil   |30     |Protects against Status Abnormalities for 3 turns       |
|Moon Oil    |25     |Protects against Status Abnormalities for 2 turns       |
|Shining Oil |20     |Protects against Ring Abnormalities for 1 turn          |
|Sunrise Oil |30     |Protects against Ring Abnormalities for 3 turns         |
|Aurora Oil  |60     |Protects against Ring, Status Abnormalities for 3 turns |

Base Oil: Grass Oil
|Blending Oil|MP Cost|Effect                                                  |
|Ocean Oil   |25     |Medium increase in Physical Defense Power for 3 turns   |
|Misty Oil   |25     |Medium increase in Special Defense Power for 3 turns    |
|Night Oil   |20     |Small increase in Special Defense Power for 3 turns     |
|Moon Oil    |20     |Small increase in Physical Defense Power for 3 turns    |
|Shining Oil |30     |Large increase in Physical Defense Power for 3 turns    |
|Sunrise Oil |30     |Large increase in Special Defense Power for 3 turns     |
|Aurora Oil  |60     |Large increase in Physical, Special Defense for 3 turns |

Base Oil: Night Oil
|Blending Oil|MP Cost|Effect                                                  |
|Ocean Oil   |25     |Small amount of MP is restored for 1 turn               |
|Misty Oil   |30     |Small amount of MP is restored for 2 turns              |
|Grass Oil   |20     |Small amount of MP is restored, only when used          |
|Moon Oil    |35     |Medium amount of MP is restored for 2 turns             |
|Shining Oil |25     |Medium amount of MP is restored, only when used         |
|Sunrise Oil |30     |Medium amount of MP is restored for 1 turn              |
|Aurora Oil  |70     |Large amount of MP is restored for 2 turns              |

Base Oil: Moon Oil
|Blending Oil|MP Cost|Effect                                                  |
|Ocean Oil   |60     |Strike Effect increases 1.5times, for 1 turn            |
|Misty Oil   |25     |Evasion Rate doubles for 1 turn                         |
|Grass Oil   |30     |Critical Rate increases 1.5 times for 1 turn            |
|Night Oil   |100    |Critical Rate becomes 100% for 1 turn                   |
|Shining Oil |25     |Critical Rate doubles for 1 turn                        |
|Sunrise Oil |20     |Medium amount of MP is restored for 1 turn              |
|Aurora Oil  |750    |Attack with the 3rd Key effect for 1 turn               |

Base Oil: Shining Oil
|Blending Oil|MP Cost|Effect                                                  |
|Ocean Oil   |30     |Large increase in Physical Attack Power for 3 turns     |
|Misty Oil   |20     |Small increase in Special Attack Power for 3 turns      |
|Grass Oil   |30     |Large increase in Special Attack Power for 3 turns      |
|Night Oil   |20     |Small increase in Physical Attack Power for 3 turns     |
|Moon Oil    |25     |Medium increase in Physical Attack Power for 3 turns    |
|Sunrise Oil |25     |Medium increase in Special Attack Power for 3 turns     |
|Aurora Oil  |60     |Large increase in Physical, Special Attack for 3 turns  |

Base Oil: Sunrise Oil
|Blending Oil|MP Cost|Effect                                                  |
|Ocean Oil   |20     |Small amount of SP is restored, only when used          |
|Misty Oil   |30     |Small amount of SP is restored for 2 turns              |
|Grass Oil   |35     |Medium amount of SP is restored for 2 turns             |
|Night Oil   |25     |Small amount of SP is restored for 1 turn               |
|Moon Oil    |25     |Medium amount of SP is restored, only when used         |
|Shining Oil |30     |Medium amount of SP is restored for 1 turn              |
|Aurora Oil  |70     |Large amount of SP is restored for 2 turns              |

Base Oil: Aurora Oil
|Blending Oil|MP Cost|Effect                                                  |
|Ocean Oil   |70     |Medium HP restore and small MP/SP restore, for 2 turns  |
|Misty Oil   |70     |Small HP/MP/SP restore, Abnormality protect: 2 turns    |
|Grass Oil   |70     |Small HP/MP/SP restore, medium Defense increase; 2 turns|
|Night Oil   |70     |Medium MP restore and small HP/SP restore, for 2 turns  |
|Moon Oil    |900    |Small HP/MP/SP restore, 3rd Key Attack, for 2 turns     |
|Shining Oil |70     |Small HP/MP/SP restore, medium Attack increase; 2 turns |
|Sunrise Oil |70     |Medium SP restore and small MP/SP restore, for 2 turns  |

|Ultimate Weapon|
Nemesis Fan-
A fan said to hold the power of Nemesis, comet that destroyed the dinosaurs.
Brings its power to the owner... and death to their enemies.

1. Complete the Trading miniquest correctly and you'll get this as the final
2. If you screwed up the Trading miniquest, the Junk Shop will sell it for
   500,000 cash.

|Ultimate Armor|
Dancer's Stars-
A dancing girl's costume sparkling with night-sky stars. When she danced, it
was as if she became one with the stars and the night danced onstage beside her

1. In a chest at Vessel Level 2 of Asuka Stone Platform, check the walkthru map
   for details.

|Special Item|
a) The Seven Stars-
Crystal contains the stars of fate, love and hate, money, agony, health,
learning and God's will. Helps the astrologer; tarot effect will always be

1. Complete the Black Forest optional dungeon.
2. Revisit Black Forest, go right, then hug on the right wall of the middle
   path, you should find it after walking a few steps.

b) Bride's Dress-
Given by Mr. Lawrence when he proposed. The cloth shines like pearl and the
armbands tinkle with every movement. Truly a dress meant for a dancing bride.

1. Complete the Black Forest optional dungeon.
2. Talk to Carla at Florence.
3. Talk to Lawrence at Southampton and he'll give it to you.

Full Name: Princess Anastasia

Fourth princess of the Romanov dynasty, she joins you when you reach Petrograd
and loves bullying Joachim. Despite her appearance, she's a pretty good
character. Her album gives her some nice spells to use(eg. Power Cannon to 
raise the combo hits) and of course her snapshot is extremely useful against 
bosses since it gives you a clear information about their HP, element etc. Out
of the 3 mages, I like Anastasia most, because of her snapshot, album and of
course being cute is always a plus :p

|Judgement Ring|
Has a maximum of 3 attacks, and distributed pretty evenly on the ring, altho
the final hit area is pretty(not that it matters if your always aiming the
strike). You might wanna use her physical attack from time to time so be sure
to get used to it.

Taking photos of monsters are her specialty. There are some special monsters
that can be "summoned" by Anastasia after snapping them and they'll come out to
do a spell and leave immediately afterwards. There are a total of 10 skills for
Anastasia's album.
|Name          |MP |Description                                               |
|Aqua Raise    |36 |Water Special Damage+Poison. Circ., small/1 hit/knockback |
|Direct Press  |28 |Halves one enemy's HP(doesn't work on bosses)             |
|Cash Steal    |38 |Steals cash from one enemy                                |
|Remove        |50 |Nullifies one enemy's increases Status effect             |
|Pillage Storm |38 |Steal items from one enemy                                |
|Falling Leaves|1  |Allow characters to Run Away from a battle(100% chance)   |
|Power Cannon  |72 |Non-class Special Damage. Linear, large/17 hits/knock up  |
|Spirit Ward   |80 |Drives one enemy away from the battle                     |
|Nightmare     |56 |Reduces one enemy's HP to 1                               |
|Euthanasia    |88 |Water Special Dmg.+Abnormality. Circ., large/1 hit/knockup|
|Name          |Monster     |Location                                         |
|Aqua Raise    |Pendulum    |Petrograd, Solomon's Trials-Monk Lv 1 or 3       |
|Direct Press  |Hati        |Idar Flamme, Solomon's Trials-Believer Lv 2 or 3 |
|Cash Steal    |Andre       |Solomon Trials-Monk Lv 3 or Believer Lv 4        |
|Remove        |Oscar       |Solomon Trials-Monk Lvl 4 or Believer Lv 4       |
|Pillage Storm |Mini Tanukis|Solomon Trials-Believer Lv 4                     |
|Falling Leaves|Tengu       |Forest of Wind, with Warning Device equipped*    |
|Power Cannon  |Mecha Lord  |Battleship Mikasa, Solomon Trials-Embodiment Lv 2|
|Spirit Ward   |King Tamakos|Queen's Garden, Solomon Trials-Embodiment Lv 2   |
|Nightmare     |Bailey      |Doll House optional dungeon                      |
|Euthanasia    |Orobas      |Neam Ruins optional dungeon                      |

|Ultimate Weapon|
Gold Angel-
The ultimate egg, created from cursed gold and enchanted stones. A priceless
treasure that is steeped in the memories of Edgar and his father.

1. Talk to Edgar if you have 5x Silver Angel.

Location of the Silver Angels:
1. After beating Night Queen, go back to her place and examine the floor to get
2. Inugami Village, behind the radish being dried.
3. Doll House optional dungeon, behind the sofa in the room with the diary.
4. Complete Worshipper Level 1 of the Solomon's Trials.
5. Complete the Stud Card Quiz, asked by a worker beside Gama's ring at

|Ultimate Armor|
Prayer Robe-
The holy dress of the Blue Saint, the ancient savior of the world. The dress is
safeguarded by the Russian Emperor, for when the world will need it again.

1. Final dungeon, Asuka Stone Platform is up.
2. Go to Anastasia's mom's room, which is behind the Throne Hall(Where Rasputin
   attempted to assassinate the Tsar) in Hermitage at Petrograd. You'll get it
   after an event.

|Special Item|
a) Panoramic Lens-
Camera lens made by Edgar. Can capture images at a wide angle, enabling you to
photograph all enemies with just one press of the shutter.

1. After beating Night Queen, talk to Edgar at his shop to get this from him.

b) Autumn Kimono-
Kimono ordered by Kurando's father, in case a daughter was born, from the most
skilled artisans of the time. Cut short, and embroidered in vivid autumn colors

1. Complete the Dog Shrine optional dungeon.
2. Get Kurando's second fusion- Jutendouji.
3. Talk to Saki at her house and she'll give it to you.

Full Name: Kurando Inugami

Another Harmonixer, but unlike Yuri, he have only 2 fusions. He joins you
pretty late, around the start of disc 2. Kurando isn't really strong when he
joins you, mainly because of his second fusion is sealed. His second fusion is
optional so you can actually miss it, after Kurando got his second fusion-
Jutendouji, he becomes one of the best character, with demon attack and godly
speed. Kurando at his second fusion has better physical attack than Yuri but
his skills aren't as good as Dark Seraphim's.

|Judgement Ring|
Has a maximum of 5 attacks like all fighters. His ring is not as evenly distri-
buted as Yuri's, and his first attack comes in very fast, so you might miss his 
hit area a lot when you just got him because you might have gotten used to the
slow speed(coral pendants). Be sure to master his ring if your using him.

|Demon Morph|
Similar to Yuri's fusion, but its called Demon Morph. Unlike Yuri, he can only
fuse into 2 monsters, making him not as versatile as Yuri. His first fusion
is only mediocre, so most ppl might not have noticed his potential. If your
using Kurando, getting his second fusion is a must, cuz that's where he shines.

Tsukiyomi(at level 10)-
Element: Light
Obtained: Automatically
Skill List:
|Name          |MP |Description                                               |
|Hell's Light  |64 |Light Class Special Damage. Linear, large/1 hit/knockup   |
|Star's Shadow |48 |Full HP, Status, Ring Abnormality recovery for one ally   |
|Moon's Rainbow|88 |Light Class Sp. Damage. Circular, large/15 hits/knock down|

Jutendouji(at level 10)-
Element: None
Obtained: 1. Complete the Dog Shrine optional dungeon. 
          2. Talk to Saki at the fountain.
          3. Beat Kouenki on a 1v1 fight and you'll get it.
Skill List:
|Name          |MP |Description                                               |
|Ascetic's Fire|88 |Non-class Special Dmg. Single/10 hits/Anti-air/knockdown  |
|Seven Bonds   |32 |Reduces one ally's Non-class Special Damage by 1/4        |
|Heavenquake!  |160|Non-class Physical Dmg. Single/25 hits/knockback          |

|Ultimate Weapon|
When a traveler was ambushed in the night, a blind wolf transformed into a
sword to aid him. The grateful traveler founded a village to venerate the sword

1. Complete the Dog Shrine optional dungeon and you'll get it.

|Ultimate Armor|
Devil Loincloth-
Loincloth of Ibaraki Doshi, devil of Rashomon and terror of Tokyo. A samurai
tricked Doshi into removing this loincloth, and was thus able to slay him.

1. In a chest at Vessel, Floor 4, check the walkthru map for details.

|Special Item|
Flare Brooch-
The crest of the fire goddess Lejina, set with a crimson stone. Its light
reduces the pain of the Harmonixer. Reduces SP loss during fusion by 50%.

1. There are 2 of them, one can be found at Immortal Mountain, on the bridge to
   Neo Astaroth. Check the Walkthru section for more details.
2. Another can be gotten by beating Baal, the boss at Doll House.

All of the subquests can be completed when the final dungeon, Asuka Stone
Platform has appeared and you have entered it at least once. Some can even be
completed before then but I have no idea what are those. If you cannot access
to the optional dungeon or cannot complete the sidequest, please wait until the
last dungeon appears.

Tiffauges Castle(xxticxx)
Requirement: Talk to a fat man near the fountain at Florence(I still duno what
             triggers it...)
Important Stuff to Complete: 1. Get Neo Amon
                             2. Do Wolf Bout 13 
                             3. Meet Lottery Member 4
Items: Ronnove Crest, Petrify 3, The Devil tarot card, Daphne Fruit, Crucifix,
       Seal of the Urn, Amon Crest
Monsters: Duergar, Muscida, Peg O'Nell

When you first arrive, you should notice it's identical to the Mirror Castle.
Save and exit north. Follow the linear path and you should pass by a broken 
mirror. Head thru the door leading north. You can examine one of the mirror on
your right, but it has nothing except a battle. Continue up and you should find
a chest before the door leading north. It contains Ronove Crest, now exit to
the door.

Walk a few steps north and you'll find a man standing at a crossroad. Talk to
him if you wish, but he doesn't give useful info. Both left and right path 
lead to dead ends, so let's head north. Enter the door and you'll go into a
familiar room, the room where Jovis heals you. Grab the chest at the upper left
corner here for Petrify 3. Nothing much to do here, let's exit north.

Follow the hallway and you'll reach a non-broken mirror at north. Approach it
and you'll be transported to another place. Continue going until you bump into
a kid beside a mirror. Ignore what she said and head north instead. At the end
of the path is a chest with The Devil tarot card. Now go back to the mirror and
get warped. Take the north path first and follow to its end to find Alicia,
Lottery Member #4. Her red is Demon Ward, an accessory that halves the chance
of enemy encounter, pretty useful I'd say. She uses invisible ring so either
you memorize the red part or you mark it physically(with a marker or finger

Now go back and head south, you should reach a mirror eventually. After being
warped, continue south and you'll find yet another kid. I wonder what's wrong
with all the kids around here O_O, gives me the creeps. Anyway ignore him and
continue your way, after the hallway turns vertical, there's a mirror on the
left a few steps down. Ignore it first, head to the end of the path and you
should find a locked door. Open the chest at a corner for a Daphne Fruit and
go back to the mirror you ignored earlier.

After being teleported, you'll have 2 paths to go. There'll be a save point if
you go north and you'll fight Neo Amon, take the south path and you'll get more
goodies. Let's go south first, Neo Amon can wait. After some walking you'll get
back to the nice cozy room again. The left mirror in this room leads to nowhere
but a fight. Ignore if if you wish. Take the south exit.

Continue down and you'll reach the crossroad again. Look closely at the lower
left corner and you should see a chest. Open it for a powerful item, Crucifix.
Similar to Anne's Cross, it gives immunity to all status and ring abnormalities
. Now about the crossroad, the left path leads you back to the crossroad with
the guide, don't take it. The south path leads to a dead end with a chest that
has Seal of the Urn. Now take the right path and follow its way into a mirror
on the right. Go north along the hallway and you'll be back into the fork...(I
am so confused now lol) North path takes you to the door which is locked
earlier, the right path leads you to a mirror but it has nothing but a fight.
So, go south and you'll meet another boy. Nothing much he says, so let's
continue and go thru the south door.

The right mirror leads to nowhere, so continue down thru the door. Back to
where you started, but with a wolf!

|Wolf Bout 13: Henri                                                          |
|Reward: Soul Comet powered up                                                |
|Location: Tiffauges Castle, for direction... look at the walkthru itself.    |
|                                                                             |
|Bersek Henri O_O He does Reverse Ring so put the newly found Crucifix into   |
|use. If you have that equipped, he shouldn't be too hard, just heal up and   |
|whack and he'll be down in no time. You get Valuable Gem for beating it.     |

Hm.. now it's the time to get Neo Amon, let's go thru the fastest route.

Keep heading north and you'll reach the crossroad, go north again and you'll
be in the nice room. The girl has some scary story if you wanna hear, anyway
exit north and follow the path till you see a mirror on your left. Enter it and
you'll be back to the fork. Now head north, save and prepare for a boss fight.

|BOSS: NEO AMON                                                               |
|HP: 6660  MP: 777                                                            |
|Element: None                                                                |
|Difficulty: Varies depending on your level                                   |
|Reward: Amon Crest                                                           |
|                                                                             |
|I am not sure about this, but he tends to hit Yuri only. If you come here    |
|after the final dungeon is up, he shouldn't be too hard since your around 50s|

Neo Amon is now yours and you'll exit Tiffauges Castle automatically(the 
developers are brilliant ^^)

Neam Ruins, revisited(xxne2xx)
Requirement: Talk to Roger at Wales after *Spoilers!: he attempts to revive 
             Alice in "Vessel for her soul" event. End of spoilers*
Important Stuff to Complete: 1. Get Shanghai Heaven, Hieroglyphics, Eternal Key
                             2. Get Euthanasia, a skill for Anastasia's Album
                                by snapping the boss
                             3. Get Yuri's ultimate weapon- Chimera Claw
                             4. Completing this is one of the many requirements
                                to get Karin's alternate outfit.
                             5. Get Orobas Crest
Items: Seal of Wisdom, Thera Extract, Delay 4, Shanghai Heaven, Strike Expand, 
       Pure Extract, Seal of Speed, Eternal Key, Seventh Key, Hieroglyphics, 
       Daphne Fruit, Bat's Gold, Zodiac Bracelet
Monsters: Ofnir, Otheon, Calamity Orb, Aerolite, Talos, Onlooker

You'll be forced to use Kurando and Anastasia, and 2 others of your choice. 
Save and continue north. It shouldn't be too hard to exit this room cuz every-
thing is very simple. Take the red block and you'll go down.

1. First activate the switch on the right and go to the gold block.
2. Now take the gold block at the lower right.
3. Activate the switch here and take the block back.
4. Walk a little left and step the blue back at the lower right again.
5. There are 2 gold blocks here, take the one of the left.
6. Push the switch here and take the block back.
7. Now take the lower right blue block and exit the area.

Same trick, just that all the items are collected this time.
1. Follow the linear path and you should find a switch on the right eventually.
2. Activate it and go north using the blue bridge.
3. Now take the red bridge left at the end of the path.
4. Press the red switch 5 times. Follow the red bridges to the exit.

1. Take the only blue block south.
2. Take the blue block on the left down. Activate the yellow switch and ride
   the blue block up.
3. Head south and take the blue block at the lower right.
4. Take the red block ahead of you.

Now you have reached the optional area of the dungeon.
1. Take the lower left purple block.
2. Take the gold block on the left.
3. Press the switch and ride the block back.
4. Take the gold block on the right.
5. Take the purple block ahead of you down.

Man, extremely confusing, so I made a better for it. A, B, C, etc are all
blocks that can bring you to somewhere else. Numerical numbers are treasures.

    |1|     | | | |
  | | | | | | |D| |
  |-+-+-+-+-+-+-  |
  | |C| | | |     |
  |-+-   -+-      |
  | |             |
  |-+-   -        |
  | | | | |       O
   -+-+-+-+---    |
    | | | | | |   |
      | | |B| |   |
      |-|  -+-+---|
      | |   | |   |
   ---+-|   |-|   |
  | | | |   | |   |
  |-+---    |-----O
  | |       | | | |
  |-|  -   -+-+-+-|
  | | | | | | |A| |
  |-+-+-   -   -+-|
  | | |         | |
  | | | | | |E| | |

1. After you have come down by block A, grab the chest at 1 for a Seal of
   Wisdom, then go to block D.
2. Open the chests here for Thera Extract and Delay 4.
3. Take the purple block back down.
4. Now go to block E.
5. Press the switch here and take back block E to go down.
6. Now go to block B.
7. Take the only gold block ahead of you.
8. Take the purple block in front of you to go to another area.
9. Walk a few steps forward and take the purple block down.
10. Follow the linear path into another purple block.

Wowzer, another big confusing puzzle.

|         | | | |     | | O
|    -    |-+-+-+-+-+-|-|-|
|   | |   | |D| | | | | |3|
|  -+-|   |-+-+-+-----|-|-|
| | | |   |4| | |     | | |
| |-+-|    -   -      |-| |
| | | |               | | |
| |-+-                |-| |
| | |                 | | |
| |-|    -     -      |-+-O
| | |   |2|   | |     | | |
| |-+-  |-+---+-+-     -+-|
| | | | | | |A| |1|     | |
|  -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-    |-|
|   | | | | | | | | |   | |
|  -+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+---+-+
| | | | | |   | | | | | | |
O-+-+-|  -     -+-+---+-+-O
| | |B|         | |   | | | 
|-+-+-+-         -    |-| |
| | | | |             | | |
|-+-+-+-              |-| |
| | | |               | | |
|-+-+-+-              |-| |
| | |C| |             | | |
|-+-+-+-|             |-| |

1. 1 has a chest with Strike Expand, check 2 on the floor for Shanghai Heaven.
2. Now go to Z(lower right) and press the switch.
3. Now go to block C(not B!)
4. After being transported up, go to the purple block a few steps ahead of you.
5. Cross the green block and press the switch at the end.
6. Cross the green block again, do not take the purple block teleporter back,
   but head go the end and press the switch.
7. Now take the purple block back.
8. Take the the purple block ahead of you and go down.
9. Now head to block B.
10. Cross the green block and take the purple block north of the green block.
11. Activate the switch here and ride the purple block back up.
12. Go south and take the purple block down.
13. Go to block C.
14. Ride the purple block in front of you.
15. Activate the green switch here.
16. Cross the green block and press the purple switch here.
17. Take the purple block south, and then ride another purple block down.
18. Now go to 3 and open the chest there for Pure Extract.
19. Go to 4 and get Seal of Speed from the chest.
20. Take block D up. Activate the green switch here.
21. Now ignore the untouched purple block and take the purple block back down.
22. Now go all the way to block C.
23. Take the other purple block.
24. Cross the green block and press the purple switch.
25. Cross the green and purple block and press the green switch.
26. Ride the purple block south, and take the purple block back down.
27. Now go to block B and ride it up.
28. Cross the 2 green block and get Eternal Key in a chest at the end.
29. Cross the 2 green block, ignoring the untouched purple block, and head back
    down with the purple block at south.
30. Go to block C. Ride the next purple block north.
31. Press the green switch here, cross the purple and green block and press the
    purple switch now.
32. Ride the purple block south and take the next purple block down again.
33. Go all the way to block D.
34. Ignore the switch and take the purple block up. Open the chest here for
    Seventh Key.
35. Take the next purple block into another area.
36. Take the north purple block and head down. Activate the switch, grab the
    chest for Hieroglyphics, and take the purple block back up.
37. Ride the right block. Take the only blue block south.
38. Ignore the switch and take the purple block.
39. Take a few steps forward and take the purple block down.
40. Go forward, cross the green block, and grab the chest for Daphne Fruit.
41. Now go south(without crossing the green block) and take the purple block
    down. Grab the chest here for Bat's Gold
42. Now take the red block down.
43. Open the chest at the lower right corner for a Zodiac Bracelet.
44. Be sure to save and go north for a boss fight.

|BOSS: OROBAS                                                                 |
|HP: 7500  MP: 860                                                            |
|Element: None                                                                |
|Difficulty: Normal                                                           |
|Reward: Crucifix, Orobas Crest                                               |
|        Seal of Speed(bonus for high combo hits)                             |
|                                                                             |
|Snapshot him and get Euthanasia into Anastasia's Album. Arc Gale/Rage/Barrier|
|up. He does Euthanasia which damages quite a lot and cause abnormality, but  |
|if you have maxed Kurando's Tsukiyomi demon morph just use his Star's Shadow |
|and it will cure the ailment and heal him to full hp. His Dying Attack will  |
|turn your character to 1 HP so sure to heal up.                              |

You'll be back at Wales after beating him. Now talk to Roger, with the Shanghai
Heaven you just found at hands, he'll give you White Underpants, an accessory
that halves the physical damage done to you, but only the girls and Gepetto can
wear it(his doll wears it actually). Now leave Wales, and revisit Roger's house
again. He's hiding at a corner somewhere at the southwest, talk to him and you
will have to play a minimini game. Just hit the red area for 10 revolutions and
you should get Chimera Claw, Yuri's ultimate weapon shortly afterwards. 

Now if you have completed the trading quest(reaching its end, doesn't matter 
what stuff you've gotten) and the Fort of Regrets sidequest, exit Wales and 
talk to Roger again and you'll get Dating Outfit, a very sexy and scantily clad
alternate costume for Karin.

Fort of Regrets(xxforxx)
Requirement: Revisit St. Marguerite Island after the final dungeon is up, and
             Locke the key maker will tell you stuff about ghost. The sidequest
             is actually available earlier but you would not be able to
             complete it so there's really not much point in doing it.
Important Stuff to Complete: 1. Get Joachim's ultimate weapon- Nautilus
                             2. Get Karin's ultimate weapon- Durandal
                             3. Meet Lottery Member #3
                             4. Completing this sidequest is one of the
                                requirements for Karin's alternate costume-
                                Dating Outfit.
Items: N/A
Monsters: N/A

Go to St. Marguerite Island, go back to the storeroom where you found Adhesive.
After a scene, you'll find a secret entrance. Karin will assume the role of

Go north and you'll bump into a professor that's half visible. After a small
talk, go to the upper left corner and get Engagement Ring from the ghost. There
is another ghost at the upper right cell, talk to him and give him tissue,
which can be obtained by missing any areas when playing lottery. After that, he
will disappear.

Now you'll need to give the Engagement Ring to an old woman Irene at Le Havre 
just outside Joachim's shop. Now go back to Fort of Regrets and tell the man
the "good" news. The locked metal door can now be opened.

Lottery Member #3 is here on the west side, he has Mind's Eye on his red, play
his lottery 3 times and he'll go off peacefully(so you've got only 3 tries, so
be sure to save before doing it). His ring is extremely fast as well.

Talk to a little girl, Crybaby Kazuna at the northwest corner and get Ogress 
Mask from her. The troubled soldier at the northeast corner to get Broken Watch
from him.

Now leave and go to Paris>Cathedral. Talk the man standing outside the junk
shop and give him the Ogress Mask. With that done, get yourself to the
Foreigner's Cemetery at Yokohama. Talk to the first old man(Iwai) you see and
you'll find out the name of the sailor. Go back to the fort and tell the 2
fella the good news. Now the metal door will be unlocked.

Now the professor himself is the last ghost, but he doesn't remember the
regrets he have. Now get to Cannes and go to the beach. You'll need to find an
old man standing by the seashore, talk to him and he'll tell you something
about his friend. Go back to ghost professor and talk to him. After that, leave
St. Marguerite Island and talk to the ghost professor again and he'll tell you
that you need an item called Hieroglyphics, which can be obtained by doing the
optional dungeon at Neam Ruins(just above this). With that item in hand, talk 
to the ghost professor.

Now you'll to go back to Cannes and find the old man by the beach, you should
find an odd thing sitting there instead of the professor. Examine it and you'll
Joachim's ultimate weapon- Nautilus. When you attempt to leave the beach you'll
bump into Professor Stein. After the scene, go back to the fort and talk to the
ghost professor. Woot, all the ghosts now have gone in peace. Take the metal
door exit behind the professor and you'll see another ghost, Doris, turns out
she's Karin's Grandma! She'll give you Karin's ultimate weapon- Durandal, after
some talking. End of sidequest.

Dog Shrine(xxdosxx)
Requirement: Yuri's basic fusion(grade max), Amon, and Neo Amon at level 10
             With this satisfied, talk to Saki at her house in Inugami Village.
             You'll receive the Dog Shrine Map, and some stones
Important Stuff to Complete: 1. Get Kurando's ultimate fusion- Jutendouji
                             2. Get Kurando's ultimate weapon- Mumeiro
                             3. Get Anastasia's second costume
Items: Strongoids, Talisman of Mercy, Poison 4, Seal of the Urn, Ultra Belt,
       Mana Extract
Monsters: Otoroshi, Waira, Dog Guardian

        |   |  B |
        |---+---+--/ -------
        |   |   |XXX|   |   |
            | 3 |XXX|   |  5 |
|   |   |   |   |  4 | W  |
|-I-+-I-+---+---+---+--- ------
| R | 2  |Blk|    |
 _/ ---+---+---+---+-I-|
        |   |   |    |
            | 1 |

I hope you can understand this crappy ASCII dog shrine map... R,B, W, Blk means
the color of the rooms, Red, Blue, White, Black respectively. , I represents
the yellow connection. 1, 2, 3 etc means the number of the stone table.

Kurando will lead and you'll have 3 more members of your choice. Enter the hole
. Save and examine the stone table at the middle.

Basically, what you need to do is to insert some stones so that it will make
everything connected and you can walk. There's a map you can view to give you
a view about the place.

A view of the positions on the 1st stone table.

Now at the stone table put "|"(means vertical) at 8, "+" at 5, and "-" at 4.
Leave the stone and go north. Go north again, and then take a left. Continue
left and you'll reach another stone table. Grab the chest here for another
Now put "-|" on the right, and "| " on the left. Now go north and head left.
Go south here and you'll reach a room with 3 chests that have Strongoids, 
Talisman of Mercy and Poison 4. Exit the room, head right, then south. Remove
all the stone pieces from the table and go east. Find your way back to the
first stone table.

Remove "-" at position 4. Put "-|" at 2. Now go all the way north until you
reach the 3rd stone table. Grab JIN stone from the chest.

A view of the positions on the 3rd table.
Put "T" at position 4, "|_" at 3, "| " at 1, and "-" at 2. Exit north, take a
left and follow your way into a room with 2 chests. They contain Seal of the 
Urn and ZAI stone.

Go back to the third stone table, remove the 4 stone pieces and head back to
the first stone table.
Remove all the stones. Put "|" at 8, "-|" at 5, "| " at 2 and "-" at 3. Head
north all the way until you cannot go any further. Go right 2 times and you'll
reach the 4th stone table. Be sure to grab Ultra Belt from the chest here.

The 4th stone table is 2x2 so it's similar to the 3rd table. Put "|-" at 3, "T"
at 4 and go north. Head right here then go right again.

5th stone table, just put "+" and your done. Exit south and go left. The 2
chests here have Mana Extract and ZEN stone. Now go back to stone table 1(You
can remove the stone pieces at the 4th and 5th table but it doesn't really

Back at the 1st table, remove all the stone pieces, put "|" at 8, and put the
newly found stone that has the shape like a vertical line but half the length 
of it at position 5.

|BOSS: HOTOKE GARAN, with a minion Otoroshi                                   |
|HP: 6980  MP: 888                                                            |
|Element: None                                                                |
|Difficulty: Challenging                                                      |
|Reward: Oracle Earrings                                                      |
|                                                                             |
|Hoho, it's the pillow ghouly guy. He'll drain all of the mp of 1 character as|
|usual, *BUT* unlike last time, he can do this many many times which is even  |
|more annoying, so bring some MP healings. Barrier up if you can cuz this time|
|he hurts! Instead of having physical immune, he's immune to Sp-Attack this   |
|time, be sure to stick mages out of the battle cuz they aren't gonna be of   |
|much use. Combos, combos and combos, he shouldn't be too tough if your able  |
|to clear Tiffauges Castle.                                                   |

After that, go back and talk to Saki, after that leave the village and go back
to it again and there'll be an event. Save beside the Magimel and head to the
waterfall and prepare for a boss fight.

|BOSS: KOUENKI                                                                |
|Element: Fire                                                                |
|Difficulty: Tough                                                            |
|Reward: Seal 4                                                               |
|                                                                             |
|Kurando will fuse into the ultimate form, Jutendouji, automatically. This    |
|battle is actually tough(for me at least, maybe that's because I haven't been|
|using him) cuz Saki will kill you with 3 attacks and the healing you can have|
|is only thru items, you might have problems with your SP too so I definitely |
|recommend Flare Brooch. If you need good defensive items, Spikes works well, |
|if you still have problems beating her... well use Extreme or Mind's Eye(I   |
|don't normally use these items cuz they are way overpowered unless there's   |
|really a need). One thing good tho, your extremely fast. This battle might   |
|take a while cuz Kouenki has quite a lot of hp. Beat her and you'll get 70k  |
|exp for Kurando, ouch!                                                       |

Now you have gotten Kurando's ultimate fusion- Jutendouji! It makes Kurando
much much more powerful. Now there's still one thing left to do. Go to Saki's 
house and talk to her. After the funny scene(it's just a misunderstanding!) you
will get Autumn Kimono, an alternative costume for Anastasia. To use it, you'll
need to equip it as an accessory. That's all for this sidequest.

Doll House(xxdohxx)
Requirement: Talk to a purple suit man beside the save point at Yokohama 
             Streets, not sure what triggers it tho but it is definitely opened
             after the final dungeon is up.
Important Stuff to complete: 1. Get Gepetto's ultimate weapon
                             2. Get Silver Angel for Anastasia
                             3. Get Nightmare album for Anastasia
                             4. Get Flare Brooch
                             5. Get Baal Crest
Items: Thera Extract, Petrify 4, Crucifix, Silver Angel, Lottery Ticket
Monsters: Bailey, Torso

Before you enter the house, examine the bush on the right side for a Thera
Extract. Enter it and you'll get a scene. Man this house is creepy! After that
Gepetto will lead and you'll have 3 other members of your choice.

Note: Be sure to snap the Baileys here to add Nightmare into Anastasia's album.

Just a save here, so head upstairs and go into the door. Open the chest here at
a corner before the catwalk turns 90 degrees up for Petrify 4. Follow the way
up and head into the door on your right when you get the chance. The lower left
corner has a chest with Crucifix so be sure to grab it, now leave the room. Go
north a little and enter the door. Check around the west side, behind the sofa
for Silver Angel. Now check the table with a diary and read it. You'll then be
asked to say the doll's name so that it will help you. Answer it wrongly and 
you'll be thrown into a fight. Her name is Rebecca, and she'll tell you the
first letter is "B".

Notes from the Diary:
Rebecca- always alone
Illeana- tells nothing but lies
Gina- likes to trick people
Barbara- well-behaved
Dianne- quiet
Tina and Emma- get along with each other well

Now leave the room and go down a few steps and enter the room on the right
again. The doll closest to you sitting on a chair around northwest is called 
Gina. She'll tell you the 7th and final letter is "T". The doll at the south-
east corner is called Barbara. She'll tell you the third letter is "I". Emma is
the doll at the north sitting in front of a broken picture. She'll let you know
that the 5th letter is "G".

Head downstairs, go into the room at north. Examine the fireplace at northwest
for a Lottery Ticket. The doll sitting at the middle is Tina, she'll tell you
the 6th letter is "E". The doll at the north is Dianne, and you'll get to know
the 2nd letter is "R". The last doll at the southwest corner is Illeana, and
she'll tell you the 4th letter is "D".

Piece it all together and you'll get: Bridget. Leave the room, save first. Now
enter the password at the door and it will be unlocked. Go down... and prepare
for a boss fight.

|BOSS: BAAL                                                                   |
|HP: 7200  MP: 860                                                            |
|Element: None                                                                |
|Difficulty: Quite easy                                                       |
|Reward: Flare Brooch                                                         |
|        Hit Area Expand(for high combo hits)                                 |
|                                                                             |
|Buff up and combo. He shouldn't be too hard as his damage isn't really strong|
|. This battle shouldn't take too long.                                       |

You'll get Baal Crest and Crimson Thread, Gepetto's ultimate weapon afterwards.

Black Forest(xxblfxx)
Requirement: Talk to the drunken dood at Joachim's shop at Le Havre. I think
             you can only start this quest after the final dungeon is up.
Important Stuff to Complete: 1. Get Aurora Oil
                             2. Get Lucia's second costume
                             3. Get Gaap Crest
                             4. Get The Seven Stars
Items: Pure Extract, The Chariot tarot card, Slow 4, Seventh Key
Monsters: Beatrice, Golden Beetle, Penangglan

You'll be given some hints by the white flower, here are them:
1. Yellow Flower>Red Flower, Red will tell the truth
2. Red Flower>Blue Flower, Blue will tell the truth
3. Blue flower>Yellow Flower, Yellow will tell the truth
4. White Flowers always tell the truth
5. Black Flowers always try to get you out

Grab the chest beside the save point for a Pure Extract. Now go north. 
1. Red>Blue(it means talk to red first, then talk to blue): Go left, then 
2. White: Right, right, then left. You should be able to find The Chariot tarot
   card at the second junction.
3. Blue>Yellow: Go left, middle, middle, right. You should be able to find Slow
   4 in a chest at the right side at the third junction.
4. White: Go right, middle, right, left, then left.
5. Yellow>Red: Go left 6 times.(You shouldn't worry about calculating because
   you can just keep going left until you see flowers)
6. Blue: Right, left, middle.(DO NOT talk to the black flower)

Save here. Take the left path(yes the Black Flower is telling you the right 
thing). If your curious about the right path, try it out, just be sure to save
so you can reload it back.

|BOSS: GAAP                                                                   |
|HP: 7500  MP: 860                                                            |
|Element: None                                                                |
|Difficulty: Normal                                                           |
|Reward: Paralysis 4                                                          |
|        Ashra's Earrings(high combo hits)                                    |
|                                                                             |
|This guy has quite some HP, and deals pretty good damage. Buff up and combo, |
|if you haven't been using Lucia, it's time to do some mixing with her aroma  |
|oils. It also has paralysis attack but a simple heal can counter it easily.  |
|Shouldn't be too tough.                                                      |

You'll get Gaap Crest when he decides to follow you. After a short event you'll
get Aurora Oil. Now go back to the Black Forest. Head right at the fork and you
will reach a fork with 3 ways. Now go SLOWLY and hug on the right wall of the
middle path, you should be able to get The Seven Stars, an accessory for Lucia
only that guarantees special tarot card result. Now there's still one more item
to snatch, a Seventh Key on right wall at the RIGHT lane(info contributed by With that done, let's leave the forest and head back to 
Florence to talk to Carla. Afterwards, go to Port of Southampton. Take the 
stairs to go up at the fortress wall and talk to Lawrence. After some talking 
you'll get Bride's Dress, an alternate costume for Lucia.

Man Festival(xxmafxx)
Requirement: After getting all of Joachim's Muscle Arts, talk to Gama at
             Nihonbashi, I think you need the last dungeon to appear before you
             can do this sidequest.
Important Stuff to Complete: 1. Get Joachim's Ultimate Form- Great Question
Items: Demon Earrings, Ashra's Earrings, Seventh Key, along with some minor 
       items like Thera Roots etc.
Monsters: Murgh Korma

Um.. after talking to Gama, approach the wrestle ring and you'll be forced to
fight a lot of curry men... You'll be using Joachim all the way(sometimes with
other members of your choice too), so be sure to equip him well. Ultimate gears
would be ideal, and some healing crests too.

|Level 1|
Murgh Korma- HP: 340  MP: 50  Element: Earth
Strategy: If you can't beat him... you can forget about finishing this side-

|Level 2|
Murgh Masala- HP: 350  MP: 50  Element: Water
Strategy: You should kill him within 1 or 2 turns.

|Level 3|
Murgh Madras- HP: 360  MP: 50  Element: Fire
Strategy: Easy.

|Level 4|
Murgh Korma- HP: 340  MP: 50  Element: Earth
Murgh Masala- HP: 350  MP: 50  Element: Water
Strategy: You have another member to join you here, choose anyone you like.
          be cake.

|Level 5|
Murgh Korma- HP: 340  MP: 50  Element: Earth
Murgh Madras- HP: 360  MP: 50  Element: Fire
Strategy: Same Deal with level 4.

|Level 6|
Murgh Masala- HP: 350  MP: 50  Element: Water
Murgh Madras- HP: 360  MP: 50  Element: Fire
Strategy: Same thing.

|Level 7|
Murgh Korma x2- HP: 340  MP: 50  Element: Earth
Murgh Masala- HP: 350  MP: 50  Element: Water
Strategy: 3 guys here, try to kill them before they have their turn. Keep in
          mind that their damage are pretty strong, altho their HP is low.

|Level 8|
Murgh Korma- HP: 340  MP: 50  Element: Earth
Murgh Masala x2- HP: 350  MP: 50  Element: Water
Strategy: Similar to level 7.

|Level 9|
Murgh Korma- HP: 340  MP: 50  Element: Earth
Murgh Masala- HP: 350  MP: 50  Element: Water
Murgh Madras- HP: 360  MP: 50  Element: Fire
Strategy: Just a little bit tougher with Madras, with 10 HP more, it should not
          be a big deal.

|Level 10|
Murgh Vindaloo- HP: 410  MP: 50  Element: Water
Strategy: You'd prolly kill him in 1 or 2 turns at max.
Note: You can teleport back down and save or prepare here.

|Level 11|
Gosht Korma- HP: 380  MP: 50  Element: Light
Gosht Masala- HP: 390  MP: 50  Element: Dark
Strategy: 2 men team, just whack.

|Level 12|
Gosht Korma- HP: 380  MP: 50  Element: Light
Gosht Madras- HP: 400  MP: 50  Element: Earth
Strategy: Same crap.

|Level 13|
Gosht Masala- HP: 390  MP: 50  Element: Dark
Gosht Madras- HP: 400  MP: 50  Element: Earth
Strategy: Ditto.

|Level 14|
Gosht Korma x2- HP: 380  MP: 50  Element: Light
Gosht Madras- HP: 400  MP: 50  Element: Earth
Strategy: 3 men tag now, choose any 2 you like.

|Level 15|
Gosht Korma- HP: 380  MP: 50  Element: Light
Gosht Masala- HP: 390  MP: 50  Element: Dark
Gosht Madras- HP: 400  MP: 50  Element: Earth
Strategy: Not much difference from 14.

|Level 16|
Gosht Korma- HP: 380  MP: 50  Element: Light
Gosht Madras x2- HP: 400  MP: 50  Element: Earth
Strategy: A little more HP, that's it.

|Level 17|
Gosht Korma- HP: 380  MP: 50  Element: Light
Strategy: One dood, no idea why it turns easier.

|Level 18|
Gosht Masala- HP: 390  MP: 50  Element: Dark
Strategy: 10 more HP.

|Level 19|
Gosht Madras- HP: 400  MP: 50  Element: Earth
Strategy: Shouldn't take more than 2 turns.

|Level 20|
Gosht Vindaloo- HP: 410  MP: 50  Element: Water
Fish Curry- HP: 890  MP: 50  Element: Water
Strategy: They start to get more hp, take out Vindaloo first, and gang Fish
Note: You can teleport back down to save or prepare. I'd suggest putting Spikes 
      on Joachim and 2 of your characters that will participate cuz the curry
      men later will take quite a beating.

|Level 21|
Chingri Korma- HP: 420  MP: 50  Element: Fire
Chingri Masala- HP: 430  MP: 50  Element: Wind
Chingri Madras-  HP: 440  MP: 50  Element: Light
Strategy: If you have Spikes on you shouldn't have much problem with their 

|Level 22|
Chingri Masala x2- HP: 430  MP: 50  Element: Wind
Chingri Madras-  HP: 440  MP: 50  Element: Light
Strategy: Same thing.

|Level 23|
Chingri Masala- HP: 430  MP: 50  Element: Wind
Chingri Madras x2-  HP: 440  MP: 50  Element: Light
Strategy: Spikes are your friend.

|Level 24|
Chingri Korma- HP: 420  MP: 50  Element: Fire
Strategy: Shouldn't be a problem.

|Level 25|
Chingri Masala- HP: 430  MP: 50  Element: Wind
Strategy: He's pretty fast cuz he might have 2 rounds, but with Spikes and Cure
          All you have on Joachim it shouldn't be a problem.

|Level 26|
Chingri Madras-  HP: 440  MP: 50  Element: Light
Stategy: Same.

|Level 89|
LOL, yep you actually skipped those levels, they can't be serious about fight-
ing 100 levels after all eh?

Chingri Korma- HP: 420  MP: 50  Element: Fire
Chingri Masala- HP: 430  MP: 50  Element: Wind
Strategy: If you can beat the previous levels this should be ok.

|Level 90|
Chingri Korma- HP: 420  MP: 50  Element: Fire
Chingri Madras-  HP: 440  MP: 50  Element: Light
Strategy: It can't be too much of a difference with the 10 HP more right?
Note: Nope, no turning back here.

|Level 91|
Chingri Masala- HP: 430  MP: 50  Element: Wind
Chingri Madras-  HP: 440  MP: 50  Element: Light
Strategy: ...

|Level 92|
Ouch, Fish Curry is back.

Chingri Madras-  HP: 440  MP: 50  Element: Light
Chingri Vindaloo- HP: 450  MP: 50  Element: Dark
Fish Curry- HP: 890  MP: 50  Element: Water
Strategy: Take out the lower HP ones, then gang Fish Curry. You'll be glad for
          wearing Spikes.
Note: Yay, be sure to go back down and save. It is the last one you'll be 
      seeing. Now comes preparation to be made, cuz the next few fights can be
      pretty tough. Kurando and Yuri should have the easiest time, since they
      have so much SP, the Spikes SP draining effect doesn't really matter.
      For the mages, Equip Gepetto with strong Wind spell, Lucia with Water 
      magic and Anastasia with Earth magic. Gearwise, Spikes+Blood Jewel would
      be the best but I can only get 2 Blood Jewel in the whole game, so let
      one of them equip(most prolly Anastasia since she has the least SP), you
      will need to save another one for Joachim. The other mages can wear
      Warlock Earrings to boost up their magic attack, so that you can kill
      them fast before you even need to heal. Dark Angel, White Underpants all
      are good choices. For Karin and Blanca, get them Spikes and anything you
      like, their fights are pretty easy. For Joachim, Spikes with Blood Jewel
      is the best but if your afraid of the challenge you could always use
      Mind's Eye or Extreme.

|Level 93|
Curry Prince- Around 1100+ HP
Strategy: You will use Kurando here. with Spikes on, he'll not be doing much 

|Level 94|
Dry Curry Man- Around 1100+ HP.
Strategy: Gepetto is your man here. Just give him strong wind magic, you
          wouldn't get too much damage with Spikes. Be sure to heal up your SP
          if it gets too low. This match can be pretty tough because you need 
          to watch both your SP and your HP. Try to kill him within 3 turns,
          or it will be very tough later on.

|Level 95|
Hashed Beef Man- Around 1100+ HP.
Strategy: Lucia will step up to fight him here. Same like Gepetto, use water
          magic, watch your SP and HP.

|Level 96|
Poor Man's Curry- Around 1100+ HP.
Strategy: Karin here. Whack as much as you can. It's much easier than other
          fights because he does only 2 attacks, which will only drain 2 SP.
          With Demon Earrings on, he shouldn't be too tough.

|Level 97|
Curry Sage- Around 1100+ HP.
Strategy: Blanca's turn, almost similar with Karin's fight, except easier since
          he does SP- Lowering which drains off 1 SP only. You'll also get 
          Demon Earrings from him.

|Level 98|
Egg Curry- Around 1100+ HP.
Strategy: Anastasia has even lower SP than Geppeto and Lucia, so watch out and
          predict carefully, while spamming Earth magic. If you get yourself 
          berserk... good luck.

|Level 99|
Cutlet Curry- Around 1100+ HP.
Strategy: This shouldn't be tough at all... Fuse into any monster you like and
          whack ahead. You'll get Ashra's Earrings for beating him.

|Level 100|
Great Question- Around 2400 HP
Strategy: This battle is tough... because if you fail to kill Great Question
          fast, he will use a Seventh Key in his 5th or 6th turn which will
          kill you even with a Spikes. I highly suggest Spikes+Blood Jewel here
          , with Ultimate Armor and Ultimate Weapon, he deals around 100+ dmg
          and you'll do around 400+ dmg, which should take around 5 turns to
          finish him. If you still can't win him... well Extreme or Mind's Eye
          would definitely do the job easily...

Enjoy the gross but funny scene afterwards lol. Also, from now on, Joachim will
lose his Grand Papillon form, he will become Great Question instead.

Little Note: Vikram Balaji from emailed me about the 
meaning of those names, I find it pretty funny so I put it down, thanks for the

"Murgh Korma- Murgh Means Chicken In North-Indian Language. Korma is a gravy
             (spicy) so Chicken Korma Pronounced as K-u-r-m-a
Murgh Masala- Chicken Masala-Another spicy side dish
Murgh Madras- This doesnt make sense Madras is a huge Metro City at the South 
              of India. Now its name is Chennai
Murgh Vindaloo- A south Indian Chicken Side dish

Gosht Korma- Gosht means Mutton in North Indian Language

Gosht Masala- Mutton Masala
Gosht Madras- You guessed it

Gosht Vindaloo- South Indian Mutton Sidedish
The one u wrote abt Chingri its actual spelling is Jhingri meaning Prawn"

Lucky Chests Minigame(xxlcmxx)
Location: Wine Cellar. Here's the direction to it: Go all the way north and
you'll end up entering a door exiting west. Take the exit at the west of the
room and you'll bump into Jimote, the guy that lets you play this mini game.

What you need to do is to match some pairs of chests. It's luck but you need to
memorize which chest has what item. If you are able to match up all the chests,
you'll win a prize.

1st Game: 100 Cash
2x4 chests
2 chances of failure
Reward: Mr. Chef stud card
Requirement: Meursault, the boss at Wine Cellar, beaten

2nd Game: 300 Cash
3x4 chests
3 chances of failure
Reward: Soul Drop
Requirement: Asmodeus at Idar Flame beaten

3rd Game: 500 Cash
4x4 chests
4 chances of failure
Reward: Decarabia Crest
Requirement: Not sure what triggers it but "ffff" emailed me and he said he was
             able to play it once you can travel back to Europe from Japan.

Trading Minigame(xxtrmxx)
Goal: Get Lucia's Ultimate Weapon- Nemesis Fan.

                      |       Dried Straw       |
                      |Obtained from Southampton|
                  |           Underground Film             |
                  |Exchange with a man standing at a corner|
                  |at Florence(looks like a sailor)        |
              |                                               |
              V                                               V
   -------------------------                 ---------------------------------
  |      Daruma Doll        |               |         Limestone Block         |
  |-------------------------|               |---------------------------------|
  |Exchange with Ijichi, a  |               |Exchange with Fabio, a boy at the|
  |walking man at the upper |               |lower part of streets at Cannes  |
  |part of streets at Cannes|                ---------------------------------
   -------------------------                               |  
              |                                            V
           -----------------------       -------------------------------------
          |                       |     |            Super Piroshki           |
          V                        ---->|-------------------------------------|
 -------------------                    |Daruma Doll: Exchange with Zuvious at|
|  Holy Easter Egg  |                   |the Hermitage at Petrograd(first room|
|-------------------|                   |at the East Hallway)                 |
|Exchange with Edgar|                   |Limestone Block: Exchange with       |
|at Petrograd       |                   |Chagal, a man standing beside the    |
 -------------------                    |Magimel Brothers at Petrograd        |
              |                          -------------------------------------
              V                                            |
 --------------------------      --------------------------------
|       Pure Root          |    |       |                        |  
|--------------------------|    |       |                        |
|Exchange with Pious Hakan,|    |       |                        |   
|a man standing in front of|    |       |                        |
|the entrance at Goreme V. |    |       |                        |
 --------------------------     |       |                        |
            --------------------        |                        |
           |                            |                        |
           V                            V                        V
 ----------------------     ---------------------     ------------------------ 
|    Burning Candle    |   |    Fine Tea Set     |   |     Talking Panda      |
|----------------------|   |---------------------|   |------------------------|
|Exchange with Coquile,|   |Exchange with Ginori,|   |Fine Tea Set: Exchange  |
|a fat ass outside the |   |a man standing beside|-->|with Akiko, a woman at  |
|hole at Goreme Valley |   |the guy who exchanged|   |Yokohama streets, she   |
 ----------------------    |your Dried Straw at  |   |stands close to Croft   |
           |               |Florence             |   |Super Piroshki: Exchange|
           V                ---------------------    |with Mitsuboshi, a man  |
 ---------------------             |                 |standing beside a door  |
|       Getitup!      |            V                 |at Champ Elysees, Paris |
|---------------------|   -----------------------     ------------------------
|Exchange with Tomoyo,|  |      Strongoids       |                |
|a woman beside the   |  |-----------------------|                |
|wrestling ring at    |  |Exchange with Kitayama |                |
|Nihonbashi           |  |a guy with straw hat   |                |
 ---------------------   |at Yokohama Brick Ware-|                |
                         |houses. He's standing  |                |
                         |somewhere close to the |                |
                         |railway                |                |
                          -----------------------                 |
                         ------------------------                 |
                        |       Third Key        |                |
                        |------------------------|                |
                        |Exchange with Mielo, a  |Champ Elysees.
4. Talk to Cesare, a man standing at the stairs by the sea at Cannes. Take his
   extremely easy arithmetic test(it doesn't matter if  you answer them 
   correctly or not) and he'll still give you the clue.
5. It's quite obvious where you should go now. Head to St. Marguerite Island
   and go back to the place where you fought Lenny.

You'll get Bike Jacket from Lenny after some talking.

Solomon's Key(xxsokxx)
This is like a jig-saw puzzle. Put in the correct pieces and you'll be rewarded
, by giving extra spells to the crests you have completed. Extremely useful as
the magic crest level doesn't increase but you get more spells. It's pretty fun
to play too, altho it can get frustrating when you just couldn't figure out
which pieces you have put wrongly.

Note, the +XXX means the extra spell given when you complete the crest list in
Solomon's Key.

|Palace of Transgression|


1. Astaroth (Holy Resist, Bright Crest) +Evil Crest
2. Orobas (Aqua Resist, Hail Crest) +Red Crest
3. Baal (Air Reist, Gale Crest) +Rock Crest
4. Gaap (Earth Resist, Rock Crest) +Gale Crest
5. Asmodeus (Dark Resist, Evil Crest) +Bright Crest
6. Amon (Heat Resist, Red Crest) +Hail Crest

|Enchanting Sea|

 | |

1. Vepar (Hail Beak, Bright Light) +Gale Spin
2. Crocell (Cure, Aqua Edge) +Raise Up
3. Forneus (Surge, Barrier, Mirage) +Aqua Edge
4. Focalor (Hail Beak) +Hail Breeze
5. Uvall (Arc Cure) +Heal

|First Passion|
 | | |

1. Furfur (Gale Spin) +Cure
2. Gremory (Barrier) +Bright Light
3. Sitri (Rage) +Red Rave
4. Andras (Mirage) +Hail Beak
5. Sallos (Gale) +Gale Spin
6. Zepar (Shield) +Rock Rot
7. Vassago (Surge) +Evil Ray

|Forsaken Hill|

   | |

1. Camio (Rock Storm) +Shield
2. Phenex (Raise Up) +Holy Edge
3. Raum (Dark Edge, Evil Ray) +Evil Born
4. Purson (Bright Light) +Dark Edge
5. Barbatos (Air Edge) +Earth Edge
6. Agares (Earth Edge, Rock Rot) +Rock Storm
7. Paimon (Evil Ray, Evil Born) +Dark Resist, Evil Summoning
8. Marchosias (Gale Spark) +Gale

|Flame Desert|


1. Amy (Heat Edge) +Entrance
2. Beleth (Rock Rot, Red Rave) +Evil Ray
3. Haures (Red Rave) +Red Blaze
4. Bathin (Heal, Holy Edge) +Cure
5. Aim (Rage, Shield, Gale) +Heat Edge

|Eternal Boneyard|


1. Glasyalabolas (Surge, Evil Summoning) +Arc Surge
2. Bune (Resurrection, Heal) +Arc Cure
3. Bifrons (Arc Cure) +Cure All
4. Samigina (Cure, Resurrection) +Cure Plus
5. Murmur (Raise Up) +Resurrection
6. Furcas (Red Blaze) +Rage

|Wilderness of War|

   | | | |
1. Dantalion (Arc Barrier) +Bright Crime
2. Leraje (Arc Rage) +Red Blaze
3. Balam (Arc Mirage) +Hail Breeze
4. Halphas (Entrance) +Air Edge
5. Ose (Hail Breeze) +Mirage
6. Berith (Evil Born) +Surge
7. Alloces (Arc Surge) +Evil Born
8. Ipos (Arc Gale) +Gale Spark
9. Sabnock (Arc Shield) +Rock Storm
10. Eligos (Bright Crime) +Barrier

|Bastion of Riches|

     | |
 | | |

1. Zagan (Rock Rot, Rock Storm) +Earth Resist, Rock Strike
2. Shax (Air Resist, Dark Resist) +Gathering
3. Malphas (Entrance) +Gale Spark, Bright Crime
4. Haagenti (Hail Beak, Hail Breeze) +Aqua Resist, Hail Crash
5. Decarabia (Aqua Resist, Holy Resist) +Cure Plus
6. Seere (Gale Spin, Gale Spark) +Air Resist, Gale Spike
7. Cimeies (Earth Resist, Heat Resist) +Arc Heal
8. Valefor (Cure All) +Heal
9. Belial (Red Rave, Red Blaze) +Heat Resist, Red Cradle
10. Andromalius (Bright Light, Bright Crime) +Holy Resist, Bright Banish

|Spring of Wisdom|

    |  |  |
 |  |  |  |
    |  |  |

1. Foras (Cure All) +Raise Up
2. Gusion (Holy Edge, Dark Edge, Gathering) +Resurrection
3. Buer (Arc Heal) +Cure All
4. Orias (Rock Strike, Red Cradle) +Earth Edge, Heat Edge
5. Marbas (Gale Spike, Evil Summoning) +Air Edge, Dark Edge
6. Ronove (Hail Crash, Bright Banish) +Aqua Edge, Holy Edge
7. Valak (Barrier, Bright Banish) +Arc Barrier
8. Andrealphus (Aqua Edge, Heat Edge) +Entrance
9. Vine (Mirage, Hail Crash) +Arc Mirage
10. Marax (Cure Plus) +Arc Heal
11. Amdusias (Shield, Rock Strike) +Arc Shield
12. Stolas (Cure Plus, Arc Heal) +Arc Cure
13. Botis (Earth Edge, Air Edge) +Gathering
14. Naberius (Gale, Gale Spike) +Arc Gale
15. Vapula (Rage, Red Cradle) +Arc Rage

Solomon's Trials(xxsotxx)
Solomon trials is some sort of test given by Sarah when you first approach
Goreme Valley. It contains some fighting with conditions you'll need to fulfill
. It's a pretty important sub-quest cuz it has many rewards, including
Gepetto's ultimate armor.

There are a total of 6 levels, but the last level will only appear after you
have completed all other battles.

Level 1 : Choose any 1 person and win 5 battles in a row!
Strategy: Erm... just whack? I doubt you'd have any problems.
Monsters: Gatorback, Kheperer, Paladin, Gremlin, Langsuir, Clawed Commander,
          , Ofnir, Otheon, Stray Wolf, Barghest, Propolis, Tammuz.
Reward  : Sabnock Crest.

Level 2 : Form a party of up to 4 and win, using a 28+ hit combo at least once!
Strategy: Just do any combos up to 28, it shouldn't be hard at all when you 
          have Karin's third Sword Art, Power Cannon by Anastasia, etc.
Monsters: Godhand.
Reward  : Blood Jewel.

Level 3 : With a party of up to 2, win 4 battles in a row with Reverse Ring in
          effect, w/out missing a ring and w/out curing abnormalities!
Strategy: Shouldn't be too hard with Coral Pendants, if you have difficulties,
          then reduce the attack number.
Monsters: Ducky Toy, Wooden, Lion, Ekimmu, Clawed Soldier, Sting, Thug, Fat
          Thug, Gregor, Centipede, Roach Queen.
Reward  : Third Key.

Level 4 : Form a party of up to 3 and win 6 battles in a row while poisoned,
          without curing abnormalities or using items!
Strategy: Kinda obvious, without using items to cure that leaves you with
Monsters: Revenant, Statue, Calamity Orb, Zosim, Skeeter, Death Snail, Lambton
          Wormgaur, Kheperer, Gatorback, Clawed Admiral, Domovoi, Fortune Stick
          , Katherine.
          curing magic, Arc Cure or Blanca's Aurora both work.
Reward  : Mr. Sax stud card.

Level 1 : Form a party of up to 4 and win using a 18+ hit combo at least once,
          but without using personal skills!
Strategy: The only magic crest that gives a lot of hit is Gale Spark, which has
          10 hits. Bright Banish give 9 hits too if you don't have Gale Spark.
          Start with the spell and hit with normal attack afterwards. Or, use
          Air Shot(wind) Combo Magic.
Monsters: Pendulum, Victor.
Reward  : Gold Necklace.

Level 2 : Form a party of up to 2 and win 3 battles in a row with Tight Ring in
          effect, without missing a ring or curing abnormalities!
Strategy: Coral pendants and some practice... If your high level, just switch
          to 1 attack and it'll be easy as heck.
Monsters: Caster, Pollux, Karin, Yuri, Arachne.
Reward  : Fifth Key.

Level 3 : Form a party of up to 3 and win 5 battles in a row!
Strategy: Make your party and fight...
Monsters: Andre, Pendulum, Wormgaur, Quartzback, Jill, Jack, Agony, Peryton,
          Night Queen.
Reward  : Step Doubler.
Note    : Be sure to snap Andre to add "Cash Steal" into Anastasia's Album.

Level 4 : Choose any 1 person and win 5 battles in a row with Blind Ring in
          effect and without curing abnormalities!
Strategy: Just like using Mind's Eye. Practice Ring is good here as you can
          still continue hitting eventho you miss. Just memorize and feel the
Monsters: Oscar, Gatorback, Kheperer, Paladin, Wormgaur, Quartzback, Tweedledum
          Tweedledee, Ogoroja, Amon.
Reward  : Mind's Eye.
Note    : Use Anastasia and snapshot Oscar to get "Remove" into Anastasia's 
          Album, you'll need to be pretty high level tho.

Level 1 : With a party of up to 2, win 3 battles in a row(Reverse Ring and 
          Tight Ring in effect), w/o missing a ring or curing abnormalities!
Strategy: Hm... The only item that can ease up the challenge is Coral Pendant,
          Other than that, do some practice, if your having a tough time, do
          this when your high level so you can have 1 attack which makes the
          area pretty big.
Monsters: Zamuza, Megafilaria, Echidna, Akagi Soldier, Gaki, Pera-pera, Noh
Reward  : Warlock Earrings.

Level 2 : Form a party of up to 3 and win 5 battles in a row while poisoned and
          with Fake Ring in effect, without curing abnormalities!
Strategy: It doesn't matter if you miss, cuz it's not mentioned. Change to
          Practice so you can still continue if you hit the wrong ring. Use Arc
          Cure to heal the poison.
Monsters: Megafilaria, Hati, Echidna, Gigafilaria, Spider Walker, Flying Drone,
          Akagi Soldier, Pera-pera, Noh Masks, Lt. Col. Terada.
Reward  : Shax Crest.

Level 3 : Choose any 1 person and win 4 battles in a row with Small Ring in
          effect and without curing abnormalities!
Strategy: It isn't really hard since you still can see the ring well, equip
          Coral Pendants to make it easier to hit, and equip anti-paralysis
          accessory becomes Mother Filaria can paralyze.
Monsters: Zamuza, Echidna, Hati, Mother Filaria, Gaki, Pera-pera, Noh Masks,
Reward  : Gold Band.

Level 4 : Form a party of up to 4 and win 12 battles in a row!
Strategy: Make your best party and fight. If you have problems with damage,
          either equip everyone with Spikes and use Yuri's Earth Fusion's skill
          "Stand" to stop the SP loss or just come back when your higher level.
Monsters: Gargoyle, Arachne, Castor, Pollux, Centipede, Gregor, Meursault,
          Grimlock, Andre, Janus, Grail Gazer, Star Gazer, Oscar, Mother
          Filaria, Armored Fighter, Mini Tanukis.
Reward  : Seventh Key.
Note    : Be sure to snapshot Mini Tanukis to get Pillage Storm Album.

Level 1 : Using Gepetto, Blanca, Lucia and Anastasia, win 5 battles in a row
          without using Attack!
Strategy: Give them some magic crest, that's all. If you have Gathering, use it
Monsters: Emptiness, Lemures, Danters, Koshoki, Steel Soldier, Flying Drone X,
          Mutant Snail, Armored Fighter.
Reward  : Silver Angel.

Level 2 : Using Yuri, Karin, Joachim and Kurando, win 5 battles in a row 
          without using Crest Magic or Combo Magic!
Strategy: I am sure you have used some of them, just whack, if you have
          problems with defense, equip everyone with Spikes and use Yuri's
          Grade 3, Grade Max Earth Fusion's "Stand" skill to stop the SP loss.
Monsters: Koshoki, Beetle Walker, Flying Drone X, Towd, Enku, Yomi Samurai,
          Mutant Snail, Enku, Yama Garan.
Reward  : Ultra Belt.

Level 3 : Form a party of up to 3 and win 5 battles in a row with Fast Ring in
          effect, without curing abnormalities or using items!
Strategy: Use Practice Ring and Coral Pendants, but it's still pretty fast > Water
Wind  Earth
Dark  Light

So wtf does that mean? Well for an example, it's better to use water spells to
a fire element monster, or to use fire spells to a water element monster, it's
mutual. And if you use the same element of spell, say fire, to a fire monster,
the spell will do reduced damage. Any spells other than water or fire will do 
the normal damage. If an enemy has no element, that means all spells will do
normal damage and it will not have elemental strengths or weaknesses. For boss
fights, it's much better if you know what's the element of the boss and use the
right element.

Lottery Members(xxlomxx)
There are a total of 16 Lottery Members in the game, the first 14 can be found
in any sequence, but the last 2 Lottery Members will only appear if you have
met the first 14. By "met" it means a simple talking, you don't have to play
their lottery. Lottery Members are pretty important imo, as they have items 
like Magic Crests, and even ultimate armor that cannot be gotten elsewhere.

Note: 1. If you fail to hit any colored areas, you'll be given a consolation 
         prize Tissues.
      2. All Red items can only be gotten once.

Lottery Member #16
Location: Le Havre, triggered automatically when your trying to go to the
Ring Type: Normal
|Red      | Bathin Crest     |
|Yellow   | Hit Area Expand  |
|Blue     | Daphne Fruit     |
|Green    | Pure Leaf        |

Lottery Member #15
Location: Port of Southampton, an old woman beside the Magimel Brothers
Ring Type: Normal
|Red      | Slow 1            |
|Yellow   | Hit Area Expand   |
|Blue     | Talisman of Mercy |
|Green    | Pure Leaf         |

Lottery Member #14
Location: Rhondda Mine, check the walkthru for detailed location
Ring Type: Blind Ring
|Red      | Third Key        |
|Yellow   | Hit Area Expand  |
|Blue     | Mana Seed        |
|Green    | Pure Leaf        |

Lottery Member #13
Location: Cannes
Ring Type: Small Ring
|Red      | Marchosias Crest |
|Yellow   | Face Guard       |
|Blue     | Hit Area Expand  |
|Green    | Pure Seed        |

Lottery Member #12
Location: St. Marguerite Island, one of the prisoners
Ring Type: Normal
|Red      | Slow 2            |
|Yellow   | Western Belt      |
|Blue     | Talisman of Mercy |
|Green    | Thera Seed        |

Lottery Member #11
Location: Petrograd, a maid in Hermitage, she's in the second room on your
          right at the East Hallway
Ring Type: Reverse Ring
|Red      | Prism Band       |
|Yellow   | Replacement Man  |
|Blue     | Hit Area Expand  |
|Green    | Mana Seed        |

Lottery Member #10
Location: Paris>Gepetto's Apartment. Available after you beat Night Queen, she
          is an old lady in Gepetto's apartment
Ring Type: Fast Ring
|Red      | Alloces Crest    |
|Yellow   | Will Power       |
|Blue     | Hit Area Expand  |
|Green    | Pure Seed        |

Lottery Member #9
Location: Yokohama>Brick Warehouses. He is a man with white shirt and green
          pants, moving around the south part of the place
Ring Type: Normal
|Red      | Huge Jug         |
|Yellow   | Mirror Bracelet  |
|Blue     | Thera Extract    |
|Green    | Thera Root       |

Lottery Member #8
Location: Battleship Mikasa, one of the sailors that's on Yuri's level during
          the puzzle, check the FAQ for detailed location
Ring Type: Normal
|Red      | P-Attack Down 3  |
|Yellow   | Kendo Mask       |
|Blue     | Hit Area Expand  |
|Green    | Mana Root        |

Lottery Member #7
Location: Imperial Capital>Nihonbashi. After the defeating the Shoki, he will
          be standing beside the green pillar at the bridge
Ring Type: Normal most of the time, but speed may increase or decrease randomly
|Red      | Warning Device   |
|Yellow   | Zodiac Bracelet  |
|Blue     | Hit Area Expand  |
|Green    | Pure Root        |

Lottery Member #6
Location: Inugami Village, it's a bug on the tree just beside the save point
Ring Type: Small Ring
|Red      | Dark Angel       |
|Yellow   | Cosmic Bracelet  |
|Blue     | Thera Extract    |
|Green    | Hit Area Expand  |

Lottery Member #5
Location: Imperial Capital>Azabu Kamiyashiki(Ishimura's mansion), after you get
          the locker keys from the soldier, revisit this place and check the
          5th locker from the left, he'll be inside
Ring Type: Reverse Ring
|Red      | Slow 3           |
|Yellow   | Ninja Gi         |
|Blue     | Mana Extract     |
|Green    | Hit Area Expand  |

Lottery Member #4
Location: Tiffauges Castle, check the walkthru for detailed location
Ring Type: Blind Ring
|Red      | Demon Ward       |
|Yellow   | Strongoids       |
|Blue     | Pure Extract     |
|Green    | Hit Area Expand  |

Lottery Member #3
Location: One of the ghosts at Fort of Regrets, one of the sidequest
Ring Type: Fast Ring
|Red      | Mind's Eye       |
|Yellow   | Bat's Gold       |
|Blue     | Strike Expand    |
|Green    | Thera Extract    |
*Note: You have only play his lottery 3 times and he'll go off, be sure to save

Lottery Member #2
Location: Imperial Capital>Mukyo-An, Yoshiko Kawashima is the Lottery Member,
          you must have met the previous 14 Lottery Members before you can get
Ring Type: Ring Speed increases by a little after each revolution
|Red      | Thief Earrings   |
|Yellow   | Getitup!         |
|Blue     | Strike Expand    |
|Green    | Mana Extract     |

Lottery Member #1
Location: Le Havre, outside Joachim's shop. Available after you have met all
          previous 15 Lottery Members
Ring Type: Ring speed may increases, decreases and change direction randomly
|Red      | Rose Bondage     |
|Yellow   | Meteor Mask      |
|Blue     | Strike Expand    |
|Green    | Pure Extract     |

Ring Soul(xxrisxx)
Ring Soul is a character that gives you Attack Boost, which can increase the
amount of physical attack your character can make. There are a total of 16 Ring
Souls in the game, which means 16 Attack Boosts for you, 2 for each character.

Locations of the Ring Soul:

1. Apoina Tower. You'll bump into him automatically.
2. Paris>Champ Elysees, at the subway station, check the walkthru for detailed
3. Le Havre, outside Joachim's shop, at the right corner.
4. Rhondda Mine, check the map in the walkthru.
5. Wales. On the right of the door into Roger's house.
6. Manmariana Island, check the walkthru.
7. Neam Ruins, lower right corner, close to the save before the boss fight.
8. St. Marguerite Island, 2 rooms after Oscar, at the upper right corner.
9. Goreme Valley. Inside the chapel, at the lower right corner.
10. Gallery of the Dead, from the Necros(Wolf Bout 8), go north, then right,
    examine the wall before the path turns south.
11. Apoina Tower, revisited. Check the left corner where there was a teleport
    device the first time you were here.
12. Yokohama Streets, at the lamp post opposite of Tomoko who gave you Shining
13. Battleship Mikasa, from where you start, check the yellow crates on your
    left to find it.
14. Foreigners Cemetery, revisited. After you enter, check the red flowers at 
    your south.
15. Inugami Village, at the bush beside Valefor Crest.
16. Immortal Mountain, check the walkthru for details. 

Useful Accessories(xxusaxx)
Below are the locations and stats of some useful accessories-

Description: Necklace that ends all Status and Ring Abnormalities.
Comments: Useful in fighting some bosses.
Found: 1. In a chest at Tiffauges Castle. Check the sidequest for details.
       2. By beating Baal, the last boss at Doll House.
       3. By beating Orobas, the last boss at Neam Ruins optional dungeon.
       4. In a chest at the Vessel, Floor 4, the last dungeon, check the map.

|Blood Jewel|
Description: When Berserk, recovers SP with ring success.
Comments: Man, I overlooked this accessory and didn't even bother to add it
          here until my friend told me about it. It's extremely useful when 
          used with Spikes on tough 1v1 fights.... give it a try.
Found: 1. Forest of Wind, 4th Treasure Hunting item, it's on the floor at the
          intersection where the path splits right into 2.
       2. Reward for Beginner Level 2 of the Solomon's Trials.

Description: Allows Resist Defense at all times during battle.
Comments: Extremely useful in a lot of 1v1 fights where defense is important.
          SP lost can be countered by using "Stand", a skill for Grade 3 and
          Grade Max Earth fusion by Yuri.
Found: 1. Can be bought from Gerard later on.

|Mind's Eye|
Description: Hit Area disappears; Physical Attack Power is doubled.
Comments: An overpowered item in my opinion, using it ruins the challenge in
          boss fights. I don't really recommend using it unless you have no
          other ways to beat that boss.
Found: 1. On your first visit to Azabu Kamiyashiki(Ishimura's mansion), after
          you pick up some locker keys from the guards you've beaten, check out
          Locker 1 to get this item. It will not be there after you beat the
          boss there.
       2. From Lottery Member #3 at the Fort of Regrets, his red item.
       3. Complete Monk Level 4 Solomon's Trials

Description: Hit Area disappears; Physical Attack Power is tripled.
Comments: Even more rigged, however, it's a bit different from Mind's Eye as
          the needle is invisible as well. Good thing tho, not a lot of ppl can
          get it so it's not abused so much like Mind's Eye.
Found: 1. With 65%+ Ring Perfect Rate, talk to Naniwa at Nihonbashi>Mukyo-An

|Thief Earrings|
Description: Trophy money and item rate increase 20%.
Comments: Didn't use it before, I doubt you'll need to farm money and rare 
          items from monsters in this game.
Found: 1. Lottery Member #2 at Mukyo-An(Yoshiko), her red item.

|Monk Earrings|
Description: Experience earned increases 20%, but Max SP falls 20%.
Comments: The only item that gives experience boost(besides Lucia's tarot cards
          ), well maybe useful if you really need to level up, but leveling up
          is something you needn't worry in this game really, fighting random
          encounters when exploring dungeons should be more than enough.
Found: 1. Vessel, Floor 3 of Asuka Stone Platform, check the walkthru map.

|Demon Earrings|
Description: Physical Attack Power and Damage increases 20%.
Comments: Awesome... extremely good for the "fighters".
Found: 1. By beating Lt. Col. Terada at Battleship Mikasa.
       2. Revisit Queen's Garden after you beat King Tamakos. With all the
          previous Nibelung Scene found(1-9), check the north wall to fight
          Guardian. You'll be rewarded if you beat him with high combo hits.
       3. By beating Curry Sage at Level 97 of the Man Festival challenge.

|Gold Necklace|
Description: Neckalce that doubles the chance of enemy encounter.
Comments: Useful in some situations, like when you need to find Tengu, etc.
Found: 1. By completing Monk Level 1 of the Solomon Trials.

|Warlock Earrings|
Description: Special Attack Power and Damage increase 20%.
Comments: Awesome accessory for "mages" character.
Found: 1. By beating Asmodeus at Idar Flamme
       2. By beating Mastery Cylinder at Hojo Research Lab with high combo hits
          (more than 30 I think).
       3. By completing Solomon's Trials Believer Level 1

|Ashra's Earrings|
Description: Max HP increases 20%.
Comments: Not really useful, unless you need some extra HP.
Found: 1. By beating Mecha Lord, the boss at Azabu Kamiyashiki.
       2. By beating Gaap, the boss at Black Forest optional dungeon with high
          combo hits.
       3. By beating Cutlet Curry at Level 99 of the Man Festival Challenge.

|Oracle Earrings|
Description: Max MP increases 20%.
Comments: Important in some situations, where you need some MP.
Found: 1. By beating Garan at Foreigner's Cemetery
       2. By beating Kouenki the first time at Inugami Village, with the 
          condition of few enemy turns.
       3. By beating Hotoke Garan, the boss at the Dog Shrine optional dungeon.

|Dark Angel|
Description: Max SP increases 20%.
Comments: Hm.. better use SP restoring items than wasting a slot for this.
Found: 1. Lottery Member #6 at Inugami Village, its red item.
       2. By beating Neo Astaroth at Immortal Mountain, with high combo hits.
       3. Complete Solomon's Trials Embodiment Level 1.

|Priest Earrings|
Description: MP consumption decreases by 20%.
Comments: Pretty useful, you might wanna stick one on your "mage" characters.
Found: 1. By beating Master Cylinder at Hojo Research Lab.
       2. After you beat Neo Astaroth. Revisit Le Havre, outside Joachim's shop
          . Beat the peach bat and you'll get this.

|White Underpants|
Description: Maiden's underpants halve Physical Attack Damage.
Comments: Only the girls and Gepetto can wear it, pretty good but sadly it
          cannot be used by the guys.
Found: 1. By talking to Roger at his house with Shanghai Heaven, an item found
          at the Neam Ruins optional dungeon.

|Black Underpants|
Description: Woman's "dating" panties. Special Attack Damage halved.
Comments: Similar to White Underpants, only the girls and Gepetto can use it.
          It has its uses, but nothing extremely good.
Found: 1. With a full 175 monsters in your library, talk to Lawrence at Goreme
          Valley and he'll give it to you. The 175 monsters only need to be in
          your library, snapped or not it doesn't matter. This is the only item
          that is not obtainable in one playthru, since you will not be able to
          get the last boss's entry.

|Demon Ward|
Description: Necklace halves the chance of enemy encounter.
Comments: I guess it's useless to most ppl, but it's extremely important for me
          cuz I have to run around the dungeons a lot to make sure I don't miss
Found: 1. Lottery Member #4 at Tiffauges Castle, its her red item.

|Step Doubler|
Description: Attached to pedometer, doubles step count.
Comments: If you can't get Step Tripler I guess you gotta stuck with this.
Found. 1. Complete Monk Level 3 Solomon's Trials.

|Step Tripler|
Description: Attached to pedometer, triples step count.
Comments: Important if you didn't equip pedometer at the start and need the
          steps for Karin's ultimate armor, or Ultra Belt. Have to be equipped
          to the same character that uses Pedometer.
Found: 1. Hojo Research Lab, with Yuri's party. It's at the area before the
          room where Ouka starts. You will not be able to revisit this place so
          you might miss it.

|Warning Device|
Description: Device to avoid being surrounded by enemies.
Comments: You'll need this to get Tengu in Forest of Wind to complete the
          monster library. It's always pretty useful if you don't wanna get
Found: 1. Lottery Member #7, at Nihonbashi, his red item.

Magic Crests Location(xxmclxx)
|Crest Name   |Location                                                       |
|Agares       |Le Havre, obtained automatically when Joachim joins you        |
|Aim          |Florence, obtained automatically when Lucia joins you          |
|Alloces      |Paris>Gepetto's Apartment, Lottery Member #10's red item       |
|Amdusias     |Yokohama Streets                                               |
|Amon         |Tiffauges Castle, by beating Neo Amon                          |
|Amy          |Paris>Champ Elysees Subway Station, check the map              |
|Andras       |Ardennes Forest, obtained automatically when talk to Gepetto   |
|Andrealphus  |Petrograd, obtained automatically when Anastasia joins you     |
|Andromalius  |Gallery of the Dead, in the room with coffins and save point   |
|Asmodeus     |Petrograd, a drunken dood at the south bridge sells it for 100k|
|Astaroth     |Immortal Mountain, by beating Neo Astaroth there               |
|Baal         |Doll House, by beating Baal, the boss there                    |
|Balam        |Petrograd, obtained automatically when Anastasia joins you     |
|Barbatos     |Ardennes Forest, check the map                                 |
|Bathin       |Le Havre, Lottery Member #16's red item                        |
|Beleth       |Manmariana Island, by beating Andre                            |
|Belial       |Apoina Tower, revisited                                        |
|Berith       |Neam Ruins, check the walkthru for more details                |
|Bifrons      |St. Marguerite Island                                          |
|Botis        |Petrograd, obtained automatically when Anastasia joins you     |
|Buer         |Nihonbashi, on the right side of Gama's ring                   |
|Bune         |Yokohama Brick Warehouses, after beating Kouenki, buy from     |
|             |Kensuke, the secret dealer in one of the warehouses            |
|Camio        |St. Marguerite Island, on the left side of the wolf that sells |
|             |stuff to Blanca                                                |
|Cimeies      |Yokohama Brick Warehouses, sold by Kensuke, the secret dealer  |
|Crocell      |Paris>Gepetto's Apartment, beside the save point               |
|Dantalion    |Petrograd, obtained automatically when Anastasia joins you     |
|Decarabia    |Wine Cellar, prize for the 3rd game of the Lucky Chests        |
|             |Minigame, can be played after the last dungeon appears         |
|Eligos       |Petrograd, Hermitage.                                          |
|Focalor      |Ardennes Forest, obtained automatically when talk to Gepetto   |
|Foras        |Battleship Mikasa, revisit it again to take the Captain Quiz,  |
|             |the reward is Foras Crest                                      |
|Forneus      |Wales, inside Roger's house                                    |
|Furcas       |Petrograd, at the upper left corner in the giant square outside|
|             |Hermitage                                                      |
|Furfur       |Ardennes Forest, obtained automatically when talk to Gepetto   |
|Gaap         |Black Forest, by beating Gaap, the boss there                  |
|Glasyalabolas|Foreigner's Cemetery, by beating Garan there                   |
|Gremory      |Le Havre, obtained automatically when Joachim joins you        |
|Gusion       |Queen's Garden, revisit after beating King Tamakos, go back to |
|             |that place and check the back of the table with candles        |
|Haagenti     |Petrograd, by beating Night Queen                              |
|Halphas      |Petrograd, by beating Victor                                   |
|Haures       |Paris>Champ Elysees, beside the reception desk in the inn      |
|Ipos         |Petrograd, at the courtyard with spiral stairs leading to Night|
|             |Queen, it's at the lower left corner                           |
|Leraje       |Gallery of the Dead, at the dead end around the east side      |
|Malphas      |Forest of the Wind, revisit it and take the right fork and go  |
|             |all the way to its end to get it                               |
|Marax        |Goreme Valley, opposite of the Magimel Brothers                |
|Marbas       |Forest of Wind, by beating Yama Garan                          |
|Marchosias   |Cannes, Lottery Member #13's red item                          |
|Murmur       |Rhondda Mine, by beating Grimlock                              |
|Naberius     |Yokohama, Brick Warehouses, in a chest at the north end        |
|Orias        |Immortal Mountain, check the walkthru for details              |
|Orobas       |Neam Ruins optional dungeon, by beating Orobas, the boss there |
|Ose          |Neam Ruins, by beating Grail Gazer                             |
|Paimon       |Apoina Tower, revisited, check the walkthru for details        |
|Phenex       |Neam Ruins, check the walkthru                                 |
|Purson       |Florence, received automatically after beating Andre           |
|Raum         |Wine Cellar, check the walkthru for more details               |
|Ronove       |Tiffauges Castle, you won't miss this                          |
|Sabnock      |Reward for Beginner Level 1 of the Solomon's Trials            |
|Sallos       |Wine Cellar, by beating Meursault                              |
|Samigina     |Immortal Mountain, on the right end from the first statue      |
|Seere        |Goreme Valley, 2nd item of the Treasure Hunting minigame, at   |
|             |the pillar where Karin and Yuri talked                         |
|Shax         |Reward for Believer Level 2 of the Solomon's Trials            |
|Sitri        |Paris>Champ Elysees, Subway Station, by beating Castor & Pollux|
|Solomon      |By beating King Solomon after completing the Solomon's Key and |
|             |the Solomon's Trials                                           |
|Stolas       |Nihonbashi, at the park, by beating Eleanor, Wolf Bout 10      |
|Uvall        |SG Italian Branch HQ, at the left side of the piano            |
|Valak        |Foreigner's Cemetery, by beating Tsukiyomi                     |
|Valefor      |Inugami Village, at the far upper right corner                 |
|Vapula       |Battleship Mikasa, under the ladder that brings you to the ship|
|Vassago      |Ardennes Forest, by beating Arachne                            |
|Vepar        |Florence, north of the fountain                                |
|Vine         |Battleship Mikasa, gotten by Kurando's team, check the walkthru|
|Zagan        |Paris>Monmartre, given by Ernest if you have 6 wolf paw prints |
|Zepar        |Paris>Champ Elysees, Subway Station, by beating Castor & Pollux|

Spells Description and Crests(xxsdcxx)
|Name          |MP |Description and Crests                                    |
|Air Edge      |8  |Adds Wind Class to one ally's Physical Attack             |
|              |   |Crests- Botis, Barbatos, Halphas*, Marbas*                |
|Air Resist    |32 |Increases one ally's Wind Class special attack defense    |
|              |   |Crests- Baal, Shax, Seere*                                |
|Aqua Edge     |8  |Adds Water Class to one ally's Physical Attack            |
|              |   |Crests- Andrealphus, Crocell, Forneus*, Ronove*           |
|Aqua Resist   |32 |Increases one ally's Water Class special attack defense   |
|              |   |Crests- Decarabia, Orobas, Haagenti*                      |
|Arc Barrier   |36 |Increases Special Defense Power for all allies            |
|              |   |Crests- Dantalion, Valak*                                 |
|Arc Cure      |16 |Restores small amount of HP to all allies                 |
|              |   |Crests- Bifrons, Uvall, Bune*, Stolas*                    |
|Arc Gale      |36 |Shortens turn interval for all allies                     |
|              |   |Crests- Ipos, Naberius*                                   |
|Arc Heal      |18 |Recovers Ring and Status Abnormalities for all allies     |
|              |   |Crests- Buer, Stolas, Cimeies*, Marax*                    |
|Arc Mirage    |36 |Increases Evasion Rate for all allies                     |
|              |   |Crests- Balam, Vine*                                      |
|Arc Rage      |36 |Increases Physical Attack Power for all allies            |
|              |   |Crests- Leraje, Vapula*                                   |
|Arc Shield    |36 |Increases Physical Defense Power for all allies           |
|              |   |Crests- Sabnock, Amdusias*                                |
|Arc Surge     |36 |Increases Special Attack Power for all allies             |
|              |   |Crests- Alloces, Glasyalabolas*                           |
|Barrier       |12 |Increases Special Defense Power for one ally              |
|              |   |Crests- Forneus, Gremory, Valak, Eligos*                  |
|Bright Banish |64 |Light Class Special Dmg. Circular, small/9 hits/knockdown |
|              |   |Crests- Ronove, Valak, Andromalius*                       |
|Bright Crest  |80 |Light Class Special Dmg. Circular, large/1 hit/knockdown  |
|              |   |Crests- Astaroth, Asmodeus*                               |
|Bright Crime  |32 |Light Class Special Damage. Circular, small/5 hits/knockup|
|              |   |Crests- Andromalius, Eligos, Dantalion*, Malphas*         |
|Bright Light  |16 |Light Class Special Dmg. Circular, small/1 hit/knockdown  |
|              |   |Crests- Andromalius, Purson, Vepar, Gremory*              |
|Cure          |6  |Restores small amount of HP to one ally                   |
|              |   |Crests- Crocell, Samigina, Bathin*, Furfur*               |
|Cure All      |32 |Restores all HP to one ally                               |
|              |   |Crests- Foras, Valefor, Bifrons*, Buer*                   |
|Cure Plus     |24 |Restores medium amount of HP to one ally                  |
|              |   |Crests- Marax, Stolas, Decarabia*, Samigina*              |
|Dark Edge     |8  |Adds Dark Class to one ally's Physical Attack             |
|              |   |Crests- Gusion, Raum, Marbas*, Purson*                    |
|Dark Resist   |32 |Increases one ally's Dark Class special attack defense    |
|              |   |Crests- Asmodeus, Shax, Paimon*                           |
|Earth Edge    |8  |Adds Earth Class to one ally's Physical Attack            |
|              |   |Crests- Agares, Botis, Barbatos*, Orias*                  |
|Earth Resist  |32 |Increases one ally's Earth Class special attack defense   |
|              |   |Crests- Cimeies, Gaap, Zagan*                             |
|Entrance      |59 |Uses own MP to increase one ally's Special Attack Power   |
|              |   |Crests- Halphas, Malphas, Amy*, Andrealphus*              |
|Evil Born     |32 |Dark Class Special Dmg. Piercing, small/5 hits/knockdown  |
|              |   |Crests- Berith, Paimon, Alloces*, Raum*                   |
|Evil Crest    |80 |Dark Class Sepcial Damage. Circular, large/1 hit/knockup  |
|              |   |Crests- Asmodeus, Astaroth*                               |
|Evil Ray      |16 |Dark Class Special Damage. Linear, small/7 hits/knockup   |
|              |   |Crests- Paimon, Raum, Beleth*, Vassago*                   |
|Evil Summoning|64 |Dark Class Special Damage. Circular, medium/1 hit/knockup |
|              |   |Crests- Glasyalabolas, Marbas, Paimon*                    |
|Gale          |12 |Shortens turn interval for one ally                       |
|              |   |Crests- Aim, Naberius, Sallos, Marchosias*                |
|Gale Crest    |80 |Wind Class Special Damage. Circular, large/1 hit/knockup  |
|              |   |Crests- Baal, Gaap*                                       |
|Gale Spark    |32 |Wind Class Special Damage. Linear, medium/10 hits/knockup |
|              |   |Crests- Marchosias, Seere, Ipos*, Malphas*                |
|Gale Spike    |64 |Wind Class Special Damage. Circular, medium/6 hits/knockup|
|              |   |Crests- Marbas, Naberius, Seere*                          |
|Gale Spin     |16 |Wind Class Special Damage. Circular, small/2 hits/knockup |
|              |   |Crests- Furfur, Seere, Sallos*, Vepar*                    |
|Gathering     |64 |Gathers enemies into one place                            |
|              |   |Crests- Gusion, Botis*, Shax*                             |
|Hail Beak     |16 |Water Class Special Damage. Piercing, small/2 hits/knockup|
|              |   |Crests- Focalor, Haagenti, Vepar, Andras*                 |
|Hail Breeze   |32 |Water Class Special Dmg. Circular, medium/1 hit/knockdown |
|              |   |Crests- Haagenti, Ose, Balam*, Focalor*                   |
|Hail Crash    |64 |Water Class Special Damage. Circular, large/1 hit/knockup |
|              |   |Crests- Ronove, Vine, Haagenti*                           |
|Hail Crest    |80 |Water Class Special Dmg. Circular, large/1 hit/knockdown  |
|              |   |Crests- Orobas, Amon*                                     |
|Heal          |8  |Recovers Ring and Status Abnormalities for one ally       |
|              |   |Crests- Bathin, Bune, Uvall*, Valefor*                    |
|Heat Edge     |8  |Adds Fire Class to one ally's Physical Attack             |
|              |   |Crests- Amy, Andrealphus, Aim*, Orias*                    |
|Heat Resist   |32 |Increases one ally's Fire Class special attack defense    |
|              |   |Crests- Amon, Cimeies, Belial*                            |
|Holy Edge     |8  |Adds Light Class to one ally's Physical Attack            |
|              |   |Crests- Bathin, Gusion, Phenex*, Ronove*                  |
|Holy Resist   |32 |Increases one ally's Light Class special attack defense   |
|              |   |Crests- Astaroth, Decarabia, Andromalius*                 |
|Melt Crest    |160|Non-class Special Damage. All/1 hit/**                    |
|              |   |Crests- Solomon                                           |
|Mirage        |12 |Increases Evasion Rate for one ally                       |
|              |   |Crests- Andras, Forneus, Vine, Ose*                       |
|Rage          |12 |Increases Physical Attack Power for one ally              |
|              |   |Crests- Aim, Sitri, Vapular, Furcas*                      |
|Raise Up      |24 |Restores small amount of HP to an Unconscious ally        |
|              |   |Crests- Murmur, Phenex, Crocell*, Foras*                  |
|Red Blaze     |32 |Fire Class Special Dmg. Circular, medium/1 hit/knockback  |
|              |   |Crests- Belial, Furcas, Haures*, Leraje*                  |
|Red Cradle    |64 |Fire Class Special Damage. Circular, large/1 hit/knockback|
|              |   |Crests- Orias, Vapula, Belial*                            |
|Red Crest     |80 |Fire Class Special Damage. Circular, large/1 hit/knockback|
|              |   |Crests- Amon, Orobas*                                     |
|Red Rave      |16 |Fire Class Special Damage. Circular, small/1 hit/knockback|
|              |   |Crests- Beleth, Belial, Haures, Sitri*                    |
|Resurrection  |40 |Restores all HP to an Unconscious ally                    |
|              |   |Crests- Bune, Samigina, Gusion*, Murmur*                  |
|Rock Crest    |80 |Earth Class Special Dmg. Circular, large/1 hit/knockback  |
|              |   |Crests- Gaap, Baal*                                       |
|Rock Rot      |16 |Earth Class Special Damage. Circular, small/1 hit/knockup |
|              |   |Crests- Agares, Beleth, Zagan, Zepar*                     |
|Rock Storm    |32 |Earth Class Special Dmg. Circular, medium/1 hit/knockback |
|              |   |Crests- Camio, Zagan, Agares*, Sabnock*                   |
|Rock Strike   |64 |Earth Class Special Dmg. Piercing, medium/2 hits/knockback|
|              |   |Crests- Amdusias, Orias, Zagan*                           |
|Shield        |12 |Increases Physical Defense Power for one ally             |
|              |   |Crests- Aim, Amdusias, Zepar, Camio*                      |
|Surge         |12 |Increases Special Attack Power for one ally               |
|              |   |Crests- Forneus, Glasyalabolas, Vassago, Berith*          |
*: The star behind a crest means that the crest will only have the spell after
   you have completed its crest list at the Solomon's Key.
**: Melt Crest has a unique ability that allows combo to be chained after the
    spell is casted, eventho your characters are not in a combo position. The
    combo chains as long as the enemy hasn't reached its turn.

Ring Add-on Effects(xxraexx)
|Ring Items      |Obtained                                                    |
|Poison 1        |Ardennes Forest, by beating Arachne                         |
|Poison 2        |St. Marguerite Island, by beating Oscar                     |
|Poison 3        |Forest of Wind, by beating Yama Garan                       |
|Poison 4        |Dog Shrine optional dungeon, the Red room                   |
|Paralysis 1     |Wales, by beating Lenny                                     |
|Paralysis 2     |Idar Flamme, in a chest, check the walkthru for map         |
|Paralysis 3     |Queen's Garden, on the left catwalk, lying on the left wall |
|Paralysis 4     |Black Forest optional dungeon, by beating Gaap              |
|Seal 1          |Florence, Wolf Bout 3: Jerome, its at the upper right side  |
|Seal 2          |Gallery of the Dead, check the walkthru for details         |
|Seal 3          |Inugami Village, by beating Kouenki                         |
|Seal 4          |Inugami Village, by beating Kouenki the second time, with   |
|                |Kurando's second fusion Jutendouji                          |
|Petrify 1       |Manmariana Island, by using the correct blood type at the   |
|                |locked door, it will be in a chest behind it.               |
|Petrify 2       |Battleship Mikasa, Wolf Bout 9: Carven, check the walkthru  |
|Petrify 3       |Tiffauges Castle optional dungeon, room where Jovis gives   |
|                |healing                                                     |
|Petrify 4       |Doll House, second floor, in a chest before the path turns  |
|                |vertical                                                    |
|Instant Death 1 |Neam Ruins, by beating Grail Gazer                          |
|Instant Death 2 |Battleship Mikasa, 3rd item of the Treasure Hunting minigame|
|                |, it's on the uniform in the cabin                          |
|Instant Death 3 |Immortal Mountain, Wolf Bout 12: Lobo                       |
|Instant Death 4 |Forest of Wind, Wolf Bout 14: Lobo                          |
|Delay 1         |SG Italian Branch HQ, second area, at the upper right corner|
|Delay 2         |Apoina Tower, revisited, by beating Astaroth                |
|Delay 3         |Immortal Mountain, by beating Neo Astaroth                  |
|Delay 4         |Neam Ruins optional dungeon, check the walkthru             |
|Slow 1          |Port of Southampton, Lottery Member #15's red item          |
|Slow 2          |St. Marguerite Island, Lottery Member #12's red item        |
|Slow 3          |Imperial Capital>Azabu Kamiyashiki, Lottery Member #5's red |
|                |item, he's in the locker room                               |
|Slow 4          |Black Forest optional dungeon                               |
|P-Attack Down 1 |Le Havre, by beating Grand Papillon                         |
|P-Attack Down 2 |Petrograd, at the left of the door to the West Hallway      |
|P-Attack Down 3 |Battleship Mikasa, Lottery Member #3's red item             |
|P-Attack Down 4 |Queen's Garden, revisit it after beating King Tamakos, check|
|                |the north wall at the boss's place to fight Guardian, you'll|
|                |get this by beating it                                      |
|Sp-Attack Down 1|Wine Cellar, by beating Veronica                            |
|Sp-Attack Down 2|SG Italian Branch HQ, by beating Janus                      |
|Sp-Attack Down 3|Hojo Research Lab, at the right side of the bed where Ouka  |
|                |woke up                                                     |
|Sp-Attack Down 4|Paris>Monmartre, Wolf Bout 15: Wolfman                      |
|P-Defend Down 1 |Paris>Champ Elysees, at the left of the subway stairs where |
|                |you come out(near the big brown door)                       |
|P-Defend Down 2 |Petrograd, at a corner close to the second bridge           |
|P-Defend Down 3 |Inugami Village, Wolf Bout 11: Matsunaga                    |
|P-Defend Down 4 |Asuka Stone Platform, by beating Fuujin and Raijin          |
|Sp-Defend Down 1|Paris>Champ Elysees, Subway Station, check the walkthru map |
|Sp-Defend Down 2|St. Marguerite Island, on the crates on the left where you  |
|                |start after being rescued by Blanca                         |
|Sp-Defend Down 3|Yokohama>Foreigner's Cemetery, at the gravestone opposite of|
|                |the save point                                              |
|Sp-Defend Down 4|Asuka Stone Platform, by beating Fuujin and Raijin          |
|Evasion Down 1  |Apoina Tower, obtained automatically when you meet Ring Soul|
|Evasion Down 2  |Goreme Valley, one of the rooms                             |
|Evasion Down 3  |Hojo Research Lab, check the walkthru for details           |
|Evasion Down 4  |Vessel, Floor 3, of Asuka Stone Platform, check the walkthru|
|                |for its location                                            |

New Game Plus(xxngpxx)
Once you have completed the game, you'll be asked to save a clear file. When
you load the clear file, you'll start a New Game Plus. You get to keep some
items, here are the list of them:
-Your Monster(snapped as well) and Character Library
-All the Magic Crests
-All the stud cards
-All Yuri/Kurando's Fusions and their levels(including optional ones)
-Anastasia's album skills
-Cornelia's dresses and spells
-The girls' alternate costumes
-White Underpants, Black Underpants, Purple Bondage, Racoon Friend
-A sum up of score for both of the games(You still get a separated score for
 the new game)

                            MONSTER LIST(xxmolxx)
A big list of monsters, and their details.

There are a total of 16 monsters that cannot be snapped, and so I will not have
much details about them, here are the them:

#117-122 The Graveyard Monsters
#131 Murgh Vindaloo(appeared once and you have to use Joachim)
#141 Hashed Beef Man
#142 Dry Curry Man
#143 Curry Prince
#145 Poor Man's Curry
#146 Curry Sage
#147 Cutlet Curry
#148 Great Question
#149 Peach Bat
#169 Dark Seraphim

I am sorry but I have to take out the Items section at the details because I've
way too many ???? and I could not re-fight them again to get the items. Most of
the are just minor stuff anyway, the only exception are bosses where I'll list
down their items.

*Note: To search the monster your looking, simple type the number in the search
field, eg #101.

Monsters  #001
Undead creature haunted by its own regrets. Small bits of rotten flesh still
cling to its skeleton. It despises all living things and attacks randomly.

a)Apoina Tower, 1st visit
b)Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 4

HP     : 17
MP     : 0
Element: Dark
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1
Cash   : 10
Souls  : 0

No Effect: Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth

Monsters  #002
Brought to life by black magic, its intelligence makes it a powerful foe. Since
it sometimes feels the need to rebel, it's fitted with iron restraints for

a) Apoina Tower, 1st visit
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 4

HP     : 25
MP     : 15
Element: Wind
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 3
Cash   : 20
Souls  : 0

No Effect: Paralys., Petrify

Monsters  #003
Guardian of holy bones in Apoina Tower. Its body is composed of dozen of
different beasts, making its appearance quite grotesque and unnerving.

a) Apoina Tower, 1st visit, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 4

HP     : 140
MP     : 90
Element: Heavy
Weight : Dark

Exp    : 50
Cash   : 200
Souls  : 0

Items  : Pure Seed

No Effect: D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           Delay, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #004
Ducky Toy-
Toy made up of three ducks. From the front, their names are Moe, Jdog and
Sqwalk. They are connected by an invisible string that someone must control.

a) Domremy
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 3

HP     : 18
MP     : 8
Element: Light
Weight : Water

Exp    : 3
Cash   : 20
Souls  : 0

No Effect: Paralys.

Monsters  #005
Wooden Lion-
Toy made from cedar. Its builder wanted to convey the ferociousness of a
hungry lion. Pulling its tail winds a hidden spring so it can run for about
twenty minutes.

a) Domremy
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 3

HP     : 25
MP     : 0
Element: Normal
Weight : Light

Exp    : 4
Cash   : 30
Souls  : 0

No Effect: Seal

Monsters  #006
Death Snail-
Each time this snail grows, it must find a larger human skull for use as a
shell. Under its body are thousands of suction cups that it uses to suck blood.

a) Ardennes Forest
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 4

HP     : 19
MP     : 11
Element: Earth
Weight : Light

Exp    : 3
Cash   : 25
Souls  : 1

No Effect: None

Monsters  #007
Having never evolved the ability to photosynthesize, this plant relies on meat
for energy. Its wing-like leaves allow it to fly in search of prey.

a) Ardennes Forest
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 4

HP     : 25
MP     : 20
Element: Light
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 4
Cash   : 33
Souls  : 1

No Effect: S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn

Monsters  #008
Wasp pupa infested by a parasitic snake. Known by some as the god of wasps and
bees, it relies on the snake in its mouth to seize its prey.

a) Ardennes Forest
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 4

HP     : 27
MP     : 0
Element: Fire
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 4
Cash   : 35
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn

Monsters  #009
Woman who has turned into a spider as punishment by the gods. Since its body is
filled with poison, it has a rather short life span.

a) Ardennes Forest, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 2
c) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 4

HP     : 300
MP     : 77
Element: Earth
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 70
Cash   : 1000
Souls  : 40

Items  : Poison 1, Vassago

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, 
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #010
Clawed Soldier-
Low-level member of the secret society. Despite being at the bottom, these
soldiers are highly-trained in all forms of combat, both armed and unarmed.

a) Paris, Champ Elysees
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 3

HP     : 37
MP     : 8
Element: Fire
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 5
Cash   : 40
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Paralys., HP Down

Monsters  #011
Animal born of a mole father and a hedgehog mother. With its many needle-sharp
spines, it waits gleefully in the dark for someone to step on it.

a) Paris, Champ Elysees
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 3

HP     : 32
MP     : 22
Element: Earth
Weight : Light

Exp    : 5
Cash   : 38
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Paralys., Seal, Petrify, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn

Monsters  #012
A carelessly buried corpse and a snake merged together to form this monster. It
scales are packed with bacteria and often spread disease to its victims.

a) Paris, Champ Elysees
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 3

HP     : 51
MP     : 40
Element: Water
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 6
Cash   : 52
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, S-DEFDwn

Monsters  #013
One of twin demons that serve Veronica. Said to have been born from a giant's
arrow wound, it has a flame on its back that reflects its violent mood.

a) Paris, Champ Elysees, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 4

HP     : 275
MP     : 100
Element: Fire
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 75
Cash   : 550
Souls  : 25

Items  : Tent, Sitri

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #014
One of twin demons that serve Veronica. Said to have been born from a giant's
pus-filled eye, its body is covered with ice blades that reflect its cruel mood

a) Paris, Champ Elysees, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 4

HP     : 275
MP     : 100
Element: Water
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 75
Cash   : 550
Souls  : 25

Items  : Lottery Ticket, Zepar

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, Delay, HP Down

Monsters  #015
Thug that works for the mayor of Le Havre. His mind and body are ruined from
the excesses of his youth and so he always carries a big stick to fight with.

a) Le Havre
b) Wine Cellar
c) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 3

HP     : 41
MP     : 0
Element: Wind
Weight : Light

Exp    : 6
Cash   : 56
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Seal

Monsters  #016
Fat Thug-
Although this Le Havre thug is only sixteen years old, he eats five times per
day and suffers from diabetes as a result. He's slow but very strong.

a) Le Havre
b) Wine Cellar
c) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 3

HP     : 38
MP     : 0
Element: Water
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 6
Cash   : 54
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Seal

Monsters  #017
Giant-sized version of the universally-despised bug. Aware of its effect on
people, it often tries to stick its head right into one's stomach area.

a) Wine Cellar
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 3

HP     : 32
MP     : 18
Element: Dark
Weight : Light

Exp    : 6
Cash   : 1
Souls  : 1

No Effect: None

Monsters  #018
Roach Queen-
Cockroach queen, she lays eggs on people while they sleep. The eggs hatch three
years later and are known to emerge suddenly from a victim's mouth or nose.

a) Wine Cellar
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 3

HP     : 53
MP     : 18
Element: Dark
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 10
Cash   : 80
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Paralys., S-ATKDwn, Slow

Monsters  #019
Normally a mild-mannered creature that feeds on fruits and other bugs, this
mutated giant centipede has come to crave the taste of mammal flesh.

a) Wine Cellar
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 3

HP     : 62
MP     : 0
Element: Fire
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 10
Cash   : 1
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, P-ATKDwn

Monsters  #020
Magic warrior famous for her sexy attire and her whip's wave attack. Although
her snakeskin whip is rarely lethal, it leaves painful welts for months.

a) Wine Cellar, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Creator Level

HP     : 220
MP     : 90
Element: Water
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 100
Cash   : 250
Souls  : 0

Items  : Sp-Attack Down 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #021
Demon that Veronica captured and made into her familiar. Although it loves any
kind of alcohol, it has a special weakness for French red wine.

a) Wine Cellar, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 4

HP     : 666
MP     : 170
Element: Wind
Weight : Light

Exp    : 200
Cash   : 1500
Souls  : 55

Items  : Sallos

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn,
           Delay, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #022
Monstrous dog creature that inhabits dark places. It has no eyes but uses sonar
, like a bat, to detect prey. It is said that touching it brings bad luck.

a) Rhondda Mine
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 1

HP     : 55
MP     : 38
Element: Wind
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 16
Cash   : 120
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn

Monsters  #023
Tree spirit formed from hardened sap. It continues to ooze nutrient-rich sap as
it plods along. So wherever it walks, flowers bloom the following year.

a) Rhondda Mine
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 1

HP     : 63
MP     : 36
Element: Water
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 15
Cash   : 118
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Seal, Petrify, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow
           EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #024
Monster from Spain. It appears on the tenth day of the tenth month and is said
to be the incarnation of husbands wishing to punish their unfaithful wives.

a) Rhondda Mine
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 1

HP     : 60
MP     : 41
Element: Light
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 18
Cash   : 115
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Seal, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #025
Lambton Worm-
Legendary dragon that lives in the Wear River in England. In warmer weather, it
wakes from hibernation, preys upon fisherman and devours their hearts.

a) Rhondda Mine
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 4

HP     : 208
MP     : 0
Element: Earth
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 40
Cash   : 170
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #026
Demon born from the collective negative energy of hundreds of coal miners who
died tragically at young ages due to a mining accident.

a) Rhondda Mine, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 4

HP     : 780
MP     : 215
Element: Dark
Weight : Light

Exp    : 425
Cash   : 1600
Souls  : 65

Items  : Murmur

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, Delay,
           HP Down

Monsters  #027
Clawed Commander-
Equipped with steel claws, these soldiers move stealthily and are more
dangerous opponents than their lower-ranked counterparts.

a) SG Italian Branch HQ
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Creator Level

HP     : 59
MP     : 40
Element: Wind
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 32
Cash   : 85
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Seal, P-ATKDWn, P-DEFDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #028
As the leader of the Steel Claws, he is a muscular hulk of a man who wields a
giant khanjar. While not very intelligent, he makes up for it in raw power.

a) Wales, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Creator Level

HP     : 570
MP     : 0
Element: Earth
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 666
Cash   : 300
Souls  : 70

Items  : Paralysis 1

No Effect: Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #029
Fortune Stick-
Ancient fortunetelling tool. The fortuneteller throws the stick with all his
might and if it lands face up it denotes good luck, while face down denotes bad

a) Manmariana Island
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 4

HP     : 53
MP     : 55
Element: Earth
Weight : Light

Exp    : 25
Cash   : 80
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Seal, P-DEFDwn

Monsters  #030
House spirit that gives good luck to residents but is cruel to invaders, going
so far as to break all the invaders' fingers before chasing them out.

a) Manmariana Island
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 4

HP     : 63
MP     : 48
Element: Light
Weight : Light

Exp    : 28
Cash   : 126
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Inst Dth, Slow

Monsters  #031
Poison moth spirit hidden beneath pretty clothes. She pretends to be a little
girl attacked by a moth to lure victims close enough to strike.

a) Manmariana Island
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 4

HP     : 57
MP     : 67
Element: Dark
Weight : Light

Exp    : 28
Cash   : 130
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, P-ATKDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #032
Carla's pet cat that she bought as a young girl. She was told it wouldn't get
any bigger but forty years later it's grown to its current freakish size.

a) Manmariana Island, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 3
c) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 4

HP     : 830
MP     : 260
Element: Fire
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 1200
Cash   : 1900
Souls  : 75

Items  : Beleth, Thera Extract

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #033
Mischievous demon that sabotages machines with its slender fingers. Its body is
wrapped in some unknown fiber and some think it maybe an alien life form.

a) SG Italian Branch HQ
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 1

HP     : 56
MP     : 71
Element: Fire
Weight : Light

Exp    : 36
Cash   : 96
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Seal, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #034
Once a normal woman, she died during childbirth and now walks as a hideous 
demon in search of her lost child

a) SG Italian Branch HQ
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 1

HP     : 72
MP     : 69
Element: Water
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 40
Cash   : 144
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Inst Dth, S-DEFDwn

Monsters  #035
Two-headed demon summoned from another world. The right head seeks pleasure 
while the left enjoys murder. Inner conflict has driven it quite insane.

a) SG Italian Branch HQ, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 4

HP     : 880
MP     : 69
Element: Light
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 2000
Cash   : 2300
Souls  : 85

Items  : Justice, Sp-Attack Down 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #036
Calamity Orb-
Giant floating eyeball. It's believed to be a spy that relays what it sees to
the gods, so any blasphemy done in front of it will be swiftly punished.

a) Neam Ruins
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 4

HP     : 68
MP     : 55
Element: Light
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 49
Cash   : 10
Souls  : 1

No Effect: P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #037
Serpent expelled from Heaven. It now gnaws at the roots of the World Tree. Once
quite intelligent, a head wound has reduced it to a mindless brute.

a) Neam Ruins
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 1

HP     : 256
MP     : 88
Element: Dark
Weight : Light

Exp    : 146
Cash   : 200
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, Inst Dth, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn

Monsters  #038
Guardian built by an ancient wizard. It's covered with the plates of a certain
armored insect and its speed belies its brutish appearance.

a) Neam Ruins
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 1

HP     : 256
MP     : 0
Element: Fire
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 146
Cash   : 205
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Paralys., Seal, Petrify, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn

Monsters  #039
Star Gazer-
A unique sea creature that evolved in an alien dimension. It is a servant to
the Grail Gazer and is able to fight opponents that its master cannot.

a) Neam Ruins(as minion)
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 4

HP     : 320
MP     : 0
Element: Water
Weight : Light

Exp    : 200
Cash   : 200
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #040
Grail Gazer-
Fiendishly intelligent sea monster that rules the space between ocean and sky.
Although it appears to be here, it actually exists in another dimension.

a) Neam Ruins, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 4

HP     : 1240
MP     : 409
Element: Water
Weight : Light

Exp    : 2900
Cash   : 2500
Souls  : 90

Items  : Instant Death 1, Ose

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn,
           S-DEFDwn, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #041
Normally gentle and soft-spoken. When he must defend his faith he transforms 
from a lamb into a lion and will stop at nothing in service of its god.

a) St. Marguerite Island
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 4

HP     : 77
MP     : 86
Element: Light
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 62
Cash   : 146
Souls  : 1

No Effect: None

Monsters  #042
Clawed Admiral-
Highest-ranking member of the Steel Claws. The red ornament on his helmet is
the envy of his younger colleagues and marks him as the elite of the elite.

a) St. Marguerite Island
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 4

HP     : 80
MP     : 63
Element: Dark
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 64
Cash   : 140
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Seal, Petrify, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDWn, S-DEFDwn, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #043
Veronica's two-headed pet dog. It was created by fusing two young doberman pups
. Thoug large in size, it still needs to drink milk or it gets a stomachache.

a) St. Margeurite Island, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 4
c) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 4

HP     : 400
MP     : 0
Element: Wind
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 600
Cash   : 2000
Souls  : 0

Items  : Temperance, Poison 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn,
           S-DEFDwn, Delay, HP Down

Monsters  #044
Armored beetle that appears when the scent of death is in the air. After it
kills a victim, it buries him in a pink-colored ball of dung and rolls him off.

a) St. Marguerite Island
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 4
d) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 4

HP     : 90
MP     : 77
Element: Fire
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 122
Cash   : 260
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn

Monsters  #045
Created in a laboratory, this creature is a throwback to its ancient alligator
forbearers. After thorough training, it is a ruthless and efficient killer.

a) St. Marguerite Island
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 4
d) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 4

HP     : 300
MP     : 86
Element: Earth
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 188
Cash   : 388
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Paralys., EvadeDwn

Monsters  #046
Lenny after drawing upon the power of the ancient and legendary creature,
Godhand, who was named for the nearly divine power residing in his massive hand

a) St. Marguerite Island, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Beginner Level 2

HP     : 1960
MP     : 0
Element: Earth
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 4400
Cash   : 4000
Souls  : 95

Items  : Thera Extract, Bandit Earrings

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #047
Bishop Victor's demon farmiliar. It owes its full allegiance to its master and
would be equally willing to save or destroy the world at his sole bidding.

a) Petrograd
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 3

HP     : 333
MP     : 140
Element: Water
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 298
Cash   : 444
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn,

Monsters  #048
Happy-go-lucky creature covered entirely in crystals. Desiring to play, it
often inadvertently injures humans with its sharp crystalline claws.

a) Petrograd
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 3
c) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 4

HP     : 85
MP     : 88
Element: Earth
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 94
Cash   : 166
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Paraylys., Petrify

Monsters  #049
Worm-shaped spirit with a single eye held in its mouth. Its azure-colored
feathers cause its victims to witness strange and disturbing hallucinations.

a) Petrograd
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 3
c) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 4

HP     : 107
MP     : 88
Element: Wind
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 99
Cash   : 172
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, S-ATKDwn, Delay, Slow,
           HP Down

Monsters  #050
Bishop and member of the secret society. Lacking the flashiness of Lenny or
Veronica, he's closer in style to Rasputin. He can wield both swords and magic.

a) Petrograd, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 1

HP     : 1800
MP     : 200
Element: Fire
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 5200
Cash   : 4200
Souls  : 100

Items  : Halphas, Night Oil

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn,
           S-DEFDwn, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #051
Denizen of the Mirror World. He can't be seen in the real world, but he's
actually quite handsome. He often tries to lure young women into his own world.

a) Mirror Castle
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 4

HP     : 93
MP     : 0
Element: Water
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 111
Cash   : 191
Souls  : 1

No Effect: P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #052
Denizen of the Mirror World. Lonely, he tries to make friends by pulling people
into his own world. This ends in death more often than friendship, though.

a) Mirror Castle
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 4

HP     : 93
MP     : 0
Element: Wind
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 111
Cash   : 189
Souls  : 1

No Effect: P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #053
Originally, an ocean spirit that saved humans from tough seas. She was punished
for eating a fish and now hunts people. She's surrounded by four harpoons.

a) Mirror Castle
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 4

HP     : 86
MP     : 101
Element: Light
Weight : Light

Exp    : 220
Cash   : 330
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, Slow

Monsters  #054
Alternate Karin from the Mirror World. She's a perfect copy of the real Karin
and even if destroyed, she appears each time the original looks in the mirror.

a) Mirror Castle
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 2

HP     : 220
MP     : 222
Element: Fire
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 0
Cash   : 0
Souls  : 0

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #055
Alternate Yuri from the Mirror World. Physically, he's an exact copy of the
real Yuri, but in a one-on-one fight, the original always wins.

a) Mirror Castle
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 2

HP     : 231
MP     : 172
Element: Dark
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 0
Cash   : 0
Souls  : 0

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #056
The God of Wrath. This demon represents the antithesis of creative power. When
he descends to Earth, it usually portends a historic change for mankind.

a) Mirror Castle, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 4

HP     : 765
MP     : 268
Element: None
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 6800
Cash   : 6000
Souls  : 105

Items  : Pure Extract, Seal of the Urn

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #057
Flaming spirit of a nobleman who died in the Gallery of the Dead. He remains as
haughty and unfeeling as he was when he was still alive.

a) Gallery of the Dead
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 3

HP     : 90
MP     : 111
Element: Fire
Weight : Light

Exp    : 150
Cash   : 220
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #058
Spirit of a noblewoman who was killed by a group of men. Her anger and
resentment towards all the world's men have formed into an icy field around her

a) Gallery of the Dead
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 3

HP     : 90
MP     : 111
Element: Water
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 150
Cash   : 220
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-DEFDwn,
           EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #059
Skeleton built and given life by a ghost child. Abandoned when the child's soul
passed on, it now despises all humans with an anger born of deep sadness.

a) Gallery of the Dead
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 3

HP     : 100
MP     : 0
Element: Earth
Weight : Light

Exp    : 165
Cash   : 234
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-DEFDwn,
           EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #060
With the head and leg of a deer and the body of a bird, each year these
creatures flock from the Mediterranean Sea to Africa, inspiring fear in all
that they meet.

a) Hermitage, Petrograd
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 3

HP     : 99
MP     : 112
Element: Dark
Weight : Light

Exp    : 188
Cash   : 250
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn, EvadeDwn,
           HP Down

Monsters  #061
Night Queen-
The Queen of Darkness. She may grant a night of power to women of proud bearing
who call upon her. The long veins of her right hand are deadly weapons.

a) Hermitage, Petrograd, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Monk Level 3

HP     : 2380
MP     : 420
Element: Water
Weight : Light

Exp    : 9900
Cash   : 8000
Souls  : 110

Items  : Haagenti, Moon Oil

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #062
Born from an Idar Flamme egg, its role within the castle resembles that of
intestinal bacteria, breaking down invaders and turning them into nutrients.

a) Idar Flamme
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 2

HP     : 135
MP     : 155
Element: Fire
Weight : Light

Exp    : 500
Cash   : 700
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #063
Life form that could be called the antibody of the Idar Flamme. It consumes
invaders before evicting them from the castle, whereupon its own life ends.

a) Idar Flamme
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 2

HP     : 98
MP     : 78
Element: Earth
Weight : Light

Exp    : 210
Cash   : 280
Souls  : 1

No Effect: None

Monsters  #064
Creature which acts as the Idar Flamme's attack mechanism. Its internal 
combustion engine allows it to attack powerfully and tirelessly in all

a) Idar Flamme
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 3

HP     : 156
MP     : 108
Element: Light
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 315
Cash   : 560
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth

Monsters  #065
Otherworldly snake that swallowed a pregnant woman whole and absorbed the fetus
into itself. The human half is in agony and screams constantly.

a) Idar Flamme
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 2
d) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 3

HP     : 144
MP     : 166
Element: Dark
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 305
Cash   : 588
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Seal, Petrify, P-DEFDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, HP Down

Monsters  #066
A mad alchemist created this monster and gave it but one command before he died
, namely to kill anything it sees. It will continue to do so until it dies.

a) Idar Flamme
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 2
c) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 3

HP     : 144
MP     : 145
Element: Water
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 330
Cash   : 532
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pos., P-ATKDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #067
Mother Filaria-
The mother of all the Filaria that live in Idar Flamme. Acting as the castle's
aorta, it absorbs a portion of its nutrients to nourish the eggs inside it.

a) Idar Flamme, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 3

HP     : 700
MP     : 230
Element: Light
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 3000
Cash   : 2000
Souls  : 30

Items  : Mana Extract

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #068
Demon god of ambition and desire. He sows the seeds of greed within each human
and reaps the bloody bounty that renews itself with each generation.

a) Idar Flamme, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 3

HP     : 2880
MP     : 468
Element: None
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 14500
Cash   : 12000
Souls  : 150

Items  : The World, Warlock Earrings

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #069
Merciless executioner that lives within Apoina tower and slices up any invader
or would-be rescuer foolish enough to enter.

a) Apoina Tower, revisited
b) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 1

HP     : 100
MP     : 103
Element: Fire
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 280
Cash   : 296
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn, Slow, HP

Monsters  #070
Covered in human and reptile skin, this statue takes over not only the skin but
also the very soul of its unfortunate victims.

a) Apoina Tower, revisited
b) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 1

HP     : 168
MP     : 101
Element: Light
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 555
Cash   : 598
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #071
Spirit of a nobleman who died for a crime he didn't commit. Unaware of his own
death, he still clings pathetically to his former authority.

a) Apoina Tower, revisited
b) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 1

HP     : 110
MP     : 99
Element: Wind
Weight : Light

Exp    : 288
Cash   : 286
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay
           , EvadeDwn

Monsters  #072
Demon god of fear and the chaos it breeds. Though suppressed by Nicolai's ego,
its true nature is cold and cruel, regarding humans as mere playthings.

a) Apoina Tower, revisited, Boss Monster

HP     : 3040
MP     : 472
Element: None
Weight : Light

Exp    : 17400
Cash   : 15000
Souls  : 150

Items  : Galahad's Sword, Delay 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #073
Akagi Soldier-
Special imperial defense corps composed of mostly young men. Usually assigned
to scouting and sentry duty, some complain about their lack of action.

a) Yokohama, Brick Warehouses
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 2

HP     : 82
MP     : 0
Element: Earth
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 444
Cash   : 500
Souls  : 0

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Slow
           , EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #074
Spider Walker-
Unmanned walking drone built by the Japanese Imperial Army. Its shape was
inspired by a spider. Although only a prototype, it is fully functional.

a) Yokohama, Battleship Mikasa
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 2

HP     : 144
MP     : 120
Element: Earth
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 450
Cash   : 505
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Slow,

Monsters  #075
Flying Drone-
Unmanned aerial drone built by the Japanese Imperial Army. Though this
prototype is a masterpiece of design, weight limitations have left it unarmed.

a) Yohohama, Battleship Mikasa
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 2

HP     : 480
MP     : 0
Element: Water
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 1000
Cash   : 1500
Souls  : 4

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Slow
           , EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #076
Lt. Col. Terada-
Ferocious leader of the Imperial Army's Iron Soldiers. Surprisingly domestic in
his private life, he enjoys spending time with his beloved daughter.

a) Yokohama, Battleship Mikasa, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 2

HP     : 3360
MP     : 0
Element: Water
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 18600
Cash   : 20000
Souls  : 200

Items  : Demon Earrings, Seal of Vitality

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, S-DEFDwn, Delay
           , EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #077
A Member of the Mutant Apes. His right hand is a razor-sharp blade with he
speedily and ruthlessly exploits an opponent's weakness.

a) Imperial Capital, Hojo Research Lab
b) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 1

HP     : 621
MP     : 634
Element: Wind
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 0
Cash   : 0
Souls  : 0

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #078
A Member of the Mutant Apes. His left hand wields tremendous electrical power
with he brutally and relentlessly attacks all opponents.

a) Imperial Capital, Hojo Research Lab
b) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 1

HP     : 675
MP     : 584
Element: Earth
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 0
Cash   : 0
Souls  : 0

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #079
Armored Fighter-
Japanese Imperial Army's bipedal mecha prototype. Although this model is
unmanned, a piloted version is currently under development.

a) Imperial Capital, Hojo Research Lab, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 4
c) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 1

HP     : 2500
MP     : 0
Element: Light
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 0
Cash   : 0
Souls  : 0

Items  : None

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, Delay, Slow,
           EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #080
Moon goddess inhabiting the body of Kurando. Noble and cold, she wields the
power of the moon mercilessly against any foul or impure creature.

a) Yokohama, Foreigner's Cemetery, Boss Monster

HP     : 3600
MP     : 444
Element: Light
Weight : Light

Exp    : 19000
Cash   : 24000
Souls  : 210

Itemss : Valak, Seal of Aura

No Effect: Poison, D. Poison, Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn,
           S-DEFDwn, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #081
Yin and yang fortune-telling tool. One side portends luck in battle while the 
reverse side signals doom. Its eerie laugh chills the blood of all who hear it.

a) Yokohama, Foreigner's Cemetery
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 2
d) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 3
e) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 3

HP     : 118
MP     : 120
Element: Water
Weight : Light

Exp    : 570
Cash   : 536
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Petrify, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #082
Dead spirit cursed for its sins to wander the earth forever without passing on
to the After-life. Its horns and burning right hand are the marks of its sins.

a) Yokohama, Foreigner's Cemetery
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 3
d) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 3

HP     : 125
MP     : 125
Element: Fire
Weight : Light

Exp    : 588
Cash   : 528
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Paralys., Seal, Petrify, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #083
Noh Masks-
Frightening collection of Noh masks left by a mad and heretical drama master.
They appear each night to frighten innocent souls.

a) Yokohama, Foreigner's Cemetery
b) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 2
c) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 3

HP     : 150
MP     : 156
Element: Dark
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 624
Cash   : 1080
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #084
Eccentric but powerful yin and yang master that floats in the air atop a
myterious flying pillow. His powdered white face is lined with deep creases.

a) Yokohama, Foreigner's Cemetery

HP     : 3720
MP     : 500
Element: Dark
Weight : Light

Exp    : 21000
Cash   : 30000
Souls  : 220

Items  : Oracle Earrings, Glasyalabolas

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, Delay, Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #085
Born from the blood of Shoki, this creature although mindless, is filled with
the dark will of Astaroth. Plants covering its body emit a sickening odor.

a) Imperial Capital, Nihonbashi
b) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 2

HP     : 244
MP     : 144
Element: Light
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 700
Cash   : 1200
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Petrify, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn,
           Delay, Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #086
Dog transformed by the soul force of Astaroth. Overflowing with demonic power,
its fire energy beams, teleports and can create an infinite supply of Koshoki.

a) Imperial Capital, Nihonbashi, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 3

HP     : 4550
MP     : 455
Element: Light
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 26000
Cash   : 34000
Souls  : 230

Items  : Judgment, Seal of Vitality

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #087
Steel Soldier-
The black-clad nucleus of the Iron Soldiers. Though their goal is to suppress
insurgencies, their heedlessness of collateral damage infuriates the locals.

a) Imperial Capital, Hojo Research Lab(Yuri's party)
b) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 1

HP     : 160
MP     : 0
Element: Dark
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 633
Cash   : 633
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn,
           Delay, Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #088
Beetle Walker-
Improving on the design of the Spider Walker and inspired by a beetle, this
drone has higher fuel effiency and a gattling gun as its main weapon.

a) Imperial Capital, Hojo Research Lab(Yuri's party)
b) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 2
c) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 3

HP     : 256
MP     : 170
Element: Light
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 650
Cash   : 666
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Slow,
           HP Down

Monsters  #089
Flying Drone X-
Redesigned version of the Flying Drone. Though still unarmed, its use of
plastic has lightened it by 85 kg., resulting in vastly improved flight.

a) Imperial Capital, Hojo Research Lab(Yuri's party)
b) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 2
d) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 3

HP     : 650
MP     : 0
Element: Wind
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 1900
Cash   : 2000
Souls  : 4

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Slow
           , EvadeDwn

Monsters  #090
Master Cylinder-
Dr. Hojo's own fighting machine. Handsomely made and decked out with the latest
in weapon technology, it's a true masterpiece of design.

a) Imperial Capital, Hojo Research Lab(Yuri's party), Boss Monster 

HP     : 5040
MP     : 520
Element: Earth
Weight : Light

Exp    : 29000
Cash   : 39000
Souls  : 240

Items  : Priest Earrings, Lottery Ticket

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, 
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #091
Much like the Gaki, this cursed spirit's mouth is constantly afire so that it
can neither eat nor speak without pain. Its bite causes horrible burning wounds

a) Forest of Wind(Garan's dungeon)
b) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 2
c) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 3

HP     : 165
MP     : 112
Element: Wind
Weight : Light

Exp    : 700
Cash   : 690
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Petrify, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn, Delay, HP

Monsters  #092
Yomi Samurai-
Undead warrior from the land of Yomi. Although crushing its helmet will
temporarily make it stop, it soon rises again with a sickening rustling of

a) Forest of Wind(Garan's dungeon)
b) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 2
c) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 3

HP     : 302
MP     : 178
Element: Dark
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 1420
Cash   : 1380
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, Delay, HP

Monsters  #093
Ninja that mistakenly transformed himself into a toad during training. None who
have attempted to capture it have ever returned alive.

a) Forest of Wind(Garan's dungeon)
b) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 2
c) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 3
d) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 2

HP     : 724
MP     : 210
Element: Earth
Weight : Light

Exp    : 2180
Cash   : 2200
Souls  : 4

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #094
Yama Garan-
Garan possessed with the awesome power of Yama, King of Demons. This radical
transformation of Garan's can only exist inside the boundary.

a) Forest of Wind(Garan's dungeon), Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 2

HP     : 5100
MP     : 600
Element: Dark
Weight : Light

Exp    : 32500
Cash   : 45000
Souls  : 250

Items  : Marbas, Poison 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, S-Attack,
           P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #095
Creature famous in Japan for mocking travelers and then leaving a red feather
when it flees. If placed in one's purse, this feather is said to increase 

a) Forest of Wind

HP     : 660
MP     : 200
Element: Light
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 3500
Cash   : 3500
Souls  : 5

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #096
Mutant Snail-
Snail that grew to enormous length after eating the forbidden hydrangea leaf.
Usually quite docile, it may feed on human blood during dry seasons.

a) Forest of Wind
b) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Worshiper Level 2

HP     : 198
MP     : 0
Element: Water
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 943
Cash   : 750
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Paralys., Seal, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #097
The four-armed mother goddess of fire. She has protected the islands of Japan
against evil forces since the time of Izanagi and Izanami.

a) Inugami Village, Boss Monster
b) Inugami Village, Boss Monster in a 1v1 fight with Kurando's Jutendouji

HP     : 5720
MP     : 582
Element: Fire
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 39000
Cash   : 46000
Souls  : 260

Items  : Seal 3(first time), Seal 4(second time)

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #098
Blooming Phoenix-
One of four holy creatures. It burns eternally due to the phoenix chick it
devoured. Legend sats a phoenix will be born again upon its death.

a) Immortal Mountain
b) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 2

HP     : 206
MP     : 158
Element: Wind
Weight : Light

Exp    : 950
Cash   : 777
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Paralys., Petrify, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, EvadeDwn,
           HP Down

Monsters  #099
Lava Lump-
Trapped within a hideous body of molten lava, the human soul inside is doomed
to spend an eternity in its burning prison.

a) Immortal Mountain
b) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 2

HP     : 291
MP     : 176
Element: Fire
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 1780
Cash   : 1462
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, Delay, Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #100
Samurai Ghoul-
Unclean spirit of a samurai who has been cursed to wander the Earth for his sin
of caring more about taking life than about achieving victory.

a) Immortal Mountain
b) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 2

HP     : 321
MP     : 55
Element: Earth
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1810
Cash   : 1478
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           S-DEFDwn, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #101
Ancient armored creature from prehistoric Japan. Though normally content to
feed quietly on moss, it is known to attack anything that gets in its line of

a) Immortal Mountain
b) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 1

HP     : 800
MP     : 200
Element: Light
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 2760
Cash   : 2286
Souls  : 4

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn

Monsters  #102
Neo Astaroth-
Freed of Nicolai's ego, his terrible presence drives men to slaughter each
other like crazed animals. This suits Astaroth, who prefers his own hands

a) Immortal Mountain, Boss Monster

HP     : 6120
MP     : 630
Element: None
Weight : Light

Exp    : 46000
Cash   : 47000
Souls  : 270

Items  : Delay 3, Astaroth

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #103
Titanium Soldier-
Highest-ranked Iron Soldiers. Their highly-mobile powered suits give them
awesome power, but are a fifty kg. burden when out of power.

a) Imperial Capital, Azabu Kamiyashiki
b) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 1
c) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 2

HP     : 210
MP     : 0
Element: Fire
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 1020
Cash   : 780
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn,
           Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #104
Mecha Lord-
Giant Mecha Warrior. Usually hidden beneath the park, it responds only to Lt.
Col. Terada's summons. He goes swiftly to wherever battle looms.

a) Imperial Capital, Azabu Kamiyashiki, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 2

HP     : 6380
MP     : 555
Element: Water
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 50000
Cash   : 48000
Souls  : 280

Items  : Ashra's Earrings, Seal of Force

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-Attack, Delay
           , Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #105
Embedded in stone while still alive as a sacrifice to an evil god, the spirit
created by this evil deed now haunts the Earth in search of vengeance.

a) Queen's Garden
b) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 2

HP     : 333
MP     : 235
Element: Light
Weight : Light

Exp    : 2300
Cash   : 1486
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #106
Spirit of Graffias, furthest star in the Scorpio constellation. Normally in a
state of peace, it strikes out with its tail spin if prey comes near.

a) Queen's Garden
b) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 2

HP     : 320
MP     : 166
Element: Earth
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 2160
Cash   : 1500
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           S-DEFDwn, Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #107
Water spirit that dwells within the uninhabitable Sea of Death. It feeds on
humans that accidentally fall in the water and may even climb onto land to find

a) Queen's Garden
b) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 2

HP     : 309
MP     : 222
Element: Water
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 2020
Cash   : 1522
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           S-DEFDwn, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #108
King Tamakos-
Creature of Chaos, born from the negative energy created by centuries of war
and strife. He rejects every possible system of order and seeks their ruin.

a) Queen's Garden, Boss Monster
b) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 2

HP     : 6450
MP     : 675
Element: Wind
Weight : Light

Exp    : 53000
Cash   : 49000
Souls  : 290

Items  : Strength, Seal of Speed

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #109
Water spirit born from the scale of a dragon god. It is unintelligent and thus
unable to discern the difference between good and evil.

a) Asuka Stone Platform(Floor 1, 2)

HP     : 218
MP     : 178
Element: Light
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 1374
Cash   : 800
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, S-DEFDwn, Slow

Monsters  #110
Feeding on the souls of humans it kills in forest fires, some say this demigod
was the source of inspiration that led humans to roast animal flesh.

a) Asuka Stone Platform(Floor 1, 2)

HP     : 340
MP     : 265
Element: Fire
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 2700
Cash   : 1578
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATkDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #111
Lion Dog-
Immortal creature that migrated from China in ancient times. Because it suffers
from bad teeth and other signs of old age, it only eats victim's innards.

a) Asuka Stone Platform(Floor 1, 2)

HP     : 826
MP     : 200
Element: Earth
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 4050
Cash   : 2222
Souls  : 4

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #112
Native god of snakes, he also governs over all bad fortune. It is said that
those who see him become infertile for three years.

a) Asuka Stone Platform(Floor 2)

HP     : 840
MP     : 0
Element: Water
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 4300
Cash   : 2380
Souls  : 4

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, P-DEFDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay
           , HP Down

Monsters  #113
Ghost of a criminal that wounded a god and bathed in its blood. To free himself
from this form, he must be reincarnated 1000 times or claim 1000 souls.

a) Asuka Stone Platform(Floor 3)

HP     : 225
MP     : 191
Element: Wind
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 1554
Cash   : 810
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., P-DEFDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay

Monsters  #114
Viewed by some as god and some as devil, this three-faced god shows either
anger, love or indifference. It's current face is anger until the world's end.

a) Asuka Stone Platform(Floor 3)

HP     : 356
MP     : 400
Element: Dark
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 3100
Cash   : 1592
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           Delay, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #115
Giant fungus possessed by an evil spirit. At some point, it become fused with
the tree god, Kukunochi, creating a being of overwhelming power.

a) Asuka Stone Platform(Floor 3)

HP     : 856
MP     : 600
Element: Fire
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 4662
Cash   : 2460
Souls  : 4

No Effect: Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn, Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #116
Ancient god native to Japan. Still worshipped today by some, this wild-spirited
god is known to sometimes mate with mortal women.(omg....)

a) Asuka Stone Platform(Floor 4)

HP     : 1000
MP     : 700
Element: Dark
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 5000
Cash   : 3000
Souls  : 4

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #117
Born from the dead and withered earth, this evil spirit resides in the Mental
Realm and sneers at the purity of the Harmonixer's spirit.

a) Yuri's Graveyard, it is one of the monsters you have to fight in order to
   obtain Grade Max Fusions.

Element: Earth

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #118
Born from water fouled with human flesh, this evil spirit resides in the Mental
Realm and disturbs the ice-like clamness of the Harmonixer's spirit.

a) Yuri's Graveyard, it is one of the monsters you have to fight in order to
   obtain Grade Max Fusions.

Element: Water

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #119
Born from the black smoke that pollutes the atmosphere, this evil spirit
resides in the Mental Realm and crushes the Harmonixer's battle spirit.

a) Yuri's Graveyard, it is one of the monsters you have to fight in order to
   obtain Grade Max Fusions.

Element: Fire

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #120
Born from the foul wind that carries sickness, this evil spirit resides in the
Mental Realm and binds the Harmonixer's free spirit.

a) Yuri's Graveyard, it is one of the monsters you have to fight in order to
   obtain Grade Max Fusions.

Element: Wind

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #121
Born from the harmful light that harms life, this evil spirit resides in the
Mental Realm and tramples the love within the Harmonixer's spirit.

a) Yuri's Graveyard, it is one of the monsters you have to fight in order to
   obtain Grade Max Fusions.

Element: Light

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #122
Born from the unclean darkness that breeds ill will, this evil spirit resides
in the Mental Realm and steals the Harmonixer's reason.

a) Yuri's Graveyard, it is one of the monsters you have to fight in order to
   obtain Grade Max Fusions.

Element: Dark

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #123
Once a member of the long-bearded Dwarf race, his hatred for humans has warped
him into a cave-dwelling, sunlight-loathing creature.

a) Tiffauges Castle

HP     : 212
MP     : 188
Element: Dark
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1090
Cash   : 752
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #124
Peg O'Nell-
Water spirit that lives in well bottoms and kills unsuspecting victims, it is
said to be the ghost of an innocent man killed and hidden in a well.

a) Tiffauges Castle

HP     : 322
MP     : 230
Element: Wind
Weight : Light

Exp    : 2380
Cash   : 1504
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           Delay, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #125
Angel that fell to Earth just before it received its wings. Its body and soul
have become warped with the evil of this world turning it into a cruel beast.

a) Tiffauges Castle

HP     : 808
MP     : 328
Element: Water
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 3300
Cash   : 2130
Souls  : 4

No Effect: Paralys., Seal, Petrify, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn,
           Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #126
Neo Amon-
Freed by Albert from the seal restraining his true power, the appearance of Neo
Amon, most powerful of all demons, heralds the end of the world

a) Tiffauges Castle(Boss Monster)

HP     : 6660
MP     : 777
Element: None
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 54000
Cash   : 49000
Souls  : 290

Items  : Amon

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #127
Great Gama-
Wrapped in a dense layer of fat and muscle, this legendary wrestler was also
Joachim's mentor. His flamboyance has caused a surge in the sport's popularity.

a) Port of Southampton, Nihonbashi, you'll need to fight him to learn Joachim's
   Muscle Arts
b) Solomon's Trials, Embodiment Level 1

HP     : 250
MP     : 0
Element: Light
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 100
Cash   : 10
Souls  : 0

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #128
Murgh Korma-
Youngest of the warrior-clan Murgh, he combines spiced chicken pieces in a mild
yet piquant sauce. His smooth tongue makes him popular with the ladies.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

HP     : 340
MP     : 50
Element: Earth
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1
Cash   : 1
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #129
Murgh Masala-
Darker and more powerful than his younger clan brother, this Murgh warrior is
as liberal with his attacks as he is with his sweat-inducing spices.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

HP     : 350
MP     : 50
Element: Water
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1
Cash   : 1
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           S-DEFDwn, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #130
Murgh Madras-
Slow-cooking is the secret behind this curry warrior's taste. Fiery and yet
complex, an encounter with him will anyone sweating with exertion.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

HP     : 360
MP     : 50
Element: Fire
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1
Cash   : 1
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #131
Well-seasoned chicken curry warrior and leader of the Murgh clan. His breath-
taking mix of spiciness and flavor has earned him worldwide renown.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

Element: Wind

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #132
Gosht Korma-
Young Gosht warrior. So delicious and creamy that you can't stop at one portion
, the secret behind this warrior's curry is his tender, seasoned lamb.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

HP     : 380
MP     : 50
Element: Light
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1
Cash   : 1
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #133
Gosht Masala-
Well-balanced warrior of the ancient Gosht clan. Although quite accommodating
and approachable, his fails to make a very strong impression.(shouldn't it be
"he" fails..? Grammar mistakes in the game lol)

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

HP     : 390
MP     : 50
Element: Dark
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1
Cash   : 1
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #134
Gosht Madras-
So powerful that all the potatoes, green peas and onions simply melted into it,
this powerful Gosht warrior is not the type to be trifled with.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

HP     : 400
MP     : 50
Element: Earth
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1
Cash   : 1
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #135
Gosht Vindaloo-
Flamboyantly wicked leader of the Gosht clan, this curry warrior is so spicy
that he could be mistaken for an early attempt at chemical weapons.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

HP     : 410
MP     : 50
Element: Water
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1
Cash   : 1
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #136
Chingri Korma-
Healty and packed with plenty of nutritious vegetables, this gentle curry
warrior uses only the freshest prawns for his seafood curry.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

HP     : 420
MP     : 50
Element: Fire
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1
Cash   : 1
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn, Delay, Slow

Monsters  #137
Chingri Masala-
Highly-disciplined warrior of the Chingri clan. His insistence on using only
ingredients of the highest caliber makes his curry a notch above the average.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

HP     : 430
MP     : 50
Element: Wind
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1
Cash   : 1
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Petrify, Inst Dth, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn,
           Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #138
Chingri Madras-
This great Chingri leader even surprises Indians with his curry. His
combination of tiger prawns and a fiery hot curry make for a memorable

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

HP     : 440
MP     : 50
Element: Light
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1
Cash   : 1
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, Delay
           Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #139
Chingri Vindaloo-
This tragic figure lost his true love after she ate shrimp curry and died of
food poisoning. Afterwards, he dedicated himself to creating the perfect curry.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

HP     : 450
MP     : 50
Element: Dark
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1
Cash   : 1
Souls  : 1

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #140
Fish Curry-
In creating his very own unique curry, this warrior drew his inspiration from
classic French cuisine. A faint taste of red wine is still noticeable.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

HP     : 890
MP     : 50
Element: Water
Weight : Light

Exp    : 10
Cash   : 10
Souls  : 10

No Effect: Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #141
Hashed Beef Man-
This warrior dreamed of growing up to be a curry warrior. However a tragic lack
of access to spices forced him to turn to a tomato-based sauce.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

Element: Fire

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #142
Dry Curry Man-
Having led a dry and uninteresting life up to this point, this 38-year-old
curry warrior views the lives of his spicier curry cousins with great envy.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

Element: Earth

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #143
Curry Prince-
Prince of a country that exists only in his own mind, his goal is to spread the
holy word of curry throughout the entire world.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

Element: Light

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #144
Egg Curry-
Chicken curry garnished with a soft-boiled egg is the pride of the warrior's
recipe book. Inexpensive and yet elegant, he is a finely-balanced warrior.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

HP     : 1120
MP     : 50
Element: Wind
Weight : Light

Exp    : 10
Cash   : 10
Souls  : 10

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #145
Poor Man's Curry-
Having grown up poor, this warrior is rather tightfisted with his use of
ingredients. Some call him stingy, but he sees thriftiness as a virtue.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

Element: Dark

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #146
Curry Sage-
In search of the perfect combination of curry, white rice and pickles, this
warrior has literally traveled the world. Will he ever find it?

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

Element: Light

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #147
Cutlet Curry-
The perfect curry warrior, he has melded the ancient arts of yoga and curry.
Having attained Enlightenment, he wishes only to pass it to others.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest

Element: Fire

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #148
Great Question-
The Great Gama. With his question-mark mask, the Tower of the Holy Ring and the
smell of curry in the air, this is him in his most powerful incarnation.

a) Nihonbashi, Man Festival sidequest(Boss Monster)

Element: Light

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #149
Peach Bat-
Joachim's blood sister. She came from far away out of concern for her older
brother. Recently, she has developed a strange interest in human boys.

a) Le Havre, you can fight her there after beating Neo Astaroth at Immortal

Element: Earth

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #150
Mini Tanukis-
Three tanuki stuffed animals. Filled with thousands of squirming maggots, they
move along with the wriggling of their wormy inhabitants.(eweee...)

a) Solomon's Trials, Believer Level 4

HP     : 400
MP     : 159
Element: Light
Weight : Light

Exp    : 0
Cash   : 0
Souls  : 0

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, S-DEFDwn, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #151
Tin Lion-
Lion toy made out of 100% tin. Once a very popular toy with human children,
they rebelled against humanity, leaving thousands of grieving parents...

a) Solomon's Trials, Creator Level

HP     : 10
MP     : 0
Element: Water
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 0
Cash   : 0
Souls  : 0

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, P-Attack, S-Attack,
           P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP

Monsters  #152
This artificially-created life form was first built to protect houses and
shrines and is closely related to the Golem of Jewish legend.

a) Queen's Garden, revisit the place where you fight King Tamako again and
   examine the northmost wall to fight it(You'll receive the Nibelung Finale
   for beating it)(Boss Monster)

HP     : 6800
MP     : 720
Element: Light
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 75000
Cash   : 50000
Souls  : 300

Items  : P-Attack Down 4, Seal of Life

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, Delay, Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #153
This strange creature sprung to life from a scroll painted by an impoverished
sage using his own hair as paintbrush and his own blood as ink.

a) Dog Shrine

HP     : 348
MP     : 256
Element: Wind
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 2950
Cash   : 1666
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn,
           S-DEFDwn, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #154
Low-level mountain god. A benign guardian if properly worshipped, he may cause
wildfires or burn down villages if aroused to anger.

a) Dog Shrine

HP     : 355
MP     : 200
Element: Earth
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 3020
Cash   : 1545
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn,
           S-DEFDwn, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #155
Dog Guardian-
Built by humans and imbued with an evil spirit. It is extremely loyal to its
master. However, when its master dies, it transforms into a murderous beast.

a) Dog Shrine

HP     : 852
MP     : 310
Element: Dark
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 4500
Cash   : 2180
Souls  : 4

No Effect: Paralys., Seal, Petrify, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn, Delay, HP Down

Monsters  #156
Hotoke Garan-
Garan energized with the power of a fifth-level Hotoke. Despite being half-
transparent, he is easily recognizable by his characteristically creepy voice.

a) Dog Shrine(Boss Monster)

HP     : 6980
MP     : 888
Element: Dark
Weight : Light

Exp    : 75000
Cash   : 50000
Souls  : 300

Items  : Oracle Earrings

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, S-Attack,
           P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #157
Dating back to over three million years ago, it is mankind's greatest enemy.
Millions can easily live in the smallest crevices of the kitchen or bath.

a) Doll House

HP     : 210
MP     : 200
Element: Dark
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1494
Cash   : 806
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Seal, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #158
The spirit of children that were never born into this world. Raised without 
love or wisdom, their only emotion is a primitive sort of cruelty.

a) Doll House(you can only encounter them by guessing the dollss identities
   wrongly, not found in random encounters)

HP     : 225
MP     : 176
Element: Wind
Weight : Light

Exp    : 1550
Cash   : 600
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Paralys., Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #159
Demon lord of all negative human emotions. His power takes root in the human
soul of man and bears the dark fruit of greed, paranoia and hatred.

a) Doll's House(Boss Monster)

HP     : 7200
MP     : 860
Element: None
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 75000
Cash   : 50000
Souls  : 300

Items  : Flare Brooch

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #160
Evil moth spirit disguised as a cute young girl. When her energy is running low
, the lower half of her body transforms into that of a hideous moth.

a) Black Forest

HP     : 352
MP     : 190
Element: Light
Weight : Light

Exp    : 2980
Cash   : 1600
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, S-ATKDwn,
           S-DEFDwn, Slow

Monsters  #161
Golden Beetle-
Called the "Spirit of the forest," this great golden beetle camouflages paths
with its weed balls and preys on confused travelers.

a) Black Forest

HP     : 360
MP     : 100
Element: Earth
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 3000
Cash   : 1570
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn, Delay
           HP Down

Monsters  #162
Forest dwelling bug monster. Although it feeds primarily on tree sap and flower
nectar, it occasionally feeds on human flesh and blood as well.

a) Black Forest

HP     : 368
MP     : 0
Element: Water
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 2900
Cash   : 1592
Souls  : 3

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn,

Monsters  #163
Demonic Price of Hell, Lord of lies and deception. His greatest pleasure is to
wreak havoc upon the world with his wicked machinations.

a) Black Forest(Boss Monster)

HP     : 7500
MP     : 860
Element: None
Weight : Light

Exp    : 75000
Cash   : 30000
Souls  : 300

Items  : Paralysis 4

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, Delay, Slow, HP Down

Monsters  #164
Having lost its home planet in a massive explosion, this meteor-like life form
was rocketed into space and finally arrived, burning, to Earth.

a) Neam Ruins Optional Dungeon

HP     : 219
MP     : 212
Element: Wind
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 1520
Cash   : 850
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn, P-DEFDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #165
Magical life form with the ability to see all that happens. Its eye gives off
powerful electrical waves that penetrate anyhing in its path.

a) Neam Ruins Optional Dungeon

HP     : 210
MP     : 190
Element: Fire
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 1480
Cash   : 788
Souls  : 2

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-DEFDwn, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #166
Bronze giant built by Hephaestus, god of smithery. Molten lead running through
its body provides it with energy sufficient to power its massive body.

a) Neam Ruins Optional Dungeon

HP     : 880
MP     : 280
Element: Light
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 4565
Cash   : 2380
Souls  : 4

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn

Monsters  #167
Physically warped himself, he is the lord of warps and distortions. He is the
most demonic of all demons, determined to shatter peace where it exists.

a) Neam Ruins Optional Dungeon(Boss Monster)

HP     : 7500
MP     : 860
Element: None
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 75000
Cash   : 30000
Souls  : 300

Items  : Crucifix

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #168
King of ancient Israel. A mage of great power, he conquered 72 demons and bent
them to his will. Since his death, he has become ruler of the Spirit World.

a) By completing the Solomon's Key and all of the Solomon's Trials, talk to
   Sarah to fight him(Boss Monster)

HP     : 9350
MP     : 999
Element: None
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 99999
Cash   : 50000
Souls  : 350

Items  : Seven-eyed Mask

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #169
Dark Seraphim-
Neither fully material nor fully spiritual, it is a being of pure power.
Lacking any emotions, it destroys any object or person in its path.

a) Check the Dark Seraphim section at Yuri's Personal for details on getting
   this monster

Element: None

Note: This monster is not snapable.

Monsters  #170
Hien possessed by the power of the Japanese wind god. His scythe-like blade
strikes with blinding speed, slicing the flesh of his enemies into ribbons.

a) Asuka Stone Platform(Boss Monster)

HP     : 3540
MP     : 620
Element: Wind
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 65000
Cash   : 26000
Souls  : 300

Items  : Sp-Defend Down 4

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-DEFDwn,
           S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #171
Raiden possessed by the divine power of the god of thunder. With the pure power
of lightning at his command, the Earth shakes at his approach.

a) Asuka Stone Platform(Boss Monster)

HP     : 3780
MP     : 620
Element: Earth
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 65000
Cash   : 26000
Souls  : 300

Items  : P-Defend Down 4

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #172
Kusanagi Sword-
One of the Three Treasures, this royal sword is the sublime expression of
divine power. The ferocious spirit of Hien's soul is contained within it.

a) Asuka Stone Platform(Boss Monster)

HP     : 1590
MP     : 0
Element: None
Weight : Heavy

Exp    : 0
Cash   : 0
Souls  : 400

Items  : N/A

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #173
Yata Mirror-
One of the Tree Treasures, this royal mirror is imbued with the power of
Japan's nature gods and holds the wild spirit of Raiden.

a) Asuka Stone Platform(Boss Monster)

HP     : 1370
MP     : 666
Element: None
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 0
Cash   : 0
Souls  : 300

Items  : N/A

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #174
Yasakani Gem-
One of the Three Treasures. Though none has ever witnesssed it, legends say
that this royal jewel holds the power of life and death. It holds Ouka's soul.

a) Asuka Stone Platform(Boss Monster)

HP     : 1250
MP     : 777
Element: None
Weight : Light

Exp    : 0
Cash   : 0
Souls  : 300

Items  : N/A

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

Monsters  #175
Most powerful of the ancient Japanese Aramitama gods, he was resurrected by
Kato's nihilistic spirit. His fury threatens to bring the Earth to utter ruin.

a) Asuka Stone Platform(Boss Monster)

HP     : 10000
MP     : 999
Element: None
Weight : Normal

Exp    : 0
Cash   : 0
Souls  : 300

Items  : N/A

No Effect: Poison, D. Pois., Paralys., Seal, Petrify, Inst Dth, P-ATKDwn,
           P-DEFDwn, S-ATKDwn, S-DEFDwn, Delay, Slow, EvadeDwn, HP Down

                          CHARACTER LIST(xxchlxx)
During your journey you'll meet many characters and their information are
collected in the Character Library. Having all the characters in the library
doesn't really give you anything other than personal satisfaction. Here is a
list of the characters(some with locations if optional).

*Note: Be sure to check out #042, Garan's profile!(I couldn't believe what the
description said....)

Characters  #001
General Heimann-
Imperial German Army General and commander of Luxembourg forces. He orders
Karin's squadron to investigate the Demon of Domremy impeding their invasion

Element: Fire

Characters  #002
Ring Soul-
Soul of the Judgment Ring that controls all fortune. Can appear at any time and
gives ring power-up items. Its true form is a mystery.

Element: Light

Characters  #003
Cardinal Nicolai Conrad-
Disguised as an exorcist from the Vatican, he is actually a Knight Priest sent
by a secret society to destroy the Domremy Demon. Cursed Yuri with the
Mistletoe relic.

Element: Light

Characters  #004
Nicolai possessed by the soul of the fallen angel, Astaroth. After failing to
defeat Yuri and win Karin's love, he is the incarnation of sadness and malice.

Element: None

Characters  #005
Lenny Curtis-
Huge warrior and leader of the secret society's assassin group, the Steel Claws
. He's highly praised by his superiors for his hard work and devotion to the

Element: Earth

Characters  #006
Girl from Domremy and Blanca's owner. Although killed by the society, she
appears in Yuri's heart and becomes his guide to his own soul.

Element: Earth

Characters  #007
Zoologist who lured Blanca to the Wolf Bout. He treats his pet, Tetsu, just
like his own grandson, but behind his glasses, he hides sharp, calculating eyes

Element: Wind

Characters  #008
Pierre Magimel-
Tailor who travels the world with his twin brother, Gerard. He sews dresses for
Cornelia and his dream is to one day market his own line of clothing

Element: Water

Characters  #009
Gerard Magimel-
Item seller, he travels the world with his twin brother, Pierre. An aggressive
salesman, he'll go anywhere, no matter how dangerous, in his beloved wagon.

Element: Water

Characters  #010
Veronica Vera-
Magic warrior with the secret society, she uses her sex and her beauty as a
weapon. She is an assassin of the highest caliber and has been ordered to kill

Element: Water

Characters  #011
Grand Papillon-
The Bandit of Le Havre. He only harasses the vigilante group. He rampages all
night long and only comes home, like a child, when he gets hungry.

Element: Earth

Characters  #012
The Golden Bat-
The bat form of Grand Papillon. Although Yuri has come across the bat before,
he seems to have no memory of the meeting.

Element: Earth

Characters  #013
Granny Lot-
Owner of the Sea Gull, Le Havre's tavern. Since she took over the tavern she
has lived there along with two orphaned children.

Element: Earth

Characters  #014
Despite having lost both her parents, she's a happy girl now living in the Sea
Gull tavern. She summons Grand Papillon with her favourite butterfly hair


Element: Wind

Characters  #015
Along with Yuma, he does chores around the Sea Gull. A happy little boy, he
seems relatively unaffected despite having lost his parents in the war.

Element: Water

Characters  #016
Special Agent Masaji Kato-
Secret agent of the Japanese Navy, working for Minister Ishimura. He turned
into a cold, grim soldier after the death of his superior officer in Shanghai.

Element: Earth

Characters  #017
The Great Gama-
Legendary pro-wrestler from India and also Joachim's mentor. He sets up 
wrestling rings everywhere in the hopes of promoting the sport. He loves curry.

Element: Light

Characters  #018
The Great Question-
The highest figure in the wrestling world, he waits atop the Tower of the Holy
Ring for a challenger to come and wrest the title from his rather twisted hands

Found  : Do the Man Festival sidequest and you'll meet him on Level 100

Element: Light

Characters  #019
Thomas Edward Lawrence-
A British spy investigating the secret society Sapientes Gladio. He later
becomes known as Lawrence of Arabia when he fights alongside the Bedouins.

Element: Winds

Characters  #020
Roger Bacon-
Strange creature living in Wales. Although hard to imagine from his skeletal
visage, he is a legendary and powerful magician.

Element: None

Characters  #021
Once a Florentine beauty, she fell on hard times after her looks deserted her.
She raised Lucia from a child and now runs a fortunetelling business.

Element: Fire

Characters  #022
Fortuneteller and exotic dancer living in Florence. Although not the brightest,
she has enraptured many men with her beauty, style and charm.

Element: Dark

Characters  #023
Alice Elliot-
The love of Yuri's life. She is now dead, but she continues to watch over him.
Even the dreaded Mistletoe curse is powerless before her deep love for him.

Element: Light

Characters  #024
Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin-
Mad monk originally from Siberia, he has used his magic to gain influence
inside the Russian royal family. His ultimate goal is to conquer all of Europe.

Element: Dark

Characters  #025
Rasputin after having been taken over by Asmodeus. With all of his humanity
extinguished, he now kills merely for the pleasure of it.

Element: None

Characters  #026
Price Yusupov-
Russian nobleman and captain of the Imperial Guards. Since the coming of
Rasputin, he has become worried about the fate of the Empire

Element: Wind

Characters  #027
Grand Duke Dmitri-
Russian nobleman and confidant of Anastasia. Although he opposes Rasputin, he
has recently become somewhat removed from politics.

Element: Fire

Characters  #028
Price Alexei-
Next in line for the throne of Russia. Though born with a rare blood disease,
he's a bright and charming boy who is very close to his big sister.

Element: Light

Characters  #029
Empress Alexandra-
Empress of Russia and granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England. Although
kindly by nature, her son's long illness has left her sad and embittered.

Element: Fire

Characters  #030
Trusted watchmaker to the Royal Family, he also makes special weapons and other
items that Anastasia requests. He secretly collects silver angels.

Element: Wind

Characters  #031
An alien from the distant planet of Suzuran, this pointy-eared creature clearly
has plans to take over the entire Earth.

Found  : Petrograd, Wolf Bout 6 R-3's owner, he's at the corner where you
         fought Pendulum to save Anastasia

Element: Dark

Characters  #032
Woman from the Goreme Valley who claims to have been King Solomon's maid.
Strangely, he summons people to another world where they fight various monsters

Element: Fire

Characters  #033
Jovis Abraham-
Former Archbishop of the Eastern Orthodox Church and founder of Sapientes
Gladio. Disappointed in his ability to stop Rasputin, he went into seclusion.

Element: Light

Characters  #034
Cardinal Albert Simon-
Magician who, in a previous adventure, tried to destroy the world. He was
stopped by Yuri, but his true enemy has always been Rasputin the mad monk.

Element: Dark

Characters  #035
Emperor Nicholas II-
Emperor of Russia. He's more concerned with his family then running an empire.
This weakness allows those around him to take over the reins of government.

Element: Earth

Characters  #036
Young Swordsman-
A brave young samurai bodyguard. He protects the lives of his master and his
master's young daughter.

Element: Light

Characters  #037
Naniwa Kawashima-
Ishimura and Hyuga's former master. Since the death of his daughter in Shanghai
one year ago, he has withdrawn from political life but is still a great patriot

Element: Wind

Characters  #038
Yoshiko Kawashima-
Her real identity is Hsien-Hsi, 14th child of Prince of Manchu Shanqi, but she
was adopted by Naniwa Kawashima. As an adult, she's known as the Asian Mata

Element: Fire

Characters  #039
Captain Torazo Kaneda-
Vice Admiral of the Japanese Imperial Navy and captain of the battleship Mikasa
. He was refueling in Japan when he come involved in this story.

Element: Water

Characters  #040
Lt. Col. Toshiyuki Terada-
Leader of the Japanese Army's new armored division, the Iron Soldiers. A
powerful warrior himself, his body is encased in thick steel armor.

Element: Water

Characters  #041
Foreign Minister Kantaro Ishimura-
Shadow ruler of Japan. His goal is to build a new country on the Asian
continent, but his health has forced him to proceed more quickly than planned.

Element: Water

Characters  #042
Garan the Oracle-
Oracle working secretly for Ishimura. He is the 18th in direct succession from
Seimei Abe, powerful mage. He was quite handsome in his youth.

Element: Dark

Characters  #043
Hien of the Mutant Apes-
Second of the Mutant Apes created by Kato, he is equipped with tektite blades
that can slice through steel. His best weapon, though, is his awesome agility.

Element: Wind

Characters  #044
Raiden of the Mutant Apes-
First of the Mutant Apes to be created by Kato, he has a huge battery mounted
on his body and wields fearsome electrical power. He is a deeply loyal person.

Element: Earth

Characters  #045
Ouka of the Mutant Apes-
Last of the Mutant Apes to be made by Kato, she has no machine parts but is
herself a living weapon. She was created using genes from Yoshiko Kawashima.

Element: Light

Characters  #046
Dr. Hojo-
Head of weapons development for the Japanese Imperial Army. With his head
deeply buried in his research, he has no interest in political realities.

Element: Earth

Characters  #047
Captain Jinpachiro Hyuga-
A lieutenant commander with the Japanese Navy in 1893, he has sent to Asia on a
top-secret mission along with his Russian wife and three-year-old son.

Element: Dark

Characters  #048
Saki Inugami-
Leader of the Inugami Clan in Katsuragi, she has great spiritual powers and
uses the Fountain of Sukune to aid Yuri. Her beauty belies her actual age.

Element: Fire

Characters  #049
Kosuke Ishimura-
Grandson of Kantaro Ishimura. He finally started to sleep by himself, but still
wets his bed. He loves his grandfather dearly.

Element: Water

Characters  #050
Henri after transforming back into a human. He looks incredible for a man over
ninety. He wants to spend his final days studying entomology.

Found  : Complete the Wolf Bout(15 wolves) and go back to the place where you
         fought Henri in Tiffauges Castle to find him

Element: Earth

Characters  #051
The Peach Bat-
Beautiful pink bat. Yuma and John found it hurt and rescued it. It's actually
Joachim's baby sister, but its true form can't be seen now. Maybe next game...

Found  : After beating Neo Astaroth at Immortal Mountain, go to Joachim's shop
         at Le Havre and you'll meet her. You have to fight her tho

Element: Earth

Characters  #052
The Silver Bat-
Beautiful silver bat. Its true form, not seen in this game, is that of
Joachim's handsome young brother and Yuri's good friend.

Found  : After you have met all previous 15 Lottery Members, go to Joachim's
         shop at Le Havre and you'll meet him, he's Lottery Member #1

Element: Earth

Characters  #053
Real name Margarete, she is a talented spy who has taken the role of Yuri's
protector. Her next active duty assignment is to be in America.

Found  : Do the Trading Miniquest correctly and you'll meet her at Paris>
         Cathedral, by the stairs. She'll give you Nemesis Fan. If you have
         screwed up the Trading quest, you can't meet her.

Element: Water

                      FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS(xxfaqxx)
1. Do I need to play Shadow Hearts 1 in order to understand/play Shadow Hearts
Answer: The answer is no. However, most ppl would agree that you would enjoy
        Shadow Hearts 2 if you play the first one. I myself didn't play the
        first one but I love Shadow Hearts 2.

2. Can I buy Strike or Hit Area Expand?
Answer: Yes, after the Asuka Stone Platform is up, go to Paris>Cathedral and
        check out the Junk Shop, he sells Strike Expand for 20k each.

3. Can I buy Third Key?
Answer: Yes, after the Asuka Stone Platform has appeared, go to the Hermitage
        Throne Room at Petrograd, Gerard will be there and he sells Third Keys.

4. Help... I screwed up the Trading quest...
Answer: The main aim of Trading Miniquest is to Get Nemesis Fan, Lucia's 
        ultimate weapon, if you screwed it up, the Junk Shop at Paris>Cathedral
        will sell you for 500k, no discount.

5. Omfg, about the ending(Karin's indentity blah blah)...
Answer: Check out the board if you have questions about the ending, if you
        email me about it, I will tell you what *I* think that has happened in
        the end, however, everyone has their own thinking, so some people might
        disagree what I think...

6. What's the last song at the ending credit?
Answer: Most ppl call it "Getsurenka", says it's "Tsukikoibana", 
        my soundtrack gives it some alien word titles >
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