Marvel Snap Best Series 3 Cards Tier List

Marvel Snap Series 3 Tier List: Best Series 3 Cards Explained

Cards in Marvel Snap are arranged into series according to the requirements for their Collection Level. Players can obtain Series 3 cards, commonly called “Pool 3” cards after they reach Collection Level 486. There are many strong cards in this pool that can improve your decks and the ones below are good enough to Rank as “S” in our tier list.

What are the best cards in Marvel Snap Series 3?

Marvel Snap Series 3 has some of the best cards in the game. These cards have the ability to turn games in your favor and serve as the foundation of strong decks. Here are some of the most powerful cards in Marvel Snap Series 3:

CardAbilityWhy it’s desirable
DeathCosts 1 less for each card destroyed this game.Death can be extremely effective when used in a destruction deck. Its ability makes it a very cost-efficient card, especially in games where a lot of cards are being destroyed. This is because the cost of Death will decrease by 1 for each card that is destroyed, meaning that it can potentially be played for 0 Energy.
LockjawAfter you play a card here, swap it with a card in your deck. (once per turn)Lockjaw can be used to disrupt your opponent’s strategy. Its ability allows you to pull out high-cost cards from your deck and place them on the board, even if you don’t have the Energy to play them normally.
SeraOngoing: Cards in your hand cost 1 less. (minimum 1)Sera reduces the cost of all cards in your hand by 1 Energy. This can enhance your deck’s overall cost efficiency, allowing you to play more cards and potentially gain a board advantage over your opponent.
Silver SurferOn Reveal: Give your other 3-Cost cards +2 Power.Silver Surfer’s ability grants +2 Power to all other 3-Cost cards in your hand and at your locations.
MystiqueOn Reveal: If the last card you played has an Ongoing, copy its text. (if it’s in play)Mystique ability allows her to copy the Ongoing ability of the last card you played. This ability enables you to double down on the effects of powerful Ongoing abilities.
MagnetoOn Reveal: Move all opposing 3 and 4-Cost cards to this location.Magneto can forcefully move all opposing 3-Cost and 4-Cost cards to the location where Magneto is played. This ability can completely alter the power dynamics of a location in your favor.
WongOngoing: Your On Reveal abilities at this location happen twice.Wong causes all abilities at his location to happen twice. This ability enables you to double the impact of your On Reveal effects.
Absorbing ManOn Reveal: If the last card you played has an On Reveal, copy its text. (if it’s in play)Absorbing Man’s ability allows him to copy the On Reveal ability of the last card you played if it is still in play. This ability enables you to duplicate the effects of powerful On Reveal abilities and gain an advantage.
BroodOn Reveal: Add 2 Broodlings to this location with the same Power.Brood ability spawns two Broodlings with the same Power as Brood at the location where he is played. This allows you to quickly populate a location with additional Power.
Captain MarvelAt the end of the game, move to a location that wins you the game. (If possible)Captain Marvel can adjust her position on the board, potentially swinging the outcome of the game in your favor.

These cards represent just a few of the many powerful options available in Marvel Snap Series 3. Experiment with different combinations and strategies to discover the best cards for your playstyle and deck archetypes.

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