Super Paper Mario FAQ/ Walkthrough

                            Super Paper Mario

One of GameFAQs FAQ of the month (April 2007)

----- Table of Contents -----

1)- Getting started

1.1)- Game mechanics

1.1.1)- Your HUD

1.1.2)- Leveling up

1.1.3)- 2-D versus 3-D

1.1.4)- Obtaining and using the third dimension

1.1.5)- The Battle System

1.2)- Controls

1.3)- Pixls

1.4)- Party Members

1.4.1)- Mario

1.4.2)- Princess Peach

1.4.3)- Bowser

1.4.4)- Luigi

1.5)- Shopping!

1.5.1)- The points system

1.6)- Cards

1.7)- Revisiting Worlds

1.8)- Bricks, Pipes, and Doors

1.9)- Worlds, Chapters, and Levels.

2)- Walkthrough

2.0)- Prelude

2.1)- Chapter 1: Lineland

2.1.1)- 1-1: The Adventure Unfolds

2.1.2)- 1-2: Afoot in the Foothills

2.1.3)- 1-3: The Sands of Yold

2.1.4)- 1-4: Monster of the Ruins

2.1.5)- Interlude

2.2)- Chapter 2: Gloam Valley

2.2.1)- 2-1: Bogging to Merlee's

2.2.2)- 2-2: Tricks, Treats, Traps

2.2.3)- 2-3: Breaking the Bank

2.2.4)- 2-4: the Basement of Face-off

2.2.5)- Interlude

2.3)- Chapter 3: The Bitlands

2.3.1)- 3-1: When Geeks Attack

2.3.2)- 3-2: Bloops Ahoy

2.3.3)- 3-3: Up, Up, and a Tree

2.3.4)- 3-4: The Battle of Fort Francis

2.3.5)- Interlude

2.4)- Chapter 4: Outer Space

2.4.1)- 4-1: Into Outer Space

2.4.2)- 4-2: A Paper Emergency

2.4.3)- 4-3: The Gates of Space

2.4.4)- 4-4: The Mysterious Mr. L

2.4.5)- Interlude

2.5)- Chapter 5: Land of the Cragnons

2.5.1)- 5-1: Downtown of Crag

2.5.2)- 5-2: Pixls, Tablets, and Crag

2.5.3)- 5-3: A Crag in the Dark

2.5.4)- 5-4: The Menace of King Croacus

2.5.5)- Interlude

2.6)- Chapter 6: Sammer's Kingdom

2.6.1)- 6-1: Sammer Guy Showdown

2.6.2)- 6-2: The End of a World

2.6.3)- 6-3: ???

2.6.5)- Interlude

2.7)- Chapter 7: The Underwhere

2.7.1)- 7-1: Subterranean Vacation

2.7.2)- 7-2: The Sealed Doors Three

2.7.3)- 7-3: The Forbidden Apple

2.7.4)- 7-4: A Bone-Chilling Tale

2.7.5)- Interlude

2.8)- Chapter 8: Castle Bleck

2.8.1)- 8-1: The Impending Darkness

2.8.2)- 8-2: The Crash

2.8.3)- 8-3: Countdown to Destruction

2.8.4)- 8-4: Tippi and Count Bleck

2.9)- The After-Credits

2.9.1)- Infinite Coins/Score Points

2.9.2)- Piccolo Quest

2.9.3)- Tiptron (Tippi replacement)

2.9.4)- Pit of 100 Trials (Flipside)

2.9.5)- Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

2.9.6)- Sammer Guy Tournament(Duel of 100)

2.9.7)- A Flipping, Flopping Tour

2.9.8)- Arcade Games!

2.9.9)- Changing Peach's Hairs Style

3)- Items

3.1)- Usable Items

3.1.1)- Recovery Items

3.1.2)- Defense Items

3.1.3)- Attack Items

3.1.4)- Special Items

3.1.5)- Field Items

3.2)- Important Things

4)- Shops

4.1)- Itty Bits shops

5)- Enemies

6)- Catch Cards

7)- Pixls

8)- Recipes

8.1)- Cooking Disk Recipes

8.2)- Ingredients

9)- Maps

10)- ASCII Maps of World 7-3

11)- Version History

12)- Copyright/Contact Information

13)- Credits



---------------------- 1)- Getting started ---------------------------




1.1)- Game mechanics


Super Paper Mario is one of the strangest games I've ever played.

To start, it's a platformer with RPG elements. What that means is at

heart it is a platformer (2D sidescroller. Think original Mario Bros

or Metroid), but with some RPG stuff thrown in (leveling up, using

items, special upgrade items).

======================== 1.1.1)- Your HUD ============================

The HUD is your Heads Up Display. It shows how much health you have

left, your total score, and your total coins. In SPM, your HUD is very


Top left of screen ------------------------------------- Top right

1: HP 00/00 2: Score: 0000000000000 3: Coins: 0000

4: 3-D timer bar


Bottom left -------------------------------------------- Bottom right

1: HP ratio. This shows how much HP you have left/How much you have

total. If the number on the left hits 0, its game over.

2: Overall score. This shows how many points you've earned total. When

this hits a certain number, you will level up.

3: Total coins. Coins = money. Without coins, you cant buy anything.

4: 3-D timer bar. This only appears when you're in 3-D mode. It shows

how much time you have left in 3-D mode. (see section 1.1.3 for more


======================== 1.1.2 Leveling up ===========================

Leveling up is done by obtaining a certain score. The score needed to

level up can be viewed in the pause menu.

When you level up, the game will pause briefly and a white screen will

come up saying "Level up!" and your HP will be fully restored.

Every even numbered level your HP will increase by 5, every odd

numbered level your attack will increase by 1.

Everyone shares the same HP. Everyone except Bowser shares the same

Attack points.

==================== 1.1.3)- 2-D versus 3-D ==========================

One of the main aspects of this game is you can "flip" between 2-D and

3-D. This gives you a whole new perspective of the game board.

When in 2-D, the camera looks directly on the stage and Mario,

creating a 2-D perspective.

When you flip into 3-D however, the Camera shifts to behind Mario,

adding depth (the third dimension) to objects.

I'll try to explain this as best I can.

When looking at an object in a 2-D perspective, you might see this:

_ _ _ _ _

| |


| |


Two blocks stacked on top of each other to form a solid wall.

However, if you look at the same object in 3-D, you might see this:


| |



| |


The two blocks are still on top of each other, but you see that they

are not stacked, they are off set, creating a passage for you to go


..... hopefully that makes sense to you @_@

=========== 1.1.4)- Obtaining and using the third dimension ==========

Ok, so you don't actually earn the third dimension itself, but you

learn the ability to see it.


Very, very early in Chapter 1 you meet a wizard who grants you the

ability. Master this ability quickly, as you will use it profusely

throughout the rest of the game.

Basically, you press the A button and the camera angle shifts.

That's all there is to it. Pressing the A button again will take you

back into 2-D mode.

You cant stay in 3-D mode forever though. When you enter 3-D, a bar

will appear below your health meter. This bar tells you how much time

you have left in 3-D mode.

There are 10 squares on the bar. Each square is worth roughly a

second. If the bar completely drains, it will sap 1 HP, then the bar

will completely refill. If you exit from 3-D mode, the bar will refill

on its own without damaging you.

================== 1.1.5)- The Battle System =========================

The battle system for SPM is just like the battle system for other 2-D

Mario games.

To attack an enemy, you jump on it. Some enemies you cant jump on, so

you have to use an item/Pixl on them instead. Some characters (like

Bowser) have special abilities that allow them alternate battle


But in short, and for the first chapter or two into the game, to

attack an enemy, jump on it.


1.2)- Controls


In Super Paper Mario, you hold the Wii Remote just like in Excite

Truck: sideways with the buttons facing up and the D-pad in your left



Up: Action (enter, open, talk, ect.)/ Walk forward (in 3-D)

Down: Duck/guard/walk backward (in 3-D)/special attacks

Left: Walk left

Right: Walk right

A: Flip dimensions

+: Pause game/open menu

1: Use Pixl

2: Jump

Pointer: point the Wii Remote at the screen to use Tippi's find and

tattle abilities (see section 7)-).

Shaking the Wii Remote: after you jump on something, you pause in mid

air for a moment. If you shake the Wii remote, you will earn stylish

points that will be added to your overall score.


1.3)- Pixls


Pixls are essentially a secondary party member with no HP or defense,

and cannot be attacked by an enemy.

Each Pixl has its own unique ability that is activated by pressing 1.

You can only have 1 Pixl on the field at any one time (excluding

Tippi), but you can change Pixls at any time via pause menu.

As you progress through the game you will find more and more Pixls.

Learn to use each Pixls ability to its fullest, and remember to think

outside the box when using them.

See section 7)- for more specific info on Pixls.


1.4)- Party Members


In the game, you will rescue/find 4 familiar faces. Their abilities

and stats are listed here.

You can only have 1 party member on the field at any one time, but you

can switch between them at any time.

Remember that the attack stat levels up every other level, and that

HP is pooled (meaning everyone has the same amount of HP).

Also remember that everyone attacks the same way: by jumping on an

enemies head. Some Pixls can also be used to attack, as well as

Bowser's fire breath.

========================= 1.4.1)- Mario ==============================

Base attack: 1

Defense: 0

Special: can flip between 2-D and 3-D

The hero and main character of the game (duh). You will be using him

more then anyone else do to his flip ability.

======================== 1.4.2)- Princess Peach ======================

Base attack: 1

Defense: 0

Special: after jumping, hold the 2 button to use her umbrella to float

farther. When on the ground, press down on the D-pad to use her

umbrella as a shield, raising her defense to unheard of levels.

You find Peach just after Chapter 1. Use her umbrella to get across

long gaps safely and to defend against tough opponents.

========================== 1.4.3)- Bowser ============================

Base attack: 2 times Mario's attack

Defense: 0

Special: Press down on the D-pad to breath fire.

You find Bowser in Chapter 3.

Bowser doesn't have much in the way of special abilities.

Because of his size and weight he cant jump as high or run as fast as

the other characters.

You're mainly going to use Bowser as an offensive unit. Use him to

clear out rooms full of tough enemies.

You can use his fire breath to light candles.

========================== 1.4.4)- Luigi =============================

Base attack: 1 (times 2 when using super jump)

Defense: 0

Special: hold down on the D-pad then release to perform a super jump.

Luigi joins you in Chapter 6. Luigi is just like Mario minus the flip

ability. You'll use him a lot later in the game for his jumping

ability (especially in the Overthere).


1.5)- Shopping!


Shopping is extremely easy. When you enter a shop, talk to the clerk.

He will give you these options:




Pick up

Check points

Buy: buy any item/s they have in stock. All prices are non-negotiable.

Sell: sell items in your inventory. You have to sell the items at just

below what they are worth (items vary).

Store: you are allowed to store up to 32 items. You can reclaim these

items at any shop.

Pick up: withdraw stored items.

Check points: the clerk will tell you how many points you have


For a complete list of shops and their inventory, see section 4)-

================== 1.5.1)- The points system =========================

For every item you buy in a store, you earn 1 point. After you earn a

certain amount of points, you get a free item.

10 points: Cake Mix

20 points: Honey Jar

30 points: Big Egg

50 points: Fresh Pasta Bunch

70 points: Power Steak

100 points: Mega Koopa (card)

150 points: Slimy Shroom

200 points: Golden Leaf

250 points: Ultra Shroom Shake

300 points: Whacka (card)

After you hit 300 points, your next purchase starts out at 1 point and

follows the list again.


1.6)- Cards


The cards system is new to the Paper Mario universe. For a complete

list of cards, see section 6)- catch cards

Cards can be obtained through finding them on the field (this is the

only way rare cards can be found), or by using a catch card or catch

card SP on an enemy. If it succeeds, that enemy will become its own


Cards are always equipped, and never wear out. But what do they do?

Simple: for every card you have of an enemy, your attack does double

damage to said enemy.


1.7)- Revisiting Worlds


In Super Paper Mario, you can revisit worlds you've already been to.

Even after you beat the game, you can continue and revisit old worlds.

To revisit a world, simply go through its door on Flipside Tower. If

you have already obtained the pure heart from that world, you will be

able to choose which level you want to visit (1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4,



1.8)- Bricks, Pipes, and Doors


Bricks, pipes, and doors are the main field items in SPM.

Doors are simple enough, walk up to them (you do know what a door

looks like right?) and press up on the D-pad to go through them (the

direction on the D-pad my change when in 3-D mode).

Pipes are a staple of the Mario series. They are exactly what

they sound like: a bit green, red, or blue pipe. To use them, jump on

top of them and press down on the D-pad. Not all pipes are useable. Be

careful though, as Piranha plants like to hide in them.

Bricks (or blocks) come in 5 types: Sand, item, brown, dimensional and

multicolored !.

Sand blocks are brown and look like they are made of bricks. They

can be destroyed by Boomer, or by hitting them from underneath (jump

into them). Sand blocks can sometimes hold hidden items.

Item blocks are yellow and are marked by a question mark in the

center. Item blocks are permanent, in that they cannot be destroyed.

All item blocks hold an item of some kind. The item can be retrieved

by jumping into the block from underneath, or by setting Boomer on top

of the block.

Brown blocks cannot be destroyed and do not hold items. They can

be identified by an X that crosses from corner to corner.

Dimensional blocks appear as a yellow block with two arrows

painted on it. They will only appear in one dimension at a time. In

order to see and use a dimensional block, you must be in the same

dimension as it. If the block is in the wrong dimension and cannot be

used, you can flip into its dimension and jump into it to make it

change dimensions.

! blocks are special. They come in all sizes and colors, and

perform a special task when hit. That task can by anything from

opening a door to moving a pipe or making a chest appear. Some !

blocks can only be hit once, and others are permanent.


1.9)- Worlds, Chapters, and Levels.


Throughout this guide, you'll read me say "World" or sometimes

"Chapter" or even "Level."

These all mean the same thing.

World 1-1 is the same as Chapter 1-1 or Level 1-1.

In the game, they are referred to as "Chapters," however most people

refer to them as "Worlds" as a reference to the old 2-D Mario games.

"Level" is just a basic reference to most video games.



2)- Walkthrough



Select a profile and enter any name you want (you're not referred to

by that name) to get this game started.

Note that the text in this game is actually rather funny, so pay

attention when reading or you might miss a good joke.



2.0)- Prelude



-= Flipside Tower =-

After a very lengthy cut scene (answer yes to Merlon's question or

your game will end), you are now in control of Mario in the town of

Flipside. Follow Tippi left and down the elevator.

-= Flipside 2nd floor =-

At the bottom of the elevator, go left and save your game, then follow

Tippi right. Use the elevator.

-= Flipside 3rd floor =-

Follow her left. Walk up to and "use" (up on the D-pad) the pillar.

Go back to the right and use the elevator again. Now use the elevator

to the right of the save block you used earlier.



2.1)- Chapter 1: Lineland




2.1.1)- 1-1: The Adventure Unfolds


Enemies: Goomba, Squiglet, Koopa Troopa, Squig, Sproing-Oing, Piranha


Walk left and break/stomp anything in your way. There is a mushroom in

one of the item bricks. When you reach a wall, use the brick to jump

over it. Jump the gap and go down the pipe (stand on top of it and

press down on the d-pad) to find a Shroom Shake. Exit through the

other pipe. Continue left, up the stairs and hit the save block. Enter

the house.

Use Tippi's find ability to reveal a door. Enter to activate a cut

scene. Answer no to his first 2 questions, then yes to his last one.

Use the flip ability to find a Shroom Shake and a Shell Shock. Go back

outside and save again.

Flip outside the house to find 3 item bricks. 2 contain a coin, and

the middle one contains Pal Pills. Walk down the stairs and flip again

to find a row of coins. Finally, walk up to the wall across the gap

and flip to bypass it then enter the door.

Walk to the right and use the first Koopa Troopa to take out all the

enemies there after. Continue until you reach an impassable pipe. Flip

into 3-D and grab the Goomba card behind the pipe.

There is another goomba that is only visible in 3-D mode, as well as

an item brick (Mushroom) over the middle pipe. After you clear the

pipes, flip back into 2-D and hit the item brick for another mushroom.

Jump on top of the bricks to get across the gap. The item brick at the

end of the row contains a coin, and the brick under it contains 5

coins. The next row of item bricks contain a coin, and the one on top

contains a happy flower.

Walk right. An impassable gap? Nonsense! Flip into 3-D to reveal a

path in the background. Once over, squish the goomba return to 2-D.

Jump over the gap and continue right. Enter the door.

Walk right until you hit a mound with a spring next to it. Flip into

3-D and walk behind the mound. The item brick contains pal pills.

Flip back into 2-D. The item brick contains a slow flower, make the

most of it. At the mound, flip into 3-D. There is a large number of

Squiglet's in your way. Time to make the most of that slow flower.

Squish them all for a large amount of points, but watch your 3-D time

bar. After they're all 6 feet under, continue right.

Up the stairs (in 3-D mode there is a Sproing-Oing under the stairs),

over the gap, and through the door.

Watch out for the Piranha Plant's in the pipes ahead. Flip into 3-D to

avoid them all together, or walk up next to their pipe until they

disappear, then jump over it.

The item brick contains a Mega Star (w00t!). Grab it and trash the

rest of the level. Jump up and hit the star box to end the level.


2.1.2)- 1-2: Afoot in the Foothills


Enemies: Koopa Troopa, Paratroopa, Spiny Tromp, Thwomp.

Walk right. The item bricks contain some coins and a mushroom. Jump up

the mountain (don't flip into 3-D or you'll fall off!). Once at the

top, stand in the rd square. Enjoy what happens next.

After landing, flip into 3-D to hit the blue ! block. Climb the new

mountain and hitch another ride. Enter the door.

Up the stairs and over the gap. Flip into 3-D to see 4 item bricks

(all contain coins) that you can use as a step. Hop up to the top.

HOLD IT! Don't hit those item bricks. Flip into 3-D and hit the bricks

behind them first.

To cross the gap, flip into 3-D and jump on top of the item bricks,

then on to the brown bricks. Walk right, then jump on the second set

of brown bricks. Follow them to solid ground. Flip into 3-D to avoid

the Spiny Tromps and make your way up the hill and through the door.

Walk right and enter the pipe. You are now in the background. Walk

left and enter the house. Up the stairs and flip into 3-D. Talk to the

guard. After a few sentences, flip back into 2-D. Answer his question

with "red!." Exit and go back through the pipe and across the bridge.

Save and enter the town. The brick contains a mushroom. Just past the

mushroom brick is some brown bricks with a lady standing next to them.

Flip into 3-D and enter the pipe. Flip into 3-D to make more coins

appear. Exit. Jump up onto the roof to the left. Jump to the right

until you find a Boomboxer card. Return to the where the pipe is.

Enter the door just to the right of the pipe. Flip into 3-D and enter

the pipe that appears. Flip into 3-D again to bypass the Thwomps.

Enter the door. Use Tippi to reveal a door. Enter and open the chest.

You now have your first Pixl Thoreau. Look him up in section 7)- for

more in-depth info. Jump over the chest and use Thoreau to grab the

block. Jump back over and throw the block at the blue ! switch on the

ceiling (jump into the air then throw it, it'll take a few tries). Now

exit and make your way back to town.

Once back on the surface, enter the house to the right. Talk to the

old man inside (Watchitt). (I find it funny to flip into 3-D to find

that you aren't actually standing on his rug.)

Walk right and enter the pipe. Enter the house then up the stairs.

Answer his question any way you want, then go across the bridge and

hit the star block.


2.1.3)- 1-3: The Sands of Yold


Enemies: Squiglet, Squig, Cleft, Boomboxer, Jawbus, Cherbil, 3-D

goomba, Spiked Goomba, Ice Cherbil.

Bosses: O'Chunks.

Walk right. The item bricks contain items in the following order:

coin, coin, coin, speed flower, Zombie Shroom, Mushroom.

Ok, heres a trick: when you come upon a big red tree, jump back and

forth under it (in 2-D mode) 10 times to make a door appear. Me

telling you this allows you to skip ahead in the level faster, as you

would end up back here eventually anyway. If you want to complete the

level as usual, read below.

Picking up where we left off: jump over the sand river and use Thoreau

to kill the Cleft by throwing them at each other (or just jump over

them). There is a Squig card behind the rock ahead (3-D mode to get

it). Use the bricks to get over the sand river.

To kill the Jawbus, flip into 3-D and go around behind it. Flip back

to 2-D and jump on its tail. Enter the door.

Go right and jump over the sand river. Jump over the large rock, then

flip to get behind the wall. Jump over the sand rivers (there is a

Courage Shell behind one of the rocks). You're now at a dead end...

no, no tricks, it really is a dead end. Go back to the other side of

the wall and flip in front of the big rock.

Its got an arrow on top of it! Follow the arrow. Flip back into 2-D

once you're across the gap. Go left and read the statue. Good. Now go

back to the door you entered from. Go left until you find a red tree.

Jump under it 10 times to reveal a door. Enter.

Go right. You could just flip into 3-D and walk across the sand, or

you can jump up on the brown blocks, use the spring, and hitch a ride

across. Once across, one of the item bricks contains a zombie shroom.

Continue right.

Flip into 3-D to reveal a path across the sand. Flip again to get

around the brown bricks. Use the spring and land on the bricks above

the blue ! block. Jump to the right and land on the brown block, then

use Thoreau to activate the block. Hitch a ride over the sand.

The item brick contains a mushroom. Walk right. Save.

Go into 3-D and jump on top of the save block, then jump onto the

brown bricks. Flip back into 2-D and jump from brick to brick until

you find a pipe. Enter the pipe. Flip into 3-D to double the amount of

bricks. All the bricks contain coins, except the final one on the

second row. It contains a Super Shroom. Exit and save the game again.

Enter the door.

Boss fight!


HP: 20

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

His attacks consist of trying to jump on you. Use Thoreau when he

lands to pick him up and throw him. This will give you a chance to

jump on him. Sometimes he'll try to pick you up and throw you, but its

not that big a deal, just keep your distance.

Enter the next door.

Walk left and ride the platforms until you reach a door. Enter.

Read the statue, the flip into 3-D and read the other side of the

statue. Past the statue there are some coin bricks. Exit through the

door you came in through.

Now go right (there is a zombie shroom behind one of the rocks), and

use the spring to reach some more moving platforms and eventually a

door. Enter.

Walk right until you find a blue platform. Stand on it and

press 1 and - at the same time. Walk up the stairs and hit the star



2.1.4)- 1-4: Monster of the Ruins


Enemies: Squiglet, Buzzy Beetle, Spiky Tromp.

Boss: Fracktail, Frackle.

Down the stairs and through the door.

Go right. Jump over the sand rivers and use 3-D mode to bypass the

fire wheel. Jump up on the item block and jump right. Down the ladder

to find a life shroom. Go back to the item brick. Enter the door to

the right.

Again, use 3-D mode to bypass the flame wheels. Go all the way to the

end of the hall until you find some bricks that are only viewable in

3-D mode. In 3-D mode, jump up and hit them. Now switch back to 2-D.

Cool huh? Enter the door.

Use 3-D mode to bypass the tromps, then climb the ladder and open the

chest. Go back through the door. Use the key to open the locked door

you passed earlier.

Hit the save block. The item blocks aren't worth the hassle, so just

continue right. Use 3-D mode to bypass the Tromps again, and, while

still in 3-D mode, jump on the item brick and use it to reach the


Fall down to the right. Grab and throw an enemy into the switch (if

you're close to leveling up, there are infinite enemies in this room).

Climb back up the ladder and through the door.

Go back to where the sand pit was (with the coin bricks) to find a

key. Jump up and use Thoreau to grab it. Go back to the right and

unlock the door.

Down the stairs and use Tippi to reveal a ledge under the door. Enter

by jumping off one of the stairs.

Walk right into what appears to be a dead end. Flip into 3-D to find a

path off to the right. Follow it and open the chest for a Buzzy Beetle

card. Follow the path back.

This time go left and flip into 3-D underneath the key. This will

reveal a passage in the wall where the key is actually at (quite the

optical illusion eh?). Go back and unlock the door.

Use the spring and continue to the left. Dead end? I think not. 3-D

mode! Climb the ladder. Jump on the blue ! block and be ready to run

to the left. Ready? RUN! Go back and press the red button.

Fall down the hole. Neat huh? Enter the door.

Go into 3-D mode to reveal what order to hit the blocks in (1, 2, 3,

4). Up the stairs. Save and grab the super shroom from the item block.

Enter the pipe.

Pay close attention to this conversation. It is really funny. Note

that when the dragon thinks, the Wii shop channel icon appears in his

eye, and the reference to Zelda II with "I AM ERROR."

Boss fight!


HP: 18

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Ok, very easy yet complex fight. The antenna is its weak point, but

you cant hit it. When he comes strait on from the back ground, dodge

it by running left or right. When he comes from the right, flip into

3-D, dodge his head, then jump on his tail. You are now on his back.

Use Thoreau to grab the enemies that spawn and throw them at his

antenna. He will eventually throw you off.

Rinse and repeat.

Enter the door and go down the stairs.


2.1.5)- Interlude


-= Bleck castle =-

You are now in control of Peach. Follow the Koopa. After the first

door, keep going left and through any door you find.

-= Flipside Tower =-

Well, that was interesting, no? Use the elevator on your left.

-= Flipside 2nd floor =-

Follow Merlon.

Follow Merlon some more.

-= Flipside 3rd floor =-

Walk left.

Cut scene.

Back down the elevator.

-= Flipside 2nd floor =-

Walk left and enter the shop (shops have a mushroom sign out front).

To the owner and buy a Fire Burst (while you're here, buy, store,

and/or sell what ever else you feel like). Exit and take the down

elevator to the right.

-= Flipside 1st floor =-

Walk right and enter the bakery (the bakery has a picture of a tea pot

on the outside). Talk to the lady and give her the fire burst.

Now go back up to Peach. (Left, Up, Right, Up).

-= Flipside 3rd floor =-

Walk left.

Give the soup to Peach.

Cut scene.

-= Flipside 2nd floor =-

Peach is now in your party.

Walk outside Merlons house and flip into 3-D. Wse the key to unlock

the gate to the right. Go back into 3-D mode to find a hidden path to

the right. Follow the path then flip back into 2-D. Walk right and

enter the pipe.

Walk left until you come to a sign. Flip into 3-D and follow the

hidden path. Walk left and use 3-D mode to get up on the rocks. Switch

to Peach and use her umbrella to float from stone to stone. Place the

heart in the pillar.

Use the Return pipe to return to Flipside tower. Take the elevator

down, save and stay at the inn (to the right, the inn has a picture of

a bed on it) to replenish your health if you need to.

Enter the new door that opened on the Tower.



2.2)- Chapter 2: Gloam Valley




2.2.1)- 2-1: Bogging to Merlee's


Since Peach is a new member, you're going to be using her a lot. Keep

her out as your main character, and switch to Mario when I say to flip

into 3-D mode (since peach cant do that).

Enemies: Koopa Troopa, 3-D Koopa Troopa, Squig, Growmeba, Spiked

Goomba, Shlurp, Swooper, Paragoomba.

Walk right. Use Peach's umbrella to jump over the water. 2 of the

bricks ahead contain coins. Jump on top of the second brick that had a

coin and use Peach's umbrella to cross the water.

Flip into 3-D. Hit the dimensional blocks so they appear in the 2-D

plain. Use them to jump up to the green platform. Use Peach to jump

from platform to platform until you reach a pipe. Enter the pipe.

Kill the enemies inside to make a chest appear. Exit, fall down, and

open the door.

The item brick contains pal pills. Walk right and skip the first door

you find. Continue until you find a pipe. Jump on top of it, then jump

to the brown blocks to the right. Hitch a ride up, then use Peach's

umbrella to float to a pipe on the far left.

Use Peach's umbrella to cross the gaps and make your way to a blue !

switch. Hit it, then make your way back to the door that appeared.

The item brick contains a mega star. Grab it and smash your way to the

next door.

The item brick contains a slow flower. I would say make the most of

it, but theres nothing to use it on. Anyway, use that brick to jump

onto the brown blocks, the flip into 3-D to reveal another dimensional

block. Hit it, the flip back. Use it to jump to the green platform

above. Follow it right, then fall off at the end.

The item block contains a happy flower. Continue right and enter the

pipe. Use Tippi's ability to find a blue ! block. She wont make it

visible, so you'll have to try to hit it without seeing it. Enter the

pipe that appears.

There is a Growmeba in this room. Use Thoreau to grab one of its

clones, then throw it at the real one. Open the chest that appears.

It doesn't matter how you answer his questions.

All right, jump over the chest and set Boomer in front of the crack in

the wall. Flip into 3-D and walk through the hole he creates. Open the

chest for a Watchitt card. Exit the pipes.

Go to the right and hop on the brown bricks. set Boomer in front of

the sand bricks and watch. Now jump up to the door. DON'T ENTER. Keep

jumping and enter the 4 (and final) door in the row.

Walk left and flip into 3-D to reveal more sand bricks on the floor.

Set Boomer on them and fall through the hole. Hit the ! block, fall

through the next hole, and enter the door.

Jump down 2 doors. Enter and do the same as above, minus the blue !


Now jump to the door on the far left. Enter the door that isn't shiny.

Walk right, flip into 3-D and fall into the hole. Grab the two cards,

then jump out and hit the star block.


2.2.2)- 2-2: Tricks, Treats, Traps


This level is pretty fun, what with the traps and all.

Enemies: Gnip, Gnaw.

As soon as the level starts, flip and go behind the bushes to the

left. Get the coins, exit, flip back to 2-D. Walk right until you find

a brown block. Stand on top of it and jump to find a sand block with a

ladder. To get on it, carefully walk to the extreme edge of the brown

block, then jump up. You should slide around the side of the sand

block and then be able to press left or right to land on it.

Climb the ladder and get off on the sand blocks. Use Peach's umbrella

to float to the top of the building. Open the chest for a stop watch.

Flip into 3-D and walk off the front-center of the building. You

should land on a ledge with a chest containing a Cursya card. Jump off

and enter the building.

Once inside, flip into 3-D to avoid the Gnip. Go into 3-D mode at the

top of the stairs and enter the door behind the curtain.

Ok, this is the only door that you are required to go into, but I

recommend you go into all of the. They are a good learning experience.

But, if you don't feel like it, read on:

Save, then walk right. Jump up the stairs and enter the last door.

Walk all the way right and throw the switch. Wait until the spikes are

about to crush you, then flip into 3-D. Dodge the spikes then jump on

top of them. Let them carry you to the top.

Walk left, then use the small platform to jump to the larger one over

head. Use Boomer, then 3-D, the Boomer, then 3-D. Jump up to the next

platform and open the chest. Use a 3-D view to fall back down to the

floor, the exit and save your game again.

Use 3-D mode and some fancy maneuvering to unlock the door behind the

Gnaw. Enter and hit the star block.


2.2.3)- 2-3: Breaking the Bank


This is the shortest level in the game... that is, if you have the

proper codes...

Enemies: none.

Walk right and hit the item block.

Well, wasn't that fun?

Ok, jump up on the item block, then jump to the platform on the right.

Use Peach's umbrella to get to the platform on the left. Flip into 3-D

and walk through the wall. Open the chest. This Pixl is going to save

your life many times over. Get acquainted with it now.

Go back through the wall and jump the gap with Peach. Flip into 3-D

and use Boomer to blow out the sand blocks. Open the chest for a Boo

card. Walk back through the opening and jump up the plaforms. Walk all

the way left and flip to walk through the wall again. Hit the sand

block and climb the ladder.

Use Slim to pass through the electric things. Remember, you have to

remain still and let the things pass over you, then walk to the next

one and do the same.

When you come to a door, use the keypad beside the door and enter the

code 41262816. Now walk all the way back down to where you broke the

vase... thing.

Go to the right and enter the door. Save you game and talk to the

lady. Select "pay off some rupees"

Ooookkkkkk..... jump over the desk and flip into 3-D, then use Slim to

get through the bars and hit the star block.

... told you it was short level.


2.2.4)- 2-4: the Basement of Face-off


Enemies: Boo, Mister I, Swoop, Cursya, Atomic Boo, Shlurp.

Boss: Mimi

Flip into 3-D and go behind the stairs to find a mushroom. Walk right,

save, and enter the far right door.

Enter these doors to clear the maze:

Top right corner.

Top right corner.

Walk left and flip to reveal dimensional blocks. Use them to reach the

upper platform. Refuse all of her offers.

Enter the door behind her.

Walk to the right and use Slim to fall through a crack in the floor.

Enter the door.

Walk right, flip into 3-D, jump on the item bricks, then jump to the


Use the blocks in the middle of the room to reach the to right door.

Flip into 3-D and hit the dimensional blocks to reach the door in the

top left.

Use Tippi to find a hidden stair case. Enter the door.

Grab the super shroom and save your game. Enter the woman's rest room.

Open the doors until you find Merlee.

Ask them whatever questions you want, then pick the Merlee with the

fly buzzing around her.

Boss Fight!


HP: doesn't matter.

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Its weak point is its head.


1) walks on the ground and shoots rupees at you

2) jumps on the ceiling and fires rupees down at you

3) causes a wave of rupees to streak across the field

Defenses for these attacks:

1) dodge, its easy

2) again, just dodge it

3) use Peach's umbrella (down on the D-pad)

when attacking her, use Thoreau to grab a rupee she fired. Throw it at

her to disable her, then jump on her head. If shes on the ground, grab

a rupee and get right under her, then jump up to ensure the rupee hits

its mark.

Every time you jump on her head, she looses a leg and gets slightly

faster (is that even possible?). Once she runs out of legs (in 6

attacks), you win.

Oh, and if you flip into 3-D, you'll see that Mimi is actually a



2.2.5)- Interlude


-= Bleck Castle =-

You now control Luigi. This is just like when you controlled Peach a

while back. Go left and through the door. Continue going left and

through all doors in your way.

-= Flipside Tower =-

A man in green? I wonder how that could be *rolls eyes* take the

elevator down and save your game.

-= Flipside 2nd floor =-

Flip into 3-D. Go through the gate you unlocked last time. Go back

into 3-D mode to find a hidden path to the right. Follow the path then

flip back into 2-D. Walk right and enter the pipe.

-= Flipside Outskirts 1st floor =-

Walk until you find a pipe that is capped off with blocks. Use Boomer

and enter the pipe.

-= Flipside Outskirts B1 =-

Walk right until you hit a wall. Flip into 3-D,

then use Slim to get through the wall. Use the pillar.

Stock up on whatever supplies you need, and use the inn if you have


Save and go through the new door on Flipside Tower.



2.3)- Chapter 3: The Bitlands



This is probably the funniest world in the game.


2.3.1)- 3-1: When Geeks Attack


Enemies: Koopa Troopa, Piranha Plant, Spiked Goomba, Hammer Bro,

ParaGoomba, ParaKoopa, Magikoopa, Bullet Bill, Bill Blaster, Mega

Koopa, Koopa Striker, Back Cursya, Blomeba.

Boss: Bowser

Well this worlds off to an interesting start yes?

Walk up and use the bush. He will give you some hints, but you're

reading a guide, so there's really no need to list them here.

Oh, and Barry wont join your party until after chapter 3.

Past the sand bricks and over the gap, you can either climb the

mountain or flip to bypass it. over the next gap and flip to get

around the pipe. You'll also see a dimensional block; go ahead and hit

it, but you're not going to use it just yet.

Save your game.

Trick: if you want to finish this level quickly (you're going to miss

out on a lot of experience points and items), you can fall into the

gap in between the red pipes. If you do, skip ahead until you see the

words "END TRICK."

Ok, jump over the gap and continue forward until you find a blue

pillar. Flip into 3-D to see its actually stick figure (all of the

pillars are, and they are rather funny). Position yourself to its

right and jump up on its leg, then to its head. Flip back into 2-D and

jump to the right until you find a chest. Open to find a Piranha Plant


Fall down and enter the pipe. Walk left and enter the first pipe.

Destroy the Blomeba and open the chest for a thunder rage. Enter the

pipe that appears. Keep going left to collect an ice storm. Now go

back to the right and enter the original pipe.

Save your game again and jump up on the dimensional block. Use it to

reach the pipe. Hit the sand block to make a ladder appear. Climb the

ladder and enter the door.

Walk to the left and hitch a ride across the gap. Use Boomer to kill

the piranha plant, then use Peach to float from that pipe to the one

on the left. Enter the pipe. Walk to the right until you find your

prize: a Catch card SP, DON'T USE OR THROW THIS CARD AWAY! Now walk

back, enter the pipe, then walk back to the door.

Ready? Hit the item block and grab the star. Demolish the rest of the

level until you reach the next door. Enter and watch.

XD Coolest. Thing. Ever. Try to use the Catch card SP on him. This is

your only chance to get the Mega Koopa card (unless by some off chance

the card dealer is selling one or you plan on getting a lot of points

in the shop). Now Run to the left and grab a star of your own, then

rampage to the right until you find a blue ! block. Hit the block and

read the sign if you want. Walk all the way back left and enter the

door you came through. Again, walk all the way left and enter the


Drop down and save your game, then fall in the gap in between the rid


END TRICK. Walk right (one of the blocks contains pal pills). Continue

to the right until you reach a pipe. Kill the plant (with Boomer) and

enter the pipe. Collect your coins and flip into 3-D to find a caught

card SP. Exit through the next pipe. Go right and jump the gap.

Jump up the stairs. Flip into 3-D to find a pipe. Enter then flip into

3-D to find dimensional blocks. Hit them to reach the item blocks.

Exit through the same pipe.

The elevators on the right go down, but you don't want to. Just use

them to jump across to the next platform. The final block contains a

mushroom. Jump across the up elevators, but don't enter the pipe. Flip

into 3-D to find some coins, then go back to the up elevators. Ride

them all the way to the top and jump off to the right.

Enter the first pipe. Collect your coins then flip into s-D to find a

Magikoopa card. Flip back and exit through the same pipe. Enter the

second pipe.

Save your game, then walk right. Continue until you reach a castle and

a cut scene. Jump over the castle; the next castle, jump up in between

bullet bills. Then use Boomer to take out the bullet bill blaster. The

third castle, set Boomer right next to the wall.

Boss fight!


HP: 20

Attack: 3

Defense: 0


1) fire breath

2) jumping on you

3) spiky head so you cant jump on him

Defense against attacks:

1)When he is about to breath fire, he jumps away from you. This is

your cue to run.

2) Dodge. This is your chance to attack

3) Don't jump on him. duh.

Strategy: dodge his fire breath. When he tries to jump on you, set

Boomer on the ground and detonate him when Bowser lands.

Bowser is now on your team (yay!). Continue right and hit the star



2.3.2)- 3-2: Bloops Ahoy


Enemies: Cheep Cheep, Blooper, Bittacuda.

Boss: Big Blooper

Underwater. Didn't see that one coming.

There are a lot of coins in both 2-D and 3-D. I cant document them

all, so you're on your own.

When underwater, Bowser is the only character that can damage enemies.

Use his flame breath (this game has excellent physics >_>)

Swim right and switch to Mario. Flip into 3-D to find a passage around

the whirlpool. Continue right until you find a pipe surrounded by

brown blocks. Flip into 3-D, save your game, then enter the pipe.

In this section, tentacles with come out and try to hit you. You cant

damage them, but Bowser's fire breath will grant you safe passage.

Also, watch out for little vortexes. They will try to suck you in and

will transport you back to the start of the level.

When you reach the second tentacle, swim up to find an air pocket.

Jump out of the water, flip to find a cold bar, then enter the pipe.

Go right and enter the door (underwater). Use Bowser to kill everyone

in the room, then open the chest.

With Thudley now in your party, swim left over top of the pole beside

the door. Press 1 to pound the post and open the door. Enter.

Swim/walk left back out the next door. Jump down in the water and

continue back to the left. Enter the pipe overhead.

Flip and save your game. Go left to find 6 poles. They are all in the

up position. Pound them with Thudley until they are in this pattern:

up, down, down, - up, down, up. (if you accidentally pound the wrong

one, pound it again to raise it back up)

Enter the door that appears. Swim right until a giant blooper appears.

Boss Fight!

Big Blooper

HP: 18

Attack: 2

Defense: 0


He doesn't have much in the way of attacks. He will send a tentacle up

and try to poke you, but its slow and easy to dodge.

The only way to damage him is to pound his red tentacle. To do this,

stay in the center of the arena. When a blue tentacle comes up, dodge

it. When the red tentacle comes up, swim over top of it and press 1.

After you're done with him, swim right, enter the pipe, and hit the

star block.


2.3.3)- 3-3: Up, Up, and a Tree


This level is a PAIN. You'll see.

Enemies: ParaTroopa, Paragoomba, Crazee Dayzee, Lakitu, Spiny, Poison

Cherbil, Blomeba, Tileoid G and B, Fuzzy.

Boss: Dimentio

Walk right to find a giant tree. Hop onto the following platforms:

Green - center

Brown - right

Yellow moving - center

Green - left

Brown - center

Brown - center (above the last one)

Green - left

Green - center

Brown - right

Brown - left

Flip and hit the dimensional blocks

Dimensional bocks - left

Green - left (above)

Switch to Peach and use her umbrella to reach the brown blocks on the


Green - right (above)

Green - right (above)

Green - Use Peach's umbrella (again) to the left.

Green - left (above)

Green - center

Brown - right

Pound the pole.

Yellow moving - center

Green - left

Brown - left

Flip into 3-D to find a bridge across the gap.

You are now on brown - right

Green - center

Green - left (above)

Brown - left (above)

Green - center

From here, you can use Peach to jump to a pipe. The pipe only contains

coins and is not worth the hassle.

Green - center (above)

Green - left

Brown - far left

Brow - center

Finally! The door! Use Bowser's flame breath to free it.

This next part is the PAIN I was talking about.

Ok, jump onto the moving platform to the right. Jump off to the left.

Enter the pipe. Save, then hit the Blue ! block. Go back through the


Jump up the pink stairs

Hit the ! block

Jump up the blue stairs

Jump onto the moving platform

Jump onto the next moving platform on the right.

Stay on it and pound the pole to the right.

Climb down the ladder and hit the ! block.

Climb back up the ladder.

Jump back on the moving platform and jump off at the top to the right.

Jump onto the pink platform

Jump onto the brown platform

Jump onto the moving platform

Jump onto the brown platform

Flip and enter the pipe

Use Slim to avoid the spikes. Remember to stand still just before the

spikes come up.

Hit the ! block

Exit through the same pipe

Jump to the blue platform

Jump to the brown platform.

Ok, this one is complicated. Use Boomer to hit the switch, then set

Boomer beside the switch and run up the platforms before they


Jump onto the blue platform

Jump onto the moving platform

Jump onto the next moving platform

Jump into the pipe for a Peach (2) card

Exit and jump back onto the moving platform

Jump off to the left and enter the pipe

Jump on the moving platform and use Slim to get past the spikes.

Fall down and set Boomer beside the switch.

Jump out of the hole before Boomer explodes.

Exit the pipe.

Use Peach to cross the gap.

Jump onto the pink platform

Flip into 3-D and jump onto the brown blocks.

Hit the blue ! block

Use Thudley to get the super shroom

Fall all the way back down to the first pipe you entered.

Save your game and enter the door.

Wasn't that FUN?

Boss Fight!


HP: 30

Attack: 2

Defense: 0


1) will create a crystal above his head and throw it at you

2) will clone himself, forcing you to find the real one

3) will draw squares on the field. Don't get caught in one, or they

will explode.

Defense against attacks:

1) dodge it.

2) luck of the draw. Jump on which ever one you want.

3) Jump on top of one of the squares. [[[[

Strategy: watch out for the square attack, its deadly!

Besides that, wait for him to fly down close to you and jump on him.

Submitted strategy (joshbud9000):

1. Make sure you have a stop watch

2. start the fight as Bowser and immediately use the stop watch

3. breath fire right after its used, in 3-4 hits he will die without

even getting out of the stop

With that out of the way, we just have one more set of platforms to

jump up. Take any path you want, so long as you go up. You'll

eventually reach a large brown platform. Wait until you see a red band

of wind coming, and jump on it. Ride it until you reach a pipe. Jump

off and enter the pipe.

Flip into 3-D for some coins, the hit the star block.


2.3.4)- 3-4: The Battle of Fort Francis


Enemies: Chain Comp, Meowbomb, PatrolMeow, AirMeow, SurpriseMeow,

SecuriMeow, BigMeow.

Boss: Francis

Walk right and flip into 3-D. Enter the pipe. Use Thoreau to hit the

block. Grab the key, then go back and open the front door. (I've heard

of people storing keys under they doormat, but this takes it to a

whole new level.)

Save your game, flip, and enter the pipe behind the next door. Hit the

dimensional block, then flip into 3-D. Use it to bypass the spikes.

Pound the blue ! switch. Answer his question however you want.

Use Carrie to get over the spikes, and exit through the same pipe you

came in through (remember, the pipe is in 3-D). Save again and enter

the door on the right. Go all the way right and enter the next door.

Go right, flip, climb the stairs, enter the door at the top.

Go left and pound the ground under the first door. Enter.

Use Carrie to cross the spikes and enter the door.

Talk to the cat bot. Answers are as follows:





Hit the item block for a super shroom. To get to the chest, jump ontop

of the cat bot and use it for a spring to reach a hidden platform (you

can also read various notes left by Francis... talk about Nerd.) Exit

the room and go back across the spikes.

Pound underneath the other hanging door and enter. Flip and jump onto

the block near the door. Flip and switch to Peach. Float across to the

other block and flip again. Climb up the stairs and enter the door.

Use Thoreau to grab a flying cat bot and hit the ! switch. Cross the

bridge and enter the door.

Talk to the cat bot and answer:





Grab the key just like before, and return to the save block at the

start of the castle. Save, then go though the door on the right.

Walk right and switch to Peach. Use Peach to put the keys in the door.












(... Nerd.)

Enter the door as Peach, or the security system will try to fry you.

Answer his question however you wish (... Super nerd). In the end, his

computer gets smashed.

Boss Fight!


HP: 40

Attack: 2

Defense: 0


1) takes out his camera and flashes you. Doesn't do any damage, but

it does disorient you.

2) Take out his computer and summons cat bombs to blow you up.

3) Grabs you with his tongue and bits you.

Defenses against attacks:

1) you don't really need to block this one

2) either destroy them before they blow up, dodge them, or hit

Francis before he summons them.

3) Jump over it and/or run away.

Strategy: there are 2 ways to beat Francis:

1) use Mario to track him while he's cloaked (3-D mode), then jump

on him just as he comes out of hiding.

2) Use Thudley and pound the ground to track Francis. When he

appears, jump on him with Thudley.


2.3.5)- Interlude


-= Flipside Tower =-

Before heading off to the heart pillar, re-enter world 3-1 and talk to

Barry again to have him join your party. Use the return pipe then take

the elevator down.

Save and flip into 3-D. Enter the unlocked gate (again) and take the

secret path (again).

This time, go left and use Thudley to pound the pillars so they look

like this: down, up, down, up, down.



2.4)- Chapter 4: Outer Space



Note: Make sure you have at least 100 coins before starting this


This chapter requires a little of set up before you can actually play

it. Enter the new door in Flipside Tower, only to find that theres no

air in outer space (yet Mario can breath underwater. Yeah, this game

has excellent physics).

You find yourself back on Flipside Tower. Go down and talk to Merlon.

Exit Merlons house and go all the way right. Take the elevator up and

talk to the first kid you find.

Take the elevator back down. Walk left and use the first down elevator

you find. Again, go right and take the first down elevator. Walk over

to the water and release the fish. (while you're here, you can swim

down into the water and come up the other side to find Flimm. He might

have something of interest... or not.)

Now go up and use the door on Flipside Tower. Put on the space helmet

and get floating!


2.4.1)- 4-1: Into Outer Space


Enemies: Jellien, Foton, Warpid.

Barry is going to be your main Pixl for this level.

Follow the S.O.S's and float down and to the right. When you reach a

sparkling section where the S.O.S's are coming from, use Tippi to find

a ship. Use the ship. You are now a subordinate to a squid...

congrats. Luckily, this squid breaths balls of energy. Hold A for as

long as you want (it really doesn't matter) then release.

Of course, it couldn't possibly be that easy.

You can use his energy balls at any time by pressing 2; its one of the

only ways to kill enemies in space and is most definitely the fastest.

Float right until you come across a save block. Save, then back track

to the nearest rock. Flip into 3-D to find a Foton card. Save again,

then enter the wormhole.

Again, float right and enter whichever wormhole you want.

Float right, and enter the farthest right wormhole.

Float right and flip to find a catch card SP, then float back left and

enter the farthest left wormhole.

Go right until you see a wormhole and a pipe in the background. Flip

to find a wormhole behind a rock. Enter, then enter the pipe. Grab

your coins (flip to find even more), then go back through the

wormhole. Keep going right until you find the star block.


2.4.2)- 4-2: A Paper Emergency


Enemies: Longator, Boing-Oing, Choppa, Hooligon, Beepboxer, Fuzzy,

Ice Cherbil.

The layout of this level is pretty complex merely because you cant see

where your jumping or what you're suppose to land on.

Walk right and knock on the bathroom.

Continue right and jump over the gap. Jump up on the brown blocks

overhead to find a mushroom. Jump down until you find a door. jump up

one platform and flip to reveal a passage and a row of coins.

Now you're stuck in a pit... or so it seems. Flip to reveal stairs.

Jump up them until you reach a weird looking rock and a lightning

bolt. Continue right. Fall down the hole and flip to find an ultra

shroom shake.

Jump back up and to the right until you find a stack of sand blocks.

Use Boomer then enter the door.

Save, then jump right. Flip and use Slim to get through the crack.

Jump back up to the left and hit the ! block. Jump right and enter the

door. Use Tippi to find an item block. Grab the mushroom and exit.

Walk over to the right edge and flip to reveal a small walkway. Cross

and hit the item block for pal pills.

Don't enter the door just yet. Instead, jump up and to the left and

enter the pipe overhead. Flip to find even more coins. Exit and walk

right (don't enter the door below you). Fall down the hole and flip

to find a passage. Jump up the blocks and enter the door.

The upper block contains a super shroom, and the final lower block

contains a star. Hit it and demolish the stage. Enter the door at the


Flip to find some space food behind the pipe, then jump on top of the

pipe. Enter the door. Talk to the old man inside. Say No until he

offers it to you for 10 coins. Now go all the way back to the bathroom

at the start of the level (save your game along the way).

Give the guy in the bathroom the paper. Go back over to the right

until you find that weird rock with the lightning bolt again. Use

Fleep on the bolt. Go back to the left and use the key on the locked

door. Hit the star block and finish this level.


2.4.3)- 4-3: The Gates of Space


Enemies: Jellien, Foton, Warpid, Hedron, Eeligon, Warpid.

Go right until you find a red X (you cant miss it) use Fleep on it (on

your way, theres a shooting star hidden in the sand blocks).

Float over and use Squirps on the squirp-shaped hole. Enter the door.

Again, use Fleep on the red X and squish Squirps in one of the holes.

Go right, save, and enter the wormhole. Go down and to the left and

enter the blue wormhole for some coins.

Exit, then go up and to the far right corner. Hidden behind some

Hedrons and brown blocks is another blue wormhole. Enter, go right,

then enter the shop.

You do have 100 coins on you, right? Good. Buy the Golden Choco-bar.

Exit via Blue wormhole, then find the purple wormhole again to return

to squirps.

Save, then give Squirps the chocolate. Enter the door and hit the star



2.4.4)- 4-4: The Mysterious Mr. L


The Whoa Zone. One of the most complicated puzzles in any game I've

played. Remember, when I say "up" I mean up in relation to the screen,

not in relation to the character. If the Tileoids give you trouble,

switch to Bowser to kill them quickly.

Enemies: Tileoid Y and R, Barribad, Pigarithm, Hooligon.

Boss: Mr. L

Ok, go right, save, then enter the door. Go right and grab the

mushroom in the block. Jump up on the block, then onto the platform to

the right. Flip into 3-D to find a door; enter.

Go left and use Peach to cross the gap. Enter the door. Use Mario to

kill the Barribad and grab the key. Exit, fall down the gap, jump up

the stairs, and flip to enter the door. Enter the door below you.

Walk right and flip into 3-D to find some hidden stairs. Jump up then

flip back. Go left and enter the locked door.

How did that happen?! Simple, it's the Whoa Zone.

Anyway, go right and enter the next door.

Again?! Are you beginning to see why this puzzle is so complex?

Walk up and use Peach to cross the next 2 gaps (I don't want to know

how she does that) (you will jump over a door) enter the door you land


Whats that? You say you want things to get even more confusing? Goood.

Walk down the stairs to the right and flip into 3-D. Fall down the

gap behind the stairs. Hit the block with the arrows on it, then walk

right and enter the door.

Walk right and use Peach to cross the gap (again, I don't want to

know), the Mario to flip and find the door; enter.

Walk right and open the chest, then turn and exit through the same

door. Go left and exit through the door.

Walk left and hit the arrow block again, then flip into 3-D and jump

back up to where the stairs are. Exit through the door on the left.

Walk down and enter the first door you come across.

Walk down and enter the next door. hooray! We're rightside up again!

Flip into 3-D and enter the pipe. ... NOOO! Lol. Ok, grab your coins

and exit through the same pipe. Walk right and enter the locked door.

Hit the arrow block to get over the wall, then hit the next arrow

block to flip back upright, and use Tippi to find the door; enter.

Walk right and hit the arrow block. Walk up and hit the next arrow

block. DON'T ENTER THE DOOR. Hit the arrow block again and walk down.

Enter that door.

Walk down and enter the door. Walk right, grab some shrooms, then

enter the door. Walk left, open the chest, walk back right, enter the

door, walk left, enter the door, walk up, enter the door.

Walk down and hit the arrow block, then hit the block again. Walk up

and hit the next arrow block. Now enter the door. Hit the arrow block,

save, and enter the locked door.

Boss Fight!

Mr. L

HP: 40

Attack: 3

Defense: 0


1) jumps on you

2) tries to heal with Shroom Shakes.

Defense against attacks:

1) use Barry

2) jump on him before the shake takes effect.

Strategy: Um... use Barry when he jumps and attack him when he tries

to use a shake...

Boss Fight! Part 2.


HP: 255

Attack: 4

Defense: 3-6


1) shoots lasers

2) shoots missiles

3) tries to suck you in and chew on you.

Defense against attacks:

1) dodge

2) dodge (is pretty easy)

3) run away when you see his mouth open

Strategy: the only way to damage him is to use Squirps. Keep a

continuous blaze of fire on him to take him down. You will notice some

candy bars floating past as you fight. Grab them whenever you can.

All their effects are temporary:

Blue: make you invincible.

Yellow: speed you up

Red: increase your firepower

Green: shoot a very powerful missile

Purple: give you double the fire power

After, follow Squirps through the door.


2.4.5)- Interlude


Alright, save your game. Its time to enter Flopside.

First, make sure you have at least 300 coins.

-= Flipside 2nd floor =-

Walk left and take the elevator down.

-= Flipside 1st floor =-

Walk right and use Boomer on a crack in the wall. Flip and walk

through the hole. Walk left and use Fleep on the window in between the

two buildings. Hit the block, then flip and walk across the bridge.


-= Mirror Hall =-

Hit each block 1 time. Flip and enter the door.

Flip again and walk across the bridge.

-= Flopside 1st floor =-

Walk left, flip and enter the hole. Walk right and take the elevator


-= Flopside 2nd floor =-

Walk left and talk to Nolrem. Save.

Flip into 3-D and walk forward.

You go 300 coins right? Good. Talk to the guy that is only visible in

3-D. Have him make a pipe. That pipe is going to make your life a lot

easier in the future.

Now, go right and take the elevator up.

-= Flopside 3rd floor =-

Walk right and use the heart pillar.

Do whatever else you want in either city or world, then enter the next

world on Flipside Tower.



2.5)- Chapter 5: Land of the Cragnons




2.5.1)- 5-1: Downtown of Crag


Enemies: Floro Sapien, Putrid Piranha, Moon Cleft, Back Cursya,

Shlorp, Muth.

This level is pretty strait forward (a nice break from the Whoa Zone).

After a cut scene, exit the house and fight some Floro Sapiens.

Next, follow the flowers over the bridge and save. Enter the door.

Go right and enter the second pipe. Defeat the Shlorps and open the

chest for a Bowser (2) card. Exit through the pipe. Go left and over

the mountain.

Fall down the other side of the mountain and flip to find a Moon Cleft

card. Jump back up the mountain and use Peach's umbrella to cross the


Fall down to the right again and hit the blocks in this order:




Enter the pipe.

Give chase to the right. Either use 3-D mode to bypass the Muth, or

Bowser's flame breath to kill them (the later is well worth it.)

Now hit the blocks in the following order:


























*pants* ... enter the pipe. Walk right and enter the pipe.

Hit the star block.


2.5.2)- 5-2: Pixls, Tablets, and Crag


Enemies: Pokey, Putrid Piranha, Squog, Cheep Cheep, Clubba, Rawbus,

Tech Cursya, Cherbil, Stone Buzzy, Amazy Dayzee.

Boss: O'Chunks

Walk right until you come to a gap filled with water (there is a

primordial fruit behind the pipe). Jump in and swim to the bottom.

Open the chest for the Water Tablet (to get out, flip to find an item

block, and jump from there back into the water). Enter the door on the


Walk left till you are standing under a door. Use Boomer to blow up

the blocks (they are actually sand blocks) then hit the Blue ! switch

and enter the door.

Walk right and use Fleep on the lighting bolt. Hit the switch. That

did nothing to actually help you, but it was fun. Flip into 3-D and

walk forward. There are a lot of items in the 3-D only blocks ahead.

Grab them and look for a hidden path to the left (3-D mode).

Follow the path down. Walk right and use Bowser's fire breath on the

stone. Fire Tablet! Ok, exit via secret path, then by the door on the


Walk all the way right until you find a save block. Save, then return

to the brown blocks you saw just before the door you passed up. Jump

on top of them, then jump again to find hidden blocks containing

mushrooms. Enter the door.

Walk right and jump over the gap to be ambushed by O'Chunks.

Boss Fight!


HP: 40

Attack: 2

Defense: 0


1) jump on you

2) grab and throw you

3) will spin around and try to hit you

4) picks up blocks and throws them at you

Defense against attacks:

1) dodge it

2) don't get to close to him

3) use Barry or jump over him

4) use Barry

Strategy: Switch to Bowser and Barry. When he tries to jump on you,

use Barry. When he tries to spin or just stands still for a sec. use

Bowser's fire breath.

If you have a catch card, flip into 3-D to find a rare Amazy Dayzee.

Catch it, then later sell it to the card shop for a whopping 300

coins. (see the after-credits section for more details).

With that out of the way, walk right and flip into 3-D. Run around the

dinosaur statue 1 time, then grab the Stone Tablet. Exit through the

door on the left.

Save, then walk left until you come to the yellow block. Climb the

mountain to the left of it. Once at the top, jump up to hit an

invisible block and reveal a ladder. Climb the ladder.

Get off on the brown blocks, flip into 3-D and jump to the upper

level. Stone, Water, Fire. Place the Tablets in that order.

Put in whatever you want as a cry, just be sure to fill all the

spaces. Now jump off the platform and use Cudge on the yellow block.

Enter the pipe.

Jump over the gap with Peach, then use Mario to find a Stone Buzzy

card. Fall down and hit the star block.


2.5.3)- 5-3: A Crag in the Dark


A warning: DO NOT HURT ANY CRAGNONS! If you do, you will lose points.

Enemies: Buzzy Beetle, Spike Top, Spania, Piranha plant, Putrid

Piranha, Floro Sapien, Cragnon.

Walk right. There is a super shroom up on the brown blocks if you need

it. Keep walking until you see a person. Talk to him (you don't really

have a choice). Enter the pipe to the right. Fall down the shaft and

walk right. Save.

Fall down and use Boomer on the cracks in the ground. Enter the pipe

and collect your coins. Exit, and continue right. Enter the right most


Walk right. One of the Blocks contains pal pills. Continue right until

you come to a small gap. Jump across and enter the door.

Jump into the mining cart, start the ride, and enter 3-D mode. Wait

for the ride to end. Enter the door. Walk right and use Peach to cross

the gap. Walk right and fall down. Talk to the mic man.

Follow him left, up the stairs, then hit the sand block to make a

ladder appear. Exit through the door. Ride the mining cart back out

and exit through the door.

Continue right (enter the pipe and use Cudge for a shroom shake).

Use 3-D mode to get around the brown blocks, then use Cudge on the

yellow block. Enter the door and ride the mining cart again.

Enter the door at the end. Walk right and fall down, then use 3-D mode

to find a Spania card. Walk back up to the door. This time, walk right

and jump on the brown blocks. Set Boomer to blow away the wall in your

way, then continue right and up. Talk to the camera man. Go back out

and ride the mining cart.

Walk all the way back left and exit through the last pipe you find

(and on your way, when you see a big boulder in the background, use

Boomer to blow it up. There are a lot of coins in the room beyond).

Jump up and to the left. Save your game. Keep going left and ride the

yellow platforms up. Enter the pipe. Use the pipe again, fall down and

enter the locked door. Ride the mining cart and enter the door at the


Use Cudge on the block in your way, then hit the item block for a

star. Obliterate the level, then back track till you see a strange

block like the one you smashed earlier. Smash it then enter the door.

Hit the star block.


2.5.4)- 5-4: The Menace of King Croacus


Enemies: Floro Sapien, Cragnon, Cursya.

Boss: O'Chunks, King Croacus.

Walk right and fall down the pit. Enter the pipe. Save your game. Walk

right, fall down, then flip into 3-D and look for a hole in the

ground. Fall in. Use Thoreau to grab one of the Cragnon, then jump on

the red button. Throw the cragnon and enter the pipe.

Walk to the left and enter the pipe. Walk right and use Fleep on the

skull painting. Exit back through the 2 pipes, flip and climb the

ladder, go right and open the locked door.

Jump over the brown blocks by using the other brown blocks.

Use Dottie to shrink down and enter the tiny door behind you. Still

shrunken, go left and save your game. Enter the white door. Shrink

down and walk left to find a key card. Use it on the pink panel to

open the door.

Go to the right and enter the pipe.

Fall down and use Thudley on the big blue switch. Quickly jump on the

brown block and jump left. Grab the Floro Cragnien card, then jump all

the way right. Enter the pipe.

Boss Fight!


HP: 60

Attack: 3

Defense: 0


1) jump on you

2) grab and throw you

3) will spin around and try to hit you

4) picks up blocks and throws them at you

Defense against attacks:

1) dodge it

2) don't get to close to him

3) use Barry or jump over him

4) use Barry

Strategy: Switch to Bowser and Barry. When he tries to jump on you,

use Barry. When he tries to spin or just stands still for a sec. use

Bowser's fire breath.

... pretty much the same as before, just faster.

Put on the plant and exit through the pipe on the right. Exit the lad

and save your game. Jump up the brown blocks and enter the pipe.

Use Dottie to shrink down and enter the tiny pipe on the right of the

pit. Grab your stuff, then exit the pipe and go up the stairs. Go

right and enter the door.

Make sure you are wearing your plant, then enter the X-ray thing.

Go through the door. Go into 3-D mode and plant Boomer right under the

picture. This will open a secret tunnel beneath the picture. Inside

the tunnel, climb the ladder to the brown block on the left, then use

Thoreau to hit the ! Block. Keep hitting the ! Block until it is the

same color as the picture above it. Do this to all 4 pictures.

The final picture has a save block under it. Use it, then enter the

door that appears after hitting all the ! blocks.

Boss Fight!

King Coacus

HP: 50

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: its not worth listing attacks at this stage. Dodge her

weight leaf things, then use Thoreau to grab them and throw them at

his face.

Stage 2 strategy: still not worth listing attacks. After a few hits,

he will shed his leafs and become a floating head. When he shoots off

some spinning petals, grab him with Thoreau and throw him into his own



2.5.5)- Interlude


Take the elevator down to Flipside 2nd Floor

From there, walk all the way right and take the blue pipe to Flopside.

Flip and take the secret door (just as always) and follow the hidden

path. This time, go left and use Cudge on the yellow block. Take the

pipe down and walk right until you find a sign. Flip, and follow the

hidden path. Use Dottie to go under the rocks, then go left. Use Cudge

on the Yellow block. Step on the red button and use the heat pillar.

You are now eligible for the Piccolo side quest, as well as the

infinite coins/experience trick. I recommend using both immediately.

See their respective sections in the after-credits section.



2.6)- Chapter 6: Sammer's Kingdom




2.6.1)- 6-1: Sammer Guy Showdown


Use the Bowser/Barry combo for this level.

Walk right and enter the door.


Ok, you don't actually fight all of these people yet. You'll have to

fight your way to gate 20 before the chapter ends. After gate 20, no

one else will fight you until you reach the star block at gate 25.

Have fun!


2.6.2)- 6-2: The End of a World


Switch to Thoreau and Peach. Open the chest.

Boss Fight!


HP: 25

Attack: 2

Defense: 0


1) creates a wall of rupees around herself and tries to ram you

2) summons rupees out of thin air and fires them at you

3) summons a row of rupees above your head and has them all fall at


Defense against attacks:

1) Umbrella

2) Umbrella

3) Umbrella

Strategy: Peaches umbrella will block everything. No need to worry

about that. To attack, use Thoreau to grab a rupee, then throw it a


With Mimi defeated, keep running through gates (unopposed) until you

reach Gate 30.

You're now back in Flipside. Heal if needed, then re-enter world 6-1.


2.6.3)- 6-3: ???


Ok, technically, this is world 6-1, but, yeah...

Enemies: Frost Piranha, Dry Bones, Lava Bubble, Underhand.

Use Carrie and ride along until Tippi stops you (it's a long ride.)

Boss Fight!

BroBot L-Type

HP: 64

Attack: 5

Defense: 4


1) Will suck you in and chew on you

2) doesn't matter

Defense against attacks:

1) when he opens his mouth, run!

2) Peach's umbrella

Strategy: Stay up close to Brobot and use Boomer to inflict damage.

When brobot attacks, use Peach's umbrella to defend.

Heal and save your game, then go see Merlon.

You are now lacking your team mates, and all your Pixls. You're on

your own for at least a little while.

Walk right, save your game, then enter the door.

Walk right, flip into 3-D. take the right path and jump over the

spikes. Jump the gap, turn left, jump the spikes, jump the next gap,

and continue to the door (hit the dimensional block to reach the super

shroom shake).

Swim right and enter the next door. Continue right and talk to the big

scary lady. Answer yes.

Now go back to the river and sink to the bottom. Flip to find a hole

leading to a door. Open the door.

Swim right and over the pipe. Push the strange looking block over the

edge, then swim down and pull the leaver. Jump up to the right and

smash the sand blocks, then go back and pull the leaver again.

Continue swimming right. When you reach a dead end, flip to reveal a

hidden path. Go through it. Swim across the gap to find another weird

block. Flip to get behind it and push it off. Swim down and pull the

leaver on the right. Jump back to the left and this time fall down

into the pit. Flip to find another hidden passage.

Take to pipe to grab a bunch of coins, then exit and enter the door.

Drop off the ledge and flip to find a Dry Bones card. Now jump on the

water falls with careful timing to reach the new ledge.

Use Luigi's ability to go all the way back to the start of the level.

Save your game and heal using the fountain. Now enter the door. Jump

onto the tallest pipe on the left and use it to reach the ledge to the

right. Use Luigi's ability to jump on top of the 4th pipe in the row.

Enter the pipe. Walk left and enter the next pipe, then right and

enter that pipe. Defeat the Gigabite inside and claim your prize: A

Peach (3) card. Now retrace your steps until you are normal sized


Enter the door on the right. Flip into 3-D and make your way ahead.

Talk to the Nimbi. Her name is Luvbi.

Now return to the big scary lady.

Return to Flipside.


2.6.5)- Interlude


Well, at least you go your Pixls back...

Alight, go to Flopside outskirts. I assume you know where those are by

now, yes? Good. Go right and enter the pipe on the far right. Go right

and use Luigi to get up on the wall. Flip into 3-D to find a hidden

passage leading to a Piccolo card. Jump back out and use the heart


Stock up, save, and enter the next door.



2.7)- Chapter 7: The Underwhere




2.7.1)- 7-1: Subterranean Vacation


Enemies: Frost Piranha, Dry Bones, Lava Bubble, Underhand.

This is easy. Just return to the Scary lady (Queen Jaydes). Use Luigi

to get there faster, and either Dottie or Carrie can take you across

the water without having to swim.


2.7.2)- 7-2: The Sealed Doors Three


Enemies: Underhand, Dark Boo, Dry Bones, Dull Bones, Spiny Tromp.

Walk right and enter the door. This room is pitch black. It would be

near impossible for me to describe where to jump next. Just follow

Luvbi, who should always be just at the edge of your vision. At one

point you'll see a chest on your right. Either use Luigi or drop from

the ledge above it to obtain a Dark Boo card. Continue up and Use

Tippi to look at the door.

Answer his questions as follows:

Queen Jaydes

Dorguy the First

6 times

Enter, save, then switch to Barry and Mario. Talk to the three guys

standing at the final door. Answer yes. Enter and walk right. After a

rather funny conversation, you now have to fight Bowser. I'm not even

going to bother with boss strategies, just use Barry and Boomer if you

feel like.

Good. Now save and go through the locked door. Again, this room is

pitch black. This time however, switch to Bowser and use his fire

breath on the candles you see on your way up. Still, follow Luvdi and

watch out for Dark Boo's (Bowser makes nice work of them too).

Most of the way up you should see a pipe on the right side. That pipe

contains a huge amount of coins, but only a limited time in which to

collect them. Jump in and use Carrie for best results. Go back out and

continue to the top.

Again, use Tippi on the door.

Brain Age anyone? Answer his questions as follows:






Enter, go left, then enter the pink door. Save, then talk to the pink

old witch. Answer yes. Talk to the D-man and enter the door. Guess

where you are? Work your way back up to where you where two sentences



You there yet? Good; now give the witch back her book and unlock the

next door. (you can talk to the other two witches as well. They each

have quests for you.).

Use Luigi to get over the first gap, then to get to the upper

staircases. When you reach the upper stairs, use Mario to get past the

Spiny Tromp.

Use Tippi on the door. Now you will have to battle 3 Chain Chomps, old

school strategy style. Either use Bowser's jump attack, or Boomer to

finish them quickly. Also, if you have Piccolo, use him to put them

all to sleep.

Enter and hit the star block.


2.7.3)- 7-3: The Forbidden Apple


Enemies: Parabuzzy, Ice Cherbil, Spiky Parabuzzy, Beepboxer, Rawbus,

Ruff Puff, Lakitu, Spiny, Squog, Squig, Reversya Cursya, Skellobit,

Skellobomber, Spiky Skellobait, Spiky Skellobit.

This level is going to be nigh impossible to explain do to the nature

of it. Use Luigi and jump carefully. If you need more help, check out

the ASCII maps in section 10)- at the bottom of this guide.

I also included cloud numbers. Most of the clouds are numbered by

artful wisps written in the background just above the cloud itself.

You start in Stair 1 on Cloud 11 (written right beside the sign)

To start, jump strait up (super jump), until you find item blocks

(12). Jump up from one to the next, then super jump up again (to cloud

13). One more super jump, then walk left. When you reach a gap (don't

cross the gap), super jump again (to could 15). Jump onto the big

cloud with eyes. Use him to jump really high (just like a spring

board.) Walk right, over the gap (to cloud 19), and use the next

cloud. Enter the door (cloud 20).

You're now on Stair 2 and cloud 21

Walk right until you see a cloud overhead. Super jump twice, then save

your game. Walk/jump left until you reach another jump cloud (beside

cloud 22). Use it. You should land on cloud 24. Use the next jump

cloud you land by.

You are now on cloud 25. Hold it! Don't use the next cloud just yet.

Walk right and open the chest for a Rawbus card. Now go back and use

the cloud. Walk/jump right/up until you find another jump cloud (you

should pass cloud 27 and 28 on your way). Use it then walk/jump left

and enter the door (cloud 30, you'll pass cloud 29 on the way).

You're now on Stair 3 and cloud 31.

Walk right and use the jump cloud (land on cloud 33). Walk left to

find a Ruff Puff card (Number 34 written by the chest). Now walk back

near the brown blocks and super jump. Do three more super jumps. (the

first to cloud 35, then 36, then 37). Switch to Mario and flip. Use

the 3-D only blocks to cross the gap. Now carefully fall down a few

clouds to find another jump cloud (you'll pass cloud 38). Use it and

enter the door on the left (cloud 40).

You're now on stair 4, cloud 41.

Walk as far right as you can, then super jump onto a jump cloud

(you'll land by a tree). Jump again and enter the door to the right

(cloud 46). Carefully jump from cloud to cloud, then use cudge on the

tree. Grab the red apple and exit.

Walk to the edge of the cloud and super jump left. If you're lucky,

you'll land by a door and a save block (cloud 43). If not, you'll at

least see what I'm talking about and be able to climb up there. Save

and enter the door. Walk left to find Peach.

Exit, then walk left and hop on the second yellow platform. Let it

take you up, then hop off the left side for a shroom shake. Super jump

over the gap and use the jump cloud at the end (land on cloud 48).

Walk right and enter the door (cloud 50).

You're now on stair 5, cloud 51.

Super jump up and to the right (land on cloud 52 by a door), then use

the yellow platform on the right. Jump up again to find a sign (cloud

53). Flip into 3-D to find a hidden path to the right. Enter the door.

Again, use Cudge to claim the apple. Now return to Peach. Give Peach

the black apple (you do still have the Red Apple though, right?).

Exit and jump back up and enter the door at the top (like last time).

This time, walk left and super jump under the jump cloud to land on it

and use it (land on cloud 54). Climb the brown blocks and switch to

Peach to cross the gap to the right (land on cloud 55).

Use the jump cloud and veer slightly right to land on another jump

cloud. This time, veer a little left to land on yet another jump

cloud. Enter the door to the left (cloud 60, you should land roughly

between 2 pillars in the background).

You're now on stair 6, cloud 61.

Walk all the way left until you find a sand brick (one of the bricks

contains a super Shroom). Use the yellow platform to the right of it,

then use the yellow platform it takes you too. Jump onto the stone

structure. Jump from arch to arch until you are on the fourth one. Use

Luigi to super jump onto a jump cloud.

You'll probably hit your head on a coin block (cloud 67). Use the

yellow platform to the left of the coin block then jump onto the stone

pillar. From the pillar, super jump up onto the overhead cloud (you

cant see it), then enter the door on the above/left cloud (cloud 70).

You're now on stair 7 and cloud 71

Only a little farther....

Walk left and use the jump cloud.

Veer right and you should land on or near another jump cloud. Use it.

Land on cloud 73, then jump from stone pillar to stone pillar until

you are on the third one. Super jump onto cloud 74 (again, you cant

see it).

Ride the yellow platform to the right. Jump off of it, then jump onto

the cloud to the right. Open the chest for a life shroom. Jump onto

the big cloud and go past the building. Hit the blue ! block at the

end of the cloud, but dont enter the pipe. Talk to the little jump

cloud and give him the Red Apple. Hitch a ride up.

Super jump to the top of the building to claim a gold bar. Fall off

and enter the door. Use Peach to cross the gap to the right.

Jump on top of the building and walk right. Open the chest for a

Zombie Shroom card. Jump back over the building and hit the star



2.7.4)- 7-4: A Bone-Chilling Tale


Enemies: Skellobit, Skellobomber, Spiky Skellobait, Spiky Skellobit.

Boss: Bonechill

Walk right and ride the cloud up. Jump onto the next cloud, then walk

to the right edge and fall off. Enter the door on the right.

Defeat the two Skellobit's then talk to the Nimbi.

Go back through the door and jump onto the third pillar. Super jump up

and enter the locked door. Walk right, save, use Peach to jump from

cloud to cloud, then use Bowser to unfreeze the Nimbi. Follow them

back to the save block. Talk to the Nimbi inside the building and go


Unfreeze the Nimbi's as you go, then enter the door. Continue to

unfreeze the Nimbi's in this next section as well. One of them will

start talking to you. Go back left and back out the door. Go down and

enter the locked door on the left.

Walk left and fall down. Enter the pipe. Use Luigi to find two chests

up high containing cards. Exit back through the pipe. Jump up on the

left side 3 times then enter the door. Flip into 3-D to find a hidden


Follow it, then hit the item block for a star. Demolish everything

until you reach a dead end. Flip again to find another hidden path. Go

up and knock on the door. Answer: A monster. Take the orb and go back

through the 2 hidden paths and the door as well.

Fall down to the right and hit the ! block in the building. Flip into

3-D and go around behind the next building then enter the door. Use

Peach to cross the gap (if you fall down, there is an ultra shroom in

the chest). Defeat the rest of the enemies then talk to the Nimbi.

Exit via the door you came in through.

Ride the elevator back and enter the first door you see. Walk left and

enter the door. walk left and fall off the cloud. Enter the door to

your right. Walk as far right as you can (past all the pillars) and

flip into 3-D on top of the last pillar. Enter the pipe.

Kill the Gigabit for the Cooking Disk PU. Exit, then use Luigi to jump

on the cloud to the left. Jump up 2 more times then cross the gap to

the left. Jump up 2 more times and unfreeze the Nimbi with Bowser.

Talk to him, then talk to him again.

Use Peach to jump off to the left. You should land near the door.

Enter, jump onto the third pillar and super jump up. Enter the door on

the right. Save, then ride the elevator back up. Enter the door on the


Walk past the building and stand on the pedestal. Put in all three

orbs (the order doesn't matter), and cross the bridge. Enter the door.

Switch to Mario and walk right.

The air battle is covered. Just worry about the enemies on the ground.

When you reach the stairs, flip to find a Spiky Skellibit card. Walk

up the stairs. Save, grab the super shroom, fall off to the right and

grab an ultra shroom, switch to Peach and Thoreau, then enter the


Boss Fight!


HP: 80

Attack: 4

Defense: 0


1) breaths frigid air to freeze you

2) fires projectiles from its cannon

3) Breaths on the ceiling to make ice stalactites form and drop

Defense against attacks:

1) Umbrella

2) Umbrella

3) Umbrella

Strategy: the best way to damage him is with Luigi's super jump, but

then you cant use Peach's umbrella to defend. The other option is to

use Thoreau to grab ice projectiles and throw them at his head.


2.7.5)- Interlude


Save and heal up. Go to Flopside and take the hidden path to Flopside

outskirts. Go right to find the Heart Pillar.

I recommend you be at least on level 15 before attempting chapter 8.

If you're already there, great! If not, see the after credits section

and use the infinite experience trick.

Also, doing the Pit of 100 trials in Flipside would help you level up,

as well as net you Dashell.



2.8)- Chapter 8: Castle Bleck




2.8.1)- 8-1: The Impending Darkness


Enemies: Mister I, Red I, Goomba, Koopatrol, Fire Bro, Blue Magiblot,

Yellow Magiblot, Soopa Striker, Dull Bones, Heavy Cursya, Magikoopa,

Tech Cursya, Gawbus, Boomerang Bro.

Boss: O'Chunks

Walk right, flip, enter the door.

Walk right, enter the door.

Use 3-D mode to walk up the next 2 flights of stairs. Fighting the

enemies at this point would be a waist of time and health. Enter the

door at the top of the second stair case.

Walk right and use Luigi to jump to the ledge beneath the door. Enter.

Use Luigi to jump to the right, then Peach to cross the gap. Enter the

pipe. Walk right and open the chest. Go back through the pipe. Go back

out through the door (if you keep going left, you'll find a stop watch

and long-last shake).

Fall to the right and unlock the door. Keep going right until you find

another door. Enter and climb up the stairs. Note the order of the lit

candles. Enter the door at the top. Save your game, then use Bowser to

light the candles in this order:






Jump up the stairs and enter the door (you have to be in 3-D mode to


Boss Fight!


HP: 100

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Strategy: surly you know all of O'Chunks attacks by now.

You are restricted to only using Bowser and pixls in this fight. Just

use Barry as always, and Bowser's flame breath when you can.

After, hit the start block.


2.8.2)- 8-2: The Crash


Enemies: Zoing-Oing, Cursya, Blastboxer, Red I, Red Magiblot, Gloomba,

Hammer Bro, Koopa Troopa, Fire Bro, Chomeba,

Boss: Mimi

Hope you weren't to fond of using Bowser...

Walk right and enter the door.

Despite how obvious it is, you have no choice but to hit the blue !


Walk right and use Boomer on the wall. Flip to get through. Go through

the door on the left. Use 3-D mode to bypass the flames. When you

reach the end, hit the red ! block 2 times. Walk back out the door.

Enter the pipe. Open the chest for a Courage Shell, key, and life

shroom. Walk over to the right side and flip into 3-D. Fall down the

hole, then open the door.

Walk up the stairs (enter the first door and flip for an Ultra

Shroom). Enter the door at the top of the second stair case.

Walk right and grab the third mushroom on a string. Flip to reveal a

Chomeba. Defeat it to find a key. Exit via pipe. Save, then unlock the

door. Again, rather obvious. Anyway, answer her questions:

Ultra Shroom

Thunder Rage

Cooking Mistake

Enter the next 3 rooms and see what happens. (in the final room, I

cant imagine fighting that many Amazy Dazee's @_@)

Boss fight!


HP: doesn't matter

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Strategy: Again, you've fought Mimi 3 times now. You know her attacks

and how to beat her. Luckily, the character you are forced to fight

with is Peach.


2.8.3)- 8-3: Countdown to Destruction


Enemies: Heavy Cursya, Skellobomber, Skellobait, Spiky Skellobait,

Spiky Skellobit, Cursya, Sobarribad, Hogarithm, Boomerang Bro, Soopa

Striker, Blue Magiblot, Red Magiblot, Yellow Magiblot, Longadile.

Boss: Dimentio

Goodbye Peach...

Walk right and enter the door.

Use Luigi to jump onto the upper platform, then cross and enter the


This next part is complex. To start, don't worry about the Dimentio in

the mirrors. Next, count your jumps. Once you're on the fourth

platform (not counting the one you started on), flip into 3-D and walk

through the mirror. Go right to find the key, then go back through the

mirror. Keep jumping left, then enter the locked door.

Walk right and flip. Go through the door behind the stairs. Use Luigi

to hit the block on the far right. Enter the door. Hit the block in

the middle. Enter the door. Don't enter the door that's already there;

hit the block on the far right and enter the new door.

In the final room, hit the block in the middle, then on the right,

then the left. Garb the key and go back out to the steps. Jump up and

enter the locked door.

Ok, this next part is really complex, and I think it varies by game.

First, go through the room and clear out all of the enemies. Next,

enter the far right door. You'll be put back in the same room. Flip

into 3-D to see arrows points around platforms. Use Luigi to follow

the arrows. Now enter the far right door.

This is the same mirror puzzle as before. Count your jumps. Jump 6

times then flip and enter the mirror that doesn't reflect. This time,

you have to fight your way right to claim the key. use Dashell if you

have him, or if not then use Cudge to carve out a path.

Go back through the mirror and continue right. Save and enter the


Boss Fight!


HP: 120

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Stage 1: this is just a game of tag. Follow him through the stages,

find the lightning bold, then flip them with Fleep.

Answer No to his question, or your game will end.

You are forced to use Luigi throughout this fight, and no Pixls.

Stage 2:


1) will create a crystal above his head and throw it at you

2) will clone himself, forcing you to find the real one

3) will draw squares on the field. Don't get caught in one, or they

will explode.

Defense against attacks:

1) dodge it.

2) luck of the draw. Jump on which ever one you want.

3) Jump on top of one of the squares.

Strategy: watch out for the square attack, its deadly!

Besides that, wait for him to fly down close to you and jump on him.

Hit the star block and move on.


2.8.4)- 8-4: Tippi and Count Bleck


Enemies: Copta, Poison Pokey, Reversya Cursya, Yellow Magiblot,

Parabuzzy, Spiky Parabuzzy, Mega Muth, Pink Fuzzy, Gawbus, Blue

Magiblot, Red Magiblot, Skellobomber, Skellobait, Spiky Skellobait,

Spiky Skellobit.

Boss: Count Bleck, Mr. L and Dementio.

And then there was one...

Walk right and enter the door.

Use Tippi to find the hidden door.

Ready for some good old-fashion platforming? No? Too bad.

Jump from moving platform to moving platform, timing your jumps very

carefully. At 2 points you'll hit a wall. Flip to get around them.

Enter the door at the end.

More platforming!

Again, carefully time your jumps to stay as high as possible. When you

land on the middle platform, flip and enter the pipe. Use Dottie and

flip to get under the wall and find a key. Go back out for some more

platforming then enter the locked door.

(oh, and by the way, I hate platforming... I'm terrible at it >_>)

Walk right and enter the door.

Flip into 3-D and enter the hidden door on the right. Go through 2

more hidden doors, then flip back and go right. Enter the door at the


Walk all the way right then flip. Walk through 3 hidden doors to the

left, then flip back. Enter the door on the far right.

Flip then go into the second hidden door on the right. Go through one

more then open the chest. Walk all the way left and flip again. Go

through 2 hidden doors on the right, flip, walk all the way right,

enter the door.

Walk up the stairs, grab the ultra shroom, save, switch to Slim, then

enter the door.

Boss Fight!

Count Bleck

HP: 150

Attack: 8

Defense: 0


1) Shoots a mini black hole at you

2) rushes you

3) coats the field in magic, slowing you down

4) teleports

5) creates a large black hole, doing more damage if you get sucked in

Defense against attacks:

1-4) stay Slim

5) run when it starts to suck you in.

Strategy: You cant damage him at first, but you do need to hit him a

few times. Stay up high and wait for him to come to you. Remember, as

long as you're standing still he cant really hurt you. As soon as you

see him below you, jump on him.

Boss Fight!

Mr. L and Dimentio

HP: 200

Attack: 6

Defense: 0

Strategy: Attacks don't really matter. All that matters is that you

switch to Bowser and stay Slim. Jump up to one of the blocks level

with his neck and blaze away. If he fires something at you, or you get

to close to him, stand still (and Slim) until its over; then go back

to attacking.


There is still much to do in the After-Credits section though.

Oh, and if you actually watch all the credits, you'll see that

Blumiere and Timpani actually did survive and are together on a grassy

hill beneath a tree in the middle of nowhere.





2.9)- The After-Credits





I know what you're thinking: "The after-credits? What's that?"

Its pretty simple. After you beat SPM, you are allowed to continue

playing your file to complete side quests or just goof off. This

section covers all the side quests (even though some of them are

mentioned in the walkthrough) and some stuff that you can only do

after you complete the game.

Also note since this section is going to be under construction for

some time, the section numbers are subject to change, as are the

instructions held within.


2.9.1)- Infinite Coins/Score Points



1) Requirements: Chapter 5 must be completed.


First, go to any store and store all of your stuff. Next, go to

Flopside card shop and buy as many Catch card SP's as you can (make

sure you buy at least 3). Thirdly, use the Return Pipe to warp to

Flipside tower.

Enter Chapter 5-2.

Go right and through the fist door. Now go right and kill everything

in your way (they'll just get in the way later). Enter the next door

you find. Jump across the gap and kill the Stone Buzzy.

Flip into 3-D and use a catch card SP on the Amazy Dayzee. If it

doesn't work, flip into 2-D and try again.

After its caught, go back through the door on the left, then back

through the next door on the left. Now go back and catch the Dayzee

again. Repeat until you are out of cards.

Now use the return pipe and go back to the card shop in Flopside. Sell

him all your Amazy Dayzee cards until your wallet is full.

For infinite score points, and thereby levels, do the same as above,

but now go to the shop in Flopside and by as many Gold Medals as you

can (but don't use all of your money, you'll need to buy more catch

card SP's).

Go to world 1-3 and hit the third item block. It contains a speed

flower. While the flower is still in effect, use all your Gold Medals

for 30,000 points each!

Rinse and repeat as much as you like.


2) Requirements: Have beaten chapter 1.


To make some quick money early in the game, go to the shop in 1-2,

stock up on Shroom Shakes for 11 coins each, take them back to

Flipside and have them cooked up, then sell them at the store in

Flipside for 35 coins each. Another good way to make some money if you

don't feel like wasting time with cooking, is to buy a Gold Bar for

100 coins, then take it to the shop in 1-2 and sell them for 125



3) Requirements: Have beaten chapter 8. Have Dashell.


This is, by far, the fastest way to level up.

This way doesn't get you very many coins. In fact, it gets you just

enough coins to continue using it.

Go to the shop in Flipside and buy 10 Shock Shells.

Now go to world 8-4. As soon as the stage starts, use a shock shell,

then follow it (using Dashell) all the way down the hall. Once at the

end, use the return pipe and repeat.

This gets you about 80,000 points per run through the hallway.


4) Requirements: Have beaten chapter 5. Have Bowser.


World 5-4: there's a pipe which has infinite floro sapiens come out.

its to the right of the door that leads to the lad where you fought

O'Chunks. Stand on the block next to it, tape the down button down

with Bowser selected, and blow fire at the flowers forever.


2.9.2)- Piccolo Quest


Requirements: Chapter 5 must be complete.

How its done:

First, talk to Merlee (Flopside 2nd floor) on the other side of her

crystal ball.

Next, talk to Merluvlee (Flipside 2nd floor) on the other side of her

crystal ball.

Third, go to Bestovius's house (Chapter 1-1) and talk to him.

Fourth, go to Wachitt's house (Chapter 1-2) and talk to him.

Filth, go visit Merlumina at the end of chapter 1-4.

Finally, retrace all of your steps. Merlee will offer you a free

charm. Turn her down to get a key.

Go to the first floor of Flopside and enter the background area via

hole in the wall (by the card shop). Unlock the locked door and open

the chest to find Piccolo.


2.9.3)- Tiptron (Tippi replacement)


Requirements: Chapter 8 must be complete. Must have 999 coins.

At this point, you're probably asking yourself how you're going to do

certain things (like reveal hidden blocks) without Tippi.

One word: Tiptron!

What is Tiptron? It's a robotic Tippi that looks and acts just like

Tippi. Whose nerd enough to make such a thing? I think you just

answered your own question.

Go to world 3-4 and make your way to the room where you fought

Francis. Talk to him and he will offer you Tiptron.

Buy it, and... that's it.

She... it... whatever, Costs 999 coins. So start saving.


2.9.4)- Pit of 100 Trials (Flipside)


Requirements: none. But you should at least be on level 14, preferably


In the pit of 100 trials, the objective is to defeat enemies in the

room, then open the door with the key you got from a random enemy. You

have 5 minutes to complete each room. Every tenth level is a chest

with a rare card. The end reward is a new Pixl: Dashell

Floor 1: Squiglet

2: Goomba

3: Squig, Squiglet

4: Sproing-Oing

5: Goomba, Gloomba

6: Cherbil

7: Sproing-Oing, Squig

8: Squig, Squiglet

9: Gloomba, Poison Cherbil

10: Catch Card 288 - Tippi

11: Paratroopa, Koopa Troopa

12: Paragoomba, Koopa Troopa

13: Slurp, Bald Cleft

14: Flip Goomba, Koopa Troopa

15: Boomboxer, Shlurp

16: Tileoid G, Koopa Troopa

17: Flip Koopa Troopa

18: Buzzy Beetle, Squig

19: Koopatrol, Squiglet, Koopa Troopa

20: Catch Card 299 - Thoreau

21: Spiny

22: Boo, Gloomba

23: Fuzzy, Cherbil

24: Boing-Oing, Sproing-Oing

25: Chain Chomp

26: Crazee Dayzee, Paragoomba

27: Squiglet

28: Hammer Bro, Koopa Troopa

29: Rawbus

30: Catch Card 230 - Boomer

31: Tileoid B, Tileoid G

32: Longator

33: Growmeba, Cursya, Squig

34: Stone Buzzy, Bald Cleft

35: Choppa, Squig

36: Ninjoe

37: Spike Top, Buzzy Beetle, Squig

38: Magikoopa, Spiked Goomba

39: Fire Brow, Tileoid G

40: Catch Card 231 - Slim

41: Clubba, Squiglet

42: Pokey, Gloomba

43: Koopa Striker

44: Squog, Squig, Cursya

45: Tileoid R, Tileoid B

46: Fliip Paratroopa, Flip Goomba

47: Ice Cherbil, Poison Cherbil, Cherbil

48: Magikoopa, Clubba

49: Squog

50: Catch Card - Thudley

51: Flip Spiny, Spiny, Buzzy Beetle

52: Pigarithm

53: Spania, Tileoid B

54: Dry Bones, Clubba

55: Hooligon

56: Dark Boo, Tech Cursya

57: Zoing-Oing, Ice Cherbil

58: Amazy Dayzee, Crazee Dayzee

59: Yellow Magiblot, Squig

60: Catch Card 233 - Carrie

61: Beepboxer, Heavy Cursya, Cursya

62: Dull Bones, Dark Boo

63: Boomerang Bro, Clubba

64: Tileoid Y, Tileoid R

65: Blomeba, Growmeba

66: Skellobit, Ninjoe

67: Longadile, Longator

68: Flip Hammer Bro, Squog, Squoinker

69: Soopa Striker

70: Catch Card 234 - Fleep

71: Moon Cleft, Bald Cleft

72: Jawbus

73: Cursya, Reversya Cursya, Tech Cursya, Heavy Cursya

74: Copta

75: Ruff Puff

76: Blastboxer, Beepboxer, Boomboxer

77: Blue Magiblot, Squog

78: Chromeba, Blomeba

79: Flip Skellobit, Flip Spiky Skellobit

80: Catch Card 235 - Cudge

81: Hogarithm, Tiloeid Y

82: Red Magiblot, Squoinker

83: Pink Fuzzy, Cerbil

84: Shlorp, Spania

85: Poison Pokey, Dark Boo

86: Koopatrol, Magikoopa

87: Chromeba, Reversya Cursya, Copta

88: Ninjoe, Ninjohn

89: Headbonk Goomba

90: Catch Card 236 - Dottie

91: Gawbus

92: Ninjerry, Ninjohn, Ninjoe

93: Skellobit, Ninjerry, Cursya

94: Flip Fire Bro, Squoinker

95: Skellobit, Spiky Skellobit

96: Flip Boomerang Bro, Flip fire Bro

97: Squiglet

98: Red Comp

99: Blue, Red, Yellow Magiblots

100: Boss Fight! Wracktail

Boss Fight!


HP: ??? (insanely high, easily over 200)

Attack: 10

Defense: 0 (only vulnerable in the antenna)

This is an exact copy of the Fracktail fight, only with more HP.

The antenna is its weak point, but you cant hit it. When he comes

strait on from the back ground, dodge it by running left or right.

When he comes from the right, flip into 3-D, dodge his head, then

jump on his tail. You are now on his back. Use Luigi to super jump

onto his antenna and stay up there continually jumping and doing

massive damage.

Rinse and repeat.


2.9.5)- Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)


Requirements: must have completed Flipside pit. Should at least be on

level 35, preferably higher.

In the pit of 100 trials, the objective is to defeat enemies in the

room, then open the door with the key you got from a random enemy. You

have 5 minutes to complete each room. Every tenth level is a chest

with a rare card.

Your prize for completing this dungeon? Nothing. Yep.

Your prize for completing this dungeon twice? A load of rare cards;

including the Mario card which grants you infinite time in 3-D mode.

Floor 1: Dark Goomba

2: Dark Koopa, Dark Goomba

3: Dark Goomba, Dark Paragoomba, Dark Tech Cursya

4: Dark Paragoomba

5: Dark Koopa, Dark Spiked Goomba

6: Dark Squiglet, Dark Cherbil

7: Dark Spiny, Dark Squiglet

8: Dark Goomba, Dark Spiny, Dark Cursya

9: Dark Spike Top, Dark Koopa

10: Catch Card 238 - Dashell

11: Dark Fuzzy, Dark Squiglet

12: Dark Stone Buzzy

13: Dark Cleft, Dark Paragoomba

14: Dark Cleft, Dark Paragoomba

15: Dark Spania, Dark Goomba

16: Dark Dull Bones, Dark Spiny, Dark Tech Cursya

17: Dark Stone Buzzy, Dark Spike Top

18: Dark Fuzzy, Dark Spiked Goomba

19: Dark Dull Bones, Dark Goomba

20: Catch Card 241 - Goombario

21: Dark Pokey, Dark Reversya Cursya, Dark Fuzzy

22: Dark Spania

23: Dark Fuzzy, Dark Longator

24: Dark Dull Bones, Dark Pokey, Dark Paragoomba

25: Dark Cleft, Dark Ruff Puff

26: Dark Dark Boo

27: Dark Ruff Puff, Dark Heavy Cursya, Dark Squiglet

28: Dark Stone Buzzy, Dark Spania

29: Dark Dark Boo, Dark Goomba

30: Catch Card 242 - Kooper

31: Dark Shlurp, Dark Ruff Puff

32: Dark Sproing-Oing, Dark Squiglet

33: Dark Choppa, Dark Pokey

34: Dark Boomboxer

35: Dark Growmeba, Dark Reversya Cursya, Dark Squiglet

36: Dark Boomboxer, Dark Cursya

37: Dark Growmeba

38: Dark Cherbil

39: Dark Dark Boo, Dark Megabite

40: Catch Card 234 - Bombette

41: Dark Striker

42: Dark Shlurp, Dark Cursya, Dark Heavy Cursya

43: Dark Boomboxer, Dark Choppa

44: Dark Sproing-Oing, Dark Tech Cursya, Dark Reversya Cursya

45: Dark Slurp

46: Dark Hammer Bro, Dark Goomba

47: Dark Magikoopa, Dark Striker, Dark Squiglet

48: Dark Fire Bro, Dark Spiked Goomba

49: Dark Magikoopa, Dark Striker, Dark Squiglet

50: Catch Card 244 - Parakarry

51: Dark Muth

52: Dark Chomp

53: Dark Clubba

54: Dark Squiglet

55: Dark Squiglet

56: Dark Boomerang Bro, Dark Tech Cursya, Dark Squiglet

57: Dark Tileoid

58: Dark Hammer Bro, Dark kCursya

59: Dark Striker, Dark Magikoopa

60: Catch Card 245 - Bow

61: Dark Magikoopa, Dark Comp

62: Dark Pigarithm, Dark Magikoopa, Dark Eeligon

63: Dark Magikoopa, Dark Heavy Cursya, Dark Tileoid

64: Dark Ninjoe

65: Dark Chomp, Dark Fire Bro

66: Dark Hammer Bro

67: Dark Clubba, Dark Tech Cursya

68: Dark Koopatrol, Dark Clubba

69: Dark Ninjoe, Dark Megabite, Dark Cherbil

70: Catch Card 246 - Watt

71: Dark Jawbus

72: Dark Koopa, Dark Koopatrol

73: Dark Barribad

74: Dark Choppa, Dark Eeligon

75: Dark Dayzee, Dark Pigarithm

76: Dark Koopatrol

77: Dark Ninjoe, Dark Tileoid

78: Dark Skellobit, Dark Ninjoe

79: Dark Skellobit, Dark Spiky Skellobit

80: Catch Card 247 - Sushie

81: Dark Spiky Skellobit, Dark Cursya

82: Dark Magikoopa, Dark Cherbil

83: Dark Skellobit, Dark Spikey Skellobit

84: Dark Jawbus

85: Dark Magiblot

86: Dark Kookpatrol, Dark Reversya Cursya

87: Dark Striker, Dark Squiglet

88: Dark Longator

89: Dark Magiblot, Dark Tileoid

90: Catch Card 248 - Lakilester

91: Dark Cursya, Dark Tech Cursya, Dark Heavy Cursya, Dark Reversya


92: Dark Magikoopa, Dark Squiglet

93: Dark Hammer Bro, Dark Boomerang Bro, Dark Fire Bro

94: Dark Magiblot, Dark Dayzee, Dark Cherbil

95: Dark Headbonk Goomba

96: Dark Jawbus, Dark Megabite

97: Dark Skellobit, Dark Spiky Skellobit

98: Dark Muth

99: Dark Koopatrol, Dark Fire Bro, Dark Hammer Bro, Dark Boomerang Bro

100: Nothing. On your first time through the pit, there is nothing on

this level.

100 (2): On your second time through, there is a boss fight that nets

you some rare cards.

The following boss fights take place one after the other with no


Boss Fight!

Dark Luigi

HP: 100

Attack: 10

Defense: 0


1) Tries to jump on you

2) Tries to heal himself with Shroom shakes

Defense against attacks:

1) Use Barry

2) jump on him before the Shroom shake takes effect.

Strategy: this fight is identical to the fight against Mr. L in

Chapter 4-4. Use Barry and Bowser.

Boss Fight!

Dark Peach

HP: 100

Attack: 10

Defense: 0


1) Tries to jump on you using her umbrella.

Defense against attacks:

1) Use Barry.

Strategy: same as above. Use Barry when she jumps, and blaze her when

she lands.

Boss Fight!

Dark Bowser

HP: 100

Attack: 20

Defense: 4


1) tries to jump on you

2) uses fire breath on you

Defense against attacks:

1) use Barry

2) Jump away

Strategy: Watch out for his fire breath, its very deadly. Before he

uses it, he normally jumps up and away from you. When he does, run in

the opposite direction. Get in close and counter with your fire

breath (it reaches farther then his), and use Barry when applicable.

Boss Fight!

Dark Mario

HP: 100

Attack: 10

Defense: 0


1) Tries to jump on you

2) uses a dark Cudge to inflict 20 points of damage

Defense against attacks:

1) use Barry

2) use your fire breath when he gets close to push him back

Strategy: the Defense section says it all. If he gets too close, run;

Cudge is very powerful.


2.9.6)- Sammer Guy Tournament (Duel of 100)


Requirements: must have completed chapter 8. Should at least be on

level 25, preferably higher.

The Sammer Guy Tournament, or "Duel of 100", is a tournament that you

may remember from chapter 6-1. The only difference is that you

actually get to fight all the way to the end.

Strategy (1): the strategy here is pretty simple. Use Bowser and Barry

for an easy win. If they run from Bowser's fire breath, walk forward a

few steps, then blaze away again. Repeat until dead.

Strategy (2): Small Sammer Guys can be a bit higher. Your best bet is

to jump up and use Barry to try to hit them in mid-air.

Strategy (3): Big Sammer Guys are easy. Just use Bowser's fire breath.

Some of the Sammer Guys will use a sonic sword. These act as

projectile attack that can hit you from a distance. Either jump over

them, or deflect them with Barry.

Also, watch out for Sammer Guys with spikes on their heads. You cant

jump on those.

Finally, a few Sammer Guys can flip between 2-D and 3-D. As soon as

they appear in 3-D they will extend their sword and hit the entire

field at once. Your best defense is to use Bowser's flame breath and

aim right where they entered 3-D. Don't move any and blaze away. He

will reappear and run right into it.

Last, but not least, look out for Ninja. They will appear out of no

where and attack you during a round. If you can hit them easily, so be

it. If not, focus on your main opponent.

The rounds of note are as follows:

Round 18: Small Sammer Guy

Round 20: Big Sammer Guy

Round 38: Small Sammer Guy

Round 50: Big Sammer Guy

Round 53: Small Sammer Guy

Round 61: Big Sammer Guy

Round 70: Small Sammer Guy

Round 83: big Sammer Guy

Round 86: Big Sammer Guy

Round 93: Small Sammer Guy

Round 100: Big Sammer Guy

Alternate Strategies:

From Volante:

Basically, I was getting my rear handed to me the first 25, so I

decided to be a sneaky little s.o.b.

Instant that the round started, I would A-flip and plant Boomer near

the middle of the platform.

I'd walk towards the screen (Left in 2-D) and often the opponent would

walk away (Right in 2-D).

I'd then flip back and hit '1' to detonate Boomer when the Sammer was

close enough.

I had to repeat this a couple times on some of the Sammers as their HP

went over 30 (my Boomer damage).

Small adjustments have to be made for the little guys and the BIG guys

with this, but very minor. Usually just timing and placement. After

adopting this strategy I only got hit once by a Sammer. (He had 61+


and I didn't instantly flip careless.) I did get hit a

couple times with ninjas, but at 1 to 2 dmg, it was something I could


For dealing with the flipping Sammers, I treated them like the eyes in

Bleck's castle: I'd Fleep them. They'd go dizzy and I'd be able to

quickly pull out Cluge and smack them. Picked Cluge since Boomer takes


bit more time to follow through.


2.9.7)- A Flipping, Flopping Tour


In this section I'm going to cover ever item, every card, and every

chest there is in Flipside and Flopside. I'm going to cover it in

walkthrough style; moving from one item to the next in via the easiest

route so you don't have to go out of your way. Even if you have the

item, its best to follow my directions so you don't get lost or end up

going out of your way.

Requirements: Have Piccolo, have 900 coins, have Luigi, have Peach,

have Tippi or Tiptron.

-= Flipside Tower =-

This is the easiest place to start. Wherever you are, use the return

pipe and come back here. Take the elevator down to Flipside 2nd floor.

-= Flipside 2nd floor =-

IF you have the warp pipe to Flopside already, use it. If not, take

the long way to Flopside 2nd floor.

-= Flopside 2nd floor =-

If you haven't paid Welderberg to build the pipe to Flipside yet, nows

your chance. Go to Merlee's house of charms and flip outside. Talk to

the only guy that's visible in 3-D and have him build a pipe.

Next, take the elevator down to Flopside 1st floor.

-= Flopside 1st floor =-

Go into the house just to the left of the elevator and flip to find

cooking disk Y. Exit, then take the elevator down.

-= Flopside B1 =-

Enter the coffee house and flip to reveal a hidden back room

containing the Gold Card and cooking disk B. Exit. If you flip into 3-

D, you'll see a some water on the ground. Take this passage to get to

the Itty Bits shop, and to the Map salesman.

Follow the water back, then take the elevator down.

-= Flopside B2 =-

Flip into 3-D and walk back. Enter a hidden room to find Welderberg

again. Talk to him and have him build another pipe.

Now walk right past a save block and use Luigi to jump on top of the

blocks in your way. If you have already completed the Flipside Pit of

100 Trials, there will be a blue ! switch that you can hit to open the

passage to the Flopside Pit.

Flip into 3-D and follow the hidden path.

-= Flopside Outskirts B2 =-

Fall right, then down into a hole to find a Barry card. Jump back out

and flip into 3-D. go behind the pipe and use Cudge to break the

yellow brick. Grab the Power Plus on the other side, then enter the

pipe you passed.

-= Flopside Outskirts B1 =-

Walk right and jump up onto the wall beside the heart pillar. Flip to

reveal a hidden passage in the window. Follow it to find a Piccolo

card. Jump back out and walk right. Smash the yellow block, then enter

the pipe on the right.

-= Flopside Outskirts 1st Floor =-

Walk right and exit via pipe.

-= Flopside Outskirts 2nd Floor =-

Flip and follow the secret path back to Flopside.

-= Flopside 2nd Floor =-

Make sure you are still in the "hidden area" then flip back into 2-D.

Walk right and jump up to the pipe you'll see overhead.

-= Flopside 3rd floor =-

Jump onto the brown blocks to your right. Use Tippi to reveal a brown

block after brown block to the left/right. Jump from block to block to

find cooking disk W.

Fall off to the left and use Piccolo beside the strange looking brown

block to find a Nolrem card.

Alright, we're down in Flopside. Use the return pipe to go back to


-= Flipside Tower =-

Take the elevator down.

-= Flipside 2nd floor =-

Take the elevator down.

-= Flipside 1st Floor =-

Take the elevator down.

-= Flipside B1 =-

The arcade is in the coffee shop here, just flip into 3-D and enter

the pipe.

Anyway, outside the coffee shop, flip into 3-D to find a The Interned

card in the wall. Fall into the water and swim right to find the Itty

Bits shop.

Now go back and take the elevator down again.

-= Flipside B2 =-

Flip into 3-D and enter a secret room. Talk to Welderberg and have him

build a pipe. Walk back right past a save block and use Luigi to get

on top of the blocks. Hit the Blue ! block for entrance to the

Flipside Pit of 100 Trials.

While still on top of the blocks, flip into 3-D and enter the secret


-= Flipside Outskirts B2 =-

Flip and fall off to the right. Enter the secret room behind the pipe

to find an HP Plus. Walk back out and use the pipe.

-= Flipside Outskirts B1 =-

Walk left and flip to find a hidden passage by one of the windows.

Follow it to claim a The Interchet card. Walk back out and enter the

pipe on the left.

-= Flipside Outskirts 1st Floor =-

Walk right. Jump over the first hole, but fall down the second. Grab

the two cards (Merlon and Merluvlee) and jump back up. Enter the pipe

on the right.

-= Flipside Outskirts 2nd Floor =-

Walk left and take the secret path back to Flipside.

-= Flipside 2nd Floor =-

Make sure you are still in the hidden area, then walk left. Use Boomer

to enter the pipe you see overhead.

-= Flipside 3rd Floor =-

Jump up on the brown blocks to the left and use Tippi to reveal block

after block. Follow them up to claim cooking disk R. Jump off the

right side and use Piccolo near the block with his face on it to find

a Merlee card.

That's it. You've now obtained every item and pipe in Flipside and



2.9.8)- Arcade Games!


Note that the high score section is open to anyone. If you want me to

list your high score, email me and give me a name to list it under.

If a score seems to high, I may ask for proof before posting it.

Anything from a screen shot, to a picture taken with a digital camera

will do. Just upload it to or another free picture host

and send me the link.

The arcade is located in Flipside B1. Enter the coffee shop and flip.

Enter the pipe. Talk to the floating square to by tokens that you use

to play games.

1 token 3 coins

5 tokens 15 coins

10 tokens 30 coins

50 tokens 150 coins

Each game costs a certain number of tokens to play. Depending on the

game on your end score, you could end up with a boat load of tokens

very quickly. At which point, you can trade your tokens in for prizes.

Prizes include:

Mystery Box 5

Catch card 10

Shooting Star 75

Ultra Shroom Shake 150

Whacka Bump 300

Amazy Dayzee card 500

HP Plus 2500

Power Plus 2500

Now on to the games!

------------- Forget Me Not -----------------

Cost: 10 tokens

Instructions: Flip panels over with A to find two of the same picture.

Find all the pairs to clear a round. ... but mess up

three times in a round, and your game is over!

Guide: have you ever played that memory game where you scatter cards

face-down on the floor, then try to find matching pairs? Yeah, this is

the same thing. Sometimes, cards will randomly switch places.

High Scores:

ChickieBun 1035000

mikerspd 1032000

AfroPuff 834000

ghfootball99 816000

Sack of Balls 615000

StarDestinyGuy 500700

SPV999 115634

------------- Mansion Patrol ---------------

Cost: 10 tokens

Instructions: Take aim at those pesky Boos with A and drive them away.

Wait too long and the Boos will close in and damage

you. Stay alive to advance! If a Boo hits you three

times, you can kiss your tokens good-bye!

Guide: This game is your standard shooting gallery. Boos and Dark Boos

will randomly appear on screen, and you have to point at them and

shoot with A or B. If you hit several in a row, its counted as stylish

and thereby gets you more points per kill. Randomly, a Boo will drag a

Toad across the screen. Carefully pick off the Boo to free the Toad,

earning you a lot of points and a neat upgrade (another life, or a

rapid fire chain gun). Sometimes, an Atomic Boo will appear. He is

worth a lot of points, but is very hard to kill.

There are 10 rounds in all. Happy hunting!

High Scores:

mikerspd 1237400

SPV999 1175320

AfroPuff 1160320

StarDestinyGuy 789470

-------------- Tilt Island -------------------

Cost: 10 tokens

Instructions: Tilt the Wii Remote to dodge the falling enemies and

grab the tasty desserts! Get a certain number of

desserts to clear the round. But if you get hurt three

times, your game is over!

Guide: tilt the Wii remote to make Mario walk. Dodge the falling

enemies. Certain things will grant you special abilities:

Flowers: makes Mario spin and enables him to kill falling enemies

Star: instantly kills all enemies on screen and give you many points

Mushrooms: give you an extra life

If you collect the same tasty snack to clear the stage, you get bonus

points. How many points depends on the snack.

20 rounds total.

Hight Scores:

Emir_Parkreiner 2804000

AfroPuff 1394000

Ngamer64: 1368000

Sack of Balls 1165000

MetricMars 1010450

StarDestinyGuy 897000

SPV999: 655000

MrSommelier 570000

--------------- Hammer Whacker (gold card only) ------------------

This game requires the Gold Card to play. You can find the gold card

in the coffee shop in Flopside.

Cost: 20 tokens

Instructions: Swing the Wii Remote downward when a shell gets close to

send it back! If you do it just right, you can take out

your opponent and win the round! But if you get hurt

three times, your game is over!

Guide: Anywhere from 1 to 7 shells are kicked at a time. Stay sharp

and count the number of shells they kick. The closer you let the

shells get before hitting them back, the more points you get.

100 rounds total.

High Scores:

Volante 3097000

prime7 2696000

AfroPuff 2495000

Ravage: 2325000

Sack of Balls 1287000

SPV999: 924000

MrSommelier2 400000


2.9.9)- Changing Peach's Hairs Style


After you beat the game, go to Flopside 1st floor and enter the house

to the left of the kitchen. Talk to the man inside as Peach to get a

new hairdo. It doesn't look that much different, though.



3)- Items



Items one of the things that separate this game from platformers, and

makes it a semi-RPG.

Items come in all shapes and sizes, and have all kinds of different

uses. Some items can be bought in shops, while others can only be

found on the field.

Some items have the ability to be powered up by a special action when

used. Other items will not work if you don't do the action properly.

These items will be marked by a "Special:" under their name.


3.1)- Usable Items



3.1.1)- Recovery Items


Recovery Items are items that recover your HP when used.

These items can be bought in some shops (see shop section), and others

can also be found by defeating enemies (list coming soon).

The items are listed in A-Z order.

- Big Egg

Restores 12 HP and cures poison.

- Black Apple

Restores 1 HP and cures poison.

- Blue Apple

Restores 5 HP and cures poison.

- Cake Mix

Restores 5 HP and cures poison.

- Dayzee Tear

Restores 3 HP and cures poison.

- Dried Shroom

Restores 1 HP and cures poison.

- Fresh Pasta Bunch

Restores 5 HP and cures poison.

- Fresh Veggie

Restores 10 HP and cures poison.

- Golden Leaf

Restores 1 HP and cures poison.

- Honey Jar

Restores 10 HP and cures poison.

- Horsetail

Restores 7 HP and cures poison.

- Inky Sauce

Restores 3 HP and cures poison.

- Keel Mango

Restores 7 HP and cures poison.

- Life Shroom

If your HP hits 0 in battle, this Shroom will automatically

revive you and restore 5 HP.

- Long-Last Shake

- Special: tilt the Wii remote as shown

A shake that slowly restores HP over time. How much HP it

restores is dependent on how many times you line the Wii

remote up properly.

- Mild Cocoa Bean

Restores 5 HP and cures poison.

- Peachy Peach

Restores 10 HP and cures poison.

- Pink Apple

Restores 5 HP and cures poison.

- Power Steak

Restores 15 HP and cures poison.

- Primordial Fruit

Restores 10 HP and cures poison.

- Red Apple

Restores 5 HP and cures poison.

- Sap Soup

Restores 3 HP and cures poison.

- Shroom Shake

Restores 10 HP.

- Slimy Shroom

Restores 10 HP and cures poison

- Smelly Herb

Restores 5 HP and cures poison.

- Super Shroom Shake

Restores 20 HP.

- Ultra Shroom Shake

Restores 50 HP.

- Whacka Bump

Restores 30 HP and cures poison.

- Yellow Apple

Restores 5 HP and cures poison.


3.1.2)- Defense Items


Defensive items raise your defense against enemy attacks.

- Block Block

- Special: tap the control pad in rhythm with the on-screen pattern.

Makes you invincible for a short period of time. The better your

timing with the control pad, the longer this item lasts.

- Courage Shell

- Special: Press 2 when the meter is in red.

Temporarily reduces damage you take by half.

- Turtley Leaf

Reduces damage received by half.

- Volt Shroom

- Special: Press A, 1, and 2 in time with the on screen pattern.

Electrifies you, so any enemy that touches you becomes



3.1.3)- Attack Items


Attack items attack your enemies for you, or raise your attack.

- Bone-in Cut

Temporarily doubles your attack.

- Fire Burst

Special: Shake the controller up and down to fill the meter.

Attacks your enemy with flames.

- Ghost Shroom

- Special: point the Wii remote at the screen and draw circles around

the mushroom to make it bigger.

Unleashes a giant mushroom to eat your enemies.

- Hot Sauce

Temporarily doubles your attack.

- Ice Storm

- Special: Shake the controller up and down to fill the meter.

Attacks enemies with ice and my freeze them.

- Mighty Tonic

Temporarily doubles your attack.

- POW Block

- Special: shake the Wii remote in time with the on-screen prompts.

Shakes enemies on the ground and ceiling. Not effective against

airborne enemies.

- Shell Shock

- Special: point at the shell and press A to supersize it. You get

one shot.

Rams enemies.

- Shooting Star

- Special: point at the screen and shoot the stars.

Showers enemies with shooting stars.

- Thunder Rage

- Special: Shake the controller up and down to fill the meter.

Strikes enemies with lightning.


3.1.4)- Special Items


Special Items serve a special purpose. They can do all sorts of weird


- Catch Card

Catches an enemy and turn them into a card (if it works).

- Catch Card SP

Catches an enemy and turn them into a card (almost always works)

- Gold Bar

A bar worth 100 coins.

Use: sell for ~90 coins.

- Gold Bar x3

A bar worth 300 coins.

Use: sell for ~290 coins.

- Gold Medal

A medal worth 10,000 points.

Use: use to add 10,000 points to your score counter, allowing you to

level up faster.

- Mystery Box

Turns into a random item when used.

- Poison Shroom

Poisons and damages you.

- Sleepy Sheep

Briefly puts enemies to sleep.

- Star Medal

A medal worth 1,000 points.

Use: use to add 10,000 points to your score counter, allowing you to

level up faster.

- Stop Watch

Freezes all enemies on screen.


3.1.5)- Field Items


Field Items can only be found in ? and sand blocks. They have an

immediate effect once you touch them. You may have to catch them first


- Mushroom

Restores 10 HP.

- Super Shroom

Restores 20 HP.

- Ultra Shroom

Restores 50 HP.

- Pal Pills

Summons 8 little people to defend you and defeat your

enemies just by touching them.

- Mega Star

Turns you invincible and huge for a short period of time.

- Power Plus

Permanently raises Attack by 1.

- HP Plus

Permanently raises HP by 5.

- Slow flower

Temporarily slows down time and triples the

points/coins you earn during that period.

- Speed flower

Temporarily speeds up time and triples the points/coins you earn

during that period.

- Happy flower

Makes coins fall from the sky for a short period of time.


3.2)- Important Things


Important things are exactly what there name suggests: things that are

important to your quest, and can only be used at certain points in the


Important things are listed in the order you obtain them(more or less)

- Return Pipe

When used, it will return you to Flipside tower. Can

also be used in Flopside as a rapid transit from Flopside to

Flipside, but not vise versa.

- Keys

Keys are used to unlock things (duh). Keys come in all

shapes and sizes. Each key can only be used in the

dungeon/area they are found in.

- Cooking Disks

There are 7 cooking disks in all. They are used in the

bakery and unlock various recipes. See the recipe section

for more info on baking and using cooking disks.

- Goldfish Bowl

Really self explanatory. You get this item just before

chapter 4. You need to dump out the fish to use it

as a space helmet.

- Helmet

What the Goldfish Bowl becomes after you dump the fish out.

You need to use this as a space helmet to breath in space.

- Ancient Clue

Obtained in level 4-2. It's a clue to the location of the

Whoa Zone. Take it back to the start of the level to use it

as toilet paper.

- Elemental Tablets

3 tablets total. Fire, water, earth. You need to use these

tablets in level 5-2 to unlock a warp pipe.

- Floro Sprout

Level 5-4. Needed to bypass a computer security system.

- Diet Book

Return this to Hagra in level 7-2 to earn a key.

- Orbs

3 orbs total. Yellow, blue, red. Needed in Level 7-4 to

repair the bridge.

- Paper

Used in the Piccolo side quest (see section 7)- or 2.9)-)

- Autograph

Used in the Piccolo side quest (see section 7)- or 2.9)-)

- You-know-what

Used in the Piccolo side quest (see section 7)- or 2.9)-)

- Training Machine

Used in the Piccolo side quest (see section 7)- or 2.9)-)

- Crystal Ball

Used in the Piccolo side quest (see section 7)- or 2.9)-)

- Golden Card

Needed to unlock the Hammer Whacker game. (see section 2.9)-)



4)- Shops



Don't think I really need to explain this. It's a list of shops and

the items held within.


Item Cost

Shroom Shake 30

Long-Last Shake 30

Life Shroom 100

Fire Burst 20

Ice Storm 40

Sleepy Sheep 10

Courage Shell 20

Star Medal 50

Gold Bar 100


Item Cost

Super Shroom Shake 80

Ultra Shroom Shake 300

Thunder Rage 80

Stop Watch 50

Mighty Tonic 70

Volt Shroom 30

Block Block 50

Ghost Shroom 88

Gold Medal 500

Gold Bar x3 300

World 1-2 shop:

Item Cost

Fire Burst 7

POW Block 60

Shroom Shake 11

Long-Last Shake 15

Life Shroom 50

Sleepy Sheep 25

Shell Shock 8

Mighty Tonic 50

Courage Shell 35

Volt Shroom 20

World 5-1 shop:

Item Cost

Fire Burst 15

Ice Storm 25

POW Block 80

Shroom Shake 25

Super Shroom Shake 100

Life Shroom 75

Sleepy Sheep 30

Courage Shell 8

Mystery Box 3

Primordial Fruit 22

Chocolate Shop (World 4-3)

Item Cost

Sweet Choco-bar 10

Shroom Choco-bar 50

Golden Choco-bar 100


4.1)- Itty Bits shops


Itsy Bitsy shops are special shops. You can only access them after

obtaining the Pixl Dotty. They are very small buildings in the

background of a level. They sell very unique items however, so its

worth tracking them down.

Flipside B1:

Item Cost

Cake Mix 25

Big Egg 25

Honey Jar 20

Flopside B1:

Item Cost

Fresh Pasta Bunch 30

Power Steak 35

Smelly Herb 15

World 5-1:

Found: as soon as the level starts, go just to the right of the

platform you land on:

Item Cost

Keel Mango 20

Mild Cocoa Bean 20

World 3-3:

Found: as soon as the level starts, go all the way right:

Item Cost

Peachy Peach 25

Fresh Veggie 20

Horsetail 18

World 7-4:

Found: on the platform that made the rainbow bridge appear, jump on

top of the building to the left of it:

Item Cost

Hot Doge 120

Hot Sauce 20



5)- Enemies



This section lists all enemies in the game (excluding Bosses).

They are in alphabetical order. If you know the name of the enemy

you're looking for, do a search for "- (enemies name here)" without

the quotation marks, and it should come up.

Most enemies only attack is to try to ram you.

Also, most enemies only natural defense is to walk around and hope you

miss. Some may try to run from you, but its rare.

If the enemy has some sort of special trait, it will be listed under

Special Attack or Special Defense. When fighting, it is important to

take these traits into consideration.

Be aware of spiked enemies as well. This will be one of the things

listed under Special Defense. If they have a spike on their head,

don't try to jump on them; you'll only hurt yourself.

- AirMeow

HP: 5

Attack: 2

Defense: 1

Strategy: you don't run into these that much. Pretty much just jump

on them or use Thoreau to take them out of the sky.

- Amazy Dayzee

HP: 30

Attack: 10

Special Attack: if their song its you, you will be put to sleep.

Defense: 0

Strategy: these are really hard to kill as they normally run before

you can finish them off. Besides that, just about

anything you can think of works.

- Atomic Boo

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Special Defense: Will turn invisible if you look at them head on.

Strategy: Boos are tricky, as they turn invisible when you look at

them. Best thing to do is come up behind them and jump on

their back. Boomer also works well.

- Back Cursya

HP: 1

Attack: 1

Special Attack: if touched, will send you back to flipside.

Defense: 0

Strategy: DON'T TOUCH IT! Use Bowser's fire breath, Boomer, or

Cudge instead.

- Bald Cleft

HP: 2

Attack: 1

Defense: 2

Special Defense: Fire doesn't hurt it.

Strategy: Normally, you can just jump on them. However, at the

point in the game you run into them for the first time,

your attack is to low to do damage. Insead, use an item

or smash them into each other using Thoreau.

Or use Boomer.

- Barribad

HP: 4

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Special Defense: will create a barrier around itself.

Strategy: One way around its barrier is to use 3-D mode. Another

is to use Dottie to sneak up on it. Other

then that, just jump on it.

- Beepboxer

HP: 10

Attack: 4

Special Attack: shoots sound waves at you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: Jump on its head or use Barry to deflect its sound waves

back at it.

- Big Meow

HP: -

Attack: 1

Defense: -

Strategy: you don't want to, nor can you, kill these enemies. You

use them as a spring board to reach chests.

- Big Sammer Guy

HP: Varies

Attack: Varies

Defense: Varies

Strategy: Use Bowser's fire breath and Barry when he jumps.

- Bittacuda

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: Bowser's fire breath is your best bet.

- Blastboxer

HP: 16

Attack: 6

Special Attack: Shoots sound waves at you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: Jump on its head or use Barry to deflect its sound waves

back at it.

- Blomeba

HP: 5

Attack: 2

Special Attack: will clone self.

Defense: 0

Strategy: Use Thoreau and grab it or one of its clones, then toss

it at another enemy.

- Blooper

HP: 1

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: Bowser's fire breath works well, as does Thudley.

- Blue Magiblot

HP: 25

Attack: 4

Special Attack: Conjures a ball of energy to throw at you.

Defense: 0

Special Defense: will disappear.

Strategy: Stand still; then, when it appears, use Barry to send its

attack back at it. Then, if there's time, jump on it.

- Boing-Oing

HP: 8

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Special Defense: if not taken out in one blow, will split into

three smaller Boing-Oings.

Strategy: Try to take it out in one jump. If you cant, then try to

get a stylish move to take out all the little Oings in

one shot.

- Boo

HP: 4

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Special Defense: Will turn invisible when you look at it head on.

Strategy: Boos are tricky, as they turn invisible when you look at

them. Best thing to do is come up behind them and jump on

their back. Boomer also works well.

- Boomboxer

HP: 4

Attack: 2

Special Attack: Shoots sound waves at you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: Strategy: Jump on its head or use Barry to deflect its

sound wave back at it.

- Boomerang Bro

HP: 10

Attack: 3

Special Attack: throws up to 2 Boomerangs back to back.

Defense: 1

Strategy: Jump over its Boomerangs (or use Barry) then jump on him.

- Bullet Bill

HP: 1

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: jump over/on them or use Barry. Once they hit something,

they will be destroyed.

- Bullet Bill Blaster

HP: 5

Attack: 2

Special Attack: fires Bullet Bills.

Defense: 3

Strategy: Use 3-D mode or jump over them to get behind them.

Then use Boomer or Cudge to inflict maximum damage.

- Buzzy Beetle

HP: 1

Attack: 1

Defense: 3

Strategy: if you jump on it, it wont take any damage.

You have to use Cudge, Boomer, or Bowser to kill him.

- Chain Chomp

HP: 4

Attack: 1

Defense: 4

Special Defense: fire doesn't hurt it.

Strategy: Keep your distance and use Boomer or Cudge when he

charges and tries to bit you.

- Cherbil

HP: 5

Attack: 2

Special Attack: will fire a gas that will put you to sleep.

Defense: 0

Strategy: the gas travels to slow to use Barry on. Instead, jump

over the gas, then jump on him. In the Pit of 100 Trials,

it might be better to try to deflect the gas.

- Cheep-Cheep

HP: 2

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Strategy: Bowser's fire breath works best.

- Choppa

HP: 5

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Special Defense: can flip between dimensions.

Strategy: Jumping on it is the most effective. But Cudge works

equally well.

- Chromeba

HP: 10

Attack: 3

Special Attack: will clone itself.

Defense: 0

Strategy: Use Thoreau and grab it or one of its clones, then toss

it at another enemy.

- Clubba

HP: 20

Attack: 3

Defense: 0

Strategy: don't jump on it, as you will most likely hit its club.

Instead, make it chase you and set Boomer in its path

or use Cudge.

- Copta

HP: 10

Attack: 3

Defense: 0

Special Defense: can flip between dimensions.

Strategy: Jumping on it is the most effective. But Cudge works

equally well.

- Crazee Daysee

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Special Attack: if their song its you, you will be put to sleep.

Defense: 0

Strategy: these are really hard to kill as they normally run before

you can finish them off. Besides that, just about

anything you can think of works. I prefer to flip into

3-D, then lay Boomer beside them, run, then flip back

into 2-D and detonate Boomer.

- Cursya

HP: 1

Attack: 1

Special Attack: if touched, will slow you down for a short period.

Defense: 0

Strategy: DON'T TOUCH IT! Use Bowser's fire breath, Boomer, or

Cudge instead.

- Dark Barribad

HP: 10

Attack: 8

Defense: 0

Special Defense: will create a barrier around itself.

Strategy: The only way around its barrier is to use 3-D mode. Other

then that, just jump on it.

- Dark Boo

HP: 13

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Special Defense: flips into 3-D to hide, then into 2-D to attack.

Strategy: stand still using Bowser. As soon as you seen them start

to emerge from 3-D, turn and douse the area with fire.

- Dark Boomboxer

HP: 32

Attack: 8

Special Attack: Shoots sound waves at you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: Jump on its head or use Barry to deflect its sound waves

back at it.

- Dark Boomerang Bro

HP: 20

Attack: 6

Special Attack: throws up to 2 Boomerangs back to back.

Defense: 3

Strategy: Jump over its Boomerangs (or use Barry) then jump on him.

- Dark Cherbil

HP: 15


Special Attack: will fire a gas that can inflict any of the other

Cherbil's ailments.

Defense: 0

Strategy: the gas travels to slow to use Barry on. Instead, jump

over the gas, then jump on him. In the Pit of 100 Trials,

it might be better to try to deflect the gas.

- Dark Chomp

HP: 10

Attack: 4

Defense: 10

Special Defense: fire doesn't hurt it.

Strategy: Keep your distance and use Boomer or Cudge when he

charges and tries to bit you.

- Dark Choppa

HP: 15

Attack: 5

Defense: 0

Special Defense: can flip between dimensions.

Strategy: Jumping on it is the most effective. But Cudge works

equally well.

- Dark Cleft

HP: 10

Attack: 4

Defense: 10

Special Defense: Spiked head.

Strategy: Boomer is very effective, as is Crudge.

- Dark Clubba

HP: 60

Attack: 6

Defense: 0

Strategy: don't jump on it, as you will most likely hit its club.

Instead, make it chase you and set Boomer in its path

or use Cudge.

- Dark Cursya

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Special Attack: if you touch it, it will randomly curse you with

any of the other Cursya's curses.

Defense: 0

Strategy: DON'T TOUCH IT! Use Bowser's fire breath, Boomer, or

Cudge instead.

- Dark Dark Boo

HP: 20

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Special Defense: flips into 3-D to hid, then into 2-D to attack.

Strategy: stand still using Bowser. As soon as you seen them start

to emerge from 3-D, turn and douse the area with fire.

- Dark Daysee

HP: 99

Attack: 20

Defense: 0

Special Attack: if their song its you, you will be put to sleep.

Defense: 0

Strategy: these are really hard to kill as they normally run before

you can finish them off. Besides that, just about

anything you can think of works.

- Dark Dull Bones

HP: 20

Attack: 8

Defense: 0

Special Defense: only explosions or fire can kill them.

Strategy: Boomer and Bowser (and some items) can kill them.

- Dark Eeligon

HP: 30

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Special Defense: only its head is vulnerable.

Strategy: It will regenerate its tail, so aim for its head.

Bowser is most effective, as he can hit the enter thing

at once.

- Dark Fire Bro

HP: 20

Attack: 6

Special Attack: Will shoot up to 2 fire balls at a time.

Defense: 3

Strategy: Try not to approach it directly. Instead, flip into 3-D

and use Boomer. If you cant, then use Barry to deflect

his attacks as you approach.

- Dark Fuzzy

HP: 15

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Strategy: Just jump on it.

- Dark Goomba

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: By the time you fight a Dark Goomba, 10 HP is nothing to

you. Just jump on it.

- Dark Growmba

HP: 20

Attack: 4

Special Attack: will clone self.

Defense: 0

Strategy: Use Thoreau and grab it or one of its clones, then toss

it at another enemy.

- Dark Hammer Bro

HP: 20

Attack: 4

Special Attack: Can throw an unlimited amount of hammers.

Defense: 3

Strategy: Try not to approach it directly. Instead, flip into 3-D

and use Boomer. If you cant, then use Barry to deflect

his attacks as you approach.

- Dark Headbonk Goomba

HP: 10

Attack: 4

Special Attack: Will jump into the air and try to land on you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: These guys like to jump on you. Either just jump on them

or set Boomer where they are going to land after they


- Dark Heavy Cursya

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Special Attack: If touched, will prevent you from jumping for a

short period.

Defense: 0

Strategy: DON'T TOUCH IT! Use Bowser's fire breath, Boomer, or

Cudge instead.

- Dark Jawbus

HP: 30

Attack: 8

Defense: 0

Strategy: You have to approach it from behind and jump on its tail.

If you don't, a giant invulnerable head will appear and

try to bit you. Bowser's fire breath can reach the tail

from the front if you have some patients.

- Dark Koopa

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 3

Strategy: you cant kill them by jumping. You have to use Cudge,

Boomer, or Bowser.

- Dark Koopatrol

HP: 30

Attack: 6

Defense: 8

Special Defense: Spiked head.

Strategy: The easiest way to take out a Koopatrol is to lay Boomer

on the ground, then get the Koopatrol to rush you. Run

away and detonate Boomer when he gets in range. You can

also use Cudge, but it's a little riskier.

- Dark Longator

HP: 30

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Strategy: set Boomer on the ground, then get it to stretch its neck

toward you. Detonate Boomer when its head reaches Boomer.

- Dark Magiblot

HP: 40

Attack: 10

Special Attack: Conjures a ball of energy to throw at you.

Defense: 0

Special Defense: will disappear.

Strategy: Stand still; then, when it appears, use Barry to send its

attack back at it. Then, if there's time, jump on it.

- Dark Magikoopa

HP: 20

Attack: 6

Special Attack: Conjures a ball of energy to throw at you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: the easiest, and safest, way to deal with a Magikoopa is

to use Barry to deflect their attacks back at them.

- Dark Megabite

HP: 8

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Special Defense: will only take 1 damage per hit

Strategy: these guys are really annoying. You can either carefully

time your jumps, or use Barry when he tries to ram you.

- Dark Muth

HP: 255

Attack: 10

Defense: 0

Strategy: Use Bowser's fire breath.

- Dark Ninjoe

HP: 20

Attack: 5

Special attack: will throw shuriken out of no where

Defense: 0

Special Defense: when hit, sometime he will transform into a bomb

and take no damage. The bomb will hurt you though.

Strategy: These guys are the principal of annoying. Your best bet

is to use Bowser's fire breath; or toss Boomer over a

ledge where one is jumping around.

- Dark Paragoomba

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: Jump on it once to take away its wings. Then it just

turns into a Dark Goomba.

- Dark Paratroopa

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 3

Strategy: after you jump on it once, it turns into a Dark Troopa.

You cant kill them by jumping. You have to use Cudge,

Boomer, or Bowser.

- Dark Pigarithm

HP: doesn't matter

Attack: 6

Defense: 0

Special Defense: when hit, it looses a head and gets faster.

Strategy: for every time you damage it, it looses a head and speeds

up. You have to hit it 3 times to kill it. While you can

just jump on it, its easier to use Boomer or Bowser.

- Dark Pokey

HP: 20

Attack: 4

Special Attack: will launch its spare parts at you. The orb can

poison you.

Defense: 0

Special Defense: Spiked Head

Strategy: you cant jump on it, and for every ball it launches at

you, it gets smaller and faster. Use Boomer or Cudge to

take them out quickly.

- Dark Reversya Cursya

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: DON'T TOUCH IT! Use Bowser's fire breath, Boomer, or

Cudge instead.

- Dark Ruff Puff

HP: 30

Attack: 6

Defense: 0

Strategy: jump on it, or use Boomer to deflect its lightning back

at it.

- Dark Shlurp

HP: doesn't matter

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Special Defense: can only be damaged from the inside.

Strategy: Plant Boomer in its path to have Boomer eaten. Boomer

will explode causing damage. You must do this 3 times.

- Dark Skellobit

HP: 30

Attack: 4

Defense: 4

Strategy: I find Cudge, Boomer, or Bowser work best.

- Dark Spania

HP: 20

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: Cudge, Boomer, and Bowser all work well.

- Dark Spike Skellobit

HP: 30

Attack: 4

Defense: 4

Strategy: Cudge, Boomer, and Bowser all work well.

- Dark Spiked Goomba

HP: 10

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: don't jump on it. Use a pixl or a special attack/item.

- Dark Spiketop

HP: 10

Attack: 4

Defense: 6

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: Cudge, Boomer, and Bowser all work well.

- Dark Spiny

HP: 10

Attack: 4

Defense: 6

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: Cudge, Boomer, and Bowser all work well.

- Dark Spoing-Oing

HP: 16

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Special Defense: if not taken out in one blow, will split into

three smaller Boing-Oings.

Strategy: Try to take it out in one jump. If you cant, then try to

get a stylish move to take out all the little Oings in

one shot.

- Dark Squiglet

HP: 20

Attack: 8

Defense: 0

Strategy: Either jump on it or use Barry to deflect his attacks.

- Dark Stone Buzzy

HP: 3

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Special Defense: will only take 1 damage per hit.

Strategy: just jump on it. Try to get stylish moves for

consecutive jumps.

- Dark Striker

HP: 20

Attack: 6

Special Attack: will launch shells at you.

Defense: 3

Strategy: use Barry to deflect their attacks.

- Dark Tech Cursya

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: DON'T TOUCH IT! Use Bowser's fire breath, Boomer, or

Cudge instead.

- Dark Tileoid

HP: 25

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Strategy: Bowser is your best bet, but Boomer and jumping on them

work well too.

- Dry Bones

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Special Defense: only explosions or fire can kill them.

Strategy: Boomer and Bowser (and some items) can kill them.

- Dull Bones

HP: 15

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Special Defense: only explosions or fire can kill them.

Strategy: Boomer and Bowser (and some items) can kill them.

- Eeligon

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Special Defense: only its head is vulnerable.

Strategy: It will regenerate its tail, so aim for its head.

Bowser is most effective, as he can hit the enter thing

at once.

- Fire Bro

HP: 10

Attack: 3

Special Attack: Will fire up to 3 fire balls at you.

Defense: 1

Strategy: Try not to approach it directly. Instead, flip into 3-D

and use Boomer. If you cant, then use Barry to deflect

his attacks as you approach.

- Floro Cragnien

HP: 10

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Experience earned: -100

Strategy: you don't want to kill time. If you do, 100 points will

be subtracted from your score.

- Floro Sapiem

HP: 12

Attack: 3

Special Attack: will throw head at you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: just jump on it.

- Foton

HP: 8

Attack: 2

Special Attack: Will fire up to 3 balls of energy at you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: fire lasers at it.

- Frost Piranha

HP: 7

Attack: 3

Special Attack: it breath can freeze you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: When it comes up from the pipe, get right up next to the

pipe and wait for it to retract back in. jump up and set

Boomer on the pipe, then jump off and wait for him to pop

back up. KABOOM!

- Fuzzy

HP: 5

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Strategy: just jump on it.

- Gawbus

HP: 20

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Strategy: You have to approach it from behind and jump on its tail.

If you don't, a giant invulnerable head will appear and

try to bit you. Bowser's fire breath can reach the tail

from the front if you have some patients.

- Ghoul Shroom

HP: 10

Attack: 5

Defense: 0

Strategy: just jump on it.

- Gigabyte

HP: 6

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Special Defense: will only take 1 damage per hit

Strategy: these guys are really annoying. You can either carefully

time your jumps, or use Barry when he tries to ram you.

- Gloomba

HP: 2

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: Just jump on it.

- Goomba

HP: 1

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Strategy: If you need help defeating a Goomba, you need more help

then I can provide.

- Growmeba

HP: 2

Attack: 1

Special Attack: will clone self.

Defense: 0

Strategy: Use Thoreau and grab it or one of its clones, then toss

it at another enemy.

- Hammer Bro

HP: 4

Attack: 1

Special Attack: Can throw an unlimited amount of hammers at you.

Defense: 1

Strategy: Try not to approach it directly. Instead, flip into 3-D

and use Boomer. If you cant, then use Barry to deflect

his attacks as you approach.

- Headbonk Goomba

HP: 1

Attack: 2

Special Attack: Will jump into the air and try to land on you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: These guys like to jump on you. Either just jump on them

or set Boomer where they are going to land after they


- Heavy Cursya

HP: 1

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Strategy: DON'T TOUCH IT! Use Bowser's fire breath, Boomer, or

Cudge instead.

- Hogarithm

HP: doesn't matter

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Special Defense: when hit, it looses a head and gets faster.

Strategy: for every time you damage it, it looses a head and speeds

up. You have to hit it 3 times to kill it. While you can

just jump on it, its easier to use Boomer or Bowser.

- Hooligon

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Special Defense: only its head is vulnerable.

Strategy: It will regenerate its tail, so aim for its head.

Bowser is most effective, as he can hit the enter thing

at once.

- Ice Cherbil

HP: 5

Attack: 2

Special Attack: will fire a gas that will freeze you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: the gas travels to slow to use Barry on. Instead, jump

over the gas, then jump on him. In the Pit of 100 Trials,

it might be better to try to deflect the gas.

- Jawbus

HP: 5

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Strategy: You have to approach it from behind and jump on its tail.

If you don't, a giant invulnerable head will appear and

try to bit you. Bowser's fire breath can reach the tail

from the front if you have some patients.

- Jellien

HP: 4

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: shoot it with a laser.

- Koopa Striker

HP: 8

Attack: 2

Special Attack: will launch shells at you.

Defense: 1

Strategy: use Barry to deflect their attacks.

- Koopa Troopa

HP: 1

Attack: 1

Defense: 1

Strategy: you cant kill them by jumping. You have to use Cudge,

Boomer, or Bowser.

- Koopatrol

HP: 15

Attack: 3

Defense: 4

Strategy: The easiest way to take out a Koopatrol is to lay Boomer

on the ground, then get the Koopatrol to rush you. Run

away and detonate Boomer when he gets in range. You can

also use Cudge, but it's a little riskier.

- Lakitu

HP: 4

Attack: 1

Special Attack: will throw Spiny's.

Defense: 0

Strategy: they will constantly try to stay overhead. Jump up as

fast as you can to catch up with them, then just jump on


- Lava Bubble

HP: 1

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Strategy: You never actually have to kill these. Just jump over

them. If for some reason you want to defeat them, I recon

Boomer should work nicely.

- Longadile

HP: 20

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: set Boomer on the ground, then get it to stretch its neck

toward you. Detonate Boomer when its head reaches Boomer.

- Longator

HP: 12

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Strategy: set Boomer on the ground, then get it to stretch its neck

toward you. Detonate Boomer when its head reaches Boomer.

- Magikoopa

HP: 6

Attack: 3

Special Attack: Conjures a ball of energy to throw at you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: the easiest, and safest, way to deal with a Magikoopa is

to use Barry to deflect their attacks back at them.

- Mega Koopa

HP: 1

Attack: 2

Defense: 1

Strategy: Go left and grab a Mega Star of your own. Then run over


- Mega Muth

HP: 200

Attack: 8

Defense: 0

Strategy: Use Bowser's fire breath.

- Megabite

HP: 4

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Special Defense: will only take 1 damage per hit

Strategy: these guys are really annoying. You can either carefully

time your jumps, or use Barry when he tries to ram you.

- Meowbomb

HP: 1

Attack: 2

Special Attack: Will explode after a set amount of time.

Defense: 1

Strategy: just jump on it.

- Mister I

HP: doesn't matter

Attack: 2

Special Attack: Will fire lasers at you.

Defense: 0

Special Defense: immune to every attack.

Strategy: Ever play Super Mario 64? If so, you should know how to

deal with these. Go into 3-D mode and run in a circle

around them. After one lap they will explode.

- Moon Cleft

HP: 5

Attack: 2

Defense: 4

Special Defense: Fire doesn't hurt it.

Special Defense (2): Spiked head

Strategy: you cant jump on them, or use Thoreau. You'll have to use

Cudge or Boomer.

- Muth

HP: 100

Attack: 5

Defense: 0

Strategy: Use Bowser's fire breath.

- Ninjerry

HP: 10

Attack: 4

Special attack: will throw shuriken out of no where

Defense: 0

Special Defense: when hit, sometime he will transform into a bomb

and take no damage. The bomb will hurt you though.

Strategy: These guys are the principal of annoying. Your best bet

is to use Bowser's fire breath; or toss Boomer over a

ledge where one is jumping around.

- Ninjoe

HP: 6

Attack: 2

Special attack: will throw shuriken out of no where

Defense: 0

Special Defense: when hit, sometime he will transform into a bomb

and take no damage. The bomb will hurt you though.

Strategy: These guys are the principal of annoying. Your best bet

is to use Bowser's fire breath; or toss Boomer over a

ledge where one is jumping around.

- Ninjohn

HP: 8

Attack: 3

Special attack: will throw shuriken out of no where

Defense: 0

Special Defense: when hit, sometime he will transform into a bomb

and take no damage. The bomb will hurt you though.

Strategy: These guys are the principal of annoying. Your best bet

is to use Bowser's fire breath; or toss Boomer over a

ledge where one is jumping around.

- Parabuzzy

HP: 1

Attack: 1

Defense: 3

Strategy: After you jump on it, it turns into a Buzzy Beetle.

If you jump on it, it wont take any damage.

You have to use Cudge, Boomer, or Bowser to kill him.

- Paragoomba

HP: 1

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Strategy: Jump on it once to take away its wings. Then it just

turns into a Goomba.

- Paratroopa




Strategy: after you jump on it once, it turns into a Koopa.

You cant kill them by jumping. You have to use Cudge,

Boomer, or Bowser.

- PatrolMeow

HP: 5

Attack: 2

Defense: 1

Strategy: since they travel in packs, the best way to defeat them

is jump over top of the pack and use Thudley.

- Pigarithm

HP: doesn't matter

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Special Defense: when hit, it looses a head and gets faster.

Strategy: for every time you damage it, it looses a head and speeds

up. You have to hit it 3 times to kill it. While you can

just jump on it, its easier to use Boomer or Bowser.

- Pink Fuzzy

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: just jump on it.

- Piranha Plant

HP: 2

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Strategy: When it comes up from the pipe, get right up next to the

pipe and wait for it to retract back in. jump up and set

Boomer on the pipe, then jump off and wait for him to pop

back up. KABOOM!

- Poison Cherbil

HP: 5

Attack: 2

Special Attack: will fire a gas that will poison you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: the gas travels to slow to use Barry on. Instead, jump

over the gas, then jump on him. In the Pit of 100 Trials,

it might be better to try to deflect the gas.

- Poison Pokey

HP: 12

Attack: 2

Special Attack: will launch its spare parts at you. The orb can

poison you.

Defense: 0

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: you cant jump on it, and for every ball it launches at

you, it gets smaller and faster. Use Boomer or Cudge to

take them out quickly.

- Pokey

HP: 6

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: you cant jump on it, and for every ball it launches at

you, it gets smaller and faster. Use Boomer or Cudge to

take them out quickly.

- Putrid Piranha

HP: 5

Attack: 2

Special Attack: its breath is poisonous.

Defense: 0

Strategy: When it comes up from the pipe, get right up next to the

pipe and wait for it to retract back in. jump up and set

Boomer on the pipe, then jump off and wait for him to pop

back up. KABOOM!

- Rawbus

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: You have to approach it from behind and jump on its tail.

If you don't, a giant invulnerable head will appear and

try to bit you. Bowser's fire breath can reach the tail

from the front if you have some patients.

- Red Chomp

HP: 8

Attack: 3

Defense: 8

Special Defense: fire doesn't hurt it.

Strategy: Keep your distance and use Boomer or Cudge when he

charges and tries to bit you.

- Red I

HP: doesn't matter

Attack: 4

Special Attack: Will fire lasers at you.

Defense: 0

Special Defense: immune to every attack.

Strategy: Ever play Super Mario 64? If so, you should know how to

deal with these. Go into 3-D mode and run in a circle

around them. After one lap they will explode.

- Red Magiblot

HP: 15

Attack: 6

Special Attack: Conjures balls of energy to throw at you.

Defense: 0

Special Defense: will disappear.

Strategy: Stand still; then, when it appears, use Barry to send its

attack back at it. Then, if there's time, jump on it.

- Reversya Cursya

HP: 1

Attack: 1

Special Attack: if touched, will reverse your controls for a short


Defense: 0

Strategy: DON'T TOUCH IT! Use Bowser's fire breath, Boomer, or

Cudge instead.

- Ruff Puff

HP: 15

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Strategy: jump on it, or use Boomer to deflect its lightning back

at it.

- Sammer Guy

HP: Varies

Attack: Varies

Defense: Varies

Strategy: Use Bowser's fire breath and Barry when he jumps.

- Shlorp

HP: doesn't matter

Attack: 3

Defense: 0

Special Defense: can only be damaged from the inside.

Strategy: Plant Boomer in its path to have Boomer eaten. Boomer

will explode causing damage. You must do this 2 times.

- Shlurp

HP: doesn't matter

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Special Defense: can only be damaged from the inside.

Strategy: Plant Boomer in its path to have Boomer eaten. Boomer

will explode causing damage. You must do this 1 time.

- Skellobait

HP: 5

Attack: 2

Defense: 1

Strategy: just jump on it.

- Skellobit

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 2

Strategy: I find Cudge, Boomer, or Bowser work best.

- Skellobomber

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 2

Strategy: Luigi's super jump works well.

- Small Sammer Guy

HP: Varies

Attack: Varies

Defense: Varies

Strategy: Use Bowser's fire breath and Barry when he jumps.

- Sobarribad

HP: 8

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Special Defense: will create a barrier around itself.

Strategy: The only way around its barrier is to use 3-D mode. Other

then that, just jump on it.

- Soopa Striker

HP: 16

Attack: 5

Special Attack: will launch shells at you.

Defense: 1

Strategy: use Barry to deflect their attacks.

- Spania

HP: 6

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: Cudge, Boomer, and Bowser all work well.

- Spike Skellobait

HP: 5

Attack: 2

Defense: 1

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: I find Cudge, Boomer, or Bowser work best.

- Spiked Goomba

HP: 1

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: don't jump on it. Use a pixl or a special attack/item.

- Spiky Parabuzzy

HP: 1

Attack: 2

Defense: 3

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: You cant jump on it to take it out of the air.

Instead, use Boomer to shoot him down.

- Spiketop

HP: 1

Attack: 2

Defense: 3

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: Cudge, Boomer, and Bowser all work well.

- Spiky Skellobit

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 2

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: I find Cudge, Boomer, or Bowser work best.

- Spiky Tromp

HP: -

Attack: 1

Defense: -

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: These cannot be defeated.

- Spiny

HP: 4

Attack: 2

Defense: 3

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: Cudge, Boomer, and Bowser all work well.

- Spiny Tromp

HP: -

Attack: 1

Defense: -

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: You cant kill them, only avoid them.

- Spoing-Oing

HP: 4

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Special Defense: if not taken out in one blow, will split into

three smaller Boing-Oings.

Strategy: Try to take it out in one jump. If you cant, then try to

get a stylish move to take out all the little Oings in

one shot.

- Squig

HP: 4

Attack: 1

Special Attack: Spits rocks at you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: Either jump on it or use Barry to deflect his attacks.

- Squiglet

HP: 2

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Strategy: Just jump on it.

- Squog

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Special Attack: Spits rocks at you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: Either jump on it or use Barry to deflect his attacks.

- Squoinker

HP: 15

Attack: 4

Special Attack: Spits rocks at you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: Either jump on it or use Barry to deflect his attacks.

- Stone Buzzy

HP: 3

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Special Defense: will only take 1 damage per hit.

Strategy: just jump on it. Try to get stylish moves for

consecutive jumps.

- SupriseMeow

HP: 1

Attack: 2

Special Attack: will launch Meowbombs at you.

Defense: 0

Strategy: use 3-D mode an go around them. You can also use Thoreau

to grab a Meowbomb, then throw the Meowbomb back into the

SurpriseMeows cannon. It'll choke for a sec, then


- Swooper

HP: 3

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Strategy: jump on it, or use Luigi's super jump.

- Tech Cursya

HP: 1

Attack: 1

Special Attack: if touched, will prevent you from flipping

dimensions for a short period.

Defense: 0

Strategy: DON'T TOUCH IT! Use Bowser's fire breath, Boomer, or

Cudge instead.

- Thwomp

HP: -

Attack: 1

Defense: -

Special Defense: Spiked head

Strategy: Thwomps cannot be defeated.

- Tileoid B

HP: 10

Attack: 1

Defense: 0

Strategy: Bowser is your best bet, but Boomer and jumping on them

work well too.

- Tileoid G

HP: 5

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: Bowser is your best bet, but Boomer and jumping on them

work well too.

- Tileoid R

HP: 15

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: Bowser is your best bet, but Boomer and jumping on them

work well too.

- Tileoid Y

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: Bowser is your best bet, but Boomer and jumping on them

work well too.

- Troopa Striker

HP: 8

Attack: 2

Special Attack: will launch shells at you.

Defense: 1

Strategy: use Barry to deflect their attacks.

- Underhand

HP: -

Attack: 1

Defense: -

Strategy: Underhands cannot be defeated.

- Warpid

HP: 10

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Special Defense: can warp to any point on the field.

Strategy: just shoot lasers at it.

- Yellow Magiblot

HP: 20

Attack: 5

Special Attack: Conjures balls of energy to throw at you.

Defense: 0

Special Defense: will disappear.

Strategy: Stand still; then, when it appears, use Barry to send its

attack back at it. Then, if there's time, jump on it.

- Zoing-Oing

HP: 12

Attack: 3

Defense: 0

Special Defense: if not taken out in one blow, will split into

three smaller Zoing-Oings.

Strategy: Try to take it out in one jump. If you cant, then try to

get a stylish move to take out all the little Oings in

one shot.

- Zombie Shroom

HP: 1

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Strategy: just jump on it.



6)- Catch Cards



Cards can be obtained through finding them on the field (this is the

only way rare cards can be found), or by using a catch card or catch

card SP on an enemy. If it succeeds, that enemy will become its own


Cards are always equipped, and never wear out. But what do they do?

Simple: for every card you have of an enemy, your attack does double

damage to said enemy.

Most cards cannot be found just laying around, so I will list the

easiest place to find and catch them. It is recommended that you use

catch card SP's as they are more likely to catch their prey.

Also note that every card in the game can either be bought in the card

shop in Flopside (randomly stocked), or can be randomly won via card

bag (card shop, Flipside).

The description is the in-game description.

#001: Goomba

Can be found: World 1-1

Description: This lowly goon is always getting stepped on. It

isn't easy being a soft, mushroomy minion.

#002: Dark Goomba

Can be found: Pit of 100 trials (Flopside)

Description: This Goomba dwells in a certain secret pit. It's

shadowy, adorable, and oh so stompable.

#003: Spiked Goomba

Can be found: World 1-3

Description: A Goomba with a spike strapped to its helmet.

Head spikes: the ultimate in antistomping technology.

#004: Dark Spiked Goomba

Can be found: Pit of 100 trials (Flopside)

Description: This spiky guy dwells in a certain secret pit. It may

be dark, but it's not dim. Or is it...?

#005: Paragoomba

Can be found: World 1-2

Description: A Goomba that has been through airborne training. One

stomp, and its like it never went to flight school.

#006: Dark Paragoomba

Can be found: Pit of 100 trials (Flopside)

Description: The Dark Paragoomba lives in a certain secret pit.

Give it a friendly stomp to turn it into a Dark


#007: Gloomba

Can be found: World 3-1

Description: A Goomba that thrives in dank, depressing holes.

A strict all-mushroom diet makes this guy extra


#008: Headbonk Goomba

Can be found: Pit of 100 trials (Flipside)

Description: Dark Headbonk Goombas live in a certain secret pit.

They look like Dark Goombas, but they bonk!

#009: Dark Headbonk Goomba

Can be found: Pit of 100 trials (Flopside)

Description: Dark Headbonk Goombas live in a certain secret pit.

They look like Dark Goombas, but they bonk!

#010: Koopa Troopa

Can be found: World 1-2.

Description: Koopa Troopas have always been causing trouble. When

they get attacked, they retreat into their shells. Of

course, there's nothing stopping you from kicking it.

#011: Mega Koopa

Can be found: shop, 100 points.

Description: This Koopa got a Mega Star. Now it's a mega problem.

Don't look at it in 3-D, or it'll blow your mind!

#012: Dark Koopa

Can be found: Pit of 100 trials (Flopside)

Description: This guy dwells in a certain secret pit. Like a

koopa, but somehow... darker.

#013: Koopatrol

Can be found: World 8-1.

Description: The heavy-metal Koopatrol feels no remorse. It'll

roll right over its own Koopa granny. But it's not

well suited for aquatic operations.

#014: Dark Koopatrol

Can be found: Pit of 100 trials (Flopside)

Description: Dark Koopatrols dwell in a certain secret pit. Stomp

them to turn them into... dark shells. Shocker!

#015: Paratroopa

Can be found: World 1-2.

Description: This Koopa Troopa breezed through flight school. A

quick stomp to the head will ground it. Forever.

#016: Dark Paratroopa

Can be found: Pit of 100 trials (Flopside)

Description: Dark Paratroopas defend a certain secret pit. You

think they'll turn into Dark Koopas when stomped?

... you'd be right.

#017: Buzzy Beetle

Can be found: World 1-4.

Description: This little guy is built to withstand anything. Even

a Muth stampede wouldn't flatten it... Probably.

#018: Spiketop

Can be found: World 5-3

Description: A Buzzy Beetle that's all spiked out and ready to go.

Try to control your urge to stomp on it.

#019: Dark Spiketop

Can be found: Pit of 100 trials (Flopside)

Description: It's a Dark Spike Top from a certain secret pit.

Still cute, despite looking more noticeably evil.

#020: Parabuzzy

Can be found: World 7-3

Description: just look at this cute little Buzzy Beetle with

wings! It'll lose its wings if you stomp on it. Of

course, that would be totally heartless.

#021: Spiked Parabuzzy

Can be found: World 7-3

Description: Not so cute anymore, is it? Wings! Spikes! Come on!

You cant stomp it AND it's hard to hammer. Brutal.

#022: Stone Buzzy

Can be found: World 5-2

Description: It's a Buzzy Beetle with a rock-hard shell. You'll

have to stomp it a few times to crack it. you may

feel a little guilty, but push through it.

#023: Dark Stone Buzzy

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: It's a Dark Stone Buzzy from a certain secret pit.

They look the same, but they're definitely tougher.

#024: Spiny

Can be found: World 3-3

Description: you DO NOT want to step on this razor-sharp baddie.

They're born covered in spiny spines. This makes

hugging a Spiny a little... awkward.

#025: Dark Spiny

Can be found: Pit of 100 trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Spiny waddles in a certain secret pit. You

cant see its beady little eyes, but it's watching...

#026: Lakitu

Can be found: World 3-3

Description: Lakitu chucks Spinys like coins at a Pianta Parlor.

What's its problem? Someone made fun of its glasses.

#027: Dull Bones

Can be found: World 7-1

Description: this undead Koopa wanders around with a blank stare.

It's not too psyched about being dead. It mostly

throws bones out of sheer spite.

#028: Dark Dull Bones

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: The Dark Dull Bones dwells in a certain secret pit.

The bones it throws are really... shady.

#029: Dry Bones

Can be found: World 8-1

Description: this resilient revenant wont rest in peace. Maybe

it's its undying loyalty to Bowser. Or was it the pie

it never had a chance to eat?

#030: Hammer Bro

Can be found: World 8-2

Description: This elite Koopa has a hankering for hammers. It

mostly likes to sit up high and toss down hammers.

One day, it'll take the carpentry World by storm.

#031: Dark Hammer Bro

Can be found: Pit of 100 trials (Flopside)

Description: Dark Hammer Bros. terrorize a certain secret pit.

Fear them! Fear them or be stuck with flying mallets.

#032: Boomerang Bro

Can be found: World 8-1

Description: this elite Koopa goes bananas for boomerangs.

Unfortunately, they hurt when you try to eat them.

#033: Dark Boomerang Bro

Can be found: Pit of 100 trials (Flopside)

Description: This dark Boomerang Bro dwells in a certain secret

pit. Is it all that smart to throw boomerangs in the


#034: Fire Bro

Can be found: World 8-2

Description: This elite Koopa has an unhealthy fireball fixation.

However, it's a big hit a Koopa cookouts.

#035: Dark Fire Bro

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Fire Bro dwells in a certain secret pit.

Are pitch-black fireballs even hot?

#036: Magikoopa

Can be found: World 3-1

Description: this elite Koopa is an expert hexologist. It also

has questionable taste in eyewear.

#037: Dark Magikoopa

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: Dark Magikoopas dwell in a certain secret pit. Too

bad you cant see its face... it's wearing contacts!

#038: Koopa Striker

Can be found: World 3-3

Description: This Koopa Striker kicks for the love of the game.

Its luxurious eyebrows are... wait a sec...


#039: Troopa Striker

Can be found: World 8-2

Description: Toopa Strikers are the true team players. Watch out

for the no-look shell-to-face assists!

#040: Soopa Striker

Can be found: World 8-3

Description: It's the star player of the Koopa Kickers. It's even

on the cover of Koopa Kleats magazine!

#041: Dark Striker

Can be found: Pit of 100 trials (Flopside)

Description: Dark Strikers play in a certain secret pit. One red

card too many, and they went to the dark side!

#042: Clubba

Can be found: World 5-2

Description: This soldier would rather nap then face the front

lines. Hauling that club around would make anyone


#043: Dark Clubba

Can be found: Pit of 100 trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Clubba stumbles around a certain secret

pit. Dark Clubbas are still sleepy. Some things never


#044: Squiglet

Can be found: World 1-1

Description: Awww... look at that adorable little Squiglet. So

adorable under your foot.

#045: Squig

Can be found: World 1-1

Description: this nasty little guy needs to learn some manners. It

spits rocks at people! Honestly, who does that?

#046: Squog

Can be found: Flipside outskirts

Description: For wile, feral animals, Squogs are pretty cute. That

is, until you see them eating.

#047: Squoinker

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flipside)

Description: Squoinkers are proud to be pretty in pink. The polka

dots are for extra intimidation.

#048: Dark Squiglet

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: The Dark Squiglet dwells in a certain secret pit.

Awwww, it spits oily black rocks! Adorable!

#049: Spoing-Oing

Can be found: Flipside B1 outskirts

Description: Sproing-Oings split in three when they get stomped.

The little critters can throw off your timing, so

watch it!

#050: Boing-Oing

Can be found: World 4-2

Description: This bouncing bully splits in three when you stomp

it. Stomp your heart out before you get swarmed!

#051: Zoing-Oing

Can be found: World 8-4

Description: This mad hopper splits in three when you stomp it.

It's looking a little on the pale side. Maybe it's

all that late-night trampoline training.

#052: Dark Spoing-Oing

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: The Dark Sproing-Oing dwells in a certain secret pit.

This one doesn't split and clone... haha, actually it


#053: Boomboxer

Can be found: World 1-3

Description: This music maven will assault you with bowel-busting

bass! What's with the face it makes when it rocks


#054: Beepboxer

Can be found: World 4-2

Description: This angry audiophile deafens you with sound. Loves

loud music, but hates explosions. Go figure.

#055: Blastboxer

Can be found: 8-4

Description: You're going to be blown away by this mighty rocker.

This one hates explosions, which is totally not


#056: Dark Boomboxer

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Boomboxer rocks out in a certain secret

pit. It's sad not to see that crazy face it makes...

#057: Piranha Plant

Can be found: World 1-1

Description: This violent vine lurks in pipes, waiting for a

snack. You'd be surly too if you lived in a pipe.

#058: Putrid Piranha

Can be found: World 5-2

Description: It's a poisonous Piranha Plant. As they say, every

rose has its venomous bite.

#059: Frost Piranha

Can be found: World 7-1

Description: Someone left this flower out in the winter cold. On

the plus side, it can cool beverages in a hurry.

#060: Crazee Dayzee

Can be found: World 4-3

Description: Crazee Dayzees are cute, but they'll put you to

sleep. But sleeping really isn't all that Crazee...

#061: Amazy Dayzee

Can be found: World 5-2

Description: This bashful bloom will run off if you get too close.

What makes it so Amazy, anyway? It seems like more of

a wallflower.

#062: Dark Dayzee

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: Dark Dayzees sprout in a certain secret pit. Even in

the dark... This flower's got style!

#063: Fuzzy

Can be found: World 4-2

Description: What dark and evil thought dwell in this beast's

brain? And what's so fuzzy about it anyway? It

doesn't look too cuddley.

#064: Pink Fuzzy

Can be found: World 8-4

Description: If you had to be a Fuzzy, pink wouldn't be a bad

color. Still, no one's winning any cuteness contests


#065: Dark Fuzzy

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Fuzzy squirms in a certain secret pit. This

one must have come from a load of dark laundry...

#066: Pokey

Can be found: World 5-2

Description: This cactus column wanders the desert wasteland. When

it attacks, it hurls parts of itself at you.

Literally. Which is kind of sad, really.

#067: Poison Pokey

Can be found: World 8-4

Description: With prickles and poison, this baddie is double

trouble. All it needs is a big hug. Any volunteers?

#068: Dark Pokey

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Pokey teeters in a certain secret pit.

It looks so serious when it wears black!

#069: Cheep-Cheep

Can be found: World 3-2

Description: These odd fish hurl themselves out of the water. For

a fish, it's not the safest hobby.

#070: Blooper

Can be found: World 3-2

Description: Bloopers love to laugh at other Blooper's bloopers.

Nobody wants to end up on the Blooper reel.

#071: Bittacuda

Can be found: World 3-2

Description: This big fish could feed an army! ... or eat an army.

#072: Jawbus

Can be found: World 1-3

Description: Count on the Jawbus to stick its neck out for you.

... or at you.

#073: Rawbus

Can be found: World 5-2

Description: This nasty dino has always got to give you a jaw

full. Flip to 3-D and check out its funny little


#074: Dark Jawbus

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Jawbus dwells in a certain secret pit. It

was so nice to see its face. Now it's all shadow...

#075: Gawbus

Can be found: World 8-3

Description: This thing is always sticking its neck in your

business. It'll flounder around when it's waiting to

be picked up.

#076: Spania

Can be found: World 5-3

Description: This horned beast will charge right at you. Stay

light on your feet, or you'll be skewered!

#077: Dark Spania

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Spania spins in a certain secret pit. Think

of it, just spinning around in the darkness...

#078: Cursya

Can be found: World 2-4

Description: This nasty critter will slow you down. It's just so

easy to get lost in those dreamy eyes.

#079: Back Cursya

Can be found: World 3-1

Description: This pest will send you straight back to Flipside.

Then again, it's one way to cut down on your commute.

#080: Tech Cursya

Can be found: World 5-2

Description: This evil baddie can whip up a helping of instant

amnesia. Just like that, and you cant flip between

dimensions! You never know what you had until it's

gone, right?

#081: Heavy Cursya

Can be found: World 8-1

Description: This thing will hit you like a ton of bricks. You'll

barely be able to hop a few inches off the ground.

Take it out from a distance.

#082: Reversya Cursya

Can be found: World 8-4

Description: Hit this thing and you'll lose all sense of

direction. Don't be alarmed: everything will be

backwards. But if you relax a little, you'll figure

it out.

#083: Dark Cursya

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: Dark Cursyas live in a certain secret pit. Play the

fun game and see which cures you'll get!

#084: Dark Tech Cursya

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Tech Cursya lurks in a certain secret pit.

This is the last place I want to meet one of these


#085: Dark Heavy Cursya

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Heavy Cursya lurks in a certain secret pit.

Isn't it fun to guess which curse you'll get?

#086: Dark Reversya Cursya

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Reversya Cursya lurks in a certain secret

pit. You never know what curse you get until you

touch it!

#087: Swooper

Can be found: World 2-4

Description: Swoopers aren't so bad, they're just lonely.

Strangely, they greet visitors by snacking on their

heads. ... This could explain why they have no


#088: Cherbil

Can be found: World 1-3

Description: This odd floating beast strikes with sleepy gas. One

whiff of that gas, and it's sweet dreams...

#089: Ice Cherbil

Can be found: World 7-3

Description: This floating beast attacks with a ferocious freezy

gas. It loves blue raspberry snow cones...

#090: Poison Cherbil

Can be found: World 3-3

Description: This floating beast attacks with perilous poison gas.

I hear it smells awful.

#091: Dark Cherbil

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This odd grassy creature puffs itself up and

explodes. They have sleepy, freezy, and poison gas,

so watch out!

#092: Boo

Can be found: World 2-4

Description: These spooks only approach when your back is turned.

They'd be awesome at "Red light, green light"!

... Except they bite you if they win.

#093: Dark Boo

Can be found: World 7-2

Description: This ghastly ghost hates being stared at. Unlike

other Boos, it will turn around in front of you.

#094: Dark Dark Boo

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Dark Boo dwells in a certain secret pit.

Dark sheets make it extra not-so-scary!

#095: Atomic Boo

Can be found: World 2-4

Description: This gigantic Boo still hides when you look at it...

Some say it's a gathering of many smaller Boos...

#096: Growmeba

Can be found: World 2-1

Description: Growmebas copy themselves over and over and over.

Just stomp the real one to make them all disappear.

#097: Blomeba

Can be found: World 3-1

Description: This weird little guy cant stop copying itself. Try

using an item to put them all out of their misery.

#098: Chromeba

Can be found: World 8-4

Description: This devious doppelganger loves to copy itself. Stomp

them all before the problem multiplies!

#099: Dark Growmba

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Growmeba lurks in a certain secret pit.

Which one's real?! Gah, it's very hard to tell.

#100: Mister I

Can be found: World 8-3

Description: It's and eye. A big, juicy, unblinking, ever-watching

eye. ... Gross.

#101: Red I

Can be found: World 8-3

Description: This big, red eye looks a little irritated. It must

not be getting much sleep these days.

#102: Chain Chomp

Can be found: World 3-4

Description: Chain Chomps are more bark then bite. But that's not

much comfort for the mailman...

#103: Red Chomp

Can be found: Flipside Pit of 100 Trials

Description: This bright red breed isn't very well behaved. That

probably rules out winning best of show.

#104: The Underchomp

Can be found: Map 41

Description: The tree Dorgys command this special breed of Chomp.

In off-hours, they like to practice their comedy act.

#105: Dark Chomp

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Comp makes its home in a certain secret

pit. Who's a good boy?! Who's a dark evil boy! Yes

you are!

#106: Bald Cleft

Can be found: World 1-3

Description: This hardheaded minion is easily mistaken for a rock.

It'll turn around if it bumps into a wall. If hit

with an explosion, its Defense drops to 0.

#107: Moon Cleft

Can be found: World 5-2

Description: It's an evil mineral that looks just like a rock.

That is, until it's too late!

#108: Dark Cleft

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Cleft dwells in a certain secret pit. You'd

have to really try to mistake it for a rock.

#109: Shlurp

Can be found: World 2-1

Description: This hungry beast really sucks... stuff up! Bombs

give it a bad case of heartburn.

#110: Shlorp

Can be found: World 5-1

Description: It's a vacuum! It's a worm! It's both! Don't feed it

bombs, or you'll ruin its supper. Forever.

#111: Dark Shlurp

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: The Dark Shlurp dwells in a certain secret pit. Now

with the cleaning power of darkness!

#112: Thwomp

Can be found: Must be bought

Description: This block-headed rocker really loves making

pancakes. All that macho pounding must be a sign of


#113: Spiny Tromp

Can be found: Must be bought

Description: It's a massive, rolling pinwheel of doom. If it keeps

rolling, maybe it'll aerate someone's lawn.

#114: Spiky Tromp

Can be found: Must be bought

Description: This bowling boulder rolls around in search of prey.

Don't get caught under its spikes, or you'll be


#115: Bullet Bill

Can be found: World 3-1

Description: In our hearts, this monster is number one with a

bullet. It does have a short fuse, though...

#116: Bullet Bill Blaster

Can be found: World 3-1

Description: It's a big, burly cannon. Where do all those bullets

come from?

#117: Ruff Puff

Can be found: World 7-3

Description: This little thundercloud is darkening a sky near you!

Looks a little like cotton candy, but don't bite!

#118: Dark Ruff Puff

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Ruff Puff floats in a certain secret pit.

Dark thunder... Wow... That is so METAL!

#119: Lava Bubble

Can be found: World 7-1

Description: Lava Bubbles always have a bounce to their step. But

watch out: they've go fiery tempers.

#120: Tileoid G

Can be found: World 3-3

Description: These sticky creatures crawl along walls. They're

like living, antigravity tumbleweeds!

#121: Tileoid B

Can be found: World 3-3

Description: This sticky beast clings to any surface. Caution: it

is not blue cotton candy.

#122: Tileoid R

Can be found: World 4-4

Description: This gluey, gloppy animal will stick to any surface.

Gluey and gloppy... not the best traits.

#123: Tileoid Y

Can be found: World 4-4

Description: This tenaciously sticky beast slides along walls and

ceilings. And it even doubles as an industrial


#124: Dark Tileoid

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Tileoid scuttles around a certain secret

pit. Yikes... This shadowy one is really tough!

#125: Meowbomb

Can be found: World 4-4

Description: These feline robo-bombs get shot out of

SurpriseMeows. Strangely, they don't mind getting

blown to meowbits.

#126: PatrolMeow

Can be found: World 4-4

Description: This patrol puss is the hall monitor of Fort Francis.

Ever vigilant... and flea resistant!

#127: AirMeow

Can be found: World 4-4

Description: This AirMeow guards the skies over Fort Francis. It

runs on a volatile mixture of catnip and cooking oil.

#128: SupriseMeow

Can be found: World 4-4

Description: It's the latest in feline firepower: a kitty cannon.

Check out the visors they're sporting. Classy!

#129: Big Meow

Can be found: Must be bought

Description: These robotic cat servants are loyal to their master.

They're not designed for battle. But they aren't

going to complain about it.

#130: Meowmaid

Can be found: Must be bought

Description: No chore is a bore to this robotic housecleaner!

She loves her master with endless devotion.

... Because he programmed her that way.

#131: SecuriMeow

Can be found: Must be bought

Description: No chore is a bore to this robotic housecleaner!

This Meowmaid model can make advanced decisions.

#132: Jellien

Can be found: World 4-1

Description: Jelliens drift around the lonely ocean of space.

Maybe they've discovered the best way to get around?

Intergalactic jiggling: the newest form of space


#133: Foton

Can be found: World 4-1

Description: Fotons fire super-fast, superheated particles. Of

course, they're big crowd-pleasers at parties.

#134: Warpid

Can be found: World 4-3

Description: This space case warps around here and there. It wont

bother you. Just let it do its thing.

#135: Eeligon

Can be found: World 4-3

Description: Eeligons slither through the murky bits of the

cosmos. Hit them and they'll shrink faster then their


#136: Hooligon

Can be found: World 4-2

Description: Hooligons live to wreak havoc in the depths of space.

They blend into their habitat, waiting to attack.

#137: Dark Eeligon

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Eeligon flies around a certain secret pit.

So... This one's dark, but it's pretty much the same.

#138: Longator

Can be found: World 4-2

Description: Longators get in your face. They have no respect for

your personal-space bubble.

#139: Longadile

Can be found: World 8-3

Description: Super-elastic Longadiles stretch out to slap you.

It'd chap its hands on your face... if it had hands.

#140: Dark Longator

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Longator nests in a certain secret pit.

It's just... weird.

#141: Barribad

Can be found: World 4-4

Description: A round enemy that wraps itself in a force field.

Round face, square shield... Triangle brain?

#142: Sobarribad

Can be found: World 8-3

Description: A round enemy that wraps itself in a force field.

Flip through dimensions to shred it like paper!

#143: Dark Barribad

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Barribad roams around a certain secret pit.

It looks eerily similar to a flying bowling ball...

#144: Pigarithm

Can be found: World 4-4

Description: Stomp the piggy bank to get the golden goodness

inside! Each time you stomp, the pig will get a

little smaller.

#145: Hogarithm

Can be found: World 8-3

Description: Hop on this hog and ride it all the way to the bank!


#146: Dark Pigarithm

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Pigarithm wallows in a certain secret pit.

It may look weird, but it drops coins! Cha-ching!

#147: Choppa

Can be found: World 4-2

Description: Check out this aerial alien's sweet midair tricks. It

can appear and disappear in a flash. Not even fair.

#148: Copta

Can be found: World 8-4

Description: This aerial alien has even sweeter midair maneuvers.

You'll get dizzy just watching this thing.

#149: Dark Choppa

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Choppa dwells in a certain secret pit. It's

all shadowy now, but still very, very nervous...

#150: Muth

Can be found: World 8-1

Description: Fear the wooly foot of the mighty Muth! It'll

trample you just for looking at it wrong.

#151: Mega Muth

Can be found: World 8-4

Description: This hairy Muth is even grumpier then its herd mates.

Probably not the best choice for a petting zoo.

#152: Dark Muth

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: Dark Muths stomp around a certain secret pit. Even in

the dark, they still go with the herd. Fascinating.

#153: Floro Sapiem

Can be found: World 5-4

Description: Floro Sapiens serve their floral lord, King Croacus.

Watch your head, because they'll throw theirs at you!

#154: Floro Cragnien

Can be found: World 5-4

Description: This poor Cragnon has been zombified by King Croacus.

Don't beat on it, or you'll lose some serious points.

#155: Ninjoe

Can be found: World 6-1

Description: Only the wind whispers the name of Ninjoe. Give him

enough money, and he'll be your ninja minion.

#156: Ninjohn

Can be found: World 6-1

Description: Ninjohn is an assassin from King Sammer's kingdom.

He really knows how to hurl a mean throwing star.

#157: Ninjerry

Can be found: World 6-1

Description: Never mess with Ninjerry. He is a true ninja master!

Of course, shape-shifting like that isn't exactly


#158: Dark Ninjoe

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Ninjoe creeps around a certain secret pit.

They move at the speed of DEADLY. Roundhouse kick!

#159: Underhand

Can be found: Map 39

Description: This white gloved weirdo will reach out and grab you.

You can't beat it, and it's creepy, so just steer

clear. Just be glad it isn't inspecting your room.

#160: Skellobit

Can be found: World 7-4

Description: Skellobits roam the dark pits of The Underwhere.

Their Spears make them pretty much unstompable.

#161: Spiky Skellobit

Can be found: World 7-4

Description: This fiend infests the dank depths of the Underwhere.

Smack it from the side, because you cant stomp it!

#162: Dark Skellobit

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: Dark Skellobits dwell in a certain secret pit.

... and that's about it.

#163: Dark Spike Skellobit

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: Dark Spiky Skellobits dwell in a certain secret pit.

It's got spikes... Other then that, not much else

going on.

#164: Skellobomber

Can be found: World 7-4

Description: This airborne ghoul rules the foul skies of The

Underwhere. It'll mostly try to impale you with


#165: Skellobait

Can be found: World 7-4

Description: Skellobombers use these guys as ammo. Their icy

breath can cause freezebite.

#166: Spike Skellobait

Can be found: World 7-4

Description: It's a Spiky Skellobait. Like a Skellobait, but

spikier. You cant stomp it or throw it, so don't try.

#167: Red Magiblot

Can be found: World 8-3

Description: This spellslinging stain can warp anywhere it wants.

It's red, but what is it so embarrassed about?

#168: Blue Magiblot

Can be found: World 8-3

Description: This spellsinging stain curses like a... Magiblot.

It's blue. Maybe it's not easy being a Magiblot.

#169: Yellow Magiblot

Can be found: World 8-3

Description: This spellslinging stain is the enemy of fun. It's

yellow. But it doesn't seem to be afraid of you!

#170: Dark Magiblot

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: This Dark Magiblot dwells in a certain secret pit.

Wandering in the dark has made it extra crabby.

#171: Megabyte

Can be found: World 1-3

Description: This disembodied head really knows how to ruin a

picnic. Lay low until it finds someone else to


#172: Gigabyte

Can be found: World 7-4

Description: The best policy: keep away from angry, floating

heads. This thing will not leave you alone. Be warned!

#173: Dark Megabyte

Can be found: Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: The Dark Megabite dwells in a certain secret pit.

This thing just wants to end you. That's all.

#174: Dark Mario

Can be found: Prize for completing Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: It's Mario's dark-power doppelganger! One of the last

foes in the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials.

#175: Dark Luigi

Can be found: Prize for completing Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: It's a dark duplicate of Luigi! One of the last

foes in the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials.

#176: Dark Peach

Can be found: Prize for completing Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: It's a dark duplicate of Peach! One of the last

foes in the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials.

#177: Dark Bowser

Can be found: Prize for completing Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: It's a dark duplicate of Bowser! One of the last

foes in the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials.

#178: Zombie Shroom

Can be found: World 1-3

Description: It's a Zombie Shroom. They pop out of ? Blocks. It

may look like a snack, but it'll snack on you!

#179: Ghoul Shroom

Can be found: World 8-4

Description: Ghoul Shrooms sometimes pop out of ? Blocks. What

went wrong in that Shroom's life?

#180: Fracktail

Can be found: Map 10

Description: Fracktail valiantly guarded the Pure Heart in Yold

Ruins. That is, until Dimentio fried his processor.

#181: Wracktail

Can be found: Must be bought.

Description: The baddest baddie in the Flipside Pit of 100 Trials.

He may fight like Fracktail, but he's 100 times


#182: Frackle

Can be found: Must be bought.

Description: This bot defends Fracktail from foreign invaders.

In off-hours, it relaxes on Fracktail's back...

#183: Wrackle

Can be found: Must be bought.

Description: This bot defends Wracktail from foreign invaders.

It was made long ago, so its warranty has expired.

#184: Big Blooper

Can be found: Map 20

Description: It's a giant, ten-tentacled squid! That's right...

ten. How'd it get so big? Must be something in the


#185: Francis

Can be found: Map 24

Description: Francis totally nerds out for rare collectibles.

He takes geek chic to a totally new level.

#186: King Croacus

Can be found: Map 37

Description: King Croacus cares about making the World beautiful.

To bad drinking polluted water has made him insane.

#187: Bonechill

Can be found: Map 45

Description: Tremble before the frosty lord of The Underwhere!

Bonechill's minty-fresh breath will freeze you solid!

#188: Count Bleck

Can be found: Map 48

Description: This top-hatted villain is bent on ending the World!

Fun fact: he was once known as Count Blumiere.

#189: Nastasia

Can be found: Map 46

Description: Nastasia is Count Bleck's executive assistant. She's

in charge of scheduling, organizing, and brain

control. Word is, she's go a secret crush on her


#190: O'Chunks

Can be found: Map 5

Description: It's O'chunks, the count's hulking, wild-eyed

henchman! Word is, the count saved his life. Now he

owes him big.

#191: Mimi

Can be found: Map 15

Description: It's Mimi, the adorable, yet slightly unstable

shape-shifter! Word is, she has a crush on

Count Bleck.

#192: Mr: L

Can be found: Map 27

Description: So... who's this mysterious Mr. L character? Is

This what the Prognosticus foretold?

#193: Brobot

Can be found: Map 28

Description: This is Mr. L's hovering, head-shaped robot. He must

have tricked it out with all kinds of weapons. I

guess that means Mr.L is a pretty awesome inventor,


#194: Brobot L-Type

Can be found: Map 8

Description: This is a souped-up version of Mr. L's robot. It

looks like he went all out with the customizations.

Too bad they don't help much!

#195: Dimentio

Can be found: Map 22

Description: Dimentio is Count Bleck's dimension-bending

mercenary. The question is, do psycho jesters get

good benefits?

#196: Super Dimentio

Can be found: Map 47

Description: This monstrous clown was created by Dimentio. He used

Luigi and the Chaos Heart to create it. In the end,

it was no match for the power of love.

#197: Merlon

Can be found: Flipside outskirts. After taking the pipe

underground, fall into the first pit to the left.

Description: This wizened old sage is a descendant of the

Ancients. He helps Mario to decode the Light


#198: Nolrem

Can be found: Flopside Outskirts (3rd Floor - use Piccolo to

dissolve the strange block)

Description: This is Merlon's dimensional counterpart in Flopside.

He is also a descendant of the Ancients.

#199: Merluvlee

Can be found: Flipside outskirts. After taking the pipe

underground, fall into the first pit to the left.

Description: This fortune-teller with a wild laugh lives in

Flipside. She uses the stars to read your future.


#200: Merlee

Can be found: Flipside Outskirts (3rd Floor - use Piccolo to

dissolve the strange block)

Description: This charmer uses the sun to work her magic.

She is a descendant of the Tribe of Ancients.

#201: Bestovius

Can be found: Map 6

Description: Bestovious taught Mario how to flip between

dimensions. He talks about his beard and floats all

the time. Other then that, he's perfectly normal.

#202: Wathcitt

Can be found: World 2-1. Bomb the wall where you first acquire


Description: Old Man Watchitt is the crotchety mayor of Yold Town.

His job is to keep people from going to the ruins.

You know, Lawsuits and all that.


#203: Merlumina

Can be found: Map 11

Description: She made a Pure Heart to stop the end of all Worlds.

She is an ancestor of Merlon and Bestovius.

#204: The Interned

Can be found: Flipside B1. Flip near the water.

Description: The InterNed knows all...

and also moonlights as a game-show host.

#205: The Interchet

Can be found: Flipside outskirts B1. Break the blocks twin in

Flopside to enter a hallway behind windows.

Description: This owner of the arcade is a video-game savant.

The arcade doesn't earn a lot of money...

#206: Welderberg

Can be found: Map 2

Description: This guy will dig a pipe tunnel wherever you want to

go. He's a real go-getter, but sometimes he goes


#207: Red & Green

Can be found: found in greens house behind his bed.

Description: These brothers guard the bridges in Yold Town.

Brothers will be brothers, even in strange


#208: Gnip

Can be found: Map 14

Description: This faithful guard pup spits out trespassers. Being

spit out is better then the alternative...

#209: Gnaw

Can be found: Must be bought

Description: This mean mutt snacks on trespassers and spits 'em

out. Nobody fights for scraps with this big dog.

#210: Squirps

Can be found: Map 25

Description: This funky space kid drops some crazy outer-space

lingo. His full name is Squirp Korogaline Squirpina!

#211: Flint Cragley

Can be found: Map 31

Description: It's the star of "Flint Cragley, Cragtrotter"!

His show is a smash hit on crag-vision.

#212: Hornfels & Monzo

Can be found: Map 35

Description: These two Cragnons are Flint Cragley's assistants.

Sadly, he doesn't treat them with proper crag.

#213: King Sammer

Can be found: Map 4

Description: This overexcitable king hosts the Duel of 100!

Martial-arts tournaments tickle his fancy.

#214: Sammer Guy

Can be found: Must be bought

Description: This is one of King Sammer's legendary 100 Sammer

Guys. They're pretty sensitive about their honor.

#215: Small Sammer Guy

Can be found: Must be bought

Description: This diminutive Sammer Guy fights in the duel of 100.

He's small, wily, and not above smacking your shins!

#216: Big Sammer Guy

Can be found: Must be bought

Description: This big Sammer Guy fights in the Duel of 100.

Too bad there aren't weight divisions in the

Duel of 100...

#217: Luvbi

Can be found: Map 44

Description: This spunky Nimbi was raised by Grambi and Jaydes.

She is actually a Pure Heart who saved the World.

#218: Jaydes

Can be found: Map 38

Description: This dark queen rules over The Underwhere. Her magic

controls life... And game overs.

#219: Grambi

Can be found: Map 43

Description: This elder Nimbi rules The Overthere. He deeply cares

for Luvbi and misses her greatly...

#220: Whacka

Can be found: Earn 300 points at the shop.

Description: This odd guy sprouts pastries when whacked on the

head. Sadly, his kind is on the verge of extinction.

Please headwhack in moderation.

#221: Mario

NOTE: this card has a special effect. Once obtained, this card

will allow Mario to stay in 3-D mode for as long as you want.

Can be found: Prize for completing Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: Our hero is so busy he barely has time to wax his

'stache! He's always leaping between Worlds to save

the day.

#222: Luigi

Can be found: Prize for completing Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: The mean green bro is here again to back up his

brother. He's go a vertical jump like you wouldn't


#223: Peach (1)

Can be found: Prize for completing Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: Peach has this funny habit of getting kidnapped...

But that parasol of hers is stylish and functional!

#224: Peach (2)

Can be found: In a pipe inside the tree in World 3-3.

Description: Peach is looking fabulous in her white wedding gown!

It was conjured with magic, but who designed it?

#225: Peach (3)

Can be found: World 7-1. After getting Luigi, go down one of the

pipes above to go to the "background" through a few


Description: Peach is sporting a fresh and breezy new hairstyle!

It's perfect for the princess with an active


#226: Bowser (1)

Can be found: Prize for completing Pit of 100 Trials (Flopside)

Description: Mario's mean-spirited rival needs no introduction.

He's not too happy about having to help out Mario.

#227: Bowser (2)

Can be found: World 5-1 (Downtown of Crag, second section, in the

very far right pipe)

Description: There's Bowser looking dapper in a white tux!

Pity the minion that had to wax his shell...

#228: Tippi

Can be found: Flipside Pit of 100 Trials floor 10

Description: It's Tippi, your friendly... friend. And guide.

Her name was Timpani before Merlon turned her into a


#229: Thoreau

Can be found: Flipside Pit of 100 Trials floor 20

Description: This handy Pixl can pick things up and hurl them.

He's very... handy.

#230: Boomer

Can be found: Flipside Pit of 100 Trials floor 30

Description: This Pixl has an appetite for demolition.

"You build it, I blast it." That's his motto.

#231: Slim

Can be found: Flipside Pit of 100 Trials floor 40

Description: This sidestepping Pixl can turn you sideways in a

snap. Slim likes close calls and hair-raising


#232: Thudley

Can be found: Flipside Pit of 100 Trials floor 50

Description: This former wrestling-star Pixl can pound the ground.

A hip replacement kept him out of high-end


#233: Carrie

Can be found: Flipside Pit of 100 Trials floor 60

Description: This platform Pixl will go where no other Pixl can.

But she will only help heroes that are on her


#234: Fleep

Can be found: Flipside Pit of 100 Trials floor 70

Description: This flippy Pixl is really good at finding hidden

goodies. Without you, he never would have left that


#235: Cudge

Can be found: Flipside Pit of 100 Trials floor 80

Description: This hard-hitting Pixl can shatter yellow blocks.

But he's a real people Pixl.

#236: Dottie

Can be found: Flipside Pit of 100 Trials floor 90

Description: This puny Pixl can micro-size you. Sometimes, less is

more! More or less...

#237: Barry

Can be found: Flopside outskirts. On your way to open the Flopside

Pit of 100 Trials, fall down the gaps under the

hidden moving platforms.

Description: This impenetrable Pixl repels enemy attacks.

He waited in a bush for a hero to arrive.

#238: Dashell

Can be found: Flopside Pit of 100 Trials floor 10

Description: This former track star brings some Pixl pep to your

party. You could say he has wheels, but... he


#239: Piccolo

Can be found: behind the Heart Pillar when you first acquire

Luigi in the Outskirts of Flopside.

Description: This pitch-perfect Pixl plays the most melodious

tunes. She lived in Flopside before joining your

ragtag group.

#240: Tiptron

Can be found: Map 23

Description: Francis made this 1:1-scale robotic replica of Tippi.

It's the ultimate rare collectible. Plus, it features

realistic Tippi action!

#241: Goombario

Can be found: Flopside Pit of 100 Trials floor 20

Description: Mario and Goombario go way back to Paper Mario.

Enemies suffer when he uses his head.

#242: Kooper

Can be found: Flopside Pit of 100 Trials floor 30

Description: This is Mario's good buddy Kooper from Paper Mario.

His Power Shell move was, and is, a thing of beauty.

#243: Bombette

Can be found: Flopside Pit of 100 Trials floor 40

Description: Bombette was Paper Mario's bombastic starlet.

Whe knew a pink Bob-omb could pack such a punch?

#244: Parakarry

Can be found: Flopside Pit of 100 Trials floor 50

Description: Parakarry earned his fame from the original Paper

Mario. He's the most fearsome mail carrier of them


#245: Bow

Can be found: Flopside Pit of 100 Trials floor 60

Description: This is Mario's good buddy Bow from Paper Mario.

The mistress of Boo Mansion slapped foes with


#246: Watt

Can be found: Flopside Pit of 100 Trials floor 70

Description: This is Mario's good buddy Watt from Paper Mario.

This guy was pretty bright for his age!

#247: Sushi

Can be found: Flopside Pit of 100 Trials floor 80

Description: It's Sushie, form the unfortunately named star of

Paper Mario. Being fishy doesn't always have to be a

bad thing.

#248: Lakilester

Can be found: Flopside Pit of 100 Trials floor 90

Description: This is Mario's good buddy Lakilester from Paper

Mario. He played it cool in shades as he flew you

over lava.

#249: Goombella

Can be found: Prize for winning the Duel of 100

Description: It's Goombella from the last Paper Mario adventure.

This extra-spunky university student knew it all.

#250: Koops

Can be found: Prize for winning the Duel of 100

Description: It's Koopsfrom the last Paper Mario adventure.

Kicking some shell never felt so good.

#251: Madame Flurrie

Can be found: Prize for winning the Duel of 100

Description: It's Madame Flurrie from the last Paper Mario

adventure. The most Rubenesque Mario companion ever?

#252: Yoshi

Can be found: Prize for winning the Duel of 100

Description: It's Yoshi from the last Paper Mario adventure.

This scrappy Yoshi was the only way to travel!

#253: Vivian

Can be found: Prize for winning the Duel of 100

Description: It's Vivian from the last Paper Mario adventure.

She was a great friend once she split from her


#254: Admiral Bobbery

Can be found: Prize for winning the Duel of 100

Description: It's Admiral Bobbery from the last Paper Mario

adventure. This salty dog knew how to blast his

enemies broadside!

#255: Ms: Mowz

Can be found: Prize for winning the Duel of 100

Description: It's Ms. Mowz from the last Paper Mario adventure.

This Thief had a nose for rare badges. Great


#256: Toad

Can be found: Only via purchase.

Description: This loyal subject comes from a very distant

dimension. Many people in that World have strange

head spots.



7)- Pixls



Pixls are essentially a secondary party member with no HP or defense,

and cannot be attacked by an enemy.

Each Pixl has its own unique ability that is activated by pressing 1.

You can only have 1 Pixl on the field at any one time (excluding

Tippi), but you can change Pixls at any time via pause menu.

As you progress through the game you will find more and more Pixls.

Learn to use each Pixls ability to its fullest, and remember to think

outside the box when using them.

======================== 7.1)- Tippi =================================

Name: Tippi

Location: start of the game

Power: Tattle

- Point the Wii Remote at an object and press A to have Tippi

describe it. If you point at an enemy, she will tell you its

weakness/HP/Attack/Defense. If you point at an invisible object,

Tippi can make it visible.


Tippi looks like a butterfly. She is always on the field

and cannot be switched out for another Pixl. She also plays a

key role in the storyline.

======================== 7.2)- Thoreau ===============================

Name: Thoreau

Location: World 1-2

Power: Grab/throw

- Press the 1 button to throw Thoreau at an object. If its an enemy,

Thoreau will drag it back and place it over Mario's head, at which

point Mario can throw the enemy by pressing 1 again.

- If thrown at an item, Thoreau will pick it up and bring it back to


- If thrown at a switch, Thoreau will trip the switch.

- Special Combo: bomb throw. First set boomer on the ground, then

switch to Thoreau. quickly use Thoreau to grab Boomber and throw him

at an enemy.


Thoreau looks like a baseball glove. You will use his

power throughout the game to trip ! blocks and defeat heavily

defended enemies. Be careful though, as if Thoreau picks up an enemy

with a spike on its head, Mario will take damage.

======================== 7.3)- Boomer ================================

Name: Boomer

Location: World 2-1

Power: Explode

- Press the 1 button to set Boomer. Press it again to detonate him, or

wait for his fuse to run down for an automatic explosion.

- Special Combo: bomb throw. First set boomer on the ground, then

switch to Thoreau. quickly use Thoreau to grab Boomber and throw him

at an enemy.


Boomer is a bomb (literally)... with wings and eyes.

Boomer can blow open holes in cracked walls/floors, and blow away

sand blocks.

His attack power is times 2 Mario's attack.

========================= 7.4)- Slim =================================

Name: Slim

Location: World 2-3

Power: Activate paper mode

- Press the 1 button to turn your character paper thin (in 2-D

or 3-D). This will allow you to slip between bars and cracks.

More importantly, if you stand still while in paper mode, enemies

attacks will float right past you.


Slim looks like a Tornado. His power is invaluable during

a boss fight. The ability to dodge any move while still being able

to attack is, essentially, absolute defense. Just make sure you are

standing still when the attack draws near; if you're moving the

attack will still damage you.

======================== 7.5)- Thudley ===============================

Name: Thudley

Location: World 3-2

Power: enables ground pound technique

- Press the 1 button to leap into the air and stomp the ground hard.

Ground pounding will allow you to pound certain large ! blocks, or

drive posts into the ground. It also doubles your attack power when

used on an enemy.


Thudley looks like an old fashion weight. You should only

use Thudley against slow moving or underwater enemies, as its slow

and hard to predict where you're going to land.

His attack power is times 2 Mario's attack.

======================== 7.6)- Carrie ================================

Name: Carrie

Location: World 3-4

Power: Carry

- Press 1 to turn Carrie into a flat, floating platform.

This will speed you up a little bit, and allow you to cross beds of


- When riding Carrie, you can jump on spiked enemies without taking



She kind of looks like a worm when not in use.

His power isn't really that useful outside of solving dungeon


Also, you can use Carrie to increase Bowser's speed/jump, and use

his fire breath in mid-air.

======================== 7.7)- Barry =================================

Name: Barry

Location: World 3-1 (you cannot recruit him until after world 3-4)

Power: Barrier

- Press 1 to activate a spiky shield around your character.

This shield will deflect any attack, and can damage enemies if they

touch it. It only lasts a second though, so you need to have perfect



He looks like a spiky ball. Like Slim, Barry's power is

invaluable during a boss, or any, fight. Barry, however, is

completely optional. You don't need him to finish the game.

======================== 7.8)- Fleep =================================

Name: Fleep

Location: World 4-2

Power: Dimensional flip

- Press 1 to activate a square on the field. Line up the square on

your target, then press 1 again to flip that space.

This can be used to find items hidden in dimensional rifts, or to

dizzy enemies.


Fleep looks like a square. His power is useful in some

boss fight, or when fighting certain enemies. His real usefulness

comes into play when you go to complete the Map side quests (see

the Map section)

========================= 7.9)- Cudge ===============================

Name: Cudge

Location: World 5-1

Power: Hammer

- Press 1 to attack an enemy with a hammer.

Pretty simple, press 1 to swing a hammer.


Cudge looks like a hammer (No way!). Remember that

Cudge's hammer is a short ranged attack; it is however a very and

powerful fast attack. Cudge can be used to take out enemies that

you don't want to jump one. He can also destroy giant yellow blocks.

His attack power is times 2 Mario's attack.

========================= 7.10)- Dottie ==============================

Name: Dottie

Location: World 5-4

Power: Shrink

- Press 1 to shrink the character.

Doing so will make enemies not notice you, and grant you access to

secret areas.


Dottie looks like a bunch of pins lined up in a circular

pattern. When shrunk, you can still function normally. You jump

height/speed are not decreased any, though your aim will be thrown


========================= 7.11)- Piccolo =============================

Name: Piccolo

Location: Flopside

Power: cure ailments/change sound effects

- Press 1 to cure any ailment (Cursya curses only), and/or to change

the sound effects (jumping, running, ect) of the character.


Piccolo looks like a music note. Her power is interesting

and fairly useless. She is an optional Pixl.

========================= 7.12)- Dashell =============================

Name: Dashell

Location: pit of 100 trials (Flipside)

Power: Speed up

- Press and hold 1 to run really fast.


Dashell basically is a pentagon with bored-looking eyes and feet on

the side of his body. You use him by holding down 1, and while

running with him he spins really fast, his feet move, and he flashes

red and black.



8)- Recipes



In this section, I will lay out every recipe in the game, and the

location of key ingredients (section 8.2)-).

If you're looking for a recipe that you can make, do a search for an

ingredient you want to use. Odds are, it will take you to a recipe in

this section. If not, then keep hitting next until it does, or

highlight this section and do your search again. If still nothing

comes up, then nothing can be made out of the ingredient you are

searching for.

Things to keep in mind:

1) some times, the dish will not turn out right and you will end up

with a Mistake. It happens. It doesn't necessarily mean you did

something wrong.

2) some dishes aren't meant to be used. Some are meant to be sold.

3) the cooking disks wont be listed here. There isn't any point. All

the information stored on the disks is here in this section. You don't

need the disks.

4) carefully weigh your options. Sure, a dish might look good, but is

it practical? Said dish might heal 10 HP, but is made with a Fire

Burst and Shroom Shake. Said dish isn't worth it as you are putting

more ingredients in then what you are getting back.

5) Dishes that require 2 ingredients you must make at the bakery in

Flopside. Dishes that only require 1 ingredient must be made in


6) dishes that double your attack or defense only do so temporarily.

7) some items can be used for a substitute ingredient. I'm still

working the kinks out, but with any luck, I will eventually be able to

list all substitutable ingredients.

8) Some items have special abilities. For instance, Emergency Rations

will heal 50 HP and cure poison if used in one of the Pits of 100

Trials. Equally, Space Food will heal 50 HP and cure poison if used in

space. There may be other special abilities that we are not aware of

yet. I'll try to stay on top of these, but just remember that all is

not as it appears.

If you have a recipe that's not listed, or know of a substitute

ingredient, Email me.


8.1)- Cooking Disk Recipes


Electro Pop

Effect: Electrifies you

Made with: Thunder Rage

Snow Cone

Effect: Freezes enemies

Made with: Ice Storm

Sky Juice

Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Blue Apple

Koopa Tea

Effect: Reduces damage taken by half

Made with: Turtley Leaf

Fried Shroom Plate

Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Shroom Shake

Roast Shroom Dish

Effect: Heals 30 HP and cures poison

Made with: Super Shroom Shake

Healthy Salad

Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Fresh Veggie

Roast Horsetail

Effect: Heals 10 HP and cures poison

Made with: Horsetail

Spicy Soup

Effect: Heals 8 HP and cures poison

Made with: Fire Burst

Inky Soup

Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Inky Sauce

Mistake (1)

Effect: Heals 1 HP and cures poison

Made with: Anything that doesn't come out right.

Sweet Cookie Snack

Effect: Heals 10 HP and cures poison

Made with: Cake Mix

Honey Candy

Effect: Heals 12 HP and cures poison

Made with: Honey Jar

Peach Juice

Effect: Heals 12 HP and cures poison

Made with: Peachy Peach

Herb Tea

Effect: Heals 7 HP and cures poison

Made with: Smelly Herb

Shroom Steak

Effect: Heals 70 HP and cures poison

Made with: Ultra Shroom Shake

Fried Egg

Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Big Egg


Effect: Heals 20 HP and cures poison

Made with: Power Steak

Spaghetti Plate

Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Fresh Pasta Bunch

Golden Meal

Effect: Heals 1 HP and cures poison

Made with: Gold Bar

Block Meal

Effect: Makes you invincible

Made with: Block Block

Meteor Meal

Effect: Attacks enemies

Made with: Shooting Star

Megaton Dinner

Effect: Shakes ground and damages enemies

Made with: POW Block

Dangerous Delight

Effect: Random.

Made with: Poison Shroom

Honey Shroom

Effect: Heals 10 HP and cures poison

Made with: Shroom Shake and Honey Jar

Honey Super

Effect: Heals 20 HP and cures poison

Made with: Super Shroom Shake and Honey Jar

Fruity Shroom

Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Peachy Peach and Shroom Shake

Shroom Broth

Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Shroom Shake and Smelly Herb

Awesome Snack

Effect: Heals 5 HP and cures poison

Made with: Cake Mix and Fresh Veggie

Koopa Dumpling

Effect: Reduces damage taken by half

Made with: Cake Mix and Turtley Leaf

Sap Muffin

Effect: Heals 20 HP and cures poison

Made with: Sap Soup and Cake Mix

Lovely Chocolate

Effect: Doubles attack power, reduces damage taken by half, and

shocks enemies that touch you.

Made with: Mild Cocoa Bean and Fire Burst

Standard Chocolate

Effect: Slows you down

Made with: Mild Cocoa Bean and Poison Shroom

Sweet Choco-bar

Effect: Heals 5 HP and cures poison

Made with: Mild Cocoa Bean and Honey Jar

Shroom Choco-bar

Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Mild Cocoa Bean and Shroom Shake

Golden Choco-bar

Effect: Heals 25 HP and cures poison

Made with: Mild Cocoa Bean and Golden Leaf

Heavy Meal

Effect: Slows you down

Made with: Honey Jar and Honey Candy

Mistake (2)

Effect: Could put you to sleep, slow you down, and/or damage you

Made with: Sleepy Sheep

Mushroom Crepe

Effect: Heals 20 HP and cures poison

Made with: Shroom Shake and Cake Mix

Shroom Cake

Effect: Heals 30 HP and cures poison

Made with: Super Shroom Shake and Cake Mix

Chocolate Cake

Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Mild Cocoa Bean and Cake Mix


Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Cake Mix and Big Egg

Fruity Cake

Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Peachy Peach and Mushroom Crepe

Heartful Cake

Effect: Gradually fills HP over time

Made with: Cake Mix and Lovely Chocolate

Peach Tart

Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Peachy Peach and Cake Mix

Horsetail Tart

Effect: Heals 12 HP and cures poison

Made with: Horsetail and Cake Mix

Gingerbread House

Effect: Heals 30 HP and cures poison

Made with: Chocolate Cake and Mousse

Shroom Pudding

Effect: Heals 25 HP and cures poison

Made with: Big Egg and Shroom Shake

Mango Pudding

Effect: Heals 20 HP and cures poison

Made with: Big Egg and Keel Mango

Love Pudding

Effect: Random.

Made with: Big Egg and Lovely Chocolate

Dayzee Syrup

Effect: Doubles attack and gradually fills HP

Made with: Dayzee Tear

Miracle Dinner

Effect: Heals 1 HP and cures poison (also gives you 20000 points)

Made with: Mystery Box

Town Special

Effect: Heals 5 HP and cures poison

Made with: Primordial Fruit

Fruity Punch

Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Peachy Peach and Keel Mango

Fruit Parfait

Effect: Freezes enemies

Made with: Peachy Peach and Snow Cone

Snow Bunny

Effect: Freezes enemies

Made with: Snow Cone and Turtley Leaf

Berry Snow Bunny

Effect: Freezes enemies

Made with: Snow Bunny and Pink Apple

Mango Juice

Effect: Heals 10 HP and cures poison

Made with: Keel Mango

Mixed Shake

Effect: Heals 20 HP and cures poison

Made with: Peach Juice and Mango Juice

Warm Cocoa

Effect: Heals 10 HP and cures poison

Made with: Mild Cocoa Bean

Stamina Juice

Effect: Gradually restores HP

Made with: Inky Sauce and Honey Jar

Gradual Syrup

Effect: Gradually restores HP

Made with: Long-Last Shake and Peachy Peach

Sap Syrup

Effect: Halves damage taken and slowly restores HP

Made with: Sap Soup

Slimy Extract

Effect: Cures curses and poison

Made with: Slimy Shroom

Weird Extract

Effect: Puts enemies to sleep

Made with: Peach Juice and Hot Sauce

Couple's Cake

Effect: Random (normally good)

Made with: Snow Bunny and Berry Snow Bunny

Shroom Delicacy

Effect: Heals 10 HP and cures poison

Made with: Shroom Shake and Dayzee Tear

Volcano Shroom

Effect: Doubles attack power

Made with: Hot Sauce and Shroom Shake

Omelette Plate

Effect: Heals 20 HP and cures poison

Made with: Big Egg and Horsetail

Substitute: Turtley Leaf and Big Egg

Substitute 2: Fresh Veggie and Big Egg

Fruity Hamburger

Effect: Heals 25 HP and cures poison

Made with: Power Steak and Keel Mango

Gorgeous Steak

Effect: Heals 25 HP and cures poison

Made with: Power Steak and Hamburger

Hot Dog

Effect: Heals 20 HP and cures poison

Made with: Power Steak and Fresh Veggie

Split Roast

Effect: Doubles attack power

Made with: Bone-In Cut

Veggie Set

Effect: Heals 20 HP and cures poison

Made with: Healthy Salad and Big Egg

Dyllis Breakfast

Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Shroom Shake and Spicy Soup

Dyllis Lunch

Effect: Heals 20 HP and cures poison

Made with: Fried Shroom Plate and Spaghetti Plate

Dyllis Dinner

Effect: Heals 30 HP and cures poison

Made with: Fried Shroom Plate and Meat Pasta Dish

Egg Bomb

Effect: Damages enemies

Made with: Fire Burst and Big Egg

Dyllis Dynamite

Effect: Burns enemies

Made with: Egg Bomb and Dyllis Breakfast

Odd Dinner

Effect: Heals 2 HP and cures poison

Made with: Poison Shroom and Fired Shroom Plate

Meat Pasta Dish

Effect: Heals 18 HP and cures poison

Made with: Fresh Pasta Bunch and Power Steak

Spicy Pasta Dish

Effect: Doubles attack power

Made with: Hot Sauce and Fresh Pasta Bunch

Ink Pasta Dish

Effect: Heals 25 HP and cures poison

Made with: Inky Sauce and Fresh Pasta Bunch

Koopasta Dish

Effect: Halves damage taken

Made with: Turtley Leaf and Fresh Pasta Bunch

Choco Pasta Dish

Effect: Heals 5 HP and cures poison

Made with: Fresh Pasta Bunch and Mild Cocoa Bean

Love Noodle Dish

Effect: Doubles attack power, reduces damage taken by half, and

shocks enemies that touch you.

Made with: Lovely Chocolate and Fresh Pasta Bunch

Roast Whacka Bump

Effect: Heals 5 HP and cures poison

Made with: Whacka Bump

Spicy Dinner

Effect: Doubles attack power

Made with: Big Egg and Hot Sauce

Primordial Dinner

Effect: Heals 15 HP and cures poison

Made with: Primordial Fruit and Shroom Shake

Koopa Pilaf

Effect: Halves damage taken

Made with: Turtley Leaf and Horsetail

Dyllis Special

Effect: Heals 60 HP and cures poison

Made with: Roast Shroom Dish and Fruity Hamburger

Dyllis Deluxe

Effect: Heals 90 HP and cures poison

Made with: Shroom Steak and Gorgeous Steak

Luxurious Set

Effect: Heals 30 HP and cures poison

Made with: Dyllis Dinner and Fried Shroom Plate

Space Food

Effect: Heals 10 HP and cures poison (heals 50 when in space)

Made with: Ice Strom and Shroom Shake

Emergency Ration

Effect: Heals 10 HP and cures poison (heals 50 when in one of

the pits)

Made with: Fire Burst and Shroom Shake

Trial Stew

Effect: Random.

Made with: Poison Shroom and Couple's Cake

Gold Bar

Effect: Sell for 100 coins

Made with: Golden Leaf


8.2)- Ingredients


This section lists most of the ingredient needed above and where to

find them. This section lists the easiest place to find the items. Not

always the cheapest. If you want to compare prices of items on this

list to walk away with the best buy, look up the Shop section to find

the place that sells the item you're looking for the cheapest.


1) if you have to get an item by defeating an enemy, that enemy might

not always drop that item. You might have to defeat it several times

before claiming your pirze.

2) Whackas can only be found in World 5-1 behind a wall (you have to

use Dottie to get there). The only way to get a whacka bump is by

hitting it in the head. Be careful! As whackas will go away forever

eventually, and you will be forced to by bumps from the arcade


3) Mystery Boxes can be your friend or greatest enemy. When used, a

Mystery Box can change into any item; meaning it can either complete

a recipe, or destroy it. Use at your own risk.

4) some items can be used for a substitute ingredient. I'm still

working the kinks out, but with any luck, I will eventually be able to

list all substitutable ingredients.

If you have a recipe that's not listed, or know of a substitute

ingredient, Email me.

Shroom Shake

Find: Buy at Flipside Shop

Long-last Shake

Find: Buy at Flipside Shop

Life Shroom

Find: Buy at Flipside Shop

Volt Shroom

Find: Buy at Flopside Shop

Turtley Leaf

Find: Dropped by Koopas (World 1-2)

Inky Sauce

Find: Dropped by Bloopers

Cake Mix

Find: Buy at Itty Bits in Flipside

Big Egg

Find: Buy at Itty Bits in Flipside

Honey Jar

Find: Buy at Itty Bits in Flipside

Poison Shroom

Find: Dropped by Cursyas (World 8-1)

Super Shroom Shake

Find: Buy at Flopside Shop

Dried Shroom

Find: Buy the mushroom package at the Inn in Flopside. In the

morning, flip into 3-D to claim your prize.

Ghost Shroom

Find: Buy at Flopside Shop

Smelly Herb

Find: Buy at Itty Bits in Flopside

Ultra Shroom Shake

Find: Buy at Flopside Shop


Find: Buy at Itty Bits in World 3-3

Peachy Peach

Find: Buy at Itty Bits in World 3-3

Dayzee Tear

Find: Dropped by Crazee Dayzees (World 3-3, inside the tree)

Slimy Shroom

Find: Buy the star package at the Inn in Flopside. In the

morning, flip into 3-D to claim your prize.

Keel Mango

Find: Buy at Itty Bits in World 5-1

Mild Cocoa Bean

Find: Buy at Itty Bits in World 5-1

Primordial Fruit

Find: Buy at World 5-1 Shop

Sap Soup

Find: Dropped by Floro Sapiens (World 5-4)

Power Steak

Find: Buy from Itty Bits in Flopside

Fresh Veggie

Find: Buy at Itty Bits in World 3-3

Bone-In Cut

Find: Dropped by Muths (World 5-1)

Golden Leaf

Find: Dropped by Amazy Dayzee (World 5-2)

Fresh Pasta Bunch

Find: Buy from Itty Bits in Flopside

Hot Sauce

Find: Buy from Itty Bits in The Overthere

Whacka Bump

Find: Found in World 5-1. (see note 2 at beginning of section)

Thunder Rage

Find: Buy at Flopside Shop

Ice Storm

Find: Buy at Flipside Shop

Blue/Pink Apple

Find: World 7-3.

Fire Burst

Find: Buy at Flipside Shop

Gold Bar

Find: Buy at Flipside Shop

Mystery Box

Find: Buy at World 5-1 Shop

Shooting Star

Find: Buy at Arcade

Block Block

Find: Buy at Flopside Shop

POW Block

Find: Buy at World 5-1 Shop

Sleepy Sheep

Find: Buy at Flipside Shop



9)- Maps



Maps can be bought in Flopside B1. Walk left and flip to fall in a pit

of water. Come out the other side to find a salesman (and an Itsy Bits

shop). He sales maps. Maps mark a specific location in the game. If

you use Fleep on the location marked with a red X on the map, you'll

get an item.

You CANNOT get these prizes unless you have the map.

You must buy maps 1-12 before the next set is available. And so on.

When I say "flip" in a certain area, I mean use Fleep, not flip into


Map 1

Location: Flipside 3rd floor

Prize: Gold Bar

Cost: 20

Description: Go up to Flipside 3rd floor and Use Fleep just above

the bush.

Map 2

Location: Hall of Mirrors

Prize: Welderberg card

Cost: 60

Description: Go into the Hall of Mirrors (behind the card shop).

You want the Flipside side of the hall. Use Fleep just

over the head of the far left painting.

Map 3

Location: Flipside B1

Prize: Ultra Shroom Shake

Cost: 30

Description: Go to the Itty Bits shop in Flipside (Floor B1, go

through the water). Use Fleep just between the two


Map 4

Location: Flipside Beveragarium Arcade

Prize: King Sammer Card

Cost: 110

Description: Go to Flipside B1 and enter the coffee shop. Flip into

3-D to find a hidden pipe. Enter the pipe and use

Fleep on the sign to the left.

Map 5

Location: Flopside 3rd floor

Prize: O'Chuncks card

Cost: 80

Description: Go to Flopside 3rd floor. Walk right until you see the

black blocks just like in the picture. Use Fleep just

to the right of the vines over the bush.

Map 6

Location: World 1-1

Prize: Bestovius card

Cost: 20

Description: Enter World 1-1 and walk all the way right. Use Fleep

on the window.

Map 7

Location: World 1-2

Prize: Golden Leaf

Cost: 50

Description: Walk left until you see a

mountain. Hop up on the first ledge and use Fleep.

Map 8

Location: World 1-2

Prize: Brobot L-type

Cost: 70

Description: Just past the town, enter the pipe

before the bridge. Enter Greens house in the

background and use Fleep on his picture.

Map 9

Location: World 1-3

Prize: Cold Bar x3

Cost: 40

Description: Walk right and enter the second door. Keep

walking right until you come across the rock in the


Map 10

Location: World 1-3

Prize: Fracktail card

Cost: 40

Description: Enter the first door to the right. Continue

right and enter the next door, then the door after

that. Jump up onto the yellow platforms to the left

and enter the door they lead to. The statue in the

picture is to the left.

Map 11

Location: World 1-4

Prize: Merlumina card

Cost: 70

Description: Go back through the entire dungeon, then at the end

use Fleep over the second to last stair before the

star block.

Map 12

Location: World 2-1

Prize: Shooting Star

Cost: 20

Description: World 2-1. Go all the way back through the level. The

place marked on the map is right next to the star


Map 13

Location: World 2-2

Prize: Catch Card SP

Cost: 50

Description: This ones easy. Walk right and use Fleep on the window


Map 14

Location: World 2-2

Prize: Gnip card

Cost: 50

Description: In the house, up the stairs, behind the curtain,

through the door. Use Fleep on the next set of stairs.

Map 15

Location: World 2-3

Prize: Mimi card

Cost: 100

Description: Walk right and enter the door.

Map 16

Location: World 2-4

Prize: Gold Bar x3

Cost: 30

Description: Go down the stairs, flip to get behind them, then use

Fleep to hit the space marked.

Map 17

Location: World 2-4

Prize: Dried Shroom

Cost: 50

Description: Use the walkthrough section of this guide to navigate

to the end of World 2-4. The location marked is in the

ladies rest room.

Map 18

Location: World 3-1

Prize: Back Cursya card

Cost: 10

Description: Enter World 3-1 and walk as far right as you can. Jump

over the red pipes. Just beyond lies your prize.

Map 19

Location: World 3-1

Prize: Ultra Shroom Shake

Cost: 90

Description: Enter World 3-1 and walk right. Fall down in between

the red pipes. Walk right a little ways to see the

space marked.

Map 20

Location: World 3-2

Prize: Big Blooper card

Cost: 80

Description: Swim right and flip to enter the pipe. Continue right

and dodge a tentacle, then a whirlpool. The place

marked is now right in front of you.

Map 21

Location: World 3-2

Prize: Power Plus

Cost: 180

Description: Swim right and flip to enter the pipe. Continue all

the way right, then surface when you hit a wall. Use

Fleep on the wall painting.

Map 22

Location: World 3-3

Prize: Dimentio card

Cost: 130

Description: First, use Luigi to quickly climb the outside of the

tree. Next, enter the first pipe that the yellow lift

leads you too. Enter the door. The location marked is

just above your head by a few super jumps.

If you haven't completed this level yet, you'll need

to refer to its section in this guide to make it there

the "right" way.

Map 23

Location: World 3-4

Prize: Tiptron card

Cost: 230

Description: Go into the castle. Enter the next door. Walk all the

way right and enter the final door in the hall. Flip

to find a hidden stair case. Jump up and enter the

door. Walk left and enter the first door you come too.

Use Carrie to get across the spikes. Enter the next

two doors, then use the BigMeow to get to the space


Map 24

Location: World 3-4

Prize: Francis card

Cost: 40

Description: Go into the castle. Enter the next door. Walk all the

way right and enter the final door in the hall. Flip

to find a hidden stair case. Jump up and enter the

door. Walk left and enter the second door you come to.

Walk across the bridge and enter the door. Enter the

next door. Use the BigMeow to get to the space


Map 25

Location: World 4-2

Prize: Squirps card

Cost: 30

Description: Walk right a little ways and fall.

Map 26

Location: World 4-2

Prize: Hooligon card

Cost: 70

Description: Walk right. Enter the second door you come across.

Jump right and enter the next "Star" door you come

across (not the green door). Walk right and jump up.

Enter the door and use Fleep where marked.

Map 27

Location: World 4-3

Prize: Mr.L card

Cost: 80

Description: Float right and enter the giant door. Float right

again, but this time enter the wormhole. Go up and to

the right. Behind some brown blocks in the upper right

corner is a blue wormhole. Enter and float right. Use

Fleep where marked.

Map 28

Location: World 4-4

Prize: Brobot card

Cost: 90

Description: See this guides section for World 4-4. Just keep your

eyes open while you walk.

Map 29

Location: World 4-4

Prize: HP Plus

Cost: 80

Description: See this guides section for World 4-4. Just keep your

eyes open while you walk.

Map 30

Location: World 5-1

Prize: Muth card

Cost: 120

Description: Take two steps left and use Fleep.

Map 31

Location: World 5-1

Prize: Flint Cragley card

Cost: 10

Description: Walk right and enter the door. Walk/jump left and

enter the pipe. Walk right and enter the next pipe,

then the next pipe. Use Fleep where marked.

Map 32

Location: World 5-2

Prize: Fire Burst

Cost: 20

Description: Walk right and enter the door. Walk right a little

bit, then jump up onto the pipe overhead with Luigi

(or float there with Peach). Use Fleep where marked.

Map 33

Location: World 5-2

Prize: Ultra Shroom Shake

Cost: 110

Description: Walk right and enter the door. Walk right a little

bit, then jump up onto the pipe overhead with Luigi

(or float there with Peach). Enter the pipe, then jump

into the volcano. Use Fleep where marked.

Map 34

Location: World 5-3

Prize: Shooting Star

Cost: 70

Description: Walk right and enter the pipe. Fall down and enter the

door. Ride the mine cart and enter the door. Walk

right and enter the door. Use Fleep where marked.

Map 35

Location: World 5-3

Prize: Hornfels & Monzo card

Cost: 60

Description: Walk right and enter the pipe. Fall down and continue

right. Enter the final pipe you find. Continue down

the hall to the right until you come to a spring

board. Use it to get over the brown blocks, then enter

the door. Ride the mining cart. Use Fleep where


Map 36

Location: World 5-4

Prize: Poison Shroom

Cost: 140

Description: Walk right and fall down. Enter the pipe. Fall down

and go right. Flip into 3-D and fall into the hole in

the ground. Enter the pipe. Go through the door on the

right. Now enter the pipe. Use Fleep where marked.

Map 37

Location: World 5-4

Prize: King Croacus card

Cost: 60

Description: Walk right and enter the door. enter the next door

(remember to wear your Floro Sprout to get through the

scanner) Use Fleep on the picture marked.

Map 38

Location: World 7-1

Prize: Jaydes card

Cost: 70

Description: Walk right and use Fleep above the fountain.

Map 39

Location: World 7-1

Prize: Underhand card

Cost: 80

Description: Walk right and enter the door. Continue right and

enter the next door. Swim across the water and use

Fleep where marked.

Map 40

Location: World 7-2

Prize: Trial Stew

Cost: 80

Description: Walk right and enter the door. Carefully make your way

to the top of this section. Enter the door. Enter the

middle door. Again, carefully make your way to the top

and enter the door. enter the door on the far left.

Use Fleep where marked.

Map 41

Location: World 7-2

Prize: The Underchomp card

Cost: 70

Description: See the section for World 7-2 in this guide. The place

marked is right next to the star block.

Map 42

Location: World 7-3

Prize: Gold Bar x3

Cost: 150

Description: Make your way to the top of stair 4 (a sign outside

the main doors will tell you what stair you're on)

Walk left and flip into 3-D to find a hidden passage.

Enter the door and use Fleep where marked.

Map 43

Location: World 7-4

Prize: Grambi card

Cost: 90

Description: Walk right and ride the cloud up. Enter the door.

Enter the door just to the right. Hit the ! block and

take a ride. The place marked is the final pillar in

this next building.

Map 44

Location: World 7-4

Prize: Luvbi card

Cost: 100

Description: Walk right and ride the cloud up. Enter the door.

Enter the door just to the right. Hit the ! block and

take a ride. Enter the door in the building. Get up on

the second arch and use Fleep where marked.

Map 45

Location: World 7-4

Prize: Bonechill card

Cost: 190

Description: Walk right and ride the cloud up. Enter the door. Ride

the elevator up and enter the door. Walk right, over

the rainbow bridge. Enter the door. Walk right and use

Fleep where marked.

Map 46

Location: World 8-1

Prize: Nastasia card

Cost: 160

Description: Walk right and enter the door, then the next door.

Walk up the stairs and enter the second door you come

to. Use Luigi to jump onto the platform over the

Red I. Enter the door and walk left. Use Fleep where


Map 47

Location: World 8-3

Prize: Super Dimentio card

Cost: 200

Description: Walk right. Continue right, going over stairs and

through rooms until you reach the second mirror room.

Use Fleep where marked.

Map 48

Location: World 8-4

Prize: Count Bleck card

Cost: 90

Description: See the section for World 8-4 in this guide. The place

marked is right next to the star block.



10)- ASCII Maps of World 7-3



First off, you start at the bottom of this section. You are climbing

up, remember? Go all the way down and work your way up.

These maps wont mark every little thing. That would be almost

impossible and not to mention useless. The point of this map is to

help explain World 7-3, and to map out the hidden apple locations.

This section DOES NOT cover the entire 7-3 World. No. It is only meant

to help people find the apples, and therefore only covers up to the


Map Key:

Text: Meaning:

--- "Solid" Ground


| Up-down Elevator


<--> Left-Right Elevator

OOO Spring Cloud

(text) A door that leads somewhere.

(#) The number of the cloud (if there is one)



(flip to find Black Apples)






-------- (52)(leads nowhere)|

----------------- |

OOO -------------------------- |



(Pink Apples) (51) (Door 4)



(Flip to find yellow apples) (48) (50)(Door 4)

---------------------- ------------------ ------------------------

---------------------- ------------------------



(47) (46)(Red Apples)

--------- ------

------- ^ ----------------- ---------


| -----

| (45)

| (Door to Peach)(43) --------

| ------------

V ^


| ----------

V (42) ------ OOO

------------ (44) ----

------- ----

(Door 3) (41)


(40) (Door 3)

----------------------------------- (39)



---------- (3-D row of blocks) ------------

--------- (38)---------



----- OOO








--------------------------------- ---- ------- (Blue apple door) (33)





(Door 2) (31) OOO


(Door 2) (30)


<------> (29)





OOO (28)


(27) ----

----------------------- -------






(25) OOO

----------------------- --------------------------------



OOO (24)







OOO ---- ---- ---- ----



(Door 1) (21)


(20)(Door 1)



OOO (19)

---------------------------- ------------------------



----- (17)




(15) OOO



----------- ---------


----- ^

| -----

- |

- |

(12) --- V


---- ----------------------


Start. (11)




11)- Version History



Me again! This time, I'm making a guide for what is now one of my

favorite games of all time.

Version 0.1 04/16/07

Table of contents: check

Getting started: check

Version History: check

C/C info: check

Breaks between sections: check

Chapter 1-1 through 2-4: check

Item section: check (more or less...)

If you've been following my guides, you'll notice I'm using a

different method of breaks between sections. That's because of the

shear size of this guide it needed something that stands out more when

your scrolling through it, yet is still easy to read.

Lets take bets: how long is it going to take me to completely finish

this guide? I say 2 weeks.

For bonus points: how long is it going to take me to finish the

walkthrough section? I say it'll be finished in under a week, say 4


Oh, and a note to Excite Truck readers: I plan on finishing that guide

after I finish this one, so you're looking at about another month

before its (finally) finished.

Final note: longest. version history message. Ever.


Version 0.3 04/17/07

- Chapter 3 - done

- added some more stuff to "Getting Started"

- Fixed some editing issues in the items section

- Pixl section almost done


Version 0.5 04/18/07

- Chapters 5-6 are done

- fixed some more editing stuff

- added stuff to the shop section (still not done)

- added some stuff to the after-credits section (still not done)

- Added Dashell description (thanks to Shyguy1994)

- started the catch card section

- started enemies section

Oh, and in case you cant tell, I'm right on schedule to have the

walkthrough section by Friday, and the entire guide by mid-next week.


Version 1.0 04/19/07

-Chapters 7-8 are done.

... that's it. I wanted to get the full walkthrough up as soon as

possible. Sorry. Expect many more Appendix's the next few days. I'll

try to get the enemy section finished tonight, so that'll probably be

up by tomorrow.

Oh, and today is the Wii's 5 month anniversary! Good timing eh?


Version 1.1 04/19/07

- worked on the enemies section

Ok, they are alphabetized, which is good. I started working on them,

but ran out of time for the night. Going to have to finish it tomorrow

or Monday. Sorry.


Version 1.3 04/22/07

- enemies section is finished! (yay!)

- added a credits section and fixed the things they sent me

- worked on the cards section (not yet finished)

*sigh* with every update it seems like I add more sections then I do



Version 1.4 04/23/07

- cards section 99% finished.

... What? You expected more? Do you have ANY idea how long that

section took?! ... you're right, it didn't take 12 hours. I also

finished the Flopside pit and Sammer Guy's kingdom (for the second

time) and took notes. Those sections should be up tomorrow; along with

a another section of my choosing (maybe).


Version 1.5 04/24/07

- Flipside Pit of 100 Trials finished

- Flopside Pit of 100 Trials finished

- Duel of 100 (Sammer Guys challenge) finished

- Maps finished (99% at least)

^_^ the only sections that are left are

1) A Flipping, Flopping Tour

2) Arcade Games!

3) Recipes

1 and 2 are easy, I just need some time. 3 is going to be an on-going

project; could take quite a while to complete.


Version 1.8 04/25/07

- Card section complete

- Enemy section complete (the experience thing is impossible)

- Arcade games complete

- Shop section finished

- Recipes 99% finished

Alls that leaves is the Flipping, Flopping tour and some minor editing

type stuff. ^_^


Version 2.0 04/26/07

- Flip Flopping tour is finished.

- General editing is finished.

- Finished map section

This guide is done. A few things may change as people email me stuff,

but don't expect any huge updates in the future.


Version 2.1 04/27/07

- More general editing

- ASCII maps of world 7-3

Ok, so I lied when I said no more big updates. >_>

Inspiration (among other things) struck me last night and I started

typing up maps.... and here they are.


Version 2.2 04/26/07

- more typos

- Got some high scores for the arcade games


Version 2.5 06/6/07

- yet more typos

- more high scores

- a few other little things that include:

alternate strategy for the Duel of 100

Section 2.9.9)-

Nothing big, just had some time to go though the massive amount of

emails I've gotten over the last couple months.


Version 2.6 07/24/07

- more user submitted fixes

- Numbered the clouds in the ASCII section and the guide as well

- some new strategies for certain bosses

People have been hounding me about the cloud numbers and alternate

Francis boss strategy for a while now. Happy?



12)- Copyright/Contact Information



Copyright 2007 Shawn Vernier (SPV999)

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for

personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or

otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission.

Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public

display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned

by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

In other words this is mine, don't steal it and put your name on





13)- Credits



All the people below get this:

for making this the FAQ of the month for April 2007 on GameFAQs

sean22607 for the Bowser/Carrie tip.

SilverStar Ebonclaw for giving me a complete list of shop point

items; and telling me about the score signs; and for the 2) infinite

coins trick.

Shyguy1994 the description of Dashell.

Michael Ciarlillo for the following cards:

#074, #103, #112, #113, #114, #129, #130, #131, #159, #172, #184,

#193, #197, #198, #199, #200, #209, #212, #220, #227, #225, #237,

#239, #241-248, #256.

jacobsteel308 for the Red and Green card.

JAHLewis for correcting a Peach (3) card confusion.

randomword and tispanther for pointing out the Emergency Rations/Space

Food special abilities.

ghostofeasthalls for telling me how to kill SurpriseMeows.

brady122005 for infinite score points trick 4) and Bleu hair parlor.

skyguy91, LordoftheCruxis, xaliasgracex, Trint, Nick Varacalli,

DanG82, jacksoke for various corrections.

Ashley Walsh, bearpairdfw, and Nathan Hutchinson for several recipe


Tallpat for the map seller location fix (B1, not B2)

broncostar4444 for the Dottie strategy for the Barribad

ANONYMOUS for Dashell's description typo and Flipping Flopping

spelling error.

Andrew Cihak for the Boomer special combo.

Upcoming Releases
Kindred Fates is an open world monster battling RPG, and a love letter to the monster battle genre. Our goal is to evolve the genre, and finally bring fans what they've been asking for.
Inspired by the beauty of the natural world around us, Everwild is a brand-new game in development from Rare where unique and unforgettable experiences await in a natural and magical world. Play as an Eternal as you explore and build bonds with the world around you.
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.