Halo 3: ODST FAQ/Walkthrough

__________________________________HALO 3: ODST_________________________________


This guide has been written by Paul Williams aka Sokkus.

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Welcome to my guide for Halo 3:ODST!I hope this guide will be of assistance to
someone out there!

Please note, this guide will most likely contain some spoilers but I have done
my utmost to keep things as vague as possible for the purists among you.

If you see any errors, have a tip or an alternate strategy for a section of the
guide please head to the contact section and flick me an email to let me know!

Lastly, visit Ratedg4gamer.com for all of my latest guides and reviews!




     1. Hints & Tips               [HNTTP]

     2. Story Walkthrough          [WLKTH]

          2.0  Prepare to Drop     [TUTRL]
          2.1  New Mombasa Streets [NWMBS]
          2.2  Tayari Plaza        [ACT01]
          2.3  Uplift Reserve      [ACT02]
          2.4  Kizingo Boulevard   [ACT03]
          2.5  ONI Alpha Site      [ACT04]
          2.6  NMPD HQ             [ACT05]
          2.7  Kikowani Station    [ACT06]
          2.8  Data Hive           [ACT07]
          2.9  Coastal Highway     [ACT08]

     3. Audio Logs                 [AULGS]

     4. Firefight Tips             [FRFGT]

     5. Unlockables                [UNLKB]

     6. Achievements               [ACHMT]

     7. Special Thanks             [THNKS]

     8. Contact                    [CNTCT]

     9. About Me                   [INTRD]

    10. Version History            [VERHI]


***   HINTS & TIPS    *** [HNTTP]

- In close quarters combat, you should always attempt to melee, it is instant
  and usually fatal. Trying to shoot up close is usually inaccurate and much
  less effective

- Always take cover when the screen begins to turn red and let your stamina
  regenerate. This is especially important on Heroic and Legendary difficulties

- ODSTs may not have motion trackers like the Master Chief but they do have the
  VISR map. Here you can track enemy locations within a reasonable distance and
  see approximately where they are. This makes it much easier to plan out an

- Subtlety is sometimes the key to getting through certian areas, if you can
  sneak past a fight you should do so, as it will greatly reduce the amount of
  frustration you will encounter on the higher difficulty settings.

- practice with different combinations of weapons, each has its own strengths
  and weaknesses for you to experiment with.

- Explore each area to the fullest, you never know when you will stumble upon
  some of those power weapons (rockets, spartan lasers, flamethrowers etc...)
  hidden in the most unlikely places.

- Use the plasma pistol! The primary fire is next to useless, but hitting an
  enemy with the secondary overcharge function is a sure fire way to take down
  a brutes armor or destroy a jackals shield, leaving them open for a nice.
  clean headshot.

- Use the plasma pistol overcharge feature on an occupied vehicle and watch it
  short circuit for a few seconds. Ehilst the vehicle is unable to move, take
  out an alternate weapon and pop the driver before functionality is restored.

- Hijack vehicles when you can, sometimes keeping a little bit of technology
  between your enemies and the seat of your pants can make all the difference
  on the difficulty of a particular fight.

- If you can get up close and personal with a shotgun, fire away, then
  immediately follow up with a quick melee attack and then fire once again.
  This is an instant kill on most enemies, even on legendary.

Got a hint or tip? Send me an email and let me know, if I like it I will
include it in the guide and credit you for your contribution.

***     WALKTHROUGH   *** [WLKTH]

This walkthrough will provide players with the fastest route for each level
from beginning to the end. Although I have done my best to emit them, there
may still be a few spoilers floating around below. If so I apologise in

***   Prepare to Drop  *** [TUTRL]

You will gain control of your character sitting in his crashed pod above the
city streets. You will be prompted to look around the pod to set up your
inverted/un-inverted controller settings. When you are happy with your
settings, when prompted use the RB button whilst looking at each of the four
lights to open the pod and drop down to the street.

This mission acts as a bit of a tutorial, you will be in a small segment of New
Mombasa, after this mission the rest of the city will become accessible. You
will need to kill all the enemies in the area, so have a good look around and
eliminate everything you see. Once this is complete, you will be encouraged to
get a copy of the city map. Press up or down on the d-pad to place waypoints to
your destination. Use the console to connect to the superintendent.

Complete your VISR training, and then follow the waypoint to the first point of
interest in Tayari Plaza. Enter the building here and head upstairs to find an
ODST helmet stuck in a television. Use it to complete the training and start
the Tayari Plaza mission.

*** New Mombasa Street *** [NWMBS]

Occupied City Center
6 hours after drop

At the beginning of the game and in between missions, players take up the role
of the Rookie. The Rookie's task is to cruise around New Mombasa and try to
locate his scattered squad mates. This level is essentially a free-roam mode in
which you can wander around the city to explore, locate the various mission
starting objectives and pick up the audio logs. After completing the game, you
will unloack the replay mission option from the campaign menu. From here you
will be able to choose the New Mombasa Streets level.

To find the mission start points, you will need to look at your map. From the
map you will see six small circular beacons constantly pulsing away. The game
will list the various locations of the ODST beacons for you on the left of the
screen. Pressing up or down on the D-pad will move your targeted location
between beacons and update your compass accordingly. After selecting the beacon
you are interested in, return to the game and follow the waypoint to the
location. When you arrive, you will have to search around the area for an ODST

If you have your VISR on, the mission-starting objects will be outlined with
bright yellow. Simply walk up to them and use the interact button to start the
mission. Here's a list of the Rookie's objectives and where to find each of

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Map showing each of mission starting locations

Objective 1: Search Tayari Plaza for ODST squadmate

Make your way to the Tayari Plaza beacon and find the large pit. From the pit,
turn completely around and look at the building directly across from it with
the glowing red doors. Make your way to the left hand door, find the stairs
leading upwards and follow the hallways until you arrive at a room on the top
floor. You will see an ODST helmet embedded in a television monitor on the left
wall. Use it to start the Tayari Plaza mission.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Head into the building with the glowing red doors.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Make your way upsatirs and find the helment embedded in the monitor.

Objective 2: Search Uplift Reserve for ODST squadmate

Make your way to the Uplift Reserve beacon and find the large roundabout in the
open square here. From the center of the area, turn your compass to face
directly South West. Turn on your VISR and you should see the mission staring
item - "Drone Fighter optics" at the right hand side of the foot of the
stairs leading up to the building with the space elevator logo above the door.
Inspect the object to begin the Uplift Reserve level.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 THe object is sitting at the foot of the stairs leading into the building
with the space elevator logo on it.

Objective 3: Search Kizingo Boulevard for ODST squadmate

Make your way to the Kizingo Boulevard beacon and find the large roundabout in
the open square here. Look directly to the North West and walk towards the
building with the stairs facing you on the corner of the street. Look up to the
second level of the building to see a yellow outlined turret. We need to
inspect this to start the mission, enter the building and work your way through
the various rooms, up the stairs and out onto the balcony. Use the turret to
start the Kizingo Boulevard mission.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Find this building and head inside.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 On the second floor balcony you will find the turret that will start the

Objective 4: Search ONI Alpha Site for ODST squadmate

Activate the ONI Alpha Site beacon and follow the waypoint, through the long
tunnel to reach it. You will exit into a small square area overlooking a body
of water below, across the other side of the water is a flaming building.
Follow the road out of the tunnel towards the water, you will see the mission
starting object slightly to your right as you approach. Inspect the object to
start the ONI Alpha site mission.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Follow the tunnel out to the small tunel overlooking the water

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 The detonator is just to the right of the main road, facing the water

Objective 5: Search NMPD HQ for ODST squadmate

Make your way to the NMPD HQ beacon and move to the large statue in the centre
of the square. From the statue, look towards the West and upwards. You will
find the ODST item hanging from powerlines above the square. Inspect it to
start the NMPD HQ level.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Stand next to the statue in the middle of the traffic island

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 look up and directly to the west to see the object hanging from power lines

Objective 6: Search Kikowani Station for ODST squadmate

Activate the Kikowani Station beacon and follow the waypoint until you reach
the surrounding area. Look for the large sign that reads Kikowani Station. The
object you will need to investigate is under the awning with the sign upon it.
Once you find it, check it out to start the Kikowani Station mission.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Enter the area indicated by the map and look for the Kikowani Station sign

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 The mission starter is just beneath the awning with the sign

Objective 7: Search for the city underground

After completing all six of the missions that are initiated by the ODST items
lying around New Mombasa, you will notice that a new beacon appears on the VISR
map to find the CITY UNDERGROUND. It is very close to Kikowani Station and if
you follow the road to the north you will enter a large open square with a
small army of covenant. Kill them all and then find the open door in the area
to beging the Data Hive mission.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Follow the road north from kikowani station until you reach this open area

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Eliminate the covenant forces then enter this door to start the Data Hive

***    Tayari Plaza    *** [ACT01]

Mission Location as Rookie:

Make your way to the Tayari Plaza beacon and find the large pit. From the pit,
turn completely around and look at the building directly across from it with
the glowing red doors. Make your way to the left hand door, find the stairs
leading upwards and follow the hallways until you arrive at a room on the top
floor. You will see an ODST helmet embedded in a television monitor on the left
wall. Use it to start the Tayari Plaza mission.

Tayari Plaza,
Immediately after drop

Level Specific Achievement: None!


Objective 1: Find Dare's Crash Site

As you gain control of buck, you will see a phantom dropping off troops
directly in front of you. It will drop quite a few grunts and a brute. Slowly
make your way around the sandbags to the right and pick off the grunts as they
run up towards your location. Make your way down the ramp and eliminate the
brute still prowling around.

Head past the covenant barricade and continue down the street, shortly
thereafter you will encounter a small covenant patrol consisting of a brute and
a few more grunts, floor them and continue to follow the road around to the
left. You will encounter a group of UNSC marines. They will give you a hint
about heading indoors to flank the covenant in the next area. Find the nearby
alley and step inside the red door.

Head through the building and ascend any stairs you encounter until you exit
out onto a second floor balcony. From here, assist the marines below in
eliminating the group of 4-5 brutes below. The fighting will alert another
group of grunts a little further up the road, kill as many as you can before
hitting the bend in the road. At the curve, take cover as there is a covenant
turret on a raised platform in the distance to the right. If possible take out
the gunner before mopping up the rest of the grunts in the area and one final

Once the area is clear, continue up the road and make your way to the right
hand side of the next area behind the set of stairs, turn left to see a patrol
of grunts and jackals in the distance. Using your weapon of choice, try to pick
off as many of the baddies in this group as possible before they get into
cover, attacking them will warn the next patrol of your presence. Just around
the next corner are a covenant sniper tower and another large group of jackals
and grunts. Try to stay in cover as you move towards the hover platform as
there is a pair of jackal snipers hanging out on the ground behind it who will
do a good deal of damage if they get you in their line of sight.

When everything is dead or dying make your way through the door at the back of
the area. In the open area here you will join a small skirmish between a group
of marines and a good number of covenant troops. There is a patrol of grunts, a
pair of brutes and some jackals running around at street level, and another
couple of brutes and several jackal snipers sitting on a raised crosswalk in
the middle of the area. You are able to enter the buildings on either side of
the crosswalk and the large building on the opposite side of the area from
where you enter.

Use the buildings to your advantage, surprising bad guys where you can whilst
your UNSC buddies keep them occupied. Once the majority of the covenant in the
area have been killed, a few of them will try to retreat up the ramp to the
exit leading to the next area, as they do, the doors will open and a pair of
hunters will come through. Again, use the buildings to your advantage to make
your way behind the hunters and exploit the weak spot on their backs, or avoid
fighting them all together and continue up the ramp and onwards to the next

Objective 2: Open the crashed drop pod

As you enter the area, a phantom will deposit a few more bad guys into the
open, sunken plaza-like area to your right. The drop pod is sitting at the back
end of this area, so jump down into the area, eliminate the covenant forces
shooting at it, and then move in to open the pod to complete the objective and
the mission.

***   Uplift Reserve   *** [ACT02]

Mission Location as Rookie:

Make your way to the Uplift Reserve beacon and find the large roundabout in the
open square here. From the center of the area, turn your compass to face
directly South West. Turn on your VISR and you should see the mission staring
item - "Drone Fighter optics" at the right hand side of the foot of the
stairs leading up to the building with the space elevator logo above the door.
Inspect the object to begin the Uplift Reserve level.

Uplift Reserve,
30 minutes after drop

Level Specific Achievement: Wraith Killer (Kill all 6 wraiths)


Objective 1: Link up with friendly forces

After regaining control, continue along the beach and follow the path upwards
into a large open area. As you enter some marines will ask for some assistance
in reclaiming a warthog nearby. Approach it and flip it over, and hop in the
driver's seat. Make sure to wait for a marine or two to jump in with you and
man the turret. This area has several patrols usually consisting of a group of
grunts with a brute or two. There is also a pair of brute choppers and a ghost
or two getting around to look out for. On the far end of the area, blocking the
path leading out is a wraith (1/6) that will shoot at you constantly.

Objective 2: Find marine second platoon

Try to stay away from the wraith, whilst splattering all the covenant infantry
you can. Let your marines destroy the choppers with the mounted turret, just
make sure that they don't ram you head on, likewise eliminate the ghosts. A
good tactic is to cut large laps around the central rock structures, swerving
to hit any infantry that gets in the way, whilst letting the marines do their

When everything is dead bar the wraith, focus your attention on it. To destroy
it, either get behind it and let your UNSC team mates go to town on its weak
spot, or jump out, board it and plant a grenade (not recommended on higher
difficulties!). Keep an eye on the dirt path behind the wraith as by now there
will likely be another wraith (2/6) within striking distance and it is not
uncommon for an additional vehicle or two to come and give you a little grief.

Once the first wraith is down, the second will proceed forward into the open
area and a phantom will come to drop of some fresh ghosts and some more covies
to crush. Repeat the process and once the second tank is down, continue along
the dirt path until you reach the next area. As you reach a tunnel, there is a
free unoccupied ghost sitting nearby, so switch if you feel the need.

Continue through the tunnel into another open area. As you enter there is a
large group of covenant and a sniper tower on a ridge to the right, eliminate
them if you would like or you can skip them by following the beach and cutting
inland when required. There will be a couple of ghosts and brutes rolling
around the area and some banshees flying overhead, which you should eliminate
before proceeding too far. Approaching the far wall from where you entered, you
will see the covenant have fortified a road running the length of the wall in
front of you.

As you approach it, several covenant turrets will fire on you and any remaining
vehicles in the vicinity will start heading your way. Take out the turrets and
the covenant patrols, to make this easier you can boost or drive past
everything and follow the road into a shack at the end containing some
additional ammunition for your Spartan laser. A fully charged shot from this
will destroy any vehicle or turret it touches so use it wisely!

Once the area has been cleared, follow the road to the left until it ends. Find
the dirt path leading up upwards into the rocks on the left. Continue along the
path here until you reach another open area.

Objective 3: Find Colonel across bridge

This place is similar to the previous open are with a few ghosts and choppers
trying to get up close and personal whilst a pair of wraiths (3/6, 4/6) in the
background rain explosive plasma down on your head. There is a structure in the
centre of the zone opposite a covenant sniper tower flanked by turrets. Try to
eliminate the vehicles and covenant ground troops first before taking the
wraith head on.

To make things a little easier, make your way into the large central structure.
Here you will find a rocket launcher, Spartan lasers and a sniper rifle with an
abundance of ammo. The lengthy raised balcony provides ample opportunities to
snipe the ground enemies and turret jockeys opposite, and use the rockets or
Spartan laser to blow up any vehicles that get too close.

Once again, eliminate the wraiths last and continue on up the path. Drive
through the structure and across the bridge into the next area.

Objective 4: Drive up and out of park

Continue along the dirt path until you reach a covenant sniper position,
eliminate the ground forces hear and continue up the ramp, destroying the
covenant turrets as you go. Follow the road until you reach a large purple
covenant staging platform. There is a large contingent of covenant infantry
here, which should be no match for our vehicle of choice and another wraith
(5/6) to eliminate. Once clear, continue along the path and up the mountain.

Splatter any baddies getting in your way as you climb the hill and stop when
you reach the covenant barricades, make a sexy left turn and head down the path
towards the final wraith (6/6) in the distance. If you destroyed the previous
five wraiths, you can eliminate this one for an achievement. If not, simply
drive your vehicle over the cliff facing the city in the back right hand corner
of the area to complete the mission.

***  Kizingo Boulevard *** [ACT03]

Mission Location as Rookie:

Make your way to the Kizingo Boulevard beacon and find the large roundabout in
the open square here. Look directly to the North West and walk towards the
building with the stairs facing you on the corner of the street. Look up to the
second level of the building to see a yellow outlined turret. We need to
inspect this to start the mission, enter the building and work your way through
the various rooms, up the stairs and out onto the balcony. Use the turret to
start the Kizingo Boulevard mission.

Kizingo Boulevard,
90 minutes after drop

Level Specific Achievement: Both Tubes (Kill 10 enemies with rockets)


Objective 1: Save Marines and scorpion tank

To start the mission, your objective is to help fend off the covenant from
killing the nearby UNSC troops and their pet scorpion tank. Starting the
level you are faced head-on with a wraith. This is bad! Turn around and see the
marines have holed up on a small traffic island. Make your way to them, the
wraith is only one of the dangers you will have to face.

The scorpion will retreat to the far side of the square, and several covenant
patrols will emerge from the tunnels to the left of the traffic island. There
is a good assortment of grunts, jackals and brutes, so sort them out as you see
fit after killing a good number of them, one of the other marines will tell you
to get in the scorpion tank before the wraith blows it up.

Quickly run across the square towards the scorpion tank, making sure to kill
any bad guys that come in between you and your destination. Enter the tank
and quickly take out the wraith from the start of the level. A second wraith
will approach from down the street to your left. Using the scorpion kill it and
the ground forces nearby.

Objective 2: Drive tank to rally point

Follow the road past the dead wraith and kill anything and everything that gets
in your way. After a couple of corners you will encounter your first couple of
ghosts, smash them and as you continue along the road, keep an eye on the
rooftops for brutes with brute shots which will put a quick dent in your health
and jackal snipers willing to take pot shots at you as you continue to the next
large area.

The next open area contains a group of marines pinned down and waiting for
assistance. There is a group covenant infantry on street level to the left as
you enter, with a covenant turret on the wall above them. To the right there is
a sniper tower, with a second group of infantry behind it and another turret on
the wall above them. Try to take out the tower and the infantry first as they
both contain brutes toting brute shots. Next focus on destroying the turrets
to pacify the area.

Once the area is clear, providing they are still alive, the marines will come
and join your push into the next area. You can either continue along the same
road as you entered, or make your way down the ramp to the right of the
entrance and take a different road to the next area. Both play out essentially
the same and are fairly uneventful.

The next open area is set around a heavily fortified roundabout; grunts are
manning three turrets placed around its circumference, ghosts patrol around the
outside and a covenant infantry unit is in the centre. On the right side of the
area, another covenant patrol will run down the road into the area when they
hear a commotion going on and another turret will fire up from the window of an

During this fire fight several fuel rod cannon wielding covenant troopers and
snipers will appear on various rooftops around the square and they will need to
be taken out of action ASAP. A phantom will also appear to drop ghost
reinforcements at some point. Once the zone has fallen silent, you are able
to trade in your scorpion for a fresh one if you like and when ready, roll on
through the door to the next area.

Objective 3: Rescue Dutch

Continue down the road towards the small objective triangle representing Dutch.
As you do several banshees will attack, blow them out of the sky and continue
down the street, eliminating any covenant forces that come into your line of
sight. Entering the next roundabout, will force an encounter with another
pair of wraiths, these are so much easier to kill with scorpions! Let them have
a couple of rounds each and ignoring the phantoms, cruise over to reunite with

Unfortunately it is now time to say goodbye to the scorpion tank. Follow the
road up the ramp to join Dutch. As you do, the blast door behind him will open
and a group of grunts and jackals will pour out with a brute or two. Use the
crates here for cover and eliminate the threat before heading into the next
area. Make your way along the road eliminating any enemy resistance as you go.
Continue straight along the road and up the ramp to regroup with a good-sized
contingent of UNSC troops.

Objective 4: Help Dutch defend rally point

Once you have met up with the marines, you will have a few seconds to look
around, restock your ammo and grab a health pack if needed. In this section,
the covenant will continue to roll on in with phantoms periodically dropping
10-15 covenant troops at a time and the occasional wraith. The good news is you
have the high ground and have a good deal of space up here to move around in,
the tactic here? Let the covenant come to you, you can easily take out half of
the grunts and jackals before they get close, then take out the brutes and mop
up any stragglers.

The covenant are not stupid and will attempt to flank you at every opportunity,
so stay vigilant and make sure you don't forget to occasionally scan the
balconies to the left and right for covenant troops trying to pull off a sneak

Once you have eliminated three phantom loads worth of covenant forces, the
objective and the mission will be complete.

***   ONI Alpha Site   *** [ACT04]

Mission Location as Rookie:

Activate the ONI Alpha Site beacon and follow the waypoint, through the long
tunnel to reach it. You will exit into a small square area overlooking a body
of water below, across the other side of the water is a flaming building.
Follow the road out of the tunnel towards the water, you will see the mission
starting object slightly to your right as you approach. Inspect the object to
start the ONI Alpha site mission.

ONI Alpha Site,
2 hours after drop

Level Specific Achievement: Laser Blaster (Kill 10 enemies with spartan laser)


Objective 1: Arm all charges on bridge

You will start the mission about halfway across a bridge, with some friendly
faces on one side and a huge number of covenant with a pair of wraiths on the
other. Your task is to activate the three remaining charges on the bridge on
your way to rendezvous with the UNSC forces waiting at the close end of the
bridge. As soon as the mission starts the covenant forces will start to pour
onto the bridge. IF you are quick, you can hit the three switches without
having to fight any covenant. When they are ready to go, make your way to the

Objective 2: Use detonator in watch tower

After crossing the bridge, climb the ladder into the watchtower on the left and
activate the console at the back of the room. Keep your eyes on the bridge for
a pretty cool scene. There is a sniper rifle in the tower if you fancy taking
it and it might come in handy in the next area if you have exhausted your
Spartan laser ammo. Exit the tower and mop up any covenant forces that managed
to reach your side of the area before proceeding down the ramp, under the wall
into a large open zone at the foot of the ONI building.

Objective 3: Defend inner courtyard

As you enter the area a phantom will have just dropped off a fresh batch of
troops in a clearing at the foot of several flights of stairs heading up to the
building in the distance. Amongst their numbers will be a pair of hunters, a
couple of brutes and a small army of grunts and jackals. As you enter, the bad
guys should be facing in the opposite direction, this is a perfect opportunity
to pull out your sniper rifle or Spartan laser and hit the pair of hunters in
the weak spots on their backs. Once they are down, proceed to eliminate the
remaining covenant forces in the area.

Ascend the first flight of stairs, as you reach the level ground, a pair of
phantoms will zoom in and deliver a large number of grunts 5-6 brutes and a
pair of wraiths to the small courtyard at the bottom of the stairs. Try to
put a dent in their numbers as they run up the stairs to meet you. As the
numbers start to become a little overwhelming, begin to slowly retreat
backwards up the hill whilst facing the hostiles and eliminating as many of
them as you can.

When you hear the marine yelling to fall back to the ONI building, most of the
UNSC forces will retreat further up the next flight of stairs to the area
directly below the ONI building. Quickly run up the stairs and join them.
Defend the top of the stairs from any attackers, being sure to watch your
flanks as the covenant forces will try to get the drop on you by heading up the
ramps either side as well as the stairs leading up the centre of the area.

After a third phantom arrives to drop off even more enemy troops, continue to
defend the courtyard and listen out for Dutch telling everyone to run inside
the building. As he does, continue inside the building and make your way to
the central platform within.

Objective 4: Retreat, defend ONI building interior

From the middle of this platform you should see four sets of stairs leading to
the circular room surrounding the platform. Behind two of the sets of stairs
are the doors from which you can enter the building from the previous area, the
other two lead outside. The game is about to become a survival mode for the
next few minutes, and enemies will be coming in from all four directions.

The covenant will first appear from the doors used to enter the area and will
come in waves alternating between the right and left hand sides. Ensure that
you continue to check on the status of the enemies at both doors and eliminate
the easier threats (jackals and grunts). You will also need to keep an eye out
for suicide grunts who will charge at you with active plasma grenades, they
appear frequently in the starting portion of this section of the level. To
eliminate the brutes easier, try to pick up a plasma pistol and use its
overcharge function to completely remove a brutes armour, then quickly switch
weapons and take them out quickly - this tactic is invaluable in this section
as you will have to face large numbers of brutes at a time and you will need
every little advantage you can to survive.

To start the event, covenant will bust on through the right-hand door, with a
force of grunts and jackals. Try to take them down ASAP as another group of
grunts, jackals and a brute or two will emerge from the left hand door shortly
after you engage the first group. As you turn to fight these foes, another
group of brutes will enter through the right hand door and shortly thereafter a
small group of jackals will join them. The game will now stop spawning enemies
until you have eliminated everything in the room, so take your time and leave
one or two baddies alive and well whilst stocking up on some ammo and weapons
before taking them out.

You will enjoy a few moments of peace before you hear the drone of a phantom
coming in.The next section is essentially the same as the previous segment
at the doors. This time, you will need to focus on the two doors leading
outside. As a phantom will be flying in and dropping reinforcements on the
balconies here. Same tactics as above apply, keep an eye out for flankers,
eliminate the smaller threats first, and use explosives or the plasma pistol
combo to eliminate brutes in a hurry.

Looking from the centre of the room, the first load of covenant will be dropped
on the left hand balcony. This group will consist of around 4-5 brutes,
supplemented by a small number of jackals and grunts. The phantom will then
head around to the right hand balcony and drop off the remaining covenant,
another 4-5 brutes and some more jackals and grunts.

Because of the large number of enemies, try not to stray too far from the
central area, eliminate what you can and if the numbers get too great, fall
back to the central platform. Eventually they will come down to get you and
will be forced into a narrow corridor where a couple of well placed grenades
can take out several enemies at once. When their numbers dwindle, cruise on
into the next area and mop up any stragglers.

Objective 5: Take elevator to roof for evac

When the ordeal is over, Mickey will tell you to return to the central
platform. Restock on plasma pistol ammo, grenades and something else that takes
your fancy and then return to the centre. Upon reaching Mickey's position an
elevator should conveniently appear and open, get inside and hit the console to
activate it. As the elevator rises you will be attacked by a swarm of
buggers, try to used the raised section of wall where the door was as cover and
kill them all.

At the top of the building, the elevator will stop and let you out onto the
roof, unfortunately a phantom has just dropped off a load of 5-6 brutes
(including some jet-pack troopers), some grunts and a few jackals to deal with
you. After the previous section, this encounter should hardly prove a

Once everything is dead or dying a pelican will appear. Simply walk up and use
it to complete the level.

***       NMPD HQ      *** [ACT05]

Mission Location as Rookie:

Make your way to the NMPD HQ beacon and move to the large statue in the centre
of the square. From the statue, look towards the West and upwards. You will
find the ODST item hanging from powerlines above the square. Inspect it to
start the NMPD HQ level.

NMPD Headquarters,
3 hours after drop

Level Specific Achievement: Dome Inspector (15 headshot kills)


Objective 1: Find Mickey and Dutch's Pelican

From the start, get off the helipad and enter the building at the end, make
your way upstairs and out of the exit on the upper level. As you leave the
building look to the right, you will see a number of covenant oblivious to your
presence for the moment. There is a brute and several grunts on the balcony on
the right and a similar make up of bad guys in the lower area on the left.
Watch out for the covenant turret located at the far, back corner of the area.

Whilst you are undetected, try to snipe the grunt out of the turret and one of
the brutes if you can, as the other covenant are alerted to your presence,
eliminate them accordingly. As you clear the area, sometimes a pelican will
arrive and deliver a brute and a few grunts on a landing pad below, they will
come up a ramp and exit into the area via a small tunnel to the right of the
turret. If they arrive, take them out before proceeding through the door to the

The next room is essentially the same as the previous one. This time you will
need to head up to the back left corner of the room to proceed onwards. As you
enter, take out the grunt on the turret on the raised platform to the right,
watch out as there are several jackal snipers up on the highest segment of the
room to the left so try and stay in cover as you kill any jackals/grunts in the
courtyard directly in front of you. Once the ground level is clear, pick off
the jackals up top and mop up any remaining enemies in the area.

Head through the door on the top tier of the area into the next building,
restock on any ammo you may need or switch weapons if you wish. When ready to
continue proceed through the door on the opposite side of the room.

Once again, this area is very similar to the previous two outdoor zones. As you
exit the door immediately look up and slightly to the right to see two jackal
snipers on balconies overlooking the area. Pop them, and then turn further to
your right to see another two snipers on a sky bridge above the area, in the
far left corner, similarly to the first outdoor area you will see a covenant
turret, kill the occupant if possible.

As this is going on, in the distance, you will see a phantom dropping off some
fresh troops onto the helipad below, this group of covenant is made up
primarily of jetpack brutes, which can be eliminated in the same way as normal
brutes, keep in mind that shooting their jetpacks is another way to bring them
down pretty quickly. As they jump everywhere, it can be pretty hard to track
all of them at once, so make it a habit to look around a little bit whilst
fighting them to make sure none of them have managed to sneak behind you and
that you are not getting flanked.

Enter the door next to the turret, continue through the indoor section and out
the other side into the next helipad area. Directly to the left of the exit on
the top tier of the area is another covenant turret, just to the left of it on
a balcony is a jackal sniper. It is a little difficult to focus on these two
dangers now as there is a large population of grunts in the small courtyard in
front of the exit and a couple of brutes to boot, back yourself into the indoor
section and lure the nearby enemies into coming to you. You should try to
eliminate most of these enemies from the relative safety of the indoor area to
minimise the risk of added turret and sniper damage.

Once the bottom area is clear, pick off the sniper on the balcony and the grunt
on the turret to your left, now that the two major hazards have been removed,
you can enter the room and finish off any remaining covenant forces in the
zone. As you approach the top level, a few more brutes will come through the
door, including a particularly nasty one carrying a hand-held turret, take
cover and use whatever you have at your disposal to take them down. Restock on
ammo and head for the exit on the top level of the room on the left.

Once inside, take the ramp down and kill the pair of grunts. Continue through
two sets of doors until you reach the outside area again. Head down the ramp
onto the helipad and eliminate the jackal snipers and fuel-rod grunts attacking
your buddies on a nearby rooftop. When they have taken a few rounds and have
bitten the dust, jump down onto the nearby girder and run across the gap,
ignoring the banshees for now. Jump down onto the rooftop and fight your way up
the stairs to the pelican crash site to rendezvous with Dutch and Mickey.

Objective 2: Defend pelican crash site

Like the previous two levels, this section of the level becomes a survival mode
of sorts. There will be lots of banshees flying around the area taking pot
shots at you where they can and several phantoms will fly into the area and
drop various collections of brutes, grunts and jackals who will endeavor to
assault your position. The trick here is to try and eliminate the turrets on
the underside of the phantoms to minimize damage, shoot down banshees when the
opportunities arise and deal with the ground troops accordingly.

There are plenty of rocket pods lying around, a Spartan laser at the back of
the area and several rocket launchers in weapon racks around the crash site.
Grab your weapon of choice and try to eliminate a couple of the banshees flying
around before the first phantom arrives. If you can, acquire a rocket pod and
destroy the turrets on the phantoms as they arrive, they will do major damage
to you and your team as there is next to no cover on the rooftop. During any
break in the fighting aim to explodify a banshee or two to make things a bit

There will be six phantoms, some of them will drop troops, others will just
hover and shoot. After ridding yourself of the first five drop ships and
killing off all of the ground forces, the final phantom should arrive and
deliver a pack of jetpack brutes. Eliminate these guys and regroup with Mickey
and Dutch up top to complete the objective and finish the mission.

***  Kikowani Station  *** [ACT06]

Mission Location as Rookie:

Activate the Kikowani Station beacon and follow the waypoint until you reach
the surrounding area. Look for the large sign that reads Kikowani Station. The
object you will need to investigate is under the awning with the sign upon it.
Once you find it, check it out to start the Kikowani Station mission.

Kikowani Station,
5 hours after Drop

Level Specific Achievement: None!


Objective 1: Capture Phantom drop-ship

Descend the staircase and head to the left. You will see a pair of phantoms
hanging out at the far end of the large raised platform here. Follow the path
down the stairs in front of you and lay the smackdown on the group of grunts
who are patrolling the area. Continue straight ahead, past the train and up
onto a small ledge for a sniper rifle.

Look over the railing towards the phantoms, there are two tiers to the
platform. On the top is a group of grunts and a brute or two and the lower tier
to the right has a brute on a turret, an engineer (the floating squid like
creatures) and some jackals. If you can get a shot, try killing the engineer,
these will explode and break into explosive shrapnel that will fall below and
explode, killing or damaging any enemies in the immediate area. Then take out
the turret gunner on the right.

As fighting breaks out, the drop ship on the upper tier will deploy another
group of infantry consisting of a few brutes and grunts before bailing. Use
your sniper rifle to pick off as many brutes as you can, they will attack you,
but with no real accuracy and they will not be able to reach you on this
platform. To help you out, Mickey will usually keep them occupied on the stairs
to the right leading onto the phantom platform.

Once the area is relatively clear, follow the train tracks nearby down into the
area with the phantom and kill any remaining covenant forces. Wait for Mickey
to hijack the phantom, then requisition yourself one of the banshees up the
stairs to the left.

Objective 2: Escort Phantom in a banshee

You will now need to escort the phantom through a horde of covenant forces to
safety. Just remember the banshee has the primary fire plasma gun and a
secondary fire (press B) banshee bomb you can use to take out larger groups of

Fly to the centre of the room and eliminate the turret on the small island
here, continue towards the back of the room towards the large circular
platform. As you approach, you will have to fly between two large pillar-like
structures each constructed complete with some conveniently located balconies.
Enemies will pour out of doors onto the balconies and fire at you, on the
left-hand tower there are three grunts carrying fuel-rod cannons here which
should be taken out as soon as possible. On the right tower is a lone jackal,
pop him when you get the opportunity.

Once the balcony forces are down, turn your focus to the circular platform. On
the left hand side are a pair of unmanned covenant turrets, if you are quick
you can eliminate the covenant forces below before they reach them. IF you
weren't so lucky, prioritize taking out the turrets before eliminating the
remaining covenant ground forces situated on the same platform.

When the platform is clear a small squadron of 2-3 banshees will emerge from
the door to the left of the circular area. Smash them up and then continue
through the now open doorway. Drop a banshee bomb on the covenant sniper tower
and cruise around to the right. Continue through the area destroying ground
forces as you see fit and proceed out the doorway to the left at the end.

On entering the next open area, you will see a phantom hovering over a building
ahead and slightly to the left of the entry point. Moving in closer you will
see it is sitting on top of a refueling platform of sorts and if you can blow
it up, it will explode and take the phantom down with it. This will cause a
couple of banshees and some engineers to attack you, try to keep your distance
as their explosions tend to have dire consequences if you get too close. Once
the room is enemy-free, fly to the far side of the area to find that the door
is locked.

Objective 3: Open all blocking doors

Jump out of the banshee and use the panel on the door to open it. Return to the
banshee and use it to take care of the enemy infantry in front of you. Follow
the tunnel to the left and destroy the refueling platform, which will destroy
the phantom and any covenant unlucky enough to be in close proximity to it. The
nearby door will now automatically open for you.

This open area is almost identical to the first one; there are a few nearby and
central structures and a large circular platform at the back of the room which
is flanked by a pair of towers with balcony access for covenant forces. There
are several AA wraiths in the area and a number of refueling platforms to
destroy for good measure.

As you enter the room, turn immediately to your right to see the first
wraith, kill it before heading past the closest structure and destroying the
re-fuelling rig below the phantom. This will alert more covenant forces in
the area to converge on your position. In the middle of the circular area ahead
is a second AA wraith, a couple of engineers will appear and proceed to attack
you and the balcony on the right hand tower will start to fill up with covenant

Retreat a little so you are out of range of all the AA fire and take down the
engineers. Next you should focus on exterminating the forces on the balcony to
the right before turning your attention to the AA wraith waiting on the
platform below. Finally mop up the brute shot brutes chilling out on the left
hand structure's balcony. Fly down to inspect the door.

This time you will have to abandon your banshee and proceed through the smaller
door at ground level on foot. You will need to make your way to the opposite
site of the tunnel on the right and deactivate the locked door manually.
Unfortunately there is a large number of brutes, grunts and jackals eager to
get a piece of you without the relative safety of your banshee. Fortunately,
there are several covenant weapon crates in the clearing in front of you as you
enter, pick up one of the sniper rifles and proceed to eliminate the covenant a
little further down the tunnel.

The first group you see will consist of a pair of brutes, a turret and a small
collection of grunts and jackals. As you begin to snipe them off, another group
of brutes and an engineer will come to investigate. Try to pop the engineer
over your other covenant opponents if possible and then wipe out the rest of
the brutes. When their numbers are dwindling, a brute chieftain will appear and
come at you with a gravity hammer. He is pretty light on his feet and will
reach you if you stay put for too long. You will need to keep moving as you
attack. Avoid coming into close proximity with him at all costs as one swing
from that hammer means a journey back to the previous checkpoint. Utilise
everything - grenades, ammo and weapons to put him to sleep.

TIP FOR THE CHIEFTAIN (thanks to Juuso)
  If you are playing solo on Heroic or Legendary, the gravity hammer guy can be
  a pain in the ass. When he approaches you, just fall back to your banshee
  which you should still be just outside. Go to your Banshee and take a look at
  the small doors you just came out from. The gravity hammer guy should be in
  sight, and he can be taken out pretty easily with the Banshee´s bullets and
missiles.Then you can just pick up the gravity hammer if you will and keep on

When the leader is down, proceed into the small control room on the left of the
door leading into the new area. Hit the switch here to let your buddies
through, exit the tunnel into the next open area and immediately turn left.
Follow the pathway into the tunnel ahead and take the first left onto a small
landing pad protected by a group of jackals and a brute. Kill them all and take
the banshee here.

Objective 4: Evade or destroy scarab

Fly towards the centre of the room and you will see the Scarab situated on a
platform in the middle of the area against the far wall. It will shoot its
beams at you and the various turrets and covenant mounted on it will shoot you
if you come too close. The trick to beating the scarab is essentially the same
as Halo 3. You will need to take out its legs so it lowers to the ground, then
mount it and destroy its power core at the back before making a quick exit.

It is possible to just bail out of the banshee and land on top of the scarab,
fight your way through the covenant here and destroy the power core, but there
are a few less explosions this way. Alternately you can destroy the set of
re-fuelling platforms close to the scarab to weaken its legs, if that isn't
quite enough, finish the legs off with a few banshee bombs and it will
collapse. Either way, get aboard and destroy the power core to continue.

Objective 5: Escape through final tunnel

Make your way to the door on the platform to the left of the scarab and use the
console to open it. Enter the door and climb the stairs to your immediate
right. Enter the banshee here continue a short ways down the tunnel and shoot
one of the refuelling stations on the walls ahead to complete the mission.

***     Data Hive      *** [ACT07]

Data Hive,
Present time

Level Specific Achievement: I Like Fire (Kill 10 enemies with flame thrower)


Objective 1: Find Dare on sub-level 9

You will start on top of an elevator on sub level 7. Hop down into the room
below and continue through the door on the opposite side of the room with the
green lights. You will enter a long U-shaped tunnel; to start with things will
be a little quiet. Proceed forward until you hear some grunt chatter.
Cautiously move forward and eliminate the pair in front of you. This will alert
another patrol of grunts who will pop out of a door on the left a little
further ahead. Kill them all and enter the left hand tunnel.

You will now enter a second, identical U-shaped tunnel follow this one to the
end and you should encounter two separate covenant patrols. The first group
consists of jackals, the second will consist of grunts. Kill them all and
continue to the end of the hallway. Enter the open door at the end. You will
enter a square room with four exits, take the open door and continue onward to
the next room.

As you make your way into the room, so too will a brute and a small group of
jackals. Eliminate them and follow the hallway they came from. In the next room
head through the open door to the left and kill the brutes and grunts that
occupy the next room. Once again take the open door through to the next area.
Here you will run into a UNSC marine who will help you out for a little while.
After a short spiel, the console next to the circular platform in the centre of
the room will become usable. Hit it and jump back into cover.

When the stack in the centre of the room rises, a swarm of buggers will emerge
from the hole below. Take them out from behind cover and when it's safe to do
so, jump down the hole into the room below.

Find the unlocked door and continue into a long tunnel occupied by another
swarm of buggers. Fight them off and continue forwards, a short time later a
group of 4-5 cloaked brutes will attack you, they are difficult to spot, so
turn your VISR on and you will be able to see their outlines in grey.
Exterminate the group and follow the hallway to the very end. Enter the door
and follow the tunnel into another series of square-shaped rooms.

In the first room you will have to fight off several buggers, do so and then
continue through the open door to the right. Continue straight through the next
room and follow the tunnel into an encounter with a brute and some jackals,
once they have been killed another brute and a group of grunts will enter the
room from the left hand door, destroy them and then continue down the tunnel
they emerged from. Defeat three brutes who come to get you in this room and
continue to the next area. Follow the tunnel until you reach yet another room
containing grunts and a brute. Take them out and continue into the right hand
tunnel. Fight off one final set of grunts and brutes as you make your way into
the final room. Hit the console next to the centre platform and jump down to
sub-level 9.

As soon as you land you will be attacked by a small group of buggers, defend
yourself and then proceed through the unlocked door. Yet another long tunnel,
reminiscent of the U-shaped rooms we traversed earlier. Follow the room down
and around the corner eliminating a patrols of grunts and 8-9 brutes as you go,
thrown into the mix here is a particularly nasty brute wielding around a
turret, he will smash through your health bar pretty quickly so stay in cover
and eliminate him when able.

When you get to the crossroad-type area, head straight through to a locked
door. Look to your right to see a health pack if you need it and the
flamethrower. Pick this up if you want to get the "I like Fire" achievement
(10 flamethrower kills on Data Hive). Return to the crossroad and take the
ramp down to the left and through the unlocked door at the end. Continue
through the small uninhabited room here and exit the door out into another

*** NOTE: If you have managed to locate and activate all 29 audio logs within
New Mombasa prior to entering the level, the marine will jump down the second
stack with you. Follow him into the icy area and he will open the door to the
left. Inside you will find the final audio log.***

The next tunnel can be a bit tough; it is full of jackals and buggers with a
brute or two to shake things up a bit. Try to take out the buggers first as
they are the most annoying and hardest to hit, then focus on the brutes and
finish up with the jackals. Once the room has been completely cleared, the door
on the back wall will open, granting you access. Cruise through the tunnel and
use the door at the end for a short story sequence and the completion of the
first objective.

Objective 2: Fight through hive to data-center

Follow Dare out of the room and through the tunnel behind, like the previous
tunnels, continue through until you reach the end. As you do you will encounter
several groups of covenant infantry. Fight through a group of grunts and a
brute, up next you will come across a brute with several grunts and a group of
buggers. The third group is made up of a brute, some jackals and a group of
buggers. Destroy all resistance in the tunnel, then follow Dare into a side
passage to the right of the final locked door.

Jump down the hole in here and fight your way through the next three rooms,
killing a good number of brutes, jackals and grunts in the process. At the end
you will reach a locked door, look to the right to see the entrance to the next
area. You will now have an opportunity to stock up on weapons as there are a
good number of covenant weapon crates lying around, when you are ready to
continue, follow Dare up the ramp and through the door on the left of the room.
Take the elevator up to the next level.

Objective 3: Rescue the Superintendent

The next room can be a little confusing. It consists of a large series of
catwalks your main goal is to reach the open doors on the wall at the very far
end of the room from the elevators. Follow Dare forward until you can go no
further, turn to the left and follow the catwalk until you can take a right.
You will be attacked by a large group of buggers and from this point on you
will be attacked periodically by groups of buggers as you move along the
catwalk. Take them out and continue down the right hand path fighting off
buggers until you reach a dead end. Turn left and follow this catwalk until you
reach the end, turn right and on the next platform take a another quick right
and continue along the set path and take the first left. When you reach a dead
end, turn right at the next opportunity turn left and continue along the
platforms until you reach the walls with the door leading to the next area. The
buggers should finally cease spawning as you continue through the door.

Follow Dare through the tunnel and drop down to the floor below when required.
Open the door and look down, in the distance, in the centre of the room you
should be able to make out a door. This is our next goal. There is a group of
2-3 brutes standing guard outside of it and a brute chieftain with a gravity
hammer keeping them company. Drop down the various outcroppings below the
balcony until you are on the main platform. Make your way towards the door and
attempt to kill the normal brutes first whilst avoiding the chieftain. Once
the chieftan has been subdued, open the door, make your way down the ramp and
open the door for a story scene.

Objective 4: Escort Engineer to safety

You will now have to escort your new friend to safety, if it takes too much
damage, the mission will be over so it is important that you do not abandon it.
Buck is at the opposite end of this room so you will need to make your way to
him. As you exit back into the main area, a group of three brutes will attack
you and a pair of phantoms will fly in to drop off some additional grunts,
jackals and a brute or two for you to contend with. As you reach Buck, you will
notice that there are a two open doors here. Enter either one and drop down the
hole to reach the next area.

The room here has a large group of buggers that are asleep and hanging from the
roof. You will need to kill them all and then proceed through the door on the
side of the area. Follow the tunnel to the end and your new friend will open
the locked door for you. The next room is the same kind of tunnel, so simply
follow it to the end, whilst exterminating all of the buggers that get in the

Upon exiting the tunnel you will find yourself in an elevator room. Run up the
ramp and into the elevator to complete the mission.

***   Coastal Highway  *** [ACT08]

Coastal Highway,
Present time

Level Specific Achievement:Vidmaster Challenge: Déjà Vu (See achievement guide)


Objective 1: Find elevator to highway

You will start this mission where you left off the previous one and yet again
you will be escorting the superintendent. Get out of the elevator and exit into
the street. Turn left and follow the road until you reach a large area with a
large traffic island in the middle. On top of the island is a covenant sniper
tower with several turrets. As you approach a phantom will be dropping off
additional reinforcements.

As you head towards the square, take a left into the building when you get the
chance. In the far left corner is a door, enter and climb the stairs, continue
through the building until you exit out onto the balcony. Pick up the sniper
rifle off the dead marine here and eliminate the gunners in the tower. Pick
off some additional brutes in the area below before proceeding forward into the
building and back out onto the street. Turn to the left. In the distance you
will see some brutes and grunts hanging out near a truck.

Stay put and if you have your sniper rifle still handy, snipe as many brutes as
you can, there are quite a few and doing this will make taking down the
remaining covenant much easier. When you are out of ammo, replace your weapon
and move forward cautiously. Exterminate the remaining brutes and grunts and
continue up the road behind them. Follow it all the way until you reach a dead
end. Look around for an unlocked door and enter, make your way through the
building until you reach the elevator. Once your friend has activated it, step
on through for a short story sequence.

Objective 2: Escort and protect Dare's vehicle

As soon as you regain control, grab the driver's seat of the warthog nearby
and take off. In this next sequence of the level you will need to keep enemies
from attacking the APC containing Dare. This can be difficult, so be sure to
not fall too far behind her, or leave it unattended for too long or it will
take too much damage and incur you with a visit to the previous checkpoint.

As you continue along the highway you will complete a stretch, and then stop to
open the door and do another stretch, stop and open the door and so on and so
forth.Each section of the highway is pretty much identical to the last and
each successive area will have more difficult enemies to contend with. You do
not need to eliminate all of them, so long as Dare's vehicle reaches the
tunnel at the end of the segment in one piece.

Starting the first section of highway, you will encounter a huge number of
grunts, they will do little to no damage to Dare's vehicle so you can take
your time to eliminate them if you wish by running them down, letting Buck
shoot them with the hog turret or getting out to deal with them in person.
Either way, once Dare is at the end, jump in the hog and join her to see the
door open to the next stretch of highway.

The second highway areas beginning area is filled with jackals. They will not
do much to the APC so try and crush a few if you can, but for the most part,
ignore them and continue on to attack the group of grunts with a couple of
brutes a little further along the road who are much more of a threat to Dare as
they will throw grenades. Again simply attack the enemies until Dare reaches
the tunnel then disengage and regroup to enter the next area.

The next section of highway has five sniper towers set up in it. Fortunately on
most occasions only two of them are occupied. They are however occupied by
groups of three grunts all equipped with fuel rod cannons which will destroy
the APC in a matter of seconds if not attended to in a hasty manner. You can
identify the active towers by the streams of green fuel rod shells being fire
in your direction.

When you know where the groups of enemies are, jump out of the hog and take the
gravlift up into the tower, the grunts will cease firing and pretty much stand
there while you kill them. Repeat for the other active towers and get to the
tunnel at the end as fast as you can. A large group of buggers will arrive as
Dare gets there and they can take down the vehicle with their numbers o you
want to be there to assist. Park the car and let buck use the turret, you
should pull out any weapon you have and try to take them down before the APC
takes too much damage. When the buggers are dead, the next door will open.

The fourth length of highway is fairly straight forward and consists of a
couple of groups of grunts and jackals being dropped in via phantoms. Again the
grunts are the biggest threat, so wipe them out as you see fit and continue
with Dare into the tunnel at the end.

The fifth stretch of highway is loaded with 5-6 ghosts. These can put a
significant dent in the vehicles vitality quite quickly, so it is important to
keep them away from Dare if possible. Again try to get ahead of the APC and
keep them occupied whilst letting Buck take a few of those bad boys down with
his epic turret skills. Don't be afraid to ram them to grab their attention
if they persist in attacking the carrier. Once Dare reaches the end, regroup.

In the tunnel here, you would be wise to switch up your warthog and upgrade to
the shiny new gauss warthog inside. Continue through the door into the sixth
segment of the highway. Along this area you will encounter a bunch more ghosts
(which are much, much easier with Buck on the gauss cannon), the occasional
banshee and some sniper rifles. With the gauss hog, all you need to do is keep
it on its wheels and Buck will do the rest. Continue through the tunnel at the
end into the next area.

This section of highway (number eight) is deserted outside of a few banshees.
Buck will take care of those for you, so just head to the door at the end of
the area. There is a wraith just before the tunnel you will need to eliminate,
either by getting buck an angle on the weak spot on its back or by boarding it.
As you approach the tunnel a scarab will climb over the top of it, ignore it
for the moment and head inside.

Time to upgrade again! Grab the scorpion tank inside the tunnel here and get
ready for the ninth stretch of the highway. A few turrets, a wraith and a few
banshees are what you will encounter in this section and they will not hold up
for long against the firepower of the scorpion and you will quite easily be
able to make it to the tunnel into the next area in no time.

The tenth section of highway is a little longer than the previous ones and in
this area you will be keeping phantoms off of Dare's vehicle. The phantoms
will fly parallel with the road and unload into the APC. You will need to shoot
their turrets off to force them into retreating. You should reach the tunnel
just after the fourth phantom has been dealt with.

The eleventh segment of the highway, is similar to the previous one, but
without the phantoms. Instead you will have to eliminate a series of turret
placements sitting at regular intervals atop the median strip in the middle of
the road. In addition to the turrets are 5 -6 ghosts to explodify with the
scorpion. When the road has been cleared, head through the door into the next

The twelfth piece of highway is inhabited by a large force of covenant
infantry. A couple of well placed shots towards a group can exterminate the lot
fairly quickly. Make your way through the various covenant troops until you
reach the door at the end.

Part thirteen of the highway, and we are almost done. Simply shoot the
different covenant sniper towers along the road here with the scorpion to
destroy them. As you approach the exit, a scarab will appear atop the tunnel
and attack the APC, disabling it. The scarab will then depart, allowing you to
continue through to the next area.

After passing through the final door, take the first off ramp in the middle of
the highway and follow the road around to the right. Abandon the wraith and
make your way to the building in the distance.

Objective 3: Defend Engineer until friendly Phantom arrives

The final section of the game, and once again we will be entering "survival
mode". You will have to eliminate several phantom loads worth of enemies
whilst keeping the superintendent out of harm's way. It will stay inside the
structure for the duration, Dare and Buck will stand guard either just inside
or just outside the ground level doorways.

There isn't much in the way of ammo or weapons inside the building, but if
you head up the stairs to the left or right and climb up to the platform above
the door you will be able to pick up a sniper rifle, shot gun or an SMG if you
feel the need. The balcony overlooks the courtyard and the two car park areas
below giving a perfect sniping position. The open door behind the snipers ledge
leads to the main room where our friend is hiding out. So if it starts to take
damage, you can quickly jump over the balcony to the ground floor and assist

*** NOTE: There is also a machine gun turret in the small planter to the
left of the balcony area, which can take most things out before they can reach
the building.***

The first three phantoms will deliver the fairly standard covenant formation
makeup of a couple of brutes, a few jackals and a tonne of grunts. If you have
taken up the sniper position, take out the brutes first, then to conserve your
ammo, make your way downstairs and eliminate the smaller threats personally.
After the third phantom, a fourth will arrive to drop a pair of hunters and
shortly thereafter, a pair of wraiths will appear on the highway and start
volleying shots in the general direction of the building. At this point you
should also watch out for jackal snipers in the car parks.

One final phantom will arrive and deliver 4-5 standard brutes, 4-5 jetpack
brutes and a brute chieftain. You will need to eliminate the entire group to
continue. If you still have some sniper ammo left, I would advise heading for
the roof. The chieftain will usually wait back in the courtyard below and rush
in when the number of brutes starts to dwindle. Rather than waiting, open up on
him with the sniper rifle and when he is dead, focus on eliminating the
standard brutes and then finally mop up the jet packers.

As the final brute falls, the friendly phantom will appear and come to rest
hovering above the car park on the right side of the area. Run across to it to
finish the objective, the level and the game.

***    AUDIO LOGS     *** [AULGS]

For my full audio log guide complete with pictures and a map, check it here:


Halo 3: ODST has a great story, told through the missions surrounding a group
of soldiers who drop into the African city of New Mombasa during the slip space
rupture event players may remember from Halo 2. Whilst this story is good,
there is a second story that has also unfolded and just waiting to be

The audio logs in Halo 3: ODST tell the story of Sadie and her father in the
wake of the events leading to our hero being where he is. Its a good story, and
worth listening to. To unlock the story, you must find and use thirty audio log
locations throughout the game. They can appear in a range of forms from a
telephone, ticket machine, medical booth and many more. To locate them, explore
the city with your visor on. They will appear, like the mission items with a
yellow outline, run up to them and hit the activate button to collect each
one.The first 29 of these logs can be found within the confines of New Mombasa,
whilst the final log can only be obtained when all the others have been
collected and is in the mission Data Hive.

As you collect the audio logs you will also unlock superintendent weapon supply
points, containing ammo, grenades and mongooses to help you fight your way
through the city. This guide will provide you with a map and some pictures to
help you locate and pick up those elusive audio logs, pick up the 125
achievement points on offer and let you enjoy a well done secondary story.

                                 Audio Log Map

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 A map showing the location of the audio logs

                              Audio Log Locations

To use this guide, use the above map and make your way to the general area of
each of the logs indicated, once there use the pictures below to help locate

Audio Log 1

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 On the left hand side of the pit.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Look for a yellow phone for the log.

>> INFO: After your first log you will earn the achievement - Listener.

Audio Log 2

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Head into the open area here and climb up onto the raised platform.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Use the atm here to pick up the audio log.

Audio Log 3

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Head under the awning to the left of the picture.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Look along the left hand wall for an atm containing the 3rd audio log.

>> INFO: After your third audio log you will earn the achievement - Tuned In.

Audio Log 4

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Make your way to the building in the picture.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 climb the stairs and look on the right side to find the log in a telephone.

Audio Log 5

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Follow this road around the bend.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 You should see the log on the side of the road in an information booth.

Audio Log 6

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Find the entrance to the underground road.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Follow it around until you are opposite the entrance, you will see the log on
the wall.

Audio Log 7

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Find the covenant shield blocking the road. Look out for the yellow sign on
the left, beneath it is an openable door.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Enter the building and cruise around to the back to find the log in a phone.

Audio Log 8

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Head along the balcony pictured.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Look out for a grey openable door along the left wall. Head inside and use the
medical station for the log.

Audio Log 9

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Find this area next to a dead end. Once again use the openable door beneath
the yellow sign on the left.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Head through the door and pick up the audio log in the gazebo in the centre of
the area.

Audio Log 10

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Eliminate the covenant forces around the roundabout in the centre of the area.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Head inside the structure on the roundabout to find the log.

Audio Log 11

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 You will find this log beneath some debris on the side of the road.

Audio Log 12

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Outside the door here is a group of crates and storage containers. You will
need to jump on these, and then up onto the balcony nearby.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 You will find the log in the telephone here.

Audio Log 13

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Find the glass automatic door at the back of the area. Enter.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Walk to the end of the corridor to find the log in an atm on the left.

Audio Log 14

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Walk along the balcony on the right side of the area.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 You will find the next log on an an info console on the right hand wall.

Audio Log 15

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Continue along this road here.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 You will find the log in an info console to the left of the street.

>> INFO: After your fifteenth audio log you will earn the achievement - All

Audio Log 16

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Head under the awning to the left of the picture before the turret.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 At the end, you will find the log.

Audio Log 17

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Climb up the stairs here and turn left at the top.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Follow the path to the end to find the log.

Audio Log 18

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 On a small raised platform to the left of the darkened section of the road.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Hit the atm here to get the log.

Audio Log 19

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Look for the blue sign in the area to the right of the blue sign. beneath the
red sign is an openable door.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Head inside and pick up the log from the info console.

Audio Log 20

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Enter the door beneath the red "Look Out!!" door to the left of the road.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 You will find the audio log at the back of the room on an atm.

Audio Log 21

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 You will find the log in an information booth in the middle of the square

Audio Log 22

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Just to the left of the door pictured.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 You will find the log in a medical booth here.

Audio Log 23

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Enter the door to the right of the above photo.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Inside you will find the log in a phone on the counter nearby.

Audio Log 24

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Make your way to the dead end at the end of the road.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 You will find the log on the wall opposite the locked door.

Audio Log 25

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 In the middle of the square here.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 You will find the log on an atm in front of the right hand planter.

Audio Log 26

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Follow the road along and you will see this one sitting on a wall to the left.

Audio Log 27

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 To the right of the area here you will find a small traffic island between two

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Inside you will find an atm containing the log.

Audio Log 28

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 In the middle of the open area here. You can't miss it.

Audio Log 29

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 enter the door under the red light and head up the stairs.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Follow the hallway out onto the balcony to find the log.

>> INFO: Audio Log 30 can only be obtained once all 29 previous logs have been
picked up and listened to. Once all 29 are yours, load up the Data Hive level.

Audio Log 30

Play through the Data Hive level as per normal until you reach the lone marine
looking to head down. Jump down the shaft here and continue along through the
level until you reach the next drop down area. Usually, the marine will be
separated from you here and be killed, if and only if you have all 29 logs from
New Mombasa, the marine will survive and accompany you further into the level.

When you reach the icy area, the marine will tell you there is something he
needs to check out. He will tell you to wait outside whilst he opens the door
to the left. Ignore him and follow him inside. You will see the audio log at
the back of the room on the left. Picking it up will unlock the achievement and
make the marine hostile, so be prepared to put a few bullets in his skull.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Make youw ay through the Data hive mission as normal until you meet up with
the lone marine.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Follow the marine through the door to the left in the icy area.

- IMAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 You will find the log at the back of the room on the wall.

>> INFO: After picking up the audio log you will earn the achievement -


  - Learn where the power weapons (shotgun/spartan laser/rockets/sniper rifle)
    are located on each level and during a lull in the fighting be sure to pick
    them up to make things a little easier.

  - Try for headshots as much as possible, they will award you with a medal and
    give you a higher score than a standard kill.

  - Try to link kills together, a triple or overkill will be worth much more
    than a single, isolated kill. A killionaire (10 kills in quick succession)
    will give you quite a nifty boost to your score.

  - Always keep a plasma pistol or two lying around in the area you choose to
    defend. A charged up plasma bolt can take out an engineer in one shot and
    nullify the shields of any brutes, buggers and jackals leaving them open
    for an easy headshot to finish them off.

  - Don't be afraid to use fuel rod guns (Covenant mortars)! Their explosive
    discharge and rapid rate of fire mean they can take down a shield and then
    start eating through the rest of an opponents life in a hurry.

  - In close quarters combat, you should always attempt to melee, it is instant
    and usually fatal. Trying to shoot up close is usually inaccurate and much
    less effective

  - Always take cover when the screen begins to turn red and let your stamina
    regenerate. This is especially important on Heroic and Legendary

  - When encountering stealthed Brutes, activate your visor, then, if they fire
    or are hit, your visor will show a faint outline, giving you something to
    aim at or dodge.

  - When playing with multiple people and duking it out against a hunter, let
    one person distract it and another use the sniper rifle and tap it in the
    weak spot on their back to take them down very quickly.

  - Use the plasma pistol overcharge feature on an occupied vehicle and watch
    it short circuit for a few seconds. Whilst the vehicle is unable to move,
    board the vehicle and plant a grenade (in the case of wraiths) or take out
    an alternate weapon and pop the driver before functionality is restored.

  - If you can get up close and personal with a shotgun, fire away, then
    immediately follow up with a quick melee attack and then fire once again.
    This is an instant kill on most enemies, even on legendary.

  - The brute chieftans weilding those nasty gravity hammers are the most
    challenging foe you will encounter during firefight. One swing from the
    hammer will almost always give you a forced respawn and they have an
    invincibility power that makes them invulnerable to just about anything.
    They can be quite difficult to eliminate. there are a couple of strategies
    to beat them very quickly.

      (i) Firstly, with two people, have one hit him with a charged plasma bolt
          to remove his shield and have a second player quickly follow up with
          a rocket to kill them before they can activate their invincibility.
          You can also do this solo.

     (ii) Have one person kite them around an area, whilst a second tries to
          come in from behind and melee them in the back for an instant kill.
          This strategy will also work whilst they are invincible.

    (III) If you are playing solo, you can defeat them fairly easily thanks to
          this strategy from Jasper Iwena:

             Firstly you need a nice, open area as you will need a bit of space
             for latteral movement. Stand in an open area with the hammer brute
             approaching you head on. As soon as he gets close to you, he will
             make a move swinging his hammer from back to front along with a
             forward jump. The moment he starts making the move, he is unable
             to stop it. As the move itself is relatively slow, it can quite
             easily be dodged by sidestepping. Immediately turn around and run
             towards his back, as he should still be recovering from the move.
             A single melee should do the trick, not even wasting a single

Got a hint or tip? Send me an email and let me know, if I like it I will
include it in the guide and credit you for your contribution.

***    UNLOCKABLES    *** [UNLKB]

Firefight Characters:

   Buck  ---------> Complete Tayari Plaza
   Dutch ---------> Complete Uplift Reserve
   Mickey---------> Complete Kizingo Boulevard
   Romeo ---------> Complete NMPD HQ
   Dare  ---------> Complete the campaign on Legendary

Firefight Levels:

   Lost Platoon --> Complete Uplift Reserve
   Alpha Site ----> Complete ONI Alpha site
   Chasm Ten -----> Complete Data Hive
   Last Exit -----> Complete Coastal Highway

Mongoose in New Mombassa Streets

   To unlock the mongoose for use in getting around New Mombasa as the rookie,
   you will need to find and listen to various audio logs scattered across the
   city. These will unlock superintendent supply points, great for restocking
   ammo, switching weapons and yes, acquiring your very own mongoose.


Achievement walkthrough coming soon. For now enjoy the list!
*** Story Achievements ***
These achievements are all story related and cannot be missed.
These achievements are worth 615gs points.

Tourist	(5g)
Access and download the city map to your VISR.

Junior Detective (10g)
Find the first clue unraveling the mystery.

Tayari Plaza (30g)
Complete Tayari Plaza on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary to unlock a new Firefight

Uplift Reserve	(30g)
Complete Uplift Reserve on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary to unlock a new
Firefight character.

Gumshoe (10g)
Find the 3rd clue unraveling the mystery, alone or with another ODST.

Kizingo Boulevard (30g)
Complete Kizingo Blvd. on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary to unlock a new
Firefight character.

ONI Alpha Site (30g)
Complete ONI Alpha Site on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary to unlock a new
Firefight mission.

NMPD HQ	(30g)
Complete NMPD HQ on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary to unlock a new Firefight

Super Sleuth (10g)
Find the final clue unraveling the mystery, alone or with another ODST.

Kikowani Station (30g)
Complete Kikowani Station on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.

Data Hive (50g)
Complete Data Hive on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary to unlock a new Firefight

Coastal Highway (50g)
Complete Coastal Highway on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary to unlock a new
Firefight mission.

Campaign Complete: Heroic (100g)
Complete the Campaign on Heroic difficulty.

Campaign Complete: Normal (100g)
Complete the Campaign on Normal difficulty.

Campaign Complete: Legendary (100g)
Complete the Campaign on Legendary to unlock a new Firefight character.

*** Collectible Achievements ***

To earn these achievements, you need to simply find all thrity of the audio
logs hidden throughout New Mobasa. They can appear in a range of forms from
a telephone, ticket machine, medical booth and many more. To locate them,
explore the city with your visor on. They will appear, like the mission items
with a yellow outline, run up to them and hit the activate button to collect
each one. You will earn 4 achievements worth 125gs for finding and listening
to all thirty. Guide coming soon!

Listener (5g)
Find the first Audio Log.

Tuned In (15g)
Find 3 Audio Logs, alone or with another ODST.

All Ears (30g)
Find 15 Audio Logs, alone or with another ODST.

Audiophile (75g)
Find all Audio Logs, alone or with another ODST.

*** Combat Achievements ***

Naughty Naughty	(5g)
Killing things that are new and different is good, alone or with another ODST.

Task: You must destroy 10 engineers throughout your time on the New Mombasa
      Streets as the Rookie before entering the level Data Hive. These can be
      hard to find, but most appear in the central regions of the map. Collect
      a few audio logs and grab a mongoose from one of the suppply points to
      make traversing the streets in search of these guys a little quicker.

Good Samaritan (20g)
Killing things that are new and different is bad, alone or with another ODST.

Task: Start a new game and play through the entire campaign until the level
      Data Hive without killing a single engineer.

Both Tubes (5g)
Get 10 Rocket kills on Kizingo Boulevard.

Task: Kill 10 covenant troops with the rocket launcher in Kizingo Boulevard.
      Check behind barricades and back alleys to find additional ammo for the

Wraith Killer (5g)
Kill all Wraiths in Uplift Reserve.

Task: Kill all six wraiths in Uplift Reserve. Follow my guide above and you
      will unlock it just before the end of the level

Laser Blaster (5g)
Get 10 Spartan Laser kills on ONI Alpha Site.

Task: Kill 10 covenant troops with the spartan laser. You will start this
      mission equipped with the laser and a good opportunity to use it. From
      the beginning of the level, look towards the far side of the bridge,there
      is a massive number of covenant here trying to get to you. At several
      points across the bridge there a re destroyed vehicles the enemies will
      have to run around, as they do, several of them will often line up giving
      you the opportunity with a well aimed laser shot to take out 3 -4 enemies
      at a time. if you run out of ammo, there is a second spartan laser on the
      middle platform at the top of the hill you will need to defend.

I Like Fire (5g)
Kill 10 enemies with the Flamethrower on Data Hive.

Task: Kill 10 enemies with the flame thrower on Data Hive. The flamethrower is
      located just a few rooms before you meet up with Dare on sub level 09.
      Watch out for the room in which you see ice on the floor and walls.
      Continue into the room until you reach a crossroads. Continue straight
      ahead until you hit the wall, turn to your right to find it on the floor
      in a small alcove next to a healthpack. Kill the next 10 enemies with it
      for the achievement

Dome Inspector (5g)
Get 15 headshot kills on NMPD HQ.

Task: Kill 15 covenant troops with headshots on NMPD HQ. Very easy, you will
      start with a sniper rifle and a magnum and between the two and the
      abundence of grunts and jackals in the first couple of areas, you should
      wrap this one up in record time.

Pink and Deadly (5g)
Get 10 Needler supercombine kills on any covenant.

Task: Shoot a covenant with a needler until they blow up! Repeat 10 times. Must
      be done in one level.

My Clothes! (5g)
Plasma Pistol Overcharge and quickly kill 10 Brutes.

Task: Use the secondary fire of the plasma pistol and hit a brute with it to
      lower their energy shields. Then quicly switch weapons and get a headshot.
      Alternatively you fire off a charged shot at a jackals shield to remove
      it before killing it. Perform eitherthese actions a total of 10 times for
      the achievement.

Ewww, Sticky (5g)
Get 5 sticky grenade kills in any level.

Task: Throw a plasma grenade or a brute stick grenade and hit an enemy with it.
      Repeat 5 times in one level for the achievement. To make it easier, you
      can activate the catch skull which will make enemies drop more grenades
      when killed.

Heal Up (5g)
Find the first Medical Kiosk and heal yourself.

Task: When you are hurting, head up to a medical kit and use it.

Dark Times (5g)
Kill 5 enemies while using VISR mode.

Task: Enter VISR mode and kill 5 enemies for the achievement. Easy!

Stunning! (5g)
Stun a vehicle with an overcharged plasma pistol and quickly kill the driver.

Task: Use the overcharge secondary function of the plasma pistol and hit a
      vehicle with it. This will temporarily disable it. Take the opportunity
      to quickly kill the vehicles occupant for the achievement. The best
      levels to do this on would be Uplift Reserve or Kazingo Boulevard because
      of the number of vehicles in each.

Boom, Headshot (5g)
Get 10 automag headshot kills in any level.

Task: Use the magnum to rack up 10 headshots in any level.

Trading Down (5g)
Trade weapons with a fellow character.

Task: During a mission run up to a marine and hit the RB button to swap weapons
      with them. Achievement unlocked!

Headcase (5g)
Finish any level with at least one Skull activated.

Task: From the campign menu, activate one of the skulls, then enter any level
      and complete it form start to finish to unlock the achievement.

*** Firefight Achievements ***
All of the firefight achievements CAN be completed on the easy difficulty
setting if you have a couple of hours to burn and noone willing to play with
you at the time. Obviously the higher the difficulty setting is set, the
faster you will achieve the set scores for the achievements, so if you have
2-3 friends who are pretty good at Halo, feel free to stick it on heroic or
legendary and watch your score fly up super quick!

See the firefight tips section [FRFGT] above for more general tips!

Firefight: Last Exit (10g)
Score over 200,000 points in Firefight on Last Exit.

Firefight: Chasm Ten (10g)
Score over 200,000 points in Firefight on Chasm Ten.

Firefight: Windward (10g)
Score over 200,000 points in Firefight on Windward.

Firefight: Lost Platoon (10g)
Score over 200,000 points in Firefight on Lost Platoon.

Firefight: Crater (10g)
Score over 200,000 points in Firefight on Crater.

Firefight: Rally Point (10g)
Score over 200,000 points in Firefight on Rally Point.

Firefight: Alpha Site (10g)
Score over 200,000 points in Firefight on Alpha Site.

Firefight: Security Zone (10g)
Score over 200,000 points in Firefight on Security Zone.

Be Like Marty (10g)
In Firefight, finish a full round without killing a single enemy.

Task: Either get your friend to take out an entire round, or plug in  a second
      controller, park the first one somewhere safe and eliminate the bad guys
      until the achievement pops! You can do this on the easy difficulty, so it
      should take no longer than 10-15 minutes to acquire.

*** Vidmaster Achievements ***

Vidmaster Challenge: Classic (25g)
Finish any level solo on Legendary, on LIVE, with no shots fired or grenades

Task: You must complete a level on legendary difficulty without attacking using
      weapons or grenades. This is actually fairly easy and I was able to
      achieve it on my first attempt without dying. During this level you will
      need to keepp your finger off the right trigger: firing a weapon,
      shooting in a ghost and using the warthogs horn will all nullify your
      attempt for the achievement.

      You will want to load up the Uplift Reserve level. Make your way into the
      first area and flip the warthog, making sure no marines jump on the
      turret, during an attempt on a second profile I discovered that their
      shooting of the turret will count as you firing a weapon and will disable
      the achievement. So jump in the hog solo and and quickly continue past the
      wraiths and into the tunnel leading to the next area.

      Jump out here and get into the nearby ghost. Now all you have to do is
      boost through the rest of the level without firing any shots. You will
      still be able to splatter the covenant forces that stand in your way but
      hitting the Right trigger at anytime will cancel the achievement and make
      you start anew. Once you have jumped off the cliff to finish the level you
      will be rewarded with the achievement.

Vidmaster Challenge: Déjà Vu (25g)
Complete Highway on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and no 'Hog or

Vidmaster Challenge: Endure (25g)
In Firefight, on any mission, pass the 4th Set on 4-player Heroic LIVE co-op.

Task: The best level on which to complete this achievement is on the Alpha Site
      map. the central area is accessible through narrow corridors, and the
      covenant will often have to bottle up as they pass through making it easy
      for rockets, hammers and grenades to get easy multi kills.

      Read on for an ace strategy submitted by Cody Miller:

        on alpha site there is two entrances they can get to you from, one on
        the left, one on the right. the left side seems to get more enemies,
        but if you leave the right side unattended you WILL die, alot.

        Atleast 1 (2 is prefered) people will need plasma pistols (they can
        either pick them up right before the final 'reinforcement' of each
        round/set, or they can hold onto them). use the plasma pistols on
        brutes. the guys without plasma pistols will then have better guns to
        finish them off in a quick manner. this makes the final few sets really
        easy compared to what they would be.

        On the 3rd set, you should start moving back from the middle, or you
        will get grenade spammed by grunts. have 1 person on kamikaze grunt
        pistol sniping duty, these guys can make life pretty hard if they are
        not dealt with in a timely manner.

        Once you get the mythic skull activated around the 3.5 set, this is
        also a good tactic to kill brutes/chieftains. Invincible hammer brutes
        are hard to kill straight on, the best way to kill them is have one
        person lure them around whilst another assasinates them, you CAN
        assasinate even when they're invincible, so this is the only way to
        kill them during this time. It also preserves alot of ammo.

        Also make sure one guy always goes for rocket/sniper/shotgun spawn,
        sniper and shotgun arent really that good, but rocket is pretty
        necessary for some of the brute waves.


I would like to thank the following people/entities:

- GameFAQs for always being there when I needed help and for accepting my FAQ.
- Bungie for continuing to make awesome games.
- My Girlfriend Kumiko, who has been incredibly patient and understanding.
- And everybody who has taken the time to read my FAQ so far.


- Connor Alvarez for a easier to understand layout idea
- Sage Broderick for providing another strategy for the "My Clothes"
- Hypnofunk as always for some general error corrections
- Cody Fuller for a great strategy for Vidmaster Challenge: Endure and
  highlighting that the warthog horn will disable the Vidmaster Challenge:
  Classic achievement.
- Juuso for an alternate strategy for the brute chieftain on Kikowani Station
- Thomas Rhodes for submitting a handy shotgun tip for the tips & Tricks
- John Silverfox for the location of the machine gun turret at the end of
  Coastal Highway
- Michael61997 for a strategy for beating brute chieftains
- Alex Natarelli for another strategy on beating the brute chieftains
- Jasper Iwema for yet another strategy on beating the brute chieftains
- Denys Van Den Berg for several firefight strategies that have been
  incorporated into the guide.
- Lloyd James for pointing out a mistake for me.

***      Contact      *** [CNTCT]

If you feel the need to contact me you can reach me at


Please include "Halo 3: ODST" in the subject line.

***      About Me       *** [INTRD]

If you enjoy this guide, please feel free to check out some of my other guides:

- Fable 2
- Resident Evil 5
- Gears of War 2
- Call of Duty: World at War
- Halo 3 Skull Guide

or check out more of my guides and reviews at Ratedg4gamer.com.

Thanks for reading!

Version 2.0
The guide currently contains
- Complete campaign walkthrough
- Mission locations in New Mombasa Streets, picture links added
- Completed audio log guide, links to pictures added
- List of Achievements, guide 95% completed
- Unlocks Section
- Hints & tips section, new tips
- Added new firefight hints & tips section
- Updated format

submitted 28th October, 2009

Version 1.5
The guide currently contains
- Complete campaign walkthrough
- Mission locations in New Mombasa Streets, picture links added
- List of Achievements, guide 95% completed
- Unlocks Section
- Hints & tips section, new tips
- Added new firefight hints & tips section
- Updated format

submitted 8th October, 2009

Version 1.1
The guide currently contains
- Complete campaign walkthrough
- Mission locations in New Mombasa Streets
- List of Achievements
- Unlocks Section
- Hints & tips section
- Added new firefight hints & tips section
- Updated format

submitted 4th October, 2009

Version 1.0
The guide currently contains
- Complete campaign walkthrough
- Mission locations in New Mombasa Streets
- List of Achievements
- Unlocks Section
- Hints & tips section

submitted 26th September, 2009

Version 0.95
The guide currently contains
- Full walkthrough from Mission 1 - 8
- Mission locations in New Mombasa Streets
- List of Achievements
- Started Unlocks Section

submitted 26th September, 2009

Version 0.3
The guide currently contains
- Full walkthrough from Mission 1 - 5
- List of Achievements

submitted 25th September, 2009

Version 0.2

The guide currently contains
- Full walkthrough from Mission 1 - 3
- List of Achievements

Date Started 24th September, 2009

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