Midnight Club 2
Playstation 2
Cheat mode:
At the main menu, highlight Options Mode and press Down, then press Left or
Right until “Option: Cheat Codes” is selected. Press X and then enter one of
the following case-sensitive cheat codes, which work in Arcade mode:
dextran All modes
Globetrotter All cities
theCollector All cars
pennyThug All areas and cars rimbuk All areas and cars immortal Guns, rockets, nitrous and no damage
carcrobatics More control in air savethekids Rocket and guns - press R3 and L3 to use gladiator No damage greenLantern Infinite nitrous howhardcanitbe(0-9) Change Career mode difficulty (0 is easiest, 9 is hardest)
Beat all 5 L.A. Arcade circuit races.
Paris Cop Car:
Beat all 6 Paris Arcade circuit races.
Tokyo Cop Car:
Beat all 7 Tokyo Arcade circuit races.
Rocket Car:
Beat the game 100%.
Thanks to Revolution readers Andy, minkis, CamaroCop21, Punk Monkey, jeremy,
Jalil Samir Abushanab, DARIUS, Silver_Ninja, JHeustis, PhoEniX, RapcityZ and