The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass FAQ/ Walkthrough

            The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass


By: Super Slash

Version: 2.3






v 2.3 - Added some minor things I missed

v 2.2 - Corrected a few mistakes

v 2.1 - The most complete version of the

guide so far. All sections completed

v 2.0 - This version covers a few more

sections, plus the Power Gems in the

Gem Locations section

v 1.4 - A few other sections have been

completed, and half of the ship

parts have been added in the Ship

Parts section

v 1.3 - This update covers the entire

Walkthrough and Bosses sections.

More to come soon

v 1.2 - Finished all the way up to after the

Temple of Ice

v 1.1 - Finished the Temple of Courage

v 1.0 - Submitted the guide

NOTE: To find what you're looking for, hold Ctrl and press F (Apple for Macs),

and type in, for example "IV. Walkthrough", without the quotations. Do

this for any section you may be looking for.





III.........Game Basics



VI.........Side Quests

VII.........Item List

VIII.........Heart Containers

IX.........Ship Parts

X.........Equipment Upgrades

XI.........Gem Locations





XVI.........Frequently Asked Questions

XVII.........Email Info





I. Story


This game continues off from The Wind Waker (although how long after it, I'm

unsure of). After Ganondorf was defeated, Link and Tetra started sailing the

seas together on her own ship. One day, while sailing the seas, Tetra awakens

Link, who is sleeping. Suddenly, as if from nowhere, a big ship appears. This

is the Ghost Ship. Tetra jumps on, and then Link tries to follow her. However,

he falls off of the ship and into the water, then wakes up on Mercay Island

with a strange fairy named Ciela. She plans to help guide Link through the

adventure so that he can save Tetra from the Ghost Ship, whatever evils might

lurk inside of it.



II. Controls


Phantom Hourglass is controlled through the Touch Screen only. The buttons do

something, but nothing particularly useful. Many people didn't like the game

due to the controls, but once you get used to them, it's not bothersome.




"A" Button: Brings up the Inventory list

"B" Button: Brings up the map on the Touch Screen

"Y" Button: Brings up the Save, Collection, Sea Chart, and Map list

"X" Button: Does nothing

"L" Button: Hold this button down to take out the item you have equipped

"R" Button: Hold this button down to take out the item you have equipped

"Start" Button: Pauses the game, allowing you to resume it or save and quit

"Select" Button: Brings up the Collection screen (called "Items"), where you

can see how much time you have in the Phantom Hourglass total,

see how much arrows you have total, etc.

D-Pad: Does the same things the A, B, and Y buttons do. Press the direction

that's in the same position as the button


Touch Screen


Moving: Point the stylus at the direction you want to move in. To move slower,

the stylus must be pointed near Link. To move faster, point it way

ahead of Link

Attacking: There are two ways to attack. One, slide the stylus in a curved line

to do a regular sword slice. Slide the stylus in a straight line to

do a thrust. Lastly, you can tap on a nearby enemy and Link will

attack it automatically

Spin Attacking: Spin the stylus in a circle around Link

Rolling: Slide the stylus in the direction you're going in two times fast.

Another way to do it is to draw half of a circle in the direction you

are going in, although that's harder to do

Using Your Shield: In this game, there's no button or anything that allows you

to defend yourself with your shield. Instead, you have to

just sit there and let the enemy touch you, then you'll be

guarded automatically

Using An Item: When you have an item equipped, touch the icon of the item at

the top-right corner of the Touch Screen. You'll then take out

the item from there, where you can use it. Alternately, you can

hold down L or R and use your item from there

Picking Up Objects: To pick up objects such as rocks, simply get near it and

tap the object to lift it. Tap the screen in whatever

direction you want to throw it

Opening Doors: To open a door, tap it and you'll walk up to it. Most doors in

the game need a Small Key to open, which you'll have to walk up

to in order to open once you have the key. However, some doors

you can open simply by tapping, then it will open without you

even getting near it

Talking To People: When in front of someone, simply tap that person and you'll

talk to him/her

Reading Signs: To read a sign, walk up to it and tap it. If you're not facing

the front of the sign, you won't be able to read it



III. Game Basics


This section will list the basics of Phantom Hourglass. If you are new to this

game or the Zelda series in general, be sure to read this section before you

start playing!



This is your health in the Legend of Zelda series. Almost all Zelda games have

you start with three hearts (the only one I can think of that hasn't is Zelda 2

for the NES). Each time an enemy hits you, you lose a certain amount of one

heart. In this game, you have to collect Heart Containers scattered throughout

the islands in the game to increase your life energy. Each Heart Container will

increase your hearts by 1. In most Zelda games, you had to collect Pieces of

Heart to increase your life energy, but this time it's just Heart Containers.

You can find small hearts to recover your energy from enemies and such.



Your source of income in the Zelda series. Rupees are shiny gems that come in

different colors. Each color gives you a certain amount of Rupees, and you'll

often find them from enemies and rocks and such. In this game, when you collect

a Rupee, you'll see a Rupee symbol appear showing you how much you have. It

then disappears, however, and you have to collect more Rupees to see the amount

you have. You automatically have a huge wallet when you start the game, so you

don't have to worry about finding a bigger-sized wallet.

Sea Charts


In the Temple of the Ocean King, you will find Sea Charts on certain floors.

Collecting these charts reveal another part of the sea on your map, allowing

you to access that part of the sea. It is required to reveal all of the

locations of the sea in order to beat the game.

Treasure Maps


These are way more rare than they were back in The Wind Waker. You will find

them from certain chests in the game, although not often. Collecting them

reveals the location of another treasure in the sea, marked by an "X". Sail to

that spot and salvage the treasure!



Don't worry, sailing isn't nearly as annoying as many people think it was in

The Wind Waker. In fact, sailing is quick and easy. Just draw a route on the

Touch Screen to the place you want to go to, then you'll sail to that location.

On the way, you will probably encounter some enemies. Shoot them with your

cannon when you have it equipped by tapping on the enemy. To change the view

around while sailing, slide the stylus to the left or right until you are

satisfied with the view. If you are not satisfied with your current route,

simply redraw it. You can do it while sailing. Draw a path to the anchor symbol

on an island and you can sail onto it. Draw a path onto Beedle and you can sail

to his ship.



Once you get to the point in the game where you get the Salvage Arm, you can

pull up treasure from the sea. Sail to spots on your map marked by an X, then

tap the Menu icon, and then tap Salvage. You'll have to snag a treasure and

pull it back up while avoiding Octomines. To operate the crane, slide the

little square on the bar at the bottom to move it left and right. Slide it up

and down to control the speed of the crane. Snag the Rupees captured in bubbles

as well. If you get hit by an Octomine, your crane will lose some health. The

crane gets demolished if it loses all of its health, so be careful.

Heart Containers


After you defeat each boss in the game, they leave behind a chest. Inside the

chest is a Heart Container, which adds 1 total heart to your life energy. In

this game, there are no Pieces of Heart. Instead, you have to find nothing but

Heart Containers scattered throughout the game. Obviously they will be more

rare than Heart Pieces, but with this guide, you don't have to worry about

where to find them.

Boss Keys


In this game, there are no boss doors. Instead, there are blocks that block the

room to the boss that you must open with a Boss Key. Once you find it from a

chest in the dungeon, you have to carry it all the way to the block. Then, you

have to tap the block to throw the Big Key into it, unlocking it.



IV. Walkthrough


In this section is a walkthrough of the game. When you start the game, you'll

get to create a file and name yourself. By default, your name is the same as

the name you set up for your Nintendo DS. I, personally, named myself Link.

Your name will also be used in WiFi mode, but you can change your name there.

Once you name yourself, choose which hand you use the stylus with, then select

the file and choose "Adventure". You will see the intro of the game, which

basically explains everything that happened in the events of The Wind Waker.

Then, you'll see Niko in Tetra's ship, holding a picture.


Tetra's Ship


Niko will try to awaken Link, who is sleeping on the deck of the ship. Tetra

comes down and wakes him up, then she and her crew start talking about the

Ghost Ship, which is said to appear around this area of the sea. Apparently,

there is said to be an Ocean King that protects the seas. Tetra has doubts

believing that the Ghost Ship is real, when suddenly, the sky turns dark and a

strange ship appears. It approaches Tetra's ship, then she jumps on. A scream

from her is heard, then Link tries to jump on the Ghost Ship. As he hangs on,

he falls off and into the water. You'll then hear Tetra calling out to you,

telling you to save her. You'll hear the voice of a fairy after that, and wake

up on a strange island.


Mercay Island


Link will awaken beside a mysterious fairy, and she will introduce herself as

Ciela. Link will explain the situation, then Ciela will say that her grandpa

can probably help, and that she lost her memory awhile ago. She shows you where

her grandpa's house is, then tells you to tap the stylus in the direction you

want to move in. Just hold the stylus in the spot you want to move in. We can't

explore much of this place just yet; the bridge going over to the right side is

broken. So for now, make your way into the house on the right (on the left side

of the screen). Inside, you'll see Ciela's grandpa. Tap people to talk to them.

Talk to him, and he'll introduce himself as Oshus. He says that you really

shouldn't go to the Ghost Ship at all, but we can't settle for that, can we?

After some debating between Ciela and Oshus, he decides to let you go. He says

to find Lineback at the harbor to the east, and he shows you the location of

the harbor on your map. Ciela asks if she can go with Link, and Oshus accepts.

Some more dialogue commences, then you regain control. In this game, you can

mark important spots and other things on your map, which means you can't really

forget where you have to go. So, touch the Menu at the bottom-left corner and

choose the Map. Mark the southeastern harbor on the map, then exit the map

screen and exit the building. Outside, head left and you'll hear an earthquake.

I wonder what that was... Continue north and read the sign, which tells you

that there are monsters ahead. Head into the next area. Here, go forward and

you'll see three Red ChuChus.

Ciela says that you can't fight here without a weapon, so exit this area for

now. Head to the building on the left side, and the man will tell you to speak

to him. Do so, and he'll want you to lift the rocks out of his garden. He tells

you how to do that as well. Lift them all and speak to him again, then he'll

give you a whopping 1 Rupee for your (not-so-hard) efforts. Cheapskate. He'll

tell you about a tree located at the northeastern corner of the village. Mark

it on your map, because we'll come to it later. Head back up to Oshus's house,

then go east and lift the barrel blocking the cave. Enter it. Inside, head

north and you'll see a door, along with a sign with nothing written on it.

Ciela says that this is Oshus's storehouse.

Try to read the sign, and then exit the cave and go back to Oshus's house.

Speak with him, and he'll tell you not to try and cross the northern path

without something to defend yourself with. Ciela suggests looking for a sword

somewhere, so head back into the cave to the east and walk up to the sign

again. Ciela says that Oshus has a sword stored in the back of this cave, and

that to open the door, you'll need to write something on the sign: the number

of palm trees on the beach. If you head outside and go to the beach, you will

count seven total palm trees. Tap the sign and write the number "7" on it, then

the door will open. If you mess up, tap the Rewrite icon in the bottom-right

corner. When the door opens, open the chest ahead to get Oshus's Sword. Yay!

The book on the table to the right gives you some sword tips.

Exit the cave. Back outside, you'll see Oshus, and he'll tell you that you

shouldn't fight monsters without knowing how to handle that sword. And so, he

takes you inside his house for swordsmanship training. Talk to him and he'll

start the training, teaching you the target attack first. Four logs will

appear. Just tap the logs to lock onto them and destroy them instantly. After

all four have been destroyed, he'll teach you the side slash. To do that, just

draw a curved line or a straight line on the Touch Screen. Destroy the four

logs using this attack, then he'll teach you the spin attack. Draw a circle

around Link to do it. If you do a spin attack too many times in a row, you'll

get dizzy temporarily.

Destroy the four logs using spin attacks, then the training ends. Once you're

done, exit the house. Now, it's time to go to that area full of monsters. Head

west and go north, past the sign and into the next area. Head north and defeat

the Red ChuChus, then hit the gossip stone nearby. It'll tell you how to do a

somersault (a roll), which is done by drawing small circles at the edge of the

screen. A much easier way to do it is by moving the stylus in the direction

you're walking in two times, fast. Feel free to get used to rolling and using

the sword, then roll into the tree nearby to find a Red Rupee (worth 20). Head

south and cut the trees down, then enter the cave. Inside, follow the path and

lift the rocks, and you'll come to a locked door.

Head east and defeat the Red ChuChus that come up from the ground, then open

the chest to get a Small Key. Go back to the locked door and tap it to unlock

it, then follow the path to the main area. Defeat the Red ChuChus in here, then

read the sign at the northeastern corner. It tells you that you should pull the

levers in the right order, and we're going to have to figure out the order. So,

head west and you'll see a block. Read the sign by the block and it will tell

you how to move them. Move this block east a few times, then go west to the

path that was revealed. Defeat the Keese. The sign here says to pull the second

lever from the left. After reading it, Ciela will say that it must be a clue,

and to write it down on your map.

Do so if you wish, then head all the way east to another block. Pull that one

out of the way and head right, to some more Keese. Defeat them and read the

sign, which tells you that for the second lever, pull the first one on the

left. For the last one, pull the second from the right. With all of this

information, we can solve the puzzle. Open the nearby chest for a Red Rupee,

then head back to the middle and up to the door to the north. Now, go to the

row of levers on the left, and pull the one on the right. Pull the one on the

left next, then head all the way right and pull the lever on the far right.

Finally, pull the one just left of that one to solve the puzzle, making a Small

Key fall into the middle of the room.

Take it and unlock the door ahead, then go up the stairs. In the next area,

head north and defeat the rats, then go left at the path split. You'll see a

glimpse of a rat holding a key. Go left and pull the block toward you, then

push it up to the hole in the wall. Head around to the right, where another

hole is. The rat will come out of that hole, and if he sees you, he'll retreat

back into it. With the other hole blocked, though, he can't really go anywhere.

The trick is to go south where he can't see you. When he comes out of the hole,

he will run to the other hole which should be blocked. He'll then go back to

the right. When this happens, head north and attack him to kill him. Take the

Small Key and unlock the door to the right.

Defeat the Keese, then go right and follow the path out of the cave, defeating

the rest of the Keese along the way. When you exit the cave, you'll be back out

at the village on the port side. There are a few buildings you can enter and

some people you can talk to, if you wish. Regardless, head southeast and you'll

see a man by a ship. He says that it belongs to Linebeck, although he has no

clue where he's gone. He suggests asking the bar owner, so head west and enter

the wide building (look on the map). Inside, speak with the bar owner. After

some chatting, he says that Linebeck took off for the Temple of the Ocean King,

which is ruled over by the Ocean King himself. Apparently, the temple sucks the

life away out of whoever enters it. Oh well, we have to do it anyway. He will

show you where the temple is located on your map.

Exit the bar and go all the way north, towards where you marked the location of

that tree on your map earlier. At the next area, head left and go up the steps.

Go to where the tree you marked on your map is, then roll into it and a huge

Rupee will fall down. Pick it up, for it is worth 100. Awesome. Continue left

and into the next area. Keep going left, and you'll come to a temple. This is

the Temple of the Ocean King, which you should enter.


Temple of the Ocean King


When you enter, you'll see piles of dead bones all over the ground. Ciela

thinks that one of them is Linebeck. Guess we're gonna have to find out. You

can walk up to the skeletons and a blue flame will appear, which means you can

see what they're saying by tapping on them. Listen to what all of them are

saying if you wish, then head north and into the next area. In this room, you

will hear a voice. Proceed forward and you'll hear it again, then Ciela will

see Linebeck trapped to the north. He calls for your help, and after Ciela and

Lineback argue some, he will say that he "sprained his ankle", and will ask for

your help. Accept it, and he'll say that you have to lower the spikes. Head

forward and he'll tell you something else he forgot to say.

If you step off of the purple tiles, the temple will drain your life away. The

purple squares are safe zones, so keep that in mind. Head west and stand in the

safe zone there, then hit the pots with your sword to get your hearts back.

Head north to the next safe zone where a crystal switch is. Hit it, and the

spikes where Lineback is trapped will lower. He'll then run off towards the

previous room (I thought he sprained his ankle?), so follow him. At the

entrance of the room, a cutscene will commence. Ciela and Linebeck will argue

some more, and Link explains the situation. As he keeps shaking up Link, he

eventually givwes in and gives him a Small Key for this place. Once you finally

regain control, head back to where the crystal switch was and unlock the door.

Go northwest to a safe zone where another crystal switch is. Hit it, and you'll

hear a countdown timer which will cut off after a short time. Head over to the

right, then go north (the weird part of the floor is a trap). Follow the path

to another crystal switch, then hit it. If both of the crystal switches in this

room were hit fast enough, the door in the middle will open. Go to where the

door was, then head north. Break the pots for some hearts, then open the chest

to get a Sea Chart. This will reveal the southwestern sea on the Sea Chart,

which is a clue to finding the Ghost Ship. Make your way back to the entrance

of this area, and you'll see that Lineback is gone! Exit the temple.


Mercay Island


Back outside, go south and you'll find Linebeck again. As usual, Ciela and him

will argue some more, then Linebeck checks out your Sea Chart. He takes off

with it, so make your way back to the port area. Head to the southeastern end

of the map, and you'll see Oshus and Linebeck. Oshus says that the bridge of

the town has been repaired, then he takes a look at your map. He says that

there is a secret on it, then the map will appear on the Touch Screen. Scratch

off the island on the bottom-right corner of the map to reveal a crest of some

sort. When it's fully revealed, Oshus says that it's the Isle of Ember, where a

fortune-teller named Astrid lives. He suggests you visit her. Tell Linebeck you

are ready to set sail. He will want you to get a shield, however.

Tell him to wait here, then head directly west and enter that building, which

is the Item Shop. Inside, tap the shopkeeper to talk to her, then tap the

shield on the mat. Buy it for 80 Rupees, then exit the shop and go back to

Linebeck. Talk to him and tell him you're ready to set sail. You will then set

sail to the open seas for the first time.


The Sea


Out on the sea, Linebeck will tell you that he'll be down in the engine room

while you navigate the ship. To set your path, tap the Feather Pen icon at the

bottom-right corner of the screen, then draw a path to wherever you want to go.

Draw a path directly south, onto the anchor icon at the bottom-right corner of

the screen. This is the Isle of Ember, your next destination. Say that you want

to take this path, then you will set sail. To change the view around while

sailing, hold the stylus on the left or right side of the Touch Screen. As you

set sail, Linebeck will tell you that if you ever want to stop sailing, touch

the "STOP" icon on the right side of the screen. Touch "GO" to resume sailing.

He'll tell you to touch the top, left, bottom, and right sides of the screen to

look in that direction. Continue sailing, and you'll reach your destination.


Isle of Ember


Upon arriving here, you will see a volcano pit in the center of the island.

After Linebeck and Ciela debate some more, agree with him about getting us to

the island (even though he really didn't). He will stay behind and "guard the

ship". When you gain control, ignore the house in front of you, because it is

empty. Head southeast and read the sign, which points to the fortune-teller's

house to the north. Go there and enter the house. Inside, head down the stairs

to the basement. The door behind you will shut, then some Octoroks will appear.

Defeat them with ease, then the door will open again. Head right to the other

door and Ciela will hear some footsteps. She says to say something out loud,

which requires you to yell into the mic of the DS.

However, if you don't want to look like a moron by yelling, then just blow into

the mic very hard. Either way works. Once you do it, the person behind the door

will speak. It is Astrid, the fortune-teller we're looking for. She hid herself

in the basement to protect herself from the monsters. She says that in order to

open the door, you'll need to do a certain thing. Kayo, her assistant, knows

how to solve the puzzle. Examine the map on the wall and it will tell you to

mark the location of the island's three torches. Ignore it for now and exit the

house. Back outside, head south and enter the house nearby. Read the diary

inside, and you'll see that the note is from Kayo. He has passed away over at

the eastern side of the island. With this information, exit the house.

Go all the way to the middle-eastern side of the island. Defeat the Red ChuChus

and the Tektites along the way, and you'll eventually come to a pile of dead

bones. Walk up to them and a ghost will appear. Ciela gets scared, but soon

calms down. This is Kayo, and he tells you that the secret to freeing Astrid

are the three torches scattered on the island. He shows you the location of one

torch, which is right behind him. Mark that spot on your map so you won't

forget it, then make your way northwest and into the next area. To defeat the

Yellow ChuChus, run away from them until the electric on them disappears, then

attack. If you get shocked, the map will be blurry for about ten seconds.

Anyway, in the next area, go left and you'll find the second torch.

Mark this torch's location on your map as well, then go back to the previous

area. Head all the way southwest back to the area leading to Astrid's place.

Enter Kayo's house again to find another torch. Mark this one on your map as

well, then exit and go back to Astrid's place. Head into the basement, then

head right and examine the map on the wall. Now that you know where the three

torches are, look at your map on the top and mark those same spots on the

bottom map. Once you do that, Astrid will be freed. She will ask for your

name, so tell her that you'll tell it to her. Next, tell her that you came here

by a ship. She says that the Ghost Ship attacked this island a few days ago,

hence Kayo's fate. Allow her to tell you your fortune.

She will tell you to meet her upstairs, and you'll automatically appear up

there. Linebeck will enter, and after some complaining, Astrid enters the room.

She'll then get your fortune and tell it to you. Tell her that you still wish

to save Tetra, and she'll tell you to make way for the Temple of Fire on the

summit of the island. Linebeck chickens out like the coward that he is. Exit

the building, then head southeast and into the next area. Head right, and Ciela

will tell you to tap the nearby door to open it. The sign near the door says

only those with approval can enter, which we have. Before we spoke with Astrid

and got our fortune told, the door was blocked by an electric barrier. Anyway,

tap the door to open it, then follow the path up the mountain.

In the next area, go left and you'll see the volcano erupt. Magma boulders will

now fall down as you climb up, so be careful! Keep climbing up the mountain and

defeat the Tektites along the way. You will come to two lit candles, where the

entrance of the temple is. It's sealed right now. Walk up to a candle and blow

softly into the mic to blow out the flame. Do this for the second candle and

the entrance to the temple will open.


Temple of Fire


When you enter the temple, head north and Ciela will warn you of the flames

ahead. Head north and avoid making contact with the flames, then head right

and avoid the fire snake. Kill the Red ChuChu, then go north and jump across

the next two platforms. Now, examine the map on the wall and it will tell you

about a safe path. There is a green arrow that follows a certain path. For now,

get off of this screen. Ciela will say to make a note of this path, but we

can't just yet. Go south and the door behind you will shut, then some Keese

will appear. Defeat them all and the door will open, then the flames to the

left will disappear. Open the chest to get a Small Key, then head back north

and examine the map again.

Touch the Map icon and draw the path shown on the top map, at the northeastern

part of your map. You will need this. Jump over to the locked door and open it,

then follow the path you just drew. If you don't, you'll fall down trapdoors in

the floor. Open the chest you come to for a Red Rupee, then continue to four

crystal switches. Stand in the middle of them and do a spin attack. When you

hit them all at the same time, the door at the middle of this floor will open.

Head back to the middle of the room, then go north and to the next area. In

this area, go east and defeat the Red ChuChu and Yellow ChuChu, then hit the

crystal switch at the northwestern corner. This will turn it blue, raising the

blue blocks and lowering the red ones.

Head back around and go north, then head east past the lowered blocks. Follow

the path to a room where the door behind you will shut. Defeat the green slime

enemies that appear, then a chest will appear and the door will open. Open the

chest to get the Boomerang! Since this is your first main item, it is equipped

by default. To use it, tap the icon at the northeastern corner of the screen or

hold L/R. Then, draw the path of the Boomerang and it will be thrown exactly in

that path. Head east and you'll see a crystal switch in the distance. Use the

Boomerang to hit it, then the flames to the left will disappear. Head left and

follow the path, then you'll come to two torches that shoot out flames at you.

To the left are two crystal switches.

Quickly take out the Boomerang and throw it at the switches. Do this before you

get hit by the flames from the torches, then the torches will unlight and the

flames to the right will disappear. Follow the path down to the next room. In

here, follow the path to some lowered red blocks. Stand outside of these blocks

and draw a path with the Boomerang, around the blocks to a blue crystal switch.

Throw it at the switch to turn it red, raising the red blocks and lowering the

blue ones. Now, head south past the lowered blocks and a door behind you will

shut. You now have to defeat two Red Bubbles. To defeat them, first hit them

with the Boomerang to make the flames around them disappear. You cannot target

them, so your aiming must be percise.

After the flames around them are gone, defeat them with your sword. When both

of them are defeated, the door that shut on you opens, along with a green door

to the left. Follow the path to the next area. In this room, there are two

fire snakes and two Fire Keese. Fire Keese can only be killed by using the

Boomerang, and you can't target them. Quickly take care of them, then head

southeast to a lever. Pull it, and go west to a gossip stone. Hit it and it

will tell you how many treasure chests are left on this floor. For a price of

20 Rupees, he'll show you where the chests are. It's not at all worth it,

however. These are spreaded throughout each dungeon, so keep that in mind. Go

back north and jump across to the right.

Be careful of the long fire snake and jump across to the other side. Defeat the

Fire Keese here and a chest will appear in the corner. Open it to find a Red

Rupee, then go south and head west. Pull the lever here, and with the levers on

both sides pulled, a door in this room opens. Head back north and jump across

to the other side, then follow the path. If you look on the Touch Screen, you

can see that there's a rat holding a key, just like last time. Stand outside of

the room and take out your Boomerang. Draw a path to either of the holes, then

when the rat goes to run into that hole, throw the Boomerang. When you hit him,

take the Small Key and head back to the right, jumping over to the other side

once again. Head southeast to find a crystal switch across on a platform.

Use the Boomerang to hit it, raising the blue blocks and lowering the red ones.

Go north and defeat the Octorok that constantly shoots out nuts. Now, use the

Boomerang and draw a path over to the crystal switch that you just hit. Hit it

again to lower the blue blocks and raise the red ones, then head to the locked

door and open it. Take the stairs up to the next area. In this room, go south

and avoid the fire snake, then examine the map on the wall. You will see some

numbers, indicating that you have to hit some switches in a certain order. Take

out your map and write the order down at the same location shown on the top

map, then head all the way north. Defeat the slime enemy, then blow out the

candle by blowing into the mic.

Head left to another candle, then defeat the next slime enemy. Blow out both

candles to make the flames in front of you disappear. Head north and stand on

the center tile. Take out your Boomerang and you'll see four switches. Target

them in the same order written down on your map, then throw it. If you hit the

four switches in the correct order, a Small Key will drop down across from you.

Use the Boomerang to snag it, then head southwest to a locked door. Open it,

then you'll see a big block. This leads to the boss, but ignore it for now and

go left. The door behind you will shut. Be careful of the torch that shoots out

flames in the middle, and defeat all of the enemies. Once they're defeated, the

door you entered from will open, along with another door to the north.

Go north and defeat the two Red Bubbles, then some flames will disappear. Go

forward to find a sign. Read it, and it says that the way will open once all of

the three torches are lit. Step on the switch and the left torch will light.

Stay on the switch and take out the Boomerang, then target the lit torch and

then target the unlit ones. Throw it, and the Boomerang will carry the flame

over to the other two torches, lighting them. This will cause some flames to

disappear over on the right side. Head southeast and to a pit. You cannot jump

over it; you'll just fall down. Stand by this pit and take out the Boomerang,

then target the crystal switch on the platform across, in the corner. Throw it

to hit it, making the pit get covered up, allowing you passage.

Head to that area and avoid the fire snake, then head north. Hit the pots if

you need hearts, then open the big chest to get the Boss Key! Now, head back

southwest and across where the pit was. To get there without getting hit by the

fire snake, head around the right side and follow the fire snake down. Make

your way south, then east to the big block you ignored earlier. Tap it with the

Boss Key in your hand to throw it into the block, making it lower. Head up the

stairs to the next room. In here, head north and two torches will light up.

Read the sign on the right. It says that the Spirit of Power is in here. Read

the sign on the left, and it will say to step into the blue portal to return to

the entrance of the temple.

A blue portal will then appear. The pots on the right contain hearts if you

need them, although you should've gotten some just a moment ago. Head north and

to the next area. Here, go forward and the door behind you will shut, then

Blaaz, the Master of Fire will appear. Read the Bosses section to see how to

defeat this boss. Once you win, he'll turn into grains of sand, and the sand

disappears. Suddenly, the middle of the ground lights up, and a purple light

emits from it. It turns into a red fairy, then the fairy introduces herself as

Leaf, the Spirit of Power. After some dialogue, she joins with you. Open the

chest that appears to get a Heart Container, then step into the blue portal.


Isle of Ember


Out at the island, Ciela will notice that the volcano has stopped erupting. She

will then say to go back to Astrid. Now, jump off of the mountain's summit,

then make your way back west and enter Astrid's house. Inside, Astrid will tell

you that you'll need the Spirit of Power, Wisdom, and Courage in order to find

the Ghost Ship. She suggests you go back to the Temple of the Ocean King, and

she also gives you a Power Gem, saying that there are gems for each spirit.

Linebeck will return to his ship, so when you regain control, exit Astrid's

house and go west to your ship. After he blabbers about nonsense, tell him you

want to set sail.


The Sea


Draw your path back to Mercay Island, all the way to the north.


Mercay Island


Head all the way north to the field area of the island, then head northwest and

to the Temple of the Ocean King.


Temple of the Ocean King


Upon entering this place again, Linebeck will enter, and remind you that the

temple sucks the life out of you. He doesn't really want you to go in, and

seems concerned. Oshus then enters, and tells you to go up to the altar above

the entrance to the next room. Go up either side of the stairs to the altar.

You will see a cutscene where a mysterious hourglass floats up, then some sand

appears and Oshus tells Link to take it. You then get the Phantom Hourglass,

with some sand filled inside of it. Oshus tells you that as long as you hold

the Phantom Hourglass, you won't take damage until the sand runs out. To refill

it, you need to go outside the temple. It is filled with the Sand of Hours, and

the Sand of Hours is made from the Force Gems of the Ocean King.

When the scene ends, head back down the stairs and go into the next area. The

Phantom Hourglass will flip over, and you will have a total of ten minutes to

get through some of the temple. Whenever you're standing in safe zones, your

time will not go down. There are also pots that will contain seconds for you to

grab. Go forward and Ciela and Leaf will explain about the time limit. Then,

Leaf will show you a door that she wants you to go to, because you are able to

open it with the Spirit of Power. Head directly north and you'll see the door,

which is the Door of Power. Tap on it to open it, then take the stairs down to

the next floor. Go south and you'll see a purple orb. This creates a knight on

a hallway of this room, and a second one gets created as well.

Leaf explains that these are called Phantoms, and that you cannot hurt them.

Instead, you have to sneak past them and make sure they do not see you. If they

see you, you'll have to run into a safe zone as fast as possible. If they hit

you, then you'll lose some time and start at the entrance of the room, having

to do some stuff you did all over again. Anyway, start by heading east and

taking the path up. You will come to a locked door. To the left of it is a

crystal switch. Hit it, and a torch will light up. Head back to the entrance of

the room and go south. You'll see the torch that was lit. Before the timer runs

out, take out your Boomerang and target the lit torch, then the unlit one.

Throw it to light the second torch, making some flames to the left disappear.

Now, head west of the torches and go north. If a Phantom is nearby, hide in a

nearby safe zone until he passes you, then keep going north. To the right are

two red pots and a skeleton. Talk to the skeleton to find out that the red pots

have magical contents. Break the pots to reveal puddles, which are safe zones.

Use these if you ever need them. By the way, if you ever want to carry a puddle

to a certain location, just lift the pot rather than breaking it immediately,

then carry it over to wherever you want and throw it. Head right to find a

switch. Press it and the door to the left will open. Head there and head up the

steps, then take the Small Key. Make your way around to the northeastern end of

the room, then unlock the door there and head to the next room.

In this room, there is a Phantom to the left that is guarding a lever. We're

gonna have to make him move without him catching up to us and hitting us. To do

this, head over to him, and let him spot you. Run around the big block on the

right side, and back around to where he was standing. At this point, he won't

notice you. Pull the lever he was guarding to make the flames disappear, then

go back to the entrance of the room. While standing in the safe zone, target

the crystal switch to the south using the Boomerang, then throw it to hit it.

You'll hear a timer. Go southwest and then directly up when the Phantom isn't

looking, then hit the second crystal switch. With both hit, a Small Key will

drop down by some spikes. Head south to the newly revealed path.

Go west to find a red pot. Break it to find a safe zone, then stand by the wall

of fire. Target the crystal switch to the south in the corner using the

Boomerang, then throw it to hit it. This removes the wall of fire blocking your

path. Head south and stand in the nearby safe zone. Patrolling the corridors

ahead is another Phantom. If you want to trap him, then wait until he goes to

the right, then up, then back down again. Then, go east and to the small area

with the crystal switch and raised/lowered blocks. Hit the crystal switch when

he spots you and gets inside, then quickly run back around. If you don't want

to trap him, however, then just head east when he isn't around and break the

red pot, then stand in that safe zone.

When he's going left, head up the northern corridor and stand on the switch.

This will lower the spikes guarding the key across them. Don't get off of the

switch and get the Small Key with the Boomerang. Make your way back to the

middle part of the room (use the area where the colored crystal switch is as a

shortcut), then unlock the door and take the stairs down. In the next room,

Leaf will tell you that we're really close to finding the clue to the Ghost

Ship. Yay! Don't you hate this place already? I know I do. Head directly north

to a golden pot, which contains an extra thirty seconds. Head west to a safe

zone with a chest. Open it to receive a Force Gem. Leaf explains that the Force

Gems have to be used in order to go deeper into the dungeon.

You have to carry them to a pedestal at the right side of the room to open the

next door. You only walk while carrying a Force Gem, though; you cannot run. If

a Phantom sees you while you have one, quickly tap somewhere in the room to

throw it, then run to a safe zone. Quickly pick it back up when you can. Also,

if a Phantom spots you while you have a Force Gem, a fire wall will block the

path to the three pedestals until you get away. Take the Force Gem you have

over to the right side of the room (look on the map and take it to the area

with the big safe zone). Walk up to one of the slots, which are pedestals, and

tap it to throw the Force Gem into it. Two more to go. Head to the southeastern

corner of the room to find another chest containing the second Force Gem.

Take that one over to another pedestal, and place it in there. Now for the last

one. If you look on the map, you'll see that there is a Phantom that patrols

the area with a Small Key in his possession. Since we can't hurt Phantoms, you

are probably wondering how the heck you get it. No worries. Head to the

southwestern corner of the room to find a lever. Pull it, and a wall of flames

will disappear to the east. Head over there and take that path up to a ledge.

Break the red pot here to make a safe zone, then stand in it. Wait until the

Phantom holding the key walks over to the right, past the spikes. When he's on

the middle part of the floor, step on the switch to the right to activate a

trapdoor, making him fall down and drop the key.

Head down there and grab the key, then head back south and go west. Unlock the

door here, then open the chest to get the last Force Gem. Take it to the last

pedestal and place it in there, then the door in front of you will open. Head

to the next area. In here, you'll notice that the Sand of Hours no longer goes

down while you're in this room. Head west past that door, and Ciela will notice

that there's no dark fog. Keep going left and head up, then open the big chest

to get the Northwestern Sea Chart. This will reveal a new section of the sea

for you to explore, but it's all dusty. Ciela suggests taking it to Linebeck,

then a blue portal appears to the right. Use it to return to the entrance, then

exit the dungeon.


Mercay Island


Make your way back to your ship, at the southeastern corner of the village.

When you reach the boat, someone will call for you. Talk to the man nearby and

he'll ask if your ship has a cannon. Tell him it doesn't, and he'll say that a

guy named Eddo has one at the island to the south. Looks like we'll have to get

our hands on one. Talk to Linebeck, and he'll take your new Sea Chart. He will

say "Blow me down", and the word "blow" will be in green. You know what this

means. He wants you to clean up the chart, so blow into the mic until all of

the dust is cleared. This reveals another crest on the map. Tell him you're

ready to set sail and you'll be off.


The Sea


Linebeck will explain how to explore the Northwestern Sea. It's simple. All you

have to do is draw a course directly up to the end of the map, then it will ask

you if you want to go to the Northwestern Sea. You will then set sail there.

Before we do that, however, sail to the island to the south (not the island

farthest to the south; sail to the one in between Mercay Island and the Isle of

Ember. This is Cannon Island.


Cannon Island


When you arrive here, you'll see a weird man standing on the mailbox ahead.

Walk up to him; this is the postman (I didn't know a postman had wings). After

his introduction, he will fly off. Enter the building to the right and speak to

the man inside. His name is Fuzo, and he's Eddo's apprentice. As of right now,

he is unavailable. Fuzo says that if you want to meet him, you'll have to go

around the back of the island and enter from the other side. He'll take you

outside and open a gate for you. Head west to find the gate that is now open,

then follow the path and defeat the enemies along the way. Read the sign that

you come to, and it will say something about beehives. Go south and you'll see

some beehives. These will have bees in them (obviously) that attack you.

To kill them, just use a spin attack. Head south and enter the cave there that

leads to the Bomb Garden. In the cave, follow the path and kill the rat, then

you'll come to some Bomb Flowers. Tap a bomb to lift it, then place it by the

two cracked blocks to blow them up. Head right and you will see a block that

you can move, and another cracked block. Go back left and take a bomb, then

throw it across the fence to the cracked block to blow it up. Push the block to

the right a couple of times so you can pass, then take the bomb there and go

back left, and head to the eastern corner. Place it by the crack in the wall to

blow it up, revealing an opening. Take the opening to a chest, then open it to

get a Power Gem. Go back around to the Bomb Flower across the fence.

Head north and push that block up once, then go around it and push it all the

way down, as far as you can. Go back north and pull the next block left once,

then go around it and pull it up once. This creates a path for you. Head left

and kill the two rats, then you'll see a cracked block. Go back and get the

nearest bomb from the nearest Bomb Flower, then take it to the cracked block

and quickly throw it there, blowing it up. Head west and continue outside. This

is the Bomb Garden full of Bomb Flowers. This is an annoying area, because if

you attack the rats in the gardens, near the Bomb Flowers, you will likely hit

a few bombs in the process, making you lose much needed health. Carefully take

care of the rats here, then take a bomb and go south.

Lay it by the breakable blocks to blow them up, then open the chest to the left

for a Red Rupee. Now, head right, and kill the rat by the bombs. Take a bomb

and use it to blow up the breakable blocks to the right, then follow the path

going up. Take the stairs down to the right, then follow the path and defeat

the Red ChuChus along the way. Lift the rocks, and eventually you'll come to a

sign. Read it, and it points to the other entrance to Eddo's garage. However,

if you keep going, you'll see that it's blocked by more cracked blocks. Blast

it (get it?)! Head back to the Bomb Garden, and on your way back, roll into the

lone tree. A big red Rupee will drop out of it, and it's worth 200! Go west

from the tree and up to the bombs.

Take the last one on the right at the top, then jump off the northern side of

the ledge and go east. Quickly throw it across the fence to the cracked blocks

to blow them up. Make your way back around to where the cracked blocks were,

then continue following the path and enter Eddo's garage. Inside, talk to the

man with the cast on, which is Eddo. He will say that if you want a cannon,

you'll have to pay big bucks. You have to pay 50 Rupees for it, which isn't all

that much. Pay up to get the cannon, then he'll offer a Salvage Arm as well. It

allows you to pull up treasure from the bottom of the sea. However, it's not

finished yet, so you'll have to come back later. Head left and to the other

side of the building, then exit.

Back outside, go left and the postman will deliver a letter. It is from the

Postmaster. After he reads it, he wants you to sign a letter. Write your file

name (that's what I did) on the Touch Screen. Touch Rewrite if you're not

satisfied with how it looks. Regardless, once you write it, confirm it and the

postman will fly off. Go to Linebeck and tell him you wish to set sail.


The Sea


Out at sea, set your course northwest past the formation of rocks, then up to

the Northwestern Sea. As you sail, Linebeck will tell you how to use the

cannon. Just tap anywhere on the screen to fire. If an enemy is nearby, tap it

to shoot it. Easy. Eventually, a Sea Trap will pop up. Linebeck says you can

either jump over it or destroy both of its sides to sink it. To jump, tap the

arrow icon at the bottom of the Touch Screen. Jump at just the right time to

avoid it. You can also tap the sides of the trap to blast them and make the

trap sink. Either way, get past the trap and continue sailing until you get to

where the rock formation breaks on the map. There are some brown-colored rocks

that can be blown up with your cannon.

Blow them up and continue sailing, then suddenly the boat will stop. The sky

turns dark, and Linebeck spots the Ghost Ship! He suggests chasing it down, so

just keep sailing toward it as it continues to the Northwestern Sea. You do

the same. As you get near your destination, however, the fog begins to thicken,

to the point where you can't see a thing. Keep sailing, and once you get to the

Northwestern Sea, sail northeast to the Isle of Gust. Be careful of the enemies

and explosive barrel traps. Once you start going towards the island, you'll

suddenly appear back at the start of this area of the sea! Linebeck thinks that

someone on a nearby island might know of a way through the thick fog. So, go

back to the Southwestern Sea, then sail directly south to Molida Island.


Molida Island


Here, Linebeck will say that we still need to figure out a way through the fog,

but tell him you aren't ready to set sail just yet. Head south and read the

sign (the tombstone), which says that someone tried sailing through the thick

fog and failed. Keep following the path, and hit the gossip stone you come to.

He'll ask if you want to know some valuable information. Say that you do, and

he'll talk about some island in the middle of a three-rock formation just south

of here. Go east of here to find another tombstone. Read it, and you'll learn

about why the island we have to sail to is called the Isle of Gust. Head north

of the gossip stone to the mailbox, where the postman will deliver another

letter. This time it's from Astrid.

She says to come visit her should you ever get lost, and she'll show you the

way. After you read the letter, head all the way right and enter the house

where the garden is. Speak to the man inside, and tell him you're going your

own way through the fog at the Northwestern Sea. After his griping, attempt to

exit the house, then he will call you. Talk to him again and he'll apologize

for lashing out at you, then tell you that his father used a specific route to

cut through the fog. He says that there is a cave that used to be his hideaway

behind this house. Exit the house and go behind it to spot a cave. The gardener

tells you that you shouldn't go in because it's full of dangerous monsters, but

who can stop us? Go in anyway.

Inside, follow the path and defeat the Red ChuChus, then jump across the ledges

and kill the two Keese using the Boomerang. Go across the platforms until you

get to the other side, then head north. A blue knight creature with a fish face

will jump out of the water. He attacks by spitting fireballs at you and by

attacking you with his sword. To defeat him, wait until he holds his sword

back, then run away. He'll dash at you, and if he misses you, he'll be off

guard for a brief moment. Quickly tap him while he is off guard to hit him. Do

this a few times and he'll die, then the door ahead will open. Head north and

to the next area. Follow the path in here and defeat the Octoroks, then enter

the next area.

In this room, head south and defeat the Keese, then take a bomb out of the

second Bomb Flower and take it north. Place it by the crack in the wall to blow

it up, revealing an opening. Go through to another room. Inside, open the chest

to the north to get the Shovel. We will be needing this. Just a few tiles south

of the chest is a cracked piece of the ground. Dig there to find a big green

Rupee worth 100. Now, do as Ciela just suggested, and read the journal on the

table. It's Romano's journal, and he says something about drawing lines where

the stone tablets intersect. Interesting. Exit this room, take a bomb out from

a Bomb Flower, then go south. Lay the by the two rocks to blow them up, then

head all the way south out of this cave.

Go back to the first two stone tablets, and mark their locations on your map

with a little dot (in case you forgot, the first one is found near your ship,

and the second one is found all the way east of the first one). Once you've

marked them, go back into the cave and head all the way north, then take the

stairs leading outside. Back outside, head directly left to find a chest in the

corner. Open it to get a Pearl Necklace. Now, head right and read the tombstone

sign. Mark the location of that one on your map, then head east and follow the

path to the next area. Read the tombstone and mark it on your map. Now you

should have all four marked, so draw two lines on your map and connect them

with the tablet's location. Jump down and look by the tree.

There is a cracked part of the ground there. Dig on that spot to find another

big Rupee worth 100, then head to the very middle of the lines you just drew.

You should be right in front of a palm tree, so dig right by it and you'll find

a hole. Drop through into a cave below. Inside, read the book if you wish, then

open the chest in here to find a Treasure Map. This reveals the location of a

treasure out at sea. Examine the map on the wall, and you'll see a path at the

Northwestern Sea that shows you how to get through the fog. It shows the path

that you must take. Select the Sea Chart icon, and tap the Northwestern Sea.

Draw the path shown on the top map, because we'll defenitely be needing this.

Head all the way left and follow the path.

Defeat the Yellow ChuChu, then Ciela will notice a door with a sun emblem on

it. Try opening it, only to find out that you can't. Ciela suggests writing the

sun symbol on your map in case we need it later (and you know we will). Do it

if you wish, then follow the path east and defeat the Yellow ChuChus. Jump down

and make your way out of the cave. Outside again, make your way back to your

ship, then tell Lineback you're ready to set sail.


The Sea


Make your way to the Northwestern Sea again. Once there, make your path just

like the one you drew. Make sure it follows it exactly, and make the path end

at the Isle of Gust (the island in the middle on the right side). Watch for

enemies and traps as you sail to the island.


Isle of Gust


Once you finally reach the island, Linebeck will notice that the whole island

is gusty (hence the name of the island). Read the nearby sign if you want, and

it will tell you to beware of the high winds. Head north and up the steps, and

the wind will start to blow. You'll have to run to the right to prevent

yourself from falling off. Defeat the pitchfork enemies and head right. Kill

the next batch of pitchfork enemies, then head south and down the steps. Defeat

the Red ChuChu, then go right. Jump across the ledges, defeating the enemies as

you go along. Eventually, you'll have to head north. Do so and read the sign,

which has three arrows pointing left. It says not to get blown off by the wind.

Head west and defeat the pitchfork enemies, then you'll come to some Bomb

Flowers. Take a bomb and head north, placing it by the crack in the wall.

It will blow up, revealing an opening. Go through. Inside, open the chest to

get a Courage Gem, then read the journal on the table. It talks about an island

with a mermaid on it. Examine the map on the wall, and it will show an arrow

pointing to an island at the Northwestern Sea. Make a note of this spot, then

exit the cave. Back outside, head east and back up the ledge. Head to the sign,

and then go left. When the wind blows, run left and jump off the ledge to the

next two ledges. Head left, and at this point, the wind will stop blowing.

Defeat the pitchfork enemies, then enter the cave at the end. Inside, go right

and jump down. Defeat all of the pitchfork enemies, then a chest will appear to

the north.

Open both chests here to get a Wisdom Gem and a Treasure Map, respectively.

Then, go east and take the exit south out of the cave. Back outside, go east

and defeat the Red ChuChus, then ride the wind gusts all the way up. The wind

blows up here, so be careful. Head right and follow the path down, then dig at

the crack in the ground to find a big Rupee worth 100. Go back up, and when the

wind blows, jump to the western ledge. Make your way down, then the wind will

stop blowing. Head north and into the next area. Here, you'll see lots of wind

gusts blocking the entrance to the temple. Read the tombstone, and it will tell

you that only once the windmills have had their fill will the temple open. Look

at the map on the wall, and it will show an "X" at the top-left corner.

Make a note of this spot on your map, then head back to the previous area. Go

west and ride the wind gust up to the ledge, then proceed to the next area.

Here, defeat the two Red ChuChus, then take the path going down into another

area. Drop down here, and you'll see four strange dirt patches. Ciela said that

it looks like they were dug up holes. You can dig at these spots to reveal a

wind gust, but just go west and defeat the enemies. Go all the way left and dig

at the dirt patch to reveal a wind gust. Ride it up to the ledge and open the

chest to get a Power Gem. Drop back down and go north, then dig at the patch

there and ride the wind up. Head into the next area. Ignore the wind gust on

the right, and dig at the spot on the left. Ride that wind gust up.

Follow the path down, then defeat the enemies. Dig up the wind gust you'll come

to by tapping on the hole with the Shovel in your hand, then head west and ride

that wind gust up. Dig at the cracked spot on the ground to find a big Rupee

worth 100 (these are common, aren't they?). Go forward to many wind gusts. Ride

the northernmost one up to a ledge, then read the tombstone. It says that the

hero must blow on the three sacred windmills to open the path. Examine the map

on the wall, and you'll see three crests. Mark these spots on your map, then

jump down and cover up the wind gust holes. Lift the rocks and go right, then

go up and hit the gossip stone. It will tell you to walk quietly in the area

ahead, otherwise you'll attract dangerous enemies.

Head right and into the sandy area, then start walking _very_ slowly. If you

don't, a sand worm will appear and eat you. If this happens, rub the Touch

Screen back and forth to get spit out. Walk all the way to the eastern end of

the path, then make your way to one of the places you marked on your map. There

are many windmills here, but only three will open the path. The correct ones

are the ones you marked on your map, so head to those locations and walk up to

the windmill. Then, blow into the mic until it starts spinning. Do this for the

next two windmills marked on your map, then two doors will open. Take the

southwestern one and jump off the ledge. As you can see, you can enter the

temple now.


Temple of Wind


When you enter, go north and you'll see two things that shoot out wind gusts.

Once they stop, run forward and wait until all three of the wind gusts here

stop. Run forward when they do, then you'll see a Bomb Flower in the middle.

The game shows you a line of Bomb Flowers on the platform ahead, along with an

odd-looking tile in between those Bomb Flowers. Take the bomb from the Bomb

Flower beside you and throw it across, in between the line of Bomb Flowers. If

you did it right, this will cause them all to explode, activating two crystal

switches nearby. This extends two bridges for you to cross. Cross either one

and push the nearby block right, so that it blocks the wind gust nearby. Then,

hit the crystal switch to stop the next wind gust, then proceed forward.

Head up the steps and go south, then head west. The blue door to the north

cannot be opened yet. Tap the door to the south to open it, then take the path

to a switch. Press it to open the door in front of you, then head up the steps

nearby. Make your way across this narrow passage, defeating the Keese along the

way. Only go forward when the gusts stop. Eventually, you'll make it to another

set of steps. Take them down and go north, then the door behind you will shut.

Defeat the snakes, then the door behind you will open along with another one.

Head west and get the Rupees, then break the puts and push the block to the

left. Go to this sandy area and defeat the snakes, then head north to a couple

of wind gusts.

Ignore them for now and go left. You will see a statue shooting out a wind

gust. Push it down twice, and left until it is on the first sun symbol on the

ground. Then, use the wind to push you over to the left platform, then step on

the switch to open the door in front of you. Take the stairs down to the next

room. In this room, go forward and the door behind you will shut. There will

appear to be no signs of enemies even though it sounds like they're nearby. Run

up to all of the rocks around the room and Red ChuChus wearing stone helmets

will be revealed. Use the Bomb Flowers in the middle to break off the helmets,

then attack them to defeat them. Once they're defeated, the door that you came

in from will open, along with another door.

Follow the path east and go up the steps, then defeat the three Red ChuChus

that ambush you. Head to the middle of the room, defeating the pitchfork

enemies as you go along. At the middle is a tombstone and a switch. Read the

tombstone, and it will say that when two wings flutter, a door will open. Press

the switch by the tombstone to open a door to the southeast. Head there and

take the path up, then head right and follow the path to the end. Break the

pots and open the chest for a Pearl Necklace, then go back left and up to the

ledge. Now, jump down to the north. Head up and use the wind gusts to reach the

upper ledge, then open the chest to get a Courage Gem. Jump down and go back to

the southeast, taking the steps up again.

Jump back down to the north, then push the block up so that it is right by the

third wind gust. Push it directly onto the wind gust, then use the second gust

to get on the block. From there, head right and drop down to the floor below.

Follow the path to the next room. In here, use a bomb from one of the Bomb

Flowers nearby to blow up the crack in the wall. Take the path to a big sandy

area. You have to walk quietly in this room, because sand worms lurk within the

sand just like outside on the island. Walk to the middle platform, where you'll

find a tombstone. Read it and it will just tell you to walk quietly. Examine

the map on the wall, and it will say that when the four pillars of wind rise, a

door will open.

There are X's on the map. Write down X's on your map in these exact spots, then

walk to them and dig up the patches to reveal wind gusts. Each time you dig up

the right wind gust, a torch in the room is lit. There's a chest on the left

side of the room containing a Power Gem. When the four wind gusts have been dug

up, two doors will open. Take the northern door first, to another room. In the

next room, use a bomb from the Bomb Flowers to blow up the cracked blocks, then

take the stairs up to another room. Here, head all the way south to a statue

blowing a wind gust. Push it onto the sun symbol on the ground to get a

windmill blowing, then go back to the previous room. Head south and back to the

sandy room, and this time, take the southwestern door.

In the next area, head east and up the steps. Pull the wind gust statue onto

the sun symbol to get the secodn windmill going, making a Small Key drop near

the tombstone and the switch below. Jump down and take the Small Key, then go

southeast, head up the steps, and jump down to the ledge below. Use the wind

gusts to get on top of the block, then head east and follow the path back to

the sandy room. Head all the way north across the walkway, to a locked door.

Unlock it with your key, then open the chest to get some Bombs. It also came

with a small Bomb Bag, so you can only hold up to 10 unless you get a bigger

one (see the Equipment Upgrades section). Head all the way to the northwestern

end of the room to find a crack in the wall.

Place a bomb there to blow it up, then enter the new room. Here, you'll see a

wind gust. Place a bomb on it and it will float up, blowing up the cracked

block in front of the gust. The pots on the left contain bombs if you need any.

Ride the wind gust up to the platform, then take the stairs up to the next

room. In here, go all the way east and defeat the Red ChuChus, then go back to

the wind gust you just passed. Place a bomb onto it and quickly run to the

right again. When it blows up, it will blow up a line of Bomb Flowers, causing

a switch to activate. This opens up a door for a very short time, but you

should already be over there. Head through the door before it closes, then head

right to a tombstone.

The two rocks by the tombstone are really Red ChuChus. The tombstone says that

blank walls can hide the truth. Head right and place a bomb on the green and

white tile to blow up the wall. Follow that path to a door, defeating the Red

ChuChus along the way. When you get to the door, tap it to open it, then take

the nearby stairs up to the next room. In this room, defeat the Red ChuChus

hiding under the rocks, then look behind the wall to find a checkered tile

behind it. Place a bomb right where this tile is to blow it up, making a path.

Take the path up and go left, to an area with a line of Bomb Flowers on both

sides. Place a bomb on both of the sun symbols on the ground. This will cause

both rows of Bomb Flowers to blow up, activating two switches.

This causes a door to the south to open. Take that path to a chest, then open

it for the Boss Key. Jump off the left side and put down the key, then place a

bomb on the wind gust. It will block up the two blocks, allowing you to pass.

Pick up the key again and ride the wind gust up, then tap the block to throw

the key into it, granting you access to the next room. In the next room, you'll

notice that the wind blows. Go north and ride the wind gusts up, then read the

tombstone and a blue portal will appear. Break the pots for supplies, then head

into the next room. Out here, you will see Cyclok, the Striker of Winds. See

the Bosses section for help on getting through here.

Once you win the battle, he'll turn into grains of sand and be added to the

Phantom Hourglass. Now you have twelve minutes total in it. Then, you'll see

the Spirit of Wisdom, Neri appear. After some dialogue, she will join with you.

Open the chest that appears to get the Heart Container, then take the blue

portal to get out of the dungeon.


Isle of Gust


Back out here, head south and exit this area, then take the stairs to the right

and jump down to the south. Defeat the pitchfork enemies and head up the stairs

to the southwest. Jump down and make your way south to your ship. Then, talk to

Linebeck and tell him you're ready to set sail.


The Sea


Before we go back to Mercay Island, sail northeast to Bannan Island.


Bannan Island


Head north and read the sign. It says that this is the Wayfarer's Island. Keep

following the path and defeat the enemies, then go all the way right and enter

the cave there. Inside, follow the path to a crack in the wall. The sign says

that it leads to a mini-game. Blow up the crack and follow the path, breaking

the pots for Rupees. Exit the cave and you'll be on the other side of the

island. Go right and read the sign, which says that this is the Cannon Game.

You can play it for 20 Rupees; refer to the Mini-Games section to see how to

play it. Go back into the cave and go back to the other side of the island,

then head north and enter that building. Talk to the old man inside and listen

to his mindless gossip. He'll tell you about a mermaid.

Once he finishes talking, exit the house. Now, kill every single enemy on the

island if you haven't already, then look around the waters until you spot a

mermaid. When you approach her, she'll move to a different location. Don't get

too close to her, then throw the Boomerang at her to hit her head. She'll admit

to dressing up as a mermaid, and not actually being one. Apologize to her, then

she'll say that she'll go visit the old man. Go back inside the house and talk

to him again, then tell him you found the mermaid. He'll babble on and say that

she probably went with another man. Exit the house again and Ciela will think

that she's with Linebeck. Go talk to Linebeck and he'll say that the mermaid

appeared, but then disappeared before he got the chance to say anything.

Now, go back and visit the old man's house again, and the mermaid will be in

his pool. Talk to him and he'll thank you for bringing the mermaid here, then

he'll give you a Fishing Rod as a reward. While out at sea, sail to a fish

shadow on the map and tap Menu, then Fish. See the Fishing section of the guide

for more information on it. Go back to Linebeck and tell him you're ready to

set sail.


The Sea


Set your course directly south, to the Southwestern Sea. Once there, set your

course for Mercay Island.


Mercay Island


Go all the way north to the field area. Head up the stairs to the north and go

around, to two cracked blocks. Bomb them to blow them up, creating a shortcut

up here (it's not really a useful shortcut, but still). Head into the next

area. The wall nearby has a crack in it, so bomb it to reveal a hole, then go

inside. In this cave, kill the rats and hit the gossip stone if you wish. Hop

across the platforms and kill the rat, then open the chest at the end to get a

Power Gem. You'll probably notice an eye on the wall. We can't do anything

about it until we get a bow, so for now, just exit the cave and make your way

to the Temple of the Ocean King.


Temple of the Ocean King


Head forward and to the first room of the temple. You'll have to go all the way

through the temple again, to where you got the last Sea Chart at. If you need

instructions again, scroll up until you get back to where I wrote a walkthrough

for that section. I'll only give a walkthrough for each floor once. The only

difference in the floors after each dungeon is that more shortcuts are

available to you due to your new items. Once you reach the Door of Wisdom, Neri

will say to tap the door and she'll open it. Tap the door, and before going to

the next room, head left and get the thirty seconds out of the golden pot. Now,

enter the next room. In this room, there are statues that shoot out wind gusts.

Upon going forward, blue eyeball creatures appear.

Neri explains that they are called Phantom Eyes. They're basically alarms, but

they can be defeated. If one sees you, it will stay near you and an alarm will

sound. You'll either have to run to a safe zone or rub the Touch Screen when

prompted to shrug the Phantom Eye off. If the alarm sounds long enough, a

Phantom will appear and you will start getting chased. Now, head right, and go

down the corridor to a wind gust. Throw the Boomerang at the crystal switch in

the corner to deactivate the wind gust, then throw the Boomerang at the Phantom

Eye to stun it. Strike it with your sword while it's stunned to kill it. Break

the golden pot in the southeastern corner with the Boomerang to snag thirty

more seconds.

Go west, then north, then follow the path past the wind gusts. Make sure there

are no Phantoms around. Kill the next Phantom Eye, then follow the next

corridor down. Hide in the safe spot to the left, then stay in it and hit the

Phantom Eye with the Boomerang when it gets near. Kill it, then if you've

killed all of the Phantom Eyes, a chest will appear on the right side. It

contains a Power Gem. Head south of the last Phantom Eye, then dig up the dirt

patch with the Shovel. Ride the wind gust up and hit the crystal switch. This

deactivates all of the wind gusts in this room, making it much easier to get

through. Head back north and towards the left wall on the map, where the hole

is in it. On the southern side of the wall is a crack.

Bomb it and hit the crystal switch behind the wall. This lowers some spikes.

Look on the map and go to where the key is, then pick up the Small Key. Make

your way southwest to a locked door, then open it and go to the next room. In

here, go left and past the spikes when they lower. At the end of the path,

you'll see a crystal switch on a platform surrounded by spikes. Target the

switch with the Boomerang and throw it when the spikes lower. You'll hit it,

causing some spikes over to the right to lower. Head all the way right, and hit

the golden jar for an extra thirty seconds. Go back to the left and then go up,

and the door behind you will shut. Defeat the Yellow ChuChus and two doors will

open. Some spikes to the left will also lower.

Hit the golden pot where the spikes were to get an extra fifteen seconds, then

go right and another door behind you will shut. Defeat the pitchfork enemies

and after the doors open and the spikes lower, hit the jar to the right to get

fifteen more seconds. Head north and go right, then take out your Boomerang and

target the right side, where a switch is. Hit the switch with it to make a

chest appear and make the wind gust to the left disappear. Open the chest to

get a Red Potion. In this game, you automatically start with two empty bottles,

and cannot get any more than that. Go to the Items menu to use the potion

whenever needed. Head west and down to the next floor. In the next room, Neri

will say that we're almost at the next clue to the Ghost Ship.

There are two Phantoms patrolling the hallways in this room, and there are also

two Phantom Eyes. Head right and quickly stun the Phantom Eye, then kill it. On

both sides of this room are three tombstones. Head south and press the switch

to stop the wind gust. Now, go to the northwestern corner of the room and dig

up the dirt patch to reveal a wind gust. Place a bomb on it to blow up the

cracked blocks, then ride the gust up and hit the switch. This causes some

spikes to lower to the south, allowing you passage to a tombstone. Jump down

and go read it, and it will say that the sacred crest begins and ends with it.

This is obviously a riddle we have to solve. Do NOT read the middle tombstone,

or else two Phantom Eyes will spawn.

Head around to the left, then go down and press the switch to deactivate the

wind gust. Go east from here, then press the next switch to deactivate that

gust as well. In the middle-top part of the room is another switch that

deactivates the last wind gust. Killing all of the Phantom Eyes will make some

spikes lower at the left side of the room, allowing you to break a gold pot

containing fifteen extra seconds. Hitting the switch at the southeastern corner

of the room lowers some spikes that grant you access to a tombstone. Read the

tombstones and start from the first one to the last one. Then, draw a line on

your map where the tombstones are starting from the first to the last. This

will make an hourglass shape.

Go to the red door in the middle of the room and tap it. You have to draw the

shape of an hourglass (the same one you drew on your map) starting from point

one to the last, then back up to point one again. If you can't get it, then

draw starting at the top-left, then directly to the top-right, then down to the

bottom-left, then to the bottom-right, then back up to the top-left again. If

you drew it right, the sacred crest (an hourglass) will appear on the door,

then it will open. Go through. In this room, go up and examine the sun crest by

the wall. It will show a map of the sea, along with a green crest on it. It

says to press the sea chart to the crest, and the way to the Sun Key will open.

Tap the Sea Chart icon.

Select the Southwestern Sea, then close your DS and open it. This will stamp

the crest on the map you're looking at onto your Sea Chart. A really clever

idea Nintendo had, if I do say so myself. Ciela suggests going to Linebeck to

see what he thinks about this crest. Take the blue portal to get back to the

main room, then leave the dungeon.


Mercay Island


Back outside, make your way back to your ship. On your way there, the postman

will deliver a letter from Eddo. He now has a Salvage Arm for sale, and he'll

sell it to the first person to get to the island. He won't sell out of it if

you don't get there despite that, however. Go to your ship and the man that

called you earlier will call you again. Talk to him, and he'll ask if your ship

has a Salvage Arm. Tell him no, and he'll suggest you get one from Eddo since

it pulls treasure up from the sea. Talk to Linebeck, and Ciela tells him about

what we found at the temple. He suggests setting sail, which you should do.


The Sea


We can't go any further until we get the Salvage Arm, so go ahead and make a

course for Cannon Island.


Cannon Island


Head into Eddo's Garage on the right. Inside, head right and enter the back

room where Eddo is. Talk to him, and he'll offer you the Salvage Arm. But the

price will vary depending on how loud you can scream into the mic. Like I've

said before, you can blow very hard into the mic and it will register as a

scream. Scream into the mic or blow hard into it as good as you can, then he

will tell you the price. The best you can get him to sell it for is 200 Rupees,

if I'm not mistaken. Buy it and make your way off the island.


The Sea


Our next destination is the green crest on the map. Go there and tap the Menu

icon, then tap Salvage to dip your crane into the water. This is sort of like a

mini-game, and Linebeck will explain how to use the Salvage Arm to dig for the

treasure. To use it, you have to use the bar at the bottom. Slide the small

square left and right to move it in that direction, and slide it up and down to

make the crane move faster or slower. Don't get hit by the Octomines or you'll

lose health on your crane. You can collect Rupees from the bubbles as you go.

When you reach the very bottom, snag the treasure. If you miss it, you must try

again. Once you get it, pull it all the way back up.

After you pull the treasure up, it will be dropped onto your ship, then Link

will open it. It holds the Sun Key. Linebeck has no clue what it could be for,

however. Sail all the way to the southwestern island, which is Molida Island.

As you approach the island, however, a giant monster appears from the water.

Linebeck suggests drawing a route around in a circle to avoid the monster's

attacks and discover its weak point. Draw a route as a small circle, around and

around, but near the monster. Its weak point is the eye, which you have to

shoot with your cannon when open. The only way this monster attacks is by

spitting out green gunk balls at you, which can be blasted. After quite a few

hits to the eye, the monster will die. You will then dock at Molida Island.


Molida Island


When you arrive here, you should still have that symbol drawn on your map from

when we were here last time. Go to the middle of that symbol again and dig by

the tree, then drop through the hole that is revealed. Inside the cave, head

left and then up to the sun door we saw last time. Tap it and it will open now

that we have the Sun Key. Follow the path and continue outside. Look to the

left when you get outside, and you'll see a cracked part of the ground. Dig

there and a hole will be revealed. Fall down it, then you'll fall back in the

cave in front of a chest, which contains a Wisdom Gem. After you get it, go

east and jump off the ledge, then go back outside again. Now, follow the path

and defeat the enemies, then you will come to a gossip stone.

Hit it, and it will tell you that outside of Oshus's storehouse is a tree. It

tells you to dig there to find something. We'll check it out the next time we

visit the island, don't worry. Continue following the path and defeat the

Yellow ChuChus, then head right and read the tombstone. It says that only when

the statues gaze upon the door will it open. Follow the path right and down,

then you'll come to a statue. Strike it with your sword and a beam will

radiate from it. Tap it and you'll be able to move it. Move it clockwise a few

times so that it is facing the temple on the map, then tap the arrow icon to

stop moving it. Continue following the path, then head north and two fish

knights will jump out of the water.

You fought one of these the last time you were here, and you have to fight two

at once now. This can be a little hard, so take your time. In case you forgot,

to defeat them, wait until one raises his sword, then run away. When he dashes,

run and attack him while he's off guard. Once both of them are defeated, the

second statue will appear. Strike it, then tilt it so that it's facing the

temple on the map. Now, head left and jump off the ledge, then go up the steps

and go left. On a platform across from you is the third and final statue.

Strike it with the Boomerang, and the beam will automatically be facing the

temple. With all three beams directly on the door, it opens up, granting you

access to the temple. Head there and go inside.


Temple of Courage


Go forward and break the pots for some hearts. Follow the path and ignore the

two doors, then you'll come to a rolling spiked log. Wait until it rolls up,

then follow it up and take cover at the small opening to the right. When it

rolls down past you, continue north and stand on the four flesh tiles. There is

another spiked log. When it moves up, keep following the path and stay on the

next set of tiles. When that spiked log rolls by, head south and you'll see a

blue razor trap blocking your path. Move to the left and the razor trap will

move, so quickly go right to avoid it, then head down. Head left and press the

switch to open the door, then go up. Open the chest to get a Small Key, then go

back to where the razor trap is and head all the way up.

Unlock the door there, then follow the path to an area where a door behind you

will close. You have to fight two weird centipede enemies. To defeat them,

attack the red spot on their tail a few times. Once they're defeated, head

south and down the stairs that were revealed. In the next room, you'll see that

it looks like there's no way to pass the cliff. However, if you look on the

map, you'll see that there are moving blocks everywhere. Wait until a moving

block moves to you, then walk on it. It will carry you to a platform. Get on

it, and you'll see a Hardhat Beetle. These things push you back a bit when you

attack them, and they can get annoying. Attack it until you push it off the

cliff, then go on the moving block to the left when it comes towards you.

It will carry you to another moving block. Get on that one and quickly take out

the Boomerang. Use it to hit the colored crystal switch to the north to turn it

blue. When the moving block takes you to the next platform, get on it and enter

the next room. In here, you'll see slime enemies and sparks that cling to the

walls. Head north and defeat the slime enemies, then follow the path past the

lowered blocks. Read the tombstones here. One says that huge monsters with huge

ears are vulnerable to sound, while the other says that up, down, right, and

left is the solution to the whole temple, which isn't entirely true. Place a

bomb by the right side of the left tombstone to blow up the wall. There are two

chests here.

Open them to get a random ship part and a Power Gem. Break the pots here if you

need bombs, then take a look at the map on the wall. It says that you can cross

the void easily if you note the path written down. Touch the Map icon, then

touch the 1F icon. Select B1, then draw the path shown on the top map. We're

going to need it soon. Once you draw the path, exit the map screen and head

south. Bomb the two cracked blocks, then follow the path. If you get close to

the Green ChuChu, it will turn into a small drop of liquid. To defeat it, you

have to use the Boomerang from a distance to stun it, then attack it. Anyway,

keep following the path down, then read the tombstone on the platform. It says

that only the same-shaped stones can fit into the holes.

An example of this is the hole right next to the tombstone. Head all the way

south and press the nearby switch to open the door, then go up the platform

next to you. A giant bunny monster will appear. To defeat it, either yell into

the mic or blow into it very hard to make it shrink. Then, hit it with your

sword once and it will drop a Small Key. Get the key and go back all the way

north, then use it on the locked door. Enter the next room. In here, there are

sparks that cling to the walls, along with Beamos everywhere. A Beamos is a

statue with an eye, and when it sees you, it will shoot you with a red laser.

Quite annoying. There are four levers in this room which you must pull in a

certain order.

Remember the tombstone that said up, down, right and left is the solution to

the level? Well, that applies to this room. You have to pull the levers in that

order: up, down, right, and left. Once you pull them in that order, a chest

will appear in the middle of the room. Open it to get a square crystal, which

you must carry out of this room. Exit this room with the square crystal in

hand. Back at the previous room, head south and up that platform, then tap the

pedestal to place the square crystal in there. A door to the northeast will

open up, so make your way to it and enter the next area. Hit the gossip stone

in here, and he'll hint to the location of the map on the wall we looked at

earlier. This is the room you had to draw a path for.

Head right and follow the path you drew exactly. You will have to knock off two

Hardhat Beetles while walking across the invisible path, which can be rather

difficult. When you reach the northwestern platform, open the chest to get the

Bow and Arrows! Equip them now. To aim with them, simply move the stylus in a

direction to aim in that direction. Use your new item to shoot the eye on the

wall behind the chest. This will extend a bridge that connects to the platform

south of here. Cross the bridge and defeat the centipede enemy. There is a

heart-shaped orb here. Hit it with the Boomerang to make it face a different

direction. Make it face the right, then shoot an arrow into it and the arrow

will go through, eventually hitting a switch. Head left and into the next room.

In here, head south past the lowered blocks, then defeat the two centipedes.

Head up the steps and hit the gossip stone. It says that you'll need the same

crystal you got earlier, then you'll have to bring it here and place it in the

pedestal. Go all the way right and shoot the eye on the wall. This will open up

the door in front of you. Follow the path north and tap the pedestal the square

crystal is in to take it out. Carry it southwest back to the pedestal you just

saw, then place it in there. This will open another door to the right. Head

there and go into the next room. Here, there are many Octoroks. The ones on the

platform you can't reach constantly shoot out nuts. Head west and kill the

Octoroks that are walking around, then use arrows to kill the other three.

Once they're all defeated, a bridge to the north will extend and connect to

another platform. Cross the bridge and ride the moving block down to a platform

to the south. Quickly defeat the Keese there, then ride the next moving block

and take out your bow. Aim up and shoot the eye, then get on the middle block.

Let it take you up, then when it takes you back down, move onto the last block.

That one will carry you right. Aim up and shoot the eye on the wall, and with

both eyes shot, a chest will appear in the middle. Get back on the middle block

and let it take you up, then open the chest to get a Power Gem. Get back on the

right block, then let it take you all the way right. Get on the next block and

defeat the Keese, then head right when it takes you up.

Move past the two razor traps and avoid being hit, then go directly south and

jump to that platform, making sure the Beamos doesn't see you. Head right and

place a bomb by the cracked block, then quickly go back left and up. When the

bomb blows up the cracked block, a razor trap will be freed. Jump back up to

the platform with the Beamos, then head over to the right and jump down to the

platform again from there. Push the block down when the razor trap is over to

the right, then make your way back over to the left side again. Push the block

all the way right to trap the razor trap (ironic, huh?) completely, then head

north and open the chest for a Dark Pearl Loop. Head down the stairs to the

next room.

Here, head west and be careful of the sparks that cling to the walls. Jump

across the ledge to another platform, then press the switch to open the door in

front of you. Head south to the next area. Ride the moving block on the right

here to another platform. Get on it and equip the Boomerang. Ride the moving

block to the north up, then use the Boomerang to target the flaming torch, then

all of the non-flaming ones in a zig-zag pattern. Throw it after you target

them all, then you'll light all of the torches, causing some spikes ahead to

lower. Get on the next platform and knock off the Hardhat Beetles, then go left

and use the Boomerang on the heart-shaped orb until it faces left. Shoot an

arrow into it and the arrow will eventually hit a switch.

Before continuing, move the heart-shaped orb again so that it faces north, then

shoot another arrow into it. The arrow will hit an eye on the wall, causing a

chest to appear nearby. Open it to get a Wisdom Gem, then head north past the

lowered blocks and into the next area. You'll have to fight another giant bunny

in here. Scream or blow hard into the mic, then attack it and it will drop a

Small Key. Take it and use it on the locked door in front of you, then go left.

The gossip stone tells you that the block to the left is a block that moves

depending on the path that you draw. Neat. Get on the platform and it will

glow. Take out your map and draw a path going towards the dots on the map, in

this order: up, down, right, and left.

Exit the map screen after drawing your path, and the platform will move. It

will carry you to pillars with eyes on them. Shoot them in the order of up,

down, right and left, then a chest will appear at the start of this room. Erase

your current path and draw a new one going northeast. Once you get over there,

open the chest to get the Boss Key. Get back on the block again and draw a path

going to the platform at the southwestern corner. With the Boss Key in hand,

tap the block to throw the key into it, granting you access to the next room.

In the next room, read the tombstone to create a blue portal. Break the pots

for supplies, then go north and to the next area. Head north and you'll meet

Crayk, the Bane of Courage. Read the Bosses section for help on winning.

After you win, he'll turn into some of the Sand of Hours, which will be added

to the Phantom Hourglass as usual. Now you have fourteen minutes total in it.

The Spirit of Courage will then appear, who looks exactly like Ciela. However,

she won't say a word. Open the chest that appears for the Heart Container, then

take the blue portal to get out of this place.


Molida Island


Now that we have all four of the spirits, we can find the Ghost Ship! Make your

way back into the cave, and once inside, head south and turn right. Jump off

the ledge and make your way out of the cave. Back outside, go west and you'll

get a letter from the Old Wayfarer. He gives you a random ship part. Go back to

your ship, and Oshus will be there with Linebeck. Oshus explains that Ciela is

actually a spirit, and that the other fairy spirits you've rescued are part of

her lost power. Then, he asks for Link to take out the Spirit of Courage. He

does so, and then you'll see a scene where both of them combine, creating a

yellow Ciela. Leaf and Neri then come out, and Ciela hears Tetra's voice. She's

the true Spirit of Courage, as Oshus explains.

Ciela says that she can feel the Ghost Ship out there somewhere, and Oshus

suggests heading there. Linebeck wonders how he knows all of this, but he's

still reluctant to tell anybody. After the scene, Link and Linebeck set sail

with the three spirits.


The Sea


Linebeck says that when we first found the Ghost Ship, it was hidden in deep

fog. He suggests looking for the deepest fog you can find, and maybe we'll find

the Ghost Ship there. Set your course anywhere, and the moment you go to sail,

you'll see a ship in the distance. A girl is on it, and she obviously knows who

Linebeck is because she shouted his name. Linebeck says that now is not the

time for a story, and to run away any time you see her. Have the ship jump over

the torpedoes. Let her catch you this one time, then you'll go into the engine

room. Head down and Jolene will appear, then she'll fight you since Link won't

tell her where Linebeck is. To defeat her, wait until she pulls her sword back,

then run away. When she dashes, attack her.

Keep this up and eventually you'll be prompted to rub the Touch Screen back and

forth. Do so and you'll knock out her sword, and then she'll leave. From this

point on, you'll see an icon of Jolene at random parts of the sea. If she

catches you, you'll have to fight her again, so avoid her at all costs. Anyway,

after she leaves, go up to the crate in here and Linebeck will pop out of it.

He'll give you a Blue Rupee as a reward. The more you fight and win against

Jolene, the higher the amount of Rupees he will give you. You'll then be back

outside of the ship, so sail to the Northwestern Sea. As you sail there, you'll

get back into the deep white fog. When you get there, sail directly north and

your ship will get stuck, then Link will go to the engine room with Linebeck.

He says that the cause of this is more than likely the Ghost Ship, and that you

should go search for it while he fixes the engine. Ask him how, and Ciela will

say that her and the other two spirits will help locate it. Back outside, Ciela

will explain that you have to tap "GO" to make the ship go, then touch left or

right to move left or right, respectively. You don't draw a path this time. As

you get more near the Ghost Ship, the three spirits will blink more rapidly.

Steer your way through the Northwestern Sea and keep going toward the spots

where the spirits blink. When they blink extremely fast, you're very near the

Ghost Ship. Eventually, you'll see it in plain sight. Sail to it and you'll get

on board.


Ghost Ship


Upon arriving, Linebeck will also be on board. He doesn't want to admit it, but

he's frightened, as you can tell. After Ciela throws a few insults at him, he

will stay behind and tell you to go and find Tetra. So, head to the middle and

go left to the next room. In here, go left and the door behind you will shut,

then you'll have to fight three ghost enemies. They'll disappear if you try to

attack them directly, so wait until they first appear, then quickly strike.

Once they're defeated, the door will open and some blue flames will disappear.

Head left and you'll find a girl. Talk to her, and she'll ask if you're Link.

Tell her you are, and she'll say that she's the youngest daughter of the house

of Cubus. She says that she and her sisters all got kidnapped on this ship.

Tell her you'll help her find them, then she'll tell you that they've probably

been kidnapped by Reaplings. When she's finished talking, head right and Ciela

will say that Tetra must be locked up somewhere, too. She thinks that if we

find the other three girls, they might know where Tetra is. Head north and go

right to some spikes. To the north is a switch with some barrels blocking it.

Stand by the spikes, and draw a path with the Boomerang in between the barrel

and the spikes, then target the switch and throw it. If you did it right, you

will hit the switch, lowering the spikes beside you. Head right and avoid the

fire snake, then defeat the ghost enemy. Continue right and follow the path,

defeating the enemies along the way.

You will come to a switch in a corner. Hit it and the spikes to the south will

be deactivated, so continue following the path and you'll come to a wall of

flames, along with a nearby block pedestal. Head back down and jump across to

the right to get past the wall of flames. Head all the way south and east, then

go north to a switch. Hit it to lower some spikes near you, then open the chest

by the lowered spikes to get the triangle crystal. Head north and you'll find

one of the sisters. Talk to her, and she'll tell you that she's the third

sister. Don't worry, we'll soon find the second one. She'll ask you to take her

back to the other sister you found, so head south and then west with the

triangle crystal in hand.

Keep going west and jump across to the platform, then go north and place the

crystal in the triangle-shaped pedestal. This causes the wall of flames to

disappear, allowing the girl to be able to pass. Go south and talk to her, then

she'll say that whenever she panics like that, talk to her again to get her

moving. Head back to the left (walk across this time instead of jumping across,

so that the girl will keep following you), and you'll come to a spider. The

girls are extremely afraid of spiders, so they'll panic whenever they see one.

Kill it and talk to her to get her following you again. From now on, I won't

mention where the spiders are; just kill them and talk to the girl following

you again.

Anyway, continue going west and make your way back to the first sister. When

you bring the sister following you back to the first one, they'll tell you to

go find the last two. Head back towards where you found the previous sister,

then take the southern stairs there down into the next room. You're on a safe

zone. Go right and a ghostly figure will appear, and Ciela says that it's

probably a Reapling. Follow the path and go past the spikes. Avoid detection

from the Reapling, or else you'll have to quickly run to a safe zone. Make your

way around the room until you reach the next girl. Hit the switch in front of

her to lower some spikes, granting you access to two chests. Talk to the girl

and she'll want you to take her back to her sisters. Unfortunately, she doesn't

know where Tetra is either.

Go right and she'll tell you that there is good treasure. She shows you on the

map where it's at, which is over to the right where the spikes just lowered.

She tells you to pick the one on the left, but something seems suspicious about

her. Don't do it; it contains 10 Rupoor. Rupoor are black Rupees, and instead

of giving you Rupees, you lose them! This also makes another Reapling appear.

Open the chest on the right instead to get a Yellow Potion, then make your way

right and south. Open the chest you'll find to get a round-shaped crystal. Keep

going south, then turn right and go up the stairs. Back here, go north and

place the crystal into the pedestal, making the flames to the left disappear.

Go left and jump to the chest in the corner, which contains a Pearl Necklace.

After getting it, take the sister following you back to her other two sisters.

Once they reunite, head back all the way right and enter the room you just

exited from. Back here, make your way over to the left side of the room, then

take the stairs down to another room. In here, go right and you'll see some

levers you have to pull in a certain order. We'll get to that in a minute.

Defeat the ghost enemy, then read the two signs. They tell you about a steel

drum storage. Head right and the door behind you will shut, then you'll have to

kill a few spiders. Do so, then the door will open and some flames to the north

will disappear. Head north and ignore the switch to the left. Hitting it makes

some spikes lower, but it also makes a Reapling appear! You can't take the path

where the spikes lowered, anyway, because it's a trap.

Head north and go left, then read the tombstone. It tells you the order that

the levers have to be pulled in: 2, 4, 5, 1, and 3. However, it's not like you

think it is; you don't just pull the levers in that exact order. It's tricking

you; you actually have to pull 1 first, 2 second, and so on. The way the

numbers are positioned represents the positions of the levers. Get it? So, go

all the way south and pull the second-to-last lever on the right first, the

first one on the left second, the last one on the right third, the second one

on the left fourth, and finally, the middle one last. This will lower some

spikes to the north. Go there and lift all of the barrels, then you'll find a

switch that was hidden in the barrel maze.

Press it to make some flames lower at the northwestern side of the room. Go

there and head north. Lift the shaking barrel to uncover the last girl, then

talk to her. She says that she's the eldest of the sisters of the house of

Cubus, then she asks you to take her back to her other sisters. Head south, and

the girl will tell you that the Reaplings get angry when you shoot them in the

back. She tells you not to do it, but this actually stuns them, allowing you to

pass freely. Make your way out of this room, then in the previous room, go all

the way right and head up the stairs. Back at the main room, make your way to

the other three sisters. Will all four sisters reunited, they'll go on about

how the Reaplings should've scared you to death.

They then take you to the deck of the ship, where they say you'll have to play

a game of death's volley. I _knew_ something was up with them. They'll turn

into Poes and you'll have to fight the Diabolical Cubus Sisters. Refer to the

Bosses section for help. Once they're defeated, the remaining one will attempt

to scare Link, then she'll die and drop a key. Pick it up; it's the Ghost Key.

Then, open the chest that appears to get the Heart Container. Take the blue

portal to get back to the main room. Head all the way right and take those

stairs down again. In here, go to the block on the map and tap it. The Ghost

Key will unlock it, so head north to the next room. In here, Link will spot

Tetra. However, she has been turned to stone!

Linebeck suddenly enters and asks if Link found treasure, then Ciela tells him

about Tetra. Suddenly, Oshus also enters the room and explains everything. He

explains who he really is, along with who caused all of this. The evil creature

we're hunting after now is called Bellum, but I won't spoil any more than that.

Oshus will eventually tell you that you need to visit Zauz. Eventually you will

appear back out at sea in Linebeck's ship, in the engine room with Tetra.


The Sea


At the engine room, talk to Linebeck. He says that we should go visit Zauz so

we can figure out how to slay Bellum, and apparently he lives on an island just

north of the Isle of Gust. Sail to the middle-northern part of the Northwestern

Sea, and when you see an island in the distance, Ciela will mark it as a new

island on your Sea Chart. Set a course for it.


Zauz's Island


As you dock at the island, you'll get a letter from Jolene. The postman has

delivered the letter to the wrong person; this is for Joanne, her sister. Oh

well; at least she sounds familiar. Remember the mermaid? The postman will ask

you to deliver the letter to her yourself, then give it to you. We'll do that

later on. For now, enter the only building on this island, where you'll find

Zauz the blacksmith. He tells you that you'll need the Phantom Sword to defeat

Bellum, and that it is the only sword that can slay him (isn't there always a

legendary sword you need to get in pretty much every Zelda game?). After Ciela

gripes about him not being able to make the sword, he says you'll need three

stones: Aquanine, Azurine, and Crimsonine. They're called Pure Metals.

Ciela asks where to find them, and he says that you'll need to visit three

tribes that know where they're located. However, to reach the islands we need

to go to, we have to dive deeper into the Temple of the Ocean King and get

another Sea Chart. Just great; back to the annoying dungeon for us. He says

that if you draw the symbol on his wall on the red door, the door will open a

new path. Examine the map on the wall, then go to Linebeck and set sail after

he gripes some more.


The Sea


Set your course east of the Isle of Gust. As you go there, you'll spot a new

island. Ciela marks it on your map, so set your course there.


Uncharted Island


This island has no official name. As Linebeck will point out, there's no map

either. Very odd. Linebeck suggests going to the middle of the island and see

if you can find anything out. Go there to find a gossip stone, then hit it. It

tells you that there's a Golden Chief who can harness the power of sea

cyclones. However, you can't enter his chamber until you hit the gossip stones

around this island in a certain order, and he'll give you a riddle to figure

out the order. The riddle is: "It steers with rudder, then makes spray! And

third, it paddles, then sees a way!" With this information, go back to

Linebeck and talk to him. He suggests walking around the whole island and

drawing a map as you go along, which you'll have to do.

Walk around the edges of the whole island and draw a map. When you explore the

whole island, your map should be complete. As you can see, it perfectly

resembles a whale, the key to solving the riddle. So, head to the northeastern

corner and hit the gossip stone there, on the rudder. Go to the northwestern

end next and hit the gossip stone on the left where the spray is. For the next

one, head all the way south and go east of your ship. On the plateau there is

another gossip stone, which you must hit. Finally, go north of your ship and

hit the last gossip stone, by the water. With all of them hit in this order, a

bridge will extend, connecting to the cave leading to the Golden Chief. Cross

the bridge and enter the cave.

Inside, head down the steps and go forward to the next room. In here, go up and

you'll meet the Golden Chief, Cyclos (remember him, Wind Waker fans?). After

some of the talking, he gives you the Cyclone Slate. He says that if you draw

certain symbols on the slate, you'll warp to different locations of the sea via

cyclones. He will say that his golden minions throughout the sea (six of them

in all) will tell you what symbols to draw. I'm sure you've seen golden shiny

frogs leap out of the water in random places of the sea. If you hit these with

with your cannonballs now, they'll give you a symbol that you can draw to warp

to that area. Make your way off the island.


The Sea


Time to move on with the main quest. Set a course for the Southwestern Sea now,

then set a course for Mercay Island.


Mercay Island


Head west and cross the bridge, then go directly north and enter the building

there. Inside, open the chest in the corner to get a ship part. Now, speak with

the pirate man. If your Salvage Arm is damaged any, he'll offer to fix it for

20 Rupees. If you do that, talk to him again and you will get the option to

customize or view your ship. Choose Customize, then attach the ship parts you

got earlier. Now, leave the building and head to the mailbox. New letter! It's

from Linebeck...? Why could this be? He thanks you for all of your work (for

once, he's not being selfish), and ends up giving you a Utility Handrail. Now,

remember how that one gossip stone on Molida Island said there was a secret by

Oshus's storehouse?

It's time to find out what that secret is. Head west and cross the bridge to

the next area, where Oshus's house is. Head east of his house and you'll find

the storehouse you entered at the beginning of the game. Don't go in there,

however. Right next to the storehouse is a tree. Dig there and you'll uncover a

Treasure Map. Now we can go to the Temple of the Ocean King, so haul your butt

over there. On the way there, someone will call you. Talk to him and he'll ask

you if you've met the golden frog chief. Tell him you have, then continue to

the temple. As you approach it, you'll hear an earthquake which Ciela thinks is

caused by Bellum. _Now_ you can enter.


Temple of the Ocean King


Proceed north and into the first room. From here on, simply make your way back

to the room where the red door is (the door that you had to draw an hourglass

on). On your way there, however, you'll see red Phantoms. They're really known

as Swift Phantoms, and as the name implies, they are faster than the normal

blue ones. Other than that, however, there's no difference. Once you get to the

red door room, head south and deactivate the wind gust by pressing the switch,

then tap the door. This time around, you'll have to draw the Triforce symbol on

the door. Just like with the hourglass, you have to do it in one stroke. Here

is how to do it:

Step 1: /








Step 2: /








Step 3: /








Step 4: /








Step 5: /




/ /

/ /

/ /


Step 6: /




/ /

/ /

/ /



Step 7: /




/ /

/ /

/ /


Once you've drawn it just like that in the steps I've shown, the crest will

appear on the door and it will open. Take note that you HAVE to visit Zauz

first before this will work. Once the door opens, go through. The room is

completely different now. Ciela notices the Door of Courage, and tells you to

open it. However, she notices a pile of bones, which creates a yellow portal

for you. What does this do, you ask? It acts as a half way point for the

temple! Step into it to be returned to the dungeon, and step into it again to

be teleported back. You can only return with the same amount of time you got

here with the first time, and you'll have to go through the other floors again

if you want to improve your time.

You don't have to try it as the pile of bones suggests if you don't want to. Go

north and tap the Door of Courage to open it, then proceed into the next room.

In here, get on the moving block and get on the next one you come to. Face the

left, because the walls will shoot arrows at you and you'll block them with

your shield. Get onto the next moving block, and when it goes up, go left. When

you run, you'll hear a beeping noise on this watery ground. The pile of bones

next to you explains that it doesn't happen when you walk, and Ciela says that

nearby Phantoms will hear us if we run. Walking doesn't attract attention, so

you'll have to walk on the watery ground when Phantoms are nearby. Head all the

way south and take the stairs down to the next room.

In this room, wait until the nearby Swift Phantom is on the left side, then go

right and up. The middle of the cliff has an invisible path. Head right and

cross over it, then enter the next room. Here, look to the right to find a

Phantom. When he faces the right, shoot his back with an arrow to temporarily

stun him. Go to where he is and hit the switch, then a wall of flames will

disappear. Head around the side where the Swift Phantom isn't going, then go to

where the flame wall was. Quickly get on the moving block, then block the

arrows shot at you. Get on the next moving block, then head left when you can.

Open the chest for the round-shaped crystal, then another wall of flames will

disappear. Head right when the moving block comes back, then get onto the safe

zone there.

Place the crystal down and tap on the wooden pole to jump on it. Take out your

Boomerang and target the switch to the southeast, then hit it. This will make a

chest appear to the south. Tap the ground to jump off the pole, then make your

way to the chest and open it for a Power Gem. Go back to the safe zone where

the crystal is and pick it up, then go south again. Make your way south and

take those stairs down. Back in this room, head across the invisible path in

the middle again, then make your way north and turn east where the path splits.

Place the round-shaped crystal into the pedestal and the spikes in front of you

will lower. Take that path and step on the switch to make a wind gust shoot out

from a hole.

Head up the stairs to the left, then go around and stop at the edge of the

platform. Take out the Boomerang and target the golden pot to the south, then

throw it to break it and get thirty extra seconds. Jump down and take the

round-shaped crystal out of the pedestal, then head south and turn right. Ride

the wind gust up and go north, then drop down to the stairs and go down them.

Here, go south and Ciela will say that we're almost there. Place the round

crystal down and open the chest to get the triangle crystal. As you go to

leave the room, Ciela will notice a square pedestal behind the wall of fire.

So, leave the room now. Back here, head up the stairs and go south, then jump

down. Cross the invisible path again, with the triangle crystal still in hand.

Make your way north and break the red pot you'll come to. Around this area is a

Swift Phantom that's patrolling. When he moves either all the way to the top

corner or all the way down, quickly head left and head south, hiding by the

spikes. Wait until he's out of your range again, then place the crystal down

and go north. Bomb the cracked block to reveal a triangle pedestal. If you put

a crystal down near a Phantom, he will take it upon passing over it. If this

happens, shoot the Phantom in the back with an arrow and he'll drop it. Anyway,

put the triangle crystal in the pedestal and the spikes to the south will

lower. Head south and go right, then hit the switch to open a door to the

north. Take the crystal out of the pedestal and go right, and to the next room.

Don't worry, we're almost done. Go forward and the pile of bones there will

talk about the sand in the hourglass running out. Look on the map. See the four

skulls? Well, those are kinda like Poes. When your back is turned to them,

they'll appear. If they hit you, they'll steal some of your time. To defeat

them easily, just face them directly and throw a Boomerang at the skull on the

map. They're invisible, but you'll still hit them this way. You get extra time

for defeating them. Put the triangle crystal down for now and kill the two

time-stealing enemies nearby. As you can see by looking on the map, the Swift

Phantom in here has a square crystal. Walk behind him and shoot an arrow in his

back, and he'll drop it.

Before you do that, however, kill all of the time-stealing enemies and a chest

will appear. Open it for a Wisdom Gem. Get the square crystal from the Swift

Phantom, then make your way to the northwestern corner. Place the crystal into

the pedestal to make the fire disappear, then take the round crystal and bring

it to the middle-top part of the room. Place it into the round-shaped pedestal,

then take the square crystal and bring it to the same location. Place it in its

pedestal, and finally, bring the triangle crystal here and place it in there.

This will cause the door in front of you to open, so go through. In here, head

up the stairs and open the chest to get the Southeastern Sea Chart. Now that we

got the chart, take the blue portal back to the entrance.

A pile of bones will talk to Link. He says that it will cost a price, but if

you want to get tips on the temple, just ask any of the pile of bones here.

Okay, whatever. Exit the temple.


Mercay Island


Make your way back to your ship. On the way back, you'll get a letter from

Romanos. He will tell you to stop by sometime, then give you a Stone Chimney.

Go to the Shipyard (the house slightly north of the mailbox, if you somehow

can't remember) and attach it, then go back to Linebeck. Tell him that you're

ready to set sail.


The Sea


Sail directly east and to the Southeastern Sea. Once there, sail to the nearby

island, called Goron Island. As you approach it, however, a cyclone sucks you

up and throws you away from the island. Then, Linebeck says the engine is

stuck, then a monster with many eyes appears. To defeat it, you have to shoot

the eyes surrounding his body. Linebeck will steer the ship while you shoot the

eyes. Shoot the yellow orbs and white objects the monster throws at you, and

after all the eyes are shut (keep shooting them), the monster will die, then

you'll continue to Goron Island.


Goron Island


When you arrive on the island, Ciela will say that there's no sign of any

houses on the map. She thinks a Pure Metal might be on here, and after her and

Linebeck argue some like they always do, you'll gain control. The building at

the southwestern corner is the shop, the only building on this island aside

from the temple at the top. Head around the island and enter the caves,

talking to the Gorons if you wish. Make your way up the mountain on this island

and head all the way right, to the next area. Here, you'll see a sign and a

Goron on a small platform. Read the sign and it will tell you to give a shout

if you need anything. You know what that means. Shout into the mic or blow into

it really hard, then the Goron will hear you.

He will press a switch to extend a bridge, letting you pass (why he's letting a

random outsider pass to explore their whole island is beyond me). Cross the

bridge and follow the path east, then go north. Follow the black trail into a

cave, where you'll find the Goron leader, called Biggoron. Talk to him, and he

will say that he has no intentions of telling an outsider about the Pure Metal.

You must become a member of the Goron tribe before he'll tell you anything, and

to do that, you have to talk to each and every Goron around the island. Go

around the island and talk to all of the Gorons you can find. One kid Goron

will ask you to take care of some monsters on a cliff. Dig up the dirt patch

nearby and ride the wind gust revealed up.

Then, aim down with the bow and shoot the Yellow ChuChus (hit the respawning

nut if you need arrows). Once they're all dead, the Goron will give you a

Treasure Map as thanks. Continue talking to the Gorons, and once you've talked

to them all, return to Biggoron (Ciela will tell you once you'be talked to all

of them). Talk to Biggoron, and he'll say that to prove that you really want to

join the Goron tribe, you have to answer some questions for 20 Rupees. What a

greedy tribe. He'll ask six questions and give you some cash for every question

you get right. If you get even one wrong, however, he'll take all of the cash

you won away! He'll let you use a Gorohint as well, which erases one wrong

answer, making it easier to get the question right. Here are the questions he

could ask you:

#1 - How many houses are there on this island?

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

Answer: B

#2 - How many Gorons live on this island?

A. 12

B. 13

C. 14

Answer: C

#3 - The Goron at this spot! *points to a spot on the map* What is he staring


A. Ship

B. Seagull

C. Sun

Answer: A

#4 - How many Goron children live on this island?

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

Answer: C

#5 - How many Rupees have you won so far? Easy!

A. 36

B. 46

C. 56

Answer: B

#6 - Of those Gorons outside, how many are adults?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

Answer: B

#7 - Easy one, stranger! What number question is this?!

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

Answer: B

#8 - *points to a location* What is on this spot?

A. Rock

B. Tree

C. Chest

Answer: C

#9 - What color were the odd creatures on the cliff?

A. Yellow

B. Red

C. Green

Answer: A

#10 - How many Gorons are outside right now?

A. 7

B. 6

C. 5

Answer: A

#11 - *points to a location* How many rocks are in this home?

A. 3

B. 4

C. None

Answer: A

Once you answer six of the eleven questions correctly, you'll officially be a

member of the Goron tribe, and he'll give you the nickname "Goro-Link". Now he

wants you to pay him 146 Rupees. Wow, he really IS greedy. Pay up, and then

he'll tell you that the Pure Metal is kept in the temple on this island for

safekeeping. He will get his Goron child, Gongoron, to show you the way to the

temple. Talk to the Goron child, and you'll see that he still has some trust

issues with you. He wants you to chase him down, so leave the cave. Back

outside, head south and down the sets of steps, then talk to the Goron there.

He'll say that Gongoron went to the western side of the island. Head there, and

eventually you'll find him standing on a cliff.

He'll run away again, so go back to the Goron you just spoke to and speak with

him again. He'll say that Gongoron went east this time. Head up the first set

of steps to the north, then go east and you'll find him again. He'll go past

the gate in the direction of the temple. The gatekeeper will let you pass, so

head north and to the next area. In this area, follow the path to a maze full

of bombable walls. Ciela said that we have to get through here in order to find

Gongoron. Nearby is a Bomb Flower. Lift a bomb from it so you don't have to

waste your own bombs, and place it by the crack on the left to blow it up.

Follow the path and you'll find a Blue ChuChu. These are just like the yellow

ones, only the electric around them never disappears on its own.

You have to stun them with the Boomerang, then attack. Head left to some rocks,

one being a Red ChuChu wearing a stone helmet. At the end of the path, press

the switch and some spikes will lower on the other side, granting you access to

a chest which we'll get in a moment. Head back all the way to the right and

blow up the crack on the right this time. You'll have to blow up a second one.

Do so and blow up the one in front of you if you want another Bomb Flower.

Either way, head left and defeat the Red ChuChu that's wearing a stone helmet,

then bomb the crack there and continue to two more rocks. Another Red ChuChu

with a stone helmet will appear. Defeat it and you'll come to a Blue ChuChu.

Defeat that, too, then go all the way left to the next area.

Open the chest at the end here to get a big green Rupee worth 100, then leave

this area the way you came. Back here, go east and place a bomb by the weird

symbol on the ground on the opposite side of the wall. You'll blow it up,

revealing more of the path. Keep following the path to the next area. Here, go

all the way south and turn right back to the previous area. Open the chest here

to get a Power Gem, then go back to the previous area. Head west and down the

steps, then you'll encounter a Like Like by some spikes. If this thing sucks

you up, rub the Touch Screen repeatedly to escape its mouth. Attack it until

you kill it, then the spikes will lower. Head left and go up, then you'll

notice the temple. Press the switch on the left to extend a bridge, then enter

the temple.


Goron Temple


There are no signs of Gongoron anywhere when you enter the temple, so let's

press forward and see if we can find him. Read the tombstone nearby and it will

tell you to avoid standing in the quicksand. So let's do that. Head right and

follow the path. Avoid the two Beamos and defeat the two Blue ChuChus, then

you'll see a switch on the floor. To the left of it is a statue. Push that

statue onto the green tiles until it is on the one on the far right, then pull

it down until it is on the switch. This will make some spikes to the north

lower. Continue following the path and defeat the Blue ChuChu you'll come to.

Head west and you'll find a statue, and it will come to life when you approach

it. Throw a bomb at it to return it to normal.

Push it all the way onto the switch to the north, then a gate will open up to

the right. Head there and follow the path up, then defeat the Armos statue.

Push it onto the switch to the left and a bridge will extend to the north. Head

up and dig out the dirt patch to reveal a wind gust. Ride it up, then go left

and stand by the bridge. Take out a bomb and tap the wall north of the bridge.

You should hit a switch, causing a chest to appear over to the right. Quickly

run over there before it disappears, then open it to get a Treasure Map. Now,

go left and cross the bridge, then jump down. Defeat the two Armos statues,

then the gate in front of you will open. Head south and press the switch to

lower the spikes in front of you, then go left.

Defeat the Blue ChuChu, then blow up the crack in the wall and go to the next

room. In this room, you'll see a pit of quicksand, meaning you can't cross to

the other side. You can get free bombs by breaking the nut here, but exit this

area regardless. Go east and place a bomb in between the first two pillars to

reveal another hole. Go through, and you'll be on the other side now. Follow

the path leading to the next room. In here, the door behind you will shut, and

you will now have to defeat two Red Bubbles. There are also two Beamos, along

with pits of quicksand. This part can get annoying. Head left over to the

spikes and away from the two Beamos, then throw the Boomerang at the Red

Bubbles when they get near. Finish them off when you put out their flames.

After that, the door will open and the spikes will lower. Follow the path down

and then right, and just keep following the path until eventually, you'll spot

Gongoron on the other side of the room. He'll tell you that the monsters threw

him in the temple, and he'll ask for your help. Accept it, and he'll apologize

for his behavior earlier. Suddenly, an enemy with a single eye will appear

behind Link, which I will refer to as an Eyegore. He'll knock you back if you

try to attack him, and if you throw a bomb at him, he'll just hit it back as

well. Shoot an arrow at him and it will hit his eye, stunning him. Then, attack

him with your sword many times. Repeat this process until the Eyegore is

defeated, then some spikes on the right side will lower.

Go right and Gongoron will thank you for defeating the monster. Ciela points

out that her and Link have reached a dead end, then Gongoron says that with his

help, the spikes blocking our way will be removed. He then explains that when

you want to switch to him (we get to play as a Goron? Awesome!), tap his icon

on the Touch Screen, and vice versa when you want to switch back to Link.

Switch to Gongoron now. To control him, just tap the direction you want to go

in and he'll roll. Roll to the south and through the rocks. Some of them he'll

hit his head on, which are really Red ChuChus with stone helmets. Tap them to

jump on them. Do this a few times to kill them. Once they're all dead, the

spikes on Link's side will lower.

Switch back to Link and head south. Defeat the Like Like here, then go a little

further south to find another one. Defeat it as well, and once both of them are

gone, some spikes over a cliff on Gongoron's side will lower. Press the switch

nearby on the ground and stay on it. Switch to Gongoron, then roll southwest

and over the pit. With Link on the other switch, have Gongoron step on the

second switch. This will cause a chest to appear on Link's side, so switch back

to him and go north, then open the chest to get some Bombchus! You can only

carry 10 right now. Ciela says that the Bombchu will follow whatever path you

draw. They're basically rat-shaped bombs that follow the path you desire.

Awesome, right?

Some spikes will now lower on Gongoron's side. Switch to him and roll south,

following the path. Roll over the enemies as you go along. Once all of them

have been taken care of, a gate opens on Link's side. Switch to him and jump

off the left side of the platform you got the Bombchus on, then follow the path

southwest to the gate that just opened. Defeat all of the enemies here, and a

chest will appear. Open it to get a Goron Amber, then some spikes behind a wall

will lower. Go up to the hole in the wall, then equip your Bombchus and take

one out. Draw a path on the Touch Screen through the hole, then down the path

to a switch. Look on the top screen to see the exact path. When the red cursor

is directly over the switch, end your path and release the Bombchu.

Watch as this awesome item does exactly what you tell it to do, hitting the

switch behind the wall. This lowers some spikes to the left. Gongoron will say

that he sees a hole that he can squeeze through, then he does so. We can't

control him anymore. Ciela will try to stop him, but he won't hear her. Go west

and take the stairs up to the next room. In here, go south and defeat the Blue

ChuChu, then take out a Bombchu. Draw a path through the hole and to a switch,

then release it and it will hit the switch. This causes a bridge to extend to

the right, creating another shortcut from the main room. Now, head back to the

previous room and head down the stairs to B2. In this room, head right and

defeat the Like Like, then lift the rock to reveal a hole.

Go north and turn right, then get rid of the rocks and defeat the Red ChuChus

wearing a stone helmet. There is a switch there, but the one behind the wall

and the one in front of you both must be hit simultaneously. Stay by the switch

and take out a Bombchu. Draw a path down and through the two holes, and target

the switch. Release it and tap the screen anywhere to gain control while the

Bombchu is moving. Just before the Bombchu hits the switch behind the wall, hit

the switch on Link's side. This will cause some spikes on the left to lower.

Follow the path and enter the next room. In here, follow the path and defeat

the pitchfork enemies. There are some flying pots that will attack you; defeat

those too, and once you defeat all of the enemies, a chest appears.

Open it to get a Red Rupee, then go north to a Bombchu hole. As you can see on

the map, there are red and blue blocks sticking out of the quicksand behind the

wall. Go left to a red switch. Hit it to lower the red blocks and raise the

blue ones, then stay where you're at and take out a Bombchu. Draw a path going

through the hole and to the switch, then release it. When it passes over the

red blocks, quickly hit the blue switch to turn it red again, allowing the

Bombchu to complete its path and hit the switch behind the wall. This will

cause some spikes to the north to lower. Head there and follow the path, then

you'll see an Armos statue that will come to life. To the south is another one.

Defeat both of them, then push each one onto the two switches.

There are two more Armos statues to the right, along with two more switches.

Defeat them and push them onto the switches, and when all four are pressed,

spikes to the right will lower. Follow that path and avoid the flying pots,

then enter the next room. Here, go left and press the switch to extend a bridge

which makes a shortcut. Go right and the door behind you will shut, then you'll

have to fight two Eyegores. Both of them will throw bombs at you constantly, so

quickly shoot in arrow into the both of them and attack one at a time. Once you

defeat the first one, the second one should be easy enough. Once both of them

are gone, the door that was shut will open, and some spikes at the top-left

will lower.

Follow that path and ignore the switch for a moment. Go right and defeat all of

the Blue ChuChus that appear, then defeat the slime enemy. Go north and another

Blue ChuChu and slime will appear. Kill them both and go by the spikes to the

left. Take out a Bombchu and draw a path over to the switch you saw earlier.

Release it and when it hits the switch, the spikes in front of you will lower

for a very short time. Follow that path before they reactivate and hit the

gossip stones. It says that when it seems you can't pass, look at the quicksand

for answers. Follow the path to a green tile, then look at the quicksand to the

left. Use the bow to take out as many of those enemies as you can, then use a

Bombchu and draw a path to the top-left corner, where a switch is.

Have the Bombchu hit the switch while avoiding the rocks, then do the same for

the switch on the bottom-left. This will make a chest appear in this room. Go

back north to the gossip stone, then face south and have a Bombchu go across

the quicksand, hitting the switch on the other side. Quickly go past the

lowered spikes, then make your way down to the chest. Open it to receive the

Boss Key, then carry it all the way south and take the stairs down. In here, go

left and use the Boss Key on the block. It will lower, allowing you access to

another path. Follow the path and take the stairs down to the next room. Here,

go left and break the pots, then break the nuts for some Bombchus. You'll need

them. Go left some more and examine the tombstone to create a blue portal.

Enter the next room. The gate behind you will shut, then you'll see the boss

called Dondorongo, the Armored Lizard over the quicksand. See the Bosses

section for help on winning. Once it's been defeated, he'll turn into sand as

usual, then the Sand of Hours will be added to the Phantom Hourglass. The door

Gongoron went through will open again, and the bridge over the quicksand will

reappear. Open the chest that appeared to get the Heart Container, then go to

the room ahead. Inside, Gongoron will apologize for leaving, saying that he

only left you behind because he thought that the Dondorongo was dead. He then

lets you have the Pure Metal sitting on the altar ahead. Walk up to it and tap

it to grab it. You got the first Pure Metal, the Crimsonine! Two more to go.

After the conversation, take the blue portal out of this place.


Goron Island


Let's do as Gongoron suggested and go see his father again, shall we? Head left

and cross the bridges down to the village area. Now, make your way east and to

the next area, then cross the bridge there and go right, then up. Enter

Biggoron's place, then talk to him. He will thank you for all of your hard

efforts, then he will give you a big red Rupee worth 200 as a parting gift. Not

bad! Leave the cave and go back to your ship, then talk to Linebeck. Tell him

you're ready to go find the next Pure Metal, and you'll set sail.


The Sea


Set a course back to the Southwestern Sea. Before we go back to Mercay Island,

set your course for the Northwestern Sea, then for Bannan Island.


Bannan Island


When you get here, enter the only house on the island and speak with the

mermaid in the pool. Talk to her twice, and when she asks for Jolene's letter,

give it to her. After she reads it, she'll give you a Wisdom Gem. Leave the

island now.


The Sea


Go to the Southwestern Sea, then to Mercay Island.


Mercay Island


You know the drill by now. Go to the Temple of the Ocean King. If you don't

know how to get there by now, you should stop playing video games (I'm only

joking! Honest!).


Temple of the Ocean King


Enter the yellow portal to start from the half way mark. If you need a strategy

to get through the rooms again, scroll above until you get to the point where

you last visited the temple. Anyway, once you reach the room where you have to

place the three crystals in the three pedestals in the middle, you have to

place them in the pedestals in a certain order. The order is: square, circle,

triangle. Once you place them in that exact order, go through the door. In this

room, the room will shake, and Ciela will say that she just felt it moving

down. Head south back to the previous area, only to find out that you're in a

whole new room of the temple! Two Gold Phantoms will spawn. They have the same

speed as the blue ones, but they teleport if they see you.

There are also Phantom Eyes in this room. Stay on the safe zone and take out a

Bombchu, then draw a path to the right and down, through the hole. When you

can't draw the path down anymore, release the Bombchu. If you timed it right,

you'll kill one of the Phantom Eyes. Now, use a Bombchu to go through the same

hole again, this time hitting the crystal switch in the corner. This will lower

some spikes to the left, so head left and up the stairs to a big boulder. Go to

the top side of it and tap it, then push it down twice and it will roll all the

way down, killing the Gold Phantom patrolling the hallway. The Phantom will

have dropped a key, so head over there and take the Small Key. Head all the way

southeast to another hole.

Take out a Bombchu again and draw a path as far north as you can go, then

release it. If you're lucky, you'll kill the second Phantom Eye. Take out

another Bombchu and have it hit the switch in the corner through the hole this

time. This will cause some spikes to lower on the right side of the wall. Make

your way back up and to the right, then go all the way down past the spikes.

Hit the switch to deactivate the spikes, then go south and use the Boomerang to

break the golden jar, getting fifteen extra seconds. Go left and you'll see a

lighted part of the ground. Place a bomb there to blow up the wall, allowing

you to pass. Follow the path and head left at the path split. Stay on the safe

zone and wait until the last Phantom Eye gets near.

Once it does, throw the Boomerang at it to stun it, then kill it. With all

three Phantom Eyes defeated, a chest appears on an upper ledge, which we can't

get to yet. Head up and go around to the other side, then press the switch to

lower the spikes to the left. Go there and head all the way down, then turn

right. Break the golden pot for thirty extra seconds, then go back north and

around again, back down to the locked door. Unlock it and go to the next room.

This room has four Phantom Eyes and two Gold Phantoms. Stay on the safe zone

you're on, and wait until the bottom-right Phantom Eye gets near. Throw the

Boomerang at it to stun it, then run over there and kill it. Run back to the

safe zone, then head to the safe zone on the right when you can.

Ignore the stairs going down, as it leads to a part of a room we won't be able

to do anything in just yet. Throw the Boomerang at the top-right Phantom Eye

when you can, then kill it and break the red pot that was near it. Stand in the

safe zone puddle, then make your way over to the northeastern corner of the

room. On your way there, break the golden pot for an extra fifteen seconds. At

the northeastern corner of the room, pull the lever there. This causes a bridge

to extend on the upper platform. Make your way to the northwestern corner and

defeat the Phantom Eye, then pull that lever to make another bridge extend.

Break the golden pot for an extra fifteen seconds, then make your way to the

last Phantom Eye. Stun it and kill it.

With all four Phantom Eyes defeated, a chest appears at the top-right corner of

the room. Open it to get a Pearl Necklace, then go west and south. Dig at the

dirt patch there to reveal a wind gust, then ride it up and go right. The

tombstone says to press all four of the switches. Press the one in front of

you, then go all the way left and press that one. Jump down, and go back to the

safe zone in the middle-right part of the room. Stand there and take out a

Bombchu when the Gold Phantoms aren't nearby. Draw a path to the southeastern

corner of the room where a switch is. Target the switch and release the

Bombchu, then quickly go to the southwestern corner, to a dirt patch. Dig it up

and ride the wind gust up.

Run across the bridge to the left before it unextends, then press the switch

and press the last switch on the far right side. This will open the western

door in the middle of the room. Jump down and go to the door, then into the

next room. Here, pull the lever on the left to lower the spikes, then hit the

golden jar near the middle to get thirty extra seconds. There are two Phantom

Eyes in here, along with one Gold Phantom carrying a Force Gem. Head south and

hide by the wall, then throw the Boomerang at the Phantom Eye nearby. Run over

there and kill it, then head all the way north to a chest on a safe zone. Open

it to get the first Force Gem, then a blue Phantom will appear. Put down the

Force Gem and shoot the Phantom in the back with an arrow.

While he's stunned, quickly take the Force Gem and go to the middle-top part of

the room, making sure that the Gold Phantom doesn't see you at all. Place the

Force Gem into the pedestal, then go south. From this point on, those ghostly

things that steal your seconds will start sneaking up behind you, so watch out

very carefully. Head southeast and stun and kill the second Phantom Eye, then

go north and open the chest at the top. It contains the second Force Gem. Then,

a Swift Phantom will appear. If you break the red pot at the top-right, you can

hide in the puddle. Make your way to the three pedestals and place the Force

Gem in it. For the last one, shoot the Gold Phantom in the back with an arrow

and he'll drop it. Pick it up and take it to the last pedestal, then put it in.

Doing this will cause the door in front of you to open. Go forward and take the

stairs down to the next room. Rest easy; that's the end of it for now. Head

down the stairs and open the chest in the middle to get the Northeastern Sea

Chart. This reveals the final location of the sea on your Sea Chart. Take the

blue portal in the northwestern corner of the room back to the entrance, then

exit the temple.


Mercay Island


Outside the temple, it's time to head back to your ship. Do so, and speak with

Linebeck as usual. Tell him to set sail.


The Sea


We may have gotten the Northeastern Sea Chart, but we don't need to go there

just yet. There's still one more island to explore at the Southeastern Sea. Set

a course for the Southeastern Sea, then once you get there, set a course for

the island at the northeastern corner which is surrounded by ice. As you sail

there, you'll have to shoot flying enemies that appear from the sky. Once you

get there, Linebeck suggests drawing a course around the icy island so that we

can blast the ice off of it. Set a course around the island a few times, and as

you sail around it, tap the ice and shoot each piece twice to sink it. Kill the

enemies that distract you while you do it. Once all of the ice is gone, you'll

be ready to set your course for the Isle of Frost.


Isle of Frost


There are some strange creatures on this island. When you gain control, head

north and talk to the creature there. He says that they're called Anouki. He

says that the Island Chief might know where the Pure Metal is. Head all the way

north and enter the second house. Inside, speak with the Anouki, and he'll ask

if you've heard of the Yook that has invaded the village. Tell him you've heard

of it, and he'll accuse you of being the Yook. Tell him you're not, then leave

the house. Okay, what was that all about? Go back to where you talked to the

first Anouki, then go right and you'll get a letter from Gongoron. He'll say

that he's on an island in the Southeastern Sea, and wants you to pay him a

visit whenever you can. He also gives you a Courage Gem.

Now, go west and head up the stairs, then follow the path up to the Island

Chief's house. Go inside and speak with the chief, and he'll ask you to take

care of the Yook problem. Tell him "Hold on!" and Link will tell him his real

name, then he'll ask if you want to know about the Azurine. Tell him you do,

then he'll tell you the story of the Anouki and the Yooks. They made a deal

that the Anouki would live over at the western side of the island and that the

Yook would live on the eastern side, the Great Ice Field. But one Yook decided

to sneak into the western side of the island recently. He says that he even

kidnapped an Anouki and took the form of him to hide himself. You have to go to

the Anouki Estates now.

He says that every single Yook lies to you, so this gives you a clue. Exit the

house and when you're back outside, Ciela will say that she has a weird feeling

about the chief, like he's not telling us the truth. Go north of his house and

enter the next area, then head north to lots of buildings. This is the Anouki

Estates, where we need to be. The tombstones by the houses tell you who's house

it is. In each of the houses is an Anouki, and obviously one of them is a Yook

dressed up as an Anouki. Each one you talk to in one of the houses tells you

who they think is not lying. Talk to all six of them, and then you can talk to

one and say if you think he's the Yook or not. If you guess the wrong person,

you'll be called the Wrong Boy by all of the villagers.

In order for you to be able to retry, you have to talk to the Island Chief

again. Anyway, enter the middle house on the top row and talk to the Anouki.

This is really the Yook, so accuse him of being one twice and he'll turn into a

monster, which is what a Yook looks like. Ciela will get scared, and after she

gets threatened to be eaten, the Yook uses his ice breath to blow Link and

Ciela out of the house. Go back to the Island Chief's house now. On the way

back there, go to the mailbox. If you gave Jolene's letter to Joanne, you'll

have a letter from Joanne now. As a token of her appreciation, she gives you a

random ship part. Head back up the stairs near the mailbox and enter the Island

Chief's house again.

Speak with him, and he'll already know everything that happened. Regardless of

what you choose when he asks if you want revenge on that Yook, he'll say that

he'll open the cave to the east for you so you can get all of the revenge you

desire. He also says that the Azurine should be in the Temple of Ice, so we

should defenitely go there. Head all the way east of the Island Chief's house

and you'll come to a tombstone, which says that this path leads to the Great

Ice Field. Talk to the Anouki blocking your path and tell him you wish to pass,

then continue into the cave. Inside, go east and you'll find a tombstone. It

tells you about a Yook's weakness, although most of it has been erased. It says

something about inhaling and throwing... Hmm.

Continue to the end of the cave, then exit it over to the other side of the

island. Out here, you'll notice that there's a blizzard. The wind will blow

every few seconds, and in front of you there's a Yook. To defeat them, take out

a bomb and wait for them to start inhaling, then throw the bomb into their

mouth. This stuns them, so attack them with your sword from there. If you don't

have bombs, you can go all the way south to find two pots that have them, plus

there are pots in the cave that have them. There are also Bomb Flowers all the

way to the north that you can use. Anyway, go around this big area and defeat

all of the Yooks. After they're all defeated, some icicles will melt at the end

of the area. Head there and go to the next area.

Here, the wind will blow a bit longer. Go north and some icicles will block

your path, then the black Yook we blackmailed earlier will appear. Time to get

our revenge! Defeat him the same way you would any other Yook, and then the

icicles will melt. Enter the temple in front of you.


Temple of Ice


Go forward and Ciela will say that she's actually warming up in here. Must be

pretty cold outside, then. Head up and hit the red switch to the left. This

turns it blue, lowering the red blocks and raising the blue ones. Head north up

to the blue blocks, then face down and target the switch again with the

Boomerang. Throw it to hit it, lowering the blue blocks. Follow the path and

defeat the Blue ChuChu, then you'll come to some raised blocks. Head south and

follow the path, avoiding the razor traps. Go left and press the switch to open

the door, then go left and place a bomb by the colored switch. Quickly go back

to the right and head up the path before it blows up, then you should make it

past the blue blocks before they raise up.

Head up the stairs where the lowered red blocks are, then in the next room, go

through the hallway and take those stairs up. Here, head south and onto the

slippery ice. Go all the way down to a pole and some pots. Tap the pole to get

on it, then take out your Boomerang and target the switch to the north. Throw

it to hit it, causing some icicles by the steps to melt. Jump off the pole and

go north, then head up the steps. Follow the path and go north, then open the

chest to get a Red Potion. Go back south and you'll see four levers. We will

have to find out the order we have to pull them in. Make your way to the

southwestern corner of the room. To defeat the beetle enemies, attack them from

behind. When you get there, jump across the ledges to a tombstone.

It tells you to first pull the lever on the far left. Now, jump back across and

head all the way right, defeating the beetle enemy you come to. Head south of

that enemy and jump across to the next tombstone, which says to draw a line due

north on your map. You must pull that lever last. Jump back across, then go to

the northwestern corner of the room to find another tombstone. This one tells

you to pull the one in front of the tongue second. Go back to the levers now.

You must first pull the one on the far left. Then, pull the one on the far

right, then the one next to it, then pull the only one remaining. Doing this

will cause a door to open to the south. Head there and go up the stairs onto

the icy floor, where you'll find a beetle enemy. It's kidna hard to defeat

while on ice.

Defeat it and you'll come to some raised blue blocks. Go north instead and

cross the icy bridge, where you'll find two Blue Bubbles. These are annoying,

because they freeze you if they touch you. On top of that, you're on a slippery

ground. Use the Boomerang on them to put out the blue flame surrounding them,

then kill them. Now, head left and cross the icy bridge, ignoring the two

switches for a moment. Defeat the Ice Keese using the Boomerang, then head

south and defeat another Ice Keese. There is a colored switch on a lowered

platform to the left. Take out a bomb and tap the switch to throw the bomb at

it, hitting it. Jump down and open the chest to the left, which contains a

Wisdom Gem. Head back to the levers you pulled and go south of them.

Take the stairs up again and go all the way left, crossing the icy bridge. Read

the tombstone by the tile and it will show you the order you have to hit the

four switches in. Stand on the tile in the center and take out the Boomerang,

then target the top-right switch first, the top-left switch second, the

bottom-left switch third, and the bottom-right switch last. Throw it after you

target them in this order, and once they've all been hit in that order, a key

will drop onto a ledge nearby. Use the Boomerang to get the Small Key, then

head right across the icy bridge again. Take the northern path now, then unlock

the door there and proceed into the next room. In here, go forward and the door

behind you will shut.

You have to fight two Yooks now; one black and one white. Defeat both of them

to open the door, then a chest will appear and some icicles over a gap will

melt. Open the chest to get the Grappling Hook. It has returned from Wind

Waker, folks! Equip it and head left to a torch, then you'll see a wooden pole

on the other side across from the torch. Face the platform to the left and take

out your Grappling Hook, then target the wooden pole and use it to grapple onto

it. Head south and continue to the next room. Head north and defeat all of the

enemies. See the heads with tongues? Two of them have red eyes with their

tongue pulled out, and the last one has its eyes black with their tongues

pulled back.

Go to the black-eyed one in the middle and head south of it, then face it. Use

the Grappling Hook on the tongue to pull it out, activating the statue (which

turns its eyes red). This causes some icicles to the south to melt. Head there

and use the Grappling Hook to spot a wooden pole to the south, along with a

beetle enemy. You can pull the beetles masks by simply grappling onto the masks

covering their heads. Grapple onto the wooden poll to cross the gap, then head

south and press the switch to open the door. You're back at the entrance of the

temple. Pull the tongues out of the nearby statues using the Grappling Hook,

then some icicles to the left will melt. Go there and take the stairs down to

the next room.

In here, you'll see a cracked wall to the right. Blow it up with a bomb, then

press the switch there to make a chest appear on the right, on a platform over

the gap. Use the Grappling Hook on the chest to grapple over to it, then open

it to get a Yellow Potion. Press the nearby switch to extend a bridge over the

gap, then follow the path right to some pots. Break them and you'll see a blue

tile by the wall. Place a bomb there to blow the wall up, then hit the gossip

stone ahead. It will say that the tightrope challenge is ahead, and will ask

you if you know what that is. If you say no, he'll say that you have to walk

across tightropes. To do that, you have to connect something between two pegs.

That "something" is the Grappling Hook.

Head left and target the pole near you and the pole to the left, using the

Grappling Hook. Throw it and a tightrope will be created. Tap on the pole to

jump on it, then move in the direction of the tightrope to walk on it. Jump off

of the next pole, then kill the Ice Keese from a distance with the Grappling

Hook. Place a bomb on the light blue tile to blow up the wall, revealing a

path. Go back across using the tightrope thing again, then head to the poles on

the right this time. Make a tightrope and walk across it, then use the

Grappling Hook on the lever to the north to pull it. This causes a chest to

appear in the southeastern corner. Head all the way to the northeastern corner

to find a statue with a tongue.

Stand all the way by the brown fence, then throw the Grappling Hook at the

statue to pull the tongue all the way back, causing some icicles to the south

to disappear for a short time. Head all the way south to where the chest

spawned, then go right and open the chest to get a Small Key. Push the block to

the right all the way up, then go right and press the switch. This will extend

a bridge that connects between the two platforms. Cross the bridge and go

north, then unlock the door. Open the chest inside to get a Wisdom Gem, then

stand outside of the two lowered blocks. Target the switch inside with the

Boomerang, then throw it to hit it, raising the blue blocks. Go back south and

then left, then create a tightrope and walk across it, jumping off at the end.

Create another tightrope to the left, then get on the pole and walk onto the

tightrope. Stop, and use the Boomerang to target the four switches surrounding

the platform in front of you. Throw it, and once you hit all four of them, the

ice by the eye on the wall will melt. Shoot the eye on the wall to melt some

icicles by a statue at the start of the room. Head left and jump off of the

pole, then take the southern path you created earlier and go west. Stand all

the way south of the statue, then use the Grappling Hook on it to pull out its

tongue out all the way. This causes a door at the northern end of the room to

open for a short time. Quickly head right and go up, then grapple to the pole

on the platform to the northwest.

Now, grapple to the one at the north, then to the one on the platform ahead. Go

right and grapple to the last pole, then go north before the door closes.

Ignore the big block and go right, taking the stairs down to the next room. In

here, head left and defeat the beetle enemy, then go north to two torches.

Grapple to the one across from the gap to pull yourself over, then go right and

the door behind you will shut. Defeat the Yook that appears, then head right

and a slime enemy will appear. Kill it and the door that shut will open back

up, and the icicles in front of you will melt, revealing a pole. Use the

Grappling Hook to create a tightrope between that pole and another one across

from you.

Walk across it and avoid the razor trap, then jump down and kill the Ice Keese.

Use the Grappling Hook on the pole in front of you and the one across from you.

Go across the tightrope and quickly jump down and defeat the Ice Keese. Go

forward and hit the gossip stone, which tells you that if you use new and

creative ways, you can leap further. Head left and use the Grappling Hook on

the two poles to make a small tightrope. Go around the left side of it and run

against the tightrope. Keep doing that, then release the stylus to launch

yourself over the gap to the platform. Defeat the Blue Bubble simply by using

the Grappling Hook, then go south and up the stairs. Stand in the middle of the

switches and use a spin attack to hit them all at once.

This causes a chest to appear behind some icicles, and a door also opens at the

entrance of the room. If you need supplies, break the nearby pots. Head south

of the switches and place a bomb by the wall to blow it up, revealing a path.

Follow the path south and jump down, then use the Grappling Hook to pull

yourself over to the torch to the south. Then, head all the way right and

follow the path. Defeat the beetle enemy and go north, then defeat the beetle

there as well. Go southeast and run up against the rocks, then defeat the Red

ChuChu with a stone helmet. Go to the torches to the left and aim down with the

Grappling Hook. Pull the mask off of the beetle using it, then use it again to

kill it.

Grapple the two torches in front of you to create a tightrope, then walk to the

north and walk against the tightrope. Release to launch yourself to the upper

platform, then grapple to the torch on the left and to the torch on the north.

Now, before jumping off, use the bow to shoot the eye on the wall to the north.

This will open the door left of the eye. Jump off and head right, then break

the pots and press the switch to extend a bridge, creating a shortcut. Go left

and follow the path north, then go right and you'll see two eyes. If you face

them, they close. Jump across to the platform in between the two eyes, then go

north and face down. The eyes will open again. Create a tightrope between the

two poles.

Face the tightrope and shoot an arrow at it, making the arrow bounce back at

one of the eyes. Keep doing this until you hit both of them, causing a chest to

appear to the left. Equip the Grappling Hook again, then tap the icon to

disconnect the tightrope. Jump back over to the left and open the chest to get

a Small Key. Go south and head right, then cross the extended bridge and head

south some more, then turn right. Unlock the door there, then follow the path

and the door behind you will shut. Defeat the Yook, then just use arrows to

defeat the two Ice Keese. This will make the door open, then a chest will

appear and another door will open. Open the chest for a big red Rupee, which is

worth 200.

Follow the path back left, then go down and right. You'll see wooden poles, one

on a platform to the south. Grapple to it, then defeat the Blue Bubble and jump

on the pole you just grappled to. Grapple to the next one to the north, jump on

it, then grapple to the last one. Finally, press the switch to make some ice

melt to the left. Jump north and go left, then follow the path down where the

icicles melted at. At the end of the icy path, you'll come to a switch. Press

it to melt the icicles blocking the chest that appeared awhile ago. Cross the

icy path again and head north, then all the way west to the chest. Open it to

get the Boss Key, then head right and north to the room we were at earlier. Go

left and tap the block to put the Boss Key in there, granting you access.

Read the tombstone by the stairs to create a blue portal, then take the stairs

up to the next room. In here, the door behind you will shut, then a dragon with

two heads will rise from the water. This is Gleeok, the Two-Headed Dragon. Read

the Bosses section for help on defeating him. Once you win, you'll get more

sand added to the Phantom Hourglass, then a chest appears and a bridge extends,

connecting to a door at the end of the room. Get the Heart Container from the

chest, then go up to the door and tap it to open it. Enter the next room. Walk

up to the altar in here and take the Azurine from the pedestal. Two down, one

more to go! Take the blue portal to exit the dungeon.


Isle of Frost


Back outside, go south and the Anouki nearby will say that he's the real Aroo,

telling you how the disguised Yook captured him. Once he's done talking, hop on

the pole next to him and use the Grappling Hook on the pole to the left. Jump

on that one, then grapple to the one at the south. Finally, grapple to the last

one on the high ledge, then follow the path down to the next area. Here, go by

the pole in front of you and take out the Grappling Hook. Look to the right and

grapple to that pole, then go south and jump off the ledge to a chest. Open it

to get a Power Gem, then jump all the way down. As you can see, the Yooks are

friendly now. Head back up to the ledge you were on (get on the high ledge on

the right again), then head south.

You'll see a raised plateau with a chest on it. Just south of it is a pole.

Jump on it and grapple over to the chest, which contains a big Rupee worth 100.

Get off of the raised plateau and go back to the pole. Jump on it again, and

then grapple to the pole on the left. From where you're standing, take out the

Grappling Hook and grapple to one of the two chests to the north. Both chests

contain a Red Rupee. Jump down after getting them and go left, then enter the

cave again. Make your way through it back to the village area. I didn't tell

you this before, but if you dig by the Island Chief's house sign, you'll find a

big green Rupee worth 100. Anyway, go back to where your ship is. North and

slightly left of it are some steps leading up to a platform.

Head up the steps and use the Grappling Hook to grapple to the chest to the

north, then open it to find a Wisdom Gem. Now, if you want, go north and

grapple to the pole to the right, then talk to the Anouki. He hints at the

hidden green Rupee under the Island Chief's sign. Jump down either way, and

head to the Anouki Estates. Left of all the buildings is a pole, and there's

another pole north of that one. Grapple to it and hit the gossip stone, and it

will tell you that there's a secret under the Old Wayfarer's hut on Bannan

Island. Grapple back over to the south, then head northeast to another pole.

Grapple to the pole to the south and dig in the middle. You will dig up a Gold

Rupee worth 300! Awesome! Head left and grapple back over, then make your way

to your ship. Tell Linebeck you're ready to set sail.


The Sea


Now it's time to set a course due north for the Northeastern Sea. Do so, and

when you arrive there, you will see two islands. One has a cyclone blocking it.

Try to set a course for the Isle of Ruins, then when you get to the cyclone, it

will spit you out in between the two islands. I guess the only thing you can do

now is set a course for the second island, the Isle of the Dead. Scaaary. On

your way there, be extremely careful of the pirate boats that will shoot you.


Isle of the Dead


As you can see, this place is full of dead bones everywhere. Head right and

enter the cave there. Inside, go forward and read the book on the table. It

tells you about this island being shaped like someone looking east with a mouth

and a crown, then it says something about a secret in this room and a temple to

the northeast It also talks about the Aquanine, the last Pure Metal. Mystery

after mystery, huh? Go north and read the four books on the table, starting

with the one on the far left. They are the four volumes of the Explorer's

Compass. After reading them, go left and bomb the wall near the entrance to

reveal an opening. Go through. In this room are Rupoors scattered everywhere,

creating some sort of maze.

There are also two Keese in this room. Use your bow (and your bow only) to

defeat them, then make your way past the Rupoors, carefully avoiding them. If

you touch the small ones, you'll lose 10 Rupees. You'll lose 30 Rupees for

touching the big Rupoor. At the end of the maze, break the pots and get all of

the Rupees on the ground. Open the four chests. From the right to the left,

they contain a Stone Chimney, a Courage Gem, a Treasure Map, and a Strange

Chimney. After you rid the chests of their contents, head down and go up the

steps to the right, then follow the path and jump down. Walk past the Rupoor

and exit this room. Go south and exit the cave itself. Back outside, go all the

way left and you'll find a Blue Rupee.

It's a fake. Approach it and a Rupee Like will appear. These things try to

inhale you, then they eat your Rupees rather than your shield! Defeat it

carefully either by using your sword or by using two bombs, then go north to

find another one. Defeat it as well, then head all the way right and some bones

will rise up. These are Stalfos, and they'll sometimes jump away from you if

you try to attack them. Keep attacking them until you hit them, then attack

their head to finish them off. Make your way to the tomb to the northeast, then

enter it. Inside, go all the way north and defeat the two Keese, then read the

tombstones. One says something about going west 13 times and north 7. It also

says that it's underground at the graveyard.

The other one says something about the Phantom Corridor and six sages. Go north

and to the next area, and talk to the pile of bones in the middle. He says that

he once tried to navigate through this maze, and that if you don't know the

correct path, you'll end up exactly like him. We can't do anything here yet, so

just go south back to the previous area and exit the tomb. Go to the southeast

corner of the island and walk 13 tiles west, then 7 north. Dig at the left part

of the grass from the last tile you get on until you uncover a hole, then drop

down it. Here, go north and you'll hear rumbling. Place a bomb by the crack to

blow it up, then go into the next room. Read the tombstone in here, and it will

tell you to go left of the king's eye and shoot an arrow.

Break all of the pots and get all of the Rupees in here; don't worry, none of

them are fake. Open the chest as well to get a Power Gem, then exit this room.

Go left and to the next room. There are boulders that roll out of walls pretty

much everywhere in this room, along with a few Keese. Carefully make your way

through the room, defeating the Keese along the way. Eventually the barrage of

boulders will end, then you'll soon after come to a flight of stairs. Take them

all the way up and back outside. Go left, then take out your bow and shoot the

switch on the ledge. This opens a door leading to the graveyard of the six

sages. Jump down and go to the graveyard, then make your way to the southwest

gravestone. Read it, and it will tell you to go north.

Do so and read that gravestone. Head to the same direction that gravestone

tells you, then read the next one, and repeat this until you get to the last

one, which tells you where Brant of the Cobble Kingdom was put to rest. Go back

to the tomb to the northeast. Inside, head north to the next area. The order of

the maze is: east, east, north, north. Pretty simple, no? Once you take this

path, you'll be in a whole new room. Head all the way north to a grave, where

the spirit of someone will appear. Tap on the grave to talk to him, then he'll

introduce himself as the fourth knight of the Cobble Kingdom, Brant. He will

tell you that King Mutoh should have the Aquanine we're looking for, then he

opens up a door behind his grave.

Go there and head up the stairs leading outside. Out here, go forward to a

chest and open it to get a Regal Necklace. Brant appears and tells you that

King Mutoh can be found at the Isle of Ruins, and that the Regal Necklace you

just got should calm the cyclone down. He says that when you get there, that

you should look for Bremeur, the third knight of the Cobble Kingdom. Head south

when he disappears, then jump off the ledge. Make your way back to your ship,

then set sail.


The Sea


Now that we can get past the big cyclone that is blocking the way, set a

course for the Isle of Ruins again. Once you sail there and to the big cyclone,

it will suddenly just vanish. Now you can dock on the island.


Isle of Ruins


When you dock on the island, you'll notice tombstones everywhere, and the

island is just shaped weird in general. Head north and enter the cave there.

Inside, follow the path until a door behind you shuts. Then, a fish knight will

leap out of the water. Defeat it the same way you've always defeated them, then

a bridge across the water will extend and the door will open. Cross the bridge

and read the tombstone, which says that the path to the kingdom will bring

glory. Keep following the path and exit the cave. Back outside, follow the path

south and cross the bridge you come to. Jump to the platform ahead, then head

all the way north and you'll find a Rupee Like. Defeat it, then keep going

north and jump over to the left.

Get the Red Rupee there (it's not a Rupee Like), then head south to find

another Rupee Like. Kill it and keep going south, then jump left. Go south and

get the first Blue Rupee there. The next Blue Rupee is a Rupee Like, and there

is another one on the left. Defeat both of them and head left, then jump across

and follow the path, defeating the Rupee Like you'll find. Go north and jump

across, then head north and cross the bridge to the next area. In this area, go

north and jump down, then head right and defeat the two Stalfos. Head up the

nearby stairs and follow the path to an area with rolling boulders. Carefully

navigate your way through here, then continue following the path. Head down the

steps to the left when you come to them, then you'll come to a tomb. Enter it.

Inside here, head north and up the steps. You'll see a weird triangle-shaped

block. Ignore it and go forward and go up to the grave, then a spirit will

appear. Talk to him, and he'll say that this is the Cobble Kingdom, then he'll

introduce himself as the third knight, Bremeur. He'll ask if something where

King Mutoh sleeps is needed, so tell him yes and he'll tell you that he does

have the Pure Metal, but ever since a monster entered his temple he has become

enraged. Tell him you'll destroy the monster, then he'll say that in order to

enter King Mutoh's temple, the land must be resurrected. You must now meet with

Doylan, the second knight at a temple to the east. He'll say that he'll open up

a new path for you, so exit Bremeur's Temple.

Back outside, Ciela will notice a bridge that extends to the right, connecting

to another platform. Head up the steps and follow the path down, then right. Go

up and cross the bridge that just extended, then follow the path and defeat the

pitchfork enemies. Head right and take the steps down, then continue following

the path, defeating the pitchfork enemies along the way. You'll eventually get

to the next area. In the next area, head right and jump down. Go right some

more and you'll come to a Stalfos, which will throw bones at you from another

ledge across from you. Use the Boomerang at it a couple of times to kill it,

then cross the wooden bridge. Keep following the path, defeating the Stalfos

from afar until you go down the steps.

Head north and enter Doylan's Temple ahead. This place is full of traps. Follow

the path and get past the rolling boulders like you've done before, then you'll

come to some arrows in the wall that will shoot at you. Just run south and you

will avoid all of them, then go right. Walk around the edges or you'll fall

down a trapdoor. Head up the stairs and follow the path, defeating the two

Stalfos, then head up the stairs to the next room. Told ya this place was full

of traps. Tap the door in here to open it, then go forward and to the grave.

Talk to the spirit, which is the second knight, Doylan. He will give you the

King's Key, then he tells you to go back to Bremeur's temple so you can release

the seal and restore the land.

Exit the area and go south, then jump off the ledge and exit the cave. Back

outside, make your way south and go all the way left again, past the Stalfos.

Eventually you'll come to a raised platform you cannot reach. At this point, go

north and kill the Stalfos in front of you, then the one on the platform to the

right. Continue following the path, and make your way back over to the far left

where Bremeur's Temple is. It shouldn't be hard at all to get there without me

guiding you there. Anyway, once you're in his temple, go up to the block to the

north, then tap it to unlock it with the King's Key. This will cause it to

lower, then the temple will shake and the water will drain. Bremeur will then

appear and say that the land has been resurrected.

He tells you to go and visit the first knight, Max. Leave the temple, and once

you're back outside, Ciela will point out the change of shape in the island.

The rest of the island is no longer underwater, meaning we can explore some

more. Jump off to the right and follow the path going north, then you'll come

to some Stalfos. Defeat them and head south, then make your way east past the

rolling boulders, and to the next area. In this area, go south and then right,

watching out for the rolling boulders that will come rolling out. Then, go

south and open the chest to get a big green Rupee worth 100. Go back west and

then all the way south, then turn right to a boulder blocking your path. Push

it aside and head up the stairs to the right.

When you get to the second boulder, push it down and it will roll off, then it

will collide with another boulder and break it. Jump down to the left and lift

the stone blocking your path, then go south and to the next area. Defeat the

two Stalfos here, then head up the steps to find a boulder. Push it right once

and up once, then right until it rolls off. It will go across a bridge and

collide with another boulder. Head right and cross the bridge, then lift the

stone and proceed to the next area. Open the chest to get a Wisdom Gem, then go

back to the previous area and go to the boulder again. This time, push it right

once, then push it down until it rolls off, colliding with another boulder. Go

south and lift the stone, then head up the platform on the left.

Press the switch to extend a bridge next to you, which connects to another

platform. Head south and defeat the Stalfos to get them out of the way, then

head north and go right. Head around the temple and defeat the Stalfos, then

turn left and enter it. This is Max's Temple. Inside, head all the way north to

Max's grave, then talk to him when his spirit appears. He will ask if you're

ready to face his trial. Tell him you are, and then he'll say that you must

solve the riddle of the corridor, then he'll tell you that he's going to open

the door to the corridor for you. Exit the temple and the door on the right

will open. Head directly east of where you are, and when you get to the door,

defeat the Stalfos and head north.

Read the tombstone at the end and it will talk about the surface labyrinth. You

would normally have to go to the southwestern end of the island to solve this

riddle, but to save a lot more time, I'll give you the answer to the riddle.

Tap on the red door in front of you, and you'll have to draw a crest in one

stroke, just like you did with the hourglass and the Triforce. Starting from

the dot at the top-left, draw a line to the top-right dot, then to the

bottom-right one, then up to the middle one, then down to the bottom-left one,

then back up to the top-left one. This will make the crest appear on the door,

then it will open. Follow the path and defeat the Stalfos, then tap on the door

at the end to open it. Go to the next area.

Head north here and two fish knights will jump out of the water. Defeat each of

them, then the door ahead will open. Head north and enter the temple.


Mutoh's Temple


This is an actual dungeon, not just the quick tombs we've been in. When you

enter, go north and ignore the two switches for a moment. To the north is a

Keese. Kill it, then go back and place a bomb by the switch on the left. Go

north and take a left, then ride the two moving blocks up and go left. There's

a trapdoor in the middle of the platform, so be careful. Ride the next moving

block, then head right and cross the bridge before the time runs out. It may

take a few tries. Once you do it, go around to the left and press the switch at

the end to open a door in front of you. This creates a shortcut. Head back up

and go around, then head north and the door behind you will shut. Defeat the

two Stalfos that appear, then the door will open and a bridge will extend.

Cross the bridge and press the switch to activate the torch in front of you. Go

back to the entrance of the temple, then take the eastern path. Walk along the

wall to avoid the trapdoor, then defeat the Keese and tap the door at the end

to open it. Stand by the trapdoor and get out the Boomerang, then draw a path

to the switch on the left. Throw it and the switch will be hit, so quickly go

forward. By the bridge is a trapdoor, so avoid it and walk along the wall, then

cross the bridge. You should make it with either very little time to spare, or

you'll make it and the switch will deactivate right after. Either way, head

right and go around, then press the switch at the end to open the door. Go back

north and follow the path, then a door behind you will shut.

Defeat the two Stalfos to open the door and to make a bridge appear. Cross the

bridge and press the switch to activate the second torch, making the spikes

near you lower. Take the stairs down to the next room. In this room, head right

and defeat the Stalfos that looks like a pirate. Follow the path down and kill

the Stalfos, then cross the spiked bridge. Now, head left and go up the stairs

to the next room. You can't hurt the turtle enemies in here yet, so just go

forward to the next room. Tap the door in here to open it, then you'll see some

Green Rupees lying out in the open. The one on the right is a Rupee Like. Take

that path and defeat the Rupee Like, then head down. Follow the path and go up

the steps to the left.

Head south and jump off the ledge, then Ciela will notice the rusted switch

which she's seen before (and so have you). As she implies, you can't do a thing

with it right now, so take the stairs up to the next area. The door behind you

will shut, then you'll have to defeat some enemies; ones you've already fought

many times. Defeat them and a chest will appear, and the door will open. Open

the chest to get the Hammer. Using this, we can pound in rusted switches and

hit boards that launch us up. To use the hammer, equip it, then tap the icon to

take it out. Tap in the location you want to hit in. You can hit things from a

distance, too. If you want to hit with full power, tap in the direction you

want to hit in, and hold the stylus down on the Touch Screen.

This will charge up the hammer. When it is fully charged, release to slam the

hammer on the ground, creating a powerful smash. Go back to the previous room

and hit the rusted switch there. This will cause the door in front of you to

open, so head north and read the tombstone. It says to stand on the footpad and

to slam the pillar. Stand on the footpad of the board next to you, then take

out the Hammer and tap on the small pillar at the end of the board. This will

launch you up to the upper ledge, where you'll find another board. Use this one

and then one more to reach the top platform. There are three turtles here, like

the ones you saw just a few moments ago. Now we can hurt them. Flip them over

using the Hammer, then attack their bellies to kill them.

Once they're dead, go right and jump off the platform, then take the stairs

down back to the previous room. In here, defeat the three turtles and hit the

rusted switch to open the door. Take the stairs that were revealed down to the

next room. Here, head all the way left and ignore the first boulder you come

to. You'll come to a raised platform with another boulder on it. Head up the

platform and push the boulder right until it rolls off. It will collide with

the other boulder and they'll both break. Head to where the boulder was

blocking your path at and cross the bridge, then go left and cross the next

bridge. The door behind you will shut. Defeat the two Stalfos and the door that

just shut will open, plus another one at the northeastern corner.

Take the top-right path and take the stairs down to the next area. In here, go

left and hit both rusted switches to make the spiked log move. Follow it left

and go down, then get on the moving block. On the left and right sides are

rusted switches everywhere, along with Stalfos that will throw bones at you.

While on the first moving block, pound the rusted switches on both sides, then

get on the second moving block and do the same. Make sure to kill the Stalfos,

because one hit by the Hammer crushes them. When the second moving block goes

all the way down, hit the last rusted switch on the platform in front of you.

With all of the switches hit, the spiked log blocking you from getting on the

platform will move.

Get on it and head south, then open the chest in the corner for a Courage Gem.

Follow the path back up, then go right and head up the steps. Open the chest to

get a Small Key, then take the stairs up to the next room. In here, press the

switch to open the door in front of you, then head directly north and go east,

crossing the spiked bridge in front of you. Unlock the locked door there, then

shoot the floating piece in there with an arrow to flip it over. This drains

all of the water in the room. Jump down and go left, then defeat the Stalfos.

There are tiles with X's and O's on them on the top and bottom, and the set of

tiles on the top are how the ones on the bottom must look (the three red

circles means all of the X's must be turned around to O's).

The tiles can be flipped with the Hammer. This puzzle is easy; just hit the

tile in the middle to flip them all over to O's. This will cause a door to the

south to open. Go south and head up the steps, then use the board to launch

yourself up to the upper platform. Take out your bow and shoot the floating

switch across from you to raise the water again. If you need arrows, break the

nut on the lef to get some. Once the water has been raised, head south and

cross the spiked bridge to another set of tiles. Stand in the center of them

and use the Hammer to hit the tile you're standing on. The middle tile will

remain stationary and all of the other tiles will flip over. With all of them

flipped over to O's, a door will open.

Head east and cross the spiked bridge, then go left and take out your bow.

Shoot the floating switch again to drain the water, then jump down to the right

and take the southern stairs down to the next room. In this room, head right to

another tile puzzle. Here's an easy way to do it: stand on one of the O tiles

near an X tile, then use the Hammer to hit in between the tile you're standing

on and the X tile. If you did it right, only the X tile will flip over. Use

this trick until you get all of the tiles landed on O's, then a bridge to the

right will extend. Cross it and take the stairs up to the next area. Go east in

here and you'll see a raised platform with tiles on it, along with a tombstone.

Read the tombstone if you wish, then go left and use the board and the Hammer

to spring up.

Do the same with the next board, then break the nut if you need arrows. Take

out the Boomerang and target the heart-shaped orb to the right, then throw it.

This will make it aim down, so shoot an arrow into it to hit a floating switch,

then the water will raise again. Cross the spiked bridge and shoot the orb

again to hit the switch once more, draining the water. See the tiles on the

platform you're on? They must look exactly like the ones on the platform below

this one. Make them look like that using the trick I taught you earlier, then a

door will open. Shoot the heart-shaped orb again to raise the water, then cross

the spiked bridge and drain the water yet again. Now, jump off of the platform

you're on and head up the steps, then jump down.

Go west and defeat the Stalfos, then go to the southwestern corner and open the

chest to get a big green Rupee, worth 100. Now, go north and walk onto the

platform in the corner, then push the boulder on the left aside. Push it onto

the board to the left, then use the Hammer on the small pillar sticking out of

it. This will launch the boulder up to the upper platform. Push it right until

it rolls off, then it will collide with another boulder. Go all the way right

and down to a chest, then open it for a Small Key. Go back up and launch up

using the board, then head all the way right and jump down. Keep going right

and to a locked door, then unlock it and continue. Head down and go left, then

hit the board to catapult the boulder up.

Launch yourself up now, then hit the end of the board here as well to launch

the boulder up even higher. Head up the steps to the right and do it again,

then go up the next set of steps and do it one more time. Launch yourself up

using that board, then push the boulder left until it rolls off. It will

collide with another boulder, so go all the way left and open the chest to get

the Boss Key. Head right and jump all the way down, then go left and take the

stairs down to the next room. In here, put the Boss Key down for a moment and

get on the block, then it will start moving. Kill the Stalfos on both sides

using the Hammer. When all of them are defeated, wait until the block takes you

all the way north, then take the Boss Key and get on the block again.

When it carries you all the way down and then left, get on the platform it

takes you to and tap on the big block with the Boss Key in your hand. It will

unlock it, granting you access. Use the boards to launch yourself up until you

get to some stairs, then take them down to the next area. In this room, jump

down and go north, then read the tombstone to create a blue portal. Proceed

into the next room. Go forward and a gate behind you will shut, then a golem

will rise up and you'll fight Eox, the Ancient Stone Soldier. See the Bosses

section for help on defeating him. Once you win, more Sand of Hours will be

added to the Phantom Hourglass. Then, a chest will appear and a cage will rise

up, opening a hole in front of it.

Open the chest to get the Heart Container, then go to the cage and take the

hole down to the next room. Here, head all the way north to a grave, then a

spirit will appear. Talk to him and he'll say he's Mutoh, the king of the

Cobble Kingdom. Before his speech ends, he'll say that he'll give you the

legendary Aquanine, then it will appear on the pedestal behind his grave, and a

blue portal will appear. Take the Aquanine, then take the blue portal to get

out of this dungeon.


Isle of Ruins


We have all three Pure Metals now. We can finally forge the Phantom Sword and

defeat Bellum! Head south and to the next area. Here, open the door and head

south, past all of the Stalfos. Follow the path all the way south, then turn

left and go up, around the temple in front of you. Go all the way left and take

the stairs up, then press the switch if you didn't already. Cross the bridge in

front of you, then proceed to the next area. Jump down from here, then go south

to your ship and Linebeck. Talk to him, then set sail.


The Sea


If you feel you're not fully prepared to take on Bellum yet, then by all means,

feel free to get any upgrades and Heart Containers that you think you'll need.

Regardless, our next destination is back to Zauz's Island to get the Phantom

Sword forged. Draw a course for the Southeastern Sea, then back to the

Southwestern Sea, and finally to the Northwestern Sea. Once you're there, set a

course for Zauz's Island all the way to the north.


Zauz's Island


You will get a letter from Aroo upon arriving here. He thanks you for saving

him earlier, then gives you a Wisdom Gem as a reward. Enter Zauz's house.

Inside, talk to him, then he'll take the three Pure Metals. He says that it

will take some time to forge the sword, so exit the house and go back to the

mailbox. You will get a letter from Jolene, demanding a rematch with Link. The

postman will then want you to sign your name again, so just hit OK and he'll

fly off. Talk to Linebeck and tell him you accept her challenge. Eventually

Ciela will ask if you should really do this, so tell her you should and you'll

set sail.


The Sea


Now you'll have to find Jolene, sailing at a random area of the sea. She could

be anywhere, and if you're lucky, she'll already be near you Regardless, find

her and get ambushed on purpose. You will have to fight Jolene again. She

really hasn't changed all that much. Just fight her the same way you always

have. The only difference is, after you knock her sword out of her hand, she

will pick it back up and fight some more. At this point, just hit her one more

time to win, then she'll retreat as usual. Talk to Linebeck in the box, then

Ciela will ask him how he knows that girl. After his story, you'll be able to

set sail again, so set a course back to Zauz's Island.


Zauz's Island


Go back to Zauz's house and speak to him. He will have the sword completed, but

sadly, only the blade. He'll then give it to you, but Ciela will ask how we're

going to use it without a hilt. Zauz says to take it to the Ocean King, because

he can empower the sword with the Sand of Hours. Leave the island now.


The Sea


You know the drill: set a course for the Southwestern Sea, then once you get

there, set a course for Mercay Island.


Mercay Island


Make your way to Oshus's house. In case you forgot, it's located at the left

side of the village. Inside his house, talk to him and Link will show him the

Phantom Sword's blade. He'll then take it and swing it around, nearly hitting

Link. He asks for the Phantom Hourglass, then snags it immediately after Link

takes it out. He uses the Phantom Sword's blade and the Phantom Hourglass and

makes a hilt with it, giving you the completed Phantom Sword! After the scene,

leave his house and make your way to the Temple of the Ocean King. On your way

there, you'll see Linebeck. He's acting strange. Ciela asks him what he's doing

all alone, then he says that it's all up to Link to slay Bellum. He then asks

Ciela to take care of Link, and leaves. Make your way temple.


Temple of the Ocean King


In here, take the yellow portal to get back to the sixth floor of the dungeon.

If you need a guide on getting through here again, please refer to the last

time we were here in the walkthrough. With that said, you should know that all

of the Phantoms can be defeated now that you have the Phantom Sword. That's

right, _all_ of them, meaning this place won't be as nearly as annoying now.

Also, if you defeat all of the Phantoms in every room, a chest will spawn. They

all contain different things like the Demon ship parts, so be sure to get all

of them! Attack the Phantoms from behind to kill them. Anyway, once you get to

the last room, three blue Phantoms will appear. Not good. Head right and lift

the red pot, but do NOT throw it yet.

Instead, take it south and throw it down the steps. Get down there and hide in

it, and defeat the three Phantoms using the safe zone for cover when needed.

Once you kill them, three Swift Phantoms appear, and once those are defeated,

three Gold Phantoms appear. After you defeat all of them, the door to the north

opens, so go through. This hallway looks really long and eerie. Walk across the

bridge and it will collapse into the water. Ciela will ask if you're really

ready for this. Tell her you are, then all three of the fairy spirits say they

will be with you. A blue portal appears. Save your game and make sure you have

plenty of arrows, then take the long flight of stairs up to the next room. In

here, the stairway you went up will close, then a plant-like creature appears.

This is Bellum, the Evil Phantom. Refer to the Bosses section for help on

defeating him. Once you've won the fight, Bellum will fall into the water and

explode, then the ceiling will start to fall apart. Before Link and Ciela get

crushed, they suddenly get transported out of the temple.


The Sea


As Linebeck calls for Oshus, Link falls into the engine room of Linebeck's

ship. Oshus says that some, but not all, of his power was restored, so he used

it to teleport us out of the temple. Suddenly, a light starts emitting from

Tetra. Oshus says that he used some more of his power to restore her, then she

suddenly turns back to normal! After she gets through talking, she and Link

reach out for each other, then Bellum suddenly takes her with his tentacles!

Didn't we just get rid of him? Guess not. Ciela tells everyone to go outside,

then Bellum is seen going over to the Ghost Ship, with Tetra. He will then

possess the Ghost Ship, and Linebeck says he will use the wheel while you man

the cannon. Refer to the Bosses section to see how to win here.

Once you defeat Bellum a second time, the Ghost Ship will sink half way into

the water, then Linebeck will tell you to board it. He offers you to save your

game first, though. Do so, and then you'll climb aboard the wrecked ship.


Ghost Ship


When you get on the ship, Linebeck and Link will see Tetra lying on the ground

unconscious, then Bellum takes her away again. Bellum slams into the crow's

nest, causing it to land on Linebeck's ship and destroy it. Watch the rest of

the scene as Bellum snags Link and makes him drop the Phantom Sword. He then

becomes unconscious along with Tetra, then Ciela wakes him up. Linebeck is

still trying to fend off Bellum with the Phantom Sword, then he grabs onto him

and Linebeck throws the sword back to Link. Linebeck then gets possessed by

Bellum, becoming a dark Phantom. This is the final fight. Refer to the Bosses

section for help on winning. Once you win, Bellum is gone for good. Enjoy the

ending, and congratulations on beating The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass!



V. Bosses


In this section, I will list all of the bosses in the game, along with info

about how to defeat them and such.



Found: Temple of Fire

Boss Strategy: When the battle starts, Blaaz will split into three. The key to

winning this battle is the Boomerang, as you probably would've

guessed. This battle is actually pretty easy to win. Use the

Boomerang to target all three of miniature Blaaz's, then throw

it. If all three of them were targetted, they will combine, then

split again. Simply repeat this process over and over, and

eventually they'll combine into one again. It may take awhile,

but when they finally combine, quickly throw the Boomerang at

him to stun him. From there, hit him with your sword repeatedly

and he'll split again. Repeat the same process as before and

you'll defeat him.



Found: Temple of Wind

Boss Strategy: Ciela will tell you that this monster can create cyclones upon

the starting of the battle. Cyclok will float in the air for

pretty much the whole battle until you knock him down, and that

is what we're gonna do. Cyclones will appear on the three

circles in the middle of the arena, and your objective is to

place a bomb in the cyclone he flies under. Time it right and

the bomb will hit him, knocking him to the ground. While he's

stunned, attack him with your sword until he starts back flying.

Do this two times and he'll get mad, then start dashing at you

randomly and throwing cyclones at you.

He will get a little more annoying as the battle goes on. If you

happen to run out of bombs, break the pots around the edges of

the arena to find some more. You just keep repeating this, and

after you do this five times total, he will go down.



Found: Temple of Courage

Boss Strategy: For the first portion of this battle, your view will be on the

Touch Screen and Crayk's will be on the top. Around the arena

are baby crabs you can kill with your sword, by the way. You

have to look on the top screen, and when the boss comes running

toward you, shoot an arrow directly into his eye. He will then

hide in his shell and shoot out steam from the holes in it.

Attack the shell with your sword until he gets out of his shell,

then repeat the process. If you don't shoot an arrow in his eye,

he'll grab you. If this happens, rub the Touch Screen back and

forth fast to escape his claws. Keep repeating this, and you'll

break his shell off eventually. Kill the baby crabs if you need

arrows; they'll leave them behind sometimes.

The battle will become much easier from here on, and the crab

will no longer be invisible. The top screen is now the map

again. Attack his claws with your sword, then he'll guard

himself for a few seconds. Use this spare time to run behind him

and attack the blue orb on his tail. Be careful, though, because

he can still grab you with his claws. Repeat this process a few

times to win the fight.


Diabolical Cubus Sisters

Found: Ghost Ship

Boss Strategy: When the battle begins, three of the sisters will shoot out

lasers from their eyes, then the other sister will shoot out an

energy ball. Hit the energy ball back at her with your sword to

hit her. Do this one more time and the first sister will be

killed. Now two sisters will shoot out eye lasers, and one will

shoot out the energy ball. Hit it back at her and the sister

will hit it to another sister. They'll repeat this until

eventually one of them hits it down. You'll have to run over

there and hit it quickly to hit the sister. Do this once more

and you'll kill another sister. Only two remain now.

Sometimes the sister that's not shooting an eye laser will shoot

out a weird-looking orb, just like the one that Agahnim shoots

out in A Link to the Past. This one cannot be deflected, and

when it hits the wall, a few orbs will spread and go up. Do the

same thing you've been doing until you destroy the third sister.

When one sister remains, she will shoot out three energy balls.

Only one can be deflected, so be careful! Keep hitting the ball

back at her until you hit her. Repeat this until she's defeated.



Found: Goron Temple

Boss Strategy: Gongoron comes out of a hole on the other side of the quicksand,

and says to take it down together. He says that he can trip it,

then you can attack it, then you'll automatically start the

fight controlling Gongoron. Watch out for Dondorongo's fire he

spits out, and roll to one side of him. Tap him over and over to

attack him repeatedly, eventually causing him to fall over. From

this point, Gongoron tells Link to hit him with everything he's

got. Switch back to Link, and once Gongoron gets in danger, it

will tell you so. Then, switch back to Gongoron and defeat the

enemy harming him. The same goes for Link.

Anyway, once Dondorongo is knocked over, use Link and take out a

Bombchu. Draw a path going right into his mouth, then release it

and it will go into his stomach and explode. He then gets back

up and you'll have to use Gongoron again. Do so and knock him

over, then feed him another Bombchu. Do this three times in

total and the northern door will open. You've won! ...Or have

you? A bridge will appear across the quicksand, then Gongoron

will proceed into the next room. Cross the bridge and it will

disappear, then the door will shut again. Dondorongo will get up

and break off the armor on his back, revealing a blue orb.

It's not over yet, obviously. Round two begins. You'll need

regular bombs now. If you don't have them, there's a Bomb Flower

on both the left and right sides, and the enemies you kill will

sometimes leave some bombs behind. When Dondorongo starts

sucking up air, throw a bomb into his mouth and he'll eat it,

then it'll explode into his stomach. He will fall over, allowing

you to attack the blue orb on his back. Do so, and then repeat

this a few more times to win.



Found: Temple of Ice

Boss Strategy: The first part of the battle against this two-headed dragon

isn't that difficult. The red head will shoot out fire, while

the blue one will shoot out ice. You have to turn their own

attacks against them using the Grappling Hook, as you could

probably tell by the four wooden poles in the middle. You'll

have to create tightropes diagonally. If the red dragon shoots

out a flame, you have to create the tightrope diagonally using

the top-right and bottom-left poles. If the ice one attacks, use

the bottom-right and top-left poles. Their attacks will bounce

off of the rope, hitting the opposite head if you did it right.

Every time you hit one of them, one of the heads will bite the

rope off. Watch out, because he might try and bite you as well.

Keep hitting them with their own attacks, and eventually they'll

roar once their masks crack, then they'll sink into the water.

Then a tidal wave will appear, so jump onto one of the poles for

safety, then jump back down. Icebergs will fall into the stream

of water going towards you, so run away where there aren't any

icebergs to avoid them. The water you're standing on will then

disappear, and Gleeok will appear out of the water again. Do the

same thing you've been doing until you break both of their masks

off, then they'll create a tidal wave again. Avoid the icebergs

once again, and then the dragons will eat two of the poles.

Now the second part of the battle begins. Avoid the dragon's

biting attack, and eventually, one of them will start charging

up their attack. Target one of the two poles and the tongue of

the dragon using the Grappling Hook, then release it and the

dragon will hit the pole, getting temporarily knocked out. Run

over to him and hit him with your sword until he gets back up.

They'll do the tidal wave attack still, but just keep repeating

the process until both of them have turned into sand.



Found: Mutoh's Temple

Boss Strategy: This huge stone golem can be hard if you don't know what you're

doing. He will smash you when you're near him, and you have to

use the boards spreaded around the arena to your advantage. Get

on one and use it to catapult yourself up, and while in the air,

tap somewhere on his body and try to hit it with your Hammer

out. You have to hit the red things on his body to make that

part of his body crack. Hit that one part a few times to break

it. If you have to, hold the stylus on the screen while in the

air to increase the size of your hammer, then release it to get

a little better range.

He will shoot spikes out from the top of his head, so just run

in the same direction they're shooting out in to avoid them.

Just follow them as they shoot out, basically. His arms and the

parts on his backside are harder to get. Just run until you're

completely behind him and he starts looking around, then use

this time to break off more of his body. Breaking off his

stomach, shoulders and head pieces reveals some more red dots

you must take care of. After you've finally taken care of all of

his body parts and red dots, all of his body will collapse,

leaving only his head remaining.

Now he'll shoot spikes in all directions constantly. Stand on

one of the boards and wait on him to get right next to the

board, then spring yourself up and land on his head. From there,

attack the blue gem. Repeat this as many times as needed and

he'll be defeated.



Found: Temple of the Ocean King

Boss Strategy: At the start of the battle, Bellum will fall into the purple

water below him. He has several tentacle- things with eyes on

each one, plus an eye in the mouth of the plant thing. He also

has purple clouds surrounding his body, which you must remove.

Sometimes purple creatures will drop from the ceiling and attack

you, so kill them. They'll leave behind arrows most of the time,

and sometimes even some hearts. He'll spit slime at you as well.

Use the Grappling Hook on one of the clouds surrounding Bellum's

body to pull it away. Do this until all of the clouds are gone,

then grapple his body to pull him towards you. Attack his eye

until he moves, then run over there and attack it some more.

He will then move up one level, so take the long flight of

stairs up to the second floor. His tentacles are attached to the

pillars, and you'll have to use arrows to shoot the eyes. At

this point, the slimy monsters will start appearing a lot more,

so you should defenitely be careful. Go around the arena and

shoot all of his eyes. While you're trying to shoot them, he'll

raise one tentacle and try to slap you with it. Once you've shot

all of the eyes, he'll fall back down to the first floor. Head

there and he'll have the clouds surrounding his body again. Do

the same thing you did earlier. He'll start spitting out three

blobs of slime at you now.

If they land on the ground, they'll turn into slimy monsters,

but the slime can still hit you while it's in the air. Once you

have pulled all of the clouds away, pull Bellum towards you and

attack. He'll move, so run over there and attack. Repeat this

until he goes into the water, then he'll rise up to the second

floor again. Go up there and defeat the slime monsters; they'll

appear even more often now. Do the same thing you did earlier;

just shoot his eyes. However, they will close for a few seconds

and then open again this time. After you shoot a few of them,

he'll use all of his tentacles to slap several parts of the

ground. Stay in between them to avoid this attack.

The tentacles will now lower a bit. These cannot be hit now.

Wait until the ones you didn't hit come back, then shoot those.

After all of them have been shot, he'll rise up to the third and

final floor. Follow him up there, then shoot all of the eyes

again. After you do that, he'll fall down and spit out a green

ball. Ciela says that she's seen it before, then she flies up to

it and the energy goes into her. Oshus suddenly appears and says

that she just gained all of her lost memory back! She will

remember everything now, so head back to the bottom floor and

the stairway will collapse.

She says to focus your power on the Phantom Sphere she is going

to release. She'll release an orange sphere. Get it, and then

she'll say to tap the hourglass icon at the bottom, and draw an

hourglass shape like a figure-eight. Do what she says, and do

NOT draw it too big. Draw it like you're drawing an 8. If you

did it right, the time will stop, along with Bellum, who is

floating above you. If he's moved down a bit, then quickly run

over to him and attack his eye as much as you can. When the time

resumes, Ciela will create another Phantom Sphere after a few

seconds. Grab it and repeat the process, and eventually Bellum

will finally go down.


Bellum (Ghost Ship)

Found: The Sea

Boss Strategy: This fight is actually rather simple. There are eyes on the ship

which you must destroy with the cannon. Bellum will shoot out

energy balls from his eyes, which can also be destroyed with the

cannon. Look on the top screen to see how many eyes are left,

along with where they are. This fight can get ugly after awhile,

though, because Bellum will shoot about three energy balls at

you at once. Regardless, just keep shooting the eyes and the

energy balls, and eventually you will win.


Bellum (Dark Phantom)

Found: Ghost Ship

Boss Strategy: Get ready for the final fight against a possessed Linebeck!

Ciela will tell you that Bellum is the target, which is on the

back of Linebeck's body. He moves really slow, so stay far away

from him and Ciela will give you a Phantom Sphere. Grab it and

tap the hourglass icon, then draw the small hourglass again just

like before. The time will stop, so go behind him and try to

attack his closed eye. Ciela will say that there has to be a

point where it opens, so she'll move his back to the top screen.

Bellum will then snatch Ciela, and then she says to continue

fighting him. Keep attacking him and you'll have to rub the

Touch Screen to knock him back.

At this point, attack him and Bellum will lose his grip on

Ciela. She'll give you a Phantom Sphere now. Take it and tap the

hourglass icon, then wait until the eye on his back opens. Draw

the hourglass now to freeze time, then run behind him and attack

him. You simply have to keep repeating this. He will start

attacking you by spinning around at you, so be careful. To avoid

it, run around in the direction he's not spinning in. Repeat the

same process above until you defeat Bellum for good.



VI. Side Quests


In this section, I will list all of the side quests in the game, along with

info about how to do them and such.



Romantic Fishing


To start off this side quest, sail to Bannan Island at the Northwestern Sea.

Make sure you have the Boomerang. Once you arrive at the island, enter the

building to the north, which is the Old Wayfarer's house. Talk to him inside,

and he'll tell you about a mermaid. He says it only appears when there are no

monsters. Go outside and defeat every enemy you can find, then look around all

parts of the water until you find a mermaid. If you get close to her, she will

move to a different location of the water. Don't get too close to her, then

target her with the Boomerang and throw it. You will hit her head. Apologize to

her, then she'll go and visit the Old Wayfarer. Go back to him and talk to him,

then go to Linebeck and talk to him next.

Go back to the Old Wayfarer's house and the disguised mermaid will be in the

pool. Talk to the Old Wayfarer and he'll give you a Fishing Rod. You must now

catch three types of fish. Check the Collection screen (press Select) to see

which ones you'll need to catch, then catch them out at sea and talk to the Old

Wayfarer after you catch each one. After you give all three to him, he will

tell you to go catch a certain fish. Catch it and take it to him, and then

catch the last one he tells you to and give it to him. He considers you a true

romantic fisherman now, and gives you a Heart Container for your efforts.



Jolene's Letter


You must do part of the above side quest first. You must at least get the fake

mermaid in the Old Wayfarer's house. After a certain point in the game, you

will get a letter from Jolene. It wasn't intended to be delivered to you,

however, but to her sister Joanne. The postman asks you to deliver it to her

sister yourself, then he gives it to you. Go to Molida Island and enter the Old

Wayfarer's house, then talk to the mermaid. This is really Joanne. You can tell

that she's Jolene's sister by her face. She will read the letter, then reward

you for it by giving you a Courage Gem.



The Trading Sequence


After getting all four Sea Charts, make your way to the Northeastern Sea (you

have to sail to the Southeastern Sea first, then directly up to get there).

Sail to the Traveler's Ship there, and once you board the ship, you will have

to fight some Octoroks and a fish knight. Defeat them and attempt to leave the

ship, then a man called the Man of Smiles will come down. Talk to him again

when he finishes talking, and tell him you want something mysterious. He will

give you the Hero's New Clothes, then he'll give you a Treasure Map along with

it. Now, go to the Northwestern Sea next, and go to the Traveler's Ship there.

Talk to the weird guy there and give him the clothes, and in return he'll give

you the Telescope. It's really just a kaleidoscope, though.

Go to the Southeastern Sea and enter the Traveler's Ship. Talk to the man on

the southwest, the only person without a telescope. Give the telescope to him

and he'll give you a Guard Notebook. Go to the Southwestern Sea and go to the

Traveler's Ship, then clear out all of the monsters. The guy playing dead on

the ground will then get up. After his speech, talk to him again and give him

the Guard Notebook. In return, he'll give you the Wood Heart. Make your way

back to the Southeastern Sea again (this is getting boring, huh?), and you'll

see that there are two Traveler's Ships. One has the Old Wayfarer on it. Board

it and talk to him, then give him the Wood Heart (talk to him twice). After he

scolds you, he'll thank you.

Attempt to leave, and he'll tell you that there's a treasure chest in his house

for you to open. Exit the boat now and sail to the Northeastern Sea, then to

the Traveler's Ship. Defeat all of the monsters again to save the Man of Smiles

once more. Talk to him twice and he'll give you a Prize Postcard. With this, go

up to a mailbox and you can put the postcard in there. Later, you can come back

to a mailbox and get prizes. Go to Bannan Island and enter the Old Wayfarer's

house. Inside, open the chest which contains a Swordsman's Scroll. You now have

the Great Spin Attack. To do it, do a spin attack three times in a row. Then,

you'll spin with an orange beam around you, and you can move around as well!



VII. Item List


In this section, I will list all of the items in the game, along with info

about what they do and such.


Main Items




Location: Temple of Fire

Description: The Boomerang is a basic weapon. When you take it out, you have to

draw a path you want the Boomerang to take. You can even make it

spin around in circles over and over if you want to. This weapon

can also be used to kill enemies.



Location: Temple of Wind

Description: When you first get these, you'll get a Bomb Bag along with it. You

can only carry up to 10 Bombs until you get a bigger Bomb Bag.

These are used to blow up certain walls, and they're also required

for certain enemies and one boss. When you take a bomb out, the

fuse isn't lit until you throw or place it somewhere.


Bow & Arrow

Location: Temple of Courage

Description: Everyone knows what the Bow & Arrow is. It's a ranged weapon that

shoots arrows (obviously). You aim by moving the stylus in a

direction on the Touch Screen, and the aiming is really precise in

this game. This weapon can shoot eyes on walls and some enemies.



Location: Goron Temple

Description: Bombchus are just like regular bombs, only you draw the path it

moves in, making these very useful. They are shaped like mice and

even have eyes like them, and they can crawl through crawlspaces

to hit switches you couldn't normally hit.


Grappling Hook

Found: Temple of Ice

Description: This item has returned from The Wind Waker, and it's still as

useful as ever. It can be used to grapple yourself to poles to

cross gaps, and you can even target two poles next to each other,

then throw it to make a tightrope. You can cross the tightrope, or

you can use it to catapult yourself onto higher ledges. You can

also pull yourself over to chests.



Location: Mutoh's Temple

Description: Hammers have been in many Zelda games in different forms, and in

this game it's just an orange hammer. However, looks can be really

deceiving. When you have the Hammer out, tap anywhere you want and

it will hit in that spot. You can catapult yourself onto other

ledges by standing on a board with footprints, then by tapping the

small pillar with the Hammer out to hit it. Hold the stylus down

on the Touch Screen to charge it up, then when it's charged all

the way, release it to do a big, powerful smash.



Location: Molida Island

Description: Pretty much the most useless item in the game. It's required in a

few places, but all it does is dig out spots in the ground. You

can dig anywhere you want, although most of the time you either

won't find anything, or just a simple Green Rupee. You can dig up

closed dirt patches to reveal wind gusts, and you can also dig up

cracks in the ground to dig up something like a Big Green Rupee.

Sometimes you'll find holes in random spots in the ground.


Oshus's Sword

Location: Mercay Island

Description: Your first sword. You get it from Oshus's storehouse on Mercay

Island, and Oshus decides to let you keep it even though you got

it without his permission. You'll be using this sword up until

before you fight Bellum.


Phantom Sword

Location: Zauz's Island

Description: This is the ultimate sword, and the only sword capable of slaying

the evil phantom, Bellum. After you get past the fourth dungeon,

you have to go to Zauz's Island, and Zauz will tell you that you

have to find three Pure Metals to forge the Phantom Sword. After

you find them all and get the sword forged, you have to take it to

Oshus to give it a hilt, then the legendary sword is born.


Red Potion

Location: Various Areas

Description: You will find Red Potions in the island shops in the game, and

also from random chests in random places. Using this potion

restores a total of six hearts.


Blue Potion

Location: Various Areas

Description: You will find Blue Potions in the island shops in the game, and

also from random chests in random places. Using this potion

restores a total of six hearts.


Purple Potion

Location: Various Areas

Description: This is the rarest out of the four potions, next to the Gold

Potion. When you find this, don't use it, because if you die, you

will automatically be revived with eight hearts restored.


Gold Potion

Location: Various Areas

Description: This is another rare potion, but they can be found in shops too.

However, they're expensive. Using this potion restores all hearts.



Collection Items



Sun Key

Location: The Sea

Description: Once you imprint the green crest onto your Sea Chart, you can use

the Salvage Arm to pull this up from the bottom of the sea. It is

used on the Sun Door on Molida Island.


Ghost Key

Location: Ghost Ship

Description: After you defeat the Diabolical Cubus Sisters, the last sister

leaves this key behind. It is used to gain access to the room

where Tetra is (she's a statue).


King's Key

Location: Doylan's Temple

Description: On the Isle of Ruins, you'll get this key from King Doylan. It is

used to drain the water of the island, allowing you to explore the

rest of it.


Regal Necklace

Location: Isle of the Dead

Description: You'll find this in a tomb on the Isle of the Dead. It is required

to get, because it makes the big cyclone blocking the Isle of

Ruins go away.



Other Items



Pink Coral

Location: Various Areas

Description: Coral, polished to a shine. It's an object to be admired!


Pearl Necklace

Location: Various Areas

Description: Pure white pearls, strung together into a stunning necklace.


Dark Pearl Necklace

Location: Various Areas

Description: Rare dark pearls, strung into a jaw-dropping necklace.


Zora Scale

Location: Various Areas

Description: It's said that a Zora dropped this rare and sparkling scale!


Goron Amber

Location: Various Areas

Description: This tasty Goron treat is valuable because it contains a bug!


Ruto Crown

Location: Various Areas

Description: Some say this regal crown was worn by a princess of a Zora.


Helmaroc Plume

Location: Various Areas

Description: This flamboyant feather was dropped by a Helmaroc Bird.


Regal Ring

Location: Various Areas

Description: A princely ring handed down among royal generations.



VIII. Heart Containers


In this section, I will list all of the Heart Containers in the game, along

with information about how to find them and such. In this game, there are no

Pieces of Heart; only Heart Containers. And unlike the other Zelda games, on

your ninth heart, you get to the second row of hearts (it's usually on your

eleventh). Anyway, the list is below.


Heart Container #1

Location: Temple of Fire

How To Find: This is gotten from a chest after defeating Blaaz.


Heart Container #2

Location: Temple of Wind

How To Find: This is gotten from a chest after defeating Cyclok.


Heart Container #3

Location: Temple of Courage

How To Find: This is gotten from a chest after defeating Crayk.


Heart Container #4

Location: Ghost Ship

How To Find: This is gotten from a chest after defeating the Diabolical Cubus



Heart Container #5

Location: Goron Temple

How To Find: This is gotten from a chest after defeating Dodorongo.


Heart Container #6

Location: Temple of Ice

How To Find: This is gotten from a chest after defeating Gleeok.


Heart Container #7

Location: Mutoh's Temple

How To Find: This is gotten from a chest after defeating Eox.


Heart Container #8

Location: Any Shop

How To Find: Buy the Power Gem from a shop, then the quiver, then the Bombchu

Bag. Finally, the next big item to be on sale in the shops will be

a Heart Container for 2000 Rupees.


Heart Container #9

Location: Beedle's Masked Ship

How To Find: Depending on the current time on your Nintendo DS, you may or may

not sometimes see a Beedle with a golden helmet on. Sail to it if

you see it at any part of the sea (it's the Masked Ship), then he

will have a Heart Container on sale for 1500 Rupees.


Heart Container #10

Location: Bannan Island

How To Find: Go to the Bannan Island and talk to the Old Wayfarer. He will tell

you about a mermaid. Go outside and wipe out all of the enemies,

then a mermaid will appear out of random parts of the water. Don't

get too close to her, then throw the Boomerang at her to hit her.

Go back to the Old Wayfarer, then talk to Linebeck. Talk to the

Old Wayfarer again, then the mermaid will be in his house. Talk to

him again to get the Fishing Rod, then press Select to go to the

Collection screen. Catch the fish in the sea shown on that screen,

and talk to the Old Wayfarer each time you catch one of them.

After you've caught all three, the Old Wayfarer will give you the

Big Catch Lure as a reward. He'll then want you to catch the

Rusty Swordfish. Once you catch it, talk to him again and the next

fish he'll want you to catch will be Neptoona. You can tell where

it's at in the sea by seeing a swordfish icon on the map. Catch it

and take it to the Old Wayfarer. As a reward for catching all of

those fish, he gives you a Heart Container.


Heart Container #11

Location: The Sea

How To Find: Go to the Northwestern Sea and sail to the only Traveler's Ship on

the map. This is a boat that resembles the King of the Red Lions

from The Wind Waker. On the boat, talk to the man and agree to all

of the stuff he says, then you'll have to fight with him. Each

time you hit him, you must leave the boat and come back. Keep

doing this until he tells you to get 100 hits on him. As a reward

for doing so, you get a Heart Container.


Heart Container #12

Location: Maze Island

How To Find: At the Northwestern Sea, go to the Maze Island. Play the maze game

and win it on all difficulties to get the Heart Container.


Heart Container #13

Location: Molida Island

How To Find: After getting the Sun Key, travel to Molida Island and go back to

Romano. He will let you play an archery mini-game, where you must

shoot ghosts as targets to earn points. However, the shooting is

much different in the mini-game. For getting 1700 or more points,

you'll get another quiver. After that, score 2000 points to get

the Heart Container. See the Mini-Games section for information on

how to play the game.



IX. Ship Parts


In this section, I will list all of the ship parts in the game, along with a

good equipment setup for your ship. New to the Zelda series is the addition of

ship parts, which you get to add to your ship. Ever notice how your ship only

has four hearts of health by default? That can change. With the right setup of

parts, the health of your ship will increase. You can have up to eight hearts

max. You will find different ship parts in chests scattered throughout areas

and dungeons, and you can even find some in the bottom of the sea. However,

some ship parts are completely random, so I will not be able to list the

locations of the parts. There are also Gold Ship Parts, which are really rare.

Sometimes you will be able to buy parts from shops on the islands.

You can even sometimes buy Gold Ship Parts from shops. You will find these the

same way you do normal ones: at completely random spots from random chests.

They're very rare, though, and the best way to get one is probably via a trade

on Wi-Fi. People will not be willing to trade a golden part for a crappy one,

though, so be warned. If you have four parts of the same set, your ship will

have five hearts. If you have six parts of the same set, you'll have six, and

if you have eight parts of the same set, you'll have seven. Finally, if you

have all eight golden parts attached to your ship, you'll have eight. Good luck

with finding them all; you'll need it. Before I give you information on the

good setups, however, I'll list a description of all ship parts.

To attach a part onto your ship or to remove one from it, go to Mercay Island

and enter the Shipyard located slightly north of your ship. Inside, talk to the

pirate and he'll let you customize your ship. If your Salvage Arm is damaged at

all, he will offer to fix it for a fee of 20 Rupees. With all of that said,

here's the list of ship parts below, along with setups following after them.

Ship Parts






Passable Prow

Price: N/A

Description: An average prow that came equipped on the S.S. Linebeck.


Bell Prow

Price: Varies

Description: The bell doesn't chime, but it gives the prow a nice look.


Drill Prow

Price: Varies

Description: Broken, and nobody in the world has the parts to fix it.


Mermaid Prow

Price: Varies

Description: The design was based on eyewitness accounts!


Log Prow

Price: Varies

Description: Made with waterproof lumber, so it's surprisingly valuable.


Demon Prow

Price: Varies

Description: A prow adorned with a scowling demon. Very...intense.


Tropical Prow

Price: Varies

Description: A prow made with swaying palm trees in mind. No coconuts.


Tourist Prow

Price: Varies

Description: A prow made for those looking for romance of the sea!


Golden Prow

Price: 1500 Rupees

Description: An extravagant prow that uses an expensive golden pot.






Normal Anchor

Price: N/A

Description: The S.S. Linebeck came equipped with this average anchor.


Bell Anchor

Price: Varies

Description: A modern, bell-shaped anchor. Ironically, it doesn't ring.


Iron Anchor

Price: Varies

Description: An iron-spiked anchor that can secure a ship in any storm.


Ancient Anchor

Price: Varies

Description: An anchor shaped from the mold of an ancient statue.


Swim Ring

Price: Varies

Description: It is what it is... No one knows if it works as an anchor.


Sickle Anchor

Price: Varies

Description: An anchor made in the image of an evil sickle. Scary!


Shell Anchor

Price: Varies

Description: An anchor made from a shell. Girls go wild for it!


Weighty Anchor

Price: Varies

Description: A three-pronged anchor. No frills, but it gets the job done.


Gem Anchor

Price: Varies

Description: An anchor patterned after a gem. A sure hit with celebrities.






Standard Hull

Price: N/A

Description: The original hull of the S.S. Linebeck. Nothing special.


Bright Hull

Price: Varies

Description: A modified hull from a standard ship with a fancy yellow spot.


Iron Hull

Price: Varies

Description: Looks strong and heavy. Too bad it's neither.


Stone Hull

Price: Varies

Description: A hull that looks like an ancient stronghold. The deck is so



Vintage Hull

Price: Varies

Description: A worn, rugged hull with a manly, burly style of its own.


Demon Ship

Price: Varies

Description: A scary ship said to ferry the foulest of evils.


Tropical Ship

Price: Varies

Description: A themed ship with the appeal of a private tropical oasis.


Dignified Ship

Price: Varies

Description: A hull with a very serious red and black paint scheme.


Golden Hull

Price: 1500 Rupees

Description: A hull that delivers an experience in pure extravagance.






Eddo's Cannon

Price: 50 Rupees

Description: A cannon bought from Eddo for the high price of 50 Rupees.


Artistic Cannon

Price: Varies

Description: A cannon with a truly avant-garde design. Catches the eye!


Strong Cannon

Price: Varies

Description: Very functional, but it's not very different from the other



Ancient Cannon

Price: Varies

Description: A cannon surrounded with the glory of an ancient age.


Meager Cannon

Price: Varies

Description: Looks like it could break easily, but it's sturdier than it



Fear Cannon

Price: Varies

Description: Some suspect that it can fire cannonballs of pure malice.


Seapony Cannon

Price: Varies

Description: A seahorse-shaped cannon. Very fairytale-like, but it's powerful.


Red Cannon

Price: Varies

Description: Looks complex, but it's easy to use. The professional standard.


Golden Cannon

Price: 1500 Rupees

Description: The perfectly designed cannon. Truly the gold standard.






Simple Handrail

Price: N/A

Description: The handrail that came stock on Linebeck's ship.


Arch Handrail

Price: Varies

Description: It draws attention for its playful and ornate design.


Chain Handrail

Price: Varies

Description: A handrail forged with hefty chains so it won't break easily.


Pillar Handrail

Price: Varies

Description: Made from pillars of exotic ruins. It was recently discovered.


Worn Handrail

Price: Varies

Description: In dire need of repair, but its design adds a lot of flavor.


Spiked Handrail

Price: Varies

Description: A handrail made of sharp thorns. Actually not a handrail at all.


Wood Handrail

Price: Varies

Description: A very basic handrail. Sometimes the basics are the best!


Utility Handrail

Price: Varies

Description: A handrail that works even in violently churning seas.


Golden Handrail

Price: 1500 Rupees

Description: Note the elegant curve and design. A true masterpiece!






Steady Bridge

Price: N/A

Description: The original bridge of Linebeck's ship. It's a common style.


Restful Cabin

Price: Varies

Description: Soothing design offers an escape from the stress of battle.


Conning Tower

Price: Varies

Description: A bridge designed for those engaged in battle day after day.


Peaceful Bridge

Price: Varies

Description: With its temple-like serenity, it offers peace and comfort.


Barrel Shack

Price: Varies

Description: A modest design for the enviromentally conscious!


Demon Prison

Price: Varies

Description: A prison designed to cage the foulest villians!


Shell Apartment

Price: Varies

Description: Top creature comforts combined with the smell of ocean air.


Practical Bridge

Price: Varies

Description: Created for those who live their years on the high seas.


Golden Bridge

Price: 1500 Rupees

Description: A bridge for royalty. The interior is also gold and the bed is







Normal Chimney

Price: N/A

Description: The normal chimney that came with Linebeck's ship.


Elegant Chimney

Price: Varies

Description: A simple shape, but something about it is so enticing.


Parasol Chimney

Price: Varies

Description: A chimney made of iron. Caution: gets very hot when used!


Stone Chimney

Price: Varies

Description: A chimney once used by a bread baker. Smells fresh-baked!


Strange Chimney

Price: Varies

Description: Looks a little like garbage, but that's its main appeal.


Demon Chimney

Price: 800 Rupees

Description: This chimney is said to have been attached to a pot used for

boiling lava!


Horn Chimney

Price: Varies

Description: An artistic chimney filled with rustic charm.


Tall Chimney

Price: Varies

Description: Towering over the horizon, all chimneys aspire to its glory.


Golden Chimney

Price: 1500 Rupees

Description: A simply chimney, but its surfaces gleam mysteriously.






Normal Wheel

Price: N/A

Description: The paddle that came stock on Linebeck's ship.!


Paddling Wheel

Price: Varies

Description: A wheel with bent paddles. It steams your ship along!


Battle Wheel

Price: Varies

Description: A wheel rumored to have been made from a battleship screw.


Stone Wheel

Price: Varies

Description: Legend says it was made from a giant's table, but no one knows for



Simple Wheel

Price: Varies

Description: The number of wheels was cut to four to simplify it.


Insect Wheel

Price: Varies

Description: A wheel made from the hollow shell of a red insect. Ewww!


Shell Paddle

Price: Varies

Description: Aesthetic design made from an ancient spiral shell.


Red Wheel

Price: Varies

Description: A wheel with nothing special. That is what draws many to it.


Golden Wheel

Price: 1500 Rupees

Description: The skilled craftsman's love can be seen in the details.


Ship Setups



Standard (Default) Set


Passable Prow

Normal Anchor

Standard Hull

Eddo's Cannon

Simple Handrail

Steady Bridge

Normal Chimney

Normal Wheel


Bright Set


Bell Prow

Bell Anchor

Bright Hull

Artistic Cannon

Arch Handrail

Restful Cabin

Elegant Chimney

Padding Wheel


Iron Set


Drill Prow

Iron Anchor

Iron Hull

Strong Cannon

Chain Handrail

Conning Tower

Parasol Chimney

Battle Wheel


Stone Set


Mermaid Prow

Ancient Anchor

Stone Hull

Ancient Cannon

Pillar Handrail

Peaceful Bridge

Stone Chimney

Stone Wheel


Vintage Set


Log Prow

Swim Ring

Vintage Hull

Meager Cannon

Worn Handrail

Barrel Shack

Strange Chimney

Simple Wheel


Demon Set


Demon Prow

Sickle Anchor

Demon Ship

Fear Cannon

Spiked Handrail

Demon Prison

Demon Chimney

Insect Wheel


Tropical Set


Tropical Prow

Shell Anchor

Tropical Ship

Seapony Cannon

Wood Handrail

Shell Apartment

Horn Chimney

Shell Paddle


Dignified Set


Tourist Prow

Weighty Anchor

Dignified Ship

Red Cannon

Utility Handrail

Practical Bridge

Tall Chimney

Red Wheel


Golden Set


Golden Prow

Gem Anchor

Golden Hull

Golden Cannon

Golden Handrail

Golden Bridge

Golden Chimney

Golden Wheel



X. Equipment Upgrades


In this section, I will list all of the equipment capacity upgrades, along with

information about how to find them and such. In order to be able to get an

upgrade for an item, you must first own that item.


Bomb Bags



Bomb Bag Upgrade #1

Location: Beedle's Shop Ship

How To Find: Enter any Beedle Ship out on the sea, and Beedle will have a Bomb

Bag on sale for 1000 Rupees.


Bomb Bag Upgrade #2

Location: Bannan Island

How To Find: Head into the cave to the east on Bannan Island. Inside, run to

the end of the path and blow up the wall there, then continue

outside. Play the Cannon Game by talking to the guy there, then

score 2500 points or more to get the second Bomb Bag.






Quiver Upgrade #1

Location: Any Island Shop

How To Find: Go to the shop of any island, then buy the Power Gem. Exit and

reenter the shop, and a Quiver will be on sale for 1000 Rupees.


Quiver Upgrade #2

Location: Molida Island

How To Find: Once Romano's hut has been turned into the archery mini-game, play

the game and score 1700 or more points to get a Quiver.



Bombchu Bags



Bombchu Bag Upgrade #1

Location: Any Island Shop

How To Find: Enter the shop of any island, then buy the Power Gem and the

Quiver if you haven't already. The item to replace the Quiver is a

Bombchu Bag, which is on sale for 2000 Rupees.


Bombchu Bag Upgrade #2

Location: Dee Ess Island

How To Find: After you clear the Temple of Ice, go to the Dee Ess island, which

is obviously shaped like a Nintendo DS. To find it, head to the

southernmost part of the Southeastern Sea. Dock there and play the

Goron Game. Finish the course in under 35 seconds to get the

Bombchu Bag upgrade.



XI. Gem Locations


In this section, I will list the locations of the Power, Wisdom, and Courage

Gems in the game. These are also known as Spirit Gems. What are their use, you

ask? Well, south of Molida Island is a hidden island known as the Spirit

Island. There, you can trade in your Spirit Gems to gain new abilities for

Link, which can be really useful. There are 20 of each gem, To find the Spirit

Island, sail south of Molida Island to locate a hidden island by the three-rock



Power Gems


When you upgrade your sword using the Power Gems, your sword burns with fire

and gets more power.


Power Gem #1

Location: Any Island Shop

How To Find: Go to the shop on any island and buy the gem for 500 Rupees.


Power Gem #2

Location: Isle of Ember

How To Find: After you beat the Temple of Fire, go back to Astrid's house and

talk to her. She'll give you one.


Power Gem #3

Location: Cannon Island

How To Find: Enter the cave on the island. You'll find this one behind a wall

of rocks.


Power Gem #4

Location: Isle of Gust

How To Find: At the northwestern part of the island, dig up the dirt patch and

ride the wind gust. Open the chest to find it.


Power Gem #5

Location: Temple of Wind

How To Find: Enter the room where there are sand worms that appear if you run.

Head to the western end of the room and you'll find it.


Power Gem #6

Location: Mercay Island

How To Find: Once you clear the Temple of Wind, enter Oshus's house and speak

to him. He will give you the gem. If you wait until near the end

of the game, Oshus won't be in his house. You'll have to talk to

the bartender in the local bar of Mercay Island to get the gem.


Power Gem #7

Location: Mercay Island

How To Find: Make your way to the Temple of the Ocean King, and on the way

there look for a cracked wall. Blow it up with a bomb and head

into the cave, where a chest containing the gem is located.


Power Gem #8

Location: Temple of the Ocean King

How To Find: On B4, you'll find a few Phantom Eyes. Defeat them all and a chest

appears, which has a Power Gem inside.


Power Gem #9

Location: Temple of Courage

How To Find: On 1F, there are two tombstone signs and a wall in between them.

Place a bomb there to blow it up, where you'll find the gem.


Power Gem #10

Location: Temple of Courage

How To Find: In the room where there are moving blocks everywhere, take out

your bow to find an eye on the wall. There are two on each side.

Shoot both of them to reveal a chest with the gem inside.


Power Gem #11

Location: Temple of the Ocean King

How To Find: On B3, head onto the platform where there's an eye on the wall

across from it. Shoot the eye and a chest will appear, so get it

to find the gem.


Power Gem #12

Location: Temple of the Ocean King

How To Find: On B7, there is a wooden pole at the northeastern part of the

room. Jump on it and use the Boomerang to target the switch on the

platform to the south, then throw it to hit it. This makes a chest

appear, so quickly run and get it.


Power Gem #13

Location: Goron Island

How To Find: Once you become an official member of the Goron tribe, make your

way through the maze near the temple. You'll end up finding a

chest containing the Power Gem.


Power Gem #14

Location: Isle of Frost

How To Find: After clearing the Temple of Ice, jump onto the pole outside of

the dungeon and climb your way up with the Grappling Hook. Head to

the next area when you reach the top, then follow the path and

grapple to a chest that holds the gem.


Power Gem #15

Location: Spirit Island

How To Find: Grapple to the pole on the right side of the island. Follow the

path and use the Grappling Hook to reach a chest.


Power Gem #16

Location: Bannan Island

How To Find: When you dock on the island, head directly south and use the

Grappling Hook on the chest. Open it to find the gem.


Power Gem #17

Location: Molida Island

How To Find: Enter the cave by Romano's hut, then follow the path and jump

across the ledges. On the last ledge, look to the south and use

the Grappling Hook on the chest, then open it to find the gem.


Power Gem #18

Location: Isle of the Dead

How To Find: Inside the hole you had to dig up, enter the northern room upon

dropping into the cave to find the gem in a chest.


Power Gem #19

Location: Isle of Ruins

How To Find: Once you drain the water of the island, a maze in the southwestern

corner can be found. At the northeastern part of the maze is a

chest with a gem inside.


Power Gem #20

Location: Any Island

How To Find: Once you get through Mutoh's Temple, you will receive a letter

from Mutoh a day later according to your DS clock. He will give

you the last Power Gem.



Wisdom Gems


When you upgrade yourself using the Wisdom Gems, your shield is able to guard

against more attacks, and you don't take as much damage from enemies.


Wisdom Gem #1

Location: Mercay Island

How To Find: Head towards the Temple of the Ocean King, and bomb the cracked

wall on the way there. Enter the cave and go to the end of it,

then shoot the eye on the wall to extend the bridge. Cross the

bridge and defeat the enemy there, then continue outside. Head up

the stairs and you'll find Freedle. Go east of him to find a chest

with it inside.


Wisdom Gem #2

Location: Temple of the Ocean King

How To Find: Head to B2 of the temple, and to the northwestern corner. Place a

bomb and blow up the wall there, then have a Bombchu crawl through

the hole and hit the switch. Open the chest that appears.


Wisdom Gem #3

Location: Temple of the Ocean King

How To Find: On B9 of the temple, kill all of the invisible enemies that steal

time from you, then a chest appears. It contains the gem.


Wisdom Gem #4

Location: Isle of Ember

How To Find: After clearing the Temple of Wind, talk to Astrid. She'll give you

a gem.


Wisdom Gem #5

Location: Molida Island

How To Find: When you exit the cave and go in the direction of the temple, look

for a cracked part of the ground where you exit the cave. Dig

there to uncover a hole, then drop down it and you'll be on a

ledge with a chest. Open it to get the Wisdom Gem.


Wisdom Gem #6

Location: Temple of Courage

How To Find: In the room where you ride the moving blocks, ride them to the end

of the room and look to the left. Target the heart-shaped orb and

throw it until it points up. At this point, shoot an arrow into it

and the arrow will hit an eye on the wall. This makes a chest

containing the gem appear.


Wisdom Gem #7

Location: Zauz's Island

How To Find: Right next to Zauz's house is a Cucco. Lift it and go right, then

jump across to the platform using the Cucco. A chest is here.


Wisdom Gem #8

Location: Bannan Island

How To Find: Once you get Jolene's letter from a mailbox, deliver it to Joanne

on Bannan Island in the Old Wayfarer's house (you must complete

the mermaid side quest first) to get a Wisdom Gem.


Wisdom Gem #9

Location: Isle of Gust

How To Find: Make your way through the island and enter the first cave. Inside,

open the chest in the middle of the room to find the gem.


Wisdom Gem #10

Location: Goron Island

How To Find: After you answer all of Biggoron's questions correctly, he gives

you a Wisdom Gem.


Wisdom Gem #11

Location: Isle of Frost

How To Find: From your ship, head all the way north (go left of the hill) and

to the next area. Left of the two houses is a chest. Grapple to it

with the Grappling Hook and open it.


Wisdom Gem #12

Location: Temple of Ice

How To Find: On B1 of the temple, head to the right side and shoot the eye on

the wall to make a chest appear. Go to the southern part of the

right side of the room and use the Grappling Hook to pull the

lever. This melts some ice for a short time, so run to where the

ice was and push the block all the way north, then head right and

into the opening with the chest.


Wisdom Gem #13

Location: Temple of Ice

How To Find: On 3F of the temple, make your way up the platforms and cross the

ice bridges. You will come across a switch on the left that you

cannot reach. Take out a bomb and throw it there to hit it, which

lowers the blue blocks. Jump down and head up the steps to the

left to reach the chest.


Wisdom Gem #14

Location: Isle of Ruins

How To Find: After you drain the water on the island, you'll soon come to a

boulder on a raised ledge. Push that boulder all the way right and

it will roll off, colliding into another boulder. Take that path

and go up into the next area, where a chest is.


Wisdom Gem #15

Location: Isle of Ruins

How To Find: The water must be drained in order to get this one as well. At the

northwestern part of the island is a cave. Enter it to find a

chest with the Wisdom Gem inside.


Wisdom Gem #16

Location: Maze Island

How To Find: Start the maze game, then head to the eastern side of it. Place a

bomb south of the chest that's in a small area to blow up the

wall, then get the chest.


Wisdom Gem #17

Location: Maze Island

How To Find: This is your prize for clearing the Beginner's maze.


Wisdom Gem #18

Location: Beedle's Shop Ship

How To Find: Enter any of Beedle's ships on the sea, and buy it for 500 Rupees.


Wisdom Gem #19

Location: Any Island

How To Find: Play the Cannon Game once, then you'll get a letter from Salvatore

who will give you the gem.


Wisdom Gem #20

Location: Any Island

How To Find: After clearing the Temple of Ice, you will receive a letter from

Aroo a day later according to your DS clock. He'll give you the

last Wisdom Gem.



Courage Gems


When you upgrade your sword using the Courage Gems, beams shoot out from your

sword when you attack, allowing you to hit enemies from a distance with it.


Courage Gem #1

Location: Mercay Island

How To Find: Bomb the cracked wall near the Temple of the Ocean King, then

enter the cave. Follow the path and shoot the eye on the wall to

extend a bridge, then go on that bridge. Make your way up the

steps here, then go to the statue on the platform and hit it. Tap

the statue after that and have it point the laser towards the

Temple of the Ocean King. Go there, plant a bomb by the temple

where the laser is, then enter the cave that appeared. Go to the

center of the bridge inside, then take your Boomerang and look to

the south. Throw it at the switch and a chest will appear, which

has the gem inside.


Courage Gem #2

Location: Temple of the Ocean King

How To Find: On B1 of the temple, go to the entrance of the room and look for a

wooden pole. Use the Grappling Hook on that pole and another one

nearby to make a tightrope, then get on it and shoot the eye on

the wall. Shoot the chest that appears to get it.


Courage Gem #3

Location: Temple of the Ocean King

How To Find: On B8 of the temple, put the round-shaped crystal in its pedestal,

along with the triangle-shaped one. This makes a chest appear.

Cross the invisible path at the top platform to reach it.


Courage Gem #4

Location: Isle of Ember

How To Find: Go to the northwestern part of the island after getting the

Grappling Hook, then use it to reach the chest across from you.


Courage Gem #5

Location: Temple of Courage

How To Find: In the room where the stairs leading to the boss's room are, go

behind the stairs and bomb the wall to reach it.


Courage Gem #6

Location: Molida Island

How To Find: Go directly left from the entrance of the Temple of Courage, then

use the Grappling Hook to reach the platform there.


Courage Gem #7

Location: Spirit Island

How To Find: From your ship, head over to the right to find a chest with the

gem inside.


Courage Gem #8

Location: Temple of Wind

How To Find: On B1 of the temple, make your way to the southeastern part of the

room after opening the door there. Ride all of the wind gusts up

to a platform with a chest.


Courage Gem #9

Location: Isle of Gust

How To Find: Head to the area of the island where you must use the longlasting

wind gust to push you across to the platform. Jump down and bomb

the wall at the dead end to reveal a cave. Inside is a chest.


Courage Gem #10

Location: Bannan Island

How To Find: Enter the only cave on the island. At the end of the path, use a

bomb to blow up the wall, then follow the path out to the other

side of the island. Go north of Salvatore, the guy by the desk.

Use the Grappling Hook to get on the platform with a chest.


Courage Gem #11

Location: Uncharted Island

How To Find: To find this island, go to the Northwestern Sea and sail around

the eastern parts of it until you find it. Solve the riddle on the

island and enter the cave, then look around in the first room and

use the Grappling Hook to reach the chest across from you.


Courage Gem #12

Location: Goron Island

How To Find: Go to the Goron that wanted you to kill the Yellow ChuChus. Near

him is a raised plateau with a boulder. Stand next to the Goron

and use the Grappling Hook on the boulder to reach a chest.


Courage Gem #13

Location: Dee Ess Island

How To Find: Go to the northern end of the island, then jump down to the pit.

Defeat the enemies to make a chest appear.


Courage Gem #14

Location: Dee Ess Island

How To Find: On the Touch Screen of the Nintendo DS (on the map, that is), use

the Shovel and dig around the southwestern corner to dig it up.


Courage Gem #15

Location: Isle of the Dead

How To Find: In the hidden Rupoor area (see the Walkthrough), you'll find this

one in one of the four chests at the end of the room.


Courage Gem #16

Location: Isle of Ruins

How To Find: After draining the water of the island, go to the eastern side of

the island. You should locate a chest.


Courage Gem #17

Location: Mutoh's Temple

How To Find: In the room where you have to use the Hammer to smash the switches

on each side, do so and let the second moving block carry you

south. Get onto the platform it takes you to and go southwest to

find a chest.


Courage Gem #18

Location: The Sea

How To Find: You must get ambushed by a pirate ship, but not Jolene. Just sail

towards the ship to get ambushed. Defeat the enemies that appear

in the engine room and you'll get the gem from Linebeck.


Courage Gem #19

Location: Masked Ship

How To Find: Change your internal DS clock so that it is between 10:00PM and

12:00AM on weekdays, or 10:00AM to 12:00PM on weekends. Then, you

will find Beedle wearing a golden helmet around one of the areas

of the sea. Board his ship and buy the Courage Gem he sells.


Courage Gem #20

Location: Any Island

How To Find: After finishing the Goron Temple, you will get a letter from

Gongoron a day after according to your DS clock. He will give you

the last Courage Gem.



XII. Multiplayer


In this section, I will explain all of the aspects of multiplayer. First,

select your file and choose "Battle". Then, a list of options will come up. The

top screen shows your stats, such as your win/loss ratio, your Battle Points,

and more. The Touch Screen has a few options, which are: Multiplayer, Nintendo

WFC, DS Download Play, How to Play, Change Name, Friend Roster, and Big Plays.

The "Multiplayer" option allows you to play with a friend of yours, but that

person _must_ have the cartridge to play. "Nintendo WFC" allows you to connect

to Wi-Fi, where you can play with people from across the world. "DS Download

Play" lets you and your friend play even if said friend doesn't have the game.

"How to Play" gives you a tutorial on how to play the multiplayer mode.

"Change Name" is self-explanatory. It allows you to change your name for Wi-Fi,

but not for your actual file. "Friend Roster" allows you to add a friend, check

your Friends List, and check your own Friend Code. Finally, "Big Plays" gives

you a list of all of the Big Plays you've won, which I'll explain later. When

you connect to Wi-Fi, the below options will appear:

"VS. Friend"

Description: Allows you to search for someone on your Friends List to battle

with. This person must also be using the same option in order for

you to find each other and battle.

"VS. Rival (North America)"

Description: Allows you to search for an opponent in North America, but only

one with a record like yours.

"VS. Rival (Worldwide)"

Description: Allows you to search for an opponent worldwide, but only one with

a record like yours.

"VS. Anyone (North America)"

Description: Allows you to search for an opponent worldwide with a record of

any kind.

"VS. Anyone (Worldwide)"

Description: Allows you to search for an opponent in North America with a

record of any kind.

Select any of these options to begin your match against an opponent. When you

find an opponent, the game begins. There are eight stages, and either you or

the opponent will be given the option to select a stage. Once a stage has been

chosen, you'll play on that stage. There's a red base and a blue base, and your

color determines what base you'll have. Your objective is to take Force Gems,

big and small, to your base and score points as Link. I won't go totally

in-depth about all of this, because you can find a Multiplayer FAQ on GameFAQs

anyway. You get to play as Link and three Phantoms. You and your opponent

switch between the characters every round. As Link, you have to move on the

Touch Screen and avoid the Phantoms. Once you put a Force Gem in your base as

Link, that Force Gem changes to your color.

Then, you earn points for it. There are small, medium, and large-sized gems.

The smallest ones are worth 1 point, the medium ones are worth 5 points, and

the biggest ones are worth a whopping 15 points. If a Phantom hits you, then

you lose that round and you play as the Phantoms while the opponent plays as

Link. As Link, the only way you can see where the Phantoms are on the map is by

having a Force Gem in your hand. As the Phantoms, you have to draw a path for

them to take (you have to do it for all three of them). You can see Link on the

map at all times unless he's in a safe zone , and you must chase him down. If a

Phantom walks up to Link, it will hit him automatically. Link and Phantoms can

also collect powerups that will randomly appear throughout a stage.

You can destroy an opponent's powerup by walking onto it. The powerups do

different things, and they'll really help you in your match, so be sure to

collect them. Once three rounds as both characters for both players are over,

the match ends. The person that has the most points at the end of the match

wins, and the winner gets Battle Points added to his or her score. If you did

any Big Plays during the match, those also get added to your score.


Big Plays


These are very useful, and many people that play Wi-Fi try to get them. These

are basically certain tasks you must perform during a multiplayer match, and

once you get four Big Plays, you can go to Eddo's apprentice in Adventure Mode

on Cannon Island. He will give you a Golden Ship Part, and Big Plays are

probably the easiest way to earn them. He gives you a new one each time when

you get four new Big Plays done. However, there are only 16 Big Plays, meaning

that you cannot get all of the Golden Ship Parts this way, but only half of

them. The other parts can only be gotten randomly in Adventure Mode, from

chests in the sea and such. With that said, here is the list of Big Plays. You

must do the specified task and win the match to get the Big Play.


No Items

Description: Do not collect any powerups. You can still destroy the opponent's

items and still get the Big Play, however.


No Dribble

Description: Win the match without dropping your Force Gems. You can drop them

in bases and safe zones, though.



Description: When playing as the Phantoms, you must hit Link during the last

twenty seconds of the round twice.



Description: On your first turn as the Phantoms, hit Link with one Phantom




Description: To get this one, you must successfully destroy ten of the

opponent's items.



Description: This one is the exact opposite of the previous one. Collect ten

powerups to get it.


Perfect Master

Description: Do the "Perfect" and "Limit" tasks in the same match.



Description: As the Phantoms, hit Link before twenty seconds is up twice.



Description: You must win the match having only one point to get this one.


Get Everything

Description: Put every Force Gem in your base and win the match successfully.



Description: Win the match and prevent the opponent from getting any points.



Description: Do the "Get Everything" and "Guardian" tasks in the same match.


No Miss

Description: Avoid getting hit for the entire match while playing as Link.


Guard King

Description: Make sure you hit Link once every round as the Phantoms.



Description: Do the "Master" and "Guardian" tasks in the same match.


Battle Master

Description: Do the "Limit" and "Master" tasks in the same match.



Trading Items


Yes, there is a way to trade things with someone else in Phantom Hourglass.

First, go to Mercay Island. On your way to the Temple of the Ocean King, you

should come to a cracked wall. Place a bomb there to blow it up, then enter the

cave. Inside, follow the path across the ledges, then shoot the eye on the wall

on the last ledge. This makes a bridge extend. Cross it and defeat the monster

there, then exit the cave. Back outside, follow the path and head up the steps,

then go left. Shoot the eye on the wall to make a strange statue appear. Hit it

and then tap it, then move it so that it faces the Temple of the Ocean King. Go

to where the light is and place a bomb directly by it to blow up the wall. Go

through and make your way out the cave to the other side.

Talk to the man here, which is Freedle. After he talks about his magic boxes,

press the switch nearby to extend a bridge as a shortcut for getting here. Now

you can place up to three things in the boxes, and once the person you want to

trade with does the same, you'll have to battle with him/her. After the battle,

whether you win or lose, you will both get the traded items. That about covers

up the Multiplayer mode. And please, don't email me asking me for my Friend

Code or asking me to trade you a Golden Ship Part. =P



XIII. Mini-Games


In this section, I will list all of the mini-games in the game, along with info

about how to play them and such.


Cannon Game

Location: Bannan Island

Price To Play: 20 Rupees

Reward(s): Green or Blue Rupee (0-1499 Points), Green, Blue, or Red Rupee

(1500-1999 Points), Big Green or Red Rupee (2000-2499 Points), Bomb

Bag (once only), Big Green Rupee or Ship Part (2500+ Points)

How To Find: Once you have the bombs, go to Bannan Island and enter the cave on

it. Inside, head north and blast away the wall with a bomb, then

follow the path out to the other side of the island, where you'll

find Salvatore. He will let you play the Cannon Game.

How To Play: Your objective in this game is to shoot the red and blue targets

scattered throughout the course. Linebeck controls the ship

automatically, so your objective is just to shoot. The red targets

are worth 20 points, but you can shoot them over and over. The

blue ones are worth 100, but get destroyed after one shot. Keep

shooting as much as possible and turn around often; don't miss any

targets! If you get 2500 points or more, you get a Bomb Bag

upgrade, which is a nice reward.


Shooting Gallery

Location: Molida Island

Price To Play: 20 Rupees

Reward(s): Treasure (1300-1699 Points), Quiver (once only), Ship Part

(1700-1999 Points), Heart Container (once only), Ship Part (2000+


How To Find: After you get the bow, return to Molida Island and enter Romano's

hut. He has set up a shooting gallery that you can play for a fee

of 20 Rupees.

How To Play: Many people hate this mini-game to the fullest, due to the way the

game makes you aim. On the top screen are wooden targets that will

flip over, where you can shoot them. You have unlimited arrows,

and you must shoot the Ghost targets _only_. Shoot many of them in

a row to score up to 50 points max, per one you hit. If you hit a

Girl target, you lose 50 points. The reason people hate this game

so much is because you pretty much HAVE to get every single Ghost

target, and no Girl targets in order to get the biggest prize,

which is the Heart Container.


Goron Game

Location: Dee Ess Island

Price To Play: 50 Rupees

Reward(s): Blue or Red Rupee (45+ seconds), Blue, Red, Big Green Rupee (45-36

seconds), Bombchu Bag (once only), Ship Part, Treasure, Big Red

Rupee (35 seconds)

How To Find: Before you can play this game, the Temple of Ice must be finished.

Once you've beaten it, go to the Southeastern Sea and sail all the

way south, and slightly east of the rocks on the left side of the

map. You'll find an island that looks like a ruined Nintendo DS.

Dock there and jump down where you'll find a Goron. Talk to him,

and you can play the game for 50 Rupees.

How To Play: This game is played with Gongoron only. Your objective is to roll

through the course and break the blue gems. There are also Rupees

scattered throughout the course. Look on the map to see which ones

you're missing, and look on the left side of the screen to see how

many gems you have remaining. Roll onto the arrows to get a boost

of speed, allowing you to break gems faster. After you break all

of the gems, the blue door at the end of the course will drop down

and act as a bridge. Roll down this door to reach the goal.


Digging Game

Location: Harrow Island

Price To Play: 50 Rupees

Reward(s): Rupees, Treasure Map (x4)

How To Find: Sail to the Southeastern Sea, then look on the map. Sail slightly

north of the formation of three rocks to find a hidden island.

This is Harrow Island. Dock there and hit the gossip stone ahead.

It'll let you play a digging game for 50 Rupees.

How To Play: After paying the fee, a wind gust will appear. Ride it up to a

wide area where you must dig. You are to dig up ten treasures

before the game ends. Digging up no treasure, but just dirt, does

not count. When you find something, your shovel will hit the

treasure. You will either find some Rupees or Rupoor. I've found

10 and 50 Rupoor, but I'm not sure if that's as high and low as it

gets. Sometimes when digging, you will discover a strange voice.

This is Lucky Lee, and for 50 Rupees he will ask if you'd open a

big or small chest. Take your pick. Depending on your choice, the

creature will give you a certain amount of Rupees. You can also

find up to four Treasure Maps.


The Maze Game

Location: Maze Island

Price To Play: Varies with Difficulty

Reward(s): Wisdom Gem (Beginner), Treasure Map (Normal), Heart Container


How To Find: Go to the Northeastern Sea, and set a course north and a little

west from the Isle of the Dead. You will find a hidden island,

which is Maze Island. Hit the gossip stone and you will be able to

start the game. You have to go from the easiest to the hardest


How To Play: Once you pay up, step on the switch to open the door and start the

game. Your objective is to go around and hit the gossip stones,

while going through the maze. Each difficulty gets harder, and it

is kinda hard for me to explain what to do in words. That, and I

haven't had much experience with this mini-game. There are maps

available for all three difficulties at GameFAQs. At the end of

the maze, you get to choose your prize. Good luck!



XIV. Fishing


In this section, I will explain all about fishing. You must first get the

Fishing Rod before you can fish (obviously). Start by going to Bannan Island at

the Northwestern Sea, but make sure you have the Boomerang. Enter the only

house on the island and speak with the Old Wayfarer. After his boring speech

about romance, go outside and wipe out every single monster on the island.

After that, look around all of the water until you spot a mermaid. If you get

too close to her, she'll move to a different location of the water. Stand a

distance away from her and throw the Boomerang at her head. You'll hit her,

then she'll scold you. Apologize to her, and she'll go pay the Old Wayfarer a

visit. Go to his house and talk to him again.

Now go back to your ship and talk to Linebeck. He will say that she talked to

him for a few moments, then ran off. Go back to the Old Wayfarer's home and the

mermaid will be in the pool. Speak with the Old Wayfarer and he'll give you his

Fishing Rod, which can only be used out at sea. While out at sea, tap the Menu

icon and select "Fish". This can only be done when you're over the shadow of a

fish on the map or near a fish shadow, however. Once you select the Fish icon,

Link will cast his rod into the water, and Link will be on the Touch Screen

while the line and the ocean will be on the top screen. Linebeck will explain

how to fish, although not very well. You have to pull down on the stylus to

pull the rod back, and you have to make circles on the Touch Screen to reel in.

When the fish hooks the line, letters saying "PULL!" on the top screen will

appear. Pull back on the rod when this happens to hook the fish, then you have

to draw circles on the Touch Screen to reel the fish in one yard. You'll have

to pull back on the rod to keep the fish in line, too. On the left side of the

screen (the top screen, that is) is the tension meter. Don't let it get all the

way down to red or you'll lose the fish. Sometimes the fish might jump out of

the water, then the words "LET GO!" will appear on the top screen. Take the

stylus off of the screen entirely if this happens, then when the fish gets back

in the water, continue reeling in. After you catch a Skippyjack, go back to the

Old Wayfarer and then go catch a Toona.

Once you catch the Toona, return to the Old Wayfarer again and your next target

will be the Loovar. After you catch all three of those fish, visit the Old

Wayfarer once more and he'll give you the Big Catch Lure. Now you can catch the

last three fish, but they're harder to catch and they're much bigger. Once you

catch the Rusty Swordfish, take it to the Old Wayfarer to get a Ship Part.

Catch the Neptoona he mentions to you, then take it to him and he'll give you a

Heart Container. Finally, catch the Stowfish and take it to him to get another

Ship Part. Here's a list of the six types of fish in the game.






Description: These are the most common types of fish you will find. They're

really small, and do not look too tasty.



Description: A little bit bigger than the Skippyjack and other fish. These are

also common among the open seas.



Description: The most rare fish of the basic three. The Loovar is very hard to

find, and you may even have to catch thirty or so fish before you

finally find it. Good luck, and don't give up!


Rusty Swordfish

Description: This is the first of the advanced three fish. You can't catch it,

along with any of the last three fish, until you get the Big Catch

Lure from the Old Wayfarer. This, like all other swordfish, has a

sword-like pointy nose.



Description: Good luck finding this one. After getting the Big Catch Lure, you

can find it, and it's probably just as rare as the Loovar. It's a

big one, too, and resembles a whale.



Description: Another rare fish. The Stowfish can hook onto other fish, so it

might look a little bit bigger than it really is when you find it.



XV. Secrets


In this section, I will list all of the secrets I know in the game. If you know

of any other secrets (I mean true secrets, not stuff that's already covered in

other sections of the guide), please feel free to email me and I will add it as

soon as I can, giving you full credit for your submission. Thanks!

Secret #1 - Unlimited Rupees


On Goron Island, make your way to the chief (Biggoron)'s house. On the way

there, look to the left as you're going up the path. You should see a cracked

part of the ground. Dig there with the Shovel to uncover a Red Rupee. Get it

and enter the chief's house, then exit it and get the Red Rupee again. It might

be a little slow, but you can repeat this as many times as you desire.

Secret #2 - Quick Rupees


You can get Rupees slightly fast using this method, but it is not by any means

the fastest way. Randomly while traveling at sea, a squid enemy known as the

Biri might appear. These are completely harmless, and they float near your ship

and eventually float into the water. Shoot these with your cannon to send them

back up a bit and gain one Rupee. Shoot it as many times as you can to keep

getting in cash, and eventually it will split. You can then attack both of them

and get Rupees even faster, and if you keep it up, eventually they'll split

into a third one! See how many you can get before reaching your destination.



XVI. Frequently Asked Questions


In this section, I will list the most commonly asked questions regarding this

game. Before emailing me with a question, please refer to this very section

first, and see if your question is already answered! Thank you.


Q: I need tips for the archery game! How do I get 2000 points?

A: I've never gotten it myself, but I haven't had much experience with the

mini-game either. All I can tell you is to keep at it, and you're bound to

get it eventually. Keep your cool and avoid all of the Girl targets as good

as you can. Good luck!


Q: How do I find [insert gem here]?

A: Check the Gem Locations section.


Q: Are there any fairies you can bottle up in this game?

A: No. However, there are Purple Potions which can be bought in shops or found

in chests. Those restore eight hearts when you die, so they're basically

just like fairies in this game.


Q: Where do I get capacity upgrades?

A: Check the Equipment Upgrades section.


Q: How do I solve the riddle on the Uncharted Island?

A: It's already in the walkthrough, but you have to do as Linebeck suggests and

run around the edges of the island, drawing a path as you go along. It will

end up resembling a whale, and I'm sure you can figure it out from there.


Q: What are the Power/Wisdom/Courage Gems for?

A: Once you get at least 10 of one of the gems, head south of Molida Island to

find an island not found on your Sea Chart. Ciela will add it, allowing you

to dock there. This is the Spirit Island, where you can exchange your gems.

You will get special abilities by doing it, so it's quite useful.



XVII. Email Info


If you wish to email me about this guide, whether it be a comment or a typo,

or even a big error in the guide, then email me at my email listed at the top

of this guide. For those who are lazy, my email is Email

me there, and I'll add whatever it is I missed, or fix whatever it is I messed

up on as soon as possible. Please make the subject something to do with the

game (such as "Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass FAQ"), so I'll know that your

email isn't spam.



XVIII. Credits


Credits go to you for reading this guide.

Credits go to me for taking the time to write this guide.

Credits go to Nintendo for making yet another great Zelda game!

Credits go to Homi Wan for pointing out a few mistakes in the Gem Locations

section, which I corrected. Thanks for pointing them out.



XIX. Copyrights


Do not copy this guide without my permission. If you attempt to do that

without my permission, you will be in trouble with the law. For permission,

email me at my email adress listed at the top of this guide, I may say yes, I

may say no, it depends. This guide is a Copyright (c) 2007, and was created by

Jesse Winstead. All rights reserved. The following sites have been allowed to

use this guide:

End Of File.

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