PAPER MARIO BOSS/ENEMY FAQ Game System: Nintendo 64 TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. Boss Guide II. Enemy List III. Useful Move List IV. Star Pieces V. Q and A I. Boss Guide BOWSER HP: 3 ATTACK: 1 LOCATION: Peach's Castle DIFFICULTY: 1 (out of 5) PARTY: Mario This is a basic straightforward fight. No strategy here at all. Just attack. After attacking 3 times, Bowser will use the Star Rod, which makes him invincible and increases his attack power. Keep attacking him and you won't do any damage. Eventually he will kill you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- JR. TROOPA HP: 5 ATTACK: 1 LOCATION: Goomba Field DIFFICULTY: 1 PARTY: Mario Another straightforward fight. Since you don't have your Action Abilities yet. Just attack using the Hammer (don't jump). Goompa will tell you about Jr. Troopa too. After you take off 4 points of damage Jr. Troopa will do his "special attack" do 2 HP damage to you. But you should be able to kill him the next turn. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RED AND BLUE GOOMBA HP: 6,5 ATTACK: 1,1 LOCATION: Goomba Road DIFFICULTY: 1 PARTY: Mario, Goombario Again, just attack with the Hammer. Attack the Blue Goomba first. Also, use your Fire Flower if you want and use the Power Jump Badge you earned to inflict 3 points of damage on any Goomba. Goombario should use Headbonk. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- KING GOOMBA, RED AND BLUE GOOMBAS HP: 10,2,2 ATTACK: 2,1,1 LOCATION: Goomba Road DIFFICULTY: 1.5 PARTY: Mario, Goombario Don't forget to heal at the Heart Block before this fight! Attack the Blue and Red Goombas first by using Power Jump on them. Otherwise they will inflict extra damage on you. Since they have only 2 HP, then make it a chore to kill them first. Once you get rid of them, target the "Goomnut Tree" by moving the pointer left from the Goomba King. This will drop a Goomnut on the king and do 3-6 damage on him. Finish him off after that with Power Jump if you still have the FP. Otherwise, just use regular Hammer or Jump attacks and Goombario's Headbonk. NOTE: You can also on your first turn shake the Goomnut tree to make a nut fall and beat kil ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGIKOOPA HP: 8 ATTACK: 2 LOCATION: Shooting Star Summit DIFFICULTY: 1 PARTY: Mario, Goombario Easy fight. He can power up himself though. Jump on him (you can't use the Hammer since he's on the broomstick) until he falls off his broomstick. Now just do your basic Power Jump and Headbonk to kill him. Now that you have your Action Abilities, this boss is just a mere test to see how good you are with them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FUZZY x4 HP: 3 each ATTACK: 1 LOCATION: Koopa Village DIFFICULTY: 1.5 PARTY: Mario, Kooper Each Fuzzy has the ability to drain 1HP from you and heal themselves 1HP. So first, use a regular Jump attack, timed right, to deal 2 points of damage. After that, use Kooper's Power Shell and time it right to do damage to all Fuzzies, killing the first one that you Jumped on. You can actually defend yourself from their array of attacks by pressing A just before they attack. This is useful, as you receive no damage at all and they don't drain anything. Get in the habit of doing this, because it will reduce damage by 1. And since the Fuzzies do only 1 point of damage, that means 0. After their attack just Jump on them and use Kooper's Shell Toss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BULLET BLASTER x3 HP: 4 each ATTACK: - LOCATION: Koopa Bros. Fortress DIFFICULTY: 1 PARTY: Mario, Bombette First, use your Hammer ONLY. Jumping does 0 damage on them. Hammer does 1. Then use Bombette's Body Slam to do 1 again. After this, all three will fire 3 Bullet Bills out. They can be easily killed. Kill them before they explode into you. Chances are one will explode into you since you only have 2 characters with you, and you don't want to waste your FP to kill them. After killing the Bills the Blasters won't do anything for the next turn, giving you time to kill one. Repeat the pattern until they're all dead. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOWSER TANK HP: 10 ATTACK: 1 LOCATION: Koopa Bros. Fortress DIFFICULTY: 1 PARTY: Mario, Bombette Now, you definitely know this rag is actually the Koopa Bros.'s invention, and Red Koopa is controlling it. Do not Jump. Use your Hammer and Bombette's Body Slam. You will do 1 damage to him all the time, and DO NOT USE UP FP! Trust me, this is important. LOL at what Red Koopa says about the sequel being called "Paper Bowser". After the other Koopas tell Red that the tank is being wasted by Mario, Red Koopa doesn't listen to them. Finish off the tank then. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THE KOOPA BROTHERS HP: 5 (each Koopa) ATTACK: 4 (when all are doing their attack, otherwise it varies) LOCATION: Koopa Bros. Fortress DIFFICULTY: 2.5 PARTY: Mario, Bombette Now it's definitely the time to fight the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Cool music =). This battle begins with an unpleasant surprise, it immediately starts off right after you wreck the Bowser Tank, with the leftover HP and FP. See what I told you about not wasting your FP? And another unpleasant surprise – They go first, doing 4 points of damage to you. Immediately use a Jump or Hammer, and Bombette's Body Slam attack. This will knock them off on the ground, on their shells, to their weak spot. Now just use a special Jump or something to get rid of the first Ninja Koopa. The Brothers will then get back on balance and do their attack. This will do 3 points of damage, since one of the Koopas are dead. Continue to Jump to put them off balance, and defeat them one by one. Finally, get rid of Red Koopa and you've completed Chapter 1! Strategy from VGMaster96: A. Have multibounce B. Have Bombette out. (duh) C. Press Z to use Bombette first and use a bomb attack. D. Use multibounce. Caution: Use multibounce if the Koopas are up. Use the bomb attack when the koopas are stacked. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- JR. TROOPA HP: 20 ATTACK: 3 LOCATION: Pleasant Path DIFFICULTY: 1.5 PARTY: Mario, anyone You should be well used to your Action Abilities now, and know hot to time them right. Jr. Troopa, who was the first boss in the game, has a new move, which he uses to defend himself. Hammer him and use your partner's best abilities if you still have FP. Now a tough fight, but you'll be fighting Troopa later too. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BUZZAR HP: 40 ATTACK: 3 LOCATION: Mt. Rugged DIFFICULTY: 2 PARTY: Mario, Parakarry This will be a long battle due to the guy's big HP number. His wind attack makes you repeatedly tap A to avoid it, otherwise both you and your party member are gonna get it! Use Parakarry's super Shell Shot attack to inflict a good amount of damage on him. It may seem hard, but it's all not that hard. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TUTANKOOPA HP: 30 ATTACK: 3 LOCATION: Dry Dry Ruins DIFFICULTY: 2 PARTY: Mario, Parakarry ...And I though Tutankoopa would be some huge guy... Anyway, the main boss of Chapter 2 is not that hard. He will call upon a Chomp to help him. Jump on the Chomp and use Shell Shot to kill him. Next, he will fire an attack on you or your party member, so be careful. He will repeat his pattern by making another Chomp appear. When he's vulnerable, jump up on him and give him a whoopin'. Repeat this until King Tutankhamen is dead. It'll be a quick battle, so don't fret. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TUBBA BLUBBA'S HEART HP: 50 ATTACK: 6 LOCATION: Windy Mill DIFFICULTY: 3 PARTY: Mario, Bow A sick and weird battle. Whoever at Nintendo thought to have you fight someone's heart has a twisted mind. Make sure to have Bow with you even in the beginning, she will be very useful. When the Heart says "I'm gonna do my super attack! I just have to charge it up.", use Bow's Outta Sight to hide Mario from the Heart's attack, which does a whopping 12 HP of damage. He won't do this attack once, so when you see him charging up, use Outta Sight again. The bad thing about Outta Sight is that Bow won't be able to act the next turn, so know when to use it! Have Mario use Power Jump and Bow Smack on the other turns. Be sure to have items or FP and HP remaining after battle, since you will have to fight another battle after this one with no saving or Heart Block bashing in between. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TUBBA BLUBBA HP: 10 ATTACK: 4 LOCATION: Gusty Gulch DIFFICULTY: 1 PARTY: Mario, Bow I died here BECAUSE I WAS LOW ON HP/FP AND HAD NO HEALING ITEMS! Please... don't laugh. This battle is meant to be easy, after that battle before. Just use your attack until you take off 10 HP off of him, and he's dead. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- JR. TROOPA HP: 40 ATTACK: 5 LOCATION: Forever Forest DIFFICULTY: 2 PARTY: Mario, Parakarry Jr. Troopa now has wings. To kill him this time, just jump on him or do Power Jump. Parakarry should use Shell Shot since it inflicts damage to anyone on the map, regardless of wherever they are: air, ground, spiked, etc. Jr. Troopa still hasn't learned how to do good damage, so there's not much problems in this fight. When he's a little weaker, it would be a good idea to use your new attack, Star Storm, for 7 points of damage. This is a good amount of damage, especially at this point of the game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTI-GUY HP: 50 ATTACK: 10 LOCATION: Shy Guy Toy Box DIFFICULTY: 4.5 PARTY: Mario, Bow Although purely optional, this boss packs quite a punch, doing 10 points of damage when he attacks! It's recommended that you come here AFTER you proceed through the game, but you can still try (like I did) and beat him. Have Bow use her Smack attack (power it up easily. You should know how) and Mario use Star Storm, then just simply use your regular Jump attack (or Power Jump or Power Bounce). For battles like these, Whacka's Bumps are highly suggested. You can up to 6 of them in Mt. Rugged by smashing Whacka. Don't use all six of them here, though. If you're fighting him later, then just use Lakilester's Spiny attack or Cloud Nine and it's much easier. For beating him, you get the treasure he was guarding, The Power Plus badge. Although it takes a lot of BP, it's very useful. So equip it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BIG LANTERN GHOST HP: 40 ATTACK: 5 LOCATION: Shy Guy Toy Box DIFFICULTY: 2.5 PARTY: Mario, Bow To be able to attack him, simply attack the lantern using the regular Jump and TIME IT RIGHT. It will light up the room, after that have Bow use Smack to do 5 damage on the ghost. Chances are he will put out the lantern so you will have to light it up again next turn. Just keep doing this and attacking him. He has an attack, called Flash, which can knock your party member out, so be careful. His main attack isn't all that great, though, compared to Anti-Guy! Beat him up to free Watt, your new helper. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL GUY AND SHY GUYS HP: 30 ATTACK: 4 LOCATION: Shy Guy Toy Box DIFFICULTY: 3 PARTY: Mario, Bow When you first enter the battle, you will have to fight a Shy Squad. Just Jump on it to get rid of the Shy Guys, and keep attacking it until all Shy Guys are gone from it. Next, General Guy will send out two Stilt Guys. Jump on them, since they're on stilts, and use Smack to beat them up. General Guy will then make Shy Stacks appear. Again, Jump on them to get rid of the Shy Guys one by one. After beating them, the idiot general will finally fight you. Notice how there's a bulb for you to attack. Don't waste turns attacking it – it only gets rid of one of his attacks, which doesn't really do much damage anyway. You can take it out, to get rid of his stronger attack, but it definitely is a waste of time, since it makes you very vulnerable. Besides, he doesn't have a lot of HP anyway. Just Jump on him and use Star Storm when possible. Strategy from VGMaster96: Here is a very good technique to beat general guy: A. Have fifteen or sixteen badge points and equip quick change, defend plus, quake hammer, power jump, multibounce and maybe spin smash. B. Start with Bombette C. A defend plus will definitely protect you against the shy squad at the beginning. Each shy guy only does one unit of damage, so the defend plus would deflect each unit of damage. Don't waste FP on this part. D. I heard a quake hammer knocks the stilt guys off their stilts. E. Bombette might be able to knock over both shy stacks with a power bomb attack. F. Switch to Parakarry and attack the bulb with a shell shot. Let Mario use a power jump. That way your partner will not get hit. G. The bombs don't cause too much damage, and the action command would help. H. Use Parakarry's shell shot and Mario's power jump a lot until General Guy is defeated. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOOPER/ELECTRO BLOOPER HP: 30/50 ATTACK: 3/4 LOCATION: Toad Town Tunnels DIFFICULTY: 2 PARTY: Mario, Parakarry You can fight the Blooper anytime after Chapter 1, so you can actually do this before. He's not that hard, just Jump and use Shell Shot. For the Electro Blooper, attack him until he charges himself with electricity, then use missile attacks like Parakarry's Shell Shot. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FUZZIPEDE HP: 20 ATTACK: 3 LOCATION: Whale DIFFICULTY: 2 PARTY: Mario, Watt You can't see inside the whale, so it's up to Watt and his/her abilities to help you defeat the Fuzzipede. First, use Star Storm to knock off 7 HP off of him, this will cause him to go up to the ceiling. Use Watt's Electric attack again and Star Storm again if you still have 2 Star Energies. This will easily kill him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LAVA PIRANHA HP: 40/40 ATTACK: 5/5 LOCATION: Mt. Lavalava DIFFICULTY: 4 PARTY: Mario, Sushie This battle will be very hard. First, start off by using Star Storm – don't worry about your Star Energy for now. Sushie should use Water Blast even though it won't do much damage. The Lava Buds should die off, leaving the bug piranha to fight you itself. Think of this battle as Megasmilax from Super Mario RPG – hard boss. Quickly defeat the main piranha by jumping on it and don't waste too much FP. After defeating it, it comes back to life! This time, it has a new 40 HP to it and same attack, and it's also on fire! The little Lava Buds can't really be defeated. They will die off when attacked a little bit, but will come back to life after a while. Use Sushie's Water Blast attack to do double damage on them, since they're flaming, and Hammer the big piranha with Mario since jumping on it will just hurt you. It also help to have the Ice Power Badge found in Shy Guy's Toy Box equipped here. Be careful of the Petit Piranhas the Lava Buds create, they can do 6 damage, but only have 1 HP, so quickly kill them. Also, use your remaining Star Energy to do 7 points of damage to all of the enemies. This will be extremely helpful in the battle. Strategy from VGMaster96: A. Have an amount of healing items, the fire shield, and ice power, as you know. B. Aim only at the Lava Piranha with some power bounces and Sushie's squirt attack. C. Sushie should be at ultra-rank, so she could use tidal wave when the Lava Piranha and Lava Buds come back up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- JR. TROOPA HP: 20 ATTACK: 6 LOCATION: Toad Town Port DIFFICULTY: 1.5 PARTY: Mario, Bow He's even easier than before, 'nuff said. Since he swam all the way to get you, he only has a measly 20 HP, out of 40. Use Star Storm and Bow's Fan Smack (have here upgraded) to do some serious whoopin'. That's it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LAKILESTER HP: 50 ATTACK: 5 LOCATION: Flower Fields DIFFICULTY: 1.5 PARTY: Mario, Bow Spike is just like the other Lakitus, except he has more HP. Like always, do Mario's Power Jump or Mega Jump attacks, and Bow's Fan Smack. He will throw Spinys at you but they only do 5 damage. It won't be that hard of a fight. Besides, he will join your party after the battle (and somehow, lose 49 HP). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HUFF N' PUFF HP: 60 ATTACK: 6 LOCATION: Cloudy Climb DIFFICULTY: 4 PARTY: Mario, Lakilester The boss of Chapter 6 surely is tough! At least that's what everyone says... Lots of button mashing here. Start the battle by killing every single cloud helper the big damn cloud has. Use Mega Jump on Huff N' Puff, and Lakilester's Spiny Surge. If you get Spiny Surge at maximum (easy to do... move your controller and move the analog stick toward the left as much as you can) then you will get rid of all of Huff N'Puff's helpers. On his turn, he will make 2 new clouds appear. They will go up to you and start draining your HP unless you continuously press A to get rid of them. He will then spawn new cloud helpers, which can either attack you full force (having you bash the buttons) or swallow them to cure up to 20 of his HP, which is _very_ bad. Use Mario's Mega Jump you got to do some good damage on Huff N' Puff, and Lakilester's Cloud Nine will be very useful in the battle. Also, you can try to switch Bow with Lakilester and do her Fan Smack. Sometime in the battle the boss will use his super attack, which does 10-16 damage. So keep your HP high and never leave his buddies up there, or he'll swallow them to cure himself. Beat him to free Kelvar, the sixth star. Strategy VGMaster96: A. Have power bounce and quick change. B. With Lakilester you are able to get the ultra boots, so get them before the battle in the sewers. C. Use Mario's power bounce to make the mess of Tuff Puffs, then "clean them up" with a spiny surge, which will make Huff N' Puff heal, if he does, around three HP. Strategy from MEGA Articuno: Huff n Puff: Have an ultra ranked Sushie as your partner. Have these badges on: D-Plus Power Bounce Damage Dodge Any defensive badge Here, you first put a water block on Mario, then do power bounce w/Mario. Let the clouds attack you, then do a Tidal Wave. Keep using Water Block, Tidal Wave, and Power Bounce until he's dead. NOTE: Have at LEAST 2 Whacka's Bumps. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPER BLOOPER HP: 70 ATTACK: ? LOCATION: Toad Town Tunnels DIFFICULTY: 2.5 PARTY: Mario, anyone The final Blooper isn't really all that tough. Since you have to start out with Sushie, use her main attack or switch with Bow or Lakilester. The Super Blooper can spawn baby bloopers, so use an attack that damages everyone like Star Storm to get rid of him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- JR. TROOPA HP: 50 Attack: ? LOCATION: Shiver Snowfield DIFFICULTY: 2.5 PARTY: Mario, Lakilester Jr. Troopa now has a rod. He will cast spells on you with it, so use Lakilester's Cloud Nine to help you. This fight is really just like the other Jr. Troopa fights, use Mario's Mega Jump and Laiklester's Spiny throw and beat the little guy up. He's getting quite annoying, isn't he? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MONSTAR HP: 20 ATTACK: 1 LOCATION: Shiver Snowfield DIFFICULTY: 1 PARTY: Mario, anyone This fake monster can be taken out easily. Just attack and don't waste FP. He's even easier than the Gulpits and Frost Piranhas in the snowfield... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CRYSTAL KING HP: 70 ATTACK: 6 LOCATION: Crystal Palace DIFFICULTY: 3.5 PARTY: Mario, Lakilester Another tough boss. Start the battle by using Mario's Mega Smash (don't jump on the Crystal King) on the Crystal King. Now have Lakilester use Spiny Surge (time it up like you always do with Fan Smack and Smack) to defeat the Crystal Bits, and then freely attack the Crystal King. He has quite an arsenal of damaging attacks, so remember to use Cloud Nine every time Mario's vulnerable to upper his evade. The worst thing about Crystal King is his ability to heal. This little ability will make the whole battle hella tedious, but he won't use it much. It heals 20HP. When he loses about half his HP, he will multiply into three forms. To find his real form, just use Lakilester's Spiny Surge and the other "fake" forms will be defeated by it since they only have 1 HP. He will begin to do this regularly. You shouldn't have as much trouble with him as you did with Huff N'Puff, though. With Lakilester, things aren't so tough. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- KENT C. KOOPA HP: 70 ATTACK: 10 LOCATION: Pleasant Path DIFFICULTY: 5 PARTY: Mario, Lakilester GOD!!!!! I HATE THIS GUY! He is optional (choose fight twice when he tells you to pay). His defense it superior. I could not Jump on him and Mario's most of partner abilities were useless. Each time you Jump on him he will block it by going into his shell. I've heard that you can use Dizzy attacks on him to make him vulnerable, but haven't tried it myself. Have Deep Focus and Group Focus equipped. What I did was heavily relied on my Star Spirit ability, Star Storm. Use it first then immediately use Cloud Nine on Mario. Kent C. Koopa has an attack which harms both you and your party member unless you defend against it. It only does 3 damage, but it will knock your party member out. Keep using Star Storm until you run out of Star Energy, then use Deep Focus and Group Focus to bump the Star Energy up, and use Star Storm again and again and again. Your hammer also does damage to him, but not much (less than Star Storm, since Kent has good defense). If you go low on HP, use your Whacka's Bumps. Just don't use up ALL of them. Keep using Star Storm until the damned Koopa is defeated. All you get is SP... NOTE: You can beat him easier if your Jump works, which will flip him like other Koopas. Also using your Star Power Lullaby can put him to sleep. And by putting him to sleep you will easily beat him. I didn't =(. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MASTER HP: 50 ATTACK: 5 LOCATION: Dojo DIFFICULTY: 2 PARTY: Mario, Bow This is guy is only easy if you don't fight before Chapter 2. He can be hard before that though. Other than that, he's actually pretty easy. Fight him once you get Bow. Use Bow's Smack (or Fan Smack, if you have that) and Mario's Power Jump or Hammer, or maybe even Star Storm. He may taunt you a lot, but he isn't hard to beat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MASTER HP: 70 ATTACK: 9 LOCATION: Dojo DIFFICULTY: 4 PARTY: Mario, Bow (or Lakilester) He's harder now, and in my opinion this is hardest form out of the three he has. He can do a rush attack which can also hurt your party member and another attack which can do 9 damage to Mario. If you have Bow, use Outta Sight, if you have Lakilester, use Cloud Nine. The Master still taunts you, but he won't tell you about his attacks. Use Star Storm a lot and Fan Smack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MASTER HP: 99 ATTACK: 9 LOCATION: Dojo DIFFICULTY: 3 PARTY: Mario, Lakilester It may be his final form, but it wasn't really as hard as everyone else says so. I don't think he upgraded much from the second form except for his 29 HP add-on. Use Cloud Nine all the time and Star Storm. Master still taunts you, and he does practically the same attack he did to you last time. Like always, you should have a good supply of Whacka's Bumps, however, there probably is no need to waste them here. I beat him without healing at all, but you may want to conserve your items or have Double Dip/Triple Dip equipped with a few Super Shrooms and Maple Syrups. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- JR. TROOPA HP: 70 ATTACK: ? LOCATION: Bowser's Castle DIFFICULTY: 3 PARTY: Mario, Lakilester Your final fight with Jr. Troopa is not really hard, like the other fights. But keep in mind that Jr. Troopa will use ALL of the abilities he showed you in the previous battles here, again. Continuously use your most powerful moves (Cloud Nine, too) until he puts on a new ability. Make sure to have Spike Shield equipped! He will fly AND use his spike top, also he will hide in his shell, and fire you with his magic rod. You can avoid this by jumping on him, and using Star Storm. This isn't too hard of a fight, in fact, this just gets you ready for the next batch of fights. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOWSER HP: 50 ATTACK: 8 LOCATION: Peach's Castle DIFFICULTY: 2.5 PARTY: Mario, Lakilester Bowser is the last boss of the game, but this isn't it, otherwise it would be disappointing. His Fire Breath well do 8 damage to you, unavoidable if you're not with Cloud Nine or Outta Sight. So use your jump attack and partner's best attack. Bowser will make himself invincible a lot in the fight, but you can get rid of his invincibility using Star Beam. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOWSER PRE-FIGHT/KAMMY KOOPA HP: 99/10 ATTACK: 8/1 LOCATION: Tippy Top of the castle DIFFICULTY: 1 PARTY: Mario, Lakilester First, you will fight Bowser a little. It's very, very easy. Just use your best stuff (and I mean best) on him until he makes himself invincible. Use Star Beam and it won't work. Turns out Kammy Koopa is doing all the work for him. Peach and Twink, on the other side, decide to try to stop Kammy Koopa and go into battle. Use Twink's attack and Kammy Koopa will attack. Use Peach's Focus all the time to increase Twink's attack power. After lots of dialogue, and lots of attacking, Kammy Koopa falls. You _cannot_ die here, Twink and Peach have unlimited HP. Now that the protective power is gone, it's time to defeat Bowser once and for all! Thanks to Revolution Reader!
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.