NBA Live 2001 PS2 Cheats


NBA Live 2001

Playstation 2

New Stadium:

At main menu press L1, L2, Square, R2, R1, Circle, X

Increase Superstar Stats:

At the main menu, press Circle to access the active menu. Select "Roster", then "Edit Player". A Super Star player will appear if your "Create A Player" list has no entries. Press R2 to increase the player's stats at the edit player screen. To choose a different player, press L2 to return to the "Create A Player" list. Then, press Start and change to another player.


Easily Beat Mike 1 On 1:

Keep switching the rules. Like when you get the ball turn the all the fouls on that way when he fouls you, you get the ball back and when you score on him he gets the ball right. So right before he gets the ball you press start go to set rules in game options. Go to any one available and turn off the fouls. After that press start. Soon after you press start roll the ball on the ground to him then run up and push him he will release the ball then you take it run down to the basket and dunk it.

Or Beat Mike This Way:

If you don't want to be an outright cheater in order to beat MJ, and you would like to beat him without taking an hour changing the rules every time possesion changes, there are a few ways to go about it:

1)Take a good 3PT shooter like Larry Bird, and just shoot 3s all day long.

2)Take someone like Allen Iverson or the 90's All-Star Pippen who are faster than Jordan and just run around him.

3)Take Kevin Garnett, who is almost as fast as MJ, can hit 3s and is 7 feet tall. Block the hell out of any crap MJ tries to put up, and just school the most overrated player in NBA history.

Strong Pass:

Press L2 + X in one-on-one mode to pass the ball quickly to your opponent.

Between the Legs Pass:

Press R2 + X in one-on-one mode to pass the ball between your legs to your opponent.

Rolling Pass:

Press R1 + X in one-on-one mode to pass the ball by rolling it to your opponent.


Thanks to Revolution reader MIKE, chazz, Michiel Roppe, Mike Heller and eric fox!

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