Rainbow Six
Level Select:
Enter the password VZRFTMQ2G8SQ.
Level Passwords for Recruit Setting:
Level 2 1ZB1S2Q22MQQ Level 3 BJBBC3Q22WQQ Level 4 BZBBSMQ22!QQ Level 5 SJRCCQQ2FGRQ Level 6 SZRCS5Q2F4QQ Level 7 TJVTCYQ2FWQQ Level 8 TZVT68QWF!RQ Level 9 5JV5L1OWGGQQ Level 10 5ZV572QWG4QQ Level 11 VJVVL3QWGWZQ Level 12 VZVV7MQWG!QQ
Level Password for Veteran Difficulty Setting:
2: Red Wolf 1ZL1S2RF2MQQ 3: Sun Devil BJJBC3RF25QQ 4: Eagle Watch BZJBSMRF28RQ 5: Ghost Dance CZBCS5RFFMRQ 6: Fire Walk DJBDCYRFF5RQ 7: Lion's Den DJDDC6R2FWR8 8: Deep Magic LZBDS8R2F8RQ 9: Lone Fox MJB2D1R2G2RQ 10: Black Star 2ZB2T2R2GMQQ 11: Wild Arrow FJJFD3R2G5RQ 12: Mystic Tiger FZJFTMR2G8RQ
Level Password for Elite Difficulty:
2: Red Wolf 1ZB1S2S22M?? 3: Sun Devil BJBBC3S225?? 4: Eagle Watch BZBBSMS22888 5: Ghost Dance CJDCCQS2F288 6: Fire Walk CZDCSWS2FMQ8 7: Lion's Den DJBDCYS2F5?? 8: Deep Magic DZBDS8S2F??? 9: Lone Fox 2JB2D1S2G2?? 10: Black Star 2ZB2T2S2GM?? 11: Wild Arrow FJDFD3S2G5?? 12: Mystic Tiger FZDFTMS2G888
More Frags! More Frags!
When you throw either the frag grenades or the flashbang weapons, hold the Z
button until it is at full throwing power. Then release the Z button and immediatly
after it is thrown repeat this process again until you have 255 frags/flashbangs.
Thanks to Revolution readers Michael, Tristan Petry, David, Culp, and Jeff