Square Enix Is Considering Releasing Dragon Quest X Outside Of Japan…With A Catch

Good news! Square Enix is considering releasing Dragon Quest X, the online role-playing game for the Wii, Wii U and PC in Japan, overseas! However, it seems that producers Yosuke Saito and Yu Miyake have a different game in mind for the West.

Following the game's release on PC in Japan, Famitsu asked the game's producers if they plan to bring Dragon Quest X to other shores.

Famitsu: In terms of the PC version, are you looking at [releasing] overseas?

Miyake: Of course we are. However, with the overseas market, in regards to a "Dragon Quest-ish" management, standards and methods of play vary from country to country, so I don't think we'll be able to use the single game worldwide method like with Final Fantasy XI.

Saitou: This is just my take on it, but it appears that different countries play games at different speeds, and the community management is also diverse. It's more than just if players would be able to enjoy universal seasonal events, so I believe we should manage countries and areas separately. That's why I think we should have separate servers for each country.

Of course, this could mean absolutely anything. Will they change the game from an MMO to a single-player experience? Will they change the format of the MMO itself? If they do release it in the US, will they even bother to release a Wii U version since the console is struggling over here? I smell another petition/movement in the making amongst die hard Dragon Quest fans who lurk in the US.


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