Briefing for a descent into Hell… Review

Briefing for a descent into Hell…

This review doesn’t matter. There were 1.5 million pre-orders for Diablo

even before it went gold. In its first day in the stores, it sold about

250,000 copies off the shelf. It’s already a smash hit and it doesn’t need any

good reviews for that. Mostly, all this review can do is either validate or

rebuke the decision of the millions who have bought the game. Chances are if

you are reading this you’re wondering if GR thinks that you made the right choice

in buying Diablo 2…and most likely sinking hundreds of hours into it

in the two weeks it has been out.[image1]

To familiarize all three people who never played the original Diablo,

Diablo 2 is a hybrid arcade RPG. Played from a 2D isometric perspective,

Diablo 2 boils down to a lot of clicking to whack or cast spells, a lot

of killing things by aforementioned whacking and casting, and collecting lots

and lots of weapons, armor, and other assorted stuff while leveling up and developing

your character. It’s uncomplicated, straightforward, visceral fun that is much

more entertaining in practice than description. It’s one of those games that

you sit down and play for six hours, thinking you’re only taking a 30-minute


The original Diablo followed the exploits of a hero who returned to

his hometown of Tristram to find it ravaged by the forces of hell. At the heart

of this was Diablo, the Lord of Terror, who was holed up in a massive labyrinth

beneath the town cathedral. As it turned out, Diablo was contained in a spike-shaped

‘Soulstone” that was thrust into the forehead of a small boy, allowing Diablo

to possess him and take corporeal form. After killing the scaly critter, our

hero thrust the Soulstone into his own forehead, assuming that the ordeal was

enough preparation to contain Diablo. He was wrong.

In Diablo 2 you play as a new warrior, either as an Amazon, Barbarian,

Necromancer, Paladin, or Sorceress. You must stop “the wanderer,” the former

warrior with a Soulstone stuck in his head, from loosing hell on earth. Conveniently,

his path covers mountain, desert, jungle, something resembling outer space,

and hell itself. All manner of hellspawn is left in the Wanderer’s wake for

you to deal with, thereby making a game of it.

Diablo 2 is a much larger game than the original. It’s broken down

into four acts, each one taking place in a new locale. Act 1 takes place near

Tristram, in the mountain country. Act 2 takes place in the desert near a port

called Lut Gholien. Act 3 takes place in the jungles surrounding the ancient

city of Kurast, and Act 4 takes place in Hell itself. Each act (aside from the

last one) is easily the size of the original Diablo and contains about

twice as many items and monsters.

[image2]Blizzard made

claims of there being hundreds of thousands of weapons and items in Diablo

and they weren’t kidding. Between regular, magical, rare, unique, and

set items (varying levels of rarity and exoticness), there are enough things

to preoccupy any in-game collector for years. Much of the draw of Diablo

lies in finding new items and their uses. In many ways it’s a very capitalistic

game of accumulation, trading and power. Very American… err… very good.

To show off all of this combat and collection, Blizzard created a new engine.

Although bearing a strong resemblance to the original, there is no loading between

levels, world size is greatly increased, graphics are no longer tile-based and

there is optional use of 3D accelerators. With a 3D card, lighting effects are

added and great use is made of a technique called “Paralaxing,” which moves

2D bitmaps in relation to each other to create the illusion of perspective.

You can “see around” rocks if you move from side to side or up and down – a

3D feel in 2 dimensions.

The artwork behind all of this is first rate. Backgrounds, monsters, spells,

deaths – everything is lusciously rendered in high detail and with great imagination.

Blizzard has created a vibrant set of locales for Diablo 2 to call its


However, the graphics are somewhat hobbled by the biggest problem with the

game. Basically, Diablo 2 was designed first and foresmost with the online component in mind. On (Blizzard’s free internet gaming

service) you can play cooperatively with others. The single player and multiplayer

are so similar that if you were to sign on to, create a “1 player

server” and play, you would practically be playing the exact same game as single

player. [image3]

In order to make everything fair, Blizzard locked the resolution at 640×480

so that everyone would have the same viewing distance on screen. It also means

that the save system in multiplayer (you save when you exit the game; if you

die you have to go back and get your corpse, which can be expensive and frustrating)

is there in single player as well.

While this makes perfect sense for multiplayer, there is no good reason they

couldn’t have altered it for single player in which inter-player fairness is

a non-issue. Blizzard forgot, I suppose, that you can make a game that has it

both ways, great single player and multi player in which neither mode has to

dominate. For a game that was in development for 4 years, such an omission is


Still, there are more improvements than problems with the game system. Spells

are slaved to each level instead of finding a spell book. Enemy behavior is

more creative than before. Generally, things actually feel a lot more streamlined

than Diablo. Also, the rest of the production values are top flight.

Sound and voice is great, and the cinematics are the best in gaming so far.

So, did you do good in buying the game? Sure, it’s a fun game. It’s engrossing,

large, and extremely entertaining. Even if the single player has problems and

there are a few bugs, the multiplayer (excluding poor performance

due to the deluge of players) is great stuff. But you can’t help shake the fact

that it’s so similar to Diablo. It’s really not that different and it

doesn’t show us anything new like its forbearer did. Beyond that, there’s a

feeling that sinks in after awhile that Diablo was more direct, more

enveloping, more focused than Diablo 2.

While this sequel proceeds from the mantra of bigger being better, you can’t

help but sense that something was lost by the wayside and that Blizzard, being

the stellar developer that they are, should try harder for innovative games.

We already know they can do solid games as well or better than the rest, but

how about something that shakes up the industry instead of something so dependable

that it’s a Top Ten hit before it’s even finished? That’s the GR briefing, at

least. You can get back to perpetrating the genocide of evil now.


  • Lots of fun
  • Big, bigger, and biggest
  • Strong multiplayer
  • Streamlined interface and gameplay
  • Multiplayer concessions in Single Player
  • Not very new, basically the same thing


Upcoming Releases
Lots of fun Big, bigger, and biggest Strong multiplayer Streamlined interface and gameplay Multiplayer concessions in Single Player Not very new, basically the same thing
Lots of fun Big, bigger, and biggest Strong multiplayer Streamlined interface and gameplay Multiplayer concessions in Single Player Not very new, basically the same thing
Lots of fun Big, bigger, and biggest Strong multiplayer Streamlined interface and gameplay Multiplayer concessions in Single Player Not very new, basically the same thing