Ico ICO Walkthrough

Ico: FAQ/Walkthrough v0.3
by: Psycho Penguin 

E-mail adresses: 
mcfaddendaman@aol.com - Official matters
psychopenguin24@aol.com - Game questions, concerns, etc.
hurricanehelms24@aol.com - FAQ corrections and tips

Home Pages:
http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling2/wrestlingthoughts - Renegade Wrestling
http://www.smcfadden.com/faqs/me/ - My FAQs

First Version: 10/01/01
Last Updated: 10/05/01
Number of Updates: 3

Legal Disclaimer: You may reproduce this guide for NON PROFIT ONLY. I don't
care who you are. If I am not making money with the guide, then you shouldn't
either, especially since I worked so darn hard on it. If you decide you want to
reproduce this guide for non profit uses, and I don't know about it, I will
Rodney King your ass! All you have to do is email me at mcfaddendaman@aol.com
and tell me exactly what you wanna do with my guide. You want to put it on your
site, go for it, as long as you keep it EXACTLY the same. Otherwise, there will
be a fight, and I know there's gonna be a fight, cuz I am gonna start it! You
can turn this guide into HTML if you want, I don't care, just make sure none of
this info is deleted or changed. If you want to print this guide out, go for
it. I wrote this guide to help people with this incredible game! Just make sure
to use this for your own use, and not go around putting it on eBay. As long as
you keep this guide the way it is, I don't care if you post it on your site.
Just KEEP IT THE WAY IT IS. Thank you.

E-mail Rules: I am a very flexible guy when it comes to emailing me. You can
email me at mcfaddendaman@aol.com if you want to chat with me, since I like
talking with people. If you have a gameplay issue or question, email me at
psychopenguin24@aol.com. One last note: Only email me about the game at
psychopenguin24@aol.com , all emails about Silent Hill 2 sent to my other
e-mail adresses will be deleted and/or ignored. Thanks to all those that have
emailed me so far, I appreciate it! Check my email backlog. If it's filled up,
you may have to wait a while before you get a response. I check my email once
in a while. Please wait for a response, because I will respond to all emails.
Please read my guide before asking questions, thats why I have a FAQ and Reader
Tips section. I will only post your question/tip in my guide if it is good, and
has not been answered in this guide. Thanks.

One last note: Only email me about the game at psychopenguin24@aol.com for game
questions, or hurricanehelms24@aol.com for reader tips and suggestions. All
emails sent to my other email addresses about the game will not be answered.
Thanks to all those that have emailed me so far, I appreciate it!

1. Check my email backlog. If it's filled up, you may have to wait a while
before you get a response.

2. I check my email once in a while. Please wait for a response, because I will
respond to all emails.

3. Please read my guide before asking questions, thats why I have a FAQ and
Reader Tips section.

4. I will only post your question/tip in my guide if it is good, and has not
been answered in this guide.

New plan: all questions can be sent to psychopenguin24@aol.com, and if you have
anything you would like to add to the guide, send it to
hurricanehelms24@aol.com. This is because it is too tough for me to separate
stuff people want me to add to the guide from basic questions. if you send any
reader tips to psychopenguin24@aol.com or any questions to
hurricanehelms24@aol.com, they will be deleted. Thanks for understanding.

Basically: mcfaddendaman@aol.com for FAQ posting requests and personal emails,
psychopenguin24@aol.com for game questions and other things like that, and
hurricanehelms24@aol.com for tips, suggestions, corrections, etc.


Instant Message Rules: Unlike a lot of authors I know, I love getting IM's from
fans and for people with questions. My AIM name is HeShootsHeGores, and I go on
it a lot. Just remember this. If you contact me on one of the instant
messengers, and I do not respond, it probably means I am busy. I am always
talking with my girl, and friends, so sometimes I just ignore some instant
messages from people I do not know. Be nice, and I will talk to you, just don't
come out and ask the question and be all rude if I do not respond in five
seconds, otherwise I probably will just block you. I will answer all e-mails
about the game, however.


-The follow GameFAQs Ico Message Board Users.
Mr Android 17

-The following readers for giving me information.
None, yet.

-The following people, just because I want to credit them.
  CJC: For hosting this guide and for giving me a second chance. Also, for
doing a very good Ico guide.
  Yakuza: For being my first online friend, and for believing in my FAQ skills.
  Adrenaline SL: Well, she doesn't hate me or my guides, and she's funny, and
she's there for me. She supported me and this guide throughout. Go her. She
also gave me the idea to do guides for Ico and Silent Hill 2, although SH2
might be on the backburner.
  Andy007: For updating my site with me, although he doesn't as much as he
should. :)
  Dingo Jellybean: I don't care how much problems I have had with him, have
with him, or will have with him in the future, he's still cool.
  Cassey, Jenn, Megan, Wendy: You guys know why.

-The following websites for hosting this guide.
http://www.fbgames.com (If they ever come back)

-The GameFAQs Ico message board, for they asked some of the
questions found in the FAQ section of this guide.

-Finally, me for typing up this guide.

--------------------------------TABLE OF CONTENTS-------------------------------
                              I. Introduction
                             II. Revision History
                            III. Game Basics
                                   Battling Guide
                             IV. Walkthrough
                              V. Frequently Asked Questions
                             VI. Hints and Tips
                            VII. Secrets 
                           VIII. Other Information
                             IX. Conclusion


Wow. Here I am again, everyone, with another guide. I never really expected
myself to be doing a guide for this game. You see, I was just going about,
doing my daily business, and then I was talking to a friend of mine, and she
gave me the idea to do a Silent Hill 2 guide. Since I bought the game, I said,
sure why not. And then I saw that Ico only had one guide, so I figured to do a
guide for this game, too.

Ico is not as great a game as everyone claims to be, but I enjoyed it
nevertheless. It's not really the most complicated of games, but I am sure some
people out there will need help. Try not to email me about the game if you don't
have to. I am going to try to make the guide as detailed as possible, and you
know, there is a GameFAQs message board for those of you that need help.
Besides, I take a while to respond to emails anyways.

CJC also has a great guide of Ico so make sure to check it out!

-Psycho Penguin


v0.3 - October 5, 2001 - 39.7K
-Walkthrough updated through the end of the East Arena.
-3 Frequently Asked Questions added.
-Added some more basic informaiton to the guide.
-Updated the look of the walkthrough.
-PLANNED FOR NEXT UPDATE: I might finish the guide. I am at least going to add
the Battle Arena guide and finish all the other sections, and work on the

v0.2 - October 4, 2001 - 31.5K
-This was a pretty big update, considering I was planning on never to work on
this guide again. I even have the motivation to finish it, which I might do
-Walkthrough completed through the end of the Windmill.
-A lot of Hints and Tips added.
-Controls added to Game Basics section.
-Secrets section added, with one secret so far.
-Added some more basic information to the guide.
-Corrected some errors and information from v0.1
-I also made the first part of the walkthrough a little more detailed.
-PLANNED FOR NEXT UPDATE: Battling guide added to Game Basics section, more
walkthrough work, and several FAQ's added.

v0.1 - October 1, 2001 - 17.6K
-I am just doing this guide to get some FAQ motivation back. I don't even know
if I will finish it.
-Format completed.
-1 FAQ added.
-Walkthrough completed through the end of The Trolley.


----Here is the game basics for this game.----


Left Analog stick/D-Pad: Run or Swim
Left Analog stick: Swing while hanging from a chain or rope. Right analog
stick: Look around
X: Release or Drop(while hanging from a ledge)
SQUARE: Use weapon
UP+TRIANGLE: Pull up and stand (on an edge)
UP: Climb chains, ropes, pipes
DOWN: Slide down chains, ropes, pipes
R1: Call for Yorda, hold her hand, or pull her on top of something
CIRCLE: Action button--pull switch, lever, pick up, throw held object
R2: Zoom in 


----COMING SOON!----


----Here is the walkthrough for the game.----

[------------------------]        THE TOMBS           [------------------------]

Ico will wake up from his dream. Head right, and pull the handle. A door will
open. Go through the door. Go up the stairs, then up the chain, and then jump
backwards onto the platform. Jump onto the open window, then go through it. You
will now be in a tower. Go left, then up the ladder, then up the staircase (it
takes a little while), then up the chain. Go along the path until you can see
Yorda. Watch the scene.

Turn around, then climb out the window. Drop down, then go right, then climb
back into the tower. Drop down, and pull the switch. Return back to the way you
came. Go across the other ladder, then climb it. Run over in the arch of the
doorway, right across from the cage, then jump onto it.  Watch the scene, then
grab the stick the sentry leaves behind. Grab Yorda and then pull her out.
Watch the scene, then grab Yorda and head over to the doors, and they will
open. In the next room, go up the steps and then out of the tower.

[------------------------]          OLD BRIDGE        [------------------------]

Save your game at the couch, then take Yorda and head across the bridge, open
the doors, and then step on the switch. Beat up on the enemies in here, then
just drop down here and move the box. Run up the staircase and then run along
the next path outside. Here, leave Yorda and drop carefully. Go up the stairs,
and then pull the lever, and a door will open. This will allow Yorda to join
you. Go up the chain and push the box on the floor. Call on Yorda, beat up on
the spirits, and she can use the box to get to where you are. Climb the chain
back up to the second level and throw Yorda up from the box. Head outside.

[------------------------]        THE TROLLEY         [------------------------]

Go up the stairs and then another spirit will attack. Just beat up on it. There
will be several around here, so just kick their asses. Rest on the couch, then
head down the stairs and down the ladder. Run along the tracks until you find
the trolley. Hop on it, and then ride it all the way to the second stop. Jump
on the ledge and throw her up. 

[------------------------]       THE CRANE            [------------------------]

Save your game on the couch. Once you do so, climb the two larger steps to the
right, and then call Yorda. There is a large gap between ledges. Head back, and
then run, and jump the gap. You need to be running in order to jump it, so
remember that. Pull yourself up once you make the jump, and then stand near the
edge and call to Yorda. She will do the same thing. Drop down and then follow
the path until you get to a huge drop. 

You will see a little rail against the castle wall. Leave Yorda behind for now,
and jump up to the rail. Move right, going hand over hand, until you get to the
turret. Pull the lever here, and then watch as the crate that ia suspended near
the tower comes around to your side of the tower. Return back to where Yorda
is.  You will now see the crate, so jump on it, and then stand near the edge.
Call for Yorda, and she will join you again. Leave her on the crate, then go
back to the lever. Pull it again, and the crate will go around and up.

Once this is done, walk to the right and then use the boards attached to the
side of the castle to climb the wall. Then hop on the tower. Carefully walk to
the end of the arm and follow the chain down to the crate below. Once there,
jump off to the tower to the right. Stand near the edge, as close to the crate
as you possibly can, and call for Yorda. She will jump across, but barely
making it. Save at the couch you will find here.

You will now be in a huge room with a broken bridge right in the center of it.
Move all the way to the back of the room. Use the window ledges you see to
climb to the top of the wall. You will see a ladder. Use it to get on top of
one of the columns, and then climb to the center of the room, where you will
see a chandelier and another long narrow column. Drop onto the column, and the
chandelier will fall, right into the bridge I pointed out in the beginning of
this paragraph. Then the chandelier will fall onto the floor. Go back all the
way to the beginning of the room, and call for Yorda. Then exit this room and
save again.

Now, follow the ramp that goes along the side of the tower. Once you get to the
bottom, go through the door. Now you will be on the bottom floor of the room you
were use in. Return outside and pick up one of the bombs that have made its way
to the door. Throw the bomb inside and place it next to the column that is
holding the bridge up. Move to the edge, where you will see the chandelier that
you just made mincemeat out of a little while ago. Light your stick on one of
the candles, then take it over to the bomb. Light the bomb. Then run away, and
the bomb will destroy the column and drop the bridge across the room, which
will allow Yorda to go across it. 

Go outside and head all the way back to the top of the tower, where the couch
was. Use it again if you want, and then go through the door. As you go down the
collapsed bridge, more enemies will attack, but you can run past them if you are
quick enough. Get to the energy doors and the sparks here will destroy the
idiotic enemies who run into them. Go through the doors, and you will be in a
courtyard. You can run past the enemies here, as well. Go to the bottom of the
room, then go down the stairs, turn left, and follow the path up and over an
arch, then head around the corner and head for the stairs. Now you are on the
bottom level. Head to the energy doors, which the enemies can run into, then go
through the door.

[------------------------]     THE MAIN GATE          [------------------------]

You will see a garden. Run to the exit, and the gate will close. Yorda's mother
will appear, and she will tell Ico to stop wasting time with her daughter. Once
she leaves, pull all the torches, and they will light. Head back to the
previous room you were in and go up the wallkways until you reach the original
door. Go to the left corner and pick up a bomb here, then take it past the door
to the right, and drop the bomb next to the boarded up entrance. Use the torch
near the door to light the bomb. Step back, and let the bomb take care of the
entrance. Call Yorda, and go through the door.

Go to the bottom of the stairs, and save your game on the couch. Head down the
stairs, and Yorda will be attacked, so get rid of the enemies that attack her.
The best place to fight is right next to the couch, so you will not have to go
as far to save her. If you go too far away, you might not make it in time. Once
she is rescued, grab her and go down the stairs. Stand on one of the square
blocks here until it sinks into the ground, then call Yorda and have her stand
on the same block. Get out of the pit, and leave her standing there. Get the
crate near the grassy area and drag it over the other block. This will open the
iron door.

Go through the door, and climb the ladder. On the ledge above, jump to the
chain and then climb it to a platform. Exit the door here, and you will see
another crate. Push it off the edge, and then hop off here. Beat up on the
enemies, and then push the crate into the pit where Yorda is standing, opening
the door. Hold onto her and take her through the door that just opened when you
pushed the crate into the pit.

Climb the ladder, then go back up the chain (look familar?) and exit here. Head
to the left and go through the door. You will be in the same room as before, but
higher this time. Move around the path until it ends, and then leap and climb
onto the ledge. Climb up the ladder until you get to the top, and then leap
over to the chain. The chain will lower and the room will change in appearance.
Dwing on the chain and jump over to the platform. Beat up on the enemies, return
to the chain, swing on it, and jump over to the other platform. Help Yorda up
and take her to the door. She will break the seal, and you will be allowed to
pass to the next area.

[------------------------]      THE WINDMILL          [------------------------]

Climb the stairs, and then jump to the ledge. Stand on the ledge and go to the
right, moving around the corner. Once there, climb the boards up the side until
you reach a walkway. Move around to the other side of the walkway and face the
blades. As a blade moves up, leap onto it. This is a lot like the thing in
Final Fantasy 7 when you're climbing up to Shinra Headquarters. As the blade
turns, move up it, using hand over hand, until you are at the end. Wait until
it rises, then comes even with the top platform, and jump onto it. Move down
the path, to the energy doors. 

Next to the spiked fence is a short drop. Hop down here, carefully, until you
reach a switch. Pull it, and a bridge will appear. Go to the very edge of the
bridge and call Yorda. Grab onto her hand as she jumps. Lead her up the ledges,
and save your game on the couch. Now head to the enerfy door, which she can
open. Now you will be in a courtyard. Grab the chain, and enemies will attack.
You know what to do. Climb up the chain and to the platform above. You will see
an energy door, but you need Yorda to activate it. Head to the grassy area down
the stairs, and drop in the hole where there isn't a grate. 

Move down the path until you are in a water filled chamber. On either side of
the door is a staircase, and on top of each staircase is a square stone. Step
on the one to the right of the door, and face the door, to open the gate at the
far end. Call for Yorda. Once she is through the gate, move onto the other small
staircase and stand atop that switch stone. This opens the door at the other end
of the chamber. Call Yorda over to you and have her stand on the stone. Once she
is on the switch, leave through the door you just opened. Climb the pipe on the
wall, across from the door up to the ledge above. Turn around and leap across.
Go back to the open grate, stand directly next to the hole, press R1, and Yorda
will climb out of the hole with your help. Take her back to the energy gate and
she will open it.

[------------------------]      STONE PILLAR          [------------------------]

Go through the door you just opened, and then go onto the elevator in the
corner of the next room. Pull the switch here, and this will send the elevator
up to a higher platform. Get Yorda up to the next level, and then head to the
fence, which is directly across from the elevator. Hang onto the edge of the
broken gate, and then drop straight down to the platform below. Go over, then
jump onto the platform above, and move left and drop down twice to get to a
small platform in the corner. Move carefully around the corner, and then climb
the platforms until you reach another ledge wall. Move up the narrow ledges,
until you get to the upper right hand corner, where a small wooden platform

Climb on top of the small wooden platform, and then find the crate. Push it
over the edge, and drop yourself down to where the crate was. Beat up on the
enemies, and then drag the crate under the switch, on the opposite side of the
area. Pull the switch, and a chain will drop down from the crane. Move the
crate back to the tall ledge, and use it to climb into the area above. Call for
Yorda, and have her join you. Use the couch here to save your game, and then get
up on the wall nearby and climb one ledge up. Go left, going across the gap, and
then fall down to the floor below. Move to the opposite side and climb onto the
crane. Walk, carefully, to the end and then climb down the chain. At the bottom
of the chain, swing towards the open window, and then jump through it. Beat up
on the enemies, and then climb on one of the window ledges and push the crate
onto the garden. Push the crate into the far left corner, and then use it to
get up on the walkway. Follow the fence until you reach another chain, which
you can climb up. 

Get to the top, and climb the staircase, then exit through the door upstairs.
Follow the ledge to a ladder, then climb up it. Walk along the ledge, and you
will see a gap with a chain in the middle. You guess what you have to do here.
Call Yorda once you get across. Make her stand on the platform next to the gap.
Then pull the switch to slide the platform. As soon as she gets to the other
side, enemies will attach her, so go back down the chain, and drag her out of
the hole, and head to the energy door. Break the seal and destroy the monsters.
Step through the door. Follow the walkway around to the energy door. Break the
spell using Yorda, and go to the next area. You will be on a long bridge. Move
across it and you will be to another energy door. Once it falls, step into the
structure. The area you are in is blocked by a gate, so climb up the ladder,
and then fight the enemies. There's a couch here, so use it.

[------------------------]         EAST ARENA         [------------------------]

Follow the wall next to the staircase, to an open door. Go through the door,
the climb down the ladder and jump up onto the circular platform. Call to
Yorda, and have her join you on it. The pillar will fall. Kill the enemies that
appear, go up the stairs, and then pull the switch. Light your stick on one of
the torches, and use it to light the candles, which opens the window. Pull
Yorda up, and go into the grassy field. Go on the left side and climb up the
ladder, then call Yorda and have her climb up it, too. Pull the switch to open
another set of candles in the room below. Light your stick using the torch,
then go down into the room and head over to the candles, and light the candle
on each side of the window. A sword will fall into the other room. Hop on the
window, call Yorda, and drop into the room on the other side. Pick up the
sword, and an iron gate will raise around you. Climb up on the pulley to the
left and right, and slash the ropes holding the gate up. Save your game now,
then climb the set of stairs that you have not been up yet. Slash the rope, and
the door will open.

In the next room, look for a bunch of cracked ledges. Jump to the first one,
then go all the way to the right, jump up to the ledge, and stay on the left
side and jump up to the next one. Keep moving up these until you get to a long
one, and follow it all the way to the right, and jump up a level. Move all the
way to the right, then jump down. On the short ledge, move to the right and
then drop down to the long ledge. Get on top of it, go right, until you are
under another small ledge. Climb up two ledges, and move all the way to the
right, then drop down to the floor below, next to the water grate. Go outside,
then follow the fence to another doorway. Step on the stone, which opens the
door, then go through the door you just opened. 

Jump across the gap to the other side, then follow the path until you are at a
drawbridge. Jump and use the sword to slash the ropes, which will make the
bridge. Go to the other side and do the same thing. Step through the door, and
pull the switch here, which turns off the flow of water. Call Yorda, go to the
top of the room, and go into the door. Cross the bridge, and go into the next
room. Go to the edge of the balcony, and a bridge will appear. Bring Yorda with
you for the next part. Move across the bridge that just appeared, and let Yorda
use her magic to deactivate the energy door. In the corner is a switch. Pull
the switch, and the candles will open. Call Yorda, and move all the way to the
right. Go in the elevator, and go down a floor.

Trade your sword for a stick here, and then take it across the room to the
candles. Light the stick and use it to light the other candles. Save your game
on the couch, then get your sword back. Leave the arena and head back across
the bridge. Beat up on the enemies, and climb up the ladder, then ask Yorda to
join you. Move through the door. 

[------------------------]      MORE COMING SOON!     [------------------------]
This is as far as I am into the game right now, so be patient.


----Here is a list of some questions I made up off the top of my head. Heh.----

1. How do you get the Mace? (thanks to Mr Android 17 for the question and
thejuggler3 for the answer)
Start out in the room right after the waterfall, with the fast flowing stream.
This will be right after you turned the water off. First, go directly to the
right of the stairs (that will be right from facing away from stairs). You
should see a switch directly to the right of the stairs on the wall. Press it.

Second, there will be a tree right behind you. Smack it with your sword until a
ball falls out. It may take some doing. This is how I missed it. When I tried
that, my sword just went through it. 

Once you get the ball, go into the waterfall room at the top of the stairs. Set
the ball down and look between the 2 stairs at the far end of the room. There
should be three alcoves. Push on the right side (maybe left will work too) of
the middle alcove. The alcove will shift, letting you into a secret room. Pick
up the ball and go stand on the glowing circle in the middle of the secret room
(much like the one in the east tower). Call Yorda over, and you two combined
will trigger a huge basket-looking thing to rise from the dais right above the
circle. Figure out the goal now... take the ball and throw it into the basket.
The way to do it is to stand against the wall on the dais. Take a few steps at
the basket, and throw the ball. Once you make it, the mace flies in the window,
and you have a new weapon. It is powerful and has a large arc. The only thing I
don't like it the actual swing looks exactly the same as the sword, only
longer. Check it out and see if that looks the same to you.
2. Is there any way for Yorda to die?
A: No. The only thing that can happen to her is to be kidnapped by the enemies,
and they never really show her dying when that happens.
3. How do you know what her name is?
A: Says so in the manual, fool.
4. Is there anything to do after you beat the game?
A: Run around and explore. 



----Here is a list of hints and tips for this game.----

-Do not jump from too high up. You can die from falling in this game.

-Once Yorda comes into your life, you take full responsibility for her. If you
leave her behind for an extended period of time, she will be attacked, and if
you lose her, the world will end, and that's game.. over.

-If you die, you will continue from either the last time you saved, or the last
time you went through an energy barrier. Yorda's special energy wll open blue
glowing doors. This is the only way to open them.

-Make sure to explore everywhere. You never know what you'll find.

-Always remember to stand back after igniting a bomb. Bad things happen if you
don't. It's really just common sense.

-If there is a ledge, and you can jump on it, there has to be a reason for it.
If there is a crate nearby, just use the crate to jump onto the ledge. That's
usually the most common puzzle solution.

-Pull every lever, push every box, use bombs accordingly. Usual adventure game

-You cannot trap yourself in a puzzle in this game. Basically, each puzzle only
has one answer, but there is no "wrong" answers, so just experiment with the
puzzles until you find the solution.

-There are only two ways to die in this game: lose Yorda to enemies, or fall
off a ledge or something. Yorda will never fall. The game woulda been tougher,
in my opinion, if she could fall, but ah well.

-A running jump will allow you to jump longer than a standing jump will. Call
it the law of psychics. Again, it's kind of common sense, but I figured I would
bring it up anyways.

-If you jump too far, you die. If you jump too short, you die. If you can't
understand that, there's a show I reccomend for you.. SESAME STREET.

-When you use the hand over hand technique, and you get to the edge of whatever
you're walking across, you will fall over. This can be good, provided there is a
ledge below, as that is the only way to get through some areas.

-You can jump backwards off ladders, as long as your feet are still on it. If
your hands are only on it, just climb up or down a rung.

-Always try to keep Yorda as close as possible to you, in case enemies attack.
When you follow a path, have her follow it too, if possible.

-Never, ever leave an area without Yorda unless you are only going to be away
from it for a few seconds. When you leave an area, enemies will attack her very
quickly, so make sure not to leave her alone in one for more than 20 seconds or

-Yorda will not climb up a ladder you are behind, because it confuses her.
Stand in front of the ladder, and then call her. She will then climb up it.

I will add more in the next update.


----Here is a list of all the secrets in this game.----

In the Upper Courtyard area, after you pull a switch near the waterfall, look
to the left, and you will see a tall tree. Swipe at it with your sword, and a
ball will fall from the branches. Take the ball up the stairs into the room you
opened, and drop it. Between the two stairs going to the upper level of the
room, you will notice three arches. Go up to the middle one, push on a side of
it, and it will reveal a secret room. Go back and get the ball, and Yorda will
go into the secret room. Jump onto the pedestal and a basket will pop up. Grab
the ball and stand a few steps from the side wall and throw the ball. Once you
make the shot (use the digital control for it to be easier), a mace will fly in
through the window. There you go!


----Here is a list of the other information about me and this guide.----


-The follow GameFAQs Ico Message Board Users.
thejuggler3 - Providing the answer to a question.
Mr Android 17 - Providing a question.

-The following readers for giving me information.
None, yet.

-The following people, just because I want to credit them.
  CJC: For hosting this guide and for giving me a second chance. Also, for
doing a very good Ico guide.
  Yakuza: For being my first online friend, and for believing in my FAQ skills.
  Adrenaline SL: Well, she doesn't hate me or my guides, and she's funny, and
she's there for me. She supported me and this guide throughout. Go her. She
also gave me the idea to do guides for Ico and Silent Hill 2, although SH2
might be on the backburner.
  Andy007: For updating my site with me, although he doesn't as much as he
should. :)
  Dingo Jellybean: I don't care how much problems I have had with him, have
with him, or will have with him in the future, he's still cool.
  Cassey, Jenn, Megan, Wendy: You guys know why.

-The following websites for hosting this guide.
http://www.fbgames.com (If they ever come back)

-The GameFAQs Ico message board, for they asked some of the
questions found in the FAQ section of this guide.

-Finally, me for typing up this guide.

-------------{CONTACT INFORMATION, MY OTHER GUIDES, ETC.}-----------------------

All my other guides and reviews can be found on my contributor page.

All my unposted FAQs can be found on the following websites.

Here is how you can contact me via e-mail or instant messengers.
-Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare
-AIM: MeganIzMyAngel or HeShootsHeGores
-AOL addy: mcfaddendaman@aol.com
-MSN: daladiesman2k@hotmail.com


Thanks for reading my guide. I worked very hard on it, and all e-mails are
appreciated and will be responded to!

-Psycho Penguin
mcfaddendaman@aol.com - Personal
psychopenguin24@aol.com - Game Related

               Copyright 2000-2001 All Rights Reserved
This guide is the property of the author and may not be used in any way
Without the permission of the author. If you would like to use this FAQ
On your web site, just email the author and let me know that you are, I
Only ask that you give full credit where it is due, and that this guide
May never, ever be altered in any way, no banners, ads or anything! The
Guide may never be used in any magazine, book, other guide or any other
Form of distribution without the permission of the author. Pieces if it
may not be used in other guides without the permission of the author, I
Would also like to say that all of the information contained in this is
The property of the author, and it was all compiled by the author, only
If there is credit given for a section was it not compiled by the me, I
Would then ask that you contact the credited person, instead of sending
Email to me about the use of the information. So basically, if you ever
Want to do anything with this guide, aside from read or print it out, I
Am asking that you ask permission. By the way, if you print this out, I
Will ask that you please keep it all together with this disclaimer. Ok.

  Thanks to Revolution reader!

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