destiny 2 query failed

Destiny 2 Query Failed: Why Can’t I Play Destiny 2 Forsaken on Xbox One?

It might be a frustrating time right now for a small section of Destiny 2 fans. If you’ve booted up the game, there’s a good chance that you’re being met with a Destiny 2 Query Failed message which means you can’t play the Destiny 2 Forsaken DLC on Xbox One or any other platform, despite the fact you’ve already purchased it. What gives? There seems to be a very specific Destiny 2 Query Failed fix, which all boils down to the account your game is tied to.

Destiny 2 Query Failed: What Can’t I Play Destiny 2 Forsaken on Xbox One?

The problems stems from not being able to even buy the Destiny 2 Forsaken DLC through any platform’s web browser, nor the console store. Any attempt at buying it will result in an error message like the one you can see below:

While previous Destiny 2 expansions such as Warmind and Curse of Osiris don’t appear to be affected, they also need to be purchased so you can get going on Forsaken. Therein lies the problem: you might just have bought it elsewhere.

Destiny 2 Query Failed: How to Fix

The first thing you need to check is if you have used Destiny 2 (and bought DLC) on another account or Gamertag. If you have, then you will need to buy Forsaken or any other DLC on that user profile.

For example, if you’ve downloaded Destiny 2 on PS Plus recently on your main account but have a side account with the pre-Forsaken DLC all bought then (strangely) there is an issue that crops up meaning you can’t buy Forsaken on a different account if you used the same console.

To fully fix this, you will just have to ensure everything is bought on the same account. It’s an irritating workaround, especially if you have an account you no longer use, but, as of writing, it’s the only fix available.

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