League of Legends 9.13

League of Legends 9.13 Update Patch Notes

The League of Legends 9.13 update patch notes are here! This brand-new patch to Riot’s flagship MOBA sees the addition of Qiyana, a character who uses the deadliest of hula hoops. (No, really.) The League of Legends 9.13 update also brings the debut of the Teamfight Tactics game mode, something that is essentially a variant of the popular Auto Chess gameplay mode.

League of Legends 9.13 Update Patch Notes Highlights

League of Legends 9.13


The big-ticket item in League of Legends 9.13 is the debut of Qiyana, a character who makes use of deadly elemental attacks with what is basically a bladed hula hoop. The “Empress of Elements” is an Assassin-type character who boasts a stylish design of gold and green adornment, and she’ll also be getting some additional cosmetics in League of Legends 9.13.

Teamfight Tactics

Aside from a new character, the debut of Teamfight Tactics in League of Legends 9.13 will bring a little more variety to a game that’s been around for a good long while now. You’ll face off against seven opponents in a race to build the strongest team that will automatically fight everyone else. Become the last man standing in this new League of Legends 9.13 mode to win the game! Essentially, Teamfight Tactics is a spin on Auto Chess, a popular DOTA 2 game mode that is itself being turned into its own game.

Your Shop

We’re also finally seeing the return of Your Shop in League of Legends 9.13, a customized storefront that automatically creates deals and discounts based on what the game things you’ll be interested in. The return of a personalized storefront will be taking place from June 22, 2019–July 22, 2019 after the launch of League of Legends 9.13. It’s best to take advantage of these sweet deals while you can!

Champion changes

Of course, League of Legends 9.13 also brings with it some minor bug fixes and a bunch of changes to some of the game’s existing heroes! 14 Champions in total are getting changes in League of Legends 9.13, so read on for the full patch notes to see what changes you can expect in this latest version of the game!

League of Legends 9.13 Update Patch Notes Full List

League of Legends 9.13

Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics will be coming in 9.13 to players all over the world! Play against seven opponents in a free-for-all race to build a powerful team that fights on your behalf and be the last one standing.

As a reminder, the mode is still in beta! Players may experience bugs during their time in Teamfight Tactics, but we’d appreciate reports as well as general feedback on it. We’re here to build this new mode with you.



Empress of the Elements

Qiyana arrives to conquer the Rift on June 28!

  • Champion Teaser
  • Champion Trailer
  • Champion Theme
  • Universe Hub
  • Ixtal Faction Hub

High-res versions of Qiyana’s splash arts are available on League Displays!


R ammo bar now reads left-to-right. The Package ARAM timers adjusted.

For ARAM enthusiasts, we’ve adjusted Corki’s Package timers on the Howling Abyss to give him more chances to hit his opponents with a Special Delivery. For Corki fans of all stripes, we’ve adjusted how his ammo bar tracks missiles: The leftmost missile is now the next to fire. Since Corki’s ammo is still attached to the left of his health bar, this means the next missile no longer moves when Corki gets another charge, making it easier to know at a glance if the next missile is a Big One.

  • Passive – Hextech Munitions
    • ARAM PACKAGE COOLDOWN240 seconds ⇒ 150 seconds
  • R – Missile Barrage
    • AMMO BAR Left missile is now always the next to fire, with new charges loading in from the right


Q QoL changes.

We’ve recoded Diana’s Q so it feels better when casting. Most of the improvements are pretty subtle, so we’ve listed a couple of the more explicit upgrades here to make sure you know about ’em.

Q – Crescent Strike

    • Tip of Diana’s Crescent Strike arc now reveals Fog of War for a short duration
    • Crescent Strike casts more consistently aim toward the cursor
    • Crescent Strike travels slightly faster


W minimum damage added; also applies to turrets. Tentacles disappear faster when Illaoi leaves. E Spirit and Vessel duration decreased; time between Tentacle attacks decreased. R Tentacle cap increased.

We’re hitting two octopi with one tentacle and buffing Illaoi while also modernizing the way her abilities work. She should feel a lot better to play and stronger in general when you add up all the smaller QoL changes and buffs.

Passive – Prophet of an Elder God

NEW TENTACLE AP RATIO: 0.4 ability power

REMOVED TMI: Tentacles will no longer go into an idle state when Illaoi is not around to command them

NEW TICK TOCK: Illaoi can now ping Prophet of an Elder God’s cooldown to her team

BYE: Tentacles despawn after Illaoi has left the area for 60 seconds ⇒ 30 seconds

FOG OF WAR: Enemies gain vision of Tentacles through Fog of War within1400 range ⇒ 1000 range

BUG FIX: Enemy champions no longer globally get vision of attacking Tentacles

BUG FIX: Fixed a bug where Tentacle slams that were mid-flight when Illaoi died dealt no damage

W – Harsh Lesson

NEW MINIMUM DAMAGE: 20/30/40/50/60

NEW KICK IT INTO OVERDRIVE: Minimum damage is dealt as bonus damage to turrets

E – Test of Spirit

REMOVED REDUCED SPIRIT DURATION: Spirit duration is no longer reduced each time Illaoi is damaged by the target

BASE SPIRIT DURATION: 10 seconds ⇒ 7 seconds

BASE VESSEL DURATION: 12 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds

TIME BETWEEN TENTACLE ATTACKS: Once every 10 seconds at all levels ⇒Once every 5/4/3 seconds (levels 1/7/13)

R – Leap of Faith

MAXIMUM SUMMON S5 Tentacles ⇒ 6 Tentacles

LENIENCY Leap of Faith Tentacles no longer despawn mid-attack if Illaoi commands them to slam with Harsh Lesson


Base E movement speed duration decreased.

Karma definitely had room for some power heading into 9.12, but we went too hard. We’re pulling her buffs back a touch.

E – Inspire

MOVEMENT SPEED DURATION: 2.5 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds (empowered E duration still 2.5 seconds)


Q damage ratio increased.

Helping Ornn battle more in lane.

Q – Volcanic Rupture

RATIO 1.0 attack damage ⇒ 1.1 attack damage


Q cooldown decreased early; stab damage bonus removed. W movement speed now scales. E no longer damages non-champions.

We’re targeting solo lane Pyke because his strong anti-harass tools make him an impossible-to-avoid death trap if he gets too far ahead. To help curb that, we’re specifically hitting his wave clear.

Q – Bone Skewer

STAB TARGETING AoE (30% reduced damage on non-champions) ⇒ Single target (hits nearest unit, preferring nearest champion)

REMOVED BONUS STAB DAMAGE Bone Skewer’s stab cast no longer deals 15% bonus damage

COOLDOWN14/12.5/11/9.5/8 seconds ⇒ 12/11/10/9/8 seconds

W – Ghostwater Dive

MOVEMENT SPEED: 40% (decaying over 5 seconds) ⇒ 40/45/50/55/60% (decaying over 5 seconds)

E – Phantom Undertow

REMOVED MINION & MONSTER DAMAGE: Phantom Undertow no longer damages non-champions


Health growth decreased. W second cast damage ratio decreased.

The last time Sejuani was buffed was right before MSI in patch 9.8. Since then, she has climbed from a fringe pro pick to being in nearly 100% of pro games. While the buff was intended to let Sejuani scale better with items, we went too far, so we’re pulling back a bit.

Base Stats HEALTH GROWTH 105 ⇒ 95

W – Winter’s Wrath


Sejuani’s maximum health ⇒ 5.25% Sejuani’s maximum health


Attack damage growth, mana regen decreased. W cost increased.

We went a little lighter on Sivir because (spoiler alert) the Essence Reaver nerfs going live this patch will undoubtedly affect her. We’re mainly targeting her early game pressure through W’s mana change and applying #cleannumbers to some base stats (less for the minimal balance impact, more because weird decimals are unsightly).

Base Stats
MANA REGEN8.012  8
W – Ricochet
COST 60 mana  75 mana


Q aura damage ratio decreased. E bonus movement speed ratio decreased.

(A note from Shio Shoujo: Y’all knew it was coming. We’re nerfing my baby girl.)

While it may seem like we’re doing this just because of the in-vogue bot lane Sona, she’s been extremely close to our thresholds for acceptable win rates (outlined in our Balance Framework that you should go read if you haven’t already) in solo queue for awhile and is the most commonly banned bot lane champion in pro play right now.

We’re also seeing more than just Sona with Taric, mind you. We’re seeing Sona and Tahm Kench, Sona and Pyke, etc. which points toward specifically nerfing her rather than Taric. To be clear, we’re not explicitly trying to kill Sona + XX bot lanes: Even if she were a standard bot carry, she’d still be deserving of a nerf on multiple fronts.

Q – Hymn of Valor

AURA DAMAGE RATIO 0.3 ability power ⇒ 0.2 ability power

E – Song of Celerity

BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED RATIO 6% movement speed per 100 ability power⇒ 3% movement speed per 100 ability power


Base attack damage, health growth increased. W base damage increased.

We’re giving Sylas longer-term attention as we assess his status in higher levels of play. In the meantime, we’re giving him some power back.

Base Stats



W – Kingslayer

BASE DAMAGE 60/90/120/150/180 ⇒ 65/100/135/170/205

E – Abscond/Abduct

BUGFIX Tooltip now properly mentions all mana scaling per rank information


Mana growth increased.

Syndra’s currently not a must-pick in higher levels of play like she has been in the past, so we want to take this opportunity to boost her a little in an attempt to make her more viable across all skill brackets where players are more likely to run into mana issues.

Base Stats



Attack damage growth, mana increased; mana regen decreased. W damage increased.

Cleaning up her base stats and giving her a minor buff for when she opts into a more aggressive playstyle.

Base Stats


MANA 246.76 ⇒ 250

MANA REGEN7.206 ⇒ 7.2

W – Rocket Jump

MAGIC DAMAGE85/135/185/235/285 ⇒ 95/145/185/245/295


All abilities can now be leveled to rank 6.

We’re looking to bring some balance to Udyr’s stances and playstyles so he’s not overwhelmingly choosing one over the others. Plus he’ll now have some useful points to spend at later levels.

Passive – Monkey’s Agility

NEWABILITY RANKS All abilities can now be leveled up 6 times, starting at level 16

Q – Tiger Stance

DAMAGE30/60/90/120/150 (+1.2/1.35/1.5/1.65/1.8 attack damage)⇒ 30/60/90/120/150/180 (+1.1/1.25/1.4/1.55/1.7/1.85 attack damage)

W – Turtle Stance

SHIELD 60/95/130/165/200 ⇒ 60/95/130/165/200/235

E – Bear Stance

BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED15/20/25/30/35% ⇒ 15/20/25/30/35/40%

BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED DURATION 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3 seconds ⇒2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3/3.25 seconds

R – Phoenix Stance

CONE DAMAGE 40/80/120/160/200 ⇒ 50/95/140/185/230/275

DAMAGE PER TICK 10/20/30/40/50 ⇒10/20/30/40/50/60

Responsiveness Pass

Similar to some of the work on Diana’s Q, the following abilities more quickly and reliably apply their effects to enemies they hit:

  • Jarvan IV’s E – Demacian Standard > Q – Dragon Strike
  • Kennen’s E – Lightning Rush
  • Tryndamere’s E – Spinning Slash


Essence Reaver

Upgrade cost decreased; total cost increased. Build path adjusted.

We made it stronger and think it merits B.F. Sword’s inclusion in its recipe again. However, now that it is stronger, it shouldn’t be easier to build than Infinity Edge, which it is similar to in strength and tier.

COST 3200 gold ⇒ 3300 gold

BUILD PATH Pickaxe + Caulfield’s Warhammer + Cloak of Agility + 425 gold ⇒ B.F. Sword + Caulfield’s Warhammer + Cloak of Agility + 100 gold

Randuin’s Omen

Armor increased.

Giving more options in armor choices for those who want to build more tanky.

ARMOR 60  70

Rod of Ages

Upgrade and total cost decreased.

Rod of Ages takes too long to provide its benefits in a relatively fast paced meta. A price reduction makes it a slightly more realistic option for users that might consider it.

COST 2700 gold (750 gold combine cost)  2600 gold (650 gold combine cost)
Your Shop Returns
Personalized discounts are back from June 28th, 2019 – July 22nd, 2019!

Damage Text Updates

We’ve updated damage text colors for consistency and readability, as well as to set us up for future work like the Death Recap update (did you watch Riot Pls yet?)

  • COLORING Physical damage text is now always orange, magic damage text is now always cyan, and true damage will still remain white.
  • SPIKEY Crit damage text icon now matches the stat panel icon
  • PUNCHY Crit damage text animation should feel more impactful and satisfying
  • WIP Colorblind support will be added for these updates next patch.

Bug Fixes

  • Taliyah, Morgana, and Ezreal’s ability VO lines will play less frequently
  • /mute all, /fullmute all, and /ignore all no longer also mutes your own pings
  • Lucian’s R – The Culling now properly activates the movement speed bonus from hitting targets with W – Ardent Blaze
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