Mass Effect FAQ/ Walkthrough















*Mass Effect*



Mass Effect FAQ/Walkthrough

For Xbox 360

Version 2.5 (3/14/08)

Written by Brad Russell "TheGum"




Version 1.0 - completed main quest, did all clusters; renegade path and

alternatives to come; only female and paragon path covered so far


Version 2.0 - did rewrite, added some, did paragon and renegade, did male and

female, and just did a super job


Version 2.5 - added Bring Down the Sky DLC.



Table Of Contents


Use Ctrl + F and type in the code to easy find.

Section: Code:

1. A Brief Foreword

2. Controls CON2222

3. Starter Tips TIPS333

4. Walkthrough FAQ4444

Eden Prime EDEN111

Citadel CIT2222

Artemis Tau TAU3333

Feros FER4444

Noveria NOV5555

Virmire VIRM666

Ilos ILOS777

Citadel CIT8888

5. Side Quests SIQU555

Citadel C1I1T1

Feros F2E2R2

Noveria N3O3V3

UNC/Cluster U4N4C4

Collection Quests C5O5L5

Squad Member Quests S6Q6U6

6. Clusters CLUS666

Argos Rho X101

Armstrong Nebula X102

Artemis Tau X103

Attican Beta X104

Exodus Cluster X105

Gemini Sigma X106

Hades Gamma X107

Hawking Beta X108

Horse Head Nebula X109

Kepler Verge X110

Local Cluster X111

Maroon Sea X112

Sentry Omega X113

Serpent Nebula X114

Styx Theta X115

Voyager Cluster X116

7. Bring Down the Sky BDTS777

8. Author Info / Copyright


* 1. A Brief Foreword *


Mass Effect is a game that flirts with greatness. Perhaps the only flaw in

the game is the Mako driving sequences. There are small gripes such as some

menu behaviors and simple mechanics, but the Mako is probably the only flaw

in this game worth mentioning. To be honest, I don't know how something like

that made it into such a great game. What, did they want to add something that

would slow the game to a grinding halt so players would spend more time

gaming? Perhaps.

Other than the exploration element of driving the Mako, the rest of the game

is superb. Nothing I've played matches this level of customization and story-

telling; I haven't played KOTOR or Jade Empire, so this has all been new to

me (I have both games sitting on my shelf and haven't touched them beyond

making sure they work, but I'll eventually play them at least once, maybe).

Simple as that, great story, great custom-gaming, shaky fighting at times,

terrible driving mechanics, and great graphics minus the rendering delay at

times. The story itself starts fast, slows, speeds up a bit, slows to near-

death if you choose to go 'plorin', and then the game ends with perfect pacing.

So the only flaw with the story is anything side quest-related. The mysteries

and choices in the story will force gamers to play at least one extra time

as the opposite gender and with a different personality, so there is a lot of

game for your buck.

All this leads me to believe the next games will be perfect. Or at least I can




* 2. Controls ( CON2222 ) *


A - use / run or storm in combat / jump jets in Mako

X - draw weapon / return to Normandy from map when exploring worlds

B - holster weapon / exit Mako

Y - first aid / repair Mako

RB - use power / hold for power wheel / cannon fire in Mako

LB - switch to last gun / hold for weapon wheel

RT - fire / turret in Mako

LT - aim / turret view

RS - look

LS - move

DPAD - team orders: UP=move, DOWN=take cover, LEFT=rally, RIGHT=target

START - mission computer

BACK - grenade (don't forget it)


* 3. Starter Tips ( TIPS333 ) *


*Upgrades equal success - Never forget to keep track of the various upgrades

you have on your equipment. Always swap for better ones as you progress. And

you go to the equipment and press X to upgrade stuff, just in case you didn't


*Don't forget your grenades - Aside from upgrading these too, you need to use

them. They float through air in the direction you send them, but you can press

BACK again to detonate them mid-air. They stick to surfaces if you let them


*Use the map - It's your bible of this game, always use it to find where to

go and things to do.

*Spend talents point wisely - Know what you're doing when giving out talent

points. For instance, you gun-users don't need to have more than one gun, so

don't spread out points on guns; save that for later. You need to have someone

that is getting decryption and electronics, that is your goal. Other than that,

just be sure to have a good mix of powers and abilities, and be sure you're

getting everyone's health and armor up.

*Bring a good mix of squad-mates - You ALWAYS need a tech expert to hack stuff.

You should also bring a biotics expert. Just make sure that you have all three

bases of combat, biotics, and tech when you head out.

*Crouch, cover, and powers - You need to practice all three while fighting.

Crouching makes you a smaller target, cover is just duh, and you must use the

powers in your squad. If you hadn't already, change the options menu option

for squad powers to "active", or you will have to use all the powers in your

other team-mates manually.

*Make your own omni-gel - just enter your items screens, for either items or

upgrades, and then press the correct button to turn that thing into omni-gel.

Good if you are close to 150 items total, or if you just want to skip hacking

locked boxes.


* 4. Walkthrough ( FAQ4444 ) *


Mass Effect Walkthrough

This walkthrough is done on the default settings, with just squad powers set

to active rather than defense. Don't forget you can change any settings in the

option menu.


Starting Out


Select new ID tag, an ID you've already created, or be really unoriginal and

choose the vanilla character already provided. What follows is if you make your


*NOTE: Choosing a previous character gives you all the items, talents, and

whatever from that character.*

Pick a name, any name.

Pre-Service History

Spacer - both parents are military, and you have a military background.

Colonist - from Mindoir in the Attican Traverse. Family was slaughtered by

slavers and Alliance military saved you.

Earthborn - orphan of earth. Joined military to escape.

Psychological Profile

Sole Survivor - only one to survive an attack.

War Hero - victory over impossible odds.

Ruthless - you do whatcha' gotta do to get the job done.

Military Specialization

Soldier - more health, all guns, start with medium armor, can gain heavy armor;

no biotics, no techs.

Engineer - need a good omni-tool to work technical stuff, can disrupt shields

and weapons, and heal squad; stuck with light armor and pistols.

Adept - need a biotic amp, use "mind powers" to attack; light armor and pistols


Infiltrator - Engineer meets Soldier; more aggressive tech powers and some

combat specs (such as medium armor, pistols, and sniper rifles).

Sentinel - Engineer meets Adept; defense of both specs ONLY; no weapons and

only light armor; expect to be the "healer" of your team and the "disruptor"

of the enemy, but with little to no offensive abilities.

Vanguard - Biotics meets Soldier; biotics along with close-range combat

(pistols, shotguns, medium armor).

*NOTE: For your first game, and maybe the rest, you may want to be a soldier.

It just seems like guns are more important, or just easier to use. Biotics are

funner than techs, but techs can be used to good effect if used properly.

Biotics are just more reckless.*

Here is a chart with all the above info in an easier to see form. Note that

everyone has light armor and everyone but sentinels have pistols.


| | | | | | | | |

| Spec | Medium | Heavy | Shotgun | Rifle | Sniper | Biotic | Tech |


| | | | | | | | |

| Soldier | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |

| | | | | | | | |


| | | | | | | | |

| Engineer | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes |

| | | | | | | | |


| | | | | | | | |

| Adept | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | No |

| | | | | | | | |


| | | | | | | | |

| Vanguard | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | No |

| | | | | | | | |


| | | | | | | | |

| Infiltrator | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | Yes |

| | | | | | | | |


| | | | | | | | |

| Sentinel | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |

| | | | | | | | |


*NOTE: Again, these are SPECIALIZATIONS, which mean you can have all of the

guns open to any character, but they can't use those guns well if they don't

have the spec for it. Armor, biotics, and tech cannot be used by just anyone.*

Select Bonus Talent

You only get one of these after you play the game once or more. They seem to

add one to the list after each playthrough, though, they are supposedly tied

to the achievements you unlock from using skills. Doesn't matter, you have

the bonus talents that you have.

Facial Appearance

Just make yourself as pretty or as ugly as you wish. FYI, you'll never know

how good you look until you see your character in the game, so just hope you

don't screw up.

Personality Choice

This isn't a decision to make pre-game or at any point, rather, this is just an

active decision that you'll have to keep making with each conversation you


There are two personality traits to follow: Paragon or Renegade. A paragon is

someone who plays nice and helps others, while a renegade does whatever to

piss people off. Being the nice guy or gal will usually mean selecting all the

chat options that appear on the upper part of the chat options, while the mean

ones are on the bottom. Keep in mind that all the topics under the

"investigate" title will not affect your personality either way, those are

usually just info dumps, but one or two may be important.

By maxing out either trait you will progress down either the charm talent or

the intimidate talent. Both will unlock new dialogue options - blue is charm,

red is intimidate (up, bottom). These otherwise hidden options will not only

lead to new dialogue, you usually get better rewards, like more money when you

do someone a favor.

So basically, you need to pick whether you wish to be mean or nice.

*NOTE: In dialogue, most of the time, both basic options (the ones not in

color) will usually lead to the same end. For example, refusing to allow a

new member onto the team will still get them on the team, because you can't

avoid it. But, be careful when going to side quests and non-critical players,

refusing a side quest, by picking the renegade options, will usually result in

missing that quest. So just be mindful of your selections, especially if you

do wish to be ruthless in your dealings with others.*

*NOTE: Also, you have to be careful about those romantic ties when you play

evil, if you care.*

*NOTE: If you do want to be a renegade, it will take longer to get that meter

full, but your evilness will fill up. Renegades can miss entire quests, or they

will complete some and get paragon points for it. It's no big deal if you are

conscious of your choices; in other words, don't cut off conversations at the

first chance, that isn't wise. Also, renegades will most likely have a quarter

of their paragon meter full by the time they have almost half the renegade

points, but critical choices in the later stages of the game will get you more

than enough evil points.*


Mission 1: Eden Prime ( EDEN111 )


Normandy: Command Deck


*NOTE: If you want an early tip, choose the top options when given three

choices in the conversation responses. This will get you mucho Paragon points

by the time you land. The opposite will be true for Renegade and the bottom

options. Remember what kind of background you made for yourself and try to

reflect that too. I'm pretty sure there is a link there. Keep reading if you

have no clue what a Paragon and Renegade mean in this game.*

*NOTE: Just in case you are playing again, and why you are reading this is

curious, don't forget to use the X button in conversations, just don't press

it too much or you might select an option by accident. You usually don't need

to go into the investigations if you've heard them before. If this is your

first time you should not do this since you may skip a crucial topic in mid-


During the conversation with Joker, choose the medium "you're overreacting"

just for the sake of it. Then "I heard".


Now you have control. X brings up your gun, but no need to do that now; B would

put the gun away. Just press start to bring up the mission computer screen. You

can read some items in the codex, of which there are primary and secondary

topics (primary will read to you, which is great). The journal tells you what

you need to do. The squad team lets you see your talents and level them up as

you progress.

This squad screen is important for many reasons. You can see the talents list

on the right, but on the left is something more important. You can see a blue

line with the word "Paragon" at the top, and then an orange line with the

word "Renegade" on the bottom. If you connect that with the Charm and the

Intimidate talents in the talent list, you will realize the way you respond in

conversations will either pull you to the light (paragon) or dark (renegade)

side. As you go through the conversations you can tell which responses are

nice and which ones are mean; top is nice, middle is neutral, and bottom is


But for now, just spend the three points you have as you wish. If you look

next to the listed talents you will see light blue squares and then the

remaining squares are darkened. You for now can only get two of anything but

the personality talents (charm and intimidate) which let you get three. You

should spend two on the soldier talent since you can't go wrong with health,

and then whatever else, probably the pistol.

Still in the mission computer, you can look at your equipment and then save

your game. You can also choose whatever options you like at any time, and you

even have a map. But that's pretty much it, so when you're done you can exit

this screen.


Back in control, go forward and talk with Pressly. Go ahead and ask him what

he was arguing about. Then what he means. Then choose investigate and then

the Turian Spectre. Then the rest is just you choosing how to continue the

conversation, or you can exit by saying goodbye. By choosing investigate you

can look into further information from Pressly. Into the stealth system block

you get another choice. Remember, how you choose to respond in chats will take

you down either the nice or mean road.

*NOTE: Press X during conversations to skip dialogue, mainly if you accidently

choose something you've already heard.*

After that, go forward and speak with both Jenkins and Chakwas; which is one

conversation between the two of them. Again, more choices and more finding out

what may be going on.

When done, go into the control room and speak with Nihlus, or talk. Remember

that the topics away from the rest (like three on one side and one on the

other) usually means that chat path is worth taking. Just keep talking and

after some more scenes you will be in action.

Eden Prime: Surface


*NOTE: Another early jump, spend your three talent point on your character on

the charm/intimidate talent, depending on what path you've chosen. It's best

now since the fighting is easy.*

When on the planet, turn around and approach the gas bags. At the swamp, go

around to the right side through the muck to find an upgrade kit with some

goodies. Don't forget that now you have two squadmates, so you can give them

some talent points.

Now walk up to the north path to learn how to use your weapons. The LB pulls

up your weapon select screen. The controls for firing are standard shooting,

RT fires and LT zooms. Fire in bursts if you are using the rifle, and feel

free to actually get closer.

Then move up for a scene in which you will lose a guy. Shoot the drones when

you get control and then go investigate your downed friend. Choose an option

and then move up the hill. Kill more bots and at the top will be another

upgrade kit on the ground.

*NOTE: You should level up too, so this time you should go with more health

or rifle, or armor, or whatever you like. I say choose one weapon and stick

with it. For rifles, you want better accuracy ASAP. Try to get Alenko up on

his decrypting and then electronics talents, may come in handy.*

Up into the tree area and send you dude ahead of you with the order. Kill the

bots down the way, but go left of the trees to find a medical kit on the

ground. Then move forward for a cutscene, then go meet up with Ashley. Help

her out and then talk.

Grab the updgrad kit and the crate item nearby. Now is a good time to go

into the computer and change things as you see. Should have talent points to

assign too.

*NOTE: As you collect ammo upgrades and other things, you just go to the

equipment screen and press X on the weapon to add the upgrades.*

When you move down the path you learn about cover. If you've played Gears of

War you know how this works, but you have to be in combat mode (gun drawn)

to use it. Click the LS to crouch. Move forward to the dig site. Start fighting

with the Geth, using the storm move by holding down A if you want. Storm to

cover, shoot the guy on the right around the center area, then finish off the

survivors. Go into the dig site when the fight is over for a scene, then grab

the crate items as you go up the path at the back.

*NOTE: Trust me, master the squad controls (essentially just the UP and DOWN

buttons) and know how to use cover and crouching like in Gears of War, this

game may feel like a good ol' fashion shoot'em up. If you're a soldier.*

After the cutscene of the zombie things, just start firing at the first one.

Stand back if it is standing after you get its help down, it will emit an

electric burst. Then finish off the other two Husks. There is an upgrade kit

behind where the spires held up the Husks.

*NOTE: Don't forget that you have both grenades (BACK button) and you can use

powers (LB). To use grenades, toss one, notice the blinking BACK button near

your stats menu, and then press BACK again to detonate.*

Go to the door for a decryption. You only have one shot at this or you will

have to reload, so save now just in case. When you enter the minigame you will

need to match the button highlighted for the time it's lit up. Do the three

buttons and you get to meet the doctors, who seem pretty out of it. You can

investigate further to learn more. Grab the items in the other room and don't

forget to give weapons to your teammates, and remember to keep an eye on

their health.

*NOTE: The upcoming battle is a good time to test the Overkill power (LB)

if you got it; to kill the three Husks quicker.*

Then go down the path for a scene, followed by a ship, and then a fight in

the next area. Take the high ground to watch out for the Husks who are the real

dangers in this fight. Heal your team after and then go to the locked door on

the right. Save before decryption and then take your shot. Speak with the

dudes that come out. At the end you can grab a pistol from Cole, either take

it nice or meanly. Inside the room is a locker, but you probably don't have the

talent to get it.

*NOTE: If you did spend three talent points on charm/intimidate, you will get

a chance to reap the benefits (it's just a random small item).*

*NOTE: During decryptions, don't let the repeating of the same button get you.

If you press a button and it's still lit the press it again.*

After that, go up the path and to the right to investigate Nihlus on the

platform. Talk with the lazy bastard and then move forward to fight two more

Geth around the corner. After they are gone you may get shot at from an unknown

source. Look on your minimap to see red dots nearby. They are below you and

if you get to the top corner of the ramp you can barely shoot them down below.

Get down there and get on the train. Equip one guy on your team with a sniper

rifle and hopefully that is enough.

*NOTE: For Powell, you can continue any charm/intimidate chatter you started

with Cole, and it results in more Paragon/Intimidate points and another free

do-hicky. I won't mention all of these, so it's extremely important you start

investing talents points into one of those talents.*

Start shooting at the enemies down the way and you will notice one big guy

charging toward you. Take cover, then kill him quickly and deal with the other

enemies far down the way. I suggest letting one of your allies use a sniper

rifle, or you could but it's hard to aim; you could always storm forward and

blast away if you like. Either way, kill them and get all the way down to

the train controls and use them to move on.

Eden Prime: Spaceport


Step off the train and disarm the first charge. Then go up the ramp and start

fighting with the many enemies around the walkways. Use the rifle for the

far away targets, and then switch to something like the Stinger you grabbed

from those "farmers" for closer combat. Once all are gone, go around and disarm

the charge in the corner. Then take the left walkway for the other two. All

four charges are in this area, so the five minutes was just a timer to kill the

bad guys. So long as you have a minute left you should have time for the


Go into the next area and kill the two husks and the two troopers. There is a

locker to the left. Then across both bridges will be items, but don't forget

to save if you just don't feel right about the decryption. Don't forget to

add weapons and upgrade talents. When ready, go grab a crate by the beacon and

then investigate the beacon.


Mission 2: Citadel ( CIT2222 )


*NOTE: If you need help getting through this mission inside my guide, just

enter command Ctrl + F and then type whatever keywords reflect your status,

or just the name of the map you're too. This mission is quite big and it

would be easy to get lost.*

Normandy: Quarters


After the talk, go forward and grab more medi-gel. Then go talk with Ashley.

Then the doc, and then you can leave this area. Take the elevator down to the

deck 3.

*NOTE: FYI, usually conversation topics separate from the rest, like on the

other side, usually mean something is up with that topic. So see what's up.*

Normandy: Engineering


Go inspect the vehicle for some XP. Then go meet the requisistion officer. You

can't buy much, but you can get the grenade and medigel upgrades. No need to

sell anything, as you probably don't have enough to sell to add up to a

purchase, so just the two things and then you're done. Take the doors on the

sides to talk with Adams. Look at the computer for XP. When done, go back up

and then get to deck 1.

Normandy: Command Deck


There are two computers, one at the front and one by the map which will give

you XP. Then go meet Joker.

Citadel: Presidium


*NOTE: Again, get that charm/intimidate talent up, and I hope you realize to

choose one or the other, but not both. You can try both, but not for your

first playthrough.*

Big place indeed. After you're in control, go decrypt the computer nearby (I'll

stop reminding you to save before decryption). Then go out the door and take

a right to meet some aliens (not the body-bursting kind, just the rude kind).

Talk with Din and the other two if you want, and the Elcor are a riot! And you

can't talk with the little bug in the corner, sadly.

*NOTE: Remember, anything you do, from chatting to decrypting computers, will

possibly gain you some XP.*

Go out and when you get to a lively area, talk with the AI Avina if you want

to learn about stuff - it's fun learning. Then you can learn more from the

receptionist. You can go up the ramp nearby and enter more rooms, or you can

just proceed to the marker on your map.

If you go into the rooms you one will have two computers full of XP. In the bar

you can meet a Fredricks and a bartender. In the adjacent room is a Pallin

who you can have a good long talking to. Then go back out to the Avina.

You can go left or right or anywhere else. Let's go across the bridge and visit

the shopkeeper. In the standard items he has a license, so grab it. You can

also get a few ammo upgrades if you want. There is an Avina and a banker to

talk to on this side of the water. You can also go to the Consort's building

and talk with the girl in front. Then you're suddenly bumped up from four

months to right now.

Go meet Sha-ira upstairs. Not much you can do for her, so then go to the Avina

near the Citadel. You can use the rapid transit points to get to places here

quicker. Talk with Avina to learn about the strange behaviors of the Keepers,

who I do not trust in the slightest. Then get on the elevator and head up the


Citadel: Tower


Go talk with the two in front of you. Then go see Anderson. After the highly

useless meeting, have a grand talk with Anderson concerning many topics. When

you go down the steps you can talk with a guy next to the Keeper named Chorban

who will give you a device to scan the Keepers in the area.

There are four Keepers in this area: the one in front of you, the one to the

side by the water, one on the walkway on the other side of this area, and then

one on the right side of where the council meeting took place. Then go back

to the Presidium.

Citadel: Presidium


*NOTE: Other than the keeper scanning, you should consider saving all the

Citadel side quests until after you become a Spectre and max out your

personality trait of choice. One such quest is the Hanar preacher's.*

Scan the Keeper in front of you, then turn left and get the one by the wall.

Then go meet a Preaching Hanar after you talk to the officer he/it is arguing

with. You will eventually agree to buy the license for the guy, unless you have

the charm or intimidate options, which you probably don't. If you do then you

can resolve the situation now.

Cross over the bridge and go visit Barla Von. After, don't forget to scan the

Keeper in the corner by the Emporium. There is also one inside the little

shop, just take the steps at the back. Then go scan the Keeper by the Consort's

place. Cross back over the bridge to the embassies area. Go up the steps to

the area on the left side. Scan a Keeper in the computer room and then another

down the path behind the bar. Now you can go to the other side near where you

started, but the room with the ambassadors will be missing the Keeper.

Nothing to do but head down to Wards.

*NOTE: By now I'm sure you've noticed, but just in case I'll tell you that if

you go to the squad screen in the pause menu you can check your status in the

Paragon/Renegade bars. You will see that a small chunk of each will begin to

grow larger as you do more conversations. Each choice in a conversation adds

you either bar, well, most choices, well, some actually; it all depends.*

Citadel: Flux and Wards Access


Go down the path and on the left will be a room with two people (yes, if it

can talk it is considered people). You can listen, but nothing else to do

in this room. The next room down the path has a Keeper. Take the elevator at

the end of this short hallway to reach the Upper Wards.

Citadel: Lower Wards / Chora's Den


When you step off the elevator, go right, down the alleyway, through a door,

take another door on the right, and you will be close to Chora's Den. But you

will fight two thugs in the walkway outside first. Not a hard fight at all.

In the club will be lots to do, but just swing around the left side to run

into two Krogan exchanging words. After that you can follow up by speaking with

the bouncer by the door, but he has little to say.

Just locate Harkin at a table, talk about Anderson and then Garrus, and then


You can visit the Lower Market on your way to the Upper Market; the two are

connected by stairs, so either/or.

Citadel: Upper Wards


Lots to do in this area, so just go into the alleyway nearby for a Keeper.

Don't get twisted, but there are like three different entrances to new areas.

Like if you go down this alley and take a right you will be in the Lower

Wards. So keep checking your map in the pause menu often, or use the signs

posted all over, to help get around. Let's stay in the upper area for now.

You will find a Conrad Verner by the stairs from the Upper Market to the

Lower Market. Give him an autograph if you wish, but the side quest log in

your journal (the assignments) will suggest there is more to come.

Expat in the Upper Market should have another license along with all his

expensive stuff, so sell something and grab the tag. In the corner of the

market is a Keeper too.

There is also an Emily Wong in the transportation area. Yet another side

quest, so toss it on the growing pile.

Near the rail in the middle is a sonic view, so go take it to enter a very

strange conversation chain. I believe this is where the so called "romance"

lines begins. Basically, play a good guy and you will start getting all these

strange alien emotions called love starting to appear. Nothing big, but there

is something there. Not sure what a neutral or evil approach gets here.

*NOTE: Going to the med clinic after meeting Harkin will trigger the fight and

will get you Garrus. After that, if you approve or deny the help of Wrex,

either way you will get another mission to seek him out in the academy. So

you could get Garrus or Wrex first, but you'll get both no matter how you do


Anyway, go toward the Med Clinic, but go around the walkway to get a Keeper in

the corner. Enter the clinic and talk with Dr. Chloe Michel. You can get some

suit upgrades and converse. Nothing much.

Now go back into the big area and take the stairs down to the C-Sec Academy.

But you're not in the academy just yet. Get the Keeper at the bottom of the

stairs and then talk with Lang. Go down the long hallway and take the elevator

to the academy.

Citadel: C-Sec Academy


Go left and meet Wrex, the Lovable Rascal. Get talking with him and be sure to

inquire all the leads to learn as much as you can. Then you get Wrex on your

team! You only get two squad-mates, so pick whoever. Make sure you're as

balanced as you can be. So if you're a soldier you may want Alenko and Wrex to

have strength in all three combat types, or just go all out and be combat, up

to you really.

Don't forget to assign Wrexy some talent points.

Once you're ready, go into the Requisistion Office for a Keeper. The officer

should have another license, so grab it.

Take the other hallway to run into a Jahleed in a sitting area on the side.

You will learn of the developing story that is Chorban, the same guy who

wanted the Keepers scanned - the plot thickens!

Make your way from the offices to Traffic Control. A Keeper to the right.

Check the computers and the weapons rack, but that's about it.

Now return to the central area and take the elevator up to the Docking Area.

Citadel: Docking Area


You can see the Normandy, but you can't get on. All that you're here for is

the lone Keeper at the top of the path.

Now go through the academy, through Upper Wards, and get to the Med Clinic.

Use a terminal to zip near it.

Citadel: Upper Wards


*NOTE: Again, if you've already done this, just head to the Den.*

Get to the Med Clinic and go inside. After the scene, get out your gun and

start blasting. Send your team into the area if some enemies are in cover, but

don't be afraid to just run up and start blasting; and use the fire

extinguisher on the ground too.

*NOTE: If you bring Wrex, he will have an affect on the story; just know that

he INTENDS to kill Fist on sight, so remember that.*

After the fight, go talk with Garrus. Hooray, another ally! Put Wrex and

Garrus in the squad, then assign him talent points, then talk with Michel if

you want, and then get moving.

Now, you have only not been to Flux. So you can go there now if you wish.

Citadel: Flux and Wards Access (two areas in one map)


In the Flux section of the map, go to the bar and talk with the Rita and

Doran. Rita gives you a side quest if you so inquire. Doran just have info.

Go up to the Quasar machine by a Keeper to get a side quest, then scan the

Keeper. You can play some if you want, but it's not as thrilling as continuing

the story.

Now make your way back to the Lower Wards.

Citadel: Lower Wards


*NOTE: You can set the team AI power use to active, unless you wish to have

complete control in battle. Otherwise your team won't use any of their

offensive powers themselves.*

In the Lower Markets is Morlan with a license, so pick it up.

As you pass through you will run into Chorban in the market.

Near Chora's Den will be an ambush by assassin's, so use your best gun to take

them out. Then into the den.

You should be ambushed, so just clear the place out. I suppose if you came

here earlier the joint would be buzzing, but that is not the case if you saved

the den for last. Just kill all the enemies in the main area and in the

hallway on the other side.

When you open a door and run into some warehouse workers, if you have a

charm/intimidate option, use that, or kill them, however. There is a weapon

locker on the wall, but you should save now either way before going through

the next door.

In the office will be an ambush. It's Fist and two turrets. Send your team

into some cover (if they fall they will revive after the fight, so no

worries). Just use your Overkill (LB, last time I remind you) and blow the

turrets. Then finish off the boss.

After the fight and after the cutscene, make a quick grab of the lock box on

the wall and the one on the ground. Then make your way back to the alleyway

in the Upper Wards area.

In the den you will run into a few more goons, nothing tough. When you get

to the alley there is a scene. Then you get a big fight with the boss assassin

and the two white things. Kill the small guys, but soon the assassin will

blast a charge that will overheat your gun. You can try to use grenades, or

maybe switch a gun, but your allies may just finish the fight for you. The

best you can do is start off the fight with some overkill bullets into the

assassin, then just survive or toss grenades and detonate in mid-air.

After that's over, it's off to a serious discussion.

Citadel: Presidium


*NOTE: If you happen to gain a level from here on toward the end of this

mission, it would be best to save the talent points. That is if you haven't

gotten the maxed out charm or intimidate. If so, then save any talent points.*

After the epic chat, and your fellowship grows plus one, add her (Tali'Zorah

nar Rayya) and Garrus, or Alenko, to the squad and set out.

Go into the ambassador suite to find the final Keeper back in place. Then go

out into the open to run into a Samesh Batia. Toss it on the side quest pile.

Now, you have spare time, lots and lots of side quests, and the whole areas

are clear of enemies and major story points. I say now is a good time to

tackle any and all of the side quests. You have about six side quests that

need resolving at the moment. Ignore the two about other planets and "The Fan."

You should hop on a transit and return to Chora's Den since it will be open.

Citadel: Lower/Upper Wards


Speak with Jenna, but that only leads you back to Rita. While you're in the den

you should also meet with Septimus for the Consort. Coming out you will meet

a Chellick who is part of Rita/Jenna's quest.

Then go to the Lower Market and talk to Chorban, assuming you have all the

Keepers scanned. Choose to help or not and you are sent to Jahleed anyway.

Then talk to Emily Wong in the Upper Ward big open area and hand over the OSD

you picked up at Fist's place.

Go up into Flux to run into Schell and accept his quest. Enter Flux and talk

with Rita if you like, but no point. You can go up to the Quasar area and meet

with Doran if you like. This will resolve the Schells quest if you want to

hand the tool over to Doran right now. But you should probably just play the

game, which is just like blackjack except you just need to get close to

20, five times and then give the data to Schells; no karma points either way.

Hold off on finishing the Rita and Jahleed quests for the moment. Instead, go

to the Wards Access, that hallway from the Presidium.

Citadel: Wards Access


Go into the room with people and look at the device on the wall. Now it's off

to the Presidium.

Citadel: Presidium


You got four side quests to tackle here.

Now go to the embassies and see the Elcor first. Resolve his fuss about the

Consort. Then go across the way and into the bar to meet with Bosker about

the dead wife. Convince him otherwise with your maxed out karma option and then

go tell Samesh the good news.

Be sure you go to see Sha'ira after you meet the Elcor, so you can get a

trinket for a thing on a planet called Eletania. Also, be sure to be displeased

with her "words" so you can get a proper reward.

Last thing is to go toward the Emporium and enter Barla Von's bank. Inspect the

device behind him and then go to the back of the Emporium. Speak with the

device on the right side. Talk with the Signal Source and investigate his

motives. Don't even start hacking after the chat, just pull out your gun and

shoot the power box next to the computer. You could play the mini-game, but

no need.

Okay, now that all the side quests are done except two, the Jahleed and Rita

ones, go to the tower.

Citadel: Tower


Go talk with Captain Anderson and try this yet again.

Ah ha, this time some stuff actually gets done and you are now a Spectre!

The first thing you need to do is assign the extra talent points. If you have

saved 2 or 3 points, then you should have about 6. Give as many as you can to

either charm or intimidate, whichever you have chosen, and then give the rest

to the Spectre Training at the bottom.

Now you are to go to the Docking Bay, but we have other things to do. For one,

you can finally speak to Rear Admiral Kahoku who's in this area. He's the dude

on the side who is looking at a computer screen and hasn't said much to you

yet. Talk with him to gain another side quest, one in space. Toss it on the


Go down the steps to run into a Garoth. Yet another free handout for some

dude. Toss it on the pile and head out to the Presidium through the elevator.

Should get a message about some missing guys in space, which turns out to be

another quest, and you haven't even stepped onto your ship yet!

Citadel: Presidium


Go across the bridge and talk with Barla Von for a chat. Then go in front of

the Emporium to find a Helena Blake. Accept her shady proposal if you wish,

but it's not a clean quest; just accept it either way - 2 renegade points

won't kill you.

You can go to the embassy area and talk to Pallin at the C-Sec HQ for just a

small chat, but that's it. Now off to the C-Sec Academy.

Citadel: C-Sec Academy


First you need to resolve the Jahleed quest. Do so and use the karma option

when it pops up. Then go over to Chellick's office nearby. Use the option yet


Before you leave the academy, go visit the requisition officer to access the

Spectre stock. You probably can't afford anything too big, no Spectre

discount, but you can probably buy some armor.

Then transit over to the med clinic in the Upper Wards.

Citadel: Upper/Lower Wards


Enter the clinic and find out about Chloe's past. Yes, you could have gotten

this sooner, but now is a good time since you're going to the markets.

Now go to the Lower Market. Speak with Morlan first if you wish. Yet again, use

your powers of speech to chase off the blackmailer when he shows up.

After that, go see Jax, and just hand over the credits by choosing "sure."

That's it. Now go back to Chloe to get a discount; you also will have a topic

to discuss with Anderson when you see him.

Also, outside the clinic is a "view of the nebula" marker by the rail, so do

it. It's probably been there the whole game, but better late than never.

Now transit back to Chellick. You can then go check on the sisters in Flux if

you wish, but it's not necessary.

After that, now you can go to the Docking Bay. Talk with the two in front.

When you get to the point of choosing between Feros, Noveria, and Artemis Tau,

go with Noveria. There are two codex spots to look at: one looking to the front

of the ship, and one to the center.

After the main conversation, you can talk with Anderson some more. You get the

usual options, and in the investigation you get a "Banes" topic. Go into that

to learn more, but damn it, you have to go back into the Citadel to reach

Admiral Kahoku again. Ugh, go back down the elevator and transit to the tower.

Just talk with the admiral to learn that Banes actually just ties into his

own quest. PS - skip returning to the admiral if you can help it.

Go back to the bay and get on the Normandy.


Mission 3: Artemis Tau ( TAU3333 )




Your first job as captain is to give a rockin' speech for karma points.

Seth Green is quite a character, I mean Joker. Talk to him if you want to meet

the man behind the robot chicken, I mean the Normandy.

Go down a deck and speak with Kaidan. Then examine the sleeper pods near him

and a computer in what used to be Anderson's room. Now down the elevator. Go

see Wrex if you want. He's got a good story. Ashley doesn't say much. Garrus

has some to say, not much. Then go see Tali down by the core. You can learn

a lot about her in this chat; learning is fun, and this is by far the most

epic chat yet. Adams also have some things on his mind.

*NOTE: You should gain a level during these chats; they're just that big.

Also, just as a measuring stick, I was at level 11 by this point in the game.*

You can go see the requisition officer, but even with all the licenses you

picked up, you probably can't buy anything useful.

Just head up to the command deck. Talk with Pressly. Then get up to the

Galaxy Map to see the galaxy map.

It's the Mikly Way. You must zoom out to see the whole map. You have lots of

options and you can go where ever you wish, but for now let's just head to

the Artemis Tau cluster on the edge. Enter the Knossos system and then choose

the only landable planet, Therum.

*NOTE: The normal way to find this planet is to check each of the four star

systems in Artemis Tau one by one, but there will only be one planet to land

on in each system, so it's really not that hard to find.*

Once you land, go to the front of the ship and out the door. Choose your squad

and it can be whoever. You could go with the two humans if you want the old

gang back together, but it doesn't matter, your choice. And if anyone hasn't

been active for a while, be sure to assign talent points.

Therum: Surface


Nothing to do but go along the path. Once a ship flies overhead, kill the two

Armatures that drop (run them over for laughs and damage).

When you get near the refinery, check map, you will see three turrets in the

front, but you don't have to fight them; you can and if you dodge their

missiles you can beat them. Bring up the map and find a side path with just

one turret.

Within the walls of the enemy territory, run over guys, use exploding tanks,

and don't die. When the open area is secure, get out and locate about four

containers of loot around the sides. There are two gates, one by the turrets

you saw and one opening the path ahead. Don't open the turret gate unless you

want to get shot at, or if you want to fight them. Search both buildings by

this gate. Then go to the other gate and search the building on the left to

open the path.

Get back in the vehicle and get to rollin', and save, always save after you do

stuff. Along this path will be many Armatures in your way, so try to run them

into the lava, or go past them. Once you hit a more narrow path there will be

infantry and a Colossus. The big thing is almost not worth the large amount of

time and effort, but you may as well try. The only way to bring it down is

to constantly run through its legs, but don't stay parked under it or the game

could glitch up; just stay moving, keep chopping it down, and it'll die


Go through the tunnel, after saving, and kill two troops at the end. Swing

around the path and into another tunnel with two more troops inside. At the

end will be more little guys. Go to the end of the path with a narrow opening

between some rocks. Get out and proceed on foot.

Therum: Ruins


A fight in the rocky area as soon as you are on foot. Keep moving and then

another fight. In this one you have limited cover and there are snipers up

high. Just survive and advance as I always say.

Make your way up the trail and to the mining camp. A cutscene reveals an

attack squad of a good mix of Geth on the way. As soon as the scene is over,

bring up your powers menu and assign your friends and you to do something. Find

cover for all and then focus on the smaller enemies, Ghosts and Stalkers, then

take out the troopers. Save the Armature for last, where a good ammo choice and

the overkill power should do it in not too long of time.

Recover and use any points you may have earned. Then take the tunnel down to

the ruins proper. While a different map, still the ruins.

Two enemies at the bottom. Then go into the elevator down. A loot container

near the exit of the elevator, then move forward to run into some bots. Blow

them up and get in the next elevator.

Step off down the broken walkway and then turn toward the blue field to find

Liara. Then take the rest of the intact walkway down to the rock floor, and

fight the enemies along the way. There are three down here. Once they are

dead, go visit the tents. Find the control thing in the ground and enter this

code: AXBY.

Take the hole in the ground and press the button. Then go talk to Liara to get

things going.

At the top you will run into the Krogan. Use your powers to quickly take out

the troopers, then focus on the boss guy. That's all. Watch the cutscene.


Mission 4: Feros ( FER4444 )




After the chat, and the talk with the council, head to the command deck. Just

four XP spots along your way to Joker, who doesn't have much to say.

Go down into the crew quarters. At this point, you are officially ready to

enter the world of love. You got two options no matter your gender. You have

the opposite of your gender to seek out, either Kaidan or Ashley, as well as

Liara. So tackle that as you see fit. You should be able to spot the romance

topics in chats with these characters pretty easily, unless you're really


Now down to the lower levels. Speak with your crew as you have before; they

all have something to say. Speak with the shop guy down here for your first,

serious venture into shopping. You should have enough money to buy a good

helping of items, but the trick is to make sure of what you need and what you

don't. The problem is that while on the Normandy you can't view every member

of you team, so you have to use the lockers by Ashley. You have three things

to make sure of: you keep the best items you've found for your team, you make

sure those items are upgraded wisely (press X to upgrade weapons, and believe

me, someone will NEVER realize they can), and you must also be sure you are

giving the right people the right weapons.

Once you have all the items you've found set away to your team, you can sell

the rest. Buy what you need once you have all your cash. *The items on the

sell list are not any of the items you have equipped to anyone, and you press

left or right in the buy screen to get to the sell screen.

*NOTE: You may also consider exploring the rest of the Artemis Tau cluster if

you wish. I did.*

When ready, use the map to zip to Feros, in the Attican Beta cluster, in the

Theseus system.

Feros: Zhu's Hope


Get out and talk with David, but be ready for the attack at any moment. Kill

the squad of Geth that attack, be sure to crouch, and don't forget to use

your flying grenades. Two Hoppers in the stairwell, and that's it, just go up

to the safe zone.

Talk with the scrubs if you want and make your way through the building, on

the look out for items inside, and then talk with Dan. Of course the Geth

attack, so fight them off and then continue up the path. When you reach the

fork in the path, bring up the map to see you need to go forward as opposed to

the path leading to more stairs.

There will be an initial group, and they are easy enough to destroy if you take

the higher ground. Then some bots and more Geth will pour into the area. Stay

behind some cover and take everything out. The last attack is from the ship

which will drop two more enemies for you to kill. Use your powers to help take

out the big guy.

Go to the end of this room and grab the loot. Now return to Dan and give him

the update. It is CRITICAL that you ask him about the "operational" topic. If

you do not you face a glitch if you destroy the transmitter in the tunnel

before getting the side quest log in you journal. Also be sure to ask about

the water, food, and power. Head to the tunnels stairway.

Feros: Tunnels


Some Geth as you go down, even a soldier who I don't believe you can save. Kill

the troop and hoppers and move on. Proceed down the long corridor and take a

right on a walkway. Go through and opening and send your team to cover as you

crouch behind one of the blocks. Fight the the small group in this narrow

path and then go turn the valves at each end. There are three valves in

all and they are involved in a side quest.

On the walkway you have many options. First, go forward along this walkway

until you find another opening similar to the last that leads to another

passageway with Geth. There is a valve in here to turn as soon as you enter.

Go through to the other side and talk with Ian, then fight the two enemies that

show up. Now the valves side quest is over.

Backtrack a bit and use the map to find a door to enter Collapsed Highway

Section. Go through and find the Varren pack. Kill the smaller ones and the

leader to get a side quest. Then you have three things to look at in here; two

are just loot and one is a power cell in the vehicle that leads to yet another

side quest.

Go back out, save, and now go across the bridge. Geth snipers up high, a troop

on the ground, and a drone should come flying in. Kill them all and proceed

into the next room to attack the Krogan. Kill them, grab the loot box in

here, and then blow up the transmitter. Three Geth as you leave the tunnels

the way you came.


Now return to the camp. Ask Fai Dan about Ian.

Davin Raynolds - found in the hallway of the building. Tell him you killed the

Varren; don't ask for money unless you want to because he will give you some


Macha Doyle - tell her you turned on the water and you get rewarded.

May O'Connell - give her the power cell you found.

Ledra - is the shop guy. Don't forget you can ask him more. Be sure to grab

his license.

Hana Murakami - talk to this strange character. Ask her the questions besides

"personal question" first, save that one for last.

Arcelia - has a grudge against you, so talk to her.

Fai Dan - if you asked anyone about "colony", ask him about the behavior of

the colonists and then about the colony.

Then find the elevator leading to Protean Skyway in the hallway and take it.

Feros: Prothean Skyway


Kill one drone in this garage area and then into the Mako you go. Drive out

and fight the two groups of Geth on your way across the bridge. In the other

garage, get out and down the tunnel. Also, when you encounter the second group

on the road, look for an opening in the curved part of the road. Get on foot

and go in that to find some loot.

Feros: Skyway Weigh Station


Go talk with the large group of survivors. Talk to Juliana about her daughter.

Also talk with Gavin by the computer in the corner. You can see what all the

refugees have to say, but it's a big waste of time. Just get back in your

vehicle and go up the ramp.

Feros: Upper Weigh Station/ ExoGeni Approach


Turn left at the top and go through the door to fight some more Geth. Look for

the side tunnel in the road by this first group for some loot. Down the path a

bit you will see small dots on your radar. Get out, find the opening in the

road that leads to the service tunnel thing, fight the Geth, and then grab the

loot container. Just some Juggernauts and an Armature between you and the

door on the other side.

Feros: ExoGeni Main Level


When you near a narrow opening that the Mako obviously can't fit through, try

to use the turret to get one enemy through it. Then get out and handle the rest

on foot. Save once you're done.

Go up to the area where you have three ways to go (refer to map). Take the door

at the top that requires hacking. Go through and notice the tank by the silent

Armature. When you grab the loot in the crate you will awaken the mech, so be


Come back out and take the opened path in the floor (check map to see where

it is if you can't see it). Proceed, watch scene, and then talk to Lizbeth.

After that, fight off a Varren pack. Then go to the corner of this Midden area

and up the stairs.

Watch the scene, then kill the Krogan. Then an epic chat ensues that reveals

why the Zhu's Hope crew were so odd. Ask as much as you wish then move along.

When you get to a room with two sleeping Geth, kill them. Inspect the claw of

the ship, grab loot in a crate, and then touch the light for dialogue. Turn

around and go out the hallway. Some Geth in the room you arrive at the end.

Feros: ExoGeni Upper Levels


From this room you have two ways to the upper levels. The path on the right

side of the blue barrier takes you to Gavin's office. Just fight the Krogan,

download the data, and then some loot.

Return to the room with the barrier and go the other way. Crate at the top of

the stairs. Then in the big room will be a first batch of enemies, so kill

them quickly. Grab a side quest from a terminal and then up the ramp for a

cutscene revealing the big baddie. This Destroyer and the rest of the Geth

would seem tough, but just a few upgraded grenades thrown around and you will

be done with all this. Clean up the room, collect the loot, find two side

quests in computer, and then go to the shuttle bay console.

Read the text and then a game. Do 13, 11, and 7. The point is to get the bar

between the arrows and then close the door. Watch the awesome cutscene. Look

in the side room by the console for a crate, and then return downstairs.


Go through the opened barrier and talk with Lizbeth on the other side. Get back

in the Mako and head out. Save too.

Fight the beefy group of enemies on the road, or breeze past them, your call.

Return to Juliana in the camp. There is a scene, and unfortunately, you

probably have just the three normal options and not any of the personality

options to choose from. Oh well, it's resolved anyway.

*NOTE: If you're LV 30, you should have max charm/intimidate; don't worry if

not. The only difference is that guy will live instead of being killed.*

After that, be sure to go into your equipment menu, select grenades, press X,

and then equip your Thorian gas. Then go give Gavin his data. Save and be on

your way in the Mako.

There are more enemies on the bridge. Perhaps kill them, perhaps not. Your

call. At the door to the garage you started from, you run into a Creeper. Kill

these things, that's fine. There will be a mob inside, but don't waste your

grenades on them, just kill them. Then you will find infected colonists with

guns by the elevator, so toss about two gas grenades their way. Then take the


Feros: Zhu's Hope


*NOTE: You cannot kill the Creepers until they get up.*

More Creepers to the left. Kill them, then toss a grenade at the colonists at

the top of the stairs. Go down to be back at the camp. Kill the Creepers in

front of the colonists, then "save" the humans. If you are out of grenades,

just run up to them and press fire when you're real close to do a melee attack

(probably the first time you've realized this). There is a kit on the ground

nearby with more grenades. Toss one up to the hiding human on the walkway by

the wall. Go up this walkway and quickly dispatch the Creepers.

Save either now or soon. Toss grenades to the humans hiding in the area on

the other side and detonate the grenades in mid-air even. Then get on the

ground and use your best powers to kill the army of Creepers. Save once all

is cleared. Use the controls and then watch the sad cutscene - too bad. Then

into the opened path, which is behind you if you hadn't noticed.

Feros: Thorian Lair


Go down the steps and save, then step into the open. Talk with the clone, then

kill it and the many Creepers that follow. Go through the doorway and lay into

the node.

Up the steps and then another clone is popped out, so deal with it from

whichever side it comes from. Then more Creepers, but not the ones in the

stairs. Go up and hack the locker on the wall, then more Creepers. Go through

the doorway and crack the next node.

Up the ramp and more Creepers with another clone. Kill them and go along the

path for yet another node that is defended by Creepers. Blast off the node.

Just in the next room will be anther group of enemies, so deal them *yawn*.

Grab items in a container and then deal with the node in the adjacent room.

Up to the next level, fight more. Then turn left and shoot the node. Drop down

in the path and move forward. Fight up the stairs, and then fight your

way to the final node. Blast it and watch. Then a chat with Shiala. How cheesey

that scene was!


Back at camp and after all is well, feel free to talk to all the newly-freed

inhabitants. Ledra will have new stuff for sale, and don't forget to re-equip

a normal grenade upgrade. Then return to the mothership.


Mission 5: Noveria ( NOV5555 )


The Normandy


Back on the ship, have your chat with the crew, then chat it up with the

council. Joker doesn't have much to say. Then go meet the rest of the bunch.

Ashley has quite an interesting chat about a few things, so do see what's up

with her. Don't forget to visit the shop.

*NOTE: Remember, all romance plots will thicken if you want to go there.*

Go to the galaxy map to get a comm link. Go into the front room and talk with

the council yet again. There is a codex thing on one of the computers around

the map. Then save, use the map, and go to Noveria.

*NOTE: Be sure to bring Liara.*

Noveria: Port Hanshan Docking Bay


Go down the path and meet with the people waiting for you. This is a time to

choose the renegade option (keep your weapon) just for fun. What a welcome!

Go inside the building and up the stairs to talk with Parasini. After, go

around the corner and into the funky elevator.

Noveria: Port Hanshan Plaza


A Hanar in the room near the elevator will sell you stuff, as well as offer

you a quest. After you get the quest, if you want it, exit the chat and go

back in to ask him who it's for. Can't buy much, so leave.

Look to the map and enter the office in the lower right corner. Talk with

Gianna and then go around to see the guy in charge. You can use the option to

rat out Opold if you want, but you shouldn't. Ask about Benezia if you want

to get anywhere. But there isn't much this guy can do for you. Exit the

conversation and go talk with Gianna again.

Now make your way to the opposite corner and enter the hotel.

Noveria: Port Hanshan Mezzanine


As soon as you step off the elevator you will run into a Mallene Calis. You

can accept her offer and then learn of Vargas' tendencies.

Then go see Lorik Qui'in at the table nearby. Talk and agree to snuff out any

mercs in the office.

*NOTE: This side quest is best done with a maxed out paragon/renegade talent

to whatever point you're at. You may even consider returning for this quest

later, but it makes little difference.*

Now let's deal with Vargas. He's on the other side of this room, so go talk

to him. Tell him you're a spectre, then that you are interested in his

services, then you get a karma option, so go with either one (you may get both

at the moment), then you will probably get just one karma choice that you've

added talent points to so pick that, then you get one last karma option but

you probably don't have the ability to use it, so pick any option and that

should do it, and then tell him you gotta go. Now you can go to Calis and give

her the goods, and if you have the talent, you can coax her into giving you a

little extra. *And I'm sure you know you could have ratted her out to Vargas

if you wanted to.

Up the ramp and down the path in this area will be a Inamorda by a table on a

bridge. He is related to the Opold quest with the smuggling. You have the moral

choice of whether to backstab Opold and earn more scratch by selling directly

to the customer, or you can ignore this guy and do the favor for Opold. It's

up to you, but try to to stick to your moral code of ethics, whatever that may


At the end of this bridge is a room with two hackable objects, but you may not

have the skill to get in them. Just go back to the elevator and take it back


*NOTE: The power unit by the wall will disable the security of the offices you

are trying to take back for Lorik. Though, I have no clue what that actually


In the plaza, take the only corner you've yet to travel on your way to the

Synthetic Insights area. On the way you will run into Lilihierax by the

elevator, but he is useless. Just get on and head down.

Noveria: Synthetic Insights Offices


Talk with the first two guards and then the fighting starts. Just take cover

and ice all the bad guys from all directions. Then go up the ramp and into the

office at the end. Download the evidence and come back out. You will run into

Kaira Stirling. Chat a bit and then kill a bit. Once the place is clear you

may have enough talent points for one of your decryption specialist to go

hack the stuff in the office.

*NOTE: Don't forget to crouch and use your team as decoys/bullet sponges.*

There is a door near where you met Kaira that you should be able to hack; save

before you do because there are three loot containers in here. There is a crate

on the ground level by a room, a locker in that room, and then a box in the

other room. So after you loot the place, make your way back to Lorik.


You run into Gianna in the plaza. Keep going to the bar after the brief

encounter. Agree to her proposal once you meet her in the bar and then go talk

to Lorik. Be sure to tell him to about Gianna's plan, and convince him with

your karma option. Then back to the plaza and to Gianna in the office in

the corner.

*NOTE: If you didn't hack the containers in the bar the first time and you've

added talent points to your decryption specialist's hacking skills, try them

again. Hmm, not sure what that Insights security disabling did, but other

one is a side quest.*

Talk to her and tell her the good news. Anoleis will be carted away and you

can breathe easy. Enter his office and hack the box on the wall, then make your

way to the garage.

When you are finally past the guard by the garage door, you will run into a

cutscene revealing a new enemy. Get out your gun and look down the room to see

more Geth appear. Use your overkill or whatever, send your team go cover, and

then start blasting the two charging your direction. Once those are down, now

is the hard task of bringing down the ones that jump frequently. Your best bet

is to not precision aim, just get your crosshair over the things and fire.

Either you or your team will start picking them off one by one.

After the fight, go meet Matsuo by the door. There is a loot behind the vehicle

in this half of the room. Then go hop into the Mako at the other end. Get used

to the controls as you exit this tunnel if this is your first time in one of

these damned vehicles.

*NOTE: The Mako has two guns: RT is turret, RB is cannon. I have no clue why

they didn't tell me sooner, but now you know. I learned through the pause

menu where a tip will be at the bottom each time. Also, A is jump.*

Noveria: Aleutsk Valley


*NOTE: Be sure to save, because the game doesn't do that kindness for you. And

don't forget to use the cannon and the turret at the same time.*

Yeah, this thing handles funkyly. It's pretty responsive, so use slight

movements. Make your way along the ridge until you hit a ruined vehicle. Press

B to get out and grab the items in the container. Notice the bar in the lower

right corner; that means you're freezing your tail off, so get back in the


When you meet the enemies at the bridge, focus on the smaller ones first, and

fire in bursts; ignore the turret until all the infantry are gone. If you

need to fix yourself, feel free to back away to the ruined vehicle and repair,

but you won't be able to shoot. Once the guys around the turret are out, then

focus on the turret, and remember to stay moving as best you can - I know the

controls can seem dreadful, but you move around. The worst part is that this

gun doesn't seem to angle downward, so the enemies behind the shields on the

bridge will be tough to hit.

Clear out the shields, save, and then go down this bridge. You may need to ram

some guys, or you can stop and shoot them all, or slowly drive up as you shoot,

or just come back for them later. There is a box toward the center of the

bridge if you want it.

On the other side you run into a big Geth. Of course target the little ones

first, then the big guy. I found success continuously ramming this guy over

and over, so try that and keep a steady stream of bullets pumping.

Then continue along the cliff side. A less hazardous bridge, with just a few

guys at the start and a lone turret at the end. Claim the crate by the turret

and continue.

Just some turrets up high along the rest of the path, so you should be clear.

When you reach the facility, there is a fight with a group of bad guys, so be

sure you have all your upgrades in order.

Noveria: Peak 15 Garage


Just four enemies in here, one big guy and a bunch of normal ones. Clear it

out and then go up the walkway for two containers along the way to the door.

Go through the door, past the turrets, and then go into the security room

on the right. Get the good loot from the locker and the crate, then take the


Noveria: Peak 15 Administration


Clear out the bad guys in the wide open area. Once you do you will bring forth

the so-called extinct Rachni. You must first deal with the smaller bugs on the

floor or they will blow up. Kill the soldiers, who aren't as tough as they

may seem. In all the broken open room on the side will be a console with a

side quest, and a Rachni will pop up from the floor. Get more stuff in the

room with open doors, and then in the third room will be a Rachni on your

way out.

Noveria: Peak 15 Mira Core


*NOTE: Please, don't forget to save often. The auto-saves like stop for some

odd reason.*

Kill the bugs on the ground in the big room. Then find a loot container on

the ground. Go into the rounded room and enter the core. You go down a bit and

you can access the memory core.

*NOTE: You can use omni-gel if you have it. Feel free to convert some of your

items into omni gel if you want to do that.*

This game is tough. The goal is to get the top three onto yellow, and then the

last one on the red column. Then get the yellows onto the red. The key is

putting the big bottom block on the B column.

Here is the solution in button to button form: (press first button, then the

second button)

X - Y

X - B

Y - B

X - Y

B - X

B - Y

X - Y

X - B

Y - B

Y - X

B - X

Y - B

X - Y

X - B

Y - B

(say thank you to internet message boards for this, which was probably stolen

from the official guide anyway, so I should probably cut out the middle man

and just buy the damn book if games are going to keep throwing these make-no-

sense puzzles at us)

Talk with Mira as you wish. You find there are two things you need to do

before setting off: reconnect landlines and get the power going. Take the

elevator down the hall behind the core to get to the roofs.

Noveria: Peak 15 Roof


*NOTE: If you have a decryption specialist, and you better, I say work on that

electronics skill as best you can. It's for when you reach the tram. Master

Overload is the goal, but you might not even be close. Don't worry if not.*

Squash the Rachni up here, use the explodable things on the ground and any

powers you got. There is a crate you can hack. Then find the sparking computer

opposite the Mira terminal.

Now back to the core room. In the big room a Rachni will pop out of the floor,

so be ready. Take the path on the left that leads to the reactor.

Noveria: Peak 15 Reactor Core


Go into the first room and grab the loot. I say take the right path, since the

ramp on the left side seems to cause trouble. Just stay by the door and look

down the right walkway and hit the crawling Geth. Above you will be a big

guy, so poke your head around, shoot the explodable tank on the ledge, and

kill him quickly. There will also be a few of the charging Geth, so be ready

and use the exploding tanks when you can. Just don't die.

Repair the line in the middle walkway and you are done, but you can still go

up the ramp. Get up there, clear out all the enemies until the jamming of your

radar is gone. Save before you start looting just in case you mess up. There

is a container in the room and one by the door on the ledge where the big guy

was. Now back down to the first room and turn on the Mira if you want to

chat. Then head back to the Mira core room, fight an Rachni, and then take the

elevator down the open hall.

Noveria: Peak 15 Tram


In the open room will be lots of loot and a computer to listen to what the dead

guy said. The purge controls are hackable if you electronics skill is high

enough, but probably not. If you can use the computer by the window, you will

burn the two bugs in the chamber, but one will spring from the floor vent in

this room.

Open the other door and kill the Rachni inside, then open the other door and

attack the suicide bugs. Go down the tunnel, get in the tram, and head to the

Rift Station.

Noveria: Rift Station Lower Level


Just go to the elevator in the side room and head up to the main level.

Noveria: Rift Station Main Level


You run into Captain Ventralis, and after the conversation you will kill two

bugs that come from a vent cover by the elevator. Talk to him afterward for

some quick personality points.

In the medical bay you can talk to three people in depth, and one has some

stuff for sale. After that, enter the guard barracks on the side and grab some

stuff out of the lockers. Then find a door in the med bay that leads you

down to a lower level. You will find Dr. Cohen and a Mira. Talk with Cohen and

agree to help him, then talk to Mira if you wish.

Talk to Ventralis who will let you into the labs. In the med bay take the

hallway that leads to the elevator to the labs, which are part of the lower


*NOTE: Be sure to not piss off Ventralis, but whatever you do, be sure you get

clearance to enter the research labs, NOT the Hot Labs.*

*NOTE: If you do go to the Hot Labs first, it sets off the events where you

must take a fighting path to reach Benezia. More on that later, but you will

basically miss the rest of the story.*

Noveria: Rift Station Lower Level


This map is composed of many areas, so you will be here a few times. For now,

grab some gel from the machine in front of Han, then go talk to Han. Another


Now go talk to the guard by the door nearby. Tell him you are here for a cure

and he will let you in. There are three rooms on the side, two of which will

have loot. There is a database in the larger room and a crate by the computer.

Go to the computer. Before you press A, note the bar above the button window

and notice the blue arrows at each end. When you press A, the arrows will cover

a certain area of the bar, a button will be highlighted, and the bar will

start to fill. You need to press that button when the bar gets between the

arrows. Just do this about three times and you have the cure.

Immediately after, that rude girl from the med bay will show up and try to kill

you. Just crouch, hide behind cover, use your abilities, and the fight should

be cake. Exit the room and talk with Han. Get on the elevator and return to



Go to the med bay and give Cohen the cure. Talk to him a bit, then ask him for

the maintenance pass. Now back to lower level, the part by the quarantine



Take the doorway in the corner of the room to enter a long rocky tunnel. There

should be a lone Rachni toward the end. A locker along the way and then you

will reach a fork with two doors. Take the one on the left that leads to an

elevator, but only for the loot on the floor. Then turn around, save, and go

into the secure labs.

*NOTE: If you did do the Hot Labs first and missed the Cohen part because all

the people turned on you, then you had only one path to go, which is the path

that led to a soldier-infested area. Basically, you took the lazy way out of

all this, but you will reach Benezia by the elevator near the lab. If you do

go this way, you can enter the Quarantine lab instead for a bit with the

Asari and the Volus. But you don't want to do the Hot Labs first, so don't

worry about this.*

*NOTE: Bringing Liara will change only some dialogue, but that's about it.*

Speak with Benezia. You go into a battle, but don't be fooled, Benezia is not

your target. You are to fight three waves of minions. Kill the first two up

the steps in front of you. Then two more on the side path. Now you need to go

to the right side of the room and get on the walkway so that the Rachni Queen's

tank will shield you from the Matriarch's attacks. Find any surviving attackers

and then you get on last wave. Still behin the tank, enemies will come from

both sides. So use your powers and wipe them out quickly.

Then you enter a long conversation with the big bad woman. And of course, after

you will fight. The key to this boss fight is to ignore the running minions

the walkways and just lay everything you got into the Matriarch. Kill her,

then claim the platform she was on. Use this position to kill the dashing

commandos, but try not to let them get too close or else you will get into

trouble trying to whack them (which doesn't work too well), so just keep

backpedaling. Just survive this most chaotic battle.

After that there is a chat with Benezia, then just walk toward the Rachni

tank to enter another long chat. Toward the end you get the choice between

saving the Rachni, or killing them forever. It's your choice, so make it. Good

chance to earn mucho renegade or paragon points.

Finally, the area is clear and Noveria is almost fully complete. In this lab,

search out the many loot containers.

Now, hopefully you saved the Hot Labs for last. So go there now, which is

reached via one of the elevators in near the tram area.

Noveria: Rift Station Hot Labs


Go talk with Yaroslev and tell him you'll help. Once you get to the part about

the purge, just tell him you'll do it to set off the next event. Kill the bug

and then grab the codes from his body. Save your game, and then enter the next


Enter the code in the Mira to start the countdown. In the previous room will

be loads of bugs, so the best thing to do is sit back and pick them off from

this room because you have plenty of time. Clear out the bugs, run to the

door, and that's that.


Get on the tram and go back a place called Central Station, which is basically

the way back to your ship.


Mission 6: Virmire ( VIRM666 )




Another pow-wow and all the usual post-mission rountine.

Again, go speak with the two humans, and depending on your gender, you move

one step closer to all the loveness.

*NOTE: I doubt it matters which of your two love connections you visit first,

but both should ask about the other. However, I'm pretty sure the crux of your

love life relies on your response to Liara's courting. Once she asks whether

you are interested in her in "that way", your response will pretty much set

you down one path or the other. Not to mention a plot point later on, but

we'll cross that bridge when we get there.*

Then there is Liara, who I assume you took to Noveria, so go check on her.

Also, you may notice she is geeky girl trying to get close with you, regardless

of your sex chromosomes. It's cheesy no matter your gender, so have a laugh or

two with/at Liara.

Back on track, go speak with the rest of the crew. Garrus should explain a

Dr. Saleon by now, and Wrex has a side quest if you talk about his family after

hearing his story of his father. You also get the impression Tali wants

something, but it's not a quest yet, but it is, eventually. And be sure to

unload your crap at the shop guy and buy more crap.

Now, this was the time I decided to tackle all of the clusters. Yes, ALL of the

clusters open so far. You don't have to, but I did. And don't forget to travel

to the Citadel afterward.

*NOTE: You won't be able to complete any of the side quests that involve you

returning to the Citadel. Either check the side quests section of this guide,

or figure out which ones need completing now. Basically, once you get to

Virmire, you won't be able to go out of the Citadel and then return. Also,

do go to the Citadel now, then go to Virmire, just to be sure you get all the

Citadel side quests.*

Anyway, once you've decided it's time to move on, or if you decide to just

get on with the main quest first, then onward to Virmire.

Virmire: Landing Zone


*NOTE: DO NOT run off the sides of the path into the dark water.*

You make a hot landing in the Mako. Get in the Mako after you land, because you

got out for some unknown reason, and head down the watery path. Not sure what

the little creatures are in your way, but it doesn't matter if you run them

over. Just some Geth along the trip, nothing you can't handle.

Just storm the first gatehouse if you want, you don't really have to. You can

get out on foot and fight your way to a room tucked away if you want. Then move

onto a duel-path. Just take either one, but you probably need to kill both

Colossi either way.

Then storm the next gatehouse for AA controls and gate controls. Then continue

in the Mako. To the next gatehouse just up the path. Storm it, disable gate,

and then continue on to the Salarian camp.

Talk, visit the shop guy in the far left tent, and then find Wrex. Convince

Wrex to stay on your side, and that's that.

*SPOILER: Before meeting with the captain, consider whether you wish to equip

your human allies with basic weapons and items and upgrades. FYI, you're going

to lose one. You'll send one on another team, and then you'll even split from

the other toward the end. Your choice will be to save one. PS, if you're going

to play the game twice it won't really matter who you choose. But all I'm

trying to say now is make sure you're not sending your best equipment into a


Now find Captain Kirrahe in the middle tent and speak. Make your choice and

then we're off. Consider bringing Wrex, for no real reason.

Virmire: Base Approach


A communications tower is nearby, so storm it and disable the communications.

Proceed to the Satellite Uplink Tower by whichever path. Just kill the enemies

and then shoot the satellite thing on top of the structure. Keep moving.

Bring up your map for the final chunk of area. Set a flag on the Refueling

Platform and go there. You might find it hard getting there, but just know that

you can take a lower path or whatever. Just destroy the Flyers there, use the

fuel tanks, and that's that.

That's pretty much it. Just enter the facility. You have two entrances: the

normal one, or if you go along the railing outside the entrance and follow

it south until it opens up into a ramp, you can follow the path to a door. Hack

the door and go inside.

Virmire: Detainment Level


Kill the enemies and use the computer by the door. Choose to handle the guards

yourself to help out the other team. Then go through, kill the enemies, and

go around the staircase for four crates. Then go up and make your way to a room

with dudes in some cells. Talk with one and agree to let them out if you wish,

but the result may or may not be what you expect. Them make your way to a

storage room with many ways out.

*NOTE: If you refuse to let him out, you get one of the few genuine funny

moments in this game, so you better say no and watch the scene.*

Virmire: Base Entry


Take a door that leads out and down a ramp to another room with cells. You can

talk with one seemingly sane enough person on the far left. Then you can let

out the other mindless ones if you wish. Come back up and you have a choice:

either go to the Maintenance and Warehouse area, or take the elevator. I'll

cover the areas in this map just in case someone took the basic entrance into

the base.

*NOTE: You can refuse the sane one's pleas, and then you can still let him

out. You get paragon and renegade points if you do. Also, choosing to kill the

other mindless ones is another scene.*

The Maintenance and Warehouse area are just fighting spots with some Geth,

nothing you can't handle. Little loot too, and you can't go out the doors

because you're on the wrong side. Just go into the room with the elevator and

use it.

Virmire: Labs


Just fight in the labs and then take the door out. Outside, kill some Geth

and go inside the room to talk with a survivor. Tell her "how can I trust you?"

to get the door open (the other option probably works too) and then talk some

more until you're done. Take the open door all the way to an elevator that

takes you to the communication tower.

Virmire: Communication Tower


Go down and investigate the beacon. Then go up the ramp and to the end of

the middle walkway, or as if you are leaving, to talk with the Reaper. After

the enlightening exchange, make your way back and then go across the down

bridge. Fight your way across.

*NOTE: I seemed to gain more info from choosing the bottom selections in the

chat with the Reaper, but either way.*

Virmire: Main Base Level


Go down the steps on the side to a small path with three crates, then proceed.

Up the path is a fight, so win it. There is another small walkway on the side

that you can walk to for some crates. Then go up the ramp and disable the AA

turret. A fight and then loot the corners of this area for two loot containers.

Then take the elevator.

Virmire: Krogan Breeding Grounds


Fight a couple of Geth and then through the big door for a cutscene. After,

pick a new team, possibly with Wrex, and then go through the door on the right.

Fight a Warlord and his posse for the right to use the elevator.

At the top you face a crucial decision: gotta pick one or the other. Make your

choice and go there.

Virmire: Krogan Breeding Grounds Tower


Fight just first enemies, and then talk with Saren. You can find out why the

Geth are here and then continue the chat. A master in charm or intimidate have

their options toward the end.

It's just a fight after that. The fight with the S man is by no means tough,

and if he focuses on your other friends then you can lay into him. Then just

watch. The scene plays out however you chose, which could be many ways.


Virmire: Krogan Breeding Grounds 2


Just fight your way back to whoever you left at the bomb site, which seems like

a tougher fight for some reason, but basically the same as if you went to the


Fight just first enemies, and then talk with Saren. You can find out why the

Geth are here and then continue the chat. A master in charm or intimidate have

their options toward the end.

It's just a fight after that. The fight with the S man is by no means tough,

and if he focuses on your other friends then you can lay into him. Then just

watch. The scene plays out however you chose, which could be many ways.

*NOTE: In the waterway, he floats at the other end, which gives you one good

tanker shot under his hovercraft, and you should be a good sniper so you can

hang back, otherwise, it may be tough just getting a shot off without taking

massive damage. Any team snipers will do too.*


Mission 7: Ilos ( ILOS777 )




Of course you get another viewing of that terrible "vision". Then the usual

report to the Council.

After you have the usual rounds with the crew. Most should have nothing new

to say except for the usuals. In the lowest deck will be the Salarians you

saved, but more importantly is another opportunity to buy stuff from their

seller. Be sure to clear out your items and upgrade and sell what you don't

need. By now, money should not be an issue.

Then go to the map where you will be forwarded to the Citadel.



Bummer, betrayed and grounded, sucks to be you. But then things are made good,

and then things are interrupted! Darn, so close! Put your raging hormones

aside and go meet Anderson in the club Flux. You may also consider visiting

the shops and doing any remaing side quests.

At least visit the view point area of the upper wards, and meet the fan, and

run by Flux for the strung up kid. And any other side quests you may have

missed or haven't finished. Now is the time to tie off all loose ends.

Sit and have a little chat with Anderson in the club. Pick one of the two

options and back to the Normandy. *FYI, the office cutscene is boring compared

to the other.

Feel free to complete any clusters at this time, any not invovlving the

Citadel because you're unable to return. You'll notice any Citadel-related

quests are now completed in your log if you did not do them. Something to do

the next playthrough, so no worries.

Anything else or if you just want to explore the galaxy, do it now. When ready,

head out to the Pangaea Expanse.

And now the time comes! Now, you see, when an Asari and a woman love each

other... it's a bit awkward actually. But then again, when isn't it? Or, it

will be the human of your choice, but that's boring. Anyway, for better or

worse, romance subplots are now over.

*NOTE: Not just to bring your little pooh bear along, but Liara has at least

one interesting line if you bring her along. She actually has a lot to say.*

*NOTE: One last thing, it seems that if you endorsed the guy from the terra

firma party on the Citadel, you may or may not get the Negotiation mission

from Hackett when you reach the system with Ilos. Feel free to go do that


Ilos: Upper Ruins


Turn around, use the Mako's cannons on the first couple of guys, but you will

have to push onward on foot. A fight in the first area including some Aramtures

on the left. Kill them all and go to the left path.

*NOTE: There are two paths on the sides of this first area that lead down to

the lower ruins. But there's nothing done there but small loot and a few Geth.

You can make the trip if you want. I believe the Armature computer in the

lower ruins does something, probably turns off the Armatures.*

Make your way to the courtyard and fight it out. There is a small, unmarked

elevator on the side that leads up to a higher walkway where some Geth were.

Then proceed to the proper elevator at the end of the path.

Ilos: Security Station


There are some bad guys in the center area, so fight them. On both sides are

some consoles for you to hack up some Armatures to fight for you, but this

battle isn't that tough, so don't outsmart yourself.

Go to the end of the room and swing up one of the ramps. Use the computer in

here for a quick scene. Now back down the ramps and through the path to an

elevator that returns you to the ruins, a different elevator from the one you

took up here.

Just get in the Mako and through the opened door.

Ilos: Archives


Just drive to the other side, in awe of course. A group of enemies at the end

of the second corridor. Once you hit a barrier, get out and go right into an

elevator. Take it down and use Vigil. Ah ha, I knew those bastard Keepers

were no good! My god, I feel like I need a seizure for looking at that thing

for so long, DBZ style.

*NOTE: Lots to talk about in this conversation. Be sure to check all the

investigations and be smart about which options you choose so as to not move

the conversation before hearing all you can.*

After, return to the car and keep rolling.

Ilos: Trench Run


Blast the first enemies in your way. Turn left and down a long stretch. When

you hit a tunnel, clear out the enemies you can see before going around the

corner to face the Colossus and it's minions. Either fight or move on, your

call. Just a few more infantry in your way. Once it's in view you get a sweet

little cutscene.

After you are back in control, zip down the ramp without any concern for the

Colossi, just dash to the conduit and jump in before time expires.


Mission 8: Citadel ( CIT8888 )




Just turn and kill the Husks, then up the elevator.

Citadel: Maitenance Shaft


Trust me, it's not nearly as bad as it seems. Just move forward and down into

a corridor. Fight the group of Geth and the keep moving.

Citadel: Exhaust Plain


Fight your way up the shielded path. Use the map to find exactly where you

need to be going; it's up the sloping side. Wind down the path fighting to

the end. Once you hit the wide open area, a Geth Dropship flies in. You have

three turrets in the area you need to turn on, so turn them on. That will

take care of the Dropship, now you just need some cover to weather the waves

of Geth.

After the ship is downed, proceed. Fight your way to the next area.

Citadel: Exterior Defense Grid


Now, there are two options. On the left of this area is a corridor much like

the first one you took. This corridor is full of strong enemies, but at least

you know where your enemies are. The other option is to fight down the more

open path that is guarded by turrets. The choice is simple, take the corridor.

If you do take the other route, you better learn to stay in motion, target the

turrets first, and be sure to be behind cover.

Either way, use the hatch at the end to get inside the chambers.

Citadel: Tower


Of course there is a big fight up the steps, so fight. Then a scene at the top.

I hope you're a master in either charm or intimidate for this conversation,

like you should have been, oh don't know, like as soon as you became a Specter!

Or at least soon after that.

Anyway, I'm sure you are and you can resolve this situation without fighting,

but if you can't, then good luck buddy because I didn't fight no one!

The first fight, if you just can't avoid it, is basically just a slightly

tougher version of the fight on Virmire. He's stronger now, but so long as you

use cover, you're fine. But there is NO EXCUSE for being unable to skip this

fight, so it's fault if you have to fight this first fight.

*NOTE: After this scene/possible fight, be sure to save a file in case you want

to play around with both possibilities of the choice you're about to make.*

Go to the computer and use the data. Then you have yet another epic choice.

Saving the Ascension is a pretty badass cutscene though.

Yep, there's no such thing as a dead boss. Except for this time. Nah, just

kidding, you do have to fight no matter what.

This version of Saren is pretty much the most terrifying thing I could think

of. The fight isn't that hard. Especially if he gets fixated on your friends.

Just lay into him, use your grenades, and just stay alive. Biotic powers seem

to help a whole lot.


There is an epilogue depending on how you made your last choice. If you saved

the Council, you get another choice (please, don't put Udina on, you're a

complete idiot if you do).

*SPOILER: The difference in the two endings, whether the council is dead or

alive, are COMPLETELY different. Worth reloading a previous save to see, or

just play the game down the opposite personality path.*

*NOTE: I have no clue how the next game would, or if it will, allow you to

use characters from this game, but if so, you may want to seriously consider

making a good trio at the least, one for each path and then an extra. I

recommend get a soldier, a biotic, and a tech guy, or combinations, but I

don't think I'll be making a sentinel.*

Enjoy the thought of the next two chapters in this series. I have no clue

when they're coming out, but they are. Good game, especially toward the end.

Until the next game, you can go back and play again, and probably again just

to see how things unfold. I recommend not doing the side quests, since those

seem to bog the game down, or just a few. Have fun! See you next time.


* 5. Side Quests ( SIQU555 ) *


These are all the side quests for the whole game, divided into several


Citadel C1I1T1

Feros F2E2R2

Noveria N3O3V3

UNC/Cluster U4N4C4

Collection Quests C5O5L5

Squad Member Quests S6Q6U6


Citadel C1I1T1



Asari Consort

Found: Presidium, just go into her building and talk with Nelyna, and when

you're about to leave you will be invited up...

Just talk with her to get the quest, then go about the meeting at the tower.

After you are in the Wards, you can go meet with him, or just wait until

after the Saren situation is resolved, or whenever.

Talk with Septimus in Chora's Den only if you have a maxed out charm/intimidate

talent for your level. Convince him to stop moping around and he will comply.

He will also give you the thing that shuts up the Xeltan in the embassy, the

one who complained about the Consort before.

Go meet Xeltan first, then go meet Sha'ira so you can get an item related to

the Prothean orb on Eletania.

Anyway, once you meet the consort to conclude the quest, be sure to be

unhappy with just words, things are better that way. It's pretty tame though.



Xeltan's Complaint

Found: In Chora's Den in the Lower Wards after you speak with General Septimus

from the Asari Consort quest.

You may have met with Xeltan before, in the embassies, I hope. After you've

met with Septimus and you have the proof, return to the Elcor. Just tell

him what you've learned and it's over. You also get some insights from Din

which ties that up a bit.



Scan the Keepers

Found: After the meeting, on your way back down the steps in the tower will

be a scientist near a bug.

The bugs you've been seeing throughout the areas are called Keepers and you

must find them if you help Chorban. Here are where each reside:

Tower - 4

Right in front of where you accepted this quest.

One on the right side where the meeting happened.

Go to the bench by the water on the side.

On the opposite side of the last one, this Keeper is in a walkway.

Presidium - 7

One outside the tower, by the Avina.

Another by the Wards entrance.

Go into the Emporium and up the steps at the back.

On the side of the Emporium, near the Avina on this side.

By the Consort's offices.

Down a path behind the bar.

In a computer room connected with the bar hallway.

Flux and Wards Access - 2

In the second room from the entrance elevator; in the Ward Access.

One in the quasar room of the Flux area.

Upper Wards - 4

In the alley when you step off the elevator.

In the corner of the Upper Market area.

Behind the Med Clinic.

Down the steps leading to the C-Sec Academy.

C-Sec Academy - 2

In Requisition Office.

In the Traffic Control room.

Docking Area - 1

At the top of the path.

Presidium - 1

This is after the whole ordeal in the wards, after the two bosses and once you

are back. Go into the ambassador's room and scan the final Keeper.

Once you have all 21, report to Chorban in the lower market. Depending on how

you respond, you may be done, but the rest involves another quest.



Presidium Prophet

Found: After meeting, in the Presidium and outside the Wards entrance will

be an officer and a Hanar (jellyfish thing).

There are many ways to resolve this quest. If you start from the moment it's

available, which is after the first meeting with the council, you can resolve

it right then. You are basically choosing a side: preacher or officer. You

simply hear both sides of the story and then convince one to leave. It's

possible with a low talent in your personality trait of choice.

You could always leave this quest in your back pocket until you gain Spectre

status and raise up your best personality talent. If you do choose to wait,

you can go about completing this quest in many ways. Convincing the officer

to leave will net you some cash from the Hanar, but the end is pretty much

the same regardless.



The Fan

Found: In the Upper Wards, by the stairs in the Upper Market.

You can start by being nice and giving him an autograph; harmless enough.

When you return to Citadel from a few missions, go back to the place you first

met him to speak again. Now he will take a picture. Hmm, very strange...

The third visit with him, most likely after Virmire, is when you finally

set Conrad straight. Just use your personality options to send him away.

If you sent him in a shock, listen out during elevator rides in the Citadel for

a report on Conrad's fate. Actually, many of your side quests have related

elevator bits.



Rita's Sister

Found: Flux's club, speak with Rita.

Rita at the bar will tell you to go to Chora's Den and speak with Jenna. So

probably after you fight through Chora's and have the evidence for Saren, use

the rapid transit to get to the den.

Find Jenna the bar on the side. Talk with her and you get the cold shoulder.

Now you must return to Rita at Flux. But upon leaving Chora's Den you will

run into a Chellick who tells you to return to C-Sec Academy.

Go meet Chellick once you are a Spectre and max out your karma talent. Use the

charm/intimidate option when it pops up. You don't really need to wait for

being a Spectre, it just helps.

Once you agree to help Chellick, go to the Lower Market in the Lower Wards.

Talk with Jax, do the exchange peacefully, and then take the stuff back to


*NOTE: You need to finish Chellick's request BEFORE returning to Flux to

see if Jenna is safe. Once you confirm Jenna is safe, the quest is over and

you are done. You can still do the pickup for Chellick, but you can't return it

to him for some reason. So just do his request, get the reward from him, and

then go check on the sisters.*



Jahleed's Fears/Secret

Found: In the C-Sec Offices of the C-Sec Academy.

Find him talking to an officer and he will explain the situation. You learn

that Chorban from the Keeper scanning quest is involved.

You find Chorban in the Lower Market of the Lower Wards. You get a chance for

mucho paragon/renegade points once Chorban offers you the option to either

help him or not. Either way you are sent back to Jahleed.

Actually, only approach Jahleed after you become a Spectre. That way you can

have the higher charm/intimidate options.

It's easiest to resolve this if you are helping to scan the keepers after

confronting Chorban. But you can resolve this however you wish.




Found: By the embassies after you find the Saren evidence.

Enter the bar after you speak with Samesh and go talk to Bosker.

Before becoming a Spectre you can max out one of your karma talents and then

go convince Bosker to help out the husband. Simple enough.

Then go speak with Samesh.



Reporter's Request

Found: In the big area of the Upper Wards, Emily Wong will call for you.

See asks you to help her investigative journalism efforts during your own

investigation. Just accept and keep on with the main story up to the point

where you kill Fist in Chora's Den.

After you grab Fist's OSD, return to the big area and talk with Wong. With

full charm/intimidate talent points you can gain even more of your reward.



Schells the Gambler

Found: Return to Flux after the Saren evidence is found and you will see a

guy get tossed out of the club.

Speak with Schells outside the club and you will get the moral dilemma of

whether to help this guy or not. Just accept it as of now, since you don't

get paragon/renegade points either way.

Now go into Flux and into the Quasar game area. Doran is up here and you can

hand over the device to him if you want to be all teacher's-pet. Or you could

save before you hand it over, see what that path has to offer, and then

reload and try the much funner path of helping Schells out.

For the bad path, go to the low stakes Quasar machine and play. It's just a

form of blackjack, or 21, where you need to get as close to 20 as possible

without going over. The only catch is you have either 4-7 or 1-8 as your

options. 1-8 will get the number up quicker and then you can use the 4-7 to

finish out, or the other way around, but the 1-8 will usually not work if you

use it too close to 20. And a win is a payout in green, so be sure to actually

win some money.

The best way to go about this without getting caught is to play, win twice,

then lose at least one game, then finish out. You should stop after getting

five wins or you risk detection by Doran.

Now that you have the data, go see Schells outside the club. That's it for

this quest. There seems to be no karma points (what I will sometimes call the

paragon/intimidate points) either way, so both choices are fine.



Signal Tracking

Found: Flux, in a rigged Quasar machine by the Keeper.

Investigate the Quasar machine, then a screen in the Wards Access area, then

a machine behind Barla Von in his bank, and then go to the back of the


You encounter and rogue AI that will try to blow up. You are given enough time

to mess up with the mini-game, but don't doze off. You need to press the

buttons in a single correct order. Just start off by pressing buttons until you

get green lights. You will have to start over from the first right one when

you get a red light, so just write down the order as you fill it out or try

to remember.

My order was: YXYAXAA, I think. Not sure that is universal.

Or, before you even touch the computer, just pull out your gun and shoot the

orange power supply right next to it. That's actually the best way to go.



Doctor Michel

Found: In the Med Clinic of the Upper Wards, but you can wait until after

becoming a Spectre.

Visit Chloe and you are sent to the markets. Go see Morlan and then the

scary dude will appear. Use the charm or intimidate option to chase him away

and that is that.

Go back to Chloe and you get a discount, and then a lead on another quest.

See Anderson for more.


*After returning from space*


Rear Admiral Mikhailovich - The Jerk

Not an official side quest, but something that you will run into upon your

return from your adventures in space. Probably best to return to the Citadel

once you've maxed out either charm or intimidate.

Just meet the good man once you return and a long chat ensues. You can play

nice or mean, your call.



The Fourth Estate

Found - C-Sec Academy upon return from space.

Talk with Miss Al-Jilani. Just an interview that goes as you wish.

There is a sorta epilogue once you return to the ship and take off. Hackett

will report on your performance. That's it.



Asari Diplomacy

Found: Embassy lounge, or just go to the Macedon System in Artemis Tau

Nassana will either ask you to go kill her sister or you will kill the sister

and then report back. It works either way and if you have enough personality

talent points you should be able to coax Nassana into getting you some gear to

buy in the ship.



Family Matter

Found: By the Finacial District in Presidium

Speak with Michael and Rebekah about the situation. It's too obvious for

someone like me who sees too much of politics slipping into this game. Not

just here, but in many places. Oh well.



Planting a Bug

Found: Citadel Tower, Emily Wong is by the steps

Agree to help her plant a bug in that one room in the C-Sec Academy. So zip


Just place the bug in the corner. Really, just as difficult as getting up to

get the remote (oh wait, it might be easier than that actually).

Return to Miss Wong, chat, and that's it for this quest.



Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things

(if your background is Spacer)

Found: Meet Zabaleta in the Wards Access

Give him the 20 credits and that's it for now.

Return to the Normandy, for some reason, and use the round comm room behind the

map to call mommy.

Make one last stop by Zabaleta and tell him to go to the VAO. Simple as that.


I Remember Me

(Colonist background)

Found: Girard

You get a call from a Lt. Girard that a girl from the raid on your homeworld

of Mindoir is getting hostile. Just go to Talitha, talk with her, keep taking

steps toward her, and after three steps you must give her the sedative, either

way will work.


Old Friends


Found: Outside Chora's Den, a man named Finch would like a word.

Just enter the Den after speaking with Finch and convince the guard one way

or the other. High talent in personality will pay off.


*Upon a third return*


Our Own Worst Enemy

Found: Wards area with the big open walkway and the view

Speak with Charles Saracino who is protesting all these aliens. Oh dear, not

another political statement turned into a side quest in this game, and it's a

side quest about politics no less. Oh well. It's just a talk.

*NOTE: Endorsing him may or may not result in a mission to a planet in the

Hades Gamma cluster, but I think it does.*



Negotiator's Request

Found: Outside Flux

Speak with Elias Keeler outside Flux, most likely on your way to see Anderson.

Either help him or help him. One way is to do it and the other way is to

persuade him otherwise. Your choice.

However, going to the med clinic and grabbing the depressents and giving him

those is not only evil, it's funny! Renegades have all the fun!



Feros F2E2R2



Geth in the Tunnels

Found: Speak with Dan about the Geth in the Tunnels, duh, but after you clear

the tower of Geth. This one and the next three are talked about if you ask

Fai about getting the colony back on its feet.

Just go past the elevator and down the stairs go enter the tunnel, but you

cannot save the woman who is attacked on the stairs. Make your way through a

corridor and then go across a bridge, which is directly across from a door

that leads to the Varren. Fight the Geth on your way to the Krogan in the

room with the transmitter. Blow it up and then return to Dan, but you should

get the next three while you're down here.

*NOTE: This is the one quest of these four that require you to speak with the

quest-giver. If you do not speak with Dan, expect to not be able to finish this

quest. But you don't need to for the next three.*


Water Restoration

Found: Macha Doyle toward the front of Zhu's Hope, after you save the camp,

but you don't need to speak with her first.

You just head down to the tunnels, hit both corridors that have Geth, and be

sure to hit both switches to turn on the water: two in the first, one in the


Then just report back to Macha.


Power Cells

Found: May O'Connell at the front of the colony.

Once you clear out the side area in the tunnels, a section of highway with the

pack of beasts, just grab the battery in the front of the downed vehicle on

the road.

Then just take it go May.


Varren Meat

Found: Davin Raynolds in the house thing of the colony.

Just kill the pack of Varren in the area of the tunnels that is part of a

downed highway.

Once the leader is dead, tell Davin.


Data Recovery

Found: Gavin at the weigh station along the skyway to ExoGeni.

First get the quest, then go to ExoGeni.

After you leave the room with the Geth "church", there will soon be a room with

two stairs. Take the one on the right, fight the Krogan in the office, and

then download the data.

Just return the data to Gavin on your way back to Zhu's Hope.



Noveria N3O3V3




Found: Opold, in the Hanshan Plaza, in a room by the elevator to the landing


Just meet the jelly and listen to his smuggling request. Agree to it and then

go grab the package back by your ship, then return.

If you wish to see how all three play out, save now before you hand the

package off.

You have three options of who to give this to: Opold, Inamorda, and Anoleis.

You can even keep it by going to Opold or Anoleis, but it's just an ammo

upgrade, a random one.

By giving it to Opold as promised, you can get 250. You can raise that by

another 250 if you have your charm/intimidate high enough. So you can get

500 credits. You can also tell him you're keeping it, which will convert the

package to an ammo upgrade and the quest is over.

By going to Inamorda in the lounge area upstairs you can get 500 right off the

bat, or raise it to 750 through some persuasion.

By going to Anoleis you can gain the pass to Peak 15 by turning in old Opold.

And if your personality is high enough, you can even keep the upgrade to boot.

However, this is the lazy man's solution to getting the key. You miss a good

chunk of story if you do it this way.

Really, just giving it to Opold is probably best.



Found: Hanshan Mezzanine, given by a Mallene Calis by the elevator

She tells you to go get Rafael Vargas talking long enough to upload a virus so

she can spy on him.

If you do what she asks, tell him you're a Spectre, then that you're interested

in his business, then use one of the colored options, then you get another if

your talent for that trait is high enough, and then you get one more that

requires you to have a high charm/intimidate talent. Then leave and report to

Calis for reward.

Or, you can rat her out to Vargas, then go lie to her, and then persuade her

for a bigger reward. That is as renegade as it gets.



UNC/Cluster U4N4C4



Unusual Readings > UNC: Distress Call

Found: Computer right behind you as soon as you are given control in the

Citadel, after Udina's speech.

Argos Rho > Hydra > Metgos

Transponder Signal - Just a trap by the Geth. Solves the Distress Call quest.


UNC: Missing Marines

Found: Admiral Kahoku after you become a Spectre, who is by a computer near

the steps in the Citadel Tower.

Artemis Tau Cluster > Sparta > Edolus

Distress Signal - You meet a Thresher Maw, which is a sandworm, just run

around and shoot, not getting too close; be sure to save before you get near

the spot.

At the Distress Signal is where you find the Missing Marines Admiral Kahoku

was talking about. After you kill the worm, go inspect the bodies and you're

done. You're not done with the quest, you must go to Citadel whenever and

inform Kahoku, although it would make much more sense to send him a text

message or something.

Soon, Kahoku will tell you to hunt down the goons.

UNC: Cerberus

Found: After completing Missing Marines.

Voyager Cluster > Yangtze > Binthu

Research Facilities - All three are guarded by turrets. All three have the

same setup of one room with a shielded area that you must deactivate. I just

turned it off and started blasting, worked well enough.

In the last one, no matter what order you go in, you will find the admiral.

Then you get one last quest to wrap this story up.

UNC: Hades' Dogs

Found: After beating Cerberus.

Voyager Cluster > Columbia > Nepheron

Underground Facility - Kill the guards outside and enter. More killing and

then the two rooms at the end of the base. One has loot and the other has a

terminal that ends this quest line for good.

Sorta an epilogue, you can sell the info to the Shadow Broker for money when

you use the map and get the transmission. You can refuse if you wish.

*NOTE: Pure speculation, but I would guess your decision, along with many

others, could affect your game in the next installment of the franchise,

perhaps. If anything, in Mass Effect 2 you may get something.*


Investigate Mercenaries > Asari Diplomacy

Found: In a transmission after a time in space, or just go to the planet

directly. Just go to the planet first.

Artemis Tau Cluster > Macedon > Sharjila

Stronghold - It's a pirate camp. The hardest part is the sniper towers around

the perimeter. All you gotta do is smash down the towers and then run over or

just shoot the pirates. Then go to the front of the building and enter through

the door.

In the base, go into the big room for a big fight. Post your squad up by the

window thing and then take cover in the dark area on the left. Kill the guys,

send your squad to kill the rest, and all is well. On the wall to the right of

the entrance door will be two containers. There is a room in the corner of this

area with four more loot spots.

Up the ramp will lead to a room with lots of goodies. Among them is info that

tells you you just killed an important person. This brings up a side quest

called Asari Diplomacy, which I guess was supposed to be picked up at another

time by the Asari at the Citadel. Or perhaps that's why you're here.

Then go find Nassana in the Citadel bar and tell her the news. You just get

the normal reward, but no clue what the mods do


UNC: Lost Module

Found: By entering the Attican Beta cluster you will be informed of this


Attican Beta > Hercules > Eletania

Probe - find the probe and learn the monkeys have it in one of their colonies.

Mine - east of the debris, there is another monkey place by a mine entrance.

There are two rooms of monkeys and then two more in the corner of the big

room. My module was in the smaller room on the right. Geth to fight in the big

room on your way out.


UNC: Lost Freighter

Found: By going to the ship.

Gemini Sigma > Ming > MSV Worthington

Floating near Antiroprus. Board if you dare.

Go inside this ship that is obviously not safe. Two crates in the first room,

and in the big room with the cells on the floor, blow them up first after you

walk near one and get scared. Nothing in here but one loot container in the


Then into the hallway with three doors. Go left first. Examine the life support

by the bed, then hack, and then play the logs.

In the room on the right is another log and a container.

Then the middle room for a lone log. That is when Julia strikes from behind.

All three of you should be able to kill her in like one second. Also, you may

turn off the machine if you want. Or whatever, it's not like anyone watches

news or pays attention to politics.


UNC: Missing Survey Team

Found: By going to the planet.

Hades Gamma > Antaeus > Trebin

Excavation Site - Near the base. Go inside the cave, kill all the Husks in

the big room, then go to the corner for the doors to open, kill these Husks,

and then you're free to loot the place. That's all, exit and leave the planet.


UNC: Besieged Base

Found: From Hackett in a transmission.

Hades Gamma > Cacus > Chohe

Science Base - Just fight the enemies in the big room, avoiding the insane

people if you can. Then loot the place, that's all.


UNC: Negotiation

Found: From Hackett, but I think you must endorse that guy from the terra

firma party on the Citadel.

Hades Gamma > Plutus > Nonuel

Warlord's Outpost - Enter and go into the center of the room to chat with the

insane Darius. You can be nice, but that's no fun! You could even play nice

all up until the "please" part, and then unload on him. Kill all the people

and then use the terminal in the top room after you clear the building to

open the exit door.

Report to Hackett at the map back on the Normandy and you're done.


UNC: Hostage

Found: Either Hackett or in a Citadel elevator.

Hades Gamma > Farinata > MSV Ontario

*Bring Alenko for extra dialogue

Board it. Just kill the enemies in the cargo room. Then into the hallway and

through the door on the left. Have a chat, if your charm/intimidate options are

there you can resolve the matter peacefully. Loot and leave after that.


Strange Transmission > UNC: Major Kyle

Found: Computer in Executor Pallin's office in the Presidium, or from Hackett

by visiting the system.

Hawking Eta > Century > Presrop

Moon of Klendagon

Compound - Convince the gatekeeper to let you in with your personality,

peacefully if you don't mind. All to do in the compound is loot the place. Go

back out side and enter the science station nearby for Kyle.

*NOTE: A Ruthless history will mean Kyle already knows of you.*

*NOTE: If you don't go about peacefully, which is inexcusable, you must fight

through the compound to a button that opens the door to the science station.*

In the station, just make your way to Kyle in one of the small rooms at the

end. Convince him to surrender and you can leave. I believe you need to be a

master in your personality trait of choice, otherwise it will be time to

throw hands. If you do convince him to leave, give him his hour, exit, and

return to the Normandy to resolve quest.


A Person of Interest > UNC: Hostile Takeover

Found: A computer in C-Sec of Citadel; then go meet Helena Blake after you

are a Spectre, she is by the Emporium in the Presidium. Agree to help her clean


There are two bosses to kill, and then you can meet with her.

Hades Gamma > Dis > Klensal

Sydicate Hideout - Go in and take out the crime guys, then loot the place.

Gemini Sigma > Han > Mavigon

Hideout - Approach and use the cannons to take out the three turrets. Park

next to the entrance and go in.

Like so many other research facilities. Go to big room, fight big fight, and

then rewards in two smaller rooms. Do the deed and exit.

Horse Head Nebula > Fortuna > Amaranthine

Engineering Outpost - Go inside and meet with Helena for the final leg of this

side quest so long as you've already handled the other bases. If you're a

master in charm or intimidate you can resolve this peacefully without a

scratch. Then you can loot the place and the one room upstairs. Then leave.

You could fight her, but no reason.


UNC: Privateers

Found: Garoth at the Citadel Tower, after you become a Spectre and return

from a mission, or just go to the ship directly.

Horse Head Nebula > Strenuus > MSV Majesty

Mercenary Camp - tough defenses outside of it; focus on people first since the

missiles are easy to dodge.

Inside, a pretty tough fight with snipers and Krogan. Be sure your team has

good cover. Then loot both rooms on both levels, and in the top room will

be a body with the item for the side quest. Just take it to Garoth in the

Citadel whenever, but before Virmire.


Doctor at Risk > UNC: Dead Scientists

Found: Port Hanshan Mezzanine, top floor.

Kepler Verge > Newton > Ontarom

Underground Facility - Kill the guards outside and enter. Kill the first bad

guys in the big room. Enter the smaller room at the end. Chat, find out the

situation, and then resolve as you wish. Return to ship and talk with

Hackett (the transmission voice for UNC) and you're done.


UNC: Rogue VI

Found: After some time, Hackett gives you the mission to go to our moon.

Local Cluster > Sol > Luna

Alliance Training Ground - There are three bunkers here guarded by turrets.

Clear the turrets and enter any of the three. Fight the tough drones in each

big room and then smash 8 conduits in each bunker. Look for an access port

near one for a codex. That's it.

You also get an additional talent.


UNC: Derelict Freighter

Found: Just board the ship.

Maroon Sea > Caspian > MSV Cornucopia

*Bring your shotgun, or your partner that uses one.

Board and go to the big room. You will have to find your way through this one-

way maze fighting Husks the whole way. Just survive the chaos and then through

the door on the other side. There are some spots where you can get on crates,

and be sure to go down the path on the right; the path on the left just has

two groups of Husks and a dead end. Both side rooms have loot and the cockpit

has a log to complete the quest.


Investigate Samples > UNC: Colony of the Dead

Found: ExoGeni building on Feros, in the room where you blow off the ship.

Maroon Sea > Matano > Chasca

Civilian Structures - Husks outside and inside, but just loot for your efforts;

it's good loot mind, you, but you don't have to get it.

Science Facility - Just another standard science facility with Husks. Clear it

and get to the end room where you will complete the quest and get a bunch of

goodies to take home.


Investigate Facility > UNC: ExoGeni Facility

Found: ExoGeni building on Feros, in the room where you blow off the ship, or

just go there.

Maroon Sea > Vostok > Nodacrux

Science Facility - Just kill the Creepers on your way to saving the scientists.

Resolve the situation as you wish, collect the three loot containers in here,

and the leave.


UNC: Listening Post Theta

Go with either one first, doesn't matter.

Styx Theta > Acheron > Altahe

Listening Post - Kill the Rachni that sprout from the holes around the

entrance, then go in. Fight the few bugs in here, nothing serious. Loot and

then use the two computers for more info. You will complete "Theta" and be

led into "Alpha" if you did this one first.

UNC: Listening Post Alpha

Styx Theta > Erebus > Nepmos

Listening Post - Go there, fight the Rachni you see, then go to the generator

in the middle and connect up the Mako engines to power up the turrets. If you

don't you'll be fighting wave after wave. Just post up and bunker in for

quite a long battle. I suggest using a strong sniper rifle, that helps. Talk

with Durand before and after the fight.

Disconnect the Mako and head out to complete Alpha. Yes, that closed mine near

the debris will be open. That is the place you need to go and clear out all

the Rachni. Fight in the main room, but all you need to do is clear out the

Brood Warriors in the two smaller rooms in the corner.

Once you've completed the above two, even though you don't have a quest log

for it, you should have remembered the entry from the computer on Altahe that

leads you here.

UNC: Depot Sigma-23

Argos Rho > Gorgon > Unidentified Space Facility

Swing around the crates to the right corner; there is only a handful of

Rachni. Once you reach the few rooms at the front, use the computer in the

left room to hear some entries. Before you arm the bomb next to it, go raid

the room across the hall.

When ready, save, and then arm the bomb. Run back through the maze of crates,

with only some bomb bugs and one regular Rachni. Just pop the bugs as you run

back, probably grabbing items from the many crates along the way, and then be

sure to enter your ship in time. That's it.

That concludes this line of quests.


Investigate Shipments > UNC: Espionage Probe

Found: Feros computer, in the first room in the building at the camp, or

just go there.

Voyager Cluster > Amazon > Agebinium

Homing Beacon - Just make your way to the mine and go inside. Run to the only

open room and talk with the thing. After that you have ten seconds to disable

three points on the bomb before you. They are slow and tricky presses, but

so long as you're patient you will get them easily. Then just run back out and

into the other room for the exit.

The Haliat camp is down the slope near where you emerge. Just snipe them or

go run and gun, either way. Once everyone is dead you are free to leave.



Collection Quests C5O5L5


These are just fetch quests, or just quests to collect things as you go through

all the clusters. All of these will run parallel to the side quests in the

clusters, so just be sure to keep an eye out for these things. Should complete

them all if you're thorough enough as you explore.

I should stress that I put this list here for all those just coming up short

on completing the specific quest. You should finish all of these if you did

visit all the clusters and did light exploration on each planet. You never

need to comb every inch of a planet, but you should scan all the planets in

every cluster (keep an eye out for blinking asteroids in star systems too).

Matriarch Dilinaga's Writings


Here are enough to get you by.

Argus Rho

Phoenix System

Tuntau: Anomaly

Armstrong Nebula

Gagarin System

Junthor: Survey

Grissom System

Solcrum: Anomaly

Hong System

Matar: Survey

Gemini Sigma

Han System

Paravin: Survey

Hades Gamma

Antaeus System

Ploba: Survey

Cacus System

Chohe: Anomaly (3)

Plutus System

Nonuel: Anomaly

Horse Head Nebula

Pax System

Veles: Survey

Kepler Verge

Newton System

Klencory: Survey

Maroon Sea

Vostok System

Pataiton: Survey

Styx Theta

Archeron System

Altahe: Anomaly

Turian Insignias


Here are all the insignias.

Argos Rho Cluster

Hydra System

Metgos: Anomaly

Canrum: Survey

Armstrong Nebula

Vamshi System

Maji: Anomaly

Pregel: Survey

Artemis Tau Cluster

Athens System

Pharos: Survey

Hades Gamma Cluster

Antaeus System

Trebin: Anomaly 1

Dis System

Raysha: Survey

Hawking Eta Cluster

Century System

Presop: Anomaly

Horse Head Nebula Cluster

Fortuna System

Amaranthine: Anomaly

Maganlis: Survey

Strenuus System

Xawin: Anomaly 2

Kepler Verge Cluster

Newton System

Ontarom: Anomaly

Maroon Sea Cluster

Caspian System

Antida: Survey

Vostok System

Nodacrux: Anomaly

Voyager Cluster

Amazon System

Agebinium: Anomaly

Sybin: Survey

Signs of Battle


Here are where you find both sets of trinkets.

Altanorch: League of One Medallion

Benda: League of One Medallion

Gromar: League of One Medallion

Klensal: League of One Medallion

Nepmos: League of One Medallion

Rayingri: League of One Medallion

Syided: League of One Medallion

Tharopto: League of One Medallion

Yunthorl: League of One Medallion

Casbin: ID Tag

Edolus: ID Tag

Mavigon: ID Tag

Nepheron: ID Tag

Prothean Data Discs


Here are all the discs.

Attican Beta > Theseus > Sharring

Armstrong Nebula > Tereshkova > Antibaar

Hades Gamma > Farinata > Juntauma

Maroon Sea > Matano > Chasca

Styx Theta > Erebus > Wermani

Voyager > Yangtze > Alrumter

Voyager > Yangtze > Binthu



Here are all the minerals you can grab. But again, I think you should only

resort to this after you've done all the side quests and gotten as many of

the minerals as you think you could have grabbed. If you still come up short,

then use this list.

Argos Rho Cluster

Hydra System

Metgos - Heavy Metal (Merucy), Rare Element (Thorium)

Syba - Gas (Helium-3)

Phoenix System

Patashi - Rare Element (Samarium)

Vebinok - Light Metal (Cobalt)

Tuntau - Light Metal (Lithium), Heavy Metal (Mercury)

Armstrong Nebula

Gagarin System

Antirumgon - Light Metal (Cobalt)

Rayringri - Rare Element (Thorium), Rare Element (Polonium),

Light Metal (Titanium)

Grissom System

Rocky Asteroid - Rare Element (Polonium)

Solcrum - Light Metal (Magnesium), Rare Element (Thorium),

Rare Element (Uranium)

Zaherux - Light Metal (Beryllium)

Hong System

Treagir - Light Metal (Lithium)

Casbin - Heavy Metal (Gold), Rare Element (Samarium),

Rare Element (Uranium)

Tereshkova System

Patamalrus - Heavy Metal (Iridium)

Thegeuse - Heavy Metal (Mercury)

Antibaar - Light Metal (Magnesium), Light Metal (Lithium),

Heavy Metal (Mercury)

Vamshi System

Maji - Rare Element (Thorium), Light Metal (Beryllium),

Light Metal (Magnesium)

Artemis Tau Cluster

Athens System

Circe - Gas (Helium-3)

Proteus - Gas (Oxygen)

Knossos System

Metallic Asteroid - Heavy Metal (Platinum)

Archanes - Gas (Nitrogen)

Macedon System

Fargeluse - Gas (Xenon)

Metallic Asteroid - Light Metal (Titanium)

Sharjila - Rare Element (Thorium), Rare Element (Uranium),

Light Metal (Magnesium)

Sparta System

Alsages - Rare Element (Plutonium)

Edolus - Light Metal (Lithium), Heavy Metal (Palladium),

Rare Element (Polonium)

Ontamalca - Gas (Hydrogen)

Attican Beta

Hercules System

Eletania - Heavy Metal (Gold), Heavy Metal (Palladium)

Zatorus - Heavy Metal (Gold)

Theseus System

Quana - Light Metal (Cobalt)

Gemini Sigma

Ming System

Parag - Light Metal (Titanium)

Han System

Patatanlis - Light Metal (Beryllium)

Mavigon - Heavy Metal (Gold), Light Metal (Cobalt)

Hades Gamma Cluster

Antaeus System

Edmos - Gas (Hydrogen)

Vemal - Rare Element (Uranium)

Trebin - Rare Element (Plutonium), Rare Element (Uranium)

Cacus System

Chohe - Heavy Metal (Mercury), Rare Element(Plutonium)

Faringor - Rare Element (Polonium)

Zayarter - Heavy Metal (Mercury)

Dis System

Nearrum - Light Metal (Titanium)

Klensal - Heavy Metal (Platinum), Light Metal (Beryllium)

Metallic Asteroid - Light Metal (Lithium)

Farinata System

Rocky Asteroid - Light Metal (Magnesium)

Nepneu - Rare Element (Thorium)

Plutus System

Mingito - Rare Element (Uranium)

Clocrolis - Rare Element (Samarium)

Nonuel - Rare Element (Samarium), Light Metal (Titanium)

Hawking Eta Cluster

Century System

Metallic Asteroid - Heavy Metal (Palladium)

Canctra - Light Metal (Cobalt)

Presrop - Heavy Metal (Gold)

Horse Head Nebula

Fortuna System

Amaranthine - Heavy Metal (Iridium), Rare Element(Thorium),

Rare (Uranium)

Thermulon - Rare Element (Plutonium)

Strennus System

Antitarra - Gas (Helium-3)

Xawin - Heavy Metal (Iridium), Light Metal (Cobalt),

Heavy Metal (Palladium)

Kepler Verge

Newton System

Juncro - Gas (Hydrogen)

Ontarom - Heavy Metal (Gold), Heavy Metal (Palladium)

Maroon Sea Cluster

Caspian System

Clotanca - Heavy Metal (Iridium)

Farnuri - Heavy Metal (Gold)

Matano System

Chasca - Light Metal (Beryllium), Heavy Metal (Palladium),

Rare Element (Plutonium)

Supay - Light Metal (Magnesium)

Vostuk System

Metallic Asteroid - Heavy Metal (Palladium)

Nodacrux - Heavy Metal (Gold), Light Metal (Cobalt)

Styx Theta

Acheron System

Altahe - Rare Element (Samarium), Heavy Metal (Gold)

Grosalgen - Light Metal (Magnesium)

Erebus System

Nepmos - Rare Element (Uranium), Light Metal (Titanium),

Heavy Metal (Palladium)

Quaji - Heavy Metal (Platinum)

Voyager Cluster

Amazon System

Agebinium - Rare Element (Samarium), Light Metal (Magnesium)

Sonedma - Rare Element (Polonium)

Tremar - Gas (Nitrogen)

Columbia System

Nepheron - Light Metal (Beryllium), Rare Element (Thorium),

Light Metal (Beryllium)

Ontaheter - Rare Element (Samarium)

Yangtze System

Binthu - Rare Element (Uranium), Heavy Metal (Palladium)

Dregir - Light Metal (Beryllium)

Patajiri - Rare Element (Thorium)


Squad Member Quests S6Q6U6



Shepard's (you) Quests

Found: There are three possible, one to go with each of the pre service history

options while you are making your character; so you can only have one in a

single playthrough.

All take place on the Citadel, after you leave the Citadel and do at least one

of the main story missions.

Spacer - Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things

Visit a man named Zabaleta in the Wards Access area. He will tell you he knows

your mother and ask you for credits.

Then go to your ship and use the comm link (which is in the room behind the

map) to call your mother and get the story. She asks you to get him into the

VAO for treatment. So just go talk to him again, use your talent in persuasion

to convince him to go get help. That's it.

Earthborn - Old Friends

Meet with Finch outside Chora's Den. Then go talk with the guard in the bar.

You can resolve it as you wish, either getting the guy out or by keeping him


Colonist - I Remember Me

You get a call from a Lt. Girard that a girl from the raid on your homeworld

of Mindoir is getting hostile. Just go to Talitha, talk with her, keep taking

steps toward her, and after three steps you must give her the sedative, either

way will work.


Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon

Found: By Garrus if you've been talking to him between missions, and at least

before Virmire

Kepler Verge > Herschel > MSV Fedele

*Bring Garrus with you, duh!

Board the ship. Just some Husk types in the main room. Go into a side room

and choose how to resolve the doctor, but all paths lead to one end, it's just

how you wish to get there. Loot and then leave.


Wrex: Family Armor

Found: Wrex if you've been speaking between missions, and at least before


Argos Rho > Phoenix > Tuntau

*Take him with, Wrex that is, just because

Hidden Structure - Kill the three guarding the entrance, then go inside.

Have a good old fight in the big room. There is a room in the corner on this

ground level, then go up the ramp to find another room on the second level.

Both have tons of goodies and the top room has a safe that leads into the side

quest above.


Geth Activities > UNC: Geth Incursions (Tali and the Geth)

Found: ExoGeni building on Feros, in the room where you blow off the ship, and

the Tali part is just assumed

Armstrong Nebula > Gagarin > Rayingri

Outpost - Just drive up the mountain and go inside.

Some loot in the first room, then make your way to the big room. Fight some

Creepers, then go through the door on the other side to fight some more, but

that is when an ambush of Geth comes from behind you, so take cover and

don't forget to use your powers on the bigger ones.

*NOTE: I like to keep my scanner upgrades on all pistols for every team-mate.

That way when the radar is jammed I can just press RB, have one person hold

a handgun, and then the radar may not be jammed.*

Then check the two side rooms left in this building and then turn around and

go back outside. Fight the last ambush and you're done with this outpost.

Armstrong Nebula > Tereshkova > Antibaar

Outpost - Save before you get too close, and approach from the ground. You

have to take out the sniper positions on the perimeter while keeping the

Colossus down with you vehicle. Then it's just keep running into him over and

over and using the cannon fire. Then a second group is dropped by a ship. Fall

back if you're damaged and repair, possibly sit and let your shields charge.

Then finish off this group. Get back to the ship and off this crap planet


Armstrong Nebula > Hong > Casbin

Outpost - Swing around to this place from the signal, so from the north. There

should be a slope leading up to the camp. This slope is your safe place as you

can retreat to it and not take any damage. Just go to the outpost, kill the

snipers in the towers, and then a ship comes. The goal now is to destroy this

ship. If you fall back to the slope you should be able to park on it so that

you have a clear shot of the ship and you are out of the firing range of the

troopers. Just keep cannon fire and turret fire on the ship until it blows up.

Then you can kill the troops if you like. Then leave the planet, but don't miss

the mineral deposit to the south of this camp.

Armstrong Nebula > Vamshi > Maji

Outpost - You can approach from two ways: either from the ground up in which

you will take on some tough turrets up a trail, or stay higher on the mountain

and just head for the outpost ignoring the turrets. There is also a mineral

deposit near the trail.

Just a light outpost and a Colossus after you kill the snipers. Don't run him

over the edge if you can help it. If this is your final Geth outpost, you will

be updated for your next move.

Armstrong Nebula > Grissom > Solcrum

Geth Base - When on approach, come from as level of ground as you can, not a

leap from the tallest peak. Make a run and try to get the three snipers as you

knock the Colossuseses down, but retreat without finishing off the Colossi if

you need repairing. Then return and this time juggle both big mechs around and

use your cannons. Or you could stay in your first attack and just try to tackle

them one at a time using the base roof as a shield from the other. Sucks if you

get tangled up with one, which seems to happen easily, so don't run all up into


Enter the base, save, and then proceed. Use your friends as decoys if you wish,

then cover them with your overkill power, or whatever. Just some small and

large Geth in your way, but get the one on the balcony ASAP. Once that is done,

you're done. Loot the room in the corner for something related to another

quest. Upstairs is nothing, so you're done.


Tali and the Geth

Once you complete the Geth Incursions set of quests and have the data, just go

give it to Tali on the Normandy.



* 6. Clusters ( CLUS666 ) *


These are all the clusters and their planets. Remember, one landing mission

per system usually. And know that it goes: cluster > star system > planet.

Most planets are just there for reading, and others are survey-able.

I know most planets have way more on their maps than I cover, but to be

dead honest, I never went out of my way for any deposits and no other anomalies

turned out to be worth looking into.

Argos Rho X101

Armstrong Nebula X102

Artemis Tau X103

Attican Beta X104

Exodus Cluster X105

Gemini Sigma X106

Hades Gamma X107

Hawking Beta X108

Horse Head Nebula X109

Kepler Verge X110

Local Cluster X111

Maroon Sea X112

Pangaean Expanse X113

Sentry Omega X114

Serpent Nebula X115

Styx Theta X116

Voyager Cluster X117

I say save the cluster exploration for one big time, then never do it again.

*NOTE: There are like two planets that are incomplete. I'll get them, so you

don't need to worry.*


Argos Rho X101










Side Quest - UNC: Distress Call


Debris - crashed probe.

Anomaly - Turian insignia.

Transponder Signal - Just a trap by the Geth. Solves the Distress Call quest.






Survey for a Turian insignia



Gas giant






Survey for minerals






Side Quest - Wrex: Family Armor


Debris - eh.

Anomaly - Matriarch Dilinaga's writings.

Hidden Structure - Kill the three guarding the entrance, then go inside.

Have a good old fight in the big room. There is a room in the corner on this

ground level, then go up the ramp to find another room on the second level.

Both have tons of goodies and the top room has a safe that leads into the side

quest above.



Survey for minerals




Opens when you complete the Listening Post Alpha and Theta quests in the

Styx Theta cluster.










Unidentified Space Facility


Side Quest - UNC: Depot Sigma-23

Swing around the crates to the right corner; there is only a handful of

Rachni. Once you reach the few rooms at the front, use the computer in the

left room to hear some entries. Before you arm the bomb next to it, go raid

the room across the hall.

When ready, save, and then arm the bomb. Run back through the maze of crates,

with only some bomb bugs and one regular Rachni. Just pop the bugs as you run

back, probably grabbing items from the many crates along the way, and then be

sure to enter your ship in time. That's it.








Armstrong Nebula X102







Survey for Matriarch Dilinaga's Writings






Side Quest - UNC: Geth Incursions


Debris - Probe.

Anomaly - Medallion; also a mineral nearby.

Adandoned Camp - west of the outpost; you can't miss it.

Outpost - Just drive up the mountain and go inside.

Some loot in the first room, then make your way to the big room. Fight some

Creepers, then go through the door on the other side to fight some more, but

that is when an ambush of Geth comes from behind you, so take cover and

don't forget to use your powers on the bigger ones.

*NOTE: I like to keep my scanner upgrades on all pistols for every team-mate.

That way when the radar is jammed I can just press RB, have one person hold

a handgun, and then the radar may not be jammed.*

Then check the two side rooms left in this building and then turn around and

go back outside. Fight the last ambush and you're done with this outpost.






Survey for minerals






Side Quest - UNC: Geth Incursions


Debris - Your radar will be jammed if you haven't already taken out the Geth

outpost. This is just a probe found in a small crater on the ground.

Anomaly - Watch out for that Thresher Maw. Really sucks because of the

terrain. It's actually part of the wreckage spot near the ruins. Go to the

ruins and recover this Prothean Artifact.

*NOTE: Use cannon fire (RB) to kill the Maw.*

Outpost - Save before you get too close, and approach from the ground. You

have to take out the sniper positions on the perimeter while keeping the

Colossus down with you vehicle. Then it's just keep running into him over and

over and using the cannon fire. Then a second group is dropped by a ship. Fall

back if you're damaged and repair, possibly sit and let your shields charge.

Then finish off this group. Get back to the ship and off this crap planet




Survey for minerals






Survey for minerals















Side Quest - UNC: Geth Incursions


Debris - engine; stay on the green surfaces when climbing over mountain

Anomaly - ID tag

Anomalous Signal - Use cannons to take out turrets, then focus on the mobile


Outpost - Swing around to this place from the signal, so from the north. There

should be a slope leading up to the camp. This slope is your safe place as you

can retreat to it and not take any damage. Just go to the outpost, kill the

snipers in the towers, and then a ship comes. The goal now is to destroy this

ship. If you fall back to the slope you should be able to park on it so that

you have a clear shot of the ship and you are out of the firing range of the

troopers. Just keep cannon fire and turret fire on the ship until it blows up.

Then you can kill the troops if you like. Then leave the planet, but don't miss

the mineral deposit to the south of this camp.



Survey for Matriarch Dilinaga's Writings






Survey for minerals






Side Quest - UNC: Geth Incursions


Debris - just loot

Anomaly - Turian insignia, hard to locate, but it's there

Outpost - You can approach from two ways: either from the ground up in which

you will take on some tough turrets up a trail, or stay higher on the mountain

and just head for the outpost ignoring the turrets. There is also a mineral

deposit near the trail.

Just a light outpost and a Colossus after you kill the snipers. Don't run him

over the edge if you can help it. If this is your final Geth outpost, you will

be updated for your next move.



Survey for Turian insignia







Opens once you complete the outpost in the other four systems.



Survey for Medallion



Survey for minerals, and text worth reading



Also interesting text



A moon of Notanban, hence the strange noise when your cursor was on the planet.

Side Quest - UNC: Geth Incursions

Side Quest - Tali and the Geth


Debris - crashed probe

Anomaly - Matriarch Dilinaga's Writings

Geth Base - When on approach, come from as level of ground as you can, not a

leap from the tallest peak. Make a run and try to get the three snipers as you

knock the Colossuseses down, but retreat without finishing off the Colossi if

you need repairing. Then return and this time juggle both big mechs around and

use your cannons. Or you could stay in your first attack and just try to tackle

them one at a time using the base roof as a shield from the other. Sucks if you

get tangled up with one, which seems to happen easily, so don't run all up into


Enter the base, save, and then proceed. Use your friends as decoys if you wish,

then cover them with your overkill power, or whatever. Just some small and

large Geth in your way, but get the one on the balcony ASAP. Once that is done,

you're done. Loot the room in the corner for something related to another

quest. Upstairs is nothing, so you're done.


Artemis Tau Cluster X103







Side Quest - UNC: Missing Marines


Debris - A downed probe, so bring an electronics expert; may run into a

mineral deposit on the mountain range sorta along the way.

*NOTE: That you get a side quest where you must find numerous minerals.*

Anomaly - Mummified Salarian, just go pick up the name tag via minigame

*NOTE: You also get a side quest concerning these "dog tags" throughout.*

Distress Signal - You meet a Thresher Maw, which is a sandworm, just run

around and shoot, not getting too close; be sure to save before you get near

the spot.

At the Distress Signal is where you find the Missing Marines Admiral Kahoku

was talking about. After you kill the worm, go inspect the bodies and you're

done. You're not done with the quest, you must go to Citadel whenever and

inform Kahoku, although it would make much more sense to send him a text

message or something.

*NOTE: Use cannon fire (RB) to kill the Maw.*



Just a gas giant that you can survey toward your mineral count side quest.



Just a plantet to survey toward your mineral count side quest.



Just reading about the condition.



Just reading about the condition.






Just reading about the condition.

Therum: Surface


*NOTE: I brought Wrex and Tali with me.*

Nothing to do but go along the path. Once a ship flies overhead, kill the two

Armatures that drop (run them over for laughs and damage).

When you get near the refinery, check map, you will see three turrets in the

front, but you don't have to fight them; you can and if you dodge their

missiles you can beat them. Bring up the map and find a side path with just

one turret.

Within the walls of the enemy territory, run over guys, use exploding tanks,

and don't die. When the open area is secure, get out and locate about four

containers of loot around the sides. There are two gates, one by the turrets

you saw and one opening the path ahead. Don't open the turret gate unless you

want to get shot at, or if you want to fight them. Search both buildings by

this gate. Then go to the other gate and search the building on the left to

open the path.

Get back in the vehicle and get to rollin', and save, always save after you do

stuff. Along this path will be many Armatures in your way, so try to run them

into the lava, or go past them. Once you hit a more narrow path there will be

infantry and a Colossus. The big thing is almost not worth the large amount of

time and effort, but you may as well try. The only way to bring it down is

to constantly run through its legs, but don't stay parked under it or the game

could glitch up; just stay moving, keep chopping it down, and it'll die


Go through the tunnel, after saving, and kill two troops at the end. Swing

around the path and into another tunnel with two more troops inside. At the

end will be more little guys. Go to the end of the path with a narrow opening

between some rocks. Get out and proceed on foot.

Therum: Ruins


A fight in the rocky area as soon as you are on foot. Keep moving and then

another fight. In this one you have limited cover and there are snipers up

high. Just survive and advance as I always say.

Make your way up the trail and to the mining camp. A cutscene reveals an

attack squad of a good mix of Geth on the way. As soon as the scene is over,

bring up your powers menu and assign your friends and you to do something. Find

cover for all and then focus on the smaller enemies, Ghosts and Stalkers, then

take out the troopers. Save the Armature for last, where a good ammo choice and

the overkill power should do it in not too long of time.

Recover and use any points you may have earned. Then take the tunnel down to

the ruins proper. While a different map, still the ruins.

Two enemies at the bottom. Then go into the elevator down. A loot container

near the exit of the elevator, then move forward to run into some bots. Blow

them up and get in the next elevator.

Step off down the broken walkway and then turn toward the blue field to find

Liara. Then take the rest of the intact walkway down to the rock floor, and

fight the enemies along the way. There are three down here. Once they are

dead, go visit the tents. Find the control thing in the ground and enter this

code: AXBY.

Take the hole in the ground and press the button. Then go talk to Liara to get

things going.

At the top you will run into the Krogan. Use your powers to quickly take out

the troopers, then focus on the boss guy. That's all. Watch the cutscene.

The rest is main quest-related.



Just reading about the condition.



Just reading about the condition.



Just a gas giant that you can survey toward your mineral count side quest.






Just text to read.



Water world for survey.



Just text to read.



Gas giant.



Survey for Turian Insignia.






*NOTE: Bring a decryption expert.*

Side Quest - Asari Diplomacy


Debris - Just an escape pod with upgrades inside.

Stronghold - It's a pirate camp. The hardest part is the sniper towers around

the perimeter. All you gotta do is smash down the towers and then run over or

just shoot the pirates. Then go to the front of the building and enter through

the door.

In the base, go into the big room for a big fight. Post your squad up by the

window thing and then take cover in the dark area on the left. Kill the guys,

send your squad to kill the rest, and all is well. On the wall to the right of

the entrance door will be two containers. There is a room in the corner of this

area with four more loot spots.

Up the ramp will lead to a room with lots of goodies. Among them is info that

tells you you just killed an important person. This brings up a side quest

called Asari Diplomacy, which I guess was supposed to be picked up at another

time by the Asari at the Citadel. Or perhaps that's why you're here.

Anomaly - One of the writings for a side quest.



Find a beacon from someone. Part of the Asari Writings side quest.



Giant planet, but just text.



Gas giant.


Attican Beta X104










Survey for Medallion



Side Quest - UNC: Lost Module


Debris - a probe, but more interestingly is a "monkey" village to the north.

Mine - east of the debris, there is another monkey place by a mine entrance.

There are two rooms of monkeys and then two more in the corner of the big

room. My module was in the smaller room on the right. Geth to fight in the big

room on your way out. Anyway, just get out of the mine.

In hindsight, I seemed to have stumbled upon the solution to the module quest

without realizing it. You were supposed to go to the module, then I suppose

go investigate each monkey colony until the last one leads into the mines.

Anomaly - A very peculiar Prothean object. If you got the trinket from

the Asari Consort at the Citadel, use it now.

Recon Probe - This is not the same as the debris probe. You can search this

first if you want, but it doesn't matter. Just reter to the mine up above.

Prothian ruin - found if you go on the southwestern side of the map. If you

did the Asari Consort quest at the Citadel, and if you made nice with the Elcor

before you talked to Sha'ira, you should be able to use that trinket here.



Survey for minerals









Main Quest: ExoGeni/Thorian, refer to walkthrough



Survey for Prothean Data Disc



Survey for minerals



Text worth reading. I'm scared!


Exodus Cluster X105








Eden Prime


Main Quest: Eden Prime, just text to read



Text, matrix anyone?



Text, smells like teen spirit? Will it shoot itself in the head? Oh no, that's

terrible, just terrible.



Text, geez, what a boring system, and cluster


Asgard *NEW* ( CLUAS999 )


You only have this if you bought the downloadable content off Xbox Live. This

system is for the 'Bring Down the Sky' DLC only.

Asteroid X57


Land for the new mission. And you may want to save if you ever feel like

replaying this and don't want to work up a new game - just do it.


Transmission Tower - get up there and play the long mini game to see where

all the Survey Stations are.

*NOTE: These stations are involved in the "X57: Missing Engineers" sidequest.*

Survey Station 1 (SE corner) - body of C. Hymes and a voice message on the

computer. Also a crate at the front of the home.

Survey Station 2 (NW corner) - save before you go in, and wait to use the

aid station. After you read the logs, three drones attack, so look up. The

footprints let you know where the body of Montoya is.

Body of R. Montoya (east of SS2) - just examine for loot.

Body of T. Slajs (north of SS3) - it's called Vehicle Wreckage, and there is

just the body and a kit.

Survey Station 3 (SW corner) - body of G. Mendel, aid station, and a computer.

And don't miss the kit by a beacon thing for maybe a new toy.

X57 Radio (east of southern torch) - at the top of a mountain, and it only has

computer logs and an aid station.

Construction Site (NE corner) - just a computer log and aid station.

Explosives Cache (NE corner) - just a whole bunch of grenades, that's it.

*NOTE: All torches have Heavy Turrets guarding them. Just drive around like

crazy and try to connect direct cannon fire on them (RB). And just go in this

order of the torches, though I'm sure any order will lead to the same end.*

Fusion Torch South - You meet Batarian and Varren. Shotgun the Varren and get

them out of the way quickly, and keep your team behind cover, so you could

just stay in the entrance room and not go into the big room. After the dogs are

gone, blow up the tank in the big room across the doorway and then use long

range weapons to kill the enemies. Clear the room, check the corner room for

loot, and then go upstairs. In the control room you get loot and the computer

to shut down the torch, and if this is the first torch you came to, you will

meet Kate Bowman and some story is revealed. Then leave and you'll meet Simon

on your way out, and remember to investigate his topics. Be sure to save when


Fusion Torch East - Approaching from the canyon, there are just three turrets

to blast. You'll notice orange lights covering the perimeter of the base. You

can't take your Mako past this line, so don't try. If you want to enter the

base, approach from the back. You'll notice that there are blasting caps all

over the ground around the building, and you cannot get too close. If you are

approaching from the back, you should be able to squeeze between the caps on

the right, where one is up the slope. Just watch the gauge as it rises and

just inch forward until the gauge goes down. Once you're through the line,

then you just fight some Batarians to get inside, which is hard if you don't

have sniper support and watch out for their rockets; of course, entering from

the back helps.

*NOTE: Getting through the blast caps completes a side quest, for no real

reason at all.*

Turn off the caps before going inside. This base is full of rocket drones and

a few Batarians. After the battle, loot the place and use the computer upstairs

for a cutscene. Leave and head north.

Fusion Torch North - Mercifully, the third one is blast cap free. Just pick off

the turrets one by one and then go inside. It's just a straight up fight in

here. Wait for the Varren and then proceed. Then claim the loot and shut down

the torch. Come downstairs after and talk with Charn. I would advise a peaceful

solution, so choose the top answers and the "nice" ones until you see the

paragon/renegade choice, and those will end the chat without bloodshed. Leave

and head north to the Main Facility.

Main Facility - More turrets and some are moving, so aim carefully. After that,

save and go inside.

*NOTE: Good idea to save now, in case you want to see both endings with little


Grenades on the left as you enter and take time to admire the new look of the

place, because you won't see too many different looking places in this game.

Go into the big open room for a fight with Batarians and drones. Take the high

ground, proceed down the walkway, keep an eye out for enemies getting too

close, and then kill the last guy in a small container for a cutscene. You'll

get the choice between killing Balak or saving the hostages.

Fighting Balak could be very hard, especially if you are at a low level. You

will need to wait for the Varren to be freed from the field, kill them, then

take the walkway and swing around to the other side. Stay low and take out the

drones, then start picking off the bodyguards. You may want to move fast when

going for them and send your team as decoys. Then just send all you got after

the boss.

Saving the hostages is much easier. Just kill some drones and disarm three

bombs. One is in the lowest "pit" area in the center, and the other two are on

either side in the upper walkways.

The outcomes for either are greatly different, but only in appearance. You end

up with the same reward, Simon's Omni-Tool if you like, and the usuals for

winning the fight, as well as that achievement. Be sure to free the hostages

if you spared them, and that's it. Also, if you found the three bodies, be

sure to let him know.

Terra Nova


Text to read











Gemini Sigma X106


I'm a gemini. You too! No way! We should totally hang out and do stuff!







MSV Worthington


Side Quest - UNC: Lost Freighter

Floating near Antiroprus. Board if you dare.

Go inside this ship that is obviously not safe. Two crates in the first room,

and in the big room with the cells on the floor, blow them up first after you

walk near one and get scared. Nothing in here but one loot container in the


Then into the hallway with three doors. Go left first. Examine the life support

by the bed, then hack, and then play the logs.

In the room on the right is another log and a container.

Then the middle room for a lone log. That is when Julia strikes from behind.

All three of you should be able to kill her in like one second. Also, you may

turn off the machine if you want. Or whatever, it's not like anyone watches

news or pays attention to politics.



Survey for minerals



Survey for Medallion






Survey for Matriarch Dilinaga's Writings






Side Quest - UNC: Hostile Takeover


Debris - Just a probe; consider skipping if you don't like the weather, and

you shouldn't.

Anomaly - ID Tag.

Hideout - Approach and use the cannons to take out the three turrets. Park

next to the entrance and go in.

Like so many other research facilities. Go to big room, fight big fight, and

then rewards in two smaller rooms. Do the deed and exit. Just one more crime

boss to go if you're in for the side quest.



Text, short and sweet so read it



Survey for minerals


Hades Gamma X107










Survey for gas



Survey for Matriarch Dilinaga's Writings, and text worth reading



Side Quest - UNC: Missing Survey Team


Debris - A probe with people? Okay.

Anomaly 1 (east) - Turian insignia; but a Thresher Maw is in the flat area

nearby. You can swing around the border of the map, grab the prize, and then

speed off without fighting. Cannons if you do (RB).

Anomaly 2 (west) - A transmitter you can shut down. I would be wary of the many

patches of flat ground along the way from any side. I don't know if this world

is crawling with Maws, but I don't want to find out either.

Research Base - Just a place to stop by for some looting.

Excavation Site - Near the base. Go inside the cave, kill all the Husks in

the big room, then go to the corner for the doors to open, kill these Husks,

and then you're free to loot the place. That's all, exit and leave the planet.



Survey for minerals







An interesing system; very popular.



Survey for minerals, and readable text



Side Quest - UNC: Besieged Base


Debris - just a probe

Anomalous Signal - loot and THREE of Matriarch Dilinaga's Writings

Science Base - Just fight the enemies in the big room, avoiding the insane

people if you can. Then loot the place, that's all.






Survey for minerals, and interesting text



Text to read






Text worth looking at



Survey for minerals



Side Quest - UNC: Hostile Takeover


Debris - surprise, yet another probe!

Anomaly - Medallion

Crashed Pod - Near the Medallion, nothing in it

Sydicate Hideout - Go in and take out the crime guys, then loot the place



Text, very interesting



Survey for Turian Insignia







MSV Ontario


Side Quest - UNC: Hostage

Board it. Just kill the enemies in the cargo room. Then into the hallway and

through the door on the left. Have a chat, if your charm/intimidate options are

there you can resolve the matter peacefully. Loot and leave after that.



Survey for Protean Data Disc



Survey for minerals




The only time I got this planet's side quest was once I endorsed that guy

who was at a political rally at the Citadel.



Survey for minerals






Survey for minerals



Side Quest - UNC: Negotiation


Debris - Probe

Anomaly - Matriarch Dilinaga's Writings and loot

Warlord's Outpost - Enter and go into the center of the room to chat with the

insane Darius. You can be nice, but that's no fun! You could even play nice

all up until the "please" part, and then unload on him. Kill all the people

and then use the terminal in the top room after you clear the building to

open the exit door.

Report to Hackett at the map back on the Normandy and you're done.





Hawking Eta X108










Text, interesting



Moon of Klendagon

Side Quest - UNC: Major Kyle


Mining Camp - Near the start;

Debris - probe

Anomaly - Turian Insignia and a wrecked rover from the mining camp

Compound - Convince the gatekeeper to let you in with your personality,

peacefully if you don't mind. All to do in the compound is loot the place. Go

back out side and enter the science station nearby for Kyle.

In the station, just make your way to Kyle in one of the small rooms at the

end. Convince him to surrender and you can leave. I believe you need to be a

master in your personality trait of choice, otherwise it will be time to

throw hands. If you do convince him to leave, exit and return to the Normandy

to resolve quest.



Survey for minerals



Survey for Medallion


Horse Head Nebula X109







Survey for Turian Insignia



Survey for minerals



Side Quest - UNC: Hostile Takeover


Debris - probe

Anomaly - Turian Insignia

Engineering Outpost - Go inside and meet with Helena for the final leg of this

side quest so long as you've already handled the other bases. If you're a

master in charm or intimidate you can resolve this peacefully without a

scratch. Then you can loot the place and the one room upstairs. Then leave.












Main Quest - Noveria



Just text you morana!



Survey for Matriarch Dilinaga's Writings






Survey for Medallion



Gas giant






Side Quest - UNC: Privateers (must be done before Virmire)

Must scan the ship Majesty first, then you can land here.


Debris - crashed probe, fight a thresher to get it (not worth it)

Anomaly 1 (south) - near a mineral deposit

Anomaly 2 (middle) - Turian Insignia

Anomaly 3 (north) - Geth trap, if you want to walk into it

Adandoned Camp - reveals mineral deposits on map

Mercenary Camp - tough defenses outside of it; focus on people first since the

missiles are easy to dodge.

Inside, a pretty tough fight with snipers and Krogan. Be sure your team has

good cover. Then loot both rooms on both levels, and in the top room will

be a body with the item for the side quest. Just take it to Garoth in the

Citadel whenever, but before Virmire.

MSV Majesty


Found "west" of Xawin, scan to land on Xawin





Kepler Verge X110














MSV Fedele


Side Quest - Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon

*Bring Garrus with you, duh!

Board the ship. Just some Husk types in the main room. Go into a side room

and choose how to resolve the doctor, but all paths lead to one end, it's just

how you wish to get there. Loot and then leave.



Text, cool name FYI, I'll name my next cat Clobaka






Side Quest - UNC: Dead Scientists


Debris - another probe, yea

Anomaly - Turian Insignia, near a big colony

Underground Facility - Kill the guards outside and enter. Kill the first bad

guys in the big room. Enter the smaller room at the end. Chat, find out the

situation, and then resolve as you wish. Return to ship and talk with

Hackett (the transmission voice for UNC) and you're done.



Survey for Matriarch Dilinaga's Writings, then read the text



Gas giant





Local Cluster X111


You should know this place, it should be somewhat familiar, you must live on

at least one of these planets.






People actually live there!? Why? Sucks to be them...





Earth, the doomed planet, sucks to be them...



Side Quest - UNC: Rogue VI

The only place you get to land. This is earth's moon if you didn't realize.


Debris - a satellite

Alliance Training Ground - There are three bunkers here guarded by turrets.

Clear the turrets and enter any of the three. Fight the tough drones in each

big room and then smash 8 conduits in each bunker. Look for an access port

near one for a codex. That's it.



Read The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury, that's good reading



The planet that I believe would float in a giant bathtub





Ha ha, nobody sees uranus!





Good to see old Pluto again, at least he's still finding work after being

declared a "non-planet" by science nerds


Maroon Sea X112





MSV Cornucopia


Side Quest - UNC: Derelict Freighter

*Bring your shotgun, or your partner that uses one.

Board and go to the big room. You will have to find your way through this one-

way maze fighting Husks the whole way. Just survive the chaos and then through

the door on the other side. There are some spots where you can get on crates,

and be sure to go down the path on the right; the path on the left just has

two groups of Husks and a dead end. Both side rooms have loot and the cockpit

has a log to complete the quest.



Survey for minerals



Survey for minerals






Survey for Turian Insignia









Side Quest - UNC: Colony of the Dead


Debris - probe, stay on flat land to approach if you can help it

Anomaly - In a crate by a box, you get a Prothean Data Disc

Civilian Structures - Husks outside and inside, but just loot for your efforts;

it's good loot mind, you, but you don't have to get it.

Science Facility - Just another standard science facility with Husks. Clear it

and get to the end room where you will complete the quest and get a bunch of

goodies to take home.









Survey for minerals









Side Quest - UNC: ExoGeni Facility


*This planet wins worst terrain to traverse.

Debris - oh no, lookie here, another probe

Anomaly - Turian Insignia

Science Facility - Just kill the Creepers on your way to saving the scientists.

Resolve the situation as you wish, collect the three loot containers in here,

and the leave.

Metallic Astroid


"North" of Nodacrux; it will say "unknown" then you scan it and then survey

it for minerals






Survey for Matriarch Dilinaga's Writings


Pangaea Expanse X113










Main Quest - Ilos





Sentry Omega X114













Main Quest - Virmire, refer to walkthrough








Serpent Nebula X115







Main Quest - Citadel, that's it


Styx Theta X116










Side Quest - UNC: Listening Post Alpha

Side Quest - UNC: Listening Post Theta


Asari Capsule - Found along the way with one of Matriarch Dilinaga's Writings

Listening Post - Kill the Rachni that sprout from the holes around the

entrance, then go in. Fight the few bugs in here, nothing serious. Loot and

then use the two computers for more info. You will complete "Theta" and be

led into "Alpha" if you did this one first.



Survey for minerals









Side Quest - UNC: Listening Post Alpha

Side Quest - UNC: Listening Post Theta


Anomaly 1 (north) - just mining camp with a strange noise...

Anomaly 2 (west) - Medallion

Debris - probe, closed mine and minerals nearby

Listening Post - Go there, fight the Rachni you see, then go to the generator

in the middle and connect up the Mako engines to power up the turrets. If you

don't you'll be fighting wave after wave. Just post up and bunker in for

quite a long battle. I suggest using a strong sniper rifle, that helps. Talk

with Durand afterward.

Disconnect the Mako and head out to complete Alpha. Yes, that closed mine near

the anomaly will be open. That is the place you need to go and clear out all

the Rachni. Fight in the main room, but all you need to do is clear out the

Brood Warriors in the two smaller rooms in the corner.



Survey for minerals



Survey for Prothean Data Disc





Voyager Cluster X117







Side Quest - UNC: Espionage Probe


Debris - probe

Anomaly - Turian Insignia

Homing Beacon - Just make your way to the mine and go inside. Run to the only

open room and talk with the thing. After that you have ten seconds to disable

three points on the bomb before you. They are slow and tricky presses, but

so long as you're patient you will get them easily. Then just run back out and

into the other room for the exit.

The Haliat camp is down the slope near where you emerge. Just snipe them or

go run and gun, either way. Once everyone is dead you are free to leave.






Survey for minerals



Survey for Turian Insignia



Gas giant









Side Quest - UNC: Cerberus


Debris - probe

Anomaly - Prothean Data Disc on the pyramid

Research Facilities - All three are guarded by turrets. All three have the

same setup of one room with a shielded area that you must deactivate. I just

turned it off and started blasting, worked well enough. In one you find your

friend. That concludes this quest and begins another that leads to the next,

newly opened system in this cluster.



Survey for minerals



Survey for Prothean Data Disc



Survey for minerals









Side Quest - UNC: Hades' Dogs


Debris - probe, big whoop

Anomaly - ID Tag

Underground Facility - Kill the guards outside and enter. More killing and

then the two rooms at the end of the base. One has loot and the other has a

terminal that ends this quest line for good.

Sorta an epilogue, you can sell the info to the Shadow Broker for money when

you use the map and get the transmission.



Survey for minerals



Survey for Medallion


* 7. Bring Down the Sky ( BDTS777 ) *


Bring Down the Sky Walkthrough

*NOTE: You could also go here: CLUAS999 to find the jist of all this in my

Clusters section of the guide, and it's above this section.*

Pre-Play Requirements


Well, after you've bought this for 400 Microsoft Points from XBox Live, you'll

need to have a game already in progress. Sadly, you must be a Spectre, have

full control of the Normandy, and not be in the last act of the game. Any

point while still chasing down Saren and while you have the ship is a good

time to get on with this new mission.

If not, then yes, you'll need to start a new game. You can try a combination

of class and background you haven't, if possible, or you can load up a previous

character to have a head start.

Getting Started


Just go to the Galaxy Map and locate the Exodus Cluster and notice the Asteroid

X57 name on it. Go to Asgard, look at the the planets, and then land on the


Side Stuff


Before you tackle the main portion of this content, let's go exploring the

whole rock. Go to the tower first and then to each station, which essentially

means start in one corner and go to all other corners.

Transmission Tower - get up there and play the long mini game to see where

all the Survey Stations are.

*NOTE: These stations are involved in the "X57: Missing Engineers" sidequest.*

Survey Station 1 (SE corner) - body of C. Hymes and a voice message on the

computer. Also a crate at the front of the home.

Survey Station 2 (NW corner) - save before you go in, and wait to use the

aid station. After you read the logs, three drones attack, so look up. The

footprints let you know where the body of Montoya is.

Body of R. Montoya (east of SS2) - just examine for loot.

Body of T. Slajs (north of SS3) - it's called Vehicle Wreckage, and there is

just the body and a kit.

Survey Station 3 (SW corner) - body of G. Mendel, aid station, and a computer.

And don't miss the kit by a beacon thing for maybe a new toy.

*NOTE: These next three are just there to be there, no real reason to seek

them out, but they are there.*

X57 Radio (east of southern torch) - at the top of a mountain, and it only has

computer logs and an aid station.

Construction Site (NE corner) - just a computer log and aid station.

Explosives Cache (NE corner) - just a whole bunch of grenades, that's it.

Main Content


Now we will take on the main portion of this content in one big swoop. Start

at the southern torch just so we're on the same page.

*NOTE: All torches have Heavy Turrets guarding them. Just drive around like

crazy and try to connect direct cannon fire on them (RB). And just go in this

order of the torches, though I'm sure any order will lead to the same end.*

Fusion Torch South - You meet Batarian and Varren. Shotgun the Varren and get

them out of the way quickly, and keep your team behind cover, so you could

just stay in the entrance room and not go into the big room. After the dogs are

gone, blow up the tank in the big room across the doorway and then use long

range weapons to kill the enemies. Clear the room, check the corner room for

loot, and then go upstairs. In the control room you get loot and the computer

to shut down the torch, and if this is the first torch you came to, you will

meet Kate Bowman and some story is revealed. Then leave and you'll meet Simon

on your way out; remember to investigate his topics. Be sure to save when


Fusion Torch East - Approaching from the canyon, there are just three turrets

to blast. You'll notice orange lights covering the perimeter of the base. You

can't take your Mako past this line, so don't try. If you want to enter the

base, approach from the back. You'll notice that there are blasting caps all

over the ground around the building, and you cannot get too close. If you are

approaching from the back, you should be able to squeeze between the caps on

the right, where one is up the slope. Just watch the gauge as it rises and

just inch forward until the gauge goes down. Once you're through the line,

then you just fight some Batarians to get inside, which is hard if you don't

have sniper support and watch out for their rockets; of course, entering from

the back helps.

*NOTE: Getting through the blast caps completes a side quest, for no real

reason at all.*

Turn off the caps before going inside. This base is full of rocket drones and

a few Batarians. After the battle, loot the place and use the computer upstairs

for a cutscene. Leave and head north.

Fusion Torch North - Mercifully, the third one is blast cap free. Just pick off

the turrets one by one and then go inside. It's just a straight up fight in

here. Wait for the Varren and then proceed. Then claim the loot and shut down

the torch. Come downstairs after and talk with Charn. I would advise a peaceful

solution, so choose the top answers and the "nice" ones until you see the

paragon/renegade choice, and those will end the chat without bloodshed. Leave

and head north to the Main Facility.

Main Facility - More turrets and some are moving, so aim carefully. After that,

save and go inside.

*NOTE: Good idea to save now, in case you want to see both endings with little


Grenades on the left as you enter and take time to admire the new look of the

place, because you won't see too many different looking places in this game.

Go into the big open room for a fight with Batarians and drones. Take the high

ground, proceed down the walkway, keep an eye out for enemies getting too

close, and then kill the last guy in a small container for a cutscene. You'll

get the choice between killing Balak or saving the hostages.

Fighting Balak could be very hard, especially if you are at a low level. You

will need to wait for the Varren to be freed from the field, kill them, then

take the walkway and swing around to the other side. Stay low and take out the

drones, then start picking off the bodyguards. You may want to move fast when

going for them and send your team as decoys. Then just send all you got after

the boss.

Saving the hostages is much easier. Just kill some drones and disarm three

bombs. One is in the lowest "pit" area in the center, and the other two are on

either side in the upper walkways.

The outcomes for either are greatly different, but only in appearance. You end

up with the same reward, Simon's Omni-Tool if you like, and the usuals for

winning the fight, as well as that achievement. Be sure to free the hostages

if you spared them, and that's it. Also, if you found the three bodies, be

sure to let him know.



Eh, I've spent $5 on worst. Didn't care for the side stuff, and the vast

majority of this "90 minutes of gameplay" is just more of the same side quest

stuff from the main game. This is not something for the casual gamer, but

people that liked Mass Effect probably need to try this out. Though, you'll

sleep well if you don't.

If you made a save just to play this thing, and unless you really love your

character and want to see he or she go all the way (woa baby!), then you should

probably leave this character as is. The reason, maybe more DLC will come out

for this game, so it doesn't hurt to be ready. Just get on the Normandy, save,

and wait. Or do whatever, I don't care.


* 8. Author Info / Copyright *




Mass Effect Wiki - for lots of cross-checking



Please contact me if you need any help, if you want to praise me, if you want

to talk, or if you want to ask a question.

***Please have 'Mass Effect' in the title. Or anything to show it's not


My email:

Extra points for good spelling, and the easier the question is to answer, the

more likely I'll reply.



I have other guides floating around too. They are:

Resident Evil 4

Dead Rising

Gears of War

Lost Planet



Rainbow Six Vegas

TES IV: Oblivion

Shivering Isles

Knights of the Nine

The Darkness


Halo 3

Half-Life 2

HL2: Episode One

HL2: Episode Two

Call of Duty 4

Assassin's Creed

Advance Wars: Days of Ruin

Perseus Mandate

Sam & Max Episode 203

Devil May Cry 4

God of War: Chains of Olympus

Rainbow Six Vegas 2




I've also been published in GamePro magazine, June 2007. Pretty cool if you ask

me, and all because I write these little guides.

Also, I am in the October issue as well, which should be out at the time of

this guide's release. At least I ain't a one hit wonder.

In a nice surprise, I didn't even know I was in the March 2008 issue of

GamePro, but I am. Maybe I'll be in more I don't know about...

Look to for a slew of other articles written by me in the

featured article section.



Here is my list of sites:

GameFAQs (main host site)








CheatCodeCentral (

GamersTemple (

and more here and there, too many to keep up with

and even a few foreign ones too!

*NOTE: There are many more with single guides, and then others with a few, and

some that I just don't keep track of.*

All other sites must ask permission if they want this. All I ask is that the

guide be ad-free and in this text format.



Here is my website: (just as it's written here)

You'll find all my other guides here too and perhaps something else you may

like. It's just a small site, so don't expect much.





This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,

private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed

publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web

site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation

of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their

respective trademark and copyright holders.

Copyright 2008 Brad Russell

Upcoming Releases
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.
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Damnview: Built From Nothing is a simulation sandbox game about occidental culture and its different social classes. Immerse yourself into a decadent urban sprawl, all while working precarious jobs where you will either be absorbed into the system, or cast out of society’s machine. Damnview: Built From Nothing is a game about despair, the hostility of capitalism, and the need…
Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator video game for Microsoft Windows. Star Citizen will consist of two main components: first person space combat and trading in a massively multiplayer persistent universe and customizable private servers (known as Star Citizen), and a branching single-player game (known as Squadron 42). The game will also feature VR support.
With a new Snapdragon processor comes a new REDMAGIC 10 Pro phone incorporating it. For those gamers or power users…