La Pucelle: Tactics FAQ

La Pucelle Faq

Make sure you hit REFRESH each time you check this faq, if you don't you
may be reading an older version of it that is stored in your computer.

Version 1.10

Author: The Crimson Phantom

Aka: Jason L'Heureux

Personal To do list:

Help Wanted Section: -- expires June 19th 2004 (one month from last update).

If you feel like helping out please do...

Fill in the ??'s for levels in section 6.12 Magical Alignment - 
How to learn spells.  Not to many left...

If you can find any status effects NOT listed in negative, and the 
postitive ones (from equipment eg purify 100%, listed in the positive)
4.10 Status Effects -- Negative & 4.11 Status Effects -- Positive, respectivly.

If you can find monster items which are not listed... list them as you
see the others in 7.71 Monsterwear Prefix.

Things monsters say while in training in 8.11 hings monsters say while 
being trained.

8.12 Training Commands if you come across commands that are not there.

Fill stuff in here if you know of them... (Looking for multiple things
if you wish to help out here not just one individual thing at a time.)

7.10 Items Weapons
7.20 Items Armor
7.30 Items Eyewear
7.40 Items Footwear
7.50 Items Other
7.60 Items Consumable

Looking for anything you can add to these sections...

8.20 Monster Beastiary
8.30 Monster Moves 
8.40 Monster Dark World Success

5.25 Dark Gates If you have other demon types to list there (just generic
names and how many peices of equipment they can typically be found with)

Formula's for in depth hard to figure out things... if scy or jungle wander
around their help would be more than apprecated on some of them.

Someone to exaustivly research stats growth. (Too busy with everything else to 
sit down for formulas now too.)

Table of contents

For using Ctrl-F (find) these could be helpful or just use the headings.

0.00 Version History and Contact Information
1.00 General Rules of SRPG gameplay
1.10 Controls
1.11 Game abbrievations
2.00 Walkthrough
2.01 Chapter 1: "On-the-job Training"
2.02 Chapter 2: "A Child's Promise"
2.03 Chapter 3 "Prier and Alouette"
2.04 Chapter 4 "A Gigantic Problem"
2.05 Chapter 5 "A Hairy Situation"
2.06 Chapter 6 "The Journey Begins"
2.07 Chapter 7 "A Dance in the Sky"
2.08 Chapter 8 "To An Undiscovered Land"
2.09 Chapter 9 "Memories of Fatima"
2.10 Chapter 10 "The Dark Prince"
2.11 Chapter 11 "The Maiden of Light"
2.12 Chapter 12 - The Final Chapter "A Legend is Born"
2.13 Chapter ?? - The Dark World Guide / Secret stuff section
2.20 Game Script
2.2B Pre-Game Background Story
2.2P Prologue
2.21 Chapter 1: "On-the-job Training"
2.22 Chapter 2: "A Child's Promise"
2.23 Chapter 3 "Prier and Alouette"
2.24 Chapter 4 "A Gigantic Problem"
2.25 Chapter 5 "A Hairy Situation"
2.26 Chapter 6 "The Journey Begins"
2.27 Chapter 7 "A Dance in the Sky"
2.28 Chapter 8 "To An Undiscovered Land"
2.29 Chapter 9 "Memories of Fatima"
2.30 Chapter 10 "The Dark Prince"
2.31 Chapter 11 "The Maiden of Light"
2.32 Chapter 12 - The Final Chapter "A Legend is Born"
2.33 Chapter ?? - The Dark World Guide / Secret stuff section
2.40 Other Scripts
2.41 Chapter 5 Bad ending
3.00 Game Combat
4.00 Status & Leveling
4.01 How exp is divived between units
4.10 Status Effects -- Negative
4.11 Status Effects -- Positive
4.20 Elemental Alignment Take one
5.00 Purification
5.01 Purification Powering of Weapons
5.10 Elemental Alignment Take two
5.11 Purification Streams
5.20 Miracles
5.21 Color Mixing 100
5.22 Color Mixing 101
5.23 Color Mixing 102
5.24 Dark Energy Index
5.25 Dark Gates
6.00 Neutral and Other Characters
6.10 General Magic Spells
6.11 Spell Levels
6.12 Magical Alignment - How to learn spells
6.20 Permant/Constant Special Abilities
6.30 Hero's Special Abilities
6.31 Hero Combination Specials
6.32 ATK based OR Int based spells
7.00 Item Alignment
7.10 Items Weapons
7.20 Items Armor
7.30 Items Eyewear
7.40 Items Footwear
7.50 Items Other
7.60 Items Consumable
7.70 Items Monsterwear
7.71 Monsterwear Prefix
7.72 Monsterwear Suffix
7.73 Monsterwear Evaluation
7.80 Rosen Customer Ranks
7.81 Rosen Surveys
7.82 Rare Rosen Surveys
8.00 Monster Conversion (Purification)
8.10 Monster Training
8.11 Things monsters say while being trained
8.12 Training Commands
8.13 Recommended Training Command Paths For Your Pet Monster
8.14 Monsters and Item fusion...
8.20 Monster Beastiary
8.30 Monster Moves
8.40 Monster Dark World Success
9.00 Secret Game Stuff & Bonus things
9.01 Mini guide to getting best endings for each chapter (Spoiler Free)
10.00 Game Maps
11.00 Tips and Tricks
11.10 Bugs
11.20 Thanks
12.00 Legal Stuff and Copyright
13.00 Game Info and Thanks

*** = Chapter's

0.00 Version History and Contact Information

Version 1.00 Created May 6th 2004 on the english version of La Pucelle: 
Tactics.  All data for this faq has been derived from one of main two sources,
the game itself and the instruction manual which comes with the game.  Will
probally start on a walkthrough/story script section in the future.  This will
be my 6th faq on this account to date ;p  Faq is set to 79 characters / line
and was created using notepad.  At this stage expect an update at least once
a week until it nears completion, once it seems mostly complete it might never
get another update ;p.  Skip the walkthrough and game script as they will
contain spoilers once I get them done.

Version 1.01 Started script/walkthrough section of guide, May 6th (late at
night as I do not have to work until 6 tomorrow ;p)... Added more of pretty
much everything. Chapter one walkthrough and script are complete. Two are
started, more monster training stuff... and the ilk.

Version 1.02 Chapter 2 script and walk done, started on 3.  Added more of
the other stuff.  Added the color section.  Framed the maps and things for
an easier view of them... Contrasts better with the white background.  Added
spells, status, and symbols section.  More skills, commands, et al.

Version 1.03 Stuff from RenamonFOX regarding permant abilities.  Noticed a
second rarer thing to the rosen survey so filled that out, more chapter's etc.
Lots of other things chapter 3 and such done. May 8th

Version 1.04 Ah sweet, sweet day off... no work and no play make me have time
to actually sit down and work on this.  My liver thanks you ;p Chapter 4+5
done added more misc stuff.

Version 1.05 More of the same.   Already 200kb big and its only
around half way done... sick.  More stuff with spells, items, monsters
etcetera. Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, and Chapter 10 are done.
Added a better mini walkthrough at the end for chapters and how to get the
best endings, Step by step. Added more odds and sods.

Version 1.06 Moved the table of contents to the top, I think its easier to
find it right away that way for my personal use.  Checked out multi-miracle
patterns... Added % change from status boosts.  Added a customer
rank section... Finished chapter 11 and 12, as well as the spoiler free 
walkthrough for those chapters.

Version 1.07 Added monsterwear section, devoted to what you can find on
monsters.  Added the magical spell attributes how many gives which spell,
added all the character unique spells, added the combination attack spells.
Made many other little changes.  Added all I've currently figured out on
how to combine items...

Version 1.08 Added more of all of the above... except story stuff still not
high enough to school the final secret things...

Version 1.09 Revamped the monsterwear money costs, also added more info on how
to merge equipment. Added the secret stuff section to the walkthrough. Added
a LOT more monsterwear stuff.  Finished all secret quests and how to obtain
them... as well as, their script.

Version 1.10 Minor things... Added some of the spell levels to things.

E-Mail me at:

I do not mind game questions, if you are reporting an error let me know I will
double check my work there.  If you are reporting a spelling error forget about
it unless it seriously alters the meaning of the sentence.  If you wish to
e-mail me about a game question, please put in the subject which game it is
referring to... I will also field questions to people wishing to break into
faq writing.

If you have a bug to report and add to this send it along but I'll need 2
reports of the same bug or to have it confirmable by myself.

If you e-mail me and its got something attached its going to be deleted
without hesitation.  Sorry but my virus scan/firewall is set to destroy
e-mail attachments.  If your sending me something to contribute to this in
an e-mail make sure to title your e-mail contributions or something similar,
and just put whatever it is in plain text.  I have it set to block out stuff
without acceptable subjects (to put faq in the subject) unless its someone
I know.

1.00 General Rules of SRPG gameplay

As a srpg (strategy role playing game) veteren, here are a few golden rules to
follow in any strategy game.

Golden Rule: TALK TO EVERYONE, Talk to them everytime a chapter changes,
talk to them if you are stuck and cannot progress.  Talk to them often,
talk to them multiple times (doesn't seem to have much effect with most
people in La Pucelle).  This will either reward you with the ability to
progress storywise again, or possibly with nifty items...

Rule one: Focus fire, have every member of your party focus on killing at least
one enemy per turn... Even if you have a character who will deal a 200 damage
attack and the enemy only has 1 health left, unless that attack would kill
another enemy 100% of the time itself use it to finish that opponent off.
The reason for this is that it will limit how much damage your enemy can do
to you per round, because if a unit is dead it cannot hurt you any more.  Also
that unit may not heal/assist others, and will make the enemy turn that much

Rule two: With the exception of boss units focus on taking out the units in
this order: Mages first then Cleric's or healers second and then the strongest
fighter on down (unless the strongest fighter is a boss in which case avoid 
them, as they tend to have enough health above their fodder units that you 
would take more damage fighting them all).  The reason for this is that
mages tend to have area of effect attacks that usually deal a lot of damage
and they also tend to have low health and so will go down quickly.  Clerics
must die second as they tend to prevent their allies from dying as quickly
which prolongs your suffering.  After this fighters are the ones to knock out
starting with whoever can do the most damage to you (not always the one with
the highest health).  The reason you avoid taking out a boss asap, is because
typically they have items worth stealing, and are a lot easier to take out
once their support net is removed.  Also purify those dark portals on big

Rule three: Most strategy based rpg's will have the enemy with stronger forces
than you have at almost any given battle... So take it slow work from the
outside in... ignore any target which is outside your reach obviously, hitting
someone for something is typically better than doing NOTHING at all.  Unless
in the RARE instance where defend will work in your favor.

Rule four: BE AGRESSIVE, defense doesn't really seem to exist, even if it
were to you should be attacking anyways.

Rule five: IF your unit is about to die or will definatly die next round and
you lack healing items, or the ability to escape, kamakazi, or use it to draw 
the enemy away from your units or preferably away from their own... Divide
and conquer (just remember a pincer attack in a srpg is deadly).

Rule six: When the oppurtunity presents itself save, save often.  Also
in this game returning to the overworld map will heal you and replenish
your mana automatically.

Rule seven: Honor is nice to have, but if your dead what good was it.  Attack
your enemy with preference to behind, above, or the sides... in that order.  
Try to avoid fighting below and to the front... Also try to avoid allowing the
enemy to hit you from behind, above, or the sides.

Rule eight: If you cannot attack/kill an enemy you might as well purify a dark

My rules come based off experience as shown by a brief snap of some of the
strategy games I have played in the past below.  I will probally add more
when I think up more that I typically use in games.

Starting with chess & checkers, moving into the video turn based strategy games
(such as final fantasy tactics, Disgaea etcetera), and then onto the much more 
difficult real time strategy games (such as starcraft, warcraft III etcetera).

1.10 Controls

Because its nice to know what does what and where.  If a button is not listed
it does nothing, and of course the analog sticks move you and your cursor.


X Button -----------> Talk to npc, Enter/Exit buildings/town/rooms.
Triangle Button ----> Calls up Menu
Circle Button ------> Cancel / run
R1 -----------------> One page down in menu's
L1 -----------------> One page up in menu's

World Map

X Button -----------> Enters dungeon or town
Triangle Button ----> Calls up Menu
Circle Button ------> Cancel


X Button -----------> Generic action button
O Button -----------> Drastically speeds up movement of cursor
Triangle Button ----> End turn/Begin Battle/Options
R2 Button ----------> Cycle to Next character
L2 Button ----------> Zoom in or out
Circle Button ------> Cancel
[] (square) button -> Changes direction you are facing/purification stream path
R1/L1 --------------> Rotate the map

1.11 Game abbrievations

HP  = Health Points
Atk = Attack damage
Def = Defense
SP  = Special Points
Int = Intelligence
Res = Resistance
Hit = Accuracy
Spd = Speed
MV  = Movement
JP  = Jumping ability
LV  = Level
Exp = Experience

2.00 Walkthrough

If you see a chest simply walk on top of it and stop that character to
get the item within.  Note you can then cancel the turn and still have the
item you found.

If you see the words ** EVENT TRIGGER ** find it and activate it.

At the end of a chapter the game will give you a ranking...

These in the english version are

Special (not every chapter has one)

2.01 Chapter 1: "On-the-job Training" (gives GOOD ending)

Goto the Orphanage and talk to the last boy on the top of the screen, he will
pay you 1 prica, then go to the world map and the area Devil's Stomach will
appear enter that.

 Devil's Stomach
Training dungeon... No contest what-so-ever.  As such no guide what-so-ever.

   Montblanc Castle

 Hall of Justice

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

4 Tiny bats --- level 2
1 Zombie ------ level 1

Take out the zombie first if you can reach it, if not take out the bats then
get it.

 The Birdcage

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

2 Tiny bats --- level 2
3 Zombie ------ level 3
1 Will-o-wisp - level 3

** 1 EVENT TRIGGER ** behind the Will-o-wisp

Take out the zombie then work on the bats and fireball then pick off the
two zombies who are far away.

If you trigger the event it will interrupt the combat for a scene then return
back to where you left off battle when it concludes.

 Hall of Courage

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

4 Zombie ------ level 3
1 Big Bat ----- level 4

Take out the bat 1st as it will move to you leaving itself alone and

 Hall of Truth

Victory condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

6 Tiny Bats --- level 2

** 1 EVENT TRIGGER ** Near the statue

Just take out the bats as you go and don't forget the trigger.

After the event trigger you will again be brought right back to the battle
at the exact place that you left off.

 Throne Room

Victory condition... Defeat the BOSS.

5 Tiny Bats --- level 2
3 Zombie ------ level 3
2 Will-o-wisp - level 4
1 Oseille ----- level 5

Take out the bats, then the zombies, next the wisps, and finally smite the
boss.  Don't forget to purify those dark portals.

2.02 Chapter 2: "A Child's Promise" (gives GOOD ending)

After the Father Salade talk head to the Crime Scene, after that goto Mt. Tarte
when you are there the battles follow after a short scene where you lose
Culotte as a party member.

 Mt. Tarte (Foot)

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

6 Hanahana --- level 4
1 Big Bear --- level 6

** Treasure Chest on this map **

Take out the Han's that come close to your base panel then go back pick off
the next set that move then finish the bear and the last set.

 Spring of Mercy

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

5 Hanahana --- level 4
1 Big bear --- level 6
1 Fairy Fire - level 5

** Treasure Chest on this map **

Take out the hana's first then circle around to get the wisp and the chest,
once the wisp is off the chest get it and then just clean house.

 Mysterious Path

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

6 Hanahana --- level 4
2 Big bear --- level 6

** Treasure Chest on this map**

Take out the han's in front of the base panel, then take out a group of bear
and han's.

 Mt. Tarte (Side)

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

7 Hanahana --- level 4
3 Big bear --- level 6
2 Fairy Fire - level 5

** Treasure Chest on this map**

 Mt. Tarte (Peak)

Victory Condition... Defeat the BOSS.

6 Hanahana --- level 4
2 Fairy Fire - level 5
2 Big zombie - level 7
1 Gargoyle --- level 9

Take out the hana's, then the fairys then lure the zombies and get them, and
finally finish off the boss.  Don't forget to purify those dark portals...
No sense in allowing more enemies out than you absolutly have to.

2.03 Chapter 3 "Prier and Alouette" (gives GOOD ending)

Head to Cresson Castle, after that scene return to Pot au Feu City and go
to the church.  Afterwhich goto Meuniere Forest.

 Meuniere Forest

 Forest Entrance

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

5 Mini Dragon - level 5
1 Mr. Moo ----- level 7
1 Gremlin ----- level 6

Take out the dragons then the moo and finally the box.

 Forest of Grief

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

7 Mini Dragon - level 5
2 Mr. Moo ----- level 7

** 1 EVENT TRIGGER** near the back of the map in the woods.

Take out the Mini dragons with the Mr. Moo's then before killing them all
off trigger the event in the woods.

 Forest of Judgement

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

4 Mini Dragon - level 5
4 Mr. Moo ----- level 7
1 Gremlin ----- level 6

** 2 EVENT TRIGGERS** one near the gremlin and the other behind a tree.

Take out the mini's and moo's in front of you then hit the triggers.

One will have the Mushroom Essence!! so make sure you check the event squares.

The other has a pirate cat scene.

 Forest of Grief

As before, but return to the Event trigger. and then clear the map.
Eringa Valley is now a location on the world map.

 Barsom's House

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

6 Mr. Moo ----- level 7
1 Gremlin ----- level 6
2 Mini Dragon - level 5

** 1 EVENT TRIGGER** near the woodcutters house.

Now return to Pot au Feu City

 Endless Forest

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

4 Mr. Moo ----- level 7
4 Mini Dragon - level 5
1 Gremlin ----- level 6

They are all in a nice square and its easy to miracle them.....

Just rush them since they are packed you can only attack.

 Shrine of Beasts

Victory Condition... Defeat the BOSS.

4 Mini Dragon - level 5
3 Mr. Moo ----- level 7
2 Gremlin ----- level 6
1 Gargoyle ---- level 11

Sit back and take out the bats, follow that up with the moo's then rush
the rest.  Do not forget to purify those portals.

2.04 Chapter 4 "A Gigantic Problem" (gives SPECIAL ending)

 Maiyonnaise Harbor

Victory Condition... Lead the creature to Mt. Tarte.

1 Monster ----- level 40
5 mini dragon - level 8
2 siren ------- level 9
1 Gunchan ----- level 11
2 Gremlin ----- level 7

** 5 Treasure Chests**

Ok two routes here, either level up and beat the monster down, or run.

I recommend you level up as this will give a better ending.

 Mt. Tarte

1 Monster ----- level 12

Victory Condition... Defeat the BOSS.


Homard -------- level 13
Yattanya ------ level 11
Chocolat ------ level 8

Pretty straight forward, after the beating at the hands of the ship
the monsters level has dropped by 28 and he is much MUCH weaker now.

But don't help the pirates... attack them.  Save that whale.

Return to Pot au Feu City Church, then its onto Mt. Champignon.

 Lotsa Mushrooms

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

5 Eringer ------ level 9
1 Ghost -------- level 10
1 Dragonshroom - level 13

Work your way in you shouldn't have any trouble with these wimps after that
level 40 boss.

* 1 Treasure Chest* Under the dragonshroom

 Mushroom Festival

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

5 Eringer ------ level 9
2 Dragonshroom - level 13
2 Ghost -------- level 10

* 2 Treasure Chests*

 Mushrooms Galore

Victory Condition... Defeat the BOSS.

1 Gargoyle ----- level 15
3 Eringer ------ level 9
2 Apparition --- level 11

Again its a boss but you're strong enough to kill it in one hit if you took
the whale... nevertheless, take out all the others and the dark portals.

* 1 Treasure Chest*

Now return to Pot au Feu City and give the boy his medicine.

2.05 Chapter 5 "A Hairy Situation" (Gives GOOD ending)

Head back to Meuniere Forest

 Forest Entrance

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

10 Fluffy ---- level 8

Well pretty basic just knock them down one after another.

After that head to Pot au Feu city for a scene.  Next return to the forest
and goto Barsom's house.

 Barsom's House

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

10 Fluffy ---- level 8

Just take them to the barbers...

Then return to Pot au Feu city for another scene. And then once more
onto Barsom's House.

 Barsom's House

Victory Condition... Defeat the BOSS.

10 Fluffy ---- level 8
1 Belial ----- level 17


1 Barsom ----- level 6
1 Suzanne ---- level 6

Asap rush to protect and cover the two lovebirds.  While your at it clip the
fluffys and purify the portals leaving just the boss alone.  If they die
there goes your good ending.  And its NONE to easy keeping those weaklings
alive.  If your having trouble taking out the vast majority of them in a
single turn just focus your fire on the boss.

Depending on where the little guys randomly spawn this will be harder or
easier to do, my first try to save them 3 spawned right at them and I was
unable to get them all before they killed the girl.  Just save before hand
so that if you get a bad spawn of enemy positions you can quickly restart.

I would suggest putting out a few low level bait guys below 6 to draw monsters
away from the happy couple.  REALLY try to keep the boss away from them as
he can one hit kill them.

2.06 Chapter 6 "The Journey Begins" (Gives GOOD ending.)

Head to Cresson Castle

 Castle Garden

Victory Condition... Defeat the BOSS

4 Will-o-wisp --- level 10
4 Fairy Fire ---- level 11
1 Dark Knight --- level 18

Hmmm a miracle waiting to happen from the looks of it eh...  Just purify that
and pop goes all but 2 Fairy Fire and the boss herself... Pretty easy that.

 Closed Heart

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

5 Giant Zombie -- level 11

Just take them out one by one.

 Resigned Heart

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

5 Giant Zombie -- level 11
1 Salamander ---- level 11

Work your way in try to finish that Salamander before it can attack.

 Fleeing Heart

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

5 Giant Zombie -- level 11
1 Salamander ---- level 11

Work your way in try to finish that Salamander before it can attack.  This
is a mirror map to the one above.

 Lying Heart

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

5 Giant Zombie -- level 11
1 Salamander ---- level 11
1 Sir Zombie ---- level 14

Well take them out one at a time from the sides if you must, again take out
the casters asap.

 True Heart

Victory Condition... Defeat the BOSS.

4 Giant Zombie -- level 11
2 Salamander ---- level 11
1 Sir Zombie ---- level 14
1 Dark Eclair --- level 19

You know my style for boss's by now, remove all obstacles including the dark
portals then go for the kill on the boss.

Once this is done go visit the royal libary.

 Hidden Libary

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

9 Jacko Lantern - level 12
1 Halloween ----- level 14

Take them out bit by bit try to go for the kill on the large group that are
so conviently placed near each other.

 Maze of Books

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

8 Jacko Lantern - level 12
2 Halloween ----- level 14
1 Pumpkin Head -- level 9
1 Pumpkin King -- level 16

Take out everyone but the king and recruit him, they are very useful.

After talking to Hermes head to Mt. Tarte.  Once Homard et al. join you
go back to the libary.

2.07 Chapter 7 "A Dance in the Sky"  (Gives GOOD ending.)

 First Passage

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

5 Chuchu -------- level 14
1 Redcap -------- level 14

Once more just rush out and beat them into submission.

 Food Storage

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

5 Chuchu -------- level 14
1 Vampire ------- level 18
2 Redcap -------- level 15

Dead end, but remember your trying to kill off all the demons on the ship.

 Ship's Mess

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

1 Redcap -------- level 15
5 Chuchu -------- level 14
1 Vampire ------- level 18

Dead end, but remember your trying to kill off all the demons on the ship.

 Second Passage

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

6 Chuchu -------- level 14
2 Vampire ------- level 18

Just hit them with mass spells, they have rather low resistance.


Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

4 Chuchu -------- level 14
4 RedCap -------- level 15
1 Basket Case --- level 16

Like sitting ducks all together, hit them with area of effect spells.
Yet another dead end, but remember we are trying to clear every map.

 Engine Room

Victory Condition... Defeat the BOSS.

4 Chuchu -------- level 14
1 Redcap -------- level 15
1 Apparition ---- level 16
2 Vampire ------- level 18
1 Priest -------- level 22

As always remove everyone and everything that you can prior to sacking the
boss. This includes purifying the portals you can reach.  Beware the battle

2.08 Chapter 8 "To An Undiscovered Land" (Gives SPECIAL ending.)

Hire that Monya-monya hes a new Kitty at the crash site. Then head into the


Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

6 Erinda ------ level 16
1 French Kiss - level 19

Take them out with mass hit spells.

 Unexplored Jungle

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

6 Erinda ------ level 16
2 Beautiful---- level 19
1 White Devil - level 19

Argh ANNOYING sleep spells... Take out those status attacking weeds asap.

 Explorers' Bones

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

4 Erinda ------ level 16
1 Beautiful---- level 19
2 White Devil - level 19
1 Big Shroom -- level 23

Take out those annoying sleepers asap.

Next enter the cave of ruins.

 Cave of Ruins

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

4 Jacko Lantern -- level 17
1 Siren ---------- level 19

Small group of enemies shouldn't pose any probelms for you.

 Breath of Death

6 Jacko Lantern -- level 17
1 Siren ---------- level 19

Pretty much as the last battle but with a few more enemies.

 Unknown Fear

Victory Condition... Go to the next map.

1 Siren ---------- level 19
2 Undine --------- level 21
1 Giant Thing ---- level 100

Ugh, 100... but for the special ending don't run FIGHT.
But for now RUN. Take the right exit.

 Salvation's Light

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

2 Siren ---------- level 19
2 Undine --------- level 21
1 Wyvern --------- level 25

* 2 Treasure Chests*
* 1 Event Trigger*

Hit the trigger to get the message "You hear a voice coming from somewhere...
"Hark, ye adventurers." "Doth ye have the strength to face the creature on
thine own?" "If ye lack such courage, I shall weaken the creature for ye."
"But those without courage shall find that they get less reward."
"I ask again: Doth ye have the strength to fight the creature on thine own?"

Select Yes "Verily, courageous adventurers ye be..." "Go get 'em!"

Now kill off the enemies in the room.

Now return to unknown fear.

 Unknown Fear

Victory Condition... Go to the next map.

1 Siren ---------- level 19
2 Undine --------- level 21
1 Giant Thing ---- level 100

Ugh, 100... but for the special ending don't run FIGHT.
But for now RUN.  This time take the harder to reach alive top exit.

 Life and Death 

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

8 Jacko Lantern -- level 18

Beat this map then once more head back to Unknown Fear

 To a foreign Land

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

4 Udine ---------- level 21
1 Wyvern --------- level 25

Defeat the support then sack the boss.

 Unknown Fear

Victory Condition... Go to the next map.

1 Siren ---------- level 19
2 Undine --------- level 21
1 Giant Thing ---- level 100

Ok now we fight that level 100 thing.  Good luck to you.

Purify the portals BEFORE drawing anything into a fight as much as you can.
You probally will have to level before you can hope to take thing thing on.

Try rerolling the fight until conditions are favorable to you.

Next get braveheart (several purple things) on at least 3 guys...

Now buy good equipment so your base attack is around 600-800... after
braveheart my level 30 Prier was doing 1600 damage per hit... cakewalk...

Also remember AI is STUPID... It stands for Artificial Incompetence... in this
case the boss will completly ignore your character who is able to hurt it in
favor of killing off lower level weaklings...

After that head to the next area by choosing go onward...

2.09 Chapter 9 "Memories of Fatima" (Gives GOOD ending.)

Head to Couscous Village and talk to the lady with the broom.

 Couscous Village

Victory Conditions... Defeat the BOSS.

7 Manticore ------ level 18
1 Priest --------- level 30

Ok you cannot harm the villagers so try not to engage them at all... Your
best bet is to lure them away, sleep them, or just rush the boss and finish him
off asap.  I recommend braveheart a fighter and then send out a few babys to
ensure that the villagers (Manticore's) don't attack the fighter and get
slaughtered by the counterattack.  Of course since you took the treant
earlier you'll be insanly powerful and accidently killing a villager when
it attacks you is very easy to do.

 Couscous Village

Victory Conditions... Defeat the BOSS.

7 Manticore ------ level 18
1 Priest --------- level 30

Well ok Croix has remembered his former self... and hes a powerful little guy
at that... level 100...  On the down side he is alone for this fight...

Again avoid killing ANY villagers...  Just use Banish on the boss twice
to win.  Make sure its the single square one.

2.10 Chapter 10 "The Dark Prince" (Gives GOOD ending.)

Head to the Ghost Village, then head to Choux Fleurs Hill.

 Choux Fleurs Hill

Victory Conditions... Defeat the BOSS.

5 Sir Zombie ----- level 22
2 Jabberwock ----- level 24
1 Priest --------- level 32

Nicly grouped for some mass spell hits...

 Dark Shrine

Victory Conditions... Defeat all enemies.

8 Vampire -------- level 24
1 Dagon ---------- level 33

Take them out by now you should be able to do this in two to three rounds

The next Dark Shrine map is ????? and you cannot get there yet...
So go to Couscous Village.  Then head to Angelieque's House, and then to
Choux Fleurs Hill

 Choux Fleurs Hill

Victory Conditions... Go to the next map.

5 Soldier -------- level 25
1 Sergant -------- level 27

You must not harm them lure them with a bit character then run by to the next
map.  They are stupid morons who occassionally get themselves killed...
annoying can't kill the bad guy maps.  I recommend unequipping your character
who is running it.

 Choux Fleurs Hill Part two

Victory Conditions... Go to the next map.

5 Soldier -------- level 23
1 Sergant -------- level 27

Again lure and run...

 Choux Fleurs Hill Part Three

Victory Conditions... Go to the next map.

6 Soldier -------- level 25
3 Sergant -------- level 27

* 1 Event Trigger*

Throw out some bait to begin with to break that blockade then run it, this
one can be difficult to do without killing anyone.  If you get trapped
flee and try again.

Send one unit to one panel below diagonally from your base,
That should lure them into a mess of 6 that you can sneak around the
bottom from, now run the runner up the hole there it will be like a L shape, 
and send a second bait unit up the same hole to take the brunt of the 
sergant's attempt to block you... You may also wish to throw out another
sacrifical unit from the base panel to keep the Soldier's from troubling
the running character.

You should be homefree at this point able to reach that event trigger.

2.11 Chapter 11 "The Maiden of Light" (Gives GOOD ending.)

Not good... Prier, Croix, AND Alouette are all gone from the party... At least
their equipment is in your inventory...  The cave of Trials is now open.

Cave of Trails

 Training Cave 1

Victory Conditions... Defeat all enemies.

5 Erinda ------ level 27
3 Ogre -------- level 30
2 Beartrom ---- level 25
1 Catoplebas -- level 35

What can I say... It's a training cave and you'll probally need it with your
mostly likly preferred characters gone.

 Training Cave 2

Victory Conditions... Defeat all enemies.

4 Jugon ------- level 40
1 Lamia ------- level 35
3 Kracken ----- level 40
1 Bigshroom --- level 50

Same as above... use it to train up your characters power.

 Training Cave 3

Victory Conditions... Defeat all enemies.

9 Mini Dragon - level 50
7 Chuchu ------ level 60
1 Nosferatu --- level 70

I recommend you use a high movement low level character like Papillon to
distract the bats... for some reason they really seem bent on killing her,
enough so that properly moved they might NEVER get a turn at all ;p.

 Training Cave 4

Victory Conditions... Defeat all enemies.

4 Salamander -- level 70
4 Red Cap ----- level 70
1 Basket Case - level 75
3 Jabberwock -- level 80
1 Pandora ----- level 90

Well take out the casters asap.  This map is has a lot of box's which are
very heavy on the defensive power.

 Training Cave 5

5 Sir Zombie --- level 110
4 Apparition --- level 110
4 Chimera ------ level 130
1 Hekatoncheir - level 200
1 Zombie King -- level 500

... Good luck clearing this map without signifant power leveling...
... Forget this until you get your characters back later... Lets return
to Mayonnaise Harbor you'll be strong enough now easily.

Head to Mayonnaise Harbor
Now goto Hermes room (Continue onward) in the Royal Libary.

 Eclair's Heart

Victory Condition... Defeat the BOSS.

5 Giant Zombie -- level 11
1 Dark Princess - level 34

Well a boss battle, but if you did as I said this whole thing should be a
cake walk.  You are; however, limited to Culotte and Eclair.
Now return to Mayonnaise Harbor.

 Mayonnaise Harbor

Victory Condition... Defeat the BOSS.

3 Siren ------ level 24
2 Succubus --- level 27
1 Priest ----- level 36

Well your powered up all around, and they really don't have much of a chance
now do they... Take out those succubus asap, they are healers...  Why not
test out these new moves why don't ya.

Now return to 'Pot au Feu City Church'.

 Church of the Holy Maiden

Victory Condition... Defeat the BOSS.

4 Vampire ------ level 25
2 Chimera ------ level 30
1 Dark Warrior - level 33
1 Dark Croix --- level 40

Prier and Alouette rejoin the party.  Also you get the pretty powerful
Father Salade.

Take out the Vamps, Take out the Chimera's, now finish that Dark warrior.
And finally obliterate Dark Croix.

2.12 Chapter 12 - The Final Chapter "A Legend is Born"

 Angel Gate

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

4 Kracken ------ level 32
2 Dark Warrior - level 36

Just rush them, with your newfound allies I cannot imagine anyone having
trouble with this stage.

 Demons' Nest

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

4 Sir Zombie --- level 33
2 Dark Warrior - level 36
1 Monshroom ---- level 35

Once more you should be much more than a match for these poor folks.

 Bloody Corridor

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

3 Dark Knight -- level 32
2 Sir Zombie --- level 33
2 Dark Warrior - level 36
1 Dagon -------- level 43

Yet again they should be quivering before your might.

 Angel's Dreams

Victory Condition... Defeat all enemies.

4 Redcap ------- level 35
4 Basket Case -- level 36
1 Pandora ------ level 40

Well if you have a low attack you'll have trouble killing them.
A level 7 magic spell will hit them all pretty well.
You might want to take some time to level Homard to at least level 35.

At this point I recommend you return to the world map, make a save...
After this point you start losing party members and reach the point of no

So return and do things... picking up from where I last left you in these
places... I Suggest you complete training cave 5, get your two extra dark
world titles, and beat baal now.

 Training Cave 5

5 Sir Zombie --- level 110
4 Apparition --- level 110
4 Chimera ------ level 130
1 Hekatoncheir - level 200
1 Zombie King -- level 500

Ok... Level up to at LEAST 200 to tackle this stage... 
I recommend powering up Homard, Eclair, and Prier in that order...  
Take out those casters asap too.  Once the Zombie king is defeated a powerful
weapon the Godhand will be your reward.

Now return to the Dark Shrine and choose Continue Onward

 The Gods' Ordeal

1 Gorgon ---- level 1500
1 Orthos ---- level 1500
1 Aliok ----- level 1500
1 Baal ------ level 2000

... Have fun... Homard vs Baal using burning soul should deal x10 the normal
damage...  If you win you'll see a scene and the LEGENDARY (golden) Robot
suit will be your reward...

Before you do that; however, I strongly recommend that you complete several
300% dark energy portals... Making sure you kill first one level 500+ demon
overlord, and then again killing a level 700+ demon overlord
and several level 500+ demon overlords.  These will grant you
new titles then you can capture bosses and give baal another try.

See section 2.13 Chapter ?? - The Dark World Guide / Secret stuff section &
section 2.33 Chapter ?? - The Dark World Guide / Secret stuff section for
things relating to these.  Or the end sections for stuff on these.

You might have to complete some raise enemy level surveys at the rosen store
to speed up the above process.

 Heaven's Light

Victory Condition... Defeat the BOSS.

1 Priest ------- level 45

Simple right... yea no your stuck using Homard... Best of luck to ya.  One
burning soul at any level SHOULD take care of him for you...

Now go to 'Angel Gate Top'

 Dimensional Gate

Victory Condition... Go to the next map.

Completly random monster selection between level 30 and 50.

You don't have to fight but I prefer to ;p.

On the downside once the monsters from one set are defeated they spring anew
so really it is a battle you CANNOT win so just move on.

 Dimensional Gate 2

Victory Condition... Go to the next map.

Completly random monster selection between level 30 and 50.

Again you cannot defeat them, they will just respawn so run to the next
map in the sequence.

 Dimensional Gate 3

Victory Condition... Go to the next map.

Completly random monster selection between level 30 and 50.

4 exits... I will call the exit tile below the base panel down.

Up ----> Dimensional Gate 4 dead end.
Down --> Dimensional Gate 4 dead end.
Left --> Dimensional Gate 4 dead end.
Right -> Dimensional Gate 4 Correct way.

 Dimensional Gate 4

Victory Condition... Go to the next map.

Completly random monster selection between level 30 and 50.

Really these two maps are linked.
From the correct RIGHT exit to the above map, go the only way you can.

 Dimensional Gate 5

Victory Condition... Go to the next map.

Completly random monster selection between level 30 and 50.

One exit only so go to it.

 Dimensional Shrine

Victory Condition... Defeat the BOSS.

1 Orthros ------ level 43
1 Chimera ------ level 46
1 Cerebus ------ level 44
1 Dark Warrior - level 45
1 Noir --------- level 64

Well a lot of boss monsters anyways... take them out one at a time, if you
did as I said and leveled at least one character, you will be fine. If not
load up the highest level you have with the best equipment and lure them 
into fighting one at a time.

Don't forget to purify those portals.

 Croix's Heart

Victory Condition... Defeat the BOSS

1 Dark Croix --- level 40

Well shes not that powerful; however, again you are limited to two characters.
Prier and Croix.  On the plus side, Croix has been leveled up to 50.

She will try to heal herself with Dark Bless but its pathetically weak.

This is the end of the game, watch the credits...

2.13 Chapter ?? - The Dark World Guide / Secret stuff section

 Dark World Special Ending One

Kill a level 500+ Demon Overlord in a 300% Dark Energy Index Hell

You get over a million Priya and the Warp Engine which allows you to move
anywhere you want to.

To accomplish this feat I recommend that you power Homard up to at least
level 300, and then get his attack anywhere from 10k-30k (with powered up
500-1000 base attack weapons)...

Next create a 300% Dark Energy Index Hell (Preferable method is to kill off
30 of your teammates on that stage its the fastest way).  Then run through it
with Papillion (She has the highest base move) equipped with some shoes.  Now
simply run her from entrance to exit until you spot...

When you spot a Horned Demonoverlord unleash Homard on it with his burning soul
attack.  This will do x10 times the regular damage to that monster almost
ensuring a complete and utter victory against it...

Now all you have to do is use Papillion to "blitz" the rest of the dark world.

 The Gods' Ordeal

1 Gorgon ---- level 1500
1 Orthos ---- level 1500
1 Aliok ----- level 1500
1 Baal ------ level 2000

... Have fun... Homard vs Baal using burning soul should deal x10 the normal
damage...  If you win you'll see a scene and the LEGENDARY (golden) Robot
suit will be your reward...  Completing this map MAY be a requirement for
the second secret title...

Sometime around here buy a purify 100% item then attack baal physically,
then have Homard kill him, rinse, lather, repeat 8-9 times for an unstoppable
army of Baal's with which to complete the next task... If you don't do this
the next task will be nearly impossible... If you do then its really easy...

 Dark World Special Ending Two

You MAY have to complete the map 'The Gods' Ordeal' before you will be 
able to obtain this title...

Pass SEVERAL rare Rosen surveys which increase the level of the monsters...
enough so that the enemys in a 300% dark energy index portal will start off
between level 500-700... On the 10th floor the boss enemy should be around
level 1250... Make sure to clear every floor as you progress until you finally
wind up the victor with several million priya as your reward and the
Light Year Cannon... an item which gives your physical attacks unlimited

2.20 Game Script

I WILL NOT do this for the npcs that roam the town, this will be strictly plot
line related, I will also not do the tutorial section of the script.

2.2B Pre-Game Background Story

The Legend of the Dark Prince

Legends warn that one day the Dark Prince, beloved and powerful servant of
the fallen Angel Calamity, will rise to cover the world in darkness.  But
where there is darkness, so must there be light.  When the Dark Prince appears,
so too will a girl known as the Maiden of Light, servant of the Goddess
Poitreene and worker of miracles...

2.2P Prologue

Prier: I've had enough! I can't stand it!
   Why do I have to waste my time fighting zombies?! They're such wimps!
   What if my clothes get dirty? They were just washed!

Culotte: *sigh* Stop talking like that! Father Salade is right.
   We're new at this, so we've got to start small and then move on to tougher
   Remember, two days in a row you let a ghost get away because you wandered
   off on your own.
   Besides, I'm the one who has to do all the laundry!!
   Can you just stop complaining for a while?

Prier: Shut up, you! *smacks Culotte*

Alouette: Now, Sister Prier... Culotte is right.
   You're still a novice demon hunter.  Try not to forget that.
   And remember, we're servants of the Holy goddess...
   I forbid you to call those lost souls "wimps" ever again.

Prier: Ugh... Here we go again...

Culotte: My names Culotte i'm a novice demon hunter.
   Four years ago my sister Prier and I joined the church of the holy maiden
   This spring we were admitted to la pucelle the churches demon hunting 
   The woman who was scoulding is sister a
   Shes our teacher she joined the church two years go 
   We've been in the church longer, but shes much better
   She not only teaches us demon hunting, but also manners and etiquette
   She has no memory of her past, as for Prier her language, gets more vulagar
   every day

Alouette: Understand, Sister Prier?

Prier: Yeah, I understand...

Alouette: Now you must repent.

Prier: OK, OK...
   Oh, Holy Goddess Poitreene Sorry 'bout that!  There, I'm done.

Alouette: Sister Prier! You need to take this more seriously.

Prier: OK OK! (This is such a pain...)
   Oh Holy Goddess!  Please see fit to punish me, your unworthy servant!

Alouette: *Smacks Prier on the head with a book*

Prier: Hey! What was that?! I was talking to the Goddess!

Alouette: I didn't do anything....
   I think you prayer reached the Goddess after all...

Prier: (Why You...)
   (Watch it, Prier.)
   (You want to be the next Maiden of Light right? Don't Waste time with this
   (Just stay cool and focus on the important stuff!)

Alouette: Very well.
   We should get started.
   Culotte, what is the foundation of any investigation?

Culotte: Um... The foundation is collecting information, Sister Alouette.

Alouette: Well done, Culotte, as usual.  Very good.

Prier: Hey are you blushing?

Culotte: W-Who? Me?

Alouette: Come on, you two.  Let's go help some lost souls.
   In the name of the Maiden of Light.

Prier: OK!
   (That'll be me soon enough!)

2.21 Chapter 1 "On-the-job Training"


Boy: Hey Prier, We were out advernturing in the Devil's Stomach and we saw
   some zombies!  They're gonna take over the whole town! You're a demon hunter
   now, right?  I'll pay you, so why don't you do something about it?

*Prier got 1 prica*

Prier: 1 prica...?
   Well... OK!  Leave it to old Prier!
   Zombies are a peice of cake!

Devil's Stomach

Prier: This is the place.  They said they saw the zombies here.

Culotte: That's easy to believe.

Prier: Alright! Let's go on in!

Alouette: Now let's review what you've learned so far.
   Culotte? Do you mind?

Culotte: I'd be happy to, Sister Alouette!

Alouette: And Sister Prier -- make sure you pay attnetion.  You should 
   probally take notes.

Prier: Yeah yeah...

Culotte: The basics of demon hunting:... *Culotte gets killed*

Culotte: Hehe they beat me...

Alouette: An excellent example... ...of what not to do.

Prier: H-Hey! It wasn't that bad!

Alouette: That's what happens if you let yourself get surrounded by enemies.

*Training dungeon Stuff* *After moving on*

Prier: What the--?!

 Montblanc Castle
Prier: What's a castle doing here?

Culotte: Don't ask me... I have no idea.

Alouette: This must be the source of the zombies.  I sense impurity here.

Prier: What a minute. You're not suggesting we go inside?!
   I think I'll be going now...

Alouette: *smacks Prier with the book again*
   Stop. There's a term for that: it's "dereliction of duty" and it's
   In the name of the maiden of Light, I order you to go on.

Prier: (Bossy old bat!)

Alouette: I heard that.
   In the name of the Maiden of Light, I forbid you to use the term "old bat"
   ever again.

Prier: All right all right...

Alouette: Focus, Sister Prier. We must find out why these zombies are in the 
   world of the living.
   Don't forget, the fate of these poor creatures rests completly on your 
   If we fail, their souls will continue to wander forever.
   It's a terrible responsability, but that's part of our job as demon hunters.

Alouette: Sister Prier.  Shall we go on ahead?

Prier: Wha--?

Alouette: That's no answer.  A leader must always know the condition of her 
   troops. If necessary, take them back to town for supplies and to save the 

Culotte: That's right. ANd if we go back to the world map, our Hit Points (HP) 
   and Special Points (SP) are restored, too.
   Prier, I think it would be a good idea to listen to Sister Alouette on this
   To go back, just move your character to the exit.

Alouette: The final decision is yours.  Remember to be very careful.

*After triggering event* In The Birdcage

Prier: Hey!
   Isn't this a door of some kind? It's been plastered over...
   Maybe there's trasure inside!

Culotte: Don't bet on it...

Alouette: There is great sadness and suffering coming from inside.
   Let's try and open it.
   Sister Prier, Culotte? Can you take care of the door?

Culotte: Yes ma'am!

Prier: Didn't sign up for physical labor, but whatever.

Culotte: *rams the door repeatidly*

Prier: Oh, give me a break, Culotte, get out of my way, will you?!!
   Ha!! *kicks the door, wall, and chunks of the roof in*

Alouette: Um... Prier? Next time could you try to be a little more gentle?
   You're supposed to be a Sister, after all.

Prier: You tried gentle.  My way worked.
   What's this... ?!
   There's no treasure!

Alouette: Of course not.

Prier: What a waste of time...

Alouette: In the name of the Maiden of Light...
   If you can hear me, oh spirits burdened with sorrow, show yourselves!

Spirits:... Who...are you...?
Alouette: We serve the Goddess Poitreene and her earthly manifestation the 
   Maiden of Light.
   We've come to lay you to rest.

   You are in the service of the Goddess?
   I see...
   I thought a terrible monster was coming, the way the door was kicked in...

Culotte: Ha ha ha!  You're officially a monster!
   Even the ghost says so.

Prier: *smacks Culotte* Quite!!

Alouette: Don't worry.  Despite her behavious, she's harmless.
   I'll personally guarentee it.

Spirits: My name is Collier.
   And this is my son Colonne.
   Long before you were born...
   Back when we were still alive...  This country was invaded by the Canar

Prier: The Canar Empire...?
   What's That?

Culotte: A great empire that existed in the west four hundred years ago.
   Didn't you take history? It was around long before the Kingdom of Paprica.

Prier: Uh... Oh year... I remember now...
   So? What are people from so long ago doing here?

Spirits: Count Montblanc, my husband and the master of this castle, built us
   an underground safe-room.
   We hid here for a very long time.
   But when we tried to leave, we discovered that someone had locked us in.
   Even as ghosts, we couldn't pass through the room's lead-lined walls...
   But thanks to you, we are finally free of our prison.
   Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.
   Yes thank you.
   You have our eternal gratitude.
   *The ghosts fade away*

Prier: ......
   He was just a little kid...

Culotte: Yes...

Prier: Who would lock them in a place like this...? And why?

Culotte: I wonder if it has something to do with the zombies...?

*After triggering event* In the Hall of Truth

Group of kids: Prier!

Prier: Hey you guys!
   What are you doing here?! It's dangerous!

Group of kids: Nah, we just wanted to see if you were actually doing your job.
   Right guys?

Prier: What am I going to do with you?
   Coming all the way here...
   The Director of the orphanage must be worried sick!

Group of kids: I'm sorry.
   But... We found somethin' good!
   *one kid pushes a hidden switch* Right guys?

Prier: How did you guys manage to find something like this?

Group of kids: Heh heh.

Alouette: I've contacted the church.
   They'll be here soon.
   I'll leave the children to you.
   Please tell Father Salade that we will continue our investigation, Sister

Olive: I understand, Sister Alouette.

Alouette: In the name of the Maiden of Light...
   May the Goddess Poitreene protect you on your journey.

Olive: In the name of the Maiden of Light.

Group of kids: Thank you, pretty lady.
   Take good care of Prier, OK?
   B-be careful.
   Bye Prier! Don't Cause the pretty lady too much trouble, OK?

Alouette: All right then... Let's get back to work.

Prier: A diary...? *opens and reads diary*

   7th of Fraise

Why does Collier love my brother?

I love her so much more than he ever could...


My beloved Collier...

   13th of Peshe

We are fighting the imperal forces but have no hope of victory,

My brother the count has hidden himself and his family,

He's sacrificing his price to prottect his family,

I can feel my hatred for him grow with every passing day...

   24th of Pesch 

Several days have passed since they went underground,

Despite their fatigue the soldiers still believe in my brother,

My brother who everyone loves...

My brother, who stole Collier...

My brother, better than me in every way...

   29th of Pesch

Its all over, my brother and his troops will never wake up after the lunch 
I served them...

No one is left to get in my way,

Now I will live with my beloved Collier,

In this underground world.  but she may not accept my love for her in that 

I will keep her in a cage,

Shes my songbuird...

A caged songbird...

My songbird...

Prier: Grrrrr!! *snaps diary in half* Hmph!!
   This guy makes me sick!!

Culotte: So the counts brother was the one who imprisoned his family...

Alouette: Like light and darkness, love and hate are two sides of the same 
   So it is written in the Holy Book.

Culotte: It's all so sad...

 The Throne Room

Ghost: ... Imperal soldiers!
   This castle will not fall as long as I'm here!!
   Now you shall die!!

Prier: Are you the Count?!
   We aren't imperial soldiers! The war is over!

Ghost: Enough of your lies! You don't fool me, not for one second.

Spirits: Darling!

Ghost: Wha--?

Spirits: Father!
   Darling... They aren't imperial soldiers.
   They're telling the truth.  The war is over.
   You don't need to fight anymore.

Ghost: The war is...over...?

Spirits: Yes. You can stop protecting the castle now.

Culotte: I get it!
   The zombies used to be the soldiers protecting the castle!
   Even in death, they kept on guarding it.

Ghost:... The war... is over...?
   I see... Over...

Spirits: Darling... We don't belong here anymore.
   Come with us.

Specter: WAIT!!!
   Where do you think you're going?!
   You're trying tos teal Collier from me again!
   Big Brother!

Ghost: That voice...!
   Oseille? Is that you, Oseille, my brother?

Specter: She's my beautiful songbird!!!
   I won't let you have her!!!
   I won't let you have her!!!

After killing all the Specter's minions...

Specter: Who are you?!?! Stay out of my way!!!

Prier: So you're behind this, eh?
   In the name of the Maiden of Light! I'll beat some sense into you!

After defeating the Specter himself.

Specter:W-Where am I...?
   What's happening to me?

Prier: It's not about you! Look at the grief your selfishness has caused.

Alouette: Even after your death, the jealousy in your heart envelops those 
   around you.

Specter: No...
   Y-you don't understand!
   You blame ME?
   What do you know?!
   My wonderful brother...
   My perfect brother!
   He had everything I didn't!!
   And he took the love of my life!!
   Is it any wonder that my heart is filled with darkness?
   Don't you understand, Collier?
   Collier, my beautiful songbird...
   Come back to me...

Prier: You moron!!! *Kicks the ghost with her special attack... ouch*
   You've had hundreds of years and you still haven't figured it out?!
   You're not her type! So? get over it!
   Cut this "my songbird" crap and move on!
   Just get out there and snag yourself a new woman!
   And speaking of crap, stop being jealous of your brother!
   You can compare yourself to him all you want, but it's pointless! You're
   different people!
   Use some of that energy to find a gift that only you have, and work hard to
   polish it.

Culotte: Uh, Prier... Maybe you're being a little to frank with him...

Specter: My brother...
   I guess...
   I was wrong... *fades away*

Ghost: I never would have guessed my brother was so jealous of me.

Spirits: Darling...
   Let's go.
   Finally, we will be happy...

Alouette: In the name of the Maiden of Light...
   I ask you Goddess Poitreene... Please guide these souls to their rest...
   *Light erases all the undead*

                                 Thank you...

Culotte: Wow...
   That was amazing!  Truly amazing, Sister Alouette!
   I've never seen anything like it!

Prier: Yes... Amazing...
   W-wait! Hmph! That's nothing special!
   I could do that if i wanted...

Culotte: Dream on.

Prier: Culotte!!!!! *starts chasing him*

Conversation between unknown nefarious figures.

Figure in white: Master Noir...
   I sense that the dark energies around Montblanc Castle have weakened.
   The handiwork of the Church of the Holy Maiden, no doubt.

Figure in Black: La Pucelle, eh?

Prier: Today we have initate practice,
   We haven't done this much since we passed the test to become demon 
   hunters when we were initates.
   We lost our parents seven years ago they died in a carriage accident 
   coming home from work,
   You need to pray, too.

Culotte: Like this?

Prier: Yes.

Culotte: Prier...
   Where are Mommy and Daddy?

Prier: Mommy and Daddy...
   They've gone far far away...
   But I know that they'll always be watching over us...

Culotte: No!
   I want my Daddy!!
   I want my Mommy!!

Prier: Please don't cry, Culotte! OK?
   It's all right.
   I'll take care of you from now on.  Just like Mommy did.
   (Mother, Father... Please don't worry about us.)
   (No matter what happens, no matter how tough things get, I'll do my best!)
   (I won't give up!)
   (I'll be strong!)
   (Please let me be weak today...)

Culotte: We spent the next 3 years at the orphanage and then joined the church
   I was only 5 when my parents died, I don't really remember them much.
   Prier never talks about mom and day
   Oh Goddess Poitreene
   Please let me meet my mom and dad, just once...

Voice: Alright. That's enough for today.
   Everyone practice hard for the service this weekend.

Prier: That was great! I just love to sing! No one cares how loud I am!
   I feel like something good's going to happen today!

Culotte: Hey Prier, listen... I had a dream about Mom and Dad last night.

Prier: Oh Culotte... What am I going to do with you?
   You'll never grow up, will you?!

Culotte: Whenever I start to talk about our parents 
   Prier always changes the subject.
   She always treats me like a child...
   Nothing is wrong with having a dream.

2.22 Chapter 2: "A Child's Promise"

Prier: Hey! Where's Father Salade?

Alouette: Sister Prier! How many times must I ask you to knock? Simply 
   barging in is terribly rude!

Prier: Yeah, well... I was just born rude, I guess...

*Person in a bear suit walks in*

Bear:... *makes like it is going to attack Prier*

Prier: Watch out! *turns* Hiya!! *hits with a solid kick*
   (What the--?! That should've blown him away!!)

Bear: *swipes at her*
   You still need practice, Prier. *removes head*

Prier: Father?!

Culotte: Whew he really scared me there!
   That's father salade,
   He started the church of the Holy Maiden and hes our boss too,
   He may not look it now but hes a very distinguished man and hes defeated 
   hundreds of demons.
   He was also the one who rescued Alouette two years ago, she had somehow 
   forgotten everything about herself.
   She became a demon hunter without even have to take the test. 
   Its true that shes very skilled but I think that Father Salade just 
   likes her.
   I wonder if hes secretly in love with her...

Prier: What's with the bear suit?

Father Salade: My wife asked me to put on a show at the orphanage.

Prier: You've gotta be kidding! And you have to play a giant teddy bear?

Culotte: Hah! You never could stand up the the Director, Father.

Father Salade: That's the truth.  I'd much rather be out fighting demons, 

Prier: No, it looks good on you...
   You're so cuuuuute!

Father Salade: That's enough of that! I'm still your boss, you know!
   Anyway... You're probally wondering why I asked you all here.
   I need your help investigating a certain incident.

Prier: An incident?

Father Salade: That's Right.
   You may have heard the rumors.  In the last few months there have been many
   grisly murders.
   Sister Olive is currently on the case, but as of yet we still have no leads
   on a suspect.

Prier: W-wait just a minute!
   Why should the Church of the Holy Maiden be investigating a murder?
   Why can't the police do it?

Father Salade: Well... Why don't you let me finish first?
   These murders have a certain disgust...
   Err... Unusual... aspect to them.
   Publicaly, they are being treated just like any normal murder...
   What the public doesn't know is that in every case, the vicim's hearts
   were ripped out.

Culotte: Their... hearts?

Father Salade: That's right.  Their hearts... ripped out.
   But the really unusual thing is that in every case, someone else from the
   family is missing.
   The Royal Police are looking for the missing people, but so far they haven't
   had any luck.

Prier: Sounds like an open and shut case to me.  The missing family members 
   did it.
   It's just a matter of arresting them, right?

Father Salade: You'd think so, wouldn't you...?
   But here's where things get intresting...
   First, in every case, the room was locked from the inside.

Culotte: A locked-room murder!

Father Salade: Second, as I said before, there is someone missing in each
   The missing family members range from young boys to old women.  They're
   all different.
   Third, there was a message written in blood with a finger at the scene
   of every crime.
   Fingerprint analysis shows that the finger belonged to the missing person
   in the family.
   Fourth, the message left behind at every murder was exactly the same in
   every case.
   And a handwriting analysis shows that they were all written by the same
   What do all of these things tell you?

Culotte: The prints belong to the missing people, but one person wrote all of 
   the messages...
   And the missing people disappeared from a locked room...
   But that's impossible!

Alouette: Father, you're saying that the culprit is a shape-changing demon?

Father Salade: Precisely.  Well done, Sister Alouette.
   They assume the form of a family member to get close to their target.
   And then they rip their victim's heart out.
   It's likly that the real missing family members are dead and buried.
   What do you think, Prier? Can a normal person do that?
   Of course not.
   That's why we've been asked to look into the matter.
   This is a request directly from the queen herself.  We can't refuse.

Olive: This is Sister Olive! There's been another murder!
   It's in section 3C-203 of Pot au Feu City... A house on Mirabeau Street!
   I'm currently trailing the suspect! It looks like hes headed for Mt.Tarte!!
   Request backup!!

Father Salade: Roger. I'll send help right away.
   I want you to go after the suspect immediately.
   Use extreme caution!  Repeat: Use extreme caution!

Olive: Roger!

Father Salade: Well, what are you waiting for? Get to the scene of the crime
   and help Sister Olive!
   In the name of the Maiden of Light.
   May the Goddess Poitreene watch over you all.

Everyone: In the name of the Maiden of Light we ask...

 Crime Scene

Culotte: This must be the message written in blood that Father Salade was
   talking about...

Prier: *Reads blood on the wall* My beloved Palmier,
   Why have you gone adn left me all alone,
   But I'm not sad because I know that you will soon return to me.

Prier: So what does this mean?
   He's on a killing spree to get revenge against this girl, Palmier,
   who dumped him?

Culotte: That doesn't seem likely...
   After all, he's not you...

Prier: *smacks Culotte* I don't kill people!
   But I do get revenge...

Culotte: Ow... Yeah, against me...

 Mt. Tarte

Prier: Hey Culotte... What's the matter?

Culotte: Oh, nothing...
   I was just thinking of all the memories I have of this place...

Alouette: Memories?

Culotte: Yes. Prier and I grew up here on Mt. Tarte.
   You might say it's our hometown.

Alouette: Really...?

Prier: Oh, why'd you have to go and bring that up?!
   We don't have time for that kind of nonsense now!
   Why don't you just shut up and carry the luggage?!

Culotte: ...I'm not your servant.
   I'm a demon hunter, too...
   How about a little respect?

Prier: What are you talking about?
   Let's face it.  Carrying stuff is the most useful thing you can do.

Culotte: I'm a demon hunter, too!
   I'll show you!
   You idiot!! *runs off*

Prier: Did he just call me an idiot?!
   Where do you think you're going?!
   Oh no! Oh no! What'll I do?!?!?
   Culotte ran off by himself!!

Alouette: That's hardly surprising.
   You were pretty hard on him.

Prier: What?!
   But we always talk like that!  Right?! I was just kidding!

Alouette: It may have been a joke to you, but Culotte was obviously very hurt.

Prier: Oh no...

Alouette: Culotte is in danger all by himself. Let's go find him.

 Spring of Mercy

Prier: Sister Olive!
   Sister Olive! Hold on!

Olive: Ugh... Si... S-sister Prier...
   My mother...! She... tried to... kill me...

Prier: Your mother?
   Sister Olive's mother died last year.

Alouette: Come on.
   We must hurry.
   I've contacted Father Salade.

Prier: You mean we're just going to leave Sister Olive like this?

Alouette: Sister Prier... I can say a prayer for her, but then we need to
   Risking death is part of our job.
   Sister Olive is a member of La Pucelle.
   She knows the risks.
   *heals Olive* There that will hold her for a while.
   It's all right. Help will be here soon.

 Mysterious Path

Father Salade: Hey there.

Prier: Father Salade! Have you come to help us?!
   Oh Father! Culotte, he... Culotte's in big trouble!

Alouette: (Sister Prier... Wait.)
   (That isn't Father Salade.)

Prier: (What?)

Alouette: (When I contacted him, he said he would be sending someone else to
   help us.)

Prier: (Which means...?)

Alouette: (This is our suspect.)

Prier: (I see... I'll test him.)
   (If he's really Father Salade ------)

Father Salade: What's wrong? I came all the way here to help you, and this
   is how you welcome me?

Prier: I'm sorry, Father. I don't know what I was thinking...
   Die!!! *Kicks him where it hurts the most... OUCH*
   Yep, he's a fake all right!
   The real Father Salade would never have fallen for a sucker-punch like

Stranger:... Argh...D-damn it! *hops away holding his place where it hurts
   the most ;p*

Alouette: After him, Sister Prier!

Prier: You got it! We've got to save Culotte!!

 Somewhere else

Culotte: *being chased by monsters* Whew! That was close!
   I guess I should have stayed with Prier and Sister Alouette.
   I can't handle this by myself...
   Snap out of it, Culotte! Do you want to be treated like a child for the
   rest of your life?!

 Mt. Torte (Side)

Culotte: Hm?
   This looks just like the place where Mom and Dad were buried...

Cloaked Figure: Culotte...?
   I knew it was you, Culotte. My, how you've grown.

Culotte: Um...
   How do you know my name?
   Who are you...?

Cloaked Figure: Well, it's understandable that you don't remember. You
   were so young...
   Culotte. Don't you remember?
   When you were a little boy...
   When you had bad dreams, I would sing you lullabies until you went to

Culotte: It can't be... Mommy?! *His friends show up*

Prier: Cullote!

Culotte: Prier!
   Listen, Prier! This is...

Cloaked Figure: *raises claw to strike at Cullote*

Prier: Watch out!! *BANG*

Croix: You make me Sick.
   The way you change your shape to fool your victims... It makes me sick.

Figure: Who are you?!

Croix: I'm nobody special... But if you really must know...
   The name's Croix.  Croix Raoul.
   I'm a freelance demon hunter. I'm working for the Church of the Divine
   Mother at the moment.
   The boyfriend of one of your victims hired me.
   Now be a good little demon and let me kill you...

Figure: W-wait!

Croix: What? You don't know how to give up gracefully, do you?

Figure: You said the Church of the Divine Mother, right?!
   I'm one of their members!

Croix: Is that right?

Figure: Yes! We're practically brothers!
   Cut me some slack...
   You can let me off this time. Right?

Croix: Sorry. No can do.

Figure: I see... In that case...!

Croix: Heh heh. I can tell you're trying to read my past. To take the form
   of someone I loved.
   I'm on to you.
   But... Unfortunatly for you...
   I have no memory of my past.
   Now then...
   It's time for you to say goodbye.

Figure: *Grabs Culotte*

Prier: Culotte!

Croix: Stop it. You'll never make it to heaven like this...

Figure: Hmph! Don't make me laugh! *runs away with Culotte*

Prier: Culotte!!!

Croix: You know that boy?

Prier: I'm his sister!!

Croix: I see. In that case, please allow me to help.
   But I get to keep 70% of the reward. You guys get 30%.

Prier: I don't care about any reward! We've got to help Culotte!

Croix: I may not look it, but I like to keep things businesslike.  We've got

Prier: W-what's wrong?

Croix: Miss... This is the first time we've met, isn't it?

Prier: Yes... So?

Croix: No, never mind.
   Let's go take care of that demon.

*Croix joined forces with you!*

 Mt. Tarte (Peak)

Prier: Give him back!
   Give Culotte back!

Croix: What's wrong?

Figure: Prier... My little girl...
   What's wrong, Prier? You haven't forgotten your own father's face, have

Croix: Why you...!
   You'll stoop to anything!!
   Wait Miss! That's not--!

Alouette: Sister Prier!!

Figure: That's right. Good girl, Prier...

Prier: Hiya!! *kicks him where it hurts the MOST ouch ;p*
   What are you, stupid?
   You think we're going to keep falling for the same trick?!
   My mother and father died seven years ago!
   The dead don't come back to life!
   It's sad...
   But they don't!
   You may have fooled the others, but you can't fool me!
   After all...
   I promised Mom and Dad!
   I promised them I'd be strong!

Figure: The dead don't come back to life... ?!
   S-shut up!!
   Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! 
   Shut up!
   How dare you say such a thing!!!!
   *transforms into a winged demon*

 * When boss is alone and hurting*

Gargoyle: Why you... I'll rip your heart out and watch it beat in my hand!

Prier: (.....Mother, Father, are you watching?)
   (I'm strong now!)

 * after defeating boss*

Figure: Oh...
   "My beloved Palimer..."
   "Why have you gone and left me all alone...?"

Croix: "But I'm not sad."
   "Because I know that you will soon return to me."

Prier: That poem... That was the message left behind at the crime scenes.

Croix: There was a man who disappeared last year, leaving that poem behind him.
   His name was Alan.
   And his wife's name was Palimer.

Figure: Palimer...
   Yes... She was so beautiful...
   And not just on the outside. She had a heart as beautiful and pure as the
   river Riviere...
   But she was always sickly, and shortly after we married, she...
   Losing her tore me apart inside!!
   I cursed the sickness that took her, and I cursed the Goddess!!
   ...That man appeared three days after Palmier died.
   He said he was from the Church of the Divine Mother, and that he knew how
   to bring her back.
   But I needed a human heart to do it.
   If I found a heart that was exactly like hers, I could bring her back to
   That's what he said.
   I've been such a fool.
   Two hearts could never be exactly the same.
   But I believed him!
   I had to believe him!
   If I hadn't believed his story, I couldn't have gone on living even one
   more day...
   I sold my soul to the man, in exchange for this demon's body.
   And I posed as members of people's familys and then stole their hearts...
   "The dead don't come back to life."
   Those words hit me hard.  Like a knife in my heart...
   Why didn't I realize such a simple thing...?

Prier: But...
   You onlt did it because you loved your wife so much...!
   You loved her so much that you couldn't accept her death.

Figure: ......
   But my crimes are too great.
   Now I'll never be reunited with my wife in heaven...
   But you helped me take back my humanity...
   And for that I thank you...

Alouette: Sister Prier...
   Cleanse this poor man's soul of his sins...

Prier: Me?!
   In the name of the Maiden of Light!
   I ask you Goddess Poitreene... Burn his sins away with the flames of your
   At least allow him to rest in peace!!

Culotte: Um, P-Prier...?
   Y-you're choking me...

Prier: Why did you do that?! You can't run off by yourself like that!

Culotte: I'm sorry I worried you.
   I guess I should stick to carrying the luggage...

Alouette: Sister Prier...
   Culotte wanted you to understand that he's starting to grow up.
   He wanted you to realize that he can make it on his own.
   And not always be a burden to you.

Prier: ...Is that true, Culotte?

Culotte: I... You've always protected me, ever since I was little.
   But things can't go on like this forever...
   So I wanted to try something on my own...

Prier: Don't be stupid!
   I'm your big sister! I'm like a mother to you!
   You don't have to worry about things like that!

Croix: Sorry to intrude, but... You don't understand men, do you?
   As a man, I know what the kid is going through.
   He wants to show you that he's growing up.  He can't be tied to your
   apron strings forever.
   To you, he'll always be your little brother.  But a man needs to feel
   Don't you think it's time you realized that?

Culotte: Prier... I'm a man now.
   I want to protect YOU!
   I want t protect Sister Alouette, too!

Prier: ......!!
   I see...
   (And I thought I knew everything there was to know about him...)
   (But I was wrong. Culotte's grown into a young man, and I never even
   realized it.)
   (I guess I wanted him to remain a child forever...)
   (Maybe I didn't want him to go and leave me...)
   (I guess I was the one who was being childish...)

Culotte: Yes?

Prier: I'm sorry for what I said.

Culotte: Ok.

Prier: I won't mother you anymore.

Culotte: ...OK.

Prier: When we grow up, we'll eventually have to follow our own paths...
   But for now... I want to say with you. I want to protect you.
   Don't you think the Goddess will allow that?
   Yes, I'm sure she would.

Culotte: Yes?

Prier: For now I'm going to keep bossing you around.

Croix: Heh... they're quite a pair aren't they?

Alouette: They certainly are.
   (But to tell the truth...)
   (I'm a little jealous of them...)
   (I don't have any family, or even a past to call my own...)

Culotte: That night...
   I saw Prier crying by herself.
   She must have been thinking of our dead mother and father.
   Prier always tried to look strong but sometimes I wonder,
   Anyways I think thats why she never wanted to talk about them, 
   she didn't want to look weak in front of me.
   I didn't know what to say to her I just sat there gazing at the stars.

2.23 Chapter 3 "Prier and Alouette"

Noir: Listen carefully my children.  We must learn to accept suffering.
   To live is to suffer.
   But human beings are weak...
   We all find outselves craving escape.
   Loss, setback, failure, death of the people dearest to us.  This is part
   of life.
   We must learn to accept it, to feel grateful for it.
   In these times of need, our only source of strength and support is the
   Divine Mother.
   She is always in each of our hearts.
   Everyone... Close your eyes... And pray to the Divine Mother.
   I'm sure she will ease your suffering.
   *everyone prays and leaves* Hmph...
   What tripe! Humans are such sheep!

Black cloaked figure: Master Noir...
   Your apostle Alan has been defeated by La Pucelle from the Church of the
   Holy Maiden.

Noir: Alan?

Black cloaked figure:... he sold his soul to us in return for a chance to
   revive his dead wife.
   He used the body we gave him to slaughter many humans in Pot au Feu City.
   Thanks to him, the dark energies there are up nearly 4%.

Noir:... Ah yes, I remember now.
   Forget about him.
   He was never one of us.
   He wasn't fit to enter our divine utopia.
   Those do-gooders merely saved us the trouble of taking care of him

 *Back in the Maiden of Light church*

Father Salade: I see...
   So the Church of the Divine Mother was behind the murders.
   But to think that they're in league with demons...

Prier: It's hard to believe!
   We've got to get everyone together and kick their butts!!

Alouette: *smacks Prier yet again with that book* Calm down.
   The situation isn't as simple as you think.

Father Salade: Sister Alouette is right.

Prier: ... what do you mean?

Father Salade: Listen, Prier...
   Almost 70% of the people in the Kingdom of Paprica belong to the Church
   of the Divine Mother.
   Do you think we can openly oppose such a powerful organization?
   It could lead to the downfall of our church, and the kingdom of Paprica

Alouette: Of course, that could be that they've been planning all along.

Father Salade: In any case, for the moment we have no choce but to focus
   on the work at hand.

Croix: Hi everybody.
   Did I miss anything?

Father Salade: ......!!
   W-who are you?!?!

Prier: Oh yes, let me introduce him to you, Father.
   This is Croix.
   He's a freelance demon hunter.  He helped us solve our last case.
   He also saved Culotte's life. Right?

Culotte: Y-yes.

Croix: Forget about it.  That was no big deal.
   But I think it was fate that I met up with you guys.  How about giving me
   a job here?
   I can't exactly go back to the Church of the Divine Mother now.
   And I'm actualyl quite skilled as a demon hunter.
   My price is 2000 prica a month, plus room and board.  How about it?

Father Salade: ...What do you think, Sister Alouette?

Alouette: Hmm...
   From what I can tell, he's an extraordinary demon hunter.
   I think he'd be of use to us.

Father Salade: I... see...
   ...Very well, I'll trust Sister Alouette's judgement.

Croix: All right!
   I won't let you down.  Thanks!

Culotte: (He's holding Sister Alouette's hand!!)
   (He's not just joining up to get closer to her, is he?!)
   (I'll have to keep an eye on this guy!!)

Prier: Glad to have you!
   So, Father... What's the plan for today?

Father Salade: Hm?
   Oh, oh yes.. I nearly forgot...
   You must go to Cresson Castle and inform the Queen that we have solved
   the murders.

Prier: Ugh!!

Father Salade: In the name of the Maiden of Light...
   May the Goddess Poitreene watch over you all.

Everyone (except Croix): In the name of the Maiden of Light...

Father Salade: I ask Goddess Poitreene. Is this a part of your plan...?

 Cresson Castle

Prier: Ugh... Why do we have to see the Queen...?
   Everyone here is so stuck up and formal... I can't stand it!

Croix: I certainly didn't think my first job would be to meet the Queen.
   What if I was an assassin from a foreign country or something?

Alouette: All of you! Remember where you are! Behave yourselves!

Prier: Sorry, Sister Alouette.
   I'm glad we decided to hire you, Mr. Croix.

Croix: Just call me Croix, Miss.

Prier: My name's Prier.  I'm a demon hunter now, but soon I'll be the Maiden of

Culotte: (That's what she thinks...)

Prier: *Smacks Culotte*
   That's my little brother Culotte.
   And that loudmouth is Sister Alouette, as you know.

Croix: You two don't seem to get along very well, do you?

Prier: Can you tell?
   I think she's jealous of my talent...
   Just because I'm going to be the Maiden of Light, she gets all huffy...

Croix: So you're going to be the Maiden of Light? Impressive.

Prier: Yeah, well...
   W-what is it?  Is there something on my face?

Croix: ......

Culotte: (Hey! He's not planning on putting the moves on Prier too, is he?!)

Croix: No, nothing... It's just that--

Alouette: Please be quiet everyone.  Her Royal Highness is coming.

Guards: Introducing... Her Royal Highness, the Princess Eclair!!!

Eclair: Unfortunately my mother had to go out.  But I will represent her.
   I see... So the Church of the Divine Mother was involved...

Alouette: That's right, Princess Eclair.

Eclair: My mother has been worried about them for some time.
   I'll talk to her about this personally.
   Thank you for solving the case. I know it was tough.

Alouette: Not at all. It was all thanks to the protection and guidance of the
   Goddess Poitreene.

Prier: Oh come on! What kind of goody-goody line is that?
   Give me a reward!
   Hey, it doesn't hurt to ask!

Alouette: Sister Prier!

Eclair: Hee hee.  You're always so traightforward, Big Sister.

Croix: Big Sister?

Culotte: That's right.
   Prier and I are friends with the Princess Eclair.
   It all started 4 years ago.
   We were about to do our first preformaces as initates. *FLASHBACK*

Prier: One, two, three! One, two, three!

Culotte: Prier... They'll be starting soon...

Prier: I know! Just a little longer!
   One, two, three! One, two, three!
   Precision...2,3! is very important...2,3! for this kind of thing...2,3!
   If I'm going to become ...3! the Maiden of Light...2,3! it's gotta be
   perfect! 2,3!
   Hey, who are you?

Eclair: ...E-Eclair.

Prier: What are you doing around here? Did you get lost?
   Ordinary people aren't supposed to come in here, you know.

Eclair: This... is my house.

Prier: Wha-? Your house?

Culotte: Prier... You don't think she's the Queen's daughter, do you?
   I think her name might have been Eclair...

Prier: Hey, are you the princess?
   How old are you?

Eclair: ...Nine.

Prier: Why were you looking at us?

Culotte: Prier... Maybe she just wants to make friends.

Prier: Friends?

Culotte: Don't you think so? She's the Queen's only child.
   And I bet all the other kids are too scared to play with her.

Prier: I see...
   Hey, do you wanna play with us?

Eclair: Really?

Prier: Sure. But you have to call me Big Sister, OK?

Eclair: Why?

Prier: Well, because I'm older than you, that's why.

Eclair: OK... Big Sister.

Prier: Great! So we're friends now!

Culotte: We've been friends since
   She will be the next Queen of Paprica.
   Shes also a demon hunter and a candiate for Maiden of Light.
   She belongs to a completely different world than us but we're still friends.

Croix: Wow. Friends with a princess...

Prier: How have you been lately, Eclair? We haven't seen much of you.
   Are they keeping you busy?

Eclair: Yes, well... I do have a lot to do.
   I have to prepare to become Queen, and train to be the Maiden of Light...

Prier: Hmm. I guess being a princess isn't easy, huh?

Eclair: Are you still planning on becoming the Maiden of Light, Big Sister?

Prier: Absolutly! It's all I dream of.

Eclair: I see.
   If you would just become the Maiden, I wouldn't have to go through all
   this training...

Culotte: Are you OK, Eclair?
   You seem a little run down.

Eclair: No... It's nothing.
   But I'm afraid I have to be going now. You must excuse me.
   Big Sister, Culotte, I hope you'll come and see me again.
   Please say hello to Father Salade for me.

 At Father Salade's Church

Prier: Hm? What's that racket?

Culotte: It's coming from the infirmary. I wonder if something's happened.

Alouette: Let's go see.

Father Salade: Hello everyone, You've come back at just the right time.

Prier: What happened?

Father Salade: They were so panicked that they haven't been able to tell me...
   But from what I can tell, they were walking in Meuniere Forest when a
   monster attacked them.

Prier: A monster!?

Father Salade: It sounds like a very dangerous specimen. Go and check it out.

Prier: Oh come on! US?!
   I can tell by their faces that they're a couple of criminals.
   I bet they were doing something evil in the forest and the Goddess
   punished them for it.
   Yep, I'm sure of it! We don't have to go all the way out there!

Alouette: Sister Prier!
   You call yourself a sister?! How can you speak so lightly of the Goddess'
   The Goddess' punishment is a sacred thing, used to wash away people's sins!
   It says so in the Holy Book! And you...

Prier: What? Are you really angry? I was just kidding!

Alouette: (She's much to flippant and disrespectful to serve the Goddess...)
   (Much less become the Maiden of Light...)

Culotte: C-come on, you two.
   Let's just go and check things out. OK? OK?

 Meuniere Forest

Prier: This is the area they were talking about.

Croix: I don't mean to complain, but why is it that demon hunters are going
   after a monster?
   Monsters are big and scary, and they may be confused with demons, but
   they're just animals.

Alouette: I realize that. But when they start hunting people, it's a different
   We have a duty to protect all of the Goddess' children.
   It says so in the Holy Book.

Croix: Hmm... I guess so.

Prier: Croix... You have amnesia, right?

Croix: Yes.

Prier: But you seem to remember a lot about monsters and stuff.

Croix: I know it's strange, but I can remember everything, except for my own
   Two years ago I woke up in a cave.
   I didn't know why I was there, or what I had been doing. I couldn't
   remember a thing.
   The only thing I do remember about myself is my name -- Croix Raoul.
   Aside from that, everything else is a complete blank.

Alouette: You're the same as me, then.
   Father Salade found me two years ago with no memory of my past.

Croix: You too? Wow, that's a coincidence.
   Is amnesia going around these days or something?

Prier: You can't catch amnesia like you catch a cold, silly.

Croix: The reason I'm working as a demon hunter is that I thought it might
   give me some clue to my past.

Prier: In that case, wouldn't it be better to keep working on your own?
   Besides, you can't make much working with us.

Croix: I didn't join for the money.
   I joined because of you.

Prier: What?!

Croix: N-no, that's not what I meant.
   Do you remember when we first met?

Prier: Y-yes.

Croix: To tell you the truth, I had a sort of vision when I saw you.

Prier: A vision?

Croix: Yes. When I saw your face, it reminded me of someone else's.

Culotte: (Great, another woman...)

Croix: I don't know who she is.
   But I'm sure that she has some connection to my past.
   I can't explain it, but I think she might be the key to recovering my lost
   So if I can be close to you...

Prier: You might remember something about that girl. Which might help you get 
   your memory back.
   Isn't that it?

Croix: Yes.

Prier: ...That girl... is she pretty?

Croix: What? Well, yes...

Prier: She looks like me?

Croix: Sort of... In a way.

Prier: You thought of another woman the moment we met...
   But... ok! I'll be glad to help.
   After all, you saved Culotte's life.

Croix: Thanks! I appreciate it.


Prier: Was that what I think it was...?

Alouette: I think so.
   Let's get going. In the name of the Maiden of Light...

 Forest of Grief Event

Monster: Ouch! It hurts!

Culotte: Is it a monster?

Prier: It seems to be hurt.
   Can you understand us?

Monster: I understand.

Prier: How did you get hurt?

Monster: A bad human hurt me!

Croix: A bad human?

Prier: Show me your wound and I'll treat it.

Monster: No, I'll be ok.
   If I lick it a little, it'll be just fine.
   But I've lost something very important!

Prier: Yea? Like what?

Monster: Mushroom essence! It's essential to make Kinoko Jiru, an amazing
   If I don't find it, I can't go back to my home in the Eringa Valley!!

Prier: Mushroom essence...?

 Forest of Judgement Event one Behind Tree

Find mushroom esscence!!

 Forest of Judgement Event two Near Gremlin

Culotte: Awww. A cat!
   Who'd have thought a cat would be in a place like this?
   Aren't you cute... Are you lost?

Cat: To tell you the truth, yes. Meow!
   Where could the rest of the crew have gone...?

Prier: What's wrong?

Culotte: P-P-Prier! I just saw a t-t-talking c-c-cat!

Prier: Hm? What're you talking about? You hit your head or something?

Culotte: I'm f-fine. Saner than you, anyway...

Prier: *smacks culotte* Oh come on. We don't have time for this kind of 

Culotte: But I really saw it...!

 Returning to the Forest of Grief Event

Prier: Here you go.

Monster: You found it! My mushroom essence! You found it for me!
   Thank you so much! I guess there are good humans after all!!

Prier: How about our reward?

Monster: Reward?

Prier: You know, a reward!

Culotte: Prier... We are servants of the Goddess and all...

Prier: That has nothing to do with it!
   If you help someone, they should give you a reward!!
   People do it, why can't giant mushrooms?!

Culotte: T-that's true, but...

Croix: Is you sister always like that?

Monster: Oh dear... I'm afraid I don't have anything to give you.
   Wait! I know! I can give you some good information!

Prier: Information? I'd really prefer cash...

Alouette: *smacks Prier on head with book yet again*
   Shh... Be quiet and listen.
   There is a mosnter in this forest called the Forest Lord.
   He keeps order in the forest.
   You mustn't fight him!
   If the Forest Lord were to die...
   ... the forest would fall into disorder, and the forest creatures would
   turn violent!
   Well, I hope to see you again sometime!
   My name is Elizabeth!
   I live in home of the Eringas, Eringa Valley.

 Barsom's House

Prier: It's Huge!

Culotte: I've never seen a monster that big before.

Prier: Hey, it's getting away!

Croix: Wait!!

Alouette: What's wrong?

Croix: Those people being treated at the church infirmary said they were just
talking a walk?

Alouette: Yes.

Croix: That's a lie. They weren't on any walk.

Prier: What do you mean?

Croix: That monster was wounded.
   Those wounds were inflicted by professional hunters.

Prier: You know the weapon they used?

Croix: Yeah, it's not exactly something you'd just happen to take with you
   on a stroll.
   They must have entered the forest in order to hunt that monster.

Prier: Then they're the real bad guys!!
   This is pointless.  Let's go home.

Alouette: Wait. Where do you think you're going?
   Our job here is not yet finished.  Let's get after that monster.

Prier: What? I told you, the hunters were the bad ones.

Alouette: Even so, injuring the Goddess' children is a sin.
   It is written in the Holy Book.
   In the name of the Holy Maiden, we must punish that monster.

Prier: But why?! The monster didn't do anything wrong!
   He was just protecting himself from the hunters!
   And besides, monsters are different from demons! They're alive, just like
   you and me!
   Should we do something that we know is wrong, just because its written in
   the holy book?!
   Is everything in the Holy Book right all the time? How can you be so sure?!

Alouette: How dare you?!
   Sister Prier! Are you denying the truth of the Goddess Poitreene's

Prier: I-I didn't mean that...
   I just don't think that we should just assume everything in the Holy Book
   is right!

Alouette: That's the same as denying it!
   You want to be Maiden of Light? You shouldn't even be in La Pucelle!

Prier: What gives you the right to talk to me like that?!
   Who do you think you are?!
   You just want to become the Maiden yourself!!

Alouette: N-no...
   I have no such wish.
   I only want to do my duty.
   And you should do the same.

Croix: Now now you two, fighting won't get us anywhere OK?

Culotte: Y-yeah! Let's be friends OK? OK?

Alouette: ... Very well, Sister Prier. Try things your way.
   We'll just have to see which is correct...
   You, or the Holy Book.

 Barsom House Event

Woodcutter: Well, there goes the last of my hair...
   I can't confess my love for Suzanne looking like this...

 Back at Father Salade's Church again

Father Salade: Hello Prier. Good timing.
   These people were acting a little suspicious so I decided to have a little
   chat with them.
   They told me something very intresting...
   They are hunters, hired by the Church of the Divine Mother.
   They have been told that they'd get a big reward if they killed the Forest
   I don't know why anyone would want him dead, but you can bet that they were
   up to no good.
   We've got to put a stop to their plans.
   In the name of the Maiden of Light...
   May the Goddess Poitreene watch over you.

Everyone *except Croix*: In the name of the Maiden of Light.

 Shrine of Beasts

Cloaked Figure: Now the dark energies can fill this area as well...
   *attacks Forest Lord*


Cloaked Figure: La Pucelle, eh? You're too late.

Prier: You're from the Church of the Divine Mother! What are you up to?

Cloaked Figure: I don't have to answer that... Because you are all about to
   die! *transforms into a gargoyle*

 After defeating boss

Gargoyle: No...!
   Killed by a... human...!
   But my job is done... With the Forest Lord gone, The forst will fall
   into disorder and darkness.
   Master Noir... We will... realize our utopia...!

Prier: So demons were behind this too...

Croix: Could the Church of the Divine Mother be in league with demons?

Prier: There's still time to save him!
   In the name of the Holy Maiden! Oh Goddess Poitreene! Please heal this
   creature's woulds!
   NO! One more time!
   In the name of the Holy Maiden! Heal this creature's wounds!

Culotte: Prier, his wounds are too great.

Prier: Shut up!
   That mushroom said that if the Forest Lord died, the monsters in the
   forest would turn violent!
   If that happens, many people will die!
   And then everyone will start to hate monsters!
   I can't give up! I've got to save him somehow!!
   Argh! Ah! It's no good!

Alouette: *steps in and helps to heal the Forest Lord*

Culotte: Sister Alouette?!

Croix: It's not surprising that she's feeling weak, after using a healing
   miracle like that.
   That's a big risk to take.  A miracle like that can kill you.

Culotte: Kill you?!

Prier: But why...?! Why would you go so far to help him?

Alouette: It was my fault that he was wounded.  It was the least I could do.
   I'm so sorry... The forest was almost taken over by darkness...
   All because of my stupidity...

Culotte: Don't say that!! The forest is safe now! That's what's important!
   We've got to keep moving foward.

Alouette: You're right, Culotte.
   Two years ago, I was found clutching a copy of the Holy Book, having lost
   my memory.
   Ever since then, the Holy Book has been the only thing I could really
   believe in.
   The teachings of the Goddess were the only things I could rely on.
   When you denied the truth of the Holy Book, it was like you were denying
   me, too...
   Not everything in the Holy Book is correct.
   I knew it, but I didn't have anything else to believe in...
   Maybe I was just jealous of how you always do what you think is right...
   Please forgive me, Sister Prier.
   You taught me a valuable lesson.
   The Goddess' teachings aren't everything.  Sometimes you have to follow
   your own path...

Prier: T-that's just the way I am. I do things without thinking...
   And I always say what I feel.  But i know that I'm not always right.
   I just have to follow my gut so I don't regret it later.
   You don't have to apologize.

Alouette: I admire your openness and honesty, Sister Prier.

Prier: Just Prier. Please cause me Prier from now on.

Alouette: I will. And you can call me Alouette.

Prier: OK. Thanks.

Croix: Whew! That was pretty close! I thought they were going to kill each
   other for a minute...
   I hope they've worked that out of their systems...

Culotte: Boy, that was scary...
   I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever understand women...

Alouette: But, Prier... You might want to think about showing a little more 
   modesty in the future.

Prier: Oh great... Here we go again!

Alouette: What about those clothes?
   A Sister mustn't wear clothes that are too tight or too revealing.
   A Sister in the service of the Goddess should wear something more modest...
   But Father Salade picked these out! And you're wearing a micro-mini under
   your robe!

Alouette: F-Father Salade said it would be easier to move in, so...

Croix: ...Who'd have thought the old guy would be intrested in that kind of

Prier: Father!

Alouette: Father Salade?!

Father Salade: Er... In any case, this connection between the church of the
   Divine Mother and demons worries me.
   A-Aren't you worried about it?  Hey -- why are you staring at me like

Croix: (It does seem that the demons have been more active recently.)
   (What could the Church of the Divine Mother be planning...?)

2.24 Chapter 4 "A Gigantic Problem"

Culotte: Wha--?
   What's with all this noise? It's the middle of the night!
   It's got to be Prier and her stupid training.  No one else would make this
   much noise.

Prier: Hahahahaha!
   A m-monster you s-say?! Hahaha! Hehehe! Hoho! Come off it!

Culotte: It's true! I saw it!

Croix: Hey, you don't have to get so defensive. Nobody thinks you're lying...
   It was probally just a tree outside your window or something. Pfft...

Father Salade: Or maybe you were dreaming, Culotte.
   When I was a boy, all I thought about was fighting monsters and saving
   the princess!

Culotte: It wasn't a dream!
   Sister Alouette!
   You believe me, right Sister Alouette?!

Alouette: I think you believe what you're saying.
   But everyone makes mistakes...

Culotte: How could you?! Not even Sister Alouette believes me!!

   ......naise Harb......gzzt......Unidentified creature......beep!......

Father Salade: What happened?! Over!
   I can't get though...
   She said Sister Julienne right?

Alouette: Sister Julienne is stationed at Mayonnaise Harbor.

Father Salade: Mayonnaise Harbor, eh...?

Culotte: She said something about an unidentified creature! You heard her!
   She must be talking about the creature I saw! I'm going to go check it out!

Alouette: Wait, Culotte.
   You can't go alone.

Culotte: Sister Alouette...

Alouette: Father Salade, may we go?

Father Salade: By all means.
   In the name of the Maiden of Light.
   May the Goddess Poitreene watch over all of you.

Everyone *minus Croix again*: In the name of the Maiden of Light.

 Maiyonnaise Harbor

Prier: See? There aren't any monsters here.
   Told you, no way there'd be a monster.

Culotte: That can't be! It must be hiding somewhere!

Cruix: Hey, have you noticed?

Alouette: Oh Yea...
   It's too quiet.  There aren't any people or birds anywhere...
   Sister Julienne must have evacuated everyone.

Cruix: Which means...

Alouette: That there's something here after all...

Prier: A tidal wave...?!

Culotte: No... Look...! *giant whale swims by...*

Prier: I don't believe it...

Culotte: See Prier! Just like I said!
   It wasn't a dream!
   There really is a monster!

Prier: *Smacks Culotte* This is no time to celebrate!
   Ack! It's coming this way!!
   W-what'll we do? How're we supposed to fight something like that?!?!

Cruix: This pea-shooter won't be of much help, that's for sure.
   Sister Alouette, I think we'd better retreat.

Alouette: You may be right.
   But if we don't do something this creature will destroy the entire town.
   Let's try and get it to go towards Mt. Tarte. There aren't any people there.

Cruix: And then?

Alouette: And then...
   Well, we'll think of something.

Cruix: Come on!! We'll think of something?
   That's a good one! I love it!

Culotte: (Sister Alouette...)

Prier: It's almost here!!

Alouette: Prier! Culotte! Let's lead that creature up to Mt. Tarte!

 After beating the whale into submission

Prier: Well, we managed to get the creature this far.  Now what?

Alouette: W-what do you think we should do?!

Prier: You mean you really don't have a plan?! I can't believe you!

Alouette: I just called Father Salade asking for backup, but...

Culotte: (I've never seen Sister Alouette look like that...)
   (She's so pretty!)

Prier: Look, it's coming!

Culotte: What's that sound?

Prier: Maybe our backup is here!!

Croix: No, I don't think so...
   Look at that! *Flying Pirate ship...*

Prier: What is it...?

Alouette: A...ship?

Prier: But... it's flying... in the sky...

Culotte: Nothing surprises me anymore.
   If a giant monster can attack the city, what's the big deal about a flying

Pirate Captain: Prepare to attack!

First Mate: Attack positions!!

Crew mate: Hey Boss -- Should we use the big guns? Meow!

Pirate Captain: Don't call me Boss. It's Captain!
   And don't use the big guns! Understand?!
   They're too powerful, they take all the fun out of it...

Fairy: Varmints. Move it. Double time. I mean now!

First Mate: You keep your mouth shut!!
   And stay out of our way!

Fairy: Whaaaat was thaaaaat?!?!?!?

Pirate Captain: Papillon.. Why don't you come over here with me?

Fairy: Yes Captain...

Pirate Captain: All right men! Are you ready?!
   If the Goddess wants us she'll take us.  In the meantime we're going to have
   a blast!
   If we do go out, we'll go out with a bang!
   Come on hair-balls! It's monster fighting time!!

Kitty Crew: Meow!!

 *They bombard the whale from the sky*

Voice: Owwww.

Prier: This is getting out of hand...
   What was that voice...?

Voice: Help me...

Prier: THere it is again...!
   It couldn't be that creature... Could it?

Pirate Captain: Cease fire!

First Mate: Ceasing fire!

Pirate Captain: Hairballs!! Let's go get ourselves a monsters!
   Anyone who isn't afraid to die, come with me!!
   Not you, Papillon. You have to stay here.
   We'll have a quiet date later.

Culotte: Here they come!

Pirate Captain: Fighting evil with courage and honor!! That's what being a man
   is all about!
   We, the crew of the Escargot, were fated to meet this creature on the
   field of battle!
   Behold our savage Kitty and Crossbones Flag, and despair!!
   Onward men!!

Croix: Do they plan to take the creature prisoner?

Alouette: Well, they certainly are enthusiastic aren't they?

Prier: Enough with the chitchat! We have to stop them!
   There's something special about that creature!!

 After beating up pirate crew

Prier: A p-***** c-cat?!

First Mate: Those are fighting words!! Meow!
   You'll regret ever using that word around me!! Meow!!

Pirate Captain: Ouch... What do you think you're doing?!

Prier: That's what I was going to say! What's the big idea?!

Pirate Captain: Listen buddy... Wait, are you a girl...?
   Please accept my humble apologies. A man should always introduce himself
   to a lady.
   I am Captain Homard...

Homard: Explorer of the seven skies... International traveler...
   And Captain of the airship Escargot, at your service!

Crew: And we're the crew of the Escargot, the Chocolat Gang!!

Prier: I... see.
   I'm Prier. I'm a member of La Pucelle, from the Church of the Holy Maiden.

Homard: A Sister, eh?
   How nice. As a token of our new friendship...

Prier: *Slugs Homard*

Crew: Boss?!

Homard: W-what was that?!

Prier: Same to you!
   You just tried to hug me, right?!
   You've got some nerve, trying that kind of thing with a pure innocent girl
   like me!

Homard: Are you out of your gourd?! I was just saying hello!!
   And what kind of pure, innocent girl has an uppercut like that?!
   You're no lady!!

Prier: Whaaaaat?!

Culotte: Prier! We don't have time for this! Look!!

 *Whale glows and transforms into a ball of light*

Culotte: What is that ball of light?

Croix: It's headed in the direction of the Church!

Prier: Everybody! After it!

Homard: H-hey!
   ...They're gone. Why were they in such a hurry?

 At Pot au Feu City Church

Prier: It went inside!

Alouette: It's going toward the infirmary.  Let's hurry!

Croix: M-more r-running?! G-give me a break! I'm out of shape!

Nurse: Oh... My poor little Rocini...

Prier: Did you see a ball of light come flying in here?!

Nurse: A ball of light...?
   No, I didn't see anything like that.

Alouette: Prier... I believe the ball of light we saw was made up of spirit
   People not attuned to the spirit world wouldn't be able to see it.

Culotte: Sister Alouette... Look at this picture...

Prier: A monster?

Culotte: Yes! It's the same monster that attacked the town!!

Alouette: Who drew this picture?

Nurse: That? Rocini, my little boy drew it.
   He loves monsters. He draws pictures of them every day.
   He's always been so sick... I think he looks up to them because they're
   so strong.

Alouette: Where is your son?

Nurse: ...He's being treated right now...
   He's been hospitalized here for some time, but he just took a turn for the
   He was looking so well this morning.  What could have happened?!

Culotte: I think I understand! Rocini has the power to create monsters with his
   And somehow the sickness caused him to lose control of that power.

Croix: I see. So that means that the ball of light we say was the boy's
   being, his energy?
   I guess that means that the creature will keep appearing until the boy

Prier: Hey, what's wrong with your kid?

Nurse: He has Jujube Disease. It causes red bumps to appear all over your
   According to the Doctor, the only medicine that can help is "Kinoko Jiru".

Prier: That would cure him?

Nurse: I understand that it exists on top of Mt.Champignon, but...
   I also understand it's impossible to reach...
   Oh, my poor Rocini...

Prier: Mt. Champignon, huh?
   I wish we could help you, but you'd have to be able to fly to get all
   the way up there.

Voice: Perhaps I can be of assistance.

Homard: Please allow me to serve as your guide to Mt. Champignon.
   It will be my pleasure. No thanks are necessary.
   I heard the whole story. To think that a little boy could create such a
   And that means that the sudden change in his condition was due to our
   The great Captain Homard won't allow an innocent boy to die!
   If you don't come, we'll go by ourselves!!
   No, don't say anything. We air pirates are used to risking out lives.
   A true man goes out to meet death head-on!!
   It won't do any good to try and stop us! Come on men!!

Prier: W-what?
   H-hey! Wait a minute! We're coming, too!

Homard: Prepare for take off!

First Mate: Preparing for take off!! Meow!

Crew: High-speed turbulence engines engaged!! Meow!
   Output is 30% of maximum!! Meow! 40!......50!......60!

Prier: What's that? ... a bug?

Fairy: *Smacks Prier* Don't call me a bug!!!!!!!!!!
   Hey Homard! What're these women doing onboard?!

Homard: What's the matter? Jealous?

Crew: Enriched inochium batteries fully charged!! Meow!!
   We're ready for takeoff, Boss! Meow!

Homard: Don't call me Boss, it's Captain!
   Ok, cat nip fans. Let's do it!! The Escargot is airborne!

 Eringa Valley

Mushroom: You came!
   It's me, Elizabeth! You helped me out in Meuniere Forest, remember?
   What brings you here? Is something wrong?

Prier: Ok, here's the deal...
   ... And that's why we need some of your Kinoko Jiru.

Mushroom: I understand that's quite a problem.
   Our Kinoko Jiru is precious and very limited...
   I know! Just because it's you. I'll sell it to you at a special extra
   low-low price!

Prier: Really?! Thanks!
   So... how much?

Mushroom: Just remember, I'm ONLY doing this because you helped me out.
   Only 50,000 Prica!

Prier: You call that a "special extra-extra low price"?!

Mushroom: Well...yes. It normally sells for 100 times that.
   So do you want it?
   You don't want it? Please come again if you change your mind!

 Mt. Champignon

Crew: Mt. Champignon, straight ahead!

Prier: So that's Mt. Champignon!

Culotte: Amazing...!

Homard: With an altitude of 10,000 feet, it's one of the world's few 
   mushroom-shaped mountains.
   No one has ever made it to the top, but they say you could fit 50 Cresson
   Castles up there.
   70% of the mushrooms found on Mt. Champignon grow nowhere else.
   So I guess it's not surprising that its nickname is "Mushroom mountain."
   But watch out for the savage Dragonshrooms! They surround all the other
   They're highly territorial and will attack anyone entering their territory.
   I'd suggest that you avoid them rather than trying to fight them.

Prier: Wow, you seem to know a lot about it.

Fairy: Of course! He's a world-traveling air pirate!

Homard: We'll be waiting here with the ship.
   After all, if the dragonshrooms were to destroy the ship, we'd be stuck
   Don't get yourselves killed now.

 Mushrooms Galore

Prier: You're from the Church of the Divine Mother!!

Cloaked Figure: La Pucelle!!

Alouette: So you're the one who unleashed the dragonshrooms on us!

Croix: You certainly came a long way to do it.

Prier: Yeah, are you crazy? WHy would you want to do something like that?!

Cloaked Figure: Silence! We won't allow you to interfer with our master plan!
   Even as we speak, the dark energies are growing in Paprica.
   Soon we will build a Dark Utopia in the Divine Mother's name!
   *Transforms into a Gargoyle*

 When you defeat the boss

Gargoyle: Master Noir...!
   How I wanted... to see your... Dark Utopia... *fades away*

Alouette: Utopia...

Culotte: I shudder to think what kind of place they would call Utopia...

Prier: I figure we wouldn't want to build a summer home there.

 Back at the mushroom strip

Mushrooms: Thank you for your help!
   Thanks to you, peace has returned to Mt. Champignon!
   This is a small token of our gratitude. Please take it.

 **You got the Kinoko Jiru!**

Prier: Great! This should do the trick!

Culotte: Let's get back to the church!

Mushrooms: Wait just a moment.  Here is something else for you.

 **You got the mushroom ring**

Prier: And this is...?

Mushrooms: The mushroom ring allows you to return to Mt.Champignon at any time.

Prier: Well, that certainly is... convenient.
   Thanks. We'll take it.

 Pot au Feu City Infirmary

Prier: Drink this Kinoko Jiru, You'll get better.

Nurse: Go ahead and drink it, Rochini. They went and got it especially for you.

Boy: But... It smells horrible...

Prier: You're worried about the smell?! Don't you want to get better?

Boy: Drinking a little juice isn't going to help...

Prier: You want to be strong right?!
   Pluck up your courage and drink it! Be a man!

Boy: *drinks the medicine*

Prier: Good boy!
   See, you're not weak. You drank it.
   You don't have to dream about becoming a monster anymore!

Boy: How did you know that I wanted to be a monster?

Prier: What? The thing about that is...
   Don't worry about that!

Homard: Well, it looks like my work here is done. We'll be moving on soon.
   I feel my next adventure calling me.
   But spare me your tears... Smile as you say goodbye...
   I bid you all adieu.  Perhaps we shall meet again.
   Come on men!!
   Oh, I almost forgot. Prier was your name right?
   You've got quite an uppercut.
   Would you consider joining my crew?
   You'd like the life of an air pirate!
   The freedom, the excitement, the treasure!! And don't forget... the
   It's any man's dream!

Prier: Um... I'm a girl...

Homard: Details, details. Whatever, think about it until next we meet.

Prier: What bunch of weirdos...

Alouette: But we couldn't have done it without them.

Culotte: I guess we won't be seeing that creature anymore.

Prier: I hope not.
   Yaaaawn! Boy this case really took a lot out of me!

Culotte: Traveling all over the place... Battling giant monsters...

Croix: Here, have a tasty beverage!

Prier: Thanks! That's really thoughful of you!
   ...Hm? This tastes a little strange... What is this?

Croix: Kinoko Jiru...

Culotte: A monster created by a human heart
   You never know...
   It may come to your town next...

2.25 Chapter 5 "A Hairy Situation"

 Dark Church

Black Cloaked Figure: Master Noir! How much longer do you plan to ignore
   La Pucelle?!
   They've defeated seven of our operatives this month alone!
   It's a serious situation. They could upset our plans.
   If we don't do something soon...

Noir: Relax. Our Church of The Divine Mother owns the public. People follow
   us like lambs.
   The Church of the Holy Maiden and the Queen are powerless against us.
   I assure you, there is no need to change our plans.

Black Cloaked Figure: But!!

Noir: Have no fear. The summoning of the fallen angel Calamity will proceed
   as planned.
   Dark Utopia comes as soon as we locate the Dark Prince.
   We just have to wait patiently for our chance...

Black Cloaked Figure: *bows and leaves*

Noir: It won't be much longer now... Watch over me, mother...

 Church of the Holy Maiden

Father Salade: Is Prier late again?!

Culotte: She's probally still asleep. I'll go wake her up.

Prier: Darn!! I overslept! *opens door smacking Culotte*
   Hey, where's Culotte?
   What do you think you're doing over there?!

Culotte: This is not OK!

Alouette: This is the third day in a row you've been late, Prier.

Prier: It wasn't my fault! My stupid alarm clock isn't working right!
   I always just sleep right through it.

Father Salade: *Punches Prier in the back of the head*
   Moving right along... Today I need you to go to Meuniere Forest.
   About five days ago, strange... things began appearing in the area.

Culotte: ...Things?

Father Salade: Yes, it isn't clear if they are monsters or demons.
   Either way, we can't just ignore them. Go check it out.

Alouette: Understood.

Croix: Things, eh? I wonder just what they are...

Father Salade: There have been entirely too many cases like this recently.
   It could be that the dark energies are getting stronger.
   If we're not careful, this could mean the return of the Dark Prince...

Father Salade: The Dark Prince ---
   If The Goddess Poitreene is the symbol of light then the symbol of darkness 
   is the fallen angel Calamity.
   And the dark prince gets his dark power from Calamity herself.
   He has appeared several times in the past,
   and each time many ppl died
   To us in the church of the Holy Maiden the dark prince is a fearsome enemy 
   who must be destroyed.

Prier: The Dark Prince...?

Father Salade: N-no, nothing. Forget I mentioned it. Just a momentary slip of
   the lip.
   But the Church of the Divine Mother does seem to be gettnig more active.
   Keep your wits about you.

Prier: Don't worry so much!!
   When I become the Maiden of Light, I'll take care of them all 

Father Salade: You're not exactly putting my mind at ease, Prier...

 Meuniere Forest

Prier: Ugh! What are these things?!

Croix: I've never seen anything like them before.

Culotte: Sister Alouette, are these some kind of monster?

Alouette: No. They radiate intense spiritual energy, but I sense no life force
   in them.
   They seem to be artificially created spirits.

Prier: So they're like demons, then?
   Why didn't you say so? We can handle them!

Croix: Yeah, let's take care of 'em!

 After beating the first wave of fluffys

Prier: Where are all of these things coming from?
   They just keep coming... This is getting ridiculous! *Kicks one away*

Croix: Heh...

Prier: What? Is something funny?

Croix: Just your face.

Prier: What?!

Croix: Just kidding.
   Guess I was just happy.
   I mean, I never thought I could find a woman I'd trust to watch my back.

Prier: That's a strange compliment to give a girl.

Croix: Maybe so, but you're a strange kind of girl...

Prier: You mean I'm not girlie-girl enough for you? Tough. Get used to it.

Culotte: That's enough, you two! We don't have time for that now!

Alouette: (I wonder if Culotte could be jealous of Prier...?)
   Culotte is right. You two, focus.
   We've got to hurry up and figure out where these things are coming from!

Culotte: So what should we do? Maybe we should go back to town first?

Croix: Either that, or keep going. We may be able to find the answer somewhere
   in the forest.

Alouette: Prier... You're the leader. It's up to you.

Prier: Keep going, or go back... Which should I choose?

 ** See section 2.41 other script lines for bad ending transcript**

 Pot au Feu City

Girl: Hey! You're from the Church of the Holy Maiden, right?
   You guys need to do something about these weird creatures running around
   in the forest!

Prier: (who does this lady think she is? Giving us orders like that!)

Alouette: Do you have some business in the forest?

Girl: I want to visit my boyfriend Barsom.

Alouette: That's too bad. You may not be able to see him.

Girl: Seeing him today isn't that important.
   He was totally bald until recently, but then he grew a full head of hair.
   With hair, he's pretty handsome so I figured it would be OK to go out with
   But I don't really mind not being able to see him.

Prier: What's that supposed to mean? You choose your boyfriends just on their

Girl: Yea, pretty much. What's the big deal?
   I mean, cute beats, like ugly any day. What, you like ugly? whatever.

Prier: Why you...!!

Alouette: When did his hair start to grow?

Girl: You know, pretty recently. Maybe five days ago?

Alouette: Five days ago...

Culotte: Didn't Father Salade say that those things first appeared in the 
   forest five days ago?

Croix: There's something fishy going on here...

Alouette: I think we should pay this Barsom a visit...

 Woodcutters house

Baldy: Just when my hair was coming in nicely, it all falls out again..
   But not to worry!
   I have my special hair toniCulotte: Super Grozapine Z!!
   Let's see, first I apply the tonic to my head, like so...
   Next comes the scalp massage. I've got to close my eyes so I don't get
   any tonic in them...
   And finally, I say the magic words...
   Divine Mother, give me hair! Divine Mother, give me hair! 
   Divine Mother, give me hair! *hair grows and some furrys pop out*

Prier: So this is the cause of all the trouble...?

Culotte: Looks like it.

Prier: You've gotta be kidding...

Alouette: So you got the tonic from a man who said he was from the Church of 
   the Divine mother?

Baldy: Yes, that's right. What about it?

Prier: Haven't you noticed any furry little things prancing around here lately?

Baldy: No, why?

Croix: They probally won't attack their creator. They wouldn't be able to 
   reproduce without him.

Prier: Look whatever you do, just don't use that tonic anymore!

Baldy: W-what?! I value this tonic as much as my life!!
   Thanks to this tonic, I'm going out with Suzanne, my dream-girl!!!
   There is no way that I'd even think about not using it.

Alouette: I think we have a problem...

Prier: I guess we'll just have to force him to stop using it.

Croix: Just a minute. Can't you sympathize with the poor guy?
   As a fellow man, I'm against forcing him.

Culotte: Me too!
   If it were me, I'd probally do the same thing...

Croix: Exactly.

Culotte: Right?

Alouette: Oh, all right... We'll just have to find some other solution.

 Pot au Feu City

Alouette: You're Suzanne, aren't you? Barsom told us about you.
   The Truth is --

Girl: So what are you saying? Barsom's hair growth tonic is creating those

Alouette: I'm afraid so.

Girl: I guess I should have known. A bald man doesn't suddenly start growing
   hair like that.
   With hair, he's pretty handsome so I figured it would be OK to go out with
   But it's over now. I'm going to dump him.

Prier: Hey!! That's pretty cold.

Girl: Why?
   I don't go out with nasty looking men. I mean, cute is better than Ugly,
   you know?

Prier: Why you...!!

Girl: What? Do you have a problem?!

Croix: J-just a minute Prier. Settle down.

Prier: No!! I can't take it anymore!!
   Listen here, you!!  Barsom is only using that tonic because he likes you.
   You know the difference between you and the fury monsters taking over the
   At least the monsters are warm. Barsom is trying so that you'll like him.
   Show a little kindness!

Girl: ... I understand.
   Barsom is a good person ... I think.
   And he loves me more than anyone... I think.
   And I don't dislike him... I think.
   But I'd still rather go out with somebody handsome.

Prier: The kind of beauty you're talking about is just skin-deep!!
   You've got to judge people on what's inside!

Girl: Shut your mouth! What do you know?!
   You're nothing but a little kid!

Prier: Wha--?!

Alouette: This is a problem. I had hoped that she might convince Barsom not to
   use the tonic...
   What's wrong? Hello?!

 Barsom's house

Dark cloaked figure: Here is your new tonic.

Baldy: Great! The stuff you gave me last time was about to run out!
   I'm so grateful!! I don't know how to thank you!!

Dark cloaked figure: No thanks are necessary. The Church of the Divine Mother
   always helps those in need.

Prier: What a crock!

Dark cloaked figure: The Church of the Holy Maiden!

Prier: That's right!!
   Preying on the weaknesses of others! I won't stand for it!
   In the name of the Maiden of Light, you will be punished!!

Dark cloaked figure: Don't make me laugh! What do you know?!
   We are on a grand mission! A sacred mission to create our Dark Utopia!!
   Dark energy is necessary to achieve our goal! And yes, some sacrifices
   must be made!!
   That's right! This is a holy way!

Baldy: A holy war...? Hey, by sacrifices, you didn't mean me by any chance...?
   What's going on here, anyway...?

Voice: Eeeeek!!!

Baldy: That's Suzanne's Voice!! *runs off*

Prier: Oh Barsom!!

Dark cloaked figure: What are you looking at?! You think you can defeat me?!
   *transforms into a lobster thingy*

 After killing the demon lobster thingy

Demon: Killed... by human filth...!
   But I'll have the last laugh!!
   Wahahaha! I'll use the very flames of hell to burn everything within five
   miles of here!!
   I'll take you all with me!!

 *Noir appears*

Demon: Master Noir!!

Noir: *Lifts demon up with magic*

Demon: B-but why?!?! I'm doing this for yoooouuuuu!!!

Noir: *removes demon from the field*
   Please accept my apologies.
   I an Noir, the head of the Church of the Divine Mother. I'm pleased to
   make your acquaintance.

Prier: Why did you stop him?
   Wouldn't it be better for you if he had burned the forest to a crisp
   and us with it?

Noir: Only a barbarian would burn down a beautiful forest like this.

Prier: Some talk coming from you!!

Noir: There seems to have been some kind of misunderstading.  Random 
   destruction is not our goal.
   We merely want a place that we can call home.

Alouette: You mean your Utopia?

Prier: Utopia?! Ha! What kind of Utopia requires the deaths of so many innocent

Noir: I don't expect you to understand. We are polar opposites after all.
   But remember one thing: We have our own system of right and wrong, just
   as you do.

Croix: Hey! Don't you want to finish us off?

Noir: To me, you are nothing more than ants, not even worth stepping on.

Croix: Quite a mouth boy. I think you need to learn some manners and I'm
   gonna be your teacher. *shoots at noir's back*

Noir: I can kill you at any time, if you get in my way, or if I just feel like
   For now, you should thank your Goddess that I'm letting you live.

Croix: We're nothing to him, eh? He makes me sick!!

Culotte: So that's the head of the Church of the Divine Mother... I had 
   imagined somebody scarier.

Alouette: Now Culotte... You mustn't judge people by their appearance.
   Just now, when he banished that demon...
   He was holding back, but he still has the power of a demonic lord.
   If he were to use all of his power...

Prier: Hmph! He's nothing to be afraid of!!
   Next time I see him, I'll wipe the floor with his face!!

Baldy: *hair falls off* M-my hair! My precious hair!!

Culotte: When the demon died, the tonic must have stopped working...

Girl: Barsom...

Baldy: Suzanne...

Girl: Why did you save me?
   I was just going out with you for your looks. Didn't you know that?

Baldy: Yes, but even so... I still loved you!

Prier: You were worried about him. That's why you came all the way down
   here, right?
   The truth is, you like him, too.
   Why can't you forget the way he looks? Listen to your heart! Believe
   in your own feelings!

Girl: But I'd still rather have someone attractive...

Prier: *smacks the girl* Hey, give it a rest!!
   He risked his life to protect you. Don't you realize that?
   What could be more attractive than that?!
   When I look at Barsom, I see a shining star! Yes, he shines brighter than
   If you can't understand that, then you don't deserve him!

Baldy: Um...
   I appreciate your support and all, but do you think you could avoid words
   like "shine"?
   I'm a little sensitive...

Prier: Oh... sorry.

Girl: Barsom... Why do you love me?

Baldy: Your heart is beautiful, Suzanne. Nobody else seems to be able to see
   it, but you're very kind.
   I know that you come to the forest every day to help injured animals.
   I guess it's natural to judge people on their appearance.
   I understand why you wouldn't like someone like me.
   But just understand that I love you not for your appearance, but for your
   inner beauty.

Girl: Barsom...
   Barsom, I've always judged men by their appearance.
   It's hard for me to understand how someone could consider you attractive.

Prier: You still don't get it?!

Girl: I'm not finished!
   So I want you to teach me. Teach me what a truly attractive man is like.

Baldy: Suzanne...
   Yes. YES!!

Prier: All right! That's a relief.

Croix: I guess love can be a very tricky thing.

Prier: Haven't you ever been in love, Croix?

Croix: Who knows?
   Remember I've got amnesia.

Prier: Oh yeah...

Croix: What about you, Alouette?

Alouette: M-me? I'm the same as you. I don't know...

Culotte: (Sister Alouette is so pretty...)

Prier: (Love...)
   (I've been so set on becoming the Maiden of Light that I never even
   thought about love...)
   (Love... Love, huh...?)
   (I wonder what it feels like to be in love...?)
   (I guess it's different from how I feel about Culotte...)
   (And different from how I feel about Father Salade and Alouette...)
   (And Croix...)
   (I've only just met Croix, but he seems very nice...)
   (Cheerful, dependable...)
   (And... handsome too...)
   (But is that love?)
   (I Just don't know.)

Croix: What's the matter, Prier?

Prier: What?!
   N-nothing! Nothing at all!

Croix: What's her problem?

Prier: (Suddenly seeing Croix's face must have really scared me... My heart's
   (My heart's... racing?)
   (Why is that?)
   (Just because he startled me?)

Culotte: (What's wrong with Prier? She's acting weird...)

Alouette: ...In any case, the actions of the Church of the Divine Mother are
   quite worrying.
   Father Salade might have been right about the Dark Prince's return being
   close at hand.

Prier: The dark prince?
   That means I'll become the Maiden of Light soon, too!

Alouette: Oh get over yourself!! *hits Prier with book once again*

Culotte: We didn't know it at the time,
   But the events leading up to the final showdown between the maiden of 
   light and the prince of darkness was already beginning to unfold.
   Soon we would know the tragic ending to our story.

2.26 Chapter 6 "The Journey Begins"

Goddess: Alouette...

Alouette: Goddess...?!
   Are you, could it be... The Goddess Poitreene?

Goddess: Alouette... Seek out... Fatima...

Alouette: Fatima?

Goddess: The Dark Prince... Will be... When you know... he will again...
   And the Maiden of Light... Her life... all things... end.

Alouette: Goddess? Goddess!!

 At Church

Father Salade: ......

Alouette: What do you think, Father Salade?

Father Salade: Hmm...
   That might just be a sign from the Goddess herself...

Prier: Y-you think so? I think it was just a dream...
   Right everybody?

Culotte: I think it was a sign from the Goddess, too.
   You're amazing, Sister Alouette.

Prier: *smotes Culotte*
   (If her dream was really a sign, Alouette is going to be the Maiden of
   (No. Can't happen.)

Croix: The dream may or may not be a sign, but it wouldn't hurt to check out
   this Fatima, right?

Prier: Just a minute, Croix! Whose side are you on?!

Croix: I figure at the very least this Fatima place might help Alouette
   remember her past.

Prier: Really? That's it?

Croix: That's it.
   Why are you so touchy all of a sudden?

Prier: I-I'm not touchy...
   (I thought for sure Croix would take my side...)
   (You don't suppose Croix likes Alouette better than me...?)
   (I must be losing it! What am I saying?)

Culotte: (Prier's acting kind of weird.)
   (She doesn't like him, does she?)

Alouette: Father Salade... DO you know of a place called Fatima?

Father Salade: ... No never heard of it.

Alouette: Hum...

Father Salade: You might check the royal libary. It's inside the Castle
   We're not busy today. Why don't you do some research?
   And there could be a connection with the Dark Prince.

Alouette: Thank you!

Father Salade: OK, Prier?

Prier: OK, OK.

 Cresson Castle

Queen: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
   What was it you wanted?

Alouette: Thank you Your Majesty.
   We want to use the castle library to do some research about a certain

Queen: The library?

Alouette: Yes, if its not to much trouble.

Queen: I'm afraid that is impossible.
   I can't allow outsiders into the library, even at the Church of the Holy
   Maiden's request.

Eclair: Mother... Couldn't you make an exception this once?

Queen: Eclair, how many times must I tell you not to call me Mother in front
   of other people?

Eclair: I'm sorry, Queen Crepine.

Queen: Eclair...
   The royal family leads by example. We will respect the law, even when
   When you are queen, you will understand. For now, just obey.

Eclair: ......

Prier: (Poor Eclair...)

Alouette: With all due respect, Your Majesty, this is very important. It 
   involves the Dark Prince.

Queen: The Dark Prince!!
   But I can't just make an exception...

Culotte: Your Majesty, haven't you been worrying about a certain problem 
   If we were to solve your problem, you could allow us into the libary as a

Queen: Very well.
   The castle is haunted by the Dark Knight.  Defeat him and I will grant your

Prier: The Dark Knight?

Queen: Eclair and I have never seen him, but people say that a knight in black
   armor appears at night.
   My subjects are quite upset. They're saying it's a curse or an evil spell.
   Why, just recently my best cook and gardener quit because they were afraid
   of the ghost.
   Something must be done.

 That Night ---
 Castle Garden

Croix: ...No sign of him yet.
   Hey Culotte, how did you know about the Queen's problem?

Culotte: It was simple.
   I figured that anyone as important as a queen is bound to have a problem
   or two.

Croix: Is that all? You mean you just guessed?
   Hahaha! Good job!

Alouette: Yes, well done, Culotte.
   We owe it all to you.

Culotte: (Sister A-Alouette...)

 *ghostly apperation appears*

Prier: Shhh! Here it comes!
   Wait right there!
   I don't know what you're after here, but it's time to find a new gig.

 After the dark knight's defeat

Eclair: *Transforms from the dark knight back to Eclair*

Prier: Eclair?!

Croix: What does this mean?!

Alouette: This may be a hidden part of Eclair's personality.
   The darkness in her heart must have grown and grown until it created
   another Eclair.
   And judging from her behavior earlier today, she doesn't even realize it.

Culotte: But if the darkness in her heart was able to create something like

Alouette: Yes. If something isn't done, she will turn into a demon.

Prier: No...

Alouette: But if we act now...
   If we purify the darkness in her heart now, we may be able to save her.

Prier: How do we purify the darkness in her heart?

Alouette: Everyone, close your eyes and pray to the Goddess...

Prier: You got it.

Alouette: In the name of the Maiden of Light we ask...
   Oh Goddess Poitreene...
   Lead us into the heart of this child who is so burdened by darkness.

 *Party is translocated into Eclair's soul*

Alouette: OK, open your eyes.

Culotte: W-where are we...?

Alouette: In Eclair's heart.

Prier: W-w-w-w-whaaaaaaaat?!?! You've gotta be kidding!!!

Croix: Now this is really something...

Culotte: Sister Alouette!

Alouette: ... I'm OK.
   I'm just a little out of breath.

Croix: I'm not surprised. That was a very powerful miracle.
   That could kill a normal demon hunter.

Culotte: Sister Alouette...
   Don't take any more risks like that!!

Alouette: Thank you, Culotte.
   But you don't have to worry. I'll be fine.
   We must quickly rid eclair of the darkness that has taken her.

 Resigned Heart

Resigned Eclair: Well if it isn't Prier! Hello, Big Sister!

Prier: Eclair...

Resigned Eclair: Don't come naer me!!
   You're going to force me to become queen, right? Come on!! Admit it!!

Prier: Um, Eclair...

Eclair: *transforms back to her normal self*
   Ok... I'll be Queen...
   *transforms back to Resigned again*

Resigned Eclair: Hee hee.
   Just kidding!
   You think I'm that stupid?
   Nya nya nya nya!
   Catch me if you can!

  Fleeing Heart

Fleeing Eclair:... I'm not feeling well today. Please leave.

Prier: Wha-?

Fleeing Eclair: I'm not fit to be the Maiden of Light.
   Please leave me alone. *Transforms to another Eclair*

Other Eclair: Tee hee.
   Yeah! Training to become the Maiden of Light is such a pain!
   I'm not gonna do it!

 True Heart

True Eclair: Big Sister... Why do I have to do so many things I hate?
   I want to be free. Can't I ever be me?
   The things I really don't want to do. Why can't I say I don't want to do
   I don't want to be the Maiden of Light. I don't want to be Queen.
   Big Sister... What is freedom? What is responsibility?
   *Transforms into the Dark Eclair*

Dark Eclair: Ha ha ha.
   Yes, tell me Big Sister...

Alouette: Everyone's counting on her to be the next Queen and Maiden of Light.
   It must be difficult.

Culotte: That's what grew darkness in her, creating that other Eclair...

Prier: Um, Eclair... The thing is... You should... Just don't worry about it!
   Stop worrying about your status or what other people think. Live life your
   own way!
   Try and chill a little, OK?

Dark Eclair: SHUT UP!!
   What do you know?!
   How could you possibly understand how it feels to be the next Queen?!
   How can you understand what it feels like to have everyone counting on you?!
   ... I wanted you to understand how I felt!
   But that other Eclair, she... She could never say anything like that!!
   She always pretends to be so good and always obeys her mother... Just like
   a puppet!!
   That's why I had to come out!
   Big Sister...
   You like this Eclair better than that other Eclair, right?

Prier: ......

Croix: Look, I don't know what you are, but I can take care of you easily 
   enough. *Points gun at Eclair*

Prier: Croix!!

Croix: We just have to kick her out, right?
   This is the fastest way.

Prier: But she's Eclair, too!
   I don't want her to get hurt any more!

Dark Eclair: Big Sister...

Prier: Please! Go back to your normal self, Eclair!

Dark Eclair: So you like the other Eclair better, too...?
   You like that doll? That doll who does whatever people say?
   I hate you all!!
   You can all just disappear!!

 Once Dark Eclair is alone

Prier: I don't really want to do this...
   But I have to return Eclair to her normal self! Forgive me!

 Once Dark Eclair is defeated

Queen: So the Dark Knight was Eclair all along...
   ... I'm a failure as a mother.
   I had no idea my daughter was under so much pressure...
   ...I'll let her rest for a while.

Alouette: Yes, that sounds like a good idea.

Prier: Um... Your Majesty?
   Please be kind to Eclair.

Queen: Your name is Prier, isn't it?
   My daughter told me about you.
   She doesn't smile very often, but she always seemed very happy when she
   spoke of you.
   She must be very fond of you.
   Maybe you could convice her to...
   ...No. Please, just continue to be her friend.

Prier: Of course, Your Majesty.

Queen: As I promised, you may enter the royal library.
   Feel free to use it any time you like.

Prier: Thank you!

 Royal Libary

Prier: Any luck over there?

Croix: Nothing. Not even close.

Prier: With all these books, you'd think there'd be something useful!
   *kicks the wall of books*

Croix: W-what's going on?!

Prier: L-look! The bookcase!
   A hidden passageway!
   Scared me shiftless. I never would have thought there was a hidden passage
   Right, you guys?
   ... What're you all doing over there?!
   Culotte I could understand, but Croix? Why are you clinging to Alouette?!
   Men today are such jerks! Leaving a fragile, vulnerable woman like me alone!
   (What am I getting so upset about?)

Croix: W-what's Prier's problem?

Culotte: I think she's upset because she doesn't really understand her own
   Mind's working a little slowly today?

Croix: What? What's that supposed to mean?!

Prier: What's taking you so long?! If you don't hurry up, I'm gonna leave you
   all behind!!

 Hermes's Room

Prier: Hmmm... Is this a dead end?
   What's this thing? It sure is ugly.
   *Punches giant demon zombie*

Demon Zombie: Ouch...
   What do you think you're doing?!
   Humans are you? My my, how unusual.

Prier: W-who are you?

Demon Zombie: Me? I am called Hermes.
   And who are you?

Prier: W-we're from the Church of the Holy Maiden. We're here doing 

Demon Zombie: The Church of the Holy Maiden? Never heard of it. Are you

Prier: We're Sisters. We serve the Goddess Poitreene and the Maiden of Light.

Demon Zombie: Hmmm... And what are you "sisters" doing here again?

Alouette: We've come to find out about a place called Fatima.

Demon Zombie: I see. Yes, yes...
   Yes, I see... So the time has come at last...
   Which means that you will...
   Hmm... yes... you have your work cut out for you...

Prier: What does that mean?

Demon Zombie: Oh, you'll find out soon enough.
   So you want to know about Fatima, eh?

Prier: Do you know anything about it?
Demon Zombie: Of course I do. Don't you know who I am?
   I am the Mediator. I stand between Goddess Poitreene and the fallen angel
   I know everything in this world. Mostly.

Prier: You're a mediator?

Demon Zombie: You might say I'm a watchman. I keep watch over the balance
   between light and darkness.

Prier: Really?
   But if you're so important, what are you doing here?

Demon Zombie: I'm not sure of that myself...
   It's been hundreds -- no, thousands of years since I came here...
   I've forgotten why...

Prier: You think we can trust this guy?

Culotte: We might as well ask him. We don't have any other leads.

Prier: I guess you're right. Asking won't hurt.
   Will you tell us what you know about Fatima?

Demon Zombie: I'd be glad to. But it'll cost you.

Prier: What?!

Demon Zombie: Of course. What do you expect?
   What kind of fool gives out information for free?
   What's with you people?

Prier: ...So what'll it cost us?

Demon Zombie: I love gems more than anything...
   If you bring me a nice gemstone. I'll be glad to tell you what you want
   to know.

Alouette: A gemstone...?

Croix: Come on! We don't have any gemstones!

Demon Zombie: Figures. I had you pegged for poor people from the moment I saw
   Wait just a minute...
   Aha! I know!!
   I can smell a nice juicy gemstone on Mt. Tarte. Go and get it for me.
   Then I'll tell you about Fatima.

Prier: Are there gems on Mt. Tarte?

Alouette: Could be...?

 Mt. Tarte (onboard airship)

Culotte: Hey! That's Captain Homard's ship!

Prier: They're air pirate, they must have all kinds of loot stashed away.
   I bet the gem Hermes wants is aboard their ship!

Croix: I think you're right. I can't imagine where else it would be.

Prier: All right then! Let's go get all those gems!!!

Culotte: Um, I think they call that robbery...
   And we only need one, remember... Let's try and stay on track here.

Prier: Aha! There it is! That has to be the one!
   It's Huuuuuge....

Culotte: We can't just take it, can we?
   This is... stealing.... Right? Guys?

Alouette: Well, maybe we could just borrow it for a bit without telling them...

Prier: That's the same thing! *smacks Alouette*

Alouette: You didn't have to hit me...

Prier: Wasn't me, was the Goddess. Her punishment. You know?
   Come on, let's make ourselves scarce before they come back!

Culotte: Are you sure we're doing the right thing?

Homard: Hold it right there!!!! *decks Prier*
   You think you can just walk off with other people's things?!

Fairy: Homard! Make them walk the plank!

Crew: Walk the plank! Walk the plank!

Homard: Just a minute... Didn't we meet when we were fighting that giant
   Of course! You've decided to follow in my footsteps and become air pirates!!

Prier: N-no we-------!!

Culotte: J-just listen to our story!!

Homard: I see... Fatima, eh?
   OK, OK.

Prier: Hm? On board?

Homard: I'll give you all the inochium jewels you want!
   But in exchange, you'll have to take me with you to Fatima!!
   FatimAlouette: Forgotten land swathed in a veil of mystery!!
   Yes! Yes!! I can see it now!
   A perfect adventure for a real man like myself...!
   Now that we've decided, there's no time to waste.
   Let's get the gem to that Hermes fellow!!

 *Captain Homard and his crew have joined forces with you!*

Prier: Uh... Just a second...
   What just happened here...?

 Hermes Room

Zombie Demon: Ah!! You brought the gemstone, just as I said. Good.
   So, what was it you wanted to know?

Prier: Fatima!

Zombie Demon: Oh yes, that's right!
   I've been so forgetful lately. I wouldn't wish old age on my worst enemy...
   So, what was it you wanted to know?

Prier: Fatima!!

Zombie Demon: I know, I know. I was just kidding.
   All right, here we go. Listen up.
   Fatima is a country that existed two hundred years ago, about one thousand 
   miles to the south east of the kingdom of Paprica.
   Civizations at that time were not very advanced and the people were very 
   poor, every year countless people died of starvation and sickness.
   The only thing that supported the people in these hard times was their 
   faith in the gods.
   Humans are funny that way, when times are tough they look to the gods for 
   But their fath only ended up making things worse...
   People in power and religious leaders did whatever they wanted in the 
   name of the gods.
   they stole offering and lived in the lap of luxary.
   And of course they thought nothing of stealing money and food from the 
   If that was the worst thing that happened to you, you could count 
   yoruself lucky.  So you can see just how terrible thigns were of course
   anyone who protested was killed.
   People they didn't like were accused of witchcraft or labed traitors and 
   put on trial.
   And the results of those trials?
   Well I don't think I have to tell you do it?
   Humans can be so very cruel...
   Then on dat Fatima was wiped out just like that,
   It was destroyed in one night.

   ...And that's about it.

Prier: Do you know why Fatima was destroyed in one night?

Zombie Demon: Of course I do. I'm Hermes the Mediator.
   ...Let's just say that the Dark Prince was involved.
   I'll give you that one for free, but I can't tell you any more.
   The Mediator can't go destroying the balance of the universe. Wouldn't
   do at all.
   Wish I could help.
   You'll see the secret of Fatima with your own eyes soon enough.
   Until then, you'll just have to wait and wonder...

Prier: The Dark Prince... In Fatima?
   Then let's get ourselves to Fatima!!

Alouette: Yes...
   Let's go to Fatima.

Homard: That's the stuff!!
   I don't know anything about this Fatima, but there's no place the
   Escargot can't go!!

Prier: Onward! To Fatima!

Zombie Demon: Going to Fatima, are you?
   Just let me give you one piece of advice...
   You never know what life will bring.
   Be true to your own feelings and you'll avoid regrets.
   That's all the guidance I have for you.
   Oh, and young lady...

Prier: Who, me?

Zombie Demon: You seem to have a certain man on your mind... Keep this rule
   in mind for him as well.
   Be true to yourself.

Prier: H-hey, just a minute! What was that?!
   What does that have to do with anything?!
   First of all, I don't have any men on my mind!!
   Hey, what are you all looking at! I'm telling you, there's no man!

Homard: Oh, why must I be so devilishly handsome?!
   So you've fallen for me, eh? Well, you aren't the first...

Prier: Stay out of this, you!!

Croix: Hmm... I didn't think you'd go for his type...

Prier: I told you, it's not him!!
   Oh, never mind!!


Queen: I understand.
   As Queen of the Kingdom of Paprica, I officially ask you to explore the
   land of Fatima.
   Is that all right, Father Salade?

Father Salade: Yes, Your Majesty.

Queen: Why don't you stay the night in the castle, in preparation for your

Prier: Eclair...


Prier: One, Two, Three! One, Two, Three!
   There's nothing better than this for getting your mind off your troubles.
   We leave tomorrow...
   I guess that means we'll be saying goodbye to Paprica for a while...
   Eclair... Will she be all right without me?

Eclair: So you're leaving tomorrow?

Prier: ...Yes.

Eclair: Be careful... Please come back safe, Big Sister.

Prier: Don't worry.

Eclair: ...My mother told me everything. Thank you for helping me.
   Mother says I can rest for a while.

Prier: Yes, that's good.

Eclair: But sooner or later I'm going to have to start studying to be
   When that happens, I'll be cut off from the outside world for a while.
   I won't be able to meet you or Culotte.

Prier: Eclair...

Eclair: But...
   But what I really want to do is to come with you!!
   I don't want to be Queen! I want to get out of this old castle!
   I want to stay with you and Culotte!!
   ...I'm sorry, Big Sister.
   I must sound terribly childish to you.
   I've just got to accept that I'm going to be Queen, right?

Prier: Eclair...
   What are you, stupid?!

Eclair: What?

Prier: You've got to be more honest with yourself!
   You don't want to be Queen! You want to come with us, right?!
   So do it!!

Eclair: B-but what about my mother and my people...?

Prier: You'll never be a good Queen if you have to be forced into it!
   You only get one life. Enjoy it, and don't worry too much about what people
   ...You don't have to make yourself miserable just to please everbody else!
   You're special, no matter what you choose to do.
   And no matter what, I'll always be your Big Sister.

Eclair: Big Sister...!

Prier: Comeon! Let's Go! *Father Salade was spying*

 The next day ---

Queen: I see... I had no idea that Eclair felt that way.

Eclair: Your Majesty... I must speak with you.

Queen: I don't suppose it would do any good to try and stop you.

Eclair: What?

Queen: Very well. Go and see the outside world, my daughter.

Eclair: Mother...

Prier: What? What?! What's going on?

Queen: Father Salade told me everything.

Eclair: Mother...

Queen: ...Eclair.

Eclair: Mother! *hugs her mother the Queen*

Prier: Thank you Father.

Father Salade: D-Don't come any closer!
   You don't have to thank me!

Prier: OK. I won't.
   Things worked out well, didn't they, Eclair?

 Pirate Airship

Homard: Prepare for take off!

First mate: Meow!

Crew: High-speed turbulence engines engaged!!
   Enriched inochium batteries fully charged!!
   We're ready for takeoff, Boss! Meow!

Homard: Don't call me Boss! It's Captain!
   Here we go, Fur Balls!! The Escargot is taking off!!
   Onward, to Fatima!

 On the ground watching

Father Salade: Farewell...
   In the name of the Maiden of Light...
   May the light of hope always follow you, wherever your path may lead.

2.27 Chapter 7 "A Dance in the Sky"

 Croix's Dream

    Awaken... Awaken...

Croix: (Not again! I hate this dream!)


Croix: (Just who do you think you are? Go away!)

    ---I am you...

Croix: (what?!)

    Remember... And release me.  Awaken, Croix Raoul.

Croix: (Go Away!)
   (I'm me! I'm not you, I'm not like you!)

 Onboard airship

Prier: Good Morning!

Fairy: Check out little Miss sunshine here. You've got a lot more nerve, just
   waltzing in, this late.

Homard: Never mind, Papillon.

Fairy: Grrrr.

Homard: Did you sleep well?

Prier: Like a log.

Culotte: Really?! I was so nervous I hardly slept at all.
   I'll say this for you, Prier. Nerves sure aren't your problem.
   ...Hey? What's the deal?

Eclair: What are you doing, Culotte?

Culotte: N-nothing!
   (That's funny... I thought for sure Prier would slug me for that one...)

Homard: Hm?
   Is there something wrong, Mr. Croix? You seem a little out of sorts. 

Croix: It's nothing. I just had a bad dream last night....

Prier: Nightmare?

Croix: It happens all the time. Don't worry about it.

Prier: Really...?

Croix: I don't believe it. You? Concerned? about me? Amazing.
   I thought under that tough exterior beat a heart of ice, but your almost
   a lady.

Prier: Whatever. You know, Croix, you can be a real jerk.

Culotte: (Prier is so worried about Croix she doesn't even notice me.)

Alouette: (Uh-oh...)
   (Looks like Culotte's grouchy because Prier isn't paying enough attention
   to him...)
   (poor baby...)

Culotte: Woah! We're really far up!
   It's still hard to believe that this thing is really flying.

Alouette: Yes. I shudder to think what would happen if we were to crash...

Culotte: You mean you're scared too Sister Alouette?

Alouette: Of course I am. Everyone's afraid of dying.

Homard: Hahahaha! Fear not my friends!
   The Escargot will never crash!!

Culotte: Never?

Homard: Well, so far so good...
   Say we do crash. You'd learn from the experience and be all the better for

Prier: How about this; Don't crash, don't learn, be happy.

Culotte: If we crash, I don't think we'll have to worry about "being" at 

Alouette: Don't worry. The Goddess is protecting us.

Homard: So this is the legendary Fatima...

Crew: Boss! There's a strange cloud ahead! Meow!

Homard: Don't call me Boss! It's Captain!
   Bouncing barnacles! That's a Death Cloud!!

Prier: A Death Cloud?

First Mate: An acidic cloud that dissolves everything it touches.
   The ship would disintegrate if we went in there! Meow.

Prier: Oh great! Now what do we do?

Homard: Blast... This certainly is a tricky situation.

Eclair: Um... May I suggest something?

Homard: What is it, Princess?

Eclair: Before I left, my mother made me memorize something from a travel book.
   I think it goes like this...
   "In the Western Seas the invisible island lies, hidden and dangerous.
   Above the island, death. On the island, death. Hope is under the island.
   Go through the cave and see the new lands beyond.
   Go through the cave with care, for the monster of the cave can also be
   I think somehow my mother knew what we were heading into.

Prier: A mysterious new land... Could that be Fatima?

Eclair: I don't know.
   It's just part of a book written by an adventurer 100 years ago.
   I thought it was just something my mother liked, but...

Culotte: Do you think that island down there could be the one he was talking 

Homard: Could be! Let's go check out that island!
   Hair-balls!! We're changing course! Land on that island!

Crew: Aye-aye sir! Meow!

First Mate: What's happening?!

Crew: I don't know!

 *gargoyle appears*

Culotte: A demon?!

Alouette: Prier!!

Prier: Hiya!! *kicks demon away*

Homard: Aaaahh!! What are you doing to my precious ship!!
   Is brute force all you know?
   Stupid gorilla!!

Prier: Whaaaaat?!?!

Crew: We got a problem! Engines are malfunctioning! Meow!

Homard: Hmm... That's not good...

Prier: What does that mean?! What's going to happen?!

Fairy: What do you think it means? It means we're all going to die, that's
   what it means.

Prier: Crash?!?!?!?!?!
   We've gotta do something! W-what are we gonna do?!
   Oh Goddess! I won't steal from the offering plate anymore!!
   Just help us!!!

Homard: *Punches Prier*
   You fool! That's enough of that!!
   The Goddess helps those who help themselves!!
   You've got to believe in yourself and fight!!
   If you can't do that, you don't deserve to be on my ship!!

Prier: it.
   So what should we do?

Homard: I can't leave the bridge.
   That means you guys have to take care of all the demons that have invaded
   the ship!
   Do you think you're up to it? You can't let any of them escape!

Prier: No Problem!

Homard: All right then! Go to it!

 Engine Room

Dark Count: So you've come.
   I am Count Seville, Tempete, Dark Lord and one of the Master Noir's
   three sworn servants.
   During the last Demon War it was I who, in a single blow, Ripped the right
   from Kefir Allois, lord of the dead.

Alouette: Be careful everyone! He's much stronger than anything we've faced 

Croix: Looks like the Churhc of the Divine Mother is finally getting serious.

Dark Count: I can't have you going to Fatima; your journey is going to end
   right here.
   Master Noir does so enjoy toying with little people.
   Aw well, it's only a little extra work for me.

Prier: But I was so looking forward to Fatima...
   Ha! So just what are you going to do? Cancel our ticket?

Dark Count: Exactly what I had in mind.
   *Transforms into a big demon*

 When demon lord is alone

Prier: So this is a demon lord...!!
   This should be good! Finally, someone worth my time!!
   Here I come!!!!

 When demon lord is defeated

Demon Lord: Are you really... humans?!
   A Dark Lord could never be beaten by mere humans!!
   Do not think this is the end *Fades away*

 *Engine room explodes*

Culotte: Omigod! Omigod! Somebody put out the fire!

Alouette: Water! Somebody get some water!!

Prier: Where are we going to find water here?!

Croix: ------I think I may be able to help... *zips down*

Prier: What do you think you're doing, you scumbag?!?! *uppercuts Croix*

Culotte: (That's more like it. Back to the old Prier...)


First Mate: Captain!

Homard: Hmm... We're going to crash all right.
   But I won't rest until I get my revenge!!!

 Engine Room

Homard: Testing... Testing... All hands, this is Captain Homard.
   We are about to experience uncontrolled flight into terrain.
   I just have on piece of advice for all of you.
   Don't die!!
   That is all.

Prier: This really sucks!

2.28 Chapter 8 "To An Undiscovered Land"

Prier: Everybody OK?

Culotte: I g-guess so.

Croix: Still alive, anyway.

Eclair: What about everyone else?

Homard: Is everyone alright?

Fairy: Hey Yattanya!! Watch your hands!

First Mate: Touch you? Yuck. I don't even want to come near you.

Crew: The crew of the Escargot all present and accounted for! Meow.

Prier: Just a minute... Where's Alouette?

Culotte: Sister Alouette!!

Croix: There she is! She's lying on the ground!!

Prier: Alouette!!

Culotte: Sister Alouette!!
   Sister Alouette!! Snap out of it!!


Goddess: Alouette...
   Alouette... Your time has not come.
   There is still work for you.

 Crash site

Culotte: Sister Alouette!!
   Thank goodness! Are you ok, Sister Alouette?!

Prier: Don't scare us like that! I thought you'd kicked the bucket!

Croix: That was a miracle you preformed, wasn't it?

Alouette: ......

Croix: Must have been, or we wouldn't be alive. Not after a fall like that.
   I don't mean to sound ungrateful or anything, but you're really pushing
   yourself too hard.

Culotte: Croix is right, Sister Alouette!
   You're taking too many risks!

Alouette: Culotte... I'm sorry to have worried you.

Eclair: I had heard about Sister Alouette's miracles, but I had no idea...

Homard: An honest-to-goodness miracle is an amazing thing.

Culotte: Of course it is. A normal person could never do something like that.
   Sister Alouette's special.

Prier: Don't talk like you had something to do with saving us.

Homard: Well, at least we're all safe.
   Miss Alouette, as the captian of the Escargot, I thank you.
   You have my undying gratitude.

Alouette: It was nothing. I just...

Homard: Hair-balls!! Say thank you to Miss Alouette!

Crew: Thank you Miss Alouette!

Prier: So, what do we do now?

Culotte: The cave leading to Fatima should be somewhere in this jungle, right?

Eclair: Yes. It said so in the book.

Croix: But with the ship in this condition...

Homard: We'll just have to walk.

Prier: That's what I was afraid of...

First Mate: Cat's!! Prepare to move out!

Homard: Wait.

You must stay here, Yattanya.

First Mate: But Captain!

Homard: We need to get the ship fixed. Lead the chocolate gang, get it done.
   When the repairs are finished come and get us.
   You're the only one I can trust to fix the ship. Understand?

First Mate: ...I understand, Captain. Leave it to me!!

 Explorers' Bones

Homard: Let's take a short break here.

Culotte: *sets up a picnic*

Eclair: Whew! It certainly is hot.

Homard: Are you all right, Princess?
   Shall I give you a piggyback ride?

Eclair: No. Uh, No thank you.
   I know the jungle is a harsh place to be.
   And I think I understand what it's going to take to survive

Homard: But, that's all book-learing right?

Eclair: Y-yes. What's wrong with that?

Homard: Nothing's wrong with that, but you're going to be Queen someday right?
   You've got to experience the real world. There's more to life than books.

Eclair: ......!!
   And just who do you think you are?
   You do as you please, you could never, never, understand the crushing
   burden on royalty!

Fairy: That's enough!
   You may be a princess, but that doesn't give you the right to talk to him
   like that!
   Listen, little lady. Homard isn't really an air pirate! He's...!

Homard: That's enough, Papillon.
   Please accept my apologies, Princess.
   I got carried away for a moment. I'm really sorry.

Eclair: ...Please stop calling me "Princess." My name is Eclair.

Homard: I understand, Miss Eclair.

Eclair: Forget the "Miss" too. Just call me Eclair.

Homard: Very well, Eclair.

Eclair: ......

Homard: My my... Quite a strong-willed little princess, isn't she?
   But she certainly is beautiful...

Fairy: *Smacks Homard with her fan*

Homard: ...Ouch, ouch! Hey!
   Everyone! Shall we be heading out?

 Cave of Ruins

Eclair: Are these... Ruins...?

Homard: So it would seem.
   The Fatimans ust have built this passage to travel back and forth to the

Eclair: But the book I read didn't say anything like that...

Homard: Books are books. This is real life.

Eclair: ...But what if you're wrong?
   All of us will be in danger.

Homard: That's true.

Eclair: That's all you have to say?
   Listen to me, and listen well...

Homard: I'm asking you to trust me.
   Trust me experience and intuition.

Eclair: ...Very well.
   If you're that sure of yourself, I'll follow you.

Prier: Hey, don't you think Eclair is acting a little strange and being a pain
   to Homard?

Croix: She is acting a little odd.
   A few days ago she was a Princess in a beautiful castle.
   Now she's stuck in a jungle, with us, being ordered around by an air
   pirate. It can't be easy.

Prier: I wonder...?

Culotte: (You guys just don't get it...)

 Unknown Fear

Homard: That's strange.

Prier: Strange? What is?

Homard: I don't know. But I've got a bad feeling about this.
   My scar tells me when danger is near.

Prier: H-hey! You're scaring me!

 *a vine taps Culotte*

Culotte: Hey...
   Something really strange is going on.

Alouette: Didn't you mention a terrible monster living ni these caves?

Eclair: Yes. That's what it said in the book.

Croix: Which means...

Prier: This is it?! *A lot more vines appear*
   L-let's get outta here!!

 Upon attacking the Giant thing

Prier: J-just a minute!
   Are we really supposed to fight this thing? You've gotta be kidding!

 After going onward

Prier: It's beautiful...

Alouette: So this is Fatima...

Croix: Amazing...

Homard: Ye of little faith. Looks like I was right after all.

Eclair: Yes... I was wrong.

Homard: I didn't really mean it like that.
   I just want you to understand I'm not stupid or reckless.
   I was using the experience and intuition I've gained over the years in
   my travels.

Eclair: You have real experience. All I have is book learning.
   I guess I'm just a sheltered princess with a lot to learn...

Homard: There's nothing wrong with books.
   We only knew about this cave because of books.
   Just don't let your knowledge blind you to what's right in front of your

Eclair: You're Right.
   There are still so many things in this world that I know nothing about.
   Reading is great. But there's no substitute for experience.

Homard: Exactly! You can't get by without experience!

Eclair: Thank you, Homard!

Homard: H-hey, you don't have to...

Eclair: I made the right decision leaving the castle.
   If I hadn't, I never would have had these wonderful experiences.
   I'm very grateful.

Homard: T-that's enough of that! You don't have to thank me...

Prier: Hey, don't those two make a nice couple?

Culotte: Sure, you have no problem seeing the truth when other people are

Prier: Just a minute, Culotte. What is that supposed to mean?

Culotte: Oh, nothing...

2.29 Chapter 9 "Memories of Fatima"

 Fiery Dream

Lynch Mob: You can't get away!!
   You killed my son!!

Noir's Mother: Wait! He was just trying to protect himself!

Lynch Mob: That's a lie! I saw everything!
   He turned into a demon!!
   That demon killed my sun Crouton and his friends!!
   Death to the demon!!
   Death to the demon's mother!!

Noir's Mother: Noir... You must escape.

Noir: Mother!

Noir's Mother: Remember, Noir...
   Just as there are good people and bad people, there are good and bad demons.
   You father was a demon, but he was a fine, proud man.
   Noir... You must never be ashamed of your powers.
   Be a good boy.

Lynch Mob: *Stabs Noir's mother with a spear*

Noir: M-Mother!!

Lynch Mob: Yes! We killed the witch!!
   Next is the demon child!
   Kill the demon child!!

Noir: *Sprouts wings and instantly incinerates the mob*

 Noir's Church

Noir: (Mother...)
   (You wanted me to grow up good and honest...)
   (But to humans and demons alike I'm a half-blood freak, forever an
   (That is why I must create my own utopia, a place with no humans, gods,
   or demons...)
   (No matter what it takes...)
   (Can you understand why?)

 Fatima Countryside

Culotte: Wilderness streched out ebfore us as far as we could see...
   Fatima the country that had been wiped out in a single night!
   Was the dark prince involved?
   Sister Alouette's vision had led us all this way,
   What could the goddess have been trying to show us.

 Couscous Village

Croix: Hey, it's a village! There's a village over there!
   Whew! Thank the Goddess! I could really use a drink...

 *A ghostly girl appears*

Ghostly Girl: Croix...

Croix: Ughh...

 *Ghostly Girl disappears*

Croix: What is it...? Something is... coming back too me!
   I... I know this village!

Prier: Hey Cruix! You shouldn't run off by yourself like that.

Croix: It's nothing... I just ran too fast, I guess...
   I guess I'm geting too old for this kind of thing.

Prier: Gee, Croix, you sound like an old man!

Villager: What's this? Visitors to our village?
   Are you travelers?

Prier: That's right.

Villager: I'm jealous. It must be nice to travel with your boyfriend.

Prier: B-b-b-boyfriend?!?!

Villager: You mean he's not your boyfriend?

Prier: N-n-n-no!!
   (Do we look like boyfriend and girlfriend?)

Croix: Yeah, buddy. That's not even funny.
   Me and Prier? Boyfriend and Girlfriend?!
   That's ridiculous!
   Right, Prier?

Prier: R-right.
   (He didn't have to deny it that strongly...)

Culotte: (Hmm...)
   (Looks like they've started to notice each other.)
   (But judging from this, it'll be a while before they come clean about
   their feelings...)

Villager: I'm sorry. My mistake. I didn't mean any offense.
   I thought for sure you had come here to get a seed of the fiancailles

Prier: The fiancailles flower?

Villager: You see that flower over there? That's the fiancailles flower.

Croix: (It's happening again...!)
   (I've got some sort of connection to that flower...!!)

Villager: It's just an old legend, but...
   They say if a couple plants a fiancailles plant together and it blooms...
   That they'll live happily ever after. Some couples still come from far
   away to do it.

Prier: Really... The fiancailles flower...

 Couscous Village

Lady with the Broom: You can't grow much in this kind of wasteland.
   We survive by sharing what little we make with each other.
   By the way, are you saving regularly? It's easy to forget.

Brown Haired Man: So, enjoying your stay here in the village?

Prier: Uh... sure...

Brown Haired Man: Hahahaha. That's OK. As you can see, there's not much here.
   By the way, would you all like to stay at my house tonight?
   I caught a huge rock lizard, so we'll eat well tonight!

Prier: Really? All right!!

Alouette: You mean you eat... Lizards?

Prier: You don't? You really shouldn't knock it till you've tried it.

Alouette: Ugh...
   V-very well... I'd love to try lizard.

Croix: It's settled then.

Eclair: Um... if possible, I'd like to take a bath first...

Homard: Sounds great! Want to share a tub?

Fairy: *Smacks Homard*

 After Dinner

Prier: Boy am I stuffed!
   And we get to sleep in a bed tonight, so I should sleep like a baby.
   Night everybody!


Prier: Watch out!
   Over there!
   Take that!! HA!!
   *breaks some stuff*

Prier: Wake up everybody! We've got company!! *Zombie Villagers*

Culotte: Why would the villagers do this? They seemed so nice during the day...

Croix: Were they working for the demons all along?

Alouette: No. I think demons have somehow seized their minds, and are using 
   them like puppets.

Zombie Villagers Puppetmaster: ...You are correct.
   *Puppetmaster appears*

Puppetmaster: I am Dana Albijwaz, one of the three dark lords sword to Master
   Noir. You may know of me.
   I killed over one thousand demons single-handily in the last demon war!
   I now see how you defeated my colleague, Seville Tempete.
   I warn you, La Pucelle...
   These people are nothing but innocent villagers.
   At dawn they will return to their normal state.
   But if you attack them... Well...
   The blood of these innocent people will be on your hands...

Culotte: You knew we could never hurt them...!

Eclair: You coward!

Homard: No, he's no coward. This is war.
   We walked right into his trap.

Alouette: It can't be helped now.
   Right now we have to think of some way to get out of here...

Prier: That's simple! All we have to do is defeat him without harming the 

Croix: Heh. Yeah, that's simple all right...

Alouette: ... We have no choice.
   In the name of the Maiden of Light we ask-
   Oh Goddess Poitreene, please protect us and these innocent villagers.

Puppetmaster: This should be intresting! You and your precious villagers will
   scream in agony.
   And then you'll see just how little your Goddess can do for you.
   *Transforms into a demon lord*

Homard: A demon lord?!?!
   Is it him?!
   No, no... It's not him.

Croix: Don't just stand there, Captain! Let's go!

Homard: R-right!

 *Villagers transform into Manticore's*

 When you attack the Demon Lord

Prier: You guys certainly have no shortage of cowardly tricks...
   In the name of the Maiden of Light!! Repent!!!

 After You defeat the demon lord

Demon Lord: Impressive! You're not half bad, for humans!
   But what do you think of this?!
   *snaps his fingers*

 *Prier is lifted in the air*

Culotte: Prier!

Alouette: Prier!

Prier: Heh. Looks like they got me.

Croix: *Pulsing* (Wait! This reminds me of something...)

Culotte: Good going, Prier!

Prier: Shut up! I just let my guard down for a minute!

Homard: You fool! We nearly had him beat, and now you've ruined everything!

Prier: Well excuse me! Why don't you stow the complaints and get me down from
   here! Pronto!

Homard: Nice talk from someone in your position!
   Would it kill you to say "please save me, Captain Homard"?

Prier: *sticks her tounge out at him* Yea, that's going to happen. Moron.
   I don't need to be saved by somebody like you!

Demon Lord: Are you trying to make a fool out of me?!
   You've had your fun. Now it's my turn.
   Kill her!

Culotte: No!!

Alouette: Prier!!

Croix: *Again pulsing* (W-what's happening?!)
   (My body feels hot all over!!)
   (Black flames... are coming from inside my body!!)

 *Flashback of a woman being killed by villagers...*

Croix: *Exploding with newfound power* AAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!

Culotte: C-Croix?

Alouette: Ah!!! My head feels like it's going to split wide open!!

Croix: *Pulsing again and electricty streaming out*

 *Villagers transform into Manticore's again*

 Battle with Croix vs Demon Lord...

Dark Croix: ......

Demon Lord: Y-you...!! W-what are you?!?!

Dark Croix: ...............Die.

 After Croix destroys the Demon Lord

Croix: *Kicking Demon Lord's Head over and over as more and more green demon
   blood pours out of his head.*

Prier: Croix...

Demon Lord: H-help me...!

Eclair: I can't believe Croix is doing this!

Homard: What's wrong with him?!

Croix: *stops long enough to belt Homard away*

Crew: B-Boss!! Meow!

Prier: Stop it, Croix!! That's enough!!
   Please stop, Croix!! Come on, stop!!!!!!
   I'm OK! It's all over now!!
   It's over!! You need to stop!!

Croix: *Slugs Prier*
   Who am I...?
   Did this...?

Prier: Croix...

Croix: Prier...
   Don't look at me like that...
   What's happening to me!!!!!!

 *Flying demon watching*

Winged Demon: Hh Hhhh... I found him at last.
   I must notify Master Noir immediatly...

2.30 Chapter 10 "The Dark Prince"

 Couscous Village

Culotte: (Yesterday was really something.)
   Sister Alouette...
   How is Croix...?

Alouette: He seems to be doing better this morning.
   But... he's quite drained, emotionally.

Culotte: I see...
   Could Croix be...?
   Sister Alouette and the others must have been thinking the saem thing...
   But the time we'd spent together eased our doubts about Croix it just 
   wasn't possible.
   We wanted to believe in him...
   And so moring came without any of us sayinh a single word...

Alouette: Culotte... Ever since I met Croix, I feel like I'm about to remember

Culotte: Something?

Alouette: Yes, something. I'm not sure just what.
   But I think it's something terribly important...
   The more time passes, the more I feel myself overcome by an unspeakable
   Every night I dream about dying...

Culotte: T-that's just a dream! You shouldn't worry about it!

Alouette: And every night the dream gets a little clearer...
   I think my time is near...

Culotte: You're not going to die!

Alouette: Culotte...

Culotte: I'll protect you, Sister Alouette!
   So don't talk about dying anymore!!

Alouette: Thank you, Culotte.
   You're just like a little brother to me.


Alouette: *Hugs Culotte*
   Don't forget me, Culotte...

Prier: I guess we should be heading off.

Alouette: Yes.

Prier: What are you standing there like a statue for?

Alouette: Are you all right, Croix?

Croix: Yes... I'm fine.

Alouette: Are you really-------

Prier: H-he's fine! Didn't you hear him?
   What are you so worried about, Alouette?
   It's just good old Croix!
   Come on! Let's get going!
   Get a more on, Culotte!

 Ghost Village

Prier: Snow...?

Eclair: Incredible... We were just in the desert...

Homard: Is this some kind of illusion?

Alouette: No. The dark energies influencing this area are terribly intense.
   They're what's causing this strange weather.

Culotte: Now that you mention it, the people here seem kind of pale...

Alouette: Those are not people.

Croix: Is it a trap?

Alouette: No, I sense no evil in them.
   Only a terrible sorrow.

Ghostly villager: What have you come for?
   It's dangerous for living people like you to be here.

Prier: Hey, kid...
   Are you a ghost by any chance?

Ghostly villager: I sure am. You figured it out.
   Aren't you scared of ghosts?

Prier: Well, not exactly... You might say I'm used to them.

Ghostly villager: Anyway, you should really go home right away.
   This country fell when the Dark Prince was born.
   We were caught in a wave of energy from the Dark Prince and were turned
   into ghosts.

Prier: The Dark Prince was born near here?

Ghostly villager: That's right.
   Don't go near the hill (Musical Note)
   Don't go near the hill (Musical Note)
   What does the snow hide? (Musical Note)
   It hides the hill (Musical Note)
   It hides the hill (Musical Note)
   The birthplace of the Dark Prince (Musical Note)
   Don't go near the hill (Musical Note)
   Don't go near the hill (Musical Note)

 Choux Fleurs Hill

Croix: *Pulsing*
   (I've seen this hill before!)
   (I know this place!)

Alouette: *Pulsing as she passes Croix... then she collapses*

Prier: Alouette?!

Culotte: Sister Alouette!

Alouette: It's nothing. I just tripped...
   ...Let's hurry.

Voice: I've been waiting for you.

*A demon lord appears*

Prier: Hey, aren't you...

Demon Lord Seville: Dark Lord Seville Tempete!

Prier: Yeah, that's it!

Demon Lord Seville: You may have beaten me once! And you may have defeated
   my colleague Dana Albijwaz!
   But I will have my revenge!!

Prier: Hyaa!

Demon Lord Seville: But don't worry.
   I'll stop just before killing you. Master Noir's Orders.

Homard: Thanks a lot. Pardon me while I shed tears of joy.

Demon Lord Seville: You won't be able to mouth-off like that for long!
   You've already lost!

Prier: How do you figure?

Demon Lord Seville: Accept your defeat!

 Once you attack the demon lord

Prier: So we've already lost, eh?
   Let's see if you can say that with this baton shoved down your throat!!

 After beating the demon lord

Prier: Ha! "You've already lost" my foot!
   Looks like nothing's changed from the last time we beat the stuffing
   out [of] you!
   Time to finish you off...

Demon Lord Seville: W-wait!
   Don't you care what happens to the people in the town?!

Prier: What?

Croix: What are you talking about?

Demon Lord Seville: You saw them. Even in death, they are tied to this land.
   It's the dark energies that bind them.
   If you were to kill me, it would cause a rift in the dark energies...
   And they would disappear into the void forever.

Eclair: You're using them as hostages?

Homard: Damn you demons. Why is it you can't move beyond one dirty trick
   after the other?
   (It was like this when they took my mother hostage and my helpless father

Alouette: ......

Eclair: Sister Alouette. Isn't there anything we can do?

Alouette: Prier. Destroy him.

Culotte: Sister Alouette?!

Alouette: Didn't you hear me, Prier? Destroy him.

Culotte: Wait, Sister Alouette! What about the people...?!

Alouette: They could never become human again. It's best for everyone...

Culotte: This isn't like you, Sister...!
   There must be some other way! We can find it together!

Alouette: There's no time.

Culotte: What do you mean, no time? Why are you in such a hurry?!
   There's something strange about you, Sister Alouette!
   I hate it when you're like this!!

 *Ghostly Villagers appear around the Demon Lord*

Demon Lord Seville: What do you think you're doing?

Ghostly Villagers: You will die with us.

Demon Lord Seville: Stop!! Let me go!!

  *Villagers envelop the field in light and the Demon lord is gone when it 

Ghostly Villager: Thank you.
   Thanks to you, we are finally free.
   I have something I want to show you.
   Come with me.

 Sun's Tree

Prier: The sun's only shining on this one tree...

Ghostly Villager: This is where it all began.
   This is where the Dark Prince was born...
   I have to go now.
   Thanks again. We will be praying for your saftey.
   *walks towards the tree and disappears*

Prier: The sky is clearing...

Eclair: The dark energies must have weakened.

Croix: This tree...!
   And this flower...!
   I remember them...!
   This place...

Culotte: Um, Sister Alouette...
   About what I said earlier... About hating you when you're like this...
   (She ignored me!!!)

Prier: So what's the deal with this tree?

Alouette: There's something written on it.

Prier: Cr...? I can't quite make it out.

Eclair: It looks like ancient Paprican.
   Oh my!

Prier: What?!

Eclair: It's Croix's name!
   And next to it... Angelique.

Homard: A woman's name.
   A man and a woman's name carved on a tree. Almost as if they were lovers...

Prier: C-Croix! Who is this Angelique?!

Croix: I don't know... Angelique...
   It seems somehow familiar...
   Damn it! I can't remember!!

 *The nearby flower glows*

Croix: W-what's going on?!

 *The nearby flower glows BRIGHTLY and the area is transformed*

Homard: What happened...?!

Eclair: Is this some sort of vision?

Prier: What on earth?!

Alouette: ......
   The only thing I can imagine...

Prier: Yes?

Alouette: We're in a time slip.

Prier: You mean a time trip?

Alouette: Yes.
   Somehow we've traveled back in time.

Prier: Oh really? Intresting...

Alouette: There's no record of a miracle on this scale. You should be 
   Perhaps the Goddess Poitreene had a hand in this...

Homard: This is hard to believe.

Eclair: It sure is awfully sudden.

Croix: No. Sister Alouette is right.
   I remember this place.
   We are in the past.

Prier: Croix...
   Hey! Wait a minute! Croix!!

Culotte: She ignored me...

Prier: Come on, Culotte!

Culotte: We'd gone back as far in the past as we needed to,
   We were about to witness the birth of the dark prince ourselves.

 Couscous Village.

Blonde Girl: Croix!

Croix: That woman...! She's the one who always appears in my visions!

Blonde Girl: What's wrong, Croix? I thought you said you were going shopping?
   Oh, I know. You forgot something, right?
   You're so absent-minded.

Prier: Just a darn minute! You're acting awfully friendly to someone you've 
   just met!
   Just met? It's true that I'm meeting you for the first time, but...
   Croix is my fiance.

Prier: F-f-f-f-f-f-fia...

Eclair: Fiance.

Prier: Whew. Thanks.

Croix: J-just a minute. I'm not the Croix you know.

Blonde Girl: You're not?

Alouette: We are travelers from out west.

Homard: And from the future...

Eclair: Shhh!

Blonde Girl: Now that you mention it, the clothes and face do seem a bit
   different from my Croix's...
   I'm sorry! I guess I made a mistake.
   It's just that he looked so much like my fiance...
   It's really quite amazing...
   Let me introduce myself, then.
   My name is Angelique. I live near here.

Culotte: (Angelique...)
   (That's the name carved on the tree...)

Blonde Girl: You're travelers? Why don't you come and stay at my house tonight?
   I'd like to apologize for making that silly mistake, and introduce you to
   He'll be so surprised...

Alouette: ...You love Croix very much, don't you?

Blonde Girl: Of course I do.
   Well, I've got to start dinner.
   I'll make a real feast for you all. See you tonight!

Culotte: She's gone.

Croix: ......

Alouette: Croix...

Croix: I think this period we're in now is when I'm from.

Fairy: You're kidding! That would make you, like, an old geezer!!

Homard: Papillon!

Croix: ......

Eclair: Didn't you think that Angelique looked a lot like Prier?

Culotte: Yes, I thought so, too.
   Now that you mention it...
   Croix was very surprised the first time he saw Prier's face.
   He said he sometimes had visions of a girl, and that she looked just like
   He said she might be the key to helping him get his memory back.

Eclair: And she's the girl from his visions?
   Hey, Prier...
   Uh-oh... She's Stunned...

 Angelieque's House
 ---That night

Blond Girl: Did you get enough to eat?

Prier: Yep! It was great!
   That potato stew was the best!

Blond Girl: You're quite an intresting person, Prier.

Prier: Really?

Blond Girl: Yes. You're always true to your own feelings.
   I have to admit, I'm kind of jealous.
   I have the feeling that you honestly will help a lot of people someday.

Prier: Oh come on. You're making me blush!

Croix: ...What time are you expecting him?

Blond Girl: Him? Oh, Croix?
   He said he would be back by nightfall, so I would think he should be back
   soon, but...

Alouette: You seem worried about him.

Blond Girl: Yes... The night isn't good for him...

Culotte: You mean he's scared of the dark?

Blond Girl: ...Just the opposite. His dark nature has always been very strong.

Eclair: His dark nature...?

Blond Girl: People have both dark and light powers.
   Neither one is good nor evil, but if either one becomes too strong bad
   things can happen.
   Our powers have caused Croix and me many problems in the past...

Homard: People have always branded things they don't understand as evil.

Eclair: ...It must have been terrible for you.

Blond Girl: Yes...
   It wasn't so bad for me, but Croix...
   His dark nature sometimes made him hurt people...
   But somehow we've made it through, supporting each other all the way.
   I'm so grateful to the Goddess for her protection and guidance.

Culotte: The Goddess? You don't mean...

Blond Girl: The Goddess Poitreene.
   I'm one of the sisters serving the Goddess in this village.

Culotte: What?! Really?
   Then you're the same as us!

Blond Girl: You too?!
   This certainly is a lucky day! The Goddess must have had a hand in this.

Prier: ......
   Um... Angelique?
   If your powers made you suffer so, then why are you like this?

Blond Girl: Like what...?

Prier: I mean, didn't you ever resent your powers and hate the people who
   persecuted you?

Blond Girl: No, never.
   I can use my powers to help many suffering people.
   There's nothing better than that.

Prier: ......
   (This is complicated...)
   (She seems to nice.)
   (I was all set to hate her when I heard she was Croix's fiancee, but now
   (I just can't bring myself to dislike her...)
   (This is so depressing...)
   (It's like she's better than me as a person and a woman...)
   (Is this what it feels like to have a broken heart...?)

Blond Girl: Prier, can I ask you something?

Prier: Huh?

Blond Girl: This has been bothering me ever since I met you.
   My Croix and that Croix look an awful lot alike, but don't you think
   we look alike, too?

Prier: Well...

Blond Girl: Talking to you like this, it's hard to believe that we just met
   It's like we're sisters.

Prier: Well...

Blond Girl: You wouldn't happen to be that Croix's girlfriend, would you?
   Wouldn't that be intresting?

Prier: Well...

Croix: ......
   ...I need some air.

Blond Girl: Did I say something wrong?

Culotte: No. Hahaha...

Alouette: Angelique...
   There's something I want to ask. Are you pregnant?

Blond Girl: W-what?! Why?

Alouette: I can sense another tiny life in your body.

Blond Girl: You can sense that?
   Your powers must be amazing.
   You're right. It's been three months. I still haven't told Croix.

Prier: (P-p-p-p-p-p-p-pregnant!!!!!! They're THAT close?!?!)

Eclair: Uh-oh. Big Sister's frozen again.

Villager: Angelique!! It's terrible!
   There's been an accident up on the hill! You've got to come quickly!!

Blond Girl: I'm sorry. I must go.
   Please stay here and rest.

Culotte: Is there anything we can do?

Blond Girl: Thank you, but I'll be fine.

Alouette: Angelique!
   ...B-be careful.

Croix: What's wrong? Did something happen?

Culotte: There was an accident up on the hill.
   ...Do you think Angelique is really OK on her own?

Alouette: ......

 Two hours later

Prier: Angelique's been gone a long time.

Culotte: Don't you think we should go and help her?

Alouette: She won't be coming back.

Culotte: What?! What do you mean?

Alouette: Tonight... she will be killed. By witch hunters.
   I saw it when I was talking to her earlier. I had a vision of the her
   And her death will cause the birth of the dark prince.

Culotte: No!

Prier: Why didn't you tell us earlier?!

Alouette: The Goddess Poitreene has brought us back to the past...
   But we are here not to change the past. We are to witness it.
   We must see the birth of the dark prince with our own eyes.

Prier: No! How do you know she didn't send us here to change the past?!

Alouette: We have no right to change the past.
   If it were that simple, the Dark Prince would have disappeared long ago.
   No, the Dark Prince's attachment to this world is very strong.
   We must discover how he was born...
   Discovering that secret may be the key to destroying him.
   And so...

Prier: And so you expect us to watch Angelique die?
   I can't do that!!

Culotte: I agree with Prier. You may be right, Sister Alouette.
   But I can't just stay here and do nothing!
   You've been acting so strage recently, Sister Alouette.

Alouette: Goddess Poitreene... Is this part of your plan?

 Choux Fleurs Hill

Pathetic Villager: ... This isn't my fault, you know!
   Angelique brought this on herself! It's all her fault!

Prier: You're the one who lied to Angelique to get her to come!
   Where is she?!

Pathetic Villager: A-Angelique's the bad one...
   Not me!
   She had to go and get engaged to Croix, when she knew I loved her!

Homard: Wait!
   You've betrayed her?!

Pathetic Villager: Yes! The Imperial forces have been rounding up Poitreene's
   most powerful followers.
   They paid me a fortune to turn her in!!
   She's probally being skewered on the Imperial soldiers' spears as we

Prier: I...I won't stand for this!!

Pathetic Villager: What? You looking for a fight?
   Oh guarrrrds (Musical note)

Guards: What's going on here?!

Pathetic Villager: These guys are followers of Poitreene!
   They've come to rescue Angelique!

Fairy: Why you dirty...

Eclair: It's amazing the depths to which people can sink.

Croix: *Pulsing* (Ghgg!)
   (It's happening again! My body... feels hot all over!)

Pathetic Villager: Hahahahahaha!
   So, are you still intrested in fighting?!

Prier: Any time, any place! *kicks the pathatic one in the place where it would
   hurt the most sending him flying*

Guards: You witches!! Resistance is futile!!
   Men! Destroy the Heretics!!

Culotte: Prier, you know what we have to do, right? These people...

Prier: I know! It burns me up, but I won't hurt them!
   We don't have time to waste on them anyway! We've got to save Angelique!!

 At the top of the hill Event

Prier: Angelique!!

Croix: *Pulsing*

Blond Girl: Don't come near!! You'll get mixed up in this, too!
   I'll be fine. The Goddess will protect me.

Prier: What are you talking about?! Even the Goddess can't...

Blond Girl: Please! I don't want you to get hurt!

Prier: But...!

Blond Girl: Run! Quickly!

Prier: But...!

Blond Girl: If you see Croix...
   Tell him I'm sorry...

Guards: *Stab Angelique*

Prier: Angelique!!

Eclair: How could they...?!

Culotte: How can they do this to a fellow human being?
   They're not human!
   They're demons!!

Other Croix: Angelique!!

Both Croix: *Pulsing*

Croix: Angelique...!!

Other Croix: Angelique...!!
   We were going to plant the fiancailles flower on this very hill tomorrow...
   Angelique and I were hated and persecuted...

Croix: But instead of hating people. She helped them! And always with a smile
   on her face!!
   And yet...!

Other Croix:  And yet...!
   No...! Noooooooo!!!!!!
   None of this would have happened if it weren't for human beings...

Croix: This would would be better if they would all just disappear...

Prier: C-Croix...?

Croix: Yes!

Other Croix: Yes!!

Both Croix: *Pulsing*

Prier: Croix!!

Alouette: Wait Prier!!
   We must watch!
   Watch! The birth of the Dark Prince!!

Both Croix: *Merge into Dark Croix*

   *Envelops the area in dark energy... and you are thrown back through time*

Culotte: Have we returned to the present?

Prier: Croix... Where's Croix?!

Dark Croix: ......

Prier: Croix?!

Alouette: He's not Croix any longer...
   He's... the Dark... Prince...

Culotte: Sister Alouette!

Dark Croix: I am Cro... Cro...
   Human scum...!!
   S-stop it! Leave me alone!!

Prier: Croix!

Homard: A small part of him is still there!
   Prier! You've got to talk to Croix!!

Prier: OK!!
   Croix! Look at me!!

Croix: ...Pr...ier...

Prier: That's right! It's Prier!!

Dark Croix: ...Prier...

 *Noir appears*

Noir: I've been waiting for you Dark Prince.
   Together, we will destroy the humans...

Dark Croix: Destroy... the humans...?
   Yes! The humans must be purged from the world!
   They must be destroyed!!
   *Both Noir and Dark Croix vanish*

Prier: CROIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Culotte: We had all begun to realize it, 
   But none of us could say it...
   We all wanted to believe in Croix...
   It seemed like everything was coming to a head rushing up to meet us at 
   incredible speed.

2.31 Chapter 11 "The Maiden of Light"

Culotte: Sister Alouette...

Homard: She's burning with fever! We need to do something!

Eclair: The first thing we need to do is get her out of the rain before she

Homard: We're going to have to find some shelter from the storm.

 *airship flys by*

 On Airship

Crew: I'm not sure we can stay airborne in this storm! Meow!!

First Mate: Enough with your meowing!! Shut up and find the Captain!!
   Captain... I hope you're safe...!

Crew: Sensors show several large life forms on that hill! Meow!!

First Mate: Reduce speed. Reduce altitude, prepare for pickup.

Crew: Roger! Meow!

 Top of the hill

Eclair: Is that thunder...?

Homard: No! That sound can only be...
   Hahahaha! We're saved!!

First Mate: Captain!!

Homard: Good timing, Yattanya!

First Mate: The storm dissolved the Death Cloud.

Homard: Talk about a silver lining! You guys did a good job, too.

First Mate: That's why you pay us the big, creamy bucks!

Fairy: ...Thanks.

First Mate: Hm. You seem to have learned some manners while you were gone.

Fairy: I am grateful. But...
   But... don't think this means I owe you anything!

First Mate: Got it.

Homard: Hair-balls! The Escargot is taking off!!
   Set course for Paprica!!

 50 years earlier

Alouette: Give up, Dark Prince!
   Many Maidens of Light gave their lives battling you. With me, that comes
   to and end!

Dark Croix: Another Maiden of Light? Why do you people have to keep getting in
   my way?

Alouette: As if you didn't know! I can't let you continue hurting Poitreene's

Dark Croix: Human beings add nothing to the world, they have no right to
   If you want to throw away your life protecting those worthless scum, then
   so be it!!
   I'll destroy you, like I destroyed all the Maidens of Light before you!!

Alouette: Summons all the gods to her aid

 *Dark Croix & Alouette battle it out with light and dark energies*

Child: Maiden!

Alouette: Y-you're from the village at the base of the mountain... WHat are you
   doing here?!

Child: We were worried about you...

Alouette: Listen carefully...
   I've used up nearly all of my power...
   I'm not strong enough to defeat the Dark Prince.
   I have just enough power left to seal the Dark Prince.

Child: Seal him in?

Alouette: Yes. I will erase his memory and encase him in a block of ice.
   If I wipe his memory, even after the ice melts, he won't become the
   Dark Prince right away.

Child: But what about you, Maiden? What happens to you?

Alouette: ...I will also lose my memory.
   In order to use the memory-wiping miracle, I must also erace my own
   When he regains his memory and his heart is again controlled by darkness...
   The flame that is my life will flicker and go out.

Child: You mean you'll... die?

Alouette: I realized something in my battle with the Dark Prince. He has a deep
   hatred for humanity.
   That hatred...
   That terrible darkness in his heart is what drew the fallen angel Calamity
   to him.
   We can defeat him if we understand why he hates humanity.
   We must ease the darkness in his heart before he regains his memory.
   Alone, that is far more than I can accomplish.
   I will need allies...
   ...I will join the Dark Prince in his long sleep...
   ...and pray that strong allies await me in the future.
   It's dangerous here! Run, quickly!
   *Encases the cave in ice*

 At the Church

Alouette: When Croix... the Dark Prince regained part of his memory, I 
   remembered who I was.
   I was the Maiden of Light.

Eclair: You were the Maiden of Light...?

Homard: That explains your incredible powers.

Culotte: But if you fought the Dark Prince 50 years ago, that would mean 

Alouette: It means I could be your grandmother.
   What's the matter? Don't you like me anymore?

Culotte: Of course I do!!
   ...I was just a little surprised, that's all.
   (Wow! I'm in love with the Maiden of Light!!)

Alouette: My two years at the Church of the Holy Maiden since Father Salade
   rescued me were not wasted.
   After all, if I hadn't joined the Churhc, I would neer had made such
   wonderful friends.
   I'm sure that this time we can finally defeat the Dark Prince for good.
   The fat that I am still alive proves that his heart has not yet fallen
   prey to darkness.
   We must strike now, while he still hasn't completly recovered his memory.

Homard: But Prier is in no condition to fight...

Eclair: And defeating the Dark Prince means killing Croix...
   I don't know if she can handle that...

Father Salade: ...She still wno't come out of her room?

Alouette: ......
   She's strong. When the time comes, she'll do what must be done.

Homard: I hope you're right.

Radio: .........beep........zzzzppp.......
   This is Sister Ravioli! I've engaged a group of demons at Mayonnaise
   Request backup immediately!
   Request backup immediately!

Father Salade: Roger. I'll send help right away. Try and hold out a little

Radio: Roger!!

Father Salade: It seems like the demons are pulling out all the stops...
   I know you must be tired after your long journey, but I must ask you to
   help Sister Ravioli.

Alouette: ......

Father Salade: What's wrong, Sister Alouette?

Alouette: I'm terribly sorry, but I can't go.

Father Salade: You can't go?

Alouette: ...My powers are almost depleted.
   I want to preserve my strength for the final battle.

Culotte: What do you mean, almost depleted?

Alouette: When a Maiden of Light uses all of her power, her role as Maiden ends
   and she goes to heaven.
   That is the fate of the Maiden of Light...

Culotte: No!! It's not true!!
   You can't die, Sister Alouette!!

Eclair: ...That explains the way you've been acting recently.
   You've been hurrying us along because you knew you would be dying soon...

Homard: It must have been hard-Trying to finish the mission with no memory.
   Especially with everyone misunderstanding your intentions.

 Flashback to the hill, present at the battle with the demon seville

Culotte: What do you mean, no time?  Why are you in such a hurry?!
   There's something strange about you, Sister Alouette!
   I hate it when you're like this!!

 Flashback to the past, Angelique's house

Culotte: I agree with Prier. You may be right, Sister Alouette.
   But I can't just stay here and do nothing!
   You've been acting so strange recently, Sister Alouette!

 Back at church

Culotte: Sister Alouette... I'm sorry.
   I had no idea how you felt. I said so many terrible things...

Alouette: That is part of my mission as the Maiden of Light.
   I have been prepared for it ever since I was chosen by the Goddess

Homard: Amazing!!
   I, Captain Homard, salute you!
   Leave the demons at Mayonnaise Harbor to me!
   You must stay here and try to regain your strength!

Eclair: Homard is right.
   I've relied on you and Prier too much up until now.
   It's my turn to help.

Culotte: Sister Alouette...
   If you don't use all your power, you don't have to die, right?
   I'll fight in your place!!
   Do you remember the promise I made?
   I said I would protect you, and I will!
   I won't let you die!!

Alouette: Thank you, Culotte.
   Thank you all.

Homard: All right! Off we go!

 Mayonnaise Harbor

Eclair: How horrible...!

Homard: Sister Ravioli must have been torn to shreds! It's amazing she was
   able to contract us!

Culotte: We've got to...!

Hermes: Hey... Got a minute?
   It's me. Hermes from Castle Cresson.

Culotte: Hermes?!

Hermes: You got it. So you remember me, do you?

Eclair: W-who is it, Culotte?

Culotte: Oh yea, that's right. You don't know him.
   Here's what happened...
   ...And that's about it.

Hermes: ...Hey kiddo, wasn't that a little on the short side?

Culotte: Never mind. What do you want?

Hermes: Oh yes... Now what was it...? Oh yeah...
   I've got some business with you and the little lady.

Culotte: Me and Eclair?

Hermes: That's right. Wouldn't you two like to get stronger?

Culotte: Of course!

Eclair: Yea, but is it really that easy?

Hermes: Maybe. I'll help you out.

Eclair: You can do that?

Hermes: Not for the average human, but you guys are special. You've got great
   But you're still immature, so you're not making use of your true powers.
   You're letting your talents go to waste.
   If you want me to help you make the most of your true powers, come and
   see me right away.

Culotte: B-but why do you want to help us?

Hermes: Let's just say that I have my reasons for wanting you to be strong.

Eclair: ...What shall we do, Culotte?

Hermes: There's no time to waste. Hurry up.

 *Demons appear*

Homard: You!!
   Eclair, Culotte... Go and see Hermes.

Eclair: We can't just take off!!

Homard: Worried about me?

Eclair: N-no, but...

Homard: I said, GO!!!
   He and I go way back...
   It's time I paid you back for this scar!!

Demon Lord Veloute: Scar...?
   Oh yes...
   Now I remember you, hiding behind your father, trembling in fear.
   You've grown some but nothing's changed.
   I'm Veloute Normande, the Demon general and you'll never be a match for me.

Demon Lord Veloute: Hohoho......

Homard: Welcome to a whole new world!
   My father is still bedridden today because of what you did to him.
   It was to avenge my father that I ran away from home and became an air
   I promised my mother, my father, myself, that I wouldn't return until I
   had defeated you!!
   You were awakened because I disobeyed my father.
   Now I can fix that mistake.

Eclair: Homard...

Homard: Yattanya! You take the Chocolat Gang and escort Culotte and Eclair to
   the castle.

Fairy: I'm not going! I won't leave you, Homard!

First Mate: Papillon... That's a direct order.
   I'm sure the Captain has his reasons.

Homard: Thank you, Yattanya.

Eclair: We'll be back soon! Please... be careful!!

Homard: Don't worry. He can't touch me! *Everyone else leaves...*

Demon Lord Veloute: Are you... smiling?

Homard: That's right. I've finally found you.
   I've been looking for you for years. Now I finally have the chance to
   avenge my father.

Demon Lord Veloute: Hohoho... You talk big...
   But can you back it up?

Homard: That sounds like a challenge.
   I'm just dying to tear you apart!

Demon Lord Veloute: ......

Homard: ......

Demon Lord Veloute: ......

Homard: AAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! *attacks the demon lord*

 Royal Libary

Culotte: Hermes said he would bring out our hidden potential, but what do you
   think he has in mind?

Eclair: ...I don't know.
   But we have no choice but to go.

Culotte: Yea... We need all the strength we can get.

 Hermes' Room

Hermes: Nice of you to come.

Eclair: Please!! We need you to finish quickly!

Hermes: Now now, don't rush me, young lady.
   As I said before, I called you here to help you realize your true potential.
   But before I can do that, you must pass a certain test...

Culotte: A test?

Hermes: As I said before, I am in charge of balancing the powers of light
   and darkness in the world.
   But recently the Church of the Divine Mother and their demons have been
   getting stronger.
   Over 70% of Paprica is under the control of the dark energy.
   Light and shadow are different, but you can't have one without the other.
   If one side or the other gets out of balance, the results can be disastrous.
   That's why I need you, as representatives of light, to get stronger.
   If you can defeat the Church of the Divine Mother, the balance of the
   universe will be restored.
   So how about it? Will you take the test?

Culotte: If we pass the test, Eclair and I will become stronger?

Hermes: You got it.
   Of course, if you fail, you die.
   I won't force you. You must make the choice on your own.

Culotte: I'll do it!

Eclair: Me too!

Hermes: That's the spirit! I knew Poitreene chose you for a reason.
   Good Luck!

 Eclair's Heart

Dark Eclair: Teehee. Welcome (Musical note)

Eclair: Is that... m-me?!

Dark Eclair: Bingo! You got it! But not really!
   You're half right, you see.

Culotte: Eclair, that really is you.

Eclair: What?!

Culotte: She is another version of you, created by the darknes in your heart.
   The Queen told you that you were actually the Dark Knight right?
   But... that's strange...
   I thought we completly erased the darkness from your heart...

Hermes: That's where you're wrong, kiddo. The human heart is made up of two
   It's the combination of the dark half and the light half that makes us who
   we are.
   The young lady will continue to suffer as long as she denies the dark half
   of her heart.
   But if she can overcome the darkness in her heart by herself...

Dark Eclair: Teehee. Intresting, huh?
   That's the test.
   I wonder if you two can pass it all by yourselves...
   No, probally not. Culotte can't do anything without his big sister.

Culotte: That's not true! I can fight without Prier!
   I'll pass the test and get the power to protect Sister Alouette!!

Dark Eclair: Hahahaha! You think so?
   You're no better, Eclair. You can't do anything without your "Big Sister."
   You're just a puppet that does everything your mother says. You never
   stand up for yourself.

Eclair: .....

Dark Eclair: What's wrong? Can't think of anything to say?

Eclair: ...You're right. I used to be weak, just as you said.
   But I created you! My heart created you!
   So I have to defeat you myself! I won't be weak any longer!!

Dark Eclair: That's easy for you to say! You really think you can beat me?!
   I've had enough of being your shadow all the time!
   I'll defeat you and become the real Eclair myself!!

 Upon Dark Eclair's defeat

Dark Eclair: No!! How could this happen?!
   I thought for sure I would become the real Eclair this time!
   Why do I always have to be your shadow?!
   I want to have adventures too! And have mother comfort me...

Culotte: ......

Eclair: ......

Dark Eclair: ...What's the matter?! Aren't you going to kill me?!
   Just do it! Finish me off!

Eclair: I can't.

Dark Eclair: What?!

Eclair: We're like sisters... We're twins!
   We've been seperated into light and dark halves, but we're really part of
   the same person.
   I understood that for the first time just now when we fought.

Dark Eclair: ......

Culotte: Eclair...

Eclair: Up until now, I've never really liked myself...
   I guess I've been lying to myself all this time.
   After a while, my hatred for myself ended up blocking away a part of my

Dark Eclair: And then I was born...

Eclair: It makes no difference if I beat you or you beat me. The winner won't
   be the real Eclair.
   Only by coming together can we become the real Eclair.

Culotte: She's right. It's not a question of which one of you is real. You're
   both Eclair.
   You've got to accept each other. Come together as one of you'll keep on

Dark Eclair: ...... I guess even you say something decent occasionally, 
   We're like twin sisters, right?
   All right...
   But I get to be the older sister!

 *The two Eclair's become one*

 Hermes' Room

Hermes: Congratulations. You passed.
   I was afraid you were going to kill your other self there for a minute.
 *Light engulfs Culotte and Eclair*

Culotte: W-what's happening?! My heart feels warm...!

Eclair: Me too...!

Hermes: What do you think?

Culotte: I'm not really sure...

Hermes: I suppose not. Let me explain.
   First you, kiddo.

Culotte: Me...?

Hermes: Part of you has always relied on your sister.
   That's why you weren't able to realize your true potential.
   But you were able to pass this test without any help from her.
   As a prize, I have given you a new skill called "Kitty Kitty."
   I think the name suits you...
   From now on, try and have a little more confidence in yourself, OK?

Culotte: Y-yes sir!

Hermes: And now for the little lady...
   Your heart has become one for the first time today.
   If you had killed your other self, you would have disappeared as well.
   But you decided to accept your other half. Well done.
   From now on, you will be able to fully control both parts of yourself.
   Think of this as the first day of the rest of your life. Good Luck.

Eclair: ... Thank you!

Hermes: Don't mention it. Just doing my job.
   But shouldn't you be getting back to your friends?

Culotte: That's right!

First Mate: OK cats! Let's go help the Captain!!

Eclair: (We'll always be together now, Sister.)

 Mayonnaise Harbor

   *attacks the demon lord*

Demon Lord Veloute: Hohoho......
   I never would have thought that little brat would become such a mighty
   You're an intresting specimen.

Homard: Oh really? I'm glad to hear it!!
   (Damn... He's strong!!)
   (I've used up almost all of my energy...)
   (I may be in trouble here...)
   (Snap out of it, Homard!)
   (You're not a child hiding behind your father anymore!!)
   (I was too scared to do anything then...)
   (I was so scared I thought I would die!)
   (The truth is that I defeated myself!)
   (And I'll remain a loser until I beat him!)
   (It doesn't matter if I die...)
   (I must defeat him!)
   (I created this technique just for him...!)
   Come flames!! I will use my very life force to summon a storm of fire!!
   I've been saving this one just for you, scum!!

Fairy: Homard!!

First Mate: Captain!!

Fairy: Homard!!

Homard: You're back early. I was doing just fine...

Eclair: No! We're friends! We want to help!
   And... I've discovered my other self now.
   So I won't be a burden to you any longer.

Homard: Your other self?

Eclair: *Transforms*

Homard: W-w-w-what?!

Dark Eclair: I had another identity hidden inside me.
   We had been apart, but now we are together.
   Now that my two halves have come together, I can finally be the real me.
   I never knew about my other self...
   No... The truth is that I never wanted to admit that she existed.
   But now I can love both parts of me.
   So please let me help...

Homard: This is quite a surprise...
   I thought you wre cute before, but you're positively ravishing now.

Demon Lord Veloute: Hello?! We're in the middle of a battle here!

Homard: Oh, that's right. Sorry about that.
   Back to the battle!!
   Eclair... Culotte...
   Show me your new skills!

Culotte: All right!

First Mate: Come on Cats! We'll help too!! Meow!

 When Homard uses Burning soul on the Demon Lord

Demon Lord Veloute: Hohoho...
   I should thank your little goddess. Finally, opponents worthy of me!

Homard: Ha! Nice of you to say so.
   Now let's see what happens to that attitude of yours...
   After I stick my sword through your throat!!!

 After the Demon lord is defeated

Demon Lord Veloute: Hohoho...
   Unfortunately, my role ends here.
   I'm afraid I have other business to attend to...
   But we will finish this soon...
   *sprouts wings and takes off*

Homard: Wait!!

Eclair: Homard! *Embraces Homard*

Homard: H-hey...

Eclair: Thank goodness you're safe...

Homard: ......
   Hmph. Did you really think that the great Captain Homard could be
   There there... Wipe away your tears. I don't like making women cry.
   That's right.
   I think maybe your heart has gotten a bit stronger too.

Culotte: Yes! Both Eclair and I have gotten stronger!
   And it's all thanks to you!

Homard: That's enough of that. I had my own reasons for fighting.

First Mate: Way to go, Captain!! You're the cat's meow.

Goddess: You must not relax yet...

Homard: Who was that?!

Culotte: W-what?!

Eclair: Goddess Poitreene?!

Goddess: Culotte. Eclair. You did well on your test.
   Culotte... You will be the Maiden of Light's shield...
   And Eclair... You will be her sword. The two of you will help Alouette.
   The Dark Prince Croix still retains a small portion of his humanity.
   But if Alouette dies, her spell will be broken, and he will noce again
   become the Dark Prince.

Eclair: So the demons will want to kill Sister Alouette!

Homard: This has all been a big diversion! And we played right into their 

Culotte: We've got to save Alouette! Let's get back to the Church!!

 Pot au Feu City Church

Dark Croix: Maiden of Light... Your life is mine...
   If I kill you, I can return to my true self at last.
   And then I will be able to wipe the human scum from the face of the earth!

Alouette: You're wrong Croix.
   This isn't the real you!
   The real you was the person who went adventuring with us...
   And the one who lived happily with Angelique.
   You must not give into the darkness Croix!!

Dark Croix: S-shut up! Don't call me Croix!!

Alouette: Father Salade...

Father Salade: Sister Alouette. I mean Maiden of Light...
   You must not let them kill you...
   Leave this to me.

Dark Croix: This is no place for you, old man... I suggest you leave now, if 
   you don't want to die!

Father Salade: You think I'm going to let a young punk like you beat me?!

Dark Croix: Enough talk!!
   You will be the first to die!!!

Culotte: Sister Alouette!!

Dark Croix: *Throws a dark energy ball demon at Father Salade*

Father Salade: Arrggghhh!!!!
   *Beats on the demon with ease*

Dark Croix: Wh--------?!?!

Eclair: Amazing!!

Culotte: So the rumors about Father Salade defeating a demon lord with his bare
   hands were true...

Father Salade: I've been waiting for this day for fifty years...

Alouette: Fifty years?

Father Salade: Yes, Fifty years ago, there was a child who witnessed
   your battle with the Dark Prince...

Image of the Child: Maiden!

Alouette: You don't mean you were that boy...?!

Father Salade: None other.
   I spent the years since then training myself to be a demon hunter.
   I even developed my own "Holy Punch" technique.
   And then I created the Churhc of the Holy Maiden. All to help you defeat
   the Dark Prince.

Alouette: Father Salade...
   You've thrown away your entire life to help me...

Father Salade: I haven't thrown anything away. I couldn't be more satisfied 
   with the way
   I've lived my life.
   But I must admit that I was shocked when Croix showed up.
   I never thought the Dark Prince would be working with the Maiden of Light...
   But I said nothing, thinking that it was a part of Goddess Poitreene's plan.
   But I can remain silent no longer.
   Dark Prince! DO you think you can handle Salade the Demon Killer?!
   Come and get me!!

 Dream of some sort

Prier C-Croix......!!

Goddess: Prier...

Prier Who is it...?

Goddess: Stand up, Prier.
   Maiden of Light Alouette is in danger.

Prier Maiden of Light Alouette...?

Goddess: That's right. Look...

 *Goddess shows the battle unfolding*

Prier Croix......!!

Goddess: The Dark Prince Croix is trying to regain his memory and power by
   killing Alouette.
   Come, Prier. You must fight.

Prier No...
   I can't fight Croix!!
   Besides, what can someone like me do, anyway?
   It was always my dream to become the Maiden of Light, but I've come to
   realize something.
   People like Alouette and Angelique should be the Maidens of Light, not me...
   I'm not fit to be a Maiden of Light...
   What can someone like me do?!?! Nothing!!

Goddess: Then Alouette will die, and Croix will lose his soul to the darkness

Prier ......

Goddess: Is that what you want?

Prier O-oh course not!

Goddess: Then you must fight!

Prier You have got a lot of nerve!
   You may be a Goddess but you don't understand what I'm feeling!
   Why don't you save Croix yourself?!

Goddess: That I cannot do.

Prier You can't do it?! What do you mean, you can't?!
   Then what's the point of having a Goddess?!
   I thought you were suppoed to help people in need!
   But all you do is order people around while you do nothing yourself!!
   I don't need a Goddess like you!!
   Why are you even here? What can you do for me?!

Goddess: ......
   You don't understand.
   People call me a Goddess, but I am merely a personification of the power
   of light.
   People have come to worship this power as the Goddess Poitreene.
   Darkness and light are both parts of nature. Neither is innately good or
   But if the two powers become unbalanced, the world will be thrown into
   Noir and the Church of the Divine Mother are working to disrupt the balance
   of power.
   If the Dark Prince Croix awakens, the world will be covered in darkness.

Prier And that's why you want me to fight?
   For you? For the power of light? For the power of good?

Goddess: ...No. You must fight for what you believe in.
   Alouette, your brother Culotte, Eclair and Father Salade...
   They are all fighting for what they believe in.
   If they fail, and the balance between light and darkness is broken...
   Then at least they will have done their best. That is fate.
   But can you really stay here and do nothing as everything you care for
   is lost?

Prier ......

Goddess: I've said everything I came here to say.
   What is the most important thing to you?
   Think about that and your heart will tell you what to do.

Prier ......

 *Finacilles flower appears*

Prier My heart says to think of Angelique, what she would do.
   And how she would do it.

 *Flower changes into Angelique*

 Back at the battle

Father Salade: Whew... I must be getting old.
   I thought I could hold out a little longer...

Dark Croix: Finished already, old man? You were so enthusiastic a minute ago...

Alouette: Father Salade!

Father Salade: Stay back!!
   (Hmm... I wonder what my wife will say when she hears of my death?)
   (She's strong... She probally won't cry...)
   (If I do make it home alive, maybe I'll tell her I love her. It's been
   so long...)

 *Prier arrives*

Prier Wait!!

Culotte: Prier!

Eclair: Big Sister!

Father Salade: Ah... Finally woke up, did you?

Prier Croix... The Dark Prince? Can you imagine how much that hurt? My shock?
   I was so sad that I didn't know what to do.
   And I'm too stupid to know how to save you.
   But I do know that I'm not going to stand by and watch you hurt innocent
   That's for damn sure.
   And I will rid your heart of darkness!!
   But you must fight the darkness too!!

Dark Croix: Ughh.....!! S-silence...!!

Father Salade: He's distracted?!

Alouette: This is our chance!

Prier Croix! I believe in you!!

Dark Croix: S-shut up!!
   Kill her!!

 When Prier attacks Dark Croix

Prier Please! Don't give in to the dark powers!
   I believe in you, Croix!

Dark Croix: Q-quiet! Shut your mouth or I'll shut it forever!!

 After defeating Dark Croix

Dark Croix: You accursed humans!!

 *Noir appears*

Prier Noir!!

Noir: You remember my name. I'm honored.
   I didn't expect you to do so well against the Dark Prince, even in his
   weakened state.
   Very impressive.

 *Noir backstabs Dark Croix*

Dark Croix: You... Bastard...!!!!

 *Noir stabs his back again*

Dark Croix: *Collapses*

Prier Croix!!
   Why did you do that?!

Noir: Thank you. You saved me a great deal of trouble.

Eclair: Then your goal wasn't to resurrect the Dark Prince?

Noir: Hardly, Princess. My goal is and always has been the creation of my
   The revival of the Dark Prince was merely a means to that end.

Alouette: ... I think I'm beginning to understand the nature of your "Utopia."
   You plan to summon the fallen angel Calamity, don't you?!

Noir: Ha ha ha...
   You are indeed the Maiden of Light... Exactly right.
   Harnessing the dark energy and reviving the Dark Prince were part of my
   To summon Clamity, the symbol of darkness, and to take her power for my
   Then I will cleanse this planet of all that is impure! Humans, gods and
   demons will all die!

Prier That's your Utopia?!
   I will never let that happen!

Noir: ......
   You're quite a spirited young lady. Tell me your name.

Prier It's Prier, creep!

Noir: Very well, Prier... By all means, try and stop me.
   Until then, your friend will be my guest...

 *Disappears with Croix*

Prier Croix!!

Alouette: Prier...

Culotte: Prier...

Prier I know. I'm OK. I won't hesitate any longer.
   I will save Croix!!

Culotte: Sure, when it comes to saving Croix, you're all business...

Prier *Smacks Culotte HARD*

Father Salade: Well, it looks like she's finally back to her old self.

Eclair: The kingdom of Paprica will do everything it can to help.

Homard: And the Escargot will see this through to the very end! It's a
   once-in-a-lifetime adventure!

Prier It's time to go after them on their home turf!!

2.32 Chapter 12 - The Final Chapter "A Legend is Born" 

 Demon's Hideout

Demon Lord: Master Noir... Why are you waiting to summon Calamity?

Noir: I will summon the fallen angel after I have finished with La Pucelle.

Demon Lord: You are starting to sound almost human...
   Don't let the human blood in your veins control you.

Noir: ......

Demon Lord: No matter. Do as you like. I'm happy as long as I have worthy
   opponents to fight.
   That's the only reason I am following you. Don't forget that...
   I will enjoy this...
   *flys off*

Noir: Blasted demon...
   Mother... My Utopia will soon be complete...
   I will exterminate the human scum who killed you and create a world
   free of humans and demons...
   But that girl... Prier...
   Her eyes were different from those of the humans who killed you...
   Her eyes were clear and bright... like yours...
   Mother... Do you remember what you told me just before you died?
   You said that there were good and bad demons, just as there were good
   and bad humans.
   I have long thought that all humans and demons were evil.
   But that girl... she...
   What would you think of me if you saw me now...?
   But it's much to late to go back...
   I must do what I believe in...
   Engage the Angel Gate!!

 On board airship

Homard: Any luck?

Crew: Nothing. Meow.
   There's no sign of a large concentration of dark energy Miss Alouette

First Mate: With all of the dark energy around here, it's like looking for a
   mouse in a haystack.

Fairy: The Dark Prince could be revived any minute. We're wasting to much time
   with this!

Homard: She's the Maiden of Light.
   Believe her. It must be around here somewhere.

Prier: Have you found it yet?

Homard: No, nothing yet.
   But don't worry. We'll find their lair, or my name isn't Captain Homard.

Prier: We're counting on you.
   So Alouette is the Maiden of Light, huh?
   She gets all the good stuff...

Alouette: Sorry about that, Prier.

Culotte: That's nothing to apologize about, Sister Alouette.
   It's not like Prier ever had a chance at it anyway...

Crew: B-boss! A giant concentration of dark energy just appeared straight
   ahead of us!!
   It's getting bigger and bigger!!

First Mate: What?! Meow!!

Crew: It's twenty thousand foucettes in mass!! meow!

Eclair: T-twenty thousand foucettes?!

Culotte: I've never heard of that much energy suddenly appearing in one place!

Fairy: L-look at that?! *A Flying Castle*

Father Salade: Amazing!

Homard: What is that!?

Alouette: Long ago, high about the cluods there lived a race called the Tenjin.
   The gods communicated with them, gave them power to live.
   That must be the ruins of one of the gates they built to communicate with
   Noir must have been collecting dark energy in order to set the gate in
   motion again.

Eclair: You mean that all of the dark energy in Paprica is concentrated in
   that gate?

Father Salade: So that's how he plans to summon the fallen angel Calamity, hum?

Alouette: Yes... But there's one more thing...
   Whenever the Tenjin communicated with the gods, they always made a human

Prier: Not Croix...!

Alouette: In order to sumon the Goddess of darkness, you must sacrifice 
   someone with dark powers.
   Noir must be trying to obtain power even greater than that of the Dark

Prier: So what are we wasting time around here for?!
   Get out of my way!! *kicks the first mate away*

Homard: Just a minute, Prier! What do you think you're doing?!

Eclair: She isn't planning what I think she's planning, is she...?

Culotte: I'm afraid so. Remember, this is Prier we're talking about...

Prier: Everybody!! Hold on to something!
   Here we go!! Full speed ahead!!

 Angel Gate

Homard: How could you do that to my precious ship?!

Prier: Oh shut up! This is an emergency!

Culotte: For some reason, it seems like we run into a lot more emergencies
   when you're around...

 *Dark figures appear*

Father Salade: This must be the place.
   Looks like they've sent us a welcoming committee...

Prier: We can handle these wimps...
   Wait, didn't you forbid me to use that word?

Alouette: Well, this is an emergency...
   Why don't we go and kick some wimp butt?

Prier: Alright!!
   Such language coming from the Maiden of Light...

Alouette: Don't worry about that. Just get out there and fight for what you 
   believe in.

Prier: (The Goddess said the same thing...)
   (I guess I'll never live up to Alouette... Oh well!)
   ALL right you wimps!!
   Repent!! All of you!!!

 Heaven's Light

Prier: Croix must be up there...

Homard: ...You go on ahead.

Eclair: But Homard...

Homard: Hey, I'm a man.
   Women may not understand risking life for pride.
   But it's something any real man won't hesitate to do.
   I'm going to settle things with him once and for all!!
   Unless I defeat him on my own, I'll remain a loser and a coward for the
   rest of my life!!
   Please understand.

Eclair: ......

Father Salade: Homard... I don't know what has happened between you two.
   But a man's got to do what a man's got to do.
   And I think this is your time to do just that.
   We won't stop you.

Culotte: B-but Father Salade...

Father Salade: Culotte, you're a man. Try to understand how he feels.
   Anyway, I think there's someone here who would like to stop him even more
   than you do.

Culotte: You're right...

Father Salade: Homard...
   We haven't had much of a chance to talk, but you are an impressive man.
   Just don't get yourself killed.

Alouette: Homard... May the Goddess Poitreene grant you her protection.

Prier: We'll be waiting for you, Homard.
   Promise me you'll catch up to us! Promise!!

Homard: Of course. I'll be right behind you.
   Yattanya, if anything should happen to me, I want you to take charge of the

First Mate: You're the only one who can command the crew of the Escargot,

Homard: Yes, I guess you're right.
   You guys would be lost without me, eh?

First Mate: That's right, Captain.

Alouette: *Teleports everyone except Homard away*

Homard: All right then... Sorry to have kept you waiting...

Demon Lord: Hohoho...
   Even demons allow their victims last goodbyes.

Homard: I think you're confused. I told them I'd be back soon.
   But this will be the last time the two of us meet. EVER!!

Demon Lord: At least you got one thing right!

 In front of a gate

Prier: ...Did you hear that?

Culotte: What?

Prier: I thought I heard someone scream down below...

Eclair: Homard!

 Heaven's Light once the demon lord has been put down


Homard: Ha!!

Demon Lord: Y-you rotten little brat!!!

Homard: Not any more.
   You better call me Captain Homard!!

Demon Lord: Y-you think you can kill me that easily?!

Homard: ...He got away.
   But he won't last long. Not with wounds like that.
   I won...! I finally beat him.
   Father... Mother... I finally did it...
   At last I can return home...
   *Falls to one knee seriously wounded*
   I wonder if she would come with me...?

 Back in front of the gate

Eclair: I hope Homard is OK...

Prier: Eclair... If you're worried about him, you can go back.

Eclair: No, he wouldn't like that.
   He'll be fine. I know he'll come back safe.

Prier: Yeah, you're right.
   (You've gotten much stronger.)
   (I'm sure you really want to go check on him...)
   (I've got to be strong too!)

 Dimensional Shrine

Prier: Croix!!

Noir: I've been waiting for you.

Prier: Let Croix go!!

 *Demon lord appears*

Demon lord: Master N-Noir... Please help me...!
   Call Calamity!! I need some of her dark energy!

Noir: *Attacks the demon lord*
   I'm afraid not. You've outlived your usefulness.
   ...Demon Scum. *Makes the demon lord vanish permantly*

Prier: How could you kill your own friend?!

Noir: Friend?
   Hmph. I have never had any friends.
   He and the others were merely necessary evils...
   I was born an outcast, neither human nor demon.
   Humans said my mother was a witch and killed her for giving birth to
   a demon's child.
   I still remember that day as if it were yesterday...!
   And the demons rejected me for the human blood that runs in my veins.
   I grew to hate all humans and demons, as well as the gods who cursed me
   with this fate...!
   And so I decided to use Calamity's power to create a world for myself
   That is my utopia!!

Prier: That is the dumbest thing I ever heard!
   You think your life is some kind of tragedy so you decided to destroy the
   Don't make me laugh!!
   You may have had a hard life, but don't think for a minute that you're the
   only one!
   This world is filled with suffering people!!
   But you know what? They keep on living the best they can!! Can't you
   understand that?!

Noir: I have only been fighting for what I believe in.
   Why should I care about other people's suffering?
   I have no guilt or regrets for anything I have done.

Prier: What you believe in...?

Noir: Yes. I'm sure you have things that you believe in as well.
   Your beliefs define what you see as right and wrong.
   But in reality, there are as many systems of right and wrong as there
   are people.
   That's the source of all of the fighting and suffering in the world.
   The only way for me to live in peace is to make sure that I am the only
   person left alive!

Prier: So that's what you believe in huh?
   ...And you don't think that's taking things just a bit too far?
   Look, I'm not going to argue with you. I've never cared about
   philosophy anyway.
   But there is one thing I can say!
   You really piss me off!!
   So I'm going to kick your butt and rescue Croix!!
   That's what I think is right!!

Noir: That's very cute, Prier.
   A very straightforward answer indeed...
   But, I'm afraid we were incompatible from the start.
   We were fated to come together this way, to fight for what we believe in.
   You have your beliefs and I have mine...
   We will decide which is correct on the field of battle...
   You'll see your foolishness in your final moments.
   *Transforms into his demonic self*

 When Prier attacks Noir

Noir: Prier... The time has come for you to show me the strength of your 

Prier: No problem!
   I'm fighting for what I believe in!
   I swear I'll defeat you!!

 Upon Noir's defeat

Alouette: ...Can I ask you one thing?
   You had time before we arrived.
   Why didn't you summon Calamity then?
   You might have won...

Noir: Don't misunderstand.
   I didn't have any doubts or regrets about what I was going to do.
   And don't think for a moment that I did it out of compassion for you, 
   It's just that after seeing you fight, I wanted to try facing you on
   my own...
   That's all...
   Who would have thought that I would have so much human weakness inside
   of me...
   Was I wrong?

Prier: Noir...
   It's true that there are many bad people in the world, just as you said.
   But there are also many good people!
   Don't you remember? Don't you remember your mother's kindness and love?
   Don't you remember what it was like to love someone?
   Your hatred for humanity has made you forget all these things...
   That was where you went wrong.

Noir: Heh...
   You sound... just like... my mother...
   M-mother... *Collapses*

Prier: In the name of the Maiden of Light...
   Oh Goddess Poitreene... Please purify this poor sinner's soul. Reunite
   him with his mother.
   *Preforms the purification miracle on Noir*

Alouette: Amazing...

Culotte: Hm?

Alouette: Look at the way Prier is praying for her mortal enemy...
   Prier may not have been chosen as the Maiden of Light.
   But her compassion and strong will are the equal of any Maiden's.
   She reminds me of a divine mother, enveloping everyone in the warmth of
   her kindness.

Culotte: My sister? She sure doesn't look that way to me...

Alouette: You've just been with her so long that you just don't notice it.
   But the truth is that her kindness has saved you without your even
   realizing it.
   You, Eclair, Croix, and me, too.

Prier: Croix...

Father Salade: Wait, Prier! What are you planning to do?!

Prier: What do you mean?! I'm going to save Croix!

Father Salade: ......

Prier: What? Is something wrong?!

Father Salade: We may have beaten Noir, but that doesn't change the fact that
   Croix is the Dark Prince.
   If we were to turn him loose now...
   I think you know what would happen.

Prier: ......

Eclair: But... We've come so far!
   Isn't there some other way?!

Alouette: There is one way.
   Croix's heart has been taken over by darkness.
   His heart is filled with anger, hatred and bitterness towards humanity.
   It's only a matter of time before he completly returns to being the Dark
   But if we can take the darkness from his heart now, we might be able to
   save him.

Prier: Of course!
   We just have to go into his heart and purify it!
   Yes! That's just like what we did for Eclair. That should be a piece of

Culotte: J-just a minute!
   What will happen to you if you use a powerful miracle like that, Sister

Alouette: ......

Prier: Alouette...

Alouette: I'll be fine. I'm the Maiden of Light, after all. It shouldn't be...

Culotte: It's not true!!
   You're just saying it so we won't worry!
   I won't let you do it! No matter what!!
   I'm not going to let you die!!
   If you died, I... I...

Alouette: ......
   I'm sorry, Culotte...
   But this is the only way.
   Remember, if the Dark Prince awakens, I am fated to die anyway...
   It's hard for me too, but...

Culotte: No! NO!! I won't let you do it!!!

Alouette: Culotte...

Prier: I don't like it either!
   We can't save Croix unless we sacrifice Alouette?!
   That's just not right!!

Eclair: Prier is right!
   If we all work together, we must be able to find some other way!!

Father Salade: That's right. My body has always belonged to the Maiden of 
   If an old man like me can be of any help, I'd be glad to do anything I can.

Alouette: Thank you all.
   Thanks to your help, the long battle against the Dark Prince may soon
   be over.
   50 years ago, I fought alone. But now I am surrounded by wonderful friends.
   ...I will never forget the time that I have spent with you.
   Thank you.
   I only have enough strength to send one of you into Croix's heart.
   You must go, Prier.
   You're the only one who can save Croix.
   Believe in yourself.
   If you can make your true feelings known to Croix. I'm sure he will come
   back to you.

Prier: *Hugs Alouette* Alouette...

Alouette: Keep your chin up, Prier. Tears never solved anything.
   In the name of the Maiden of Light, I forbid you to cry for me.

Prier: Alouette...

Alouette: You always looked prettiest when you were smiling.
   Smile for me.

Prier: L-like this?

Alouette: That's right...
   In the name of the Maiden of Light I ask you...
   Oh Goddess Poitreene... Guide Prier into the heart of the Dark Prince Croix.
   Farewell everyone...
   I thank the Goddess that I was able to meet you...

Culotte: Sister Alouette!!!

Prier: Alouette!!!!!

 Inside the Dark Prince Croix's heart

Prier: Alouette...
   But I can grieve later!
   I have got to find the darkness in Croix's heart! I can't let her sacrifice
   go to waste!
   What is this?
   So this is what the inside of Croix's heart looks like.
   His heart is still trapped back in the past, in the village where he and
   Angelique lived...
   That would mean...

 At the hill inside Croix's heart

Prier: Croix... I thought you'd be here.
   What's wrong, Croix?! It's me! Prier!
   ...Have you forgotten me?
   Hey! Come on! You know me, right! Remember when we first met?
   You saved my little brother Culotte!
   Ok, w-what about the time that huge creature appeared in Mayonnaise Harbor?!
   That was something, huh?
   Look, Croix... I know how you feel.
   I can understand your sorrow at losing Angelique...
   And your hatred of the people who killed her...
   I understand all that.
   But getting revenge against humanity isn't going to bring Angelique back!
   Do you think she would want you to do that?
   (I don't know what to do...)
   (His sorry over Angelique's death and his hatred for humanity have closed
   off his heart...)
   (Alouette... Angelique...)
   (Please tell me... How can I save Croix...?)

Alouette: Prier... You must believe in yourself.
   Just tell him how you feel. Honestly.

 *Fiancialles flower appears*

Angelique: Prier... You are the only one who can save Croix now.
   Believe in yourself.

Prier: My honest feelings...?
   I feel...
   Listen, Croix!
   I love you!!
   So... So please...
   Please come back with me!!!

 *Croix pulses*

Prier: Croix...?

Croix: Prier...

Prier: Thank Goodness! You're back to your old self!

Croix: Prier...
   ...Please kill me.

Prier: What?!

Croix: My heard is already overcome by darkness...
   Even if I go back with you, there's no telling when I might fall under
   its control again.
   It's better if you finish me off now.

Prier: You idiot!!
   Do you think that will make up for your sins?!
   That's just giving in to the darkness!!
   If you want to make up for what you did, you have to come back with me!!
   Everyone is waiting for you!!
   Culotte and Eclair and Father Salade and Homard!!
   And Alouette!

Croix: ......

Prier: Right?
   I'll always stick by you...
   I may not be Angelique, but I'll stay by you and help you control the
   darkness inside of you.
   I'll watch over you for the rest of your life!
   You don't have to close off your heart any longer. You're not alone.

 *The hill turns green and lush*

Croix: ...Heh.
   You plan to boss me around for the rest of my life?

Prier: You got it!

Croix: ...Thank you, Prier.

Prier: You can thank me later! Everyone is waiting.
   Come on! Let's go home!


Prier: W-what's that?!

Darkness in Croix's Heart: Must...Kill...all...humans...
   You... will not stop me...!!

Prier: It can't be...!
   The fallen angel Calamity?!

Croix: ...No, it's not.
   She is none other than...
   The darkness that's occupying my heart!!

Prier: What?!

Croix: She's is showing her true form, now that I'm no longer her host!

Prier: So she's the real Dark Prince?!
   (...Of course! Alouette's death broke the spell that she placed on Croix!)

Darkness in Croix's Heart: I'm... losing... power...
   Give me back my heart!!!

Prier: Now that you've returned to your true self, her power is weakening!!
   Now's our chance!!
   If we can defeat her, your heart will regain its balance!

Croix: ...You heard her.
   We've been together a long time, but I think it's time we went out
   seperate ways!

Darkness in Croix's Heart: I won't allow it...! Your mine!!

Croix: Nice of you to say so, but unfortunatlely my heart already belongs to
   another woman...

Prier: What...?
   You mean...?!

Croix: Yes, you Prier!!

Prier: Y-yes!
   Let's purify this old bat and then get out of here!!

 When Prier attacks the Darkness

Prier: Do you know how many people have died because of you?!
   I'll make you feel your sins!
   This is the last one...

 When you defeat Croix's Darkness
 On a beach by a gravestone

Prier: *Plants the flower*

Everyone: HEY!!

Homard: You should have told us that you were going to leave today.
   Turning the cold shoulder on your old friends?

Eclair: Are we interrupting anything? Maybe they'd rather be alone...

Prier: D-don't be ridiculous! It's nothing like that!
   Right, Croix?

Croix: Uh, sure.

Culotte: Several days later ---
   In order to avoid a panic, Noir was said to have died of a sickness...
   And of course the relationship betwwen the church of the divine mother and 
   the demons was never revealed.
   The church of the divine mother is now run by people who know nothing of 
   its past.
   Prier and I are still working as demoon hunters for the Church of the
   divine maiden.
   There as still many lost souls the in the world.
   And as members of La Pucelle saving people is what we do.
   Father Salade retired from the church and is helping the orphange.
   He says hes going to pass on his special 'holy punch' to the children.
   Eclair returned from the trip and is now training to be the Queen.
   I'm sure it'll be difficult but I'm sure she'll be great.
   Oh yea I almost forgot Eclair and Homard have gotten engaged.
   Thanks to Eclair's devoted care and his own amazing recuperative abilities 
   Homard is much better now.
   Your probally thinking its strange for a Princess to marry a Pirate,
   But it turns out Homard is a prince... I guess you can't judge a book by 
   its cover.
   Anyways I hope they will be happy.

   And Croix---
   Croix has decided to go out on a journey by himself...
   He says the wants to continue working as a freelance demon hunter helping
   I guess its a kind of pennace.
   Prier is sad to see him go, but she said it was his own decision, so she 
   must accept it.
   I'm not sure how I feel,
   After all he's the reason that I'm never going to see Sister Alouette
   But I cannot go on thinking that way forever, I'm sure it'll get better.
   It'll take time but little by little I'm coming to accept it.

Croix: ... Well, I'll see you all later.

Father Salde: Croix...
   We hope to see you again, when you've made peace with yourself.

Croix: I'm sorry, Prier. Maybe I'm being selfish...

Prier: What's with the grim face? It's not like this is the last time we'll
   see each other.
   You can come back any time.

Croix: Sure, you're right.
   I promise. I'll be back. Until then...

Prier: I'll be waiting!
   ...He's gone.

Culotte: Prier...

Homard: Are you sure you don't want to stop him? There's still time...

Prier: I'm fine! I believe in Croix!
   Come on, Culotte! We've got work to do!!
   I'm still counting on becoming the Maiden of Light!!

Culotte: H-hey! Prier, wait!!

 *End of game*

 After Credits Above the Grave on the beach

Angel Alouette: It was not the Maiden of Light, but rather a girl's love that
   defeated the Prince.
   Prier... It was your honestly that saved the world.

Angel Angelique: Prier... Please take care of Croix.

Angels: May the Goddess Poitreene protect you all...

Culotte: And so ends a tale that became a legend,
   The story of a girl whos faith in herself inspired a generation.

2.33 Chapter ?? - The Dark World Guide / Secret stuff section

  Dark World Special Ending One

 *Demons appearing EVERYWHERE around you... LOTS of demons*

Culotte: P-P-P-Prier!!
   W-w-what are we going to do?! We'll never be able to beat this many demons!!

Alouette: Calm down, Culotte... There's something odd about this.

 *Another Large demon appears*

Large Demon: Oh nameless human-child... You are now a demon lord.

Prier: Wha-? A deon lord?

Large Demon: That is correct. In the Dark World, might is everything.
   The demons of the Dark World kneel before you.
   From now on, you shall be known as a demon lord, respected and feared
   by all demons.

Prier: ...Y-you're kidding, right?

Large Demon: Not at all, Master.

Culotte: And so Prier became a demon lord...
   How ironic that someone who wanted so much to the the Maiden of Light
   should end up like this...
   Could this too be a part of Goddess Poitreene's plan too?
   And so ends a tale, that would become a legend... the story of a girl
   who became known as Demon Lord Prier.
   *Imagines the 'winged demon' Prier*

Prier: *Smacks Culotte* ... This has gotta be some kind of mistake!!

Culotte: But if you think about it, you'd make a much better demon lord than a
   Maiden of Light...

Prier: *Smacks Culotte* Shut up!
   I've had enough of this nonsense. Let's get out of here!!
   *Storms off*

   *Your character title changes from La Pucelle to Demon Lord at this point
   and you are now able to recruit any boss monster you wish.*

  Dark World Special Ending Two

 *Several demons appear ALL around your party*
 *A new demon lord appears*

Demon Lord: Oh Demon Lord Prier, you have defeated the twenty demon lords
   who rule the Dark World.
   You are now a lord among lords: a mighty demon overlord!

Prier: This is some kind of joke... Right?

Demon Lord: I am quite serious, Master.

Alouette: Prier, you seem to have chosen the wrong path.
   You have become drunk with power and forgotten your true calling in life.
   I'm afraid we must now part ways.

Culotte: ......
   Goodbye, Prier.

 *Culotte and Alouette walk off together*

Prier: W-wait!
   Give me another chance!!!

 *Run mini credits*

Culotte: And so ends a tale, that would become a legend... a story of a girl 
   who came to rule over all demons as the Demon Overlord Prier.

          to be continued?  (Sidenote from me: Yes, kinda in Disgaea.)

   *Your character title changes from Demon Lord to Demon Overlord at this
   point you have completed the hardest challenge left in this game and
   are neigh on invulnerable*

2.40 Other Scripts

If I screw up and get a different ending I'll put where the Script branches
from there to the end of the chapter...

2.41 Chapter 5 Bad ending

When you have the choice to keep going or not if you choose to keep going
this is what you'll get and a BAD ENDING.

 Barsom's House

Victory Condition... Defeat ALL enemies.

10 Fluffy ---- level 8

Once again a simple fight.

Return to Pot au Feu City, then go back to Meuniere Forest

 Barsom's House

Victory Condition... Defeat the BOSS.

10 Fluffy ---- level 8
1 Belial ----- level 17

Take out his support and portals then go in for the kill.

 Woodcutters house

Baldy: Just when my hair was coming in nicely, it all falls out again..
   But not to worry!
   I have my special hair toniCulotte: Super Grozapine Z!!
   Let's see, first I apply the tonic to my head, like so...
   Next comes the scalp massage. I've got to close my eyes so I don't get
   any tonic in them...
   And finally, I say the magic words...
   Divine Mother, give me hair! Divine Mother, give me hair! 
   Divine Mother, give me hair! *hair grows and some furrys pop out*

Prier: So this is the cause of all the trouble...?

Culotte: Looks like it.

Prier: You've gotta be kidding...

Alouette: So you got the tonic from a man who said he was from the Church of 
   the Divine mother?

Baldy: Yes, that's right. What about it?

Prier: Haven't you noticed any furry little things prancing around here lately?

Baldy: No, why?

Croix: They probally won't attack their creator. They wouldn't be able to 
   reproduce without him.

Prier: Look whatever you do, just don't use that tonic anymore!

Baldy: W-what?! I value this tonic as much as my life!!
   Thanks to this tonic, I'm going out with Suzanne, my dream-girl!!!
   There is no way that I'd even think about not using it.

Alouette: I think we have a problem...

Prier: I guess we'll just have to force him to stop using it.

Croix: Just a minute. Can't you sympathize with the poor guy?
   As a fellow man, I'm against forcing him.

Culotte: Me too!
   If it were me, I'd probally do the same thing...

Croix: Exactly.

Culotte: Right?

Alouette: Oh, all right... We'll just have to find some other solution.

 Pot au Feu City

Girl: Hey! You're from the Church of the Holy Maiden, right?
   You guys need to do something about these weird creatures running around
   in the forest!

Prier: (who does this lady think she is? Giving us orders like that!)

Alouette: Do you have some business in the forest?

Girl: I want to visit my boyfriend Barsom.

Prier: So you're Suzanne?

Girl: That's right. How did you know my name?

Alouette: Barsom told us about you.
   The truth is...

Girl: So what are you saying? Barsom's hair growth tonic is creating those

Alouette: I'm afraid so.

Girl: I guess I should have known. A bald man doesn't suddenly start growing
   hair like that.
   With hair, he's pretty handsome so I figured it would be OK to go out with
   But it's over now. I'm going to dump him.

Prier: What's that supposed to mean? You choose your boyfriends just on their

Girl: Yea, pretty much. What's the big deal?
   I mean, cute beats, like ugly any day. What, you like ugly? whatever.

Prier: Why you...!!

Girl: What? Do you have a problem?!

Croix: J-just a minute Prier. Settle down.

Prier: No!! I can't take it anymore!!
   Listen here, you!!  Barsom is only using that tonic because he likes you.
   You know the difference between you and the fury monsters taking over the
   At least the monsters are warm. Barsom is trying so that you'll like him.
   Show a little kindness!

Girl: ... I understand.
   Barsom is a good person ... I think.
   And he loves me more than anyone... I think.
   And I don't dislike him... I think.
   But I'd still rather go out with somebody handsome.

Prier: The kind of beauty you're talking about is just skin-deep!!
   You've got to judge people on what's inside!

Girl: Shut your mouth! What do you know?!
   You're nothing but a little kid!

Prier: Wha--?!

Alouette: This is a problem. I had hoped that she might convince Barsom not to
   use the tonic...
   What's wrong? Hello?!

 Barsom's house

Dark cloaked figure: Here is your new tonic.

Baldy: Great! The stuff you gave me last time was about to run out!
   I'm so grateful!! I don't know how to thank you!!

Dark cloaked figure: No thanks are necessary. The Church of the Divine Mother
   always helps those in need.

Prier: What a crock!

Dark cloaked figure: The Church of the Holy Maiden!

Prier: That's right!!
   Preying on the weaknesses of others! I won't stand for it!
   In the name of the Maiden of Light, you will be punished!!

Dark cloaked figure: Don't make me laugh! What do you know?!
   We are on a grand mission! A sacred mission to create our Dark Utopia!!
   Dark energy is necessary to achieve our goal! And yes, some sacrifices
   must be made!!
   That's right! This is a holy way!

Baldy: A holy war...? Hey, by sacrifices, you didn't mean me by any chance...?
   What's going on here, anyway...?

Dark cloaked figure: *transforms into a lobster thingy*

 After killing the demon lobster thingy

Demon: Killed... by human filth...!
   But I'll have the last laugh!!
   Wahahaha! I'll use the very flames of hell to burn everything within five
   miles of here!!
   I'll take you all with me!!

 *Noir appears*

Demon: Master Noir!!

Noir: *Lifts demon up with magic*

Demon: B-but why?!?! I'm doing this for yoooouuuuu!!!

Noir: *removes demon from the field*
   Please accept my apologies.
   I an Noir, the head of the Church of the Divine Mother. I'm pleased to
   make your acquaintance.

Prier: Why did you stop him?
   Wouldn't it be better for you if he had burned the forest to a crisp
   and us with it?

Noir: Only a barbarian would burn down a beautiful forest like this.

Prier: Some talk coming from you!!

Noir: There seems to have been some kind of misunderstading.  Random 
   destruction is not our goal.
   We merely want a place that we can call home.

Alouette: You mean your Utopia?

Prier: Utopia?! Ha! What kind of Utopia requires the deaths of so many innocent

Noir: I don't expect you to understand. We are polar opposites after all.
   But remember one thing: We have our own system of right and wrong, just
   as you do.

Croix: Hey! Don't you want to finish us off?

Noir: To me, you are nothing more than ants, not even worth stepping on.

Croix: Quite a mouth boy. I think you need to learn some manners and I'm
   gonna be yuor teacher. *shoots at noir's back*

Noir: I can kill you at any time, if you get in my way, or if I just feel like
   For now, you should thank your Goddess that I'm letting you live.

Croix: We're nothing to him, eh? He makes me sick!!

Culotte: So that's the head of the Church of the Divine Mother... I had 
   imagined somebody scarier.

Alouette: Now Culotte... You mustn't judge people by their appearance.
   Just now, when he banished that demon...
   He was holding back, but he still has the power of a demonic lord.
   If he were to use all of his power...

Prier: Hmph! He's nothing to be afraid of!!
   Next time I see him, I'll wipe the floor with his face!!

Baldy: *hair falls off* M-my hair! My precious hair!!

Culotte: When the demon died, the tonic must have stopped working...

Baldy: Suzanne will never go out with me like this!!
   My life is over!!

Prier: I'd like to comfort him, but I can't quite find the words...

Croix: I guess love can be a very tricky thing.

Prier: Haven't you ever been in love, Croix?

Croix: Who knows?
   Remember I've got amnesia.

Prier: Oh yeah...

Croix: What about you, Alouette?

Alouette: M-me? I'm the same as you. I don't know...

Culotte: (Sister Alouette is so pretty...)

Prier: (Love...)
   (I've been so set on becoming the Maiden of Light that I never even
   thought about love...)
   (Love... Love, huh...?)
   (I wonder what it feels like to be in love...?)
   (I guess it's different from how I feel about Culotte...)
   (And different from how I feel about Father Salade and Alouette...)
   (And Croix...)
   (I've only just met Croix, but he seems very nice...)
   (Cheerful, dependable...)
   (And... handsome too...)
   (But is that love?)
   (I Just don't know.)

Croix: What's the matter, Prier?

Prier: What?!
   N-nothing! Nothing at all!

Croix: What's her problem?

Prier: (Suddenly seeing Croix's face must have really scared me... My heart's
   (My heart's... racing?)
   (Why is that?)
   (Just because he startled me?)

Culotte: (What's wrong with Prier? She's acting weird...)

Alouette: ...In any case, the actions of the Church of the Divine Mother are
   quite worrying.
   Father Salade might have been right about the Dark Prince's return being
   close at hand.

Prier: The dark prince?
   That means I'll become the Maiden of Light soon, too!

Alouette: Oh get over yourself!! *hits Prier with book once again*

Culotte: We didn't know it at the time,
   But the events leading up to the final showdown between the maiden of 
   light and the prince of darkness was already beginning to unfold.
   Soon we would know the tragic ending to our story.

3.00 Game Combat

Your character can make a move, they can then also preform an attack, purify
something, use an item, or their special abilities.  Magic, Items, and
purification will intantly take effect, to have your attack occur you must
select begin battle or end turn.

At the end of a map battle you get a screen with

Battle Bonus
Purification Bonus
All Purification Bonus
Total Purica

At the end of each combat you have the potential to gain levels and increase
your base stats (stat growth seem dependent upon the equipment you have 
on at the the time of the battle).

Battle Bonus is bonus money you got from battle.
Purification Bonus is bonus money you got from battle.
All Purification Bonus is bonus money you got from battle.
Total Purica is the total money you have, not just from that battle.

While you are in combat with the enemy it is in your best intrest to group
your characters into combos (unless you are afraid of getting hit with an
area of effect spell)... To a combo attack simply have your character either
attack the enemy with another one, or bring them right into physical contact
(one square away) from a character who is attacking the enemy.

Make sure if at all possible to attack your enemies from above and behind...
As this will inflict the maximum possible damage.

If at all possible try to use attacks before you move your characters, if they
take part in a combo after moving they will lose their attack.  So attack with
someone that makes it a combo then the next.  If you have multiple guys who
can all attack the same monster in the combo pattern (touching each other).
Use their attacks one at a time to achieve the maximum effect.

Bear in mind that their are varying ranges of weaknesses to elemental
spells it is worth a look if its a tough fight to make sure a spell will do
signifant damage.

4.00 Status & Leveling

Your status screen looks similar to this

   La Pucelle
LV            X    MV       X JM         XX     
HP                                  XXX/XXX
SP                                    XX/XX
ATK          XX           INT            XX
DEF          XX           SPD            XX
HIT          XX           RES            XX

EXP                                   XXXXX
NEXT  	                             XXXXXX


LV = the character's current level.

MV = the range that the character can reach when they try to move.  Each
number is equal to one square on the map.

JM = the ability of the character to jump.  Each number is equal to the same
number of decimeters.

HP = Hit points... These will be depleted when you take damage, if they reach
0 you are dead.

SP = Special Points...  They are a representation of the spiritual energy
required to preform supernatural feats such as healing or fire spells.

ATK = Your attack strength, higher is better.

DEF = Your defensive ability, higher is better.

INT = Your characters intelligence.  This will effect damage done by some
magical spells

SPD = Speed, your characters ability to avoid being hit by the enemy.

HIT = Your accuracy at smacking your enemy.

RES = Your ability to resist the effects of magic cast against you.

EXP = Experience points, these are a measure of your characters combat

NEXT = The amount of experience your character must gain before they reach
their next level.

As for leveling, each stat will level individually, if you wish for a powerful
fighter try for equipment that has ATK listed with it this will award more
experience to this specific area and cause it to grow faster and higher.

The largest bonus for the increases stat levels SEEMS to be from equipment
bonuses... for example if you had level 10 atk you would get more from a 
swords atk value than you would with level 5 atk.

4.01 How exp is divived between units

Basically speaking, exp is divided evenly between units.

If you attack and kill a normal enemy you will be given full experience.
If you have two+ characters kill the enemy (at the same time... they will
be fighting side by side) to kill him the experience would be divided by
however many are attacking.
If you had a character killing a boss he would get full experience.
If you had two+ characters killing a boss they would all get full experience.

If you come across an uneven split... eg. 3 characters the extra point or two
of exp is given to the character who actually killed the enemy.

Normal Monsters

1 Character kills it = 100%
2 Characters kill it = 50% Each
3 Characters kill it = 33.3% Each
4 Characters kill it = 25% Each
5 Characters kill it = 20% Each
6 Characters kill it = 16.6% Each
7 Characters kill it = 14.28% Each
8 Characters kill it = 12.5% Each

Boss monsters

1 Character kills it = 100%
2 Characters kill it = 100% Each
3 Characters kill it = 100% Each
4 Characters kill it = 100% Each
5 Characters kill it = 100% Each
6 Characters kill it = 100% Each
7 Characters kill it = 100% Each
8 Characters kill it = 100% Each

So as you can see it can be to your advantage to kill any boss type characters
with as many units as possible.

4.10 Status Effects -- Negative

Here are all the various negative effects you can inflict upon your foes or
have inflicted upon your units.

While you are suffering a status effect your stats will be lower.

Sleep -----> Zzz ------ Character is unable to act until they wake up.

Confuse ---> ??? ------ Prevents the use of learned spells.  You can still
                        use natural character skills.

Charmed ---> @ -------- All character stats are reduced (amount not shown).

Paralized ->  ------- Character is unable to move.  Can still attack and
             //         cast all their spells/skills.

Poison ----> oO0 ------ Character takes damage over time.

Fuzzy -----> *** ------ Prevents character from using natural skills.
                        You can still cast magic.

4.11 Status Effects -- Positive

These are given by equipment to the character...

Purify 100% ---> Your attack will have the same effect as if you had used
                 purify on a monster.

4.20 Elemental Alignment -- Take one

As you will see in the section following this one, the elemental alignment
of your characters will help prevent damage or create a weakness to another
element.  Take two explains the weaknesses.

I will try my best to show what the various symbols mean.  Also note that
the color that they are will be the color of the symbol as well.  So the
purple circle will be the color purple.

Purple ----->    ()      -------- a purple circle.

Green ------>    |      -------- a grean triangle.

Red -------->    ^^^     -------- a red flame.

Blue ------->    /      -------- a blue diamond.

Light Blue ->     -
                 | |
                -   -
               |     |   -------- a light blue cross.
                -   -
                 | |

Yellow ----->    ^       -------- a yellow lighting bolt.
                / |__
               /    /
               --- /

White ------>     ^      -------- a white star.
               __/ __
                 ^ /
                 V V 

Main characters will not have one of these listed next to their status screen.

5.00 Purification

This is one of the better ways to get yourself bonus items and also allows
your to convert monsters to your side.  Not to mention that if you purify
correctly you can perform a miracle and damage/kill multiple enemies at once.
As if that isn't incentive enough, but left un-purified they will spawn
enemies, it seems to take between 3-5 rounds for an unpurified portal to spawn
an enemy.  It will notify you when it is about ready to spawn a unit, and then
with black smoke coming out make it real obvious.

The longer the string that you preform the greater the item is likly to be.

I haven't found any perdictable pattern for what item you can get for what
length of chain...

You might wish to not purify them as that will raise the hell rating of the
map which will eventually allow access into demon dimensions.

When you purify a stream it will damage any enemy on that stream... but beware
the for they have negative effects upon you as well, while you won't take
damage if you are standing on a purified stream, or you are in the middle of
a miracle.  Just being on top of them causes the dark energies to surge into
your being... This is not a good thing as it will lower your stat's while
you stand on it.

The more often you purify the more powerful your can become.  Purification is
easily one of the quickest and painless methods of getting large cash sums
early on in the game.

Also purifying a stream will increase your equipped weapons and items by 
leveling them up, miracles will drastically increase them.

The order of a multi-miracle purification is from top left of the screen on
down to the bottom right of the screen.  See the section on miracles, 5.20. 

There are ALWAYS exactly 2 red, 2 blue, and 2 green dark portals on any
random map you play... Story maps are not always going to have all of these.
If on a rare occurance you CANNOT see one it is because it is actually on the
exit or entrance tile of the level.

5.01 Purification Powering of Weapons

When you purify a dark portal the evil energy is absorbed by whatever
equipment you have on.

If you were to purify for 1000 weapon experience points and you had one peice
of equipment on it would get all 1000 points; however, if you had four
peices of equipment on they would ALL have gotten 1000 points.

So that is to say if you are going to level up equipment make sure you are
not trying to "focus" on one peice of equipment to power it quicker, because
simply put the experience is not divided.

Weapon levels do not seem to follow a linear path for growth per level as
evidenced here from Kitty Punch...  Which makes it difficult to exactly give
you a specific amount that a weapon could be expected to get per level.

Kitty Punch
60  attack at level 0 ---- 0  growth from base
84  attack at level 7 ---- 24 growth from base
136 attack at level 30 --- 76 growth from base

Without showing the math, I can say, their isn't a simple you get X per 
level every level.  But instead higher levels will give a higher return
in weapon power... So all I can suggest is get it as high as possible.

It does seem that higher health portals do NOT give any more experience than
lower level portals...  Experience given seems to be related to the LENGTH of
the chain and the bonus.

5.10 Elemental Alignment -- Take Two

Everything is weak to something (except white), nothing is strong to 
everything.  Their are seven different basic alignments.

Take one shows the symbols.

                                 Magics alignment

             Red | Green | Yellow | Blue | Purple | Light Blue | White
Character   ___________________________________________________________
            |    |       |        |      |        |            |
Red         | R  |   W   |   N    |  W   |   N    |     W      |   N
Green       | W  |   R   |   N    |  W   |   W    |     N      |   N
Yellow      | R  |   R   |   R    |  W   |   N    |     N      |   N
Blue        | W  |   W   |   W    |  R   |   N    |     N      |   N
Purple      | R  |   W   |   N    |  R   |   R    |     N      |   N
Light Blue  | W  |   R   |   N    |  R   |   N    |     R      |   N
White       | N  |   N   |   N    |  N   |   N    |     N      |   N

 W = Weak
 R = Resists
 N = Neutral

Red characters are resistant to red.
Red characters are weak to green, blue, and light blue.
Red magic is effective against green, blue, and light blue.
Red magic is uneffective against red, yellow, and purple.

Green characters are resistant to green.
Green characters are weak to red, blue, and purple.
Green magic is effective against red, blue and purple.
Green magic is uneffective against green, yellow, blue, and purple.

Yellow characters are resistant to red, green, and yellow.
Yellow characters are weak to blue.
Yellow magic is effective against blue.
Yellow magic is uneffective against yellow.

Blue characters are resistant to blue.
Blue characters are weak to red, green, and yellow.
Blue magic is are effective against blue, purple, and light blue.
Blue magic is are uneffective against red, green, and yellow.

Purple characters are resistant to red, blue, and purple.
Purple characters are weak to green.
Purple magic is are effective against green.
Purple magic is are uneffective against purple.

Light Blue characters are resistant to green, blue, and light blue.
Light Blue characters are weak to red.
Light Blue magic is effective against red.
Light Blue magic is uneffective against light blue.

White characters areresistant to nothing.
White characters are weak to nothing.
White magic is effective against nothing.
White magic is uneffective against nothing.

Red is fire based.
Green is wind based.
Yellow is lighting based.
Blue is ice based.
Purple is damage & status effect based.
Light blue is healing & purification based.
White is holy based... very powerful.

5.11 Purification Streams

These are the energy which is pouring out of the dark portals... This dark 
energy will reduce the attributes (stats) of anyone who is standing on top of

To close a portal you must reduce its health to 0, Your purification damage
is constant (although it will get better) so do not fear that you might not
do enough damage if its at 11 and you have 11 purification.

Red is a stream of fire based damage.
Green a stream of wind based damage.
Yellow a stream of lighting based damage.
Blue a stream of ice based damage.
Purple a stream of pure damage & status effect based damage.
Light blue heals friendly units and purifies your enemies.
White is holy based damage... and is very powerful.

Typically to get the higher colors you must MIX different streams... of course
you might be lucky and get a dark portal of that color.

5.20 Miracles

These occur when you manage to get a circle of dark energy that comprises of
at least 15 squares.  To make them happen your circle must loop around and
reach itself... the first chance you get to see this is in the chapter one
training level.  Very easy to accomplish there.

This is in effect the summoning of a god to deal tremendous damage to your
unlucky enemy.  Here is the list of which stream gives which summon.  And the
effect of the summon itself.

Red ---------> Armegeddon --------- Fire damage upon your enemies.
Green -------> Requiem ------------ Wind damage upon your enemies.
Yellow ------> Testament ---------- Lighting damage upon your enemies.
Blue --------> Gospel ------------- Cold damage upon your enemies.
Purple ------> Ultimate Insanity -- Damage and status upon your enemies.
Light blue --> Evangel ------------ Healing on allies, purification on enemies.
White -------> Ragnarok ----------- Holy damage upon your enemies.

You can take multiple dark portals ones into one single stream.  However,
if you mix the same color + the same color it will just count as one of that
color.  Done properly with your mixed colors you can cause multiple miracles
in the same go... with each building on the last... it will go the last color
in the chain miracle, then clear the base effect from whatever one you purified
and then it moves onto the next one that got purified in the process and so
on and so forth.

In order to accomplish a multi-miracle such as this you need to have the 
other dark portals inside the circle that is your first miracle, and they
have to be flowing into a circle themselves... So the best you can do
is a handful of miracles chained together...  Of course the BEST miracles
for money/item growth are the healing miracles as they will work on all of
your units on or inside the circle.

The order of dark portals being purified in a multi-miracle chain appeared
to be completly random... I checked distance, flow direction distance, health
on the portals...  Nothing had a reliable pattern so it appeared to be random.

I couldn't see the forest for the trees there.

However, it was pointed out to me that it occurs from top left to bottom right.
The reason I didn't take this into consideration is that it relys upon the
camera angel for purification order.  So following this logic it will go by
whichever one is closest to the top left (North West) part of the screen
on down to the bottom right (South East) part of the screen. Thanks to
D A R Q, for pointing that one out...

So it goes like this,

It seems to go from right to left for preference along a line, then drops
down to the next one and so forth.


Also please bear in mind it does NOT go by the current position of the screen
but rather the initial one when the map is started.

5.21 Color Mixing 100

Well just because it was pointed out I'll make this simple. Basically it works
like this.

Blue + Green -------> Light Blue
Red + Blue ---------> Purple
Red + Green --------> Yellow
Red + Green + Blue -> White

5.22 Color Mixing 101

Red, Green, and Blue are the PRIMARY colors from which the rest are derived.

Light Blue, Yellow, and Purple are the SECONDARY colors from mixing two of the
basic colors.

White is the TERTIARY color.  It requires a secondary color + secondary color
or secondary color + primary color to be created.

If you mix streams of these color's you will get this color as a result...

Red + Red =============== Red
Red + Green ============= Yellow
Red + Yellow ============ Yellow
Red + Blue ============== Purple
Red + Purple ============ Purple
Red + Light Blue ======== White
Red + White ============= White

Green + Red ============= Yellow
Green + Green =========== Green
Green + Yellow ========== Yellow
Green + Blue ============ Light Blue
Green + Purple ========== White
Green + Light Blue ====== Light Blue
Green + White =========== White

Yellow + Red ============ Yellow
Yellow + Green ========== Yellow
Yellow + Yellow ========= Yellow
Yellow + Blue =========== White
Yellow + Purple ========= White
Yellow + Light Blue ===== White
Yellow + White ========== White

Blue + Red ============== Purple
Blue + Green ============ Light Blue
Blue + Yellow =========== White
Blue + Blue ============= Blue
Blue + Purple =========== Purple
Blue + Light Blue ======= Light Blue
Blue + White ============ White

Purple + Red ============ Purple
Purple + Green ========== White
Purple + Yellow ========= White
Purple + Blue =========== Purple
Purple + Purple ========= Purple
Purple + Light Blue ===== White
Purple + White ========== White

Light Blue + Red ======== White
Light Blue + Green ====== Light Blue
Light Blue + Yellow ===== White
Light Blue + Blue ======= Light Blue
Light Blue + Purple ===== White
Light Blue + Light Blue = Light Blue
Light Blue + White ====== White

White + Red ============= White
White + Green =========== White
White + Yellow ========== White
White + Blue ============ White
White + Purple ========== White
White + Light Blue ====== White
White + White =========== White

5.23 Color Mixing 102

Just a different way to look at this for people that find it easier that way.

    |                                |
    | Red ___>       <___ blue="" purple="" v="" yellow="" light="" green="" ________________________________="" ____="">     <____ yellow="" white="" v="" light="" blue="" ________________________________="" purple="" green="" red="" dark="" energy="" index="" you="" can="" build="" up="" in="" one="" of="" ways.="" method="" one:="" end="" the="" map="" by="" purifying="" a="" portal...="" stream="" must="" kill="" all="" enemies="" without="" causing="" miracle...="" this="" will="" net="" corruption="" for="" every="" length="" chain="" had="" got="" shot="" accident...="" perfectly="" set="" triple="" exp="" multi="" miracle="" two:="" your="" own="" teammate="" get="" moderate="" per="" murder="" at="" map.="" three:="" complete="" rosen="" shop="" quiz="" that="" increases="" on="" next="" play="" section="" and="" gives="" extreme="" once="" finish="" four:="" pay="" present="" store...="" add="" to="" percent.="" reaches="" or="" exceeds="" portal="" neitherworld="" opens="" enter="" it.="" max="" is="" image="" be="" notice="" new="" swirling="" area="" when="" it...="" into="" goto="" world.="" imo="" since="" their="" no="" downside="" killing="" human="" teammates="" monsters="" drop="" happiness="" rate="" makes="" it="" fastest="" cheapest="" far="" raise="" index.="" difference="" power="" with="" regard="" chapter="" are="" on...="" they="" based="" off="" two="" things.="" if="" have="" completed="" any="" stronger="" surveys.="" occassionally="" appear="" has="" built="" up...="" always="" low="" level="" enemy="" not="" worth="" time="" go="" into.="" happens="" gods="" ordeal="" gates="" upon="" stepping="" these="" black="" circle="" asked="" wish="" continue="" onward...="" select="" yes="" stuck="" until="" reach="" floor="" hell="" dimension="" die.="" here="" more="" powerful="" than="" those="" would="" encounter="" regular="" but="" so="" too="" rewards.="" successfully="" clear="" expect="" nice="" payday="" clearing="" tenth="" mention="" experience.="" unfortunatly="" cannot="" recruit="" gate="" cause="" milk="" them="" items="" them.="" hawaina="" being="" only="" exception="" above="" rule.="" while="" places="" horror="" wonder="" see="" listed="" as...="" character=""> Cannot be recruited.
Demon -------------> Typically has one peice of equipment; cannot be recruited.
Higher Demon ------> Typically has two peices of equipment; cannot be 
Demon Lord --------> Typically has three peices of equipment; cannot be 
                     EVEN when you have earned Prier's first extra title.
Demon Overlord ----> Typically has four peices of equipment; cannot be 
                     EVEN when you have earned Prier's first extra title.

6.00 Neutral and Other Characters

Escargot Crew
Tail! ----------> A terrible tail attack! 6 sp.
Butt! ----------> A brutal butt attack! 17 sp.

Giant Paw -----> Hit them with a giant cat paw! *UNQIUE* 8 sp.
Long Paw ------> Attack them with a long cat paw! *UNIQUE* 22 sp.
Burning Paw ---> Attack them with a burning paw! *UNIQUE* 55 sp.

Thunder Blade -> Get medieval on them with the power of thunder. *UNQIUE* 10 sp
Shadow Dash ---> Cut a swath through everyone in the target area. *Unique* 22sp
King Slash ----> An Ancient king's sword technique. *UNIQUE* 50 sp.
Burning Man ---> Unknown Description

Suzanne & Barsom

Zombie Villagers ------- Manticore's
Demon Attack --> Unknown description.

Dark Croix
Dark Wave -----> Change status of everyone in target area. 40 sp.
Retribution ---> Deak great damage to everyone in target area. 45 sp.
Banish --------> Deal fantastic damage to everyone in target area. 80 sp.

Soldier & Sergeant
Mad Scream ----> Unknown description. 10 sp.

6.10 General Magic Spells

These are abilities which anyone can obtain. Though equipment.  Monsters
may also have these from their initial element.

Basically most of these come through the staves section, a fire staff would 
give fire spells for example.  This is because staves typically have
elemental alignment to them... However, any equipment that has enough
elemental power can be used to learn these spells.

See section 6.12 for levels and alignment required to learn a level of spell.

From Blue ------- Cold magic.

Cool -----------> Damage target with the power of ice. ------ 4 sp.
Mega Cool ------> Damage target with the power of ice. ------ 15 sp.
Giga Cool ------> Damage target with the power of ice. ------ 32 sp.
Omega Cool -----> Damage target with the power of ice. ------ 53 sp.

From Red -------- Fire Magic.

Fire -----------> Damage target with the power of fire. ----- 4 sp.
Mega Fire ------> Damage target with the power of fire. ----- 15 sp.
Giga Fire ------> Damage target with the power of fire. ----- 32 sp.
Omega Fire -----> Damage target with the power of fire. ----- 53 sp.

From Green ------ Wind Magic.

Wind -----------> Damage target with the power of wind. ----- 4 sp.
Mega Wind ------> Damage target with the power of wind. ----- 15 sp.
Giga Wind ------> Damage target with the power of wind. ----- 32 sp.
Omega Wind -----> Damage target with the power of wind. ----- 53 sp.

From Yellow ----- Lighting Magic.

Thunder --------> Damage target with the power of thunder. -- 4 sp.
Mega Thunder ---> Damage target with the power of thunder --- 15 sp.
Giga Thunder ---> Damage target with the power of thunder. -- 32 sp.
Omega Thunder --> Damage target with the power of thunder. -- 53 sp.

From Light Blue - Healing Magic

Heal -----------> Heals target. ----------------------------- 6 sp.
Mega Heal ------> Heals target. ----------------------------- 17 sp.
Giga Heal ------> Heals target. ----------------------------- 50 sp.
Omega Heal -----> Heals target. ----------------------------- ?? sp.
Espoir ---------> Target will recover from any condition. --- 8 sp.

From White ------- Holy Magic

Saint ----------> Damage target with the power of light ----- 22 sp.
Mega Saint -----> Damage target with the power of light ----- 43 sp.
Giga Saint -----> Damage target with the power of light ----- 76 sp.
Omega Saint ----> Damage target with the power of light ----- 120 sp.

From Purple ----- Status Magic

The ones which increase stats are by 20% per cast, at the end of the turn
you lose slightly less than 35% of the effect... So in order to maintain
maximum effect you must cast the boost twice each turn after you hit the
five cast (100%) max cap.

Poison ---------> Damage and poison target. ----------------- 8 sp.
Charm ----------> Charm and weaken target. ------------------ 8 sp.
Sleep ----------> Put target to sleep. ---------------------- 8 sp.

Armor Break ----> Decrease defensive strength of target ----- 8 sp.
Braveheart -----> Increase attack strength of target -------- 8 sp.
Charm ----------> Charm and weaken target ------------------- 8 sp.
Cool Down ------> Decrease attack strength of target -------- 8 sp.
Magic Up -------> Increase magic attack strength of target -- 8 sp.
Magic Barrier --> Increase magic defense strength of target - 8 sp.
Magic Seal -----> Stop magic use ---------------------------- 8 sp.
Shield ---------> Increase defensive strength of target ----- 8 sp.

6.11 Spell Levels

Here are what area of effect spells have when they reach certain levels.

Note that a spell will retain all previous area of effect, just select
whichever one best suits your needs before you cast the spell.

Each area increase will cost more mana.  To rotate the area being affected
by the spell simply press the [] (square) button.

[] Below will denote how many tiles are affected, the center tile will
always be the main one... If their is no central tile then anyone can
be the main one.

Level 0 --------- []

Level 2 --------- []     OR     []
                    []        []

Level 3 --------- [][][]   OR   []

Level 4 --------- [][]

Level 5 ---------  []

Level 6 --------- [][][]   OR   [][]
                  [][][]        [][]

Level 7 ---------  []  []   OR   []
                 []  []  []    []  []
                   []  []        []
                               []  []

Level 8 --------- [][][]
                  []  []

Level 9 --------- [][][]

6.12 Magical Alignment - How to learn spells

Items can come aligned with the various elements similar to their spells,
You can learn magic from ANY kind of equipment; however, staves are typically
geared more specifically to elemental alignments.

Red ---------> Fire
Blue --------> Cold
Green -------> Wind
Yellow ------> Lighting
Light Blue --> Healing
Purple ------> Status
White -------> Holy

They will help your attacks if weapons, or afford you some relief from
attacks of that type if armor.

In this way you can learn magic... To learn magic you require a specific
character level and specific alignment number.

Fire, Wind, and Ice (Red, Green and Blue respectivly)

Basic ----------> Level 1 --------------> Alignment 2
Mega -----------> Level 10 -------------> Alignment 7
Giga -----------> Level ?? -------------> Alignment 13
Omega ----------> Level ?? -------------> Alignment 20

Thunder (Yellow)

Basic ----------> Level 4 --------------> Alignment 2
Mega -----------> Level 15 -------------> Alignment 7
Giga -----------> Level 40 -------------> Alignment 13
Omega ----------> Level 60 -------------> Alignment 20

Saint (White)

Basic ----------> Level 10 -------------> Alignment 2
Mega -----------> Level 30 -------------> Alignment 7
Giga -----------> Level 55 -------------> Alignment 13
Omega ----------> Level 100 ------------> Alignment 20

Healing (Light Blue)

Basic ----------> Level 1 --------------> Alignment 2
Mega -----------> Level 10 -------------> Alignment 7
Giga -----------> Level ?? -------------> Alignment 13
Omega ----------> Level ?? -------------> Alignment 20

Espoir ---------> Level 5 -------------> Alignment 4

Status (Purple)

Cool Down ------> Level 4 -------------> Alignment 2
Armor Break ----> Level 6 -------------> Alignment 3
Magic Up -------> Level 8 -------------> Alignment 4
Shield ---------> Level 8 -------------> Alignment 4
Magic Barrier --> Level 10 -------------> Alignment 5
Braveheart -----> Level 10 -------------> Alignment 5
Poison ---------> Level 12 -------------> Alignment 6
Magic Seal -----> Level 14 -------------> Alignment 7
Charm ----------> Level 16 -------------> Alignment 8
Sleep ----------> Level 18 -------------> Alignment 9

However, here is the catch... the spells are at level 0 when you get them
from equipment and are NOT permant either... To make these spells more
permant you must first use them often enough until their level reaches 1.

Once they reach level 1 they are yours forever, this means you are no longer
dependant on the equipment to cast that spell.

In this way, given enough time, you can learn every spell their is to know
in the game.  Of course I would recommend that you try to simply learn a
handful of spells... Far better to be a master of some, than a master of none.

6.20 Permant/Constant Special Abilities

Lot of thanks to RenamonFOX for contributing a LOT of these.

These are automatic abilities which have a constant effect on whatever
character has them.  Anyone can obtain them. (RIB = randomly in battle).

I will list them as the weakest form to the strongest form that you can have.

As you get a new better one it will replace the previous incarnation,
to the right is how high you must raise the LEVEL (Rank) of a particular stat 
to unlock the ability.

Purification ones are limited to main characters.  Monsters that you recruit
CANNOT obtain these bonuses.

Also note some require multiple fields to be unlocked, 

Power Family --------> Attack strength temporarly up. RIB.

Tiny Power ----------> Obtain Attack Rank of 1
Chance Power --------> Obtain Attack Rank of 3
Muscle Power --------> Obtain Attack Rank of 6
Mega Power ----------> Obtain Attack Rank of 10
Giga Power ----------> Obtain Attack Rank of 15
Omega Power ---------> Obtain Attack Rank of 22
Fiery Strength ------> Obtain Attack Rank of 30
Fiery Spirit --------> Obtain Attack Rank of 40

Guard Family --------> Defense temporarily up. RIB.

Tiny Guard ----------> Obtain Defense Rank of 1
Chance Guard --------> Obtain Defense Rank of 3
Cross Block ---------> Obtain Defense Rank of 6
Iron Curtian --------> Obtain Defense Rank of 10
Muscle Guard --------> Obtain Defense Rank of 15
Alloy Guard ---------> Obtain Defense Rank of 22
Platinum Guard ------> Obtain Defense Rank of 30
Heaven Guard --------> Obtain Defense Rank of 40

Break Family --------> Enemy defense temporarily down. RIB.

Tiny Break ----------> Obtain Defense and Speed Rank of 1
Chance Break --------> Obtain Defense and Speed Rank of 3
Break ---------------> Obtain Defense and Speed Rank of 6
Muscle Break --------> Obtain Defense and Speed Rank of 10
Mega Break ----------> Obtain Defense and Speed Rank of 15
Giga Break ----------> Obtain Defense and Speed Rank of 22
Omega Break ---------> Obtain Defense and Speed Rank of 30
Death Stare ---------> Obtain Defense and Speed Rank of 40

Critical Hit Family -> Allows critical hits. RIB.

Tiny Critical -------> Obtain Defense, Hit, and Attack Rank of 1
Chance Critical -----> Obtain Defense, Hit, and Attack Rank of 3
Critical ------------> Obtain Defense, Hit, and Attack Rank of 6
Mega Critical -------> Obtain Defense, Hit, and Attack Rank of 10
Giga Critical -------> Obtain Defense, Hit, and Attack Rank of 15
Omega Critical ------> Obtain Defense, Hit, and Attack Rank of 22
Ultra Critical ------> Obtain Defense, Hit, and Attack Rank of 30
Fist of God ---------> Obtain Defense, Hit, and Attack Rank of 40

Barrier Family ------> Magic defense temporarily up. RIB.

Tiny Barrier --------> Obtain Resistance Rank of 1
Chance Barrier ------> Obtain Resistance Rank of 3
Magic Barrier -------> Obtain Resistance Rank of 6
Aura Barrier --------> Obtain Resistance Rank of 10
Muscle Barrier ------> Obtain Resistance Rank of 15
Omega Barrier -------> Obtain Resistance Rank of 22
Spirit Barrier ------> Obtain Resistance Rank of 30
Heaven Barrier ------> Obtain Resistance Rank of 40

Healing Family ------> Recovered HP (at end of turn). Random.

Deep Breating -------> Obtain Health Rank of 5
Miracle Recovery ----> Obtain Health Rank of 10
Omega Recovery ------> Obtain Health Rank of 15
Breath of Life ------> Obtain Health Rank of 25
Goddess' Breath -----> Obtain Health Rank of 40

Movement Family -----> Movement increases by #.

Movement +1 ---------> Obtain Speed and Hit rank of 3
Movement +2 ---------> Obtain Speed and Hit rank of 12
Movement +3 ---------> Obtain Speed and Hit rank of 30

Purify Power Family -> Purify power increases by #.

Purify Power +1 -----> Obtain Intelligence Rank of 1
Purify Power +2 -----> Obtain Intelligence Rank of 3
Purify Power +3 -----> Obtain Intelligence Rank of 6
Purify Power +4 -----> Obtain Intelligence Rank of 10
Purify Power +5 -----> Obtain Intelligence Rank of 15
Purify Power +6 -----> Obtain Intelligence Rank of 21
Purify Power +7 -----> Obtain Intelligence Rank of 28
Purify Power +8 -----> Obtain Intelligence Rank of 36
Purify Power +9 -----> Obtain Intelligence Rank of 45
Purify Power +10 ----> Obtain Intelligence Rank of 55

Purify Range Family -> Purify range increases by #.

Purify Range +1 -----> Obtain Special Points Rank of 1
Purify Range +2 -----> Obtain Special Points Rank of 3
Purify Range +3 -----> Obtain Special Points Rank of 6
Purify Range +4 -----> Obtain Special Points Rank of 10
Purify Range +5 -----> Obtain Special Points Rank of 15
Purify Range +6 -----> Obtain Special Points Rank of 22
Purify Range +7 -----> Obtain Special Points Rank of 30
Purify Range +8 -----> Obtain Special Points Rank of 40

Jump Family ---------> Increases the character's jumping power by #.

Jump +2 -------------> Obtain Speed Rank of 2
Jump +5 -------------> Obtain Speed Rank of 6
Jump +8 -------------> Obtain Speed Rank of 10
Jump +11 ------------> Obtain Speed Rank of 14
Jump +15 ------------> Obtain Speed Rank of 20
Jump +20 ------------> Obtain Speed Rank of 30

Auto-Hit ------------> All attacks Hit. RIB.
         ------------> Obtain Hit Rank of 3

Treasure Hunt -------> Greater chance to find items. Random.
              -------> Obtain Special Points, Intelligence, Speed, 
                       and Hit Rank of 3

Super Dodge ---------> Can dodge most attacks. RIB.
            ---------> Obtain Speed Rank of 3

Baptism Attack ------> Attack has purification effect. RIB.
               ------> Obtain Special Points and Intelligence Rank of 4

Goddess' Blessing ---> Increases experience points. RIB.
                 ----> Obtain Health, Defense, Attack, and Resistance Rank of 3

Chakra --------------> Recover from altered state. Random.
       --------------> Every Attribute Rank of 5

6.30 Hero's Special Abilities

There are the basic hero abilities.  You can get others through equipment.


Iyashi ----------> A healing miracle. 5 sp.

Tough Love ------> You may have to be cruel to be kind. 4 sp.

Rain of Fire ----> Call down the flames of judgement. *UNIQUE* 13 sp.

Repent! ---------> Make your opponent see the light. *UNIQUE* Level 9, 15 sp.

Cure ------------> An advanced healing miracle. Level 10, 20 sp.

Holy Bells ------> Call down a clap of Holy Thunder. *UNIQUE* Level 12, 25 sp.

Book Bash -------> Slam them with the Holy Book! *UNIQUE* Level 22, 35 sp.

Blessing --------> The most advanced healing miracle. Level 20, 62 sp.

Divine Light ----> Call down divine lightning. *UNIQUE* Level 35, 60 sp.


Iyashi ----------> A healing miracle. 5 sp.

Kitchen Sink ----> Throw everything but the... *UNIQUE* Level 5, 8 sp.

Tulip Spear -----> A tulip-spear attack. *UNIQUE* Level 6, 20 sp.

Kitty Kitty -----> Summon a gigantic toy cat to attack. *UNIQUE* Special, 90 sp

Cure ------------> An advanced healing miracle. Level 10, 20 sp.

Blessing --------> The most advanced healing miracle. Level 20, 62 sp.

Mushroomania ----> Summon a parade of mushrooms to attack.*UNIQUE*level 20,30sp

Puppy Love ------> A combined attack with Alouette. *UNIQUE* Special, 35 sp.


Coup de Grace --> Kick your oppent where it hurts! *UNIQUE* 8 sp.
Deliverance ----> Blow them away with a double kick! *UNIQUE* Level 5, 20 sp.

Recovery -------> Allows target to recover from any condition. Level 7, 8 sp.

Divine Storm ---> An earth-shaking two level kick! *UNIQUE* Level 12, 32 sp.

Holy Wind ------> A holy spinning baton attack. *UNIQUE* Level 15, 8 sp.

Redemption -----> An attack that will redeem any soul. *UNIQUE* Level 20, 60 sp

Hidden Talon ---> A combined attack with Croix. *UNIQUE* Special, 35 sp.

Batter Up ------> A mighty swing with a holy baton. *UNIQUE* level 35, 22 sp.

Double-team ----> A combined attack with Culotte. *UNIQUE* Special, 35 sp.


Flaming Shot --> Shoot a fiery bullet. *UNQIUE* 8 sp.

Icy Shot -------> Shoot an icy bullet. *UNIQUE* 20 sp.

Double Shot ----> Shoot both icy and fiery shots. *UNIQUE* Level 10, 37 sp.

Machine Gun ----> A flaming machinegun attack. *UNQIUE* level 20, 47 sp.

Lethal Weapon --> Can destroy even a demon lord. *UNIQUE* Special, 75 sp.

Sacrifice ------> Can wipe out even a demon overlord. *UNIQUE* Special, 100 sp.


Giant Paw ------> Hit them with a giant cat paw! *UNQIUE* 8 sp.

Long Paw -------> Attack them with a long cat paw! *UNIQUE* 22 sp.

Burning Paw ----> Attack them with a burning paw! *UNIQUE* 55 sp.

Meteor Paw -----> Call down meteors with your paw! *UNIQUE* Level 20, 45 sp.


Thunder Blade --> Get medieval on them with the power of thunder. *UNQIUE* 10sp

Shadow Dash ----> Cut a swath through everyone in the target area. *Unique*22sp

King Slash -----> An Ancient king's sword technique. *UNIQUE* 50 sp.

Demon Blade ----> Use the demon's power against them. *UNIQUE* Level 16, 60 sp.

Broken Arrow ---> Release your swords fighting spirit. *UNIQUE* level 20, 25 sp

Burning Soul ---> Use all SP & HP in this final desperate attack. *UNIQUE*
                  Special, 100 sp.

Fairy Break ----> A combination attack with Papillon. *UNIQUE* Special, 50 sp.

Burning Man ----> A combination attack with Yattanya. *UNIQUE* Special, 50 sp.


Fan Chop -------> Use your fan to deal a critical hit! *UNIQUE* 6 sp.

Pretty Kiss ----> Charm them with a little kiss... *UNIQUE* Level 10, 10 sp.

Cupid Arrow ----> Call on your friends to fire arrows. *UNIQUE*Level 16, 25 sp.

Fairy Charge ---> Call on your friends to fire arrows. *UNIQUE*Level 20, 55 sp.


Royal Blade ----> A royal sword technique. *UNIQUE* 8 sp.

Royal Thunder --> A royal thunder sword attack. *UNIQUE* 19 sp.

Cumulonimbus ---> A combined attack with Homard. *UNIQUE* Level 14, 35 sp.

Royal Lighting -> A royal lighting sword attack. *UNIQUE* Level 20, 37 sp.

Transform ------> Transform into Dark Eclair. *UNIQUE* Special, 10 sp.

Light & Dark ---> A combined attack with Dark Eclair. *UNIQUE* Special, 100 sp.

Lighting Rod ---> A combied attack with Prier. *UNIQUE* Special, 35 sp.

 Dark Eclair

Dark Sword -----> Attack them with the Aura Sword. *UNIQUE* Special, 10 sp.

Omega Lance ----> Stab them with the Aura Sword. *UNIQUE* Special, 40 sp.

Meteor Smash ---> Slash them with the Aura Sword. *UNIQUE* Special, 22 sp.

Transform ------> Transform into Eclair. *UNIQUE* Special, 10 sp.

Light & Dark ---> A combined attack with Eclair. *UNIQUE* Special, 100 sp.

Lighting Rod ---> A combied attack with Prier. *UNIQUE* Special, 35 sp.

Cumulonimbus ---> A combined attack with Homard. *UNIQUE* Level 14, 35 sp.

 Father Salade

Holy Punch -----> A punch that can send demons reeling. *UNIQUE* Special, 8 sp.

50 Year Jab ----> A jab with the weight of 50 years. *UNIQUE* Special, 22 sp.

50 Year Kick ---> A kick with the weight of 50 years. *UNIQUE* Special, 22 sp.

Holy Truth -----> The result of years of training. *UNIQUE* Special, 63 sp.

Holy Storm -----> A combination attack with Prier. *UNQIUE* Special, 100 sp.

 Chocolat x2

Tail! ----------> A terrible tail attack! 6 sp.

Butt! ----------> A brutal butt attack! 17 sp.

Claw! ----------> A cruel claw attack! Level 10, 33 sp.

Chocolat -------> Attack with the Chocolat Gang! Level 15, 50 sp.

Mini Chocolat --> Divide into mini-Chocolats & attack. Level 20, 90 sp.



6.31 Hero Combination Specials

These are special moves that a character ONLY has while standing right next
to a specific other character.




Puppy Love -----> A combined attack with Alouette. *UNIQUE* Special, 35 sp.
                  Have Alouette physically touching Culotte to have access
                  to this ability. (One space away).


Hidden Talon ---> A combined attack with Croix. *UNIQUE* level 26, 35 sp.
                  Have Croix physically touching Prier to have access
                  to this ability. (One space away).

Double-team ----> A combined attack with Culotte. *UNIQUE* Special, 35 sp.
                  Have Culotte physically touching Prier to have access
                  to this ability. (One space away).






Fairy Break ----> A combination attack with Papillon. *UNIQUE* Special, 50 sp.
                  Have Papillon physically touching Homard to have access
                  to this ability. (One space away).

Burning Man ----> A combination attack with Yattanya. *UNIQUE* Special, 50 sp.
                  Have Yattanya physically touching Homard to have access
                  to this ability. (One space away).




Light & Dark ---> A combined attack with Dark Eclair. *UNIQUE* Special, 100 sp.
                  This is the ONLY combination attack that can be done anytime
                  once you unlock the ability to transform into Dark Eclair.

Lighting Rod ---> A combied attack with Prier. *UNIQUE* Special, 35 sp.
                  Have Prier physically touching Eclair to have access
                  to this ability. (One space away).

Cumulonimbus ---> A combined attack with Homard. *UNIQUE* Level 14, 35 sp.
                  Have Homard physically touching Eclair to have access
                  to this ability. (One space away).

 Dark Eclair

Light & Dark ---> A combined attack with Dark Eclair. *UNIQUE* Special, 100 sp.
                  This is the ONLY combination attack that can be done anytime
                  once you unlock the ability to transform into Dark Eclair.

Lighting Rod ---> A combied attack with Prier. *UNIQUE* Special, 35 sp.
                  Have Prier physically touching Dark Eclair to have access
                  to this ability. (One space away).

Cumulonimbus ---> A combined attack with Homard. *UNIQUE* Level 14, 35 sp.
                  Have Homard physically touching Dark Eclair to have access
                  to this ability. (One space away).

 Father Salade

Holy Storm -----> A combination attack with Prier. *UNQIUE* Special, 100 sp.
                  Have Prier physically touching Father Salade to have access
                  to this ability. (One space away).

 Chocolat x2




6.32 ATK based OR Int based spells

If I have Intelligence you must increase your intelligence stat to deal more 
If I have Attack you must increase your attack stat to deal more damage.

If I have Neutral the spell is automatically at its peak effectiveness.
   For the most part Neutral spells are based off spell level and character


Fire --------------> Intelligence.
Mega Fire ---------> Intelligence.
Giga Fire ---------> Intelligence.
Omega Fire --------> Intelligence.


Wind Wind ---------> Intelligence.
Mega Wind ---------> Intelligence.
Giga Wind ---------> Intelligence.
Omega Wind --------> Intelligence.


Ice ---------------> Intelligence.
Mega Ice ----------> Intelligence.
Giga Ice ----------> Intelligence.
Omega Ice ---------> Intelligence.


Thunder -----------> Intelligence.
Mega Thunder ------> Intelligence.
Giga Thunder ------> Intelligence.
Omega Thunder -----> Intelligence.


Saint -------------> Intelligence.
Mega Saint --------> Intelligence.
Giga Saint --------> Intelligence.
Omega Saint -------> Intelligence.

 Light Blue

Heal --------------> Intelligence.
Mega Heal ---------> Intelligence.
Giga Heal ---------> Intelligence.
Omega Heal --------> Intelligence.

Espoir ------------> Neutral.


Cool Down ---------> Neutral.
Armor Break -------> Neutral.
Magic Up ----------> Neutral.
Shield ------------> Neutral.
Magic Barrier -----> Neutral.
Braveheart --------> Neutral.
Poison ------------> Neutral.
Magic Seal --------> Neutral.
Charm -------------> Neutral.
Sleep -------------> Neutral.


Iyashi ----------> Intelligence.

Tough Love ------> Intelligence.

Rain of Fire ----> Intelligence.

Repent! ---------> Attack.

Cure ------------> Intelligence.

Holy Bells ------> Intelligence.

Book Bash -------> Attack.

Blessing --------> Intelligence.

Divine Light ----> Intelligence.


Iyashi ----------> Intelligence.

Kitchen Sink ----> Attack.

Tulip Spear -----> Attack.

Kitty Kitty -----> Intelligence.

Cure ------------> Intelligence.

Blessing --------> Intelligence.

Mushroomania ----> Intelligence.

Puppy Love ------> Attack.


Coup de Grace --> Attack.
Deliverance ----> Attack.

Recovery -------> Neutral.

Divine Storm ---> Attack.

Holy Wind ------> Attack.

Redemption -----> Attack.

Hidden Talon ---> Attack.

Batter Up ------> Attack.

Double-team ----> Attack.


Flaming Shot ---> Attack.

Icy Shot -------> Attack.

Double Shot ----> Attack.

Machine Gun ----> Attack.

Lethal Weapon --> Attack.

Sacrifice ------> Attack.


Giant Paw ------> Attack.

Long Paw -------> Attack.

Burning Paw ----> Attack.

Meteor Paw -----> Attack.


Thunder Blade --> Attack.

Shadow Dash ----> Attack.

King Slash -----> Attack.

Demon Blade ----> Attack.

Broken Arrow ---> Attack.

Burning Soul ---> Attack.

Fairy Break ----> Attack.

Burning Man ----> Attack.


Fan Chop -------> Attack.

Pretty Kiss ----> Neutral

Cupid Arrow ----> Intelligence.

Fairy Charge ---> Intelligence.


Royal Blade ----> Attack.

Royal Thunder --> Attack.

Cumulonimbus ---> Attack.

Royal Lighting -> Attack.

Transform ------> Neutral.

Light & Dark ---> Attack.

Lighting Rod ---> Attack.

 Dark Eclair

Dark Sword -----> Attack.

Omega Lance ----> Attack.

Meteor Smash ---> Attack.

Transform ------> Neutral.

Light & Dark ---> Attack.

Lighting Rod ---> Attack.

Cumulonimbus ---> Attack.

 Father Salade

Holy Punch -----> Attack.

50 Year Jab ----> Attack.

50 Year Kick ---> Attack.

Holy Truth -----> Attack.

Holy Storm -----> Attack.

 Chocolat x2

Tail! ----------> Attack.

Butt! ----------> Attack.

Claw! ----------> Attack.

Chocolat -------> Attack.

Mini Chocolat --> Attack.

7.00 Items

You can carry up to 256 items at any given time, if you unequip/obtain new
items when you are at this limit they will vanish into the ether (nothing).

Note that you can try items at the Rosen store with the triangle button,
and if any item has a SPECIAL effect it will appear when you push the
square button.

If you buy it out you'll get the message...

  Out of stock!!
  Please accept our heartfelt apologies, but we are completly out of normal
  We will be ordering a dimensional transfer of new stock right away.
  These items will be coming from out Dark World branch, so there's no telling
  what we'll get...
  The next time you stop by we will have a good selection of items. Please
  be patient.

7.10 Items Weapons


Aid Rod ---------> Has the elemental power of aid.
Aid Staff -------> Has the elemental power of aid.
Cactus Staff ----> A staff made of cacti. Ouch!
Dark Staff ------> Filled with the power of Calamity.
Fire Rod --------> Has the elemental power of fire.
Fire Staff ------> Has the elemental power of fire.
God Staff -------> An omnipotent omniscient staff... 179,000,000 priya...
Healing Rod -----> Has the elemental power of healing.
Healing Staff ---> Has the elemental power of healing.
Holy Rod --------> Has the elemental power of holiness.
Holy Staff ------> Has the elemental power of holiness.
Ice Rod ---------> Has the elemental power of ice.
Ice Staff -------> Has the elemental power of ice.
Light Staf ------> Filled with the power of Poitreene.
Mage's Staff ----> Said to have been used by a wizard.
Magic Staff -----> A staff filled with powerful magic.
Maiden Staff ----> Once used by the Maiden of Light.
Normal Staff ----> A plain old staff.
Oaken Staff -----> A sturdy staff made out of oak.
Odin's Staff ----> A staff filled with Odin's power.
Ogre Staff ------> A really really huge staff.
Secret Staff ----> A sword is hidden inside this staff.
Shroom Staff ----> A weird staff made of mushrooms.
Thor's Staff ----> A staff filled with Thor's power.
Thunder Rod -----> Has the elemental power of thunder.
Thunder Staff ---> Has the elemental power of thunder.
Wind Rod --------> Has the elemental power of wind.
Wind Staff ------> Has the elemental power of wind.
Wisdom Staff ----> Just holding it makes you feel wise.
Wise Staff ------> Once used by the great Polyansky.
Vajra -----------> Used by a powerful thunder god...


Cross Counter ---> Hit them with a cross-counter!
Fan Chop --------> Hit them with this giant paper fan. ---> Forget 30%
Family Jewels ---> Give a critical hit where it hurts... --> Special Damage 20%
Handshake -------> Gives you a firm handshake.
Hyper Knuckle ---> A hyper... Knuckle.
Iron Claw -------> Gives you an iron grip!
Karate chop -----> Karate CHOP!
Kitty Punch -----> Beware the kitty punch!
Knuckle Arrow ---> Gives a full-body full power attack.
Macho Fist ------> Filled with manly power.
Magic Hand ------> Does not give the user ESP.
Manly Fist ------> Just wearing it makes you feel manly.
Megaton Punch ---> A punch like an atom bomb.
Muscle Glove ----> A glove bristling with muscles.
Poison Hand -----> Try not to pick your nose... ---> 30% Poison
Razor -----------> Strong, and also gives a good shave. ---> 50% Hairball
Smelly Glove ----> Has a very powerful stench... ---> 30% Paralyze
Useless Punch ---> Borderline useless.
Wristband -------> Increases attack strength & coolness.


Sleepyhammer ----> This hammer can put enemies to sleep. --> Sleep 30%


Alondite --------> A sword used by a famous hero...
Beowulf ---------> Makes the user powerful but stupid.
Excalibur -------> A sword used by somebody important...
Long Scissors ---> These scissors can reach high places.
Odin's Sword ----> Filled with the power of Odin.
Storm Bringer ---> A sword used by some price or other.
Storm Eringa ----> A legendary sword made bny Eringas.
Thor's Sword ----> Filled with the power of Thor.
Whip of Love ----> Increases magic and attack power.


Lazy Javelin ----> Very powerful, but makes user lazy.
Crusade ---------> Increases user's power a great deal.


Axe Bomber ------> A razor-sharp axe.

7.20 Items Armor


Amulet ----------> For those who want to be beautiful...
Guts Vest -------> Gives the wearer guts.
Olhalicon -------> A shield used by someone famous.
Pot Lid ---------> For the discriminating housewife...
Protector -------> This armor is better than nothing...
Rosario ---------> Gives the protection of the gods.


Blackbelt -------> Wearing it makes you feel stronger...
Bondage Suit ----> Scary, but increases armor and magic.
Bulletproof -----> This vest deflects bullets.
Bustier ---------> Makes it easier to make friends... ---> Purify 100%
Cactus Armor ----> A piece of desert artwork.
Chainmail -------> A shirt made out of chain link.
Death Armor -----> Increases everything but defense...
Dimensional -----> A cape from another dimension.
Ghost Cape ------> Turns the wearer into a ghost.
Hero's Cape -----> Makes you feel strong like a hero.
Imperial --------> Increases values, details secret.
Macho Jacket ----> Makes you a macho macho man.
Magical Vest ----> Makes the wearer into a wizard?!
Nine Tail -------> Every woman's dream: a fine fur.
Odin's Armor ----> Armor filled with the power of Odin.
Paladin Vest ----> Armor used by someone great.
Power Jacket ----> Makes you bristle with muscles.
Sexy Lingerie ---> Makes it easier to make friends... ---> Purify 100%
Smelly Jacket ---> Smelly, but offers good protection.
Stealth Cape ----> Makes you harder to find.
Thor's Armor ----> Armor filled with the power of Thor.
Wise Robe -------> Once used by the great Polyansky.

7.30 Items Eyewear

Bargainscope ----> Increases chances of hitting.
Bifocals --------> Increases chances of hitting.
Cat's Eye -------> Increases chances of hitting.
Eyeglasses ------> Increases chances of hitting.
Foresight -------> Increases chancse of hitting.
Night Vision ----> Increases chances of hitting.
Sniper Scope ----> Increases chances of hitting.
Telescope -------> Increases chances of hitting.

7.40 Items Footwear

Angel Shoes -----> Will make you fast, but not an angel.
Falcon Shoes ----> Hey, falcons don't wear shoes...
Iron Boots ------> Long used for training.
Sneakers --------> Perfect for exercising.
Smelly Shoes ----> Watch out for athlete's foot...
Tennis Shoes ----> Popular in the Kingdom of Marl.

7.50 Items Other

Angel Orb -------> A magic orb blessed by angels.
Calamity Ring ---> Filled with the power of Calamity.
Demon Orb -------> A magic orb filled with demon power.
Divine Book -----> A book filled with holy power.
Elevate ATK -----> Makes it easier to increase ATK.
Elevate DEF -----> Makes it easier to increase DEF.
Elevate HIT -----> Makes it easier to increase HIT.
Elevate HP ------> Makes it easier to increase HP.
Elevate INT -----> Makes it easier to increase INT.
Elevate RES -----> Makes it easier to increase RES.
Elevate SP ------> Makes it easier to increase SP.
Elevate SPD -----> Makes it easier to increase SPD.
Fairy Book ------> A book filled with spirit power.
Holy Guard ------> Greatly increases defensive strength.
Magic Ring ------> A ring filled with strong magic.
Raise ATK -------> Makes it easier to increase ATK.
Raise DEF -------> Makes it easier to increase DEF.
Raise HIT -------> Makes it easier to increase HIT.
Raise HP --------> Makes it easier to increase HP.
Raise INT -------> Makes it easier to increase INT.
Raise RES -------> Makes it easier to increase RES.
Raise SP --------> Makes it easier to increase SP.
Raise SPD -------> Makes it easier to increase SPD.
Spirit Book -----> A book filled with spirit power.

 The SPECIAL stuff...

Robot Suit ------> The strongest suit in the universe. --> 1000 to HP, ATK,
 Yellow in Colour  DEF, HIT, & SPD... +3 to movement... +5 bonus modifiers to
                   HP, ATK, DEF, SPD, & HIT.

Warp Engine -----> Go where no man has gone before... ---> +100 movement... 
 Green in Colour   Instant move to anywhere... Even if you cannot normally
                   reach that place now you can.

Light Year ------> Extends user's reach incredibly... ---> You can physically
 Red in Colour     attack anywhere, even if you are on the other side of the
                   map... Bear in mind they can and WILL counterattack these
                   extremly long range attacks UNLESS you kill them first...
                   Obviously... Has NO stats except for a single +5 bonus
                   modifier to attack.

7.60 Items Consumable

DE = Dark Energy

Change-up -------> Use [] (square) to change direction of energy.
Cough Drops -----> Recovers HP. ---> 20 health.
Elixer Candy ----> Recovers HP. ---> 2000 health.
Lozenge ---------> Recovers HP. ---> 100 health.
Fairy Dust ------> Recovers from any condition.
Present ---------> Go on. Treat yourself to a present. ---> 20 hp, 10 sp + 50DE

7.70 Items Monsterwear

This is equipment that can only be found one of two ways, steal it from a
monster who has it equipped (purify then defeat) OR if your rich and lucky
you can try buying out the Rosen store to get some of them...

Typically speaking MUCH better than the regular equipment...

Monster equipment has two modifiers

The first part of the name denots the bonuses it will get, the second
part is just what it is

7.71 Monsterwear Prefix

Here are first part of the equation ones...
I'm just about 100% sure that the bonuses to certain ones... eg. Cloud having
60-80% Forget is between 1 and 100% on any item... Just about 100% sure on

  The Prefix

Alien ------------> From an alien culture.
Amazing ----------> Truly Amazing...
Bad --------------> Just plain bad.
Banzai -----------> Lasts for 1,000 years?
Beginner----------> For beginners.
Best ------------->
Cheap-------------> A bargain.
Clumsy -----------> Makes it easier to miss.
Cloud ------------> Made of Clouds. ---> 60-80% Forget.
Combat------------> Makes the user want to fight.
Comedy------------> Makes the user a stand up comic.
Crappy------------> Downright crappy.
Cute -------------> Really really really cute.
Dark--------------> Filled with the power of darkness. ---> 30-50% Charm.
Deadly -----------> Sometimes gives critical hits. ---> 1-20% Special attack.
Death ------------> Calls the angel of death.
Demon-------------> From the demon world.
Dirty ------------> Could use a good cleaning. ---> 60-80% Poison.
Dragon -----------> Made out of dragon hide.
ESP --------------> May give the user ESP. ---> 60% Poison.
Exciting ---------> Somehow exciting.
Expert -----------> For only the best warriors.
Fake -------------> A cheap immitation.
Festival ---------> Makes user feel like celebrating.
Fish--------------> Smells fishy.
Frilled-----------> Comes with pretty frills.
Galaxy -----------> The best in the galaxy.
Garbage ----------> Thrown away by a demon lord. ---> Charm 75-100%
Garlic -----------> Good against vampires. ---> 50% Paralyze.
Ghost-------------> Turns the wearer into a ghost.
Grand ------------> Makes the user feel... grand.
Great ------------> Insanely great...
Godly ------------> Utterly Divine. ----> 10-20% Special attack.
Guts -------------> Gives the user guts.
Hero -------------> Makes the user into a hero.
Hi-tech ----------> Made from the latest technology.
Iron -------------> Made out of iron.
Junk--------------> Practically junk.
Kiddie------------> Cute and tiny.
King's -----------> Makes the user feel like a king.
Light ------------> Filled with the power of light.
Maiden -----------> Used by the Maiden of Light. ---> 20-50% Experience UP
Master -----------> Takes care of everything.
Mediocre----------> Not very good.
Metal ------------> Made of metal.
Miracle ----------> Can work miracles? ---> 25-50% Purify.
Monster ----------> Worthy of a giant monster.
Moon -------------> Weakens attacks with moon power. ---> 50-75% Reduce Damage.
Music ------------> Complete with stereo speakers.
Natural ----------> Uses all natural ingredients.
Ogre -------------> Very strong.
OK----------------> Pretty usable.
Ordinary----------> Nothing special about it.
Peddler-----------> Makes user an annoying peddler.
Powerful ---------> Fills the user with power.
Psycho -----------> Makes the user mad with power. -->Reduce SP used.
Ratty-------------> Seen better days...
Risky-------------> Always gets the user in trouble.
Rough-------------> Not quite finished & hard to use.
Safety------------> Has all rounded edges.
Samurai ----------> Razor sharp. ----> 10-20% Special Attack.
Sexy -------------> Makes user feel... Sexy. ---> 30-60% Purify.
Shifty------------> Something fishy about this...
Shiny ------------> Ooh, shiny!
Silver -----------> Made of silver.
Sleepy -----------> Puts enemies to sleep.  ---> 30-80% Sleep.
Smooth -----------> Smooth and full of flavor.
Special-----------> Recommended by the store manager.
Spirit -----------> Gives the user a fighting spirit.
Star -------------> Weakens magic with star power.
Stone ------------> Made of stone.
Sturdy------------> Well made.
Sun --------------> Weakens attacks with Sun Power. --> 60-80% Reduce Damage.
Super ------------> Very strong.
Terrific ---------> Just terrific.
Top --------------> At the top of its class.
Training----------> Gives more experience points.
Ultima -----------> Destroys everything.
Ultra ------------> Beats everything.
Usable -----------> Borderline useless.
Usual-------------> Just the usual...
Victory ----------> Allows the user to win easily.
Vitamin-----------> Makes the user healthy.
Wakey-------------> Filled with caffeine.
Winning ----------> Makes the user a sure winner.

7.72 Monsterwear Suffix

And here is the second part of the equation...

  The Suffix's 

Really the name says it all but I was bored...

Armor ------------> Fully body armor, includes a cup.
Axe --------------> Chops your enemies into itty bits.
Bandana ----------> Wraps around your head, makes you look cool... right?
Baton ------------> Prier's favorite toy... This one time... at Baton camp...
Blade ------------> Half-breed Vampire Hunter.
Book -------------> You know, that thing... it has words in it.
Boots ------------> Make sure you change your socks every 4 hours.
Breifs -----------> Boxers or Briefs?
Brush ------------> Or you'll get cavities!
Cape -------------> Lets play dress-up!!!
Chop -------------> It slicks, and dices...
Claw -------------> Santa Claws favorite...
Coin -------------> For giving to the 'needy'.
Dagger -----------> That time you ger'ed dag. Don't ask.
Device -----------> What is... That thing you did stuff with.
Glasses ----------> You've heard of beer googles right... Wrong effect.
Hammer -----------> For smashing stuff... Smashing it good.
Hat --------------> It goes on your HEAD... sigh.
Jewel ------------> A girls best friend... apperently.
Knife ------------> That time you ife'ed kn. I said DON'T ASK!
Knuckle ----------> Sandwich... nuff said.
Lance ------------> That boil before you goto the beach, buddy...
Leaf -------------> ...of three, leave them be.
Mace -------------> For spraying in people's eyes.
Meat -------------> ... I'm not touching this one...
Missle -----------> Fun for everyone... Caution: may cause blindness.
Mushroom ---------> ... soup right... guys you meant mushroom soup RIGHT?
Orb --------------> How dyslexic individuals spell Rob...
Pot Lid ----------> You've heard of pot lunch right?
Punch ------------> What is, the thing you spike at partys.
Ring -------------> The ultimate solution to any relationship problem.
Robosuit ---------> Disgaea anyone? lets get a Super Robotsuit...
Rod --------------> How dyslexic blonds spell Door ;p
Shield -----------> Prevents the condition, 'Somebody set us up the bomb.'
Upper ------------> One of these days... BANG, POW, Straight to the moon.

7.73 Monsterwear Evaluation

Once again A L e x, is to be thanked for this section...

in order of best to worst seems to be (he based it off the sell value of
the items).

Miracle ----------> 8,100,000
Sun --------------> 4,100,000
Ultra ------------> 2,800,000
Monster ----------> 2,400,000
Great ------------> 2,100,000
Super ------------> 1,700,000
Terrific ---------> 1,600,000
Monster ----------> 1,400,000
Ultima -----------> 1,200,000
Deadly -----------> 1,000,000
Cloud ------------> 790,000
Master -----------> 720,000
Dragon -----------> 680,000
ESP --------------> 660,000
King's -----------> 560,000
Ogre -------------> 490,000
Shiny ------------> 480,000
Metal ------------> 330,000
Psycho -----------> 230,000
Grand ------------> 190,000
Samurai ----------> 190,000
Victory ----------> 170,000
Powerful ---------> 150,000
Moon -------------> 150,000
Festival ---------> 140,000
Banzai -----------> 130,000
Powerful ---------> 120,000
Alien ------------> 110,000
Death ------------> 110,000
Demon ------------> 100,000
Winning ----------> 98,000
Guts -------------> 98,000
Light ------------> 84,000
Cute -------------> 73,000
Light ------------> 72,000
Dark -------------> 68,000
Demon ------------> 66,000
Ghost ------------> 66,000
Silver -----------> 51,000
Dark -------------> 50,000
Hi-tech ----------> 39,000
Expert -----------> 38,000
Fish -------------> 19,000
Star -------------> 15,000   -------> Reduce damage by ~50-60%
Iron -------------> 15,000
Comedy -----------> 15,000
Frilled ----------> 13,000
Exciting ---------> 12,000
Garlic -----------> 11,000
Sturdy -----------> 10,000
OK ---------------> 9,700
Vitamin ----------> 9,000
Combat -----------> 8,100
Stone ------------> 6,500
Ordinary ---------> 5,600
Spirit -----------> 4,600
Combat -----------> 4,600
Wakey ------------> 4,600
Special ----------> 4,400
Sexy -------------> 4,300
Music ------------> 4,300
Usual ------------> 3,700
Peddler ----------> 3,600
Sleepy -----------> 3,400
Bargain ----------> 3,200
Shifty -----------> 2,900
Ordinary ---------> 2,300
Cheap ------------> 2,000
Beginner ---------> 1,800
Cheap ------------> 1,300
Smooth -----------> 810
Kiddie -----------> 810
Rough ------------> 620
Usable -----------> 540
Useless ----------> 410
Crappy -----------> 330
Ratty ------------> 260
Dirty ------------> 220
Mediocre ---------> 220
Risky ------------> 180
Clumsy -----------> 180
Junk -------------> 150
Bad --------------> 150
Terrible ---------> 860
Fake -------------> 290

Which would make the best item in the game miracle.

7.80 Rosen Customer Ranks

Because you see a never ending stream of these questions on the forums
here are the customer ranks you can obtain, in order with the bottom one
being the best.

To raise your rank, simply be a better customer... which means spend more
money there...  It will automatically raise your Customer Rank when you
have spent enough money.  A higher rank means that they will sell you much
more powerful stuff.

Customer Rank 1
Customer Rank 2
Customer Rank 3
Customer Rank 4
Customer Rank 5
Customer Rank 6
Customer Rank 7
Customer Rank 8
Customer Rank 9
Customer Rank D
Customer Rank C
Customer Rank B
Customer Rank A

7.81 Rosen Surveys

They offer surveys from time to time.  How much it changes things depends
on your customer rank.  You can complete one after buying something at the
store.  Customer rank can be increased simply by spending more money at the
Rosen Store.

BE WARNED you can completly edge out other kinds of equipment if you focus
entirly on one type to where you will have some difficulty buying that kind
for a while without hitting the other surveys more.

Options are

Not enough weapons
Not enough defensive items
I'd like more unusual items
Selection is fine the way it is

When you make any selection,

you get the choices for

More expensive, Stronger items
Less expensive, Weaker items
Things are fine the way they are

Not enough weapons
   This will boost the various types of weapon that the shop sells.
   Section 7.10 has stuff that this will increase.

Not enough defensive items
   This will boost the various types of armor that the shop sells.
   Section 7.20 has stuff that this will increase.

I'd like more unusual items
   This will boost the assorted types of things the shop sells.
   Section 7.30 through 7.60 covers things which are increased by this.

Selection is fine the way it is
   This will give you choices to boost all the types of equipment that the shop
   currently sells.

7.82 Rare Rosen Surveys

Occassionally after completing another survey the Rosen Company will offer you
a new survey which will directly effect your combat battles.

1.You prefer to fight strong enemies, right?   


   Nothing happens.

   Are you serious? We can't take responsbility for what happens!

   c.)I'm sorry. I was lying.
   d.)I don't care what happens.

c.)I'm sorry. I was lying.
   Nothing happens

d.)I don't care what happens.
   All enemy levels are permantly raised by approximatly 15-20%.

2.Intrested in the Dark world?


   Nothing happens.

   Increases the Dark Energy Index a lot (30-45% in my experience) on a map
   after you finish the next battle there.

3.If you had one wish, what would it be?

a.) Triple XP in the next battle.
b.) Triple XP for the next purification.
c.) Triple money for the next map.
d.) Triple effect for next training.

a.) Triple XP in the next battle.
    Your experience obtained from the next fight you get into will be tripled.

b.) Triple XP for the next purification.
    You will recieve three times the normal experience to weapons on the next
    dark portal you purify.

c.) Triple money for the next map.
    The next map that you fight and complete will reward you with three times
    the money you would have normally obtained.

d.) Triple effect for next training.
    The next training command that you use on one of your pet monsters will
    have an effect three times that of normal.

8.00 Monster Conversion (Purification)

To convert monsters to your side is as simple as it is certain.  Simply
take any character capable of converting an enemy and then use purify on it
until it eventually has no choice but to join your party... Once that is done
beat the enemy into submission and it will be immedatly available for use with
50% of its max health.  (It will be in your blue base panel).

Beware for each monster of a family that you purify others of that family will
become LESS likely to be perusaded to your cause.

You are unable to recruit monsters from the Dark Gate's.  They will have
the conversion display but even at the "Will convert no matter what" level
they will NOT join your forces.  You can; however, take items from them.

If a monster has an item equipped and you purify them, instead of joining
they will give you that item.  That is the only way to really steal.

The various levels are

Nothing ----------------------> 0% chance of conversion on death
Showing some intrest in you --> 25% chance of conversion on death
Thinking about converting ----> 50% chance of conversion on death
Will probally convert --------> 75% chance of conversion on death
Will convert no matter what --> 100% chance of conversion on death

Bear in mind that whatever the natural element of the monster will reflect
which basic spells they can gain.

Red is fire spells.
Blue is cold spells.
Green is wind spells.
Yellow is lighting spells.
Light Blue is healing spells.
Purple is status effect spells.
White is holy spells.

8.10 Monster Training

Monster Training seems to be limited to success when you send them away
to the Dark World... The Dark Cloaked figure who takes your monsters says
that it can "bring out hidden powers in each of your monsters"... I have;
however, trained SEVERAL monsters to the peak of each stat and happiness...
and recieved NO NEW HIDDEN POWERS.  It WILL; however, help their stat growth
per levelup.

Their are many routes that you can take to training a monster, these range
from the harsh and severe to a more kind and gentle approach.

Generally speaking their happiness for you will rise or drop depending on how
you train them, if this rises to 10 they may also purify for you... if it
falls to 1 they might just flee from your abusive dictatorship.  The maximum
is 10, and the minimum is one.

8.11 Things monsters say while being trained

All monsters have three line things they say while being trained.  Here they
are.  They are randomly selected from three fields, with a handful of unique
ones to each type of monster.  For convience I've broken them into an
alphabetical list otherwise it was a pain to do and they were being constantly
repeated, this way I can avoid the needless repetation. (for some of the
ones with puncuation that are VERY common I've set them aside 

So whatever they said is made up of sentences from Column A + Column B +
Column C = the 3 line thing the monster says...

Are you avoiding me?
Are you living right?
Are you satisfied with your life?

Bats suck blood, you know.
Batter up!  
Burning down the house!
But don't get along..
But I feel happy.
But we just made friends!
By the way...

Call me Napoleon Bone-apart.
Call our 800 number now!!
Can't be without you!
Can't charge-lost my credit card!
Can you see through me?
Care for a game of squash?
Cheer up!!
Come again!

Dance, baby, dance!
Don't box me in!
Do what you like with me.
Do you believe in fate?
Do you have any problems?
Do you really need me?

Ever listen to Smashing Pumpkins?
Everyone likes you.

Feel free to taste me.
Feel like a man.
Friendship is very important.
Friendship matters.

Get your bones cold?
Getting along with your husband?
Go Exercise!

Have you seen a bull around here?
Have you ever seen a ghost?
Having fun?
Hello there. 
Here's a secret...
Hey there!
How about buying me lunch?
How about some money?
How are things with the wife?
How are you doing?
How are you today?
How're they hangin'?  

I actually don't like honey much.
I can't live without you!
I don't like being with you.
I feel great today.
I feel groovy.
I feel happy.
I feel kind of empty.
I feel spooky, oh so spooky! (Musical note)
I found a bone store.
I found a nice store yesterday.
I have no regrets in my life!
I hear Ed McMahn!
I like being with you.
I like you!
I just put out an album! Not!
I never want to leave you!
I may be falling in love...
I may fall in love with you.
I must confess my love for you!
I saw a UFO yesterday.
Is it my turn to fight yet?
Is this the best it gets?
I used to be a bat boy!
I wanna go home.
I want to stay with you forever.
I want you to trust me more.
I was right to trust you.
I was wrong to trust you.
I'd like a bonus.
I'd like a vacation.
I'd like to start a body shop.
I'd walk through fire for you.
I'll be waiting in my room...
I'll devote my life to you.
I'll do anything for you.
I'll take that as a yes.
I'll tell you a secret.
I'll tell you my favorite things.
I'm actually pretty tasty.
I'm a no-body.
I'm a pumpkin! Gotta love me!
I'm barbecue flavor!
I'm broken, need a pumpkin patch.
I'm feeling a little boxed in.
I'm good boiled or roasted!
I'm grateful to you.
I'm here to pumpkin you up!
I'm hot hot hot!
I'm looking for a sweetheart...
I'm looking forward to next week!
I'm not cut out for this...
I'm Serious!!
I'm so happy!
I'm the Great Pumpkin!
I'm used to life with you now.
It's good to have a hobby.
It's important to have a dream.
It's the bat signal!
It's the Children of the night!

Let's get to work!!
Let's go on a honeymoon.
Let's have kids!
Let's kick some butt!
Let's make a happy family!
Let's make s'mores!
Let's stay friendly, OK?

Make me into stew!
Make no bones about it...
Marry me!

No meat on my bones!
Now I feel like a pro!
Now in nacho cheese flavor!
Now on sale!

Please love me!
Please say you love me!


So, how are things?
Some kid tried to smash me!
Still I'm in love.

Take it easy.
Thanks for everything.
Them dry bones...(music note)
Today's forecast is cloudy.
Trust is the important thing.

We all have good and bad days.
We don't seem to get along...
We've been through a lot, but...
We've been together a long time.
What did you eat today?
What's for dinner?
What's for dinner tonight?
Would you like fries with that?
Would you like to supersize that?
Wrap me up, I'll take me!

You are my life!
You know I'm Rotten?
You ok as a no-body?
You sank my bat-leship!
Your enemies are my enemies.
Your horoscope this week is...
Your lucky week!
You're pretty cold aren't you?
You're starting to annoy me!!
You've got to do exercise.
You're skin to me!

... Just kidding!
11:00 at the usual place...

8.12 Training Commands

These are the commands you can use for training (obtained automatically and
without notice upon clearing maps),

+ Happiness means that it will boost its happiness.  And I do not know how much
happiness that one raises for it.  (nor can I give you a specific number on
how effective the others are too, generally speaking the higher it will
raise your stats the greater chunk of the monsters happiness it will strip

It would appear that for the highest and most powerful training commands you 
must complete a Dark Gate (10 levels of hell).  OR by completing chains of
purification where the bonus is at least 5000.  OR by completing higher
chapter maps.  OR by defeating high level monsters or bosses.

Amuse -----------> Make character laugh. ---------------------> + Happiness
Apologize -------> Apologize to character. -------------------> + Happiness
Be Beaten up ----> Let character beat you up. ----------------> + Happiness
Be Hit ----------> Let character hit you to blow off steam. --> + Happiness
Bond ------------> Strengthen your friendship with character -> + Happiness
Boxing ----------> Make character train to take harder hits. -> All Stats
Brick-break -----> Make character break bricks. --------------> +HP +Atk +Def
Brownnose -------> Pile compliments on character. ------------> + Happiness
Care For --------> Take care of character's needs. -----------> + Happiness
Clothesline -----> Clothesline character. --------------------> +Spd +Hit
Compliment ------> Gently compliment charater. ---------------> + Happiness
Cyborg ----------> Turn character into a cyborg. -------------> + All stats
Death Sauce -----> Give character powerful hot sauce. --------> +Sp +Int +Res
Detention -------> Make a character stay after school. -------> All Stats
Educate ---------> Go to place of various amusements. --------> + Happiness
Elbow -----------> Give Character an elbow to the face. ------> +HP +Atk +Def
Eye Contact -----> Make eye contact with character. ----------> + Happiness
Flatter ---------> Flatter character. ------------------------> + Happiness
Feed ------------> Use Snack to put character in a good mood -> + Happiness
Give Book -------> Give character a serious book. ------------> +Sp +Int +Res
Give Gift -------> Cheer up character with a gift. -----------> + Happiness
Give Homework ---> Give character homework. ------------------> All Stats
Grovel ----------> Apologize to character on knees. ----------> + Happiness
Harakiri --------> Commit harakiri to apologize. -------------> + Happiness
Lecture ---------> Lecture character on proper behaviour. ----> +Spd +Hit
Light Exercise --> Make the character do light exercise. -----> All Stats
Light Pressure --> Put light pressure on character. ----------> +Spd +Hit
Listen ----------> Listen to character's problems. -----------> + Happiness
Long Talk -------> Talk with character until dawn. -----------> + Happiness
Love ------------> Show character your love. -----------------> + Happiness
Lullaby ---------> Let character sleep on your lap. ----------> + Happiness
Kick Butt -------> Kick character's butt. --------------------> +HP +Atk +Def
Kick in Nuts ----> Kick character where it hurts most. -------> +Sp +Int +Res
Massage ---------> Invigorate character with massage. --------> + Happiness
Meddle ----------> Meddle in character's affairs. ------------> + Happiness
Meditate --------> Make character meditate to gain strength. -> +Sp +Int +Res
Pain Control ----> Teach character to be strong when shot. ---> +HP +Atk +Def
Party -----------> Party all night with character. -----------> + Happiness
Pay -------------> Give character some spending money. -------> + Happiness
Pet -------------> Gently pet character. ---------------------> + Happiness
Pile Driver -----> Put character in a piledriver. ------------> +Sp +Int +Res
Play ------------> Play with character. ----------------------> + Happiness
Potion ----------> Give character potion for extra power. ----> All Stats
Preach ----------> Preach to character night and day. --------> All Stats
Pushups ---------> Make character do 200 pushups. ------------> +HP +Atk +Def
Punch -----------> Punch character in the stomach. -----------> +Spd +Hit
Rant ------------> Listen to character's complaints. ---------> + Happiness
Repent ----------> Repent to character for your sins. --------> + Happiness
Roundhouse kick -> Give character a roundhouse kick. ---------> +HP +Atk +Def
Run -------------> Make character run laps. ------------------> +Spd +Hit
Scold -----------> Give character a stern scolding. ----------> +HP +Atk +Def
Sing ------------> Sing a song to character. -----------------> + Happiness
Sit-Ups ---------> Make character do 200 sit-ups. ------------> +Sp +Int +Res
Spank -----------> Give character a good spanking. -----------> +Sp +Int +Res
Spoil -----------> Spoil character. --------------------------> + Happiness
Squats ----------> Make character do 200 squats. -------------> +Spd +Hit
Strengthen Love -> Deepen your love for character. -----------> + Happiness
Stretch ---------> Stretch character on the rack. ------------> +Spd +Hit
Surgery ---------> Have character surgically altered. --------> All Stats
Talk ------------> Talk to character. ------------------------> + Happiness
Tie Up ----------> Tie up character. -------------------------> All Stats
Tough Love ------> Punish character for its own good. --------> +HP +Atk +Def
Wash Back -------> Wash character's back in a bathtub. -------> + Happiness
X-Rated ---------> Give character a girly magizine. ----------> + Happiness
Yell ------------> Yell at character for no reason. ----------> +HP +Atk +Def

Happiness boosters.

Amuse -----------> Make character laugh. ---------------------> + Happiness
Apologize -------> Apologize to character. -------------------> + Happiness
Be Beaten up ----> Let character beat you up. ----------------> + Happiness
Be Hit ----------> Let character hit you to blow off steam. --> + Happiness
Bond ------------> Strengthen your friendship with character -> + Happiness
Brownnose -------> Pile compliments on character. ------------> + Happiness
Care For --------> Take care of character's needs. -----------> + Happiness
Compliment ------> Gently compliment charater. ---------------> + Happiness
Educate ---------> Go to place of various amusements. --------> + Happiness
Eye Contact -----> Make eye contact with character. ----------> + Happiness
Flatter ---------> Flatter character. ------------------------> + Happiness
Feed ------------> Use Snack to put character in a good mood -> + Happiness
Give Gift -------> Cheer up character with a gift. -----------> + Happiness
Grovel ----------> Apologize to character on knees. ----------> + Happiness
Harakiri --------> Commit harakiri to apologize. -------------> + Happiness
Listen ----------> Listen to character's problems. -----------> + Happiness
Long Talk -------> Talk with character until dawn. -----------> + Happiness
Love ------------> Show character your love. -----------------> + Happiness
Lullaby ---------> Let character sleep on your lap. ----------> + Happiness
Massage ---------> Invigorate character with massage. --------> + Happiness
Meddle ----------> Meddle in character's affairs. ------------> + Happiness
Party -----------> Party all night with character. -----------> + Happiness
Pay -------------> Give character some spending money. -------> + Happiness
Pet -------------> Gently pet character. ---------------------> + Happiness
Play ------------> Play with character. ----------------------> + Happiness
Rant ------------> Listen to character's complaints. ---------> + Happiness
Repent ----------> Repent to character for your sins. --------> + Happiness
Sing ------------> Sing a song to character. -----------------> + Happiness
Spoil -----------> Spoil character. --------------------------> + Happiness
Strengthen Love -> Deepen your love for character. -----------> + Happiness
Talk ------------> Talk to character. ------------------------> + Happiness
Wash Back -------> Wash character's back in a bathtub. -------> + Happiness
X-Rated ---------> Give character a girly magizine. ----------> + Happiness

Health, Attack, Defense boosters.

Brick-break -----> Make character break bricks. --------------> +HP +Atk +Def
Elbow -----------> Give Character an elbow to the face. ------> +HP +Atk +Def
Kick Butt -------> Kick character's butt. --------------------> +HP +Atk +Def
Pain Control ----> Teach character to be strong when shot. ---> +HP +Atk +Def
Pushups ---------> Make character do 200 pushups. ------------> +HP +Atk +Def
Roundhouse kick -> Give character a roundhouse kick. ---------> +HP +Atk +Def
Scold -----------> Give character a stern scolding. ----------> +HP +Atk +Def
Tough Love ------> Punish character for its own good. --------> +HP +Atk +Def
Yell ------------> Yell at character for no reason. ----------> +HP +Atk +Def

Speed and Hit boosters.

Clothesline -----> Clothesline character. --------------------> +Spd +Hit
Lecture ---------> Lecture character on proper behaviour. ----> +Spd +Hit
Light Pressure --> Put light pressure on character. ----------> +Spd +Hit
Punch -----------> Punch character in the stomach. -----------> +Spd +Hit
Run -------------> Make character run laps. ------------------> +Spd +Hit
Squats ----------> Make character do 200 squats. -------------> +Spd +Hit
Stretch ---------> Stretch character on the rack. ------------> +Spd +Hit

Special points, intelligence, and resistance boosters.

Death Sauce -----> Give character powerful hot sauce. --------> +Sp +Int +Res
Give Book -------> Give character a serious book. ------------> +Sp +Int +Res
Kick in Nuts ----> Kick character where it hurts most. -------> +Sp +Int +Res
Meditate --------> Make character meditate to gain strength. -> +Sp +Int +Res
Pile Driver -----> Put character in a piledriver. ------------> +Sp +Int +Res
Sit-Ups ---------> Make character do 200 sit-ups. ------------> +Sp +Int +Res
Spank -----------> Give character a good spanking. -----------> +Sp +Int +Res

Ones that boost every stat.

Boxing ----------> Make character train to take harder hits. -> All Stats
Cyborg ----------> Turn character into a cyborg. -------------> + All stats
Detention -------> Make a character stay after school. -------> All Stats
Give Homework ---> Give character homework. ------------------> All Stats
Light Exercise --> Make the character do light exercise. -----> All Stats
Potion ----------> Give character potion for extra power. ----> All Stats
Preach ----------> Preach to character night and day. --------> All Stats
Tie Up ----------> Tie up character. -------------------------> All Stats
Surgery ---------> Have character surgically altered. --------> All Stats

8.13 Recommended Training Command Paths For Your Pet Monster

First things first SAVE BEFORE YOU DO THIS... it is easy to lose your monsters
by training them.

Well basically speaking if your want a strong pet take the agressive ones
that boost those attributes, for a fast accurate pet take the speed and hit
ones, and for a casting pet take the ones that boost that.  The stronger
the boost to the stats the less happy it makes them...  So it is a good idea
to always have them very happy before training at least 5 points at anytime.

This effects is their dark world preformance by all appearances...
And it will affect their stat growth per level as well.

Fighters use any of the ones under,

Health, Attack, Defense boosters, if your monsters happiness drops below 5
I would recommend stopping the training.  Of course if you just saved you
can abuse that until it gets down to next to nothing.

Mages use any of the ones under,

Special points, intelligence, and resistance boosters, if your monsters 
happiness drops below 5 I would recommend stopping the training.  Of course 
if you just saved you can abuse that until it gets down to next to nothing.

For the ranged, fast striking, or to balance your monster use any of the ones

Speed and Hit boosters, if your monsters happiness drops below 5
I would recommend stopping the training.  Of course if you just saved you
can abuse that until it gets down to next to nothing.

And if at all possible after training restore your monster to 10 happiness
using any of the ones under, Happiness boosters.  Monsters at 10 happiness,
can help you purify things on the map.

8.14 Monsters and Item fusion...

When you have some items you really like and would like to make them better
be prepared to have to sacrifice for this... You will simply take your monster
and items (of similar level) to the cloaked figure in the rosen shop... He
will then take your monster to fuse your equipment into stronger stuff.

If you send them into the void with nothing you are rewarded with an item
based on the level and training of the monster who was sent away.

When you try to combine equipment the shadow figure will inform you if the
merge is possible and will show you what item you will get as a result.

Your merge success depends on three things, (In no particular order)

Firstly your monsters level. Secondly your weapons level. And finally off
of your monsters training...

Item Fusion

An item looks like this

Lv     X   Mv     X

|Elemental Alignments|

|Exp Bar             |

HP  X   SP  X   ATK X

Crimson's Rules of Item combination...

1. The item's current level directly affects how many of it's various stats
will be passed on to the new item... Each extra stat that is being added will
require an additional item level... If one had 12 stats and the other 3 then
they would need to be level 12 and level 3 respectivly.

2. The order of the above is apperently...  If you cannot transfer every stat
over to the new piece of equipment you will recieve the message that your
weapon level is too low.

3. If you wanted to add extra items you would need to have enough of a level
on each extra item to match with their number of stats.  The first item
needs to have enough levels to cover itself and all others added into it.
So if you had an item with 12 stats and added 2 items with 5 and 8 respectivly
your first item would need to be level 13 to cover everything.

Hp ---> Sp ---> ATK ---> INT ---> DEF ---> SPD ---> HIT ---> RES

And once those are filled it seems to go

Red --> Green --> Blue --> Yellow --> Purple --> Light Blue --> White

After those are filled it goes

HP X -> SP X -> ATK X -> DEF X -> INT X -> SPD X -> HIT X -> RES X

And finally when those ones are full it goes...

MV (Movement) then the special status effects

This basically means that if your weapon is at least level 24 it will be able 
to fully fuse with another everytime. (Max I would say would be 30 and that
would require a lot of status effects on the item).

3. The new stats of the item CANNOT exceed the base stats of the monster who
will fuse them... if they do exceed it you will get the message that your
monster is too weak.  Your monsters stat needs to exceed the items new base
stat by one point.

4. It is FAR easier to take 3 monsters and combine them with 2 and 2 then 
combine those 2 again to get your final product, than to build a monster 
up to take all 4 at once for the final product.

5. Whichever item is the one on top will be the name/style look for the 
new one (not that that matters a lot... but items might have capped max

8.20 Monster Beastiary

Bat Family

--> Tiny Bat
--> Big Bat
--> Mini Dragon
--> Chu-Chu
--> Vampire
--> Nosferatu

Bear Family

--> Beartrom
--> Big Bear
--> White Devil
--> Ogre

Boss Family (chapter boss's in the order they are fought)

--> Oseille
--> Gargoyle
--> Monster
--> Belial
--> Dark Knight
--> Dark Eclair
--> Priest (Seville)
--> Giant Thing
--> Wyvern
--> Priest (Albijwaz)
--> Dagon
--> Catoplebas
--> Dragon Shroom
--> Big Shroom
--> Chimera
--> Hekatoncheir
--> Dark Princess
--> Succubus
--> Priest (Normande)
--> Chimera
--> Dark Warrior
--> Dark Croix
--> Monshroom
--> Orthros
--> Cerberus
--> Noir
--> Dark Croix (Female evil)

Box Family

--> Redcap
--> Gremlin
--> Basket Case
--> Pandora

Demon Lord Family
--> Talos

--> Belial
--> Hekatoncheir

--> Capricorn

Demon Overlord Family

--> Gigas

Demon Family

--> Gargoyle

Haniwa Family

--> Very Haniwa (Higher Demon)
--> Haniwa Extract (Demon Lord)

Supreme Demon

--> Wyvern
--> KingShroom
--> Golem

Furry Family

--> Fluffy
--> Fur Day

Ghost Family

--> Ghost
--> Spirit
--> Apparition

Hippo Family

--> Hugo
--> Mr. Moo

Mermaid Family

--> Undine
--> Siren
--> Jugon
--> Lamia

Plant Family

--> French Kiss
--> Hanahana
--> Beautiful

Pumpkin Family

--> Pumpkin Head
--> Jacko Lantern
--> Halloween
--> Pumpkin King
--> Pumpkin Warrior

Shroom Family

--> Eringer
--> Erinda
--> Dragon Shroom
--> Big Shroom
--> Monshroom

Whale Family

--> Kracken
--> Gunchan

Wisp Family

--> Will-o-wisp
--> Fairy Fire
--> Salamander
--> Jabberwock

Zombie Family

--> Zombie
--> Big Zombie
--> Giant Zombie
--> Sir Zombie
--> Zombie King

8.30 Monster Moves

If you are intrested certain boss moves are listed in the character section
for description; however, well almost certain to be the same I cannot say
for sure so its easier to just have unknown description for them.

  Bat Moves

Suck Blood -----> Suck target's blood and recover HP. 10 sp.

Hypnotize ------> Put target's to sleep. Level 7, 10 sp.

Charge ---------> Charge at one target. 20 sp.

  Bear Moves

Bear Bash ------> A full-body bear charge. 15 sp.

Cute -----------> Charm then with cuteness. 10 sp.

Forest Chums ---> Summon forest friends to attack. 50 sp. 

Bear Crush ----->

Bear Cross -----> A bear's ultimate weapon!. 50 sp.

  Boss Moves

Muscle Bomber --> Unknown description... Oseille's move. 8 sp.

Demon Attack ---> A demonic attack. Gargoyle's move. 12 sp.

Monster Tear ---> Unknown description... Monster's move. 15 sp.

Dark Sword -----> Attack them with the Aura Sword. Dark Eclair's. 10 sp.

Omega Lance ----> Stab them with the Aura Sword. Dark Eclair's. 40 sp.

Curse Roar -----> Decrease defensive power of all in the target
                  area. Priest's & Chimera & Normande's move.. 10 sp.

Demon Fist -----> Damage everyone in target area with a demon
                  fist. Priest's move. 52 sp.

Rumble ---------> Unknown description... Giant Thing's move. 60 sp.

Demon Shock ----> Unknown description... Priest's move.

Noble Attack  --> An elegant, gentlemanly attack. Dagon's move. 27 sp.

Lord's Roar ----> Unknown description... Catoplebas's move.

Spirit Wave ----> Unknown description... Hekatoncheir's move.

Meteor Slash ---> Unknown description... Dark Princess's move.

Demonic Heal ---> Heal everyone in the target area. Succubus' move. 30 sp.

Demon Wail -----> Unknown description... Normande's move.

Charm Roar -----> Unknown description... Normande's move.

Healing Roar ---> Unknown description... Normande's move.

Dark Prayer ----> Unknown description... Dark Warrior's move.

Dark Wave ------> Change status of everyone in target area. Dark Croix, 
                  40 sp.

Retribution ----> Deak great damage to everyone in target area. Dark Croix,
                  45 sp.

Banish ---------> Deal fantastic damage to everyone in target area.
                  Dark Croix's, 80 sp.

Dark Flame -----> Unknown description... Noir's move.

Hellfire -------> Unknown description... Noir's move.

Dark Bless -----> Unknown description... Dark Croix's (Female) move.

Sultry Scent ---> Charm everyone in the target area. Succubu's type. 10 sp.

  Box Moves

Sleep Roar -----> Puts targets to sleep. 10 sp.

Battlecry ------> Increase attack strength of targets. 10 sp.

Beast's Roar ---> Charm and damage everyone in target area.

  Demon Lord Moves

Curse Roar -----> Decrease defensive power of all in the target. 10 sp.

Charm Roar ----->

Healing Roar --->

Demon Wail ----->

  Furry Moves

Static ---------> Attack them with static electricity. 22 sp.

Beard Dance ----> Turn one unit into a furball. 10 sp.

  Ghost Moves


  Haniwa Family

This & That ---->

Here & There ---> Attack here and there. 80 sp.

Pumpkin Doll ---> Attack with pumpkins and clay dolls. 15 sp.

Lance Sword ---->

Mulder --------->

Meteor Shower -->

Knife Fork ----->

Saturn --------->

  Hippo Moves

Hypno Yawn -----> Puts everyone in target area to sleep. 10 sp.

Healing Yawn ---> Heal everyone in target area. 25 sp.

  Mermaid Moves

Siren Song -----> A Pretty song to lull them to sleep. 10 sp.

Break Shot -----> Hit targets where they hurt. 18 sp.

  Plant Moves

French Kiss ----> Charm them with a big kiss. 10 sp.

Flowercopter --->

Flower Crash --->

  Pumpkin Moves

Phantasm -------> Paralize targets with hypnotism. 10 sp.

Laser ----------> Fire a pumpkin laser at them. 18 sp.

  Shroom Moves

Piston ---------> Charm them with this hypnotic motion. 10 sp.

Shroomania -----> Call countless mushrooms to attack. 15 sp.

Shroom Breath -->

Spores ---------> Release a cloud of spores to put targets to sleep. 10 sp.

  Whale Moves

Bubbles --------> A bubble attack. 35 sp.

  Wisps Moves


  Zombie Moves

Poison ---------> Spit a ball of poison at target. 8 sp.

Zombie Lunge ---> Lunge at them. Level 9, 15 sp.

Zombie Slash ---> Lunge at them with all your might. 35 sp.

8.40 Monster Dark World Success

Here are the feats your monsters can achieve in the Dark World.
Since the game uses "Character" LOTS I too shall use it...

"Character" is currently training for battle.

Your friend "Character" is getting stronger all the time... My master is quite

Your friend "Character" is a complete turkey... Their are a lot of hungry
   people in the dark world... Not a good place to be a turkey... hehehe.

Your friend "Character" has been put in charge of the laundry.

Your friend "Character" has defected to the enemy. Next time send us better

"Character" didn't do a lick of good. You can guess what we did to him.

"Character" is taking a vacation.

"Character" has been of no use to us whatsoever.
   My Master is terribly angry.

"Character" has fallen in combat. Here is an item he wanted you to have.
   *Gives you an item*

Your friend "Character" has become the star of the Dark world!
   Imagine that! "Character" a star!

Apparently "Character" is very good at giving massages, and if my master is
   happy, I'm happy. *Gives you an item*

"Character" has been of no use to us whatsoever, we'll throw him out 
   with tomorrow's garbage.

"Character" is taking a vacation.

Your friend "Character" misses you a great deal.

Your friend "Character" seems very sad and wants to go home. Of course,
   we can't allow that. Heheheh.

Your friend "Character" is making no attempt to work at all.
   We'll throw "Character" out tomorrow with the rest of the garbage.

9.00 Secret Game Stuff & Bonus things

Clear the Cave of Trials map 5 to get the GODHAND and access to the
The Gods' Ordeal where you can fight Baal.

Defeat a level 500 or higher Demon Overlord in a dark energy 
index of 300 portal to earn a new title for Prier... 'Demon Lord'. 
And the ability to purify boss monsters.  
As well as, an item which grants the ability to move anywhere. 'Warp Engine'.

Defeat a level 700 or higher Demon lord or Demon Overlord in a dark energy 
index of 300 portal to earn another new title for Prier.  You may also need
to defeat several 10-20 level 500 demonlords to earn this title... Perhaps
it is just defeat all the demonlords in a dark portal... And an item which
grants the ability to attack anywhere... Bear in mind you can be counter-
attacked from any distance... 'Light Year'.
Also note: I had killed ~50 level 500+ demon overlords, ~30 700+ Demon
overlords, and ~10+ level 800+ demon overlords with no luck... The way
I finally got mine was to pass several rosen stronger monsters surveys until
the base level of the monsters in the 300 dei portal was 500-700... The final
demon Overlord was level 1250. 

9.01 Mini guide to getting best endings for each chapter (Spoiler Free)

To get good/special endings you must complete the little subquests for
each chapter fully.  Here is how you can tell that you have gotten the
good ending (also not it will tell you which ending you obtained).

Remember to ALWAYS hit trigger's you come across (red panels with no flow
pattern on them)

Chapter One: Get 2000 Prica from the screen at the end of the chapter, for 
the good ending.

Go to the Orphanage in 'Pot au Feu City' and talk to the last boy on the top of
the screen, he will pay you 1 prica. 

Go to the world map and the area, the 'Devil's Stomach'

Complete map the 'Grave of Fools'.

Complete map the 'Hall of the Dead'.

Hit Event Trigger on the 'Caretaker's Room' then complete the map.

Go to 'Montblanc Castle'...

Complete map the 'Hall of Justice'.

Hit Event Trigger on 'The Birdcage', then complete map.

Complete map the 'Hall of Courage'.

Hit Event Trigger on the 'Hall of Truth', then complete map.

Go to the 'Throne Room' and defeat the boss.

Chapter Two: Get 3000 Prica from the screen at the end of the chapter, for 
the good ending.

Head to the 'Crime Scene'. 

Go to 'Mt. Tarte'.

Complete map 'Mt. Tarte (Foot)'.

Complete map the 'Spring of Mercy'.

Complete map the 'Mysterious Path'.

Complete map 'Mt. Tarte (Side)'.

Goto 'Mt. Tarte (Peak)' and defeat the boss. 

Chapter Three: Get 5000 Prica from the screen at the end of the chapter for 
the good ending.

Head to 'Cresson Castle'. 

Return to 'Pot au Feu City' and goto the church.  

Head to 'Meuniere Forest'.  

Complete map the 'Forest Entrance'.

Hit Event Trigger on the 'Forest of Grief' then complete map.

Hit BOTH Event Triggers on the 'Forest of Judgement' then complete map.

Return to the 'Forest of Grief' re-hit the Event Trigger, then complete map.

Hit Event Trigger on 'Barsom's House' then complete map.

Return to 'Pot au Feu City'

Return to "Meuniere Forest'.

Complete map the 'Endless Forest'.

Go to the 'Shrine of Beasts' and defeat the boss.

Chapter Four: Get 50,000 Prica from the screen at the end of the chapter, for
the special ending... Also worth noting NICE boots (Angelic Shoes).

Level up your equipment or character (equipment is faster).  

Defeat the Whale on 'Maiyonnaise Harbor'.

Defeat the PIRATES on 'Mt. Tarte', do NOT defeat the Whale.

Return to 'Pot au Feu City' goto the church.

Head to 'Mt. Champignon'.

Complete map 'Lotsa Mushrooms'.

Complete map 'Mushroom Festival'.

Go to 'Mushrooms Galore' and defeat the boss.

Return to 'Pot au Feu City' and give the medicine to the boy.

Chapter Five: Get 12,000 Prica from the screen at the end of the chapter, for
the good ending.

Go to 'Meuniere Forest'.

Return to 'Pot au Feu city'.

Return to 'Meuniere Forest'.

Complete map 'Barsom's house'.

Return to 'Pot au Feu city'.

Return to 'Meuniere Forest'.

Go to 'Barsom's house' and defeat the boss, you MUST protect the two lovers.

Chapter Six: get 17,000 Prica from the screen at the end of the chapter, for
the good ending.

Go to 'Cresson Castle'.

Complete map the 'Closed Heart'.

Complete map the 'Resigned Heart'.

Complete map the 'Fleeing Heart'.

Complete map the 'Lying Heart'.

Go to the 'True Heart' and defeat the boss.

Go to the 'Royal Libary'.

Complete map the 'Hidden Libary'.

Complete map the 'Maze of Books'.

Continue on and talk to Hermes.

Go to 'Mt. Tarte'.

Return to the 'Royal Libary'.

Return to 'Hermes'.

Chapter Seven: Get 23,000 Prica from the screen at the end of the chapter, for
the good ending.

Complete map the 'First Passage'.

Complete map the 'Food Storage'.

Complete map the 'Ship's Mess'.

Complete map the 'Second Passage'.

Complete map the 'Armory'.

Go to the 'Engine Room' and defeat the boss.

Chapter Eight: Get 200,000 Prica from the screen at the end of the chapter,
for the special ending... Also worth nothing AMAZING ring (Goddess ring).

Goto the 'Jungle'.

Complete map the 'Wilderness'.

Complete map the 'Unexplored Jungle'.

Complete map the 'Explorers' Bones'.

Go to the 'Cave of Ruins'.

Complete map the 'Cave of Ruins'.

Complete map the 'Breath of Death'.

Go to map the 'Unknown Fear' take the right exit.

Hit Event Trigger on the 'Salvation's Light', select yes then complete map.

Go to map the 'Unknown Fear' and take exit BEHIND the level 100 Treant.

Complete map the 'Life and Death'.

Complete map the 'To a foreign Land'.

You might need to level at this point.

Return yet again to the 'Unknown Fear', and defeat the level 100 Treant.

Go to 'go onward'.

Chapter Nine: Get 38,000 Prica from the screen at the end of the chapter,
for the GOOD ending...

Head to 'Couscous Village', talk to the lady with the broom. 

Play map 'Couscous Village' Defeat the boss WITHOUT killing any of the 
Manticores (Villagers).

Play map 'Couscous Village' as Dark Croix, defeat the boss WITHOUT killing 
any of the Manticores (Villagers).

Chapter Ten: Get 47,000 Prica from the screen at the end of the chapter,
for the GOOD ending...

Go to the 'Ghost Village'.

Head to 'Choux Fleurs Hill'.

Play map 'Choux Fleurs Hill' defeat the boss.

Head to the 'Dark Shrine'.

Complete map the 'Dark Shrine'.

Head to the 'Couscous Village'.

Head to 'Angelieque's House'.

Return to 'Choux Fleurs Hill'.

Play map 'Choux Fleurs Hill' DO NOT kill any guards.

Play map 'Choux Fleurs Hill Part Two' DO NOT kill any guards.

Hit Event Trigger on 'Choux Fleurs Hill Part Three' DO NOT kill any guards.

Chapter Eleven: Get 57,000 Prica from the screen at the end of the chapter,
for the GOOD ending...

Head to 'Mayonnaise Harbor'.

Go to 'Hermes room' (Continue onward) in the 'Royal Libary'.

Complete map 'Eclair's Heart'.

Return to 'Mayonnaise Harbor'.

Defeat the Boss on 'Mayonnaise Harbor'.

Return to 'Pot au Feu City Church'.

Defeat the Boss on the 'Church of the Holy Maiden'.

Chapter Twelve: Final Chapter...

Head to the 'Angel Gate'.

Complete Map the 'Angel Gate'.

Complete Map the 'Demons' Nest'.

Complete Map the 'Bloody Corridor'.

Complete Map the 'Angel's Dreams'.

I recommend you make a save here, as you start losing party members and soon
reach the point of no return.

Complete the Cave of Trials Map 1 through 5... Then kill a level 500+ demon
overlord in a 300% dark energy portal... Next kill a level 700+ demon overlord
in a 300% dark energy portal and several 500+ demon overlords...

Completing both will give you a new title and some impressive items...
As well as, the ability to purify the hearts of boss monsters.

Now go take on level 2000 Baal in the map 'The Gods' Ordeal'.

Defeat the Boss on 'Heaven's Light'.

Go to the 'Angel Gate Top'.

Complete Map the 'Dimensional Gate 1'.

Complete Map the 'Dimensional Gate 2'.

Complete Map the 'Dimensional Gate 3'.

Complete Map the 'Dimensional Gate 4'. Take the Right Exit when the Base has 
the exit under it.

Complete Map the 'Dimensional Gate 5'.

Defeat the Boss on the 'Dimensional Shrine'.

Defeat the Boss on 'Croix's Heart'.

The Secret Bonus Game Stuff

Demon Lord Title: Enter a 300 Dark Energy Index Portal and defeat a minimum
of a level 500 Demon Overlord on or before the tenth floor.
This allows for the capturing of all boss class monsters, and gives you
'Warp Engine' as a reward (allows instant movement anywhere).

Demon Overlord Title: Enter a 300 Dark Energy Index Portal with a MINIMUM of
level 500-700 monsters on the first floor... Continue through every floor
until you have cleared them all.  This gives you 'Light Year' cannon as
a reward (allows physical attack anywhere).

Baal: Clear the fifth level of the Cave of Trials.  Clear the first level
of the Dark Shrine.  Now you can fight Baal... Once defeated he will give you
the Robot Suit... This is a very powerful status boosting peice of equipment.
After you have the Demon Lord Title, you can recruit him for an unstoppable
army of darkness...

10.00 Game Maps

They have either routes into new maps or are dead ends, either way they
have the potential to confuse... Here is a list of the maps names and how
they link to each other.

Your options are either to play this map or move to one of the other maps 

They will list where they link to, the times you have cleared that particular
map, how many monsters have been slaughtered, and the number of times you
have attempted to purify things... and of course the Dark Energy Index.

, |, /, & - all denote branches from that place to another one

->Trigger means that that room contains a trigger of some sort.

The Chapter listed for the dungeons only means that they are unlocked when
you reach that chapter... In come cases (Starting at chapter 10) you cannot
reach every route until a later chapter.  If they are limited time dungeon's
I will let you know.

Pot au Feu City (Starting town)

               |                                              | 
               |               Rosenqueen Shop                |
               |                     |                        |
               |       World Map     |    World Map           |  
               |                    |     /                  |  
               |   Orphanage - Pot au Feu City - Udon Shop    |
               |                /                            |  
               |       Church Front      Church Front         |
               |                         /                   |
               |               Inside Church                  |
               |                /                            |
               |          Infirmary       Salade's Study      |

Devil's Stomach (Chapter 1 Training Dungeon)

           |                                                       |
           |                  World Map                            |
           |                      |                                |
           |               Devil's Stomach                         |
           |               /                                      |
           |      Grave of Fools       Hall of the Dead            |
           |                          /                           |
           |   TriggerTrigger    |
       |                            |                   |
       |                     Hall of Courage            |
       |                     /                         |
       |  TriggerTrigger               |
 |                        /                                      |
 |  Trigger x2Trigger |
 |                                              |                 |
 |                                       Endless Forest           |
 |                                       /                        |
 |                               Shrine of Beasts                 |

Eringa Valley

                      |                  |
                      |     World Map    |
                      |         |        |
                      |   Eringa Valley  |
                      |         |        |
                      |     World Map    |

Mt. Champignon

                         |                  |
                         |    World Map     |
                         |        |         |
                         |  Mt. Champignon  |
                         |        |         |
                         |  Mushroom Road   |

Mushroom Road (Chapter 4 dungeon)

           |                                              |
           |  World Map (Entrance through Mt.Champignon)  |
           |                    |                         |
           |              Lotsa Mushrooms                 |
           |                    |                         |
           |             Mushroom Festival                |
           |                    |                         |
           |             Mushrooms Galore                 |

Eclair's Heart (Chapter 6 dungeon) (One time only, once cleared its gone)

    |                                                 |
    |                  Castle Garden                  |
    |                        |                        |
    |  Resigned Heart - Closed Heart - Fleeing Heart  |
    |                        |                        |
    |                   Lying Heart                   |
    |                        |                        |
    |                    True Heart                   |  

Royal Libary (Chapter 6 dungeon)

                  |                   |
                  |     World Map     |
                  |         |         |
                  |   Hidden Libary   |
                  |         |         |
                  |   Maze of Books   |
                  |         |         |
                  |  Hermes's Room    |

Airship (Chapter 7 dungeon) (One time only, once cleared its gone)

        |                                                 |
        |              Bridge of the Escargot             |
        |                        |                        |
        |  Food Storage -  First Passage - Ship's Mess    | 
        |                        |                        |
        |                 Second Passage                  |
        |                 /                              |
        |            Armory            Engine Room        |   

Crash Site (Chapter 8 town) (Once you clear the chapter it is gone)

                     |                     |
                     |      World Map      |
                     |          |          |
                     |      Crash Site     |

Jungle (Chapter 8 dungeon)

                     |                     |
                     |      World Map      |
                     |          |          |
                     |      Wilderness     |
                     |          |          |
                     |  Unexplored Jungle  |
                     |          |          |
                     |   Explorers' Bones  |

Cave of Ruins (Chapter 8 dungeon)

 |                                                        |
 |                          World Map                     |
 |                              |                         |
 |                        Cave of Ruins                   |
 |                              |                         |
 |                       Breath of Death                  |
 |                              |                         |
 |                         Unknown Fear                   |
 |                         /                             |
 |   TriggerTrigger   |

Cave of Trials (Chapter 11 dungeon)

                   |                   |
                   |     World Map     |
                   |         |         |
                   |  Training Cave 1  |
                   |         |         |
                   |  Training Cave 2  |
                   |         |         |
                   |  Training Cave 3  |
                   |         |         |
                   |  Training Cave 4  |
                   |         |         |
                   |  Training Cave 5  |
                   |         |         |
                   |     World Map     |

Angel Gate (Chapter 12 dungeon)

                 |                      |
                 |      World Map       |
                 |          |           |
                 |     Angel Gate       |
                 |          |           |
                 |     Demons' Nest     |
                 |          |           |
                 |    Bloody Corridor   |
                 |          |           |
                 |    Angel's Dreams    |
                 |          |           |
                 |   Heaven's Light     |
                 |          |           |
                 |   Angel Gate Top     |

Angel Gate Top (Chapter 12 dungeon)
                 |                        |
                 |      World Map         |
                 |          |             |
                 |   Dimensional Gate 1   |
                 |          |             |
                 |   Dimensional Gate 2   |
                 |          |             |
                 |   Dimensional Gate 3   |
                 |          |             |
                 |   Dimensional Gate 4   |
                 |          |             |
                 |   Dimensional Gate 5   |
                 |          |             |
                 |   Dimensional Shrine   |
                 |          |             |
                 |    Croix's Heart       |

11.00 Tips and Tricks

Use a changeup remotely to change the direction of any dark portal by simply
moving it over it...

Buy out the Rosen Store inventory to be allowed to buy rather rarer monster
equipment (same types of things as before just a different selection).

Large Multi-Miracle purification chains are the best source for money and
item experience you can get... To make them even better try to get a
rare Rosen Survey of Triple purification exp or Triple map money.

Apperently you can save your game right outside a map then reset the system
and load the game again and have the exact same pattern of dark portals on
that map every time...  Not really sure who I heard this one from originally
but I know it is well used now.

Once you have your Demon Lord title you can use purify 100% equipment to
instantly convert an enemy to your side... I did not have much luck doing
that until I obtained my first bonus title.

Late game clearing 300 dei portals will give incredible sums of money if you
clear every floor as you go.

11.10 Bugs

Changeup changes direction of steams when its not placed down.

Sometimes dark portals appear with no dark energy index built up... these
are extremly low level portals, One example of where they might occur
is the The Gods' Ordeal.

11.20 Thanks

RenamonFOX for a large chunk of the permant special abilites.

Toxy for pointing out the obvious about having a simpler way to put color
mixing ;p he posted on the forums...

Sir Bob for pointing out magical alignment with regards to spells.

D A R Q for pointing out how purification multi-miracle chains purify the
dark portals inside them.

Dr Butcher MD for Sun, Moon, Cloud, exciting and Hi-tech descriptions of 

A I e x for many (almost all of them in fact...) of the monster item 
descriptions; as well as, ranking of their various effectiveness.

A I e x for fuzzy, and various monster moves.

VeghEsther for omega saint/thunder spell learned at level.

SynthesisAlpha for 4 monster sayings when sent to the dark world.

infomofo (gs) for 1 monster saying when sent to the dark world.

Rufi for 1 monster saying when sent to the dark world.

A I e x for 2 monster sayings when sent to the dark world.

Ryanbomber for 1 monster saying when sent to the dark world.

jvtruman Giga Thunder, Saint, and Mega Saint character levels to learn them.
   As well as, the damage reduction on star equipment.

Jeffrey Truman for some Haniwa family attacks, omega saint level.

jvtruman for the Giga Saint level and sp cost.

dotwarner for cyborg train command.

Jesse Clark for several of the levels at which spells are learned.

12.00 Legal Stuff and Copyright

I created this FAQ Solely by myself, as such I do NOT give permission for 
anyone to use this FAQ in any way shape or form without express permission 
from me.  This is not to say that it will be difficult for anyone to get 
permission from me its just a common courtesy that I would expect from 
anyone seeking to use this.  I will NOT agree to any for profit uses of 
this.  If you find a site using this FAQ that's NOT listed below please 
contact me so I may take appropriate legal action against them.  I also do
not agree to the unauthorized alteration of this FAQ in any way, shape or 

Copyright (c)2004 by Jason L'Heureux.

I agree to most sites that ask my permission to the use of this faq in an
unaltered form and only if the site is non profit.  Just send me an e-mail
showing me a link to your site, the only other reason I have ever refused
to allow a site to use one of my past faqs is because it had EXCESSIVE popups.

This faq was originally designed for the wonderful site,

13.00 Game Info and Thanks

Nippon Ichi for developing this game (and many other amazing srpgs).

Mastiff for having the intelligence to publish this game.

Everybody on pages 25 and 26 of the instruction manual, without them we
would not have this great game at all.

La Pucelle: Tactics is rated Teen and is probably copyrighted 2004.

Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for running GameFAQ's.

And GameFAQ's itself for the incredible site.

                            - End of Frequently Asked Questions Document -

Much, much thanks to Jason L'Heureux for permission to post the FAQ!  

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