
The Last of Us 2 Safe Combination | All safe locations and codes

Finding each The Last of Us 2 safe combination will give you access to a plethora of items, ammo, and upgrades that’ll make your journey through the post-apocalypse a lot easier. Finding these The Last of Us 2 safe combinations isn’t always easy, though. You have to tread off the beaten path if you want to find each of these TLoU2 safe locations, and you’ll need to be ready to puzzle out these codes with the barest of clues.

Find The Last of Us 2 safe combinationssafe codes, and safe locations below:

BarrelForge TAC Retribution
OpticChronen LP945 Mini Reflex
StockFFS Heavy Stock Pro
UnderbarrelGranulated Grip Tape
Rear GripStippled Grip Tape

The Last of Us 2 Safe Combination – Jackson

There’s only one safe location in the Jackson chapter.

Supermarket Safe Code and Location – Patrol

The Last of Us 2 Safe Codes | All safe locations and combos

Safe Location: During the prologue, Ellie and Dina will go on a patrol outside of Jackson. They’ll find a series of buildings that have been infested with clickers and enter to clear them out. As part of this segment, you’ll enter a supermarket through a hole in the side of a building leading into a conference room. Just down the hall from this room is a break room. There you’ll find the safe.

The Last of Us 2 Safe Codes | All safe locations and combos

Code Location: You’ll find the clue you need to find the combo to this safe in a letter in a break room in the market. It reads:

Yo Kristen – left the real

shit in the safe for you.

Combo is the date my

good boy got Employee

of the Month. Don’t fucking

sell those or give them


That’s for your back,

alright? Feel better.


Mina is talking about her “good boy,” which is her dog. Just down the hall from the break room, you’ll find the Employee of the Month board. The date above the picture of the dog is “Jul 2013.” That gives us the code we need: 07-20-13.

The Last of Us 2 Safe Combinations – Seattle Day 1 (Ellie)

This chapter holds the most safes, with four total scattered around to find.

Courthouse Safe Code and Location – Downtown

Safe Location: You’ll have to head to the courthouse in search of gasoline as part of the story. You’ll eventually make your way to the basement. Here, you’ll find an office with a locked door. Break the nearby window leading into the office, and you’ll find a safe beneath a desk inside.

The Last of Us 2 courthouse safe code location

Code Location: The combo isn’t too far from the safe. In the same office, you’ll find a corpse with a note listing the names of agitators against FEDRA. If you flip the letter you’ll see the following:

REMINDER: All items confiscated from suspects should be placed in the office lockup. Code is: 860722

Seattle Bank Safe Code and Location – Downtown

The Last of Us 2 Bank Safe Location

Safe Location: On the southwestern part of the map, on 6th Ave. and Cherry St., you’ll find the Westlake Bank. Head inside and fight the infected, then proceed past the teller counters to find the vault.

The Last of Us 2 Bank Safe Code Location

Code Location: You’ll find the safe combo in the same room as the vault door. You’ll find a note in a bag next to a corpse detailing plans to rob the bank. On this note is the code to the safe: 602306.

Seattle Gate West-2 Safe Code and Location – Downtown

The Last of Us 2 downtown Seattle Gate West-2 safe code location

Safe Location: You’ll find this safe at Gate West-2, which is located just southwest of the courthouse on Madison St. Just keep an eye out for the sign. You’ll see a gate that is cracked far enough for Ellie to squeeze through it. You’ll find the safe on a small concrete platform inside.

The Last of Us 2 downtown Seattle Gate West-2 safe code location

Code Location: This one is spelled out for you, literally, and might be the easiest code to find in The Last of Us 2. There’s a sign painted on the wall with an arrow pointed at the safe that reads, “Use gate code.” To get the code, open the document titled, “Checkpoint Gate Codes.” Under “West 2,” you’ll find the code for the safe: 04-51. This code may not seem right at first, but this safe is unique as being the only one in the game to have a four-digit instead of a six-digit combo.

Furniture Store Staci’s # Safe Code and Location – Capitol Hill

The Last of Us 2 Staci's phone number safe code location

Safe Location: After you escape from the school, you’ll eventually end up in a heavily booby-trapped area. Just a short way into this location, you’ll find a furniture store. From the front door, head straight back and take a left, and you’ll find a door leading into a small room with two other doors. Take the one to your left to find the room with the safe. Be warned; there’s a clicker crawling around on the ground here you’ll have to kill.

The Last of Us 2 Staci's phone number safe code location

Code Location: In the small room just outside the one containing the safe, you’ll find a letter on the corkboard that gives you the info you need to find this combo. The letter reads:

M – make sure you take the envelope

to the bank before Monday AM.

Made the combo the last 6 digits to

Staci’s phone number. Figured that’d be

easy for you to remember…heh.

206-555-01(the rest is torn)

So, you need Staci’s number. Luckily, she has a few fans here at the furniture shop. Head into the nearby bathroom and look at the wall to get the rest of her number. Now you have the whole code: 55-01-33.

The Last of Us 2 Safe Combinations – Seattle Day 2 (Ellie)

On her second day in Seattle, Ellie can open three safes.

Hillview Garage safe code location – Hillcrest

The Last of Us 2 Hillview Garage safe code location

Safe Location: The Last of Us 2 Hillview Garage safe code is in Seattle Day 1 in the Capitol Hill section of that chapter. There is a garage behind the tattoo shop. Be careful since the garage has a dumpster in front of the door holding some Infected inside. The safe is in there.

The Last of Us 2 Hillview Garage safe code location

Code Location: The code is in a different place. Go into the Toys and Treats (the pet store) store on that block. There is a room on the left with some Infected. Clear them out and go into the kitchen in the back. There is a note on the wall on the left near the door to get into the kitchen that reads:

Go back to the garage and punch in the Hillview Garage safe combo: 30-82-65

Route 5 Apartment safe code location – The Seraphites

The Last of Us 2 Route 5 Apartment safe code location

The Last of Us 2 Route 5 apartment safe code is in Seattle Day 2 and Hillcrest part of the chapter. Go through the Route 5 path until you get to the “Do Not Block” sign. That is where the story wants to take you. Don’t go in there yet.

The Last of Us 2 Route 5 Apartment safe code location

Safe Location: Go back until you see the apartments with the truck outside like you can see in the above picture. The front door to that place is locked so go to your right and crawl through the open crawlspace.

Go up the stairs once inside and eventually you’ll get to where the occupants sleep. There are two doors at the top. You have to get in the room on your left but the door is locked. So you have to break the glass window in the middle between the two rooms and jump to the outside of the room from there.

The Last of Us 2 Route 5 Apartment safe code location

Code Location: The safe is in that small room in the closet. You’ll also notice a calendar with a few dates on it. Focus on the anniversary one. Instead of doing that date, do the math and go 30 years back from that date.

That date will be the Route 5 safe combo: 10-08-83

Weston’s Pharmacy safe code location – The Seraphites

The Last of Us 2 Weston's Pharmacy Safe Location

Safe Location: Just before you reach the hospital, you’ll have to drop down from a rooftop into a marshy area. After swimming a short distance, you can pull yourself back up onto land, and you’ll see a large building containing Weston’s Pharmacy.

Search the pharmacy and you’ll find a hole in the wall. Duck through it and you’ll spot the safe.

The Last of Us 2 Weston's Pharmacy Safe Code Location

Code Location: You’ll find this safe code not too far from the safe itself. Check behind the counter in the pharmacy and you’ll find this note in a drawer:


I keep hearing gunfire at odd hours. We have no one to

protect us from this crazy cult. We can’t wait for the WLF to find us…. we have to trek to their base and join them.

I’ve started stashing supplies in the safe. Heading out to scout the best route, will be back with a plan ASAP.

Be careful,


P.S. Almost forgot, the code is 38-55-23.

The Last of Us 2 Safe Combinations – Seattle Day 3 (Ellie)

There’s only one safe to be found in Ellie’s third day in Seattle.

Seattle Boat Warehouse Safe Code Location – The Flooded City

The Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 3 - Ellie - Boat Warehouse Safe Location

Safe Location: Once you get the boat at the mall, you’ll start making your way towards the aquarium through the flooded remains of Seattle. One of your first obstacles after you get the boat is a gate in a warehouse. To the right of this gate is a fenced-in area where you can clearly see a safe. However, the door to this area is locked, and there’s no way to climb over the fencing.

To get to the safe, you need to head left of the gate and climb the stairs. Enter the door at the top of the stairs, and you’ll find yourself in a hallway (this is where you’ll also find the code to the safe). You’ll find a cart in front of a collapsed section of the walkway that you’ll need to move. Where the cart was sitting is a hole you can get through if you go prone. Climbing through the tunnel will take you to an area with a window you can jump through to get to the safe.

The Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 3 - Ellie - Boat Warehouse Safe Code Location

Code Location: You’ll find the combo to this safe reasonably easily. Head up the stairs to the left of the gate blocking your boat’s path, and you’ll enter a hallway. At the end of the hall you’ll find a corpse with a note that reads:

Beth –

If you’re reading this, then

I’m toast. I hope it wasn’t

those scar fuckers, but

some blaze of glory.

Bigger hope is you

remember where we hid the stash?

Code is 70-12-64.

It’s not much, but it’s

all I have. I want you

to take it. Be well.


The Last of Us 2 Safe Combinations – Seattle Day 1 (Abby)

There are three safes you can find in this section of The Last of Us 2.

Gun Lockup “Big Win” Safe Code – On Foot

The Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 1 - Abby - The Big Win Safe Code Location

Code Location: When you finally climb out of the building with the large board suspended in the center, you’ll find yourself in a yard with a construction trailer in it. The front door is locked, but you can bust through a window in the back.

When you make it into the trailer, you’ll find a note near the front door that reads:


With the truce dead, it’s too risky to keep

using this place for meetups. Scars are gonna

be swarming all over this area like roaches.

I went ahead and cleaned out my supplies already,

but I left all your guns in the lockup in case

you need them when you arrive. Figure the Scars

won’t touch them since the safe is too “old world”

for them. Dumb Freaks

See you soon. Be careful.


PS: Still using “the big win” as the combination.

So, we know there’s a safe around, but what is “the big win?” It’s a lottery ticket that you can find on a nearby corkboard. The winning numbers are 17-38-07.

The Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 1 - Abby - The Big Win Safe Location

Safe Location: To find the safe to match the code you just saw, follow Manny and Leah towards the fencing. Just around the corner of the building, you’ll find a hole in the wall’s side. Pop your head in, and you’ll spot the safe almost immediately.

Chinatown Art Store/Jasmine Bakery Safe Code – Hostile Territory

The Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 1 - Abby - Jasmine Bakery Safe Code Location

Code Location: After leaving the WLF FOB, you’ll head towards the aquarium. After passing through some buildings, you’ll find yourself in Chinatown. You’ll need to head into the restaurant and take the stairs to the second floor.

Kill the infected here and look towards the street for a ledge you can use to jump over to the art store. In a storage room on the second floor of the art store, you can find a note:


I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you got

back – the place must look like a

bobm went off. Someone must’ve

tipped off FEDRA to our little

ration operation. Bet it was

Jiao, that snake.

I managed to hide some of our stuff,

but I worry our business partners

aren’t going to be happy with their

shipment gone. I put some of the

supplies in the safe.

The combination is 689689.

Come join me in our other hideout.

It’s time to think about an

exit strategy.

Be safe!


The Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 1 - Abby - Jasmine Bakery Safe Location

Safe Location: You’ll find this safe in the Jasmine Bakery across the street from the art store. Smash open the window and head toward the rear of the store. You can’t miss it.

Seattle Ferry Safe Code – The Coast

The Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 1 - Abby - Ferry Safe Code Location

Code Location: Shortly after you escape from the Seraphites and leave Lev and Yara behind, you’ll come upon a beached ferry that you’ll need to traverse to continue to the aquarium. You’ll find the safe code at the end of a hallway on the second floor of the ferry. It’s in a letter on a cot under the WTA signage. This note says:

Thank you for your help with that

infected passenger. We’re lucky to have

someone with your training and

grit aboard. My crewmates are

useless. And I don’t agree with the

captain keeping the weapons locked away.

We can’t stay willfully ignorant that we

have infected passengers on board

this ferry.

Weapon storage is on the aft

top deck, combo is 80-77-01. Your

crossbow is in there. I trust

you on this.

The Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 1 - Abby - Ferry Safe Location

Safe Location: Just as the letter promised, this safe is on the ferry’s top deck. At the landing of the steps leading to the top floor, take a left. You’ll see the safe through a hole leading into the bridge of the ship.

The Last of Us 2 Safe Combinations – Seattle Day 2 (Abby)

The last two safes in The Last of Us 2 can be found during Abby’s second day in Seattle.

Seattle Apartment Near Aquarium Safe Code – The Shortcut

The Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 2 - Abby - Apartment Safe Code Location

Code Location: Shortly after leaving the aquarium with Lev, you’ll traverse some of the flooded ruins of Seattle. You’ll eventually find yourself on a crumbling overpass. You’ll need to follow it for a short distance and jump over into an apartment building.

Inside you’ll find a note beneath a whiteboard between a woman named Julia and a man named Sam. The letter is rather long, but the pertinent part is:

Combo is our apartment number

then your apartment number.

Take everything and get out of here.


The Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 2 - Abby - Apartment Safe Code Location 1

If you exit the apartment through the front door, you’ll see Sam’s apartment is 302. Next door is Julia’s apartment, 304.

The Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 2 - Abby - Apartment Safe Code Location 2

So your safe code is 30-23-04.

The Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 2 - Abby - Apartment Safe Location

Safe Location: This safe is located in one of the bedrooms in the apartment. If you face the door leading out of the apartment, it’s the one on the right.

Hotel Bloeray Safe Code – The Descent

The Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 2 - Abby - Hotel Bloeray Safe Location

Safe Location: As you’re getting close to the hospital, you’ll have to cross a crane leading to a skyscraper. Unfortunately, Abby’s nervousness gets the best of her. She slips on bird poop and plummets through a skylight into a nasty old hotel swimming pool.

You’ll find this safe in the small closet behind the reception desk outside of the Hotel Bloeray gym. Just open the door, and it’s right there. You can’t miss it.

Code Location: You’ll find a clue to the safe code in the hotel restaurant’s kitchen.

The Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 2 - Abby - Hotel Bloeray Safe Code Location 1

There’s a note on the corkboard there that says:

Please don’t leave

valuables lying around

while you’re on shift.

We have a safe in the

cleaning closet in the

lobby. The code is the

same as the wifi.


The Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 2 - Abby - Hotel Bloeray Safe Code Location 2

You can find the Wi-Fi password in the gym on a sign on the wall. The password is 121879, which is also your safe code.

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