Animal Crossing: New Horizons Birthday Cupcakes

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Birthday Cupcakes | How to get and share

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Audio By Carbonatix

If you play Animal Crossing: New Horizons for Nintendo Switch on your birthday, you should find that your fellow island inhabitants have organized a surprise birthday party for you. During the festivities, you’ll eventually get your hands on eight Animal Crossing: New Horizons Birthday Cupcakes. That might get you wondering: Do Animal Crossing Birthday Cupcakes have a purpose, other than being delicious in-game treats?

Stick with this guide as we highlight the importance of sharing in the debut Animal Crossing Nintendo Switch game.

How to use Animal Crossing: New Horizons Birthday Cupcakes

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Birthday Cupcakes

After blowing out the candles on a delicious-looking birthday cake, your island residents will then whisk you away into a room with a pinata when playing AC: New Horizons on your special day. You’ll need to rapidly tap the “A” button in order to swing a stick and eventually smash the pinata, at which point a bunch of Animal Crossing: New Horizons Birthday Cupcakes will drop out. As hinted at in the game’s dialogue, sharing these is how you’ll get the most out of them.

ALSO: How to get Animal Crossing: New Horizons Simple Panels

How to get and share Birthday Cupcakes in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

  1. Play New Horizons on your birthday.
  2. Attend your in-game birthday party; blow out the candles on your cake, then smash the pinata.
  3. You’ll now have eight Birthday Cupcakes.
  4. Speak to an island resident and select the second dialogue option, which will be along the lines of “Do you want this?”
  5. Select a Birthday Cupcake from your inventory and confirm.
  6. The happy island resident will give you a birthday gift in exchange.

Get Animal Crossing: New Horizons on Switch Now

Birthday gifts can be specifically birthday-themed, like birthday shades or candles, but can also be more general in nature. Whatever items you get, it’s definitely worthwhile to share all of those Animal Crossing: New Horizons Birthday Cupcakes instead of holding on to them.

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