Marvel's Avengers Missing Outfits

Marvel’s Avengers Missing Outfits | Why are some of my skins missing?

If Marvel’s Avengers missing outfits are getting you down, then you’ve come to the right place. I have also experienced skins going missing from the character menu, despite knowing that I’ve unlocked them. Thankfully, there are a few troubleshooting tips that can potentially fix when outfits don’t appear in Marvel’s Avengers on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, which even works with the Deluxe Edition Obsidian skins! Read on for everything you need to know.

Why are my outfits missing in Marvel’s Avengers?

Marvel's Avengers Missing Outfits

Missing outfits in Marvel’s Avengers is an issue being experienced by a significant number of players. Reports on the game’s subreddit claim that many different skins have been disappearing from character inventories, as well as some Gear.

Thankfully, the majority of players seem to be getting their skins back after trying out the following fixes:

  • Restart the game.
    • Fully close the application on console and PC. Then reopen it and check your inventory to see if your skins have returned.
  • Play through a mission and see if your skins have returned. (This is what fixed my problem.)
  • Ensure you are playing online and have the latest patch installed.
  • Avoid previewing your skins.
    • Some reports suggest that previewing skins could cause other skins to go missing. We’d recommend avoiding the Preview function for now.

If the above troubleshooting tips don’t fix the missing outfits issue, then you’ll unfortunately need to wait until an official patch from the developer. At the time of writing, Marvel’s Avengers has only just launched, so it’s possible that developer Crystal Dynamics will soon be rolling out an update to help squash some of these bugs and glitches.

Be sure to check out our other Marvel’s Avengers guides, which include tips on how to fix lag and stutter, potential missable items that you’ll want to watch out for, and the complete mission list.

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