Final Fantasy VII Walkthrough Part 2

The following is Part II of the Final Fantasy VII FAQ/Walkthrough.

Final Fantasy VII FAQ/Walkthrough cont...




8 .    S  E  C  R  E  T  S      A  N  D      C  O  D  E  S




  8 . 1      g e t t i n g   y u f f i e   k i s a r a g i


You can get Yuffie in your party during any disc.  If you're in Disc 1

and are riding around in the Buggy, that will work, too.  The two

places that she appears most often are the forests beyond the Gold

Saucer (in the Gongaga Area), and most forests in the Junon Area.

After a few battles, you'll fight Yuffie (seems to be a 1 in 15 chance,

if you ask me).


BOSS TIPS: MEI NO NINJA       LV: 37  HP: 1950  MP: 280

Just attack, really.  The Summon Materia 'Titan' works well.  Yuffie can

do all kinds of cool attacks during this time, but not once she joins

you!  Yuffie's level, HP and MP vary depending on what level your

characters are at.


When the battle ends, you'll be in a plain with Yuffie lying nearby.

There's also a Save Point here.  However, if you touch the Save Point,

then go to your menu screen to save, Yuffie escapes and steals 200 gil!

Don't worry, you can meet her again.  You'll have to talk to her several

times to get her to join.  As she and you converse, she'll ask you

several questions, and you can reply in two ways.  To get her to join,

respond like this:

  Bottom answer, Top answer, Bottom answer, Top answer, Bottom answer

Put another way, respond using the second reply, then the first reply,

then the second reply... and so on.  After that, you can name her, and

she'll hook up with Cloud and the rest of the gang.  Note that if you

choose the top answer for the last question she asks, you can name her,

but she'll steal 700 gil from you and run away.  You'll have to repeat

the whole process if you want to get her in your party.



  8 . 2      g e t t i n g   v i n c e n t   v a l e n t i n e


The second 'optional' (or hidden) character in the game, Vincent can

also join your party during any disc.  You'll need the gold key from the

safe in Nivelheim's Shinra Mansion (see below if you don't know how to

open it).  Go down to the pink cavern leading to Sephiroth's library

(it's in the Shinra Mansion, the entrance is in the stone wall in the

eastern wing).

Remember the door to the crypt you couldn't get through?  You can now

enter it.  Stand at the foot of the purple coffin and hit O.  The lid

will fly off and Vincent will talk to you.  Choose the bottom reply when

he asks you a question.  When the coffin closes, press O again.  Choose

the second (bottom) reply when Vincent poses another question, and you

can name him.  Then, try to leave the cavern and he'll join you.  Vincent

can join you from the first time you reach Nivelheim onwards (but not

during Cloud's flashback).



  8 . 3      t h e   s a f e   i n   n i v e l h e i m


What most people forget when trying to open the safe is that it's just

like a real combination you have to go in more than one

direction when inputting the numbers.  Furthermore, unless you're

fast enough, you'll run out of time if you try any other combination.

The code is:

        RIGHT TO 36, LEFT TO 10, RIGHT TO 59, RIGHT TO 97

This means that you hold right and scroll through the numbers, then

hold left until you reach 10, then hold right for the last two numbers.

Don't forget to press O to verify each entry.  When the safe opens, a

Summon Materia (Odin) pops out, and you are assaulted by a big goon

(how'd he fit into that little safe?)


BOSS TIPS: ROSUTONANBAA            LV: 35  HP: 7000  MP: 300

This boss can be taken out just by attacking and using Limit Breaks.

Magic spells (Fire, Cold, Lighting) that are at level 2 are also

okay to use.  Heal yourself and use Summon Materia (like 'Sumon Chocobo

and Moogle', and you'll win in no time.  Aside from physical attacks,

all this guy can really do is use a Lightning 2 spell on you, but it only

does 400-500 points of damage to one character, so it's nothing to

worry about.  Rarely, he does a double-fisted hammer punch to one

character that averages 2200 points of damage, though, so pack in some

Phoenix Downs before trying to tackle him.  If you blow off his red

half (the one that uses magic) his physical attacks become more

aggressive, so keep your HP Plus.  Likewise, if his purple half is

destroyed first, the Lost Number will use more mid-level spells, like

Quake 2, against your party.  It is possible to kill this boss without

either part of it dying (by stunning it using the 'Summon Chocobo and

Moogle' spell).


Not only do you get an item from the boss once you beat it (it's the

manual for Red 13's Level 4 Limit Break, the Cosmo Memory), but there's

also a gold key lying in the safe that you can grab (Chi x x no Key).

Don't forget to take the Red Materia!  Apparently, there's a paper in

the lower room in the right wing of the mansion that hints at the correct

combination for the safe, but someone like me can't read it :(  Once

you've read the paper, you can find hints throughout the house (by the

piano, next to the chair in the bedroom, etc.)  Refer to the Disc One

Walkthrough for more information.

Did the code still not work?  Remember, the safe's lock is LIKE A REAL

COMBINATION LOCK.  So, when you're turning to 36, you can either land

on it or creep up to it, but you can't hit 37 and go back.  This

applies to the rest of the digits, too; you can't go farther than the

number you want.  If you do (i.e. you go to 09 when trying to get to

10), you'll have to start all over again.



  8 . 4      t h e   s l e e p i n g   m a n


Get over 100 wins by fighting battles.  To see how many wins you have,

get in the Highwind or ride a Green, Blue, Black, or Gold Chocobo

ever so slightly south and a little ways to the east of Midgar City,

where you'll find a cave surrounded by mountains with a river nearby.

Inside the cave is a sleeping fellow who (usually) tells you how many

wins you've gotten so far.  Not only do you need to have over 100 wins,

but the last two digits have to be the same (100, 111, 255, 733, etc.)

When you have the correct number of victories, talk to the sleeping

man.  He'll toss and turn, then give you an item (Mythril).  Next,

go to the house on the penninsula near the Gold Saucer (you should

recognize it since it's full of weapons inside).  Talk to the man in

the house, and when he gives you a choice, pick the top option.

You'll lose the Mythril, but you now have the choice of opening the

long wooden chest by the bed to get a Gold Armlet, or examining the

metal lid on the upper floor at the end of the walkway to get the

manual for Aeris's Level 4 Limit Break.

It's probable that you can do this with less than 100 wins, but I'm

not certain of that.  Someone want to verify it for me?



  8 . 5      p i a n o   t r i c k


Go to Nivelheim (the town by the pointed mountains on the Western

Continent).  Enter Tifa's house (the second building on the right side)

and head upstairs to where her piano is.  Choose the bottom option,

then the bottom option again to play it (you can't use the top option

if you want the manual).  Then, press:

        X, S, T, L1+T, L1+S, X, S, T, L1+X, O, X, S, X


        D, L, U, L1+T, L1+S, D, L, U, L1+X, R, D, L, D

 * You can also use a combination of buttons and direction presses.

I'd like to stress that as far as I can determine, the result of

playing the piano is random.  Sometimes, nothing happens, other times,

you'll find 1 gil, and other times, you'll find Tifa's Level 4 Limit

Break Manual (keep reading).  I'd also like to state that I've gotten

her manual _without_ having Tifa in my party.  I'm not sure how I did

it, but I have a save file that proves it (see? see!)  I thought I did

it by playing the melody once, exiting out, playing it again, exiting

out again, and then getting back on the piano and pressing L1+T.

But, the way that you're _supposed_ to do it is to stick Tifa in your

party, go to the piano, play it once using the 'button only' method,

and she'll eventually find a letter from her master, Zangan (the caped

guy you saw during the first Nivelheim flashback).  Tifa will get the

Final Heaven Limit Break Manual after reading his letter.



  8 . 6      k e y   t o   m i d g a r   c i t y   ( s e c t o r   5

             k e y )


  First talk to the man standing by the doors back at

Midgar City.  He won't appear until after you've gotten the Highwind

and rescued Cloud from Mideel Village.  Talk to him, then return to the

excavator's village on the Northern Continent.  Chat with the man by the

door and pick the first option, then the second or third option.  While

you could place diggers and hunt for the Key yourself, if you want to

cheat, go over to the destroyed plane atop the dinosaur's skull.  See

the one excavtor near the bottom of the screen?  Near him is a tiny

piece of metal sticking outwards; position yourself underneath it and

press up so that your character is looking forward, then dig.

You can use the Key to enter the locked gates near Area 7 and look

around Midgar City.  If you go into the church where you met Aeris,

you can see her bending over the flowers; she'll flicker and disappear

after a second.  There's not a lot to do here, but if you go back to

the Wall Market and go to the 'ITEM' building with the machine gun

inside it, you can get Tifa's Ultimate Weapon by examining the computer

before the gun fires upon you (you don't need Tifa to get the item).

Also, remember the man in the gun shop that you bought the Battery

from to reach the Shinra Building back in Disc 1?  The man in the left

side of the shop will sell you an accessory (Sneak Glove) for

129,000 gil this time around.



  8 . 7      t u r t l e s '   p a r a d i s e   f l y e r s


There are six of these flyers scattered throughout the world.  You can

find them in the following locations:

Flyer No. 1:  Midgar City...the town next to Aeris' house.  Go to

              the second floor of the southeastern building and look

              at the papers taped to the wall by the stairwell.

Flyer No. 2:  Shinra HQ...on the first floor, check out the board with

              the papers on it near the elevators.  The only time you

              can read this flyer is at the beginning of the game or

              when you raid Midgar in Disc 2.

Flyer No. 3:  Gold Saucer...go to the Ghost Square and enter the hotel.

              Read the sign that says 'SHOP' next to the shop entrance.

Flyer No. 4:  Cosmo Canyon...check the left wood post of the Tigerlily

              Arms Shop.

Flyer No. 5:  Cosmo Canyon...the gold paper by the door on the second

              floor of the inn (the entrance is behind some hanging

              cloth near the bonfire).

Flyer No. 6:  Utai...the bottom floor of Yuffie's house; it's the wall

              scroll to the right of the doorway.  You can't get there

              unless you've done the sub-quest (refer to the 'Bonus

              Areas' section).

You don't have to find the flyers (they look like pieces of paper) in

order.  Whenever you have read all six of them, go to the restaurant

in Wutai (the large building in the southwestern corner of town).  Talk

to the barkeep and you'll get a Power Source, Guard Source, Magic Source,

Mind Source, Speed Source, Luck Source, and a Mega Elixir.



 8 . 8      a l l   7   f e v e r


As easy as this trick sounds, it's harder to perform than you might

think.  One of your characters has to have a current HP of 7777 (or a

maximum and a current HP of 7777...I'm not sure yet).  This can be done

by getting injured, equipping materia, or raising levels.  When that

particular character enters a battle, the message 'Ooru 7 Fiibaa' (All 7

Fever) will appear.  It will show up every time the 'fevered' character

attacks, too.

During this time, the person affected by the 'All 7 Fever' will make one

_normal_ attack against each enemy when their Time Bar is filled, even if

you have materia such as Slice Everybody or Mega All

equipped.  However, assuming they don't miss, that person will always

strike for 7777 damage, even if an enemy has special defenses.

Furthermore, that person behaves as if he/she was berzerked (i.e. you

can't select commands for them since they will do nothing but attack),

and can take no other action (even if you're wearing a Counter Attack

materia).  They can still lose HP or be affected by enemy abilties/magic/


There are two major drawbacks to this trick; your current HP drops to 1

point after the battle (it can be healed by normal means), and you can't

repeat the trick unless you have 7777 HP exactly.  Since I think your

maximum HP has to be 7777 too, this means that you can't repeat that

trick once you raise a level, since you will gain HP and it will affect

the amount of HP a materia is adding/taking away from your 'real' total.

This means that the only way to permanently keep this trick is to get

really good at using materia orbs to customize your character's life,

or by killing that character before the end of the battle so that they

don't gain experience ^_^;



  8 . 9      f m v   v i e w i n g   t r i c k


All you FF7 owners out there should try this!  Go to any point in the

game with an FMV sequence (such as starting a new game--the part where

Cloud runs up to the Makoro furnace).  Open your PSX and put in another

disc.  When you continue playing (the game won't crash) the FMV sequence

will be replaced with one from the disc!  (Using the last example, put

in Disc 3 and you'll see the sequence with the stone pillars rising from

the center of the last level; it's the same bit you see after killing

Jenova Synthesis before fighting Sephiroth for the last time.)

What's really weird is that you can keep playing the game with another

disc in your system!  I beat the whole first part of the game and the CD

would load up the various levels!  I don't know for sure, but I guess

that means that the ENTIRE game is written on each disc (barring the FMV,

obviously)!  If you want to verify this, try starting up a save file from

disc 3 and replace it with, say, the first disc.  You can do the

submarine/snowboard sequences, or go to any place you couldn't go to in

the first disc--and all the data loads up!

Going back to the trick, though, you can try this anywhere, and you

usually get cool results.  For instance, near the end of Disc 2, the

Weapon monster rises up from the sea and attacks Midgar City--and gets

decapitated by the Mako Cannon.  I switched to the first disc before

viewing the FMV and saw parts of the intro, and some parts from the

FMV during/after Aeris's death!  If you're fast, try switching the

discs during the opening FMV when you start a new game; with Disc 2

inserted, it showed some more FMV of Aeris (this is when you return

with Buugen Haagen to the Ancient City).

Even stranger is the fact that you can still see text/graphics over the

FMV in some cases, such as Cloud and the Avalanche member running

offscreen just after the furnace explodes near the start of the first

disc, or Cid talking to Cloud on his phone during the part where the

Weapon attacks Midgar City (of course, this is over the FMV from the

disc you've chosen).  And as I mentioned before, you can play normally

after the FMV is over, even with the other disc in your PSX!

In earlier versions of this FAQ, I said that there was 'hidden' FMV of

a silver car rotating around.  Several people e-mailed me and informed

me that you can normally view this in the Shinra HQ during Disc One.

What's interesting, though, is that when I saw this FMV by using the

trick above, I had switched Disc One with Disc Three (at the FMV with

the bridge collapsing in Cloud's flashback).  This means that it's on

at least two of the three discs.  Why it's there is another story.

Also, the scene with the planets in Buugen Haagen's observatory (which

is only in Disc 1) will also be partially displayed if you switch it

with Disc 2 or 3.



  8 . 1 0    a l w a y s   r u n   f r o m   b a t t l e s


Interestingly enough, you will instantly flee a battle if at least one

character is petrified, stopped, or paralyzed while in the 'running'

pose.  So as long as you are not fighting a boss or have been ambushed

(see the Running section for more detail), you can always escape simply

by letting the enemy do one of the above attacks to you, or by doing it

to yourself (via Spell Materia)!  This is also useful if all your members

are paralyzed, stopped, or whatever, and your last character is about to

suffer a similar fate.  Simply try to run away (even if you can't), and

you'll escape the moment you are hit by the attack.  The only exception

to this trick is that if you are petrified and your other teammates are

dead or petrified, then you will always lose.  This doesn't work on boss

battles, by the way.



  8 . 1 1    r a i s i n g   c h o c o b o s


This section is based upon a summarized guide written by Nikki.  Some

information is also taken from a more detailed guide written by Crow.

Their addresses can be found in the Special Thanks section near the end

of the FF7 FAQ.

You're going to need a lot of money, patience, and luck if you want to

raise chocobos.  The payoff is that you can breed chocobos that can fly,

swim, climb over mountains and go to places normal vehicles can't reach.

a)  Go to the Chocobo Farm once you've accquired the Highwind.  Enter

    the house (not the barn) and talk to the person there.  Choose

    the first option, then choose the top choice.  Doing this will let

    you purchase one of the stalls in the barn.  You'll need to purchase

    all six, but they cost 10000 gil a pop.  If you want, you can do

    the process with only four stalls, but you'll have to kick out the

    chocobos you don't need to make room for the newer ones.

b)  Leave and get on the airship.  Fly to the northern continent and

    land near the lone house surrounded by grass (it's exactly to the

    northwest of the farm).  Equip one character with a Steal (yellow)

    materia and keep walking around on the grass until you fight a

    large red reptile (Brachosaur?)  Try to steal from him until you

    get a Carob Nut (you'll get a message with an exclamation mark

    if you stole something).  Run away or beat him, then repeat the

    process three times so that you have three Carob Nuts.  You can

    also get this item from the same enemy if you go to the tip of the

    penninsula near the excavator's village on the Northern Continent

    where the dark grass is.

c)  Now, go to the chocobo tracks near the Gold Saucer (by the shore).

    Equip someone with a Chocobo Attract materia and walk along the

    tracks until you enter a battle with a Chocobo.  Don't kill the

    chocobo, but do kill the other enemies.  When the battle is over,

    press X to dismount and select the top option to make the chocobo

    return to the farm.

d)  Go to the tracks on the Southern Continent, near the forest where

    you found Cloud in Disc 2.  Unlike the walking kind, you can get

    running chocobos here.  Just repeat step (c) to catch one.  Wait

    a second--save your game.  If you didn't get the right type of

    chocobo (more about this in part e), you can reset the game and

    try again: the chocobo's gender is determined randomly each time,

    so you can end up with the correct gender if you keep resetting

    and naming the Chocobo until you get the one you want.

e)  Return to the chocobo farm.  Talk to the guy standing still in the

    barn and choose the 3rd option, then the first choice twice.  Name

    your chocobo, then repeat with the other bird.  This will also place

    your chocobos in the stables.  You can tell by their stance (walking

    or running) if they are the right type.  To tell your chocobo's

    gender and race ranking (more on this later), go up to them in the

    barn and press O.

    You'll want to make sure that the running chocobo is female and

    the walking chocobo is male.  If you have a chocobo walking with

    his head down, put it in a stall, then talk to the man again and

    choose the 6th option from the top.  Pick that chocobo and choose

    the top option twice, then the bottom option once to let that bird

    go so you can get another one.  If the sex of the chocobo is wrong,

    just use the trick in the above section to change it.

f)  Do you have the correct type and gender?  Talk to the man in the

    barn again and choose the fifth option from the top.  Choose one

    of the chocobos by walking up to it and pressing O.  Pick the top

    option, then repeat with the other chocobo.  When you get another

    choice, pick the top option.  A list will appear.  Remember the

    items you stole from that reptile in the north?  It will appear

    as the item 7th from the top (there should be a 3 next to it

    since you stole 3 items).  Choose and and choose the top choice.

g)  Hopefully you got a green Chocobo!  If you got a blue one or a

    yellow one, reset and try to mate the two chocobos again (repeat

    step f).  You'll want a blue chocobo, but if you get one right

    now, it's harder to breed a green one -NSS-.  Keep note of your

    chocobo's gender--it's important.

h)  At this point, you can't mate the yellow chocobos again or the

    green chocobo.  If you don't want to wait, repeat steps (c)

    through (f) and try to breed a Blue Chocobo who is the opposite

    gender of your Green Chocobo.  If you have time on your hands,

    though, waste it and come back later.  You can re-breed your

    two yellow chocobos and try to get a Blue Chocobo.  Either way,

    it will take _a lot_ of tries, but you save the trouble of

    capturing and renaming chocobos if you waste some time and just

    re-breed your two yellow birds.  Remember the item that you

    used (Carob Nut), will now have a '2' next to it since you

    already used one.  Don't worry, it will still stay in the same

    place on the menu.

i)  Okay!  Now, you should have a Blue chocobo and a Green chocobo of

    opposite genders.  If you caught another pair of yellow chocobos,

    you won't have any more stall space and you'll have to let the

    two yellow ones go.  If you simply breeded them again, you'll

    still have two stalls left open.  Since the Blue chocobo is a

    newborn, you'll need to waste some more time before you can breed

    it to the Green one.  Hop in the Highwind and fly back to the

    house on the grassy patch in the Northern Continent.  Talk to the

    purple geezer and choose the first option.  He will offer to sell

    ou items; buy 40 of the ones that cost 5000 gil (Shirukisu


    Return to the Chocobo Farm and give ten of them to your blue

    chocobo and 10 to your green chocobo.  You can do this by picking

    the fourth option when you talk to the man, then picking the

    Sylkis Greens (it's the next to last one).  Pick the chocobo

    you want to feed it to and press up or down on your controller to

    increase the number.  Then press O twice to feed the chocobo.

j)  Go to the Gold Saucer (you can get there from the sky lift in

    North Corel).  Go to the Chocobo Square, enter the main

    building, and talk to the girl in front of the 'STAFF ROOM'

    door.  Choose the first option and pick either your green

    chocobo or your blue chocobo to race.  Then pick the top choice

    two times and press Start at the next screen to start the race.

    The point of racing is to improve your chocobo's race ranking.

    Remember what happened when you checked your chocobo's stats?

    Underneath the gender was the race ranking.  You need to improve

    it from a C to an A-class ranking, and you can do so by racing.

    It doesn't matter if you lose; just keep racing until you gain

    new classes.  Refer to the chocobo-racing tips in section 3o if

    you need help, although it's easy to win the races using

    Automatic Sequence Mode.  Every time you win a race, pick the

    top option to get an item, the bottom option twice to get an

    item, or the bottom option, then the top option to get some GP.

    Remember, to raise a class level, you have to come in first place

    (and even then you may need to get a high score such as 1-2 or

    1-2 a few times before you'll gain a level).  When you do raise

    a race ranking, the girl will tell you.  You can see your

    chocobo's class every time you race it (at the screen before the

    race starts).  Obviously, it will take quite a few races before

    you can hit class 'A' (it took me around 3 races to raise to

    the next class each time).

k)  Fun, wasn't it?  Get back in the Highwind and return to the

    Chocobo Farm.  Refer to step (f) and breed the blue and green

    chocobos together.  With a little luck, you'll find a black

    chocobo in one of the empty stalls the following day.  Yes,

    you may have used up your last piece of Karabu, but you won't

    need it anymore.  Once again, take note of your black chocobo's


l)  There's an elongated island with a forest on it northeast of the

    Chocobo Farm.  Go into the forest and wander around until you

    run into a tiny monster wearing boxing gloves (Goblin).  You can

    steal a Zeio Nut off of it--you only need one.  After you

    get it, fly to the chocobo tracks on the west edge of the Northern

    Continent and capture one; you can get the dashing kind here.

    Then go back to the farm, name your yellow Chocobo, and put it in

    the stalls.  If it isn't the opposite gender of your black chocobo,

    reset and try the naming process again.  Refer to step (e) if you

    forgot how to do this.

m)  You should have 20 Sylkis Greenss left, so feed 10 of them to

    the dashing yellow chocobo and 10 to your black chocobo (just like

    how you did it in step i).  Now for the real fun part--you have to

    get an A-rank class for both the yellow and black chocobos!  So,

    just repeat what you did back in step (j).  It will take a while,

    but when they're both at race ranking A, leave the Gold Saucer and

    return to the Chococbo Farm.

n)  Now, breed your yellow and black chocobo together.  This time,

    use the Zeio Nut (it's at the very bottom of the list).

    Once again, refer to step (f) if you have trouble navigating

    the menus.  It may have to retry a few times, but you'll end up

    with the gold chocobo eventually.  Now you can go anywhere on

    the World Map!

YELLOW CHOCOBOS can go anywhere you can normally get to on foot.  The

sole advantage is that a chocobo is a lot quicker than walking.

BLUE CHOCOBOS can walk along rivers, but they can't go past waterfalls.

They can also walk in shallow water, just like Cid's airplane could.

GREEN CHOCOBOS can run over mountains, even the pointed mountains by

Nivelheim.  They can also dash over _most_ cliffs and drops.

BLACK CHOCOBOS can walk along rivers and move around in shallow water.

They can also run over mountains and cliffs.  Unlike the blue or green

chocobos, the black variety can go over any cliff or drop: even

walk up or down waterfalls, enter the canyon surrounding the Ancient

City, or walk _over_ the ice forest that you have to traverse in Disc

2 after the snowboard scene!

GOLD CHOCOBOS can do everything a black chocobo can--they can also

walk in the ocean, allowing you to go anywhere you want, even into

the dirt pit surrounding the Gold Saucer (just like the Saucer

vehicle).  Truly the ultimate in transportation!

In case you didn't know about it, you can rotate the chocobo you're

viewing when using the various options in the Chocobo Farm by holding

the R1 or L1 buttons :)

Unlike chocobos that you capture and ride around on, the ones that you

ride out from the Chocobo Farm are a little tamer.  They'll stay where

you get off them until you ride them again, and you can do this as much

as you want and return them to the Farm whenever you want (although you

can only have one chocobo out at a time).  If you're riding a chocobo

and you try to enter the Highwind, you'll find it in the 'Chocobo' area

of the the ship.  You'll automatically be riding the chocobo when you

land the ship, too.



  8 . 1 2    u n c h a r t e d   i s l e s


Head due south from Cosmo Canyon in the Highwind, then go a little to

the west.  You'll see an island that's part dirt, part grass, with

a smaller grassy island nearby.  This isle doesn't appear on the Map,

but if you land the Highwind on the grassy plain and run around in

the dirt long enough, you can fight Sabotenders (better known as

Cactrots; those little cactus guys from FF3)!  You can't get Rename

Cards from them or anything like that, but it's kinda fun fighting

them.  Actually, the name of this island is 'Cactus Island' so it

makes sense to find them here.

To get to the second isle, head for the two islands near to each other

on the northeastern edge of the map.  Then go north (and a little more

to the east), and you'll come across an oval-shaped island surrounded

by mountains.  There's a cave entrance here, but you can't land there

in the Highwind.  For more about the island, refer to the Bonus Areas

part in section 6.  The name of this place is 'Round Island'.



  8 . 1 3    g a m e   s h a r k   c o d e s


I'm not much of a code-maker myself, but here are some cheats you might

want to try.  Remember, you need a Game Shark or a Pro Action Replay for

these to work.  Some people have reported problems with these codes

(such as, these codes don't work with a PAR).  FYI, I made these codes

using a Game Shark with PAR software (version 1.98), so I really don't

know why it wouldn't work on both devices.

All of the codes in this FAQ were made by me, unless otherwise stated.

If you want to reprint, submit, or display these codes, please give

credit where it is due.  If you want to submit a code, just tell me

the code itself, what it does, and include any glitches/problems with

the code.  Oh, and please tell me the code's creator if you didn't make

it yourself.

Finally, the reason why I've made these codes is because I didn't see

anything like them beforehand.  So don't BS me about making the 'Materia

Select' code first or any of that garbage, as I'm not interested.


FF7 MASTER CODE                                         80000000 - 0000


This is the cheat that lets you use other codes with this game.  I don't

know if it (and the other codes listed here) will work on every disc,

but if a code doesn't, then I'll let you know.


CHARACTER SELECT - 3RD POSITION                         8009CBDE - FF0x


Enter this code, but replace the last digit with one of the following:

        x = 0  -  Cloud Strife

            1  -  Barett Wallace

            2  -  Tifa Rockheart

            3  -  Aerith Gainsborough

            4  -  Red 13

            5  -  Yuffie Kisaragi

            6  -  Cait Sith         (sometimes, Young Cloud)

            7  -  Vincent Valentine (sometimes, Sephiroth)

            8  -  Cid Hiwind

            9  - 

            A  - 

            B  - 

            C  -    (Now Printing)

            D  -    (Now Printing)

When you turn on the code, the character in the 3rd position will turn

into whatever character you specified.  You may want to go into the

PHS menu, turn off the code, and put the character in/out of the PHS

groups a few times to 'debug' it a bit.  When you return to the Main

Menu screen, that person will have the portrait/stats. of the desired


It is HIGHLY recommended that you have the 3rd space EMPTY when you

use this code as in some cases, a pre-existing character may overlap

with the selected one.  The result is that, when you enter a battle,

that character does not appear, cannot interact, and his/her HP drops

steadily until it hits zero.

Using this code:

Characters all start off at their 'base' level (1).  If you use this

code to get a character that you don't have at the moment (say picking

Aeris while in Disc 2 or 3), they'll have the same stats and abilities

as they did when you last had them in your party.  If you level them

up, change their equipment, etc., then save the game and use the code

to replace them with another character and put them back in, any changes

you made will be saved, too.  Note that if you use this code to get a

character you already have (say, if Cid is in the 3rd position and you

put in the code for Cid), you'll get multiple copies of the character.

This also happens if you have the code on while you try to pull a

character in/out of the active group.  Copied characters disappear when

you exit the PHS menu.

Yes, if you save the game, you save the added characters.  The only way

to remove them is to use the code to 'select' a new character, or to

put them in PHS (inactive party) and then return to your Main Menu.

Also note that sticking a 'selected' character in the first position

will make Cloud disappear on-screen (you can still use the cursor).

Finally, note that if you enter a conversation/event with a character

you're not supposed to have (say, Sephiroth outside of the flashback

or Aeris after Disc 1), the game may (and probably will) crash.  The

only exception to this are the 'general' quotes which a character will

say automatically, regardless of who he/she is.

Specific Character info.:

Both Cloud and Aeris become 'permanent' members of either your active

party or the inactive party.  To remove them, you'll have to stick

them in the third position (use Order), and put in a code for one of

your normal characters.

Sephiroth is still controlled by the computer, although you can take or

change his equipment and Materia.  As he only has one weapon (Masamune),

using the 'Item Select' code to have this item is useless as it's the

only weapon he can equip.  Although it will act as if he and Young Cloud

have Limit Breaks, they don't in actuality (if you look, you'll see

that it's Vincent's and Cait's Breaks instead).

This code has trouble realizing who is Cait Sith/Young Cloud and who

is Vincent/Sephiroth, because of the way the characters' data is

stored.  As a result, you may not always get the character you want

when trying to get either of these characters.

The 'Chocobo' and 'Now Printing' are not real characters.  They have

no weapons, statistics, etc. (if you look, you'll see that they

borrow the stats. of another character, usually your leader).  If you

try to enter a battle with one of them in your party, you get the

'overlap' result described above (as they are not playable).


ITEM SELECT                                               8009CCxx - yzzz


Please take note:  As long as you follow the below guidelines (remember

to be careful when putting in the two 'location' digits), this code

should work.  Several people have been complaining that they can't get

the code to work--even the people with the same GS and version number

aS-mine (1.98).  If you've _carefully_ tried this code and can't get any

results, then you may simply not be able to use the code on your game.

I have NO IDEA what causes this and I'm sorry I can't offer more help to

those with problems concerning this code or the Materia Select code

(they both work in the same manner).

And yes, saving your game with this code _will_ save the items into

memory--you'll still have to be careful that you don't end up with the

'battle' glitch' described below (although it seems as if it's not in

the English version).

An example code would be 8009CCA8 - 202A for the Ghost Hand item, for

those of you who don't understand how the x/y/z entries work.

xx = Location where item appears on the Item Select Screen.  You can

     change this number to enter the code multiple times to have

     multiple items of your choice, but you _must_ use EVEN numbers

     (i.e. C2, 9A, or 88) or the game may glitch.  Also, if this code

     would put an item over an occupied space and not a blank one, the

     game may freeze or the item may not appear.  Finally, try to keep

     the location range between 8_ and C_ or the game may crash.

  y = No. of items; you'll have an infinite amount unless you turn

      the switch off (usually).  The number you enter is converted

      to hexidecimal form (so what you put in won't correlate with

      the # of items you get).  Keep in mind that 0 is a valid

      number and can be used.

zzz = Item name:

000 = Potion                            0A0 = Gatling Gun

001 = Hi-Potion                         0A1 = Assault Gun

002 = X-Potion                          0A2 = Cannon Ball

003 = Ether                             0A3 = Atomic Scissorss

004 = Turbo Ether                       0A4 = Heavy Vulcan

005 = Elixir                            0A5 = Chainsaw

006 = Megaelixir                        0A6 = Microlaser

007 = Phoenix Down                      0A7 = A*M Cannon

008 = Antidote                          0A8 = W Machine Gun

009 = Soft                              0A9 = Drill Arm

00A = Maiden's Kiss                     0AA = Solid Bazooka

00B = Cornucopia                        0AB = Rocket Punch

00C = Echo Screen                       0AC = Enemy Launcher

00D = Hyper                             0AD = Pile Banger

00E = Tranquilizer                      0AE = Max Ray

00F = Remedy                            0AF = Missing Score

010 = Smoke Bomb                        0B0 = Mythril Clip

011 = Speed Drink                       0B1 = Diamond Pin

012 = Hero Drink                        0B2 = Silver Barrette

013 = Vaccine                           0B3 = Gold Barrette

014 = Grenade                           0B4 = Adaman Clip

015 = Shrapnel                          0B5 = Crystal Comb

016 = Right arm                         0B6 = Magic Comb

017 = Hourglass                         0B7 = Plus Barrette

018 = Kiss of Death                     0B8 = Centclip

019 = Spider Web                        0B9 = Hairpin

01A = Dream Powder                      0BA = Seraph Comb

01B = Mute Mask                         0BB = Behimoth Horn

01C = War Gong                          0BC = Spring Gun Clip

01D = Loco weed                         0BD = Limited Moon

01E = Fire Fang                         0BE = Guard Stick

01F = Fire Veil                         0BF = Mythril Rod

020 = Antarctic Wind                    0C0 = Full Metal Staff

021 = Ice Crystal                       0C1 = Striking Staff

022 = Bolt Plume                        0C2 = Prism Staff

023 = Swift Bolt                        0C3 = Aurora Rod

024 = Earth Drum                        0C4 = Wizard Staff

025 = Earth Mallet                      0C5 = Wizer Staff

026 = Deadly Waste                      0C6 = Fairy Tale

027 = M-Tentacles                       0C7 = Umbrella

028 = Stardust                          0C8 = Princess Guard

029 = Vampire Fang                      0C9 = Spear

02A = Ghost Hand                        0CA = Slash Lance

02B = Vagyrisk Claw                     0CB = Trident

02C = Light Curtain                     0CC = Mast Axe

02D = Lunar Curtain                     0CD = Partisan

02E = Mirror                            0CE = Viper Halberd

02F = Holy Torch                        0CF = Javelin

030 = Bird Wing                         0D0 = Grow Lance

031 = Dragon Scales                     0D1 = Mop

032 = Impaler                           0D2 = Dragoon Lance

033 = Shrivel                           0D3 = Scimitar

034 = Eye drop                          0D4 = Flayer

035 = Molotov                           0D5 = Spirit Lance

036 = S-mine                            0D6 = Venus Gospel

037 = 8inch Cannon                      0D7 = 4-point Shuriken

038 = Graviball                         0D8 = Boomerang

039 = T/S Bomb                          0D9 = Pinwheel

03A = Ink                               0DA = Razor Ring

03B = Dazers                            0DB = Hawkeye

03C = Dragon Fang                       0DC = Crystal Cross

03D = Cauldron                          0DD = Wind Slash

03E = Sylkis Greens                     0DE = Twin Viper

03F = Reagan Greens                     0DF = Spiral Shuriken

040 = Mimett Greens                     0E0 = Shotgunball

041 = Curiel Greens                     0E1 = Magic Shuriken

042 = Pahsana Greens                    0E2 = Rising Sun

043 = Tantal Greens                     0E3 = Oritsuru

044 = Krakka Greens                     0E4 = Conformer

045 = Gysahl Greens                     0E5 = Yellow M-phone

046 = Tent                              0E6 = Green M-phone

047 = Power Source                      0E7 = Blue M-phone

048 = Guard Source                      0E8 = Red M-phone

049 = Magic Source                      0E9 = Crystal M-phone

04A = Mind Source                       0EA = White M-phone

04B = Speed Source                      0EB = Black M-phone

04C = Luck Source                       0EC = Silver M-phone

04D = Zeio Nut                          0ED = Trumpet Shell

04E = Carob Nut                         0EE = Gold M-phone

04F = Porov Nut                         0EF = Battle Trumpet

050 = Pram Nut                          0F0 = Starlight Phone

051 = Lasan Nut                         0F1 = HP Shout

052 = Saraha Nut                        0F2 = Quicksilver

053 = Luchile Nut                       0F3 = Shotgun

054 = Pepio Nut                         0F4 = Shortbarrel

055 = Battery                           0F5 = Lariat

056 = Tissue                            0F6 = Winchester

057 = Omnislash                         0F7 = Peacemaker

058 = Catastrophe                       0F8 = Buntline

059 = Final Heaven                      0F9 = Long Barrel R

05A = Great Gospel                      0FA = Silver Rifle

05B = Cosmo Memory                      0FB = Sniper CR

05C = All Creation                      0FC = Shotgunshot ST

05D = Chaos                             0FD = Outsider

05E = Highwind                          0FE = Death Penalty

05F = 1/35 Soldier                      0FF = Masamune

060 = Super Sweeper                     100 = Bronze Bangle

061 = Masamune Blade                    101 = Iron Bangle

062 = Save Crystal                      102 = Titan Bangle

063 = Combat Diary                      103 = Mythril Armlet

064 = Autograph                         104 = Carbon Bangle

065 = Gambler                           105 = Silver Armlet

066 = Desert Rose                  106 = Gold Armlet

067 = Earth Harp                   107 = Diamond Bangle

068 = Guide Book                   108 = Crystal Bangle

069 =                            109 = Platinum Bangle

06A =                            10A = Rune Armlet

06B =                            10B = Edincoat

06C =                            10C = Wizard Braceletlet

06D =                            10D = Adaman Bangle

06E =                            10E = Gigas Armlet

06F =                            10F = Imperial Guard

070 =                            110 = Aegis Armlet

071 =                            111 = Fourth Bracelet

072 =                            112 = Warrior Bangle

073 =                            113 = Shinra Beta

074 =                            114 = Shinra Alpha

075 =                            115 = Four Slotss

076 =                            116 = Fire Armlet

077 =                            117 = Aurora Armlet

078 =                            118 = Bolt Armlet

079 =                            119 = Dragon Armlet

07A =                            11A = Minerva Band

07B =                            11B = Escort Guard

07C =                            11C = Mystile

07D =                            11D = Ziedrich

07E =                            11E = Precious Watch

07F =                            11F = Chocobracelet

080 = Buster Sword                      120 = Power Wrist

081 = Mythril Saber                     121 = Protect Vest

082 = Hardedge                          122 = Earring

083 = Butterfly Edge                    123 = Talisman

084 = Enhance Sword                     124 = Choco Feather

085 = Organics                          125 = Amulet

086 = Crystal Sword                     126 = Champion Belt

087 = Force Stealer                     127 = Poison Ring

088 = Rune Blade                        128 = Touph Ring

089 = Murasame                          129 = Circlet

08A = Nail Bat                          12A = Star Pendant

08B = Yoshiyuki                         12B = Silver Glasses

08C = Apocalypse                        12C = Headband

08D = Heaven's Cloud                    12D = Fairy Ring

08E = Ragnarok                          12E = Jem Ring

08F = Ultima Weapon                     12F = White Cape

090 = Leather Glove                     130 = Sprint Shoes

091 = Metal Knuckle                     131 = Peace Ring

092 = Mythril Claw                      132 = Ribbon

093 = Grand Glove                       133 = Fire Ring

094 = Tiger Fang                        134 = Ice Ring

095 = Diamond Knuckle                   135 = Bolt Ring

096 = Dragon Claw                       136 = Tetra Elemental

097 = Crystal Glove                     137 = Safety Bit

098 = Motor Drive                       138 = Fury Ring

099 = Platinum Fist                     139 = Curse Ring

09A = Kaiser Knuckle                    13A = Protect Ring

09B = Work Glove                        13B = Cat's Bell

09C = Powersoul                         13C = Reflect Ring

09D = Master Fist                       13D = Water Ring

09E = God's Hand                        13E = Sneak Glove

09F = Premium Heart                     13F = HypnoCrown

 -   Codes ending in 069 - 07F give you these items.  As of right now,

     I don't know what their purpose is (they may be disabled Key

     Items, I think).

 -   Codes ending in 080 - 08F are swords for Cloud.

 -   Codes ending in 090 - 09F are claws for Tifa.

 -   Codes ending in 0A0 - 0AF are cannons for Barret.

 -   Codes ending in 0B0 - 0BD are combs for Red XIII.

 -   Codes ending in 0BE - 0C8 are rods for Aeris.

 -   Codes ending in 0C9 - 0D6 are spears for Cid.

 -   Codes ending in 0D7 - 0E4 are shurikens for Yuffie.

 -   Codes ending in 0E5 - 0F1 are M-phones for Cait Sith.

 -   Codes ending in 0F2 - 0FE are handguns for Vincent.

     The code ending in 0FF looks like a gun, but it is in

     fact Sephiroth's Masamune blade.

 -   Codes ending in 100 - 11F are defensive bracelets.

 -   Codes ending in 120 - 13F are accessories you equip.

 -   Codes ending in 140 - FFF are 'glitch' items that don't exist

     and have no purpose/effect on the game.

If you have this code activated and you go into a battle, you may get

a strange effect that prevents you from fighting the battle.  As the

battle begins, these messages will appear, one after the other:

                xxx: ### / Error Occurred: ##

                L1+R1+SELECT x Reset xxx

                System Error x xx xxxx

Should you press L1+R1+Select at any time, you're instantly taken out of

the battle.  While you don't gain AP, gil, or experience points or items,

you don't lose anything, either.  Not only can this be used to bypass

normal battles, but it can be used during boss battles and the game will

continue as if you had fought and beaten the boss!

This is pure speculation on my part, but I think this is probably some

sort of error checker/debugger that was used by the game's programmers

to test battle sequences, probably to fix up any flaws in the 'Active

Time Battle' system.  This seems possible because the number seem to

indicate your party's Agility compared to the enemies (I think).  And

assuming my translations are correct (assuming, mind you :)) it would

make some sense.

Keep in mind that this may still happen even with the code off.  So,

it's a good idea not to have this code on when you go into a battle.

The best procedure would probably be to put in the codes for the items

you want, then save your game and load it without using this code.

Then, make sure that you don't have any spare items left in your menu

(use them, sell them, or try 're-equipping' them to reduce the amount

that you have--if you re-equip them you'll still keep one, but the

others will vanish).  Of course, if you don't want to fight any battles,

then leave the code activated :)


MATERIA SELECT                                            8009D0xx - 00yy


Well well!  Here's an interesting code.  It works very much like the

Item Select code above, except that you have to go into the Materia

Screen.  As long as the switch is up, you have an infinite number of

whatever Materia you've selected.  The only bad thing about this code

is that it will sometimes start off the Materia orbs with 'beyond master'

levels, meaning that you can use all their abilities, but you can't get

another one by mastering it.

xx = Location where the materia appears on the Materia Menu.  You can

     change this number to enter the code multiple times to have

     multiple materia of your choice, but you _must_ use EVEN numbers

     (i.e. A0, C4, or 86) or the game may glitch.  Also, if this code

     would put a materia over an occupied space and not a blank one, the

     game may freeze or the materia may not appear.  Finally, try to

     keep the location range between 8_ and C_ or the game may crash.

yy = Name of Materia:

00 = MP Plus                            2E = (glitch)

01 = HP Plus                            2F = (glitch)

02 = Speed Plus                         30 = Master Command

03 = Magic Plus                         31 = Fire

04 = Luck Plus                          32 = Ice

05 = EXP. Plus                          33 = Earth

06 = Gil Plus                           34 = Lightning

07 = Enemy Away                         35 = Restore

08 = Enemy Plus                         36 = Heal

09 = Chocobo Plus                       37 = Revive

0A = Pre-emptive                        38 = Seal

0B = Long Range                         39 = Mystify

0C = Mega All                           3A = Transform

0D = Counter Attack                     3B = Exit

0E = Slash-All                          3C = Poison

0F = Double Cut                         3D = Demi

10 = Cover                              3E = Barrier

11 = Underwater     3F =

12 = HP MP                          40 = Comet

13 = W-Magic                            41 = Time

14 = W-Summon                           42 =

15 = W-Item                             43 =

16 =         44 = Destruct

17 = All                                45 = Contain

18 = Counter                            46 = Full Cure

19 = Magic Counter                      47 = Shield

1A = MP Turbo                           48 = Ultima

1B = MP Absorb                          49 = Master Magic

1C = HP Absorb                          4A = Choco/Mog

1D = Elemental                          4B = Shiva

1E = Added Effect                       4C = Ifrit

1F = Sneak Attack                       4D = Titan

20 = Final Attack                       4E = Ramuh

21 = Added Cut                          4F = Odin

22 = Steal as well                      50 = Leviathan

23 = Quadra Magic                       51 = Bahamut

24 = Steal                              52 = Kjata

25 = Sense                              53 = Alexander

26 =             54 = Phoenix

27 = Throw                              55 = Neo Bahamut

28 = Morph                              56 = Hades

29 = Deathblow                          57 = Typoon

2A = Manipulate                         58 = Bahamut ZERO

2B = Mime                               59 = Knights of Round

2C = Enemy Skill **                     5A = Master Summon

2D = (glitch)                           89 = (glitch)

*   Codes ending in 16, 26, 3F, 42 and 43 are 'disabled' Materia that

    you can't normally get during the game.  In the Japanese game,

    they were still usable, but their abilities, descriptions, and

    other stats. have been removed/altered in this release.

    Note that the Underwater materia has been made into a

    real, usable Materia!  It's not used to revive Aerith, but to

    explore more of the underwater areas (and fight the underwater

    Weapon monster).

**  Starts off with a variable number of stars (usually missing the

    first eight or stars 3, 6, and 7).

 - Codes ending in 00 - 0D, 10 and 12 are Independant Materia.

 - Codes ending in 0E, 0F and 17 - 23 are Combination Materia.

 - Codes ending in 13 - 15, 24, 25, 27 - 2C and 30 are Command Materia.

 - Codes ending in 31 - 3E, 40, 41, and 44 - 49 are Magic Materia.

 - Codes ending in 4A - 5A are Summon Materia.

 - Codes ending in 2D - 2F, 89 are game glitches and not real Materia.

 - However, equipping the '089' materia will raise most of your stats.

   to 255 and your MAX MP to 999, although your HP will be dramatically


 - All other codes (5B - FF, excluding 89) are game glitches and not

   real Materia.

Here are materia charts for each of the 'disabled' materia.  Please note

that the abilities/AP levels of these materia tend to fluctuate, even if

you put these in using the Game Shark, saved your game, and then played

again without the GS codes on.  Refer to the 'Main Menu' section of the

first part of the FAQ for information on Materia descriptions, etc.

These stats are taken from the Japanese version, only because they are

more descriptive.  In the American version, none of the Materia have

names (except for SuichuuKokyuu, which is 'Underwater'), and they have

altered/disabled stats. and abilties.  For some reason, the only two

Materia with abilities that work are Mabarrier and Law (in the Japanese

version, all the materia had an effect except for 'Underwater'

and 'Booster').


MABARIA  (Mabarrier) - Magic Materia            20000 AP          3 stars



LV1: Mabarrier  Â¥ížÂ¥íÂ¥íªÂ¥Â¢Â Â Â Â Â Â  24      Lessens Magic Plus damage

LV2: Mabarrier  Â¥ížÂ¥íÂ¥íªÂ¥Â¢Â Â Â Â Â Â  24      Lessens Magic Plus damage

LV3: Mabarrier  Â¥ížÂ¥íÂ¥íªÂ¥Â¢Â Â Â Â Â Â  24      Lessens Magic Plus damage

This materia has its own description, Mabaria no....  Although it is just

like other Magic Materia descriptions, note that the bracket-like quotes

put around most magic spells are not used in this description (as in

Mabaria instead of [Mabaria], sort of).

Status Changes:      POWER    -02      MAGIC         +02      MAXHP -05%

                     STRENGTH -01      MAGIC DEFENSE +01      MAXMP +05%

Find:                Use the 'Materia Select' Game Shark code (3F).



RIFUREKU  (Reflect) - Magic Materia             20000 AP          4 stars



LV1: Reflect  Â¥íªÂ¥í•Â¥í¬Â¥Â¯Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  30      Reflects most magic

LV2: Wall     ¥¦¥ª¡¼¥í«Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  58      Barrier and Mabarrier cast at once

This materia has its own description, Rifureku no....  Although it is

just like other Magic Materia descriptions, note that the bracket-like

quotes put around most magic spells are not used in this description (as

in Rifureku instead of [Rifureku], sort of).

Status Changes:      POWER    -02      MAGIC         +02      MAXHP -05%

                     STRENGTH -01      MAGIC DEFENSE +01      MAXMP +05%

Find:                Use the 'Materia Select' Game Shark code (42).



RIFUABU  (Reflect Wave?) - Magic Materia        60000 AP          3 stars



L1: --                         --      --

L2: Wall  ¥¦¥ª¡¼¥í«Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  58      Barrier and Mabarrier cast at once

This materia has its own description, Uooru no....  Although it is just

like other Magic Materia descriptions, note that the bracket-like quotes

put around most magic spells are not used in this description (as in

Uooru instead of [Uooru], sort of).

Status Changes:      POWER    -02      MAGIC         +02      MAXHP -05%

                     STRENGTH -01      MAGIC DEFENSE +01      MAXMP +05%

Find:                Use the 'Materia Select' Game Shark code (43).



SUICHUU KOKYUU  (Underwater Breath) - Independant Materia          1 star



Has no description.

It says it's ability is 'SuichuuKokyuu*'

This materia seems to have no effect when equipped, nor does it affect

anything or anyone at any point in the game, as far as I can tell.

Unlike all other materia, it has only one star.  I would assume that

this Materia starts off mastered, but because of the Materia Select code,

I have way over a million AP and I can't seem to make that number go

down.  It could be that you have to master it (just like other materia)

but then it would be the only materia in the game that starts off with

no mastered star levels.


* The info. box will give the stats. of the last Materia the cursor was

  on should you move it around (unless it was last on an Independant

  Materia, in which case it will display 'SuichuuKokyuu' for the ability


Find:                Use the 'Materia Select' Game Shark code (11).

NOTE:  If you want to learn more about this materia, please refer to the

'Rumors and Speculation' and 'Documents' sections for more detailed

conjecture.  For those of you who keep asking, I've been to the Ancient

City and _nothing_ happens.  Believe me, I've experimented with this

materia in just about every possible way and it doesn't seem to have

any effect in the game.



HOUSOKU  (Law*) - Command Materia               20000 AP          2 stars



Has no description.

LV1:  ZENINAGE  (Coin Toss)  ¤¼¤í‹Â¤íŠÂ¤Â²

      Just like the 'Zeninage' skill of the 'Nageru' materia.  Although

      it doesn't say it, you also have the Nageru skill (Throw) in

      battle, too.

Find:                Use the 'Materia Select' Game Shark code (26).

*  Mr. Kelley points out that this is most likely a joke by the

   programmers.  'Law' is what lawyers deal with, and the listed skill

   given for this materia is Coin Toss.  As in 'you have to throw away

   your money when dealing with lawyers'.



BUUSUTAA  (Booster) - Combination Materia       90000 AP          5 stars



Has no description.

It says it's ability is 'Buusutaa'.

So far, it doesn't seem to affect any Materia I equip it to.  From the

name, though, I'd imagine that it's supposed to increase the range/

effectiveness/power of the Materia that you combine it with or perhaps

increase the amount of AP you earn for that Materia.

Find:                Use the 'Materia Select' Game Shark code (16).



9 .    A  P  P  E  N  D  I  X



  9 . 1      m a t e r i a   o r b s


As you play the game, you'll find, buy, and be given Materia Orbs.  When

equipped, these orbs have various functions (like Relics from FF3), and

become stronger as you use them (like the Classes from FF5j).  There are

five types of Materia:

        Green   -       Spell Materia.  When equipped, you can cast

                        spells like Lightning, Fire, Cure, Barrier, etc.

        Yellow  -       Command Materia.  These give you the ability

                        to Steal, Throw, Mimic, etc.

        Purple  -       Independent Materia.  These will increase

                        your scores, like Max HP or Speed Plus.

        Blue    -       Support Materia.  These augment the power

                        of certain other Materia.  For instance,

                        the 'Select All' Materia, when combined with

                        a Fire materia, lets you cast a fire spell on

                        all foes.

        Red     -       Summon Materia.  These let you summon monsters,

                        like Chocobo, Shiva, Bahamut, or even Typoon!

* My tv has some strange color properties.  This means that when I

  mention a 'Purple Materia', it may actually be a Blue Materia.  I

  didn't even realize this until after first releasing this FAQ, so

  try and bear with me, okay?  I'll avoid incorrect naming in the

  future, but I may still get it wrong sometimes.  Sorry! ^_^;

You can equip Materia from the Main Menu, and mix and match them in

any way you want.  This is how they work:

Weapons and bracelets have a certain number of 'holders' on them.  You

can equip one Materia per holder.  So, if a sword has one holder and a

bracelet has five holders, you can equip six Materia in all.  The benefit

to equipping a Materia is the skills/magic/etc. it gives you.  The bad

part is that equipping Materia tends to lower your statistics.  While

this is only temporary, you'll have to decide if you value skills or

scores more when equipping certain Materia.  To restore your stats. to

normal, simply unequip the Materia you're using.  You'll notice that

some holders aren't connected, and some are (it looks something like

this: 0=0 ).  Connected holders are used to couple an Independent

Materia with another Materia, since Independent Materia have no effect

on their own.

When you win a battle, you gain AP (Ability Points).  Each Materia has

a number of stars, representing its' 'levels'.  All Materia start off

at level 1, but can be increased to their max. level.  The more level

stars a Materia has, the stronger and more useful it becomes.  To

gain a star level, you have to gain a certain number of Ability Points,

just like raising levels or learning Esper magic (in FF3).  However,

only Materia that you have equipped earn AP.  Luckily, that Materia has

the same number of points no matter who uses it.  For example, let's

say Cloud keeps the Summon Chocobo materia equipped for a long time,

and manages to raise it to level 2.  If Barret, who's never worn that

Materia before, equips it, he can also use it at level 2 strength.  When

you do 'master' a Materia (by gaining all its' levels), you will

instantly get another Materia of the same type!  Even though it will

begin at level 1 (i.e. unused), this means that you can have as many

Ultima or Summon Bahamut materia as you want (for example), providing

you max out the ones you already have beforehand.  Be sure to sell off

Materia that you don't need; if you have a full Materia list with no

empty places and you master a materia that you have equipped, it will

appear in a random location on the list, permanently erasing the Materia

that was in it's place (guess the programmers at Square never bothered

to check that out, did they?)

You'll want to be careful if you have more than one of the same Materia,

because you have to raise them seperately.  And there's no point in

giving two of the same Materia to the same person!  Try to figure out

what Materia works best with which person (i.e. give the MAX MP Plus

Materia to a good magic-user, and give the Deathblow materia to a

character with low normal attack power).  Also, take note of the way

the holders look; if they don't have silver dots in them (like this:

O=O or just O), then you can still equip Materia, but you can't level-

up them since none of the AP you gain in battles will be distributed to

the Materia in that weapon or item.  The tradeoff is that such equipment

is usually very strong.



  9 . 2      h u g e   m a t e r i a  /  m a s t e r   m a t e r i a


From Disc 2 onwards, you have the chance to find and collect four 'Huge

Materia'.  They can be gotten from these locations:

Blue Materia   - North Corel.  You have to save the town from being

                 destroyed by a train during Disc 2.

Yellow Materia - The other Huge Materia is located in the Fort Condor--

                 you can only get this during Disc 2.  What you have to

                 do is win the 'mini-battle' sequence atop the tower or

                 you won't receive the Huge Materia.

Green Materia* - Rocket Town.  After you and Cid blast off in his ship,

                 you'll have to enter the code command to free the huge

                 Green Materia.  If you can't save the Materia, it's lost

                 for good.  This quest can only be done during Disc 2.

Red Materia    - Red Submarine.  If you were able to sink the red sub

                 during the return trip to Junon Town in Disc 2, you can

                 capture the huge Red Materia from the sunken submarine

                 at any time during Discs 2 or 3.  If you weren't able

                 to stop the sub, then this Materia is permanently lost.

* In one game, I tried beating every quest but Corel.  I had three of

the materia, Yellow, Green, and Red.  I always thought the Blue Materia

was part of the Rocket Town sub-quest, but I guess not.

While you have to get two of the Huge Materia in order to make the game

progress during Disc 2, you don't need to collect all four of them.

However, you can get the powerful 'Master Materia' from the Huge Materia,

as well as the strongest Bahamut summon materia, 'Bahamut Form Zero', so

it's advisable that you try to find them all.  You can receive the

following materia from each Huge Materia:

NAME                DESCRIPTION              PREREQUISITES

Master Magic        Cast any magic spell     Huge Green materia and a

                                             'master' level for all 21

                                             magic materia.

Master Command      Use most commands        Huge Yellow materia and a

                                             'master' level for seven

                                             command materia (see below).

Master Summon       Use all summon spells    Huge Red materia and a

                                             'master' level for all 16

                                             summon materia.

Bahamut Form Zero   A summon materia         Huge Blue materia and the

                                             Bahamut and Neo Bahamut

                                             summon materia orbs.

Once you've fulfilled the prerequisites to get a certain master materia,

simply return to Buugen Haagen's observatory in Cosmo Canyon and touch

the correct Huge Materia (I hope you have the Huge Materia on you/have

already taken it to the observatory in Cosmo Canyon beforehand!)  Pick

the first option and the screen will glow; pick the top option to get

your master materia or the bottom option if you want to get that

particular master materia later.  You do have to have all the mastered

materia on hand, but it doesn't matter whether they're equipped or not.

If you're trying to get Bahamut Form Zero, then all you have to do is

touch the huge blue materia and you'll automatically receive it after

choosing the first option; you have to get this summon spell before you

can receive the Master Summon materia.  There's good news and bad news,


 - All of the Master materia do not have level stars, so you can't

   simply 'master' them and get a second Master Materia.  Wearing

   one doesn't effect your statistics, either (so all of you who

   were hoping for a 'MAX MP +80%' or something like that will be


 - When you receive a Master materia, you lose all the materia that

   you mastered.  This means that not only will you be left with a

   bunch of low-level materia (since you get another materia of the

   same type when you master it, remember?), but you'll have to master

   each of them if you want to get a second Master materia of that

   type.  The good news is that if you have two mastered orbs of the

   same type (say, two Fires and you're trying to get the Master

   Magic materia), you'll only lose one and keep the other.  So, if

   you have two mastered Kjata materia and you get a Master Summon

   materia and want another one, you'll only have to level-up 15 orbs

   instead of 16 since one is already mastered.

Individual notes on the Master materia:

 - If you affix a combination materia like All or Random Magic

   Strike to the Master Magic orb, it will affect all the spells!

   However, not all combination materia work with each spell.

 - When you master a Summon materia, you can call a particular summoned

   beast five times.  With the Master Summon materia equipped, you can

   summon any beast an infinite number of times (providing you have the

   MP for it)!  Like the Master Magic materia, Combination materia

   attached to this orb will affect all summon spells.

 - You only have to master the Steal, Sense, Throw, Morph,

   Deathblow, Manipulate and Mime materia orbs in order to get the

   Master Command materia.  This may sound good, but then again, all you

   get are the above abilities of those materia: this orb won't let you

   use other commands like Swordplay, W-Item, Techniques of the

   Enemy, or Continuous Slice, for example (but you can equip these

   seperately, if you like).

 - And of course, there are no Master Combination or Master Independant

   Materia :)



  9 . 3      m a t e r i a   l i s t


This section lists each Materia and explains it's abilities and other

information.  A new addition to this section is 'AP to Master': this

tells you how many AP you will need to master that materia.  It's easy

enough to check your current AP level in the Main Menu, but you can't

figure out what the master amount of AP is until you're at the next

to the last level--the reason for this addition.






MATERIA NAME                              AP TO MASTER   # OF LEVEL STARS


Levels: Name    MP Cost    Effect when used

Changes to status when Materia is equipped:

Who has it when they first join you:

Where you can buy it from:            (may change depending on what Disc

                                      you're currently on)

Where you can find it at:             (* anything else you should know)


Fire                                            35000 AP          4 stars


LV1: Fire 1                 4      Fire damage

LV2: Fire 2                 22     Fire damage x2

LV3: Fire 3                 52     Fire damage x3

Status Changes:      POWER -01         MAX HP -02%

                     MAGIC +01         MAX MP +02%

Initially equipped:  Red 13

Purchase from:       Wall Market, Costa Del Sol, Fort Condor, Mideel



COLD                                            35000 AP          4 stars


LV1: Blizzard 1             4      Ice damage

LV2: Blizzard 2             22     Ice damage x2

LV3: Blizzard 3             52     Ice damage x3

Status Changes:      POWER -01         MAXHP -02%

                     MAGIC +01         MAXMP +02%

Initially equipped:  Cloud

Purchase from:       Wall Market, Costa Del Sol, Mideel, Fort Condor



THUNDER                                         35000 AP          4 stars


LV1: Lightning                4      Lightning (bolt) damage

LV2: Lightning 2              22     Lightning (bolt) damage x2

LV3: Lightning 3              52     Lightning (bolt) damage x3

Status Changes:      POWER -01         MAXHP -02%

                     MAGIC +01         MAXMP +02%

Initially equipped:  Cloud

Purchase from:       Wall Market, Costa Del Sol, Mideel, Fort Condor



EARTH                                           40000 AP          4 stars


LV1: Quake                  6      Earth damage

LV2: Quake 2                28     Earth damage x2

LV3: Quake 3                68     Earth damage x3

Status Changes:      POWER -01         MAXHP -02%

                     MAGIC +01         MAXMP +02%

Purchase from:       Kalm Town, Costa Del Sol



POISON                                          38000 AP          4 stars


¤í‰Â¤Â¯Â  ¡íŠí†í‡Â¡í‹

LV1: Bio         8      Poison dmg., then continuous damage

LV2: Bio 2       36     Poison dmg., then continuous damage x2

LV3: Bio 3       80     Poison dmg., then continuous damage x3

Status Changes:      POWER -01         MAXHP -02%

                     MAGIC +02         MAXMP +02%

Purchase from:       Kalm Town, Costa Del Sol

Find:                Shinra HQ -- 68th floor



GRAVITY                                         40000 AP          4 stars


LV1: Demi        14     Reduces current HP to 3/4*

LV2: Demi 2     33     Reduces current HP to 1/2

LV3: Demi 3      48     Reduces current HP to 1/4

Status Changes:         POWER -01         MAXHP -02%

                        MAGIC +01         MAXMP +02%

Purchase from:       Costa Del Sol, Mideel

Find:                Cave below Cosmo Canyon after beating the boss.

*  If the description doesn't make sense, think of it like this: Demi

   reduces current HP by 1/4, Demi 2 reduces current HP by 1/2, and

   Demi 3 reduces current HP by 3/4.  Make sense now?



METEORITE                                       60000 AP          3 stars


LV1: Comet         70     Special damage x4 against one enemy

LV2: Comet 2       110    Special damage x4 against all foes

Status Changes:      POWER    -02      MAGIC         +02      MAXHP -05%

                     STRENGTH -01      MAGIC DEFENSE +01      MAXMP +05%

Find:                Ancient City



SEALED OFF                                      60000 AP          5 stars


LV1: Freeze        82     Ice damage + Stop  (chance)

LV2: Break         86     Earth damage + Petrify  (chance)

LV3: Tornado       90     Wind damage + Confyuu  (chance)

LV4: Flare         100    Fire damage

Status Changes:      POWER    -04      MAGIC         +04      MAXHP -10%

                     STRENGTH -02      MAGIC DEFENSE +02      MAXMP +10%

Find:                Mideel  (see note *1)

*1 Go to the town on the Southernmost Continent and feed the hyperactive

   boy's chocobo.  You'll have to make sure that you have the proper

   seasoning on you (buy it for 1500 gil from the Chocobo Farm; it's the

   same one you use to learn Chocobockle; the 5th item from the top).

   Choose the top option when you examine the chocobo, then choose the

   5th option (the next to last one), and you'll get this materia.  You

   can still do it even after the town is partially destroyed.



ULTIMA                                          100000 AP         3 stars


LV1: --                     --     --

LV2: Ultima       130    Special damage (heavy) to all foes

Status Changes:      POWER    -04      MAGIC         +04      MAXHP -10%

                     STRENGTH -02      MAGIC DEFENSE +02      MAXMP +10%

Purchase from:       North Corel  (see note *2)

Find:                North Corel

*2 You get this for free if you save the town.  If you fail, you can

   still buy it from a kid in one of the train cars for 50,000 gil.



Restore                                         40000 AP          5 stars


LV1: Cure            5      Recover lost HP

LV2: Cure 2        24     Recover lost HP x1.5

LV3: Regene       30     Gain back some HP each round

LV4: Cure 3         64     Recover lost HP x3

Status Changes:      POWER -01         MAXHP -02%

                     MAGIC +01         MAXMP +02%

Purchase from:       Midgar City -- Area 5, Wall Market, Mideel,

                     Fort Condor

Find:                Makoro Furnace



FULL CURE                                       100000 AP         3 stars


LV1: --                     --     --

LV2: Full Cure    99     Recover all lost HP

Status Changes:      POWER    -04      MAGIC         +04      MAXHP -10%

                     STRENGTH -02      MAGIC DEFENSE +02      MAXMP +10%

Find:                Cosmo Canyon; behind the Item Shop (Disc 2+ only)



MEDICAL TREATMENT                               60000 AP          4 stars


LV1: Poisona        3      Cures Poison status

LV2: Esuna            15     Cures any bad status

LV3: Resist    120    Prevents status change

Status Changes:      POWER -01         MAXHP -02%

                     MAGIC +01         MAXMP +02%

Purchase from:       Kalm Town, Gongaga Town, Junon Town



RESURRECT                                       55000 AP          3 stars


LV1: Raise          34     Come back to life with some HP

LV2: Life 2         100    Come back to life with all HP

Status Changes:      POWER    -02      MAGIC         +02      MAXHP -05%

                     STRENGTH -01      MAGIC DEFENSE +01      MAXMP +05%

Purchase from:       Junon Town, Costa Del Sol (Disc 2+)



SEAL                                            20000 AP          3 stars


LV1: Sleepel     8      Enemy falls asleep

LV2: Silence      24     Enemy is silenced

Status Changes:      POWER -01         MAXHP -02%

                     MAGIC +01         MAXMP +02%

Purchase from:       Junon Town



PERPLEX                                         30000 AP          3 stars


LV1: Confuse       18     Enemy is confused

LV2: Berserk       28     Automatic attack/Attack Power goes up

Status Changes:      POWER -01         MAXHP -02%

                     MAGIC +01         MAXMP +02%

Purchase from:       Cosmo Canyon  (see note *3)

*3 Berserk is useful against magic-casting enemies because they're

   forced to attack and can't use spells.  You can also use this

   spell on yourself; while the ally can do nothing but attack, his

   attack power is greatly increased (but this is true for enemies

   hit with this spell, too).



TRANSFORM                                       24000 AP          3 stars


LV1: Minimum        10     Body shrinks; stats./damage drop to 1.

LV2: Toad          14     Can do nothing but attack/ cast 'Toad'

Status Changes:      POWER -01         MAXHP -02%

                     MAGIC +01         MAXMP +02%

Initially equipped:  Cait Sith

Purchase from:       North Corel, Cosmo Canyon, Gongaga Town, Mideel



SEPERATION                                      30000 AP          3 stars


LV1: Escape       16     Escape from battles (some exceptions)

LV2: Degeon       99     All enemies are banished (killed)

Status Changes:      POWER -01         MAXHP -02%

                     MAGIC +01         MAXMP +02%

Purchase from:       Rocket Village  (see note *4)

*4 Yes, if you cast Degeon on yourself then you'll all die ^_^;



TIME                                            42000 AP          4 stars


LV1: Haste        18     Time bar fills faster

LV2: Slow         20     Time bar fills slower

LV3: Stop         34     Time bar can't fill for a short while

Status Changes:      POWER    -02      MAGIC         +02      MAXHP -05%

                     STRENGTH -01      MAGIC DEFENSE +01      MAXMP +05%

Purchase from:       Gongaga Town, Rocket Village



BARRIER                                         45000 AP          5 stars


LV1: Barrier        16     Lessens physical damage

LV2: Mabarrier    24     Lessens Magic Plus damage

LV3: Reflect       30     Reflects most magic

LV4: Wall          58     Barrier and Mabarrier cast at once

Status Changes:      POWER    -02      MAGIC         +02      MAXHP -05%

                     STRENGTH -01      MAGIC DEFENSE +01      MAXMP +05%

Purchase from:       Rocket Village  (see note *5)

*5 Reflect reflects a magic spell to the opposite party (foe to ally, ally

   to foe) even if the caster and receiver are both allies or enemies.

   If a spell affects more than one person, only the people with Reflect

   will have the spell reflected.

   Unlike previous Final Fantasy games, a reflected spell (at least, if

   the reflective power is automatic or due to an accessory like the

   Reflect Ring) will bounce back and forth until it 'breaks through'

   a target's reflectiveness (which will still be there--it's not

   permanently removed) or misses.  This is quite a change from the

   normal 'reflect one time' rule of other FF incarnations, and whether

   it was programmed in purposely or is a glitch remains to be seen.

   Riflek doesn't work against Juuryoku-type spells, Inseki-type spells,

   Ultima, Shield, Debarrier, or Dispel.



ANNIHILATION                                    45000 AP          4 stars


LV1: Debarrier   12     Cancels Barrier spells

LV2: Dispel      20     Cancels any magic

LV3: Death       30     Kills foe instantly

Status Changes:      POWER    -02      MAGIC         +02      MAXHP -05%

                     STRENGTH -01      MAGIC DEFENSE +01      MAXMP +05%

Purchase from:       Fort Condor, Mideel  (see note *6)

*6 Dispel removes status-changing magics such as Wall, Haste, Slow,

   Regene, Toad, etc.  It only affects the spells in use, but can

   remove more than one Magic Plus status at once.



SHIELD                                          100000 AP         3 stars


LV1: --                     --     --

LV2: Shield         180    Ally becomes invincible for a while

Status Changes:      POWER    -04      MAGIC         +04      MAXHP -10%

                     STRENGTH -02      MAGIC DEFENSE +02      MAXMP +10%

Find:                Makou Pit



MASTER MAGIC                                    n/a              no stars


When equipped, you can cast ANY magic spell, providing you have enough

MP.  Remember, using a combination materia together with the Master Magic

materia will affect all your spells, but not all of them will be

compatible with certain types of combination materia.






STEAL                                           50000 AP          3 stars


LV1: (Steal)

     Attempt to steal an item from an enemy.  It doesn't always work,

     and you can't steal if an enemy has no items.

LV2: (Plunder)

     As above, but you will attack and steal at the same time.  Once

     you learn this, you can't use Nusumu.

Status Changes:      Speed Plus +02

Purchase:            Kalm Town

Find:                After killing the boss when you fall into the sewers

                     once you've rescued Tifa from Wall Market (Disc 1).



THROW                                           60000 AP          3 stars


LV1: (Throw)

     You can throw one of the weapons in your inventory at an enemy.

     You'll lose the weapon you throw, however.  The only items you're

     allowed to throw are: swords (Cloud), rods (Aeris), cannons

     (Barret), shuriken (Yuffie), M-phones (Cait Sith), handguns

     (Vincent), and spears (Cid).  You cannot throw a weapon an ally

     is equipped with.

LV2: (Coin Toss)

     Once you learn it, this command and Nageru switch constantly while

     the Battle Window is open.  If you choose it, you must then decide

     how much money you will _keep_ by using the controller (just like

     purchasing a certain amount of items).  No matter how much gil you

     toss, the maximum damage is always 9999.  The ratio of gil to

     damage points is 10:1, so you'd better have a lot of money.

Status Changes:      STRENGTH +01

Intially Equipped:   Yuffie

Purchase:            Fort Condor, Rocket Town



CONTINUOUS SLICE                                150000 AP         3 stars


LV1: (Continuous Slice)

     You can make make two physical attacks on one enemy.

LV2: (Random Hit)

     You can attack 4 times, but the damage you inflict is slightly

     lower than normal.  Each enemy that you attack is picked at


Status Changes:      Speed Plus +02

Find:                Wrecked Plane



SLICE EVERYBODY                                 150000 AP         3 stars


LV1: Slice Everybody)  You can make one attack which will hit all

enemies.  It's possible to hit and miss at the same time with this


LV2: (Swordplay)

     All enemies facing you are instantly killed.  This command doesn't

     always work.

Find:                Old Forest



PERCIEVE                                        40000 AP          2 stars


You're shown an enemy's HP, MP, experience level, and any weaknesses they

may have.  Furthermore, their current HP and MP rate is shown if you

select them while the Help Window is activated.  Not all enemies can be

scanned with this command.

Initially Equipped:  Red 13

Purchase:            Kalm Town, Junon Town

Find:                Midgar City -- Area 7



Morph                                           100000 AP         2 stars


This command makes you do a physical attack at roughly 2/3rds less

damage.  If your foe is killed with this hit, he will transform into an

item for you to take.  Not all enemies can be morphed.

Find:                At the Temple



Deathblow                                       40000 AP          2 stars


When used, an ally will try to make a critical strike.  This attack

misses often, but still hits more frequently than a regular critical

attack does.

Status Changes:      LUCK +01

Purchase:            Fort Condor, Rocket Village

Find:                Area near Gongaga Town



MANIPULATE                                      40000 AP          2 stars


You can control an enemy with this command.  If it works, your character

can't do anything aside from controlling the enemy.  Not all enemies can

be controlled, and on top of that, this command doesn't always work.

While an enemy is under your command, you can do nothing aside from

direct it (you can't perform normal commands, only pick commands for the

monster under your control).  If you're using this materia and Subete

All, you'll attempt to control all monsters, but you can only

control one, no matter how successful you are :(

Initially equipped:  Cait Sith

Purchase:            Fort Condor, Rocket Village



Enemy Skill                                     n/a              24 stars


You can learn certain skills normally available only to your enemies

with this materia equipped.  To learn a skill, the enemy must use it

on you (even if you dodge it or are killed by it), and you must then

proceed to win the battle.  Each time you gain a new skill, one of the

24 stars in the Materia Menu lights up and the skill's name is added

to the gray box beneath it.  Using enemy skills costs MP, in most cases.

You can also check out Enemy Skills in the Magic Menu.

Find:                Shinra HQ -- 68th floor, after killing the boss.

                     Ancient City (behind a bed), Chocobo Sennin's

                     house (talk to the Green Chocobo), basement of

                     Junon Town (the room with the soldiers).



Mime                                            100000 AP         2 stars


You can mimic the last action one of your allies made when using this

command, whether it was spell-casting, using up an item, activating a

Command Materia, summoning a monster, changing rows, etc.  You won't

lose any HP, MP, items, or anything else that would be used up or

depleted normally.  Since Monomane mimics the last action made, you can

skip through the other allies until it is your turn again to repeatedly

imitate yourself.  And while you can't mimic Limit Breaks, you can

imitate your own Breaks.  What's really cool about this materia is that

you will imitate the person's combination materia, too.  So if someone

casts Fire 2, and it's combined with Quadra Magic, then you will

use Quadra Magic as well when you mimic them without having to have

it equipped!

Find:                One of the bonus areas...refer to section 5b.



W-Magic / W MAGIC                               250000 AP         2 stars


This command lets you cast two spells, one right after the other.  MP

consumption remains normal and you have to have enough for both spells.

The great thing about this materia is that you can still use Mahou

Midareuchi, All, Subete All, MP Turbo, or any other materia

that affects magic along with this to affect both spells that you're


Find:                Makou Pit.



W-Summon / W SUMMON                             250000 AP         2 stars


You can summon two monsters, one right after the other, when this Materia

is equipped.  You have to have enough MP to perform the summons, and if

you've already called a monster the maximum number of times, you can't

call it again using this command.

Find:                A prize you can buy at the Gold Saucer's Battle




W-Item / W ITEM                                 250000 AP         2 stars


You can use two items, one right after the other, with this command.

You must have enough items to use, though.


Find:                At the end of the passageway leading south when you

                     raid Midgar City at the end of Disc 2.



MASTER COMMAND                                  n/a              no stars


When equipped, you can use the following commands in battle: Certain

Kill, Coin Toss, Manipulate, Morph, Mime, Sense, Steal,

and Throw.





Note that when more than one of the following Materia are worn, their

bonus is culmulative:  HP Plus, MP Plus, Luck Plus, Magic Plus, and Plus.

This means that you can wear more than one for an even higher increase in

your scores (but you can only wear so many--try to equip lots of the

same type of Materia and you'll see that your stats. remain the same.

The rest of the Purple Materia (Gil Plus, Teki Yose, etc.) have no

Added Effect of two or more of them are worn at once.  The only

exception is when you wear the Counter Materia; see below for details.


HP Plus                                         50000 AP          5 stars


LV1: HP 10% Up       When equipped, your Maximum HP increases by the

LV2: HP 20% Up       listed amount, allowing you to gain back more HP.

LV3: HP 30% Up       Your HP cannot be raised above 9999, though, and you

LV4: HP 40% Up       lose your HP bonus when this materia is de-equipped.

LV5: HP 50% Up

Purchase:            Cosmo Canyon or Mideel.



MP Plus                                         50000 AP          5 stars


LV1: MP 10% Up       When worn, your Maximum MP increases by the listed

LV2: MP 20% Up       amount, allowing you to gain back more MP.  Your MP

LV3: MP 30% Up       cannot be raised above 999, though, and you lose the

LV4: MP 40% Up       MP bonus when this materia is taken off.

LV5: MP 50% Up

Purchase:            Cosmo Canyon or Mideel.



HPMP                                         80000 AP          2 stars


This materia switches your maximum HP score with your maximum MP score.

While this allows you to have up to 9999 MP, your HPs can never go

beyond 999 while wearing this materia.  Interestingly enough, equipping

an 'HP Plus' materia will increase your MP amount (up to 9999), and

wearing a 'MP Plus' materia will increase your maximum HP (but you still

can't go beyond 999 Hit Points).

Find:                One of the bonus areas...refer to section 5b.



Luck Plus                                       100000 AP         5 stars


LV1: Luck 10% Up     This materia raises your luck score (which helps

LV2: Luck 20% Up     determine your critical hit (Hissatsu) rate.  If

LV3: Luck 30% Up     it is removed, your luck drops back to normal.

LV4: Luck 40% Up

LV5: Luck 50% Up

Find:                At the Temple.



Magic Plus                                      50000 AP          5 stars


LV1: Magic 10% Up    This materia raises your magic score (which helps

LV2: Magic 20% Up    rate the effectiveness of Mahou materia).  When

LV3: Magic 30% Up    de-equipped, your magic score returns to normal.

LV4: Magic 40% Up

LV5: Magic 50% Up

Find:                Bottom of ladder in the cave beyond the Ancient

                     City in Disc 2.


Speed Plus                                      100000 AP         5 stars


LV1: Speed Plus 10% Up    This materia increases your Speed rating (which

LV2: Speed Plus 20% Up    determines, in part, battle initiative and your

LV3: Speed Plus 30% Up    ability to dodge attacks).  Should this materia

LV4: Speed Plus 40% Up    be taken off, your speed will go back to it's

LV5: Speed Plus 50% Up    former level.

Find:                A prize you can buy at the Gold Saucer's Battle




Gil Plus                                        150000 AP         3 stars


LV1: Receive 1.5 times more gil than usual when you win a battle.

LV2: Receive twice as more gil than usual when you win a battle.

Status Changes:      LUCK +01

Purchase:            Gold Saucer's Wonder Square.



EXP. Plus                                       150000 AP         3 stars


LV1: Receive 1.5 times more EXP than usual when you win a battle.

LV2: Receive twice as more EXP than usual when you win a battle.

Status Chagnes:      LUCK +01

Purchase:            Gold Saucer's Wonder Square.



Enemy Away                                      50000 AP          3 stars


LV1: Enemy enCounter Attack rate drops to one-half.

LV2: Enemy enCounter Attack rate drops to one-fourth.

Status Changes:      LUCK +01

Find:                Receive as a prize if you did well in the chocobo

                     races at the Gold Saucer.



Enemy Plus                                      50000 AP          3 stars


LV1: EnCounter Attack enemies 1.5 times more often.

LV2: EnCounter Attack enemies twice as often.

Status Changes:      LUCK -01

Find:                A prize you can buy at the Gold Saucer's Battle




Chocobo Plus                                    30000 AP          4 stars


Allows you to enCounter Attack chocobos while in areas with very light

grass or with Chocobo tracks.

LV1: Chocobo enCounter Attack rate is 2 times higher.

LV2: Chocobo enCounter Attack rate is 4 times higher.

LV3: Chocobo enCounter Attack rate is 8 times higher.

Status Changes:      LUCK +01

Purchase:            The man in the chocobo stables at the Chocobo Farm.

Find:                Edge of the Chocobo pen at the Chocobo Farm (Disc




Pre-emptive                                     80000 AP          5 stars


LV1: Chance of attacking first is 12%    When worn, this materia gives

LV2: Chance of attacking first is 24%    your party an increased chance

LV3: Chance of attacking first is 36%    of getting a free round of

LV4: Chance of attacking first is 48%    fighting, just as if you had

                                         made an initial attack.

Status Changes:      Speed Plus +02

Find:                A prize you can buy at the Gold Saucer's Battle




LONG DISTANCE ATTACK                            80000 AP          2 stars


You may attack from the back row without any reduction in your attack

power.  This materia has no effect if you are in the front row.

Find:                In the Mythril Mine.



PROTECT                                         40000 AP          5 stars


LV1: 20% Up          The character wearing this Materia will block

LV2: 40% Up          an enemy's attack by standing in front of one of

LV3: 60% Up          his allies when they are attacked.  It won't

LV4: 80% Up          always happen (unless you're at 100%), and that

LV5: 100% Up         ally will keep guarding even if his HPs are low.

                     This only works when another ally is hit by a

                     physical attack, not by magic or certain enemy


Status Changes:      STRENGTH +01

Find:                In the garden next to Aeris's house.



Counter Attack                                  100000 AP         5 stars


The character wearing this will Counteattack using his weapon if he is

targeted by an enemy (the attack doesn't have to be physical, and it

doesn't have to be aimed specifically at the person wearing the Counter

Attack Materia.  In fact, it doesn't even have to hit or do damage in

order to trigger a counterattack).  Damage is the same, just as if you

had attacked normally (it's even possible to miss).

A counterattack is made only against the enemy you hit; combining

this materia with Subete All, Renzokugiri, or any other materia that

affects your ability to attack will have no effect.  However, I'm not

sure how Enkyori Kougeki would affect this materia.  The chance of you

Counter Attacking when hit raises at 20% per star.  You won't

counterattack your friends if they attack you, BTW.

Note that the more of these that you wear, the more times you make a

counterattack.  So if you have 4 Counter Attack materia equipped and an

enemy hits you with a physical attack, you will strike that foe 4 times.

Find:                Caves behind Nivelheim, or you can receive it as a

                     prize for winning the chocobo races held at the

                     Gold Saucer.



Mega All                                        160000 AP         5 stars


Like All, this materia allows you to target all allies or enemies

instead of just one.  However, the Subete All affects _every_

ability your character possesses.  The ability must be a selectable one

(in the Battle Window), and not an ability such as Counter Attack or

Cover.  This Materia doesn't work with Summon Spells or the ability to use

Items (even with W Item equipped).

Find:                Makou Pit.






HP ABSORB                                       100000 AP         2 stars


Every time you hit an enemy with magic, 1/10th of the damage you did is

given back to you in the form of HPs.

Find:                Makou Pit.



MP ABSORB                                       100000 AP         2 stars


Every time you hit an enemy with magic, 1/10th of the damage you did is

given back to you in the form of MPs.

Find:                Chest in Wutai.



MP TURBO                                        120000 AP         5 stars


When paired with a Mahou or Summon materia, the MP cost raises by about

1/3rd the original amount.  However, the effectiveness of the spell cast

is increased by a third as well, whether it is damaged inflicted or HP

restored.  The only exception to this that I've found so far is the

Knights of Round materia--pair it to MP Turbo and the cost raises

only 5 points, yet the amount of damage is still raised by a third.

Find:                In the Temple.



All                                             35000 AP          5 stars


When linked to a green materia, you will target that spell on all allies

or enemies instead of just one.  This allows you to hit them all with

that spell.  The more levels you raise this materia, the more times you

can do this; after enough uses of that spell, you'll have to target

one enemy again until the next battle.  Note that All will not work

with the following materia: Altema, Chiryou (Resist only), Fulkea, Fuuin,

Inseki, Ridatsu, or Shield.

Initially Equipped:  Red 13

Purchase from:       Fort Condor

Find:                Shinra HQ -- trade in one of the bags from the

                     'locked door' puzzle to get it.



Quadra Magic                                    200000 AP         5 stars


This can be combined with Spell or Summon Materia.  When used, the spell

strikes 4 times, with the target randomly chosen each time.  The damage

that spell would inflict is reduced, but the you only lose MP as if you

had casted the spell once.  The same applies if it is combined with a

Summon Materia.  This Materia works with every magic spell and summon

skill except for Escape and Knights of Round.

Find:                One of the bonus areas...refer to section 5b.



Sneak Attack                                    150000 AP         5 stars


If you have a Mahou, Summon, or Command materia attached to the Fuiuchi

materia, then the character wearing them will instantly use the

attached materia before the allies or enemies can attack.  However,

there is only a small chance of this working, but you can increase it

by raising this materia's levels.  This materia doesn't work against

enemies that are supposed to attack first (such as the armored tank

that you fight after escaping from Shinra HQ in Disc One).

Find:                Receive as a prize if you did well in the chocobo

                     races at the Gold Saucer.



MAGIC Counter Attack                            300000 AP         5 stars


Despite it's name, you can attach a Mahou or a Summon materia to this

materia orb.  If you are attacked, there is a chance that you will

Counterattack with whatever spell or Shoukan you have equipped, providing

you have the MP for it.  The chance of you making a Counterattack

increases 20% per level star you earn.  If you have either the Master

Magic or Master Summon materia equipped, the Shoukanjuu or magic spell

used is determined randomly.

Find:                Receive as a prize if you did well in the chocobo

                     races at the Gold Saucer.



Counter Attack                                  100000 AP         5 stars


This materia will only work if it is attached to a Command Materia.

Furthermore, it will will only work with the following Materia:

Ayatsuru, Henka, Hissatsu, Miyaburu, Monomane*, Nageru, and Nusumu.

If you have the Master Command materia linked to this one, then one of

the eight commands will be picked at random.  When you are attacked by

an enemy, you will Counter Attackattack with the command materia you have

equipped.  The chance of you counterattacking increases by 20% for each

new level star you earn.  If the command chosen is Nageru or Zeninage,

then the item thrown/amount of gil thrown is randomly determined.

* Since Monomane will make you imitate what you or your allies just did,

  you can use Monomane to Counter Attackattack with Renzokugiri, a Summon

  spell, or any other Materia ability.  It's probably the best Materia

  to have when using the Counter Attack because you can strike back

  with just about any ability you can think of.

Find:                Makou Pit.



FINAL ATTACK                                    160000 AP         5 stars


This works just like the ability that many of your enemies have; when

your HP is reduced to 0, you will activate whatever Materia is attached

to the Final Attack Materia, but that Materia has to be a Mahou, Shoukan,

or Command materia.  Be careful, though, since if one of your allies

kills you, you'll attack them with the Materia you have equipped!  You

can equip a Materia like Sosei or Barrier to revive yourself or protect

your party once you pass away, though, making this useful as both an

offensive and defensive tactic.  The more stars you've earned, the more

times you can use this Materia when you are killed.

Find:                A prize you can win at the Gold Saucer's Battle

                     Square, should you win the URA Battle.



ADDITIONAL SLICE                                200000 AP         2 stars


After using the materia that this is combined with, you'll perform a

single physical attack on the enemy affected by the materia.  This means

that if you use a materia on yourself (like Barrier), you'll attack

yourself or your allies!

Find:                Look on the 'switching path' in the Mountain

                     Crossroads area (it's where you can use your map

                     in the 2nd disk, just before the snowfield).


Steal as well*                                  200000 AP         2 stars


After using the materia that this is combined with, you'll attempt to

steal from the enemy affected by the previous materia (you won't move

or anything--you simply receive a message telling you if you were

successful or not).  Combining this with the Nusumu materia is obviously

pointless unless you're having a hard time stealing from a particular


Find:                In a cavern above Wutai (you need to be able to

                     cross the fire-pits before you can reach it).

*  Could also be translated 'Steal while you are doing (action)'.



Added Effect                                    100000 AP         2 stars


This materia is affect not only by which Mahou or Shoukan materia you

combine it with, but if you affix it to your weapon or your bracelet.

It takes the properties of the linked materia and gives your weapon or

bracelet those properties.  For example, equip Shiva on your paired

bracelet holders and you are protected from Ice damage.  Equip it and

the Ikazuchi materia on your weapon's holders and your normal attacks

will hit for lightning damage.  Like Zokusei (below), not all materia

will work with this combination materia.

Find:                Cosmo Canyon -- the cave that you and the old man




Elemental                                       80000 AP          4 stars


Like Tsuika Kouka, this materia affects the weapon or armor it is

attached to as well as the materia it is combined with.  Zokusei only

works when paired with certain Mahou or Shoukan materia.  If it is

attached to a weapon, the type of damage you inflict is the same as the

Materia combined with Zokusei (so if you have Phoenix attached to your

weapon and it is combined with this materia, you'll hit for fire damage.

And if you have Doku attached to you armor along with this materia, you

will be protected from Poison attacks).  This Materia has no additional

power when linked with a weapon, but if it is combined with a bracelet,

it has the following abilities:

LV1: Damage inflicted is reduced to 1/2 if it is the corresponding type.

LV2: No damage is received if it is the corresponding type.

LV3: Gain HP if you are struck with the corresponding type of attack.

Zokusei will only work when paired with these materia:


Poison               Alexander        Titan

Fire                 Ifrit            Ramuh

Lightning            Leviathan

Demi                 Phoenix

Cold                 Shiva

Find:                From Domino on the 62nd floor of the Shinra HQ.

                     Also in either Tifa's house or the mountains

                     behind Nivelheim (NSS).





All summon materia have five level stars.  The more levels you raise,

the more times you can summon that particular Shoukanjuu (Summoned

Beast) during a battle.  Unless mentioned, all summon attacks strike

all enemies at once.


CHOCOBO AND MOOGLE                              35000 AP     COST - 14 MP



                 Dash attack hitting for physical damage.  Has a small

                 chance of stunning your foes for several rounds.  In

                 case you're wondering, the kanji on the moogle's

                 headband is the real name of this Summon in the

                 Japanese version (it is 'HissatsuWaza' or 'Ultimate

                 Special Technique').

Technique:       FAT CHOCOBO

                 Fat Chocobo performs squashing attack hitting for

                 physical damage.  Occurs 1/16th of the time.

Status Changes:  MAGIC +01               MAXHP -02%

                                         MAXMP +02%

Find:            Talk to the fenced in Chocobo at the Chocobo Farm.




SHIVA                                    50000 AP            COST - 32 MP



Technique:       DIMOND DUST

                 Attacks with frost blast for ice damage.

Status Changes:  MAGIC +01               MAXHP -02%

                                         MAXMP +02%

Find:            In the cave between the chocobo farm and Fort Condor

                 (before Junon Town). 



IFRIT                                           50000 AP     COST - 34 MP


Technique:       Fire OF HELL

                 Flaming body check hitting for fire damage.

Status Changes:  MAGIC +01               MAXHP -02%

                                         MAXMP +02%

Find:            After killing Jenova Birth on the Shinra Boat. 



TITAN                                           80000 AP     COST - 46 MP


Technique:       ANGER OF EARTH

                 Ground lift and crush hitting for earth damage.

Status Changes:  MAGIC +01               MAXHP -02%

                                         MAXMP +02%

Find:            Check the ruined machinery after the Shinra minions

                 leave in the village located before Cosmo Canyon.




RAMUH                                           70000 AP     COST - 40 MP



                 Lightning storm striking for thunder damage.

Status Changes:  MAGIC +01               MAXHP -02%

                                         MAXMP +02%

Find:            Alcove in Chocobo racer's room in the Golden Saucer.




ODIN                                            90000 AP     COST - 80 MP


Technique:       IRON-CUTTING SWORD

                 Slashes with sword, instantly killing all enemies.

Technique:       GUNGNIR SPEAR

                 Impales one foe with spear for special damage (done

                 only vs. foes that cannot be 'instantly killed', such

                 as bosses).


Status Changes:  MAGIC         +01       MAXHP -05%

                 MAGIC DEFENSE +01       MAXMP +05%

Find:            After opening the safe and defeating the boss in the

                 mansion in Nivelheim (where Vincent is found).




LEVIATHAN                                      10000 AP      COST - 78 MP


Technique:       GREAT OCEAN COLLIDE

                 Summons tidal wave that hits for water damage.

Status Changes:  MAGIC         +01       MAXHP -05%

                 MAGIC DEFENSE +01       MAXMP +05%

Find:            Given to you after beating the Ashura-like monster at

                 the top of the pagoda in Utai on the Westmost Continent.




KJATA                                           140000 AP   COST - 110 MP


Technique:       TRI-DISASTER

                 Hits for three element damage (Fire, Ice, Bolt)

Status Changes:  MAGIC         +01       MAXHP -05%

                 MAGIC DEFENSE +01       MAXMP +05%

Find:            Second screen of endless Forest on Northern Continent.




BAHAMUT                                         120000 AP   COST - 100 MP


Technique:       MEGAFLARE

                 Attacks with flare breath for special damage.

Status Changes:  MAGIC         +01       MAXHP -05%

                 MAGIC DEFENSE +01       MAXMP +05%

Find:            After beating the dragon in the Temple once you've met

                 Sephiroth and the Temple starts to shake. 



ALEXANDER                                       150000 AP   COST - 120 MP


Technique:       HOLY JUDGMENT

                 Laser ray hitting for holy power damage.

Status Changes:  MAGIC         +01       MAXHP -05%

                 MAGIC DEFENSE +01       MAXMP +05%

Find:            In a cave on the east edge of the icy wasteland below

                 the old man's shack on the Northern Continent.




NEO BAHAMUT                                     200000 AP   COST - 140 MP


Technique:       GIGAFLARE

                 Attacks with stronger flare breath for special damage.

Status Changes:  MAGIC         +02       MAXHP -10%

                 MAGIC DEFENSE +02       MAXMP +10%

Find:            Lying on path leading to first barrier at top of the

                 crater in the Frozen Mountain. 



PHOENIX                                         180000 AP   COST - 180 MP


Technique:       Fire OF REINCARNATION

                 Causes fire damage to enemy and revives all dead allies

                 (restores a dead character's HP to max).

Status Changes:  MAGIC         +02       MAXHP -10%

                 MAGIC DEFENSE +02       MAXMP +10%

Find:            Win the Mini-Battle at Fort Condor. 



HADES                                           250000 AP   COST - 150 MP



                 Hades appears and summons a gas from within his cauldron

                 which will affect enemies with various status ailments,

                 in addition to inflicting poison damage.

Status Changes:  MAGIC         +04       MAXHP -10%

                 MAGIC DEFENSE +04       MAXMP +15%

Find:            Near the ruined helicopter in the sunken Shinra plane

                 next to the Gold Saucer. 



BAHAMUT ZERO                                    250000 AP   COST - 180 MP


Technique:       TERAFLARE

                 Bahamut's ultimate form appears in outer space and

                 eradicates all enemies with a Shotgun flare for special

                 damage.  This attack hits for around 8000-9999 damage.

Status Changes:  MAGIC         +04       MAXHP -10%

                 MAGIC DEFENSE +04       MAXMP +15%

Find:            Touch the floating blue stone in Cosmo Canyon after

                 revisiting the Ancient City with the old man.  You

                 must have Bahamut and Bahamut Kai or you won't

                 receive this materia. 



TYPOON                                          250000 AP   COST - 160 MP



                 Typoon creates a wind vortex, then turns the ground

                 upside-down and all the enemies fall down into the

                 sky :)  This attack instantly kills foes, but it can


Status Changes:  MAGIC         +04       MAXHP -10%

                 MAGIC DEFENSE +04       MAXMP +15%

Find:            In a bag on a branch across from three pink vines, in

                 the third area of the Old Forest. 




KNIGHTS OF ROUND                                500000 AP   COST - 250 MP


Technique:       ULTIMATE END

                 King Arthur and his fellow knights (they don't look

                 like knights to me) each take a turn attacking your

                 opponents with all kinds of attacks (causing fire

                 damage, ice damage, special damage, etc.)

Status Changes:  MAGIC         +08       MAXHP -10%

                 MAGIC DEFENSE +08       MAXMP +20%

Find:            In a cave on the uncharted island in the northeast

                 corner of the map.  You'll need the Gold Chocobo to

                 reach it. 



MASTER SUMMON                                   n/a              no stars


When equipped, you can summon ANY monster.



  9 . 4      e n e m y   s k i l l   l i s t


This section lists the enemy skills you can learn in numerical order.

It also lists the amount of MP needed to use an enemy skill, the effect

of that skill, and the locations of monsters you can learn them from.


STAR 01 - FROG SONG                                           COST - 5 MP


Effect:  Transforms all foes into frogs and puts them to sleep.

Learn:   From the green frogs (Tatchimi) in the circular forest near

         Gongaga Town (also from the other forests nearby). 

Tip:     You can control the enemy and make it use Kaeru no Uta on you

         (pick the bottom option).



STAR 02 - SUICIDE                                            COST - 10 MP


Effect:  All enemies with an experience level that is a multiple of 4

         loses almost all their HP (you can't kill an enemy with this

         spell--the best you can do is reduce their HP to one point).

         In addition, they may be afflicted with the 'Minimum' status.

Learn:   Burrowing squirrel-like foes (Muu) found near the Chocobo Farm.


Tip:     You can't control this enemy, so you'll have to wait until they

         use it on you.



STAR 03 - MAGIC MALLET                                        COST - 3 MP


Effect:  Bop one foe on the head and gain up to 100 MP (assuming

         the monster has enough MP).

Learn:   Plant-like monsters (Ashigirisou)  found on the tip of the

         Westernmost Continent (in the dark grass). 

Tip:     You can control an Ashigiisou and have it use the Magic

         Hammer against one of your allies (choose the third




STAR 04 - PEARL WIND                                         COST - 34 MP


Effect:  Each ally regains lost HP and their status ailments are cured

         and dispelled.  The amount of HP recovered depends on the

         current HP of the caster.

Learn:   The white and green cactus-like monsters (Zemzerett) in the

         grassy area by Junon Town  , or from the winged

         serpents you fight if you're hit by a barrier at the Frozen


Tip:     You can't learn White Wind from a Zemzerett unless you control

         it and make it use the skill on you (pick the bottom choice to

         do this).



STAR 05 - BIG GUARD                                          COST - 56 MP


Effect:  Has the same effect as casting Haste, Barrier, and Mabarrier on

         all your allies.

Learn:   The spiky, shelled creatures with green tentacles (Beach Plug)

         that live on the shore near the Gongaga Town. 

Tip:     The Beach Plug won't use Mighty Guard unless you control it

         and make it use the skill on one of your members (it's the

         middle option).



STAR 06 - ANGEL'S WHISPER                                    COST - 50 MP


Effect:  An angel appears above one person and brings them back to life

         if they are dead.  They also relieve any status ailments and

         dispel any bad effects.  In addition HP is restored to the

         amount shown during the skill's use; however, this can be a

         bane to characters with high HP because if your life is higher

         than the amount shown, it is reduced to that amount.  You'd

         think that this would be a great way to weaken enemies with

         more than 9999 HP, but it won't work on your opponents in this

         manner--it will only heal them, remove status ailments, etc. :(

Learn:   From the beckoning women in the yellow swimsuits (Polan Solita)

         you meet in the Makou Pit if you take the right path the first

         time you meet your friends. 

Tip:     The easiest way to learn this skill is by controlling your

         enemy and picking the bottom option to make them use this skill

         on you.



STAR 07 - DRAGON FORCE                                       COST - 19 MP


Effect:  Increases your physical and Magic Plus defense rating.

Learn:   From the dragons (Dark Dragon) you meet during the descent into

         the Makou Pit. 

Tip:     You can't learn this unless you control the Dark Dragon and have

         it use Dragon Force on one of you (pick the second choice).



STAR 08 - DEATH FORCE                                         COST - 3 MP


Effect:  One ally becomes immune to instant death attacks (this doesn't

         protect you from dying if you lose all your HP).

Learn:   The huge tusked turtles (Adamantaimai) by the shoreline of the

         Westmost Continent. 

Tip:     You can't learn this skill unless you control the turtle and

         make it use Death Force against you.  To do this, choose the

         bottom option once it's under your control.



STAR 09 - Fire BLASTER                                      COST - 10 MP


Effect:  A stream of fire burns one foe for fire (Honoo) damage.

Learn:   From any enemy that utilizes a fire breath attack. One of the

         earliest locations would be the room with the ladders and

         pipes where you fight the boss of the mountains behind

         Nivelheim; you can fight Dragons in that area that use Kaen

         Housha often.    You can also learn it from the

         flying yellow monsters (Aakudoragon) in the Mythril Mine.

Tip:     While you could learn this skill by controlling a Dragon and

         picking the bottom choice to make it use this skill on you,

         chances are it will hit you with Kaen Housha as it's initial

         attack in the first place.  The same goes for the flying




STAR 10 - LASER                                              COST - 16 MP


Effect:  Reduces an enemy's HP by one-half.

Learn:   From the dragons (Dark Dragon) you meet during the descent into

         the Makou Pit. 

Tip:     You can either let the Dark Dragon use this ability on you, or

         you can control it (using Ayatsuru), and pick the top option

         to make it use Laser on one of your allies.



STAR 11 - MATRA MAGIC                                         COST - 8 MP


Effect:  Fire a pack of missiles at one enemy for magic damage.

Learn:   Machines with big feet and guns for arms (Sweeper Custom) around

         Junon Town.    Or from the wheeled robo-creatures in

         the underwater part of Junon Town. 

Tip:     To learn this skill from the Sweeper Custom, just control it

         and choose the last option.



STAR 12 - BAD BREATH                                         COST - 58 MP


Effect:  Inflict multiple status ailments upon all enemies, including

         Confusion, Frog, Minimum (Shrink), Mute, Poison, and Sleepel.

Learn:   From the Mobol creatures (green guys with tentacles and really

         big mouths) living on the outside ledges in the Frozen Mountain.

           You can also meet them in the Makou Pit, if you take

         the right path the first time you run into your friends.


Tip:     Be sure to have some protective accessories equipped when trying

         to learn this skill or your party may be too weakened by the

         Smelly Breath to kill the Molbol or even escape!



STAR 13 - BETA                                               COST - 35 MP


Effect:  A swirling red shape appears, surrounded by specks of white.

         All targets are hit for magic damage.

Learn:   The big shadow snake (Midgal Zuolm) in the marsh near the

         Chocobo Farm. 

Tip:     This monster won't use Beta unless he's waving back and forth.

         To make him do that, inflict heavy damage on him.  Then just

         wait until he uses Beta.  If he still doesn't use it, take off

         a little bit of his life since he tends to use Beta more when

         he's near death.



STAR 14 - AQUALUNG                                           COST - 34 MP


Effect:  Blue bubbles strike all enemies for water damage.

Learn:   From the boss of the Ancient City  , the winged chimera

         in the plains surrounding the Gold Saucer  ; or from

         the floating sea-dragon creature (Saapando) in the sunken plane

         near the Gold Saucer. 

Tip:     To pick up this skill, just control a Chimera and choose the

         bottom option to make it use Aqua Breath.



STAR 15 - TRYNE                                              COST - 20 MP


Effect:  A Delta Force-like attack that hits all enemies for lighting

         (Ikazuchi) damage.

Learn:   The Ashura-like boss (Godo) of the pagoda's top floor in Utai.

           Also from the red spider/crab-like creature (Stilve)

         living inside the Frozen Mountain , or the spider-like

         boss (Materia Keeper) of the mountains behind Nivelheim.           1>.  Remember, the _only_ time you can learn this skill is while

         fighting one of the above monsters, so learn it while you still

         can!  If you miss it, it's possible to learn it from the Stilves

         you meet in the Gold Saucer's Battle Square, though -NSS-.

Tip:     Actually, the Materia Keeper is more likely to use this against

         your characters than any other enemy that can use this skill.

         It's a good thing, too, since you can't control it.



STAR 16 - Magic Breath                                     COST - 75 MP


Effect:  Rainbow orbs hit all foes for fire, ice, and lighting damage.

Learn:   From the red spider/crab-like creatures (Stilve) living inside

         the Frozen Mountain.    Also from the blue, leech-like

         enemies (Parasite) in the Makou Pit. 

Tip:     To learn this skill from a Parasite quickly, control it and

         pick the last option to have it use Magic Breath on your




STAR 17 - ????                                                COST - 3 MP


Effect:  A weight drops and hits for special damage.  The amount is

         equal to the amount of damage the caster has received in


Learn:   From the balance-like creatures (Judge) in Nivelheim. 

         Also from the purple behemoths (Behemoth) you encounter when

         raiding Midgar City.    Keep in mind that you won't

         actually learn this skill unless you take damage from it.

Tip:     The Judges will use this skill eventually.  You can't control

         them, but they're easier to run into than the Behemoths.



STAR 18 - GOBLIN PUNCH                                        COST - 0 MP


Effect:  One foe is hit for physical damage.  The damage inflicted is

         multiplied if your opponent has the same EXP level that you


Learn:   Imp-like monsters wearing boxing gloves :) (Goblin) found on the

         only forested island in the northeast area of the map.           2-3>

Tip:     You can control the Goblins if you want (pick the middle option

         to use the Goblin Punch), but it's more likely that they'll hit

         you with it in the first place, so don't even bother and just

         let them strike first.



STAR 19 - CHOCOBOCKLE                                         COST - 3 MP


Effect:  A fat chocobo bounces around and hits one foe for special

         damage.  This attack gains strength each time you flee from a


Learn:   Go to the Chocobo Farm.  Talk to the man in the barn and choose

         the first choice.  The 5th item from the top costs 1500 gil;

         purchase three of them.  Then go to the chocobo tracks on the

         Southern Continent near the forest.  Equip yourself with a

         Chocobo Yose materia.  When you encounter a chocobo, kill off

         all but one of the other enemies and use the item you bought 3

         of on the chocobo (it looks like an orange squash).  This will

         make the chocobo peck at the ground.  At any time after that

         point (whether or not the chocobo is still pecking), use the

         Level 4 Jibaku enemy skill and you'll be hit by the Chocobockle.


Tip:     Make sure you're in the right location (the forest near Mideel);

         you can't learn this skill from any other type of Chocobo (these

         are the only ones who will be affected by Level 4 Jibaku).



STAR 20 -  LEVEL 5 DEATH                                     COST - 22 MP


Effect:  Any enemy whose level is a multiple of 5 is instantly killed.

Learn:   From the blue, leech-like enemies (Parasite) in the Makou Pit.


Tip:     Simply use Control to command your foe and then choose the

         middle option if you want the Parasite to use Level 5 Death

         on one of your members.



STAR 21 - DEATH SENTENCE                                     COST - 10 MP



Effect:  One enemy is Condemned (they die when the counter over their

         head reaches zero).

Learn:   The yellow, spiked enemies (Bound Fat) that live in front of and

         in the area behind the Ancient City. 

Tip:     You could control these guys, but if you kill one it will

         counterattack with this skill so it may be easier to simply

         off one, especially if you don't have the Ayatsuru materia.  If

         you do, then simply control them and pick the bottom option to

         use the Death Sentence.



STAR 22 - DEATH ROULETTE                                      COST - 6 MP


Effect:  One friend or foe is randomly killed.

Learn:   From the floating card-jesters (Death Dealer) in the Makou Pit

         if you take the right path the first time you meet your friends.


Tip:     You can control the Death Dealer and make him use Shi no

         Roulette on you by picking the second option when the enemy

         abilities window appears.  If it kills one of your enemies,

         you'll have to try again until the pointer lands on you.



STAR 23 - SHADOW FLARE                                      COST - 100 MP


Effect:  A black flare hits a single opponent for magic damage.

Learn:   From the flying black dragon in Disc 3; it uses it as a

         Counter Attackattack before dying.  Or, learn it from the Dragon

         Zombies in the Makou Pit. 

Tip:     If you're fighting the flying dragon, just kill it and it will

         use the Shadow Flare on you.  If you're trying to learn it from

         a Dragon Zombie, you'll have to wait until it uses it since you

         can't control them.



STAR 24 - WHAT???                                           COST - 110 MP


Effect:  A star field and question mark appear; hits all enemies for

         physical damage.

Learn:   From the huge, multi-limbed bone dragons (Dragon Zombie) in

         the Makou Pit if you take the right path the first time you

         meet your friends. 

Tip:     As the Dragon Zombies are uncontrollable, you'll simply have

         to keep fighting them until they use this skill on one of

         your characters.

To learn an enemy skill, you must be equipped with a Teki no Waza (Learn

Enemy Skill) yellow materia.  When an enemy hits you with it's special

skill, you will learn it, even if it misses or kills you.  However,

unless you win the battle, you won't keep the skill you've learned.

There are 24 skills in all, and one of the 24 stars on the Materia Menu

will light up as you get more enemy skills.  Note that you can't learn

a skill and then have your player cast it on another person with a

Teki no Waza; they _must_ learn it from enemies.  You'll know if you

learned a skill because the character with the materia equipped will

spin in a circle once and you'll get a message ending in an exclamation

point.  Keep in mind that if you're controlling a monster to learn a

particular skill, you'll have to target the character wearing the Teki

no Waza in order to learn the skill.

For those of you who would like a more definitive guide, here is a list

that shows the earliest point at which you can learn each skill as you

play through the game:

DISC ONE  ______________________________________________________________

Matora Magic     - from the Sweeper Customs after you've escaped from

                   Midgar City.

Level 4 Self-... - from the Muus in the area around the Chocobo Farm.

Beta             - from Midogaru Zuorumu, the snake you encounter after

                   reaching the Chocobo Farm.

Fire Blaster    - from the Aakudoragons in the Mythril Mine (I tried to

                   learn it from the Mootaabooru boss, but I couldn't

                   get it, so....)

White Wind       - from the Zemzeretts in the Junon Area (land between

                   the Fort Condor and Junon Town).

Aqua Breath      - use the Gold Saucer vehicle to get attacked by a

                   Chimera in the dirt pit around the Saucer.

Song of the Frog - the Tatchimis in the forests around Gongaga Town.

Mighty Guard     - the Beach Plugs on the shore near Gongaga Town.

????             - from the Judges in Sephiroth's Mansion in Nivelheim.

Tryne            - from the Materia Keeper boss of the Nivelheim

                   mountain range.

Death Force*     - from the Adamantaimais on the shores of the

                   Westermost Continent (once you have Cid's airplane).

Magic Hammer*    - from the Ashigiisous found in the dark, grassy areas

                   of the Westernmost Continent (just before entering


Death Sentence   - from the Bound Fats found just before the Ancient


* If Yuffie hasn't joined you yet, then you can get these skills without

  worry.  But if she has joined your party, then she'll steal all your

  Materia, preventing you from learning these two skills until after

  you've completed her sub-quest and gotten your Teki no Waza materia

  back (along with the rest of your materia).

DISC TWO  ______________________________________________________________

Smelly Breath    - from the Molbols while climbing up the Frozen


Magic Breath   - from the Stilves inside the Frozen Mountain.

Once you get the Highwind...

Chocobockle      - from the Chocobs found in the forest near Mideel.

Goblin Punch     - from the Goblins on the forested isle in the

                   northeast part of the World Map.

Shadow Flare     - from the Ultima Weapon flying around in the sky.

DISC THREE  ____________________________________________________________

Dragon Force     - from the Dark Dragons in the Makou Pit.

Laser            - from the Dark Dragons in the Makou Pit.

Level 5 Death    - from the Parasites in the Makou Pit.

Angel's Whisper  - from the Polan Solitas in the Makou Pit.

Death Roulette   - from the Death Dealers in the Makou Pit.

What???          - from the Dragon Zombies in the Makou Pit

                   (you can also learn Shadow Flare from them).



  9 . 5      l e a r n i n g   l i m i t   b r e a k s


A lot of people don't know how the process to learn Limit Breaks works,

or they may not know how to learn all the Breaks.  Basically, the Limit

Break mastery process goes like this:

 - Breaks are divided into four levels of power, and most characters

   have two Breaks per level, excluding level four (you only have one

   break for that level).

 - Each ally starts out with his first Level 1 break, so you don't

   have to fret over learning it.

 - But when you want to learn the second Limit Break of that particular

   level, you have to use the first break approximately:

       Ten times to get your second Level 1 break

       Eight times to get your second Level 2 break

       Six times to get you second Level 3 break

   You don't have to do this all in one battle, but you do have to kill

   the enemy your Break affects (if it is an attacking type of Break),

   Also, you do have to win the battle, since the new Limit Break you

   learn appears in the 'EXP/AP Gained' screen, although you don't have

   to be the one to kill the last opponent, as long as you killed at

   least one enemy with a Break.  I'm a little unsure when it comes to

   non-attacking breaks...I think you just have to use them a certain

   number of times (see above).

 - Once you have your second Break, your goal is to reach the next

   level of power (and get that level's first Break in the process).

   To do this, your character has to win 40 battles _on his own_.

   This means that if the other characters kill the enemies and you

   do nothing or only inflict damage, you won't reach the next level.

   You have to win the battle using your abilities (attacking, magic,

   Limit Breaks, items, etc.), although it's okay if other characters

   damage that enemy before you kill it.

 - Finally, there is the Level 4 Limit Break.  To learn it, you must

   have learned _all_ of that character's other breaks.  Furthermore,

   you must have a special manual (you can tell what it is since it

   has the same name as the Limit Break).  If you try to use the manual

   on another character, or on a character who has yet to learn all his

   or her breaks, you'll get a message in red and white.  But when you

   have filled all the requirements, simply using the manual on the

   correct person will automatically give them their last Break (don't

   forget to set that person's level to 4 so that you can use it in

   battle :))  Here are the locations of each character's manual:


   You must earn 32,000 battle points at the Gold Saucer in _one visit_.

   You can then trade them in for the manual.

   Barret WALLACE

   Get it from a lady wearing a hat in one of the buildings in North

   Corel after the train ride in Disc 2.


   Go to Nivelheim and play the 'Highwind' theme twice on the piano in

   Tifa's house followed by L1+T (see section 8 for details).


   Get 1xx wins in battle (where xx are two matching digits).  Then go

   to the cave where the sleeping man is and he'll give you the Mythril.

   Head to the blacksmith's house by the Gold Saucer, give him the

   Mythril, then climb up the stairs and examine the metal lid at the

   end of the walkway.  Once you get the Highwind, doing this is a snap.

   But Aeris will have already left you by then.  So, to get her

   manual while she's still in your party in Disc 1, do the following:

   Hop on the Gold Saucer Buggy.  If you haven't gotten it yet, keep

   playing until you've finished the Gold Saucer area.  Then pilot the

   Buggy _into_ Costa Del Sol.  You'll enter the town as if you had

   walked into it.  Go to the harbor and talk to the sailor by the boat.

   Choose the top option to pay 100 gil and you can then walk along the

   dock and enter a ship, which will return to Junon Town.  Although

   there's not much new here, you will get a different reaction from

   most people because you're no longer dressed up as a guard.  Anyway,

   once you exit the city (the fastest way is to take the helicopter--

   refer to the end of section 4e for details), you'll find that you've

   brought the Buggy with you!  From here, it's a simple matter of

   heading towards the river, crossing it at the ford below the

   waterfall, then heading up to the cave where the sleeping man is.

   And after getting the Mythril, you have to go _all_ the way back to

   the Eastern Continent so you can reach the blacksmith's house.

   Well, don't say I didn't warn you!


   Go to Nivelheim and unlock the safe in the right wing of Sephiroth's

   Mansion (use the code in section 8 if you don't know how).  You'll

   receive Red 13's manual from the boss when you defeat him.


   Return to Wutai after completing Yuffie's sub-quest.  Head to the

   pagoda and beat the five bosses within--she'll get her manual once

   Godo is defeated in battle.


   Once you have the submarine or a Green, Black, or Gold Chocobo, go to

   the waterfall in the middle of the Western Continent.  If you enter

   the waterfall from the left side with Vincent in your party, he'll

   meet a girl from his past (Rukuresshia).  You have to visit the falls

   twice, once during Disc 2 and again in Disc 3; it's during your

   second visit that you'll get his manual.  Much to my surprise, I

   tried this and it _doesn't work_!  I've heard from more than one

   source that this is the correct method, so if someone can tell me

   what I did wrong, it'd be appreciated.  All I know is that I went

   to the room under the falls in Disc 3 and there's no one there,

   even when I stuck Vincent in my party.


   After you get a submarine, go underwater and search for the wrecked

   plane near the southern part of the World Map, between the Western

   and Eastern continents.  His manual is in one of the treasure chests

   inside the plane.

 - Note that Cait Sith only has two Limit Breaks; his inital one and

   one for Level 2.  You still learn it the normal way you'd learn

   the first break of a new level.  The same applies to Vincent, who

   has four Break levels but only one break per level.  All other

   characters have two breaks a level (but only one break for Level 4).

Limit Breaks become stronger and stronger as you play.  This is due in

part to your character's current level.  Limit breaks that inflict

damage become stronger depending on your Attack Power as well, even

ones like Cait's Dice attack (in which the damage amount can vary),

and Vincent's transformations (even though he doesn't use his guns).

At the very least, equipping a strong weapon will add to the basic

amount of damage a Limit Break can inflict*.

*   The only exception to this is Cait's Slot attack, when he summons

    a monster; damage is determined normally for this attack.  Remember,

    if the Break doesn't inflict damage, it isn't affected by your

    character's Attack Power.



  9 . 6      l i m i t   b r e a k   l i s t


This is a list of each character's Limit Break, it's effect, and a brief

description.  The letters and numbers mean the Break Level and which one

it is (i.e. B3/1 is Level 3, 1st Break).


Cloud Strife



B1/1:   (Braver)


Cloud dashes forward and performs a diving slash against one opponent.



B1/2:   (Cross Slash)


Cloud's three slashes create a symbol over his enemy.  When it fades

away, that enemy is hit once.  It also has a chance of paralyzing the

hit foe.





Cloud sends a wave of green energy at the targeted foe.  When it hits,

smaller waves shoot outward to hit each remaining foe, although the

damage is less than the first, big wave.





Cloud sticks his sword into an enemy and then yanks it upwards while

jumping for heavy damage.





Cloud twirls his sword and leaps into the air.  With one swing, he sends

a shower of meteors down upon his foes, hitting 4 times.





Creating a light at the tip of his sword, Cloud throws a funnel of rising

air that sucks in all opponents for an instant kill attack. Those that

survive are dropped to the ground for further physical damage.





A column of wind surrounds Cloud and his sword lights up.  He then

attacks all enemies for a total of 15 hits, finishing with a diving sword

slash.  The sword strikes cause physical damage, while the last strike

hits all foes.



Barret Wallace



B1/1:   (Heavy Shot)


Collecting energy, Barret fires a huge fireball at one opponent.





Similar in appearance to the Heavy Shot, Barret launches a ball of azure

energy at one opponent.  While it inflicts no damage, it completely

drains that enemy of MP.





Barret fires an invisible shot that explodes into a huge hemisphere of

fire that damages all opponents.





Barret dashes forward and punches one enemy as purple waves emanate from

his arm.  If it misses, this attack causes no damage, but if it hits,

the enemy is instantly killed.





Barret locks on to his enemies and calls down beams of blue light to

fry the opposition.  This attack hits for special damage.





Using his weapon like a machine gun, Barret fires repeated rounds of

ammunition at all opponents.





Steam erupts from Barret's weapon as he leaps into the air and fires an

earth-scorching beam of yellow light at all his enemies.  This attack

hits ten times in all for special damage.



Tifa Rockheart*





A quick combination of punches.





A somersault kick.





A sweep kick that hits for water damage.





A back-slam.





A rising uppercut accompanied by a geyser of water with a dolphin riding

on top of it.





Tifa grabs her opponent, jumps in the air, and body-slams them as a

huge explosion appears.





Tifa strikes her enemy with a huge, exploding attack.


*  Tifa's Limit Break works like this; the more Limit Breaks she learns,

   the more slots appear in the slot machine that picks the skill she

   uses (the abilities listed above).  When she gains a new Break, she

   is able to use a new attack.  She can learn up to 10 slots total.

   When picking a slot, there are three outcomes: HIT, which makes Tifa

   perform one of the above attacks, YEAH!, which works like HIT but

   increases the damage inflicted, and MISS, which makes Tifa do nothing.

   Tifa will then proceed to perform all the moves you end up with in

   a row.  She will randomly switch to a new enemy (or stay with the one

   she's attacking) for each new move.



Aeris Gainsborough





Aeris creates an encircling wind that restores a large amount of lost

HP to herself and her friends.





Purple lights fly into all of Aeris's opponents.  This attack causes

no damage but has the same effect as 'Stop' and 'Silence' on all of them.





Streams of blue light wrap around the allies, curing status ailments.





Aeris waves her staff, causing blue lightning to hit herself and her

allies, followed by yellow, circular lights.  This will instantly max

out the other characters' Limit gauges.




Stars rotate around Aeris and her friends as the screen turns yellow,

making them invincible for a short while.





Aeris kneels and prays; every ally's status ailments are cured and they

gain back all lost HP and MP.





Rain falls upon Aeris and her companions.  It is replaced by a bright

sky where three angels can be seen floating around.  All allies have

their HP and MP restored, and are made invincible for a short time.



Red 13





Swirls of blue energy surround Red 13, who tackles his opponent for

physical damage.





Sheets of yellow vapor shoot up from around Red 13 and his companions.

It has the same affect as 'Haste'.  Each ally is also 'powered up' (?).





Swirls of energy surround Red 13, who tackles his opponent.  In addition

to striking for physical damage, Red is healed for a small amount of HP

and also gains back some MP as well.





A field of stars replaces the background.  Red 13 howls and a shower of

blue lights rain down on all opponents striking twelve times.





A full moon appears, making Red 13 leap up and howl at it.  He is

affected by Berserk and Haste at the same time.





Red 13 attacks the enemy with jumping bites and claw scratches.  Each

time he attacks, balls of fire burst forth and shower over the enemy.

This attack hits five times for physical and fire damage.





Red 13 summons a flare into which a field of stars and balls of fire are

absorbed.  The flare then explodes in a ray of Fire followed by an

explosion that hits all foes for fire damage.



Yuffie Kisaragi





Yuffie slashes once with her weapon, causing no damage.  A second slash

mark then appears and her opponent is hit for physical damage.





Globes of water surround Yuffie and her companions.  When they pop open,

each character regains some HP.





Yuffie hits the ground and a line of blast waves heads towards her

enemy.  The ground buckles, then explodes, inflicting earth damage.





The screen turns red and Yuffie hits all enemies with her weapon 10

times for physical damage.





Yuffie creates a blue light beneath all her opponents.  A column of blue

light bursts upward, hitting every one for special dmaage.





The screen turns blue as Yuffie leaps from enemy to enemy, striking for

a total of 15 hits.  With each hit, purple light flashes from her weapon.





Yuffie creates a swirling circular mass of red, purple, and white light.

Out of it fires a large beam of white light that damages all enemies for

special damage.



Cait Sith





Cait's stuffed moogle throws several dice to the ground.  The score that

is rolled determines how much damage the targeted enemy will receive.





A slot machine appears.  Depending on what you pick, a different result

will occur:


 -                                       3 bars


   Cait Sith randomly calls upon a summoned monster.



 -                                                  3 crowns


   Six toy soldiers appear and fire at all enemies for special damage.



 -                                                  3 stars


   A moogle (from the 'Summon Chocobo & Moguri' spell) appears and does

   a dance that completely restores each members' HP and MP.



 -                                                   3 hearts


   A cat-girl appears and all allies have a 100% hit rate (no chance of

   missing) for the rest of the battle.



 -                                                     3 moogles


   Cait's allies disappear and his moogle grows twice as large, gaining

   9999 HP and 999 MP.  In this form, he can do anything but use Limit

   Breaks, and his attacks cause more damage.  When the battle is over,

   everyone's current HP and MP drop to 1/3rd their former amount.  He

   can't use this ability if there are less than 3 allies.



 -                                                      3 faces


   All enemies facing you are instantly killed.  This ALWAYS works

   against any enemy.



 -                                           face, face, bar


   All allies are instantly killed.  There's no way to avoid this, even

   with the help of accessories like the Safety Bit or an Enemy Skill

   such as Death Force.



 -                                         any other combination


   A random object is dropped on one enemy, inflicting physical damage.

   It can be a Hell House, Debu Chocobo, Magic Hammer, icicles, a

   boulder, or a Comet 2-like meteor attack.  Just like when you attack

   normally, it's possible to hit for extra damage (like making a

   critical hit attack).



Vincent Valentine*





Vincent alters his form and becomes a horned, purple monster.


   Vincent claws and bites one opponent.


   Vincent throws golden orbs at all foes that hit for ice/lightning






This Morph changes Vincent into a Frankenstein's Monster.


   Vincent jumps and punches one enemy.


   Vincent pounds his chest and fires electricity at all enemies, which

   strikes for lightning damage.





Vincent transforms into a Jason look-alike, complete with chainsaw and

hockey mask.


   Vincent attacks 5 times with his saw.


Upcoming Releases
Kindred Fates is an open world monster battling RPG, and a love letter to the monster battle genre. Our goal is to evolve the genre, and finally bring fans what they've been asking for.
Inspired by the beauty of the natural world around us, Everwild is a brand-new game in development from Rare where unique and unforgettable experiences await in a natural and magical world. Play as an Eternal as you explore and build bonds with the world around you.
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.