FAQ for Metroid Prime 2. Version 1.3 Last updated 12/02/04 This FAQ is of course copyright (c) 2004 Josiah Herrington ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Contents [TOP] | [W0.1] | |__________| Table of Contents.........................[TOP] Use the above box to keep the 1: Intro.................................[010] Search code for your current 2: Legal stuff/Updates...................[020] Location in so you can jump 3: Overview..............................[030] right back to where you were 4: Characters............................[040] in the walkthrough without 5: Frequently Asked Questions............[050] having to search! I always 6: Playing the game......................[060] make sections start and end Controls............................[061] at save spots to make it Saving..............................[062] easy for you to follow the 7: Walkthrough...........................[070] walkthrough knowing you Beginning..........................[W0.1] can't play strait through. After the first save...............[W0.2] The missiles are yours.............[W0.3] You can access any area in After U-mos contact................[W0.4] the table of contents by After Morph Ball...................[W0.5] Pressing CTRL+F and copy Dark Aether Welcomes You...........[W0.6] and pasting the code into You have to go back................[W0.7] the find box and it will Get the Luminoth weapon............[W0.8] take you right to it! After the dark beam................[W0.9] After the light beam...............[W1.0] After the dark suit................[W1.1] In the Torvus Bog..................[W1.2] Enter Boost Guardian...............[W1.3] After Seeker Missiles..............[W1.4] After the Gravity Boost............[W1.5] After the Grapple Beam.............[W1.6] Torvus Energy Restored.............[W1.7] Before the Spider Ball.............[W1.8] After the Spider Ball..............[W1.9] After the Dark Burst...............[W2.0] After the Power Bombs..............[W2.1] After the Sunburst.................[W2.2] After the Echo Visor...............[W2.3] After the Screw Attack.............[W2.4] After the Light Suit...............[W2.5] After the All Items................[W2.6] Before Final Boss..................[W2.7] 8: Scan list............................[080] 9: Item list............................[090] 10: Credits..............................[100] 11: Contact Information..................[110] FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY ON THIS GOOD EARTH.......................[111] ******************************************************************************* 1: Intro ******************************************************************************* [010] Hello, I have decided to write a guide on how to beat metroid prime 2, just because you are a very special person! This guide will cover the awesome game Metroid Prime 2: Echoes! Using this guide: During the course of this guide I will often tell you to go to a place such as: "Exit the save station room and enter the Hive transport area." This refers to the actual name assigned to the room by the designers. You will find the name of a room by highlighting it on your 3D map. So if I tell you to go to a specific room and you aren't sure which one it is, open your map and look at the surrounding rooms! Also, I will often tell you to "Head northest" or another compass direction. You can access the compass by pressing Z to bring up your 3D map. It is in the lower right corner. ******************************************************************************* 2: Legal stuff/Updates ******************************************************************************* [020] This FAQ is mine and is copyright(c) 2002 Josiah Herrington. This FAQ, as of now, can only be displayed at: Gamefaqs (http://www.GAMEFAQS.com) Game Revolution (http://www.game-revolution.com) Gamespot(www.gamespot.com) Sites with easy permission: IGN(www.ign.com) www.neoseeker.com as well as my own website, and may be used for personal use only. You may not sell this FAQ or distribute it. Otherwise you may not under any circumstances host this FAQ unless I give permission. I still reserve all rights to discontinue any site's hosting of this FAQ. ******************************************************************************* 3: Overview *******************************************8*********************************** [030] Metroid prime 2: Echoes is the long awaited sequel to metroid prime. Metroid prime and metroid prime 2 are the ground-breaking metroid games by a newbie in the gaming industry, Retro Studios. The very talented people at Retro managed to make a successful transformation from 2D metroid to 3D on a scale nobody expected. Now after what seemed like the longest time, the sequel has been released! Metroid Prime 2 takes place on the trans-dimensional world of Aether. Samus initially goes there to investigate the disappearance of the federation ship that pursued a space pirate vessel into orbit. But when she gets there her ship is damaged and she finds many things she does not expect. ******************************************************************************* 4: Characters ********************************************8********************************** [040] Samus: Your character. Samus s a bounty hunter who wields a deadly Chozo power suit, is infused with Chozo blood, and works for the federation to maintain peace in the galaxy and thwart the space pirates, metroids, or various other baddies. In this game Samus will continue her adventure having received a job from Federation command to go to the planet Aether and investigate some missing troops. Dark Samus: I am currently debating what I should put here... ******************************************************************************* 5: FAQ ******************************************************************************* [050] Q: Is this game better or worse than Metroid Prime? A: In my opinion, it is much better. But that is what reviews are for. I myself have one on GFAQs. Q: Will you help me through *insert part of game* A: Probably not. I say this because if it isn't in my guide, odds are I don't know about it. Feel free to bring anything to my attention I don't have in my guide though. Q: Where can I find Missile/Power Bomb/Beam Ammo/Energy Expansion X? A: I don't know. If I know where ti is you can be assured it is in the guide. If you don't find it here, feel free to tell it to me. Q: I found an error in your guide, what do I do? A: E-mail me! I will look into it! Q: Where are the individual Energy tanks? A: Search my guide foretc to find the location of the energy tanks. NOTE! IF you didn't find what you were looking for I VERY STRONGLY recommend that you look for help at the GFAQs Metroid Prime 2 board located here: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/gentopic.php?board=35785 ******************************************************************************* 6: Playing the game ******************************************************************************* [060] **************** [061] Controls **************** The controls are very Simple...they are also in the manual, but nobody ever reads the manual, so it's here. Normal Samus: Control stick: Move Samus forwards and backwards; Turn Samus. A: Fire beam weapon. (Hold to charge) B: Jump. (Press twice to space jump) X: Enter Morph Ball mode. Y: Fire missile. R: Manual Fire mode. L: Strafe (With control stick left or right) Z: Bring up 3D map. START: Pause and bring up in game menu. Morph Ball Mode: Control stick: Move Samus around. A: Lay Morph Ball Bomb B: Charge boost ball. (Hold to charge) X: Exit morph Ball mode. Y: Lay power bomb. L: Center the camera behind Samus. R: Activate Spider Ball Z: Bring up 3D map. Start: Pause and bring up In game Menu. ******************** [062] Saving ******************** In order to save in Metroid Prime 2, as in all other metroid games, you must find a save station. When you find the save station, enter it. You will be given the choice to save or not, and your energy will be filled. When you die you will be taken back to the last save point. It is advisable that you used them every chance you get. ******************************************************************************* 7: Walkthrough ******************************************************************************* [070] Here you will find the walkthrough for the Single Player mode of the game. [W0.1] We begin our game with Samus receiving a mission to go to a planet named Aether and look for missing federation troops. As Samus's ship enters the atmosphere Lightning strikes it and it is severely damaged. Samus Crash lands onto the surface of the planet.. Your adventure begins. First Whip out for Scan Visor and scan your Ship, the pillars that appear blue and the box that appears red. Next scan the center of the membrane that is blocking your path. Now use your weapon to blow it out of the way. Do the same for the other two membranes. Scan the door, then shoot it to make it open. Scan the three pointed object in front of you then proceed left to scan the large door then back and to the right into the large hole. Break out the scan visor and scan the gate in front of you. Now scan the console to the left of the gate. continue through and look to the right to scan a console and open the large door blocking you. Enter the room. Scan the consoles if you want then step into the map hologram to get the area map. Blow the large membrane out of the way and shoot the door open. Scan the splinter drones that are crawling around, then waste them. Scan the dead troopers if you wish, then proceed through the next door. Scan the corpse leaning against the wall then move to the left and kill the two splinter drones before they can escape. Scan the corpse they were eating. Next enter morph ball mode and roll under the gate. Quickly slay the two splinter drones. Scan the dead troopers and consoles if you wish, then go into morph ball mode and roll through the tunnel. Lay a bomb against the grate to blow it out of the way and proceed. Run to the other side of the room as you emerge and after scanning anything you wish to scan, scan the bomb slot. enter morph ball mode and roll under the slot. Lay a morph ball bomb to pop yourself into the slot, then another to energize the slot. Good news! The power to the console in the former room is restored! Head back! BAD NEWS! Zombie troopers! Scan them, and then whip out your beam weapon and slay them. these foes die in one charge shot. Enter morph ball mode and go back through the tunnel. Crud! More zombie troops. Slay them. If you lost any health, blow up crates to find health packs. Scan a health container, then go under the gate in morph ball mode, and scan that console. The door will open and more zombie troopers will come out. Slay them all and proceed through the next door. Get past the crates to the next door. Go through. The door will lock and Samus will find Dark Samus opening a dark portal. Head through the dark portal. You will find Dark Samus manipulating phazon amongst a hoard of the ing. The protective barrier gets smaller and smaller and Samus becomes poisoned. You will automatically go back through the light portal. Well crud, those creatures stole your gear. Now all you have left are your beam, charge beam, and morph ball! Proceed through the tunnel. Enter morph ball mode and go through the tunnel to be greeted at the end by some more zombie troopers. Now blow up the crates and find the door behind them. Enter that door and enter the save station. Save your game. *********************** After the first save [W0.2] *********************** Exit the save station room and enter the Hive transport area. Scan the console and step into the hologram. Once you have reached the top, go left, and scan the console to open the armor on the door locks. Blow off the door locks. Go through the gate and stay on the elevated area while scanning the small red console ahead of you. the winch will move the huge crate out of your way. Run past there hugging the right and quickly get on the elevated ground again. Scan the beetle and kill it while ignoring the splinters that exploded onto the ground. They cannot reach you while you are on the elevated ground. Turn and scan the splinters as they are on the ground then pick them of from safety up here. Continue on up the ramp, and scan the console that will be on your left when you reach the top. Now hold R to manually aim, and aim up really high and shoot the locks. Continue on and kill the beetle as you go through the door. Scan the corpse on the right and continue through the hole VIA your morph ball. Continue through the door. A cutscene will trigger. Hey look, it's that crate you moved earlier! Walk past it on the left side of it and kill the splinter. Walk towards the large wall type thingy. Kill all of the splinters and scan the small console. The crate will move again. Now turn and scan the cocoon above the door inside the cage behind you. Shoot the cable to bring the crate down and hop across. Go through the door and stop and scan the grate above. Continue on and scan the red object to the left. Kill the splinters and go through the door. Continue on and kill the two splinters. Scan the corpse on the ground and continue on. Scan the small console to activate the distress beacon then go on. Be wary of the corpses as they turn to possessed troopers. (AKA zombie troopers) Dispose of them and go through the door. Slay the splinters and scan the turret on the roof. Blow is away with a charge shot after you scan it. Enter morph ball mode and take the tunnel at the base of the alien tree to the right. Scan the corpse next to the console then scan the console. Roll back out and under the gate taking care not to get smashed under it. Exit through the door and approach the ship to view a rather unnerving cutscene. After it is over scan all the bodies and the ship. Scan the consoles inside of the ship and when you are ready to fight break the large weapons crate and get the missile back. Dark splinters will arrive. Scan one and then kill them all. Don't forget to dodge. After you kill them get the map from inside the ship if you didn't already and use the ship as a jumping point to get to the ledge. Walk around and scan the small blue circle on the ground and then scan the small red console to activate the orb cannon. Enter morph ball mode and roll into the hologram. Hop from the ledge it fired you onto down to the lower ledge and use a missile to break open the door. As you enter look to the left of the large gate and scan the corpse. Enter the small tunnels in morph ball mode. Who wants to go down the freaky tunnel first? ME! When you get down unroll and scan a war wasp before killing them all. Look up and find the console. This is easier with your scan visor as it is bright red when in scan mode. Enter the hologram in morph ball mode. Go through the door and kill the war wasps that attack and scan the war wasp hive. Turn to the left and scan the wall. Shoot a missile at it to weaken it. Next shoot a missile at the war wasp hive to the right. Go over to the orb cannon and scan the panel to the left of it hidden in the rock wall. Enter morph ball mode and roll into the hologram. After you are shot through the wall turn and look up on that ledge across from you and, after killing any living war wasps, shoot a missile at the hive. Then continue into the hole you were shot into and enter morph ball mode and get on the morph ball track. Go across and scan the body. Enter the door and scan the console to bring the elevator online. Enter the hologram. Once you reach the top you will get a message from your armor computer about a save station. FINALLY! Get the heck in and save! *********************** The missiles are yours [W0.3] *********************** Well now that you have saved you won't have to do all that again if you die! Go back out and through the door. Walk in and you will have to fight 6 dark splinters. After you defeat them the alpha splinter will fall into battle. BOSS BATTLE!!! Alpha splinter Difficulty rating: 2/10 Speed: Very high HP: Low. Reminder: Remember to scan BOTH the alpha splinter AND the dark alpha splinter. Strategy: After you damage the splinter some it will become a dark alpha splinter and it's HP bar will appear. This boss is extremely quick so you need to be on your toes. The boss has a very simple attack pattern. First he will charge up and shoot dark energy, then he will charge you with lightning quick speed. Both can be avoided by constantly strafing. Use your charge beam and/or rapid firing of your power beam to dispose of this boss. After he dies he will leave behind the "unknown alien technology." head forwards and through the door and scan the small console to activate the elevator. Enter the hologram. Ride the elevator up and go through the door. Scan the large object from a distance. Then go forwards for a nice cutscene. Finally, something that doesn't want to kill you. After the cutscene scan U-mos and the lore behind you. Exit and take the elevator down and then scan the translator on the right. Go through the door. Scan the lightfliers and then kill them. Go through the next door. Scan the small console to bring the elevator on line and break the containers if you need missiles. Take the elevator down. Go through the door and scan the translator to continue. Continue and splinters will attack and a dark rift will open. Try to kill as many of the splinters as you can before they become dark and then kill the rest. Try to do so from an elevated location where they cannot hit you. Now look around for a door that is locked by a missile barrier close to you. Blow it open and take the energy tank inside! Congratulations! You just doubled your health! You now have 199 HP! Go into the door left of where you got the energy tank. Continue on and kill the beetle things and enter morph ball mode. Go through the small tunnel and come out the other side. Go through the door and scan the bridge you knocked down earlier. Go across it. Now go all the way down the ramp. Scan the translator to open it. Scan the corpse of J-fme. Continue through the door. Scan the spiny plants growing here and continue out the door. Scan the Lumites and the grass. continue through for a cutscene. Guess what door you are headed too. Step down and a worm will come up from underground. Scan it and shoot both ends of it to kill it while avoiding the acid it spits at you. Go forwards to the door with a missile lock and use a missile to blow it open and open a save spot. Save! *********************** After U-mos contact [W0.4] *********************** Now continue into the save room further and enter the morph ball tunnel. Head against the current of the sand until you get to the end. Scan the tree and head back because you can't get the missile expansion yet. Head out of the to the right and forwards. Go across the ledge and use a missile to knock over the large rock. Scan the fast flying creatures and then open rapid fire on their flight path to kill them. Continue on, past the translator, and take out the next rock pillar with another missile and fire on the bat's paths to kill them. Head across the bridge and to the left and when you get to the gate, turn and hop to the large rock. From there go past the three plants and hop off the rock and cross the bridge taking out the bats. Continue through the door. Roll up and go through the pipe. When you come out the other end, go through the door and be prepared for combat. As the pirates appear fire a charge shot and a missile to finish off the one on the ground. Then stand under the pillar that the 2nd pirate is on while firing at the third on the ledge. Once you have killed the third, back away from the pillar and shoot the pirate with a charge beam and finish him with another. Go forwards and hop up on the ledge. Go ahead hopping up the platforms until you find the area with a crystalline root. Look to the right to scan the creature, and then left to go in the door. Roll up into the orb cannon and then through the pipe and when you fall down the other side, scan the corps and grab the missile expansion behind it. Now head back into the cannon and to the other side. Head back out the door. Slaw the bug thing by shooting a missile at it then shooting it really fast, or slip past it. Hop up the platforms to the top and scan the statue. Then look to the left and shoot a missile at the base of the pillar. Walk across the bridge it just made and shoot the door open with a missile. Enter and scan the shreikbats as you come around the corner. Go through the door and into the large round ominous arena. BOSS BATTLE!!! Bomb Guardian! Difficulty: 2/10 HP: Low Speed: Average. Reminders: Scan it before it becomes dark. Strategy: Be wary of it's bomb attacks. Fight it like you would a normal sand digger but more carefully. Basically what you want to do is dodge away from him and shoot his tail until he reads his head up and stays still. Then shoot a charge shot at his head. A fully charged Charge shot should remove about 1/3 of his HP! Repeat this until he dies. Be careful, because if you don't shoot his head with a charge shot, he will spew bombs EVERYWHERE. and when I say that I mean it. You WILL be hit if he does that. Try to dodge behind him and remember missiles will hurt his tail also. Collect the morph ball bombs! Roll up and go by one of the gates and lay a bomb to destroy it. Go find the gate that is clockwise from the dark gate and counter clockwise from the light gate. Enter it and scan the statue. Roll up into morph ball mode and lay a bomb to hop into the slot. Loy a bomb to energize it. Go out the door and forwards and past the machine and scan the hologram to get a very insightful message. Go back through the door and lay more bombs to make the room reverse again. Go through the door. Roll around the perimeter until you get to the door on the opposite end. Go through said door. Kill the shreikbats and go through the door to head left. Scan the translator and go through to grab a missile expansion. YAY! Exit and hop off to the ground. Head back to mining station access. Roll into morph ball mode and enter the pipe. When you get to the middle, lay a bomb above the hologram. When it blows fall into the hologram for an energy tank! DOUBLE YAY! Now go back down and head to the nearby save point. SAVE! *********************** After morph Ball [W0.5] *********************** Now head out of the save area and across to the translator. Scan it and bomb the rock with a morph ball bomb. Enter to get the map. Exit to the main area again and head back up the steps and scan the Luminoth lore across the first rock bridge. Now continue to Mining Station Access. From there continue to mining station A and to Portal Access A which is at three o'clock from where you come out of mining station access. Go back in the cannons and then roll through and fall down the other side. Go out the door to portal terminal and be prepared to fight. Kill some pirates and watch the others become possessed. Scan the possessed pirates and kill them. They are MUCH tougher than normal pirates though, so beware. Use missiles and charge shots to take them out. Break the crates in the upper right corner for health, and scan the lore in the upper left. Now get on the raised platform and bomb jump to the bomb switch. Lay a bomb to activate the ball lift. Ride it up and bomb the switch at the end to release some war wasps and edit the location of the mechanism. Continue rolling and come out the other end and shoot the war wasps. Hop across the platform that lowered and across to the ledge. Roll up into morph ball mode and ride the ball-o-vator. Roll across and fall down and bomb the switch. Continue on and shoot the war wasps. Hop across the raised platform and into the hole. Bomb jump your way up and then bomb jump up again. Be wary of the creatures. Bomb the switch. Make your way to the end of the room and scan the small red orb thing to activate the dark portal. Welcome to dark Aether. Hop down to the next safe zone. Next shoot the sparkling energy in front of you to activate a temporary safe zone. Go there and over to the safe zone on the left. Activate the bomb slot to open the door here and the corresponding door in light Aether. Scan the light Crystal and the weird black plant looking things. Now head through the door. Quickly go and shoot the light to make a safe zone. Hop down to the normal safe zone and scan the ing drones. Shoot them all. Move to the right side of the force field and shoot the temporary safe zone ahead. Run to there. Missile the door open and pass through. Open the door and dash through to the safe zone. Kill the ing drone. Go to the left of the safe zone and shoot the light to activate the temporary safe zone. Dash to it, kill the drone, shoot and dash to the next safe zone. Hop down to the next safe zone and save at the save point. *********************** Dark Aether welcomes you [W0.6] *********************** Shoot and dash through the door you are facing after saving and shoot the light for a temporary safe zone. Scan the temporary safe zone light. Dash to the permanent safe zone and ing warriors will spawn! Scan them and take them down! Be sure to stay in the safe zone. Use charge shots to kill it and hide behind the light post whenever it shoots energy at you. When it dies, be happy. Dash to the next safe zone and scan that awesome little creature, the lightbringer. It makes safe zones! Awesome! Follow it staying in the field to the next safe zone. Turn right and shoot the temporary safe zone and hop to it. Look left and see the lightbringer. Follow it to the temporary safe zone. activate said temporary safe zone. Go through the door. Enter the safe zone. Enter morph ball mode and roll through the tunnel. Pause in the safe zone to heal and continue through the next tunnel to the next safe zone. Shoot the door then dash through and shoot the temporary safe zone to activate it. Heal and dash to the safe zone. BOSS BATTLE!!! Jump Guardian Difficulty: 5/10 Speed: Fast HP: Med/High Reminder: The light pole is your very best friend. Strategy: It's attack pattern is pretty simple. It will fire beams of energy at you and will jump and slam down making a very damaging shockwave. Basically you need to leap the shockwave and hide behind the pole when it is shooting energy at you. while you are hiding, charge up your charge shot and pop out and shoot it at him. The lower his health is the more he will jump around making it harder to damage him. Continue shooting him till he dies. Collect the space Jump Boots! Jump to the safe zone on the ledge and enter the normal door. enter the door and dash as fast as possible through ignoring the light bug thingy. Dash through the next door and activate the temporary safe zone for some respite. Stay there and heal repeatedly activating the temporary safe zone when it starts to turn off. Make your way across to the portal place and stand in the safe zone under it. Scan the red orb thingy to make the portal active. Enter the portal to transport back to light Aether. Be prepared for Space Pirates. A charge shot and missile for each will finish them all. Head across the room to the door that was closed before and enter the door and lay a bomb in the slot to open a missile expansion. continue on to reach a save station. Save! *********************** You have to go back... [W0.7] *********************** Head out the door to the mining Plaza, then through mining station access over to mining station A. Once you get there, hop up the crates and the pillars and watch out for the lumites. Once you are at the top, hop up the statue of that hero you scanned earlier. Now turn to what is your left when facing the gate and hop into the alcove. Go inside and scan the Lore. Now turn to the left and scan the small console. A gate will open and you should hop back down onto the statue and then up onto the new ledge and into the door. Charge up a charge shot and sneak up and fire it at one of the containers and a massive explosion will engulf the space pirates next to it. Shoot a missile at the door to open it. Head through to Central Mining Station. Be prepared to fight with pirates here. Hit each of the pirates that are in front of you with a missile and a charge shot to slay them and then shoot a couple charge shots at the one on the ledge to the right. Continue on and two more pirates will drop down. Shoot the one on the left with a charge shot and a missile, then the one on the right. Now two troopers will get into giganterific turrets and start shooting large plasma shots at you. Hide behind one of the windmills and charge up a charge shot and after both plasma blasts hit the windmill, pop out and shoot one of the turrets with it and hide again. Repeat this until both turrets fall. The fate will open up and you can continue on. There is an abundance of crates to break here with some health and missiles. Continue on to command center access. Bomb one of the broken grates on the floor with a morph ball bomb and roll inside. Roll through the tunnel and into the next area, Command Center. When you get in you will have to navigate a small tunnel under the grate. Watch the pirates go into the portal and then go past the electricity and roll to the right down the tunnel and past the one electric barrier to get the missile expansion! Now go back and this time go forwards and loop back down and avoid the electricity till you get to the end. A cutscene will play and you will have to fight some pirates. Scan everything around here for multiple Lores and other scan percentage boosting material. Once you have scanned everything, activate and take the small elevator to the top level. Hop across the gap and have a charge shot ready. A pirate will materialize in front of you, blast him and then duck behind a pillar while charging up another. Hop out and let him have it. Continue through the now unlocked door killing the pirate to the right on the way out. Continue on to see dark Samus come blasting through the roof. Scan the red console past the gate and then go right. Enter the door and scan the red console to activate the blast doors. Continue through the door to Bio-storage access and have a charge shot ready for one of the two turrets that will greet you. Whip out your scan visor and scan the other one while ducking behind the wall to hide while still scanning. Once you have the scan, blow it up. Enter Morph Ball mode and roll through evading the lasers and blow your way through the next door to Bio-storage Station, ready to fight pirates. Kill the pirate and scan the metroids and the small console to activate the elevator. Kill the two pirates that materialize and scan the metroids and the console behind them for a lore and data entry. Head to the right and down the corridor. Head through the door to security station A with a charge shot ready to nuke the turret that will so promptly greet you. Continue and bomb your way into the morph ball bomb slot and lay a bomb to open the gate. Continue on to Bio-energy Production. Continue to be assaulted by some aero troopers. Scan one and then take them out with missiles and your beam. Then scan everything you want ending with the red console to raise the platforms. Now move to the opposite side of the room to activate the platforms into a usable order. First, Facing the platforms, scan the small red console on the left side of the left area once. Now move to the right one area and scan the left small red console twice. Now move over to the rightmost area and scan the left console thrice. Now go and hop up the stairs you created and grab the energy tank. Now go back down and to the area that is rightmost when facing the platforms and scan the right console twice. Now go to the leftmost area and scan the leftmost console twice and go back up the new stairs and into the door to Ventilation Area B. Continue through by morph ball bomb jumping into the tube and traversing the morph ball maze while avoiding the lasers. Blow the door open with a missile and save at the save point in the next room. *********************** Get the Luminoth weapon [W0.8] *********************** Head from the save point to the door on the left to sand processing. Have a charge shot ready for one of the two upcoming turrets and then paste the other one. Go to where the turrets were and shoot the cracked wall to the left with a missile. Go through the door and hop down: BOSS BATTLE!!! Dark Samus: Difficulty: 6/10 Speed: Fast HP: High Reminder: Scan! Strategy: Phase one: Basically shoot her and she will shoot at you. Avoid her shots and makes yours hit. You will have a VERY hard dime hitting her with a charge shot so you will wanna stick with rapid fire. Charge shots are good to use when she is using a move or standing still because she won't dodge it. Eventually she will turn to dark Samus Phase two. Phase two: Phase two dark Samus has a couple new attacks. One is a large missile attack which you can avoid by dodging quickly when she leaps up and starts charging her arm cannon, and the other is a tackle attack of death. This tackle attack is very powerful. She will leap up and do a backflip matrix style while glowing blue when she is about to do this. When she does that put as much distance as possible between yourself and her and then dodge when she does it. I would recommend rapid fire here because it is hard to know when she is vulnerable, but a charge shot is good when she is doing her phase one moves. Don't bother with missiles, she just deflects them. Once you are done you get your reward...an elevator. Scan the phazon on the perimeter of the room and ride the elevator. Enter the door right by you for the dark beam! Collect the dark beam. Scan the console in the room and use your new dark beam to open the dark door. Exit and go right. Open the gate by shooting the crystal with the dark beam. Continue through security station B opening the gates with the dark beam. Once you get to the command center after the second gate, be prepared to face bomb launching pirates. Scan one and kill them. Head to bio-storage Access. Metroids! Use your new dark beam! Shoot a charged dark beam at the metroid as it is about to charge you to freeze it then blast it with a missile. Repeat this process to slay the other. Head up the elevator and to the room with the dark door to grab a missile expansion. Now head out and across the platforms headed for security station A. Dash past the metroid in morph ball mode and through the door. Nuke the turret. Trigger the gate VIA the morph ball slot as you did before. Go to the door but do NOT go through. instead open it and start shooting at the metroids. They will get angry and come to attack you but due to the fact that in metroid prime 2 enemies cannot leave the room they are in, they will explode and die once they try to go through the open door you are standing inches behind. Pretty nifty huh! Do this for all four metroids. Lower the platforms with the console on the right from where you entered and they will already be in position. Hop up and head to Ventilation area B, then to the save spot. Save. *********************** After the dark beam [W0.9] *********************** From the save spot, head west through sand processing to the main reactor room and then south through the nearby dark door through security station B to the command center. Kill the grenade troopers again, and shoot the dark portal with your dark beam to activate it. Welcome back to dark Aether. Scan the little floaty things hovering around in the air. Then shoot them, there are infinite of them so don't bother once there is only one left. Look right and shoot the temporary safe zone and then look left and you will see a warrior ing approaching. Look over and you will see a permanent safe zone that is covered in dark goo. Shoot a charge shot at it to free it into a permanent safe zone and run there to fight the ing. He didn't come out of his goo puddle mode for me and hopefully won't for you. Shoot his goo puddle and try to kill him. Shoot the weird cracked thing next to you with a missile so it breaks. (Use the scan visor to find it, it is on the pillar right next to you. Scan the crystal and then shoot it with your dark beam. Hop on the platform and then up to that cool looking item! You got the dark temple key! YAY! Stand in the temp safe zone and keep it active till you are fully healed and go through the door that is north according to your map (check the compass on in the bottom right corner.) Be sure to stand in the safe zone before the door till your health refills. In this room (oasis access) you will fight an ing. Dispose of him the normal way. Continue on to Dark Oasis and slay the ing drones. Continue on to near the portal and camp in that safe zone till you are healed fully. Head into the next room (Hall of stairs) and head to the second safe zone. Turn and aim upwards and shoot the crystal with the dark beam. Hop up onto the platform, turn and hop up onto the second floor. Head through the door. SAVE! Go into the door that is south according to your map which is the bitter well. Beware of phazon in here. Go through the morph ball tunnel and through the maze to the end. You can just sit and heal if you accidentally fall in the phazon. Go into the next room, Phazon Site, and take the elevator down. Jump on the lowest platform and from there make your way up the other two platforms and onto the ledge with the permanent safe zone. Scan the console and hop down the moving platforms to the small console on the large ledge across from the lowest platform. The scan visor will help you find it. Now directly across from that hidden behind some boxes that you will have to blow up! Go through the door and heal in the safe zone. Continue to fight some lumites. Shoot them and scan the large ingclaws. Shoot the dark covered safe zone to open it. Hop across to the new safe zone and then past the Ingclaws and to the other side. Get into the permanent safe zone and sit there to regain the health you lost from the Ingclaws. Shoot a missile and go through the door. Scan the swarm of nightbarbs until you get the scan then open up on their flight path with your power beam till they are all dead. Hop across the phazon and to the north end of the room. Stand in the safe zone and look at the top of the pillar and shoot the crystal with the dark beam. Hop across to the temporary safe zone after activating it and shoot the dark crystal at the top of the second platform. Go back a little ways and hop onto the first platform, and from there onto the second platform and to the ledge. Go through the door to collect the light beam! Collect the light beam! Shoot the door with the light beam to open it and pass through. Scan the crystal of one of the lowered columns. Go through the door to the membrane and scan it before shooting the eye with the light beam. Shoot the farm membranes eye with the light beam and dash to the safe zone and proceed through the door. Go through the light door to the west and shoot the tentacles with your power beam before they get at you. Dash past them to the temporary safe zone and turn and scan them. Now continue forwards shooting the tentacles out of the way. Head to the middle to be greeted by the six ing warriors. Perhaps it is time to give our new light beam a spin? Gah ambush! Blast them with your light beam and remember you can charge your light beam to fire it even when you are out of ammo for it. Don't be afraid to switch you your power beam and let them have it either. Collect the dark Agon temple key. Head through Double Path to Doomed Entry. From there take the dark door to the north into Oasis Access and through to Dark Oasis. Here, open the light door and get your ammo filled. Next go back out and open the light portal, scan it, and head back to light Aether. Upon arriving go through the blue door immediately to your left, through sand processing and save at the save station. *********************** After the light beam [W1.0] *********************** Head from the save spot to Command Center by way of Sand Processing and from there, head to mining station A. In central mining station, get in a turret and blow everything up. There are three bomb things that will explode when you hit them with the turret and pirates will shoot at you. Take them out, and after you have blown up all three bombs, get out. Scan the little vehicle thing that is called the shrike and then stand on it and hop up to the corner of ledge that is near you. Follow the ledge into where you killed the pirates and scan the console for a lore entry. Now turn left and you should find a force field. Go to the left of the force field and roll up into morph ball mode to bypass it and get the beam ammo expansion. Scan the Luminoth corpse for a lore entry. Head out then head to Mining Station A by way of Central Station Access. Now head south through Portal Access A to Transport Center and from there to the save station. Save. Now head back to the Portal Terminal by way of Transport Center and activate the portal and head into dark Aether. Head through Portal Access as quickly as possible and get to Judgment Pit. There should be a door right above you that will open with the dark beam. Inside is a save point. Use it. Now head to Dark Agon Temple by way of Dark Agon Temple Access. Be prepared for a boss. Turn left and shoot the temporary safe zone and run to it. Continue to the next temporary safe zone and of course activate it. Go in the door, grab the final key, go out, and back to where you came in. BOSS BATTLE!!! Amorbis! Difficulty: 7/10 Speed: Slow HP: High Reminder: Scan! Strategy: Ok, as soon as the battle starts, scan Amorbis. After you have done that he will probably have dug himself underground. Charge up a blast and wait till he comes out and shoot it out him while dodging him. He is humungous and easy to see on your scanners so look for him there. Don't be afraid to step out of the safe zone to avoid his lunges. After you damage him enough he will go to PHASE TWO: Now he will attach himself to the dark ball and gain dark armor. Now you will have to blow up its helmet with whatever you want. Lob everything you have at it's head. After it's helmet is gone it will move to PHASE THREE: It will do a huge vacuum move that will suck you up. Enter morph ball mode and lay a bomb. His head A'splode! You beat him! YEAH RIGHT! PHASE FOUR: Think back to phase one except now there are two of the worms hopping around. This could get tricky. Blow them up the same way you did the one, only be more careful. PHASE FIVE: Like phase two only with two worms. The phases of the two worms are individual. If you blow up the helmet of one he immediately does the suck move. PHASE SIX: Three worms in phase one mode now! Avoid their hopping and slay them the same way you did the rest! PHASE SEVEN: All three worms in phase two/three mode now. Charged light beam blasts should take out their helmet in one shot, so do that then bomb their guts. You got the dark suit! YAY! Now you will get damaged less by Dark Aether's Atmosphere. Collect the dark suit! Now go to the platform that was just raised shooting the temporary safe zone in the process. Remember, the dark suit makes the atmosphere hurt you less, it doesn't give immunity. And besides, why throw away health. Go in the door and lay a bomb in the bomb slot to proceed. Walk up to the large object and a cool cutscene will play. Time to head back to light Aether. Head back to Judgment Pit and head to the save point behind the dark door. Save! Head back to light Aether by way of Judgment Pit, Portal Access, Portal Site. Fight the dark troopers and proceed through the portal. Now travel in this order; Portal access A, Mining Station A, Temple Access, Agon Temples, Controller Access, Agon Energy Controller. Watch the cool cutscenes. Now head through the dark door to the west and roll up and enter the hole. Roll left across the block as it will disappear, and bomb jump onto the square rock. (Kill the roly-poly creature with bombs if he makes it hard) and bomb jump to above the square rock. Roll left over the vanishing block to a stack of blocks. Hold left as they are vanishing to get onto the ledge to the left. Hold left so you roll over the vanishing block, and onto the others and onto the ledge past that. Bomb jump up the two ledges and get on the stack of blocks holding down left to get into the hidden ledge to the left. Don't go on the disappearing block to the left, but instead bomb jump up to the next ledge up and left. Now Bomb jump up once more and roll left onto the block holding left to roll into the energy tank. Head right as far as you can and out the hole. Head out the dark door and around the perimeter of the room to the light door. Go through and get into the orb cannon. Enter the door and roll to the second roly-poly and kill it with morph ball bombs. Hop on top of the block it was on and double bomb jump to the level above it, then do another double bomb jump and a single bomb jump and collect a missile expansion. Now head through areas like this: Main Reactor (scan the Luminoth corpse), Sand Processing (Beware the turrets), Save station C. Save. *********************** After the dark suit [W1.1] *********************** Head through these areas: Main Reactor, Security Station B, Command Center, Command Center Access, Central Mining Station, Central Station Access, Mining Station A, Mining Station Access, Mining Plaza, Plaza Access, Transport to Temple Grounds. When you get to Temple Grounds First shoot the green bubble thing on the little membrane and collect the missile expansion behind it. Then head from Agon Transport Access, to Temple Assembly site by way of Agon Transport Access, Industrial Site, Collapsed Tunnel. When you get to temple assembly site, shoot the dark crystal with the light beam. There will be a portal behind it that you will use later. Head to the west side of the area and enter the door. Enter the Hologram to ride the elevator to the great temple. Head to the temple sanctuary By way of Transport B access. Head to the south door and take the elevator up. Enter for a cool cutscene. Head back out and down the elevator. Head out the west door by scanning the orange translator. Shoot the dark crystal with the light beam and scan and kill the Harmony Class drones. Go into the next room and scan the console to activate the elevator. Go out and slay all the war wasps. Look forwards, up, and to the left to see a Luminoth lore to scan. Head through the halfpipe being wary of the swarm of bats that will fly out of the forward direction. Go through the door to Hall of Eyes. Ware the War Wasps. Hop up and shoot the dark portal with the dark beam to activate it and pass through. Welcome back to dark Aether, we hope you enjoy your stay. Head through the door to the northwest and continue on to the very end, and hop up on the ledge. Turn and hop up onto the safe zone and heal. Now hop back down to the ledge with the large ingworms blocking the way and take the morph ball-o -vator on the right. Bomb the first bomb slot. Now go down the ball-o-vator. Take the one on the left and bomb the farthest slot. Head to the right and bomb the next bomb slot, and then further right and bomb the next one. The transport will become active. Now park it in the ball-o-vator safe zone until you are healed and then take the transport. Now get ready to rapid fire at the purple enemies, or you could be torn to shreds. They are weak and not actively aggressive but you fly right through them. Shoot the light portal with the light beam and head on through. Proceed on shooting dark crystals with your light beam to move platforms and kill the space pirates you encounter. Continue on to Torvus Transport Access and kill the War Wasps that greet you, then turn to the right and shoot the hive with a missile, and shoot the two hives in front of you with missiles. Continue on to Transport to Torvus Bog and scan the small console to activate the elevator. Ride it. Welcome to Torvus Bog. Head around behind the elevator and scan the Bearerpods. Continue out to Temple Transport Access. Beware the shreikbats, and lookup as soon as you come out and scan the pod. Continue on and as soon as you get out of the door scan the Luminoth Corpse. Once you sake a couple steps out a cutscene will occur. Go forward and shredders will pop out of the ground. these airborne plants are small and fly towards you and explode. scan them and shoot them into each other to kill them. Head forwards underwater and scan the hydlings. Now exit the water and find the door with the missile blast shield and use a missile to get in the door. There is a save station here. SAVE! *********************** In the Torvus Bog [W1.2] *********************** From the save point head out to the Torvus Lagoon. Head back underwater and find the dark door. Pass through it. Shoot the herdlings and continue till you have to enter morph ball mode to continue, then do so. Continue on and out of the water. Head through the door to Great Bridge. Go forwards and you will be attacked by shreakers. They are very hard to scan as they repeatedly cloak. Once you get a scan shoot them with power beam rapid fire. Head through the door on the east other than the one you entered from to enter Portal Chamber. Enter the morph ball tube. Go through and ignore the missile expansion, you can't get it right now. Continue on to Torvus Lagoon. Scan the console and the gates and bridge will fall into place. go across the bridge ignoring the shreakers and enter the light door. Shoot a missile at the shredders to blow them up and continue on. Once you reach Forgotten Bridge you will have to fight some Grenchlers. There are very hardy and tough baddies. Scan them and then kill them by dodging around behind them and using missiles or charge shots on it's shell. Once it's shell is gone you can shoot it's soft back flesh and kill it. Once they are both dead, scan the little horn looking plants around the perimeter of where you just fought them. Now hop up onto the bridge and shoot the dark portal with your dark beam to activate it. Enter it. Welcome to Dark Aether. Scan the Dark Sentinel Crystal that is right and up. Head across the bridge and use a bomb on the bomb slot. Note the bridge in light Aether turned as well. Hop back over to the light portal using the plants under it and go back through to light Aether. Whip out your scan visor and walk forwards, a dark Pirate Commando will appear. Scan it ASAP then fight it. It will phase in and out of timespace so it can prove a challenging foe. Keep shooting it and hopping to avoid it's shots. I think it might be able to make multiple copies of itself. Once it is dead, hop to the left and up the platforms and cross the bridge for a free missile expansion! Can you beat that! Go through the door. Scan the plant that it forwards and to the left. Now hop back up and enter morph ball mode. Head down the morph ball track avoiding the plant. If it causes you too much trouble one dark beam shot and a missile will waste it. Continue through the room and out the light door. Scan the small console next to you and an orb cannon will activate. Get in it and you will be fired up to the bridge. Enter the dark door. Use your scan visor to find a small circle of broken floor in the middle of this room and morph ball bomb it to fall down onto an energy tank! Head right back to Great Bridge and back through the dark door. This time continue on through the dark door to Torvus Temple. Be prepared to fight a gang of space pirates. You will initially have to fight two Space Pirates and two jetpack space pirates. After you beat them, four more space pirates will drop in for a visit. Annihilate them the usual way. Grab the Super Missile! This is a VERY powerful missile system that takes five missiles to fire. It can also open doors with Super Missile Blast doors on them. Collect the Super Missile! Take the elevator up and blow the door open with a super missile to continue. Use a morph ball bomb to access Torvus Energy Controller. Scan the Hologram for a cool cutscene. The Luminoth will upgrade your Translator Module so you can access devices and doors coded with emerald holograms. The time for talk is over. Good hunting, and may the light of Aether guide your aim! Head back out to Torvus Temples and scan the hologram. Take the elevator. Scan the translator and go through the _blue_ door. There will be a Grenchlers here. Get kind of close and wait for it to charge and space jump over it. Enter morph ball mode and continue down under the rock. Kill the two plants. Go further and scan the Luminoth Lore. Go through the light door and prepare to fight. Make sure you scan the Pirate commandos while putting as much distance between them and you as possible. The pirates have a devastating energy sword that will rip you apart if you stay close. Once you have the scan, charge up a charge shot for a super missile and when it's shields are down let them have it. You will want to use super missiles on the pirates to dish out as much damage as possible while their shields are down. HINT: If you can lure one or both of the commandos near the phazon crates in the middle and then shoot a charge shot at the crate it will violently explode and obliterate the pirate or pirates caught in the blast. Go through the door and scan the console to activate a portal to dark Aether. Go through the portal. Welcome to dark Aether. Head through the door to enter Polluted Mire. Shoot the temporary safe zone and hop to it. Beware of the Hunter Ing. Scan them and then use your light beam on them. If your temporary safe zone fails, don't immediately rejuice it. Wait and see if a Hunter ing will enter it and then shoot the temporary safe zone with the light beam. A supercharged safe zone is instant death to all Ing you have encountered so far. Head through the dark door to the east after scanning the Ing sphere. If you make a mistake while climbing the mushrooms and fall into the water, get out immediately. The water is at least twice as damaging as the atmosphere when you don't have the dark suit. Once you pass through the dark door, continue on to find a save point to the left. SAVE! I mean it! If you do not save you will wish you had it. *********************** Enter Boost Guardian [W1.3] *********************** Continue down the towards Dark Forgotten Bridge and then to Dark Arena Tunnel. Kill the drones and go through the morph ball tunnel. Go through the light door and stand in the safe zone. What was that?! Heal in the safe zone, kill the puffers, and continue. When you are ready to fight the boss, roll up and continue down the morph ball tube. BOSS BATTLE!!! Boost Guardian! Difficulty: 7/10 Speed: Very fast. HP: Med Reminder: Scan! Strategy: Ok this boss has a couple forms. Form one: Normal self. Form two: Black ball mode. Form Three: Puddle mode. First off, you can only damage this boss when he is in form one, so you want to keep him that way, and be ready to dish out some serious pain when he is. When he is in form one use super missiles to blast him. When he goes into form 2 he will ricochet all around doing insane amounts of damage. When he is in form two I recommend that you not be in morph ball mode because while that may make you smaller, you cannot jump which is your primary method of evading form 2's attacks. When he is in form three, enter morph ball mode and lay bombs while running from him to induce him into changing back to form 1. He may go back to form 2 if you don't damage him enough in time, do just evade and bomb him when he goes back to form three. You will know when he goes back to form one if a small cutscene shows him get out of goo puddle mode and you will be out of morph ball mode. Let him have it. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. Kill the mini Ing that spawn if you need quick health and missiles. Collect the Boost Ball! Now roll back through the tube to the safe zone and sit there soaking up the health that you lost in the boss battle. One you are healed ramp up the east side of the room using your new boost ball and collect the Dark Torvus key! Head back to the Dark Arena Tunnel using your newfound skill and use it to get over the vanishing blocks. Head back to Gloom Vista, saving on the way there. That is, unless you don't want to save after that hard boss. Scan the terminal and head through the portal to light Aether. Head past Torvus grove to the Underground Tunnel and near the non light door under the railing there is a missile expansion. Get it. Now head to Torvus grove. Near the door there will be a half pipe. Awesome! A place to try it out again already! Ramp up it and hop across the ledges to the dark door. Pass through grove access and scan the creatures to the left in the pond. Go up to the top and ignore the creature. go through the dark door into Forgotten Bridge. Scan the Morph Ball spinner. Kill the light flier and go on after activating the spinner. Head through areas in this order: Ruined Alcove, Torvus Lagoon, Save Station A. Save. Beware of many Grenchlers on the way. Exit Head to Transport to Temple Grounds. Ride the Elevator. Go to Meeting Grounds by way of Torvus Transport Access, Path of Eyes, Hall of Eyes. When you enter Meeting grounds you will come out to a half pipe. Shoot the war wasp hive on the other side with a missile. Now ramp up the half pipe and enter the tube. Now charge a boost and make your way down the tube until you get to an area with vanishing blocks. Boost across that and enter the tube. Morph ball jump your way to the next tube here and continue down the rail. When you get to Hall of Honored Dead you will have to use the four spinners on the ground to line up tiles. I spun the yellow one till it turned yellow, then the purple one, then the red one. You're reward is the Luminoth seeker missiles! Collect the Seeker missiles! Test them out on the door that is purple and head through Service Access to Landing Site. Save on top of your ship. Not only will your energy be restored and your game saved, but all your ammo will be replenished! *********************** After Seeker Missiles [W1.4] *********************** Head back to Torvus! Take the following route: Service Access, Meeting Grounds, Hall of Eyes, Path of Eyes, Torvus Transport Access, Transport to Torvus Bog. Take the elevator down. Now take the following route: Temple Transpor Access, Torvus Lagoon(Save), Portal Chamber, Great Bridge, Temple Access, Torvus Temple and head down on the elevator. On the bottom part of Torvus Temple Take the Super Missile door and head to Underground Transport. Take the elevator down. Head through the door to Hydrodynamo Station. Use the platforms to hop up to the red door. Blow it open with a missile and save. Now hop back down and look into the water. Use your scan visor to get a scan of the Blogg. Hop into the water and head to the north side. Scan the console from the other side to deactivate a lock. Now hop to the center and enter the morph ball hologram. If a Blogg attacks you, wait until it charges you then super missile it's mouth. Hop down onto the purple door's ledge and collect the missile expansion. Use the seeker missiles to lock on and open the purple door. Be sure to step back as you don't want to waste missiles. Head through Training Access. A light will go down the tunnel. Follow it and go through the door to Training Chamber. DANGIT! I thought I shot out her mirror! Oh well, bosses never die. After laughing in your face, dark samus will leave and you have to hop in the water and kill the bloggs. To kill them you will have to shoot a charge shot at them to make them get mad, and then have a charge shot ready, and when they charge you time a super missile so it hits them when they are inches from you. If you shoot it erlier or later they will take no damage. Once they are dead use the spinner. You can use it to line up the red or blue lines. Line up the red lines and follow the red lines until you find a hole. If you come to a gate you went the wrong way. Head into the hole at the end of the red lines and go through the tunnel to the other side of the gate. Scan the Luminoth Lore. Head through the dark door to Transit Tunnel East. Head through the tunnel and enter Catacombs. Scan the lore ahead and to the left, then make your way to the dark door and go through it. Head through Catacombs access and back to Hydrodynamo Station. Scan the console and the bloglings and head back to the middle to be launched up to the top VIA that morph ball launcher. Save! Head back and through the north door back to Training Chamber. Slay all the littler creatures in Traning Access for missile to replenish yours. One in Training Chamber you will want to spin the spinner to allign the blue lines. Do so. If the Blogglings give you trouble, exterminate them. One you line up the blue lines find the hole, drop in, and roll under the lines to the light door. Go through to Transit Tunnel West. Enter the morph Ball Hologram. Go through until you get to Gathering Hall. Hop underwater and use the dark beam to take care of the Blogg. Use the dark beam on the underside of the spiky things to flip them over and head back up to hop across them. Lay a bomb in the bomb slot to open a gate underwater. Head underwater and through the portal. You will come out in Crypt so be on your guard. Dark Pirate Commands will attack you. Stay in the safe zone to keep healing and shoot charge shots at them whenever they appear. After enough abuse you will see them fly backwards when hit. This means that they are dead. Now hop on the platform to the right and up and then up again to use the boost ball slot. Spin it until you see the cutscene then head back through the light portal. Now that you are back in light Aether, kill the Blogg and use the dark beam to flip over the spiny things if needed. Head out of the water and hop across the spiny things to the orb cannon and get into it. Head through the light door. Head through Gathering Access to Hydrodynamo Station. Scan the console as you come out the door. Head to the very bottom of Hydro Dynamo Station and head through the door to Hydrodynamo shaft. Go down and at the bottom the hydlings will be there in droves. They are non agressive, but when killed drop health and ammo so slay them until you are full. Head through the door to the Main Hydrochamber. Drop down and head to Hydrochamber Storage. Grab the gravity boost and head out for a tough boss battle. Collect the Garvity Boost! BOSS BATTLE!!! Alpha Blogg! Difficulty: 6/10 Speed: Med. HP: High Reminder: Scan it ASAP! Strategy: Imagine fighting a Blogg. Now immagine the Blogg is 10x bigger, 10x meaner, and tough as heck, can shoot sonic waves, and is a pain. That is the alpha blogg. Sound tough? To be honest, it isn't as tough as it sounds. To fight it I reccomend the following strategy. First off, keep your distance from it. It is easy to strafe out of the way of it's sonic stun blast that way. This is just like the Blogg in that it is only vulnerable while charging you when it's mouth opens. Beating it is simple enough. Wait until it is far away from you and shoot a missile at it to provoke it into charging you. After shooting the missile hold down Y to charge your missiles until it is charged all of the way. You will be doing this while it is charging and you must dodge out of the way. Now back up and after it rams the wall it will turn and after a second charge you again. Fire the missiles into it's mouth right before it gets to you and dodge at the same time and it should take a lot of damage. Repeat to slay this fell beast. After it is dead you can either do like I did, wander around for 5 minutes looking for a way to escape, of you can remember that you can press B again after your double jump for some jet pack action! Use it to head back up to the door you came in from and head back to Hydrodynamo Shaft. Head back up the stairs and then fire rapidly on where the hydlings are swimming to kill them all. Then use your charge shot to suck in all 30+ of the health and missiles at once. Once in Hydrodynamo station, make your way to the sop and SAVE! *********************** After the Gravity Boost [W1.5] *********************** From the save station head to Hydrodynamo Station and all the way to the bottom back to Hydrodynamo Shaft. Find the dark portal and take it to dark Aether. Grab the key and head back to light Aether. Head back to Hydrodynamo Station and take the dark door. Head through Catacombs Access to Catacombs. Head north to Transit Tunnel East. Beware of the Grenchlers. When you are in Transit Tunnel East roll all the way to the left while still in the morph ball tunnels and bomb jump up to the bomb slot. Bomb it and then roll to the third tube to the right quickly and bomb jump to another bomb slot. You can do this by bomb jumping and laying another bomb just before the peak of your jump. Once you reach the top, bomb this slot, roll to the second tube to your left and bomb jump your way to the energy tank. Now head back to Catacombs and head underwater to find a morphball slot. Bomb it and then head to the dark portal that just appeared. As you come out scan the dark grenchler and then head out to the north. I wouldn't bother fighting them as they are really tough. Go through the door into undertransit two. Head through and go through the dark door to Sacrificial Chamber. Head to the light door to the west and continue through. Don't bother engaging the Hunter Ing. Head through the light door to Undertransit One. Roll to the bottom tube and roll left until you hit the wall. Bomb jump to the top and through the rotors. Now fall to the bottom and bomb jump up and left, then up and right for a missile expansion. Now roll back down to the bottom and roll right and bomb jump your way up and right to the morph ball hologram and head out the other side. Ho through the door to Crypt. What's that, a light crystal right in front of you? What do we do to light crystals? Oh yeah, we shoot them with the dark beam! Some Dark pirates will spawn so finish them. Head across the moving platforms and hop up to the door at the top. Go through the Crypt Tunnel shooting the tentacles out of the way. Go through the light door and hop to the bottom. A pair of hunter Ing will greet you one at a time to be slaughtered. Once you are done with them use the stones around the perimeter of the room as platforms to hop up on the platform above you and use the orb cannon to reach the top. Blow the missile door open and save at the save point. Head back out and drop about halfway down and find a morph ball bomb slot nead a luminoth corpse. Bomb it and head to the Sacrificial Chamber Tunnel. Head through the tunnel and out the door to face the Grenchler you thought was an urban legend. BOSS BATTLE!!! Grapple Guardian! Difficulty: 4/10 Speed: Low HP: Medium Reminder: Scan it ASAP! Strategy: First thing, scan it. NOW! If you don't you cannot fight it. Once you have scanned it hide behind the light pillar and shoot at it's eye. Keep doing this and eventually he will try to shoot the grapple beam at you from his eye. When he does stand clear of the pillar and dodge the grapple beam and he should get his eye stuck on the pillar. Dodge around behind him with the charge shot you should already have ready and hit his back with a super missile to damage him. Keep doing this. Eventually he will get all covered in energy and go psycho. Scan him again and just repeat what you were doing to kill him. This boss is kind of hard if you don't know how to fight him, but rediculously easy if you do. If at ANY time you are wanting health, just lock onto him and circle keeping the pole between him and you and you can just sit there and charge back up to full health and he cannot touch you. Collect the grapple beam! Look up and scan the grapple point, then hop up and use it to swing to the door and head through it. Head back to Undertemple Shaft and fall to the bottom, slay the hunter Ing, and hop back up using the perimeter rocks again and reach the morph ball cannon to reach the top and save. Drop back down and use your grapple beam to reach the light door and go through it. Head through Crypt Tunnel shooting the tentacles with your power beam and ho through the light door to Crypt. Head through the light portal to light Aether. Now is a good time to backtrack and get any energy tanks or missile expansions you may have missed.I had 70 missiles and 6 energy tanks by this time. After you are done end up in Hydrodynamo station and save there. *********************** After the Grapple Beam [W1.6] *********************** After you are done doing any backtracking head from Hydrodynamo up the elevator across from the save point. From Underground Transport head to Torvus Temple, Underground Tunnel, Torvus Grove, Grove Access, Forgotten Bridge. Hop to the right and enter the dark portal. Head out of the safe zone for a split second and then back into it again and you wil have to fight dark commando troopers. Kill them the same way you did before, hiding in the safe zone healing and shooting charge shots or super missiles whenever you see them. One they are dead, head throuhg the super missile door on the bridge. Go through Brooding Ground. Scan the plant with the dark crystal on it then stand on it and shoot the crystal with your light beam. Hop off onto the alcove and enter the morph ball tube. When you get to Venomous pond there will be a Dark Torvus key in the room. Get it VIA the grapple beam. Beware the hunter Ing and head through the missile door to the south and save. Head through the dark door to the east and roll through the tunnel. On the far end, hop all the way up to the top and roll through the tunnel and enter the light portal to transport back to dark Aether. Grab the missile expansion and head back through the dark portal. Head east to Poisoned Bog, and open the seeker missile door with your seeker missile after slaying the hunter ing. Grab the beam ammo expansion. Head back through Portal Chamber to Venomous Pond. Save and head through the light door to the West. Go through the tunnel and enter Dark Torvus Temple. Head around the perimeter to the super missile door and bust it open for an energy tank. When you are ready, head into the glowy ground portal to access the temple. Wow, very ominous dark arena of doom...Shoot the metal supporting the giant cuccoon and a bot fight will begin! BOSS BATTLE!!! Chykka Larvae! Difficulty: 7/10 Speed: Slow HP: Very High Reminder: Scan it ASAP! Strategy: First, scan the boss to find his weak point, then fight him. The boss is reminiscent of Gyorg of Majora's Mask. He only has a few attacks. One he will release dark shredders at you, which is a good thing because you can get missle restocks from them, He will crawl part way onto the platform and try to eat you. Lastly he will leap in the air and make a wave of acid to damage you. Just wait until he hops and then shoot him with a charge shot. When he looses a little health he will get on the platform and try to eat you. When this happens open up on him with everything you have. Missiles, super missiles, dark beam, everything. His attacks hurt a lot, but they are very easy to dodge. Watch your radar when he goes underwater so you know where he will pop out. If he manages to catch you with his toung shoot him with the light beam and he will let go and be stunned, at which point a light beam charge shot or a super missile are in order. Once you kill him a new boss batttle will start. BOSS BATTLE!!! Chykka! Difficulty: 9/10 Speed: Fast HP: High Reminder: Scan it ASAP! Strategy: Ever wondered what a war wasp of doom would look like? Well there it is. Basically Shoot him with every thing you have until he becomes stunned, then shoot his wings. But the catch is that you have to do it from behind. So what you want to do is shoot him a lot with rapid power shots, and then grapple behind it and shoot one of it's wings to death with a super missile. Basically the only thing he will do is suck up a whole mess of acid from the ground and spew it at you. It is pretty hard to avoid, but it doesn't hurt that much. After his wings are history he will become dark Chykka. @_@ Scan it again and target it's eggsac. Blast it with the light beam charge shot and dake out the small bugs for ammo and health refills. After a certain amount of time he will change to Chykka mode again. Damage him and shoot his wings off again to make him turn into dark Chykka and damage him more. Also, instead of his normal attack now, he will gain a dive bomb attack where he will ram you off the platform. Get right back on and maintain a rapid fire on him. Once he turns into Dark Chykka again repeat the light beam charge shots to do massive damage. Once he is dead, collect all the junk he dropped and scan the corpse for a very comforting message about it not likely to be resurrected and it is most definatly not healing itself or having it's corpse posessed by the Ing. I feel REEEEAL safe now. Get the dark visor. Collect the Dark Visor! Use the Dark Visor to scale the invisible platforms that you see rise, and enter Dark Controller Access. Bomb the statue and enter Dark Torvus Energy Controller. Get the energy and head back out to Dark Torvus Temple. Take the elevator down and take the light door to the east, refilling your ammo at the recharge station to the South. Head back to where the elevator is and head through the light door to the east. Head through the Temple Access and to the venomous pond. Save at the save point. From the save point, head through Venomous Pond, Brooding Ground, Dark Forgotten Bridge, and head through the portal there to light Aether. From there go to Grove Access, Torvus Grove, Underground Tunnel, Torvus Temple. When you get to Torvus Grove, those dark Commandos will attack again, only this time you can use your dark visor to see them! this makes them rediculously easy! Once you get to the great temple head into the energy controller and retuen the energy. Time to go see U-mos again. Once you get back to the temple, take this path: Temple Access, Great Bridge, Path of Roots (Use grapple to get Missile Expansion), Torvus Lagoon (Get the missile expansion by facing the blue door near the Luminoth Corpse and backing into the water It will be in the white circle above and in front of you. Use the Gravity boost and make your way up to it.), Save, Temple Transport Access, Transport to Temple Grounds. Take the elevator up to Temple Grounds. Take this path: Torvus Transport Access, Path of Eyes, Windchamber Gateway (super missile door) Enter the orb cannon and get blasted to the other side. Use the grapple beam to get the Energy Tank. Get back in the orb cannon and get blasted back across.. Now go Path of Eyes, Hall of Eyes, Meeting Grounds. Use your Dark Visor to take out the Dark Commandos and take the elevator in Temple Transport C. Head to the Temple Sanctuary, Controller Transport, Main Energy Controller. Watch the cutscene and then head back down the elevator and save at the nearby save point. *********************** Torvus Energy Restored [W1.7] *********************** From the save point roll up into morph ball mode and bomb the pile of rocks that are nearby and roll under the save point for a missile expansion. Now head to Transport B access and Temple Transport B. Now from Temple Assembly Site, take the following path: Dynamo Chamber, Communication Area, Storage Cavern A, Scan the corpse and equip your dark visor to see a curious red thing above the corpse. Find a small cracked glass plate on the ground between the exits to Storage Cavern A and Dynamo Chamber and Bomb it. Roll in to get a Missile Expansion. Now head back out to Temple Assembly Site and head to the southmost part of the area in the middle and hop on the platform to the ledge above. Enter morph ball mode and roll alone until you find a morph ball tunnel. Enter it and go to the end for a Missile Expansion. Now head to Collapsed Tunnel and toIndustrial Site. From there head to Hive Transport Area. Take the elevator down. Head to Hive Chamber B through Hive Chamber C. Save if you want but there is really no need because nobody here represents much of a threat. Once in Hive Chamber B, Bomb the cracked glowing plate for a Missile Expansion. Head through Hive Storage to Command Chamber and to Hive Tunnel. You will be facing those Troopers again but they are no match for you now. Like they even were before. Annihilate them. As soon as you enter Hive Chamber A, prepare for a really easy Mini Boss Fight. It doesn't even deserve to be called a Mini-Boss but it's health bar appears above the screen so I guess it is. After you scan it obliterate it as you would a normal space pirate, only one that it dumber than a brick and slow to boot while posessing the ability to not be able to hit the broad side of a barn. I had to TRY to get hit by it's attacks just to see how powerful they were and it hurts about 8 energy. Once you kill it collect the Missile Expansion. That was a joke! Head to Landing Site VIA Hive Tunnel, Command Chamber, Hive Chamber B, Hive Chamber C, Hive Transport Area, Hive access Tunnel, Landing Site and save at your ship to refill your light and dark ammo. Now head back to Hive Transport Area, Industrial Site, Collapsed Tunnel, Temple Assembly Site, Temple Transport B. From here head to Temple Transport A. You may want to save on the way. Head down the elevator. Now head to GFMC Compound by way of Sacred Path, Sacred Bridge. When you get to Sacred Bridge you will not be able to continue as a large gate blocks your path. Flip on the Dark Visor and charge up a group of seeker missiles for the nodes near the door to open it. Pirates! Slay them. Scan the emerald Translator gate and go through the door behind it. As you go around the corner have your scan visor up and get a scanning lock on the heavy turrt and hide behind the wall again. After you have the scan, pop out with charge shots directly after it shoots do hit it then dodge back behind cover. You can use missiles but there is no need. As you get to the joint part of the room there will be another turret. Use side dashes to dodge it's fire. Scan the Luminoth Lore beyond the turret and go through the door. Enter Transport To Sanctuary Fortress and take the elevator. Head through the door with a charge shot active. As you come around the final bend there will be two Luminoth Turrets. Let them have it with charge shots while dodging the blasts. Scan the nearby console to open the ring door. Scan the lttle robots crawling on the wall to the right. they are cute little robots and they don't try to kill you! Use the spinner at the end of this room to open the ring gate. Head through the door. Cutscene time. The place reminds me of Electro-Palace, a weird electronics shop in a 2-bit town I used to live in. Anyways, Proceed to fight five Pirate Commandos. I didn't find them too difficult. Dark beam charge shots and missile or super missiles and a few power beam charge shots will do them in nicely. Also there are phazon crates lying around that you can shoot when they are near to make the pirates die. Don't worry about falling off, if you do you will just be teleported up to the begining of the area. As in not you restarting the area from when you came in, just as in you teleported to the begining. Baddies are still wounded, everything is as if you didn't fall off, but just translocated to the begining of the room. Proceed through the light door to Power Junction. Scan the Octopede drons, then shoot them to make them blow up. Go through the door to Reactor Access. A dead end. Not exactly, With the dark visor you can see some more red nodes to target with seeker missiles. Charge up your dark beam and slay the weird machine before it can do anything or it will put a virus in your suit and you will have to press L+R+B to reboot during which time you will be helpless. Head through the new door to Reactor Core. Now you have to fight a weird Luminoth Robot. Scan it. Quad M8s are tough little things! Dodge it until it starts to spin like a top, then boost into it to make it lose balance. Now roll under it and lay all 3 bombs you have. The body should be destroyed. Scan the head and start shooting it with the dark beam. Scan the weird machine type thing at the north end of the room that you saw before and go to the east and blow the door open with a missile. Save. *********************** Before the Spider Ball [W1.8] *********************** Ok, from the save point head out to Reactor Core and kill the Rezbits. Head back to the save point to heal any energy you lost. (Note: You don't need to save to restore energy.) Then hop up the ledges to the blue door at the top and head through to Minigyro Chamber. Scan the little holocron thingy and it will tell you the lockdown passwords are "Amber, Cobalt, Crimson, Emerald." Now head north and into the morph ball tube. Now bomb the slots in the order you were given them. Amber (orange), Cobalt (blue), Crimson (red), Emerald (green). Now roll through the center of the rings you stopped and continue. Head through the door to the Hall of Combat Mastery. Fight a couple more quads and continue on. Remember, after you blow up the body use the dark beam on the head. Once you get to the end activate and pass through the tunnel. Now that you are in dark aether, park it in that safe zone until you are fully healed. It doesn't pay to walk around with low health. Here in the Culling Chamber, you are headed for the dark beam door. Open the door and head through to Central Hive East Transport. Take the elevator up after scanning the console to the right. Head through the dark door at the top and shoot the temporary safe zone below. Hop down to it and shoot all the nightbarbs that are blocking your grapple point. Once they are gone graple across and look back where you were with the dark visor. Above there should be five seeker missile targets. Shoot them with the seeker missiles and go through the light portal. Head through to Dynamo Access and kill the Dilligence Class Drones with your dark beam after scanning it. Scan the Mechlops below and then enter the morph ball maze. Just avoid the Mechlopses and head out the other side killing the drone on the other side. Go through the dark door to Main Gyro Chamber. Head right and go through the morph ball tunnel. Try not to get hypnotized by the spinny thing. Go through the next morph ball tunnel and bomb the morph ball slot. Note: You can go through the missile door here for a save point. Aren't you lucky! I almost didn't enter that room but curiosity got the better of me! Anyways, see the energy beams headed to the targets? Your goal is to line the different colors up with the corrisponding beam. All you have to do is shoot the top left target,then the top right, then the bottom left, then the bottom right. Once you get them lined up a bomb slot will come from the floor. Bomb it to shut down the large ring. Now roll back through one morph ball tunnel and run across the large ring. Use the spinner to open the door. Scan the console and take the elevator up. Head through the blue door to Temple Access. Fight the Quad CM and head through the door. Hop down and scan the dark Quad CMs. After you scan them, kill them obviously. They aren't much tougher. Head through the door to the south by climbing up and grappling across. Bomb the statue's Bomb Slot. Head to Sanctuary Energy Controller. Scan the hologram for a cutscene. Your Translator Module will be upgraded to allow you to access devices and doors coded with cobalt holograms. Scan the nearby cobalt lore. Head back through controller access to Sanctuary Temple. To the east there will be a door coded in cobalt. Scan it and go through the door to Workers Path. Hop to the third platform and turn and scan the little red thing on the side of the second platform to activate the orb cannon. Hop back to the second platform and enter the orb cannon. Scan the boss before you go into the hole. (He is that small rolling creature) Head through the hole for an odd and challenging boss. fight. BOSS BATTLE!!! Spider Guardian! Difficulty: 10/10 Speed: Varies. HP: Low. Reminder: Scan it Before entering the tube. You can make is stay green by bombing it while it is green. Strategy: This is an odd boss battle as it takes place entirely in morph ball mode. The object is to get past it, bomb it so that it is green, then get to the bomb slot and bomb it while the guardian is still green. If you do this the guardian will run into an electrified thingamabobit and get hurt. Ok, To start off, bomb jump up behind it being carefull to avoid it's damaging aura. Next bomb jump up the left side. Now position yourself so that you can bomb it and hop to safety at the same time while above and to the right of the large square in the middle. Once the guardian is green, head for the bomb slot and bomb it. Stage two: this stage I found to be the hardest. Basically you have to time your boosts so that he will get hit with the bomb you lay but his aura won't hit you. Once he is green, you have to boost all the way up the left side and roll down to the platform that is to the right of the highest one. Then you have to bomb jump into the slot and bomb it. Stage three: Basically you have to boost up to the top left and wait up on top for it to come near you. Then drop down dropping a bomb on the rail so it will run into it. When you bomb it so it will turn green you want to already have boosted your way up to the top again so you can get to the bomb slot before it gets between the slot and you. Phase four: Basically there is a whole network of spider tracks here and pretty much anywhere you can go, the boss can go. Basically time your jumps and bombs so that they hit him and don't hit you, when he is paralyzed bomb him a whole bunch of times to make him go instantly green. Ok, the first one is fairly straitforwards. Bomb him to green status and then get in the slot and make sure he is to the right of the door before you use the switch. Then roll down to the left because he will come to the left first. Secondly you have to bomb him to green status, use the first bomb switch, then use the second one which is above and to the right. Then after that you have to bomb him, then bomb the first slot, then bomb the second slot, then bomb the third slot. This isn't much more difficult than when you had to bomb 2 slots if you can sacrifice 30 health (1 hit) when he is in the middle to bomb him again. Once you get the last one roll to the left, out of the way, and let the pillbug take his course. Go up for some health and the spider ball. Collect the Spider Ball! Head back and use your spider ball to get to the top left of the 4th spiderball track for a missile expansion! Roll down that tube near the expansion and fall down and then go up the nearby magnetic rail. Scan the Luminoth corpse for a lore entry. Now how about fighting that boss again! You don't like that idea? THEN SAVE! the nearby Save station B is the closest save station so make a beeline for there. Head back to dynamo works and use the spiderball track by the Luminoth corpse to enter a lift area. Upon entering Hall of Combat Mastery scan the lore to the right and then enter the spiderball track to the right after scanning it. Once you get to teh other side locate the spiderball track to the left and go up it. Make your way through the very simple maze to the bomb slot. The conveyor belt will be moving the other way now. Use your boost to get through the flames. Bomb jump past all the lasers to the top. Roll all the way left and bomb the crate to get past. Fall through the disapearing green blocks and time your jumps to get pastthe lasers onto the topmost platform. Once on the top platform wait until it is at the farthest left point on its route and roll left. Bomb jump left onto the platform and roll left. Then once the camera changes positions roll right and then down and left. I probably don't have to tell you this, but don't roll in the phazon. It has been clinicly proven to cause things like cancer, high blood preasure, and a slow painful death. Instead, bomb hop to the blatform and then bomb hop using your spider ball to stick to the bottom if the above platform. Wait until that platform is over the third one and then drop onto it. Wait until this third platform is under the spiderball track and bomb hop while holding "R" to stick onto the track. Roll all the way to the right and bomb hop up while holding "R" to stick to this track. Roll all the way right and drop off. DO NOT ROLL ALL THE WAY TO THE RIGHT! If you do you will have to start all over again! Roll halfway to the right until you are under the missile expansion and lay a bomb to hop up to it. Now head through Minigyro Chamber. Beware of the Ing Smashers. They are very ugly customers. Scan it and avoid it while heading onwards. Enter the morphball tunnel and boost onwards. When you reach Reactor Core, Kill the Rezbit with a dark beam charge shot and a missile. Now drop down and do the same for the other two rezbits. Now enter the nearby orb cannon and get shot while holding R. Roll up the magnetic track to the next orb, dodging the electricity. When you get to a red dot, charge a boost while on it to launch to a new orb. Continue on making sure to wait until the electricity is off before boosting ot the next orb. Once the electricity goes off quickly boost to the next orb and get to the boost spot and boost to the next one before the energy turns back on. The nest orb is not energized so hang around on it until the next orbs energy goes off and boost to the next one. Quickly boost to the last orb before the energy comes back on and from there boost to the magnetic track. Roll to the end of the magnetic track and charge a boost to hop to the next magnetic track. Roll all the way down that for an energy tank. Head down to the nearby save station and save. *********************** After the Spider Ball [W1.9] *********************** From the save station head to Reactor Core, Reactor Access, Power Junction, Sanctuary Entrance. Dark Samus will roar and destroy the bridge. So head to the spiderball track that is left of where you came out and go up it. Head to the small bent circle where you can go no farther and use your boost like you did on the orbs to hop to the next spiderball track. Bomb jump to the spiderball track above and continue one. Your suit will tell you that you have to go all the way back to dark torvus bog to get the chozo technology. Head up the elevator. As soon as you set foot out the door those Luminoth Turrets will be at it again shelling you. Take them out. Head through to GFMC compound. Now head to Temple Transport A and up to the save station. Pack up and get ready! We're headed back to Agon wastes for some powerups. If you want to skip these just skip down to the next section. Head out Temple Transport B and take the following path: Temple Assembly Site, Collapsed Tunnel, Industrial Site, Agon Transport Access, Transport to Agon Wastes. Head to Mining Plaza and head East using your Space Jump. Go through the Tunnel to Mining Station A and Head North to Agon Temple after slaying the Aerotroopers. Head to the west door and go through the morphball tunnel to get to the purple door which you can now open. When you reach Mining PLaza B, kill the Lumites, and scan everything. Head to the north area of the room and scan the console to bring the morph ball cannon online. Ride it up and scan the lore. Roll back down and bomb the bomb slot out in the main area, now quickly roll to the north area and enter the morph ball cannon. Quickly roll past and bomb the second bomb slot to make the spinner break the wall and stop. Now go back down to the halfpipe near the orb cannon and boost up it onto the left side of it where you will find an area you can roll into. Roll all the way to the end and you will end up on the large rotor. Head into the portal. You will be in Trial Ground. Scan the Luminoth from where you are. HEad over to the Safe zone and kill nightbarbs if you need stuff. Once the swarm of nightbarbs is gone, head northeast. Hob up and follow the Temporary safe zones to the blue door and head through it to Dark Transit Station. Head through the morph ball tunnels and go through the door reach a portal. Go through it. Head through the door Head back through the tunnels bombing the rock out of the way and go through the door on the other side to claim your well earned prize! Collect the Darkburst! You will be attacked by Pirate Aero Troopers, so slay them like usual. Head back to the northeast orb cannon and get shot up to the next ledge. Head back out to Agon Temple and Hewad south to Portal Terminal. Head to Transport Center and use the boost ball to reach the Portal. Go through it and collect the Missile Expansion. Drop down and head to Save Station 2. Save and kill nightbarbs with your dark and light beams for light and dark ammo. Head out to Duelling Range. Head through the East door to Junction Site. Roll into the middle and use the Spider Ball to roll up to the top. Bomb the slot and the platform will flip. Drop down to get the Missile Expansion. Use the Spider Ball to roll back up to the top and bomb the slot again to reverse it. Head back to Duelling Range. This time head through the dark door to the west. Now in Ing Cache 4, equip your light beam and hop down supercharging the Temporary Safe Zone. That will kill the Ing Drones. Now turn around and under morph ball mode and roll in the tunnel for a missile expansion. Head back to Judgement Pit. Light beam the Ing to death and Save at the save spot behind the dark door. Now head to the east end of Judgment Pit and supermissile the door open. Now head to near the phazon and bomb the cracked plating to fall through. Quickly roll through the phazon to the missile expansion and back. Recharge at the safe zone. Head on to doomed entry. Scan the nullified Safe Zone to the right and continue North to Dark Oasis. Head down to save station 3. Head to Phazon Site and scan the dark metroids, then back to the save point and to Dark Oasis. Head through the portal. Head back to save station C, being mindful of the turrets. Head through Venthilation Area B to Bioenergy Production. Open fire on the metroids and get close to the door so when they charge you they will pop. Head to the northwest corner of the room and get on the spiderball track. Ride it up and use the tracks ahead to get over the gaps. When you get to the place where you have to use your boost ball to hop between spider ball tracks, don't go to the end. Instead, near the longest one if you get on the tip of it you should boost to a new track. From there boost to the pillar that you had to move earlier in the game and roll to the other side. Once you are on the other side, charge up a boost and boost to the ledge. Blow through the door with a super missile and head through for a missile expansion. From here head all the way to save station A and save. *********************** After the Dark Burst [W2.0] *********************** Ok, from the save point head to Transport center and go through the purple door to Transport to Torvus Bog. Take the elevator down and head through Underground Tunnel to Torvus Grove, and then to Grove Access (Use the halfpipe). When you get to Forgotten Bridge, go in the missile door and enter the morph ball track. BOmb hop up and over and bomb the bomb slot. Now use the newly moved platform to bomb jumo higher and reach the second bomb slot. Now use the platform that that moved and roll into the hole. Use your boost ball on this halfpipe to get to the top of the right side and claim the missile expansion. Now roll back through the pipe you came in and continue on to the left. Go through the blue door to Torvus Plaza where you will be attacked by two Dark commandos. Waste them and halfpipe up to the spider track on the right. Roll up the spider track to the right and drop off. Roll towards the camera taking care not to call off and bomb jump while holding down "R" to stick onto the new track. Take that track all the way to the right and drop off on a tree branch with metal on top of it. Roll on that metal to another spider track. Bomb hop onto it. Roll all the way right. If the plant gets you and you fall, look up and shoot it with the dark beam and a missile to paste it. Otherwise bomb hop to the staple shaped section of Spider Ball track and roll to the end of that and let go of "R" and quickly depress it again to catch onto the lower magnetic rail. Use a bomb jump to jump to the first rotating magnetic square and then time a bomb to jump you to the second. From there time a bomb jump to go to the top. From there roll all the way to the right and drop off, roll across the metal and bomb hop to the next magnetic rail. Time a jump to the rotating magnetic square above and drop off on the lower section of magnetic rail. Time a jump to get on the right magnetic square on the rotating column and roll up onto the stationary magnetic square. From there time a bomb jump to the above fast moving magnetic square and then to the above Spider Ball track. Roll right, then down, then right and time a drop to the lower rotating magnetic square. Once you are on that one wait until it rotates above the rotating square below and drop onto the lower one. Now hold right when the square is at it's rightmost part of rotation and you will roll right down the magnetic track. Roll right then up to an orb cannon. Enter it and it will shoot you to an energy tank! Now head back to Torvus Temple. From here head to Underground Transport. In Hydrodynamo Station head to the save point and save. Now head all the way down to Main Hydrochamber. Head to the North end of this area and head up the spiderball tracks. (Note: I spent so long trying to figure out that I was supposed to here. Luckily you have me to write this guide so you don't have to resort to something as cheap as turning the help on. Once you get to the top activate the portal and head through. Drop down and walk forwards for a boss battle. BOSS BATTLE!!! Power Bomb Guardian! Difficulty: 5/10 Speed: None HP: Medium. Reminder: Scan it. Also take not of the begining cutscene. Nice of them to make it so blatantly obvious that you have to bomb the slots. Strategy: After scanning it, take to the spiderball tracks. Here is a general hint for this battle. Don't stop and camp in the same place for long. This boss throws powerbombs like a maniac. Basically all you have to do is get to all of the 4 bomb slots and bomb them. Not very hard. The only thing that makes this boss remotely challenging is the fact that you are constantly losing health and his bombs and Inglet minions will knock you down to the floor if you get hit by them. However the inglets will drop health if killed. He will always try to fire the bombs in front of you so when he charges up his bomb start heading away from where you want to go and he will fire his bombs that way giving you a clear shot at whereever you are trying to get. Once all 4 bomb slots have been bombed, metal will fall and squish him and HP balls will come pouring out. Use the Spiderball Tracks to roll up to the top and get the Power Bombs. Collect the Power Bombs! Go through the power bomb door go through the portal that is directly above and behind you. Kill the hydlings to refill energy and ammo. Head all the way back up to the very top and save your game. Head down into the light door and head to Gathering Hall. Power Bomb the shattered glass at the bottom of the pool and then the plug at the bottom. When the place is drained use the halfpipe to boost up to the Spider Ball tracks on both sides and use your boost to get to the bomb slots. Bomb them to lower the forcefield around that missile expansion. Use the nearby grapple point to reach the ledge that came out and hop to the Missile Expansion. Head back to Hydrodynamo Station and take the elevator up. Head to Torvus Grove and Power Bomb the weak tree leg for a missile expansion. Go south and enter Transport to Agon Wastes. Head to the nearby Save Station A and save your game! *********************** After the Power Bombs [W2.1] *********************** From the save station head to Mining Plaza, Mining Station Access, Mining Station A, Temple Access, Agon Temple. Mine Shaft, Mining Station B. Here you must Power Bomb the cracked rock that you can scan. Open the light door and go through for a missile expansion. Now take the following route: Mine Shaft, Agon Temple, Temple Access, Mining station A, Mining Station Access, Mining Plaza, Plaza Access, Transport to Temple Grounds. Take the elevator to the temple grounds. Now you have to head all the way to the other side of the level, so take this path: Agon Transport Access, Industrial Site, Collapsed Tunnel, Temple Assembly Site, Dynamo Chamber (Bomb gate and cracked rock wall for a power bomb expansion), Back to Temple Assembly Site, Temple Transport B, Transport B Access, Temple Sanctuary, Transport C Access, Temple Transport C, Meeting Grounds, Hall of Eyes, Path of Eyes, Windchamber Gateway. From here Power Bomb the yellow door and head through to Grand Windchamber. Here you will be met by a mere two Aerotroopers. Slay them and head through the Dark Portal. Use the nearby Spinner device to turn the ring until it turns yellow. Now use the morphball cannon to the right to get shot over to the nearby platform. Use this spinner device to turn the top ring till it is yellow. Go right, orb cannon, spinner ring, go right, orb cannon, spinner ring, right, orb cannon. Now use the seeker missiles to shoot each of the 4 purple dots. Metal beams will rise here and in light Aether. Repeat the process, only aligning the rings to the blue position before shooting them. Head back through the light portal to light Aether. Head left and use the grapple point to swing over to the orb cannon you will ride to your prize! You will be attacked by Dark Pirate Commandos, so you could either kill them normally or use your new beam of death on them! Collect the Sunburst! From here head to Torvus Bog VIA this route: Windchamber Gateway, Path of Eyes, Torvus Transport Access, Transport to Torvus Bog. Frem here take this path: Tample Transport Access, Torvus Lagoon, Path of Roots, Great Bridge. Scan the translator and head through the door to get the map! Head back outside and use the orb cannon to get on the bridge where you can lay a power bomb next to the pile of rocks to open a tunnel. Roll through this tunnel for a Power Bomb Expansion. Now head to Temple Access, Torvus Temple, Underground Transport, Hydrodynamo Station, Save Station B. Save your Game. *********************** After the Sunburst [W2.2] *********************** Okay, from the save point, head to Training Access, Training Chamber, use the spiderball tracks to get to the statue and lay a bomb in the slot to move it. Collect the missile expansion behind it and continue up the spiderball track to the door. Head through Fortress Transport Access, Transport to Sanctuary Fortress. Take the elevator up! Head throuhg torvus Transport Access to Main Research. Scan the lore to the left and slay the quads. Scan the large drone in the center of the room. Now head back to the elevator. Head out to Hydrodynamo Station and take the elevator up. Head all the way back to Temple Grounds VIA this path: Temple Access, Great Bridge, Portal Chamber, Torvus Lagoon, Temple Transport Access, Transport to Temple Grounds. Take the elevator up. Now take the following path: Torvus Transport Access, Path of Eyes, WindChamber Gateway, Grand Windchamber, Windchamber Tunnel, GFMC compound, Fortress Transport Access, Transport to Sanctuary Fortress. Take the elevator and head to Sanctuary Entrance by way of Temple Transport Access. Head to the other side VIA the Spider Ball tracks and head to the left of the door and Power Bomb the glass. Scan the small console and head back down the elevator. Enter the orb cannon in front of you and blast up to the rind and roll like a marble up to the turret using the Spider Ball. Blow up the large cracked wall to the top and in front of you and the rubble near the lower right hand side, to the right of the door. Then turn around and blow up the rubble above the door on the other side Head up to the right of the door, where you just blew up the rubble, and scan the Luminoth Lore. Head up the Spider Ball tracks, using the Boost Ball, and at the end scan the Luminoth corpse. Now get into the orb cannon and get shot over to the other side. Collect the Power Bomb Expansion. Now head to Power Junction, Reactor Access, Reactor Core, Save, Minigyro Chamber, Hall of Combat Mastery, Central Area Transport East, Now head through Dynamo Access to Main Gyro Chamber. Head to the nearby save point and save. Trust me on this one. Take the elevator by the light door and bomb the crates that are made of denzium. Bomb the slot for another puzzle. You have to shoot in this order. Bottom-Right 3x, Bottom Left 2x, Top Left 2x, Bottom Left, Top Left, Top Right. Bomb the seconds slot. Head back down to the rings. Head around the ring Counter-Clockwise and take the spiderball track on the side of the middle ring. Roll up and boost through the cracked glass and Power Bomb the door. Head through to checkpoint station and Dark Samus utterly destroys some Commandos. Head right and wait for the door to open and continue on. Dark Samus is no longer there, head throuhg the door for a boss fight in Aerie Transport Station. BOSS BATTLE!!! Dark Samus 2! Difficulty: 8/10 Speed: Fast HP: Medium. Reminder: SCAN! Strategy: As soon as the battle starts she will have quite a devistating arsenal of attacks to launch at you. She can: Enter morph ball mode and dash around the room doing heavy damage if she touches you. Lock onto her and hop away if she comes towards you. Fire a version of the ice spreader from Petroid Prime 1 that will encase you in phazon. Tap B to escape, Turn invisible and attack you. When this happens switch to your dark visor and keep fighting. When you do enough damage whe will switch back visible and your dark visor will be impossible to see with. Attack her with power beam shots until you think she is going to use a move. When she uses the move wait until she is relitively still and Super Missile her. After she is dead, head out the broken glass and around the edge to the left. Enter the portal. Head around the edge again and roll up the Spider Ball track. Drop into the arena and roll to the other side and use the spinner. Once the rails lock into place go and roll up to them. Once you get to the end use the boost to boost into the safe zone. You can park it here and heal from your battle with Dark Samus while you go get a snack, or you can hop across and head into the portal. My personal recomendation involves cookie dough ice cream! Once you are through the light portal grab the Echo Visor. Collect the Echo Visor! Now switch to your Echo Visor and find the three lock wave emitters and shoot them. Step into the hologram to activate the elevator. Now head to main gyro chamber and SAVE! *********************** After the Echo Visor [W2.3] *********************** From the save station take this route: Main Gyro Chamber, Dynamo Access, Dynamo Works, Control Area Transport East. Take the elevator down. Dash through the Hall of Combat Mastery in morph ball mode and the Ingsmashers should stay in stasis. Head through Minigyro Chamber to Reactor Core. SAVE! Stust me, there is a HUGE glitch in the game in a part coming up that if you mess up you could make it impossible to complete the game. I reccomend backing up your save file on an alternate memory card. Head through the translator door to the Sanctuary Map Station. Collect the map! Head back out and through the Power Bomb door. P2 [Sanctuary Fortress] Use a power bomb to break the cracked glass and enter the portal behind it. Defeat the Dark Ingsmasher and take the portal it was guarding. Roll through the tunnel and take ANOTHER portal. Use the spider track to rach yet ANOTHER portal then use another track to get your expansion. Use a Power Bomb to break the cracked glass and head through the portal. Scan the dark Ingsmasher and kill it like you would a normal one. The only differences between this one and a normal Ingsmasher is that this one has more HP and is weak to light attacks. Head through the new portal. Go through the morphball tunnel to another portal and head through it. Head up the Spider Ball track and through the tunnel into a new portal. Go up this next Spider Ball track and accross into the next tube where you will collect a Power Bomb Expansion! Continue through to Main Research avoiding the Luminoth Turrets. NOTE: DO NOT SAVE AT ANY TIME FOR THE NEXT 10 GAMEPLAY MINUTES! THERE IS A SMALL BOSS COMING UP BUT THERE IS ALSO A GLITCH WITH THE ECHO VISOR AND THE SONIC TARGETS THAT CAN MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO COMPLETE THE GAME IF YOU MESS UP AND SAVE AFTERWARDS! Shoot the sonic targets and proceed into the dark portal. Kill the hunter Ing and find and shoot the sonic targets. Shoot them all. Scan the small console and head back through the portal after recharging any health you may have lost. Head to the North side of the room and spiderball up the magnetic rails avoiding the obsticals. When you get to the end there will be a missile expansion waiting for you! Head back into the dark portal again. Kill the worker Ing and head through the portal on the bottom middle area. Ok, head up the spiderball tracks for a mini-boss attack. Basically it will try to zap you and you have to avoid it and hit the glowy red thing that pops out. Once you boost through the glowy red thing enough times, a large round canister will periodically fall out of the bottom. Hit that to destroy it and move on. Head up the morph ball tracks. Repeat to move up again. On the third stage the machine will rotate faster and change directions more often. This is slightly more tricky but you still do the same thing. Once you finish this it will die and you should roll up to the top and into the alcove. Foll through the blue square "tubes" and fall down on the other side. A cover will block your orb cannon! Whip out the echo visor and find the sourse and shoot it. Weeeeeeeee! Anyway, break the boxes for powerups and head through the door. Hop on the platform that is going in front of you and ride it to the opposite side of the room. Head through the light door and collect the energy tank. When you come out of the light door again turn left and hop onto that platform. Ride the Spider Ball tracks up and drop off into the orb cannon which will shoot you into another Spider Ball track. Drop to the track to the right and down and then bomb hop up to the next one. Continue right and bomb hop onto the rounded Spider Ball track. Be sure to drop the bomb to jump onto the above wheel early as if the wheel rolls you into the wall before you make the jump, you will take damage and fall off having to start over. Do the same with this upper wheel. Drop onto the plate of magnetic tracks. Head to the lower righthand corner and down the Spider Ball track into the Morph Ball slot. Lay a bomb to raise the gate under you. Head through the portal. Head right to the blue door to Judgement Drop and use the grapple points to swing across. The preeds tend to like to damage you or knock you off so you might want to clear a path across before you swing. Head to the platform on the left and from there jump to the portal. Hop to the platform on the right and head NorthWest. Hey! You are really close to where your scanners picked up that "mass movement technology!" Sweet! Your powerup is right there in front of you and yet you can't reach it! BLAH! Drop to lowe level of the middle platform and scan the small console. Enter the portal. Grapple across and turn to scan the dark war wasps. Scan the portal generator and go through the portal. Hop to the platform to the left first. From there head up to the spinner platform and after hitting the rezbit with a charged dark beam and missle, spin the large laser cannon until it aims towards the center. Continue clockwise and do the other spinner, then head back and go right this time and do both of those spinners. Go back to the west side of the room and head through the portal. Go through and head to the east side of the room and go through the portal. Head across the bridge, around the pillar, and onto the small platform. Bomb the slot to make the lasers open the Luminoth Vault. Grab the screw attack. Collect the Screw Attack! Now take the following path: Grand Abyss (hop over with your screw attack), Watch Station, Watch Station Access, Main Gyro Chamber. From here head to Temple Access and hop down to the lower area and slay the rezbit. Now look back from where you jumped and look above with the dark visor and use the seeker missile to shoot out all of the red plates. Now switch to your Echo Visor and shoot the sonic lock. Enter the orb cannon before the beeping stops and then roll back to get a missile expansion. Right next to you will be a spinner which you will use to open a door in the floor you can get out of. Head through to Main Gyro Chamber. SAVE! *********************** After the Screw Attack [W2.4] *********************** From the save point you should head to Main Gyro Chamber. Head to Dynamo Access and then Dynamo works. Take the elevator down. In the Hall of Combat Mastrey, dash to the portal ignoring the Ingsmashers. Kill the Dark Pirate Commandos and use the Spider Ball tracks and a Morph Ball bomb to get the key. Now head out the door to the west to Unseen Way and go to Hive reactor. Here you can save and refil your ammo. I have a feeling you will be pretty low on ammo by now. Head back to Culling Chamber and head through the portal. Now take this path: Minigyro Chamber, Reactor Core, Transit Station, Main Research. Head through the portal. Hop up and go through the door on the west side of the room. In Central Hive West Transport you will have to wall jump to the top of a long passageway. This could take a while but you will get the hang of it quickly. Once you reach the top walk through the door and collect the key that is sitting right there. Screw attack over to the light portal and go through to face a couple of Aerotroopers. Blow them off the face of the earth. Now head through the light door to the east to Watch Station Access. Head through to Main Gyro Chamber and save. Now head to Dynamo Works to the east and enter the portal. Fomr Hive Dynamo Works head west through the light door to Hive Dynamo Access. Slay the lone Ing and use the Echo Visor to find the Sonic Emiters. Shoot them to open the way and proceed through the light door. Fall down into the pit and head up the magnetic rail and around the large magnetic sphere while avoiding the tentacles. Find the small section of Spider Ball track and go to the top and boost off the pad onto a new rail. From here boost through the key onto the other side! Yay! The final key! Boost from to sphere to the red door and blow it open for a save spot. If the tentacles give you too much trouble you can nuke them all with a power bomb. Now get to the blue door on the same side to fight some ing and get to an ammo replenisher. BTW now is a good time to use your sunburst on the ing. You will have all your ammo replenished when you get past them! Now you may want to save again if you lost a lot of energy, and then head to the blue door on the other side. Head into the hologram to open the way for another Boss battle! Head through Hive Temple Access. WOAHMG! Giant robot! At least it's dead so you won't have to fight it. WRONG! BOSS BATTLE!!! Quadraxis! Difficulty: 9/10 Speed: Slow (but he takes up 30% of the arena anyways) HP: Set. Reminder: SCAN! Strategy:He has three forms, each with different attacks. Form one: Basically he is totally invincible to your weapons. Except for his Achilles heel which is his heels! Boost ball into them to break them and once all four are broken you can attack with rapid fire power beam shots until it breaks. Basically all he does is rapid fire lasers out of his eyes, or shoot a bomb at you after that. Eventually his knee will break and you have to do that all over again for all three knees. The good news? When you blow up one of his feet he leaves behind an energy ball that heals 100 energy! Remember! When it is stunned from you breaking it's knee, it's foot lights are active and detructable. If you are quick you can easily destroy three of them before he recovers! Form 2: Scan the broken body and the head. Once you have scanned them both, whip out the echo visor and blow the antenna off of the broken body. When that happens the head will get dazed and just wobble there. Keep your Echo Visor on and shoot an antenna off of the head with a super missile, a charge shot and a missile! Repeat for another 2 antennas! Form three: This is the easiest of the three forms. Basically you need to damage him a lot to stun him and then roll up one of the Spider Ball tracks on the bodies legs and then boost onto him when he gets close. Then lay a bomb in a slot on his head. And the best part is that you only have to do it twice! Get the annihilator beam! Collect the Annihilator Beam! Wee how obvious can the next step be? Spider ball up the tracks. Screw attack to the door to the south and head to the energy controller. Collect the temples energy! Head back to Hive Temple. Now head west through the annihilator door. Scan that swarm of bugs and run through it to the safe zone. Head through the next annihilator door to the portal and head through to light Aether after using the screw attack to wall hop to the missile expansion above the portal. Head to the light Aether and head to the right of the light door and get on the spiderball track. Roll and bomb jump to the incline above, not to the blue door. Drop to the morph ball cannon and get shot to the track. Now roll right until you get to wheels with tracks on them. Make it bast the wheels till you get to that large rectangle of magnet track. Drop off the lower left corner and from there hop onto the wheel. Ride the wheel up to the other wheel and that one up to a peice of track. Roll up the track into the hole and then roll right. When you get to the clear segment roll away from the camera to end up at a beam ammo expansion! Now that is exatly what you needed for this annihilator beam! Now take the Spider Ball track to the blue door in the South East. Use the seeker missile and target both the legs of the hanging creatures to kill them. Now flip on your Echo visor to open the door. You are going to want to target the keys with your annihilator beam. The order you must shoot them in is Right, Right, Left, Right! Grab the missile expansion and head to Sanctuary Temple! Enter the temple and return the energy. Now, take this path: Controller Access, Sanctuary Temple, Temple Access, Main Gyro Chamber. SAVE! Now run and see Underpriced Metal-oxide Semiconductor! Err... I mean U-mos. He will give you the best item in the entire game! Take this route: Dynamo Access, Dynamo Works, Elevator down, Hall of Combat Mastery, Minigyro Chamber, Reactor Core, Reactor Access, Power Junction, Sanctuary Entrance, Temple Transport Access, Transport to Temple Grounds. From Transport to Sanctuary Fortress take this path: Fortress Transport Access, GFMC Compound (use screw attack to hop from ledge onto the top of the ship. On the back is a missile expansion), Sacred Bridge, Sacred Path, Temple Transport A. Save in Transport A Access. NOw go to Temple Sanctuary and from there head up the elevator to Main Energy Controller. Awesome cutscene! Now you can kick but and look even more stylish! You can also ride beams of light! Run down and save in Transport Access A. *********************** After the Light Suit [W2.5] *********************** Ok, if you have followed my walkthrough to the letter you should be at 78% and only need 15 Missile Expansions, 3 Energy Tanks, 4 Power Bomb Expansions, 1 Beam Ammo Expansion, and the Sonic Boom. If you went exploring or didn't get some items I directed you to you could be at more or less. Now we shall go collect all of the above. Skip to the next section if you want to get directly to the keys. Head to Transport B Access and slay the baddies, then enter a Morph Ball area in the middle of the room. Hop up and through it for a missile expansion. Now head back to Temple Transport A, and take the elevator down. Head to GFMC Compound by way of Sacred Path, Sacred Bridge. Once you are there Enter Fortress Transport Access. Kill the turret and step into the light. Collect the Energy Tank! Now head back into the light and take the elevator to Sanctuary Fortress. Head through Temple Transport Access to Sanctuary Entrance. You still need to take the spiderball tracks because its too long for your screw attack even. Head through the light door and make your way through Reactor Access to Reactor Core. Go left to Sanctuary Map Station and step into the beam of light. Collect the Missile Expansion. Go back down and back into Reactor Core. From herehead through Transit Station into Main Research. Use the Screw Attack to leap over to the door on top that heads to Central Area Transport West. Ride the orb cannon up to the top and hop down. To the east there should be three soles in the floor. Roll in the one on the left. Then go right and then right again. Continue on for a missile expansion! Head back up to the top. Exit and head through Watch Station Access to Main Gyro Chamber. Head into the morph ball tunnel near the dark door and fall down below the spinning rings. Whip out your Echo visor and Annihilator Beam and shoot the door to head the password. Now shoot the keys in that order. For me it was Closest, farthest, middle middle, but my brother says it was different for him, so I beleive it is different based on the game. Enter the orb cannon and you will destroy the glowing sphere. collect the Power Bomb Expansion. Now take this path: Dynamo Access, Dynamo Works, Elevator down, Hall of Combat Mastery. Take the portal to dark Aether and exit VIA the SouthEast door. Notice the atmosphere doesn't hurt you anymore, AT ALL! Now Dark Aether is better for you than light Aether because there are the safe zones everywhere which translate to free infinte health! Anyways, at Hazing Cliff, slay the metroid any way you see fit and make your way to the other side. Scan the Dark Drone and kill them both with the light beam charge shot. Collect the Missile Expansion. Head back and take the portal to light Aether. Power Bomb the Blue Tunnel and head through the blue door. Slay the quad and head through and take the elevator to Agon Wastes! Power Bomb the door and head West to Sand Canyon. Screw Attack to the platform and Power Bomb the rock and collect the Power Bomb Expansion. Now take this path: Mine Shaft, Mining Station B, Transit Station, Mining Plaza. In the Mining Plaza flip on your Echo Visor and find and shoot three sonic targets. Hop up to where the three bearerpods are and screw attack to the energy tank. Now follow this path: Mining Station Access, Mining Station A, Here power bomb the Denzium wall on the bottom level and enter the orb cannon which will shoot you to a Spider Ball Track. Drop to the lower track and head left. Bomb jump up and collect the Missile Expansion! Head through Temple Access, Agon Temple, Sandcanyon, Ventilation Area A, Main Reactor. Take the nearby Spider Ball track and roll down it. Roll around the corner to another Spider Ball track and ride it up. Boost onto the Spider Ball track on the hovering machine and roll around to the other side and boost through the gap in the metal to the next one. Repeat until you get to the last machine and boost through the hole into a small area. Bomb the glass on the ground and collect the Missile Expansion! Head out the blue door to the east. Kill the turrets and use the halfpipe to ramp up to the right and enter the morph ball tube. Bomb the slot and head back out and collect the Missile Expansion! Save at the nearby save station and head back to Commend Center and go through the Portal. Now take this path: Oasis Access, Dark Oasis, Hall of Stairs, Bitter Well, Phazon Site. At the Phazon site, slay the enemies and hop onto the second platform. From there space jump to the annihilator door and go through for the Sonic Boom! Now head out of this room and head to Watering Hole and then to Feeding Pit. Drop into the water and switch on your Dark Visor. In an alcove to the west is a Power Bomb expansion! Now take this path: Feeding Pit Access, Doomed Entry, Double Path, Battleground, Warrior's Walk, Judgement Pit, Save, Portal Access, Portal Site. Go through the portal. Now head to Transport Center and take the elevator to Torvus Bog. Head through Torvus Temple to Underground Tunnel, and through there to Torvus Grove. Now enter Meditation Vista and use the Screw Attack to get to that moving platform you may have noticed at the begining of the game. Collect the energy tank! IF you have follwed my walkthrough carefully then this should be the last energy tank! If not just search for the term "energy tank" in my guide and go back and get them. Anyways, now take this route: Torvus Grove, Underground Tunnel, Torvus Temple, Underground Transport. Take the elevator down. In Hydrodynamo Station, head into the lightdoor to the west, near where you entered from. Head through to Gathering Hall. Take the annihilator door to the SouthEast. Okay, first make your way to the lower left corner and bomb the bomb slot. Then go right and up the water just that is blowing up, then head left past the one that is blowing down. Bomb hop up the one that is plowing up all the way on the left and bomb that slot. Lastly, make your way all the right, past the jet that is blowing down, and bomb the slot in the top right corner. Make your way a little left to the jet that is now blowing up and bomb jump to the Missile Expansion! Now head out the left to Catacombs. Go through the portal to Dark Aether and head through Undertransit 2 to Sacrificial Chamber. (Power Bomb the Rubble blocking the door.) Now head throuhg Sacrificial Chamber Tunnel to Undertemple Shaft. Head down to Undertemple. Note: When you fight the hunter Ing in the bottom of Undertemple Shaft, just shoot one Annihilator Beam shot at the light crystal. This makes all ing attracted to it like moths to a light, but it is instant death when they touch it. So basically you tirn the crystal into a powerful bug zapper and they will dash for it ASAP and get killed. This works for all ing and any safe zone that you can interact with. Head to the North part of Undertemple and use the screw attack to wall jump up the walls to collect the Missile Expansion! It may take a few tries. Head back out and use the Spider Ball tracks to get back up to the platform and exit out the blue door. Head into the portal just above the door you came from. Head back up to Hydrodynamo Shaft and save. Head across to the elevator and head back up. Now take this path: Underground Tunnel, Grove Access, Forgotten Bridge. Go through the portal here to dark Aether. Head through the Power Bomb door to the SouthEast. Fire a charge shot at the Phlogus to make it flip over. When it flips over hop onto it and power bobm the cracked wall. Use your Scan Visor to find it because it is not obvious. Grab the Power Bomb expansion! If you followed my walkthrough then that should be the last power bomb upgrade! Yay! Head back to Dark Forgotten Bridge and go through the portal to light Aether. Head through the blue door to Abandoned Worksite. Screw attack across and go through the morph ball tunnel. When you get to the other side use the grapple beam to swing acress to the missile expansion! Head through the light door to Great Bridge. Now head through Portal Chamber to Torvus Lagoon and save. Now head through Temple Transport Access, and take the elevator to Temple grounds. Head all the way through Path of Eyes to Hall of Eyes. Head through the portal to dark Aether. Head through the Super Missile door to the SouthEast. Head up the incline and dash to the temporary safe zone and shoot it with the annihilator beam to take out the hunter Ing. Use the Seeker Missile and the Dark Visor to open the gate and collect the Missile Expansion. Head through the door you didn't come in from and enter the morph ball tunnel. Scan the Sentreye and kill them all with charged light beam shots. Head through the east door to Gateway access. Shoot all the tentacles and go through the door. Scan the Luminoth corpse and all the orbs on the pillars for many lore entries. Head back to Shrine Access and head through the south door to Defiled Shrine. This is where your ship is in light Aether! Switch on your Dark Visor and look over where your ship would be. Fire a single uncharged power shot at the creature and switch to your Scan Visor and scan it. Now kill it for a key! Head back out to Shrine Access. And head to Sky Temple Gateway. Return the key and head to Base Access. Head through the portal back to light Aether. Now follow this path: Temple Transport C, Transport C Access, Temple Sanctuary, Transport B Access, Temple Transport B, Take the elevator down, Temple Assembly Site. Take the portal to dark Aether. Head to the West side of the Area and get the Missile Expansion. Head out the Seeker Missile door to Lake Access. Head to Accursed Lake. Head to a safe zone and supercharge it with your Annihilator Beam to make the hunter Ing fly into it and die. Whip out your Dark Visor and kill the creature for another key! Head back to the Portal and light Aether! Now take this path: Temple Transport B, Transport B Access, Temple Sanctuary, Transport A Access, Save, Take the elevator down, Sacred Path, Take the portal to dark Aether. In Profane Path, Slay the Dark Commandos and then head to the south part of the area and shoot the door to hear the code. Enter the code with your annihilator beam and Echo Visor and get the last Beam Ammo Expansion! Now head through the door to the North to Phazon Pit. Slay the Metroid and continue on to Phazon Grounds. Whip out your dark visor and look North over the gap. Hop across the platforms killing the metroids with your dark beam and missiles until you get to the final Missile Expansion! OR as a simpler way I didn't think of till after I got it, you can Screw Attack over! CONGRATULATIONS! If you have followed my walkthrough to the letter you are at 100% now and will get the special ending when you beat the final boss! Head through the seeker missile door. Head through the tunnel to Relequary Grounds. Kill the Ing and head through the blue door to the South. Use your Dark Visor to find and kill the Keyholder. Head all the way back to Profane Path and got through the portal to light Aether. Head up to Temple Transport A and save at the nearby Save point. *********************** After All Items [W2.6] *********************** Note: From here on I am assuming you can use the map by yourself and are familiar with all of the areas. If I tell you to head to somewhere then I assume you can figure out where that is by now. I will however provide directions when you change dimentions, when you have to take an elevator, or when you have to do something like head left a long way and then head down a long way. In the latter case I will provide you with the "joint" rooms. Such as if you needed to go from room A to rooms B, C, and D in that order, and then in room D, head in a different direction to rooms E, F, G and H; I would say, assuming you were in room A, Head to Room D, and from there head to room H and do whatever. Ok, From the save point head up to where U-mos is. Enter the teleporter behind him and teleport to Agon Wastes. Take this path: Agon Temple, Temple Access, Mining Station A, Central Station Access, Command Center Access, Command Center. Go through the Portal. From here head through Oasis Access to Dark Oasis. Get the key by finding the creature with your dark visor underwater and killing it. You will have to power bomb through the rock if you didn't already. Now head to Doomed Entry through Oasis Access. Head West through the light door to Battleground. Kill the Ing and slay the pod with the key. Get said key. Head to Portal Site and go back to light Aether. Head to Agon Energy Controller. Enter the teleporter and head to Great Temple. Take this path: Sanctuary Temple, Workers Path, Dynamo Works, Dynamo Storage, Portal. Now head back out the door and through the morph ball tunnel. Use the Spider Ball tracks to get to the other side. Kill the creature and get the key. Head back through the portal and head to Watch Station. Head down the Shaft. Head to Hall of Combat Mastery and head through the dark portal. Head to Hive Reactor now. Avoid the Dark Ingsmasher and Power Bomb your way through the door after using the save and ammo recharge areas if you want. Now in Hive Reactor Access you can either try to pick off all the baddies, or you can do like I did and shoot the middle part with the light beam and they will all die! Head to Entrance Defence Hall and you will be attacked by a swarm of tiny ing larva. Just back into the safe zone and they will all die. Kill all the Preeds and Screw Attack from the point closest to the other side to the other side. Step into the Light for a ride up top. Now Screw Attack all the way over to the other side. Whip out the Dark Visor and shoot the Ing to reveal it. Kill it and take it's key. Head back to Hive Reactor and then Culling Chamber and head back to light Aether. Head up the nearby elevator in Central Area Transport East. Head abck to Sanctuary Energy Controller. Teleport to Torvus Bog. Now head over to Forgotten Bridge. Head through the portal to dark Aether. Head through the door to the EAst through Putrid Alcove to Poisoned Bog. Hop underwater and flip on your Dark Visor. Slay the Ing for the key. Now head back to Dark Forgotten Bridge and head to light Aether. Now Head back to Torvus Temple, head down the elevator and save in Hydrodynamo Station. From there head to Catacombs. Avoid the Grenchlers and go through the dark portal. Slay the Grenchlers here. Once they are dead, drop into the water and find the A mechanoid blocking the way. Scan it and shoot the temporary safe zone above it with the light beam. Roll through and repeat for another mechanoid. Roll through this new hole and find the Ing with your last key by using the Scan Visor. Head back to light Aether and to Torvus Energy Controller. Teleport to Great Temple. Now go down the elevator to Transport A Access and SAVE! *********************** Before Final Boss [W2.7] *********************** NOTE: If you have not gotten all energy tanks, Missile Expansions, Power Bombs, etc Now is when you should go back and get them if you want to. If you have followed my guide to the letter you will have 100% of the items already. Continue on if you are ready for the boss battle. Head through Transport C Access and take the elevator down. Head to Hall of Eyes and Go through the portal to dark Aether. Head over to Sky Temple Gateway. Now MAKE SURE you did scan ALL of the Locks on the pillars BEFORE you step into the light. If you miss any you will not be able to get 100% of the scans! Walk into the light when you are ready. Enter the light beam to get to Sky Temple. Emporor Ing will grab the energy and split. Note that there is a save point here. I highly reccomend you use it. No, seriously, I mean it. Use the save point. You really want to. Screw attack to the door and wall hop up to the top. Go through the door. Ooooooh! Glowiness! You are drawn to the glow like a moth to the flame! You cannot resist! You must hop down to the glow! BOSS BATTLE!!! Emporor Ing! Difficulty: 10/10 Speed: N/A HP: High. Reminder: SCAN! ALL! PARTS! Strategy: Ok. He has three forms. Like that isn't usual. I mean, how many bosses in video game history have had three forms? Form one: Basically he has two attacks. He will swing his tentacles around the room in a circle, first low then high. He will also charge up a lot of dark energy on the end of his tentacles and shoot it at you. Both of these are pretty easy to avoid once you get the timing down. OK, so how do you hurt him? First, shoot his tantacles with annihilator or light beam shots. Once they are all retracted he will melt away from the core. Sheilds will rotate around the core and you have to hit the core past the shields. Fire the heaviest thing you can that you think you can get past the shields. Super Missiles are the best here! Repeat until form one dies. BE SURE that you don't forget to scan the core here before you kill it. Form two: SCAN! Emporor Ing will retreat into a shell and regenerate health to try to go make is eye unhurt. After scanning it use the Spider Ball to cling to the surface and bomb the waek points. But wait! If you kill all of the tentacles but one and sit around killing Ing Drones with your bombs and collect more health and ammo! Free Recharging here because he will never heal back to form one! Once you are fully healed kill the last one! WOAH! HUGE ING! Form three: SCAN! Basically you need to Shoot it a lot using Charged Light Beam Shots or rapid firing your power beam. I reccomend the power beam as you need your light ammo for damaging it once it "pops" and flashes red instead of yellow when you hit it. When the inside of it's mouth is light, then you need to hit it with the dark beam. HArd, but not impossible. When it's mouth is red you need to hit it with the light beam Charge Shot. Eventually it's sheild will break. It's mouth will be purple when it's sheild is down for the light beam, red when any beam can hit it, and light when the dark beam can hit it. Shoot it with charged light beam shots or super missiles then if you can. If it becomes vulnerable to dark beam shots, you can try, but it is really hard to hit it with the dark beam. Also, you can hit the small hole in it's back as well as the mouth. Normally this would be hard, but sometimes this is really easy, such as when it rams into the wall and stays there. Also, if you can get it to where it stops flashing yellow and is flashing red (taking damage) and the shield is red, meaning all weapons gan damage it, and you manage to hit it with the screw attack, it does MASSIVE damage to him. I did this on accedent when I was beating the final bosses again and I meant to double jump and accedentally hit B a third time which caused a screw attack. That hit his mouth while he was vulnerable to everything and killed him with about a third of his health left. When it does enjoy the cutscene. Awww, how nice of your computer! IT tells you to escape at once! Do just that! Screw attack to the blue door. Hop down and exit VIA the light beam ASAP. GAH! DON'T YOU NEMISISES EVER DIE?! BOSS BATTLE!!! Dark Samus 3! Difficulty: 10/10 Speed: Fast HP: High. Reminder: SCAN! ALL! FORMS!! Strategy: SCAN first off. Now, on to her attacks. She still has invisibility and, isn't she clever, this time she is immune to your Dark Visor! But you have the Echo Visor now! Use that to see her! She will shoot a large laser around the room which you should avoid by jumping twice. She will envelop herself in a ball of Phazon and leap into the air and shoot a missile at you that is really hard to avoid and does KILLER damage. The way to dodge it is do dodge sideways and then jump at Dark Samus. The missile will curve behind you and hit the floor. She will be in the same ball of phazon, (which you should scan) and will fire phazon particles at you. Use your charge shot to collect them and fire them back at her when your charge shot turns blue. When you beat her, enjoy the (awesome) ending! ******************************************************************************* 8: Scan list ******************************************************************************* [080] I will be using a tree format to put down this data as that is the way it is in the game. Otherwise it would be nearly impossible to read. Logbook. CREATURES Offworld Dark Samus Dark Samus One Metroids Infant Talon Metroid Tallon Metroid Pirates Pirate Trooper Pirate Grenadier Pirate Aerotrooper Pirate Commando Preed Aether Mechanoids Small Harmony Class Drone Serenity Class Drone Diligence Class Drone Octopede Mechlops Rezbit Stationary Humility Class Turret Growler Class Turret Luminoth Turret Large Ingsmasher Mekenobite Quad CM Quad MB Watchdrone Aquatic Small Aquatic Bloggling Hydlings Large Aquatic Blogg Alpha Blogg Ground Predators Sanddigger Grenchler Splinter Alpha Splinter Sporb Surface Prowlers Seedburster Kralee Krocuss Brizgee Lightbringer Green Kralee Tunnel Prowlers Worker Splinter Flying Small Flyers Lightflier War Wasp Sandbats Lumite Large Flyers Shrieker Shriekbat Shredder Dark Aether Darklings Darkling Aquatic Dark Blogg Dark Phlogus Darkling Offworld Dark Pirate Commando Dark Pirate Trooper Dark Preed Dark Tallon Metroid Dark Trooper Dark Missile Trooper Darkling Ground Dark Splinter Dark Grenchler Dark Alpha Splinter Darkling Flyers Dark Shredder Dark War Wasp Nightbarb Darkling Mechanoids Corrupted Sentreye Dark Diligence Drone Dark Ingsmasher Dark Quad MB Ing Warrior Ing Darkling Tentacle Hunter Ing Inglet Ingstorm Ing Larva Swarm Guardians Chykka Chykka Larva Chykka Dark Chykka Sub Guardians Grapple Guardian Boost Guardian Jump Guardian Bomb Guardian Spider Guardian Power Bomb Guardians Amorbis Amorbis 1 Amorbis 2 Quadraxis Damaged Quadraxis Final Head Module Shielded Head Module Quadraxis RESEARCH Luminoth Technology Light Crystals Light Crystal Lift Crystals Liftvine Crystal Light Lift Crystal Dark Lift Crystal Light Beacons Light Beacon Utility Crystal Sentinal Crystal Dark Sentinal Crystal Biology Plantforms Blueroot Tree Bloat Sac Sandgrass Torvus Hanging Pod Torvus Bearer Pod Agon Bearer Pod Cocoons Splinter Cocoon War Wasp Hive Darklings Ingclaw Webling Ing Storage Bladepod Ingsphere Cache Ingworm Cache Aether Studies Aether Aether Dark Portal Energy Controller U-mos Dark Aether Dark Aether Phazon Light Portal Mechanisms Vehicles GFS tyr Samus's Gunship Pirate Skiff Systems Bomb Slot Kinetic Orb Cannon Spider Ball Track Grapple Point Spinner GF Security GF Gate Mk VI GF Bridge GF Gate Mk VII LORE Luminoth Lore History Dark Age Age of Anxiety Cataclysm The Ing Attack Golden Age Light of Aether Paradise Origins Conflict First Phase Dark Aether Recovering Energy The New Terror Our War Begins Second Phase The Final Crusade The Sky Temple Agon Falls Keybearer Lore Cadre 1 B-Stl's Testament G-Sch's Testament J-Stl's Testament S-Dly's Testament Carde 2 C-Rch's Testament D-Isl's Testament J-Fme's Testament M-Dhe's Testament Trooper Logs Force One CAPT A.Exeter LCPL J. Brode PFC G. Haley PFC I. Crany PFC S. Mulligan SPC F. Triplette Force Two GSGT C. Benet PFC E. Denys PFC L. Brouda PFC M. Veroni SPC B. Reevs SPC M. Angseth Space Pirate Logs Cycle 4 Log 44681 Log 48853 Cycle 5 Log 50086 Log 54421 Cycle 6 Log 62217 Log 63622 Log 67135 Log 69898 Cycle 7 Log 70136 Log 71599 More coming soon ******************************************************************************* 9: Item list ******************************************************************************* [090] INVENTORY Armor Dark Suit Light Suit Varia Suit Miscellaneous Dark temple Keys Dark Agon Keys Dark Agon Temple Key 1 Dark Agon Temple Key 2 Dark Agon Temple Key 3 Dark Torvus Keys Dark Torvus Temple Key 1 Dark Torvus Temple Key 2 Dark Torvus Temple Key 3 Suit Expansions Energy Transfer Module Missile Expansion Beam Ammo Epansion Energy Tank Morph Ball Systems Morph Balls Boost Ball Morph Ball Spider Ball Bomb Systems Morph Ball Bomb Power Bomb Movement Systems Grapple Beam Gravity Boost Space Jump Boots Visors Combat Visor Dark Visor Echo Visor Scan Visor Weapons Systems Beam Weapons Annihilator Beam Charge Beam Dark Beam Light Beam Power Beam Charge Combos Charge Combo Super Missile Missile Systems Missile Launcher Seeker Missile Launcher Coming soon. Locations Coming. ******************************************************************************* 10: Credits ******************************************************************************* [100] CJayC for the excellent gaming site. Retro Studios for the awesome game. My best and closest friends Josh and Emily whom I love deeply. The following people informed me of relatively important, but minor mistakes: Ngherna ******************************************************************************* 11: Contact Information ******************************************************************************* [110] The contact section of this guide has been removed by the author's request. The latest version of this guide can be found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/gamecube/game/35785.html Please refer there for any questions you have. ******************************************************************************* * FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY ON THIS GOOD EARTH * ******************************************************************************* [111] R E A D T H E F R E A K I N G W A L K T H R O U G H ! ! ! That is what it's here for! I have get several dozen E-mails a week that are promptly deleted because the answer was in the FAQ. I'm Not your private gaming nerd! Read! ******************************************************************************* And that wraps up this literary masterpiece. Thanks for reading! Josh and Emily, you own! I love you guys so much! ^^^/ ^^^/ m/(-_-)m/ Peace and love and happiness to all! m/(-_-)m/ ( . ) [Hugs]--------[Hugs] ( . ) _/ _ (>^_^)> ^_^)> Extra special thanks to Revolution reader Kirbyroks!
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.