General FAQ Author: Oscar Roberts aka Ebony Ivory Date Created: 2/19/05 Last Updated: 4/5/05 v2.0 .............................................. :'######:::'########:::::'###::::'##::: ##:::: '##... ##:: ##.... ##:::'## ##::: ###:: ##:::: :##:::..::: ##:::: ##::'##:. ##:: ####: ##:::: :##::'####: ########::'##:::. ##: ## ## ##:::: :##::: ##:: ##.. ##::: #########: ##. ####:::: :##::: ##:: ##::. ##:: ##.... ##: ##:. ###:::: . ######::: ##:::. ##: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##:::: ............:......::::..:::::..::..:::::..::..::::..:::::............... 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This information is not considered 'official', so there may be some mistakes. If you wish to obtain permission to use this guide, then email me with a link to your site and I will check it out and respond. **************************************************************************** You can email me with suggestions/corrections and I will credit you A site can use this FAQ provided that they request my permission first. Permission to use this FAQ: Study Breaks Magazine ============================================================================== VERSION HISTORY 4/5/05 - v2.0 added 10km cars to the used car lot section, added a power/ weight ratio ranking section 4/3/05 - v1.8 added more Driving Missions, corrected a few errors 3/25/05 - v1.7 added Driving Mission 29, updated permission list 3/24/05 - v1.6 added more Driving Mission tips 3/23/05 - v1.5 updated permission list, added Driving Mission 13 tips 3/11/05 - v1.3 fixed some errors, 3/9/05 - v1.2 added Game Flow, added Tuning descriptions(sorry not many setups yet, I'm still testing them), another tuning update coming soon 3/8/05 - v1.1 added more driving tips, added some car recommendations, 3/4/05 - v1.0 finished Events(except Driving Missions), corrected some errors, big Tuning update coming soon 3/3/05 - v0.9 finished Special Condition Events, Beginner/Pro/Extreme Events, Japanese/Euro/American Events, added more One-Make Races 3/2/05 - v0.8 added PLENTY of useful tips, more events 3/1/05 - v0.8 started a Tuning section, added Prize Cars, added more Events and One-Make Races, added Drivetrains 2/27/05 - v0.8 finished Photo Travel, started One-Make Races, Miscellaneous, finished License Exams, added to Events 2/26/05 - v0.6 started Driving Missions, Special Condition Events, started Photo Travel, added Arcade 2/24/05 - v0.5 added Courses, finished Car Towns, added License Exams, added Used Car Lots, started Event Halls 2/23/05 - v0.4 added Controls, started Car Towns, changed layout 2/21/05 - v0.3 added Soundtrack, Track List, Introduction, started Game Features, Track Release Days 2/20/05 - v0.2 added Table of Contents, added driving mechanics 2/19/05 - v0.1 FAQ created, car list/ascii art added ============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS easy find code 1.Introduction~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(GTINT) 2.Controls/Options~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(GTCON) a.Soundtrack------------------------------------------------------(GTSND) 3.Driving Mechanics~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(GTMEC) a.Transmission Type-----------------------------------------------(GTTRT) b.Drivetrain------------------------------------------------------(GTDRT) c.Basic Driving Techniques----------------------------------------(GTBAS) d.Drifting--------------------------------------------------------(GTDRI) e.Driving Tips----------------------------------------------------(GTDTI) 4.Car List(American version)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(GTCAR) a.Prize Cars------------------------------------------------------(GTPRC) 5.Tracks~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(GTTRA) a.Track Release Days----------------------------------------------(GTTRD) 6.GT Mode Career~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(GTMOD) a.License Exams---------------------------------------------------(GTLIC) b.Used Car Lots---------------------------------------------------(GTUCL) c.Car Towns-------------------------------------------------------(GTTOW) d.Home------------------------------------------------------------(GTHOM) e.Event Halls-----------------------------------------------------(GTEVE) f.Courses---------------------------------------------------------(GTCOU) g.Miscellaneous---------------------------------------------------(GTMIS) h.Power/Weight Rankings-------------------------------------------(GTPOW) 7.Arcade Mode~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(GTAMO) 8.Photo Travel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(GTPHO) 9.Tuning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(GTTUN) a.General Tuning Info/Tips----------------------------------------(GTGEN) b.Upgrade Selection-----------------------------------------------(GTUPG) c.Setting Effects-------------------------------------------------(GTSET) d.Tuning Presets--------------------------------------------------(GTPRE) 10.Game Flow(beginning advice)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(GTFLO) Tips/Tricks~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(GTTIP) Thanks/Credits/Final Thoughts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(GTTHA) *VampireHorde has an excellent Photo Travel FAQ on You should check it out if you need more detailed information on this mode.* ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ====================== 1.INTRODUCTION (GTINT) ====================== This game marks Polyphony Digital's fourth outing in the famed Gran Turismo series. The GT games are generally viewed as somee of the best racing games on the market. It has been stated that this installment will have vastly improved AI(we all know how that works out) over its predecessors. This guide will be used mainly to give general information about this game, but I will go into depth on certain aspects. The game has been confirmed to have over 700 cars from auto makers spanning Europe, North America, and Asia. *If you have a Gran Turismo 3 save on your Memory Card, then you can transfer up to 100,000 credits to Gran Turismo 4 at the start of the game giving you 110,000 to start with* There are two different modes with which to race in Gran Turismo 4. ------ A-spec - This is the normal racing mode. The user has complete control over ------ the car. You will have to be aware of your position as well as the position of other drivers as you tear around the tracks. ------ B-spec - This mode is a new addition to Gran Turismo 4. Your car is controlled ------ by an AI which you can influence. There are five different settings for the personality of the AI ranging conservative to road rage-like aggresive. There is also an option to have the driver take a pit stop on the next available opportunity. You can switch between the two modes in the pit. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== =================== 2a.CONTROLS (GTCON) =================== ------ Racing - Left Analog Stick--------------------Steering ------ X / R-Stick up-----------------------Accelerate Square / R-Stick down----------------Brake Circle (O)---------------------------Emergency Brake Triangle-----------------------------Reverse L1-----------------------------------Rear View R1-----------------------------------Boost L2/R2--------------------------------Shift Down/Up(manual tran.) ------ Replay - R1-----------------------------------Replay controls ------ X------------------------------------Toggle outside/in-car camera Circle (O)---------------------------Toggle background music Square-------------------------------Toggle HUD/information D-Pad--------------------------------Select highlighted vehicle 1 & 2 When viewing with outside camera Triangle-----------------------------Zoom-in When viewing with in-car camera R1-----------------------------------Toggle camera angles L1-----------------------------------Toggle rear view D-Pad Left---------------------------View left of vehicle D-Pad Right--------------------------View right of vehicle L2-----------------------------------Toggle left side mirror view R2-----------------------------------Toggle right side mirror view ------ B-Spec - Left or Right(analog)----------------Change camera angle ------ Up or Down---------------------------Select highlighted vehicle Left or Right(D-Pad)-----------------Adjust Driver Pace 1 = Slow Down 2 = Cruise 3 = Steady 4 = Fast 5 = Push Triangle-----------------------------Overtake Circle-------------------------------Pitstop X------------------------------------Change camera(live,forward,rear) R1-----------------------------------Toggle Race Monitor display R2-----------------------------------Toggle HUD Race Monitor Screen L1 + Left or Right-------------------Toggle race speed X------------------------------------Toggle Map/Lap times ============================================================================== ==================== 2d.SOUNDTRACK(GTSND) ==================== This is an in-game soundtrack listed alphabetically by artist. "Till the Break" by A Skillz "Slip and Slide" by A Skillz "Hold the Brakes" by Apollo 440 "Runaround" by Ario "Hot Rod Honeymoon" by Jeff Beck "So long Baby goodbye" by The Blasters "Let's Roll" by Bootsy Collins "D-Greasy Rides" by Bootsy Collins "Don't Mean a thing" by Borialis "Super Bad Part 1,2 & 3" by James Brown "Apology for Non Symmetry" by Chronic Future "Machine Gun" by The Commodores "Born too Sloww (remix)" by Crystal Method "Real Dream" by Deepsky "Nitro" by Dieselboy + Koas "Car Crash" by Dirty Americains "I Don't Want to Know" by The Donnas "Getaway" by Earth, Wind & Fire "Roll Over DJ" by Jet "Nothingwrong" by Jimmy Eat World "Freewheel Burning" by Judas Priest "Short Burning Fuse" by Less than Jake "Gameplay" by Mr Natural "Murder" by Papa Roach "Not Listening" by Papa Roach "Funny Little Feeling" by Rock N Roll Soldiers "I Don't Care" by The Roots "Summer Song" by Joe Satriani "You Must Follow" by Stratus "Panama" by Van Halen "It Don't Mean Nothing" by Will I Am "Drop on You" by Will I Am 'Rockstar" by The Wylde Bunch "Ready to Rock" by X-Ecutioners "Oh Yeah" by Yello ============================================================================== ============================================================================== =========================== 3.DRIVING MECHANICS (GTMEC) =========================== This section is mainly for beginners to the Gran Turismo games or racing in general. I will cover a few basic areas that can help improve a beginner's lap times. However, as this is a general FAQ, I wont go too in-depth in the skills and techniques covered here. Advanced Gran Turismo players probably won't find this section too interesting. One more note; Polyphony Digital hypes this game as having 'realistic physics'. Don't think that just because you can drive a 1000hp car in the game doesn't mean that you can handle one in real life. Nothing can replace real life experience. Don't try anything that may put you or others at risk. ============================================================================== ============================= 3a. TRANSMISSION TYPE (GTTRT) ============================= ------ Manual - In manual transmissions, the driver must switch from gear to gear him/ ------ herself. A lot of experienced drivers and racers use this type of tranny because of the added control it gives. Manuals also give faster acceleration than automatic transmissions. In day to day driving, more people use automatics for the ease of use in traffic and there is less maintenance/skill required. ---- Auto - With this type of transmission, the car's cpu does all of the shifting ---- for you. The shifting is a lot smoother for inexperienced drivers. Some high-end performance racers use this type so they can worry about other things going on in the car. It is argued that for performance cars, an auto transmission can get from gear to gear faster than a manual. ============================================================================== ===================== 3b.DRIVETRAIN (GTDRT) ===================== FF - This is Front Engine/Front Wheel Drive. These type of cars aren't very stable under hard acceleration. They also have understeer. For these reasons, most FF sports cars are not considered serious racing machines. The weight of the engine is positioned over the wheels that drive the car, so there isn't a loss of traction often. Understeer - When turning, the force that pushes you toward the outside of a turn. Cars with understeer are less likely to spin out so this is considered a beginner's drivetrain. FR - This is Front Engine/Rear Wheel Drive. This is the drivetrain that a lot of high end sports cars and racing bred cars are made of. First it provides a lot a traction in straight line acceleration since the weight of the car shifts over the rear wheels some under full throttle. While cornering, the car will invoke oversteer. Oversteer - A characteristic of rear wheel drive cars. When cornering the car's tail tends to slide due to the rear wheels providing the acceleration. This drivetrain makes it easier for experienced drivers to whip/slide through turns, but novice drivers will have a tendency to lose control or spin out. MR - This is Mid Engine/Rear Wheel Drive. Some supercars/exotics use this drivetrain. It benefits by having equal weight distribution to all wheels (because of the engine mounted just behind/in the area of the cockpit). The rear wheels(which drive the car forward) in an MR car always have some traction on them, making them a little more stable in cornering than FR cars. They will still invoke understeer, but not as much as an FR car. AWD - This is All Wheel Drive(the engine is usually in front). AWD cars are the most stable. They are great for unexperienced drivers. There is always traction in one wheel or another, making them ideal for dirt/off- road racing. Due to this traction, they can be slightly hard to turn at times. RR - This is Rear Engine/Rear Wheel Drive. This is the rarest type of drivetrain. Since the weight of the engine is over the rear wheels, traction when accelerating is amazing(see how fast a Ruf can get 0-100). This drivetrain can be detrimental with oversteer if you don't take care with the throttle when cornering. They will also wear out the rear tires amazingly quick, so they're not ideal for endurance races. ============================================================================== =================================== 3c.BASIC DRIVING TECHNIQUES (GTBAS) =================================== -------- Drafting - This is one car following closely behind another in its slipstream. -------- In daily highway driving, this can be used for fuel efficiency when traveling long distances. In racing, its used for fuel efficiency and a speed burst. The cars can travel a few mph faster because they share the same 'pocket of air'. ---------- Slipstream - This is the 'passageway' of air that flows behind a car. This ---------- slipstream effect works in the following way. As a single car races around a track, it creates a "bubble" of high-density air in front of it and a bubble of low-density air behind. The difference in the pressure between these two air pockets creates drag, the force that impedes motion. This drag force limits the top speed the car can attain. But if a second car pulls up behind the first, the slipstreams created by the the two merge so that the first car losses its aft bubble and the second car loses its front bubble. This effect reduces the drag force each car experiences and both are able to travel slightly faster. Another use of drafting occurs when a slower car pulls in behind a faster car and takes advantage of the first car's slipstream. This has the effect of helping the second car go faster while forcing the faster car to work harder thereby narrowing the performance gap between the two opponents. But eventually, the second car needs to pass the first in order to make a run at the victory. Drafting can also assist in this effort if the second driver can take advantage of the "slingshot effect." By dropping back from the first car a little, the low- pressure bubble aft of the first car then "sucks" the second car forward. The second driver then gains a little more speed as he pulls out to the side to pass the first car. By the same token, the first car loses speed as the low-density bubble is fully reformed aft of his car. --------- Cornering - As a general practice, you want to brake early entering corners. --------- Braking earlier will allow you to accelerate earlier coming out of the corner. Some really good drivers can overcome poor handling when cornering by knowing when to brake and accelerate. The ideal braking point is dependent on the car and the corner. Practice with one car will help you figure out its limits. Start wide upon entering the corner and hit the brake. Turn the wheel, and accelerate through the apex of the turn. Exit wide, and you have completed a good turn. Remember, in slow, out fast. ---------- Understeer - This is a car not turning very much in relation to how much the ---------- wheel is turned at high speeds. This is a characteristic of FWD cars and some AWD. Generally, understeer is not very good for racing on tracks with lots of tight, twisty turns. --------- Oversteer - This is a car turning a lot in relation to how much the wheel is --------- turned. This is a characteristic of RWD and some AWD cars. Cars with oversteer are easier to whip/slide through corners, but are much easier to spin out. That is the reason why FWD is considered a beginner's drivetrain and RWD is for more experienced drivers. ============================================================================== =================== 3d.DRIFTING (GTDRI) =================== Drifting is the concept of using the brake and throttle to slide the back end of your car around a turn. In road racing, I prefer to go through turns the normal way. However, this technique is indespensible in rally racing. To start your car drifting, you must brake early when entering a turn. Next, cut the wheel a little harder into the turn than normal. Now, press on the gas to make the back end slide around the turn in a wider arc. As you gain experience you'll be able to tell when to press the gas and if you need to adjust the angle of your car mid-drift. Feint Drifting - This is turning the car slightly toward the opposite way before entering a turn to initiate the drift. Ex. - When making a left turn, the driver can move the wheel slightly to the right before beginning the left turn. Using the car's weight balance and power is the right way to drift. Using the emergency brake to initiate a drift is less efficient than a properly done drift. ============================================================================== ====================== 3e.DRIVING TIPS(GTDTI) ====================== These are general driving tips. They will help out beginners along with players who are trying to pass the license exams. -If you find yourself spinning out a lot due to oversteer, try moving the brake balance toward the front and softening the front springs -If you are having trouble controlling your car, then maybe you should scale back the horsepower a bit. It is better to have a slower car that's controllable than a powerful one that can't stay on the road. This may be especially true for beginners in rally races. From LuNAcY3351: -Braking too much to a lower speed is better than going off the course -When accelerating right after a turn in a straight road, don't try to immediately "balance" the car so that it goes straight. Let it run for a while, and if it's going off the course, SLOWLY turn towards the middle of the road. It affects the accelerating speed especially if ASM is on. -The red blinking light that appears right before a turn is the "recommended gear" where you should brake until. It is just for beginners, and you might drive better using it at first. Later you'll learn to disobey it. -when you got off the course into the grass or sand in a high speed, do not try to immediatly turn back to the course. Try to run as straight as possible back into the course so that you won't lose control after you got onto the road. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ================== 4.CAR LIST (GTCAR) ================== This is the full car list from the American version. I may have made some slight mistakes. If so please contact me so I can get it corrected. AC Cars 427 S/C 1966 Acura CL 3.2 Type-S 2001 Acura CL 3.2 Type-S 2003 Acura DN-X 2002 Acura HSC 2004 Acura INTEGRA Type-R 2001 Acura NSX 1991 Acura NSX 2004 Acura NSX Coupe 1997 Acura RSX Type-S 2004 Alfa Romeo 147 2.0 Twinspark 2002 Alfa Romeo 147 GTA 2002 Alfa Romeo 155 2.5 V6 TI 1993 Alfa Romeo 156 2.5 V6 24V 1998 Alfa Romeo 166 2.5 V6 24V Sportronic 1998 Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA 1600 1965 Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale 1963 Alfa Romeo GT 3.2 V6 24V 2004 Alfa Romeo GTV 3.0 V6 24V 2001 Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto 1966 Alfa Romeo Spider 3.0i V6 24V 2001 Alpine A110 1600S 1973 Alpine A310 1600VE 1973 AMUSE CarbonR (R34) 2004 AMUSE S2000 GT1 2004 AMUSE S2000 R1 2004 AMUSE S2000 Street Version 2004 ASL ARTA Graiya (JGTC) 2003 ASL Garaiya 2002 Aston Martin DB7 Vantage Coupe 2000 Aston Martin DB9 Coupe 2003 Aston Martin V8 Vantage 1999 Aston Martin Vanquish 2004 Audi A2 1.4 2002 Audi A3 3.2 quattro 2003 Audi Abt Audi TT-R Touring Car 2002 Audi A4 Touring Car 2004 Audi quattro 1982 Audi Auto Union V16 Type C Streamline 1937 Audi Le Mans quattro 2003 Audi Nuvolari quattro 2003 Audi Pikes Peak quattro 2003 Audi R8 Race Car 2001 Audi RS 4 2001 Audi RS 6 2002 Audi RS 6 Avant 2002 Audi S3 2002 Audi S4 1998 Audi S4 2003 Audi TT Coupe 1.8T quattro 2000 Audi TT Coupe 3.2 quattro 2003 Autobianchi A112 Abarth 1979 Bentley Speed 8 Race Car 2003 BLITZ ER34 D1 spec 2004 (D1GP) 2004 BMW 120d 2004 BMW 120i 2004 BMW 2002 Turbo 1973 BMW 320i Touring Car 2003 BMW 330i 2005 BMW M Coupe 1998 BMW M3 2004 BMW M3 CSL 2003 BMW M3 GTR 2003 BMW M3 GTR Race Car 2001 BMW M5 2005 BMW McLaren F1 GTR Race Car 1997 BMW V12 LMR Race Car 1999 BMW Z4 2003 BUICK GNX 1987 BUICK Special 1962 Cadillac CIEN 2002 Callaway C12 2003 Caterham Seven Fire Blade 2002 Chaparral 2D Race Car 1967 Chaparral 2J Race Car 1970 Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z Concept 1988 Chevrolet Camaro LM Race Car Chevrolet Camaro SS 1969 Chevrolet Camaro SS 2000 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 302 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 Coupe 1997 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 1970 Chevrolet Corvette C5R (C5) 2000 Chevrolet Corvette Convertible (C1) 1954 Chevrolet Corvette Coupe (C2) 1963 Chevrolet Corvette GRAND SPORT (C4) 1996 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray L46 350 (C3) 1969 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (C2) Race Car 1963 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (C5) 2000 Chevrolet Corvette ZR-1 (C4) 1990 Chevrolet Silverado SST Concept 2002 Chevrolet SSR '03 2003 Chrysler 300C 2005 Chrysler Crossfire 2004 Chrysler Prowler 2002 Chrysler PT-Cruiser 2000 Citroen 2CV Type A 1954 Citroen C3 1.6 2002 Citroen C5 V6 Exclusive 2003 Citroen Xantia 3.0i V6 Exclusive 2000 Citroen Xsara Rally Car 1999 Citroen Xsara VTR 2003 Cizeta V16T 1994 Daihatsu Copen Active Top 2002 Daihatsu Copen Detachable Top 2002 Daihatsu Midget 1963 Daihatsu Midget II D-type 1998 Daihatsu MIRA TR-XX Avanzato R 1997 Daihatsu MOVE Custom RS Limited 2002 Daihatsu MOVE CX 1995 Daihatsu MOVE SR-XX 2WD 1997 Daihatsu MOVE SR-XX 4WD 1997 Daihatsu STORIA CX 2WD 1998 Daihatsu STORIA CX 4WD 1998 Daihatsu STORIA X4 2000 DMC DeLorean S2 2004 Dodge Charger 440 R/T 1970 Dodge Charger Super Bee 426 Hemi 1971 Dodge RAM 1500 LARAMIE Hemi Quad Cab 2004 Dodge SRT4 2003 Dodge VIPER GTS 1999 Dodge VIPER GTSR Concept 2000 Dodge VIPER GTS-R Team Oreca Race Car 2000 Dodge VIPER SRT10 2003 Dome DOME ZERO 1978 EAGLE Talon Esi 1997 Fiat 500F 1965 Fiat 500L 1969 Fiat 500R 1972 Fiat Barchetta Giovane Due 2000 Fiat Coupe Turbo Plus 2000 Fiat Panda Super i.e. 1990 Fiat Punto HGT Abarth 2000 Ford 2000 Ford Falcon XR8 2000 Ford Escort Rally Car 1998 Ford FOCUS Rally Car 1999 Ford FOCUS RS 2002 Ford FOCUS ST170 2003 Ford GT 2002 Ford GT 2005 Ford GT LM Race Car Ford GT LM Race Car Spec II Ford GT40 Race Car 1969 Ford Ka 2001 Ford Model T Tourer 1915 Ford Mustang GT 2005 Ford MUSTANG SVT Cobra R 2000 Ford RS200 1984 Ford RS200 Rally Car 1985 Ford SVT F-150 Lightning 2003 Ford Taurus SHO 1998 FPV FPV F6 Typhoon 2004 FPV FPV GT 2004 Gillet Vertigo Race Car 2004 Ginetta G4 1964 HKS GENKI HYPER SILVIA RS2 (D1GP) 2004 Holden Commodore SS 2004 Holden Monaro CV8 2004 Hommell Berlinette R/S Coupe 1999 Honda 1300 Coupe 9 S 1970 Honda ACCORD Coupe 1988 Honda ACCORD Coupe EX 2003 Honda ACCORD Euro-R 2000 Honda ACCORD Euro-R 2002 Honda ARTA NSX (JGTC) 2000 Honda BALLADE SPORTS CR-X 1.5i 1983 Honda BEAT 1991 Honda BEAT Version F 1992 Honda BEAT Version Z 1993 Honda Castrol MUGEN NSX (JGTC) 2000 Honda CITY Turbo II 1983 Honda CIVIC 1500 3door 25i 1983 Honda CIVIC 1500 3door CX 1979 Honda CIVIC SiR-II (EG) 1991 Honda CIVIC SiR-II (EG) 1992 Honda CIVIC SiR-II (EG) 1993 Honda CIVIC SiR-II (EG) 1995 Honda CIVIC TYPE R (EK) 1997 Honda CIVIC TYPE R (EK) 1998 Honda CIVIC TYPE R (EP) 2001 Honda CIVIC TYPE R (EP) 2004 Honda CR-X del Sol SiR 1992 Honda CR-X SiR 1990 Honda ELEMENT 2003 Honda Fit W 2001 Honda Gathers Drider CIVIC Race Car 1998 Honda Insight 1999 Honda INTEGRA TYPE R (DC2) 1995 Honda INTEGRA TYPE R (DC2) 1998 Honda INTEGRA TYPE R (DC2) 1999 Honda INTEGRA TYPE R (DC5) 2003 Honda INTEGRA TYPE R Touring Car Honda LIFE STEP VAN 1972 Honda LOCTITE MUGEN NSX (JGTC) 2001 Honda Mobil 1 NSX (JGTC) 2001 Honda MUGEN MOTUL CIVIC Si Race Car 1987 Honda N360 1967 Honda NSX 1990 Honda NSX 1993 Honda NSX 1995 Honda NSX 1997 Honda NSX 1999 Honda NSX 2001 Honda NSX Type R 1992 Honda NSX Type R 2002 Honda NSX Type S 1997 Honda NSX Type S 1999 Honda NSX Type S 2001 Honda NSX Type S Zero 1997 Honda NSX Type S Zero 1999 Honda NSX-R Concept 2001 Honda NSX-R Prototype LM Race Car Honda NSX-R Prototype LM Road Car Honda Odyssey 2003 Honda PRELUDE Si VTEC 1991 Honda PRELUDE SiR 1996 Honda PRELUDE SiR S spec 1998 Honda PRELUDE Type S 1996 Honda PRELUDE Type S 1998 Honda RAYBRIG NSX (JGTC) 2000 Honda S2000 1999 Honda S2000 2001 Honda S2000 2004 Honda S2000 LM Race Car Honda S2000 Type V 2000 Honda S2000 Type V 2001 Honda S2000 Type V 2003 Honda S500 1963 Honda S600 1964 Honda S800 1966 Honda S800 RSC Race Car 1968 Honda TAKATA DOME NSX (JGTC) 2003 Honda TODAY G 1985 Honda Z ACT 1970 HPA Motorsports HPA Motorsports Stage II R32 2004 Hyundai Accent Rally Car 2001 Hyundai Clix 2001 Hyundai HCD6 2001 Hyundai Tiburon GT 2001 Infiniti FX45 Concept 2002 Infiniti G20 1990 Infiniti G35 COUPE 2003 Infiniti G35 SEDAN 2003 Isuzu 117 Coupe 1968 Isuzu Bellett 1600 GT-R 1969 Isuzu PIAZZA XE 1981 Jaguar E-Type Coupe 1961 Jaguar S-Type R 2002 Jaguar XJ220 1992 Jaguar XJ220 LM Race Car Jaguar XJR-9 Race Car 1988 Jaguar XKR Coupe 1999 Jaguar XKR R-Performance 2002 Jay Leno Tank Car 2003 Jensen Interceptor MkIII 1974 Lancia DELTA HF Integrale Evolutione 1991 Lancia DELTA HF Integrale Rally Car 1992 Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car 1985 Lancia STRATOS 1973 Lancia STRATOS Rally Car 1977 Land Rover Range Stormer Concept 2004 Lexus GS300 1991 Lexus GS300 2000 Lexus GS300 Vertex Edition (J) 2000 Lexus IS 200 1998 Lexus IS 200 (J) 1998 Lexus IS300 Sport Cross 2001 Lexus SC 300 1997 Lexus SC430 2001 Lister Storm V12 Race Car 1999 Lotus Elan S1 1962 Lotus Elise 2000 Lotus Elise 111R 2004 Lotus Elise 111S 2003 Lotus Elise Sport 190 1998 Lotus Elise Type 72 2001 Lotus Esprit Sport 350 2000 Lotus Esprit Turbo HC 1987 Lotus Esprit V8 2002 Lotus Esprit V8 GT 1998 Lotus Esprit V8 SE 1998 Lotus Europa Special 1971 Lotus Lotus Carlton 1990 Lotus Motor Sport Elise 1999 Marcos Mini Marcos GT 1970 Mazda 110S (L10A) 1967 Mazda 110S (L10B) 1968 Mazda 787B Race Car 1991 Mazda Autozam AZ-1 1992 Mazda BP FALKEN RX-7 (D1GP) 2003 Mazda Carol 360 Deluxe 1962 Mazda DEMIO (1st, J) 1999 Mazda DEMIO SPORT (2nd) 2003 Mazda KBI 2003 Mazda Mazda 323F 1993 Mazda Mazda6 5-door 2003 Mazda Mazda6 Concept 2001 Mazda Mazda6 Touring Car Mazda Mazdaspeed 6 2005 Mazda MX-5 Miata (NA) 1989 Mazda MX-5 Miata 1.8 RS (NB, J) 1998 Mazda MX-5 Miata 1600 NR-A (NB, J) 2004 Mazda MX-5 Miata 1800 RS (NB, J) 2000 Mazda MX-5 Miata 1800 RS (NB, J) 2004 Mazda MX-5 Miata J-Limited (NA, J) 1991 Mazda MX-5 Miata J-Limited II (NA, J) 1993 Mazda MX-5 Miata SR-Limited (NA, J) 1997 Mazda MX-5 Miata S-Special Type I (NA, J) 1995 Mazda MX-5 Miata VR-Limited (NA, J) 1995 Mazda MX-5 Miata V-Special Type II (NA, J) 1993 Mazda MX-Crossport 2005 Mazda Protege 2002 Mazda RX-7 GT-Limited (FC, J) 1985 Mazda RX-7 GT-X (FC, J) 1990 Mazda RX-7 INFINI III (FC, J) 1990 Mazda RX-7 LM Race Car Mazda RX-7 Spirit R Type A (FD) 2002 Mazda RX-7 Type R (FD, J) 1991 Mazda RX-7 Type R (FD, J) 1993 Mazda RX-7 Type R Bathurst R (FD) 2001 Mazda RX-7 Type RS (FD) 1998 Mazda RX-7 Type RS (FD) 2000 Mazda RX-7 Type RS (FD, J) 1996 Mazda RX-7 Type R-S (FD, J) 1995 Mazda RX-7 Type RS-R (FD) 1997 Mazda RX-7 Type RZ (FD) 2000 Mazda RX-7 Type RZ (FD, J) 1992 Mazda RX-7 Type RZ (FD, J) 1993 Mazda RX-7 Type RZ (FD, J) 1995 Mazda RX-7 Type RZ (FD, J) 1996 Mazda RX-8 2003 Mazda RX-8 Concept (Type-I) 2001 Mazda RX-8 Concept (Type-II) 2001 Mazda RX-8 Concept LM Race Car Mazda RX-8 Type E (J) 2003 Mazda RX-8 Type S (J) 2003 Mercedes-Benz 190 E 2.5 - 16 Evolution II 1991 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Coupe 1954 Mercedes-Benz A 160 Avantgarde 1998 Mercedes-Benz AMG Mercedes 190 E 2.5 - 16 Evolution II Touring Car 1992 Mercedes-Benz AMG Mercedes CLK-GTR Race Car 1998 Mercedes-Benz Benz Patent Motor Wagen 1886 Mercedes-Benz CL 600 2000 Mercedes-Benz CLK 55 AMG 2000 Mercedes-Benz CLK Touring Car 2000 Mercedes-Benz Daimler Motor Carriage 1886 Mercedes-Benz E 55 AMG 2002 Mercedes-Benz Sauber Mercedes C 9 Race Car 1989 Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (R129) 1998 Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (R230) 2002 Mercedes-Benz SL 55 AMG (R230) 2002 Mercedes-Benz SL 600 (R129) 1998 Mercedes-Benz SL 600 (R230) 2004 Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG (R230) 2004 Mercedes-Benz SLK 230 Kompressor 1998 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 2003 Mercury Cougar XR-7 1967 MG TF160 2003 MG MGF 1997 Mine's Lancer Evolution VI 2000 Mine's Skyline GT-R? N1 V? spec (R34) 2000 MINI COOPER 2002 MINI COOPER-S 2002 MINI ONE 2002 Mitsubishi 3000GT MR (J) 1995 Mitsubishi 3000GT MR (J) 1998 Mitsubishi 3000GT SL (J) 1995 Mitsubishi 3000GT SL (J) 1996 Mitsubishi 3000GT SL (J) 1998 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 (J) 1998 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 Turbo (J) 1995 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 Turbo (J) 1996 Mitsubishi AIRTREK Turbo-R 2002 Mitsubishi COLT 1.5 Sport X Version 2002 Mitsubishi CZ-3 Tarmac 2001 Mitsubishi CZ-3 Tarmac Rally Car Mitsubishi ECLIPSE GT 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse GT 2006 Mitsubishi ECLIPSE Spyder GTS 2003 Mitsubishi FTO GP Version R 1997 Mitsubishi FTO GP Version R 1999 Mitsubishi FTO GPX 1994 Mitsubishi FTO GPX 1997 Mitsubishi FTO GPX 1999 Mitsubishi FTO GR 1994 Mitsubishi FTO GR 1997 Mitsubishi FTO Super Touring Car Mitsubishi Galant 2.0 DOHC Turbo VR-4 1989 Mitsubishi GALANT GTO MR 1970 Mitsubishi HSR-II Concept 1989 Mitsubishi i 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer 1600 GSR 1974 Mitsubishi Lancer 1600 GSR Rally Car 1973 Mitsubishi Lancer EX 1800GSR IC Turbo 1983 Mitsubishi Lancer Evlution II GSR 1994 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution GSR 1992 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Super Rally Car 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution III GSR 1995 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR 1996 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV Rally Car 1997 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution V GSR 1998 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI GSR 1999 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI GSR TOMMI MAKINEN Edition 2000 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Rally Car 1999 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI RS TOMMI MAKINEN Edition 2000 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI RS 1999 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII GSR 2001 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII GT-A 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII RS 2001 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII GSR 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII RS 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII MR GSR 2004 Mitsubishi LEGNUM VR-4 Type V 1998 Mitsubishi MINICA DUNGUN ZZ 1989 Mitsubishi MIRAGE 1400GLX 1978 Mitsubishi MIRAGE CYBORG ZR 1997 Mitsubishi PAJERO Evolution Rally Raid Car 2003 Mitsubishi PAJERO Rally Raid Car 1985 Mitsubishi STARION 4WD Rally Car 1984 MUGEN S2000 2000 NIKE One 2022 NISMO 270R 1994 NISMO 400R 1996 NISMO Fairlady Z S-tune concept by GRANTURISMO (Z33) 2002 NISMO Fairlady Z Z-tune (Z33) 2003 NISMO GT-R LM Road Going Version 1995 NISMO Skyline GT-R R-tune (R34) 1999 NISMO Skyline GT-R S-tune (R32) 2000 Nissan 240RS Rally Car 1985 Nissan 240SX 1996 Nissan 240SX (S14) 1996 Nissan 240ZG (HS30) 1971 Nissan 300ZX 2by2 (Z32) 1998 Nissan 300ZX 2seater (Z32) 1989 Nissan 300ZX 2seater (Z32) 1998 Nissan 350Z (Z33) 2003 Nissan 350Z Concept LM Race Car Nissan 350Z Gran Turismo 4 Limited Edition (Z33) 2005 Nissan 350Z Roadster (Z33) 2003 Nissan Be-1 1987 Nissan BLUEBIRD 1600 Deluxe (510) 1969 Nissan BLUEBIRD Hardtop 1800SSS (910) 1979 Nissan BLUEBIRD Rally Car (510) 1969 Nissan CALSONIC SKYLINE (JGTC) 2000 Nissan CALSONIC SKYLINE GT-R Race Car 1993 Nissan CUBE EX (FF/CVT) 2002 Nissan CUBE X 1998 Nissan C-WEST RAZO SILVIA (JGTC) 2001 Nissan EXA CANOPY L.A.Version Type S (N13) 1988 Nissan Fairlady 2000 (SR311) 1968 Nissan Fairlady Z 280Z-L 2seater (S130) 1978 Nissan Fairlady Z 300ZX (Z31) 1983 Nissan Fairlady Z Version ST (Z33) Option Wheel 2002 Nissan FALKEN? GT-R Race Car 2004 Nissan GRAN TURISMO SKYLINE GT-R 2001 Nissan GRAN TURISMO SKYLINE GT-R (PaceCar) 2001 Nissan GT-R Concept (TokyoShow'01) 2001 Nissan GT-R Concept LM Race Car Nissan LOCTITE ZEXEL GT-R (JGTC) 2000 Nissan March G# 1999 Nissan MICRA 2003 Nissan mm-R Cup Car 2001 Nissan MOTUL PITWORK Z (JGTC) 2004 Nissan OPTION Stream Z 2004 Nissan PAO 1989 Nissan PENNZOIL Nismo GT-R (JGTC) 1999 Nissan PENNZOIL ZEXEL GT-R (JGTC) 2001 Nissan PRIMERA 20V 2001 Nissan R390 GT1 Race Car 1998 Nissan R390 GT1 Road Car 1998 Nissan R89C Race Car 1989 Nissan R92CP Race Car 1992 Nissan SILVIA (CSP311) 1965 Nissan SILVIA 240RS (S100) 1983 Nissan SILVIA K's (S13) 1988 Nissan SILVIA K's (S13) 1991 Nissan SILVIA K's AERO (S14) 1993 Nissan SILVIA Q's (S13) 1988 Nissan SILVIA Q's (S13) 1991 Nissan SILVIA Q's AERO (S14) 1993 Nissan SILVIA Q's AERO (S14) 1996 Nissan SILVIA Spec R AERO (S15) 1999 Nissan SILVIA Spec S AERO (S15) 1999 Nissan SILVIA Varietta (S15) 2000 Nissan SKYLINE 1500Deluxe (S50D-1) 1963 Nissan SKYLINE 2000GT-B (S54A) 1967 Nissan SKYLINE 2000GT-R (KPGC110) 1973 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R (R32) 1989 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R (R32) 1991 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R (R33) 1995 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R (R33) 1996 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R (R33) 1997 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R (R34) 1999 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R (R34) 2000 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R M-spec (R34) 2001 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R M-spec Nur (R34) 2002 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R N1 (R32) 1991 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R N1 (R33) 1995 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R Special Color Midnight Purple II (R34) 1999 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R Special Color Midnight Purple III (R34) 2000 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R Vspec (R32) 1993 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R Vspec (R33) 1995 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R Vspec (R33) 1996 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R Vspec (R33) 1997 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec (R34) 1999 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R Vspec II (R32) 1994 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec II (R34) 2000 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec II N1 (R34) 2000 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec II Nur (R34) 2002 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R Vspec LM Limited (R33) 1996 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R Vspec N1 (R32) 1993 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec N1 (R34) 1999 Nissan SKYLINE GTS25 Type S (R32) 1991 Nissan SKYLINE GTS-R (R31) 1987 Nissan SKYLINE GTS-t Type M (R32) 1989 Nissan SKYLINE GTS-t Type M (R32) 1991 Nissan SKYLINE Hard Top 2000 RS-X Turbo C (R30) 1984 Nissan SKYLINE Hard Top 2000 Turbo RS (R30) 1983 Nissan SKYLINE Hard Top 2000GT-R (KPGC10) 1970 Nissan SKYLINE SEDAN 300GT 2001 Nissan SKYLINE SEDAN 350GT-8 2002 Nissan SKYLINE Sport Coupe (BLRA-3) 1962 Nissan STAGEA 25t RS FOUR S 1998 Nissan STAGEA 260RS AutechVersion 1998 Nissan XANAVI HIROTO GT-R (JGTC) 2001 Nissan XANAVI NISMO GT-R (JGTC) 2003 Opel Astra Touring Car (Opel Team Phoenix) 2000 Opel Calibra Touring Car 1995 Opel Corsa Comfort 1.4 2001 Opel Speedster 2000 Opel Speedster Turbo 2000 Opel Tigra 1.6i 1999 Opel Vectra 3.2 V6 2003 Opera Performance 350Z 2004 Opera Performance S2000 2004 Pagani Zonda C12 2000 Pagani Zonda C12S 2000 Pagani Zonda C12S 7.3 2002 Pagani Zonda LM Race Car Panoz Esperante GTR-1 Race Car 1998 Pescarolo Pescarolo Courage C60/Peugeot Race Car 2003 Pescarolo PlayStation Pescarolo C60/Judd Race Car 2004 Peugeot 106 Rallye 2003 Peugeot 106 S16 2003 Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 1985 Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Evolution 2 Rally Car 1986 Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Rally Car 1985 Peugeot 206 Rally Car 1999 Peugeot 206 RC 2003 Peugeot 206 S16 1999 Peugeot 206cc 2001 Peugeot 307 XSi 2004 Peugeot 406 3.0 V6 Coupe 1998 Peugeot 905 Race Car 1992 Plymouth Cuda 440 Six Pack 1971 Plymouth Super Bird 1970 Polyphony Digital Formula Gran Turismo Pontiac GTO 5.7 Coupe 2004 Pontiac Solstice Coupe Concept 2002 Pontiac Sunfire GXP Concept 2002 Pontiac Tempest Le Mans GTO 1964 Pontiac Vibe GT 2003 Proto Motors SPIRRA 4.6 V8 2004 RE Amemiya AMEMIYA ASPARADRINK RX7 (JGTC) 2004 Renault 5 Maxi Turbo Rally Car 1985 Renault 5 Turbo 1980 Renault AVANTIME 2002 Renault Clio Renault Sport 2.0 16V 2002 Renault Clio Renault Sport Trophy V6 24V Race Car 2000 Renault Clio Renault Sport V6 24V 2000 Renault Clio Renault Sport V6 Phase 2 2003 Renault Megane 2.0 16V 2003 Renault Megane 2.0 IDE Coupe 2000 RUF 3400S 2000 RUF BTR 1986 RUF CTR "Yellow Bird" 1987 RUF CTR2 1996 RUF RGT 2000 Saleen S7 2002 SCION xA 2003 SCION xB 2003 Seat Ibiza Cupra 2004 Shelby Cobra 427 1965 Shelby Mustang G.T. 350R 1965 Shelby Series 1 Super Charged 2003 Spoon CIVIC TYPE R (EK) 2000 Spoon Fit Race Car 2003 Spoon INTEGRA TYPE R (DC2) 1999 Spoon S2000 2000 Spoon S2000 Race Car 2000 Spyker C8 Laviolette 2001 Subaru CUSCO SUBARU ADVAN IMPREZA (JGTC) 2003 Subaru IMPREZA Coupe WRXtypeR STi Version VI (GC) 1999 Subaru IMPREZA Premium Sport Coupe 22B-STi Version (GC) 1998 Subaru IMPREZA Rally Car 1999 Subaru IMPREZA Rally Car 2001 Subaru IMPREZA Rally Car 2003 Subaru IMPREZA Rally Car Prototype 2001 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi (GC) 1994 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi (GD, Type-II) 2002 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi spec C (GD, Type-II) 2004 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version (GD, Type-I) 2000 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version II (GC) 1995 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version III (GC) 1996 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version IV (GC) 1997 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version V (GC) 1998 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version VI (GC) 1999 Subaru IMPREZA Sport Wagon STi (GG, Type-I) 2000 Subaru IMPREZA Sport Wagon WRX STi Version VI (GF) 1999 Subaru IMPREZA Super Touring Car Subaru IMPREZA WRX STi Prodrive Style (GD, Type-I) 2001 Subaru LEGACY B4 2.0GT (4th) 2003 Subaru LEGACY B4 2.0GT specB (4th) 2003 Subaru LEGACY B4 3.0R (4th) 2003 Subaru LEGACY B4 Blitzen (3rd) 2000 Subaru LEGACY B4 RSK (3rd) 1998 Subaru LEGACY Touring Wagon 2.0GT (4th) 2003 Subaru LEGACY Touring Wagon 2.0GT specB (4th) 2003 Subaru LEGACY Touring Wagon 3.0R (4th) 2003 Subaru LEGACY Touring Wagon GT-B (2nd) 1996 Subaru SUBARU 360 1958 Suzuki ALTO LAPIN Turbo 2002 Suzuki ALTO WORKS RS-Z 1997 Suzuki ALTO WORKS SUZUKI SPORT LIMITED 1997 Suzuki Cappuccino (EA11R) 1991 Suzuki Cappuccino (EA21R) 1995 Suzuki CONCEPT-S2 2003 Suzuki ESCUDO Dirt Trial Car 1998 Suzuki GSX-R/4 2001 Suzuki Kei WORKS 2002 Suzuki MR Wagon Sport 2004 Suzuki WAGON R RR 1998 Tommy kaira ZZII 2000 Tommy kaira ZZ-S 2000 Tom's X540 CHASER 2000 Toyota 2000GT 1967 Toyota ALTEZZA Touring Car Toyota au CERUMO Supra (JGTC) 2001 Toyota CALDINA GT-FOUR 2002 Toyota CARINA ED 2.0 X 4WS 1989 Toyota Castrol Tom's Supra (JGTC) 2000 Toyota Castrol Tom's Supra (JGTC) 2001 Toyota CELICA 1600GT (TA22) 1970 Toyota CELICA 2000GT-FOUR (ST165) 1986 Toyota CELICA 2000GT-R (ST162) 1986 Toyota CELICA GT-FOUR (ST205) 1998 Toyota CELICA GT-FOUR Rally Car (ST185) 1995 Toyota CELICA GT-FOUR Rally Car (ST205) 1995 Toyota CELICA GT-FOUR RC (ST185) 1991 Toyota CELICA GT-R (ST183, 4WS) 1991 Toyota CELICA SS-II (ST202) 1997 Toyota CELICA SS-II (ZZT231) 1999 Toyota CELICA XX 2800GT 1981 Toyota COROLLA LEVIN BZ-R 1998 Toyota COROLLA LEVIN GT-APEX (AE86) 1983 Toyota COROLLA Rally Car 1998 Toyota COROLLA RUNX Z AEROTOURER 2002 Toyota DENSO SARD SUPRA GT (JGTC) 2000 Toyota GT-ONE Race Car (TS020) 1999 Toyota MINOLTA Toyota 88C-V Race Car 1989 Toyota Motor Triathlon Race Car 2004 Toyota MR2 1600 G 1986 Toyota MR2 1600 G-Limited Super Charger 1986 Toyota MR2 G-Limited 1997 Toyota MR2 GT-S 1997 Toyota MR2 Spyder 1999 Toyota MR2 Spyder (6-speed sequential manual transmission) 2002 Toyota PRIUS G (J) 2002 Toyota PRIUS G Touring Selection (J) 2003 Toyota RSC 2001 Toyota RSC Rally Raid Car Toyota SERA 1992 Toyota SPORTS 800 1965 Toyota SPRINTER TRUENO BZ-R 1998 Toyota SPRINTER TRUENO GT-APEX (AE86) 1983 Toyota SPRINTER TRUENO GT-APEX (AE86) Shuichi Shigeno 2000 Toyota STARLET Glanza V 1997 Toyota SUPERAUTOBACS APEX MR-S (JGTC) 2000 Toyota SUPRA 2.5GT Twin Turbo R 1990 Toyota SUPRA 3.0GT Turbo A 1988 Toyota SUPRA RZ 1997 Toyota SUPRA SZ-R 1997 Toyota Tacoma X-Runner 2004 Toyota Toyota 7 Race Car 1970 Toyota VITZ F 1999 Toyota VITZ RS 1.5 2000 Toyota VITZ RS Turbo 2002 Toyota VITZ U Euro Sport Edition 2000 Toyota VOLTZ S 2002 Toyota WEDSSPORT CELICA (JGTC) 2003 Toyota WiLL VS 2001 Toyota WOODONE Tom's Supra (JGTC) 2003 Toyota Modellista CELICA TRD Sports M (ZZT231) 2000 TRIAL CELICA SS-II (ZZT231) 2003 Triumph Spitfire 1500 1974 TVR Cerbera Speed 12 2000 TVR Cerbera Speed Six 1997 TVR Griffith 500 1994 TVR T350C 2003 TVR Tamora 2002 TVR Tuscan Speed 6 2000 TVR V8S 1991 Volkswagen Beetle 1100 Standard (Type-11) 1949 Volkswagen Bora V6 4MOTION 2001 Volkswagen Golf I GTI 1976 Volkswagen Golf IV GTI 2001 Volkswagen Golf IV R32 2003 Volkswagen Golf V GTI 2005 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Coupe (Type-1) 1968 Volkswagen Lupo Cup Car 2000 Volkswagen Lupo GTI 2001 Volkswagen Lupo GTI Cup Car (J) 2003 Volkswagen Lupo1.4 2002 Volkswagen New Beetle 2.0 2000 Volkswagen New Beetle Cup Car 2000 Volkswagen New Beetle RSi 2000 Volkswagen Polo GTI 2001 Volkswagen W12 Nardo Concept 2001 Volvo 240 GLT Estate 1988 Volvo S60 T 5 Sport 2003 SILEIGHTY 1998 ============================================================================== ==================== 4a.PRIZE CARS(GTPRC) ==================== All prize cars can be won more than once except: License Exams Percentage-based Prizes Driving Mission Prizes LICENSE EXAMS: B(Bronze) : VOLKSWAGEN Lupo 1.4 '02 B(Silver) : MAZDA KUSABI '03 B(Gold) : HONDA S500 '63 A(Bronze) : PONTIAC Sunfire GXP Concept '02 A(Silver) : HONDA DUALNOTE '01 A(Gold) : NISSAN SKYLINE GT-R (Gran Turismo Version) '01 IB(Bronze) : NIKE One 2022 IB(Silver) : MAZDA RX-8 Concept (Type-II) '04 IB(Gold) : JENSEN HEALEY Interceptor Mk.III '74 IA(Bronze) : NISMO 270R '94 (S14) IA(Silver) : NISSAN GT-R Concept (TokyoShow) '01 IA(Gold) : DOME ZERO '78 S(Bronze) : MERCURY Cougar XR-7 '67 S(Silver) : PONTIAC Solstice Coupe Concept '02 S(Gold) : FORD Model T Tourer '15 BEGINNER HALL: Sunday Cup : AUTOBIANCHI A112 Abarth '79 FF Challenge : MAZDA Mazda6 Concept '01 FR Challenge : NISSAN Skyline 2000GT-B '67 4WD Challenge : TOYOTA Motor Triathlon Race Car '04 MR Challenge : LOTUS Esprit Turbo HC '87 Light Weight K Cup : GINETTA G4 '64 Spider & Roadster : CHRYSLER Prowler '02 Sport Truck Race : CHEVROLET Silverado SST Concept '02 PROFESSIONAL HALL: Clubman Cup : MAZDA Mazdaspeed 6 '05 Tuning Car Grand Prix : NISSAN OPTION Stream Z '04 Race of NA Sports : HONDA NSX-R Concept '01 Race of Turbo Sports : MAZDA BP FALKEN RX-7 (D1GP) '03 Boxer Spirit : RUF CTR Yellow Bird '87 World Classic Car Series : MERCEDES-BENZ Daimler Motor Carriage '1886 World Compact Car Race : HONDA S800 RSC Race Car '68 Supercar Festival : CIZETA V16T '94 Gran Turismo World Championship : FORD GT LM Edition Spec-II '04 EXTREME HALL: Gran Turismo All Stars : BMW MacLaren F1 GTR Race Car '97 Dream Car Championship : NISSAN GT-R Concept LM Race Car '02 Polyphony Digital Cup : OPERA PERFORMANCE S2000 '04 Like The Wind : VOLKSWAGEN W12 Nardo Concept '01 Formula GT World : MERCEDES-BENZ Sauber C9 Race Car '89 Real Circuit Tours : NISSAN GRAN TURISMO SKYLINE GT-R (PaceCar) '01 Premium Sports Lounge : FORD GT '05 ENDURANCE HALL: Grand Valley 300km : AUDI Auto Union V16 Type C Streamline '37 Laguna Seca 200 Miles : FORD GT40 Race Car '69 Roadster 4 Hours Endurance : MAZDA RX-7 LM Race Car '01 Tokyo R246 300km : MITSUBISHI FTO Super Touring Car '97 Super Speedway 150 Miles : HONDA NSX-R Prototype LM Race Car '02 Nurburgring 24 Hours Endurance : POLYPHONY Formula Gran Turismo '04 Nurburgring 4 Hours Endurance : CHAPPARAL 2D Race Car '67 Suzuka 1000km : LISTER Storm V12 Race Car '99 Motegi 8 Hours Endurance : HONDA NSX-R LM Edition Road Car '02 Tsukuba 9 Hours Endurance : NISSAN SKYLINE GT-R Race Car (CALSONIC) '93 Sarthe Circuit 24 Hours I : AUDI R8 '01 Sarthe Circuit 24 Hours II : BENTLEY Speed 8 Race Car '03 Fuji 1000km : NISSAN R92CP Race Car '92 Infineon World Sport Car Trophy : FORD GT LM Race Car '02 El Captain 200 Miles : TOYOYTA 88C-V Race Car (MINOLTA) '89 New York 200 Miles : DODGE Charger Super Bee 426 Hemi '71 MISSION HALL: Mission 1-10 : DMC DeLorean S2 '04 Mission 11-20 : JAY LENO Tank Car '03 Mission 21-24 : PAGANI Zonda Race Car '01 Mission 25-29 : TOYOTA 7 Race Car '70 Mission 30-34 : NISSAN R89C Race Car '89 JAPANESE HALL: Japanese Championship : NISSAN 350Z Concept LM Race Car '02 Japanese GT Championship : NISSAN MOTUL PITWORK Z (JGTC) '04 Japanese 70's Classic : NISSAN SKYLINE Hard Top 2000GT-R (KPGC10) '70 Japanese 80's Festival : MITSUBISHI HSR-II Concept '89 Japanese 90's Challenge : NISMO 400R (R33) '96 Japanese Compact Car Cup : HONDA LIFE STEP VAN '72 EUROPEAN HALL: European Championship : JAGUAR XJ220 LM Edition '01 British GT Cup : JAGUAR E-Type Coupe '61 British Light Weight Car Race : LOTUS Europa Special '71 German Touring Car Championship : MERCEDES-BENZ AMG CLK-GTR Race Car '98 Italian Festival : ALFA ROMEO 155 2.5 V6 TI Race Car '93 French Championship : CITROEN 2CV Type-A '54 European Classic Car Championship : MERCEDES-BENZ Benz Patent Motor Wagen '1886 European Hot Hatch Car Championship : VOLVO 240 GLT Estate '88 1000 Miles : ALFA ROMEO Giulia Sprint Speciale '63 Schwarzwald Liga A : BMW M3 GTR Race Car '01 Schwarzwald Liga B : MERCEDES-BENZ AMG 190E 2.5 16V Evolution II (DTM) '92 AMERICAN HALL: American Championship : CHEVROLET Corvette Convertible (C1) '54 Stars and Stripes : CHEVROLET Camaro LM Race Car '01 American Muscle Car Championship : CHEVROLET Chevelle SS 454 '70 Classic Muscle Car Championship : PLYMOUTH Super Bird '70 SPECIAL CONDITION HALL (EASY): Umbria Rally : CADILLAC CIEN '02 Capri Rally : TOYOTA RSC Rally Raid Car '02 Grand Canyon : FORD RS200 '84 Ice Arena : TOYOTA RSC '01 Chamonix : INFINITI FX45 Concept '02 George V Paris : ALPINE A310 1600VE '73 Swiss Alps : MITSUBISHI CZ-3 Tarmac '01 Tahiti : RENAULT 5 Turbo '80 Tsukuba Circuit : MAZDA RX-8 Concept (Type-I) '01 Cathedral Rocks Trail I : LAND ROVER Range Stormer Concept '04 Cathedral Rocks Trail II : HYUNDAI HCD6 '01 SPECIAL CONDITION HALL (NORMAL): Umbria Rally : LANCIA Delta HF Integrale Rally Car '92 Capri Rally : SUBARU IMPREZA Rally Car Prototype '01 Grand Canyon : MITSUBISHI CZ-3 Tarmac Rally Car '02 Ice Arena : MITSUBISHI Lancer Evolution IV Rally Car'97 Chamonix : SUBARU IMPREZA Rally Car '01 George V Paris : RENAULT 5 Maxi Turbo Rally Car '85 Swiss Alps : TOYOTA CELICA GT-FOUR Rally Car (ST205) '95 Tahiti : FORD Escort Rally Car '98 Tsukuba Circuit : MAZDA 6 Touring Car '02 Cathedral Rocks Trail I : SUBARU IMPREZA Rally Car '99 Cathedral Rocks Trail II : TOYOTA CELICA GT-FOUR Rally Car (ST185) '95 SPECIAL CONDITION HALL (HARD): Umbria Rally : LANCIA Delta S4 Rally Car '85 Capri Rally : FORD RS200 Rally Car '85 Grand Canyon : MITSUBISHI STRAION 4WD Rally Car '84 Ice Arena : NISSAN BLUEBIRD 1600SSS Rally Car (510) '69 Chamonix : LANCIA STRATOS Rally Car '77 George V Paris : PEUGEOT 205 Turbo 16 Evolution 2 Rally Car '86 Swiss Alps : NISSAN SILVIA 240RS Rally Car '85 Tahiti : MITSUBISHI PAJERO Rally Raid Car '85 Tsukuba Circuit : FORD GT Concept '02 Cathedral Rocks Trail I : SUZUKI ESCUDO Dirt Trial Car '98 Cathedral Rocks Trail II : MITSUBISHI PAJERO Evolution Rally Raid Car '03 One-Make Races -------------- DAIHATSU: Copen Race : DAIHATSU STORIA X4 '00 Midget II Race : DAIHATSU Midget '63 HONDA: Type R Meeting : HONDA HSC (Honda Sports Concept) '03 CIVIC Race : HONDA CIVIC Si (Mugen Motul Race Car) '87 HYUNDAI: Hyundai Sport Festival : HYUNDAI Clix '01 ISUZU: Isuzu Classic Sport : ISUZU 117 Coupe '68 MAZDA: 'RE' Club : MAZDA Cosmo Sport (L10A) '67 Roadster Cup : MAZDA MX-Crossport '05 RX-8 Cup : MAZDA RX-8 Concept LM Race Car '01 MITSUBISHI: Evolution Meeting : MITSUBISHI Lancer 1600 GSR Rally Car '74 Mirage Cup : MITSUBISHI I Concept '03 NISSAN: Race of Red Emblem : NISMO SKYLINE GT-R LM Road Going Version (R33) '95 March Brothers : NISSAN mm-R Cup Car '01 Silvia Sisters : NISSAN Sileighty '98 'Z' Club : NISSAN Fairlady 240ZG (HS30) '71 SUBARU: Subaru 360 Race : SUBARU 360 '58 Race of Pleiades : SUBARU IMPREZA Super Touring Car '01 SUZUKI: Suzuki K Cup : SUZUKI CONCEPT-S2 '03 Suzuki Concept Car : SUZUKI GSX-R/4 '01 TOYOTA: ALTEZZA Race : TOYOTA ALTEZZA Touring Car '01 Vitz Race : TOYOTA Vitz RS Turbo '02 CHEVROLET: Corvette Festival : CHEVROLET Corvette Z06 (C2) Race Car '63 Camaro Meeting : CHEVROLET Camaro IROC-Z Concept '88 CHRYSLER: Crossfire Trophy : DODGE VIPER GTSR Concept '00 SALEEN: Saleen S7 Club : NIKE One 2022 SHELBY: Shelby Cobra Cup : SHELBY Mustang G.T.350R '65 ALFA ROMEO: GTA Cup : ALFA ROMEO Giulia Sprint GTA 1600 '65 ALPINE: Renault Alpine Cup : ALPINE A110 1600S '73 ASTON MARTIN: Aston Martin Festival : ASTON MARTIN DB9 Coupe '03 AUDI: Tourist Trophy : AUDI Le Mans Quattro '03 A3 Cup : Audi Pikes Peak quattro '03 BMW: BMW 1 Series Trophy : BMW 2002 Turbo '73 'M' Club : BMW M3 GTR '03 CITROEN: 2HP-2CV : CITROEN 2CV Type-A '54 LOTUS: Elise Cup : LOTUS Elise Type-72 '01 Lotus Classic Cup : LOTUS Elan S1 '62 MERCEDES-BENZ: Legend of Silver Arrow : MERCEDES-BENZ CLK Touring Car (D2 DTM) '00 SL Challenge : MERCEDES-BENZ 300 SL Coupe '54 MG: MG Festival : MGF '97 MINI: Mini.Mini Battle : MARCOS Mini Marcos GT '70 OPEL: Speedster Cup : OPEL Calibra Touring Car (DTM) '94 PEUGEOT: 206 Cup : PEUGOET 205 Turbo 16 Rally Car '85 RENAULT: Clio Trophy : RENAULT Lutecia Renault Sport V6 24V Race Car '00 Megane Cup : RENAULT AVANTIME '02 TRIUMPH: Spitfire Cup : TRIUMPH Spitfire 1500 '74 TVR: Blackpool Racer : TVR Cerbera Speed 12 '00 VOLKSWAGEN: Beetle Cup : VOLKSWAGEN Beetle 1100 Standard (Type-11) '49 Lupo Cup : VOLKSWAGEN Karmann Ghia Coupe (Type-1) '68 GTI Cup : VOLKSWAGEN Golf I GTI '76 25% Game Completion : AUDI Nuvolari quattro '03 50% Game Completion : JAGUAR XJR-9 Race Car '88 100% Game Completion: POLYPHONY Formula Gran Turismo '04 (black) ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ================ 5.TRACKS (GTTRA) ================ There are 53 courses in the American version of Gran Turismo 4. City Courses -Seoul Central -Tokyo Route 246 -Hong Kong -Clubman Stage Route 5 -Special Stage Route 5 -New York -Seattle Circuit -Cote d'Azur -Opera Paris -George V Paris -Citta di Aria -Costa di Almafi World Circuits -Tsukuba -Fuji Speedway '90s -Fuji Speedway '80s -Infineon Raceway - Sports Car Course -Infineon Raceway - Stock Car Course -Laguna Seca Raceway -Twin Ring Motegi Road Course -Twin Ring Motegi Super Speedway -Twin Ring Motegi West - Short Course -Twin Ring Motegi East - Short Course -Suzuka Circuit -Suzuka Circuit East Course -Suzuka Circuit West Course -Fuji Speedway 2005 -Fuji Speedway 2005 GT -Tsukuba Circuit Wet -NíƒÂ¼rburgring Nordschleife -Circuit de la Sarthe I -Circuit de la Sarthe II Dirt & Snow -Cathedral Rocks Trail I -Cathedral Rocks Trail II -Tahiti Maze -Grand Canyon -Ice Arena -Chamonix -Swiss Alps Original Circuits -High Speed Ring -MidField Raceway -Grand Valley East Section -Grand Valley Speedway -Deep Forest Raceway -Trial Mountain -El Capitan -Autumn Ring Mini -Autumn Ring -Apricot Hill Driving Park -Test course -Gymkhana course -Motorland -Beginner Power & Speed -Las Vegas Drag Strip -Test Course ============================================================================== ============================= 5a.TRACK RELEASE DAYS (GTTRD) ============================= Certain tracks in GT4 are unlocked after a number of days have passed. This is the list of which track is opened on which day: (Incomplete) Day 1 - Laguna Seca Raceway Day 1 - Midfield Raceway Day 1 - New York Day 1 - Nurburgring Nordschleife Day 1 - Seattle Circuit Day 1 - Seoul Central Day 1 - Test Course Day 1 - Tokyo R246 Day 1 - Trial Mountain Circuit Day 1 - Tsukuba Circuit Day 1 - Suzuka Circuit East Course Day 1 - Swiss Alps Day 1 - Twin Ring Motegi Road Course West Short Day 1 - Twin Ring Motegi Super Speedway Day 15 - Deep Forest Raceway Day 29 - Opera Paris Day 43 - Fuji Speedway '80s Day 57 - Special Stage Route 5 Day 71 - Suzuka Circuit Day 85 - Twin Ring Motegi Road Course East Short Day 99 - Grand Valley Speedway Day 113 - Hong Kong Day 127 - Suzuka Circuit West Course Day 141 - Fuji Speedway 2005 GT Day 155 - Ice Arena Day 169 - Apricot Hill Raceway Day 183 - Cote d Azur Day 197 - Tahiti Maze Day 211 - Twin Ring Motegi Road Course Day 225 - George V Paris Day 239 - Cathedral Rocks Trail I Day 253 - Costa di Amalfi Day 267 - Circuit de la Sarthe 1 Day 281 - Autumn Ring Day 295 - Infineon Raceway Day 309 - Chamonix Day 323 - Fuji Speedway 2005 Day 337 - Tsukuba Circuit Wet Day 351 - Circuit de la Sarthe 2 ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ======================== 6.GT MODE CAREER (GTMOD) ======================== This is the main mode of Gran Turismo 4. You start a career at Day 1 and race to earn money and fame so you can buy/win better vehicles to . . . . race some more. This is the meat of the game in the Gran Turismo series. You start out with 10,000 credits for which to purchase your first car. You must pass license exam tests to be able to participate in most of the events. There is also a tuning shop and used car lots in addition to car dealerships. To transfer 100K credits or passed B and A license exams from GT3, go to Home------>Status and press start. Garage Erasing Bug - Quoted from TLSBill of "This is gonna be rare I'm sure, but wanted to warn people. Just in case. If you insert a DIFFERENT memory card into the system and save from the "HOME" save function, it doesn't save the garage. It will ask you several questions (this card has a different game on it/are you sure/are you double sure/etc...) and then act like it saved fine, but it didn't. If you want to backup your game to another memory card you MUST use the PS2 Browser to copy the game. Before I get flamed, I did it twice (the 2nd time on purpose) to make sure it really happened. This will only affect people backing up the game, but if you care enough to back it up, you care enough to not wanna lose your cars." ============================================================================== ======================== 6a.LICENSE EXAMS (GTLIC) ======================== The License Exams need to be passed in order to enter some events in Gran Turismo 4 in A-Spec mode. You will get a bonus car for passing all the tests for any license with all bronze, silver, or gold. FFBeowulf has an excellent guide on detailing all of the license exams. You should check it out if you need help on any specific test. Watching the demo before taking license exams can help greatly. National B License B-1: Acceleration and Braking: 1 After a standing start, accelerate to the 100-meter finish line,then bring the car to a complete stop. Your elapsed time fromthe moment you start to the point you stop the car will be measured. Finding the exact point to brake and how much brakingforce to apply are the key points here. Mazda DEMIO (J) '99 Bronze Time: 0'11.300 Silver Time: 0'10.400 Gold Time: 0'10.150 B-2: Acceleration and Braking: 2 This test consists of another standing start. Now rush to the 200-meter line and bring the car to a full halt as near to the finish ine as possible. Because the distance is greater than in the previous test, your rate of travel will be faster; thus braking distances will be also be increased. Use the braking point from the previous test as a guide and make the necessary adjustments. Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 Turbo (J) '95 Bronze Time: 0'12.200 Silver Time: 0'11.220 Gold Time: 0'11.000 B-3: Basics of Cornering: 1 We'll tackle the essentials of the "out-in-out" racing line for this test using the first corner of the Deep Forest Course. As you run flat out on the straight, veer to the outside edge of the track. Look for the curbing and the apex. If the car runs over the curbing, keep the throtle constant, because if you're too aggressive with the gas pedal, you'll invoke understeer. This will result in going off at the exit. Honda CR-X del Sol SiR '92 Bronze Time: 0'33.500 Silver Time: 0'31.500 Gold Time: 0'30.900 B-4: Basics of Cornering: 2 Using the same section of the Deep Forest Course, this time, we'll try it in a powerful front-engine/rear-wheel drive car. Always remember that more power means faster rate of travel. Drive the same line as you did in the previous test; however, you'll need to brake harder because of the car's faster speed. And as before, once you're on top of the curbing, keep the throttle even. If you get on the gas too much, this time you'll oversteer and spin out. Nissan SILVIA Q's AERO (S14) '96 Bronze Time: 0'32.300 Silver Time: 0'30.400 Gold Time: 0'29.800 B-5: 1 Lap Guide Run (Tsukuba) In order to memorize tricky Tsukuba Circuit, do a few laps following the pace car. Try and mimic its exact racing line. The pace car will adjust its speed to yours, so if you choose to go slower, the pace car will also. Kick it up a notch and the pace car will do the same. Again, no passing or hitting the pace car. Although it's a tight, short track, Tsukuba is essential in learning the basics of high-performance driving. Go slowly to learn the track first, then gradually increase your pace. MINI ONE '02 Bronze Time: 1'37.000 Silver Time: 1'29.300 Gold Time: 1'27.200 B-6: Acceleration and Braking: 3 We've returned to the drag strip. Now for an even longer acceleration/braking run. This time, from a standing start, accelerate to the 500-meter line and bring the car to a complete stop. Because of the higher speeds, it'll prove more difficult to find the proper braking point. Again, use the 100-meter point as a guideline and make the necessary adjustments. Renault Megane 2.0 16V '03 Bronze Time: 0'25.500 Silver Time: 0'23.300 Gold Time: 0'22.800 B-7 - Acceleration and Braking: 4 This is the final acceleration/braking test. For this finale, we'll use the super high-output frong-engine/rear drive (FR) Dodge Viper. Our distance: 1000 meters. Because you'll be braking from a peak speed of more than 125 mph, finding the ideal braking point will be very difficult. Master this test, and you'll find that when racing, this experience will prove quite beneficial. Dodge VIPER GTS '99 Bronze Time: 0'30.000 Silver Time: 0'27.810 Gold Time: 0'27.000 B-8 - Basics of Cornering: 3 Let's learn the basics of cornering using the final turn of Twin Ring Motegi's last Loop. Your test car will be the Maxda Eunos Roadster. Unlike that of the Deep Forest Course, this hairpin is a right-hander. The corner is a decreasing -radius type, so make sure you apply plenty of brakes before going in. Don't try to dive into the apex. Instead follow a line similar to that of a large semicircle. Mazda MX-5 Miata J-Limited (NA, J) '91 Bronze Time: 0'16.600 Silver Time: 0'15.500 Gold Time: 0'15.400 Coffee Break 1 - Maneuver Around the Cones It's time to take a break and recharge your energy. We call these fun, relaxing stages, "coffee breaks." You'll see a number of cones lined up in front of you. Get to the finish line on the other side of the cones, without knocking them over, as quickly as possible and bring the car to a dead stop. You can use any part of the course here, so look for a line you're most comfortable with. Daihatsu Copen Active Top '02 Bronze Time: --'--.--- Silver Time: 0'13.200 Gold Time: 0'11.800 B-9 - Basics of Cornering: 4 Now we'll run the same section in a more powerful car. Our mount is the BMW M3 CSL. Because speeds are much higher in this car, you'll need to be more aggressive with the brakes. Use the distance markers on the side of the track as guide points. If you're too quick and hard on the throttle at the corner's exit, the rear end will most likely come around, so use caution. Driving over the curbing too much also may result in a spin. BMW M3 CSL '03 Bronze Time: 0'13.500 Silver Time: 0'12.900 Gold Time: 0'12.550 B-10 - 1 Lap Guide Run (Laguna Seca) Let's do a lap of the historic Laguna Seca Raceway following the pace car. The prime objective here is to learn the track, so don't worry about setting lap records just yet. Follow the pace car and memorize its exact racing line. The infamous Corkscrew is a blind downhill left-right S curve, and getting the braking point correct is imperative in establishing a good lap time. Make sure you memorize where to apply the brakes before turning in. Citroen C3 1.6 '02 Bronze Time: 2'28.800 Silver Time: 2'18.000 Gold Time: 2'14.000 B-11 - Basics of Dirt Driving: 1 Let's gauge your car-control ability on dirt using the hairpin corner of the Grand Canyon Course. After taking the first right-hander flat out, go as far to the outside edge of the track as possible before turning into the corner. Try to keep a high rate of speed through this corner. Remember that on dirt, the car's steering and brakes aren't as effective as when driving on tarmac, so adapt your driving style accordingly. Toyota CELICA 2000GT-FOUR (ST165) '86 Bronze Time: 0'19.400 Silver Time: 0'18.000 Gold Time: 0'17.650 B-12 - Basics of Dirt Driving: 2 See how quicly you can take the super-fast right-hander of the Swiss Alps Course. Because the level of grip is much lower on dirt than on tarmac, you'll need to rely on more than just steering to guide the car effectively. Controlling the car's balance and efficient use of the brakes are key to pointing the car's nose in the correct direction. There are lots of surface irregularities here so try not to get knocked off your racing line. Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 '85 Bronze Time: 0'19.500 Silver Time: 0'18.000 Gold Time: 0'17.500 B-13 - Basics of Cornering: 5 The final corner of Tsukuba Circuit will test your high-speed-cornering skills on asphalt. You'll start the test traveling 50 mph. From the outside edge of the track, brake slightly as you approach the corner. Get to the inside of the corner as soon as possible and straddle the curbing. Keep the throttle even through this part of the corner. Just as the curbing ends, get on the throttle, and head for the outside part of the track. Make effective use of the signs located at the edge of the track to determine your braking point. Then find the optimal entry speed. Fiat Barchetta Giovane Due '00 Bronze Time: 0'25.000 Silver Time: 0'23.100 Gold Time: 0'22.650 B-14 - Basics of Cornering: 6 The first corner of the El Capitan course is also quite fast; another ideal place to test your competence of high-speed corners. Unlike Tsukuba, the apex is deeper into the turn here, so the key is patience. Starting from the right edge of the track, look for the apex and turn in. Keep the car on the inside of the corner, and refrain from getting back on the throttle until you're almost out of the corner. Throttle on too early and you get understeer, which will cause the car to go off the track. Practice this corner a few times to find the correct throttle - on point. Infiniti G35 COUPE '03 Bronze Time: 0'20.200 Silver Time: 0'18.800 Gold Time: 0'18.100 B-15 - 1 Lap Guide Run (Infineon Raceway) One of America's most popular tracks, Infineon Raceway (formerly known as Sears Point), is the site for this test. Follow the pace car to find the proper racing line and braking points. This track features a number of high-speed corners where only a tap of the brakes is necessary. There's also plenty of elevation changes and blind corners hidden behind hills, so drive with caution. And no passing or hitting the pace car. Chrysler PT-Cruiser '00 Bronze Time: 2'35.000 Silver Time: 2'22.600 Gold Time: 2'19.000 B-16 - Graduation Test In order to get your B-Class Racing License, you'll need to tackle the middle section of Tsukuba. The right-hander directly beneath the Dunlop Bridge can be taken flat if you follow the proper driving line. A tricky hairpin follows; be sure you don't dive into the apex too aggressively. It looks simple and straightforward, but looks can be deceiving. the apex is quite late, so be patient and practice, practice practice. BMW 120d '04 Bronze Time: 0'25.680 Silver Time: 0'24.200 Gold Time: 0'23.700 National A License A-1 - Complex Corners: Beginner 1 This test measures your ability to negotiate S-curves on a high-speed track. Immediately upon launch, take note of the red and white curbing on your right. At the end of this curbing is the first corner, a left-hander. This corner's curbing reveals the location of the apex. Take the correct line and you should be able to get through it flat out. Cross the bridge, and then you'll come upon a right-hander. Stay as far left as you can when entering the corner and then look for the apex. Remember, this is a late-apex corner. You should also be patient with the throttle here, as you don't want to upset the car's balance in mid-turn. At the corner's exit, don't bother getting set up on the far right before the next left-hander because you don't have time. Go straight for the apex. Give a light tap of the brake pedal as you enter the corner. It's paramount you be patient with the trottle here because if you get on it too quickly, you'll provoke understeer, which will keep you from making the last turn smoothly. Mitsubishi FTO GPX '94 Bronze Time: 0'33.080 Silver Time: 0'31.100 Gold Time: 0'30.750 A-2 - Complex Corners: Beginner 2 Now let's run the same section of the previous test in the Lotus Elise 111R. Remember that because the Elise is a powerful mid-engine sports car, its behavior through the esses will be different than that of a front-engine car. When going through the right-hander after the bridge, make sure you hit the brakes to transfer the car's weight to the front tires, otherwise, you'll get a lot of unwanted understeer. If you get too wide at this corner's exit, you won't be able to stay on the correct line for the following left-hander. Correctly utilizing the car's fore/aft weight balance is important here. Lotus Elise 111R '04 Bronze Time: 0'30.290 Silver Time: 0'28.400 Gold Time: 0'28.000 A-3 - Tackling High Speed Corners: 1 This test will see how well you negotiate the Deep Forest track's final corner, a high-speed left-hander. We'll use the high-output front-engine/front-drive Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder for this test. After launch, set yourself on the right side of the track, then start turning the wheel early to make up for the car's understeering tendencies. Tap the brake pedal to control your speed through the corner. Unless you exit the corner at the optimum speed, you'll probably go off. Starting off slowly, then gradually raising your pace as you get accustomed to the car and the corner is recommended here. Mitsubishi ECLIPSE Spyder GTS '03 Bronze Time: 0'12.700 Silver Time: 0'12.300 Gold Time: 0'12.000 A-4 - Tackling High Speed Corners: 2 This is one of Suzuka Circuit's most challenging corners, called the t30R. You'll start on the back straight, going about 80 mph. Set yourself up on the right side of the track. The approaching corner is tight here, so start turning immediately after you're off the brakes. If you're late turning in, you won't be able to hit the apex. As a result, you'll more than likely go off at the corner's exit. As you practice this corner, look for the optimum turn-in point for therein lies the key to mastering this corner. Subaru LEGACY B4 3.0R '03 Bronze Time: 0'23.700 Silver Time: 0'22.500 Gold Time: 0'22.050 A-5 - 1 Lap Guide Run (Grand Valley East) For this test, we'll do a lap of Grand Valley East along with a pace car. Although Grand Valley is a fairly flat course, the East section, with its many shortcuts and hills, is in some ways more fun and rewarding than the full version. The first shortcut comes right after the first corner. Take caution approaching the next corner because it's a blind one, hidden behind a hill. The next shortcut is equally challenging, coming right after the tunnel. Make sure you're set up correctly on the left side of the road while you're still in the tunnel. Audi A3 3.2 quattro '03 Bronze Time: 1'36.800 Silver Time: 1'32.000 Gold Time: 1'30.500 A-6 - Complex Corners: Intermediate 1 Twin Ring Motegi's S-curves is the site for the test. Taking the correct racing line is paramount when negotiating these corners. If your exit through the first corner is too aggressive, you'll have a difficult time taking the proper line into the next corner. And getting away quickly from the second corner is vital because it leads into a long straight. Use the full track when exiting the second corner, going all the way to its edge. Set yourself up on the right side for the final left-hander while you're still on the straight. Mercedes-Benz SLK 230 Kompressor '98 Bronze Time: 0'33.500 Silver Time: 0'31.900 Gold Time: 0'30.800 A-7 - Complex Corners: Intermediate 2 We'll use the Nurburgring's technical section for this test. Exit the first left-hand corner at full throttle, and then get on the brakes as you enter the esses. The first turn here has a late apex, so you'll have to be ready to steer the other way as soon as you exit to make it in time for the turn-in point for the second corner. If you take the correct line, you can get through the second corner flat out. Finding a nice rhythm is important when tackling this section. Volkswagen Golf V GTI '05 Bronze Time: 0'18.600 Silver Time: 0'17.400 Gold Time: 0'17.200 Coffee Break 2 - Knock Over the Cones Laid Out in a Spiral We'll follow that up with another "coffee break" to revitalize your spirits. There are 100 cones placed on the Driving Park Course. Knock all of them over and head straight for the finish line. The cones are placed in a spiral where the arc gets larger and larger. Car control is key to knocking the cones down. Your test car is the Peugeot 206 CC. Peugeot 206cc '01 Bronze Time: --'--.--- Silver Time: 0'29.919 Gold Time: 0'28.510 A-8 - Applied Cornering: 1 This section utilizes the hairpin at El Capitan, which leads to a challenging corner immediately before the bridge. Effectively guide your car through the various left-handers to pass this test. The first left-hander actually consists of two turns, leading onto a tighter exit. Don't panic and go to the inside right away. Stay to the middle of the track, and drive on the curbing to hit the apex. Then the next left-hander, which comes immediately after the straight, can be cleared without touching the brakes. Mazda RX-8 Type S (J) '03 Bronze Time: 0'17.150 Silver Time: 0'16.400 Gold Time: 0'15.880 A-9 - Applied Cornering: 2 Here, you'll be faced with real-life racing conditions. Suzuka's famed esses is the venue. The corners are aligned in a relatively simple manner: left, right, left. However, you won't be able to get through them at full throttle. You'll need to brake properly for each corner to effectively negotiate this section. Keep the nose of the car pointed in the correct direction--that is key. Establishing a good rhythm is also important. And do not upset the car's chassis. The final left-hand corner has a tendency to invoke understeer, so be ready to accommodate accordingly. Honda CIVIC TYPE R (EP) '04 Bronze Time: 0'18.900 Silver Time: 0'17.617 Gold Time: 0'17.200 A-10 - 1 Lap Guide Run (Suzuka) We'll use Suzuka Circuit again; but this time we'll run the entire course, for a flying lap with the pace car. Suzuka is a long course, so be sure to memorize its layout and learn the proper racing lines before going all out. A variety of difficult and challenging corners exists here, such as Reverse Banking, Degner, and t30R. The best way to learn the course quickly and better your lap times is making full use of the pace car. And as before, hit or pass the pace car, and you fail. Your test vehicle is the Acura Integra Type R, DC5 version. Honda INTEGRA TYPE R (DC5) '03 Bronze Time: 3'00.000 Silver Time: 2'51.000 Gold Time: 2'48.000 A-11 - Applied Dirt Driving: 1 The cliffs of the Grand Canyon is the site for this off-road test. Your capability of cornering on dirt will be gauged here. This section consists mainly of a series of right-hand corners. There's a slight left-hander soon after the start, which you should take more or less in a straight line. Then you'll come upon the first right-hander. Make sure you have the car pointed in the correct direction as you enter the turn. Immediately after this corner, the car will veer toward the edge of the track. Don't panic. Carefully aim for the inside of the next corner. Keep a consistent steering angle through both corners--like it's one big half-circle-- and you should be successful here. Lancia DELTA HF Integrale Evoluzione '91 Bronze Time: 0'14.000 Silver Time: 0'13.100 Gold Time: 0'12.800 A-12 - Applied Dirt Driving: 2 Safely and quickly get through the three corners of the uphill winding section of Tahiti Maze to pass this test. The key here is to control your car as it slides through the corners. Brake before getting to the corner; if you transfer the car's weight to the front, and get on the throttle, the car will slide. Control the slide with the steering and throttle, and get through the turn without dropping your speed. Do this and you'll not only pass this test, you'll master the art of drifting. Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi (GD, Type-I) '02 Bronze Time: 0'32.770 Silver Time: 0'30.600 Gold Time: 0'29.500 A-13 - Tackling Blind Corners: 1 Rocks and stones abound on this mountain trial, as do blind corners, so proceed with caution. After you exit the first tunnel, you'll be faced with the first of two blind corners. Make sure you slow the car down properly and get to the inside of the turn. Enter the second tunnel on the right side, and exit at the left edge, straddling the side of the tunnel wall. This will set you up properly for the next corner, which is marked by yellow lines. If you're on the inside of this turn, you should be able to enter the straight at a good clip. Practice makes perfect, so try it over and over until you get the perfect run. Nissan SKYLINE GT-R Vspec II (R32) '94 Bronze Time: 0'48.300 Silver Time: 0'45.300 Gold Time: 0'44.600 A-14 - Tackling Blind Corners: 2 Within the Nurburgring's middle section are a series of tricky downhill corners. You'll be tested on how well you handle these high-speed corners. The first section consists of esses. They're not only blind, they're canted. If you choose to run on the outside edge here, you'll more likely go off, so be cautious right-handers. Don't stay left when setting up to turn in here; instead hug the inside of the corners. A short straight follows, which is then followed by a chicane-like left-hander. Slow down accordingly, then get back on it as you hit the apex. Make sure you're on the throttle quickly. Choose the line that allows you to get on the gas earliest. You'll get a sense of the Nurburgring's unique character through this section. Audi TT Coupe 1.8T quattro '00 Bronze Time: 0'36.490 Silver Time: 0'33.000 Gold Time: 0'32.350 A-15 - 1 Lap Guide Run (Trial Mountain) We'll take a flying lap of the Trial Mountain Course with the pace car. The key to successfully lapping this course is to nail the numerous blind corners that appeared in our previous test. Don't be intimidated by the stone walls and make use of the entire track. Take the last corner, a chicane, with plenty of caution. Normally, driving on the curbing is not a bad thing, but on this section, you're in danger of losing control of your car. Lose control here and you may hit an imposing concrete wall ahead; therefore, you'd best take the safer route. Passing or hitting the pace car results in automatic disqualification. Your car is the Mazda 6. Mazda Mazda 6 5-door '03 Bronze Time: 2'16.000 Silver Time: 2'07.000 Gold Time: 2'05.000 A-16 - Graduation Test Pass this test to obtain the A-Class Racing License. The section after the Carrousel of Nurburgring's North Course is our test venue. It's the more interesting technical portions of the Ring. The first thing to do here is to observe the demonstration car. Pay close attention to its speed through every turn. The wrong entry and exit speed through any of these corners will result in going off. There are also a few blind spots, so try and memorize when and where to brake and turn in. Mazda RX-7 Spirit R Type A (FD) '02 Bronze Time: 1'02.700 Silver Time: 0'56.000 Gold Time: 0'54.150 International B License IB-1 - Braking During Turns: 1 Trail braking is the term used when you apply the brakes as you make your turn. Let's try our hand at trail braking through the first corner of Tsukuba Circuit. After the start, stay to the left side of the track, then look for the point where the grass on the right ends. Then steer for the curbing. Brake lightly as you turn into this uphill corner, and get to the inside of the corner. If you're too early on the throttle, you won't make the turn. Keep even throttle, and look for the corner post up ahead for your exit. The key here is to find the ideal cornering speed. Hyundai Tiburon GT '01 Bronze Time: 0'15.570 Silver Time: 0'14.870 Gold Time: 0'14.440 IB-2 - Braking During Turns: 2 Now we'll try high-speed trail braking using the corners of the Nurburgring. Accelerate on the straight upon launch. Take the first left-hander flat out. Then veer to the left side of the track to set up for the upcoming right- hander. There's a sign post on your right, use that as your braking marker. You'll be steering as you brake, but because the corner is a late-apex one, try to keep your general driving line to the inside here. If you don't slow the car down enough or you're too quick getting back on the throttle, you'll go off at the corner's exit. Practice slowing the car down as you corner to master this section. Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (R129) '98 Bronze Time: 0'27.300 Silver Time: 0'26.000 Gold Time: 0'25.200 IB-3 - Advanced Level Complex Corners: 1 Two turns blend into one here at Suzuka's Spoon Corner. After the start, take the sweeper flat out, then you'll approach the first left-hander of Spoon Corner. Brake appropriately and get on the curbing here. Then get back on the throttle, giving your car momentum at the exit. Now you'll need to turn into the next corner. It's tighter than the first one, and it's slightly downhill, so watch out for understeer. Tap the brakes to slow the car down and stabilize the chassis. If you're in a manual-transmission car, don't drop down to 2nd, keep it in 3rd and you'll get through quicker. Honda PRELUDE Type S '88 Bronze Time: 0'30.230 Silver Time: 0'28.430 Gold Time: 0'27.600 IB-4 - Advanced Level Complex Corners: 2 The very difficult middle section of the Deep Forest Course is the venue for this test. You'll drive through a tunnel after the start. Then the course will bend to the right. Don't get worked up here and get on the throttle too quickly or you'll get understeer. After you clear the second tunnel, there's a corner after the large hill. You'll have to start steering before you can actually see the corner, or you won't be able to get to the inside. Start braking as you're cresting the hill, too. For the last corner, keep your steering inputs minimal and use the throttle to guide your car around the bend. Audi S4 '03 Bronze Time: 0'30.600 Silver Time: 0'28.840 Gold Time: 0'28.000 IB-5 - 1 Lap Guide Run (Costa di Amalfi) We're back to the pace car lap again. This time follow the GT-R around a lap of Amalfie Circuit. This track is known for its elevation changes and tight corners. Observe the pace car carefully and memorize the racing line. You'll need to carefully control your speed through the downhill portion of the track. And for the tight esses that come at the end of the lap, you'll need to use the entire width of the track to get through successfully. Peugeot 206 RC '03 Bronze Time: 3'02.500 Silver Time: 2'50.000 Gold Time: 2'46.000 IB-6 - Cone Slalom 1 Using the straight at Fuji Speedway, we've arranged some cones to create a slalom course. Weave your way through the cones and get to the finish line as soon as possible. Touch a cone and you're disqualified. As your car gains speed, it'll become more and more difficult to control. Get off the throttle as you pass one cone, then on it as you approach another. Developing a good rhythm is key here. Your test car is equipped with ASM (Active Stability Management) turned on. This system uses the brakes to stabilize the car's balance. It'll compensate for light under- and oversteer, keeping your car's chassis composed through most of the run. BMW Z4 '03 Bronze Time: 0'20.890 Silver Time: 0'18.560 Gold Time: 0'17.700 IB-7 - Cone Slalom 2 You'll perform the same slalom as the previous test; however, this time ASM will be switched off. Your test vehicle is the BMW Z4. Once you start gaining speed, the car will have a tendency to spin, so you need to be very steady with your driving inputs here. And it's imperative that you do use the throttle abruptly in mid-turn. Keep an eye on the speedometer, and figure out the optimal speed toget through the slalom successfully. And note how different the car reacts with ASM switched off as to when it was on. BMW Z4 '03 Bronze Time: 0'20.890 Silver Time: 0'18.560 Gold Time: 0'17.700 IB-8 - City Street Challenge: 1 Now we'll use the street course in New York to gauge your ability on taking city turns. Unlike corners on a race track, you'll get onto the curbing for an instant through these 90-degree corners, so make sure your entry speed is optimal. Determing the exact braking point is vital in controlling the speed of the car, so concentrate on when and how hard to apply the brakes. In the middle section of the track, there's a place where a narrow pass leads onto a large, wide road. Make sure you use all of the track here to find the most effective line possible. The last part of the track consists of a series of 90 degree corners. Don't think of these corners as separate entities, but one long connected pass. Don't be intimidated by the barriers on the side of the road, use as much as the track as possible to get through quickly. Chrysler Crossfire '04 Bronze Time: 0'46.800 Silver Time: 0'44.440 Gold Time: 0'43.200 Coffee Break 3 - Knock Over the Cones Laid Out in a Spiral part 2 We'll keep refreshing your spirits with yet another coffee break. Remember the A License Test? Well, you'll be running that course backwards for this stage. There are 100 cones placed in a spiral. This time, knock them down from the outside. The turn becomes tighter and tighter so the difficulty level is higher. It's very important that you don't invoke understeer, so control your speed. Oh, and you don't have to knock the cones over, simply touching them is okay. TVR Griffith 500 '94 Bronze Time: --'--.--- Silver Time: 0'33.333 Gold Time: 0'31.500 IB-9 - City Street Challenge: 2 Now let's see how good you are at finding the right racing line. We'll use the tight sections of the Italian street course. Right after the start, you'l come upon a section where you'll come upon a section where you'll be sandwiched between walls. There are slight curves here, so tap the brakes and slow the car down. From there you'll come upon a series of combined corners. Use as much track as possible and try to go through in as straight a line as possible. Throttle work is key here, don't go full throttle and off throttle abruptly, try to stay even throughout. Learning the corners and maintaining a good rhythm is the key to success here. Volkswagen Bora VH 4MOTION '01 Bronze Time: 0'24.000 Silver Time: 0'22.660 Gold Time: 0'22.000 IB-10 - 1 Lap Guide Run (Hong Kong) Now for the pace car to make yet another appearance. You'll follow it for a lap around Hong Kong's street course. The key to this track is that the width of it varies greatly from one place to another. Like the street course in New York, when the width of the track changes in mid-corner, use the wider portion to the maximum. When going from narrow to wide, don't presume that the curbing is the end of the corner. Envision the line all the way to the exit, even before it comes into view. When the road goes from wide to narrow in mid- corner, get the car pointed in the proper direction while you're on the wider portion or you'll be unable to make the full turn. Take in the beautiful lights of the city as you learn this track. MGF '97 Bronze Time: 2'05.180 Silver Time: 1'57.420 Gold Time: 1'55.200 IB-11 - Competition Dirt Racing: 1 This is a test that utilizes the high-speed section of the Grand Canyon Course. It'll be run simulating a real race. There are three successive jumps after the start. Clear these and you'll approach a left-hand corner. Turn the steering slightly and get on the brakes, the rear will begin to slide out. Use the throttle and countersteer to control your drift. You'll use the momentum of this corner to slide through the following right-hander. Just don't get too far wide on the first corner's exit or you'll have a difficult time turning into the right-hander. Also, not losing control of the car through the jumps is very important. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII MR GSR '04 Bronze Time: 0'19.800 Silver Time: 0'18.800 Gold Time: 0'18.200 IB-12 - Driving on Snow: 1 We'll test your car-control ability on icy roads through successive hairpins of the Ice Arena. Cut through the first left-right corners in somewhat of a straight line. Then you'll come upon a left-hand hairpin. Swing the car to the right before going into the corner. Then swing it the other way as you go in. The momentum of the first swing will enable the car to drift cleanly through, as long as you countersteer and throttle properly. If your timing on the throttle isn't perfect, you'll get unwanted understeer. Use the same technique for the following right-hand hairpin. Toyota CELICA GT-FOUR RC (ST185) '91 Bronze Time: 0'26.450 Silver Time: 0'24.720 Gold Time: 0'24.000 IB-13 - Tackling Undulating S-bends The latter section of El Capitan is where we'll see how you fare through intense elevation changes. You'll be faced with a downhill right-hander after the start. Think of this corner as a combination of two right-hand corners. After driving onto the first curbing, go back toward the outside of the track, keeping the steering constant, then drive over the second curbing. After taking the next left-hander flat out, you'll come upon a blind right-hander. Although you can't see through the corner, you'll need to slow the car down early to be able to make the turn. The road changes a bit on the exit, so be ready for understeer. Making the proper adjustments as the road surface changes is the key to getting good results here. Ford FOCUS RS '02 Bronze Time: 0'33.170 Silver Time: 0'30.860 Gold Time: 0'29.700 IB-14 - Tackling Corner Sequences over Undulating Surfaces We'll use El Capitan yet again, this time we'll run through a challenging hilly section. The key point here is the steep uphill climb after the tunnel. And at the top of the hill is the apex of a corner, so you'll need to start braking as you're still climbing and head for the curbing on the right side. After this is the downhill part. You'll lose a lot of grip so be wary of understeer. And the exit for the following left-hander is tight; finding the right place to get on the throttle is important here. Mercedes-Benz SL 600 (R230) '04 Bronze Time: 0'40.200 Silver Time: 0'37.000 Gold Time: 0'36.350 IB-15 - 1 Lap Guide Run (Citta di Aria) Time for the pace car again. Follow it for a lap around the Italian street course. The entire track is very narrow, so if you don't take the perfect line, your lap times won't be impressive. Follow the pace car closely and learn the line and where to brake. There's a diffcult hairpin corner here. The corner is deep, with a late apex. Don't get impatient and dive in too early. Gradually getting to the inside is the way to go. Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA 1600 '65 Bronze Time: 2'23.550 Silver Time: 2'14.930 Gold Time: 2'11.000 IB-16 - Graduation Test In order to get the International B-Class Racing License, you'll need to tackle a challenging portion of Italy's street course (that you've just seen). You'll be timed from the back straight to the point where you exit the hairpin. After starting on the straight at high speed, use the gate at the bottom of the hill as a braking point. The road will flatten here; you can also use this as a guide point. After the gate, there's a right-left S-curve. Keep your speed in check here. Then you'll approach a right-hander. Stay on the outside, then go to the inside at the end of the curve. Lotus Esprit V8 '02 Bronze Time: 0'21.300 Silver Time: 0'19.700 Gold Time: 0'19.000 International A License IA-1 - Tackling Complex Corner Sequences: 1 You'll be tested on how well you can negotiate your way through successive corners for this test. We'll be using the latter half of the midfield. Right after launch, get ready to brake for a right-hander in the tunnel. For the following corner, a long left-hand sweeper, keep on the inside and use the throttle to control the car's balance. After clearing the straight, you'll come upon S-curves, but be careful of the left-hander that follows. It's a tight one, and you'll need to begin braking while you're still in the esses. A good marker to start braking is during your transition from the first left- hander of the S-curves to the following right-hander. And remember to try and brake in a straight line or you'll upset the balance of the car. Getting your straight-line braking down is the key to getting a fast time here. Jaguar XJ220 '92 Bronze Time: 0'35.680 Silver Time: 0'33.166 Gold Time: 0'32.200 IA-2 - Tackling Complex Corner Sequences: 2 We'll be using a section of Suzuka for this test, specifically the part from the esses to Degner Curve. This test will again gauge your ability through successive corners. Upon launch, you'll come upon the esses. Use the entire track to get through these corners, and carry as much speed as possible. You'll be climbing uphill, but there are some flat sections of the track here, so be prudent of understeer. Once you're clear, you'll be faced with a series of left-handers until you reach Degner Curve. For the first right-hander, use the posted braking-distance signs to determine your braking point. A tap is all you need here, then take the corner as if it were a 90-degree street corner. Once you exit, you'll be on top of a right-hander, so get on the brakes again. If you don't slow the car down enough, you'll go off at the exit. The speed you carry through Degner Curve is important for setting a good lap time at Suzuka. Alfa Romeo Spider 3.0i V6 24V '01 Bronze Time: 0'58.000 Silver Time: 0'53.130 Gold Time: 0'52.000 IA-3 - Guide to Chicanes: 1 We'll be attacking the B-corner chicane of the 90's version of Fuji Speedway for this test. There's a slight right-hander after the start, take this in a straight line using the entire track. Head straight for the sign ahead. Use this sign to determine your braking point for the next corner. Hold off on your braking as long as possible, going as deep as you can into the turn, and get on the right-hand curbing. Once you're clear, get back on the throttle, and then on the brakes again for the following left-hander. If you head for the inside of this corner too early, you won't make the exit, so try to point the nose of the car toward the exit as soon as possible. Also, get onto the curbing. The way you approach the first right-hander here will determine your pace through the rest of the section. Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec III (R34) '00 Bronze Time: 0'19.800 Silver Time: 0'17.700 Gold Time: 0'17.350 IA-4 - Guide to Chicanes: 2 We'll be using the final part of Apricot Hill for this test, which leads from a tight chicane to the final corner of the track. After the start, take the high-speed left-hander and right-hander flat out. At the bottom of the hill, there's another left-hand corner. Set yourself up on the right edge of the track. This corner leads into the esses. Drive over the curbing and stay on the inside as you enter the esses. The last corner of the esses is a tight left-hander. Try to clear this corner in a straight line, keeping in mind that the way you brake for this corner will decide on your success or failure. The key here is not to think of these corners as separate entities, but one long continuous path. FPV GT '04 Bronze Time: 0'37.000 Silver Time: 0'35.298 Gold Time: 0'34.270 IA-5 - 1 Lap Guide Run (El Capitan) The pace car will be making a presence once again. This time it will be the Seat Ibiza Cupra running a full lap of El Capitan. The elevation changes at El Capitan are quite intense, especially the latter half of the track after the tunnel where the undulations play havoc with the fore/aft balance of the car. Try not to invoke understeer when running here. There are many corners on this track where you'll have difficulty finding the proper racing line, so observe the pace car carefully. Seat Ibiza Cupra '04 Bronze Time: 2'42.980 Silver Time: 2'32.440 Gold Time: 2'28.000 IA-6 - Tackling Complex Corner Sequences: 3 We'll use the first part of the Autumn Ring for this test. A combination of unconventional corners await. After the start, take the first left-hander flat out, then you'll arrive at the succession of corners. The first right-left should be treated as one corner. Drive as if you're getting on the curbing for an instant, then cut through to the exit in a straight line. On the following straight, brake lightly for the next succession of corners. Take this left- right combination in the same way you took the first one. Do this and you can carry good speed through the right-hander that leads you onto the straight. Don't think about going through one corner at a time, rather think how you can go quickly through the entire stage. That's the key to succeeding here. Honda S2000 Type V '00 Bronze Time: 0'33.600 Silver Time: 0'31.724 Gold Time: 0'30.700 IA-7 - Tackling Complex Corner Sequences: 4 The latter half of the Trial Mountain Course is the venue here. We'll be using a corner with a high difficulty rating. Be aware that the elevation changes will likely affect the fore/aft balance of the car. After the start, use the 100-meter sign to determine your braking point for the first corner. Stay on the inside here, making full use of the yellow zone. The slight right-hander that comes next should be taken at full throttle, but be prepared for the next right-hander. The first part of this corner is blind so make sure you start braking before the corner becomes visible. You'll be trail braking so be mindful of oversteer. After clearing this corner, you'll come upon the final turn, at the bottom of a steep hill. Controlling your speed through this corner is vital. If you go in with too much throttle, you won't make the turn. RUF CTR "Yellow Bird" '87 Bronze Time: 0'37.000 Silver Time: 0'35.020 Gold Time: 0'34.000 IA-8 - City Street Challenge: 3 Now we'll test you on a quirky street-course section, from the hairpin to the final corner of the Hong Kong Circuit. After the start, the first corner, a hairpin, will become visible. The road is narrow here, especially when you consider the speeds you can carry, so be careful that you're not going too fast. Now you'll come upon a series of 90-degree corners. Carry as much speed as possible through these corners, using all of the track. Note that when the road goes from narrow to wide, the corners become easier to see and judge thanks to the red-and-white curbing, so you can really get on the throttle. Make full use of the braking distance signs on all the corners. Alfa Romeo 156 2.5 V6 24V '98 Bronze Time: 1'14.900 Silver Time: 1'08.570 Gold Time: 1'06.200 Coffee Break 4 - Cones - Gymkhana Here's yet another coffee break. There are cones placed on the lines within the Gymkhana course. After your start, head to this area and finish the course without touching the cones. When you get to the finish line, bring your car to a complete stop. There are a variety of corners here, including a slalom, as well as 90-degree turns, so all the techniques you've mastered so far will be put to the test. Skillful use of the throttle is definitely required. Be mindful of the car's handling balance when tackling this section. Nissan 350Z Roadster (Z33) '03 Bronze Time: --'--.--- Silver Time: 0'42.230 Gold Time: 0'41.000 IA-9 - City Street Challenge: 4 This test takes place in the middle section of the Opera Paris street course. Let's see how well you can negotiate its wide variety of turns. Accelerate out of the box, and you'll come to a plaza with a chicane. Brake in a straight line, and drive on top of the left- and right-side curbing. Use some throttle steer here. After the following straight, you'll get to the Opera House. Trail brake into this corner. Make sure you slow the car down enough to get on top of the curbing on this first corner in the open square. For the following hairpin, be patient with the throttle and stay to the inside of the corner. The road surface has many irregularities, so if you go to the outside edges in some places, you will get understeer. Citroen Xsara VTR '03 Bronze Time: 0'45.760 Silver Time: 0'43.827 Gold Time: 0'42.550 IA-10 - 1 Lap Guide Run (Fuji Speedway 2005) Let's use the pace car once again for this test. Follow the pace car for a lap of Fuji Speedway 2005F. The overall layout of the track is similar to the 90's version of the track, but there are changes in the details, so don't take this new version lightly. For example, on the latter half of the track, there's a new tight corner, hidden from view, so you must exercise caution. Observe the racing line of the pace car and memorize the track's layout. Toyota CALDINA GT-FOUR '02 Bronze Time: 2'25.000 Silver Time: 2'16.300 Gold Time: 2'13.000 IA-11 - Competition dirt racing: 2 We'll now test your ability through high-speed corners on dirt. The site is the final portion of the Swiss Alps Course. You'll jump two hills after the start, then come upon tight S-curves. Start braking on the outside of the first corner and then prepare to slide through the turn. Once you swing the rear end out and establish your drift, use the momentum to slide and drift smoothly through the left-hand corner. If you slow the car down too much before the first corner, you won't have the momentum to change the direction of the slide for the second corner. Try it over and over to find the optimum entry speed. Repeat the same technique for the next right-hander, but keep in mind that this corner is quite deep, so the key is to maintain your drift to the end of the corner. Use the steering and the throttle to keep the car pointed in the correct direction. Mitsubishi PAJERO Evolution Rally Raid Car '03 Bronze Time: 0'33.000 Silver Time: 0'30.694 Gold Time: 0'29.800 IA-12 - Driving on Snow: 2 The latter section of Chamonix is the venue for the high-speed test on ice and snow. The level of friction of snow and ice is lower than dirt so car control is of the essence. The key here are the hairpins. Set the car up for the drift, swinging the car out in the opposite direction, then swinging it back toward the turn. The momentum caused by the change of direction should allow you to slide through the corner more effectively. Start the slide in one direction using the steering wheel as you either hit the brakes or lift off the throttle. This feint will help you achieve a smooth powerful drift. Usually, drifting through a corner means going in at high speed, but on snow, if you don't slow the car down properly, you'll get lots of understeer. Toyota CELICA GT-FOUR Rally Car (ST185) '95 Bronze Time: 1'04.800 Silver Time: 1'00.770 Gold Time: 0'59.000 IA-13 - Tackling Complex Corner Sequences: 5 For our high-speed cornering test, we'll go to the super high-speed section of the Nurburgring's North course. Make sure you're in constant control of your high-speed car's speed on this course. After the start, the first left-right- left can be taken flat out. Start braking for the esses when the road begins to climb. There isn't much to the first right-hander, but the following left is rather tight, so make sure you get the car slowed down enough to clear this corner. Trail braking is necessary, therefore, keeping the car on the driving surface when slowing the car down is a must. If you don't stick to the inside of the corner, you won't be able to establish a good time. The two left-hand corners are rather deep so be careful. BMW M5 '05 Bronze Time: 0'28.500 Silver Time: 0'27.030 Gold Time: 0'25.580 IA-14 - Tackling Complex Corner Sequences: 6 Now for S-curves with a high degree of difficulty. We'll use the latter part of Twin Ring Motegi's road course. After the start, take the first left-hander flat out. Then immediately get on the brakes as you approach the esses. For the first left-hander, try to get onto the curbing as deep into the corner as possible or you won't be able to make the turn for the next right-hander. If you get too anxious with the throttle for the right-hander, you'll get understeer and go off. Try to get the car in a straight line as soon as possible. Your test vehicle is a high-powered front-engine/rear drive car, which means if you get on the gas too abruptly, you'll invoke power oversteer. TVR Tamora '02 Bronze Time: 0'15.340 Silver Time: 0'14.472 Gold Time: 0'14.200 IA-15 - 1 Lap Guide Run (Nurburgring North Course) Now for a session with the pace car again. Let's take a lap around the challenging Nurburgring's North course. It's an incredibly long course, with one lap measuring about 12 miles. There are more than 170 corners here, so don't try to set a blistering time right away. You'll need to memorize the course first. Not only will you need to remember the sections you've seen before, but you'll need to learn some new bits as well. Make sure you input every inch of this track into your brain before going all out. Memorize the location of the curbing and the width of the track in various places for these bits of information will come in handy. Once you've done this, then start finding the proper line through the course. Observe the pace car carefully, and follow its line precisely. Mercedes-Benz 190 E 2.5 - 16 Evolution III '91 Bronze Time: 10'00.000 Silver Time: 9'23.000 Gold Time: 9'02.600 IA-16 - Graduation Test To obtain your International A-Class Racing License, you'll need to successfully run the Sarthe Circuit at full wick in a Group C racing car. You'll start on the Mulsanne Straight. From here, you'll be running flat out for about 4 miles. Despite being a straight, there are slight kinks here, as well as road irregularities; be ready at all times on the steering wheel. The brakes are very powerful on this car so use the 200-meter post as the indicator to begin braking. After the right-hander, you'll be on another straight for about a mile. Then you'll be confronted with some tricky corners, one of them Indianapolis and the other, a 90-degree turn called Arnage. Treat the latter as if you were running a street course, and enjoy the rush of 237 mph on the straight. Nissan R92CP Race Car '92 Bronze Time: 1'52.300 Silver Time: 1'47.000 Gold Time: 1'43.400 Super License S-1 - 1 Lap Time Trial (Twin Ring Motegi Road Course) You'll be tested on how quickly you can complete one lap of Motegi's road course. You've already seen various parts of this track in previous tests, so try to remember how you ran those sections when going all out here. Your test vehicle is a race car, therefore the brakes in particular are very powerful. There are many corners where you'll need to take a dedicated line and pace, so try not to dive into these corners too abruptly or you'll lose precious seconds. The main attraction of this track is the part from the first overpass to just after the esses. Your top speed on the straights will depend on the lines you take through the corners, so always keep in mind entry and exit speed. Honda Gathers Drider CIVIC Race Car '98 Bronze Time: 2'26.700 Silver Time: 2'21.110 Gold Time: 2'17.000 S-2 - 1 Lap Time Trial (Citta di Aria) You'll be timed through a full lap of Italy's street course. Go as fast as you can through these narrow city orads. The spots to gain the most time are the hairpin, which you've already see before in previous tests, and the downhill tight corner located between the rock walls. The hairpin is a late-apexer so don't turn in too quickly here. The numerous tight corners of this course are challenging, but if you think out-in-out on this narrow thoroughfare, you'll find that you'll develop a rhythm. Try and remember how the pace car ran through the course. Your test vehicle is the Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto. Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto '66 Bronze Time: 2'26.440 Silver Time: 2'21.000 Gold Time: 2'17.000 S-3 - 1 Lap Time Trial (Special Stage Route 5) Making its first appearance in the licensing portion of the game is Special Stage Route 5, of which you'll be doing one complete lap. This course has numerous technical sections, such as S-curves and late-apexers, so make sure you have a plan of attack before going all out. You'll be piloting the super high-performance Saleen S7, so all your skills will be put to the test. The most important part of this track are the series of corners after the tunnel. Don't concentrate on just one corner here, rather devise a strategy for getting through the entire section. There's a hairpin located at the top of the straight. You'll need to brake while you're still drive uphill. The following straight and right-hander should be taken in a similar way. Don't get too aggressive and overcook it on this track because this track makes you pay for it. Saleen S7 '02 Bronze Time: 1'33.400 Silver Time: 1'27.000 Gold Time: 1'24.500 S-4 - 1 Lap Time Trial (Costa di Amalfi) Here's a course developed on a resort island. It's called Amalfi Circuit and you'll be required to run one full lap. You'll experience a hillclimb that'll take you to the top of the island, followed by an intense downhill section. The course layout can be simply characterized as: a bunch of straights connected by hairpins. Keep in mind that your exit speed out of the corners will determine your top speed on the straights. Also remember that on the first-half of the course, the uphill section, you'll get more understeer than normal because less weight is on the front tires. Brake hard to transfer weight to the fronts then point the car in the correct direction. Through the latter half of the course, the downhill portion, make sure you brake in a straight line, if you brake while turning, you'll upset the balance of the car. Lancia STRATOS Rally Car '77 Bronze Time: 2'27.500 Silver Time: 2'21.110 Gold Time: 2'17.000 S-5 - 1 Lap Time Trial (Seattle) This is another course you're seeing for the first time in the licensing portion of the game. It's called the Seattle Circuit, and you'll be timed doing a full lap. We'll be using the Ford GT as the test car. It's a tricky city road course with plenty of challenging corners after another, so make sure you memorize the layout before seriously going for a good lap time. The first hairpin after the starting line is your first obstacle. You'll need to brake about 200 meters before getting to the corner; make sure you slow the car down enough to make the turn. The intense uphill straight leads to a blind 90- degree turn, so you'll have to start braking before the corner becomes visible. Then there are two places where the car gets airborne. The course widens here, so make full use of the road and open up the throttle. Use the curbing that's on most of the corners; let it help you point the car in the correct direction. This course gives you a taste of the exhilaration of high speed driving. Ford GT '05 Bronze Time: 1'43.200 Silver Time: 1'37.500 Gold Time: 1'34.200 S-6 - 1 Lap Time Trial (Ice Arena) Driving in the snow, that's what it's all about here at the Snow Arena Course. You'll be timed doing one full lap. Although it's short in length, this course is quite the challenge. The reason: the driving surface here is very slick, so steering, accelerating and braking are less responsive than on dry tarmac. Accelerating may be the trickiest, so be delicate on the throttle; remember, the most important thing is making the car progress forward. And, much in the same manner as previous tests on slick surfaces, sliding the car is the best way to get around quickly. Crank the steering as you enter a corner, lift off the gas or get on the brakes, and you'll get the rear to break loose. This will get the car to drift. Once you've done that, use the steering and the gas pedal to control the drift. If you don't have enough weight on the front tires, you'll understeer off the track. If you're too aggressive on the throttle, you'll spin, so be careful. Hyundai Accent Rally Car '01 Bronze Time: 1'00.900 Silver Time: 0'58.710 Gold Time: 0'57.000 S-7 - 1 Lap Time Trial (Trial Mountain) Now you'll be timed for a lap around the Trial Mountain Course, with its jagged rocks and stone cliff walls. It's a high-speed course that requires first-rate driving skills, so use all that you've learned from the previous tests to clear this stage. The highlight of this course is a section you've seen previously, the part after you clear the tunnel. The driving surface of the first right- hander is slick so make sure you're ready for understeer when turning in. Through the next tunnel, start on the right and gradually veer to the left. Cut across the yellow border line at the exit to get as much speed as possible for the straight. There's a tight blind corner to follow, but if you find the ideal line here, you'll be able to keep your speed high. Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren '03 Bronze Time: 1'38.300 Silver Time: 1'32.000 Gold Time: 1'30.500 S-8 - 1 Lap Time Trial (Tokyo Route 246) For this test, you'll be timed for a full lap of Tokyo Route 246, a street course that cuts through the heart of Tokyo. This long track can be driven mostly flat out, so finding the right driving line is paramount. One of the key points here is getting the braking point correct for the first corner. There's a 100-meter sign before the corner, start braking right before you get to the sign. Then you'll come upon an oval section. Driving on top of the inside curbing here will result in better lap times. The speed through the final corner under the overpass is also important. Be careful not to carry too much speed through certain parts of the track, and make sure you drive over as much of th curbing as possible. If you drive over the curbing correctly, you'll get better lap times...not only here but on virtually any other race track. Honda TAKATA DOME NSX (JGTC) '03 Bronze Time: 1'42.000 Silver Time: 1'36.330 Gold Time: 1'33.000 Coffee Break 5 - Cone Maze Challenge This is your final coffee break. We've created a special course within the Gymkhana course. Inside, there are 50 cones. Your objective is to hit every one of these cones located within the special course. You won't be disqualified by hitting the walls here, but it will result in loss of time, so be careful. You can even use reverse here, just as long as you hit every cone. Give it some thought and devise the best route to strike each one of these cones. Honda BEAT Version F '92 Bronze Time: --'--.--- Silver Time: 1'36.000 Gold Time: 1'33.000 S-9 - 1 Lap Time Trial (El Capitan) Now for a timed lap of the El Captain Course (typo here), pieces of which you've seen a number of times already. Keep in mind that this course has intense elevation changes, so maintaining the balance of the car is vital. The key part of this track is the section after the first right-hand corner. Because the driving surface changes abruptly, be careful of sudden understeer. Also, take note of the blind corner after the tunnel. Make sure you're set up for this corner before it becomes visible. In fact, always envision the corner ahead of the one you're taking. There are parts on this track where you'll see stones and rubble to the side; there's very little grip here, so staying away from these irregularities is recommended. Dodge VIPER SRT10 '03 Bronze Time: 2'00.000 Silver Time: 1'51.300 Gold Time: 1'47.800 S-10 - 1 Lap Time Trial (Grand Canyon) Let's now do a timed lap of the Grand Canyon Course, a long, dirt track. You'll need plenty of concentration to complete this 3.5-km circuit. The key point here is the section near the cliffs. There are many corners where you'll need to slide the car, so car control is vital in establishing a good lap time. The important things to remember when sliding your car are braking and lifting off the throttle. The tight part at the end of the cliff section can make or break your run. Getting too flashy with your driving may result in loss of time, so be as efficient as possible. Mitsubishi STARION 4WD Rally Car '84 Bronze Time: 3'02.000 Silver Time: 2'53.000 Gold Time: 2'47.000 S-11 - 1 Lap Time Trial (Opera Paris) The pristine streets of Paris is the site for this track, the Opera Paris Course. You'll be doing a timed lap. Although this course is relatively simple, there are a number of chicanes placed at open sections of the track. Getting the car slowed down and effectively negotiating the chicanes are key to getting a good lap time. Because the performance of the car is so high, make sure you find the correct braking points for every corner. There are surface irregularities on this track, which tends to happen on city streets that collect standing water, so when you get set up on the outside edges of the road, you may experience understeer. The Place de la Concord serves as the start and finish line. Envision and think of this track in its entirety as you devise your plan of attack. Renault Clio Renault Sport V6 Phase 2 '03 Bronze Time: 1'44.230 Silver Time: 1'38.500 Gold Time: 1'36.620 S-12 - 1 Lap Time Trial (Suzuka Circuit) Now for a timed lap of the most famous course in Japan, Suzuka. You'll be using the Motul Pitwork 350Z that races in the Japanese Grand Touring Championship. Reverse Bank, Degner, Spoon, and t30R, are some of the famous corners on this course. You'll need to use all of your driving skills to get a good lap time here. The thing about Suzuka is that you can't establish a good lap time by just concentrating on one corner. To be successful, you must always be planning for one or two corners ahead of the one you're on. This means establishing the correct line and speed well in advance. Envision the course in its entirety--not just bits and pieces at a time--and then devise your plan of attack. Nissan MOTUL PITWORK Z (JGTC) '04 Bronze Time: 2'05.730 Silver Time: 1'59.437 Gold Time: 1'55.919 S-13 - 1 Lap Time Trial (Infineon Raceway - Sports Car Course) California's popular Infineon Raceway is the site for our next test. We'll be doing a timed lap of the sports-car course known better as Sears Point. It's a track that has been designed into the region's rolling hills, resulting in a unique layout. After the start, you'll have a steep uphill climb. It's difficult to see the road ahead, with blind corners aplenty, as well as slick spots where traction is bad, so proceed with caution. About halfway through the course, you'll be traveling downhill. After the hairpin, there are a number of slow corners; so establishing a good rhythm is key to clearing this section. Your test vehicle is the Audi R8, a race car; needless to say, speed -control is important. Audi R8 Race Car '01 Bronze Time: 1'22.700 Silver Time: 1'17.300 Gold Time: 1'16.120 S-14 - 1 Lap Time Trial (Chamonix) We'll be running a full lap of Chamonix for this test. Let's see how quickly you can navigate this long ice track that stretches for more than 2 miles. The snow is partially cleared at the start of the course; nevertheless, there's very little grip and traction here. If you drive on the outside of the track where there are patches of snow, you're more than likely to spin, caused by the difference in grip between the right and left tires. In the tunnel, the snow on the ground and a number delicate on the throttle and concentrate on the forward progress of your car, and you should be okay. There are plenty of places where the car's balance will be compromised as well as the tires' traction, so refrain from being overly aggressive on the throttle, otherwise you'll spin. The driving surface is slicker here than on dirt, so be cautious. Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Rally Car '85 Bronze Time: 2'40.043 Silver Time: 2'30.895 Gold Time: 2'26.500 S-15 - 1 Lap Time Trial (Circuit de la Sarthe) The internationally famous high-speed track of Le Mans, Sarthe Circuit 1, is the venue for this test, one full timed lap. Our mount is the Bentley Speed 8 race car. This course can be divided into three main high-speed sections. The first and longest, the Mulsanne Straight or Hunadiers, has two chicanes, but the most challenging is the straight that leads onto Indianapolis Corner. Here, the track is narrow, and there's a slight bend; therefore, unless you take the proper line, you're going off. And be careful not to drive on the curbing too much here. The infield section of the permanent course has elevation changes with corners that are difficult to see. There are also corners on a flat plane right after a steep uphill climb. Remember that without the proper weight on the front tires, you'll invoke understeer. Bentley Speed 8 Race Car '03 Bronze Time: 3'36.600 Silver Time: 3'25.400 Gold Time: 3'19.000 S-16 - 1 Lap Time Trial (Nurburgring North Course) To obtain your Super License, you'll need to master the ultimate challenge in sports-car driving, the North Course at the Nurburgring. Make use of all the skills you've learned thus far to tackle this test. Your test car has more performance than the pace car you followed previously, with higher average speeds, so always be thinking ahead. After crossing the bridge near the start of the track, you'll come upon a high-speed section where your driving line must be precise. Then there's a highly technical section that comes after the off-camber Carrouset; make sure you hug the curbing through these corners. By just changing your line slightly, you many gain more speed through some parts of this track, thus improving your lap time. You'll find that the more you lap the Ring, the more you'll discover its profound nature. AMG Mercedes 190 E 2.5 - 16 Evolution II Touring Car '92 Bronze Time: 7'58.300 Silver Time: 7'30.000 Gold Time: 7'07.700 Prizes B License All Bronze: Volkswagen Lupo 1.4 '02 B License All Silver: Mazda Kusabi '03 B License All Gold: Honda S500 '63 A License All Bronze: Pontiac Sunfire GXP Concept '02 A License All Silver: Acura DN-X '02 A License All Gold: Nissan Skyline GT-R '01 IB License All Bronze: Nike One 2022 IB License All Silver: Mazda RX-8 Concept (Type-II) '04 IB License All Gold: Jensen-Healey Interceptor Mk.III '74 IA License All Bronze: Nismo 270R '94 (S14) IA License All Silver: Nissan GT-R Concept '01 IA License All Gold: Dome Zero '78 S License All Bronze: Mercury Cougar XR-7 '67 S License All Silver: Pontiac Solstice Coupe Concept '02 S License All Gold: Ford Model T Tourer '15 *Note - You can only win License Exam prize cars once. ============================================================================== ======================== 6b.USED CAR LOTS (GTUCL) ======================== There are three used car lots where you can buy used cars from different timeframes for less than the cost of a new car. A lot of cars can only be bought used. Every so often, there will be a 'special' 10Km car in one of the used car lots. These will denoted by their mileage being written in orange(it should read 6.2 miles or something like that). Historic Showroom - The cars available here are pre-1990 Used Car Showroom I - The cars available here are from 1990-1995 Used Car Showroom II - The cars avilable here are from 1996-2002 ----------------- 10km/6.2mile cars ----------------- *All research done by mister playboy and Zach Keene of* Day 1 Week 1 NONE Day 8 Week 2 NONE Day 15 Week 3 Subaru Impreza WRX STi Sedan '94 (Black) Day 22 Week 4 NONE Day 29 Week 5 NONE Day 36 Week 6 NONE Day 43 Week 7 Nissan Sklyine GT-R Vspec '95 (Silver) Mazda Miata 1.8 RS '98 (White) Day 50 Week 8 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 '98 (Black) Day 57 Week 9 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 '96 (Black) Day 64 Week 10 NONE Day 71 Week 11 NONE Day 78 Week 12 NONE Day 85 Week 13 Honda Ballade CRX '83 (Red) Mazda RX-7 GT-Limited '85 (Silver) Toyota MR2 GLimited SC '86 (White/Grey) Nissan Silvia 1800 K's "88 (Bluish Silver) Nissan PAO '89 (Aqua Grey) Nissan Stagea 25t RS Four S '98 (Black) Day 92 Week 14 Mazda RX-7 GT-Limited '85 (Black) Day 99 Week 15 Honda S2000 '99 (Silverstone Metallic) Day 106 Week 16 NONE Day 113 Week 17 Mazda RX-7 Type R '91 (Red) Day 120 Week 18 NONE Day 127 Week 19 NONE Day 134 Week 20 NONE Day 141 Week 21 TVR V8S '91 (Space Blue Pearl) Day 148 Week 22 Nissan Skyline HT 2000 RSX Turbo '84 (White) Nissan Be-1 '87 (Hydragea Blue) Toyota Supra 3.0GT Turbo A '88 (Black) Mazda Miata '89 (White) Day 155 Week 23 NONE Day 162 Week 24 Ford Mustang Cobra R '00 (Performance Red, of course!) Day 169 Week 25 NONE Day 176 Week 26 NONE Day 183 Week 27 Honda NSX '93 (Bay Leaf Green) Day 190 Week 28 NONE Day 197 Week 29 NONE --I did notice a Lotus Carlton with 38004.3 miles this week... this car is usually found with 60K other times it appears. Perhaps the lowest mileage Carlton available?-- Day 204 Week 30 Mazda 323F (Sparkle Green) Day 211 Week 31 Nissan Skyline GTS-R '87 (Blue Black) Day 218 Week 32 Nissan Silvia 2000cc Q's '91 (White) Day 225 Week 33 Subaru Impreza Sedan STi '94 (Vivian Red) MG MGF '97 (Platnium) Toyota Celica GT-Four '98 (Black) Daihatsu Midget II '98 (Red Mica) Subaru Impreza Sedan STi '99 (Cashmere Yellow) Subaru Impreza Wagon STi '00 (Silver) Honda S2000 Type V '01 (Ascari Red) Day 232 Week 34 NONE Day 239 Week 35 Nissan Skyline GT-R Vspec '97 (White) Day 246 Week 36 NONE Day 253 Week 37 Toyota Sprinter Trueno '83 (High Flash Two Tone) Nissan Silvia 1800cc Q's '88 (Warm White) Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 '95 (Mariana Blue) Opel Tigra 1.6 '99 (Blue) Day 260 Week 38 Toyota Supra 2.5GT Twin Turbo R '90 (Red Mica) Suzuki Cappuccino '91 (Cordoba Red) Day 267 Week 39 NONE Day 274 Week 40 Toyota Corolla Levin '83 (High Tech Two Tone) Nissan Be-1 '87 (Hydragea Blue) Day 281 Week 41 Sorinter Trueno GT-APEX Shuichi Shigeno Version '00 (White/Black; not a 10km but everyone keeps asking about it) Day 288 Week 42 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi '94 (Light Silver Metallic) Day 295 Week 43 None Day 302 Week 44 Opel Tigra 1.6i '99 (Starsilber) Day 309 Week 45 None Day 316 Week 46 Honda BEAT Version Z '93 (Everglade Green Metallic) Mazda RX-7 Type R-S (FD, J) '95 (Vintage Red) Day 323 Week 47 Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX Shuichi Shigeno Version '00 (W/B; still not a 10km) Day 330 Week 48 None Day 337 Week 49 Honda TODAY G '85 (Quartz Silver Metallic) Honda S2000 Type V '01 (Ascari Red) Day 344 Week 50 None Day 351 Week 51 Honda BEAT Version F '92 (Aztec Green Pearl) Honda CIVIC SiR-II (EG) '95 (Vogue Silver Metallic) Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX Shuichi Shigeno Version '00 (still W/B, still not a 10km) Day 358 Week 52 Mitsubishi FTO GPX '99 (Issel Blue Pearl) Day 365 Week 53 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R Vspec '93 (Gun Gray Metallic) Day 372 Week 54 None Day 379 Week 55 Toyota COROLLA LEVIN BZ-R '98 (Green Mica Metallic) VW Golf IV GTI '01 (Muranorot Perleffect) Day 386 Week 56 Toyota COROLLA LEVIN GT-APEX '83 (High-Tech Two-Tone) Honda INTEGRA TYPE R (DC2) '95 (Granada Black Pearl) Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX Shuichi Shigeno Version '00 (you know the drill) Day 393 Week 57 None Day 400 Week 58 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R N1 '91 (Crystal White) Day 407 Week 59 None Day 414 Week 60 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R Vspec '93 (Crystal White) Day 421 Week 61 Acura INTEGRA Type-R '01 (Flamenco Pearl Black) Day 428 Week 62 None Day 435 Week 63 None Day 442 Week 64 Honda NSX Type S '97 (Sebring Silver Metallic) Day 449 Week 65 Honda INTEGRA TYPE R (DC2) '98 (Milano Red) Day 456 Week 66 Mazda MX-5 Miata S-Special Type I (J) '95 (Montego Blue Mica) Day 463 Week 67 [Most color names not exact since there's more of them than can be bought in one week.] Honda S600 '64 (Scarlet) Isuzu PIAZZA XE '81 (Sunrise Red) Honda CITY Turbo II '83 (Greek White) Honda CIVIC 1500 3door 25i '83 (Baltic Blue) Honda BALLADE SPORTS CR-X 1.5i '83 (Victoria Red) Nissan Fairlady Z 300ZX (Z31) '83 (White) Toyota COROLLA LEVIN GT-APEX '83 (Red/Black) Toyota SPRINTER TRUENO GT-APEX '83 (High Tech Two-Tone) Mazda RX-7 GT-Limited (FC, J) '85 (White) Honda TODAY G '85 (Red) Toyota CELICA 2000GT-FOUR (ST165) '86 (Red) Toyota CELICA 2000GT-R (ST162) '86 (Dark Grey) Volvo 240 GLT Estate '88 (Black) Honda NSX '90 (Grey) Fiat Panda Super i.e. '90 (Red) Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 Turbo (J) '96 (White) (The Sprinter Trueno SS Version also returns this week in a ~15000 mi version, the lowest I've seen thus far.) Day 470 Week 68 None Day 477 Week 69 Honda ACCORD Coupe '88 (New Polar White) Nissan SKYLINE GT-R '97 (Midnight Purple Pearl) Opel Tigra 1.6i '99 (Schwarz) Day 484 Week 70 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution II GSR '94 (Queens Silver Pearl) Day 491 Week 71 None Day 498 Week 72 Nissan SILVIA Q's (S13) '88 (Super Black) Honda INTEGRA TYPE R (DC2) '98 (Vogue Silver Metallic) Day 505 Week 73 None Day 512 Week 74 Toyota CELICA 2000GT-R (ST162) '86 (Super Red II) Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX Shuichi Shigeno Version '00 (22375.9 mi) Day 519 Week 75 Mazda RX-7 Type RZ (FD, J) '92 (Brilliant Black) Mitsubishi 3000GT SL (J) '95 (Symphonic Silver Metallic) Peugeot 406 3.0 V6 Coupe '98 (Gris Thallium) Toyota SPRINTER TRUENO BZ-R '98 (Super White II) Renault Megane 2.0 IDE Coupe '00 (Gris Boreal) Day 526 Week 76 None Day 533 Week 77 No 10kms but yet another Sprinter Trueno SS Ver '00. Day 540 Week 78 Nissan SKYLINE HT 2000 Turbo RS '83 (White) Toyota MR2 1600 G-Limited SC '86 (Blue Mica) Mitsubishi MINICA DANGAN ZZ '89 (Lamp Black) Day 547 Week 79 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Ver.II '95 (Active Red) Daihatsu Midget II D-type '98 (Emerald Green Metallic) Honda S2000 Type V '00 (Berlina Black) Day 554 Week 80 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R N1 '95 (White) Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX Shuichi Shigeno Version (27131.6 mi) Day 561 Week 81 Nissan SKYLINE HT 2000 RS-X Turbo C'84 (White) Mitsubishi MINICA DANGAN ZZ '89 (Ivy Green) Day 568 Week 82 None Day 575 Week 83 None Day 582 Week 84 None Day 589 Week 85 Honda PRELUDE Type S '98 (Milano Red) Day 596 Week 86 None Day 603 Week 87 None Day 610 Week 88 Honda TODAY G '85 (Flame Red) Nissan SKYLINE GT-R '89 (Black Pearl Metallic) Day 617 Week 89 Nissan Fairlady Z 300ZX (Z31) '83 (Wine Two-Tone) Toyota MR2 1600 G-Limited SC '86 (Super Red II) Mitsubishi Galant 2.0 DOHC Turbo VR-4 '89 (Sophia White) Day 624 Week 90 Toyota SUPRA 2.5GT Twin Turbo R '90 (Black) Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex Shuichi Shigeno Version '00 (26403.3 mi) Day 631 Week 91 Honda PRELUDE Si VTEC '91 (Phantom Gray Pearl) Day 638 Week 92 Daihatsu STORIA CX 4WD '98 (Mustard Yellow) Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex Shuichi Shigeno Version '00 (27267.9 mi) Day 645 Week 93 Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex Shuichi Shigeno Version '00 (30402.5 mi) Day 652 Week 94 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R Vspec N1 '93 (Crystal White) Nissan SILVIA Varietta (S15) '00 (Brilliant Blue) Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX Shuichi Shigeno Version '00 (30294.4 mi) Day 659 Week 95 None Day 666 Week 96 Honda CIVIC 1500 3door 25i '83 (Gothic Gray Metallic) Day 673 Week 97 Mitsubishi ECLIPSE GT '95 (Appalachian Black) Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX Shuichi Shigeno Version (12794.6 mi) Day 680 Week 98 None Day 687 Week 99 Honda BEAT '91 (Festival Red) Nissan SKYLINE GT-R N1 '91 (Crystal White) Honda BEAT Version F '92 (Aztec Green Pearl) Honda NSX '93 (Quasar Gray Pearl) Mitsubishi FTO GPX '94 (Steel Silver) Mitsubishi ECLIPSE GT '95 (Pasadena Red) Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution III GSR '95 (Dandelion Yellow) Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX Shuichi Shigeno Version (14062.1 mi) Day 694 Week 100 Black car week! ============================================================================== ===================== 6c. CAR TOWNS (GTTOW) ===================== Car Towns are groups of car dealerships that are sorted by region. Within each dealership you can purchase New Cars, Classic Cars, go to the Tune Shop, and in some, competein One-Make races. You can also buy cars in the tuning shops that have already been tuned. ----- Japan Performance Brand ----- Daihatsu DRS Honda Mugen Isuzu Mazda Mazdaspeed Misubishi RalliArt Nissan Nismo Subaru STi Suzuki Suzuki Sport Toyota TRD Acura Tommy Kaira ASL Dome --- USA --- Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Mopar Dodge Mopar Ford Ford Racing Panoz Plymouth Pontiac Saleen Shelby Buick Callaway DeLorean Eagle Jay Leno Mercury Infiniti Lexus Chaparral Scion Nike ------- Germany ------- Audi BMW Mercedes-Benz Opel Volkswagen Ruf -- UK -- Aston Martin Ginetta Bentley Jaguar Lotus MG Mini TVR Jensen Lister Marcos Caterham Land Rover AC Cars Triumph ----- Italy ----- Alfa Romeo Lancia Autobianchi Pagani Fiat Cizeta ------ France ------ Citroen Renault Peugeot Pescarolo Sports Alpine Hommell ----- Spain ----- SEAT ----------- Netherlands ----------- Spyker ------ Sweden ------ Volvo ------- Belgium ------- Gillet ----- Korea ----- Hyundai Proto Motors --------- Australia --------- Ford Ford Racing Holden FPV(Ford Performance Vehicles) Ford Racing Tuner Village is a collection of tuning brands. You can buy parts and perform tuning for certain cars that can't be done at the make tuning shop. Here is a list of the brands along with cars that I know can be tuned in each of them(there may be more that I don't know about yet) - HPA ---- HKS ---- RE Amemiya ---------- Mazda RX-7 Amuse ----- Honda S2000 Opera ----- Honda S2000 Nissan 350Z Spoon ----- Honda Civic Honda Integra Honda S2000 Blitz ----- Tom's ----- Trial ----- Mine's ------ ============================================================================== =============== 6d.HOME (GTHOM) =============== This is your base of operations during the Gran Turismo career. It has a garage where all your used cars are stored and a photo album. You can also save the game here if necessary and check your career statistics. Garage - This is where you store all your acquired cars. They can be sorted by a number of different areas including horsepower, make, drivetrain etc. Status - Here you can view data such as total game completion percentage, the nember of days that have passed, licenses acquired, etc. Photo Album - Develop and view your pictures taken in Photo Travel mode. Diary - This keeps track of your major achievements and transactions taking place in Gran Turismo mode. Trade - Here you can trade or sell cars to another memory card. Option - Here you can customize various game settings. Save - well, um . . . . . save your progress ============================================================================== ====================== 6e.EVENT HALLS (GTEVE) ====================== These are halls which contain races that are restricted by certain factors. This is where the majority of races take place in Gran Turismo mode. The format for events is as following: Name - Type -Tracks - No. of Laps Regulations -Tires S/S = Standard/Sport -Cars -Required License for A-Spec(no license needed for B-spec) Prize cr.(1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th) =(Championship win prize)= Recommended Cars *Note - There is a prize car listing above. You can win prize cars as many times as you want. For championship races, just re-enter the whole series. For single races, enter one and it will ask if you want to clear the records. Select OK and re-do all the races, getting golds in each. --------------- Beginner Events --------------- Sunday Cup - Single Race -Autumn Ring Mini Reverse - 2 -Driving Park Beginner - 4 -High Speed Ring - 2 -CSR 5 Reverse - 2 -Twin Ring Motegi - West - 3 -S/S -Any -None 600/500/400/300/200/100 Any starter car --------------------------------- FF Challenge - Single Race -Mid-Field Reverse - 2 -Suzuka East - 3 -Hong Kong Reverse - 2 -Grand Valley East - 2 -Twin Ring Motegi East - 2 -S/S -FF drivetrain only -None 1,500/500/400/300/200/100 Honda Civic(any) Mitsubishi Eclipse(any) -------------------------------- FR Challenge - Single Race -Seattle - 2 -Tsukuba - 3 -SSR 5 - 2 -Laguna Seca - 2 -Motoraland Reverse - 4 -S/S -FR drivetrain only -None 1,500/500/400/300/200/100 Mazda RX-7(any) Toyota Supra(any) Mazda Miata(any) --------------------------------- MR Challenge - Single Race -Beginner Course - 5 -Autumn Ring Reverse - 2 -New York Reverse - 2 -Fuji Speedway 90's - 2 -El Capitan - 2 -S/S -MR drivetrain only -None 2,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Lotus Elise 111R Honda NSX(any) Toyota MR-2 ---------------------------------- 4WD Challenge - Single Race -Grand Valley East - 2 -Autumn Ring Mini Reverse - 4 -Suzuka East - 3 -El Capitan Reverse - 2 -Fuji Speedway 90's - 2 -S/S -4WD drivetrain only -None 1,500/500/400/300/200/100 Mitsubishi Lancer(any) Nissan Skyline(any) Subaru Impreza(any) ----------------------------------- Light-weight K-Car Cup - Single Race -Motorland - 4 -Tsukuba - 3 -Beginner - 7 -S/S -3400mm or less -None 2,000/500/400/300/200/100 Honda Beat Suzuki Cappucino Daihatsu Copen ----------------------------------- Spider & Roadster - Single Race -Twin Ring Motegi East - 2 -Trial Mountain Reverse - 2 -Infineon Sports - 2 -S/S -Convertibles only -B 3,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Lotus Elise 111R Honda S-2000 Chevrolet SSR ----------------------------------- Sports Truck Race - Single Race -Fuji Speedway 90's - 2 -Laguna Seca - 2 -Seattle Reverse - 2 -S/S -Any truck -None 1,200/600/500/400/300/200 Ford F-150 SVT Lightning ------------------- Professional Events ------------------- Clubman Cup - Single Race -Apricot Hill - 3 -Twin Ring Motegi - East - 3 -Seoul Central Reverse - 4 -CSR5 - 5 -Deep Forest - 3 -S/S -Any -B 3,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Nissan Skyline(any) Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution(any) ------------------------------------ Tuning Car Grand Prix - Championship -Apricot Hill Reverse - 3 -Fuji Speedway 90's - 3 -Tokyo R246 - 2 -El Capitan Reverse - 3 -Tsukuba - 5 -Any -Any -A 10,000/6,000/4,000/3,000/1,000/500 =20,000= ------------------------------------ Race of NA Sports - Single Race -Infineon Sports- 3 -Apricot Hill Reverse - 3 -Twin Ring Motegi Road - 3 -SSR5 Reverse - 3 -Trial Mountain - 3 -S/S -N/A engines only -B 7,500/5,000/2,500/1,000/500/300 Pagani Zonda C12 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 Lotus Elise 111R Honda NSX Ford Mustang SVT Cobra R BMW M5 ------------------------------------- Race of Turbo Sports - Single Race -Fuji Speedway 80's - 3 -Tokyo R246 Reverse - 2 -High Speed Ring - 3 -New York Reverse - 3 -Mid-Field - 3 -S/S -Turbo engines only -B 7,500/5,000/2,500/1,000/500/300 Nissan Skyline(any) Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution(any) Toyota Supra RZ Subaru Impreza(any) Dodge SRT-4 -------------------------------------- Boxer Spirit - Single Race -Hong Kong - 4 -Infineon Sports - 3 -Deep Forest Reverse - 3 -S/S -Boxer engines (Subaru Impreza, Subaru Legacy, Ruf RGT, Ruf 3400s, VW Karmann, etc.) -B 7,500/5,000/2,500/1,000/500/300 Subaru Impreza WRX-STi Ruf RGT Ruf 3400s ------------------------------------ World Classic Car - Championship -Fuji Speedway 80's - 2 -El Capitan Reverse - 2 -Nurburgring - 1 -Cote d'Azur - 2 -Lagua Seca - 2 -S/S -Up to 1970 -IB 10,000/6,000/4,000/3,000/1,000/500 =50,000= Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 Buick Special Plymouth Superbird ------------------------------------- World Compact - Championship -Seattle - 3 -Tsukuba - 5 -Grand Valley East Reverse - 4 -Hong Kong Reverse - 4 -Twin Ring Motegi East - 4 -S/S -4000mm or less -IB 7,500/5,000/2,500/1,000/500/300 =30,000= Lotus Elise 111R ---------------------------------------------- Supercar Festival - Championship -Seoul - 8 -Fuji Speedway 90's - 6 -New York - 6 -Mid-Field Reverse - 6 -Infineon Sports- 6 -S/S -Production cars only + 493 HP or over -IA 15,000/7,500/5,000/4,000/1,500/800 Ford GT TVR Cerbera Speed 12 Nissan Skyline GT-R M-spec Nur Mercedes SL65 Mercedes SLR McLaren ----------------------------------------------- Gran Turismo World Championship - Championship -Tokyo R246 - 10 -Twin Ring Motegi SS - 21 -Hong Kong - 18 -Seoul Reverse - 19 -El Capitan - 11 -New York - 15 -Opera Paris Reverse - 18 -Suzuka - 9 -Grand Valley Reverse - 11 -Circuit de la Sarthe I - 4 -Any -Any -IA 25,000/7,500/5,000/4,000/1,500/800 =250,000= Polyphony Formula Gran Turismo Toyota Minolta 88C-V Race Car Nissan R92CP Race Car Pagani Zonda Race Car Audi R8 Race Car -------------- Extreme Events -------------- Gran Turismo All Stars - Championship -High Speed Ring Reverse - 7 -Fuji Speedway 80's - 6 -Laguna Seca - 7 -Autumn Ring Reverse - 9 -Test Course - 3 -Grand Valley Reverse - 6 -Suzuka - 5 -Infineon Stock - 8 -Circuit de la Sarthe I - 2 -Nurburgring - 2 -Any -Any -IA 15,000/7,500/5,000/4,000/1,500/800 =100,000= Class C Race Cars ---------------------------------------------- Dream Car Championship - Championship -Opera Paris - 7 -Tokyo R246 Reverse - 4 -Deep Forest - 5 -Seoul Reverse - 7 -Hong Kong - 7 -Test Course - 2 -Beginner Course - 27 -Circuit de la Sarthe II - 2 -El Capitan Reverse - 4 -Cote d'Azur - 7 -Any -Any -S 20,000/8,000/6,000/5,000/2,000/1,000 =200,000= Class C Race Cars --------------------------------------------------- Polyphony Digital Cup - Championship -Twin Ring Motegi Road - 6 -Seattle Reverse - 7 -Infineon Stock - 8 -Tokyo R246 Reverse - 5 -Fuji Speedway 2005 - 6 -Motorland Reverse - 19 -Circuit de la Sarthe I - 2 -El Capitan Reverse - 6 -Suzuka - 5 -Nurburgring - 2 -Any -Any -S 20,000/8,000/6,000/5,000/2,000/1,000 Class C Race Cars ----------------------------------------------------- Like the Wind - Single Race -Test Course - 5 -Any -Any -S 20,000/8,000/6,000/5,000/2,000/1,000 Nissan R92CP Race Car Bentley Speed 8 Race Car Toyota GT-One Race Car ----------------------------------------------------- Formula GT World Championship - Championship -Tokyo R246 - 60 -Twin Ring Motegi SS - 127 -New York - 74 -High Speed Ring - 77 -Grand Valley - 62 -Circuit de la Sarthe I - 23 -Cote d'Azur - 78 -Seoul - 113 -Infineon Sports - 76 -Laguna Seca - 85 -Twin Ring Motegi Road - 64 -Nurburgring - 15 -El Capitan - 64 -Fuji Speedway 2005 - 67 -Suzuka - 53 -Any -Any -S 100,000/25,000/10,000/5,000/2,000/1,000 =3,000,000= Polyphony Formula Gran Turismo ------------------------------------------------- World Circuit Tour - Single Race -Suzuka - 6 -Twin Ring Motegi Road - 8 -Tsukuba - 15 -Laguna Seca - 10 -Infineon Sports - 9 -Fuji Speedway 2005 GT - 8 -Circuit de la Sarthe I - 3 -Nurburgring - 2 -Any -Any -IA 15,000/7,500/5,000/4,000/1,500/800 -------------------------------------------------- Premium Sports Lounge - Single Race -Cote d'Azur - 4 -Opera Paris - 5 -Hong Kong Reverse - 5 -High Speed Ring Reverse - 4 -New York Reverse - 3 -S/S -PREMIUM Production cars only(Mercedes SL/BMW M3 GTR/Ford GT/Lotus Esprit/etc.) -IB 12,000/6,500/5,000/4,000/1,500/800 Mercedes SL65 Mercedes SL McLaren --------------- Japanese Events --------------- Japan Championship - Championship -Fuji Speedway 90's - 5 -Tsukuba - 10 -Tokyo R246 Reverse - 5 -Twin Ring Motegi Road - 4 -Suzuka - 4 -S/S -JP cars only -A 7,500/5,000/2,500/1,000/500/300 =35,000= ----------------------------------------- All Japan GT Championship - Championship -Tokyo R246 - 5 -Suzuka East - 12 -Seoul - 10 -Fuji Speedway 90's - 6 -Twin Ring Motegi SS - 12 -Laguna Seca - 7 -Hong Kong - 9 -Twin Ring Motegi Road - 6 -Fuji Speedway 2005 GT - 6 -Suzuka - 5 -Any -Any -IA 15,000/7,500/5,000/4,000/1,500/800 =100,000= ----------------------------------------- Japanese 70's Classics - Single Race -Fuji Speedway 80's - 2 -Autumn Ring Mini Reverse - 4 -Tsukuba - 3 -Motorland Reverse - 4 -Trial Mountain - 2 -S/S -Japanese production cars from 1970-1979 -B 2,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 ----------------------------------------- Japanese 80's Festival - Single Race -El Capitan - 3 -CSR5 Reverse - 5 -Tsukuba - 5 -Apricot Hill Reverse - 3 -Suzuka - 2 -S/S -Japanese production cars from 1980-1989 -A 3,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Nissan 300ZX(any) ------------------------------------------ Japanese 90's Challenge - Single Race -Apricot Hill - 3 -Grand Valley East Reverse - 4 -Twin Ring Motegi East - 3 -SSR5 Reverse - 3 -Fuji Speedway 90's -S/S -Japanese production cars from 1990-1999 -A 3,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Toyota Supra RZ Nissan Skyline(any) Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution(any) Nissan 350Z(any) ------------------------------------- Japanese Compact Cup - Championship -Twin Ring Motegi East - 2 -Autumn Ring Mini Reverse - 4 -Tsukuba - 3 -Deep Forest Reverse - 2 -Suzuka East - 3 -S/S -Japanese 4000mm or less -B 2,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Toyota Vitz RS Turbo --------------- American Events --------------- All American Championship - Championship -Seattle - 5 -Infineon Sports- 5 -New York - 4 -El Capitan Reverse - 4 -Lagua Seca - 5 -Any -US cars only -A 10,000/6,000/4,000/3,000/1,000/500 =35,000= Chevrolet Camaro LM Race Car Dodge Viper GTSR Concept/SRT-10 Cadillac Cien Chevrolet Corvette C5R Saleen S7 -------------------------------------------- Stars and Stripes - Single Race -Laguna Seca - 3 -Seattle - 3 -Infineon Stock- 3 -S/S -US + production cars only -IB 10,000/6,000/4,000/3,000/1,000/500 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 Ford Mustang SVT Cobra R -------------------------------------------- Hot Rod Competition - Single Race -New York Reverse - 3 -Laguna Seca - 3 -El Capitan - 3 -S/S -US cars only -A 3,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Ford Mustang SVT Cobra R Chevrolet Corvette Z06 ------------------------------------------- Muscle Car Competition -New York - 2 -Infineon Sport - 2 -Seattle - 2 -S/S -US + Up to 1980 -B 3,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 Buick Special --------------- European Events --------------- Pan Euro Championship - Championship -Opera Paris - 6 -Grand Valley - 5 -Circuit de la Sarthe I - 2 -Cote d'Azur - 6 -Nurburgring - 2 -S/S -EU cars only -IB 12,000/6,500/5,000/4,000/1,500/800 =45,000= Mercedes CLK-GTR Race Car Jaguar XJ220 Gillet Vertigo Race Car -------------------------------------- British GT Series - Championship -Grand Valley - 3 -Fuji Speedway 90's - 3 -El Capitan - 3 -Infineon Sports - 3 -Mid-Field Reverse - 3 -S/S -UK cars only -IA 12,000/6,500/5,000/4,000/1,500/800 =45,000= Jaguar XJ220 TVR Cerbera Speed 12 ------------------------------------- British Lightweight Series - Single Race -Autumn Ring - 2 -Apricot Hill Reverse - 2 -SSR5 - 2 -S/S -UK cars 1000kg or less -B 3,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Lotus Elise 111R -------------------------------------------------- Deutsche Touring Car Meisterschaft - Championship -Opera Paris - 6 -Mid-Field Raceway - 6 -High Speed Ring Reverse - 5 -Nurburgring - 1 -Fuji Speedway 2005 GT - 5 -Any -European Touring Cars -IA 15,000/7,500/5,000/4,000/1,500/800 =75,000= Mercedes CLK Touring Car -------------------------------------- La Festa Italiano - Single Race -Autumn Ring Reverse - 2 -Cote d'Azur - 2 -Infineon Sports - 2 -S/S -Italian production cars -IB 5,000/2,000/1,000/500/400/300 Cizeta V16T ----------------------------------------- Tous France Championnat - Championship -Opera Paris - 4 -Circuit de la Sarthe I - 1 -SSR5 - 3 -Grand Valley Reverse - 3 -Cote d'Azur - 3 -S/S -French production cars -A 10,000/6,000/4,000/3,000/1,000/500 =35,000= --------------------------------------------- Europe Classic Car League - Championship -Nurburgring - 1 -Fuji Speedway 80's - 2 -Opera Paris Reverse - 2 -Suzuka - 1 -Deep Forest Reverse - 2 -S/S -European cars up to 1970 -IB 10,000/6,000/4,000/3,000/1,000/500 =30,000= Ginetta G4 -------------------------------------------- Euro Hot Hatch League - Championship -Twin Ring Motegi East - 3 -Opera Paris - 4 -Trial Mountain Reverse - 3 -Suzuka East - 5 -SSR5 Reverse - 3 -S/S -European hatchbacks -IB 12,000/6,500/5,000/4,000/1,500/800 =45,000= ------------------------------------------- 1000 Miles! - Championship -Nurburgring - 25 -Opera Paris - 95 -Cote d'Azur - 99 -Circuit de la Sarthe II - 35 -S/S -Production cars up to 1970 -None 150,000/75,000/20,000/10,000/5,000/2,000 =300,000= Ginetta G4 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 ------------------------------------------ Schwarzwald Liga A - Single Race -Trial Mountain - 3 -Opera Paris Reverse - 4 -Autumn Ring - 4 -S/S -German sports cars(around 200 stock hp) -A 5,000/2,000/1,000/900/800/500 Audi A3 3.2 quattro ---------------------------------------------- Schwarzwald Liga B - Single Race -Nurburgring - 1 -Tokyo R246 - 2 -Fuji Speedway 90's - 3 -High Speed Ring Reverse - 3 -Suzuka - 2 -S/S -High-End German sports cars only(300-400 stock hp+) -IB BMW M5 Mercedes SL65 Ruf RGT Mercedes SLR McLaren ---------------- Endurance Events ---------------- Grand Valley 300km -Grand Valley Speedway - 60 -Any -Any -IB 400,000/100,000/85,000/65,000/40,000/11,000 ----------------------------------------------------------- Laguna Seca 200 Miles -Laguna Seca - 90 -Any -Any -A 200,000/80,000/65,000/50,000/25,000/9,500 ------------------------------------------------------------- Roadster 4 Hour Endurance -Tsukuba - 4 Hours -S/S -Any Mazda Miata -None 100,000/60,000/45,000/35,000/15,000/8,000 -------------------------------------------------------------- Tokyo R246 300km -Tokyo R246 - 60 -Any -Any -IB 200,000/80,000/65,000/50,000/25,000/9,500 -------------------------------------------------------------- Super Speedway 150 Miles -Twin Ring Motegi SS - 100 -Any -Any -IB 200,000/80,000/65,000/50,000/25,000/9,500 -------------------------------------------------------------- Nurburgring 24hr Endurance -Nurburgring - 24 hours -Any -Any -IB 1,200,000/500,000/300,000/150,000/120,000/100,000 -------------------------------------------------------------- Nurburgring 4hr Endurance -Nurburgring - 4 hours -S/S -Any -IB 200,000/80,000/65,000/50,000/25,000/9,500 -------------------------------------------------------------- Suzuka 1000km -Suzuka - 172 -Any -Any -IB 350,000/130,000/70,000/60,000/30,000/10,000 -------------------------------------------------------------- Motegi 8hr Endurance -Twin Ring Motegi Road - 8 hours -S/S -Any -A 120,000/60,000/50,000/40,000/15,000/7,000 -------------------------------------------------------------- Tsukuba 9hr Endurance -Tsukuba - 9 hours -S/S -Any -B 150,000/70,000/55,000/45,000/20,000/9,000 -------------------------------------------------------------- Circuit de la Sarthe 24hr I -Circuit de la Sarthe I - 24 hours -Any -Any -IA 1,200,000/500,000/300,000/150,000/120,000/100,000 --------------------------------------------------------------- Circuit de la Sarthe 24hr II -Circuit de la Sarthe II - 24 hours -Any -Any -IA 1,000,000/400,000/250,000/120,000/100,000/80,000 --------------------------------------------------------------- Fuji 1000km -Fuji Speedway 90's - 228 -Any -Any -IA 750,000/250,000/120,000/100,000/80,000/40,000 --------------------------------------------------------------- Infineon World Sports -Infineon Sports Car Course - 2hr 45min -Any -Any -IA 500,000/120,000/100,000/80,000/50,000/12,000 -------------------------------------------------------------- El Capitan 200 Miles -El Capitan - 66 -S/S -Any -A 250,000/100,000/85,000/65,000/40,000/11,000 -------------------------------------------------------------- New York 200 Miles -New York - 76 -S/S -Any -A 250,000/100,000/85,000/65,000/40,000/11,000 ------------------------ Special Condition Events ------------------------ The Special Condition Events are rally races. Each event needs to be completed on easy, normal, and hard. Dirt tires are required for dirt races, Snow tires are required for snow/ice races. The prize credits for all races are: easy = 5,000 normal = 10,000 hard = 20,000 The laps for all races are: easy = 2 normal = 3 hard = 5 The licenses for all races are: easy = A normal = IB hard = IA Umbria Rally -Citta di Aria -Citta di Aria Reverse ------------------------------ Capri Rally -Costa di Amalfi -Costa di Amalfi Reverse -------------------------------- Grand Canyon Rally (Dirt) -Grand Canyon -Grand Canyon Reverse -------------------------------- Whistler Ice Race (Snow) -Ice Arena -Ice Arena Reverse -------------------------------- Chamonix Rally (Snow) -Chamonix -Chamonix Reverse -------------------------- George V Rally -George V Paris -George V Paris Reverse --------------------------- Swiss Alps Rally (Dirt) -Swiss Alps -Swiss Alps Reverse ----------------------------- Tour of Tahiti (Dirt) -Tahiti Maze -Tahiti Maze Reverse ------------------------------- Tsukuba Wet Race -Tsukuba Wet ------------------------------- Yosemite Rally I (Dirt) -Cathedral Rocks Trail I -Cathedral Rocks Trail I Reverse ------------------------------- Yosemite Rally II (Dirt) -Cathedral Rocks Trail II -Cathedral Rocks Trail II Reverse ---------------- Driving Missions ---------------- The Driving Missions are designed to help you improve your racing skills. They are divided into the categories: The Pass, 3 Lap Battle, Slipstream Battle, and 1 Lap Magic. Here I'll post my and other readers' strategies for completing these( if you have submissions). -------- The Pass -------- 1. Deep Forest This mission is easy. Stay right behind the CPU driver on the straight. As soon as you reach the turn start braking(but not too much, you should take this turn in 4) a bit later than the CPU and move to the inside. If the CPU driver starts gaining on you on the back straight, move in front to cut it off. 2. Grand Valley 3. Cote d'Azur 4. Seattle 5. High-Speed Ring 6. Tsukuba 7. Midfield Raceway 8. Trial Mountain 9. Motegi Oval 10. Sarthe I Submitted by stan394: "There are 3 sections of straight with 2 chicanes in between. I stayed behind the first AI car from the go, caught its draft and shot past it on the first straight. Got really close to the second car during the first chicane. Caught its draft and shot past it on the second straight. Didn't get as close to the lead car on the second chicane. Never caught up with the lead car on the third straight. Brake really late into the last sharp right, shot past the lead car. Caught a break when it bumps into my rear end to propel me to the finish line." ------------ 3 Lap Battle ------------ 11. New York Quoted from haloexpert2003: "Try to slide through the first corner at about 50mph and get onto the back straight. Brake before the corner and drift through at about 35 mph if you can manage through to the left-right-right series. THEY KEY IS TO KEEP THAT SPEED and try to raise it. Cut the next left corner short, it'll gain you some time. The right corner should be cut close, too. When you get to the final left corner (before the straight) but it close to the barrier at around 45-50 mph. Draft off of the car in front of you and pass it before the U-turn. Use the whole corner to build up an exit speed of nearly 40mph (My average was 37) and continue. Rinse and repeat for the next two laps. You should reach the final time-tracker with 4 seconds to catch up to the first car. Breeze thru the U-turn without any mistakes and draft off the car in front of you for the win." A few tips from turk173: - For your first checkpoint, you should only be behind the head car by 27 seconds at the most (26.5 is preferrable). If you are further behind then this, just restart until you get it. - You should pass your first car before the McDonalds on the last straight-away (left-hand side before the u-turn). If you don't, once again restart. - Exit speed seems to make all of the difference. Make sure you brake early for the corners before straight-aways so that you can have a high speed after the corner. Submitted by stan394: You need to catch 5 AI cars, with the lead car about 28 seconds ahead, within 3 laps in New York (Reverse). You are given a rather old and slow Toyota 2000GT '67. The key to handling the car is not to slow down too much while cornering. Drift through the Columbus Circle at about 45mph and exit with a speed of at least 60mph. If you can't reach the first checkpoint within 27 seconds from the lead car, restart. In the series of 90-degree turns, think about curves, arcs and semi-circles and make use of the full width of the track. You should catch the 5th car right after the last left before approaching Times Square for the first time. I caught up with the lead car in the last hairpin before the finish line. From the replay, you will see that the lead car coughs it up during that turn every time. It skids sideways a couple of times before regaining its traction. Just don't bump its back while you make the hairpin. Caught up with the ... car at ... 5th: first lap, before second checkpoint 4th: second lap, before first checkpoint 3rd: second lap, after second checkpoint 2nd: second lap, at hairpin before finish line 1st: third lap, at hairpin before finish line Checkpoint Times: 1st lap: +26.568 +23.118 +18.464 2nd lap: +15.484 +11.723 +7.393 3rd lap: +5.466 +2.757 -1.122 Overall time: 6:46.333 AI car time : 6:47.455 12. Laguna Seca Submitted by stan394: Catch 5 AI cars within 3 laps in Laguna Seca. This time the lead car's advantage is about 19 seconds. Your car is much faster this time and handles relatively well. But if you are thrown off to the sand and grass, no chance. Caught up with the ... car at ... 5th: first lap, after Hmmmm bridge 4th: first lap, after last tight left before finish line 3rd: second lap, about checkpoint 3 (should have passed it before corkscrew) 2nd: third lap, during hairpin after starting grid 1st: third lap, right before finish line It would be best if you could pass the first checkpoint within 18 seconds of the lead car. You may need to brake-gas-brake-gas to get through the first hairpin after the start. Slow it down to 1st gear for the corkscrew. If you hit the grass, restart. Passing the lead car worth mentioning. I got stuck behind the 3rd AI car before the corkscrew in the second lap, and didn't pass it until the sweeping left that followed. So I lost some time there. By the time I caught up with the lead car in the third lap, I was still making the second to last right turn when the lead car is appraoching the last tight left. Same thing with New York, the lead car sucks at making the last turn so I am able to hit the gas about the same time as it regains traction and start to accelerate. From there I simply out-accelerate it towards the finish line and beat it by 0.058 seconds. Lucky. Checkpoint Times: 1st lap: +18.282 +16.563 +15.074 +13.383 2nd lap: +11.435 +9.677 +8.815 +6.746 3rd lap: +4.747 +2.657 +2.055 -0.058 Overall time: 4:10.098 AI car time : 4:10.156 13. Opera Paris Submitted by Rezillo: "Driving Mission 13 takes place at Opera Paris, first learn the track very well with any medium speed car. When you are comfortable with the track then try the driving mission. I always pay close attention to my split times to make sure I am running at the pace needed in order to win. The first 2 laps are the most critical. Especially the first set of corners on lap 1. If you mess these first corners up I would start over. Using a mannual I stay in 3rd coming into turn 1, I barely tap the the brake and stay on the gas, and repeat into the next quick left, but not for the next right. This is important so you can get a great run out of the corner for the coming straight. Making the next 90 brake just about at the 50m sign, dive left and don't be affraid to get on the throttle before the apex, the track is wider on the other side. You should now be fairly close to the 5th place car, coming up to the next corner, as he brakes you brake, only a little harder so you can get back on the gas BEFORE you make the next right. This is not a traditional racing line. But you want to pass him on the RIGHT side as he is trying to make the left to right turn. You might bump him but rubbing is racing, and as long as you don't hit them hard, or in the rear, no penalty. You should be fully clear of him coming out onto the next straight. Make the next set of corners and after the 1st gear hairpin coming onto the next striaght you will recieve your split time if you are more than 9.100 seconds behind the lead car start over. Thats the farthest behind I have been able to catch him. A great time would be 8.800 or better and is possible. Make the high speed corner about 107mph and brake hard at the crosswalk stripes you should be able to pass the 4th place car here on the inside or going into the next sharp 1st gear turn. Get as close as you can to the 3rd place car and you should be able to pass him coming out of the last corner of the first lap or first corner of the second lap. If not its not over yet. Repeat the steps to passing the 5th place car. When you get your split time coming onto the long straigt less than 2.200 from the lead car is ok closer to 1.500 is what you want. Passing the 2nd place car is done at the same place you passed 4th place. Make sure all of that is done and you have a good chance of getting that Focus in first place. Now run a clean consistent 3rd lap and you are doing excellent. The better your 3rd lap the easier it is to pass him. I have passed the last car in 2 different spots. One is at the same spot as the 4th and 2nd place cars were passed, and the other was coming out of the last corner in a drag race to the finish line. Many curse words follow when you lose the drag race. Good Luck." 14. Seattle Submitted by stan394: The test car is kind of weird, maybe because I have never used such an old "muscle" car before. The engine sound is very soft. The brakes on this car sucks (or maybe it's something else I don't know about), so brake VERY early. One thing about the 5-second penalty - it doens't seem to matter who is at fault. If you take the AI car's line, and he is stupid enough to ignore where you are and still ram into you to reclaim his line, you are penalized for 5 seconds. It's so stupid. Twice in the final turn in the last lap where I already had the lead car in check. Took its inside entering the sharp right under the bridge. TWICE, it rams my back like I don't exist and I was given the 5-second while I can almost smell the finish. I just hope my car is more powerful so I can push him into the pit stop... Back to the track, brake early in the straight. Let the car slide in a semi -circle in the hairpin. Floor it at the mid-point. Stay to the far left while climbing uphill so you can overtake the 5th car in the second jump. The AI cars have better top speed than you so you are kind of helpless in the back straight. The next right-right combo is interesting and should be taken as a whole. Brake hard at the end of the straight and let the car slide in a semi circle and only pick up the gas when you feel your slide is ending. The sharp right under the bridge is a good place for overtaking but as I have said before, don't ram the AI car, and don't let the AI car ram you. Be careful at the left-right chicane before the front straight. Stay with traction at all time. You should have passed every single car except the lead car by the end of the first lap. After overtaking the lead car, there is some rear mirror checking and blocking to be done because don't forget, your opponent can out-accelerate you in the straight leading to the finish line. Caught up with the ... car at ... 5th: first lap, 2nd jump in the uphill climb 4th: first lap, before sharp left leading to back straight 3rd: first lap, right-right combo after back straight 2nd: first lap, before finish line (coz it lost traction) 1st: final lap, sharp right under the bridge before pit stop Checkpoint Times: 1st lap: +5.763 +5.630 +4.830 2nd lap: +3.359 +3.034 +2.914 3rd lap: +1.348 +0.580 -0.218 Overall time: 6:04.070 AI car time : 6:04:288 15. Cote d'Azur Submitted by stan394: This mission seems to be easier than the previous ones. All your AI opponents have inferior power. You can easily out-accelerate them in any reasonable straight. So passing them is not a conern. All you need to do is to make 3 clean laps and hit a certain time, because the lead car always finishes at the same time. The track is Cote d'Azur. It's a beautiful track based on the real formula 1 Monte Carlo track. Your car skids pretty easily and it has a tendency to get sucked into the barrier somehow. So stay a bit further away from the barrier. I can't really manage power sliding well so I usually slow the car down in a straight line and then accelerate out of the corner to minimize the skidding. I find the downshift hint usually flashes too late, especially after the tunnel approaching the tight chicane. I was still down by 2 lengths after the final right hander but out- accelerate the lead car in the final stretch to beat him by 0.497 seconds. Caught up with the ... car at ... 5th: first lap, beginning of the tunnel 4th: second lap, beginning of the uphill straight 3rd: second lap, after the chicane after tunnel 2nd: third lap, uphill straight 1st: third lap, right before finish line Checkpoint Times: 1st lap: +39.118 +31.668 +28.508 2nd lap: +23.678 +16.235 +13.306 3rd lap: +8.700 +2.374 -0.497 Overall time: 6:25.041 AI car time : 6:25.538 16. Suzuka Submitted stan394: OK. I cheat. It's 1am and it's very tempting... I did it. Beetle Cup Car race in Suzuka, Japan. Starting from the 6th place with 5 other identical cars (as far as I can tell about power), trailing by 15 seconds, 3 laps to go. I can preach about racing line, exit speed or what gear to use to go through the esses in the early stretch. But at the end of the day, I cheat. I cut through the grass in the last chicane leading to the final straight. I only need to do it twice in the first 2 laps, because that is enough to allow me to pass the lead car in the hairpin in the last lap. Maybe, just maybe, some day I will go back to do it the right way. Caught up with the ... car at ... 5th: first lap, hairpin 4th: second lap, after starting grid 3rd: second lap, hairpin 2nd: second lap, last chicane, because I cheat 1st: third lap, hairpin Checkpoint Times: 1st lap: +14.163 +13.275 +10.517 2nd lap: +8.351 +5.838 +3.295 3rd lap: +0.174 -1.679 -1.628 Overall time: 7:37.041 AI car time : 7:38.669 17. Infineon Submitted by stan394: It's a pretty fun mission. Infineon Raceway (Sports), Audi A8 Race car, 3 laps, 21 seconds deficit. It's quite hard to find a good line through the beginning uphill climb without losing grip. The hairpin midway through the lap is a good place for overtaking. Passing on the ultra-high speed esses in the second half of the course can be nerve wrecking. Otherwise, the course is pretty easy to get familiar with. Caught up with the ... car at ... 5th: first lap, midway hairpin 4th: first lap, back straight esses 3rd: first lap, before finish line 2nd: second lap, midway hairpin 1st: third lap, left handed downhill sweeper Checkpoint Times: 1st lap: +19.794 +15.170 +11.408 2nd lap: +10.778 +6.444 +3.423 3rd lap: +1.783 -2.655 -12.810 Overall time: 3:59.885 AI car time : 4:12.695 I don't know what's up with the 12.8-second winning margin. Did the AI car just give up after I passed him? 18. Sarthe II Submitted by stan394: Watch the demo in license S-15 first!! This is by far the hardest mission. I spent a good 3 hours before beating it. This mission is almost equivalent to getting silver (if not gold) in 3 straight tries in S-15, plus the complexity of overtaking at 200mph.... Your Nissan R92CP Race Car with 939HP is indeed overpowering the rest of the fields, but the 32+ seconds deficit is almost too much to overcome. The test venue is Circuit de la Sarthe II (the kinkless version). The course looks incredibly narrow when you are traveling at 180+ mph. Refer to about the name of the corners. Approaching the first chicane, brake much later than the downshift indicator. Find a line so that you can brake once into gear 2 and accelerate out of the chicane. For the esses, brake at the moment the red indicator flashes and take the left-right at no lower than gear 3. If you can't reach the first checkpoint on the Mulsanne Straight within 30.3 seconds from the lead car, you will probably not be able to pass the 5th car before the end of the straight. If you can't pass it before the straight, it is very likely that you will lose too much time trying to battle it in the Mulsanne 90-degree right hander. If you can't get within 27 seconds when you hit the checkpoint just after the corner, it's probably time to restart. The next section before Indianapolis is very narrow. Putting a tire on the grass will throw you off spinning. I took the right bend before Indianapolis at gear 4 (instead of 5) and Indianapolis at gear 2. Brake early for Arnage and take it no lower than gear 2. The next section is when the S-15 demo will really help. It consists of a series of light bends (Porsche Curve, Maison Blanche) which can be taken at relatively high speed, most of them at gear 4. If you are not familiar with the timing of the curve enough, it's very easy to get thrown off in the sand, or slow down too much. The two Ford chicanes should be taken at gear 3 and gear 2 respectively. My split times at the finish line are: +23.299, +11.984 and -0.176. I barely took the lead car's inside at the last chicane (in fact, the right in the left-right chicane, no less) at the last lap. So these splits are probably the minimum requirement for beating this mission. Caught up with the ... car at ... 5th: first lap, mid Mulsanne straight 4th: second lap, starting grid 3rd: second lap, straight after Arnage 2nd: third lap, before esses 1st: third lap, before finish, by a hair Checkpoints: 1: After esses, before Tertre Rouge 2: Mulsanne Straight 1 3: Mulsanne Straight 2 4: right after Mulsanne 90-degree right hander 5: Arnage 6: Porsche Curve 7: finish line Checkpoint Times: 1st lap: +31.632 +29.570 +27.812 +26.458 +25.866 +24.988 +23.299 2nd lap: +20.466 +18.270 +16.633 +15.243 +14.947 +13.213 +11.984 3rd lap: +9.847 +7.647 +6.042 +4.690 +3.948 +2.080 -0.176 Overall time: 9:11.867 AI car time : 9:12.043 Tips submitted by Vilens40: i don't know if you've heard about this already. but there are two places that can cut off a good 6 seconds from each lap. when i finished the sauber hadn't even crossed the finsh line and the last checkpoint i passed i was nine seconds ahead and lead for the entire 3rd lap. 1.the S curve right before the DUNLOP overpass, shortly after the starting line, just take the car straight over the dirt and aim for the dunlop overpass. and race normally from there. a good start to a lap using this method should get you a low 30 second split, before the hitting the straightway. 2.continue to race normally until right before the finish line where you will see a bunch of right angle turns. if you cut across the dirt correctly it should put you directly back on the course through the finish line. this alone should cut off 3 seconds. WARNING:the results of using these shortcuts incorrectly could and may result in a complete spin out or penalty so don't expect to win this race on your first few tries even with the shortcuts. so good luck and race hard. 19. Suzuka East Racing lines are key in this mission. Brake early entering the turns. If you wait too long to brake, the car has a tendency to lose grip and slide. You need to make your moves during the S-curves, since you can't overpower any of the cars on the straight. At some points during the esses, it may prove easier, instead of braking hard, to just feather the throttle and put two wheels in the grass to make passes. Cutting the last corner can also help out a lot. 20. Tsukuba This mission isn't that hard once you realize that you can brake A LOT later than the other cars. You should be able to pass all of the cars except the RX-7 and the NSX on the first lap. Just keep braking late and taking the corners good and you should get by the NSX on the first or second turn on the last lap. ----------------- Slipstream Battle ----------------- 21. Nissan Cube Submitted by Irving Serrano: This race is pretty simple, just draft the first car in front of you, when you are directly in back of him, right before you might hit him on the corner, break free to the outside, keep it floored, you than have enough speed to catch up to the next Cube. Follow the same line as him and keep it floored, when your close break free. Repeat this and its fairly easy to win the race. 22. Honda Odyssey Submitted by Irving Serrano: Same basis as the other ones, stay in back of the van in front of you and break free when its time to break free. Always take the outside when possible and follow the yellow line on the outside of the track for it is the best one. 23. Nissan Skyline GT-R In this mission, you start out a couple seconds behind a pack of four Skylines, and about 13 seconds behind a sole Skyline. You have to utilize drafting to catch up to the leader before the 3 laps runs out. The best way to do this is draft going into the curve until you reach about 172-175 mph. Then 'leap-frog' in front of the cars. Since the AI doesn't adjust to TRY to draft you, you'll need to look in your rear-view mirror to stay directly in front of the AI cars. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T SLOW DOWN. The pack will start to catch up eventually if you stay in line with them. Let them pass you so you can draft them right back. This 'forced leap- frogging' should let you catch the leader toward the end of the last lap. DON'T let the leader draft you if you get in front. Alternate strategy by Cybersk8er5000: "Ok. From the start, draft the pack like you usually would. By the time you get to the first turn, you should be up to 170-171 MPH, with the pack just a little ahead. Keep going, and when you get to them, pass them at ~172-174 MPH. Now follow the outer yellow line, and by the end of the turn, you shouldn't be any lower than 164. If you look behind you at this point, the whole pack should be not far behind you. During the straightaway, just stay on the outer yellow line at a steady 164-165 MPH. Near the end, if you keep an eye out behind you, you'll see one of the Skylines break free of the rest and draft you. Usually they go on the inside (left) so just smoothly steer over to where you're right in front of them (your speed shouldn't change more than 1 MPH), and they'll slam right into you. Usually this'll put you back up to around 170-171 MPH. Keep doing this on each straightaway, and on the final straightaway before the final turn, one Skyline should draft you, with a second Skyline drafting the first. Now just let the first one hit you, and then the second one, and you should get launched forward to around 175 MPH. Halfway through the turn, you'll start picking up the lead car's draft, and you'll pass them in no time Split times (at the end/beginning of each lap) should be approx.: 6.7xx, 4.0xx, and -1.5xx at the finish line. Speeds on the straightaways should be 164 minimum MPH, and between 170 and 163 through the turns." 24. Amuse S2000 GT1 Submitted by Irving Serrano: In this race, yet another slip stream with faster cars, follow the same line THE OTHER CARS TAKE. It is imperative to stay behind them. Break out too early and your screwed, break out too late and you get a 5 second penalty. Relatively as easy as the rest. ----------- 1 Lap Magic ----------- 25. Z Showdown! Submitted by stan394: The 1-lap Magic missions begin. All cars start from the grid but at different times. Your car always starts last. To compansate for the handicap, you are usually given a much higher powered car. Catch the lead car before 1 lap runs out. So far, mission 25 thru 29 have been relatively easy. I guess that's because all you need is 1 good lap, instead of 3. For mission 25, use a Nissan JGTC to catch a bunch of old Nissan's in Fuji '80s, with a 35-second handicap. This one is very easy. I don't even know the course yet. Taking corners too deep, not knowing when to turn, all kind of mess... although there are only like 3 corners where you really need to brake. Split times: +22.884 +15.610 +6.806 -0.774 Overall time: 1:50.384 AI car time : 1:51.158 26. Honda Showdown! Submitted by stan394: This one is giving me a bit of trouble. Needed about 15 tries. Similar to 25, use a Honda JGTC to catch a bunch of old Honda's within 1 lap in Suzuka, the whole course, with a 90-second handicap. The lead Honda S500 will run a 3:30 lap so you are left with 2 minutes. The JGTC skids more than I expected so it took me some time to get used to it. But you know, to retry, you need to wait for 1.5 minute every time. The first half of the right-handed hairpin needs no braking. The esses need almost no braking as well. Just let off the gas from time to time to control the car. My split time after the Degner Curve is +52.798s. The best I got is about +52.1. The 130R left bend is giving me tons of headache. After a few tries, I figure that I can get through it while maintaing full throttle. Next time around, I was going full speed into the bend and BAM!! Heads right into the butt of the 3rd AI car, which, given the speed difference, is essentially stationary on the track. OK. Next time if I can get through the earlier section faster, maybe I can avoid him. But no, BAM!! right into his butt again. After the 3rd crash, I concluded that I am running an almost identical first 2 sections so there is no way I can avoid the car except to slow down. Finally settled with: slow down by letting off gas slightly to enter the bend and then steer really hard to get on the 3rd AI car's left side. But that's not the end of the story, I still need to figure out the chicane (I cheat by cutting through the grass in mission 16). I decided I am not going to cheat this time. Still need a few tries to clear it cleanly. And during those unclean run at the chicane, I come flying down the straight with the 2 old cars in sight, but miss the finish line by 0.046s and another 0.05x. what the... Another run and finally cleared the chicane cleanly and beat the S500 by 0.484 seconds. Split times: +52,798 +17.064 -0.484 Overall time: 3:29.657 AI car time : 3:30.141 27. Mazda Showdown! For this race, you need to take really good lines entering and exiting the corners. You should be able to pass the RE Amemiya RX-7 before the turn before the corkscrew(I hope that made sense). Speed coming out of the turns is key for this challenge. Also, the 787B that you're using is very light so it is possible to brake later than the flashing gear # suggests. You should be about 33 seconds behind at the first checkpoint. The CPU cars will get in your way a lot on this test, so try to time your passes on straights(to avoid 5 second penalties). You should come up on the 4th place car just after the corkscrew(you should see it before entering the corskscrew). Don't go through the 'screw too fast or you risk ramming this car and getting a 5 second penalty. You should be able to pass the 3rd place car before the final left turn. On the final turn, make sure you take a good line to maximize your speed coming out of the turn. I don't know if drafting such slow cars will help or not. The first place car is extremely slow compared to the 787B, so even if it is really close to the finish line, you still may be able to catch it. 28. Celica Showdown! Submitted by Whiplash: What can I say? So easy that I can't see the point of having it as a mission. +37 sec. is way too much time. Even with a major mistake I past the leading car on the straight and won with a bit over +2 seconds. Cleared it on the 1st try AI car time: 2'30.708 29. Chevrolet Showdown! Submitted by Rezillo: Driving Mission 29 takes place at Infineon Raceway. Make sure you know this track very well, and have practiced it with a car of considerable pace. The first split of the track seems to be the most important (i'm starting to see a trend here). So, once you're off after the 44 second wait, accelerate 'round the bend and up the hill to "exactly" the middle of the apex curb on the left side. Jam on the brakes, down into 2nd gear, and hard on the gas for the right hander. Exit speed of this corner should be somewhere near 80mph while shifting into 3rd gear. The next corner, at the bottom of the hill just as you reach the curb, brake agian, then quickly back on the throttle and stay on the gas as you tab the brake once for the up hill right hander. Here you will recieve your split time, and it should be no more than 31.300 behind the lead car. If so, start over. Next few corners are fairly easy, and coming out of the long "horseshoe" curve, you should be coming ONTO the straight over 110mph. Now you should be catching the 5th place car pretty quick, make sure you pass him on the right hand side. After which jam on brakes just as you get on the "brake marks" on the road. Coming out of the hairpin, and before the first of the esses, you should be passing the 4th place car. Going threw the esses, stay in 4th gear, only tapping the brakes to slow for them. Your split time here should be no more than 14.200. Now pass the 3rd place car on the right side of the long left hander. Then, 4th gear on the gas, tap the brakes for the right hander. Take this corner at at least 125mph. Coming up to the last hairpin, you will see the 2nd place car. Catching up to him, pass him on the right side, and then at "exactly" the 2nd cone slam on the brakes. Take the hairpin in second gear. Now race to the finish line. Thats all the hardest, and most important explained. Good Luck 30. Subaru Showdown! Submitted by Whiplash: The Subaru Impreza is very easy to drive. Excellent traction, good brakes and not much understeer. Beware though; there isn't room for any mistakes on this mission. You need to find good braking points so that the car won't skid/understeer. Key to this mission is to get very good line in the last hairpin to get high speed to the finish line. Just need to tap the brakes before the apex of the last high speed right corner to clear it. Cleared it on the 3rd try AI car time: 1'56.794 31. Lotus Showdown! Submitted by Whiplash: There isn't much room for mistakes on this one (if any?). Make sure not to skid around. The Lotus Esprit suffers from understeer. Braking and turning early is the way to go on this one. Wait until you've past the apex to accelerate and this will be easy. Being too quick on the accelerator will result in loss of traction and loss of time. Braking and turning at the same time might be scary as the engine is mounted behind (MR car). The rear end might kick out a little but just be cautious and it will come back. Try to get a lot of slipstream on the final right corner to get maximum speed towards the finish line. Cleared it on the 2nd try AI car time: 1'44.791 32. Ford Showdown! Submitted by Whiplash: Driving the Ford GT is a bit special. Lousy brakes with following understeer are what you can expect. Brake early and accelerate just before the apex to get maximum drive out of the corners. The leading Ford Taurus with his +21 second lead is so slow that there won't be any problems to pass him on the finishing straight. Cleared it on the 2nd try AI car time: 2'14.594 33. GM Showdown! 34. Mercedes Showdown! Submitted by Whiplash: !!! WARNING !!! If you haven't got Gold or at least within 5í¢â‚¬"10 seconds of the Gold time in Special License 16, don't even consider driving this one !! There are NO, or at least very close to NO, room for mistakes in this mission. What you should do is to drive S-16 over and over and over again until you've learned where the important parts of NíƒÂ¼rburgring are. Where you can gain time and keep a good average speed is essential for this one. When you've done Gold time in S-16 (or very close to it) you should know where these parts of the track are. Take all the knowledge, experience and skill that you've gained during S-16, think it over, crunch it and the FORGET IT!! There's no use for it, except for remembering the track and the bumps. Different braking points and way different traction is what you will face now. Why?? If there's anyone who says that the Mercedes SLR McLaren is a sports car is a liar. What a piece of sh*t to drive. Brakes are pretty good and that's about it. The car is so instable that even half would be more than enough to drive you mad. Touch the grass and you will spin, touch the kerbs while braking and you will go off, brake a little too late and a massive understeer will occur, hit a bump and the car will jump half a meter and be uncontrollable when you land. If you read the leading text for the mission it will say this: Your SLR McLaren fitted with sports tires will feel like a fish out of water!!! How true is that!!! This thing is dying or at least close to it. Please put it back in the water (put racing tyres on it!) Anyway, there's nothing we can do about it, just do it over and over until you know where the bumps and speed sections are. HINT: Brake hard, brake early and accelerate early to get a good drive out of the turns. Here's some split times to go on: +1'42.033 +1'32.514 (made minor mistake (off the track and on the grass) between sect. 2 and 3) +1'25.038 (made minor mistake (off the track and on the grass) between sect. 3 and 4) +1'13.145 +1'01.024 +50.270 +35.983 +29.234 +23.795 +13.007 +4.613 -0.768 Overall time: 9'16.162 AI car time: 9'16.930 It's well worth clear the last Driving Missions. For no. 34 you'll get 50,000 Cr and when you've cleared them all you'll get a Nissan R89C Race Car '89. -------------- One-Make Races -------------- Daihatsu ~Copen Race - Single Race -Tsukuba - 2 -Motorland - 3 -Autumn Ring Mini - 3 -Any -Any Copen -A 7,500/5,000/2,500/1,000/500/300 Copen Active Top ----- ~Midget II Race - Single Race -Motorland Reverse - 4 -Any -Midget II D-Type -None 2,000/500/400/300/200/100 --------------------------------------------- Honda ~Type R Meeting - Single Race -Twin Ring Motegi Road - 4 -Autumn Ring Reverse - 5 -Suzuka - 4 -Motorland Reverse - 10 -Tsukuba - 10 -Any -Any Honda Type R/SiR -IB 10,000/6,000/4,000/3,000/1,000/500 Spoon Civic Type R ----- ~Civic Race - Single Race -Twin Ring Motegi East - 2 -Suzuka East - 3 -Deep Forest - 2 -Autumn Ring Mini - 3 -Mid-Field Reverse - 2 -Any -Any Honda Civic -B 5,000/2,000/1,000/900/800/500 Spoon Civic Type R ----------------------------------------- Hyundai ~Hyundai Sport Festival - Single Race -Autumn Ring - 2 -Hong Kong - 2 -Grand Valley East - 2 -Tsukuba - 3 -Seoul - 2 -Any -Any Hyundai -B 5,000/2,000/1,000/900/800/500 ---------------------------------------- Isuzu ~Isuzu Sports Classics - Single Race -Tsukuba - 3 -Fuji Speedway 80's -Trial Mountain - 2 -Any -PIAZZA/117 Coupe/Bellett 1600 GT-R -None 2,000/500/400/300/200/100 ---------------------------------------- Mazda ~Club 'RE' - Single Race -Laguna Seca - 2 -Autumn Ring Reverse - 2 -SSR5 Reverse - 2 -Opera Paris - 2 -Suzuka - 1 -Any -Any Mazda RX-7/RX-8 -B 5,000/2,000/1,000/900/800/500 Mazda RX-7 Spirit R Type A Mazda RX-7 Type RZ ----- ~NR-A Roadster Cup - Championship -Twin Ring Motegi East - 2 -Tokyo R246 - 1 -CSR5 Reverse - 2 -Tsukuba - 3 -Trial Mountain - 2 -Any -Any Miata -B 2,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 =15,000= Miata 1800RS ----- ~NR-A RX-8 Cup - Championship -Laguna Seca - 2 -SSR5 - 2 -Fuji Speedway 90's - 2 -El Capitan - 2 -Tsukuba - 3 -Any -Any RX-8 -B 2,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 =15,000= Mazda RX-8 Type S ------------------------------------ Mitsubishi ~Evolution Meeting - Single Race -CSR5 - 3 -Fuji Speedway 90's - 2 -Tokyo R246 - 1 -Any -Any Lancer -B 2,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Lancer Evolution VII/VIII MR GSR ----- ~Mirage Cup - Championship -Tsukuba - 3 -Autumn Ring - 2 -SSR5 - 2 -Laguna Seca - 2 -Suzuka - 1 -Any -Any Mirage -None 2,000/500/400/300/200/100 =15,000= Mirage Cyborg ZR ------------------------------------- Nissan ~Race of the Red Emblem - Single Race -Twin Ring Motegi Road - 10 -Trial Mountain Reverse - 6 -Fuji Speedwa 80's - 4 -New York Reverse - 6 -Suzuka - 6 -Any -Any Nissan Skyline -IB 12,000/6,500/5,000/4,000/1,500/800 Skyline GT-R M-spec Nur Skyline GT-R V-spec N1 ----- ~March Brothers - Single Race -Autumn Ring Mini - 4 -Suzuka East - 3 -Grand Valley East Reverse - 2 -Any -Nissan Compact cars(March G#, MICRA, CUBE, etc.) -B 2,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 ----- ~Silvia Sisters - Single Race -Tsukuba - 3 -SSR5 - 2 -Fuji Speedway 90's - 2 -Any -Any Nissan Silvia/240SX -B 2,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Silvia Q's Aero HKS Hyper Genki Silvia ----- ~Club 'Z' - Single Race -New York - 3 -Toky R246 Reverse - 2 -El Capitan - 3 -Laguna Seca - 3 -Grand Valley Reverse - 2 -Any -Any Fairlady Z, 350Z, 300ZX, 240ZG, etc. -A 7,500/5,000/2,500/1,000/500/300 Nissan 350Z Option Stream Z ----------------------------------------------- Subaru ~Subaru 360 Race - Single race -Tsukuba - 3 -Any -360 -A 3,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 ----- ~Stars of Pleiades - Championship -Tsukuba - 5 -Trial Mountain - 3 -Suzuka - 2 -Deep Forest Reverse - 3 -Laguna Seca - 3 -Any -Impreza/Legacy -IB 10,000/6,000/4,000/3,000/1,000/500 =75,000= Subaru Impreza WRX-STi ----------------------------------------------- Suzuki ~Suzuki K-Car Cup - Single Race -Autumn Ring Mini Reverse - 4 -Tsukuba - 3 -Motorland - 4 -Any -Any Suzuki lightweight car -B 5,000/2,000/1,000/900/800/500 ----- ~Suzuki Concepts - Single Race - - - -Any -CONCEPT-S2/GSX-R/4 -None 2,000/500/400/300/200/100 ------------------------------------------------ Toyota ~Altezza Race - Single Race -Tsukuba - 3 -Suzuka - 1 -Apricot Hill - 2 -Twin Ring Motegi Road - 2 -Fuji Speedway 2005 -Any -ALTEZZA Touring Car/Any Lexus IS -B 2,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Lexus IS300 Sport Cross ----- ~Vitz Race - Single Race -Fuji Speedway 90's - 2 -Suzuka East - 3 -Twin Ring Motegi East - 2 -Tsukuba - 3 -Autumn Ring - 2 -Any -Any Vitz -None 2,000/500/400/300/200/100 Vitz RS Turbo --------------------------------------------- Chevrolet ~Vette! Vette! Vette! - Single Race -Seattle - 4 -Laguna Seca - 4 -New York Reverse - 4 -Infineon Sports - 4 -El Capitan - 4 -Any -Any Corvette -IB 10,000/6,000/4,000/3,000/1,000/500 Corvette C5R Corvette ZO6 ----- ~Camaro Meeting - Single Race -Seoul - 4 -El Capitan Reverse - 3 -Mid-Field - 3 -Any -Any Camaro -B 2,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Camaro LM Race Car ------------------------------------------------ Chrysler ~Crossfire Trophy - Single Race -Seattle - 2 -Twin Ring Motegi SS - 3 -Trial Mountain Reverse - 2 -Any -Chrysler Crossfire -A 7,500/5,000/2,500/1,000/500/300 ------------------------------------------------- Saleen ~Saleen S7 Club - Single Race -Circuit de la Sarthe I - 2 -El Capitan - 4 -SSR5 Reverse - 4 -Suzuka - 3 -Infineon Sports - 4 -Any -S7 -IB 10,000/6,000/4,000/3,000/1,000/500 -------------------------------------------------- Shelby ~Shelby Cobra Cup - Single Race -Seattle Reverse - 2 -High Speed Ring Reverse - 2 -New York - 2 -Laguna Seca - 2 -Trial Mountain Reverse - 2 -Any -Any Shelby -IB 10,000/6,000/4,000/3,000/1,000/500 Shelby Series 1 Supercharged -------------------------------------------------- Alfa Romeo ~GTA Cup - Single Race -Grand Valley East Reverse - 2 -Tsukuba - 3 -Apricot Hill - 2 -Any -147 GTA/Giulia Sprint GTA 1600 -None 2,000/500/400/300/200/100 --------------------------------------------------- Alpine ~Renault Alpine Cup - Championship -Tokyo R246 - 2 -Trial Mountain - 3 -Opera Paris Reverse - 3 -SSR5 - 2 -Grand Valley - 2 -Any -Any Alpine -A 7,500/5,000/2,500/1,000/500/300 =50,000= ----------------------------------------------------- Aston Martin ~Aston Martin Carnival - Single Race -Fuji Speedway 90's - 2 -Hong Kong - 3 -Autumn Ring - 2 -S/S -Any Aston Martin -B 2,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 ------------------------------------------------------- Audi ~Tourist Trophy - Championship -El Capitan - 2 -Tokyo R246 Reverse - 1 -Deep Forest Reverse - 2 -Any -Any Audi TT -B 5,000/2,000/1,000/900/800/500 =20,000= Abt Audi TT-R Touring Car ----- ~A3 Cup - Single Race -Suzuka East - 3 -Mid Field - 2 -Laguna Seca - 2 -Any -A3 3.2 quattro -None 2,000/500/400/300/200/100 -------------------------------------------------- BMW ~BMW 1 Series Trophy - Single Race -Grand Valley - 1 -Infineon Sports - 2 -Twin Ring Motegi East - 2 -Any -120i/120d -None 3,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 BMW 120d ----- ~Club 'M' - Championship -El Capitan Reverse - 2 -Apricot Hill - 3 -Opera Paris Reverse - 4 -Suzuka - 2 -Nurburgring - 1 -Any -Any M Series -A 10,000/6,000/4,000/3,000/1,000/500 BMW M5 ------------------------------------------------- Citroen ~2HP-2CV Classics - Championship - -Any -2CV Type A -None 2,000/500/400/300/200/100 =10,000= ---------------------------------------------------- Lotus ~Elise Trophy - Championship -Tokyo R246 - 1 -Autumn Ring Reverse - 2 -SSR5 Reverse - 2 -Hong Kong - 2 -Apricot Hill - 2 -Any -Any Lotus Elise -A 7,500/5,000/2,500/1,000/500/300 =30,000= Lotuse Elise 111R ----- ~Lotus Classic Cup - Championship - - - - - -Any -Europa/Elan -None 2,000/500/400/300/200/100 =10,000= Europa ------------------------------------------------------ Mercedes-Benz ~Legend of the Silver Arrow - Single Race -Fuji Speedway 90's - 3 -Nurburgring - 1 -Opera Paris - 3 -Any -Any Mercedes -A 7,500/5,000/2,500/1,000/500/300 Mercedes SL65 ----- ~SL Challenge - Single Race -Apricot Hill - 4 -Fuji Speedway 80's - 4 -El Capitan - 4 -Any -Any Mercedes SL -IB 10,000/6,000/4,000/3,000/1,000/500 Mercedes SL65 Mercedes SLR McLaren ------------------------------------------------------- MG ~MG Festival - Single Race -Hong Kong Reverse - 2 -Suzuka - 1 -Opera paris - 2 -Motorland - 4 -Grand Valley East Reverse - 2 -Any -TF160/MGF -A 3,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 ------------------------------------------------------------- Mini ~Mini Mini Sports Meeting - Single Race -Opera Paris - 2 -Tokyo R246 - 1 -CSR5 Reverse - 3 -Seattle - 2 -New York Reverse - 2 -Any -Any Mini -None 3,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 -------------------------------------------------------------- Opel ~Speedster Trophy - Single Race -Grand Valley - 3 -Autumn Ring Reverse - 4 -Suzka East - 4 -Infineon Sports - 3 -Seattle - 3 -Any -Opel Speedster -IB 7,500/5,000/2,500/1,000/500/300 Speedster Turbo -------------------------------------------------------------- Peugeot ~206 Cup - Single Race -Opera Paris - 4 -Tsukuba - 5 -Motorland Reverse - 8 -Suzuka East - 5 -Cote d'Azur - 3 -Any -Any 206 -IB 7,500/5,000/2,500/1,000/500/300 --------------------------------------------------------------- Renault ~Clio Trophy - Championship -Suzuka - 3 -Twin Ring Motegi Road - 4 -Tsukuba - 7 -Deep Forest - 4 -El Capitan Reverse - 4 -Any -Any Clio -IB 10,000/6,000/4,000/3,000/1,000/500 ----- ~Megane Cup - Championship -Suzuka East - 3 -Opera Paris - 3 -Laguna Seca - 2 -Seoul - 3 -Cote d'Azur - 2 -Any -Any Megane -A 7,500/5,000/2,500/1,000/500/300 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Triumph ~Spitfire Cup - Single Race -El Capitan - 2 -Twin Ring Motegi West - 3 -Autumn Ring Mini Reverse - 4 -CSR5 - 3 -Seoul Reverse - 2 -Any -Spitfire -A 3,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TVR ~Blackpool Racers - Single Race -Suzuka East - 5 -SSR5 - 3 -Laguna Seca - 3 -Opera Paris - 4 -Fuji Speedway 2005 - 3 -Any -Any TVR -A 3,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Cerbera Speed 12 Tuscan Speed 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Volkswagen ~Beetle Cup - Championship -Fuji Speedway 90's -Twin Ring Motegi Road - 2 -Tsukuba - 3 -Suzuka - 1 -Fuji Speedway 2005 -Any -Any Beetle -B 2,500/1,000/500/400/300/200 =25,0000= New Beetle Cup Car ----- ~Lupo Cup - Championship -Fuji Speedway 90's - 2 -Nurburgring - 1 -Tsukuba - 3 -Suzuka - 1 -Infineon Sports - 2 -Any -Lupo -A 5,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Lupo GTI Cup Car ----- ~GTI Cup - Single Race -Hong Kong Reverse -2 -Tsukuba - 3 -Opera Paris - 2 -Mid-Field Reverse - 2 -Deep Forest Reverse - 2 -Any -Any Golf/Lupo/Polo GTI -B 2,000/1,000/500/400/300/200 Lupo GTI Cup Car ============================================================================== ================== 6f.COURSES (GTCOU) ================== There are groups of courses in Gran Turismo Mode. You can select a course to practice, drive around and take photos, participate in Family Cup races(certain tracks), or participate in Track Meet events(certain tracks). Event Cost Practice 5 Credits Track Meet 5 Credits Photo Drive 3 Credits Family Cup free City Courses -Seoul Central -Tokyo Route 246 -Hong Kong -Clubman Stage Route 5 -Special Stage Route 5 -New York -Seattle Circuit -Cote d'Azur -Opera Paris -George V Paris -Citta di Aria -Costa di Almafi World Circuits -Tsukuba -Fuji Speedway '90s -Fuji Speedway '80s -Infineon Raceway - Sports Car Course -Infineon Raceway - Stock Car Course -Laguna Seca Raceway -Twin Ring Motegi Road Course -Twin Ring Motegi Super Speedway -Twin Ring Motegi West - Short Course -Twin Ring Motegi East - Short Course -Suzuka Circuit -Suzuka Circuit East Course -Suzuka Circuit West Course -Fuji Speedway 2005 -Fuji Speedway 2005 GT -Tsukuba Circuit Wet -NíƒÂ¼rburgring Nordschleife -Circuit de la Sarthe I -Circuit de la Sarthe II Dirt & Snow -Cathedral Rocks Trail I -Cathedral Rocks Trail II -Tahiti Maze -Grand Canyon -Ice Arena -Chamonix -Swiss Alps Original Circuits -High Speed Ring -MidField Raceway -Grand Valley East Section -Grand Valley Speedway -Deep Forest Raceway -Trial Mountain -El Capitan -Autumn Ring Mini -Autumn Ring -Apricot Hill Driving Park -Test course -Gymkhana course -Motorland -Beginner Power & Speed -Las Vegas Drag Strip -Test Course ============================================================================== ======================== 6g.MISCELLANEOUS (GTMIS) ======================== ------- GT Auto ------- Car Wash - makes your ride nice and shiny, also supposedly reduces drag Oil Change - gives your car some horsepower back after being used for a lot of miles Wheel Shop - buy different custom wheels for your car Wing Shop - install a wing on your car so that you can change downforce -------------- Replay Theater -------------- Here you can view and manage saved replays and playlists, or view demos ------- Jukebox ------- Here you can create custom playlists from the soundtrack ============================================================================== ====================================== 6h.POWER/WEIGHT RATIO RANKINGS (GTPOW) ====================================== *This part of the FAQ was created in conjunction with Mike Wood from AB, Canda* The list is sorted by drivetrain, in descending order(the lowest power/weight ratios first). This list is no where near complete so PLEASE don't e-mail me saying that I left off certain cars. Also, some of the numbers may be a tad off(especially the stock numbers). This is due to a small discrepancy involving oil changes. *To get the power:weight ratio for each car, divide the car's weight by its power(ie. weight/power). The units for this list is kilograms/horsepower. The format for the list is: Car Name Car Year Tuned p:w Stock p:w Tuned hp Tuned weight =FF= Dodge SRT4 '03 2.243 6.368 511 1147 Mitsubishi FTO GPX '99 2.603 5.847 395 1029 Honda Mugen Motul Civic Si Race Car '87 2.672 3.947 333 890 Mitsubishi Eclipse GT '06 2.674 5.938 500 1338 Trial Celica SS-II '03 2.717 4.002 369 1003 Honda Prelude SiR S spec '98 2.758 6.477 391 1079 Mitsubishi Eclipse GT '95 2.788 5.879 405 1130 Honda Prelude Type S '98 2.845 6.681 391 1113 Honda Prelude SiR '96 2.910 7.133 368 1071 Toyota Modellista Celica TRD Sports M '00 2.968 5.703 338 1003 Ford Taurus SHO '98 3.085 7.018 406 1252 Honda Accord Euro R '00 3.154 6.702 358 1130 Honda Prelude Si VTEC '91 3.158 6.607 345 1088 Toyota Sprinter Trueno BZ-R '98 3.180 6.763 299 950 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GTS '03 3.702 7.097 338 1253 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =FR= TVR Cerbera Speed 12 '00 0.898 1.260 1136 1020 Nissan GT-R Concept LM Race Car '02 1.000 1.759 1100 1100 Nissan Motul Pitwork Z (JGTC)'04 1.110 2.227 973 1080 Toyota WoodOne Tom's Supra (JGTC)'03 1.129 2.188 975 1100 Chevrolet Corvette C5R(C5) '00 1.184 1.840 962 1139 Dodge Viper GTS-R Team Oreca Race Car '00 1.199 1.834 959 1150 Chevrolet Camaro LM Race Car '01 1.212 1.930 957 1160 Mazda RX-7 LM Race Car '01 1.225 2.125 881 1080 Dodge Viper SRT10 '03 1.233 3.072 1023 1272 Mazda RX-8 Concept LM Race Car '01 1.255 2.061 877 1100 Amuse Carbon R (R34)'04 1.284 1.861 874 1123 Dodge Viper GTS-R Concept '00 1.293 969 1253 Chevrolet Corvette ZO6 Race Car (C2)'63 1.310 1.920 891 1168 Buick Special '62 1.326 2.328 874 1159 Dodge Viper GTS '99 1.337 3.442 974 1302 Nissan 350Z Concept LM Race Car '02 1.357 2.100 825 1120 Jaguar XJ220 '92 1.407 2.619 945 1330 Option Stream Z '04 1.407 1.782 962 1353 Spyker C8 Laviolette '02 1.450 649 941 Toyota Supra RZ '97 1.459 5.059 859 1253 Ford Falcon XR8 Race Car '00 1.497 2.219 902 1350 Nissan 300ZX 2seater '98 1.508 5.954 836 1261 BMW M3 GTR Race Car '01 1.543 2.487 726 1120 Blitz ER34 D1 spec2004 (D1GP)'04 1.561 2.487 733 1144 Nissan 300ZX 2by2 '98 1.567 6.190 836 1311 AMG Mercedes 190E 2.5 - 16 Evolution II Touring Car '92 1.589 2.565 617 980 Chevrolet Corvette ZO6 (C5)'00 1.617 3.663 740 1197 Lister Storm V12 Race Car '99 1.627 2.387 884 1438 Mercedes SLR McLaren '03 1.655 2.827 886 1467 Tom's X540 Chaser '00 1.656 4.661 764 1266 RE Amemiya Asparadrink RX-7 (JGTC)'04 1.682 3.396 654 1100 Mercedes SL65 AMG '04 1.684 3.363 999 1683 Mazda RX-7 Spirit R Type A '02 1.688 4.272 639 1079 Toyota WedsSport Celica (JGTC)'03 1.689 3.377 622 1050 Mercury Cougar XR-7 '67 1.709 4.368 705 1205 Shelby Series 1 Supercharged '03 1.712 3.768 617 1057 Callaway C12 '03 1.750 3.369 719 1258 Plymouth Cuda 440 Six Pack '71 1.766 4.046 740 1308 Mazda RX-7 Type R Bathurst R '01 1.771 4.741 605 1071 Toyota Altezza Touring Car '01 1.784 3.272 560 1000 Pontiac Tempest Le Mans GTO '64 1.801 4.281 670 1207 Subaru Cusco Advan Impreza (JGTC)'03 1.807 3.482 609 1100 Pontiac GTO 5.7 Coupe '04 1.809 4.733 775 1402 BMW M3 GTR '03 1.843 3.610 622 1147 HKS Genki Hyper Silvia RS2 (D1GP)'04 1.857 2.268 590 1096 Lexus GS300 Vertex Edition '00 1.863 5.803 748 1394 BMW M5 '05 1.870 3.439 761 1423 Aston Martin V8 Vantage '99 1.877 3.850 871 1635 Mazda BP Falken RX-7 (D1GP)'03 1.880 3.004 615 1156 Dodge Charger 440 R/T '70 1.892 4.337 724 1369 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 '70 1.904 3.863 768 1462 Opera Performance S2000 '04 1.906 3.393 473 902 Nissan C-West Razo Silvia (JGTC)'01 1.916 3.817 600 1150 Ford Mustang GT '05 1.956 5.235 665 1301 Plymouth Super Bird '70 1.989 4.068 732 1456 Dodge Charger Super Bee 426 Hemi '71 2.003 4.267 763 1528 Amuse S2000 GT1 '04 2.021 2.314 584 1180 Shelby Mustang G.T. 350R '65 2.039 4.082 528 1077 Aston Martin Vanquish '04 2.121 3.936 718 1523 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport (C4)'96 2.128 4.939 597 1271 Sileighty '98 2.128 5.671 484 1029 Amuse S2000 R1 '04 2.135 4.261 446 952 Ford Mustang SVT Cobra R '00 2.192 4.851 616 1351 Chevrolet Camaro SS '00 2.210 4.714 586 1294 Amuse S2000 Street Version '04 2.238 4.683 452 1011 Chevrolet Silverado SST Concept '02 2.255 4.579 835 1882 Chrysler 300C '05 2.264 5.444 705 1596 Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z Concept '88 2.267 6.298 550 1247 Jaguar XKR Coupe '99 2.308 4.715 590 1361 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 Coupe '97 2.312 5.977 560 1295 Nissan Silvia Spec R Aero (S15)'99 2.424 450 1091 Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex Shuichi Shigeno Version (AE86)'00 2.540 4.345 315 800 Infiniti G35 Coupe '03 2.567 5.436 494 1269 Opera Performance 350Z '04 2.578 3.824 504 1299 Spoon S2000 Race Car '00 2.705 3.815 388 1050 Lexus SC430 '01 2.910 6.190 493 1435 Toyota Supra SZ-R '97 3.164 7.130 389 1232 Honda S800 RSC Race Car '68 4.021 6.621 159 640 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =MR= 1.Polyphony Formula Gran Turismo '04 0.608 0.608 904 550 Minolta Toyota 88C-V Race Car '89 0.695 1.142 1223 850 Peugeot 905 Race Car '92 0.710 0.925 1057 750 Chaparral 2J Race Car '70 0.733 1.183 1120 821 Nissan R92CP Race Car '92 0.740 0.944 1216 900 Chaparral 2D Race Car '67 0.741 1.809 1041 771 Sauber Mercedes C9 Race Car '89 0.749 0.905 1192 893 Jaguar XJR-9 Race Car '88 0.766 0.917 1168 894 PlayStation Pescarolo C60 Race Car '04 0.774 1.118 1162 900 Toyota GT-ONE Race Car '99 0.777 1.160 1158 900 Audi R8 Race Car '01 0.810 1.133 1112 900 Bentley Speed 8 Race Car '03 0.815 1.130 1104 900 BMW V12 LMR Race Car '99 0.853 1.127 1055 900 Mazda 787B Race Car '91 0.873 1.034 951 830 Nissan R390 GT1 Race Car '98 0.897 1.249 1115 1000 Pescarolo Courage C60 Race Car '03 0.904 1.124 995 900 AMG Mercedes CLK-GTR Race Car '98 0.924 1.255 1083 1000 BMW McLaren F1 GTR Race Car '97 1.044 1.480 910 950 Pagani Zonda LM Race Car '01 1.075 1.657 1070 1150 Pagani Zonda C12S 7.3 '02 1.174 2.247 1033 1212 Ford GT LM Race Car Spec II '04 1.177 1.749 960 1130 Saleen S7 '02 1.186 2.273 895 1062 Nissan R390 GT1 Road Car '98 1.196 3.304 868 1038 Ford GT LM Race Car '02 1.196 1.853 953 1140 Cadillace CIEN '02 1.204 1.816 1023 1232 Honda NSX-R Prototype LM Race Car '02 1.212 2.156 924 1120 Honda NSX-R Prototype LM Road Car '02 1.224 2.224 1005 1230 Audi Auto Union V16 Type C Streamline '37 1.240 1.923 806 1000 Jaguar XJ-220 LM Race Car '01 1.242 2.042 950 1180 Pagani Zonda C12S '00 1.272 2.448 1029 1309 Ford GT40 Race Car '69 1.368 1.995 730 998 Volkswagen W12 Nardo Concept '01 1.381 2.166 913 1261 Pagani Zonda C12 '00 1.393 3.175 870 1212 Lotus Esprit V8 SE '98 1.441 4.270 814 1173 Ford GT '05 1.522 2.600 838 1276 Ford GT (concept)'02 1.760 2.863 824 1451 Tommy Kaira ZZ-S '00 1.776 3.543 353 627 Proto Motors Spirra 4.6 V8 '04 2.091 3.714 524 1096 Toyota SuperAutobacs Apex MR-S (JGTC)'00 2.169 3.689 519 1125 ASL Arta Garaiya (JGTC)'03 2.200 3.479 511 1125 Honda NSX-R Concept '01 2.222 4.384 486 1079 Honda NSX Type S Zero '97 2.362 4.867 457 1079 Lotus Elise 111R '04 2.365 4.550 331 782 Renault Clio Sport Trophy V6 24V Race Car '00 2.396 3.859 465 1115 Honda NSX Type S '99 2.469 5.209 454 1122 Honda NSX '99 2.524 5.327 454 1147 Toyota MR2 GT-S '97 2.579 5.677 418 1079 Acura NSX '04 2.688 5.023 452 1215 Toyota MR2 Spyder '99 3.179 7.675 277 882 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =4WD= 1.Suzuki Escudo Dirt Trial Car 0.712 0.771 1124 800 Tommy Kaira ZZ-II '00 1.095 1.816 913 1000 Ruf CTR2 '96 1.243 2.644 944 1173 Audi Nuvolari quattro '03 1.383 2.550 952 1317 Abt Audi TT-R Touring Car '02 1.406 2.187 768 1080 Nissan Calsonic Skyline GT-R Race Car '93 1.412 2.292 892 1260 Mitsubishi FTO Super Touring Car '97 1.414 2.279 693 980 Nissan Gran Turismo Skyline GT-R Pace Car (R34)'01 1.438 4.641 900 1294 Subaru Impreza Super Touring Car '01 1.457 2.330 707 1030 Audi Le Mans Quattro '03 1.463 2.387 868 1269 Mine's Skyline GT-R N1 V-spec '00 1.520 2.233 855 1299 Mitsubishi HSR-II Concept '89 1.566 3.429 674 1056 Nissan Skyline GT-R Special Color Midnight Purple III (R34)'00 1.602 4.661 803 1286 Nissan Skyline GT-R Special Color Midnight Purple II (R34)'99 1.686 5.165 763 1286 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 Turbo '96 1.700 5.948 835 1419 Mazda 6 Touring Car '02 1.974 3.452 542 1070 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Super Rally Car '03 2.180 3.378 564 1230 Toyota Celica GT-Four '98 2.250 5.458 525 1181 Subaru Impreza Rally Car Prototype '01 2.355 4.028 522 1230 Subaru Impreza WRX STi Prodrive Style '01 2.433 5.117 499 1215 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII GT-A '02 2.448 5.176 514 1258 Nike One 2022 '22 2.931 2.931 259 760 Dodge Ram 1500 Laramie Hemi Quad Cab '04 2.974 6.915 667 1983 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =RR= Ruf CTR "Yellow Bird" '87 1.356 2.451 797 1081 Ruf BTR '86 1.483 3.144 700 1038 Ruf RGT '00 1.985 3.461 569 1130 DMC DeLorean S2 '04 2.442 6.433 448 1094 ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ===================== 7.ARCADE MODE (GTAMO) ===================== In Arcade Mode you can race on any of the tracks that you have unlocked against a 2nd player or against 5 AI cars. You can use a select number of cars from each manufacturer plus the BASE model of any car that you have in your garage. There are minor tuning options available(tune ASM and TCS levels), plus the ability to switch tires. You can also change the difficulty before each race. If you don't like the base model's power, you can adjust the horsepower either way by 20%. *In two player battle, you cannot use TCS or ASM. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ====================== 8.PHOTO TRAVEL (GTPHO) ====================== Photo Travel is one of the new modes in Gran Turismo 4. You can take your car to a location and position it along with the camera/camera angle to take a dramatic shot of your vehicle. *Your current vehicle will be the one that you can take pictures of. To take pictures of a different one, you need to switch cars in the garage.* -------- Controls -------- Map screen X------------------------------------select/de-select icon O------------------------------------default position Left analog--------------------------move car/camera Right analog-------------------------rotate car Viewing photos L1-----------------------------------zoom out R1-----------------------------------zoom in Start--------------------------------save photo Square-------------------------------back to camera/map mode ------------ General Info (Map) ------------ On the Map screen in Photo Travel, your car is represented by a red icon, while the camera is a blue icon. The red and blue areas on the map are where the car and camera can be moved, respectively. Select the car/camera with X and use the left analog to move them. If an exclamation mark appears, then the car/camera cannot me moved to that location. Use the the right analog to rotate your car to the desired angle. ------------ General Info (Camera) ------------ The camera is always positioned at 45-degrees in front of the car. The camera must always be moved in conjunction with the vehicle. You can change the cropping of the photo between horizontal/vertical with the icon in the upper right corner of the camera display. There are bars showing the zoom level and aperture - when the photo subject is still and everything else is out of focus/blurry; think af a picture of wildlife where the background is blurry, the pics of a street at night when all the cars turn into blurs of headlights, or a picture of an athlete where he/she is the only discernable object. That is the effect of low aperture. A high aperture is like taking a normal photo. (Basically, aperture is how much light the camera lens lets in, and a higher setting allows you to utilize a faster shutter speed.) At the bottom of the screen is a row of photo shooting screen options(more on this later). Here you can change filters, focus, etc. -------------------- Adjusting the Camera -------------------- On the Camera display are buttons for Camera Direction, Camera Tilt, Camera Position, and Camera height. Use these to move and adjust the camer to get the perfect angle. ----------------------------- Photo Shooting Screen Options ----------------------------- The first button is for adjusting the steering angle of your car up to 30 degrees to either side(thanks to VampireHorde's FAQ for this info). The second button is for changing filters. The third is Photo Mode option. Photo Mode option lets you change the image resolution, focus, screen aspect ratio, and shutter sounds. ------------- Taking/Saving ------------- Press the 'shoot' button to take the photo. The image will then be switched to a full screen view. You can now press circle to save the photo, or use R1/L1 to zoom in and out. Or you can press the Square button to go back. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ================ 9.TUNING (GTTUN) ================ This section is designed to help some players who don't know much about tuning cars in Gran Turismo 4. I will provide some general tuning tips as well as a few presets that can be used in various situations. These are in no way 'professional' or 'the best' setups possible, but they are some things that I found to work in this game based on trial and error. *On the settings screen there is a scroll bar at the bottom that describes what each part/adjustment does* ============================================================================== ============================== 9a.GENERAL TUNING INFO (GTGEN) ============================== Downforce - First of all, disregard anyone that says that wings are 'ugly' or 'ricey', they are one of the most important upgrades to a car. Equipping them enables you to use downforce. Changing the downforce of your car will enable you to alter most of the properties of it such as: acceleration, top speed, handling characteristics, braking, etc. Gear Ratios - This seems to be the area where players are having the most trouble. At first, the gear ratio setting screen can be intimidating with all the different gears' numbers and such, but once you get the hang of it, this will be one of the first things you want to adjust. Using the gear ratios can change your car into a 300 mph Test Track monster or a touring car clone capable of tight lines through the Nurburgring. Suspension - Tuning your suspension can make your car able to handle turns at higher speeds. It can also let you change your car's oversteer or understeer properties. Weight Reduction - This is always my first upgrade. Reducing the weight of your vehicle will enhance every single aspect of it. Tires - Remember, as the tires are the only part of the car that touches the ground, they have the potential to affect it the most. Selecting good tires for the type of race is key. Oil - When you first acquire a car, you can change the oil to get a slight horsepower boost. This is especially important for used cars. The oil also needs to be changed as you rack up mileage or the car's performance could suffer greatly. Horsepower - It is commonly known that having the most horsepower is not always the best choice. This is especially true on technical courses where you have to take things such as turbo-lag into account. At the same time, once you become a good enough driver(like me) you will be able to handle max horsepower on ice, dirt, etc. Its all about knowing your limits. Turbo vs. N/A - You will notice that for the most part, cars that allow you to perform an N/A tune-up and install a turbo kit usually get a bigger horsepower benefit from the turbo. Turbo is not always the best option however as 'turbo-lag' can affect performance on technical courses. A supercharger is a quick way to gain a lot of horsepower relatively cheap(if the car can be equipped with one), but N/A tune-ups and turbo kits usually give more total horsepower. Turbo Kits - A turbo charger is basically an exhaust gas driven air compressor and can be best understood if it is divided into its two basic parts, the exhaust gas driven turbine and its housing, and the air compressor and its housing. Each of them perform different functions but, because they are joined together via a common shaft, the function of one impacts the function of the other. Power Band - This is the range of RPMs that an engine generates the most torque and horsepower. Turbo engines tend to have a much smaller powerband than N/A or supercharged cars, and that is usually in the higher RPMs. Since the engine has to do some work and get exhaust gasses flowing into the turbine before the turbo can give out boost, this naturally takes away from the car's power at lower RPMs. Turbo Lag - Turbo lag is basically the amount of time it takes from the time you place a load on the engine (stomp the gas peddle to the floor and dump the clutch or, get full converter lock up with your automatic trans) until the time the engine develops enough hot expanding exhaust gas to spin the turbine fast enough for the compressor to do its job. *Though turbo lag is in this game, it is not very prevalent if you have a good flywheel, driveshaft, and transmission. For this reason I usually go with the turbo kit despite lag. ============================================================================== ============================ 9b.UPGRADE SELECTION (GTUPG) ============================ ****** Most popular sports cars can be upgraded at the Tuner Village. There you can get access to Original turbo and suspension upgrades. ****** Starting off - The most immediately useful upgrades are the lightweight, suspension, and drivetrain/brakes. These affect how the car reacts to throttle usage and grips the road. By adjusting the settings, you can make the car a lot faster without any added horsepower! The power-to-weight ratio is much more important than bhp so lightening is the way to go. (My suggestions) 1. Lightweight Stage 1 and 2 and add a Wing on your car 2. Racing Flywheel/Carbon Driveshaft/Double or Triple Plate Clutch 3. Racing Brakes 4. Racing/Original Suspension Increasing power - Unless you have the money, buying the biggest turbo or N/A tuneup usually isn't the best way to go. Start by getting an oil change and racing chip. This should boost hp by 10- 15% at least. Next, you should buy a supercharger if the car can use one, if not then get some upgrades on the engine that are within your price range. 5. Oil Change/Racing Chip 6. Supercharger/Racing Intercooler and Turbo/ NA tune-up 7. Racing Transmission 8. Other small engine enhancements within your budget. Handling Time! - Now you should think about the upgrading the tires depending upon race regulations and type. This is also the time to get the fully-customizable limited slip and lightweight stage 3. 9. Tires 10.Lightweigt Stage 3 11.FC Limited Slip Differential Topping it off - Lastly, get any engine/turbo upgrades you didn't get before. 12.All power upgrades including N2O 13.Brake Balance Controller/AYC Contoller 14.VCD Controller ============================================================================== ========================== 9c.SETTING EFFECTS (GTSET) ========================== Nitrous - Increasing the power of a nitrous shot will give your car more bigger torque boost, but the length of the boost will be shorter Gear Ratios - Moving the gear ratios to the left(widening) will increase the top speed attainable in that gear but will make the acceleration slower in that gear. Moving the gears to the right(shortening) will increase the acceleration in that gear, but lower the top speed attainable. Remember, shifting takes time, so shortening the gears too much can actually make acceleration times slower. Brake Balance - Increasing the brake power will help cars that are heavy slow down faster. Light cars do not need as much. Since the weight of the car shifts to the front upon braking, moving the brake balance there can help correct oversteer and loss of control upon entering corners. Moving the brake balance backward will make the car's back end easier to slide around corners, but will also make the car more prone to oversteer. *Tip = Almost every setting that you change(except gear ratios) will have an effect on tire wear. On longer races, it may be benificial to use settings that are slightly harder to control and preserve your tires longer. Tires - Tires should be upgraded to racing tires for any race that will allow them. They give MUCH improved grip. Make sure your tire selection is appropriate for the length of the race(R1/S1 - long, R3/S2 - short). Ride Height - Making this lower, will lower the car's ceneter on gravity. This has the effect of making the car more stable, improving handling and acceleration. The lower the ride height, the stiffer the springs need to be. Having a low ride height and soft springs will cause the car to bounce off the road and may even bottom out upon elevation changes. A high ride height is preferable for courses with a lot of elevation changes and 'bumps', such as rally tracks. With a high ride height, you should equip softer springs so that the car can ride over rough terrain smoothly. Spring Rate - The stiffer these are, the less likely your car is to bounce upon changes in road conditions. This goes hand in hand with ride height. Shock Bound/Rebound - This is how hard you want your springs to be upon contracting/expanding respectively. By changing one or the other, you can adjust how your car reacts upon uneven terrain. *Camber explanation from Ootachi16 Camber Angle - The higher you make it, the more the top of your wheels tuck in and the bottom of the wheel sticks out. When you are in the middle of a turn the inertia forces a wheel with zero camber to ride slightly on the outer edge of the outside tire and the inner edge of the inside tire... if you put the camber to about 3 to 4 degrees the tire will ride closer to its edge on straights, but will actually have a better contact patch in the corners *Toe explanation by jannesari Toe Angle - You're standing behind the car, looking toward its front. Look at the tires. Picture an axis running thru each of them from top to bottom. I'm dialing in a +, positive number. You see the part of the tire closest to the front of the car - yes both the front and the rears - is now pointed into the wheel-well. Just the opposite happens - the part closest to the front rotates outward - when I dialied in a negative, -, number. You understand what settings them each way does? Picture it: if they're set negative, meeting the road at an outward-looking angle? Think about which way they'd be compelled to go in each case. Downforce - 1st, look at any Race Car and notice what their downforce is set at. Yep, its usually all the way up. Doing this will make your car handle better and be more stable. The tradeoff is that a high downforce pushes your car down on the road, increasing drag, which means your car will have slightly lower acceleration and top speed. The handling improvement is well worth the tradeoff IMO except for on the Test Course. VCD - This controls how much of the driving is done by the front wheels in an AWD car. If you set this low, then the car will have characteristics of a RWD car. If you set it high, then the car will handle like a true AWD vehicle(including understeer). AYC - This can impact cornering characteristics by regulating the torque distribution between left and right wheels upon acceleration. If you set this strongly, the car will be easier to steer, too strong will make the car have a tendency to oversteer. Weight Balance - You can add a ballast to either the front or the rear to change the weight distribution and handling characteristics. ============================================================================== ======================== 9d.TUNING PRESETS(GTPRE) ======================== This section is for players who need help with their tuning setups. These setups are not the best or professional by any means. They are simply meant to be used as a base to start out on, which you can change and fine tune to your personal driving style. *My driving style is a mixture of grip driving and controlled drifting. These base setups may or may not work for your particular style. *When starting out with gear ratios, the best thing to do is just change the auto settings until you find one to your liking. Gear Ratios(for my style) - 1st - +15 2nd - -20 3rd - -25 4th - -35 5th - -60(or all the way wide) 6th - all the way wide Final - adjust it until the end of the last gear is just below the top-right corner of the chart. I don't use the typical -10,-20,-30, etc. sequence because that limits my options for acceleration or top speed. Using my setup gives plenty of low-end torque in gears 1-4 and allows for a very high top speed. This is due to the fact that a lot of courses in Gran Turismo 4(such as Circuit de la Sarthe and Nurburgring Nordschleife) have technical sections which require acceleration and straights that need you to have the throttle wide open. Tires - I usually use R3 whenever possible. S2s if racing tires aren't allowed. For long races, I will have the front tires at R2/R3 and the rear tires at R1. Suspension - Spring Rate - 75-90% Ride Height - 0-10% Shock Bound/Rebound - default Camber Angle - front 3.3-3.6 / rear 2.4-3.1 Toe Angle - front 0 / rear 1 Stabilizers - default This suspension setup is for road races without many elevation changes. The spring rate and ride height is setup the same as many of the race cars you can win. This will improve cornering speeds and stability. For courses with a lot of bumps/elevation changes, the ride height may need to be higher and the spring rate a little softer. Downforce - Front - 100% Rear - 100% This will improve the handling and stability of the car greatly. The tradeoff is that it will increase drag and limit top speed/acceleration. *These are my main setups. For any other setups, read the scroll bars at the bottom of the screen to see how they will affect the car's attributes. All of the other categories are changed depending upon the car(for me). ============================================================================== ============================================================================== =================== 10.GAME FLOW(GTFLO) =================== This section is mainly to help beginner's find some direction at the beginning of the game. I will list a couple of different ways to get yourself started with some decent cars and a little bit of extra cash. *For all methods I suggest getting at least your A license and maybe the IB so that you can familiarize yourself with the physics for this game. These are for players who import 100,000 credits from their GT3 save 1.Go to Tuner Village-------->HPA Motorsports and buy the HPA GTI car. This car comes with 550hp stock and can win most of the early races very easily. 2.Buy a used Evo VII GSR and upgrade it as much as possible. This car can compete in One-Make Races, Turbo Events, 4WD Events, and any open enrollment events. This car is also one of the best rally cars in the game. 3.Same as #2 with an Impreza WRX-STi. 4.Same as #2 with a Skyline GT-R V-spec N1 except the Skyline will be more productive for road races than rally racing. 5.Buy and upgrade a Lotus Elise 111R. This can win the MR races, its One-Make Race, and some of the Lightweight races. This section is for players who start with just the 10,000 credits 1.Complete all of the license exams up to IA. You will receive the Nismo 270R which can get through the early races pretty easily. 2.Get any decent starter car(a 200hp+ Evo will work) and go to the Special Condition Event #1 and #2. The first one will get you the Cadillac Cien which can win all of its races up to the end of the Pro Hall. For the second event, you will win the Toyota RSC Rally Raid car which can be sold for 265,000 credits or used to win the majority of the rally events. 3.Get a car to win the Lightweight K-Car Cup in Beginner(a Honda Beat works here). You will win the Ginetta G4. Use this car to win the Sunday Cup and any other races you see fit(even up to the Clubman Cup) to save up a little money. Upgrade it as soon as you can. Now, enter the European Classic Car league, the European Lightweight event, and 1000! miles. This will give you over 1,000,000 credits with 3-4% of the game complete. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== =================== TIPS/TRICKS (GTTIP) =================== - For endurance races, it is best to equip the hardest tires you can that will still give you an advantage. Harder tires wear down a lot slower than the softer ones. If you're in an FR car and need more traction to be able to win, then you can equip R2/R3 tires on the front and R1 on the rear. The rear wheels drive the car so naturally the tires wear down quicker. - After you acquire a car from a lot go get an oil change. This will add a few extra horsepower. - In B-spec mode, you can speed up the race to 2X or 3X by holding L1 and pressing right. The driver will automatically pit, and you'll have to reset the 3X after every pit. - You dont have to enter a race just to tweak or customize your car. All you have to do is press "Start" on the first screen when you enter your "Home" and the car customize screen will load. - Watching the demo for license exams can help greatly - Press L3 to speed up a replay - If you have a GT3 save, you can transfer 100,000 credits to use at the beginning of the game. You have to go to Home--------->Status and press start. - Press R3 at the countdown before a license exam to display lines telling you when to brake and accelerate(this only works on National A and B) - The Black Race Cars: *cue scary music* Between days 694 and 700 there are 4 black Race Cars that can be found used. Used Car Showroom II: Toyota GT-One Race Car '99 = 2,924,999 Nissan R390 GT1 Race Car '98 = 2,924,999 Used Car Showroom I: Mazda 787B Race Car = 1,224,999 Nissan R92CP Race Car = 1,224,999 These cars can be found at the bottom of their respective showrooms. Since they are used, they will naturally have less horsepower than their new versions. But . . . . . . they're BLACK!!!!! Remember the oil changes. - Easy Money: Once you have enough money, buy a Mercedes that can win the Legend of the Silver Arrow competition. Use the car that you win to enter the Deutsche Touring Car Meisterschaft. Win this and the prize is a Mercedes CLK-GTR Race Car which can be sold for just under 800,000 credits! The B-spec'd time for the championship is approx. 8 minutes. Quoted directly from LuNAcY3351(thanks a lot for this one): "I found a different way of gaining more Cr. at ONCE. Now it may be different from attending the 2nd Special Condition race..this time it's B-spec, takes a bit longer and a bit more races, but you gain quite a lot at once. Also, it's not a "newbie" thing..meaning you can't immediatly do it when you buy the game. .I don't know if it has been mentioned before..but here comes............. It's using the CLK touring car to attend the German Touring Car Cup, B-spec, win, sell the CLK-GTR. I've done "research" on this, comparing the times and stuff. If you decide to win all the races THEN sell the CLK GTR, you'll gain 893,749. That's ~3.25 times the 2nd rally race. How bout the TIME required, you ask? On the rally race, it's A-spec and it must be. Let's take the ok-time laps in that race...let's say 2 minutes per lap. 4 minutes per race. That times two is 8 minutes for 275,000. On the German Car Race, we'll take the VERY VERY WORST laps the AI inside the CLK Touring Car could possibly do (that is adding 30 seconds from my trial, set at 3). 8'30s for the first race, 8 minutes for the second, 6 mins for the third, 7'30s for the fourth and 7'30s for fifth. That's 37'30s for all 5 races..damn.. but WAITTT!! YOU COULD B-SPEC!!!!!! HAHAHA!!! So let's say you actually managed to B-spec all of'll take you probably 13min..but WAIT AGAIN! You could win the CLK GTR just by winning 3 of those 5 races! So it'll probably be 8 minutes ideally or less for 893,749 Cr. You decide which one is better...of course, the negative side is that it adds to your win:total ratio if you care. Now here is what I used: -Mercedes CLK Touring Car from the first Mercedes manufacturer race..everything tuned (I used Turbo instead of NA). -R3 front tires, R1 back. -80mm height, front and back by the suspension tune. -+4 front toe angle, 0 back (second last option in suspension tune) -#9 auto transmission setting" *The Audi A4 and Audi TT Touring Car are both better than the Mercedes. They can be purchased in the Audi Car lot. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== THANKS/FINAL THOUGHTS (GTTHA) **************************************************************************** This guide may not be reproduced or used in any way, shape, or form without my permission. All information contained herein is based solely on my and other players' experiences going through this game. This information is not considered 'official', so there may be some mistakes. If you wish to obtain permission to use this guide, then email me with a link to your site and I will check it out and respond. **************************************************************************** THANKS - First and foremost, all of you reading this guide To everyone who has contributed to this guide in any way To CJayC for running for all these years Polyphony Digital for creating such a good game RogsR34Uk of for the track unlocking days amar212 of for the car list VampireHorde, shin8, FFBeowulf of GameFAQs for some of the info in their FAQs LuNAcY 3351 for PLENTY of useful tips including the Easy Money Tip, he's definitely made my life easier for some turbo reference material ZechsXWynd and S40Monster of for providing some of the prize cars Jonathan Palazzo, Stanley Cheung, and Irving Serrano for helpful information regarding my FAQs Mike Wood, mister_playboy, and Zach Keene who have contributed a great deal to this FAQ This guide Copyright (c)2005 Oscar Roberts aka Ebony Ivory Permission to use: Study Breaks Magazine Thanks to Revolution reader Ebony Ivory!
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.