Metroid Fusion Fast 100% WalkThrough By: The Red Skull Table of Contents I. About Walkthrough II. Version History III. Key things to keep in mind IV. Walkthrough 1. Main Deck(First Visit) Morph Ball 2. Sector 1(First Visit) Charge Beam 3. Sector 2(First Visit) Ball Mines/Hi-Jump/Ball Jump 4. Sector 4(First Visit) Speed Boost 5. Sector 3(First Visit) Super Missiles 6. Sector 6(First Visit) Varia Suit 7. Sector 5(First Visit) Ice Missiles 8. Sector 3(Second Visit) Wide Beam 9. Main Deck(Second Visit) 10. Sector 5(Second Visit) Power Bomb 11. Main Deck(Third Visit) Space Jump 12. Sector 2(Second Visit) Plasma Beam 13. Sector 5(Third Visit) Gravity Suit 14. Sector 4(Second Visit) Diffusion Missiles 15. Sector 6(Second Visit) Wave Beam 16. Restricted Area(First Visit) 17. Sector 1(Second Visit) Screw Attack 18. Sector 3(Third Visit) 19. Sector 5(Fourth Visit) 20. Sector 6(Third Visit) 21. Restricted Area(Second Visit) 22. Sector 1(Third Visit) 23. Sector 2(Third Visit) 24. Main Deck(Fourth Visit) V. Bosses VI. Credits and Aknowledgements VII. Contact VIII. Legalities *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ ^ * * I. About Walkthrough ^ ^ * *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ This walkthrough was made to enable people with the patience and desire to obtain the ability to beat Metroid Fusion in under 2 hours and collect all 100 items. This is a fairly difficult task. To be able to do this you have to move fast. You have to know where your going. It is HIGHLY suggested that you go ahead and beat the game before using this walkthrough. For one, if you do that, now you will have a clock and a checklist for when you press pause. Also it will help you familiarize with all the rooms, so that you can get through them as fast as possible. This is the first Walkthrough i've ever done, and it is not meant to be detailed. I just wrote down the nessacary information required to successfully complete the above task. I did write this walkthrough as I went through the game, but i also did each section 3 or 4 times before writting it down. The purpose for this is to ensure that i keep my time down. I suggest you do the same. There are parts of this walkthrough you may not get, just go ahead and run through the section without using the walkthrough and after you've gotten past it. Read the walkthrough and then re-do the section. There are set time goals that are a nice reminder to see how well your doing. If you start to fall too far behind, you might as well start over. It won't be possible to catch up very easily. Beating this game in under 2 hours with 100 percent is easier if your using an emulator. So if you can complete this task on your GBA, you definately deserve bragging rights. I would like anyone that has used my walkthrough, and it helped beat the game and see Samus half-naked to e-mail me with their thoughts( Thank you for reading, and enjoy the walkthrough. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* ^ ^ * II. Version History * ^ ^ *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* v2.0 Added Headers, and spaced out walkthrough. Basically made it more pretty. Also corrected goal times. The First number is my second time when I tried to perfect the run. Whereas the 2nd number is for those not trying to get a PERFECT score. It's just a goal for those running through the game. And, moved around a couple of the items to improve times. Added VIII. Legalities.(3/19/04). v1.0 First Version(2/15/04) *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* ^ ^ * III. Key things to keep in mind * ^ ^ *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* 1. When looking at the map or talking to Adam, it doesn't add to your time, so you can take your time to plan things out. 2. Run as fast as you can to each area(Although this should be a no-brainer, just in case). 3. Try to ignore the enemies, or if you can just keep shooting while you run. 4. Wall jumping is much faster than climbing ladders. 5. When you speed boost remember you can store that energy in case you want to use that some where else. 6. You have missiles, they will work much better than your beam until you at least have the plasma beam, so use them very liberally. You shouldn't really need more than 50 for any boss. It's not like you don't have ample opportunities to refill. 7. Against most of the bosses, be reckless and run after them firing, you should have enough health. Not a good idea against Yakuza and Nightmare however. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* ^ ^ * IV. Walkthrough * ^ ^ *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* ------------------------------- | | | 1. Main Deck(First Visit) | | | ------------------------------- First things first, after you begin and you can finally move. Go to the first Navigation room, it will tell you to go to the Quarantine Bay. Go there and kill the X in that room and return to the Navigation room. He will tell you of the impending threat, and of the boss on the top right of the Main Deck. Now Level 0 Locks are open. Go over and up to the first door on the right, follow the path running past the x as it appears, past the save room and go to the top to the next navigation room. The computer will now send you on your way to get your missles. Leave the navigation room and go up to the elevator. After you leave the elevator go directly to the 2nd floor and past the navigation room and recieve your missles. Uh oh power is out. After you leave the navigation room cross along the 2 platforms in front of you, shoot a missle at the red glowing door and jump through it. Follow this path untill you reach your first set of missles. After you retrieve these, go left into the empty room and across from you is 2 steps that are 2 blocks high, shoot the top of the taller step to reveal another missle pack. Leave this room and continue right until you see that big eye thing, kill it and go into the next room. There will be an energy tank straight in front of you, after you grab that go to the edge of the platform your standing on and shoot 2 missles straight up. Go into this corridor and get another energy tank. At this point you should have 299 Heatlh and 20 missles. Go down to fight the boss Arachnus. This shouldn't be a problem at all with that much health. Get your morph ball upgrade and go along the path as quickly as possible. Run past the save room and head to the first navigation room you came across at the begining. The computer will proceed to tell you about how the x have infested sector one, the enviromental habitat meant to replicate SR388. Exit the navigation room and go up, morph into a ball and go thru the passage to get your 3rd missle upgrade. Now continue to the elevator leading to Hall of elevators. What's this? A Samus look alike? Oh no *rolls eyes*. ------------------------------ | | | 2. Sector 1(First Visit) | | | ------------------------------ Go down the elevator to sector 1 and go into the navigation room. "Adam" will tell you to destroy the 5 stabilizers. Leave the navigation room, and run past the save and recharge room. Go thru the big room to the bottom right door and run through this room shooting. When you come to the end fire three missles and go into the next room. In the next room Destroy the first Atmospheric Stabilizer and continue into the next room. Kill the little frog-like things on the ground, roll into a ball and go right to get your third energy tank. Go right through the door, cross the gap into the next door on the right, and into the room with the next Atmospheric Stabilizer. Destroy it and go back into the vertical hallway. Go one level down and thru the door, run and try to ignore the rhino things, run into the next room. Go straight down ignoring the pirates. Drop to the bottom and go right twice, and into the room with the third stabilizer, destroy it. Go right 3 rooms where the 4th Stabilizer is, go up and grab onto the ceiling. Go over destroy the stabilizer and go back to the left and enter the top left door and grab the missles and get out. Go down and take the door on the bottom right. Kill the space pirates and go up the verticle shaft go through the door on the top left. Grab the ceiling, kill the crabs and climb all the way across. Shoot 3 shots at the wall to the left, drop down and jump up to grab the hole. Drop down(optional Save to the left). Go up and kill the red eye. Go in the next room and shoot the blue ball in the hand of the statue and it will turn into the Charge Core-X. After defeating the Charge Core-X and retrieving your charge shot ability, go to the top right door and enter it. Go to the center of the room and shoot the ceiling that sticks out from the rest. Go up and grab onto the ceiling go across to the left. Fire 1 missile and 2 shots and jump into the hole. Go in and get the missles, it is very possible to get these missles without even shooting a bullet and without being hit, you just have to be quick enough. Return back through the door on the right of this room. This room contains the 5th and final stabalizer. Destroy it and go to the door on the bottom right. Go past the barrier into the vertical shaft. Go into the save room on the top right, shoot the wall that's cracked on the right. Enter it and start wall jumping up to your next missle upgrade. Now's a perfect time to save. Save 1 Goal Time***** 0:08 - 0:10 -6(40) Missle Upgrades -3 Energy Bars -0 Power Bombs ------------------------------ | | | 3. Sector 2(First Visit) | | | ------------------------------ After Completing this, follow the familiar path all the way back to the Sector 1 Navigation Room. Uh oh now it's been discovered that sector 2 has been infected. Now go back up to the Main Deck and go to the Sector 2 Elevator and to the Navigation room. Yikes there's an X mimicking Samus, dubbed SA-X. Our next objective? Unlock the level 1 hatches and retrieve the morph ball mines upgrade from the data room. Go out past the recharge room. In this large room go all the way down to the bottom and go right and go all the way back up. Go through the very top right door of this big room. Run straight through this room and go right. Go all the way up and through the door on the top. Drop down and unlock the Level 1 Hatches. Now head back to the large room and this time enter the bottom left door. Go through the long room and as soon as you enter the next room go up in the hole in the ceiling. Go left and get your morph ball mines. Leave this room and when you come to the hole that you came through, jump across it to the ledge and plant a mine, go through the hole and get ur 8th Missle upgrade. After getting that upgrade, go down and you will notice that the door you came in here from has been destroyed, so now go across to the left and plant a mine in the bottom left corner, you will fall down to the next floor. Roll all the way to the right drop down and kill the enemies. Run to the left and through the hatch. When you enter this room go to the to the upper part and lay a mine on top of the lone block. Use the pillar that comes out of it to jump to the left, shoot the wall where you see the single block twice. Roll into that hole. In the next room kill the flying guy and lay a mine 3 blocks to the left of the lone block. Use the platform to jump up to the missile upgrade. After getting this go through the maze. After you go through the door at the bottom, follow the path down to the next level. When you get into this next room, plant mines on the floor in the middle to go down. After falling through this hole go left and you will see another platform like the one you just bombed. Step on it and you will fall through. Kill these enemies and plant a mine on the bottom right of this room. If you bombed the correct spot, a huge line of blocks will be destroyed. Follow the path to a missle upgrade and a wall crawler. After you get this upgrade, to get out just shoot up from where u picked up your missles. Get out of this room and go into the door on the bottom right. Continue along this long blue hallway into the verticle corridor. Go up and enter the third door on the right. Go right past the save room. Go until you get the energy tank at the end of the hall. In this room, shoot the floor and go down to the eye door, defeat it and enter the boss room. Now it is time to fight the Cyclops Leech, and get your Hi-Jump and Jumpball. Return to the save room and save if you wnat. After you leave the save room go left and you will come to a broken door, place a mine next to the door and go to the room below. Wait up here until the SA-X leaves the room. Now go to the right and shoot the ground, and go all the way back to the door. When you enter this vertical shaft, go all the way to the top using the cacoons as stepping stones. Go into the door on the top right. Go through the second door and when you enter, fire 2 missles while still running and duck in the middle of the room to avoid being shot at by the hopper. Now jump up and get to the ledge on the right. Roll into it and place a mine. Go into the hole and grab the missle pack in here. Go back to the left and roll through the hole in the top left wall. Now you will be back into the main hallway of Sector 2. Go up to the blue door you past by a while ago. Go in and place a mine about halfway up the wall. Go in and get another missle upgrade. Now it is time to go to the Navigation room. Dont forget to save. Save 2 Goal Time***** 0:15 - 0:20 -11(80) Missle Upgrades -4 Energy Tanks -0 Power Bombs ------------------------------ | | | 4. Sector 4(First Visit) | | | ------------------------------ Adam will tell you that now Sector 4 has been infected as a result of opening the level 1 hatches. Go to Sector 4 and straight to the navigation room. Now it is time to go get our Speed boost YIPEEE!!! Trust me this will be your favorite and most hated ability, unless you've had lots of practice with shinespark and shoulder charge. Either way, lets head to the left and start picking up items. After you leave the recharge room, continue left and go throught the bottom left hatch. Go left into the big room, and go up where you will bomb the wall to the left. Start moving across the platforms, until you can go up, and do so. As you go right you will see a hatch and another path going up, wall jump up until you see the odd wall on the left, place a mine on it and roll through. Go all the way left and place a mine, stay in ball form. After the mine blows up and the wall disappears roll left as far as you can and place another mine. Grab the missle upgrade. Grab onto the wall and fire 2 missles to the left to go through the wall. Drop down and jump past the gap. Jump up and shoot through the wall and get another missle upgrade. Go back and drop down into the big room. Now continue to the Upper Left door. After you go through this hatch, there will be a fork in the road, up or down? Go up and go left, up, right, and keep following this path to get an energy tank. Go back to where that fork was, and take the lower path. Shoot up and roll into the recession and place a mine. Jump on out kill the crab and after the mine blows up, grab on the ceiling and go across. Jump into the hole in the ceiling. Do not worry about anything that is in this area, just grab the wall on the left and press up until you roll into the wall. Grab the missles and leave this area. After you drop through the ceiling again, place a mine next to the left wall. After going through the left door, immediatly shoot up and follow that path to the next door in the upper right side of the room. Go into the save room, fire shots at the wall and roll through to the next door. Run right on past this room and continue the path until you see the red eye, kill it and go to fight your boss. Serris is tricky, but he's pretty easy, get the Speed Boost and go right. In the next room go across the top all the way to the right, go down and place a mine on the left. Kill all the spikey guys, and go all the way left. Run all the way to the right, and you will fall down after speed boosting through the floor. Go back to the room with the fork and go down again. Go left to the room where you went up and instead go left. Make sure you dont stop running, and speed boost through the wall. Connect to the machine and lower the water level, go down and get the missle upgrade. Get back up to the blue door, go through it and in the next room get down on the bottom. Kill the crabs as quickly as possible, go left and speed boost through the wall on the right. Keep running through this room, and press down right at the hole above you to do a shinespark. Spin jump and grab on to the edge roll through and quickly get out of ball mode, and shoulder charge left to the missles. After you drop down go left into the room you just came out of and then run right to get a speed boost going. Run straight into the next room and break a few blocks. Go through the hatch into the room right before the recharge room. Go into the bottom right door instead. Now this might take a few tries, run into the bottom left room, keep running and jump over the gap, try to avoid hitting the electrified wires. You will see a Purple Snot like thing start to appear, well good news, if your fast enough you can go right through him. If you do so, go all the way left and shoot the wall under the electrified wires to reveal another missle upgrade. Grab that, and go back past the big blue snot, go into the hole you jumped over, roll into a ball and go to the right path. Grab the missles and head back to the Navigation room. Save 3 Goal Time***** 0:23 - 0:30 -18(100) Missle Upgrades -5 Energy Upgrades -0 Power Bombs ------------------------------ | | | 5. Sector 3(First Visit) | | | ------------------------------ Adam will tell you to get a Missle upgrade from a data room in Sector 3 so go there. It's a good idea to try to Speed boost every where you go, because we are trying to get the lowest time possible, so now that we have this ability we're in good shape. Now talk to Adam in Sector 3 and yada yada yada, find the level 2 hatch lock and get your Super missles. After disconnecting with the navigation room, run to the right shooting the doors. Dont stop we're trying to speed boost. Keep running and do not jump. You will fall through the wall in front of you and keep pressing right, you will hit another wall and you should fall down to the bottom level of this Main room. When you hit the ground. Do not go right. This is imperitive because the timing on this move has to be just right if you wanna keep your time down. Start running left. While shooting the blocks when you get into the next room, jump as soon as you start speed boosting. If you timed it correctly you will go through this wall, but you will also go through the floor in the next room. Go down in there and shoot the ceiling to reveal another Missle upgrade. Go back out of here the way you came, go to the right of the room. Wait until the floor forms over again. Start running to the left when you hit the 2nd hump on the ground, jump. You will go through the wall on the top. Go up there and get into the hole, lay a mine, go in and unlock the level 2 hatches. Go to the far left of this room turn around, shoot the door, and start running. Jump when you hit the 2nd hump to go through the wall and into the next room. Remember try to ignore any enemies you come across. Go across the floor shooting the walls in front of you so they disappear. When you get into the next room go up to where the first wall guy is. Roll underneath him and you will fall down, open the gate and run over to the door. Speed boost to the right and as soon as the floor breaks out beneath you turn around and run to the left until the floor breaks up underneath you. Go into the door to your right and head up to another door on the top left of the verticle shaft. When you get into this room, bomb the 2nd block up roll through and get your next missle upgrade. Bomb the block above you and head up to the door on the top right. When you come in here, drop down from the step, shoot a few missile, then start running to the right. Keep shooting missiles, and when you get to the end of the room, shinespark. Open the door and shoulder charge through it. You will run into a green door, open it and download your Super Missile upgrade. When leaving this room keep running left, right before you get to the door in the next room press down to shinespark. Shoot the door and shoulder charge through. You will go all the way left and hit the door that is now destroyed. This will cause the Security Robot to start making some noise upstairs. Now run to the right to the hole you flew over. Go in and go right past the save and recharge rooms. When you get into the next room immediately press L and R and fire a missle let go of l and fire 4 more missles, grab your missle upgrade. Go left and recharge if you need to. Go back towards the Data room. Now it's time to fight the security robot. HURRAY!!! After defeating the security robot. Go up and on to the next floor. Start running left and shinespark right before the door. Shoot the door and shoulder charge through. Start bombing the bottom left of this room to get to the energy tank. Drop down and follow the path left and go straight to the Save/Recharge/Navigation rooms. And talk to Adam. It's time to head to Sector 6. ------------------------------ | | | 6. Sector 6(First Visit) | | | ------------------------------ After ariving in Sector 6 talk to Adam. After talking to Adam and finding out about the Cold-X. Go to the left of the Navigation room and start running to the right shooting the doors to get a speed boost. Get a shinespark right before leaving the Recharge room. Shoulder charge through the door, and you will hit another door. Shoot it and go through. In this next room, go down to the bottom of room, dont kill the big blue snot. Instead lay a mine about 3 blocks up on the bottom left. Go through and get the missile upgrade. Now destroy the big blue snot. After destroying him get up on the step and place a mine 3 blocks up on the right wall. Go in here, while still up on the ledge jump up to the right and lay a mine 2 blocks from the top. It will blow up a line of blocks, go in and grab your Energy Tank. Leave here and go up to the door. While running through this room angle ur shot up and shoot the Cold-X and head into the the verticle shaft to the right. When entering this room do the same thing and shoot the next Cold-X, and go straight down to the very bottom and go into that door. In the next room angle up and shoot one of the 2 top blocks. Do not shoot the bottom block because it contains an Cold-X. Jump over that block and grab the wall. Move down and fire missles at the wall to the left and jump through. Move left and jump over the gap while shooting the Cold-X. Go down and through the lower left hatch. As soon as you enter this room angle up run and shoot. You will speed charge through the wall. Try not to grab onto the wall in front of you and just drop straight down. Head left and shoot the Cold-X and through the to the room with an Energy Tank in it. After grabbing the Energy Tank place a mine where the Tank was. Go into this recession and go into the door in the room below. When you get into the next room go to the right and lay a mine at the right and fall into the tunnel below. Roll all the way to the left to see the SA-X come through the door. "She" will lay a power bomb. Don't worry if you get hit it's only 20 dmg, but you shouldn't if you stay all the way to the left. After that go to the right, wait until you here her do a screw attack down to the room below, keep walking to the right untill you drop through the floor. When you hit the ground run left away from the SA-X. Now shoot the wall on the bottom left of this room and follow the path to the left. Now the SA-X should be gone, and hopefully you weren't shot at all. In the next room shoot the block in the middle of the floor and go down. Shoot the 2nd block from the left and you will fall all the way to the floor. To avoid being hit by any of the Cold-X kneel down and shoot to the left and roll into the hole you just made. When you enter this room, get up and angle up and shoot the 3 colorful grub-like things on the ceiling. jump up and roll into the hole. Lay mines until you get the missle upgrade. Now go back into the other room. Shoot the 3rd and 4th blocks up and go through there to the door. If you did this all correctly you shouldn't have seen a single Cold-X and thus, no dmg either. In the next room kill the red eye, and head into the data room. There's a Core-X taking away your upgrade. After it leaves the room go to the right and into the boss room. You will receive the Varia Suit after beating the Barrier Core-X. Now you can withstand Cold and Hot Temperatures. And you can absorb the Cold-X. Now head to the right through 2 doors and head up. Go through the door on the left. You will see a missle pack on the ground, run towards it but the floor will break under your feet, so to be safe, jump to it, as your falling press left and you will grab onto the wall at some point. In this room the ceiling is sort of jagged except on spot thats smooth. Shoot that spot and grab the hidden missle upgrade. Get out of this room and go to the right and head back up the wall again. This time taking the door on the right. In this room to save some time, shoot the floating ball and the slug with missles and jump to the wall and jump from there to the left. In this room follow the narrow path into the big room. When you drop down, get out of morph ball mode. Jump to the right and wall jump off the wall just above the hole you came out of. Wall jump up until you can grab onto the right wall. Keep going up and go left. Head left into the door at the top left of this room. If you recall this is the vertical shaft that we just ran right on through. Head up and enter the first door on the right that you see. Continue right and get into the next room where there is a fake missle upgrade. Kill it and place a couple mines at the bottom right of this room. Grab the missle upgrade and go back to the Navigation room. Save 4 Goal Time***** 0:32 - 0:40 -26(140) Missile Upgrades -8 Energy Tanks -0 Power Bombs ------------------------------ | | | 7. Sector 5(First Visit) | | | ------------------------------ Now it's time to head to Sector 5. When you get there, obviously talk to Adam and find out whats going on. After heading right past the recharge room, fall off the edge and quickly press left to latch onto the wall on the left as far up as possible. Shoot 2 missles to the right, jump to the right, kill the crab, and crawl through the hole. Go through to the next room. In this sector it's quite all right to be very liberal with your missles, i know i was. Anyway in the next room go down right up right down and finally get to the door on the bottom right of this room. In this next room go right and fall through the floor and onto the 2nd tier of this room, go back to the left. Shoot the floor below you and go through. See the door to the left? Go in it. Go about 3 or 4 steps into it, turn around and shoot the door. Start running to the right while shooting, just in case that flying crab like thing wants to hit you. You will speed boost just in time to break the floor and go down to the next floor. Go left and to the bottom of this room. Head right and finally go through the hatch on that side. When you enter immediately place a mine, while waiting for the mine to blow get your missiles ready, as soon as the mine blows, fire a few missiles as you head towards the door. After you go through the door, you will see two pillars in the background. Line yourself up with the left one as your falling and shoot down. You should fall right on through and down next to a large odd looking block. Go into the hatch on the left side of this room. Now just keep running left until you reach the security room. Unlock the Level 3 hatches and head left. This room is a bit of a pain. Kill the crab things that are in the way with missles. Grab the X-Parasites before they can reform to create another crab. Keep heading up and open the yellow door into the save room. Go right into that large room, instead of going right after this room, go up one floor and go right towards the data room. Get your ice missiles and head right. In this next room go to the center and shoot straight down. Drop through the hole for a while then press right to grab onto the right wall. You will see the floating cockroaches, shoot the one on top while he's floating past the center. Jump on top of him and and jump to the room just above. Kill the x mimmicking an energy tank, then place mines to the left of where it was standing to reveal a real energy tank. Try to grab the energy tank and get out before the mine block reforms. Leave this room and drop to the bottom of the verticle shaft. At the bottom roll into a ball and go to the right, jump up and hold right and you will enter a little tunnel in the wall. When you enter this room go to the right and shoot the ceiling. Jump through it, kill the crab. DO NOT GRAB THE X. Let the x form into a blue starfish thing, get close to it, let it jump. While it's in the air, freeze it with your missile. Now use that as a platform to jump up to the left platform. Kill the crab, and same as the last one DO NOT GRAB THE X. Wait for it to form into a Floating cockroach. Freeze it while it's towards the middle. If you look to the top of the room, there will be a small 3 block recession in the ceiling shoot the one in the middle to reveal the missles, and jump up to grab them. Now you can leave this room and go back through the yellow hatch to the left of the long verticle shaft. Now that weird block you saw earlier will get bigger, wait for that and shoot it with a missle. Jump on top of it and shoot up to create the hole in the ceiling from earlier. Go into the hatch on the left. Kill the crab, DO NOT GRAB THE X. It will form into another crab, kill it and let the weird block thing get bigger from the parasite infecting it. Freeze the pillar and go all the way to the right of the platform. Run to the left through the hatch, picking up enough speed to get a speed boost. When you reach the end press down to create the shinespark. and Shoulder charge up. Go through the level 3 hatch to your right. Now your once again back into the big room. Go up one leverl of this room and go all the way to the right and shoot the wall to reveal a semi-secret room. Jump up onto the ledge and shoot left, go into the hole and roll to the left. Now head all the way back into the giant room. Head up, left, down, and left through the yellow hatch. Kill the giant crab with a pair of missiles. Now roll into a ball, and Ball jump up to the top right corner, and lay a mine, if you were close enough you should have also revealed the missle upgrade. Grab the missle upgrade and get out before the mine block comes back. Now go left and everything is flashing go recharge and get talk to Adam. ------------------------------- | | | 8. Sector 3(Second Visit) | | | ------------------------------- Now you only have 6 minutes to do this(rolls eyes). Considering it only takes about 2 minutes to do this project, no problem. It should take you exactly 15 seconds for you to get to sector 3. When you get there run straight through the nav/save/recharge rooms while picking up your speed boost. Run right off the edge and fall down through the blocks like before, but go right this time. Go around the barrier as before, just as before go the long verticle shaft. Run right off the edge and hold right. You should just barely miss the 2nd wall worm. Fall down to the bottom avoiding all the Enemies and avoid stopping as well. When you get in the next room go ahead and jump as far as you can right into the lava and jump right on out again. Shoot 2 missles to kill the flying enemy. Grab hold of the ceiling and hold up and left at the same time, just in case you get hit by a fire pillar you'll grab onto the ceiling again. When you get to the end of the 2nd ceiling grab. Fire two missiles, you won't be able to see it, but you will hit the flying bird and kill it, now go all the way to the left and through the hatch. In the next room, coax the first wall worm out and freeze it, now jump off of it to the right and get on top of the ledge, go through the door. Ignore this room and go past it. In the next room, coax the bottom worm out, freeze it, and freeze the 2nd one. Use these as stepping stones to get to the door above. This room is a pain. First you need to try to freeze the worm BEFORE he comes shooting out. Kill the fire guy on the ceiling and go up to the 2nd floor. Continue to the third floor and jump over the odd part or you'll fall through. Dont worry about taking dmg, the boss is extremely easy. After you jump over the odd part of the floor fire a missile to freeze the worm so that he doesn't jump out at you and go down to the bottom and open the door. Go past this next room. In the next room jump up and go left, kill the hoppers and the eye. Go through the door and kill the "scientist" He will now become a Wide Core-X. After killing him you can now step onto the control panel and avert the imminent danger. After all that is done you should have still had 4 minutes left on the clock. Now head all the way back to the Navigation room. -------------------------------- | | | 9. Main Deck(Second Visit) | | | -------------------------------- Adam will tell you about the habitation deck. Hurray it's time to return to the Main deck. Go to the main deck and head to the navigation room. Go past that and go up until you see the two green doors, take the one on the left. Go up the elevator. Freeze and climb the 2 wall worms to the top head to the left past the door. Go as far left as you can and shoot the ground. GO right all the way to the door. Do not go through the door, instead turn around and speed boost to the end. You will go through the ground at the end. Now go to the right and get the missile upgrade. Go back to the left, and jump into the secret tunnel in the wall. Go in and use the wall worms to get to the top. Open up the habitation hatch and see your friends from Super Metroid. Now head right and go back to the navigation room. Talk to Adam. Go left up and back towards the elevator to the "Hall of Elevators" On your way to that elevator, pick up a speed charge and run past the elevator and get the missile upgrade. Head back to sector 5 and talk to Adam. Save 5 Goal Time***** 0:42 - 0:50 -30(160) Missile Upgrades -9 Energy Upgrades -0 Power Bomb upgrades -------------------------------- | | | 10. Sector 5(Second Visit) | | | -------------------------------- Our other favorite upgrade will now be downloaded at the same data room. Get the power bomb upgrade and jump for joy, cause now you can get just about every upgrade in the game, except for the ones the require the screw attack. In fact, over 1/3 of the items that you can receive require the power bomb to get. Go right and drop to the bottom of the long shaft. Go left and lay a power bomb. Drop down to the room below and go left through the door. Jump over the pillar in the middle of the room. Lay a power bomb and stay in ball mode. As soon as the power bomb blows up jump up into the top hole roll through and run left dodgeing the shots from the SA-X(If your fast enough you won't even get shot once). Go through the hatch and your in the clear. Lay a power bomb and get the upgrade. Kill the Purple crab on the wall and collect the red X. Go up into the room above and lay another power bomb. Go up and use the cockroaches as steps to get to the room above. Go in and collect another power bomb upgrade. After this is done, go to the security room and continue past. Lay a power bomb on the Second floor, climb up and you will see a ladder on the left side. As your climbing the ladder you will end up climbing in an area thats only 1 block wide, jump off the ladder here, and wall jump back up and grab onto the ladder again. This is much faster than climbing which is very slow. Now go through the yellow door at the top and go right twice. In this room go up and lay a power bomb. Go into the room to the left. Get up on the platform and wait for the cockroach to get to the center, jump up and freeze it with a missle, roll into a ball, and jump on top of it. Roll across it and into the hole on the left. Do the same for the next cockroach. Go to the left and get your Power bomb upgrade. Now head back to the right and go to the upper left door. It's this very large room again, but this time roll to the left and lay a power bomb. Roll through and go back to the navigation room. Adam will now tell you to go back to your ship. Start heading there. -------------------------------- | | | 11. Main Deck(Third Visit) | | | -------------------------------- When you start heading up the elevator it will break down. Shoot to the right until you break 5 blocks. Roll into a ball and head right. Lay a power bomb while your falling through the ground. Get up to the top path after the it blows up and kills the enemies, now roll into a ball and jump into the hole. You will now see the infamous Ridley. He will crumble and turn into a Core-X. After he crumbles you will see a hole in the ground, roll into it. When you fall down lay a power bomb and wait for it to blow up. Head left through the hole and while your following the path lay another power bomb. Get the power bomb upgrade, and go back into the room. Avoid the enemies, and get to the next room. Lay a power bomb, and get the missle upgrade. head back to your ship. After talking to Adam, run left and power bomb the wall that stops you from running left. Go in and roll into a ball. Fall down, when you hit the floor angle down and run to the right shooting the ground. In this large room, do not drop down, instead shoot the vines on top and walk across them, go all the way to the right and go into the door just below you. In this next room, just run past everything and grab the Energy Tank. Go into the next room, angle down shooting the ground as you run. Kill the Pirate and shoot down. Drop down, go right and kill the pirate. angle down and shoot the floor AGAIN!!! Go down kill the pirate and crouch down and shoot left, roll through to grab the missiles. Go back to the right and drop down. Kill this pirate and go down into the next room(how annoying). Lay a power bomb in here, and continue along the path to the left. Kill the eye. And go Destroy Yakuza. After you get your Space Jump you should be up in the air, stay in the air, and keep jumping. Go up and go left and turn on the auxillery power. Go left and into the Navigation room. From here space jump up towards the top where the little path to Sector 2 is, lay a power bomb while in the air. Go into the tunnel and continue. -------------------------------- | | | 12. Sector 2(Second Visit) | | | -------------------------------- Go left and drop down, uh oh SA-X. Freeze her, roll into a ball and go into the next room when you enter lay a power bomb and jump over the pillar, hide right next to the pillar. When SA-X jumps over freeze her. Jump over her, turn around and freeze her. Run into the next room. Angle up and keep shooting while running to the left. Go into the door, and hide from the SA-X. Go back into the next room and fire a missile on the 3rd block from the left. After the missile block is gone, keep shooting down. Go down into the next room. Go left. Jump up and shoot the vines. Don't release any of the wasps. Just shoot straight down to get to the door. Now go through 2 more doors. Start space jumping up to the left. You will see a path way to the right, shoot the wall underneath that to reveal a path to a Power bomb. After getting that go to the door at the top right of this large room. Go past the save room and the next room. When you get into the long horizontal corridor you should be speed boosting, now press down and shoulder charge through the ceiling. Lay a power bomb and head to the right. Go up and kill the Red Eye. Now it's time to fight with Nettori. After you have the plasma beam. Head into the next room. Go to the bottom and shoot to the right and kill the two wasps. Go as far right as you can without going into the pit. Open the door to your left and run all the way left shooting. After you go through your second door, press down to shinespark just before you drop down. Now shoulder charge straight up. Go all the way to the top and go to the right hatch. Kill all the spikeys. Jump at the wall holding right to roll into a secret tunnel. Grab the energy tank on the other side of the pillar jutting out of the ceiling. Head straight left from here to go back to the Navigation room. Save 6 Goal Time***** 0:52 - 1:00 -32(170) Missile Upgrades(16 More to go) -11 Energy Tanks(9 More to go) -5(20) Power bombs(17 More to go) ------------------------------- | | | 13. Sector 5(Third Visit) | | | ------------------------------- Adam will now tell you that there's been a disturbance in Sector 5, so go there. Go right past the recharge room and drop down. Go to the large room to the right. When you enter, drop off the ledge so your as far left as you can be. Now start running to the right shooting angled down to kill the starfish on the floor. Right before you hit the wall shinespark. Jump up towards the door. Now Shoulder charge throught the door. You will go right for quite a while until you hit a wall. Keep going right until you reach the broken door. Shoot the ground below you and go to the bottom and through the door on the right. Run through here killing everything and head to the upper level and in the door on the top left of the room. Now go up and through the door on the right. Shoot and kill the first crab and shoot the ceiling it was latched onto, this should open up the ceiling. Jump through and head left. Grab the Power Bomb pack thats in here. Go right and up, but instead of going into the hatch, place a power bomb and go left. Don't enter the hatch, instead place another power bomb to reveal another power bomb upgrade. As soon as you manage to get this upgrade, use the recharge room if nessacary. Go back to the right and head down to the door below. Go in and head up. Kill the red eye. In the next room, place a power bomb and follow the upper path to get the energy tank. After grabbing the energy tank it's time to fight the dreaded Nightmare. After you have the Gravity suit, open the door, but don't go through, instead go to the right of this room and start running left and speed boost through the wall in the next room and speed through the room after that. Go down and back into the room with the 3 space pirates. Go left one more room. When you get to the long verticle shaft go up and grab onto the latch on the right. While your falling charge up a diffusion missile. Jump from the ledge and fire the missile to the left. Space jump over to the left and grab onto the side and roll in. DO NOT POWER BOMB. Go along the middle path ball jumping the whole way. You will eventually go through the ground to the section above. Keep ballin jumping right. If you fall through you will have just enough time to jump through the hole before it covers up get the Energy Tank and get out and go back to the room to the right. Kill everything in here, and head to the door on the left. Instead of going in run to the right and speed through the door. As soon as you bust through 2 walls press down to shinespark. Go to the middle of the two walls you broke and shoulder charge up, now you can run to the right and into Sector 4. -------------------------------- | | | 14. Sector 4(Second Visit) | | | -------------------------------- While running through this first room, right to the end of the platform, jump up and through the wall, go through that first door. After entering that first door go down to the 2nd door on the right. Go to the end and get the missile upgrade. Leave this room and jump over the gap. Jump at the wall directly across from that door, roll into the secret tunnel and get the power bomb upgrade. This will be our last visit to sector 4 so we need to make sure we get everything. After you have this power bomb go down to the bottom of the verticle shaft. Go into the left door. When you get inside the yellow tunnel lay a power bomb and you will see that above you are some missile blocks. Blow those up and go up into the next room. You will see a gigantic lobster like thing. Dont worry about him. Instead shoot some blocks near the top on the right. Roll in and get some more power bombs. Head back to the lobster and shoot the wall to the left at the same spot as on the right. Head left from there. When you get to the end lay a mine and drop down. On the next level you will see some vent like blocks. Lay a power bomb above the third one from the left. Go in and drop all the way down. Lay another power bomb, do a ball jump to the right. There will be an invisible tunnel to the right just one block up. After rolling through that you will fall down pretty far. Go up to the ledge on the left and roll through. If you were fast enough the block on the left won't have reformed. Hopefully. Drop down into the security room and unlock the level 4 locks. After you leave the security room, space jump up the verticle shaft holding to the right. You will go inside of a small indentation. Roll into a ball and go through a small hole. In this room, lay a power bomb near the bottom. Dont grab the parasite-x Let them reform into 2 Golden Crabs. Kill them and go into the next room. There will be an energy tank in there. Just lay a power bomb to find it easily. Go back to the verticle shaft and head through the red door. Head right until you enter a second yellow tube. Lay a power bomb, drop down and get your missile upgrade. Go back up and continue right. Follow the path and as always try to ignore the enemies. You will pass one red door and continue completely through that room. In the next room go right to where the save room is, but do not enter. Just continue along the path. go all the way up to the top of this room. And go through the door on the right, keep going right until you can not go right anymore. Then speed boost left to break through the ground two rooms over. Head into the next room. Speed boost all the way to the right. Do a shinespark before you reach the end and shoulder charge through the ceiling where you see the indentation. Grab the power bomb, come back down and go through the door. In this room go up as fast as you can and grab onto the top ladder and fire a missile upwards, space jump into the hole. Go left and down into the data room. Get the defussion missiles and go left. Instead of going to the recharge room head left 2 rooms. Lay a power bomb as soon as you walk in and stay as a ball and roll left. When you drop down lay another power bomb. Roll left and grab the power bomb upgrade. Now head back to the Navigation room. Save 7 Goal Time***** 1:00 - 1:10 -34(180) Missiles -14 Energy Tanks -12(34) Power Bombs -------------------------------- | | | 15. Sector 6(Second Visit) | | | -------------------------------- Adam will proceed to inform you about the Security Robot. Head on over to sector 6. After hooking up with the computer. Run to the right and just as last time, speed boost through the Recharge room and immediately hit down. Shoulder charge through this room. Follow the path until you get to the verticle shaft. Start heading down and go into the first door on the left that you see. In this room, when you jump over the little block in the middle of the room. Lay a power bomb. As you wait for it to blow, kill all the enemies and get them out of the way. Go into the red door to your left. In this room, drop down and go right. After you go into the next room you will fall through a bunch of pit blocks. After falling head into the door to your left. Follow the path all the way until you reach a red door. After you enter that door. Open it and run to the left. Press down to shinespark right before you hit the barrier. Shoulder charge to the right. Once through the door, shinespark, and shoulder charge up. Head back to the room you fell into after all those pit blocks. Time to destroy the Security Robot again. After killing the Security Robot and retrieving your Wave beam head left back to the barrier from before. Now head into the Restricted Area -------------------------------------- | | | 16. Restricted Area(First Visit) | | | -------------------------------------- After you come in here, just run as far left as you can. Until you hit a wall, now head up to the red door, open it and go to the right of this room. You will hear an explosion. Go back down to the room below to see an SA-X Destroying things. After the Metroid attack her you will have 60 seconds to escape. Space jump hugging the right side. You should be able to get out of this perdicament in less than 10 seconds. Go into the door and watch the restricted area get released into space. Now go to the Navigation room. Now you will find out that there are as many as 10 SA-X aboard. But don't worry, you won't see any of them until your ready to beat the game. He will tell you to get going. Head into Sector 1 where you will fight Ridley for like the 10 millionth time. And as always get the screw attack from him. -------------------------------- | | | 17. Sector 1(Second Visit) | | | -------------------------------- When you get into the next room hold R to charge up your missile, When you get on top of the big bar in front of you angle down and release. Grab the energy tank and continue along your way. After this go past two doors leading to the right. In this room angle down as you run and shoot the ground. After you drop down, go left and you will see a Hermit Crab. Lay a power bomb. Then lay another one but move away from it or you will absorb the Parasite. Don't wanna do that. Now the X will form into an armor Crab. Kill that with one missile. Wait for the X to form into a Pirate. You have to shoot this one in the back. So keep jumping to coax him into jumping. Then shoot him before he turns around, 2-3 shots to kill. If you shoot a charge shot at him as he forms, you might get lucky. Now the door to the right should be open. Get the power Bomb inside. Now head up to the top of the room above. Lay a mine and continue up and left through the next door. Go left to the wall, lay a power bomb, then lay another one. Kill the two pirates and head left. Go down and into the bottom left door. Go through this room. Use a diffusion missile if your having trouble. Time to fight Ridley(My favorite boss). After getting the Screw attack it's time to go throughout the entire Station and get all the items we missed. Now head all the way back to the room where you shot the floor. Dont go all the way down, instead shoot a diffusion missile at the wall on the right. Go into the hole and into the hatch on the right. Follow the path to the verticle shaft with nothing but space pirates. When you get to the top go into the hatch on the left. Go left until you reach a verticle shaft with Space pirates. Head to the top and take the door on the left. Go into the lava and go left until see the missile upgrade in the middile of the room, grab that, then roll into the ball and drop to the floor of the lava. Roll to the right and grab the missile upgrade there, then go to the top left of this room and grab the final missile upgrade of sector 1. Drop down and go through the green door below. Head up. When you come out of the lava there will be 3 ledges, 2 on the right and 1 on the left. Get on the one on the left and jump at the wall to roll through. Head into sector 3. ------------------------------- | | | 18. Sector 3(Third Visit) | | | ------------------------------- When you enter hit down just before the wall to shinespark. Break the wall and then shoulder charge to the left to pick up the missile upgrade. Drop down and head to the right of the platform and speed boost left. When you get to the door, shinespark, open the door and shoulder charge through it. When you stop flying, lay a power bomb. Go into the new pathway and get the power bombs. Fall through the pit blocks to the left and into the main room. Head down to the bottom and go through the bottom right door. You should know what to do here by now. When you drop down lay a power bomb. Go to the room on the left and get the power bomb upgrade. Now head into the long verticle shaft and drop straight down like you did when the place was blowing up. Take the green door on the left. Space jump all the way across into the next room. When in here roll into a ball and power bomb the left corner. This is a bit of a maze, so i'll walk you through it. When you drop in go right, if you fall, jump back up go up into the right and jump up through the invisible hole on the top right. Now fall all the way down, head left in morph ball go up and from here it's simple. Grab the power bomb and head back to the verticle shaft. Go through the other green door and lay a power bomb. Grab the missiles on the top of the center block. Go right and through the hatch. Open the barrier with your wave beam. Now space jump to the top right corner of this room and grab the energy tank. Go left from there in morph ball mode and get the missile upgrade. >From here get into the lava and go right. Screw attack the wall and clear it out of the way. Run back to the left to where the slope of the hill starts. Run back to the right getting a speed boost as you go. Shinespark before you hit the wall. Shoulder charge all the way up. You will get a Power bomb upgrade. Now drop down through the hole you just made and hold left. Now you should see a power bomb upgrade in front of you. Screw attack through the ceiling and back down through the ceiling past the barrier. Grab the power bomb upgrade and head back up. Go left twice and you should recognize this room. As always pick up speed and shoulder charge through the door. When you get back into the large red room. Take the second door up from the bottom left. Space jump all the way through this room and into the hatch. Pick up the missile upgrade and bomb the wall behind it. Go right to the edge and run left shooting. Shinespark before you hit the end. Shoulder charge up and space jump to the Energy Tank. When you get back down start Screw attacking the ground around the center drop down. And go into the hatch, Before going to sector 5 lay a power bomb. Grab the power bomb upgrade up there and then head to sector 5. -------------------------------- | | | 19. Sector 5(Fourth Visit) | | | -------------------------------- When you get in immediatly screw attack up through the ceiling at the top right corner. Go up and screw attack the space pirates. Space jump hugging the left side and go through the ceiling. Lay a power bomb and then shoot the 2 barriers. Get the power bomb upgrade and head back down. Go down through the floor and head right. Go all the way back to the very large room that got destroyed before you had to fight Nightmare. Get as far right as you can inside the pit. Start running to the left while shooting. Just before you hit the edge, shinespark. Shoulder charge up on the right side of the hole. After you hit the ceiling space jump up through the hole. Open the door to the left. Next go right killing everything. Go as far right as possible and hopefully you will have picked up a speed boost. Press down to to create a shinespark. Shoulder Charge left and through the door. You should pick up the missile tank and go through the wall and pick up the power bomb upgrade. Now go back to the right and drop to the bottom of the large room. Go left through the yellow hatch and go left one more room. Grab the missile upgrade. Now screw attack the wall on the left and go to Sector 6. ------------------------------- | | | 20. Sector 6(Third Visit) | | | ------------------------------- When you enter screw attack the wall and go down. Go into the second door on the left again. This time screw attack the small black in the middle. Head left and after killing everything and speed boost to the right through the hatch. Shinespark and shoulder charge through the wall to your right. This room is tricky. DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR. LEAVE IT CLOSED!!! Anyway. To do this room, head up to the right when you get to the first hole, stand on the edge so that one foot is hanging over. Fire one beam. Now jump to the other side and shoot left while hanging over the edge. Go to the second hole and jump over. Hang off the edge to the left and shoot left. Go to the right and hange off the edge and shoot right. Jump over and shoot left. Now go left as far as you can. Speed boost to the right and shinespark. Shoulder charge right and pick up the energy tank. Now get to the right side of the platform and run left. Shinespark and enter the hatch, Shoulder charge to the left through the wall. Go back into the room that you just ran rammed into. Destroy the block again, kill everything and open the red door. Run towards the door on the right and get a shinespark. Get up against the door and shouldercharge to the left. When you hit the wall shoot down. Look on the ground you will see some small block like things. Start running and counting the blocks, as soon as you get a speed boost, shinespark. Go back to the 5th block and shoulder charge up on the right half of that block, get the power bombs and jump down. Go left to where the brown pillar in the background is. Run right and shinespark. This can be a bit tricky. Shoulder charge left into the slant so that you start running. But Jump before you hit the bridge, space jump to the left and above the wall. When above the wall, stop jumping and land on top of the floor, you'll fall through and see the power bomb. After getting this shoot the floor to the right and drop down. Go to the sixth block on the ground and then come back to the left shinespark and shoulder charge up. Go back to the right and shinespark before you hit the end. You need to Shoulder charge through the door. When you hit the red door, go down and through the next room. Be careful not to fall through the pit blocks. Rather Screw attack the wall in front of you. Go in past the hatch, lay a power bomb, and do your best to get the power bomb. This can be difficult. Roll over and when you fall on top of the pit blocks get out of ball mode and jump until you can grab onto the ledge, roll in and grab the power bomb. Now screw attack the floor and go right, open the barrier and get the missile upgrade. Now go all the way back to the restricted area. --------------------------------------- | | | 21. Restricted Area(Second Visit) | | | --------------------------------------- When you get in, start running left picking up a speed boost. Go past the save room. After you open and go through the next door. Press down to shinespark. Go to the center and shoulder charge up. If you were in the correct spot you should go right through the power bomb. Now Adam will yell at you for a little bit, but no worries, he ends up being on your side in the end. Now go back up to sector 1. ------------------------------- | | | 22. Sector 1(Third Visit) | | | ------------------------------- Go ALL the to the verticle shaft with nothing but the space pirates, space jump up and go into the right door this time. Go right past the room with the environmental stabalizer. You should pick up a speed boost right as you go through the door. Shinespark and shoulder charge up as soon as you get into the next room. Go through the hatch on the left. Go all the to the left until you fall down through some pit blocks. When you roll under the pillar lay a mine and let it blow up the wall. Now head left to the save room. Save 8 Goal Time***** 1:15 - 1:30 -44(230) Missiles(4 More) -18 Energy Tanks(2 More) -25(58) Power Bombs(7 More) Now inside the save room open the door and get to the left side. Start running to the right shooting the enemies when you enter, open the door and through the wall in the next room. shinespark in the next room, do a screw attack to the right and kill the crab. Go to the right wall and Shoulder charge up to yet another power bomb. Run back to the save room, picking up a speed boost, when you get into the save room, shinespark and open the door, go past the stairs, then shoulder charge into the stairs and speed boost to the right. Shinespark right when you go through the second door, space jump up to the door on the left, shoot it and shoulder charge through. When you get towards the end shinespark, get into the pit and shoulder charge up. Get the energy tank and go back down and through the top right door. Head right until you can't go right any more now go up left and up to the top of this verticle shaft. Go left past 3 more hatches. Jump up to the green door and go right. Screw attack the ceiling and get the power bomb. Now jump against the right wall and roll through into sector 2. ------------------------------- | | | 23. Sector 2(Third Visit) | | | ------------------------------- When you enter shinespark right before you hit the wall, screw attack it, grab the missile upgrade, then shoulder charge to the right. Go in past the hatch and go down. Go into the top right door of the large room.Go all the way to the security room and Screw attack the top left wall. Go in here and into the next room. DO NOT TOUCH THE GROUND EXCEPT WHERE I TELL YOU TOO!!! Start space jumping. Go over the first pillar, and under the second and over the third. Drop into the hole but dont hit the ground. Keep space jumping left over to the power bomb. Now space jump right and go out of the hole and head left and grab the energy tank. Fortunately if you fall on your way to the energy tank you can jump up fast enough to get out and keep space jumping. Now leave this room, and get back into the large room. Roll into a ball and go through the small opening in the bottom right of this room. Go into the door at the bottom. Go into the next room and lay a power bomb and go down this shaft and into the first door on the left. Now you need to avoid doing a screw attack and killing these guys. Or at least the 2 on top. First jump up and grab the ceiling wait for them to both be going left. Fire a diffusion missile down on the second one, do your best to balljump on top of it and to the next one, and then balljump up to the power bomb. you will fall down, lay a mine and grab the power bomb here. When you hit the bottom, lay a mine and get out of this room. Now go to the next door down on the left. Go in and space jump to the left to get the missile upgrade. Go down and get into the room just below. Lay a power bomb on entrance, grab the missile and go back to the verticle room. When you get into the verticle shaft take the first door on the right and go through into the door on the bottom right. After entering here lay a power bomb and go down and right into the save room. Go all the way to the boss room where you fought the Cyclops Leech. Now Screw attack the wall in the upper right corner. Go through and into the next room. Drop down and lay a power bomb. Run to the right, then right back to the left and shinespark. This is sort of tricky. Space jump up, press up to get out of spinning, then shoulder charge right, into the missile upgrade. after getting that, you'll have a tough time with this next project. Run to the right and shinespark. Jump up to the next platform and shoulder charge left. Shinespark when you get to the end. Repeat this until you reach the power bomb. Now go back to the save room you ran through. Go left, up and then go all the way right until your in the Main deck. --------------------------------- | | | 24. Main Deck(Fourth Visit) | | | --------------------------------- When you get here all you have left to do is get one power bomb and beat the game. Hurray =). Go all the way up towards that first navigation room, but instead of going that way, head up to the top and through the green door on the right. Get the power bomb in there. Now head to the large room where you first got your missiles. Fight and kill SA-X. Now go to the top left and turn on the self-destruct sequence. You have 3 minutes to make it out alive. Head to your ship and kill the Omega Metroid. Congratulations!!! You beat the game in under 2 hours and 100 Percent =) In fact you should have had a time of about 1:40. Great job. By the way, my second "perfection" run was 1:24 See you next mission! *^*^*^*^*^*^*^* ^ ^ * V. Bosses * ^ ^ *^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Arachnus Morph Ball This one is pretty simple, do not shoot his back. Use missles when he's looking at you, if he swipes at the air, prepare to jump, because he's about to shoot a sonic wave like thing at you. If he spits out fire, jump to the side and grab onto the bar and wait for him to roll and hit the wall. When he does this, jump over him and get ready to fire more missles. After about 15 missles he will turn into the Core X. Shoot this with your missles 3 times and you will have your morph ball, but you have to make sure you only shooting it when it's not flashing, or you'll waste missles. Charge Core-X Charge Beam Get your missles ready and shoot the eye when it appears. Until the eye appears, run around and dodge the Core. When the eye appears he will shoot a charge shot at you, so try and fire the missle and jump out of the way of the shot. Takes about 4 missles to destroy this one. Cyclops Leech Hi-Jump and Jumpball Get your missles ready. Stand in the middle of the room, and as the leech comes closer to you, keep moving away from it, until it jumps over you, now stay in this spot. Wait until he jumps into the air and stops. As he's stopped he will open up at the bottom. Quickly run underneath him and fire 2 missles at the eye. Get out of the way before he hits the ground. If he catches you inside of him, just lay a mine and you will pop right out. Every 2 hits he will get a little bit smaller, this will happen 3 times, then as he is at his smallest form, it takes 3 shots and he will become the Core-X. 4 Hits and the Core-X is defeated and you have your Hi-jump and Jumpball abilities back. Serris Speed Boost I find that the easiest way to fight Serris is to latch onto the ceiling and shoot missles straight down as he passes through, every so often he will go up there and hit you, but if you continue this pattern you shouldn't be in any danger of dieing. Grab on the celing just above the 2nd platform on the right. If and when he jumps up to hit you up there, the best thing to do(if you have the reflexes) is to turn and fire the missle right into his face. After 5 hits he will turn into Core-X. 5 more hits and you will receive your Speed Boost ability again. Security Robot None This is the easiest fight in the game. You shouldn't even take one point of damage. As soon as he jumps out at you run all the way to the left. Look at the ceiling, grab hold of the ceiling so that her arm is directly under the line between the 2nd and 3rd block, also make sure your facing to the right. Wait for the robot to come all the way left and crash into the wall. Fire 3-5 missles straight down, go right and jump down. Go to the right and grab the ceiling right in the middle of the 2nd block from the right, make sure your facing left. Don't worry the fire will not hit you. Wait for him to come over and do the same thing but this time drop off to the left. Go back to the same spot you were in at the begining, the fire will miss you. Repeat this process until he is dead. Should take about 3 rounds of missle firing. 10 hits in total. He will then walk off to the right. Try to kill him when he's on the right side, it is suggested to just hit him 3 times every time he gets beneath you. This way it'll take less time for him to walk to the right. Barrier Core-X Varia Suit I think the quickest way to kill this guy is to charge up you charge beam and when he comes at you jump into him and shoot at it. This way you can by-pass the things floating around it. After about 5 hits he's dead and you probably took about 200 dmg, considering you have about 900 health, thats nothing, especially since you gain 500 health after grabbing the Varia Suit. Now Just kill the Core-X, this one takes 6 hits to destroy, and now you have a varia suit. Wide Core-X Wide Shot This guy is pretty simple. After you shoot the scientist run to the right. When it attacks you, jump over it and go the left. When the eye appears shoot a missile and jump over it. Go to the right wait for it to come at you, jump over it again and shoot the eye. Repeat this until you've shot it 4 times and retrieve your wide shot ability. Yakuza Space Jump This one can be a pain. At the start stand to the side of the middle. After the fire comes down to the ground jump to the other side of the fire to avoid Yakuza when he comes down. Now whenever he's running around roll into a ball and sit in the corner, but when he stops run beneath him, if he opens up his mouth fire a barage of bullets at him until you get shot by the fire. Now try and hide. Don't let him catch you, it does about 200 dmg to you in total. After 2 or 3 rounds of bullets he will will lose his legs and become a bouncing head. Get in the corner angle up and sit there firing missiles, you have plenty of them, so just keep shooting until he becomes the Core-X. Shoot that 6 times and now you will have your space jump. Nettori Plasma Beam This guys pretty easy. Get up on the right platform, fire an huge quantity of missiles. When one of the little balls gets close to you, just jump up and fire a normal shot to the left, and start shooting missiles to the right again. After about like 50 of them, he will break up and start shooting plasma beams at you, stay standing on the second platform and keep firing the barage of bullets. you can dodge the plasma beams or not, it's up to you, but if you just stand there and shoot he'll die farely quickly. After he becomes the Core-X, jump to the right and do the same pattern you did for the Wide Core-X. Nightmare Gravity Suit The DREADED Nightmare. Everyone that has ever played this game HATES this mother trucker. Hopefully we won't have too much trouble with how much health we have. Run under him and shoot missiles at his...genitles...until he turns them on...(sorry, I have to pause and laugh...genitles HAHAH)...anyway, Do charge shots and destroy his gravity disrupter. After it begins to flash jump up and grab the ladder on the left. Line up with the head and wait for his mask to blow off. Fire missiles galore until he knocks you off. He will go up and circle around, Jump over him, now try to float close to the ladder when he comes back around, he SHOULD stop and start shooting at you again, this time you should be able to kill him. He will turn into a Core-X. Shoot this guy about 6 times to recieve the gravity suit. When all is said and done, you did so well you should have only taken about 400 dmg. Security Robot(2) Wave Beam This time he isn't so easy. As soon as you enter the room, lay a power bomb, and grab onto the ceiling. He will get into the middle of the room and start firing missiles. Shoot at these to destroy them. Now line yourself up with the first boulder-like object in the ground and he should run over and smash into the wall. Start firing down. When he begins to shoot missiles move to the right the distance thats a little over one of his jumps. Destroy the missiles and then after he jumps move to the left and fire missiles at him. Repeat this until he's dead. After he becomes the Wave Core-X, do the regualar, shoot him in the eye when it appears. Ridley-X Screw attack Pretty easy fight. Use your charge beam and just shoot at his body, avoid hitting the tail though. After 15-20 hits he will scream and turn into the Core-X. Kill it with 6 hits and retrieve your Screw attack. Samus Aran-X None EASY!!! When you enter the room go to the top left and you will hear an explosion. Drop down. Do charge shots on her and avoid being hit yourself. After about 20 hits she will drop down and form into a big monster thats even easier. When she does this, get up next to it angle up and shoot charge shots. It will jump up and over you. Turn around angle up and shoot charge shots. She will repeat this pattern a bunch of times. After a few hits, she's down for the count. Now it's time to kill the Core-X. Do the same as usual about 5-6 hits. I was able to beat SA-X with only taking 80 dmg. No problem at all. Omega Metroid None Another easy fight. When he comes in he will swipe at you and take you down to 1 health. SA-X will come in and start shooting. The Metroid will kill her. Grab the Ice Upgrade. Now hold L and run in and shoot a fully charged shot and two more shots. If he falls back in pain, shoot three more. After shooting the shots, fall back and wait for him to swipe. Keep doing the same pattern until he's dead. Now your ship will come in and save you. Extra special thanks to Revolution reader The Red Skull!
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.