Final Fantasy 7 Remake Bad Graphics

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Bad Graphics | Blurry textures and people appearing fix

Are Final Fantasy 7 bad graphics getting you down? Blurry textures and people appearing out of thin air can quickly ruin a player’s immersion, especially in a game calling itself a “remake.” Thankfully, there is hope for some improvement. Here’s what you need to know about the bad graphics in FF7 Remake.

Why does Final Fantasy 7 Remake look bad on PS4 and PS4 Pro?

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Bad Graphics

While I wouldn’t say the game looks “bad,” it can certainly suffer from some ugly low-resolution textures and objects can pop in and out of view quite suddenly. Combine this with the 30 FPS cap on PS4 and PS4 Pro, it becomes easy to focus on the negatives.

ALSO: Final Fantasy VII Remake Review | Not a cloud in the sky

Again, calling Final Fantasy 7 Remake a “bad looking game” would be a bit of a stretch, as it is a major overhauling of the original title. However, there are some issues that taint the experience.

On the player’s side, it’s difficult to fix these issues, with the only suggestion being to move more slowly through the world to decrease the chance of pop-in for both people and textures, but that would mean a lot of walking instead of running.

Ultimately, it’s going to come to down the developer and its rolling out of post-launch patches and support. Perhaps the textures and pop-in can be cured by a simple update, though perhaps not. Hopefully we’ll know about a potential fix soon.

If there is never a fix for Final Fantasy 7 Remake on PS4 and PS4, there’s always the PC release, which should boast better visuals.

More Final Fantasy 7 Remake Guides

Check out our list of Final Fantasy 7 Remake guides below:

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