Dragon Ball FighterZ 1.21 update

Dragon Ball FighterZ 1.21 Update Patch Notes

The Dragon Ball FighterZ Season 3 update is available to download and install on PS4, Xbox One, and PC right now (it should be available on Switch soon). It’s a big update, too, which alters a good amount of the systems in play as well as edits to character balance. Instant Transmission your way to the end of this guide to read through the complete list of Dragon Ball FighterZ 1.21 update patch notes. Learn more about the Dragon Ball FighterZ version 1.21 update below, however, thanks to our list of highlights. It’s always best to go into battle well-prepared.

Dragon Ball FighterZ 1.21 Update Highlights

Dragon Ball FighterZ 1.21 update

This is a big update, but surprisingly, its file size is small, weighing in at little over 500 MB on PS4, at least. As stated above, the update brings with it a lot of gameplay changes and character balance updates. This includes the ability to choose between three Z Assists for each character before a fight begins. With it, too, however, is Kefla.

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If you have purchased the FighterZ Pass 3, you can download and play as Kefla from Wednesday, February 26. She’s something a bit different from the different versions of Goku we’ve been getting for a while now, so there’s that. Kefla will be available to purchase separately from February 28 if you don’t fancy forking over for the complete FighterZ Pass 3.

Gameplay Changes and New Features

Z Assists have been upgraded in the 1.21 update. You can now choose between three different Z Assists for each fighter in the character select screen. When you are on your last fighter, your damage will be increased, your Ki gauge will increase by one, and a hit to your opponent will reduce their recoverable health.

Plenty of smaller changes have taken place, too. You can now perform a Super Dash while performing a Ki Charge with a press of the heavy attack button, for example. Alongside these changes, tonnes of character adjustments have been made, too. This includes Goku (GT) who has had his Super Ultra Spirit Bomb attack damage reduced significantly. Check out the complete list of patch notes below to discover everything being fixed and changed.

Dragon Ball FighterZ 1.21 Update Patch Notes

Dragon Ball FighterZ 1.21 update

Read through the complete list of Dragon Ball FighterZ 1.21 update patch notes below, courtesy of Bandai Namco:

Updated Battle Screen

  • Updated the battle screen.

Selectable Z Assists

  • Players can now choose from 3 assists for each character.

Limit-Breaking Power

  • Health gauge changes when one character remains, and the character has the following effects.
    • Increased damage output
    • Ki gauge increases by one
    • Opponent’s recoverable health is reduced on hit (except with invincible moves)

Adjustments to Instant Overheads

  • All jumping attacks will no longer hit a crouching opponent when performed as the character is rising into the air (AKA instant overheads).
  • Characters blocking mid-air will be in a crouching state after landing.
  • When hit just before landing from a jump, characters will be in a grounded state rather than a mid-air state.

Advantage Gauge

  • Added a gauge that displays health proportion for all members of a team.

Ki Charge

  • Reduced recovery.
  • Can now deflect Ki Blasts.
  • Pressing the heavy attack button during a Ki Charge will now perform a Super Dash.
  • Ki Charge can now be continued for a set amount of time even when Ki gauge is maxed out.


  • Can now be canceled with a Special Move or Super Dash during camera shift.

Dragon Rush

  • Made it easier to combo into when the opponent is taking damage mid-air.
  • Can now be performed after landing a standing light attack.
  • If landed in a combo, it can now be cancelled after the attack with a Vanish.
  • The number of jumps and mid-air dashes available resets after a Dragon Rush break.

Dragon Rush (Forced Switch)

  • When a switch is forced via Dragon Rush, the switch will occur faster than before.

    Switch-in timing can now be manually controlled with a ← input after the forced switch.

Powered-up Special Moves

  • They now only consume half a Ki gauge.

→ + Medium Attack

  • While Sparking! is active, the character will no longer go over the opponent when the move is canceled into an air dash.

Standing/Crouching Heavy Attack

  • Increased the move’s damage during camera shift.

Jumping Heavy Attack

  • Removed landing recovery during camera shift.

Guard Cancel Change

  • Increased the attack level when clashed.

Z Assists

  • Can no longer use another Z Assist until some time has passed after the opponent stops blocking.
  • Z Assists that blowback will always knock the opponent in the direction the Z Assist character is facing.
  • Adjusted where Z Assists appear.

Air Dash

  • Made it possible to perform a simple air dash even when holding ↗ immediately after jumping.

Sub-Character Attacks

  • Attacks hitting sub-characters such as Saibamen and the Ginyu Force can now be cancelled.

Error Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in which landing a certain way after an attack with landing recovery would cause that same recovery to occur on the next jump.
  • Fixed an issue in which performing an attack immediately after blocking would cause problems with the hurtbox during the following action.
  • For certain attacks that lock the opponent in place and trigger a cinematic sequence, the hitboxes are no longer active during the hitstop.

Character Balance Adjustments

Goku (Super Saiyan)

The grounded follow-up version of the Kamehameha leaves you less open, making it easier to use!

Goku’s Type C Z Assist hits the opponent multiple times, and it even automatically follows up on hit!

Crouching Medium Attack

  • Increased distance moved during the attack.
  • Increased the attack’s active frames.
  • Increased recovery.
  • Slowed start-up.

Standing Special Attack

  • Adjusted blowback.

Warp Kamehameha

  • Sped up the start-up when the opponent is taking damage.

Kamehameha (Grounded Diagonal Version)

  • Increased damage.
  • Reduced recovery.
  • Reduced the attack’s active frames.
  • Reduced opponent’s untechable time.

Vegeta (Super Saiyan)

The heavy version of Crushing Knee Kick is now stronger! It’ll knock the opponent down on the opposite side now!

Crouching medium attack and Special attack are now easier to land in the air!

Crouching Medium Attack

  • Increased distance moved during the attack.
  • Increased the attack’s active frames.
  • Increased recovery.
  • Slowed start-up.

Standing Special Attack

  • Extended the base of the attack’s hitbox upward.
  • Adjusted the hurtbox.

Standing Special Attack

  • Adjusted blowback

Super Dash Kick

  • The number of jumps available is no longer reduced when the grounded version is canceled with another attack.

Crushing Knee Kick (Heavy)

  • Will now appear behind the opponent and follow up on hit.
  • Will now cause a ground bounce during camera shift.

Big Bang Attack (Medium + Heavy)

  • Adjusted blowback for the mid-air version.



Light and medium versions of Demon Slicer now stop attacks faster!

His Type A Z Assist now launches two homing projectiles!

Jumping Medium Attack

  • Increased tracking during Super Combos.

Demon Slicer

  • Increased timing for input buffering a Super Attack when landing.

Demon Slicer (Light, Medium)

  • Invincible frames activate sooner for the grounded version.

Demon Slicer (Light, Heavy)

  • Sped up the mid-air version’s start-up.

Demon Elbow (Medium)

  • Adjusted distance moved after crossing-up the opponent with the mid-air version.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Now fires 2 projectiles.
  • Adjusted individual projectile damage; increased total damage.
  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Increased the opponent’s hitstop on hit.


Gohan (Teen)

You now have more advantage after Father-Son Kamehameha (Full Power) hits!

His Type B Z Assist throws a Ki Blast from the air diagonally downward!

Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 1

  • Increased landing recovery.

Standing Special Attack

  • Adjusted blowback.

Mid-air ↓ + Special Attack

  • Enlarged the move’s hitbox during the early active frames.

Super Dragon Flight

  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Super Dragon Flight (Heavy)

  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward.
  • Extended collision detection upward at the beginning of the move.
  • Increased the attack’s active frames.

Flying Kick (Medium)

  • Adjusted blowback.

Flying Kick (Heavy)

  • Reduced damage.
  • Increased damage scaling.
  • Increased recovery when blocked.

Father-Son Kamehameha (Full Power)

  • Increased untechable time.
  • Changed the final hit’s hit effect.


Now you can cancel the Golden Frieza transformation whenever you want!

His jumping Special attack will now stop Super Dashes!

Crouching Medium Attack

  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward.

Jumping Medium Attack

  • Increased tracking during Super Combos.

Jumping ↓ + Heavy Attack

  • Adjusted blowback during camera shift.
  • Increased amount of sliding knockdown during camera shift.
  • Removed landing recovery during camera shift.
  • Adjusted distance moved during the attack.
  • Increased landing recovery.

Jumping Special Attack

  • Can no longer be evaded with a Super Dash.
  • Increased untechable time.
  • Reduced damage.
  • Increased landing recovery.

You might not survive this time

  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.
  • Reduced the distance moved by the projectile when it hits anywhere other than at close range.

Sorbet’s Ray Gun

  • Increased the base damage of the attack.
  • Changed the mid-air hit effect.
  • Removed Super Attack follow-up damage scaling.

Golden Frieza

  • Inputting the same command again during Golden Frieza will now cancel the transformation.
  • Golden Frieza timer will not decrease while Sparking! is active.
  • As with other Z Combos, time for input buffering normal attacks has been added when performing the following attacks:
    • (Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 2, Standing Heavy Attack, Standing Special Attack, Crouching Special Attack, Jumping ↓ + Special Attack)
  • Fixed an issue in which ground recovery after the transformation ends would differ under certain conditions.


Crouching Medium Attack

  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward.

Jumping Heavy Attack

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Increased the attack’s active frames.
  • Shrunk the move’s initial hitbox.
  • Enlarged the hurtbox at the beginning of the attack’s active frames.

Jumping ↓ + Heavy Attack

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.

Change the Future

  • The initial hitbox at the base of the attack now only hits the opponent’s main character.
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Shining Slash

  • Increased timing for buffering into a Super Attack when landing.
  • Increased amount of sliding knockdown during camera shift.

Cyclone Jump (Heavy)

  • Added the ability to input ↑ or ↓ during the attack.
  • Adjusted distance moved during the attack in line with the above change.
  • Increased the amount of time the character is spinning.

Android 18

The spacing for Back Grapple has been extended, making it easier to grab the opponent!

You can now perform the follow-up attack of the heavy version of Support Attack with additional button input!

Standing Light Attack

  • Adjusted blowback in mid-air.

Crouching Light Attack

  • Adjusted blowback in mid-air.

Standing Special Attack

  • Adjusted blowback

Jumping Light Attack

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward.

Jumping Special Attack

  • Increased recovery.

Back Grapple

  • Increased throw range.

Back Grapple (Medium, Heavy)

  • Changed timing for inputting the follow-up.
  • Increased distance moved during the attack.
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Back Grapple (Heavy)

  • Made the 2nd half of the attack Special Move and jump-cancellable on hit.
  • Increased hitstop inflicted by Android 17’s follow-up.
  • Adjusted blowback from Android 17’s follow-up.

Support Attack (Heavy)

  • Sped up Android 17’s appearance.
  • Inputting the same command will now perform a follow-up move.
  • Will no longer pull the opponent in on guard.
  • Increased hitstop when the final hit lands.
  • Android 17 is no longer invulnerable to the opponent’s main character’s strike attack while he is on standby.
  • Android 17 will now leave if a Z Assist is used while he is on standby.

Support Attack (Special)

  • Adjusted blowback for the grounded version.


  • Increased the attack’s damage when it hits the opponent’s Z Assist.


You can now perform different Special Moves during Miracle Super Punch and Great Special Rolling Kick!

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack is now faster, making it easier to use in combos!

Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 2

– Extended the move’s hitbox upward.

– Extended the hurtbox upward.

Standing Heavy Attack

– Holding the button will increase the damage.

Standing Special Attack

– Adjusted blowback.

Miracle Super Punch

– Once on whiff, the move can now be canceled with a Special Move.

– Changed the move’s performance in tandem with the ability to cancel the attack when it whiffs.

– Adjusted the move’s range.

Great Special Rolling Kick

– Once on whiff, the move can now be canceled with a Special Move.

– Changed the move’s performance in tandem with the ability to cancel the attack when it whiffs.

– Adjusted the move’s range.

Great Special Rolling Kick (Heavy)

– Increased recovery.

Galactic Donuts

– Increased range when the opponent is taking damage.

– Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Vengeful Shout

– Holding the button will increase the landing recovery.

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack (Light + Medium)

– Sped up the attack’s start-up when the opponent is taking damage.

Z Assist (A Type)

– Increased range when the opponent is taking damage.


Stone Throw and Senzu Bean are now separate Special Moves. You also have unlimited Senzu Beans!

His Type B Z Assist is a Kamehameha, which is great for hitting opponents from far away!

Senzu Bean

  • Removed limit to how many can be used.
  • Move will always throw a Senzu Bean (never a stone).

Stone Throw

  • Changed input from Senzu Bean (↓↓ + Light or Medium or Heavy).
  • Changed the move’s performance in tandem with the input change.
  • Cannot be deflected with Super Dash.

Solar Flare

  • Will automatically perform a follow-up on hit.
  • Holding the button will prevent the follow-up from being performed.
  • The first part of the attack will no longer be affected by untechable time reduction.


  • Increased timing for buffering a Super Attack when landing.
  • Extended the move’s hitbox downward.

Afterimage (Light, Medium)

  • The number of jumps available is no longer reduced when the grounded version is canceled with another attack.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Changed the properties of the stone throw to match that of the non-assist version.
  • Increased the stone’s untechable time.
  • The character now throws 2 stones.


The heavy version of Rolling Crush will now put you behind the opponent!

His Type B Z Assist rushes toward the opponent, an easy-to-use attack against grounded foes!

Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 2

  • Reduced damage scaling.

Crouching Medium Attack

  • Enlarged the move’s hitbox.

Standing Heavy Attack

  • Holding the button will increase the damage.

Hell Strike

  • Increased stagger time when the attack hits on the ground.

Rolling Crush (Medium)

  • Sped up the grounded version’s start-up.

Rolling Crush (Heavy)

  • The grounded version now places the character behind the opponent.

Perfect Attack

  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Perfect Attack (Heavy)

  • An Ultimate Z Change can now be performed when the grounded version hits.

Psycho Crash

  • The move will no longer hit multiple times in a combo.
  • The move will no longer hit after a K.O.
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Kamehameha (Grounded Diagonal Version)

  • Increased the move’s damage.
  • Reduced recovery.
  • Reduced the attack’s active frames.
  • Reduced the attack’s untechable time.

Captain Ginyu

You now have access to a new Meteor Attack that can also be used in an Ultimate Z Change!

His Type B Z Assist summons the Ginyu Force!

Standing Medium Attack

  • Increased distance moved during the attack.

Crouching Medium Attack

  • Increased distance moved during the attack.

Jumping Medium Attack

  • Increased the attack’s active frames.
  • Increased recovery.
  • Adjusted the hitbox.
  • Adjusted the hurtbox.

Standing Heavy Attack

  • Ki Blast will now be deflected while spinning.
  • Holding the button will increase the damage.
  • Can no longer be blocked while standing.

Special Attack (Guldo)

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Increased damage.
  • Increased untechable time.
  • Increased hitstop when the attack lands.
  • Enlarged the move’s hitbox.

Special Attack (Burter)

  • Increased untechable time.
  • Reduced damage scaling.
  • Increased hitstop when the final hit lands.
  • Extended collision detection while moving.
  • Increased distance moved during the attack.

Special Attack (Jeice)

  • Reduced Jeice’s recovery.
  • Changed where the character appears.
  • Added a ground bounce to the hit effect.

Strong Jersey

  • Increased the active frames of the mid-air version.
  • Increased distance moved during the mid-air version.

Strong Jersey (Medium)

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.

Strong Jersey (Heavy)

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Increased knockback.
  • Increased the mid-air version’s untechable time during camera shift.

Together we are… the Ginyu Force!

  • New move performed with ↓↙← + Heavy + Special).
  • Now used in an Ultimate Z Change.
  • If used after Body Change, the character will stagger instead.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.

Kid Buu

It’s now easier to hit airborne opponents with standing heavy attack, and the standing Special attack now does more damage!

His Type B Z Assist rushes toward the opponent. It’s faster than his Type A assist!

Standing Heavy Attack

  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward.
  • Extended the hurtbox upward.

Standing Special Attack

  • Increased the move’s damage.
  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward.
  • Adjusted where the attack starts.

Jumping Medium Attack

  • Increased how much the opponent floats when the first part of the attack is canceled into a normal attack with a Z Combo.

Candy Beam

  • Changed the hit effect during the camera shift.

Arm Ball

  • Increased the move’s damage.

Mystic Ball Attack (Heavy)

  • Slowed start-up.

Mystic Arm Swing (Medium, Heavy)

  • Changed the hit effect during the camera shift.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Increased the move’s damage.

Majin Buu

You can now combo into standing medium attack from crouching medium attack!

His Type B Z Assist binds the opponent, making it easier to follow up with more attacks!

Vanish, Sparking Blast

  • Matched the speed of descent after the attack to that of other characters.

Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 1

  • Adjusted blowback.

Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 2

  • Damage scaling from throws now applies.

Standing Medium Attack

  • Increased distance moved during the attack.
  • Hitting the opponent mid-air will cause a ground bounce now.

Crouching Medium Attack

  • Adjusted blowback.
  • Increased untechable time.
  • Increased the opponent’s hitstop on hit.
  • Increased recovery.

Dive Bomb

  • Now causes sliding knockdown during camera shift.
  • Will now cause a ground bounce when there is no camera shift.

Dive Bomb (Heavy)

  • Increased recovery.
  • Decreased distance moved during the mid-air version of the attack.


  • Increased distance moved during the beginning of the mid-air version.

Turn into candy!

  • Increased the move’s damage.
  • Increased the base damage of the attack.
  • Increased the projectile’s speed.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.


Standing Light Attack

  • Adjusted blowback.

Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 2

  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward.

Standing Special Attack

  • Adjusted blowback for the first hit.
  • Enlarged collision detection during the attack.
  • Increased the opponent’s hitstop when the projectile hits.

Crouching Light Attack

  • Adjusted blowback.

Jumping Light Attack

  • Enlarged the move’s hitbox.
  • Enlarged the hurtbox.
  • Adjusted the character’s position during the attack.

Too bad

  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Giant Storm

  • Adjusted the position of the shockwave.
  • Holding the button now changes the position of the attack.

Break Cannon

  • Holding the button will allow for a follow-up under certain conditions.
  • When charged, a Special Move can now be performed on-hit.

Saibaman (Medium)

  • Changed the Saibaman’s color.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • The attack position now changes based on how far away the opponent is.

Android 16

His jumping heavy attack is now faster, making it easier to use!

His Type B Z Assist is a projectile, a great option for hitting the opponent at a distance!

Jumping Light Attack

  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward during early active frames.
  • Extended the hurtbox upward during start-up.

Jumping Heavy Attack

  • Pressing the light attack button during a Super Combo will now trigger a Super Dash.
  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.

Jumping Special Attack

  • Extended the 2nd attack’s hitbox upward.

Dynamite Driver (Medium, Heavy)

  • Reduced damage scaling during camera shift.
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Flying Power Bomb (Heavy)

  • Super Attacks and Vanish can now be performed after the first part of the grounded version lands.

Gliding Powerbomb (Medium)

  • Reduced damage scaling during camera shift.

Gliding Powerbomb (Medium, Heavy)

  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Increased untechable time.
  • Increased the opponent’s hitstop on hit.


Wolf Fang Fist: Gale Claws will now beat out the opponent’s jumping attacks! The mid-air version is also stronger!

His Type B Z Assist is a Kamehameha, which is great for hitting opponents from far away!

Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 2

  • Increased untechable time.
  • All hits are jump-cancelable during Sparking!
  • Adjusted blowback during camera shift.

Jumping ↓ + Heavy Attack

  • Increased untechable time.
  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward during start-up.

Wolf Fang Fist: Gale Claws

  • The beginning of the attack can no longer be clashed.
  • Increased timing for input buffering a Super Attack when landing.

Wolf Fang Fist: Gale Claws (Light, Medium)

  • Added upper invincibility partway through the motion of the mid-air version.
  • The number of jumps available is no longer reduced when the grounded version is canceled with another attack.
  • Adjusted the grounded version’s distance, improving frame advantage.

Wolf Fang Fist

  • Increased untechable time.
  • Increased hitstop when the final hit lands.

Reverse Wolf Fang Fist

  • Increased untechable time.
  • Increased hitstop when the final hit lands.

Wolf Fang Fist: Pack Attack

  • Increased untechable time.
  • Increased hitstop when the final hit lands.

Wolf Fang Fist: Finisher

  • Enlarged collision detection while the opponent is taking damage.

Wolf Fang Fist: Finisher (Medium)

  • Reduced recovery.
  • Adjusted opponent position during camera shift.

Wolf Fang Fist: Flash

  • Reduced the opponent’s blockstun.
  • Reduced recovery when the attack hits the opponent’s main character.
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Neo Wolf Fang Fist

  • Increased untechable time.
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Gohan (Adult)

When the heavy version of Jet Uppercut hits, you can now combo into a Super Attack after landing!

His Type C Z Assist is a ranged attack and a powerful new option for the character!

Crouching Heavy Attack

  • Increased landing recovery when canceled with another attack.

Standing Special Attack

  • Allowed for input buffering of normal attacks only when Potential Unleashed level is at max.

Jumping Special Attack

  • Allowed for input buffering of normal attacks only when Potential Unleashed level is at max.

Jet Uppercut

  • Increased landing recovery.

Jet Uppercut (Medium, Heavy)

  • Adjusted action after the initial hit.
  • Adjusted blowback for hits other than the initial one.
  • Landing portion of the attack can now be canceled with Super Attacks upon hit.
  • Increased the number of hits.
  • Adjusted damage.
  • Increased untechable time.
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Machine Gun Kick (Heavy)

  • Increased the move’s untechable time during camera shift.
  • Adjusted blowback during camera shift.
  • A camera shift now no longer occurs if the attack lands after one has already occurred.
  • Adjusted distance when the attack hits the opponent.
  • Landing recovery has been removed when the attack hits the opponent’s main character.
  • Reduced damage.
  • Reduced blockstun.
  • Adjusted recovery.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Slowed start-up.
  • Can no longer be clashed.


Tien is less open now after standing heavy attack hits, giving you new combo options in the corner!

Using Telekinesis fills your Ki gauge. The opponent is now bound for a longer time, making it a more viable option!

Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 2

  • Enlarged the move’s hitbox.

Standing Heavy Attack

  • Reduced recovery during camera shift.

Crouching Medium Attack

  • Increased distance moved during the attack.

Crouching Heavy Attack

  • Increased landing recovery.
  • Adjusted distance moved during the attack.

Jumping ↓ + Heavy Attack

  • Adjusted distance moved during the attack.

Volleyball Fist

  • Removed landing recovery during camera shift.

Volleyball Fist (Medium)

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Attack start-up now changes based on distance from the opponent.
  • Increased the attack’s active frames.

Volleyball Fist (Heavy)

  • The grounded version can no longer be used multiple times in a combo.
  • Sped up the mid-air version’s start-up.

Crane Strike

  • Reduced recovery.

Crane Strike (Light)

  • Increased amount of sliding knockdown during camera shift.

Crane Strike (Medium, Heavy)

  • Adjusted blowback after ground bounce during camera shift.


  • Reduced recovery.
  • Increased hitstop.
  • The attack now fills more of the Ki gauge.

Farewell, Tien…

  • Increased invincibility frames.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Increased untechable time.


Landing Instant Blow now puts the opponent in a sliding knockdown state!

His Type C Z Assist can hit the opponent even when far away, making it a great option!

Standing Light Attack

  • Adjusted blowback.

Crouching Light Attack

  • Increased the opponent’s hitstop on hit.
  • Increased the attack’s active frames.
  • Adjusted blowback.

Standing Special Attack

  • Adjusted blowback.
  • Changed the timing at which Vanish can be performed after the counterattack hits.
  • Added recovery when successfully making contact with the opponent.
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Icy Glare

  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Instant Blow

  • Now causes sliding knockdown during camera shift.

Guard Breaker

  • Increased the attack’s active frames.
  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward.
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Sped up the start of invincibility frames.
  • Increased untechable time.
  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Increased the attack’s active frames.

Goku (SSGSS)

Throw range for Super God Shock Flash has been extended! The light version also causes sliding knockdown now!

His Type A Z Assist now causes a ground bounce on hit!

Standing Special Attack

  • Adjusted blowback.

Divine Void Strike (Heavy)

  • Adjusted blowback during camera shift.
  • Actions can now be taken in the air after the mid-air version is blocked.
  • Fixed an issue in which the character would face an odd direction when the move is used against an off-screen opponent.

Super God Shock Flash

  • Increased throw range.

Super God Shock Flash (Medium, Heavy)

  • Increased distance moved during the attack.
  • Changed the hit effect when the move hits after the camera shift.

Dragon Flash Kick

  • Lengthened input window for buffering a Super Attack when landing.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • The opponent will now bounce off the ground on hit.
  • Added jumping attack properties.
  • Enlarged the move’s hitbox.

Vegeta (SSGSS)

You’re now in a better spot after landing Final Flash Attack!

His Type A Z Assist now does more damage, and his Type B assist is easy to land on grounded opponents!

Crouching Medium Attack

  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward.
  • Adjusted the hurtbox.

Standing Special Attack

  • Adjusted blowback.
  • Increased untechable time.

Crouching Special Attack

  • Adjusted blowback.
  • Increased untechable time.

On a scale of one to ten, I’ll give you a three!

  • Increased the duration of sliding knockdown.

On a scale of one to ten, I’ll give you a three! (Light, Medium)

  • Sped up the grounded version’s start-up.

On a scale of one to ten, I’ll give you a three! (Medium)

  • Increased distance moved during the attack.

On a scale of one to ten, I’ll give you a three! (Medium, Heavy)

  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Niagara Pummel

  • Adjusted blowback when there is no camera shift.
  • Increased the move’s untechable time when there is no camera shift.

Final Flash Attack

  • Changed the attack’s hit effect.
  • No actions can be taken until the character lands.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Increased the move’s damage.
  • Reduced damage scaling for the first part of the attack.
  • Increased the 2nd hit’s untechable time.


The mid-air version of God of Destruction’s Rampage causes a ground bounce!

His Type C Z Assist is a powerful, wide-reaching attack!

Standing Light Attack

  • Sped up Super Combo timing when it misses.

Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 1

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.

Standing Heavy Attack

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.

Crouching Heavy Attack

  • The character now moves forward when the attack starts.
  • Enlarged the move’s hitbox.

Crouching Special Attack

  • Can now be performed up to 3 times in succession.
  • Increased projectile damage when the character hits it.
  • Enlarged the projectile’s hitbox when the character hits it.

Sphere of Destruction

  • Increased projectile damage when the character hits it.
  • Enlarged the projectile’s hitbox when the character hits it.

Spheres of Destruction

  • Increased projectile damage when the character hits it.
  • Enlarged the projectile’s hitbox when the character hits it.

God of Destruction’s Rampage

  • The opponent will now bounce off the ground on hit.
  • Reduced the speed of sliding knockdown.

God of Destruction’s Rampage (Heavy)

  •  Reduced damage.
  • Increased the height of the ground bounce during camera shift.

Beerus Ball

  • The attack will no longer remain on the screen for a long time under certain conditions.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Increased the move’s damage.
  • Adjusted blowback.
  • Increased untechable time.

Goku Black

You can now perform standing or crouching heavy attack after standing Special attack!

His crouching light attack can now be performed two times in a row, and his crouching medium attack is faster!

Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 1

  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward during start-up.

Standing Special Attack

  • Adjusted blowback.
  • The opponent will now always be knocked forward by the attack.
  • Added a Z Combo into a standing/crouching heavy attack.

Crouching Light Attack

  • Can now perform a crouching light attack in a Z Combo.

Crouching Medium Attack

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.

Crouching Heavy Attack

  • Increased the move’s untechable time during camera shift.

Fierce God Kick

  • Enlarged the inner hitbox.
  • Increased distance moved during the attack.
  • Adjusted distance moved after the camera shift.

Binding Black Kamehameha

  • Prevented the grab portion of the attack from being used multiple times in a combo.
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Holy Light Grenade

  • Fixed an issue in which the projectile would freeze if the first portion of the attack clashes.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Reduced recovery.

Android 21

Connoisseur Cut and Aerial Connoisseur Cut now cause sliding knockdown!

Landing Sweet Tooth will now give you access to four absorbed moves!

Hors d’Oeuvre Stab

  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Connoisseur Cut

  • Sped up the grounded version’s start-up.
  • Increased untechable time.
  • Changed the hit effect and added sliding knockdown.
  • Increased damage scaling.
  • Shortened the input window for the follow-up attack.

Aerial Connoisseur Cut

  • Increased untechable time.
  • Changed the hit effect and added sliding knockdown.
  • Increased damage scaling.
  • Shortened the input window for the follow-up attack.

Sticky Energy Blast

  • Changed the hit effect and added sliding knockdown.
  • The Hors d’Oeuvre Stab follow-up now tracks the opponent after this attack hits.

Total Detonation Ball

  • Enlarged the move’s hitbox.

Sweet Tooth

  • Now absorbs moves for all empty icons on hit.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Increased the opponent’s hitstop on hit.
  • Enlarged the move’s hitbox.
  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.


Broly is less open after Powered Shell, making it easier to use!

His Type B Z Assist launches multiple Ki Blasts from the air!

Standing Light Attack

  • Adjusted blowback.

Standing Heavy Attack

  • Holding the button will increase the damage.

Standing Special Attack

  • Extended the move’s hitbox downward during early frames.

Jumping ↓ + Heavy Attack

  • Increased amount of sliding knockdown during camera shift.
  • Increased how long the opponent is frozen during the camera shift.

Eraser Blow

  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Lariat Express

  • Adjusted to make blowback match that of the heavy version.
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Gigantic Claw

  • Increased distance moved after the attack.
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Gigantic Strike

  • Removed landing recovery on hit.
  • Increased timing for input buffering a Super Attack.

Gigantic Strike (Medium)

  • Increased the duration of sliding knockdown.

Powered Shell

  • Shortened all recovery for the move.
  • The move can now be triggered again when the effect is still active.

Gigantic Meteor (Heavy + Special)

  • Reduced the move’s base damage.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • The move now deflects Ki Blasts.
  • Adjusted blowback.
  • Increased the opponent’s hitstop on hit.


Now it’s easier to perform an Ultimate Z Change after the mid-air follow-up version of Riot Javelin!

His Type B Z Assist is Tyrant Lancer, making it easy to follow up when it hits!

Rebellion Spear (Medium)

  • Increased landing recovery (except when there is a camera shift).
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Rebellion Spear (Heavy)

  • Reduced blockstun.
  • Reduced recovery.
  • Reduced the attack’s untechable time.

Tyrant Lancer

  • Sped up the timing during which the move is strengthened by holding the button.
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Riot Javelin

  • Increased untechable time.
  • Adjusted the angle of the mid-air downward version.
  • Adjusted blowback of the mid-air downward version.
  • Increased the time the player is able to perform an Ultimate Z Change during the mid-air version.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Increased the opponent’s hitstop on hit.


You can now peform x3 Kaioken Kamehameha and x20 Kaioken Kamehameha after landing from Kaioken Finisher!

His Type B Z Assist increases your Ki gauge and charges a Spirit Bomb!

Heavy Elbow (Medium)

  • Adjusted blowback from the wall bounce after the mid-air version’s camera shift.

Heavy Elbow (Heavy)

  • Increased distance moved downward during the mid-air version.

Back Throw

  • Sped up the timing during which an assist can be performed.

Back Throw (Medium)

  • Reduce distance moved after the attack hits.
  • Adjusted blowback.
  • Adjusted blowback distance from the ground bounce.
  • Increased hitstop.

Back Throw (Medium, Heavy)

  • Prevented other attacks from interrupting between the camera shift and the follow-up.

Spirit Bomb

  • A Z Change is now possible on hit.
  • Reduced recovery after the attack hits.

Kamehameha (Grounded Diagonal Version)

  • Increased the move’s damage.
  • Reduced recovery.

Kaioken Finisher

  • Made it possible to perform a x3 Kaioken Kamehameha or a x20 Kaioken Kamehameha even after charging forward.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Adjusted blowback.
  • Increased the opponent’s hitstop on hit.


You can now change the angle of his jumping Special attack with an upward input!

“I have no use for Saiyans that can’t move” has been powered up! Following it up with a Super Attack also does more damage!

Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 2

  • Added invincibility against jumping attacks.

Standing Special Attack

  • Adjusted blowback.

Crouching Medium Attack

  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward.

Jumping Special Attack

  • An upward input will now change the angle of the Ki Blast.

Super Dash Kick (Light, Medium)

  • The number of jumps available is no longer reduced when the grounded version is canceled with another attack.

Super Dash Kick (Heavy)

  • Sped up the start of invincibility frames.

Deadly Knee Drop (Light)

  • Increased duration of sliding knockdown during camera shift.

Deadly Knee Drop (Medium)

  • Will now cause a ground bounce during camera shift.

I have no use for Saiyans that can’t move

  • Increased throw range.
  • Increased the attack’s active frames.
  • Untechable time is no longer affected by combo duration.
  • Increased the move’s untechable time during camera shift.
  • Increased recovery after the attack hits.

Galick Gun

  • Increased the attack’s damage when performed after “I have no use for Saiyans that can’t move.”

Galaxy Breaker

  • Increased the attack’s damage when performed after “I have no use for Saiyans that can’t move.”

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Increased untechable time.
  • Adjusted blowback.

Zamasu (Fused)

Untechable time for his standing Special attack has been lengthened, making it easier to use in combos!

His Type C Z Assist is a wide-reaching attack that is automatically followed up on hit. It’s great for combos!

Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 2

  • Extended throw range upward when used in combos.
  • Added damage scaling to the throw.

Standing Special Attack

  • Increased distance the projectile travels.
  • Increased hitstop.
  • Increased untechable time.
  • Adjusted blowback.
  • Increased recovery.

Jumping ↓ + Heavy Attack

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Adjusted distance moved during the attack.
  • Increased landing recovery.
  • Removed landing recovery during camera shift.
  • Removed landing recovery when performed after Heaven’s Flash.

Jumping Special Attack

  • Adjusted blowback for hits other than the final one.
  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward during early frames.

Eternal Justice

  • Increased distance moved during the grounded version of the attack.
  • Increased distance moved after the camera shift.
  • Removed landing recovery during camera shift.

Vegito (SSGSS)

Crouching Special attack is now easier to use in combos! Use it to switch sides with the opponent!

His Type B Z Assist rushes forward, which is a great option against grounded opponents!

Crouching Special Attack

  • Adjusted blowback when there is no camera shift.
  • Increased the move’s untechable time when there is no camera shift.

Jumping Special Attack

  • Increased untechable time.

Spiral Heel Shot

  • Reduced damage scaling when there is no camera shift.

Spiral Heel Shot (Medium, Heavy)

  • The final hit will now trigger a camera shift even if the first hit doesn’t land.

Split Finger Shot

  • Enlarged the move’s hitbox.

Spirit Excalibur

  • Decreased damage when at a distance, and increased when at close range.
  • Increased the base damage of the attack.
  • Adjusted blowback for hits other than the final one.
  • Added sliding knockdown for all hits other than the final one.
  • Increased the active frames of the last hit.
  • The final hit will no longer connect unless the character is in front and at a certain height.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Increased untechable time.
  • Increased hitstop.
  • Increased landing recovery.
  • Enlarged the move’s hitbox.
  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Adjusted blowback.


Untechable time for his standing Special attack has been lengthened, making it easier to incorporate into combos!

His Type C Z Assist is Death Flash, giving you a great ranged option!

Standing Special Attack

  • Increased the opponent’s hitstop on hit.
  • Increased untechable time.
  • Adjusted blowback.

Crushing Stomp

  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward.
  • The opponent will now always be knocked forward by the attack.

Atomic Supernova

  • Fixed an issue in which Ki gauge scaling would not apply if the grounded version missed.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Increased untechable time.
  • Increased landing recovery.

Android 17

Standing and crouching light attacks are now easier to use in mid-air combos, and his standing medium attack is faster!

Acrobatic Assault is now easier to use! You can also use the attack in the air after using it on the ground!

Standing Light Attack

  • Adjusted blowback.

Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 1

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Adjusted movement and character position.
  • Enlarged the move’s hitbox.
  • Adjusted blowback.

Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 2

  • Adjusted character position.
  • Enlarged the move’s hitbox.
  • Shrunk the hurtbox.
  • Extended collision detection for the first half upward.
  • Added invincibility against low attacks.

Standing Medium Attack

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Enlarged the move’s hitbox.

Standing Special Attack

  • Adjusted blowback for hits other than the final one.

Crouching Light Attack

  • Adjusted blowback.

Jumping Special Attack

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Adjusted distance moved during the attack.
  • Increased untechable time.
  • Increased the opponent’s hitstop on hit.
  • Adjusted blowback.

Reverse Gear

  • Increased the attack’s active frames.
  • Increased untechable time.
  • Can now perform a Driver follow-up when the Reverse Gear follow-up hits.

Reverse Gear (Heavy)

  • The attack now protects against Super Attacks and Meteor Attacks.

Acrobatic Assault

  • The mid-air version can be now performed after the grounded version.
  • Reduced landing recovery.
  • Slowed down collision detection timing.
  • Sped up cancel timing.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Increased the attack’s active frames.
  • Increased untechable time.
  • Reduced the opponent’s hitstop on hit.
  • Adjusted blowback.
  • The attack now causes a wall bounce on hit.


The light version of Shock Tornado will now work against low attacks!

The medium version of Shock Tornado now leaves you less open, and jumping ↓ + heavy attack is now easier to use in combos!

Standing Light Attack

  • Extended the move’s hitbox downward.

Standing Special Attack

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Increased the opponent’s hitstop on hit.
  • Reduced the attack’s untechable time.
  • Increased recovery.

Crouching Special Attack

  • Increased the move’s damage during camera shift.

Jumping ↓ + Heavy Attack

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward during start-up.
  • The hitbox is now active when performing the move at the lowest possible height.
  • Releasing the button in the middle of the move will immediately launch an attack.
  • Increased the duration of sliding knockdown.
  • Adjusted the timing at which a Z Assist can be called during the camera shift.
  • Holding the button will increase the damage.

Infinity Rush

  • Increased hitstop.
  • Reduced damage scaling when there is no camera shift.
  • Fixed an issue in which the effect would not be visible when the attack clashes.

Shock Tornado

  • Increased the move’s damage.
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Shock Tornado (Light, Medium)

  • Increased the amount of Ki gauge gained.

Shock Tornado (Light)

  • Now protects against low attacks.

Shock Tornado (Medium)

  • Reduced all recovery for the attack.

Counter Impact

  • Will now counter Z Assist attacks.
  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Hitbox is active even if the opponent is at a distance.
  • Adjusted blowback.
  • Increased untechable time.
  • Slowed start-up.


Justice Combination now protects you against Ki Blasts!

Defender of Love & Justice, Great Saiyaman will now stop attacks right away!

Great Saiyaman Attack

  • Reduced time needed until Great Saiyaman can be called again.

Standing Light Attack

  • Increased distance moved during the attack (except when mashing the button).

Jumping ↓ + Special Attack

  • Increased the duration of sliding knockdown.

Justice Combination

  • Added invincibility against Ki Blasts.

Videl Rush (Heavy)

  • Increased distance moved during the attack.

Moonsault Kick

  • Adjusted blowback during camera shift.
  • Reduced damage scaling when used as a follow-up from Videl Rush.

Frankensteiner (Medium)

  • Increased the amount of sliding knockdown when followed up with Great Saiyaman.

Defender of Love & Justice, Great Saiyaman!

  • Now protects against the opponent’s attack from the start.
  • Fixed an issue in which Ki gauge scaling would not apply if the attack missed.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Increased the opponent’s hitstop on hit.
  • Reduced distance moved.

Goku (GT)

It’s now easier to follow up after standing or jumping Special attack!

His Type B Z Assist is Dragon Flash Fist, a great option against grounded opponents!

Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 1

  • Reduced distance moved.
  • Slowed start-up.

Standing Special Attack

  • Extended the move’s hitbox upward.
  • Adjusted the opponent’s position during a camera shift.
  • Adjusted blowback when there is no camera shift.
  • Increased the move’s untechable time when there is no camera shift.

Jumping Special Attack

  • Increased the move’s untechable time during camera shift.

Dragon Flurry Fist

  • Reduced the range at which the attack lands.

Dragon Flurry Fist (Light)

  • Increased distance moved during the attack.

Dragon Flash Fist

  • The character now falls much further down after the attack.

Dragon Flash Fist (Heavy)

  • Reduced distance moved.

Super Ultra Spirit Bomb

  • The opponent can now perform a ground tech after the attack lands.
  • Reduced damage.


Demonic Blade leaves you less open, making it easier to use!

His Type A Z Assist now performs more hits, making it even easier to use in combos!

Standing Special Attack

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up (except when the opponent is taking damage).

Crouching Special Attack

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up (except when the opponent is taking damage).

Jumping Special Attack

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up (except when the opponent is taking damage).

Demonic Blade

  • Reduced recovery.
  • Sped up descent timing for the mid-air version.
  • Adjusted recovery during a camera shift.

Phantom Shift

  • When moving from the air to the ground, the character will now appear in the corner even when the opponent is airborne in the corner.

Hell Gate

  • The projectile will now bounce back when at the edge of the screen.
  • Increased distance the projectile travels.
  • Increased timing until the attack automatically triggers.

Mystical Arm (Medium, Heavy)

  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Increased the number of hits.
  • Adjusted individual projectile damage; increased total damage.

Gogeta (SSGSS)

His jumping heavy attack is now faster, making it easier to use!

His Type B Z Assist is Rising Vortex, a fast offensive option!

Jumping Heavy Attack

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.

Jumping ↓ + Heavy Attack

  • Increased the move’s damage during camera shift.

Rising Vortex (Light)

  • Added timing during which the move cannot be clashed.

Punisher Drive

  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

God Punisher

  • Damage will no longer be reduced when the attack hits in the corner.

Stardust Fall

  • Increased hitstop on hit.

Broly (DBS)

His crouching light attack now advances, giving it more horizontal reach!

His Type B and C Z Assists are projectiles that can hit the opponent at a distance!

Crouching Light Attack

  • Increased distance moved during the attack.
  • Enlarged the move’s hitbox.
  • Enlarged the hurtbox.

Standing Heavy Attack

  • Holding the button will increase the damage.

Raging Quake

  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Gigantic Fury

  • Changed the hit effect during camera shift.

Z Assist (A Type)

  • Sped up the attack’s start-up.
  • Adjusted blowback.
Upcoming Releases
Kindred Fates is an open world monster battling RPG, and a love letter to the monster battle genre. Our goal is to evolve the genre, and finally bring fans what they've been asking for.
Inspired by the beauty of the natural world around us, Everwild is a brand-new game in development from Rare where unique and unforgettable experiences await in a natural and magical world. Play as an Eternal as you explore and build bonds with the world around you.
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.