Enter the following in the Cheat Menu: Quarterback Club '98
BBMNTBL Makes the characters squished, tall and skinnyBGBFYFF Makes your players stronger and faster BGTWSTRS Makes ball carrier spin like mad BRDWYNMTH Improves your quarterback's abilities CRLLWYS Enables you to jump far like Carl Lewis DWNDRV Gives you an unlimited number of downs FRMBYFRM Slow Motion mode GLYTHMD Makes the players huge and voices deeper GTNHNDS Makes fumbles occur more often HHDSLC Players have ponytails JPNSMWR Makes the characters look kind of short, wide and flattened LDSTRTRK Instant Pass Catching LLDFSCK Zero Attributes for Defense LLFFSCK Zero attributes for Offense MCHLJNSN Faster players MNFLDMD Mine Field
NBCTCKLS CPU won't try and tackle PBYBYMD Crawl mode PWHYRMN All Players zero attributes RNLDSWZNGR Tough Running Backs SMLMDGT Makes all the players tiny and voices higher SNWSLDS Puts guys on sleds SPRBGRMS Qb's, Punters, and Kickers can make ball go 100 yards SPRDPRTCKL Killer Tackles SPRSLYD More slippery playing surface SPRTMMD All Players Max SPRTRBMD Super turbo mode, allows players to run on turbo all the time STNTXTM Access Iguana team and Acclaim team STYCKYHNDS Gives your receivers improved catching abilities TGHTGRP No Turn Overs TRNTDLFR Zero Pass Accuracy WLTRPYTN Makes your running backs as good as Walter Payton YLCTRCFB Makes play similar to those old electric games YNSTYNS Discipline and Awareness maxScore a touchdown on every kickoff:
After you receive the ball, pull a man behind the receiver and pitch him the
ball (lateral) WITHOUT it touching the ground. If it touches, pick it up and
pitch it until the other player catches the ball. If you do it right, you won't
be tackled by the opposing team, but if your own men touch you, you will most
definitely go down.Block punts for TD's:
If your opponent is punting you can get a touchdown easily by passing the line
of scrimmage before the hike and blocking the punt. It will be offsides but
if you take the blocked punt and score a touchdown the computer will decline
and you'll get 6 points. If you don't score a touchdown the computer will take
the penalty.Different ending credits:
The game is programmed to look at the starting quarterback on the Packers when
they show the picture in the development team staff credits.You can have anyone
take the place of Brette Farve in the staff credits, you just have to trade
the person you want with Brette Favre.
Thanks to Revolution readers Keefer Dogg, Augie, David Oestreich, Ryan Powell,
Mike Hammond, Joe Milkowski, MASE_REPRESENT, Jason Stilgert, Cr0mE 187, Tighe
House, Blarkin, and FAVRE4434!
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.