Pokémon Go Pokémon Rarity – From Common to Legendary (With Pictures)

Pokémon GO has a total of 151 Pokémon available for collection. These range from common to legendary, which vary in availability depending on the climate and geography of your surroundings. For example, you will most easily find Magikarp and other water-based Pokémon at the beach, while Sandshrew is found in desert type environments. Though, there is a bit of luck involved as the game calculates a random assortment of Pokémon that can appear in your area at any given time, along with percentage chance of you encountering them.

We have used a variety of data to come up with a rarity tier list for Pokémon ​GO. First, we compiled the collections of 11 users living across the United States, from San Diego to New York, to come up with rarity averages. Each of these users have among the most extensive collections in the world, containing several Epics. We then compared this data against two other popular lists to reaffirm rarities. Below are the results along with images of several Pokémon​ directly from the game files


​#069 Bellsprout

​#010 Caterpie

​#050 Diglett

​#084 Doduo

​#096 Drowzee

​#023 Ekans

#133 Eevee

#092 Gastly

​#074 Geodude

MORE: How To Choose Your Eevee Evolution

​#118 Goldeen

​#098 Krabby

​#066 Machop

​​#129 Magikarp

​#081 Magnemite

​​#056 Mankey

#052 Meowth

​#032 Nidoran (F)

#029 Nidoran (M)

#043 Oddish

#046 Paras

#016 Pidgey

#060 Poliwag

#019 Rattata

​#027 Sandshrew

​​#079 Slowpoke

​#048 Venonat​

#100 Voltorb

#013 Weedle

#041 Zubat

#063 Abra

​#024 Arbok

​#001 Bulbasaur

​#004 Charmander

#035 Clefairy

#104 Cubone

​#101 Electrode

#102 Exeggcute

#042 Golbat

#075 Graveler

​#088 Grimer

#058 Growlithe

​#093 Haunter

​#106 Hitmonlee

​#116 Horsea

​#039 Jigglypuff

#124 Jynx

#014 Kakuna

​#140 Kabuto

​#064 Kadabra

#109 Koffing

#082 Magneton​

#011 Metapod​

#053 Persian

#017 Pidgeotto

​#025 Pikachu

​#077 Ponyta

#054 Psyduck

​​#020 Raticate​

​#111 Rhyhorn

#028 Sandslash

​#086 Seel

#090 Shellder

​#021 Spearow

​#007 Squirtle

​#120 Staryu

#072 Tentaco

​#037 Vulpix

#142 Aerodactyl

​#059 Arcanine

#012 Butterfree

​#113 Chansey

#091 Cloyster

MORE: The 12 Secrets of Pokémon GO

​#085 Dodrio 

#147 Dratini

​#051 Dugtrio

​#125 Electabuzz

​#083 Farfetch'd

​#022 Fearow

#136 Flareon

#055 Golduck 

#044 Gloom

​#107 Hitmonchan

​#097 Hypno

#135 Jolteon

#099 Kingler

#108 Lickitung

#068 Machamp

​#067 Machoke

​#126 Magmar

​#122 Mr. Mime

#030 Nidorina

#033 Nidorino

#038 Ninetales

​#138 Omanyte

#095 Onix

​#047 Parasect

#061 Poliwhirl

#137 Porygon

​#057 Primeape

#078 Rapidash

​#112 Rhydon

#117 Seadra

#119 Seaking 

​​#123 Scyther

​#143 Snorlax

#121 Starmie

#114 Tangela

​#073 Tentacruel

​#110 Weezing

#040 Wigglytuff


#065 Alakazam

#015 Beedrill

#005 Charmeleon

​#087 Dewgong 

​#148 Dragonair

#103 Exeggutor

#094 Gengar

#076 Golem

#130 Gyarados

#002 Ivysaur

​#141 Kabutops

#115 Kangaskhan

MORE: Level Up Quickly and Unlock Rares

#131 Lapras

​#105 Marowak

#089 Muk 

#034 Nidoking

#031 Nidoqueen 

​#139 Omastar

#018 Pidgeot

#127 Pinsir

#062 Poliwrath

#026 Raichu

#080 Slowbro

#134 Vaporeon

#049 Venomoth

#071 Victreebel 

#045 Vileplume

​#008 Wartortle

#070 Weepinbell


#009 Blastoise

#006 Charizard

#036 Clefable

​#149 Dragonite

#128 Tauros

​​#003 Venusaur


#144 Articuno

#132 Ditto 

#151 Mew

#150 Mewtwo

#146 Moltres

#145 Zapdos​

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