The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask,Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Walkthrough

         T H E   L E G E N D   O F
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            ##############       M A J O R A ' S   M A S K

               (Some nice art, complements of RLee/marshmallow)

  FAQ/Walkthrough for Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64) Copyright 2000, Dallas Scott

  Legal Information.........................................................i
  Game Overview............................................................IV
  Bare-Boned Walkthrough....................................................V
  Side Quests/Miscellaneous...............................................VII
  Heart Piece Locations....................................................XI
  Frequently Asked Questions..............................................XIV


   This document is Copyright 2000 Dallas Scott, All Rights Reserved, and may
not be reproduced in any form other than personal and private use only. It may
not be published on any website, magazine, article, CD-ROM, strategy guide,
newspaper, newsletter, etc. without advance permission from the author. It may
not be sold, given as an incentive to buy, edited, etc. without prior consent
from the author. The latest version of this document can always be found at
the GameFAQs web site (

   If you are running a website and would like to post this FAQ on your site,
please send me an e-mail ( asking first. If you do not
ask, and post it without my permission, legal actions will take place against
you and any of your affiliates, as well as the shutting down of your website
on a count of copyright infringement. Names, Logos, Characters, Backgrounds,
Weapons, etc. are all Copyright 2000, Nintendo. This document is not official,
and is in no way related with Nintendo of America/Nintendo of Japan.

WARNING: This document contains massive spoilers for Zelda: Majora's Mask on
the N64. If you do not want to have the game spoiled for you as you play, I
advise not reading this document.


V0.79 (10/30/2000):

   More Enemies added to the "Enemy Listing" section, changed some more names
to match the US version, fixed a couple more minor errors and added more heart
piece locations to the respective section, plus added some more characters to
the characters section. The rest of the final boss strategy will be coming
soon, to finish off that section.


V0.784 (10/29/2000):

   Added the Stone Tower Temple Fairy Locations thanks to SirCheeveri, as well
as fixed some more minor errors thanks to Thortok2000. Reformatted the Heart
Piece Locations section so they are listed by location rather than just having
them randomly numbered. More heart piece locations and enemies coming soon.


V0.78 (10/28/2000):

   Pretty big update here. I fixed a bunch of small little errors and changed
some more of the names to match the US version. Started the Notebook Entries
part of the Side Quests section. I did a lot of work on the side quests section
today. Started the "Secrets/Tips/Codes" section, as well as added more enemies
to the enemy listing and spell checked the guide again. More to come.


V0.77 (10/27/2000):

   Added a few more monsters to the Enemy List section, plus a few more items
and weapons. I also changed a few more names to match the US version of the
game, plus a few more questions to the F.A.Q. section and finally some additions
to the "Side Quests/Misc." section; And that's about it for this version. More
enemies, and random items, heart pieces, etc. coming soon.


V0.762 (10/26/2000):

   Started the Enemy List section, as well as added a map of Termina in the
"Game Overview" section. With the next update, I'll start the "Secrets" section
and add a bunch more enemies as well as start updating the other incomplete
sections of the guide.


V0.76 (10/25/2000):

   Revised the Prologue to match the US version (thanks to Devin Morgan) and
completely finished the Spoiler-Free Walkthrough.  I also have some new
sections coming to the "Side Quests" section pretty soon, as well as all the
other remaining sections I have to finish (or start in some cases.)


V0.75 (10/25/2000):

   Finished some more of the Spoiler-Free walkthrough, as well as changed a few
more of the names so they match the US version. I still have a lot of changes
to make as far as the names of locations, items, weapons, masks, songs, etc.
go, so if you find a misspelled name, let me know so I can fix it. I'll try
to finish up the spoiler-free walkthrough by tomorrow and start on the Enemy
listing as well as the rest of the heart piece locations.


V0.74 (10/24/2000):

   Alright, walkthrough is complete, with the exception of the rest of the
final boss strategy, which I will be added shortly. I've added Dungeon Fairy
Locations for the first three dungeons, thanks to The 64 Chimp, and the final
dungeon fairy locations are coming soon. I also changed some of the names of
locations, masks, and songs to the US names, but there are still some items,
weapons, masks, songs, locations, enemies, bosses, etc. that still have the
Japanese names, and I need you people to correct them for me, as I don't have
nor do I have intentions of buying the US version. I also took my Spoiler-Free
guide and added it to this FAQ, so if you still see my Spoiler-Free FAQ on
GameFAQs, it isn't my fault, as I've requested it to be removed. More to come
with the next update.


V0.71 (10/18/2000):

   Walkthrough is now 98% complete, all I have to add are the strategies for
the last two forms of the final boss, and that's it. In this update, I've
added more to the "Filling the Log Book" side quest, as well as added more to
the walkthrough.


V0.7 (10/17/2000):

   Started and Finished both parts of the Stone Tower Temple (Reality and
Illusion) in the walkthrough. The walkthrough is now 90% complete, and the only
thing that needs to be done is the final stage of the game, as well as the
final boss strategy. The dungeon fairy locations will be coming very soon,
and once the walkthrough is finished I will begin adding the rest of the heart
piece locations, and the remaining sections of the guide.


V0.681 (10/16/2000):

   Fixed a few minor errors and added an easier way to defeating Gryorg (the
third dungeon boss) thanks to The 64 Chimp. More on the walkthrough coming
later today.


V0.68 (10/15/2000):

   Finished up to the Stone Tower Temple. Walkthrough is now about 88%
complete, but I still have to add the rest of the heart pieces, the remaining
songs/masks/items and start/finish the enemy listing, along with add more
questions to the F.A.Q. section, as well as start the secrets/codes/tips
section + dungeon fairy locations and finish the 1st gold skulltulla house
strategy. It sounds like a lot, but once I get the walkthrough done, the other
stuff is a breeze to finish.


V0.65 (10/14/2000):

   Started the "Filling the Log Book" side quest, not much finished on that
yet, but I'm getting there. Added both Gold Skulltulla House side quests into
the walkthrough, plus added up to the Underworld section in the walkthrough.
A couple more masks have been added to the proper section, as well as another
item to the "Items/Weapons" section, and that's pretty much it for this update.
As usual, more to come.


V0.62 (10/13/2000):

   Finished the Item Collection section after the Great Bay walkthrough, as
well as the "Inside the Grave" section. Fixed some errors with a few of the
heart pieces (removed the numbers of each heart piece all throughout the
walkthrough) also added another mask and another song to the respective
sections. This FAQ may now also be hosted by HYRULE: The Land of Zelda
(, more to come.


V0.6 (10/12/2000):

   Started and finished the Great Bay Temple section in the walkthrough,
including the boss strategy. Added a question to the F.A.Q. section, along
with some more items/weapons, as well as the Gryorg Guardian Mask to the
"Masks" section. I also remembered about the 15 dungeon fairies, and decided
to list the locations of all 15 in each dungeon _after_ I finish the entire
walkthrough itself. Also added another site to the list of sites who can post
this FAQ, possibly more coming tonight, but most likely more coming tomorrow,
if I feel better, that is.


V0.58 (10/11/2000):

   All done with the (excessively long) Gerudo Lagoon section in the
walkthrough, ready to start on the Great Bay Temple section. Added another
song to the "Songs" section, along with a couple more weapons to the Item &
Weapons section. Finally, I added another site to the list of sites who have
permission to post this FAQ. More to come, as usual.


V0.5 (10/10/2000):

   Got farther with the Gerudo Lagoon section in the walkthrough, added a bunch
of items to the Item/Weapons list, along with 2 more heart piece locations
in the "Heart Piece Locations" section. Also started the "Side Quests" section
telling how to upgrade your Kokiri Sword to a Gilded Sword. Finally, added the
controls for Zora Link, and spell-checked the document for the 2nd time.


V0.4 (10/10/2000):

   Finished up the Great Bay/Zora Hall section in the walkthrough and began
the Gerudo Lagoon section (finished up to the maze.) Also added a few items
to the Items/Weapons section, as well as two more mask locations and
descriptions to the Mask section (Zora Mask and Stone Mask.) More coming
later today, or early tomorrow.


V0.3 (10/9/2000):

   Not a big update, but I did add more to the walkthrough. Started the Great
Bay/Zora Hall section in the walkthrough, almost finished with that. More
item/weapons along with characters and more on the walkthrough coming with the
next update. Now, I would like to ask all you readers a big favor. If you come
across this FAQ posted on any website other than the ones listed on the bottom
of this FAQ, can you _please_ notify me so I can take care of it. I really hate
sites who rip off other people's work, and only you can help me find them.
Thank you.


V0.2 (10/8/2000):

   Added mask functions for all the masks I had listed under the "Mask
Locations" section, plus started the Items/Weapons section. It doesn't have
much, but it has a few items (listed alphabetically.) Ran a spell-check over
the guide and fixed a ton of typos. Also finished up the Romani Ranch area in
the Walkthrough. Make sure you check out my Spoiler-Free guide for the game
along with my Boss Guide while your at it. That's pretty much it for this
version. More items/weapons along with more of the Walkthrough with the next


V0.1 (10/06/2000):

   Initial Release, started a lot of the main sections of the FAQ. Walkthrough
is about 50% complete, characters section complete, overview complete (with the
exception of the Termina Map), prologue complete, started the Heart Piece
Locations section, as well as listed a bunch of songs and masks. If you see a
section missing, that means it hasn't been added yet, but will within given
time. Initially, I planned to release this FAQ when it was 100% complete, but
I have SEVERAL reasons as to why I decided against that. This FAQ, however,
will be updated daily, with large sized updates until it is finished, which
shouldn't be too far off in the distance.


                 In the land of Hyrule, there echoes a legend.
        A legend held dearly by the Royal Family that tells of a boy...      

               A boy who, after battling evil and saving Hyrule,               
            crept away from that land that had made him a legend...            

                Done with the battles he once waged across time,
           he embarked on a journey. A secret and personal journey...

           A journey in search of a beloved and invaluable friend...
                       A friend with whom he parted ways
                 When he finally fulfilled his heroic destiny
                      and took his place among legends...


   You will notice some familiar and not-so-familiar faces in this game. Some
returning favorites from Zelda: OoT, some not-so-favorites, and a bunch of new
faces. You will also find some bosses from previous Zelda games here.


   Anju is a woman who was once engaged to be wed to a man named Kafei. Anju
has the Moon Mask in her possession, and when combined with the Sun Mask, the
two create the "Mask of the Wedded Couple" so Kafei decided to steal the Sun 
Mask from the Happy Mask Man, but the Happy Mask Man put a curse on Kafei when
he found out, and the two were never married. Anju went back to her normal job
of running the Inn on the right side of Clock Town, and her worst feature
would be cooking.

                                ANJU'S GRANDMOTHER

   Anju's Grandmother lives her life at the Inn, where her grandaughter works,
but she can't be talked to unless you are wearing the All Night Mask (see the
Masks section on how to get this mask.) If you talk to her while wearing this
mask and listen to her stories, she will reward you with a heart piece. You
can find her in one of the rooms of the Inn on the right side of Clock Town.

                                  BOMBER KIDS

   They look like kids, but they are really bombers. There are a total of 5
of these guys, and they hang out in Clock Town. You can play Hide-n-Seek with
them, and as a reward for finding them (as Deku Link) you will gain the
password that gives you access to the observatory. You will only find these
guys in Clock Town.


   This is Romani's older sister and she helps out around the ranch with the
animals. If you talk to her in the morning of the 2nd Day, you can help her on
the 2nd day at 6:00 PM while she delivers the milk by fending off the Gormans
who try to steal your milk bottles. Use arrows to push them back and make sure
they don't break any of the bottles of milk to be rewarded with a heart piece.

                                  DEKU SCRUBS

   Yes, the Deku Scrubs are back! They only do favors for their own kind, so
if you expect to get anything from them, you'll have to use your Deku Mask.
Skull Kid will transform Link into a Deku Scrub in the beginning of the game,
so you can see what the life of a Deku is. Their princess is missing, and you
must find her to rescue the monkey they are holding for the crime.

                                 GORMAN BROTHERS

   The Gorman brothers run their own little ranch near Milk Road, but they
are rather rude people. If you talk to them, one of them will offer to sell you
some milk, and later on in the game, they will challenge you to a race (after
you get Epona back.) If you win, you will get a new mask that helps in your
progress of the game.


   The groaning Gorons are in Termina too, still at Death Mountain, only now
their fiery home has become all frozen over. If you don't rescue them, they
will eventually die, ending their race. The Goron mask will allow you to morph
into a Goron, giving you abilities which will allow you to save the Goron race,
as well as converse with them in ease.

                                 HAPPY MASK MAN

   Yes, a returning face. The Happy Mask Man hangs around the Clock Tower in
Clock Town. He informs Link that all of his masks are gone, including the Mask
of Majora, and he needs you to collect them all back. You will also learn the
Song of Healing from him, which will cure any curse (using masks.)


   This guy stands on a mushroom shaped platform near the outskirts of Clock
Town, and he's cursed by a mask which constantly makes him do a weird dance.
Jump over to him and play the Song of Healing to receive his mask, which you
can then use to get a heart piece from the girls in clock town.


   Kafei was engaged to be married to Anju, but the day before their wedding,
he stole the "Sun Mask" from the Happy Mask Man in order to combine it with
Anju's "Moon Mask" to create the "Mask of the Wedding Couple," but there was
just one minor setback: the Happy Mask Man found out about it. He placed a
curse on Kafei, which turned him into a little boy. From that day on, Kafei
hid his face in a Keaton Mask and lived away in Clock Town. Anju went back
to working at the Inn in Clock Town after her future husband never showed up
for the wedding.


   Obviously, the game is nothing without it's hero, Link. After defeating
Ganon, rides through the forest but ends up getting lost in a place called
Termina. He must find his way back to Hyrule, but is interupted by an imp
named Skull Kid who steals his horse and Ocarina, so he decides to help out a
bit at Termina (and get his prized possessions back) before he goes back to his
home town. Link now has a new ability, transforming into characters. With
certain masks, Link can transform into a new character with new abilities.


   The postman (who is dressed in a toga outfit) runs all around Clock Town on
a daily basis, delivering and collecting mail. He is a fast runner, so if you
plan to keep up with him, you'll need the Bunny Hood. If you follow him around
for the whole day, and visit his home, he will test your reflexes with a little
game to see if you can stop the clock on 10 seconds exactly, if so you'll win
a heart piece. Other than that, the postman really has no other significance
in the game, except delivering mail.

                                  ROSA SISTERS

   These two sisters are identical twins and are located on the left side of
Clock Town. They dance to some weird music during the night (6:00 PM - 5:00 AM)
on Days 1 and 2, and if you teach them a new dance using Kamaro's Mask, they
will reward you with a heart piece. If you check the Inn on the right side of
Clock Town, you will find them staying there during the day.



   This girl lives at the Romani ranch, she is one of the 2 sisters who live
in a house near the barn. Talk to her after you finish the 2nd dungeon and you
can play some cool mini-games (kill off ghosts to protect her animals, etc.) to
gain useful items. She looks like the girl in Ocarina of Time as well.

                             SKULL KID (STALKID)

   This evil thief is nothing but trouble. In the opening scene, you will find
him robbing you of your Ocarina and your beloved horse, Epona. He hangs out
with 2 little fairies, who are sort of like his evil minions. What makes him
so evil? He's wearing the Mask of Majora, which has unbelievable powers. You
will encounter him early in the game, right after he takes your valuables
you must give chase.

                                  TATL (CHAT)

   This is 1 of Skull Kid's "minions" and strangely, Tatl looks very similar to
Navi. After Skull Kid transforms Link into a Deku Scrub in the beginning of the
game, Tael will follow him, so Tatl decides to join you and help you get back
to Hyrule. So, I guess you could say that Tatl is evil, but a good kind of
evil. Tatl will act the same way Navi did in Zelda: OoT, gives you important
information about enemies, signs, items, etc.

                                  TAEL (TRAIL)

   The 2nd, black fairy of Skull Kid's, Tael really has no significance in the
game. He just likes to hang around with Skull Kid and help him do his dirty
deeds by stealing from people. It may seem that Skull Kid treats Tael with very
little respect, but the 2 are inseparable. You won't receive much help from
Tael, he's not as kind-hearted as his sister Tatl.


   Tingle is the elf with tiger stripes on his face that floats around
different areas of the game with a red balloon. Shoot the balloon with an
arrow (or anything else you have to shoot it with) to bring him down and you
can buy various maps for him for (somewhat) reasonable prices.


   Remember those 2 witch sisters from Zelda: OoT (they were one of the bosses)
well, they're back. Koume and Kotake (which make up Twinrova) are back, but
don't worry, they aren't villains anymore. You'll have to save Kotake early on
in the game by gaining some potion from her sister's potion shop in the swamp.


   Wow, since the last time you saw these fishy people, they've now started
up a musical band. They live in the Great Bay, but their nice cool habitat
has become too warm for them to survive in, and to top it all off, their band
isn't going so well. You're job is to save their band, as well as their lives.


   Whether you have played all previous Zelda games, or this is the first one
you've played, this section contains vital information for the mechanics of
how this game works. Some information you find in this section may be old news,
but there is a lot of new stuff you must learn as well. I suggest all first
time players of THIS game read through this section.

                           CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION

   The controls are pretty much the same as in Zelda: OoT, however, they are
different depending on which mask you are wearing. Below are the controls for
normal Link, Deku Link, Goron Link, and Zora Link, each having their own
different abilities, plus there are some hidden combo controls for secret
moves for some of the characters link plays in the game.

Normal Link
A Button: Action button; Confirm
   A + Up: Roll
   Z + A: Overhead attack (Leap)
B Button: Cancel; Take out sword; Slash; (When tapped)
   B: Spinning Slash (When held; Uses magic)
Z Button: Z-Target enemy/item; Use Shield while walking
   Z + A: Overhead attack (Leap)
R Button: Use shield
   R + Analog Stick: Move Shield in different directions
C-Up: First Person Mode
C-Down: Use set item
C-Left: Use set item
C-Right: Use set item
D-Pad: No Use
Control Stick: Make Link walk/run (depending on pressure)
   Control Stick + R: Move shield around
Start: Brings up Menu; Pauses game
L Button: Toggle Map
Special Abilities: Link can swim in normal water, as well as can dive
for a certain amount of time.

Deku Link
A Button: Twirling attack
   A: Burrow into Deku Launcher (when standing over launcher)
B Button: Shoots bubble (When tapped; After you gain the ability)
   B: Shoots larger bubble (When held)
Z Button: Z-Target enemy/item
R Button: Curl up into a ball; Used as a shield
C-Up: First Person Mode
C-Down: Use set item
C-Left: Use set item
C-Right: Use set item
D-Pad: No Use
Control Stick: Make Deku Link walk/run (depending on pressure)
   Control Stick + R: Move shield around
   Control Stick: Guide Deku Link while flying
Start: Brings up Menu; Pauses game
L Button: Toggle Map
Special Abilities: Deku Link actually has 2 special abilities. Not only
can he jump 5 skips over water (before drowning) but he can also use Deku
Launcher pads to fly through the air.

Goron Link
A Button: Curl into ball
   A + Control Stick: Roll (When pressed lightly)
   A + Control Stick: Spiked Roll (When held)
   A + B: Goron Stomp
B Button: Fire Punch
Z Button: Z-Target enemy/item
C-Up: First Person Mode
C-Down: Use set item
C-Left: Use set item
C-Right: Use set item
D-Pad: No Use
Control Stick: Make Goron Link walk/run (depending on pressure)
   A + Control Stick: Roll (When pressed lightly)
   A + Control Stick: Spiked Roll (When held)
Start: Brings up Menu; Pauses game
L Button: Toggle Map
Special Abilities: Goron Link has several abilities, even a hidden one. He can
do a "Goron Stomp" to stomp down switches or open secret doors, plus he has
the ability to access what seems to be inaccessible areas using his roll

Zora Link
A Button: Roll (like normal Link)
   A: Swim (when underwater)
   A: Dive (when on a platform)
B Button: Attack with sword (when tapped)
   B: Throw swords (when held)
Z Button: Z-Target enemy/item; Use Shield while walking
C-Up: First Person Mode
C-Down: Use set item
C-Left: Use set item
C-Right: Use set item
D-Pad: No Use
Control Stick: Make Zora Link walk/run/swim (depending on pressure)
   A + Control Stick: Move while swimming (while underwater)
   Up + Down: Dolphin Jump (while underwater)
Start: Brings up Menu; Pauses game
L Button: Toggle Map
Special Abilities: Zora Link is the only character capable of walking on the
floor of the ocean, along with swimming underwater, and throwing his two
swords at switches or enemies.

                                  TIME SYSTEM

   You may have noticed there is now an on-screen clock with the Day number,
and what current time it is. You will have a total of 3 days before the moon
falls and you get game over. Every hour in the game = 30 seconds in real life.
No, you don't have 3 days to finish the game but 3 days to finish up what you
are currently doing. For instance, say you are in a dungeon and it's Day 3.
You can play the "Song of Time" which will warp you back to Day #1, but you'll
also lose all of your current item inventory (rupees, arrows, bombs, sticks,
etc.) There are several songs which alter the game clock in all different
ways. You can increase time, decrease time, etc. using different songs.

   Keep an eye on your clock and make sure you aren't running low on time, and
don't worry about losing your place in the game. There are now owl statues,
which are located in almost every area of the game. Hit the statue to remember
your place, and you can warp to that location with a tune of your Ocarina.
This system may seem a bit complicated, but you will eventually get used to it
after the first 20 minutes of gameplay. Also keep in mind that some tasks can
only be accomplished at night, others during the day, and some must be done
at a specific time.

                                  GAME SCREEN

   The game screen is pretty similar to that of "Zelda: Ocarina of Time" with
a few changes and additions. In the upper left corner of the screen is your
health meter. You start out with 3 hearts, and gradually increase as you
collect heart pieces (4 heart pieces = 1 heart increase on meter.) Right under
that is your Magic Meter, which can be increased by collecting dungeon fairies

and taking them back to the great fairy (see the next section.) When you do
things such as shoot bubbles, power charge your sword, shoot fire arrows, or
anything that requires magic, you will lose a bit off your magic meter. To
replenish magic on your meter, collect a bottle of magic or a jug which
replenishes more.

   In the bottom-left corner is your wallet amount. This will display how many
rupees you have currently collected, and when in dungeons, you can see how
many Small Keys you've collected so far. You can increase the size of your
wallet by depositing 200 rupees into your bank account in Clock Town. Right
in the center of the screen (on the bottom) is your on-screen clock. You can
see the hour and minute hand, as well as what day it is here, make sure you
keep a watch on your clock, just to make sure you're not running low on time.
Moving along, in the bottom right corner is your mini-map. Some areas have no
maps, in which case there will be nothing here, but when you have a map of

a dungeon or a town, it will appear in a mini version here.

   Finally, in the top right corner of the screen is your action area. You
have the A and B buttons, which light up when you are supposed to press them
(for instance, when standing in front of a door, the A button will light up
on the screen, saying the word "Open" meaning you press the A button to open
the door) and you also have your 3 action buttons (C-Left, C-Down, C-Right.)
You are allowed to set 3 items to your action buttons (1 on each button) and
then when that button is pressed, the item that is set to it will be in use.
For example, say you have the Ocarina set to the C-Right button, whenever you
press C-Right, Link will take out his Ocarina. The game screen is pretty much
the same as Ocarina of Time, with the addition of the on-screen clock.

                                DUNGEON FAIRIES

   A nice little puzzle has been added to the game (sort of replacing the Gold
Skulltulla quest in Ocarina of Time.) In each dungeon (Woodfall Temple,
Snowhead Temple, etc.) you have an optional little game to play. Hidden in
each dungeon are 15 fairies, they can be in treasure chests, floating in
bubbles, inside enemies, behind blocks, in pots, and almost everywhere else.
Your goal is to collect all 15 of them, and take them to the nearby fairy
fountain (there is a fairy fountain near every dungeon) and you will be
rewarded for finding them all. If you're having trouble finding all of the
fairies, my Walkthrough below has all of their locations in all of the
dungeons you'll encounter in the game.

   Remember, this is totally optional, but it is rather useful because you
can maximize your Magic Meter, or receive other helpful rewards. You will also
notice that some fairies are blue, while others are yellow. There is no
difference between the colors of the two, it just adds a little variety to the
game, rather than having the same color all the time. This new feature kind
of replaces the Gold Skulltulla collection (which was found in Ocarina of Time)
but it's totally up to you whether you want to collect the fairies or not, it
is not mandatory, but if you do collect them, it's beneficial to your game.

                              THE OCARINA & SONGS

   A brief history of the Ocarina: In Zelda V (Ocarina of Time) Link first
received his Ocarina from a lovely girl named Saria. For those wondering what
an Ocarina actually is, it's a musical instrument with finger holes and a
mouthpiece for playing different tunes. Throughout the game, you will learn
many, many songs on your Ocarina, each having its own purpose. Some songs alter
time, others help you proceed with the game, some are hidden (meaning you will
never learn them, but can still play them, hence why they are called "hidden"
songs) and the rest you learn from different people. The whole reasoning behind
the songs is to add some uniqueness to the game, after all, the Zelda series
is known for being unique.

   There is now a new feature with the Ocarina ("new feature" meaning that I'm
comparing it to Ocarina of Time) which is different instruments. That's right,
you can now play songs on other instruments other than the plain old Ocarina.
When you are Deku Link, you can play with Deku Pipes, and as Goron Link, you can
play with a bongo drum set. This is a nice change from Ocarina of Time, as it
adds a variety of sounds to listen to. As you learn new songs, they are
recorded in your game status menu, so you'll never lose them once you learn
them. If you forget how to play a song, use the game menu as a reference on
the correct buttons to press.

                                MAP OF TERMINA

                             Snowhead Temple    Goron Shrine
        Gerudo Lagoon                   Death Mountain
             |                              /
             |                         |   /
         Great Bay -------------- Clock Town --- Mountains --- Graveyard
             |                     ____|              /
             |                    /    |       Ikana Valley --- Rockville
         Zora Hall               /     |                
          /             Milk Road      |            Ikana Ruins
    Great Bay Temple            |   The Swamp
                                |     |   |______ 
                      Romani Ranch  Lost Woods   |
                                               Deku Palace
                                                Woodfall Temple

   Copyright 2000, Dallas Scott


   The following walkthrough contains no spoilers as you read and play through
the game, but it is also very bare-boned, meaning it isn't as thorough and
detailed as the main walkthrough, which can be found directly after this one.

 Lost Woods

- View the opening cinema to get a feel for the game.

- Cut the bushes up ahead to get at least 5 rupees.

- Go through the cave to the north and fall through the hole, watch the cinema
  with Skull Kid.

- Go through the north door, and use the flowers to launch over to the door
  on the ledge.

- Go through the door, use the flowers to transport from platform to platform,
  and get the Deku Nuts in the treasure chest.

- Walk through the door, past the twisted hallway, and into the next room.

- Make your way up the ramps to the top, talk to the Happy Mask Man, then go
  through the double door into Clock Town.

 Clock Town

- Walk up 2 floors of stairs, go through the opening, and talk to the elf.

- Get the town map from the elf for 5 rupees, then go to the far south of
  Clock Town.

- At the water, jump to get the fairy, then go back to where you got the map.
  Go through the cave, and release the fairy.

- Learn the Bubble Shooter ability from the big fairy.

- Shoot the balloon with your bubble shooter, then talk to the kid.

- Play hide and seek and find the 5 kids (2 are in this area, 2 are in the
  center of the map, and 1 is on the left of the map.)

- Get the password from the kids, then use it to pass into the tunnel.

- Skip the water, kill the skulltulla, pop the balloon, and climb the ladder
  into the next room.

- Go up the stairs, look through the telescope.

- Aim the telescope on top of the Clock Tower, watch the cinema, then go through
  the door and get the Moon's TearDrop.

- Leave the tunnel, go back to the middle of town, give the Deku Scrub the
  Moon's TearDrop in return for the Land Owner's Paper.

- On Day 3 (at 12AM) use the flower to glide over on top of the tower, and up
  the stairs to fight Skull Kid.

- Shoot 1 bubble at him, get your ocarina, then play the song of time.

 Item Collection (Optional)

- Get the fairy at the lake, and return it to the Fairy Fountain to gain the
  Great Fairy Mask.

- Go into the observatory as Normal (young) Link and then come back out and
  talk to the bomber kid to receive the Notebook (Log Book).

- Deposit 200 Rupees into your account to get a new Adult Wallet.

- At 12AM on any night, go to the park area (where you got the map) and stop
  the burglar for the Blast Mask.

- At 12AM on any night, go to the lake and talk to the windmill man for the
  Bremen Mask.

- Talk to the woman in the 2nd room at the Mayor's house to receive the Mask
  of Kafei.

- Take the south exit of Clock Town, follow Milk Road to the ranch, use your
  Bremen Mask to round up the chicks and turn them into chickens to gain the
  Bunny Hood, then go back to Clock Town.

- Pay 500 rupees at 10PM on the 3rd night (after you stop the burglar on the
  first night, and you have the Mask of Kafei) to the man on the left side of
  town to get the All Night Mask.

- Take the south exit, and go straight into the Swamp Area.

 The Swamp

- Use the lilly pads to cross the water into the next section.

- Go into the cave behind the hut.

- Follow the monkey while wearing your Bunny Hood.

- Talk to Kotake (1/2 of Twinrova), then leave back into the swamp.

- Climb the ladder and go into the hut, talk to Koume to receive a red potion,
  then take it back to Kotake.

- Leave the cave, talk to the monkeys, and go back to the first area. Climb
  the ladder and go into the hut.

- Talk to Kotake through the hole in the wall to get the Pictograph Box and
  a free boat ride.

- Take the boat to the first stop, then get off to enter the Deku Palace.

 Deku Palace

- Talk to the 2 Deku Scrubs (as Deku Link) then go north into the next room.

- Take a picture of the King (you can give it to the Photo Shop owner for
  a heart piece) then go into the maze area.

- Fall into one of the holes and buy the Magic Beans from the merchant.

- Plant the beans in the dirt patch outside on the right.

- When it rains, take the transportation leaf to the upper level of the maze.

- Fly across the mazes, and into the room with the monkey.

- Take out your ocarina when you are by the monkey to learn the Sonata
  of Awakening.

- Launch up the ledge and go through the cave into the Woodfall Temple.

 Woodfall Temple

- Use the flowers to launch over to the ledge.

- Read the block to learn the Song of Soaring.

- Launch across the waterfall, and go through the opening.

- Go up the ramps, and launch over to the central platform, play the Sonata
  of Awakening as Deku Link.

- Launch over to the structure, and go inside.

- Launch from platform to platform, and go through the door at the end.

- Go down the ramp, and use the Venus fly traps to get to the other side of
  the water.

- Walk through the door, and launch up to the left side to get a small key.

- Launch to the north door, go through and kill the enemies inside to receive
  the dungeon map.

- Cross the Venus fly traps again and use the small key to enter the door.

- Move the block, go around, move the block again, then light the torch next
  to the door to open it.

- Defeat the enemies inside to get the compass.

- Put on the Bunny Hood, light a deku stick, and run upstairs.

- Light this torch, jump across and burn the cobwebs.

- Go into the opening, through the dark hallway and into a circular room.

- Light the 3 torches to open the door.

- Launch across the room, ignoring the dragonflies, go through the door.

- Step on the switch, then go through the north door.

- Go right to fight Metal Dinalfos, and get the Hero's Bow.

- Shoot the eyeball across the room, launch across the room, and go through
  the door.

- Fight and defeat Gekko, then get the boss key from the chest.

- Go back to the main room, shoot an arrow through the fire to light the
  torch on the giant flower.

- Go around and jump on the spinning flower, and shoot an arrow through the
  fire to light the un-lit torch.

- Turn into normal Link, use the Boss key and go through the door.

- Fight and defeat Odolwa (dungeon boss), cut the vines blocking the entrance,
  then capture the princess in your bottle.

- Return the princess to her palace.

 Item Collection (Optional)

- As normal Link, take the left path at the Deku Palace.

- Go through the cave and talk to the Deku Scrub to have a race. If you catch
  up to him by the end, you will get the Mask of Scents.

- Talk to Kotake at the Photo Hut to play the archery mini-game. Shoot at least
  20 targets to get a heart piece.

- Go through the one of the mazes at the Deku Palace to get another Heart

- At Clock Town, play the archery game for 20 rupees, if you break the current
  record (30 or so) you will get a new arrow carrier that holds 40 arrows.

- On Day 1 at 12AM, take the north exit out of Clock Town, go left until you
  see a mushroom man. Play the Song of Healing to get the Kamaro's Mask.

- On Day 1 or 2 at night, put on the Kamaro's Mask in front of the dancing
  girls on the left side of town to get a heart piece.

- Purchase bombs at Shop in Clock Town before leaving.

 Death Mountain/Goron Shrine

- Go up the path, and shoot 2 arrows at the icicle above.

- In the next area, bomb the giant snowballs blocking your path, and go into
  the next area.

- Find the path that leads to the bridges. Buy a map, then go into the next

- Talk to the owl, and cross over the invisible platforms using the feathers.

- Once in the cave, open the treasure chest to get the Lens of Truth, leave
  the cave, and cross back over the platforms.

- Talk to the Goron Ghost and follow him up to the graveyard.

- Play the song of Healing to get the Goron Mask.

- As Goron Link, pull the tombstone to let in hot water, fill your bottle with
  hot water and revive the frozen Goron just outside.

- Get another bottle of hot water, and run back to where you got the map.

- Break the snowball on the lower ground and revive the frozen goron.

- Talk to him as Goron Link.

- Continue into the next area, go in front of the door and press A + B.

- Go inside, talk to everyone (including the baby crying) and go back to the
  frozen goron.

- Unfreeze him, talk to him and learn part of the Goron Lullaby.

- Go back to the room where the baby crying was, and play the goron lullaby
  to learn the rest of the song.

- Walk to the main area (where the log cabin is) and take the path you haven't
  entered yet.

- As Goron Link, roll across the gaps, and avoid the snowballs, then enter
  the next area.

- Play the Goron Lullaby to stop the breath from the giant goron. Go up the
  ramp into Snowhead Temple.

 Snowhead Temple

- Push the block out of the way, and go through the door on the right.

- As Goron Link, roll across the bridge, then turn back into normal Link
  and jump across to the platform and go through the door.

- Open the chest to get the Dungeon Map, then go out and jump back across.

- Go through the door into the main room, run across the platform and through
  the door on the other side (the only door that's open.)

- Pull the blocks on the left wall and go in the hidden room, open the chest
  for a Small Key.

- Go back into the room where you pushed the block and open the once locked
  door with your key.

- Bomb the far wall here and go up the stairs.

- Go on the other side of the room and shoot the icicle in the middle of the
  room (on the ceiling) with arrows.

- Hop across the platforms, break the giant snowball, and open the chest to
  get a small key.

- Hop down and go through the locked door.

- Goron Stomp the first platform as Goron Link, jump across and Goron Stomp
  the next one. Run down into the ditch, Goron Stomp the raised platform and
  jump back up to the now open door.

- Roll across the gap, go up the snow pile, and roll across the 2nd gap, go
  through the door.

- Fight and defeat Wizrobe, open the chest, and go back into the previous room.

- Drop down to the main floor.

- Melt the ice blocks in front of each door, and go through one of them.

- Kill the freezards to get a fairy, then light all the torches with fire
  arrows to open the door.

- Go through the door and Goron Stomp the platform.

- Leave this room and back into the first bridge room you came to when you
  first entered the dungeon.

- Kill the 3 freezards on the sides of the bridge to get a small key.

- Go into the room where you got the map, stand on the platform and shoot a
  fire arrow at the eyeball switch above.

- Walk through the next door, and go up all the stairways until you get to
  the top of the dungeon.

- Head through this door, kill the dinalfos, and go through the next door at
  the end of this room.

- Kill Wizrobe again to gain the Boss Key.

- Go down to the bottom of the platform room and punch out the 2 blue sections,
  then go back to the top and do the same thing to the last 2.

- Hop down onto the main platform, roll through the snowballs into the next

- Spike Roll across the gap, and use the Boss Key to enter the boss' lair.

- Melt him with a fire arrow, and fight/defeat him.

 Item Collection (Optional)

- Head over to the Goron Shrine (where the crying baby is/was) and light all
  the un-lit torches in this room with a deku stick. After that, as Goron Link,
  roll from the top of the Shrine, breaking each spinning pot 1 by 1 to get
  a chunk of meat.

- Take the meat to the hungry Goron on the ledge in the main part of Death
  Mountain, he will give you the Don Gero Mask as a reward.

- Using the Don Gero Mask, talk to the 5 frogs located in: Clock Town, Death
  Mountain, the Swamp, and both dungeons, then talk to the one on Death
  Mountain again to gain a heart piece.

- Go back to the area where Goron Shrine is located, and talk to the Giant
  Goron for a huge bomb. Carry it up to the large rock blocking your path over
  where the bridges are.

- Partake in the Goron Race, and by getting 1st place, you will gain a new
  bottle with some gold dust inside.

- Near each exit of Clock Town is a hole leading to a gossip stone. Play the
  Goron's Lullaby to all 4 stones to get a heart piece.

- Walk in the grassy area on Milk Road to fall through a hidden hole, then
  defeat the flying enemy by bombing it, then goron punching it for another
  heart piece.

 Romani Ranch

- Talk to the giant Goron again and he will give you 1 free giant bomb (you
  must pay 100 rupees after that.) Take it to the owl statue near milk road
  and bomb the giant rock in the path which leads to the ranch.

- On Day 1, talk to Romani outside to engage in the horse riding mini-game.

- Shoot 10 balloons while riding Epona to learn Epona's Song and to gain your

  horse back.

- At 2AM, follow Romani into the barn, come out, and guard against the UFOs
  by shooting them with arrows. Continue doing this until 5:30 AM to get
  another bottle with specialized milk inside.

- Talk to Romani and her sister in their house on the next morning, come back
  at 6:00 PM and guard them while they deliver their milk (using arrows)
  to get the Romani Mask.

- Ride Epona to the beach on the west side of Clock Town. Hop over the fence
  to get to the Great Bay.

 Great Bay/Zora Hall

- Look out to the ocean and you'll see a swarm of birds.

- Swim out here and talk to the Zora. Push him to dry land, then talk to him.

- Play the Song of Healing, watch the cinema, and collect the Zora Mask, then
  transform into Zora Link.

- Swim out and do a diving jump onto the platform, hit the owl statue with

  your Kokiri sword, then swim back to dry land.

- Go into the 2nd area of Great Bay (to the right) then swim out to the fish
  tail structure. Sink to the bottom, kill the enemy and go straight through
  into the Zora Hall.

- You can get a heart piece later after you get the hookshot, by helping the
  Zora Band.

- Go out and talk to Lulu, then hit the owl statue.

- You can practice diving here if you wish as well.

- Play the Song of Soaring, and warp to Clock Town. Take the south exit and
  go to the 2nd area of the swamp.

- Buy a Red Potion from Koume, then warp back to Clock Town.

- Take the lower east exit, and play Epona's Song.

- Ride Epona down through the mountain terrain, hop over the 2 fences and get
  off, using the Lens of Truth on the circle of stones.

- Give the tired soldier the red potion to get the Stone Mask.

- Warp to the 1st area of the Great Bay, then swim to the right of the owl
  statue until you reach the end where the wall is.

- Sink down and walk toward the beach along the wall.

- Underwater Swim into the 2nd set of boards with the crossbones on them, go
  up the ramp and into the Gerudo Lagoon.

 Gerudo Lagoon

- Put on the Stone Mask, and hop down into the water.

- Hitch a ride over to the left side on one of the Gerudo guards' boats.

- Get out of the water and go up the ramps to the top platform where you will
  find a circular switch.

- Transform into Goron Link, and goron stomp the switch.

- Hop back down into the water and swim through the newly opened hole to enter
  the underwater maze.

- Go through the maze (see map in main walkthrough.)

- Take the pipe pumping sewage upward to the next level.

- Beware of spikes and pipes pumping sewage on the sides of the walls, if you
  get caught in one you have to go through the maze again.

- Go through the door out of the water, swim through the spikes and go up
  onto dry land.

- Walk up the stairs, fire punch the barrels and goron stomp the switch to
  open the cell door.

- Go down the stairs quickly, get the heart piece and go back up the stairs.

- Stand on the edge, and throw your Zora swords at the switch to open the

- Jump into the water and quickly swim through the game into the next area.

- Swim over the pipe pumping sewage, and climb the ladder.

- Step on the switch, then run over to the grated pipe and throw your Zora
  swords at the wall plate while standing on the grated pipe.

- Take the water spout up to the next level, get off, climb the ladder and
  throw your swords at the wall plate across the way.

- Quickly jump down and go through the next door.

- Go across the ledge and through the opening on the other side.

- Wearing your Stone Mask, climb the ladder of the tower in the middle
  of the settlement here.

- Go across the bridge and through the door on the other side.

- Watch the cinema, then fire an arrow at the beehive.

- Run around the corner, hop down and open the treasure chest to get the

- Fire the hookshot at the ledge above the tank and as Zora Link, sink down
  into the tank and capture the zora egg in an empty bottle.

- Exit this room and use the hookshot posts in the northeast area to go into
  the next room.

- Ignore the patrolling guard and go into the next room to fight the guard.

- Defeat her and go into the next room to get the zora egg from the tank with
  another empty bottle.

- Exit and go through the next door on the right side of the settlement.

- Defeat the guard here as well, then collect the zora egg from the tank with
  your third empty bottle.

- Warp to the owl statue in the first part of Great Bay and drop off the 3
  eggs into the marine tank (climb the ladder next to the owl statue.)

- Swim back to the settlement and use the hookshot posts near the back of the
  settlement to enter the final room.

- Defeat the 3rd guard and collect the 4th zora egg from the tank.

- Warp to the owl statue again and drop off the 4th egg, then walk in between
  the 2 tall rocks to the north of the owl statue in the first part of the
  Great Bay.

- Follow the signs to get through the confusing maze, then drop down to the
  bottom of the underwater cavern.

- Defeat the eels in the holes with your zora swords and collect the egg with
  your bottle.

- Float up to the 2nd level, and kill the eels to collect the 6th egg.

- Finally, float up to the top of the cavern and get the final egg from one of
  the holes.

- Swim back to the marine room and drop off the 3 remaining eggs.

- After they hatch, take out your Ocarina as Zora Link to learn the New Wave
  Bossa Nova.

- Warp to the owl statue in the Zora Hall, and play the New Wave Bossa Nova to
  Lulu as Zora Link to awaken the turtle.

- Use the hookshot on the palm tree for the turtle to take you to the entrance
  of the Great Bay Temple.

 Great Bay Temple

- Go through the door and into the dungeon itself.

- Swim over to the northeast corner as Zora Link, drop down and pull the
  turnkey to activate the elevators/water spout.

- Swim back to the entrance and take the left elevator.

- Kill the skulltullas, and hop across the water spout to get to the other
  side, then go through the corridor into the main core room.

- Following the current, swim into the yellow corridor on the top level of the
  main core room.

- Float up to the top, use the hookshot on the treasure chest, and open it to
  get the Great Bay Temple map.

- Sink back down to the bottom, and kill the 2 enemies blocking the red
  corridor, then go through it to find some deku babas.

- Kill the deku babas, climb out of the water, and go through the next door.

- Use the hookshot on the treasure chest across the room, (watch out for the
  bomb dog) and open the chest to get the compass.

- Look into the water and kill the deku babas, as well as the enemy blocking
  the chest below.

- Sink down and open it to get a small key.

- Go back to the main core room, and swim through the red corridor on the

- Find the red pipe, and walk on it to find the locked door.

- Go through the door and collect items from the pots, then enter the next open
  door to fight the big-eye mini-boss.

- Kill off all the mini-eyes surrounding it, then hit the big-eye with your
  sword until it's defeated, then collect the Ice Arrows from the chest.

- Go back to where you got the compass and fire ice arrows into the water
  leading to the inaccessible opening.

- Use the newly formed ice platforms to get up to the opening and fire an ice
  arrow to melt the ice block.

- Go through the door to fight Gekko again.

- Slash him with your sword then fire an ice arrow at the blob he's in. Repeat
  until he dies, then go through the open door to get the boss key.

- Go back to the main core room, and climb onto one of the spinning blades,
  take it to the ladder covered by a waterfall.

- Shoot an Ice Arrow at the water fall to stop it from falling, climb the 
  ladder and go through the corridor into the new room.

- Hookshot to the wooden barrel, and make ice blocks with your ice arrows
  leading to the next platform.

- Push or pull the turnkey, then go back to the main core room.

- Hop into the water and take the red corridor on the bottom, and hop onto a
  platform in the corner of this room.

- Shoot an Ice Arrow at the Octorok enemy to turn it into a block of ice
  which you can use to get up to the turnkey platform.

- Turn the key and go back to the main core room once again.

- Take the yellow corridor on top, get out and stand on the platform with the
  treasure chest.

- Make Ice platforms leading to the ledge, and go through the door.

- Lure the blob toward the turnkey platform, then freeze it with an ice arrow.

- Climb up to the platform and push/pull the key.

- Swim back to the first room in the dungeon and use the hookshot on the
  plate above the red water spout.

- Jump over to the platform and turn the key.

- Hop down into the water and swim over to the yellow platform and turn that

- Make your way back to the main core room and take the newly opened green
  corridor on the bottom.

- Climb up the pipe, and turn the key.

- Swim back to the main core room and go through the new corridor in the

- Take the 2 elevators to the top ledge, and shoot an ice arrow at the water
  spout, but only when the blades are aligned with the platform you are
  standing on.

- Cross over the blades and hop down into the next room, go through the door.

- Stand on the far see-saw and shoot a fire arrow at the ice above to make
  your end rise up. Jump across to the next see-saw and repeat, then jump
  over to the platform with the key on it, and push/pull it.

- Swim back through the green corridor at the bottom and use the new spout
  to access the boss.

- Defeat Gryorg, and collect the items he leaves behind.

 Item Collection (Optional)

- At 10:00 PM on any day, go to the Milk Bar in Clock Town, put on the Romani
  Mask and talk to the fat Zora.

- Stand on the right circle as normal Link to learn part of the song, do the
  same for Deku Link, Goron Link, and Zora Link to play the whole song
  together and get the Chairman Mask.

- In the second part of Great Bay (buy a pile of sticks) hookshot up all the
  platforms using the palm trees and enter the cave at the top.

- Challenge the beaver brothers to a race through the rings and if you win,
  you'll get another bottle.

- Challenge them a second time and win to get a heart piece.

- In Zora Hall, in the drummer room, hookshot up to the ledge and read the
  journal as Zora Link to learn 2 melodies, remember them.

- Go into the guitar room and play the melodies as the ending of the
  guitarist's songs.

- Play the entire song to the pianist to get a heart piece.

- Sink down into the water near the waterfall in the second area of Great Bay
  and kill the Like Like (blob) to get a heart piece.

 Inside the Grave

- Take the East exit of clock town and play Epona's Song to get on your horse.

- Ride through the mountains, jumping over the fences and ignoring the enemies,
  past the Ikana graveyard until you get to the skeleton.

- Play the Sonata of Awakening and defeat the skeleton to get the Captain's

- Go back to the graveyard at night on Day 1, then command the mini-skeletons
  marching around the tombstone to break it open.

- Jump inside the grave and go through the door.

- Fend off all the keese to get a rupee worth 50 then shoot fire arrows at the
  three un-lit torches to unlock the door.

- Hit Iron Knuckle to start the battle, and once he's defeated, read the stone
  tablet to learn the Song of Storms.

- Go to the owl statue near Milk Road with Epona, and take the left path of the
  statue to come to a farm.

- Pay the guy 10 rupees to race him, and once you win, you get the Garo Mask.

- Go to the mountain terrain area with Epona (jumping over the two fences) and
  talk to the man sitting on the cliff while wearing the Garo Mask.

- Hookshot up to the tree and go past the rolling rocks into Ikana Valley.

 Ikana Valley

- Take off the Garo Mask and walk straight, up to the broken bridge.

- Freeze the Octoroks with Ice Arrows and jump across to the platform.

- Use the trees to hookshot up to the main part of Ikana Valley.

- Walk up the left ramp and go into the cave opening at the end of the dried
  out riverbed, then walk toward the hole with water in it.

- Play the Song of Storms, then go out and wait for the little girl to walk
  far away, then run quickly into her house and down to her basement.

- Play the Song of Healing for the human/gibdo in her closet to get the Mask
  of Gibdo.

- Do "Anju and Kafei (Log Book)" side quest. (See "Side Quests" section.)


- Make sure you have a bottle of milk; 5 magic beans; 10 bombs; 1 fish; 10
  Deku Nuts; and one empty bottle for this next section.

- Jump through the giant hole on the left side of Ikana Valley while wearing
  the Mask of Gibdo.

- Give the gibdo on the right door 5 magic beans and go into the next room
  to give the next gibdo 10 deku nuts.

- The next gibdo wants 10 bombs, give them to him to go into the next room.

- Kill the Giant Poe by shooting it with 5 arrows, then collect the flame it
  leaves behind in your empty bottle.

- Go back to the 2nd room and give the other gibdo the fish in your bottle
  to pass into the next room.

- Give the Big Poe flame to this gibdo to gain access to the last room. Shoot
  fire arrows at all 4 torches, and get the mirror shield from the chest.

- Warp to the owl statue in Ikana Valley and go through the small crack on
  the right wall to enter the next area of the game.

 Ikana Ruins

- Go into the large crack while wearing the Gibdo Mask and shoot a fire arrow
  at the frozen switch to unlock the door ahead.

- In the next room, as Deku Link, hit the first switch, run to the end of the
  corridor, and hit the switch there twice so the roof raises back up, then
  burrow into a deku launcher, and launch up to the platform.

- Step on the switch as normal Link, then jump down and go through the next
  door near the switch you just hit.

- Launch over to the left ledge and step on the switch as normal Link, then
  use the Lens of Truth to see the invisible platform.

- Kill the skulltullas, then jump to the door and go through into the next
  room, where you will have to run to avoid being hit by the skulls.

- Go upstairs and through the short hallway out to the rooftop. Hop up onto
  the ledge here and follow it to the center of the ruins to find a small ledge
  with a deku launcher on it, jump down here.

- Launch to the pillar with the switch on it and step on it to make a block
  below move.

- Jump down and go back into the ruins, but shoot the other switch this time,
  then go through the door on the right.

- Kill the floormaster with your mirror shield, then remove the sun block
  by shining light onto it, and finally go through the door at the end.

- Fight and Defeat Wizrobe (strategy in the next section.)

- Go through the door, and walk around the corner to find a circle on the
  ground. Put a giant bomb on it to blow it up, then jump inside to be back
  inside the entrance of the ruins.

- Reflect light onto the sun block then fight and defeat King Yigorse and
  his two minions.

- Play the Song of Soaring and warp back to the Ikana Valley owl statue, then
  go east of where the dried out lake is to find the entrance to Rockville.


- Hop across the three blocks, and step on the switch on the other side. Play
  Mekegara's Elegy Song to clone yourself as normal Link on the switch.

- Hookshot up to the post, and step on the switch here as Goron Link; clone
  yourself again, then hookshot up to the next post.

- Clone yourself as Zora Link on the next switch then jump across the three
  blocks again.

- Step on each of the three switches here to reset the blocks back to their
  original position, then hookshot up to the next post.

- Clone yourself as normal Link while standing on the switch, then hookshot
  up to the next platform.

- Throw a bomb at the beamos, then clone yourself as Goron Link on the switch.

- Hookshot up again, and clone yourself as Zora Link on the switch, then jump
  across the three blocks and hit the owl statue on the other side.

- Step on the three switches here in this order: Left, Right, Center (cloning
  yourself as a different character on each one) then cross the three blocks
  to enter the Stone Tower Temple.

 Stone Tower Temple (Reality)

- Kill the dragonflies with arrows and go through the door on the left. In
  this room, clone yourself as Normal Link and Zora Link on the two normal
  switches, then clone yourself as Goron Link on the big switch.

- Bomb the crack in the wall and carry a small crate to set on the final
  switch, then go through the newly opened gate.

- Place a bomb on the discolored spot of the ground, and hop down through the
  hole it makes.

- Hookshot to the chest across the lava and open it to get the dungeon map,
  then kill at least 4 statues to get a small key.

- Go back out of the hole and through the locked door, then swim underwater as
  Zora Link until you reach a hand that will throw you onto a platform with a
  chest containing a small key in it.

- Go past the hand this time and into the next room. Climb onto the middle 
  platform and shine light onto the mirror, then shine from the mirror to the
  sun block to remove it.

- Open the chest for the compass, then go back to the strip of land and through
  the once locked door at the end.

- As Goron Link, punch out the parts of the pillar in this room, then kill the
  Black Boes, and start shining light on the left mirror (for at least 15
  seconds.) Run to that mirror and shine it onto the next, and then shine from
  that mirror onto the sun block.

- Use the Deku Launchers and the air pipes to fly around the building over to
  the left side, where you will find a platform; land on it.

- Go through the door and fight/kill the Ghost of Garo (see below section for

- After it's dead, go through the door and lure the eyegole towards you, then
  quickly back off and shoot it's yellow eye with an arrow (repeat until he's

- Go through the door, save your game, then warp to the owl statue in Rockville
  to enter the dungeon again, only this time it's an illusion.

 Stone Tower Temple (Illusion)

- Make the three blocks appear again by cloning yourself on the 3 switches
  (Left, Right, Center) but stop on the 3rd block.

- Shoot an arrow at the red switch in front of you (on the wall below) then
  enter the dungeon again.

- Go through the door on the right this time, and shoot a light arrow at the
  sun block to move it out of your way.

- Use the Deku Launchers and air pipes to launch up to a platform with an
  enemy on it. Kill the enemy and go through the opening, step on the switch
  and come back.

- Open the newly appeared chest for a small key. Launch up to the tip top of
  the ceiling and float over to the ledge with a locked door on it.

- With your key, open the door and shoot an arrow at the red switch across the
  room, then go through the lava pit as goron link.

- Shoot the switch again and go through the door to find another red switch;
  fire an arrow at it, then jump down and push the block so it's centered
  with the room.

- Shoot the red switch for the 2nd time and push the block to the other side
  of the room. Shoot the switch again, and push the block up against the raised
  floor, and shoot the switch one last time, then push the block into the hole
  to open the barred door.

- Go through the door and fight/defeat wizrobe again. Use your hookshot on the
  chest that appears on top and go through the door.

- Launch across the room and go through the door, then use the hookshot on the
  hanging spikes over to the left to make them explode.

- Launch over to where the spikes were and use the launcher there to get across
  to the other end of the room, where you can go through the next door.

- Fight and defeat Gomez (see strategy in next section) and collect the Boss
  Key after he's dead.

- Go back to the room before the hanging spikes and launch to the alcove to
  the left.

- Find the switch in this area and step on it and get the small key from the
  treasure chest that appears.

- Head back to the previous room and go through the door into the hanging spike
  room once again. Turn right and go through the door here.

- Kill the Eyegole here, then open the chest to get the Giant Mask, which you
  will be using for the boss battle for this dungeon.

- Go through the door here, watching out the for spiked rod, and hit the switch
  then hookshot up to the chest.

- Hookshot to the plate and collect items, then go through the door to fight
  and defeat Twin-Mold using the Giant Mask (see strategy in below section.)

 The Moon

- Make sure you have all the 20 normal masks for this next part, then when you
  are ready, warp to day 3 and wait until 12:00 AM.

- Go to fight Skull Kid again, but this time, play the Oath to Order and view
  the cinema.

- Talk to each of the four kids around the tree and give them the respective
  amount of masks to get in and out of each dungeon.

- See the below section for strategies on all 4 of the "mini-dungeons" you
  will go through. You will get the Oni Mask after you go through each dungeon.

- Talk to the kid sitting down near the tree to fight the final boss. See the
  below section for boss the boss strategy.


   The following walkthrough is completely accurate for all regional versions
of the game (NA, JP, EU) and was composed from my experience of playing through
the game. Although the following pertains to all regional versions of the game,
it _was_ based on playing the JP version, therefore some names/locations, etc.
in the walkthrough may be inaccurate (I'm not very good at translating.) If you
find an error of a location name, character name, song name, mask, name, item
name, etc. and would like to correct it, please do so by e-mailing me (e-mail
address is in the "Information" section.)

                                 THE BEGINNING

   Link, is riding Epona through the forest, calmly, quietly, when suddenly, 2
fairies appear. One appears to look like Navi (but it isn't) and the other is
a darker colored fairy. These 2 are Chat and Trail (JP) also known as Tatl and
Tael (US). These 2 fairies stick around with an evil creature named Skull Kid.
Tatl and Tael will frighten Epona, who kicks Link off and onto the ground,
where he becomes unconscious. Moments later, Skull Kid appears (wearing the
mask of Majora.) He giggles a few times, then walks up to Link, kicks him over
and searches his pockets (yes, he's a thief.) He finds the Ocarina, takes it,
and begins to play notes.

   Link awakens at the sound of the Ocarina, and looks at Skull Kid. Startled,
Skull Kid hides the Ocarina behind his back, but it's too late. Link approaches
him, but just as he gets there, Skull Kid hops onto Epona. The thrill music
begins to play, and as Skull Kid starts to ride away with your Ocarina and your
horse, Link grabs on to Epona, and is taken alongside his horse. He can't hold
on for long, and eventually falls off to watch Skull Kid get away with his 2
most prized values. Link then picks himself up, and you are left to go after
Skull Kid to reclaim your valuables.

                                THE LOST WOODS

Items: Deku Nuts

   Alright, head north, where there are 2 patches of bushes on both sides of
the path. Cut them up to gain at least 5 rupees (you will need them for the
upcoming town) then continue north through the cave opening. Jump across the
platforms, and through the opening at the end. A cinema will show link falling
from the cliff all the way down to a little area. Floating in mid-air will be
Skull Kid. He puts a spell on Link that turns him into a Deku Scrub, then
laughs a bit, and floats back through a door. When you are left to play again,
go through this door, and into the next room. Here, you will find some Deku
Launchers (flowers on the ground) which will Launch you into mid-air where you
can glide. Use the flowers to cross all the platforms, then land on the ledge,
and go through the door into the next room.

   This place has the same Deku Launchers, but much taller platforms. Float
over to the 2nd platform, and open the treasure chest to gain 10 DEKU NUTS.
Continue gliding across, from platform to platform (dodging the walls in
between) until you reach the end, where a Deku plant will be standing. Ignore
him for now, and go through the door into the twisted hallway. A cinema with
motion blur engages, and you are taken to the next room (which happens to be
the inside of the Clock Tower.) When here, follow the ramps leading upward,
where the Happy Mask Man is waiting. He will converse with Link, then let him
be on his way. Go through the big double doors to be brought into Clock Town,
the first town of the game.

                                  CLOCK TOWN MAP

                             ### ^ ###   ###################
                 ############### | #########              ##
                 ##         North Exit   Buy Map          ##
               ####                                       ##      #########
                                               ##                    ##
##    ## #############                               ####                  ##
##     ###############                                 ##########          ##
##  Lake Area        ##                                 ##########         ##
##              #######           South Exit              ###   #############
##################   ################ | #####################################
                                   ## v ##

                                  CLOCK TOWN

Items: Town Map, Fairy, Moon's Tear, Land Title Deed
Heart Pieces: 2

   In order to make your way around town with ease, you'll need to get a map.
From the starting point, turn around and go up the ramps to the right, and head
through the opening at the top. This leads you into a new area with a kid
shooting at a balloon. Near the exit of this area, you will find a tiger faced
elf named Tingle who draws maps for a living. Buy the Clock TOWN MAP from him
for 5 Rupees (buy the Woodfall one for 40 if you have enough) and go back to
the main area of Clock Town (where you first started.) Using your brand new
map, follow it all the way to the southwest of Clock Town, where there is a
lake, and a bridge. Hovering over the lake is a FAIRY, hop over to it (in as
few jumps as possible) to collect it. Now go back to the place where you got
the map.

   In this area is a little fence with an opening next to it. Walk through the
opening and into the Fairy Fountain. Drop off the fairy you got earlier, where
she will join up with all the other fairies and turn into one Great Fairy. The
Great Fairy (who still has that laugh from Zelda: OoT) will give Deku Link a
new Magic Meter as well as a new ability, Bubble Shooting! Hold down the B
button to blow a bubble, and release it at the desired size to shoot it at a
specified object or person. However, if you hold B too long, the bubble will
pop before you even get to fire it. Leave the Fairy Fountain, and test out your
new ability by firing a bubble at the blue balloon in the sky. Once you pop it,
the little kid (who has been trying to pop it) will become upset.

   Talk to him, and he will offer you a little game of Hide and Seek. He and
4 of his buddies will hide from you (all within Clock Town) and give you
exactly 1 day (24 hours) to find all of them. This will be rather easy and
rewarding at the end. The first 2 kids are in this very area, one behind the
tree and one behind the slide (they will try and run from you, so give chase
if they attempt escape.) Once you catch those 2, make your way to the right
of town (use your map) where the next 2 are. One is on top the roof holding
a chicken, and when you approach him, he flies down (follow him until you
catch him.) The next one, you must use a Deku Launcher to capture. Fly up to
the roof near the Deku Launcher to get him.

   The final one is on the left side of town (use your map) and he's just out
in the open, not very hard to catch. Once you catch him, you will be
transported back to the area where you got the map, where the 5 kids will all
turn around revealing numbers on the back of their shirts. This is a password,
so remember it (you can always ask the kid on the roof if you forget.) Go to
the northeast part of town, where a kid (similar to the ones you just caught)
will be blocking you from going into a new area. Give him the password to make
him move, then walk down the ramp and into the underground area. Hop the water,
and kill the Skulltulla that drops down. When you come to the room with the
balloon, pop it so you can climb the ladder.

   Break the pots for some extra money, then go up the colored stairs to the
top of the observatory, where an old wise man is looking through his telescope.
Talk to him and he will offer you a look, use A to zoom and B to cancel. Aim
the telescope towards the top of the Clock Tower, and zoom in to see Skull Kid.
A cinema will play, showing the moon shedding a teardrop that lands right
outside, followed by Skull Kid giving Link an obscene gesture. Go through the
door, which leads to the outside of the observatory. Walk over the MOON'S
TEAR to pick it up and put it in your item stash. Go back through the 
observatory, and out of the underground area with the water, back into the main
part of Clock Town. Near a set of stairs is some water with a Deku Launcher
next to it, head here to see a Deku Scrub fly from above with 2 bags in his

   He will land on the Deku Launcher, and requests a Moon TearDrop from you.
Set the Moon's TearDrop to one of the C-Buttons, and give it to him. In return,
he will give you the LAND TITLE DEED (a.k.a. - a map) and fly away with 3
bags, allowing you to use the Deku Launcher. Now all you can do is wait until
12AM on the 3rd day to proceed, so in the meantime, you may as well collect
some heart pieces. Go back to the area (all the way north) where you got the
Town Map, and use the boxes/platforms near the slide to reach the tree, which
has a HEART PIECE located in between its branches. Now, make your way back
to the center of town, where the Deku Launcher is.

   Use it to launch yourself up on the small roof in the middle of the Clock
Tower, where you will find another HEART PIECE waiting for you to collect.
Now, you must wait until 12AM on the 3rd night. If you wish, you can talk to
the Scarecrow at the observatory to speed up time. Once 12AM strikes on the
3rd day, fireworks will be set off on top of the Clock Tower. The tower will
fall revealing steps that lead to the roof. You now have 5 hours (5 minutes
real-time) before the final day is over. Launch yourself on top of the little
roof on the Clock Tower (where you got the Heart Piece) and climb up the stairs
to find Skull Kid floating around, time for a fight!

MINI-BOSS: Skull Kid (Stalkid)

Items: Ocarina
Songs: Song of Time

   Skull Kid uses his powers on the moon above in order to help him with the
battle. Anyway, he doesn't have any attacks, so you can't really get hurt. Just
shoot him once with your Bubble Shooter and he'll drop your OCARINA. Pick it
up, and Link will have a flashback of the time when Princess Zelda taught him
the SONG OF TIME (Zelda: OoT) he then re-learns the song now. When played, this
song will take you back 1 day in time (it will also save your game in the JP
version of the game.) The battle continues with Skull Kid, but there is no way
you can defeat him, so just play the Song of Time to end the battle. You will
be left back in the main part of Clock Town on Day 1 again.

                        ITEM COLLECTION #1 (CLOCK TOWN)*

Items: Fairy, Bomber's Notebook, Adult Wallet
Songs: Song of Healing
Heart Pieces: 2
Masks: Deku Mask, Great Fairy Mask, Blast Mask, Bremen Mask
       Mask of Kafei, Rabbit Hood, All Night Mask

   Remember, not all of the items, masks, and heart pieces have to be
collected now. I suggest you try and get them now, to help you with your quest
later in the game, but if you can't get them, or don't feel like getting them,
you can always come back later. Now that Skull Kid is out of the way, go
through the double doors of the clock tower once again, and a rather odd
conversation will engage with the Happy Mask Man. He will teach you the SONG
OF HEALING on your Ocarina, which allows you to heal anybody that has a curse
on them with a mask. When you play the song, Link's DEKU MASK will come off,
and you will gain it for one of your masks. Finish the conversation with the
Happy Mask Man, then leave the Clock Tower and go back to the south, where the
river is.

   Remember that FAIRY hovering over the water before? Well, there is now
another one in the same spot. Hop in the water to get it, then take it back to
the Great Fairy over in the Fairy Fountain where you got the Town Map earlier.
Once you re-join all the fairies again, the Great Fairy will appear and give
you the GREAT FAIRY MASK, which will attract roaming fairies in caves when
worn. A lot of obstacles in Majora's Mask are time-based, meaning you can only
do them at certain times on certain days. At 12AM on any day, go to the area
where you got the Town Map, and you will see an old woman walking by with a
bag in her hand. Moments later, a thief will come along, snatch the bag and
try to escape, leaving you to catch him.

   Hit him with your sword before he escapes through the exit, and he will drop
the bag. When he finally leaves, you will be rewarded with the BLAST MASK
(given by the old woman) for your heroism. Now, if you hurry, you can get
another mask at the same time. Run down to the south where the river is
located, and you will find a man playing his music box (he looks as if he is
the man from Zelda: OoT.) Talk to him, and he will give you the BREMEN MASK,
which looks like a bird's face. When worn, press the B button, hold it and move
with the Control Stick to do the Chicken March. When it is daylight once again,
go to the north part of town (where you got the map), and as normal Link talk
to the bomber kid blocking the path to the observatory again.

   Go into the observatory, then come back out and talk to the bomber kid
here and you will receive a BOMBER'S NOTEBOOK (also known as the Log Book) with
which you can record your events in (you will record faces and items in this
book as you talk to people and collect new items/masks.) Don't go too far,
because if it's between 10AM and 8PM, head through the door next to the kid who
was blocking your path. Once inside, go into the door on the right, and talk to
the woman sitting in the chair. Say Yes, and she will give you the MASK OF
KAFEI to add to your collection

   There is a man on the left side of Clock Town (refer to your map) who runs
a bank. You can deposit and withdraw money with him. Go just outside of Clock
Town, chopping up the plants to gain at least 200 rupees, then take them back
and deposit them with the man to receive the ADULT WALLET. If you have the
patience, go out and collect up to 5,000 rupees and the man will give you
a HEART PIECE. Now, to get the last mask, you will have to come back here at
a later time. You will need the Mask of Kafei, the Giant Wallet, and 500 rupees
to get this next mask. Once you have the above, stop the burglar on the 1st
night, then on the 3rd night at 10:00 PM go to the Curiosity Shop on the left
side of town to purchase the ALL NIGHT MASK.

   On the 3rd night, at 12AM, leave Clock Town through the south exit, and
walk along the southwest path (fighting the enemies as you go.) You will soon
come to Romani Ranch, where you will find Epona, you can't get her just yet,
so go into the back of the Barn, where there will be a man sitting, upset. He
will tell you that his chicks won't hatch into Chickens. Put on the Bremen Mask,
hold the B button, and march around, collecting all the chicks so they follow
you (there are 10 chicks total.) Once they have all been collected, they will
mature, 1 by 1 into full grown chickens. The man will reward you for your
kind deed with the BUNNY HOOD, which allows Link to run faster and jump farther
when worn.

   Head back into Clock Town, and put on your new Bunny Hood. Search around
town to find the mailman (the guy who is running with a bag) and follow him
around, until he eventually stops at his house, follow him inside. Talk to
him while he is sitting on his bed (make sure you have 3 rupees) and he will
offer to play a time game. He starts the clock, and if you stop it on exactly
10 seconds, you will gain a HEART PIECE. When you are all done collecting
the items (if you want to collect them) leave through the south exit of Clock

*Most items here are optional, but I suggest you collect them for future use
 in the game, that way you won't have to come back later.

                                   THE SWAMP

Items: Bottle, Red Potion, Pictograph Box
Heart Pieces: 2

   Once out of Clock Town, take the straight path up to the tree where you will
see a cinema of Skull Kid and his 2 fairies (if you didn't see it on the way to
Romani Ranch, you'll see it now.) Go past the tree with the carving on it,
into the next area, where there are several trees. First, kill the bats near
the first tree, then climb up the tree to the top to find a HEART PIECE [5].
Continue following the same path into the next area with water and a building.
Here, you will see a cinema of a witch flying out from the building, then you
are left to play. Climb up the ladder and give the Land Owner's Paper to the
Deku Scrub, then use the deku launcher to fly up to the roof of the photo hut
to get another HEART PIECE. Find the lilly pads, and follow them until you
come to dry land again. Go through and into this new area, and make your way
to the back of the hut to find a cave entrance, go inside.

   Here, you will find a monkey, put on your Bunny Hood, talk to him and follow
him through the caves, where he will lead you to Kotake (one half of Twinrova
from Zelda: OoT) who is lying on the ground, in need of some red potion. Exit
the cave, and climb the ladder leading into the hut. Talk to Koume (the sister
of Kotake, making up Twinrova from Zelda: OoT) and she will give you a BOTTLE
of RED POTION to take back to Kotake. Go back into the cave, and follow the
monkey to Kotake. Take off your Bunny Hood before talking to her, and set the
Potion to one of the C-Buttons. Then talk to her and when she asks you to press
the C-Button you have the potion on, do so to give it to her (if you drink it,
you'll have to go and buy some more from Koume.)

   She will fly away, leaving you to play again. Exit the cave, and you will
be confronted by 3 monkeys. Talk to them, and follow them once again to the
area you were previously in. Climb the ladder, and go into the Photo Hut. In
the little hole in the wall, you will see Kotake, talk to her and you will
receive the PICTOGRAPH BOX as well as a free boat ride. Take the boat, until it
asks if you want to get off. Say yes, and put on your Deku Mask when you get

                                   DEKU PALACE

Items: Magic Beans
Songs: Sonata of Awakening
Heart Pieces: 2

   Go straight through, and talk to the Deku Scrubs blocking your way and they
will move. Continue going north and into the next room, where you will find
the Deku King and his people. Talk to the king to find out the Princess has
been kidnapped. Take out your Pictograph Box and get a good picture of the
king, then talk to the monkey on the left side of the room (when facing the
king.) Now leave, and the monkey will confront you outside. If you haven't
bought any MAGIC BEANS yet, go through the maze (either door on the
left/right) and drop through a hole in the ground to find a salesman who will
sell them to you. You can also drop through one of the holes in the maze to
find a HEART PIECE. Once you have the beans, go back to the outside area and
use the lilly pads to cross over the poisonous water (the right side.)

   At the end, you will find a dirt patch where you can plant the magic beans.
On the 2nd day, it will rain, and the plant will grow into a transportation
leaf (if you don't want to wait for the 2nd day, you can get some water from
the Photo Hut.) Use the leaf to go on the top part of the maze you saw before.
You will have to use the Deku Launchers to go through the maze. If you fall,
go back and use the transportation leaf, because you must stay on the top part
of the maze. Use the Deku Launchers to cross over both sections of the maze to
get where the monkey was inside the throne room. On the way, to kill the Deku
Scrubs, use your Bubble Shooter from a distance, one shot should kill them.
Talk to the monkey, then take out your ocarina.

   The monkey will teach you the SONATA OF AWAKENING, followed by some Deku
Scrubs coming and throwing you out of the Deku Palace. If you wish, you
can take the picture over to the Pictograph Box guy in the Photo Hut for a
HEART PIECE or you can wait until later to drop it off. Take the lily pads to
the right, but this time, jump to the platform with the Deku Launcher on it.
Launch up to the cave entrance above your head, and go through it into the
pathway to the Woodfall Temple.

                                WOODFALL TEMPLE

Items: Small Key, Dungeon Map, Compass, Fairy (15)
Songs: Song of Soaring
Heart Pieces: 1

   As you first enter, shoot bubbles at the Dragonfly that is coming at you. 2
shots will kill it. Use the Deku Launchers to go from platform to platform
until you reach the end. You will find a big slab of rock, read it to learn
the SONG OF SOARING, which allows you to warp to any owl location you've
been to (to gain an owl location, hit an owl statue with your sword whenever
you see one.) Launch across the waterfall, and go through the opening into a
water-filled area. Take the path to the right, killing the charging enemies
that come at you (2 shots with the bubble shooter.) If you launch over to a
lone platform on the left side of the room (it has a treasure chest on it) you
can get a HEART PIECE. Launch over to the platform near the north of this

   As Deku Link, stand on the little platform and play the Sonata of Awakening.
A large structure will rise from the watery depths below will rise, allowing
you to launch over and enter it. This is the Woodfall Temple. In each dungeon,
you must find a total of 15 fairies hidden within, if you find them all, you
rewarded. Once you get inside the dungeon, put on the Great Fairy Mask to
attract Fairy #1. Morph into Deku Link, and use the Deku Launchers to go
across the platforms. On the 2nd platform there is a treasure chest containing
Fairy #2. Continue to the last platform, and go through the door. Walk down
the ramp on the left, and kill the plant down below for Fairy #3. Use the
Venus fly trap plants in the water to get to the door on the other side.

   Before entering the door, hop to the platform on the right with a bunch
of pots on it. Break one of them to get Fairy #4, then go back and through
the door. Use the Deku Launcher in the center of the room to float up to the
ledge where you will receive a SMALL KEY inside the treasure chest. Use the
Deku Launcher to go into the next room (the doors will bar when you enter.)
You must kill these 3 enemies in order to leave the room, and unless you have
bombs, you'll have to use the Deku Launchers to your advantage. Burrow into
a Deku Launcher and wait for the enemy to cross over you, then launch up on
them to kill them. When they are all defeated, the door will open and you
will receive the DUNGEON MAP from the treasure chest.

   Make your way back to the main room, hopping across the Venus fly trap
plants, over to the locked door. Use your small key to open it, and go through
into the next area. Push the box that's blocking your way forward a little bit,
then take the right twisted path until you come to the Skulltulla that drops
from above. Kill it to get Fairy #5, then continue along the path, pushing the
block out of your way once again. Go back to where you killed the Skulltulla,
make sure you are young Link, and put on your Bunny Hood. Light a Deku Stick
with the fire, then run along the path, and light the un-lit torch to open
the door. Go inside, to find 2 dragonflies, kill them using the Deku Launchers,
and collect the COMPASS in the chest.

   Leave back into the room you were just in, transform back into normal Link,
and put on the Bunny Hood. Light another stick with the fire, then run up the
stairs, and light the un-lit torch at the top (watch out for the bats, they may
knock you off the edge of the cliff.) Jump across the gap over to the middle
platform (you can jump farther when wearing the Bunny Hood) then jump to the
left to burn the cobwebs blocking your path. Kill the plants, and continue
north up the stairway. Go through the hallway, and into a very dark room. Kill
all the Black Boes to gain Fairy #6 from a treasure chest. Once finished
doing that, light a Deku Stick with the torch in the middle of the room, then
run around the edges of the room to light the 3 torches.

   This will open the barred door, allowing you to pass. In this next room,
just ignore the dragonflies, and use the Deku Launchers to cross the room.
If you are hit by a dragonfly, and you don't fall all the way down through the
hole, you can just use the stairs to climb back up, otherwise you'll have to
use your map to get back up. Once across the gap, go down the stairway, and
step on the switch as normal Link. 2 ladders will appear, but first go through
the door right in front of you. Take the right path, and go through the door
to engage in a mini-boss fight with Metal Dinalfos.

MINI-BOSS: Metal Dinalfos

Items: Hero's Bow, 30 Arrows

   This is semi-easy battle. The Metal Dinalfos only has 2 basic attacks. First
he will slash at you with his weapon, then after you give him a shot when it's
safe to do so, he will breath a stream of fire. To defend his attacks, use
your shield (Left) and then attack when he does his leap attack. When you hit
him, he will blow fire at you, just back away to avoid this one. Continue this
method until he's defeated, where a treasure chest will then appear. Open it
to gain the HERO'S BOW already equipped with 30 ARROWS. Leave back out through
this door, and test out your new arrow.

   Use your new Hero's Bow by aiming at the eyeball across the room. Shoot it
to make the middle platform down below start moving up and down. Transform
into Deku Link, and launch over to the platform, then launch to the ledge
from there. Go through the door and another mini-boss battle will engage, this
time it's with Gekko.


Items: Boss Key

   A bit more difficult now. First, hit Gekko a couple of times, he will then
summons his buddy, who will aid him in battle. As Deku Link, burrow into a
Deku Launcher and wait for the snapper to come over you, then launch to knock
Gekko off. Now is your chance to hit him, use Z-Targeting and your Fairy
Bow, hit him, then transform back into Deku Link and repeat the process until
he dies, opening the barred door. Go through, and open the chest to receive
the BOSS KEY. Leave these 2 rooms, and go back to the main room. Stand on the
little switch you stood on earlier, and shoot and arrow through the fire, so
it lights the torch on the very large flower in the middle of the room. If
done correctly, the flower will begin to spin.

                          WOODFALL TEMPLE (CONTINUED)

   Run around to the other side of the upper level, break the bubble to get
Fairy #7, and jump across onto the spinning flower. This part will be a bit
tougher, because you have to have precise aim. Aim your arrow so it is aligned
with the un-lit torch on the lone platform across the way. When the flower spins
in front of it, shoot the arrow and hope it lights. Once it's lit, the door
will open, allowing you to go through. Launch over to the platform with the
rupees on it, and kill the 2 dragonflies. Now, fly back over, and go up the
ledges on the right side of the wall, via the Deku Launchers. Collect Fairy
#8 on the way. Go up the left side to get Fairy #9. Head back up the right
side, and fly over to the lone platform. Pop the bubble with your arrow, and
use the Great Fairy Mask to get Fairy #10.

   Transform back into Deku Link, fly back to the top platform, and shoot an
arrow at the crystal across the room, this will turn the fire off on top of
each of the pillars. Quickly transform back into Deku Link, launch down to the
lower platform, from there launch to the 2nd pillar, and finally over to the
boss door. Take off the Deku Mask, break the pots, then go inside to fight
the first actual boss, Odolwa.

BOSS: Odolwa (Dungeon Boss)

Items: Heart Container
Masks: Guardian Mask #1
Songs: Ode to Order

   Odolwa has a primary weapon (a huge sword) but comes equipped with several
attacks. Start off by hitting him several times on the legs with your sword.
Once he starts summoning skulltullas from above, start using your arrows.
When you have a clear shot in view, shoot him with an arrow, and continue this
method of attack until you run out of arrows. Once again, hit him on the legs
with your sword, and watch out for his fire ring and gnats. When he spreads a
ring of fire around you, just stand there to avoid being hit. He will also use
his sword attacks, which can easily be dodged, and finally he uses gnats and
skulltulla's to attack you (these are a good source of hearts when you are low
on energy.) After your 3 repeated attacks, he will be defeated.

   Collect the HEART CONTAINER, then step on the glowing ground, where you will
gain the GUARDIAN MASK #1, as well as learn the ODE TO ORDER song on your
Ocarina, which will remove all poisonous water when played. You will then
be transported to the lair where the Deku Princess is locked up. When you are
left to play again, cut the vines blocking the path, and go into the room to
engage in a conversation with the Deku Princess. Use your empty bottle to
catch her, then leave back to the Deku Palace. Go to the throne room (where
the Deku king is located) and release the Princess. The monkey will be free
to go, and that's that. Now it's time to collect some optional items again.

1. Directly in front of you when you enter - wear the Great Fairy Mask to
   get it.

2. Inside the chest in the first room of the dungeon as you're flying over
   the pit.

3. Kill the Deku Baba next to the locked door in the second room with the
   giant flower.

4. Smash all the pots in the far corner of the giant flower room.

5. When you collect the first Small Key, shoot the beehive on the left of
   it with a bubble then wear the Great Fairy Mask.

6. Under the platform with the stone block on it. When you light the torch
   on the giant flower, the poison in the water disappears, allowing you to
   collect it.

7. Inside a beehive above the giant stone block - shoot them with bubbles.

8. Kill the Skulltula in the stone block room.

9. In the dark passage, wipe out the Black Boes to make a chest appear.

10. Burst the bubble on the ledge above the giant flower, then wear the
    Great Fairy mask.

11. Fly over to the switch behind the unlit torch above the giant flower,
    then drop down and open the chest.

12. On the third ledge up on the left of the large room before Odolwa.

13. On the first ledge up on the right of the large room before Odolwa.

14. On the third ledge up on the right of the large room before Odolwa.

15. On the flaming pillar in the large room before Odolwa. Hit the crystal
    switch, fly to the right-hand pillar before flying left to the fairy.

(Thanks to The 64 Chimp)

                        ITEM COLLECTION #2 (THE SWAMP)*

Items: Arrow Carrier (40), Bomb Bag, 20 Bombs
Masks: Mask of Scents, Kamaro's Mask
Heart Pieces: 2

   In the Deku Palace, transform into normal Link and put on the Bunny Hood,
take the left path (you can swim through the water now) and go through the now
open cave. Talk to the Deku Scrub inside, and he will challenge you to a race.
If you manage to keep up with him all through the cave (using the Bunny Hood)
he will reward you at the end with the MASK OF SCENTS. Leave the Deku Palace,
and go back to the Photo Hut, as normal Link, talk to Kotake at the hole in
the wall, but instead of giving you a normal boat ride, she will give you a
little mini-game to play. You will ride the fairy all the way around The Swamp,
and back to the Photo Hut, along the way, Kotake will follow with a target
hanging from the end of her broom.

   Your goal here is to hit at least 20 targets before the ride is over. If
you hit Kotake a maximum of 10 times, you automatically lose. It costs 10
rupees to play again, so make sure you have enough money. Once you hit the
target at least 20 times, you will be rewarded with a HEART PIECE. You
are pretty much finished with The Swamp area for now, so head back to Clock
Town. Go over to the Archery Game building to play for 20 rupees. Your goal
here is to hit at least 30 red Octoroks before the time is up. If you succeed,
you will gain a new ARROW CARRIER that now carries 40 arrows. On the 1st day,
at 12AM, take the north exit of Clock Town, and follow along the fence to the
left. You will see a man dancing on top of a mushroom-shaped platform.

   Play the Song of Healing to cure him, and you will gain the KAMARO'S MASK.
Make your way back into Clock Town, and on the 1st or 2nd day, go to the left
part of town, wearing the Kamaro's Mask in front of the dancing twins, press
B to teach them a new dance to get another HEART PIECE. In this same area,
go into the Bomb Shop, where you can buy a new BOMB BAG for 50 rupees, and it's
already filled with 20 BOMBS. Take the north exit of Clock Town, and go

*Most items here are optional, but I suggest you collect them for future use
 in the game, that way you won't have to come back later.

SIDE QUEST:  Gold Skulltulla House #1 (Optional)

Masks: Mask of Truth

   The Gold Skulltullas are now in houses. There are 2 houses with 30 golden
skulltullas in each, and it's your job to kill them off. This is the first
house (the second is found later in the game) and it is located in the first
part of the Woodfall Temple (where you launch from the giant flowers.) Hop
down to where you see a door blocked by a spider web, and burn it off using
a deku stick and the nearby torch, then enter. Talk to the deformed spider
and go through the door into the actual house itself (make sure you have 2
magic bean pods and one empty bottle before proceeding.)

1. Go down the ramp and walk around to the left side where you will find 2
   pots, break them to find the first skulltulla, kill it with your sword.

2. Go through the first door on the left, then along the far wall, ram into the
   wooden crates revealing the 2nd skulltulla, kill it with your sword.

3. Along the right wall are some more crates, break them open to find the
   3rd skulltulla.

ACTION: Right next to those crates is a large rock. Place a bomb by it to blow
it up revealing a dirt patch. Plant a magic bean pod here and water it (get
water from the main room with your empty bottle.)

4. Climb the ladder on the left wall and run around the corner to find the
   skulltulla hiding behind a torch. Kill it with your sword.

5. Continue through the door up here and go left to find the 5th one on the
   side of a pillar, hit it with your sword and collect the token.

ACTION: Transform into Deku Link and launch across the gap, then go through
the door on the other side, then launch to the ledge to the left. Throw the
rock and capture some bugs in your empty bottle, then go through the next
door and hit the switch to make a ladder appear.

6. Hop down and kill the skulltulla on the ladder with an arrow, then climb
   the ladder to collect the token.

7. Hop back down and go through the door which leads to the first room, then
   kill the skulltulla in the water on the left side of the ramp.

8. Look on the pillar to the left, and wait for the skulltulla to climb all
   the way down, then kill it when it stops to get the token.

9. Go back into the room where you planted the magic bean, and ride the
   transportation leaf around the room until you get to the skulltulla on the
   wall, kill it and collect the token.

10. Climb the ladder in this room and hop over to the block in the middle of
    the room while wearing the Bunny Hood, then kill the skulltulla.

ACTION: Hop down, and climb back up the ladder again, then go through the door
on the top leading back into the main room.

11. Kill the spider on the left wall with an arrow, then transform into Deku
Link and launch over to get the token it leaves behind.

ACTION: Launch across the gap again and go through the door on the other side.
From here, launch over to the left ledge again.

12. Kill the spider on the wall when it crawls down to you, that way you can
    reach the token.

ACTION: Go through the door and climb up the ladder on the other side again.
Plant another Magic Bean on the dirt patch and water it to make it grow.

13. Hop down below and wait for the skulltulla on the pillar to crawl down to
    your level, then kill it and get the token.

14. Climb back up the ladder and ride the transportation leaf around the room,
    killing the skulltulla on the wall as you go by.

ACTION: Let the transportation leaf take you to the opening and go through the
door into a room with a tree.

15. Roll into the tree to make 5 golden skulltullas pop out, kill each one of
    them and collect their tokens.

16. See above location

17. See above location

18. See above location

19. See above location

20. Back in the room with the transportation leaf, fire arrows at the beehives
    to break them open, one has the skulltulla inside.

ACTION: Go back up the ladder, go through the door and launch across the gap
then go through the door.

21. Shoot arrows at the beehives above to release a skulltulla, hop down and
    kill it, then collect the token.

22. Shoot another arrow at the rest of the beehives to release another gold
    skulltula, kill it and take its token.

23. Down in this area with the big pots, break open some of the smaller ones
    to release another skulltulla.

24. Transform into Goron Link and roll into all the giant pots to release 2
    skulltullas, kill them and take the tokens.

25. See above location

More to come...

                         MOUNTAIN VILLAGE/GORON SHRINE

Items: Snowhead Map, Lens of Truth
Masks: Goron Mask
Songs: Goron Lullaby

   Go down into the snow area, and up the ramp where you will be blocked by
some icicles. Z-Target the icicle above, and shoot 2 arrows at it so it will
fall and break the ones blocking your path. Continue into the next area, using
your map as a reference of where to go. You will now be blocked by some big
snowballs. Use a bomb to get rid of them and continue along the path, until
you finally arrive at Mountain Village. Head northwest to find the owl statue,
hit it with your sword to remember your place. Talking to the Goron on the
platform reveals that he's hungry and wants some food, but you'll get to
that later. Death Mountain has frozen over and if you don't help fix it, all
the Gorons will die off. Find the path you haven't gone through yet, which
will lead you to a series of bridges.

   On the 2nd bridge, you will see the elf who sells maps floating with this
balloon. Shoot and arrow at it to make him fall, and buy a SNOWHEAD MAP for
20 rupees. Continue along the bridges and into the next area. Walk down the
little wooden bridge and jump off the cliff to the lower grounds where you
will find the (real) owl perched on a wooden post. He will fly across the gap,
leaving feathers on each invisible platform. Using his feathers as a guideline,
jump across each invisible platform and go through the cave at the end. Chop
up the bushes for some bombs, then open the treasure chest to gain the LENS
OF TRUTH. Put on the lens of truth and blow up some of the boulders in here
to find some extra rupees.

   Leave this cave, and use the Lens of Truth to see the invisible platforms,
cross back over them and onto the other side, where you will now see the ghost
of a Goron (who died because of the cold weather, you can only see him when the
Lens of Truth is on.) He will ask you to follow him to the Goron graveyard.
Remove the Lens of Truth and follow his shadow, periodically using the Lens
of Truth in order to continue (when you see his shadow stop moving, put on the
Lens of Truth to make him start walking again.) He will lead you all the way
to where you first entered, and over to some platforms in the water. From here,
put on the Lens of Truth, and jump across the water. You will now be able to
see the invisible ladder, so climb up to the top (moving left and right at the
forks) and go into the graveyard.

   Talk to the goron ghost, then play the Song of Healing to remove his curse,
and you will gain the GORON MASK which allows you to transform into a Goron
whenever you want. Put on the mask, and pull the tombstone from the back, which
will ventilate a pool of hot water into the graveyard. Turn back into normal
Link, and fill your bottle with hot water, go outside the cave and dump it on
the frozen Goron to revive him. Go back in and get some more hot water in the
bottle, then put on your Bunny Hood, leave the cave, do a dive into the water
below and go all the way back to where you got the map (you must be quick, or
the water will turn cold.) Go down to the lower area here (where the giant
snowballs are) and go near the north end.

   As Goron Link, punch the giant snowball to reveal an old, frozen Goron.
Dump the hot water on him to revive him, then talk to him as Goron Link.
You won't get much from him yet, first you must continue into the next area.
Head to the lower grounds until you see a closed door. Do the Goron Stomp to
open it (A + B) and go inside (alternatively, you can talk to another goron
up on the mountain and he will do the Goron Stomp to open the door for you,
but it's much easier to do it yourself.) You will hear a baby crying. Talk to
all the people in the Shrine, then go up to the top level and talk to the

   Now, leave the shrine and go back to where the old frozen Goron was. He
will be frozen once again, so get more water and unfreeze him (you can get water
from the hole in the ground here once you get rid of the ice.) Talk to him and
he will teach you part of the Goron Lullaby (he forgot the ending to it.)
Once you've learned the first part, go back into the area you just came from,
use the Goron Stomp to open the secret door and go inside once again. Head
straight up to the baby, and play what you know of the Goron Lullaby to make
the baby stop crying. He will teach you the ending of the song, then fall
asleep along with the other 2 gorons in this room. Leave Goron Shrine back
to the main area (where the log cabin is) and take the northwest path.

   Before, this area was inaccessible because of the gaps. Now, as Goron Link,
you can roll over them. Go up the path, avoiding the rolling snowballs and
rolling over the gaps. Soon you will come to a new area, known as the Snowhead
Dungeon, when you first enter, hit the owl statue with your sword. Looking
straight ahead with the Lens of Truth shows that a giant Goron is blowing his
breath making it impossible for you to pass. Take out your ocarina as Goron
Link and play the Goron Lullaby to make him fall asleep and get out of the way.
Go up the spiral ramp which leads to the Snowhead Temple itself, go inside.

                               SNOWHEAD TEMPLE

Items: Dungeon Map, Small Key (2), Compass, Fairy (15)
Mini-Bosses: Wizrobe (Phase 1), Wizrobe (Phase 2)
Bosses: Goht

   When you first enter, you will see a block hidden by some icicles. Punch
them (as Goron Link) to get rid of them, then push the block inward. In the
next room, kill the wolf and go through the door on the right. This room holds
a bridge with molten lava below. Back up all the way, and charge up Goron
Link's roll ability, then when no more icy breath is being blown, roll across
the gap in the bridge and onto the other side. Transform into normal Link and
jump over to the platform, then go through the door. Open the treasure chest
inside this room to receive the DUNGEON MAP, as well as pick up Fairy #1 on
the side of the room. Go back out, and into the other door. Run straight
across the platform here and into the next room.

   To the right, you will notice a stack of 2 blocks on the wall. Pull them
out to reveal a hidden room, with a treasure chest inside. Open the chest to
get a SMALL KEY, then leave back through the door you came in. The only
opening left is the stairs, take them down to the lower level. Run around here
until you find a switch in a lava pit, step on it as Goron Link to make a
treasure chest appear in another lava pit. Open the chest to get a fairy.
Head back up the stairs, and through the blue door you first came through.
Spin back across the bridge (or climb the ladder if you fall) and go back to
the first room. Unlock the door across the way, and once in the next room, open
the chest to get the COMPASS, then bomb the cracked wall as normal Link.

   Go up the stairs and hop up on the first platform in the next room. Watch
out for the icicles above, and jump to the next open platform. You will see
some white ice on the wall, jump over to it and you will crawl into a hidden
area with a treasure chest, containing another Fairy. Jump down, and hop onto
the ledge on the other side of the room. Use Z-Targeting and fire 2 arrows
at the icicle hanging in the middle of the room. It will cause the ice block
on the middle platform to break, allowing you to jump across and break open
the giant snowball revealing a treasure chest with a SMALL KEY inside. Hop
down and go through the once locked door. This room contains a little puzzle
for you to figure out.

   See those circular platforms all over the room? Stand on the first one as
Goron Link, then do the Goron Stomp to press it down, causing the one in the
little ditch to rise. Transform back into normal Link, and jump across to the
other side. As Goron Link again, step on the other circular platform and do
the same thing. This time, a smaller platform will rise in the ditch, and you
will only have a limited time before it goes down. Run over to the first
platform you rose in the ditch, Goron Stomp on it to make it go down, then
as normal Link, quickly hop onto the small platform and up to the other side
where you can now go through the door.

   Roll across the gap in the bridge over to the other side. You will see a
pile of snow against the wall, roll across it to the other side of the
bridge. Don't go through the door here, but instead look straight across and
roll across another gap, then go through the door at the other side to engage
in a mini-boss battle with Wizrobe (Phase 1.)

MINI-BOSS: Wizrobe (Phase 1)

Items: Fire Arrows

   Wizrobe only has one attack: shooting a giant ball of frozen ice and you,
causing Link to freeze. There are 4 teleportation pads on the ground that he
uses to move. Once you see him on a pad, quickly run over to him as Goron Link
and give him a Fire Punch (before he shoots the ball of ice at you.)
Alternatively, as normal Link, you can shoot arrows at him, but they do little
damage and you'll end up wasting a lot of time and energy. Continue this method
of attack until Wizrobe becomes upset and clones himself 3 times. Now there
will be 3 clones and 1 real at the teleport pads, he's not too hard to find,
since his clones are transparent. Continue attacking the same way you have been
and he will soon be defeated, leaving you the Fire Arrows in a chest.

                         SNOWHEAD TEMPLE (CONTINUED)

Items: Small Key

   Roll back over the gap and the snow pile, and drop down to the lower level
(where the platform is.) Use your new fire arrows to melt the ice blocks in
front of each door. Go through the one to the right of where you got the first
small key. First thing you need to do in here is melt all of the ice breath
enemies here (there are 3 of them, shoot fire arrows to melt them) and a chest
will appear containing a fairy on the other side of the room. Next, using the
fire arrows, light all 3 un-lit torches before one goes out and you will have
access to a new room. Go through the door in the middle and transform into
Goron Link so you can Goron Stomp the circular platform here.

   Doing so results in the main platform rising all the way to the roof of
this icy dungeon. Go back to the room with the ice breath enemies and the
broken bridge. Melt all 3 of the enemies to make a chest appear, melt the
ice block to get to the chest, and open it revealing a SMALL KEY. Transform
into normal Link if you aren't him already, and jump across to the small
room where the Dungeon Map was. Stand on the platform in the middle of the
room here, then shoot a fire arrow at the ice breath enemy up on the 2nd level,
followed by another fire arrow to the eyeball switch, which will make the
platform you are standing on rise up to the 2nd level, allowing you to jump
off and go through the next door.

   This leads back to the main room with the platform that was risen to the
top of the dungeon. Since you can't roll across the gaps anymore (because
the platform is blocking your way) you must use the snow piles on the sides
of the walls. Go up all the stairways, rolling over snow when needed until you
get to the top of the dungeon, go past the snowmen, then go through the locked
door. From here, go through the door and into a new room with 2 dinalfos in it.
Kill them both, and continue through the next open door. Now you will engage in
another mini-boss battle, and it's with the same guy again, Wizrobe.

MINI-BOSS: Wizrobe (Phase 2)

Items: Boss Key

   You'll be using the same tactics you did the first time, the only difference
is now Wizrobe has 6 platforms to teleport with instead of just 4 like the
first time. As he comes out of a teleportation pad, give him a fire punch as
Goron Link (or use arrows, but punching is faster and easier.) After a few hits
he will once again clone himself, but this time he'll have 5 clones instead of
3 (the clones are transparent, so he's easy to find) continue attacking like
you have been until he is finally defeated for the 2nd time. Collect the Boss
Key from the treasure chest, and leave this room. You must now lower the
main platform in order to gain access to the boss' lair.

   Head down to the bottom of the platform room (ground level of this dungeon)
and you will see 2 blue colored sections of the platform. As Goron Link, fire
punch each one of them out, causing the platform to decrease in size. Go back
up to the top of the platform room, and do the same thing with the last 2 blue
sections, until the platform is so small that you can reach the boss' lair.
>From the top, jump down onto the platform, and roll through the giant snowballs
into the next room. Do a spiked roll across the gap in the bridge and use your
Boss Key to begin the next boss fight.

BOSS: Goht

Items: Heart Container
Masks: Guardian Mask #2

   When you first enter, you will see a horse frozen in a giant block of ice,
this is Goht. Melt him with a fire arrow to start the battle. This battle
strategy is rather simple, all you do is run around in circles, ramming Goht
as Goron Link until he dies. There is a bit more to it, however, Goht will
throw a lot of obstacles in your way, such as rocks, bombs, boulders, spikes,
etc. All you have to do is constantly do a spiked roll, chasing Goht around
in circles, running into his back-side until he dies. Rocks will not hurt you
if you roll into them, and you can collect magic from the pots. Once he's
defeated you will gain another Heart Container and the 2nd Guardian Mask. After
that, all the ice in Goron Shrine will melt, meaning you've saved the Gorons!

        S E E   H O W   T O   G E T   T H E   G I L D E D   S W O R D
            I N   T H E   S I D E   Q U E S T S   S E C T I O N


1. Over the broken bridge, burst the bubble under the end platform and wear
   the Great Fairy Mask.

2. Over the broken bridge, burst the bubble in the stone tower beneath the
   bridge then wear the Great Fairy Mask.

3. Hit the switch in the lava on the bottom level of the central pillar
   room to reveal a chest.

4. When you move the pile of blocks to the end of the room, a chest
   appears. You can reach it by entering this room through the door from the
   Compass room.

5. In the corner of the Dungeon Map room.

6. On the upper ledge of the Dungeon Map room, use the Lens Of Truth to 
   see hidden platforms through the air to the alcove on the wall opposite the 
   Eye switch.

7. Jump through the wall above the ice marks in the room with lots of
   pillars covered in ice blocks.

8. Melt the ice blocks in the Compass room and hit the switch, then move
   the block beneath the ledge where the chest appears and climb up.

9. Use the stone block to reach the ledge above the chest where the Compass is.
   Throw a bomb at the wooden box on the pillar, then wear the Great Fairy

10. In the room with the gold and green Goron switches, look at the
    lighter-colored patch on the ceiling with the Lens Of Truth.

11. In the room with lots of ice platforms over a massive pit (outside the
    room with the switch that moves the central pillar), kill all the Freezards
    and open the chest that appears.

12. On the third floor, stand on the northern bridge and wear the Bunny
    Hood. Jump down to the left towards the ice marks on the wall to find a
    hidden chest.

13. In the room with all the snowmen, look above the ice marks on the wall
    with the Lens Of Truth.

14 & 15. The Dinalfos twins both have a fairy on them, so kill them both.

(Thanks to The 64 Chimp)

                      ITEM COLLECTION #3 (GORON SHRINE)*

Items: Bottle, Gold Dust
Masks: Don Gero Mask
Heart Pieces: 4

   First thing you'll want to do is pick up the new mask, which can only be
done before defeating Goht. Before you go into the Snowhead Temple, go over
to the Goron Shrine (where the crying baby is) and you will notice several
un-lit torches all throughout the village. Go up to the room where the baby is,
light a deku stick and run through the Shrine with your Bunny Hood lighting
each torch, until they are all lit. A big structure up on the ceiling with lots
of pots will begin to spin, and _your_ goal is to break the pots for something
special. As Goron Link, do a spiked roll from the top level of Goron Shrine
and break each pot 1 by 1, going back up to the top each time. Once they are
all broken, a piece of meat will fall from the last one.

   The meat is too big to carry as normal Link, so you'll have to be Goron
Link to pick it up. Take this piece of meat to the hungry Goron you talked to
earlier in the main part of Goron Shrine (the one standing on the platform)
and throw it to him. He will gobble it up, and in return give you a new mask
which allows you to talk to frogs, the DON GERO MASK. Go back to Clock Town,
put on the Don Gero Mask, and talk to the frog in the lake area. There are a
total of 5 frogs you must talk to with this mask. One you just talked to,
the next appears after you defeat Goht in the Snowhead Temple, the 3rd and
4th are in the 2 dungeons, after you defeat Gekko, they appear, and the final
one is in the swamp next to the Photo Hut (after defeating Odolwa.)

   Once you've talked to all 5, the one in Goron Shrine will reward you with
a HEART PIECE. After defeating Goht, and Goron Shrine has melted back
into it's normal self, head over to the area with the actual Goron Shrine is.
You will see a cave opening now, go inside to find the Giant Goron. Talk to him
as Goron Link and he will give you a giant barrel of dynamite, pick it up and
walk all the way back to where the frozen old goron was earlier in the game.
Near the entrance of this area is a huge rock on top of some steep platforms.
Use the dynamite stick to blow it up and go through to the Goron Races. To
partake in a race, just talk to the baby Goron and you will be entered.

   Roll through the course, collecting magic from the green jars, and if you
end up placing in first, you will receive another BOTTLE with some GOLD DUST
inside. Later on in the game (after you get the Zora Mask) make sure you come
back to Goron Shrine, and in the area where the old frozen Goron was, you can
find a treasure chest underwater containing a HEART PIECE but you can only
get it with the Zora Mask. Go back near Clock Town until you are walking along
Milk Road. You will find some grass here, walk through it and you will fall
through a hidden hole into a room with an enemy. As normal Link, bomb it to
make it fly, then, as Goron Link, fire punch it continuously to defeat it and
collect another HEART PIECE.

   Near each of the 4 exits of Clock Town are holes in the ground, you'll have
to find them within the radius of the town exit. In each one there is a large
gossip stone, which you can play the Goron Lullaby to, and it will turn red
in color. Do this to the remaining 3 stones in the other areas (one near each
exit of Clock Town) and you will be rewarded with a HEART PIECE. If you wish,
you can also upgrade your sword now, see the "Side Quests" section on how to
do that. Now, it's time to get your horse back!

*Most items here are optional, but I suggest you collect them for future use
 in the game, that way you won't have to come back later.


                                 ROMANI RANCH

Items: Epona, Bottle, Chateau Romani
Songs: Epona's Song
Masks: Romani Mask

   Now that Goron Shrine is no longer an ice tomb, head over to the area past
where you got the map. Once here, go to the giant Goron in his cave for the 2nd
time (1st if you didn't go to the Goron Races yet) and you will gain 1 giant
bomb for free (after the first time, he will charge 100 rupees per bomb.) With
this new bomb, warp to the owl statue near Milk Road, and take the bomb over to
where the man is chopping a big rock. Place the bomb on the rock to explode it
and go through to Romani Ranch (making sure it's still the first day, if not
you'll have to warp back in time.) Talk to the smaller girl (Romani) outside
and you will see some UFOs abducting a cow, then you will be able to play a
little challenge with your horse, Epona.

   Your goal is to pop 10 red, floating balloons while riding horseback. Ignore
the clock, as you have unlimited time to complete this challenge. Once you've
popped them all, you will learn EPONA'S SONG from Romani, as well as get your
horse, EPONA back (by playing Epona's Song, Epona will come to you no matter
where you are in Termina.) Now you can play some mini-games. Warp ahead 12
hours, and wait until it is 2AM, Romani will come out of her house and go
into the barn to guard the animals from UFOs. Go outside, and the UFOs will
appear shortly. Your goal here is to fend them off and make sure none of them
get to the barn. You can only kill them with arrows, and they come from all
sides of the barn. Continue killing them off until it's 5:30 AM.

   Once 5:30 hits, you will gain another BOTTLE filled with CHATEAU ROMANI.
Next, you can play a bodyguard! Talk to Romani and her sister inside their
house on the morning of the 2nd day and they will ask you to guard them from
thieves while they deliver milk to Clock Town. If you want to, go back to
their house at 6:00 PM on Day 2 to play this mini-game. Using your arrows, fend
off the thieves as you see them while on the way to Clock Town. If you manage
to make it safely, you will receive the ROMANI MASK. Now, it's time to start
with the next dungeon, so get on your horse and begin riding towards the
beach area near the west side of clock town.

                              GREAT BAY/ZORA HALL

Items: Great Bay Map, Red Potion
Masks: Zora Mask, Stone Mask
Heart Pieces: 1

   If you wish, you can buy a GREAT BAY MAP from the elf near Milk Road, but
you don't have to if you don't want to. Once you get to the beach, hop over
the fence with Epona and continue going until you reach the Great Bay. Park
your horse, and then look out into the ocean to see a gathering of birds.
Swim out to the birds to find a Zora who is lying face first into the water.
Talk to him, then get behind him and push him all the way to the shore, where
he will walk a few steps onto the beach and collapse. Talk to him, then play
the Song of Healing and you'll view a short cinema showing the story of his
band, the Japas. Following that, the ZORA MASK will be yours. Transform into
a Zora, and swim out to the structure you see out in the ocean.

   You cannot climb onto the platform normally, so you'll have to do a diving
jump onto it, to do so, swim underwater from a little way back, then press down
on the Joystick to go down, and immediately press up on the Joystick to do a
diving jump and you'll land on the platform. Transform back into normal Link
and hit the owl statue with your sword to remember your spot, then swim back
to the beach. Go through the opening to the right into the next area, where
you will find a structure with the tail of a mermaid on top out in the ocean.
Swim out to this structure, and sink to the bottom (press the B button) where
you will find an enemy blocking your path. Hit it 3 times with your swords
to kill it, then continue through into Zora Hall.

   There really isn't much to do here as of yet. Once you get the hookshot
later in the game, make sure you come back here to help out the Japas (band)
and you'll get another HEART PIECE, but for now, all you can do is find
the owl statue. Go into the 2nd opening, and take the path to the left of the
shop where you will find Lulu along with an owl statue. Talk to her
as Zora Link, then hit the owl statue as normal Link. From where you are, play
the Song of Soaring and warp to the owl statue in Clock Town. Take the south
exit, and go to the Swamp, where you can buy a RED POTION from Koume for 20
rupees. Once you have the potion, warp back to clock town and take the exit
to the east. Play Epona's Song, then ride Epona straight through to the
mountain terrain area.

   Hop over the 2 fences you come to (don't worry about the bomb enemies, you
can just run over them with Epona and no damage will be done to yourself nor
Epona) and equip the Lens of Truth. To the right, you will see a circle of
stones, use the Lens of Truth here and you'll find a fatigued soldier who is
in need of Red Potion. Talk to him, and press the C-Button holding the potion
when he asks for it to give it to him. He will drink it and reward you with
the STONE MASK which makes you invisible to Gerudo guards. Warp back
to the first owl statue in Great Bay, then jump into the water and swim to the
right of the owl statue until you reach the end (where the wall is.) Sink Down
(press B) and walk towards the beach along the wall.

   You will soon come to some boards along the wall (they have a skull with
crossbones on them) which can be broken by underwater swimming into them. Break
the second one from the left open and go through into the next area, climb out
of the water, up the ramp and into the Gerudo Lagoon. As normal Link, put on
the Stone Mask so the guards won't catch you.

                                 GERUDO LAGOON

Items: Hookshot, 7 Zora Eggs
Heart Pieces: 1

   Look over to the left, where you'll see some ramps leading out of the water.
This is where you want to go. Jump down into the water, and hop onto a boat
when it comes along. Let it take you to this area, where you can get off and
go up the ramps. You'll notice a switch similar to the one in the Snowhead
Dungeon earlier. Transform into Goron Link, and Goron Stomp the switch which
causes the gate to open leading into an underwater maze. Below is a map of the
maze, and the correct path to take:

                 ===   ======
                 =     =---O=
                 =     =|  |=                   X = Boards
                 =     =|  ---X---             O = Push/Pull Block
                 =   ===|   =     |             --- First Path
                 =   O---   =     |             === Second Path
                 =          X     |
                 ======X=====   START

   Once you get to the end of the maze you'll find a pipe pumping sewage
upward, hop over the pipe to be taken up to the next level. Swim through this
area, avoiding the spikes on the ocean floor, and make sure you watch out for
the pipes pumping sewage on the sides of the walls. If you get caught in one
of them, it will push you out to the entrance of Gerudo Lagoon, and you'll have
to go through the maze again (even though it'll be easy because you moved all
the blocks already.) Hop up onto the ledge, and go through the door into the
next room, avoid the spikes and go up the ramps onto dry land once again.
You'll see a set of stairs, climb them and Fire Punch the barrels as Goron
Link to reveal a hidden switch.

   Step on the switch to open the locked door to the jail cell down below,
then quickly roll down the stairs and into the cell before the door closes
and collect the HEART PIECE. Go back up the stairs, and stand on the edge
of the platform as normal Link, then fire an arrow at the switch on the
platform across the way. This will open the gate below for a short time, so
transform into Zora Link, dive into the water and quickly swim through the
opening into the next area. Avoiding the bombs, swim _over_ the pipe pumping
sewage and continue through the corridor until you come to a ladder. Climb
it to come to a room with a switch, and a grated pipe on the ground. Step on
the switch which will open another switch on the wall.

   Quickly stand on the grated pipe and shoot an arrow at the switch on the
wall before it closes. This will cause water to flow through the grated pipe
you're standing on, lifting you up to the next area. Watch out for the spikes
above your head, they will fall if you step under them. Go over and climb the
ladder, and fire an arrow at the switch to open the door below. Go through
it to go outside again. Put on your Stone Mask, then walk along the
ledge and go through the opening to get to the actual _inside_ of the Gerudo
settlement. Hop down (with the Stone Mask on) and climb up the ladder
in the middle of the settlement. Cross the bridge and go through the door on
the other side (you may have to wait for the guard to cross before you can.)

   You will view a cinema here showing a conversation between 2 Gerudo guards
talking about how they kidnapped 7 Zora Eggs. Once the cinema is over, shoot
an arrow at the beehive through the bars, causing it to fall and break open,
spouting bees everywhere which will scare off the guards below. Go around the
bend and hop down to this room. Open the treasure chest to get the HOOKSHOT.
Now it's time to rescue those 7 stolen Zora Eggs. Make sure you have at least
3 bottles (you can do it with one, but it will take A LOT longer) and you
should also have upgraded to the Gilded Sword (see Side Quests section) but it
isn't mandatory. You can do it with the Kokiri sword and 1 bottle if you wish,
but it'll be a lot tougher than with them.

   The FIRST ZORA EGG is right in this room (where you got the hookshot) in the
tank over to the right. Use your hookshot on the ledge above the tank as normal
Link to get up there, then as Zora Link, sink down in the water and capture
the egg in a bottle. Now, it's time to get the SECOND ZORA EGG, and it's in
another room of the Gerudo settlement. Go outside so you are in the main
settlement (where the tower is) and make your way to the northwest area, using
the poles with your hookshot to get up there. Go inside, wearing your Stone
Mask (if you have it) and walk right past the patrolling gerudo guard,
into the next room where you'll have to fight a guard.

MINI-BOSS: Gerudo Guard

   This is one easy fight if you have the Gilded Sword. Three slices from that
baby and this guard is toast. If you were unfortunate and didn't pick up the
sword, you're in for a little fight. Just attack her when possible and try to
counter her attacks until you defeat her. Once she's defeated, she will throw
a Deku Nut and magically disappear, unlocking the next door. Go through to find
another tank with the Zora Egg in it. Using the hookshot on the ledge above,
go up and dive down to get the egg in your 2nd empty bottle.

                         GERUDO LAGOON (CONTINUED)

Songs: New Wave Bossa Nova

   The THIRD ZORA EGG is on the right side of the settlement. Use your hookshot
to get up there and go through the door. Go past the guard with your Stone
Mask on and into the next room, going past all of the guards, and up the
stairs to engage in another fight with a Gerudo guard. Since these guards are
so easy, I'm not even going to consider them as mini-bosses. Fight her the same
way you fought the other one until she is defeated and allows you to pass into
the room with the tank. Use the hookshot on the ledge above the tank, and
capture the 3rd egg in your last empty bottle. Since you can collect no more
for the time being, play the Song of Soaring and warp to the first owl statue
in the Great Bay (the first one you hit.)

   Climb up the ladder and into the marine room. Climb up the ladder and drop
each egg into the marine tank, one by one until all of your bottles are empty
again. Now swim back to the Gerudo Lagoon and head back to the settlement to
get the FOURTH ZORA EGG, which happens to be located in the back of the
settlement. Use the hookshot poles to get up there, go through the door and
fight the last gerudo guard. She is a bit tougher than the first 2, especially
if you don't have the Gilded Sword. Try using bombs on her if you don't have
the Gilded sword, followed by slashes from the Kokiri Sword. Once she's gone,
go through into the tank room and capture the 4th egg, then warp back to the
owl statue in Great Bay, go into the marine room and drop the egg into the
marine tank, now for the remaning three eggs.

   From the first owl statue in Great Bay, swim a little northeast to find two
tall rocks sticking out of the water. As Zora Link, sink down and walk between
the two rocks to be transported to a little maze behind them. This maze is
a bit tough, because if you take the wrong path you are sent back to the
beginning of the maze. Basically, it's a game of "follow the signs." Walk
forward to the first sign, and follow it to the next sign. Then follow the
arrow signs until you come to the 2nd arrow sign. Do NOT follow this one, but
instead go past it to the one behind it, then follow the rest from there until
you come to the end of the maze, and the entrance to an underwater cavern.

   This cavern is very deep, and there are holes on the sides of the walls
with eels in them. First, sink down to the very bottom, and wait for the eels
to come out of their holes (there are 2 holes on each level) then throw your
swords as Zora Link at them and hit them twice to kill them. One of them has
the FIFTH ZORA EGG inside (you have to kill the eel to get it) and the other
has either a treasure chest with rupees or pots with hearts. Float up to the
next level and do the same thing, only now you'll have to land inside the hole
(right next to the eel) and hit it when it comes out. Get the SIXTH ZORA EGG
and float up to the top level, where you must kill the remaining 2 eels and
collect the SEVENTH and final ZORA EGG in your last empty bottle.

   Unfortunately, you cannot warp underwater, so you'll have to float back
out of the cavern, but you don't have to go through that confusing maze again.
Just walk anywhere and it will take you back to the 2 rocks, where you can
then swim over to the owl statue or swim to the beach and warp there. Climb
the ladder and go into the marine room. Drop off the last three eggs into the
marine tank, and watch as they develop into tadpoles. Once they are all
tadpoles, they will form musical notes on the ladder of their tank. As Zora
Link, take out the Ocarina in front of the old guy and he will teach you the
NEW WAVE BOSSA NOVA. Now, it's time to enter the next dungeon. Play the Song of
Soaring and warp to the owl statue in Zora Cape.

   As Zora Link, play the New Wave Bossa Nova to Lulu and she
will sing it, causing a giant turtle (with palm trees on its back) to awaken
from the depths of the ocean. Once the cinema is over, use the hookshot on one
of the palm trees and the turtle will give you a free ride over to the Great
Bay Dungeon, enter it when you get there.

                              GREAT BAY TEMPLE

Items: Dungeon Map, Compass, Small Key, Fairy (15)

   There is a lot of machinery here, as you will soon notice. As Zora Link, hop
into the water and swim over to the northeast corner, then sink down and pull
the large turnkey to activate the water spout and the elevators. Swim back to
the entrance and hop onto the elevator on the left. Hop across, kill the
skulltullas above, then jump over onto the water spout and over to the other
side. Walk through the small corridor and into the main core room (this room
has the rotating blades, which causes the current in the water below.) Hop
down into the water, but stay on the top level (swimming with the current)
and go through the yellow opening. Once in this next room, kill a few of the
skeleton fish, and float up to the red platform.

   Use your hookshot on the treasure chest on the platform across the room and
open it to get the DUNGEON MAP, then drop down to the bottom of the water as
Zora Link and find the red corridor with 2 enemies blocking it. Use your
swords to kill them, then go through the corridor to find some Deku Babas
underwater (they hang from lilly pads.) Kill them off and go through the door
on the other side. Use your hookshot on the treasure chest across the room,
but make sure the dog with a bomb chained to him doesn't hit you or you may
fall into the enemy infested waters below. Open the chest to get the COMPASS,
then look down into the water to find some more Deku Babas. Kill them off with
arrows or your swords (as Zora Link) followed by the enemy guarding the chest.

   Once there are no more enemies, drop down and open the chest to get a SMALL
KEY, then hop back up, and walk towards the door you came in. You will see a
current just before the door, hop in and take it back to the main core room.
 Sink down, go through the red corridor on the bottom, and float up to the top
of the room once you enter. Search around the room until you see a red pipe
coming up from the water. Walk up the pipe, kill the bomb dog and go through
the locked door using your small key. There are a bunch of pots here, break
them all and collect the goods, because you're getting ready for a pretty
tough fight in the next room. Walk through the door, and look up to see the
Big-Eye mini-boss.


Items: Ice Arrows

   Your goal is first to get rid of all the mini-eyeballs surrounding the giant
one, which can be done using 5 methods: Shooting fire arrows at them, throwing
bombs at them, going up and slicing them off, using the hookshot to bring
them to you, or using the Blast Mask. The fire arrows method works best, but
you will eventually run out of arrows or magic (you can collect more from the
pots around the room.) Once you're out of magic/arrows, use your bombs, and
once those are gone, just slice them off. Only use the Blast Mask as a last
resort, because that does damage to Link. Try to fire some arrows into the
giant eye when he opens it, just to do some early damage to him. Once the
mini-eyeballs are all gone, he will start charging at you.

   The easiest way to defeat him now is to use any remaining arrows you have,
then just stand in one corner and wait for him to approach you. Give him a
few slices to the eye (when he opens it) to do some more damage. Continue this
a few more times until the eyeball explodes, leaving a treasure chest behind.
Open it to get the ICE ARROWS, then leave this room and stock up on inventory
from the pots again. Go back through the main core room and through the yellow
corridor at the top until you make your way to the room where the compass was.
Kill the Deku Baba hanging from the first 2 lilly pads, then hop over onto the
first lilly pad as normal Link. Take out your Ice Arrows and fire a few into
the water leading to the inaccessible room. This will create ice platforms for
you to walk on, allowing you to get to the opening across the way. Hop up and
break all the icicles, then shoot a fire arrow at the huge ice block, and go
through the door to fight another mini-boss.


Items: Boss Key

   Apparently, Gekko didn't learn his lesson from the Woodfall Temple, but
he is a bit tougher this time than he was before. Slash him once with your
sword and all the blobs will combine on the ceiling with Gekko inside. If the
big blob falls on Link, he will enter the blob with Gekko, followed by Gekko
doing a series of attacks to Link ending with you losing a lot of health. To
avoid this, fire an Ice Arrow at the giant blob _before_ it falls on Link, and
it will fall and shatter, releasing Gekko. Repeat this process about 3 more
times to kill Gekko, then talk to the frog left behind with the Don Gero Mask
(this is one of the 5 frogs you talk to in order to get a heart piece.) Go
through the open door, and open the chest to get the BOSS KEY.

                         GREAT BAY TEMPLE (CONTINUED)

   Swim back to the main core room, and climb up one of the ladders on the side
to get up higher. Now jump onto one of the spinning blades as it comes by and
let it take you to a new platform, which you must climb up on quickly before
you get knocked off. Shoot an Ice Arrow at the water on top of the water spout
to make the ladder accessible, climb it and go into the next area. Use your
hookshot on the wooden barrel over on the lone platform, then shoot Ice Arrows
into the water to create ice platforms for you to cross over to the platform
with the turnkey on it. Push/pull the key, then go back to the main core room.
Take the yellow corridor on the top and float up into the room where you got
the dungeon map.

   Stand on the same platform the treasure chest is on and use ice arrows to
make a pathway to the door across from you. Go inside and stand by the
platform with the turnkey on it. Wait for the Blue Chucu (blob-like enemy) to
come near you, then shoot an ice arrow at it to freeze it into a block of ice.
Jump up onto it and over to the platform with the turnkey. Push/pull the key
and go back to the main core room. Take the red corridor at the bottom and head
over to one of the platforms in the corner. Stand on it and fire an ice arrow
at the Octorok shooting rocks at you to freeze it. Transform into Zora Link
and jump onto the frozen block and onto the platform with the turnkey on it.
Push/pull the key, and head back to the first room in the dungeon.

   Don't jump into the water, but instead look at the ceiling to your right
to find a hookshot pad above the red water spout. Fire your hookshot up there
to land on the water spout, then jump across to the platform and push/pull the
turnkey. Hop down and go over to the yellow platform and turn that key to make
the machine in the main core room run in reverse (causing the current to go
in the other direction.) Go back to the main core room and sink down to the
bottom, going through the green corridor (new one) and walk up the green
pipe coming up from the water. Push/pull the turnkey and go back to the main
core room, but this time, take the new corridor in the center. In the next
room, go to the corner to find an elevator, hop on and jump over to the rod
that's holding the blades, and jump once more to the next elevator.

   This will take you over to the other side of the room, where you must walk
to the end, and fire an Ice Arrow at the waterfall to freeze it and stop the
blades from moving, however, there is a catch to it. You must stop it at the
precise time the blades are lined up with the platform you are standing on,
otherwise you won't be able to cross. Once you have it right, cross the blades
and go through the door leading into the next room. Go to the other side of
the room, stand on the see-saw and shoot a fire arrow at the ice above the
other end of the see-saw causing the end you are standing on to rise. Jump
across to the next see-saw, and do the same thing, then jump to the platform
with the turnkey on it.

   Push/pull it, and that's all the pushing and pulling you'll have to do for
a long while. Head back to the main core room and take the green corridor on
the bottom, and use the green water spout to get to the boss door, where you
can use the Boss Key to enter the boss' lair.

BOSS: Gryorg

Items Gained: Heart Container
Masks Gained: Gryorg Guardian Mask

   This is going to be one of the tougher battles in the entire game. Gryorg
is a huge fish, capable of mass destruction. Jump down the hole to engage the
battle, making sure you are Zora Link. Sink down in the water to find him,
and use your swords (boomerangs, or whatever they are) and Z-Targeting to
stun him, then walk up to him and hit him with your swords. It may sound easy,
but don't forget that every attack has a counter attack. Gryorg has several
tricks up his sleeve. His most devastating being the way he chews up Zora
Link. Try to stay out of his path as best as possible, because once you get
caught in his jaws, you are in for some major damage. If you die, make sure
you stock up on hearts/fairies before coming back, otherwise he'll kill you

   Alternatively (a much easier way) you can stand on the platform as normal
Link and fire arrows down below at him to stun him, then transform into Zora
Link, swim down and ram him with your shield to do at least 3-4 hits. After
hitting him, swim back up, dolphin jump onto the platform and repeat. When
standing on the platform, Gryorg becomes impatient and gives the platform a
jolt, causing Link to fall down. This does no damage, but if you are standing
too close to the edge, you may fall off and he'll grab you in his jaws. Beware
of his mid-air leaps over the platform, or he may swallow you and spit you out
(does the same amount of damage as chewing you underwater.) His last attack is
calling a swarm of skeleton fish to attack you, which does massive damage. Try
to avoid the above as best as possible, and use either method of attack until
he's dead. Then collect the HEART CONTAINER and stand on the glowing orb to get


1. In front of the turtle, light the four torches to make a chest appear.

2. Under the platform you arrive on when you go through the entrance to 
   the dungeon - swim under to get it.

3. Kill the Skulltula guarding the rupees at the top of the right-hand lift
   in the first room.

4. Smash the barrel on the left of the giant blade room.

5. There's a pot directly beneath the giant blades - smash it with an
   arrow, then wear the Great Fairy Mask.

6. Hookshot the pots opposite the chest with the Dungeon Map in.

7. Kill the four Mecha-Deku Babas in the room before the Compass to reveal
   a chest.

8. Stand in front of the door facing the chest where the Compass is - look
   right into the water to see a pit guarded by two Dixihands. Shoot it with
   an arrow, then wear the Great Fairy Mask.

9. In the room behind the waterfall, fire Ice Arrows into the water to
   reach the far left corner of the room. Hookshot into the ceiling area and
   open the chest there.

10. In the green pipe room with the giant spinning fan, ride on the second
    lift and look right to see a chest in an alcove - hookshot to it to find 
    a chest.

11. When you freeze the giant spinning fan, run along the axle and climb
    onto the blades of the smaller fan to see a chest in an alcove - hookshot
    over to it.

12. Beneath the see-saw nearest the door you come in through is a
    passageway - swim into the barrel under the water to smash it.

13. After hitting the green crank in the see-saw room, run along the green
    pipe as Zora Link and climb up before dropping into the enclosed balcony.
    Hookshot over to the chest inside.

14. Beneath the final green crank before Gryorg's lair, swim around to burst
    the bubble that the fairy is trapped in.

15. In the room outside Gryorg's lair, there's a vent on the right leading
    back to the giant blade room - shoot the bubble inside with your
    boomerangs, then swim through to collect the fairy.

(Thanks to The 64 Chimp)

SIDE QUEST:  Gold Skulltulla House #2 (Optional)

Items: Great Wallet

   Yep, this is the other Gold Skulltulla house and it's in the first area of
Great Bay. Make sure you have at least one bomb with you, and head to Great
Bay. Take the north path leading up to 2 structures. Go into the one on the
left, and bomb the crack on the far wall to reveal the entrance to the
skulltulla house.

ACTION: Slide down to enter the house, and make sure you are still on Day 1,
then play the Song of Decompression to slow down time.

1. Crawling around on the slide leading into the house. Kill it with your
   hookshot after you slide down.

2. In the same spot the 1st one was, kill it with your hookshot after you
   slide down.

3. Look up at the ceiling, and burn away the cobwebs with a fire arrow, then
   kill the skulltulla with your hookshot.

ACTION: Hookshot to the plate on the ceiling hanging over the fence to get
to the other side, then go through the door into the next room.

4. On the wall over by the stairway, crawling up and down. Kill it with the
   hookshot and collect the token.

5. Hop onto the railing of the stairs, and kill the one crawling back and
   forth on the wooden beam up near the ceiling.

6. Transform into Goron Link, and fire punch the giant pot near the stairway
   to make the skulltulla pop out. Kill it with any weapon of your choice.

7. Burn the cobweb in the corner with a fire arrow, and fire punch the giant
   pot behind it as Goron Link to make it pop out, kill it with any weapon.

8. Head down the stairs and punch one of the pots to make the skulltulla jump
   out, then kill it with your sword (or any other weapon.)

9. On the wall behind the stairs, crawling up and down, kill it with the
   hookshot and collect the token.

10. Stand at the foot of the stairs and fire your hookshot at the one crawling
    along the wooden beam.

11. In a regular pot stacked on top of two wooden crates. The easiest way to
    get it is to use your hookshot.

12. Burn the cobwebs and look through the hole in the wall to find it, then use
    your hookshot to kill it and get the token.

ACTION: Go back up the stairs and burn the cobwebs above the door, then go
through and into the library.

13. Walk around to the left side of the library and kill the one crawling on
    top of a bookshelf with your hookshot.

14. Go over to the right side and climb the bookcase where there are no books,
    then kill the one crawling along the wooden beam.

15. Shoot the picture on the far right wall with you hookshot to knock it off,
    revealing a skulltulla behind it. Kill it and collect the token.

16. On the left wall, knock off the first picture to reveal a hole behind it,
    with a skulltulla inside. Kill it with the hookshot and get the token.

17. On the far wall, push the bookcase to the left to reveal a hidden room
    with 2 skulltullas, kill the one and collect the token.

18. Use your hookshot on the other skulltulla in this same hidden room.

19. On the right wall there are 3 dressers, move the two on the side, followed
    by the one in the middle to reveal a hole in the wall. Kill the skulltulla
    inside with your hookshot.

ACTION: Leave the library and go back down the stairs, until you come to a
door, go through it. Talk to the mini-skeletons when wearing the Captain's Hat
to make them kill themselves and collect the items they leave behind.

20. Shoot the 2nd picture on the left wall with your hookshot to reveal the
    skulltulla, then kill it with the hookshot and collect it's token.

21. Look on the wooden beam on the ceiling to find this one crawling back and
    forth. Use your hookshot to kill it.

22. Transform into Goron Link and Goron Stomp on the table in the middle of
    the room to make 3 skulltullas fall from above. Kill them with your

23. See the location above

24. See the location above

25. Go into one of the corners where the pots are, and goron stomp/fire punch
    it as Goron Link to make the skulltulla appear.

ACTION: Shoot the skeleton masks on the wall until you get the right order to
open the gate. Go up the stairs, kill the normal skulltulla and open the chest
to get a shiny new HEART PIECE. Exit this room and go into the door behind the
cobweb near the back of the stairway.

26. Burn the cobwebs on the ceiling with a fire arrow and kill the skulltulla
    with your hookshot.

27. Punch one of the boxes along the wall as Goron Link and it will pop out
    allowing you to kill it with your hookshot.

28. Break open a wooden create on the right wall to reveal a hole. Go through
    as normal Link and kill the skulltulla above the entrance.

29. Behind one of those 2 large things on the back wall. Kill it with the
    hookshot and collect the token.

30. Climb up the boxes near the door and hookshot to a barrel up in the attic,
    then fire punch all the barrels as Goron Link to find the last one.

ACTION: Leave this room, go back up the stairs, use the hookshot on the plate
to get over the fence, and roll up the slide as Goron Link, then talk to the
guy to get the GREAT WALLET if you are still on Day 1. If you are on Day 2,
you'll just get a rupee worth 50.

                        ITEM COLLECTION #4 (GREAT BAY)*

Items: Bottle
Masks: Chairman Mask
Heart Pieces: 3

   Warp to Clock Town, and head into the Milk Bar on any day at 10:00 PM (the
Milk Bar is on the right side of town, it has a different door than normal
buildings.) As normal Link, talk to the fat Zora, and he/she will give you a
little music lesson. Stand on the correct light and he/she will give you a
little piece of the song. Play it, then transform into Deku Link, stand on a
light, and learn the next part of the song. Do the same thing as Goron Link
and Zora Link so all the Links will play one song, and you will receive the
CHAIRMAN MASK from the guy on the stool. Warp to the owl statue in Zora Hall,
then go outside so you are in the 2nd area of Great Bay. Head to the right
a bit (when facing away from the water) until you find some sticks.

   Look up and you'll see a palm tree on a platform that you can hookshot up
to as normal Link. Once up there, look across the way and hookshot to the next
tree, followed by the next one, and continue going up until you get to a cave
opening. Go inside, and dive down into the water. You will hear a buzzing
noise, followed by the appearance of a beaver. Sink down as Zora Link and talk
to him. He will challenge you to a little race, swimming underwater through
20 rings, and if you can go through all 20 rings before time runs out, you
win. Try to stick behind him as best as possible (he doesn't go that fast)
and when you finish, he'll call his faster brother to challenge you through
25 rings this time.

   If you keep up with him and finish within the given time, the beaver
brothers will reward you with a shiny new BOTTLE and depart. Talk to them
to challenge them again, and if you win, you'll get a HEART PIECE. Warp to
Zora Hall, and as Zora Link, enter the first room (the one that has the
drummer in it) then transform into normal Link and hookshot up to the tree
on the ledge above the drummer. Transform back into Zora Link and read the
journal on the table up here to learn 2 parts of a song. They are:

FIRST PART:   A, C-Down, C-Right, A
SECOND PART:  C-Down, C-Right, C-Left, C-Down

   Remember those and go into the next room to the right (where the guitar
player is) and talk to him as Zora Link, then take out your Ocarina. He will
play a part of the song, and you are to follow by playing the first part
listed above. He then plays another part of the song, and you follow it with
the second part listed above. These 2 combinations form the following 2 songs:

FIRST SONG:   C-Right, C-Right, C-Down, A, A, C-Down, C-Right, A
SECOND SONG:  C-Left, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down, C-Down, C-Right, C-Left

   Finally, go into the next room to the right (the room with the pianist)
and play both of the above songs together as normal Link to get a HEART PIECE.
Exit Zora Hall, and swim back to the shore, then head over to the right area
where the waterfall is. Dive down to the bottom of where the waterfall is to
find a blob and 2 skeleton fish. Kill the fish, then give three shots to the
blob and it will leave a HEART PIECE behind. That's about all you can do for
now, however, there is a little mini-game after you defeat Gryorg. If you
swim in between the first owl statue and the entrance to the Gerudo Lagoon,
you will find a boat that you can ride. When it passes the island with a tree
on it, hookshot to the tree, talk to the man and jump across the platforms
20 times to get a prize. You can also play the Gold Skulltulla Quest #2 here,
check out the "Side Quests" section for more.

*Most items here are optional, but I suggest you collect them for future use
 in the game, that way you won't have to come back later.

                               INSIDE THE GRAVE

   Warp to Clock Town and take the East exit, then play Epona's Song to call
for Epona. Ride her up to the mountains, hopping over the fences as you go.
Continue up through the Ikana Graveyard until you reach a skeleton at the end.
Take out your Ocarina and play the Sonata of Awakening to make the skeleton
rise from the dead.

MINI-BOSS: Skeleton & Minions

Masks: Captain's Hat

   This guy reminds me of the skeleton boss in Castlevania 64. At first, he
runs away from you, so chase after him. You see those things on the sides of
the walls? That's where fire arises, and to get rid of the fire, you have to
kill the 2 enemies that pop up. Fire arrows at the skeleton to slow him down
until you eventually catch up to him. Hit him with your sword a few times,
then shoot some Ice arrows at him to freeze him up, followed by sword slashes
to the legs. After a few shots, he will give up and make peace with Link. He
salutes you and then goes back underground, releasing the fire that is guarding
the treasure chest across the way. Use your hookshot on the chest and open it
to get the CAPTAIN'S HAT.

                         INSIDE THE GRAVE (CONTINUED)

   Warp ahead 12 hours so it's night time on the 1st day. Head back to the
Ikana Graveyard and put on the Captain's Mask. Go over to the tombstone near
the entrance and talk to the mini-skeletons here. When they ask you if you
want them to break the tombstone open, say yes and they will do it. Hop down
into the inside of the grave. Hop across the two platforms and go through the
opening into the next area. There are tons of Keese here (bats) and if you
kill them all, you can get 50 rupees from a treasure chest. Once the keese are
out of the way, shoot fire arrows at all three unlit torches to unlock the
next door. Go through to find Iron Knuckle.

MINI-BOSS: Iron Knuckle

Songs: Song of Storms

   Iron Knuckle is by far the strongest boss in the entire game, but due to
his excessive lack of speed, he is a breeze to defeat. Z-Target him, then go
close to make him swing his axe at you, but back away right when it comes down.
Run up to him and give him 2 slashes from your Gilded sword (if you still don't
have the Gilded sword, just use bombs on him.) Make sure you don't get hit by
his axe, because it will do at least 6 hearts of damage to your meter, possibly
more. After you hit him about 3 times, a part of his body will fall off, that
means he's almost dead. Continue these attacks until he dies. Then go up to
the gravestone that appears to learn the SONG OF STORMS (yep, the same one from
Ocarina of Time.)

                             IKANA (EKHANA) VALLEY

Masks: Garo Mask, Mask of Gibdo

   Before going any further, you'll have to pick up the Garo Mask. Warp to
the owl statue near Milk Road, and take the path left of the statue. If you
don't have Epona with you, play her song and bring her along. Talk to the
farmers here and for 10 rupees, you can race them around the obstacle course.
The race is a bit challenging, but not too tough. My only advice to you is
never, _ever_ use up all your carrots. Leave at least one, because once you
use them all, it takes at least 10 seconds to regain them. Race around the
track, jumping when necessary. You can take several shortcuts but cutting
corners, jumping fences etc. but make sure you are going fast enough so you'll
make it all the way over the fence you plan to jump.

   When it comes near the end of the race, avoid the mud pits, because they
slow you down and use up all your carrots to (hopefully) win the race. Shortly
after that, the farmers will cough up the GARO MASK. Ride Epona over to the
mountain terrain area again, and take her to the area just before the graveyard,
but just after the 2 fences you jump over. On the right cliff you will see a
man who looks like the Garo Mask sitting. Put on the Garo Mask and talk to him
to make him create a tree for you to hookshot onto. Hookshot up there, and
cross through the falling boulder canyon (try not to take too much damage
here) until you get to Ikana Valley (also known as "Ekhana Valley.") If you are
wearing your Garo Mask, you will randomly be attacked by Garo enemies who
surround you in a ring of fire, but they are easy to defeat.

   Walk straight ahead to the broken bridge, and freeze the Octoroks into
blocks of ice that you can use to get to the platform. Use your hookshot on
the tree on the ledge above, and continue hookshotting up to the top, where
you will find an owl statue. Hit it and walk straight ahead but slightly to
the left until you come to a ramp. Take it upwards to a dried out lake with a
tunnel opening at the end. Go inside, and walk toward the middle of the
pool of water to make a ghost appear. Play the Song of Storms to get the water
flowing again, which causes the music room outside to start working again.
Leave this cave, and try to enter the music room, only to find a little girl
who locks you out.

   She seems to be hiding something, so for now, walk up the ramps on the left
side of the music room until she comes out and walks a long distance, then
quickly run and enter the room before she can lock you out. Head down the
stairs in her house which lead to the basement, and over to the closet, where
a gibdo (mummy enemy) will pop out. This really isn't a gibdo, but a human
who was cursed into being a gibdo. Don't attack him, but instead play the
Song of Healing to cure him and receive the MASK OF GIBDO. Now, you can do the
"Filling the Log Book" side quest, which is partially optional (just filling
your log book up, you can do it later if you wish, it's listed in the Side
Quests section when you need it) or you can continue with the game.

          S E E   A N J U   A N D   K A F E I   (N O T E B O O K)
            I N   T H E   S I D E   Q U E S T S   S E C T I O N


Items: Mirror Shield

   You will need the following items before entering the Underworld, otherwise
you won't be able to proceed through the underworld:

Bottle of Milk (Get it from the two farmers over by milk road)
5 Magic Beans (From the hole inside the maze in the Deku Palace)
10 Deku Nuts (Kill Deku Babas near the Swamp)
A Fish (Look near the swamp to catch one)
10 Bombs (Found in bushes everywhere)
1 Empty Bottle (See "Bottles" in the Item/Weapons section)

   Head over to the left of the music room and go up the ramps to find a giant
hole in the ground. Climb down the ladder on the side of the hole which leads
down into the Underworld. Make sure you have your Gibdo Mask on, and talk to
the Gibdo blocking the door on the right. He wants you to give him 5 magic
beans in order for him to let you pass. Set them to a C-Button and fork them
over to go into the next room. The next Gibdo in this room wants 10 Deku Nuts,
so set them to a C-Button and give them to him to pass into the next room, with
another Gibdo who wants 10 bombs. Give them to him and pass on into the next
room. Walk past the blades toward the center of the room to make a Big Poe
appear. Shoot him with 5 arrows to kill him, then collect his flame in your
empty bottle.

   Head back to the second room you came to (the one where you gave the gibdo
10 deku nuts) and talk to the other gibdo here. He wants the fish, so give it
to him and pass on to the next room. Run through and give the gibdo at the end
the Big Poe flame to make him disappear, allowing you to go into the last room
with a gibdo in it. Give him the milk and proceed to the final room, where you
will find several un-lit torches. Light all four with fire arrows to make a
chest appear with the MIRROR SHIELD inside. Save your game, then warp to Clock
Town to buy a giant bomb from the goron in the bomb shop. You'll be needing
it for the upcoming area of the game. Play the Song of Soaring and warp to the
owl statue in Ikana Valley. Head over to the right, where the big door is, and
to the left of it is a crack in the wall, where you can go through into the
Ikana Ruins.

                                  IKANA RUINS

   Put on your Gibdo Mask, then enter the ruins via the large crack. Once
inside, you will find several dancing redeads (if you are wearing the Gibdo
Mask.) Ignore them, as they won't harm you, and shoot the frozen eyeball switch
to the left with a fire arrow to unlock the door straight ahead. Go through
the door and put on the Deku Mask to transform into Deku Link. Hit the switch
and run down the corridor as quickly as possible before the roof falls back
down on you. Once you get to the other side, hit the switch to make the roof
come down, then hit it again to make it rise again. Run over to the second
Deku Launcher and burrow inside of it, then wait for the roof to come down
again. As it comes down, launch up to push it back up, then launch over to
the pillar with the switch on it.

   As normal Link, stand on the switch to unlock the door, and go into the next
room. As Deku Link again, launch over to the lone platform to the left (with a
switch on it) and step on the switch as normal Link to unlock the door. Use the
Lens of Truth to see the invisible platform and hop over to it. Stand on it
and kill the two skulltullas on the ceiling with arrows, then jump across the
remaining two platforms over to the door, and go through it. Right when you
enter, quickly run past the two flaming skulls or they will make your sword
inaccessible for a short period of time. Run up the stairs, through the
corridor and out the door which takes you to the roof. Hop up onto the ledge,
and run around to the center of the building, then hop down on the little
ledge with a deku launcher on it.

   Launch over to the pillar with the switch on it and step on it as normal
Link to move a little block. Jump off the pillar and go through the large
crack to enter the ruins again. Shoot a fire arrow at the other frozen eyeball
switch here to unlock the door on the right. Go through it to fight the
floormaster enemy, just stand under the light, and point your shield at it to
make it divide into three parts. Do the same for each part, collect the
rupees, then shine light on the sun block with your shield to move it out of
the way. Go past the dancing redeads and through the door at the end of the
corridor to fight Wizrobe again.

MINI-BOSS: Wizrobe

   He is a little tougher than the last two times you fought him. Now, instead
of shooting ice, he shoots fire, and lots of it. When he appears on one of the
transportation pads on the ground, go up to him and slash him with your sword
before he shoots fire at you. If you wait too long, he'll shoot the fire and
you'll be harmed. You can also freeze him with an Ice Arrow and hit him with
your sword, but it may be more difficult. It is also possible to reflect his
fire attacks back at him with the mirror shield, but you have to be very close
to him to do so. Continue doing this until he clones himself to make it a
little more difficult for you. Just keep hitting the real one a few more times
and he will be defeated, unlocking the door as he leaves.

   Walk through the door, and back onto the roof area. Run around the corner
to find a large cracked circle on the ground. Transform into Goron Link and
place the giant bomb you bought earlier on the circle to blow it up, then
hop down into the new hole which leads back to the entrances of the ruins, but
now there is sunlight shining through the hole. Reflect the light onto the
sun block (and the redeads for some extra rupees) to remove it, then go through
the opening to fight a boss.

BOSS: King Yigorse & Company

Songs: Mekegara's Elegy Song

   This guy has two soldiers to help him do his dirty work. When the battle
first begins, shoot fire arrows at the curtains on the windows to burn them
off, letting the sunlight in, then begin fighting with the two soldiers. Hit
them with your sword, and when they fall to the ground, reflect sunlight onto
them with your Mirror Shield. Once they are both gone, the king will get up
and fight you himself. He is a lot tougher than his soldiers, and has three
basic attacks: His main attack is his leap attack with his sword, it isn't
as dangerous as the other two, but it can do so heavy damage. He also has an
attack where he decapitates himself, and sends his head to attack you while
his body attacks from the ground.

   His final attack is blowing his poisonous breath on you, which does quite
a bit of damage to your health meter. The easiest way to defeat him is to
just attack him with your sword until his guard is down, then stun him with
the sunlight. Once you eventually knock him down to the ground, quickly shine
sunlight on him with your shield to kill him off. You will then view a cinema
of the two soldier ghosts arguing, then they disappear, followed by the King's
ghost who teaches you the MEKEGARA'S ELEGY SONG which allows Link to create
a stationary clone of himself in any form.


   Rockville is located just northeast of Ikana Valley. Head over to the main
part of Ikana Valley, and to the right of the once dried out lake is a large
entrance, go through it to be in Rockville: A large structure with falling
rocks and lots of levels, with only three blocks to help you get to the top.
Your goal here is to get to the tip-top of Rockville, where you will find the
entrance to the fourth dungeon. Start off by jumping across the three blocks
as normal Link, and step on the switch on the other side (all switches in
Rockville are not permanent, so when you get off them, the blocks will move
back to where they first were.) Stand on the switch and play the Mekegara's
Elegy Song to clone yourself (as normal Link) then hookshot up to the next
platform (using the hookshot post.)

   Transform into Goron Link and step on the switch here, then clone yourself
(as Goron Link) to keep the switch held down. Turn back into normal Link and
hookshot up to the next level where you will find another switch. Step on it
as Zora Link (you can't do it as Deku Link, because he's not big enough to
keep the switch held down) and clone yourself on it. Transform back into normal
Link, then jump across the three blocks again to get to the other side where
you'll find three switches next to each other. These are the reset switches,
and when stepped on, will make the three blocks reset to their original spots.
Step on each one to reset the blocks, then hookshot up to the next platform.
Step on the switch and clone yourself as normal Link, then hookshot up again.

   Kill the Beamos enemy with a bomb, then stand on the switch as Goron Link,
clone yourself, then hookshot up to the next platform as normal Link. Step on
the switch as Zora Link, clone, then jump across the three blocks as normal
Link again to the other side. Step on the three reset switches to reset the
blocks, then hookshot up again to the next platform (watch out for the rocks
while doing so) and hookshot up again, and finally up to the highest level,
where you will find an owl statue. Hit it to remember your place, then stand
on each of the three blocks in front of you as a different character then
clone yourself. You must, however, do this in a certain order to get the blocks
aligned properly, the correct order is: Right, Left, Center. Jump across the
three blocks and go through the giant owl mouth to the Stone Tower Temple.

                         STONE TOWER TEMPLE (REALITY)

Items: Dungeon Map, Small Key (2), Compass, Fairy (15)

   When you first enter the dungeon, kill off the two dragonflies and the bomb
dog on the central platform, then shoot an arrow at the eyeball switch on the
large statue (look up to find it) to make a fairy in a chest appear. Once
finished in this room, go through the door on the left to find a room with
three small switches, one large switch and bomb dogs. Kill the dogs first, then
step on the first two small switches as normal Link and Zora Link. Make clones
of each to keep the switches held down, then transform into Goron Link and step
on the big switch to push it down. Clone yourself on it, then go back near the
entrance of this room to find a cracked wall. Bomb it, then ram one of the
large wooden crates to get it out of your way.

   Pick up one of the small crates behind the large ones, and carry it to the
last switch near the closed gate. Set it on the switch to make the gate open,
then go through into the next area of the dungeon. Stock up on inventory by
slashing the bushes here, then find the discolored square on the ground and
place a bomb on it to reveal a hidden entrance. Jump down and use your hookshot
on the treasure chest across the molten lava pit; open it to get the DUNGEON 
MAP, then transform into Goron Link and fire punch four statues in this room to
kill them, then get the SMALL KEY from the treasure chest that appears. Go back
up to the top, and use the key on the locked door. Transform into Zora Link
and swim underwater until you reach a hand enemy. Let it grab you, and it will
throw you up onto a platform with a treasure chest.

   Open it to get another SMALL KEY, then swim under the hand this time, and
into the next room. Climb up onto the strip in the middle of the room, and
stand under the circle of light as normal Link. Reflect the light onto the
mirror for at least 10 seconds (the light stays on the mirror for the same
amount of time that you shine it on the mirror) then run over to the mirror
and reflect the light onto the sun block to remove it. Watch out for the bomb
dog and open the chest to get the COMPASS. Go back to the strip in the middle
of the room, and go through the locked door at the other end. As Goron Link,
fire punch the three parts of the pillar in the middle of the room, then kill
the Black Boe enemies so they don't interfere with your next task. Once
they are dead, quickly reflect the light onto the shield to the left for at 
least 15 seconds.

   Run over to the mirror and shine light onto the next mirror until it runs
out, then run over to _that_ mirror and reflect light onto the sun block, and
go through the next door. As Deku Link, launch over to the air pipe, and go
around to the left side, using the air pipes to your advantage, then land on
the platform on the other side (this may take a few tries.) Go through the
door here to fight a mini-boss.

MINI-BOSS: Ghost of Garo

Items: Light Arrows

   This is a larger form of the normal Garos that appeared in Ikana Valley,
and he attacks using his fire swords. Put on your Bunny Hood, and when he
attacks you, move out of the way so he misses. Most of the time he will stand
there for a few moments, allowing you to slash him with your sword. Otherwise,
after he misses, he will disappear, then reappear right above you. Move out of
the way and slash him again when he does this. After 4 or 5 hits, he will be
dead, and a treasure chest will appear, containing the LIGHT ARROWS. Go through
the open door, and hop up onto the little ledge, then jump across the to the
platform. Z-Target the enemy in front of you, and throw a bomb at him, followed
by a slash from the sword to kill him. 

   Go through the next door, and defeat the Eyegole by walking up to it to make
it come to life, and attack, but as it attacks, run away real fast so it
misses. Whenever it misses, its eye will turn yellow, allowing you to shoot
an arrow into it. Four or five shots should be enough to kill him. Go through
the open door, which leads back into the first room in the dungeon. Save your
game if you want, then warp to the owl statue in Rockville (the one right
in front of the Stone Tower Temple.) Step on the three switches, clone 
yourself on the again (Right, Left, Center) and jump across the three blocks
to the dungeon entrance, only this time, shoot a Light Arrow at the red
switch right in front of you to flip the world upside down.

                        STONE TOWER TEMPLE (ILLUSION)

Items: Small Key (2)

   Head back into the dungeon and go through the door on the right. You will
notice the path is blocked by a huge sun block. Shoot a light arrow at it and
it will disappear, allowing you to pass. As Deku Link, use the air pipes to
launch up to a platform with an enemy similar to the one in the Woodfall
Dungeon on it. Kill it, then go through the next area and step on the switch
to make a treasure chest appear. Run back and open the chest to get a SMALL
KEY. As Deku Link again, use the air pipes to launch up to the ceiling, where
you will find a ledge with a locked door on it. Use your key on the door and
go into the next room. Shoot a light arrow at the red switch across the room
to turn the dungeon right side up.

   Walk across the lava as Goron Link, then shoot the red switch again on the
other side to turn it back upside down. Go through the door and shoot the next
red switch across the room, then hop down and push the block you see toward
the center of the room until it is aligned with the center. Shoot the red
switch again, then push the block to the other side of the room. Shoot the
switch again, but this time, push the block back against where the floor rises
until it can go no further. Shoot the switch one last time, and push the block
into the hole, then climb up to the ledge using the block, and go through the
door to fight Wizrobe again.

MINI-BOSS: Wizrobe

   Wizrobe is a bit more powerful than he was the last time you fought him,
but there is an easy (yet long) way of defeating him. Run behind the gate you
see in the corner of the room, and wait for him to appear on the transportation
pad across from you, then shoot him with an arrow. He can't hurt you from
any other pad but that one, and when he appears, you'll be there to shoot him.
This will take a while because you have to wait for him to appear on that
pad. After a few shots, he'll clone himself as usual. Just continue hitting
him the way you have been until he is defeated and a treasure chest will appear
on the ledge above you.

   Use your hookshot on the chest, and go through the door at the top. Use the
Deku Launcher as Deku Link to get to the other side of the room, and go through
the door. Use your hookshot or arrows on the spikes across the way to make them
explode, then launch over there as Deku Link and land on the little platform
(watch out for the moving pots.) Hookshot up to the treasure chest (don't worry
about the spike, it will explode in a cinema as you are going up) and go
through this next door to fight another mini-boss.


Items: Boss Key

   Gomez is pretty tough because of his primary weapon: a scythe. He has a pack
of bats that surround and protect him, and the only way to get rid of them
is to shoot a light arrow at him to scatter them off. Once they aren't covering
his body, give him a slash with your sword, then quickly run away using the
Bunny Hood before he hits you with his scythe. You can get some extra magic
by killing a few bats, and there are hearts in the four pots in each corner
of the room. Continue shooting light arrows and slashing until he dies, then
go through the next door, and open the chest to get the BOSS KEY.

   Head back to the room just before the one with the explosive spikes, and
launch up to the left corner right near you. Go through this little area until
you find a switch on the ground. Step on it then run over to the treasure chest
to pick up another SMALL KEY. Exit this little place and back into the room
with the Poes. Go back through the door and into the room with the spikes, but
turn right immediately after you go through the door to find another door; go
through it to fight a tougher version of the Eyegole enemy you fought earlier
in this dungeon.

MINI-BOSS: Eyegole

Masks: Giant Mask

   Run up to him to make him attack (if you don't run fast enough, he'll start
shooting his eye laser at you, in which case, you can deflect the laser with
your mirror shield) and then quickly back away to make his eye turn yellow.
Make sure you are close to him when you shoot the arrow at his eye, otherwise
the rocks that appear when he attacked will hit you and you won't have time
to shoot him. Continue this method of attack until he's defeated, leaving a
golden treasure chest behind. Open it to get the GIANT MASK which you will be
using shortly to defeat the boss of this dungeon. Go through the open door
(watch out for the spiked log) and hit the switch on the other side of the
room to make a treasure chest on top appear.

   Go over to where the spiked log is moving up and down and when the log goes
down, hookshot up to the chest to land on top, then hookshot to the plate
when the other spiked log is not in your way. Collect the rupees, then drop
down to where the boss door is. Stock up on hearts/magic before entering (you
may need some green magic potions, so I suggest warping/buying some if you
can't beat him after a while.) Go through the door, have your Giant Mask
set to a C-Button, then jump through the hole into a sandy, windy atmosphere.

BOSS: Twin-Mold

Items: Heart Container
Masks: Twin-Mold Guardian Mask

   Use the Giant Mask to transform into Giant Link and begin slashing at the
tail/head of each mold (the flying dragons are called "molds.") This mask uses
up tons of your magic, so make sure you slash and break the pillars to release
magic jugs. Once you are out of magic, run over and pick up the jugs or use
your green potion(s). It _is_ possible to attack the molds as normal Link,
but it's not even worth it. You have to wait for the mold to rise from the
ground, and slash it in the head/tail. This will never work because the molds
will kill you before you kill them, so you must be Giant Link for this to work.
Continue slashing their heads/tails until both are defeated (after about 6 hits
they will each die.)

   Collect the HEART CONTAINER and step on the glowing orb to get the TWIN-MOLD
GUARDIAN MASK. View the cinema of Ikana (Ekhana) Valley turning back into
normal; all the gibdos dying; all the redeads dying; Rockville turning back
into normal; and everyone & everything is all peachy once again.


1. Shoot the left eye switch when you first enter the temple to make a chest 
   appear with a fairy.

2. In the room with the six sun crests, shine light onto one of them to 
   make a chest appear with a fairy.

3. In the same room there is a sun crest/treasure chest behind the blue 
   block. Use the mirror shield to shine light onto it to make a chest with
   a fairy appear.

4. In the room with lava and a Deku Flower use the Deku Mask to launch to the
   chest with the fairy in it.

5. In the same room as #4 use the Goron Mask to hit the floor switch and then
   quickly roll around the bend to the next switch that will reveal a chest
   with the fairy.

6. Defeat Hiploop and drop off the right side of the path to the lower ledge.
   Find the Crystal Switch below a grate and use a bomb to trigger it. Same as
   above with chest and fairy.

7. Kill the Eyegore and open the chest.

8. Use the Dexihand to get back on dry land and set a bomb near the fenced in 
   Crystal Switch. When activated use the Zora Form to swim to the other pool 
   and melt the sun stone and kill the beamos. Same as above, chest/fairy.

9. In the basement look up and you will see a hookshot point near the stairs, 
   between two statues. Dungeon right side up and collected when flipped

10. Dive under the water and clear the spikes then step on the gold switch. 
    Flip the temple use one of your clones to hold down the blue switch and
    deactivate the fire. Then use the Deku Mask to fly to the chest. Chest
    Opened while dungeon is flipped.

11. Shoot the suns while temple is flipped to get fairy #11.

12. Shoot the sun in room 12 with all the trenches. The chest appears in the 

13. Kill Wizrobe. Chest appears when dungeon is flipped and opened when right
    side up.

14. In the room with an armos guard use the Zora Mask to get up to the
    platform. Wear the Stone Mask so that the Armos can't see you and flip the
    statue with a Light Arrow. Then remove the Stone mask so that the Armos
    will see you and fall to the ground. Then turn things right side up and
    grab the chest that the Armos was guarding.

15. In the Basement, use the Zora mask to get the chest in the room with a lot 
    of water. You have to turn the dungeon right-side up first though.

(Thanks to a combination of Nintendo's Official Guide and SirCheeveri.)

                                   THE MOON

Masks: Oni Mask
Heart Pieces: 4

   Before performing this next section, you will need all 20 normal masks for 
the upcoming quest. If not, refer to the "Filling the Log Book" section in the
"Side Quests" part of this guide to get them. I recommend collecting at least
3 fairies in bottles, and one magic potion. Make sure you have a full stock of
arrows, bombs, etc. and you should have at least 12-14 hearts on your meter if
you actually plan on winning. On Day 3 at 12:00 AM, the Clock Tower will open
up, allowing you to go inside once again. Launch up there using the nearby
Deku Launcher, and go up the stairs to find Skull Kid. Watch the cinema, then
play the Ode to Order (C-Right, C-Down, A, C-Down, C-Right, C-Up) and you
will view a cinema of Majora's Mask being removed from Skull Kid and being
sucked up onto the moon.

   The Guardians can't hold the moon up any longer, so Link decides to warp to
the moon also. You will be taken to a grassy field with a tree in the center,
with four kids running around the tree, each wearing one of the four guardian
masks. Then you will find the last kid, who is wearing Majora's Mask, sitting
against the tree; talking to him will take you to the final battle, but first,
you should collect two new masks, one of which will help you with the final
battle. You must, however, have all 20 normal masks to do this next part.


   Talk to the first kid (the one wearing Odolwa's Mask) and he will ask for
one mask to enter the Odolwa Dungeon. Set any of your normal masks to one of
the C-Buttons, and give it to him to be warped to the Odolwa Dungeon.
Transform into Deku Link, and launch yourself to the first set of spinning
launchers, then from that spinning launcher, launch to the next, and as soon
as you land on the launcher, burrow inside to avoid being hit with the spiked
rod that is spinning also. From here, you can either launch to the left or
right platform. I suggest going to the right first, and collecting the HEART 
PIECE, then dying and doing it again, but go to the left this time and give
the kid one mask to be warped back to the field.


   Find the kid wearing the Ghot mask this time, and he will ask for two normal
masks to enter the dungeon. Give him any two of your normal masks to be warped
to the Goht Dungeon. Transform into Goron Link, and go up a bit to find a strip
that you can roll on. Do a spiked roll straight down the middle, and when you
jump off the ramp, let go of the control stick, but continuing holding the A
button. If you went straight down the middle, you will hit the chests, and
automatically roll over the next gap and hit the next chests, then roll over
a series of gaps, hit a final set of chests, and once you reach the magic pots,
stop rolling. Go up the bridge, and roll over the next gap, then walk past the
three magic pots and roll across the next set of gaps to find the HEART PIECE,
then search around the rest of this area to find the kid. Give him two masks
to exit back to the field.


   Find the kid wearing Gyorg's mask, and give him three normal masks to enter
the Gryorg dungeon. This one is pretty easy; as Zora Link, dive down to start
moving through underwater tunnels. There are three different ending paths you
can arrive at: one with a gossip stone, one with the kid, and one with a heart
piece. Go left, left, right, left to reach the HEART PIECE (then you can go
back) and go left, left, right, right to reach the kid, which asks for three
masks to exit the dungeon and back into the field.


   You will be fighting a series of mini-bosses in this dungeon. Go through
the first door to fight the lizard, kill him to open the next door, go through
that to fight a Garo (you may lose some health in this battle), once he's
dead go through the next door to fight an Iron Knuckle. Kill it like you did
before to get some bombchus. Bomb the crack to go into the next room, then
bomb the crack on the ceiling by shooting an arrow at a bombchu when it's right
over the crack on the ceiling; shoot the eyeball switch, etc. until you find
the kid or the HEART PIECE. Once you find the kid, give him your final four
normal masks to exit this dungeon. Talk to the kid sitting against the tree
(the one wearing Majora's Mask) and say yes to him to the ONI MASK, which
is currently temporary until you beat the final boss. Say yes to him again
to warp the final boss' lair.

                         FINAL BATTLE: MAJORA'S MASK

   The Guardian Masks will then leave your possession and go to their portals,
causing Majora's Mask to come from the center portal and engage battle with 
you. Majora's Mask has three different phases, all different difficulties. It
also depends on which character you fight the mask as, for instance, if you
fight it as normal Link, the battle is going to be much tougher than when you
fight him as Oni Link. Below is the strategy for all three forms as both normal
Link and Oni Link.

BOSS: Majora's Mask (Phase 1) (Normal Link)

   The only way to attack the mask in this form is to hit it from behind. No
matter what you use, you won't be able to do _any_ damage by hitting it on the
front. Wait for it to start spinning on the ground, then do a spinning slash
to knock it down to the ground, followed by a quick slash on the back before
it gets back up. Alternatively, you can wait for it to dive down at you, then
run out of the way while wearing the Bunny Hook, then shoot an arrow at it
from behind. After you hit it about 3 times in either of these manners, the
four guardian masks will come from their portals and begin attacking you with
light orbs. Shoot about 3 arrows at each to kill them, while at the same time
keeping an eye on Majora's Mask so he doesn't pull any sneaky tricks. Once the
masks are gone, the mask will constantly use its fire beam attack. Just keep
avoiding it until he starts spinning again so you can slash him. Soon enough
he will be dead, but he then re-incarnates himself.

More coming soon...


   There are some parts of the game that really don't belong in the
walkthrough section of this FAQs. Hence, I've created a new section for them.
Below are some mini side-quests that you can optionally choose to complete
in the game but don't necessarily have to. You will also find some odds and
ends such as certain listings.

                           GETTING THE GILDED SWORD

   There are 4 different swords in the game: Kokiri Sword (the one you start
out with), Razor Sword (the one you can upgrade to, but it's not permanent),
the Gilded Sword (the permanent sword), and the Big Fairy Sword (strongest
sword in the game.) You start out the game equipped with the Kokiri Sword, and
from there you can upgrade to the Razor sword, but when you go back in time,
you lose the Razor Sword, therefore you must get the Gilded Sword. How do you
get it, you ask? Once you defeat Goht (the Snowhead Temple boss) play the Song
of Time Reversion, then go back to the main area of Goron Shrine (where the
wooden cabin is.) Make sure you have the Adult Wallet and currently have 100
rupees in your inventory, then go into the cabin and talk to the blacksmith.

   He will agree to upgrade your Kokiri Sword into the Razor Sword if you
pay him 100 rupees. While he is upgrading, if you haven't yet gotten the Gold
Dust and the empty bottle for placing first in the Goron Races, go and do that
(see the proper section in the Walkthrough on how to access the Goron Races)
then once you have the Gold Dust, warp to day 2 by playing the Song of Time
Compression and go pick up your new Razor Sword. After you pick it up, give
the Gold Dust to the blacksmith, and play the Song of Time Compression once
again to warp to Day 3, then visit the Blacksmith one last time to get the
Gilded Sword, and save your game right after you get it.

                            ANJU AND KAFEI (NOTEBOOK)

   Believe it or not, there actually is a story behind the log book, and a
major thanks goes out to Kyle Shi who explained it very well in his FAQ,
allowing me to describe it to you. There was once a man named "Kafei" who
was deeply in love with a woman named "Anju" and they eventually became
engaged to be married. You see, Anju possessed the "Moon Mask" which, when
combined with the Sun Mask would create the "Mask of the Wedded Couple" so
Kafei was bound and determined to gain the Sun Mask, no matter what he had
to do. The day before their wedding ceremony, Kafei stole the Sun Mask from
the Happy Mask Man, which was a big no-no.

   Once the Happy Mask Man found out about Kafei's naughty sin, he put a curse
on him which turned him into a little boy. Kafei, not able to live up to his
shame, lived out the rest of his life hiding in a Keaton Mask, hidden away in
his home at Clock Town. Anju went back to work as a clerk at the Inn, and
still wonders about Kafei. Where he is, what happened to him...That's where
the log book (notebook) comes into play. You must talk to several people and
do several tasks and record them all into your log book each day. If you do
not do the below, your game ending will change. This section of the log book
is mandatory, but the other sections are optional. (Thanks to The 64 Chimp for
explaining this to me.)

Day #1

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Make your way to the Mayor's Office (next door to the bomber kid blocking the
path to the observatory) and go into the room on the right to find a man,
a woman, and a fat zora. Talk to them all to receive the Mask of Kafei.

2:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Go to the Inn on the right side of town, and wait for the postman to come
through the door and talk to Anju. After he leaves, talk to Anju as normal
Link to get the Inn Key.

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Talk to Anju in the Inn (right side of clock town) wearing the Mask of Kafei
and say yes to her challenge.

12:00 AM
Go to the Inn on the right side of town, and on the first floor, make your
way to the last door on the right side until Anju comes and stops walking.
Talk to her to get a piece of mail for Kafei.

12:15 AM - 6:00 AM
Set the mail for Kafei to one of your C-Buttons, then go outside and find
any mailbox. Press A then press the C-Button which holds the mail for Kafei
to put it in the mailbox for the postman to collect the next day.

Day #2

3:00 PM
Go to Kafei's house (near the lake) and wait for the postman to come and
deliver Kafei's mail. While Kafei is getting it, go inside his house and
wait for him to return. Talk to him and he will show his true face and give
you a pendant for Anju and tells you to deliver it.

4:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Go back to the Inn (right side of town) and give the Pendant from Kafei to
her. That's all for the second day. Warp to Day three or just wait.

Day #3

1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Make your way back to Kafei's House, and go inside to find the Night Shop
cashier inside. Talk to him to get the Keaton Mask as well as the Express
Mail, which can be used in two ways (do one, then go back in time to do
the other):

a.) At 6:00 PM on day 3, go to the milk bar on the right side of town
    and talk to the fat lady when wearing the Mask of Kafei, then give her
    the Express Mail to get an empty bottle.

b.) On the final day, take the Express Mail over to the Postman's house at
    6:00 PM (play the Song of Decompression to slow down time first.) Give him
    the Express Mail, and he will go deliver it to Kafei's Mother in the milk
    bar for you. Once he delivers it and goes back outside, wait for him to
    stop, and talk to him to get the Postman's Hat.

More Coming Soon...

                            OWL STATUE LOCATIONS                              

Clock Town: The statue here is located on the ramps near the clock tower. It
is the first statue you will find in the game, and it's directly in front of
the area leading to the left side of town. Hit it with your sword to remember
your spot in the game.

Milk Road: Take the south exit of Clock Town and veer to the right a little to
start walking along Milk Road. Once you are on the next screen, you will find
the owl statue next to three bushes. Hit it with your sword to easily warp
back to Milk Road whenever needed.

Woodfall Temple: On the central platform in the room where the woodfall temple
entrance is revealed is the owl statue. Hit it so you can easily warp back to
the entrance of this temple whenever needed.

Mountain Village: Once you enter the Mountain Village, head to the northwest
area (near the goron on a platform) and you will find the owl statue next to
a few snowballs you can chop up.

Snowhead Dungeon: From the main entrance to Mountain Village (where the log
cabin is) go northwest through to the next area. Roll over the gaps as Goron
Link, and go onto the next screen, with the goron blowing his breath at you.
The owl statue is against the wall, hit it with your sword.

Great Bay: Using Epona, hop over the fences near the beach area to get into
the Great Bay. Once here, get the Zora Mask by pushing the Zora back to land
and playing the Song of Healing for him. With the Zora Mask, swim out to the
platform in the water and hit the owl statue when you get to it.

Zora Cape: In the 2nd area of Great Bay, swim out to the statue you see in
the distance, then sink down to the ocean floor as Zora Link, kill the Like
Like and go through into Zora Hall. Near the back, where Lulu is
standing, you will find the owl statue.

Ikana Valley: After going to the Mountain Terrain area, use the Garo Mask to
talk to the Garo up on the cliff. Hookshot up to the tree then go through
the rocks. Use the trees up ahead to get up to Ikana Valley where you will
find the owl statue.

Rockville: At the tip top of Rockville you will find the owl statue in front
of three switches, which you can hit to make the blocks rise (right across
from the entrance to the Stone Tower Temple.)

More coming soon...

                                   THE SHOPS

   This shop is located on the left side of town and only opens at 10:00 PM on
any day. The man behind the counter will buy any random items or inventory
you may have to sell. This is useful to gain some extra rupees if you don't
feel like chopping up bushes all day.

   On the next side of town, you will notice a beggar type man sitting on a
little platform; this is the bank owner. You can deposit and withdraw rupees
from him at any point during the game, and if you go back in time, your rupees
in the bank will remain in-tact, versus having them in your wallet when you go
back in time. To get new wallets, you must have at least the maximum amount of
money the new wallet can carry inside the bank, or you can't get it.

   Also on the left side of town, this shop stocks nothing but bombs and items
dealing with bombs. You can purchase items such as bomb bags, bombs, bombchus,
giant bombs, etc. Below is a price listing of this shop so you'll have a rough
idea of how much things cost when shopping here. Please note that to buy a
giant bomb, you can only do so by talking to the goron here as Goron Link, and
in order to buy bombs, you must first buy a bomb bag.

10 Bombchus     = 30 Rupees
1 Giant Bomb    = 50 Rupees
10 Normal Bombs = 30 Rupees

   You will also find a shop (similar to the shop in clock town) in Goron
Shrine (where the crying baby is.) You can buy some arrows, or other random
items from this shop, so be sure to check it out if you are short on inventory
and don't feel like warping back to Clock Town for the nearest shop.

   The Trading Post is located on the left side of Clock Town, and you can buy
several useful items from them. Below is a list of all the items and their
prices (the banker is located just across from the trading post if you need
some extra money.)

Arrows (30)       = 30 Rupees
Arrows (50)       = 40 Rupees
Deku Stick (1)    = 10 Rupees
Deku Nuts (10)    = 30 Rupees
Fairy (1)         = 50 Rupees
Green Potion (1)  = 30 Rupees
Hero's Shield (1) = 80 Rupees
Red Potion (1)    = 30 Rupees


   This mini-game is located on the left side of town in one of the buildings.
Talk to the man sitting on the platform and pay him about 10 rupees or so to
play this game. The object of the game is to chop up logs using the overhead
attack at all times, and earn 30 points before time is up. To chop the logs,
you can either slash them to cut them in half or do an overhead slash to chop
them down the center. Chop every log that comes up from the ground using the
overhead slash, and the man will reward you for it.

More coming soon...

                              BOMBER'S NOTEBOOK

Location: Northeast area of Clock Town (next to Mayor's House)
Days 1 and 2
This entry is completed when you first get the log book, by entering the
observatory and coming back out.

Location: Right side of Clock Town
Days 1, 2 or 3
Go to the Inn and talk to Anju (who works at the front desk.)

Location: South part of Clock Town where the Laundry Pool is
Day 2 at night

Location: Left side of town
Day 3 at night
After getting the Mask of Kafei and after stopping the burglar on Night 1,
take 500 rupees to the curiosity shop owner to get the All Night Mask.

Location: Park area of Clock Town (to the north)
Day 1 and 12:00 AM
Wait for the burglar to steal the old woman's bag, then stop him with your
sword to get the blast mask and the old woman will be entered in your notebook.

Location: Romani Ranch
Day 1
On Day 1 at 2:00 AM, help Romani fend off the UFOs/Ghosts with arrows until
5:30 AM and she will be entered in your book.

Location: Romani Ranch
Day 2 at Night
Help Cremia fend off the two burglars at night while she delivers the milk.

Location: Northeast part of Clock Town
Days 1, 2, and 3
Talk to Mr. Dotour in his office on any day.

Location: Mayor's House (right room)
Days 1 and 2 or 3 at night
Talk to Madame Aroma who is sitting in her chair in the right room of the
Mayor's House

Location: Mayor's House (right room)
Days 1 and 2
Toto is a fat Zora (or some type of fish) who is in the same room as Madame
Armoa in the Mayor's House.

Location: Right side of Clock Town
Day 1 or 2 at night
Talk to him in the Milk Bar at 6:00 PM on Day 1 or 2.

Location: East side of town; at the Inn
Day 1, 2 or 3 at 2:00 PM
Go to the Inn on any day at 2:00 and talk to the Postman as he is conversing
with Anju to get his entry in the notebook.

Location: Left side of Clock Town
Day 1 or 2 at night
On the left side of Clock Town at 6:00 PM or later on Day 1 or 2, you will find
the Rosa Sisters. Using the Kamaro Mask, dance in front of them for a heart
piece and the entry in your notebook.

Location: Right side of town; at the Inn
Days 1 and 2
After you get the All Night Mask, talk to Anju's Grandmother while wearing it,
and listen to the stories she has to tell you to get a heart piece and her
entry in your notebook.

Location: Outside of Clock Town near the entrance to Snowhead
Days 1, 2 or 3
After 12:00 AM on any night, go near the entrance to Snowhead and you will
find Kamaro standing on a mushroom platform. Play the Song of Healing for him
to get Kamaro's Mask and his entry in your notebook.

Location: Romani Ranch
Days 1, 2 or 3
With the Bremen Mask, go to Romani Ranch and find the Chicken Coop where Grog
will be sitting. Use the Bremen Mask to collect all the chicks and hatch them
into full-grown Chickens, then talk to Grog to get the Bunny Hood as well as
his entry in the notebook.

Location: Ikana Graveyard/Mountain Terrain
Days 1, 2 or 3
Using the Lens of Truth, you will see Shiro sitting, exhausted in a circle of
stones near the entrance to the Ikana Graveyard. Give him a Red Potion to get
the Stone Mask along with his entry in the notebook.

Location: Laundry Pool (south area of Clock Town)
Day 1 or 2 after 12:00 AM
Head down to the Laundry Pool and talk to Guru-Guru to get the Bremen Mask as
well as his entry in your notebook.

More Coming Soon...

(This section was made possible by IGN Guides, as I couldn't remember all the
 entries until after reading their page.)

                                KEATON QUESTIONS

   Once you get the Keaton Mask, try hitting the circle of bushes in clock town
(near the park) to make them come alive and start moving. Put the Keaton Mask
on when this happens to talk to Keaton. He will ask you a series of questions
dealing with the game, and if you answer them all correctly, you will be
rewarded with a heart piece. Major thanks to Devin Morgan for both the
questions and answers in this section (with permission of course), considering
I have the JP version of the game, I can't exactly read the questions. :)

1. What is the name of the mayor of Clock Town?
    Answer: Dotour

2. How old is Tingle, the map salesman?
    Answer: 35

3. Who is the leader of the Bombers gang?
    Answer: Jim

4. What is the name of Clock Town's inn?
    Answer: Stock Pot Inn

5. What is the name of the vintage milk sold at the Milk Bar?
    Answer: Chateau Romani

6. What is the name of the song that Romani, the girl at the ranch, teaches
    Answer: Epona's Song

7. What time does Romani, the girl at the ranch, go to bed?
    Answer: Eight

8. What is the name of the festival that is to be held in Clock Town?
    Answer: Carnival of Time

9. What is the name given to you by Romani, the girl at the ranch?
    Answer: Grasshopper

10. Once it's completed, how tall will the festival tower at the carnival be?
     Answer: Four stories

11. What instrument does the Skull Kid play?
     Answer: Flute

12. How many tiny cow figurines are there in Clock Town?
     Answer: Ten

13. What bad habit does Anju, the innkeeper, have?
     Answer: She's quick to apologize

14. What color of trunks does Tingle the map maker wear?
     Answer: Red

15. What are the magic words that Tingle created? Tingle, Tingle...what?
     Answer: Kooloo-Limpah!

16. How many balloons does Romani, the girl at the ranch, use during practice?
     Answer: One

17. What is the name of the singer in the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's?
     Answer: Lulu

18. At what time does Romani, the ranch girl, wake up?
     Answer: Six

19. How many mailboxes are there in Clock Town?
     Answer: Five

20. What weapon does Romani, the girl at the ranch, use in practice?
     Answer: Bow

21. Where does Cremia, manager of Romani Ranch, try to deliver her milk?
     Answer: Milk Bar

22. What does the owner of the Bomb Shop call his mother?

23. Mikau is of which race?
     Answer: Zora

24. Darmani is of which race?
     Answer: Goron

25. How many cows are there at Romani Ranch?
     Answer: Three

26. How many members are there in the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's?
     Answer: Five

27. Is Tingle the map maker left-handed or right-handed?
     Answer: Right-handed

28. How many cuccos are there in the barn at Romani Ranch?
     Answer: One

29. What is Anju, the innkeeper, bad at doing?
     Answer: Cooking


   As you may or may not know, there are tons of items in Zelda: Majora's Mask.
Ranging from arrows, to bottles, to swords, to almost anything imaginable.
Below is an alphabetical list of each item, along with where you can find/buy
it, it's price (if bought) or how to get it (if found), plus a little
description of each one. Along with items, I've also done the same thing with
weapons, such as swords, bows, etc. For information on how to get the best
sword, see the "Side Quests" section.

                                 ADULT WALLET

Location: Clock Town

Found/Bought: Bought

Price: 200 Rupees

How to get it: When you first start out, you can only carry a total of 99
rupees. Collect a bunch, then deposit them into your bank account. Continue
to do this until you get 200 rupees into the bank, that you'll receive the
Adult Wallet.

Description: With this handy item, your maximum rupee amount increases from
99 to 200. Once you get 200 rupees, you cannot collect anymore. Try to get
this early on in the game, so you can purchase useful items later on.


Location: Woodfall Temple

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: After you face off against the Gekko Mini-Boss, and defeat him,
a treasure chest will magically appear, containing the Hero's Bow along with 30
arrows. From there on, you can find standard arrows in pots, in bushes, and
sometimes in snowballs.

Description: These are used with your Hero's Bow, and provide a good aim shot
at any enemy or item you want to shoot at. These do the same amount of damage
as the Kokiri sword, and are used often throughout the game.

                                   BOMB BAG

Location: Clock Town

Found/Bought: Bought

Price: 40 Rupees

How to get it: Collect at least 40 rupees, or withdraw them from your bank
account, then go into the bomb shop in the left area of Clock Town. You can
buy a Bomb Bag for 40 rupees from the owner.

Description: You _must_ have a Bomb Bag before you can purchase/collect bombs.
When you first buy it, it comes equipped with 20 bombs, and after buy it, you
can collect bombs from bushes, pots, snowballs, etc. or purchase them.


Location: Clock Town

Found/Bought: Bought

Price: Unknown

How to get it: These can be purchased from the Bomb Shop on the left side of
Clock Town, and can also be found in other bomb shops around Termina. Sometimes
you can find them in rocks or other destructible items, but you will most
often be purchasing them.

Description: When you place these on the ground, they will move forward and
explode when they come in contact with something. They can move onto any
surface (walls, ceilings, etc.) and only explode when they hit something.


Location: Clock Town

Found/Bought: Bought

Price: 40 rupees

How to get it: Bombs are located all over Termina, in the overworld, in
dungeons, towns, etc. You can find them inside of pots, underneath bushes, or
sometimes inside rocks or snowballs (or even after defeating an enemy.) You
can also buy them for random prices in different bomb shops. You get your
first set of 20 bombs after you buy the Bomb Bag for 40 rupees in Clock Town.

Description: These have the same amount of power/strength as one slice from
the Kokiri sword, and do tasks that the sword can't. You can defeat enemies,
blow up rocks/snowballs, or get rid of cracked walls with these.

                               BOMBER'S NOTEBOOK

Location: Clock Town

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: After playing the hide n' seek game with the bomber kids, use
the password to go through to the observatory as normal Link, then come back
out and the kid blocking the entrance will give you this notebook.

Description: This book keeps an extensive log of the characters you talk to,
the challenges you are faced with, and the masks you collect throughout the
game. It's up to you whether or not you wish to fill it, but you must at least
fill the Anju and Kafei part (See "Side Quests" section) if you don't want
the game ending to change.

                                   BOSS KEYS

Location: Dungeons

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: After defeating a mini-boss in each dungeon, a treasure chest
will appear carrying this key.

Description: Each dungeon has one of these keys, and without them, you will
not be able to unlock the door leading to the dungeon boss' lair. Normally
you get these keys by defeating mini-bosses in the dungeon.


Description: You can carry tons of items/liquids inside empty bottles, such as:
Milk, Fish, Water, Potions, Gold Dust, Hot Water, etc. Very useful and required
to proceed through some areas of the game.

Locations: There are a total of 6 empty bottles you can collect in the game,
below are their locations and how to get them.

1.) After defeating Skull Kid in Clock Town, go to the swamp area, and walk
    through the forest behind the witch's hut until you find Kotake, who is
    hurt. Go back to the witch's hut and talk to Koume to receive the bottle
    with some red potion inside.

2.) Once you defeat Goht (Snowhead Temple boss) get a giant bomb from the
    giant Goron, and blow up the rock in the area with the bridges. This gives
    you access to the Goron Races. Place 1st to get the 2nd bottle which has
    some Gold Dust inside.

3.) At Romani Ranch, on the first night (at 2:00 AM), follow Romani into the
    barn, then go back outside and wait for the UFOs to appear. They will come
    from all sides of the barn, and your job is to kill them with arrows,
    making sure none of them get to the barn. If you do this until 5:30 AM,
    you will gain the bottle along with some Chateau Romani already inside.

4.) In the second area of Great Bay, hookshot up all the palm trees on each
    platform until you get to a cave entrance. Go into the water as Zora Link
    and talk to the beaver to challenge him to a race through 20 rings in 2
    minutes. After you win, you must defeat his brother through 25 rings in
    the same amount of time. Once you win again, you will get the bottle.
    Repeat this to get another heart piece.

5.) Visit the Ekhana Graveyard at night on Day Three and get the skeletons 
    to smash the grave they're dancing round. Drop down into the hole and run
    through to meet Dampe the Gravedigger. Talk to him and he'll follow you
    around the room - he walks very slowly though, so you'll have to take your
    time. Lead him over the dirt mounds and he'll dig; in three of them are 
    Poe flames. There's always one on the ground level, but the others are
    usually on the upper floor. To get him there, lead Dampe over the yellow
    squares in the floor and then run upstairs after him... if he's on the
    left-hand square, run up the ladder behind you and if he's on the
    right-hand square, climb up the blocks on the right. When all three flames
    are revealed, a Giant Poe will appear. Kill it and you'll reveal a chest
    with a bottle inside. (Thanks to The 64 Chimp)

6.) Refer to the "Anju and Kafei (Log Book)" part in the "Side Quests"
    section of this FAQ to find out how to get the Express Mail. Once you have
    it, take it to Kafei's mother who is in the Milk Bar at 6:00 PM on the
    3rd day. Give it to her and in return, she will reward you with the bottle.


Location: Underground caves

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: You must have an empty bottle to catch these bugs. When they
appear from under a bush or rock (or if they are just out in the open) just use
your bottle to capture one.

Description: These are used to plant transportation leafs. Release the bug from
your bottle onto a dirt patch, and when it rains, a transportation leaf will
grow in on the patch. Pretty much an alternative to Magic Beans.

                                 PICTOGRAPH BOX

Location: The Swamp

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: Go to the second part of the swamp (where Koume's hut is) and
make your way through the forest in the back of Koume's hut (the monkey will
help you if you get lost.) You will find Kotake who is in need of potion, so
get a free bottle of potion from Koume in her hut, then take it back to Kotake,
who will fly off. Go back to the first area of the swamp and into the Photo
Hut, where Kotake will be in the little square. Talk to her to get the
Pictograph Box.

Description: This allows you to take several pictures of anything. Set it to
a C-Button, then press A to take a photo, B to decline a taken photo, or B
to put it away before taking a photo.

                                 CHATEAU ROMANI

Location: Romani RanchFound/Bought: Both

Price: (200 rupees if bought at store)

How to get it: After defeating Goht from the Snowhead Temple, go to Romani
Ranch and on the first night (2:00 AM) wait for Romani to leave her house and
enter the barn, follow her into the barn, then go back out and fend off all
the UFOs surrounding the barn until 5:30 AM, you will get a new bottle along
with Chateau Romani in it. You can also buy this for 200 rupees.

Description: This is a special type of milk, that when drank, will allow you
to have an infinite amount of magic on your meter for a limited time. Buy it
at the store for a whopping 200 rupees if you can afford it.

                                 CHILD'S WALLET

Location: Default Wallet

Found/Bought: N/A

Price: N/A

How to get it: This is the default wallet, meaning you are already equipped with
it when you first start the game. No purchase necessary!

Description: This is the first wallet you start out with, and it allows you to
carry up to a maximum of 99 rupees, and not a rupee more. To upgrade to a
different wallet, see the "Adult Wallet" or the "Giant Wallet" in this section
to find out how to get each.

                                 DUNGEON FAIRY

Location: Dungeons

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: There are a total of 15 dungeon fairies in each dungeon. You can
find them inside pots, enemies, treasure chests, bubbles, and pretty much
anything else. If you cannot reach a fairy, use the Great Fairy Mask to attract
it towards you and collect it.

Description: These fairies come in different colors, some are blue and others
are yellow, but either way, if you collect all 15 of them and return them to
the nearby fairy fountain, you will be rewarded by the Great Fairy for it.


Location: Random Places

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: These are located almost everywhere in the game. You will mainly
find them hidden in pots, but occasionally, they are inside bushes, and even
treasure chests at times. They are found in dungeons, in the overworld, and in
towns all over Termina.

Description: If you wish, you can capture one of these fairies in a bottle, and
when you die (no more hearts on your meter) the fairy will automatically revive
you (useful when battling tough bosses.) Or you can just walk into one and let
it replenish 5 of your hearts.

                                   HERO'S BOW

Location: Woodfall Temple

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: After you defeat the Dinalfos mini-boss in the Woodfall Temple,
a treasure chest will appear holding the Hero's Bow along with 30 arrows
already equipped.

Description: One shot from the bow does the same amount of damage as one slice
from the Kokiri Sword, but the difference between the two is that the Fairy
Bow can hit certain objects that the sword can't. This item will be used
very frequently throughout the game. Used to hit switches, defeat enemies, etc.

                                 HERO'S SHIELD

Location: Default Shield

Found/Bought: N/A

Price: N/A

How to get it: This is your default shield, meaning when you start a new game,
this is the shield you come equipped with. You don't have to find it nor buy
it, you just have it.

Description: This shield is very similar to the Hyrulian Shield in Zelda: OoT.
It is made of metal, and can deflect normal attacks or rocks, etc. To use it,
press the R button and you will be protected from basic attacks.


Location: Default Quiver

Found/Bought: N/A

Price: N/A

How to get it: Once you receive the Hero's Bow in the Woodfall Temple, you will
also receive this quiver, This is the default quiver, meaning you don't have
to purchase it.

Description: This quiver is the lowest class one you can get, but it does hold
a substantial amount of arrows (30 maximum.)

                                  RAZOR SWORD

Location: Goron Shrine

Found/Bought: Bought

Price: 100 Rupees

How to get it: Once you defeat Goht for the first time, go to the blacksmith in
the cabin and pay him 100 rupees to upgrade your sword. Warp to Day 2 to pick
it up from him.

Description: This sword is temporary, and isn't the strongest you can get. When
you warp back to the first day, the sword will disappear, meaning you just blew
100 rupees. You can upgrade to the Gilded Sword after you get this one, see the
"Side Quests" section for more.

                                  FIRE ARROWS

Location: Snowhead Temple

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: After you defeat the first phase on Wizrobe in the Snowhead
Dungeon, the fire arrows will appear in a treasure chest. Fire Arrows cannot
be found or bought, but normal arrows _can_ be transformed into fire arrows.

Description: One shot from a fire arrow will do about 2x the damage the Kokiri
sword does (1 slice.) The fire arrows are mostly used to melt large blocks of
ice, or get rid of frozen forms. They do use magic when shot, so only use them
when necessary.


Location: Random Water

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: Using an empty bottle, press the C-Button you have the bottle
set to when you are right over the fish and Link will capture it in his bottle.
You will only find these in shallow waters.

Description: These can be sold at the shop on the left side of Clock Town for
rupees. Other than that, I've yet to find a useful purpose for them.

                                   GIANT BOMB

Location: Goron Shrine

Found/Bought: Bought

Price: 100 Rupees (Goron Shrine), 50 Rupees (Clock Town)

How to get it: Your first bomb will be free. Talk to the giant goron in the
third part of Goron Shrine to get a free bomb, but afterwards you must pay
100 rupees per bomb, or 50 rupees to the Goron in Clock Town for one bomb.

Description: These can only be used/carried by Goron Link due to their massive
size. They do 5 times more damage than a normal bomb and are useful to blow
up large boulders or other items blocking your path.

                                 GIANT WALLET

Location: Great Bay

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: To get this wallet, not only must you find and kill all 30
gold skulltullas in the 2nd Gold Skulltulla house, and collect each of their
tokens; but you must also make sure you have at least 500 rupees in the bank
and you must kill all 30 gold skulltullas on Day 1. See the "Gold Skulltulla
House #2" part of the walkthrough.

Description: This wallet is an upgrade from the Adult Wallet, and when you
have it, you can carry a maximum of 500 rupees.

                                 GREEN POTION

Location: Stores

Found/Bought: Bought

Price: 20 Rupees

How to get it: You can get this in most shops for 20 rupees, but prices may
vary. Koume has a stock of it in her shop in the Swamp, and other various
stores around Termina.

Description: When drank, this potion will replenish all of Link's magic on
his meter. Useful if there are no bushes around to collect bottles of potion.


Location: Gerudo Lagoon

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: After viewing the cinema of the two Gerudo guards talking about
the stolen zora eggs, fire an arrow through the bars at the beehive to make
it fall and break open, scaring off all the guards below. Run around the
corner, jump down, and open the chest to get the hookshot.

Description: This handy tool is used for 2 purposes: To launch Link over to
wooden items (if you aim this at a wooden barrel or box, you will be taken
to it automatically) and to bring things to Link (pointing it at a certain
items will draw them to you.) Very useful tool, you'll be using it often
throughout the game.

                                   HOT WATER

Location: Springs

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: In Goron Shrine, once you get the Goron Mask, pull the tomb-
stone back to reveal a hidden spring where hot water will fill the room. You
can also find it in other underground areas. Use an empty bottle to get some.

Description: This will melt any ice block you can find, but the only problem
is that it loses it's warmth after a while and turns into normal water, so if
you plan on using it, you better be quick.

                                 KOKIRI SWORD

Location: Start of Game

Found/Bought: N/A

Price: N/A

How to get it: When you start a new game, this is the default sword Link is
equipped with, the same one he found in Ocarina of Time, naturally.

Description: You'll be using this sword for the first part of the game. But
halfway through you can upgrade to the Gilded Sword. This will defeat most
standard enemies, and you can do a charged slice once you get your magic meter.

                                  GILDED SWORD

Location: Goron Shrine

Found/Bought: Bought

Price: 100 Rupees, Gold Dust

How to get it: After defeating Goht for the first time, pay the blacksmith
100 rupees, then go get the Gold Dust from the Goron Races. Warp to day 2, then
get your Razor sword from the blacksmith, give him the gold dust, warp to Day
3 and come back to get the Gilded Sword.

Description: This sword is permanent (unlike the Razor Sword) and it's the
3rd strongest sword in the game. It can do about 3 times the damage one slash
from the Kokiri Sword can, great for battles.

                                 LENS OF TRUTH

Location: Goron Shrine

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: Talk to the owl and follow his feathers that he drops on the
invisible platforms, and go into the cave. Open the treasure chest to get it,
blow up the rocks around the chest and use it to see the hidden treasures.

Description: A returning item from Ocarina of Time, the Lens of Truth lets you
see things you normally wouldn't see with the normal eye. Some people are
invisible and can only be seen with this gadget. There are a few hidden ladders
and treasure chests that can only be seen with this. It uses magic, but there
is a trick to using it without wasting any magic at all. Just rapidly press
the C-Button you have it set to and you can use it without wasting any magic
at all. Useful if you need to use it for a long period of time.

                                  MAGIC BEANS

Location: Random Places

Found/Bought: Bought

Price: 20 rupees

How to get it: There is a fat blue man who eats these beans, and will sell you
a pod of them for 20 rupees (prices may vary in different areas.)

Description: Plant these into a dirt patch anywhere in Termina, to sprout a
flower. Then use water to water it, or wait until Day 2 when it rains to make
the flower grow into a transportation leaf (the sound it makes is similar to
those Halloween toys.)


Location: Clock Town

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: On the third day at 12:00 AM, the clock tower will open allowing
you to get to the roof, where you can then fight skull kid. Shoot a bubble at
him to make him drop your Ocarina, then pick it up.

Description: The last Zelda game was totally based on the Ocarina game (hence
the title) and it is used to play several songs which perform different
actions in the game (see the "Songs" section for what each song does.) The
Ocarina now has 4 different forms: Normal Form (your standard blue Ocarina),
Deku Pipes (as Deku Link), Drum form (as Goron Link), and Guitar form (as Zora
Link) so you have lots of variety.

                                  RED POTION

Location: Potion Shop (The Swamp)

Found/Bought: Bought

Price: 20 Rupees

How to get it: Go to the 2nd area of the Swamp (where the entrance to the Lost
Woods is located) and climb the ladder up to the witch's hut. You can purchase
some red potion for 20 rupees if you have a bottle.

Description: When used, this potion will regain 3-6 hearts on your health
meter. Useful for tough battles, but bottled fairies are much more cost
efficient, and replenish all health, so I suggest buying these only when needed
for certain tasks in the game.

                                 SMALL KEYS

Location: Dungeons

Found/Bought: Found

Price: N/A

How to get it: These are always found in treasure chests, sometimes after
defeating a dungeon mini-boss, but normally just out in the open.

Description: One small key will open one locked dungeon door. You can see how
many small keys you have collected right above your rupee count in the bottom
left corner of the screen. These are totally different than Boss Keys, as
they open locked doors, not boss doors.

More coming soon...


   You have 2 types of songs: Songs you learn, and hidden songs. The songs you
learn are songs like the "Song of Time" or the "Goron's Lullaby," you learn
them from different people or things while playing. The hidden songs are ones
you never learn, but already know when you first start the game. They don't
appear in your game menu, and you don't learn them anywhere in the game. How
are you supposed to know what they are? That's what this section is for! Below
are the descriptions of each song, along with where and who/what you learn them
from. First are the learned songs, below those are the hidden songs.

                                 LEARNED SONGS

Name:         Song of Time
How to play:  C-Right, A, C-Down, C-Right, A, C-Down
Location:     Learned in Clock Town after defeating Skull Kid
Description:  A returning song from Ocarina of Time, whenever Link plays the
              Song of Time, it will warp him back to Day 1. In the JP version
              of the game, it will also save your game. If you are low on time,
              play this song to return to Day 1, however, whenever you play it,
              you will be brought back to Clock Town again. As Link learns this
              song he remembers back to when Saria first gave him his Ocarina
              in Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Name:         Song of Healing
How to play:  C-Left, C-Right, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down
Location:     Learned in Clock Town from the Happy Mask Man
Description:  When played, the Song of Healing will remove a curse by a mask
              on anyone or anything. Play this song to certain people to gain
              certain masks. For instance, when you first play it, the Deku
              Mask will come off of Link and will be added to your inventory.
              If somebody is cursed by a mask, just play this song to cure
              them as well as receive their mask.

Name:         Sonata of Awakening
How to play:  C-Up, C-Left, C-Up, C-Left, A, C-Right, A
Location:     Learned in the Deku Palace from the monkey being held prisoner
Description:  This song really only has one purpose, and that is to make the
              Woodfall Temple rise from the water. When standing on the
              correct platform as Deku Link, play this Sonata to make the
              Woodfall Temple surface from the watery depths below, allowing
              you to enter. Other than that, this song really has no other

Name:         Song of Soaring
How to play:  C-Down, C-Left, C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Up
Location:     Learned in the Deku Palace on a stone tablet up on a ledge
Description:  You won't have to talk to anyone to learn this song, as it is
              written on a stone tablet up on a ledge (near an owl statue) in
              the Deku Palace. When you play this tune, you can warp to any
              owl statue you've discovered throughout the game. Whenever you
              see an owl statue, hit it with your sword and it will be added
              to your list of places to warp. Whenever you need to get to an
              area quickly, play this song to warp near it.

Name:         Ode to Order
How to play:  C-Right, C-Down, A, C-Down, C-Right, C-Up
Location:     Learned after you defeat Odolwa, the Woodfall Temple boss
Description:  This song will do nothing until you have collected all four of
              the Guardian Masks in the game. Each time you defeat a dungeon
              boss for the first time, you will get a guardian mask, there are
              a total of 4 of them in all. Once you have all 4, and you play
              this song, it will make the Guardians go to Clock Tower. You
              won't be using this song until you are about 80% into the game.

Name:         Goron Lullaby
How to play:  A, C-Right, C-Left, A, C-Right, C-Left, C-Right, A
Location:     Learned in Goron Shrine from the frozen Goron and crying baby
Description:  You won't be learning this song all at once. First, you must
              talk to everyone in Goron Shrine, then come back and talk to
              the frozen elderly Goron (after you revive her) and she will
              teach you the first few notes of it, telling you she forgot the
              rest. Play what you know to the crying baby in Goron Shrine and
              he will teach you the remaining 2 notes. When played, this song
              does various things. It allows you to enter the Snowhead Temple,
              but is also used for other things, like gaining heart pieces.

Name:         Scarecrow's Song
How to play:  [You make your own song]
Location:     Created in Clock Town by you
Description:  Go to one of the Scarecrows in Clock Town (one is in the
              observatory, the other is on the left side of town in the item
              shop) and you will be able to create your own song. It can only
              be 8 notes long, and when you go back in time, it will be erased.
              This song is pretty cool because you can make it up yourself.

Name:         Epona's Song
How to play:  C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, C-Up, C-Left, C-Right
Location:     Learned from the girl at Romani Ranch
Description:  Once you finish the challenge of popping 10 balloons while
              riding on Epona, the girl will teach you Epona's Song, which
              will call Epona when played anywhere in Termina. This is useful
              when you need your horse, as she comes when you call rather than
              you going to retrieve her (saves a lot of time.)

Name:         New Wave Bossa Nova
How to play:  C-Left, C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right
Location:     Learned from the old man in the marine room in the Great Bay
Description:  You will learn this after you drop off all 7 Zora Eggs into the
              marine tank. Take out your Ocarina as Zora Link after the eggs
              turn into tadpoles and the old man will teach you the song. Play
              this to Lulu over in the Zora's Hole and she will awaken
              the sleeping turtle, who will transport you over to the Great
              Bay Dungeon, free of charge.

Name:         Song of Storms
How to play:  A, C-Down, C-Up, A, C-Down, C-Up
Location:     Learned from the stone tablet after defeating Iron Knuckle
Description:  This song was also in Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and it was learned
              from the windmill man. When played, it will make rain fall no
              matter where you are (even in dungeons.) Useful for some tasks
              that require instant water (such as planting bugs or magic beans
              to grow transportation plants.) This is probably my favorite song
              in the game because it has a catchy tune.

Name:         Mekegara's Elegy Song
How to play:  C-Right, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down, C-Right, C-Up, C-Left
Location:     Learned from the king's ghost once you defeat him in the ruins
Description:  When played, this will make a stationary clone of each role
              Link plays. You can have up to 4 clones at once (normal Link,
              Goron Link, Zora Link, and Deku Link.) Useful for temporary
              switches, such as the ones in Rockville.

                                 HIDDEN SONGS

Name:         Song of Double Time
How to play:  C-Right, C-Right, A, A, C-Down, C-Down
Description:  This song is basically the "Song of Time" only you press each
              button twice. When played, it will warp you ahead in time, 12
              hours to be exact. If it's morning, you can warp 12 hours ahead
              so it will be night, and vice versa. That way, you can warp
              ahead in time without having to sacrifice a day.

Name:         Inverted Song of Time
How to play:  C-Down, A, C-Right, C-Down, A, C-Right
Description:  Guess where the name of this song comes from. That's right, it's
              the "Song of Time" played backwards. This will slow down the
              speed of the clock by 1/3 of it's normal speed. Useful when you
              need a lot of time to complete something, also helpful when
              performing random tasks (such as defeating poes, it will slow
              down the poes movement.)


   Most masks aren't just found out in the open, you have to do a certain
task to receive them. Some tasks are as easy as talking to a person, while
others may involve several steps. Below are the locations and how to get each
mask, and they are listed chronologically from when you get them in the game.
For descriptions of the masks (what they do) see the section following this.

Mask Name                  Location/How to Receive
Deku Mask                  After you get your Ocarina back from Skull Kid, go
                           to the clock tower and talk to the Happy Mask Man,
                           who will teach you the song of healing. Once you

                           play the song of healing, the Deku Mask will fall
                           off, and into your inventory.

Great Fairy Mask           As normal Link in Clock Town, collect the fairy
                           from the lake, and take it to the Fairy Fountain
                           in Clock Town. The fairy will give you the Great
                           Fairy Mask.

Blast Mask                 While in Clock Town, go to the area where you got
                           the map on any day at 12:00 AM. An old woman will
                           walk by with a bag, followed by a burglar snatching
                           the bag and running off with it. Hit him with your
                           sword before he escapes through the exit and you
                           will be rewarded with the Blast Mask.

Bremen Mask                On any night at 12:00 AM in Clock Town, go south to
                           the river, where you will see a man who looks very
                           similar to the windmill man from Zelda: Ocarina of
                           Time. Talk to him and hear his story, and he will
                           give you the Bremen Mask.

Mask of Kafei              In Clock Town, during the daytime, go over to the
                           northeast part of town (where the bomber kid is
                           blocking your path) and go through the door to the
                           left of the bomber kid. Once inside, go through the
                           door on the right, and talk to the woman sitting in
                           the chair to receive the Mask of Kafei.

Rabbit Hood                Once you've collected the Bremen Mask, leave Clock
                           Town to the south, and take Milk Road over to the
                           ranch. Go into the back area of the barn where you
                           will find a man and several chicks walking around
                           outside. Use the Bremen Mask, and press and hold
                           the B button to march, collecting all 10 of the
                           chicks. Once they are all collected, they will hatch
                           into chickens and the man will give you the Bunny
                           Hood to show his appreciation.

All Night Mask             In Clock Town at 10:00 PM on Day 3, make sure you
                           have the Giant Wallet and the max. 500 rupees, then
                           go to the left part of town, where you can buy the
                           All Night Mask from the shop on the 3rd
                           day (only after you have stopped the burglar on the
                           first day at midnight.)

Odolwa Guardian Mask       Once you go through the first dungeon (Woodfall
                           Dungeon) and defeat the boss (Odolwa) you will gain
                           this mask, which is one of four Guardian Masks in
                           the game. The remaining three can be collected by
                           defeating other dungeon bosses and collecting their
                           Guardian Masks until you have all 4.

Mask of Scents             After you defeat Odolwa (Woodfall Temple boss) go
                           over to the outside area of the Deku Palace. Swim
                           through the water, taking the path on the left,
                           until you come to the end with a cave entrance, go
                           inside and you will see a Deku Minister. Put on your
                           Bunny Hood, and talk to him. He will challenge you
                           to a little race through the cave, and if you can
                           keep up with him until the end, you will be rewarded
                           with this mask (same type of race as with the
                           Gravekeeper's Ghost in Ocarina of Time.)

Kamaro's Mask              At 12:00 AM on the first night, take the north exit
                           of Clock Town, and walk forward a bit until you see
                           some platforms shaped like mushrooms. On one of them
                           will be a man dancing, jump over to the mushroom
                           platform and play the Song of Healing for him. This
                           will remove his mask and put it in your possession.

Goron Mask                 To get this mask, you'll have to follow a ghost.
                           Once you get the Lens of Truth, use it to see the
                           Goron Ghost, and follow it all the way up to the
                           Graveyard in the main part of Goron Shrine. Play
                           the Song of Healing for the ghost and you will
                           receive the Goron Mask.

Goht Guardian Mask         Once you finish going through the Snowhead Temple,
                           and defeat the boss (Goht) you will receive this
                           mask by stepping in the glowing orb. This is the
                           2nd Guardian Mask, out of 4 total. The first one
                           being the Odolwa Guardian Mask from the first
                           dungeon (Woodfall.)

Don Gero Mask              Prior to defeating Goht (the 2nd dungeon boss) go
                           into the Goron Shrine (where the baby is crying)
                           and you will see several un-lit torches. Get a deku
                           stick from one of the pots and run around the
                           village (wearing your Bunny Hood) lighting every
                           torch you find. You must be quick, though, or the
                           torches will go out. Once they are all lit, several
                           pots on the ceiling will begin to spin. As Goron
                           Link, do a spiked spin off the top of the Shrine,
                           breaking the spinning pots 1 by 1 until they are
                           all broken, revealing a chunk of meat. Take this meat
                           to the hungry Goron on the ledge in the main part
                           of Goron Shrine, and after he eats it, you will be
                           rewarded with the Don Gero Mask.

Zora Mask                  Once you reach Great Bay, look out into the ocean
                           until you see a flock of hovering birds. Swim out
                           to find a Zora lying in the water. Get behind him,
                           and push him back to the shore, where he will walk
                           a few steps, then collapse. Play the Song of Healing
                           to him and you will view a cinema followed by you
                           receiving the Zora Mask.

Stone Mask                 After hitting the 2 owl statues in the Great Bay,
                           warp to Clock Town and go to the swamp, where you
                           need to buy a red potion from Koume for 20 rupees.
                           With the potion, warp back to clock town and take
                           the lower east exit, then call for Epona using
                           Epona's Song. Ride up and into the mountain terrain
                           area, hop over the two fences, and use the Lens of
                           Truth on the circle of stones to the right. Give the
                           fatigued soldier the potion when he asks for it,
                           and you will gain the Stone Mask.

Gryorg Guardian Mask       Once you finish going through the Great Bay Temple,
                           and defeat the boss (Gryorg) you will receive this
                           mask by stepping in the glowing orb. This is the
                           3rd Guardian Mask, out of 4 total. The first one
                           being the Odolwa Guardian Mask from the first
                           dungeon (Woodfall) and the 2nd being the Goht
                           Guardian Mask from the 2nd dungeon (Snowhead.)

Captain's Hat              Take the east exit of Clock Town, and ride epona
                           through the mountain terrain (hop over the fences
                           when needed.) Go up, past the graveyard until you
                           get to the skeleton. Play the Sonata of Awakening
                           to awaken it, chase it and slash it with your sword
                           until it gives up. He will then remove the fire
                           guarding a treasure chest, which you can open to
                           get the Captain's Hat.

Garo Mask                  Warp to the owl statue on Milk Road, and make sure
                           you have at least 10 rupees, then take the path to
                           the left of the owl statue to come to a little
                           farm with two guys (same guys from Ocarina of Time.)
                           If you have Epona with you and talk to one of them,
                           they'll challenge you to a horse race, but you must
                           pay a fee of 10 rupees. Pay it and race through the
                           course (make sure you _never_ use all your carrots
                           until the absolute end of the race) and once you
                           win, they'll give you the Garo Mask.

Mask of Gibdo              In the main part of Ikana (Ekhana) Valley (where the
                           music room is, etc.) walk up the ramp on the left
                           side of the valley until you come to a dried out
                           riverbed with a cave opening on the other end. Go
                           through the cave and walk toward the center of the
                           hole with water in it to make a ghost appear. Play
                           the Song of Storms to make the river start flowing
                           again, then go into the music room when the girl
                           is far away and head into her basement to find a
                           human/gibdo. Play the Song of Healing to get the
                           Mask of Gibdo from him, and to turn him back into

Giant Mask                 After going through the Stone Tower Temple
                           (Illusion), you will find a mini-boss named Eyegole
                           that you must defeat. After he's dead, a treasure
                           chest will appear and it holds this mask inside.

Gryorg Guardian Mask       Once you finish going through the Stone Tower
                           Dungeon, and defeat the boss (Twin-Mold) you will
                           receive this mask by stepping in the glowing orb.
                           This is the 4th Guardian Mask, and final one. The
                           first one being the Odolwa Guardian Mask from the
                           first dungeon (Woodfall), the 2nd being the Goht
                           Guardian Mask from the 2nd dungeon (Snowhead), and
                           the 3rd being the Gryorg Guardian Mask from the 3rd
                           dungeon (Great Bay.)

Keaton Mask                

More coming soon...

Mask Name                  What it Does/Function
Deku Mask                  When worn, this mask will transform Link into a
                           Deku Scrub, allowing him to converse with other
                           Deku Scrubs in the game. This mask also gives Link
                           some new, special abilities, such as: Deku Launching
                           from Deku Launcher pads, and water skipping, meaning
                           he can do 5 jumps on water before drowning. As Deku
                           Link, you also have the ability to shoot bubbles
                           once you learn it from the Great Fairy.

Great Fairy Mask           When you wear this mask, if there are any fairies
                           floating within a certain radius, they will become
                           attracted to the mask, and come toward you like a
                           magnet. This is useful to collect those hard-to-get
                           fairies in dungeons. This works for any colored
                           fairy in any environment, but it does NOT work for
                           healing fairies (the ones that look like Navi.)

Blast Mask                 When worn, press the B button and it will cause
                           Link's head to explode! Well, in a way, the mask
                           is actually the item that explodes. This can be
                           used in place of a bomb, but keep in mind that when
                           used, it will do a small amount of damage to Link.
                           Why? If you had a bomb strapped to your face and it
                           exploded, do you think you'd take no damage by it?

Bremen Mask                This mask has a rather special function, when
                           worn, press and hold the B button and walk around
                           while still holding B. This will cause link to play
                           music on a flute, as well as do a little march.
                           Use this mask to collect chicks and mature them
                           into full-grown chickens at Romani Ranch.

Mask of Kafei              In order to pick up the All Night Mask,
                           you'll have to wear this mask. After getting the
                           Blast Mask, on Day 3, with 500 rupees, put on this
                           mask and talk to the man in the shop on the left
                           side of town to buy the All Night Mask.
                           Other than that, I have yet to find any other
                           significant purpose for this mask.

Rabbit Hood                Probably the most useful mask in the game next to
                           transformation masks, the Bunny Hood greatly
                           enhances Link's physical abilities. When worn, it
                           allows Link to run 50% faster than normal Link, as
                           well as enhances his jumping by 40%. You will use
                           this mask a lot throughout the game, because some
                           tasks require you to run fast or jump far in order
                           to complete them, that's where this mask comes in
                           handy. You can also wear it if you are in a hurry.

All Night Mask             When wearing this mask, you will be given the ability
                           to talk to Anju's grandmother. Talk to her in the
                           Inn during the day on Day 1 or 2 and she will give
                           you a heart piece.

Odolwa Guardian Mask       This is used in combination with the 3 other
                           Guardian Masks, at the end of the game to carry
                           the moon. There is no way you can not get these
                           masks, because you get one after each dungeon boss
                           you defeat. There is no purpose for them in the
                           game until you reach the ending stages. You cannot
                           put this mask on either.

Mask of Scents             Used to sniff out mushrooms.

Kamaro's Mask              This mask has a similar function to that of the
                           Bremen Mask, because when you wear it and press/hold
                           the B button, Link will do a little dance. After
                           you get it, go over to the 2 dancing girls in Clock
                           Town on any day during the night, wear the mask,
                           and press B to teach the girls a new dance. They
                           will reward you with a heart piece for it. Other
                           than that, I have not yet found any other use for
                           this mask.

Goron Mask                 The Goron Mask is the second transformation mask in
                           the game, and it allows you to converse with Gorons
                           in ease. Aside from that, you will also gain some
                           special abilities when wearing this mask, such as:
                           Rolling, fire punching (has the same effect as a
                           bomb) and Goron Stomping (A + B.) You will need this
                           mask to get past certain parts of the game
                           (specifically Goron Shrine/Snowhead Temple) and
                           when you wear it, you can carry some items that are
                           too heavy for normal Link (Meat, Giant Bombs, etc.)

Goht Guardian Mask         This is used in combination with the 3 other
                           Guardian Masks, at the end of the game to carry
                           the moon. There is no way you can not get these
                           masks, because you get one after each dungeon boss
                           you defeat. There is no purpose for them in the
                           game until you reach the ending stages. You cannot
                           put this mask on either.

Don Gero Mask              The name corresponds with it's function, because
                           when you wear the Don Gero Mask, you have the
                           ability to talk to Frogs! Using this, talk to the
                           5 frogs (1 in Clock Town, 1 on Death Mountain, 2
                           in the first 2 dungeons, and 1 in the swamp) to
                           get a heart piece. So far, there are no other
                           uses to this mask other than talking to frogs (from
                           what I've seen, anyway.)

Zora Mask                  The 3rd transformation mask you'll be collecting
                           in the game. When worn, this will transform normal
                           Link into a Zora, allowing him to talk to Zoras,
                           and have special abilities normal Link doesn't have,
                           such as: Underwater Swimming, Walking underwater,
                           throwing swords, and breaking underwater boards.
                           Useful to collect items underwater that you cannot
                           get as normal Link. You'll be using this frequently
                           when you reach the Great Bay area.

Stone Mask                 When worn, the Stone Mask makes Link invisible
                           to the naked eye, but only to the Gerudo guards. Use
                           this mask when you enter the Gerudo Lagoon, and
                           hitch a ride on one of their boats while wearing the
                           mask, and they won't even know you exist! The mask
                           pretty much only has 1 purpose for one area of the
                           game, and it is not mandatory to use it, but it does
                           help a bit.

Gryorg Guardian Mask       This is used in combination with the 3 other
                           Guardian Masks, at the end of the game to carry
                           the moon. There is no way you can not get these
                           masks, because you get one after each dungeon boss
                           you defeat. There is no purpose for them in the
                           game until you reach the ending stages. You cannot
                           put this mask on either.

Captain's Hat              When worn, you can command mini-skeletons to do
                           certain tasks you couldn't before. As normal Link,
                           these are enemies, but when wearing the Captain's
                           Hat, they are your workers. Use this mask to command
                           the mini-skeletons to break open the tombstone in
                           the Ikana graveyard right after you receive this

Garo Mask                  This mask gives you the ability to talk to those
                           weird guys with just one red eyeball and a hood
                           covering their face. After you get the mask, head
                           over to the mountains with Epona and talk to the
                           guy sitting on the edge of the cliff near the left
                           while wearing the mask, and he will leave you a
                           tree to hookshot up to. You will also encounter
                           weird Garo enemies when wearing this mask.

Mask of Gibdo              You know those mummy-type enemies that shriek when
                           you come near them? Well, when wearing this mask,
                           they won't hurt you anymore, but instead, they will
                           talk to you! Even if you don't want to talk, they
                           won't even attack you, they'll just pretend you are
                           one of them (they are easily fooled, I guess.)
                           Very useful for different areas of the game where
                           you can find Gibdos.

Giant Mask                 This mask uses up the most magic out of any other
                           item or action you do. When worn, Link will become
                           10 times bigger, but the downfall is that you can
                           only use this mask when fighting the 4th dungeon
                           boss (Twin-Mold.) When using it, make sure you have
                           several green potions, because it eats up magic
                           within the blink of an eye.

Twin-Mold Guardian Mask    This is used in combination with the 3 other
                           Guardian Masks, at the end of the game to carry
                           the moon. There is no way you can not get these
                           masks, because you get one after each dungeon boss
                           you defeat. There is no purpose for them in the
                           game until you reach the ending stages. You cannot
                           put this mask on either.

More coming soon...


   If you've played Zelda: Ocarina of Time, you will be rather familiar with
the heart pieces in the game. Well, they are back in Zelda: Majora's Mask, and
this section tells you were to find them all. Here's the lowdown: Link's life
meter is composed of hearts. There are 2 ways to increase your life meter, you
can either: a.) collect a total of 4 heart pieces which make up 1 container, OR
b.) collect a heart container after defeating a boss. 4 Heart Pieces make up
1 Heart Container, and each heart container increases your life meter by one
heart. Of course, the REAL challenge is to beat the game with only 3 hearts,
but that's only for gamers who are very skilled with the game.

   Heart Pieces are found in several places, sometimes they are hidden,
sometimes they are visible, sometimes you have to do a certain action or
talk to a certain person to get one, some of them require lots of work, while
others are very easy to collect. In the pause menu, you can see how many heart
pieces you have currently collected. Every 4 heart pieces will make your life
meter increase by 1 heart. After defeating a dungeon boss (not mini-boss) you
will automatically gain a heart container (4 heart pieces put together in 1
container) and your life meter will increase by 1 heart.


1. Go over to the area where you got the map in the beginning of the game. You
   will notice a tree with a Heart Piece in the center of it. Using the boxes
   and platforms near the tree, jump over to collect it.

2. In the main part of town (where the Clock Tower is) give the Deku Merchant
   the Moon's Tear in exchange for the Land Title Deed, then, as Deku Link, use
   the launcher to get up to the small ledge on the tower, where you will
   collect the heart piece.

3. On the left side of town, visit the room with a man sitting on a platform.
   Pay him 10 rupees to play the log-chopping game, and chop all of the logs
   that appear by using overhead/jumping attacks. If you score at least 30, you
   get the heart piece.

4. Collect 5,000 rupees from the many bushes outside of Clock Town, then take
   them back and deposit them into your account (via the banker on the left
   side of town) and once you have 5,000 in your account, you will be rewarded
   with the Heart Piece.

5. Once you receive the Bunny Hood, use it to chase the postman all around
   Clock Town, until he stops at his house. Play the game with him, and if you
   stop the clock on exactly 10 seconds, you will receive a Heart Piece for it.

6. Once you gain the Kamaro's Mask, wear it in front of the dancing twins at
   night in Clock Town. Press B in front of them to teach them a new dance and
   gain the Heart Piece.

7. Go to the north part of Clock Town (where you bought the map) and, while
   wearing the Keaton Mask, chop up the bushes near the slide and you will
   summon Keaton. Answer 5 of his random questions (Answers in Side Quests
   section) and you'll get the heart piece.

8. Once you get the Don Gero Mask, use it to talk to the 5 frogs in the game,
   located in:

   - Clock Town: Near the tree at the Laundry Pool.
   - Woodfall Temple: After defeating Gekko, he will turn into a frog.
   - The Swamp: After finishing the Woodfall Temple, you will find this
     frog on a log near the potion hut.
   - Stone Tower Temple: Defeat Gekko again to turn him into a frog.
   - Mountain Village: The last frog will be here with the other 4 after
     you speak to the above 4 and you will get the heart piece from it.

9. Take the Land Title Deed you got from the Deku Merchant in Clock Town to
   the Inn on the right side of town after 12:00 AM on any day. Use the Deku
   Launcher to get to the roof of the Inn, and go through the door to enter
   it, then head down the stairs and find a hand. Give it the Land Title Deed
   to get another Land Title Deed along with the heart piece.


10. Near each exit of Clock Town, you will find a hole in the ground which
    leads to a room with gossip stones. Play the Goron's Lullaby to each of the
    4 stones to gain a Heart Piece.

11. Take the south exit of Clock Town, and start on the path you would normally
    take to get to Milk Road. As you are walking through the tall grass, walk
    around the Deku Baba in the grass and you will fall through a grotto into
    an underground area with a peahat inside. Kill it to get the heart piece.


12. While going through the swamp (on the way to the Deku Palace) you will see
    a tree with a heart piece on it. Climb it using the vines to collect the
    Heart Piece.

13. After you get the Land Title Deed from the Inn in Clock Town, take it to
    the Deku Merchant next to the Photo Hut in the swamp, and he will give you
    another Land Title Deed, and then fly off. Use the Deku Launcher to launch
    up to the roof of the Photo Hut where you'll find the heart piece.

14. After defeating Odolwa, go back to the photo hut and talk to Kotake as
    normal Link, she will challenge you to a game of archery. Shoot at least
    30 targets before the boat ride is over to gain the Heart Piece.

15. Using your Pictograph Box, take a picture of the Deku King in the Deku
    Palace, and bring it back to the owner of the Photo Hut. He will reward you
    with the heart piece.


16. After you enter the Deku Palace, go past the two guards, and take the left
    path to enter a maze. Go through the maze, making sure you avoid the
    deku guards (who will throw you out if their lights touch you) until you
    reach the end, where a heart piece will be waiting.

More Coming Soon...


17. Inside the room where you play the Sonata of Awakening, launch over to a
    lone platform with a golden treasure chest on it. Open the chest to get the
    Heart Piece.


18. Once you get the Zora Mask, go to Goron Shrine (in the area where you
    bought the map) and dive under to get the heart piece from a treasure chest
    near the ramp. You can only get it when wearing the Zora Mask, so remember
    to visit this area again (after you get the mask.)


19. Go to the 2nd area of Great Bay and fire your hookshot on the palm trees on
    each platform. Go up to the top and through the opening, then dive into the
    water as Zora Link. Sink down, talk to the beaver, and he will race you
    through 20 rings. If you go through them all before the time is up, you can
    race his brother through 25 rings and get a bottle if you make it. Race 
    them both again and win to get the heart piece.

21. Head over to the 2nd area of Great Bay, and dive down where the waterfall
    is. Kill the skeleton fish followed by the blob to get the heart piece.

22. In the Gold Skulltulla House #2 side quest, go into the room with colored
    skeleton masks, and shoot them 6 times, in a specific order. It's random
    every time, so I can't tell you the order, you'll just have to use trial
    and error until you get it right. Once done, go through the opening and get
    the heart piece from the treasure chest.


23. Warp to the owl statue in Zora Hall, and go into the drummer's room.
    Hookshot up to the top ledge and read the journal as Zora Link to learn 2
    parts of a song. Go into the guitarist's room and play the first part after
    he plays his part, and the 2nd part after he plays his second part, then go
    to the pianist's room and play the whole song to him as normal Link to get
    the heart piece.


24. After you go through the maze and into the next area, walk up the stairs
    and fire punch all the barrels as Goron Link. One of them has a hidden
    switch underneath that you can step on as Goron Link. Step on it to open
    the jail cell door below, then quickly run down to get the heart piece


   You will notice several returning enemies from past Zelda games here, and
a few new enemies (but not many.) Below are descriptions of each enemy, their
attacks, and how to kill them.


   These immobile statues look ordinary in certain areas of the game, but when
touched by a punch or a sword slash, they come to life and start spinning and
attacking you. Use your fire punches as Goron Link to kill them, but take
cover, as they explode when they die. You will find these in the Ikana Ruins
as well as in other parts of the game.


   These pieces of machinery have rotating heads that shoot a laser out of
them whenever you walk by. The only way to kill them is to throw a bomb at
them, and watch as the head separates from the body and explodes. Using a
sword or any other item/weapon on these will not kill them, it must be a bomb
or the Blast Mask.

Big Poe

   I've only seen a few of these in the game. They are the same type of Poes
as the normal ones, only much larger and more powerful. You can kill these
with 4-5 arrows from your Hero's Bow. When defeated, these leave behind a
flame that you can capture in a bottle and sell to the Curiosity Shop owner.
There is one of these in the underworld, and you can use his flame to give
to one of the gibdos.

Black Boes

   You will find Black Boes everywhere in the first temple and in other areas
of the game. They are rather hard to see in dark rooms, as they are a very
dark shade of black, and look like little balls of shadow. They are rather
easy to kill, and they don't do much damage to you if you let them get too
near. They usually like to travel in large masses, and sometimes drop from
the ceilings of dungeons.

Blue Bubble

   These are a returning enemy from Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and they are very
hazardous if they hit you. They are flying skulls with a blue flame
surrounding them, and if they touch you while the blue flame is still burning,
your sword will temporarily be unavailable for use. They take two shots to
kill, one to get rid of their wings and blue flame, and another to kill them.

Blue Chucu

   This is just a normal, transparent Chuchu, and you find them in certain
dungeons. These Blue Chucus can be frozen with Ice Arrows and be used as
platforms to help you get to unreachable areas. They don't really have a color
to them (just a light shade of blue) and they don't have anything in their
stomachs, they are used just for freezing purposes.

Deku Baba (Tall Version)

   These Deku plants pop up from the ground when you come near (you can tell
with the music that starts playing) but they don't do any damage to Link.
Slash them with your sword to pick up a Deku Stick. You will find these
mainly in the swamp area or near/inside the Woodfall Temple.

Deku Baba (Short Version)

   Pretty much the same as the tall Deku Babas, only these are shorter in
height, and _do_ perform attacks on you. When you come near, these plants will
begin to snap at you. They are easy to kill, just one slash from any sword
should do it (or a goron punch.) They usually drop Deku Nuts after they've
been killed, but sometimes leave nothing. You will find these enemies in the
same places you'll find the tall Deku Babas.


   These are hands with skinny arms attached to them, and you'll only find
them above openings in the Great Bay Temple. If they grab you, they won't
do any damage, but they will toss you back in the direction you came from.
You can kill them by standing on the ocean floor as Zora Link and using your
boomerangs to kill them.


   These giant lizards are very hard to kill. You can only kill them by
hitting their tails with bombs, and to so, you must at the same time avoid
being hit by their fire breath. These are returning enemies from Zelda: OoT
only now they are much larger.


   You will mainly find these in the area near the Deku Palace and inside
the Woodfall Temple. If attacked by them, you will lose some health as well
as be knocked to the floor. They seem to have electric tails which cause
damage to Link. Kill them with a long distance weapon or item.


   An Eeno is a snowball type creature that emerges from the ground (mainly
found on Termina Field, near the entrance to Snowhead) and will throw
snowballs at you. There are two types of Eenos, normal ones, that you can
kill with a slash of the sword (or Goron Punch) and then there are larger
versions of them, which, when hit will break down into 3 normal Eenos that you
must kill, beware of these enemies.

Fire Keese

   These Keese are the same as the normal Keese, only their bodies are
englufed in flames. If they fly into you, you will take 2x the damage than you
would with a normal Keese, so try and kill them before they see you, or you'll
be losing a bit off of your health meter. Their favorite place to hang around
is near trees or in dungeons, and they look like bats with flames on them.


   You may remember these from past Zelda games, the Floormaster is basically
just a giant hand that will do a lot of damage to you if it gets hold of you.
They are very sensitive to sunlight, and if touched with a ray of light, they
will automatically be split into three pieces, which can then be killed with
more sunlight. If there is no sun available, you can just use your sword to
kill them.


   Freezards are rather dangerous, due to the fact that they can harm you in
more than one way. They blow icy breath at you, and if it touches you, you
will become frozen and lose quite a bit of energy on your health meter. The
easiest way to kill them is with a fire arrow to melt them. You will find
these mainly in the Snowhead Temple or in other icy places in the game.

Green Chucu

   Another enemy that roams the overworld and swamp area. These are the same
type of enemies as the Red Chuchus, only they are green and carry magic
containers in their stomachs. They are in blob formation, and of a dark green
color, and note that they can do harm to you. Kill them if you are low on
magic (check your magic meter frequently.)

Gold Skulltulla

   Gold Skulltullas aren't as mobile as the normal skulltullas, and they move
in a different manner, and are easier to kill in some situations. You will
find them in each of the Gold Skulltulla houses in the game, 60 in total.
You can kill them with any weapon of choice, and when killed, they leave a
token behind that you can collect. These spiders can do damage to you, but
only if you walk into them or touch them. Otherwise, they are very easy to


   These bug-like enemies are rarely found in the game (mainly in the Woodfall
Temple) but are a potential threat. When you come to one, it will begin to
charge after you, so you'll have to run quickly after it starts to change you.
As Deku Link, shoot a bubble at it to stun it, followed by another bubble to
kill it off. If you aren't careful, these enemies can knock you off thin
platforms in certain areas.

Ice Keese

   This is the third type of Keese in the game, and it's body is surrounded
in a blue icy flame. This type of Keese is the most dangerous because not only
will it do damage to you, it will also freeze your body and make your sword
inaccessible for a limited amount of time. There are a lot of these bats
around the snowhead temple and near the entrance of the Snowhead Temple,
so just make sure you don't get hit by one.


   The Keese is a returning enemy from previous Zelda games. It's just a
fancier name for "Bat." These are nothing but black bats that hang around
trees and in damp dungeon like areas. They like to attack from behind, so be
careful when you see them. When attacking in swarms, they are very dangerous
because they constantly attack you and you don't have a chance to attack back.


   The Leevers live on the Beach, and will emerge from the ground whenever
Link comes near. If you are riding Epona, you can just step on these without
taking any damage, but as any other form of Link, you'll have to kill them
with either your sword or whatever attack you have. You must, however, be
quick because these things spin very fast and will hit you before you get
a chance to hit them if you aren't careful.

Like Like

   These enemies are located both on land and underwater, and can do some
massive damage if they capture you. They look like giant blobs, and if they
suck you up into their interior, you will lose quite a bit of energy, and
sometimes even lose an item! You can kill them with any weapon or item you
choose, but it takes three hits to defeat them. The reward, however, is rather
nice because you will get at least 15 (sometimes 20) rupees from them. One
of these creatures will even cough up a heart piece in the Great Bay area.

Mad Scrub

   These are basically Deku Scrubs (who look similar to Deku Merchants) only
they will burrow into their pods and come back up to shoot deku nuts at you.
They can be killed by using a long distance weapon or item. Block their
attacks with your shield.

Mini Baba

   Yet another Deku Baba type plant. These Mini Babas are hardly any threat
at all, as the only way they can possibly do harm to Link is if you directly
walk into them. They are very small (almost ground height) and make snapping
motions. They can easily be killed with a slash of the sword, and they appear
in the same places as both versions of the normal Deku Baba.


   Octoroks are those annoying creatures that linger in the water and hide
whenever Link gets too close to them. They were found in Ocarina of Time, and
they are back in this game. They will shoot little seeds at you, and if you
aren't blocking them, you will take damage. If you get too near, they will
just hide in the water until you are within far distance of them. You can
freeze these with an ice arrow and use them as a platform. They are located
in a few dungeons and there is one near Ikana Valley.


   The poes have returned from previous Zelda games, and are located mainly
in the Stone Tower Temple. They appear out of thin air, and first they
taunt you to make you try and chase them. When you stop, they will start
swinging the lamp they have in their hand, and they _can_ do damage to you.
Kill them before they knock you to your death.

Real Bombchu

   I have been referring to these enemies as "Bomb Dogs" throughout my guide,
but their real name happens to be Real Bombchus, which makes sense. They
are weird looking creatures that carry bombs on their tails and will explode
when touched with anything. They have a tendency to run into you when they
see you, so it's best to kill them from a distance. If riding Epona, you can
just trample over them without taking any damage. You will find many of these
near the Ikana Graveyard and a few in random dungeons and on Termina Field.

Red Chucu

   These enemies are located almost everyone in the overworld. You will also
find them roaming the path to the swamp. They look like big blobs of jelly,
and you can see through them, revealing an item hidden in their stomachs.
Usually, when you kill these things, and they pop, you'll get a small heart
to replenish one heart on your meter, but only if you are missing any health
from your meter. Otherwise, you'll most likely just get a rupee. These blobs
are a very light shade of red, hence the name.


   The skulltullas are giant spiders that hang from their webs up in the
ceiling and wait for you to walk by so they can drop down on you. To avoid
being hit by them, walk up to lure them down, then quickly run out of the
way when they drop. The front of their body is protected by a hard exoskeleton
making it impossible to kill them from the front (except when using arrows.)
Wait for them to turn around, exposing their sensitive backside and hit them
with any weapon of choice to kill them.


   These enemies are similar to the skulltullas in the way that they can only
be attacked on their stomach. Snappers are very dangerous because they spin
attack you whenever you come near, and it is hard to get away from them, as
they move very rapidly. You can lose a lot of damage in a short amount of
time if you let one of these things get your better half. To kill them, you
can flip them over using a bomb or by launching up from a deku launcher when
they are spinning right over the pad and then slash their sensitive side.
These are located in random places in the game (mainly in the Woodfall


   Stalchild's are mini-versions of a giant skeleton you fight in the game.
You may remember them from Ocarina of Time (the skeletons that rose from the
ground of Hyrule Field at night.) This time, you can either kill them or
even actually talk to them! Once you get the Captain's Hat, you can command
these Stalchildren to perform tasks for you, like breaking open tombstones.
If you aren't wearing the captain's hat, you can kill them as normal.


   These are probably one of the most dangerous enemies in the game. You will
find these on Termina Field near Milk Road, and they look like buzzards. If
you manage to kill one, you will gain 200 rupees, but the risk involved is
costworthy. These aren't just any ordinary buzzards, they are kleptomaniacs.
They will steal valuable items from you, and the only way to get them back is
to warp back to Day 1. If one of these happens to steal your sword, you'll
have to buy it back from the Curiosity Shop for 50 rupees.

White Boes

   These are the same type of enemy the Black Boes are, only they are a bright
shade of white. You will find them mainly in the Snowhead Temple (where they
are harder to see because of the snow) and they attack the same way the Black
Boes attack, by coming close to you. They can easily be killed with a sword
or a punch from Goron Link. If they hit you, you will take 2x the damage you
would versus an attack from a Black Boe.


   The name pretty much describes these enemies. There are two types of
Wolfos: Snow Wolfos and Normal Wolfos. They are basically just wolfs that
guard against all your attacks. The only way to hit them is when they try to
attack you (by swinging their claws) which is when you can give them a slash
of the sword of a fire punch from Goron Link. These are mainly found in
the Goron Shrine.


   Below I have compiled a series of secrets/codes/and tips for the game.
Currently, there aren't a bunch of them, but more will be coming as I discover
them in the game.

                                  FREE MONEY 

   There are several methods to picking up some extra cash when in need of a
little bit of money. First off, if you go into the area where the observatory
is, but head to the left right when you enter the Bomber's Hideout, and bomb
the cracked wall, you will find a treasure chest with a silver rupee (100
rupees total) in it. If you deposit that money into your bank account, and warp
back to Day 1, you can go back and do the trick again to get another 100
rupees. Another method of easy money is to walk around Termina Field looking
for songs written on the wall. If you play this song, some rupees will fall for
you to collect. The last method I know of for getting free money is to kill the
buzzards, but this can be rather dangerous. While fighting them, they may take
valuable items that you will have to pay for to get back later in the game, but
if you kill them, you will receive a huge rupee worth 200!


Q. If I go back in time, do I have to replay a dungeon and beat that boss
A. This all depends on if you are trying to get an item (say you are trying to
   get the Gilded Sword, and after you beat the boss you save your game, then
   yes, you do have to fight him again.) You don't have to fight bosses a 2nd
   time unless you have a reason to. Once you get the guardian mask and the
   heart container from each boss, that's all you need. However, some items
   that you can collect require the boss to be defeated, that's when you have
   to fight the boss again. It's frustrating, I know, but that's why the boss
   warp pads are in each dungeon, so you won't have to go through the dungeon
   again, at least.

Q. That vulture stole my ! How do I get it back?
A. Unfortunately, the only way to get back a stolen item from the eagles that
   steal them is to go back in time by playing the Song of Time. However, if
   the vulture stole your sword, you have to buy it back from the Curiosity
   Shop for 50 rupees. This is frustrating for some people because they have to
   replay a dungeon all over again if they are in the middle of doing
   something, but eh, that's how the game was made, you'll have to live with

Q. I went to the Curiosity Shop at 10PM but he won't sell me the Mask of
   Staying up Late, why not?
A. First, you must stop the burglar on Day 1, 2nd you must have the Mask of
   Kafei, 3rd you must have the Giant Wallet with 500 rupees, and lastly
   you can go to the curiosity shop at 10:00 PM on the LAST DAY to buy the
   mask from him.

Q. I got the 5th bottle from the lady in the Milk Bar by giving her the
   express mail, then I went back in time, but I don't have the express mail
   anymore to get the postman's hat. Why not?
A. After you go back in time, you have to start the Log Book side quest all
   over again to get the express mail.

Q. What happens if I don't fill up the log book? Will my ending change?
A. The Log Book keeps track of all the people you talk to in the game. Part of
   the log book (All parts dealing with Anju and Kafei) is mandatory unless
   you want a different ending. So, the majority of the log book is optional,
   but the Anju and Kafei parts are not. See the "Side Quests" section on
   how to complete the Anju and Kafei section. (Thanks to The 64 Chimp)

Q. Is this going to be the last Zelda game made for the Nintendo 64?
A. From the looks of it, yes. I doubt anymore Zelda games will be made for
   the Nintendo 64, but there will be several to come on the GameCube and
   Gameboy Color/Gameboy Advance.

Q. How many temples are in the game?
A. Four: Woodfall, Snowhead, Great Bay, and Stone Tower.

Q. Isn't there an easier way to defeat Gryorg?
A. Yes, actually you can stun him as normal Link by standing on the platform
   with an arrow, then ram him with your shield as Zora Link (use the R button)
   (Thanks to The 64 Chimp)

Q. Is this game better than Ocarina of Time?
A. They are equally alike. This game is a bit shorter than Ocarina of Time, but
   there are more features to it than before. (You'd be surprised at how many
   e-mails I get asking this question.)

Q. What's up with these "Item Collection" things? Are they optional?
A. After certain areas of the game, you can do various things, and collect
   various items. It is optional, but you may need some of these items in
   the future, so I suggest you do all of them.

Q. Once I get a mask, can I go back in time to get the mask again and again?
A. No, once you get a mask and save your game, that mask is yours to keep.
   If you go back in time, you'll still have that mask, and by talking to the
   person who gave you the mask isn't going to do anything. (Somebody asked
   this question.)

Q. When did the U.S. version of Majora's Mask come out?
A. October 26, 2000.

Q. Are there any differences between the US, JP and EU versions of the game?
A. There are 2 known differences: 1.) The saving system will change in the
   US version, and 2.) the cinema of when you see Epona will be different,
   otherwise the names/items/gameplay are all the same.

Q. How do I get past (insert game area here)?
A. Read the Walkthrough, if it's not listed, it will be soon. Please don't
   ask me questions about parts of the game I have not yet covered, but if
   you are unclear about something, by all means ask.

Q. How many masks are in the game?
A. 24 total, combination of Transformation Masks & Normal Masks

Q. Can I transform into 24 different things?
A. No, there are 4 transformation masks, 19 regular masks, and one mask that
   lets you transform into Giant Link, but only for one battle.

Q. Is the music the same as Ocarina of Time?
A. Some parts (such as Hyrule Field, and dungeon music) have the same tunes
   as in Ocarina of Time, the sound effects are the same, and there will be
   some returning Ocarina songs from OoT, as well as some new ones.

Q. Are the controls the same as before (in Ocarina of Time?)
A. When playing as Normal Link, yes, but other characters have different
   controls. See the "Overview" section for more on the controls.

Q. What can I transform into?
A. Deku Link, Goron Link, Zora Link, and Oni Link (you can also transform into
   Giant Link, but only for one battle.)

Q. How is my money (rupees) stored in the game, do I have wallets?
A. You can now deposit your money in a bank account, and you will gain bigger
   wallets throughout the game. You start of with a Child's wallet and upgrade
   to an Adult Wallet, and finally a Giant Wallet.

Q. What's with this new time thing?
A. You have 3 days before the game ends. On day 3, you play the Song of Time
   to warp back to Day 1. It's kind of hard to explain, but you can understand
   more in the "Overview" section. A lot of tasks can only be done at certain
   times, or certain days.


Thanks to the following people/companies for making this FAQ possible:

- BabyRyoga: For helping me in Goron Shrine via AIM, great FAQ, by the way.

- CJayC: Webmaster of GameFAQs, for posting my FAQ. Thanks a million.

- Devin Morgan: For giving me the prologue of the US version as well as the
  questions and answers for the Keaton Questions.

- Kyle Shi: For his wonderful FAQ, which has helped me through some areas I
  got stuck in, great work.

- Nintendo: For making this great sequel.

- RLee & marshmallow: For letting me use the nice ASCII Art, thanks.

- SirCheeveri: For the Stone Tower Temple fairy locations (along with the
  help of the official strategy guide.)

- The 64 Chimp: Gave me a bunch of tips on how to beat Gryorg easily and
  other various things about the game, plus the Dungeon Fairy Locations, as
  well as U.S. names of items, weapons, locations, enemies, mask, songs, etc.
  Major thanks.

- Thortok2000: For correcting me on my many minor errors.

- Great manual translation, I got a lot of useful
  translations from you guys, thanks.


   This document is Copyright 2000 Dallas Scott, All Rights Reserved, and may
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